reallygroovyninja · 5 months
This was inspired by the prompt - Kissing in a pillow fort
The sky was a brilliant shade of blue, speckled with fluffy, white clouds as Lexa made her way to Clarke's house. It was a Saturday afternoon, the kind that whispered promises of endless possibilities and adventures. Lexa’s footsteps were light, her heart filled with the familiar thrill of spending the day with her best friend.
As she approached the Griffin residence, the sound of laughter and music spilled out from an open window, guiding Lexa like a beacon. She rang the doorbell, a smile already blooming on her face.
Clarke opened the door, her bright blue eyes shining with excitement. "Lexa! You're here!" she exclaimed, stepping aside to let her in.
The Griffin house always felt like a second home to Lexa. There was a warmth to it, a lived-in feeling that made her feel instantly comfortable. She followed Clarke through the hallway, their conversation a lively stream of updates and shared jokes.
They reached Clarke's room, where a magnificent pillow fort awaited. It was a sprawling construction of blankets, pillows, and fairy lights, creating a cozy haven. Clarke's artistic touch was evident in the hand-drawn banners and colorful cushions that adorned their fortress.
"Welcome to our Saturday headquarters!" Clarke declared, her eyes sparkling with mischief and excitement.
Lexa laughed, her heart light. "It's amazing, Clarke. You've outdone yourself!"
They crawled into the fort, the outside world melting away as they entered their own little universe. Inside, the fort was even more magical. The fairy lights cast a soft glow, creating a world that felt removed from reality, a place where only they existed.
Clarke and Lexa sat cross-legged in the pillow fort, surrounded by a sea of soft blankets and the gentle glow of fairy lights. The air was filled with the sweet scent of popcorn and the quiet hum of their shared laughter. Clarke, with a half-eaten popcorn in hand, suddenly turned to Lexa, her expression a mix of amusement and curiosity.
"Did you hear about Miss Diyoza in class yesterday? She got super mad because some kids were passing notes," Clarke said, her voice tinged with a hint of teenage drama.
Lexa’s eyes widened, her interest piqued. "Really? I missed that! She's usually so chill. What happened?"
Clarke leaned in closer, as if sharing a secret. "It was during the history lecture. And then, out of nowhere, she just stopped talking and stared at Monty and Harper passing this crumpled paper."
"No way!" Lexa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of classroom gossip.
"Yeah! And she said, 'If you have something to share, please feel free to enlighten the whole class.'" Clarke mimicked Miss Diyoza's stern tone, causing both girls to giggle.
Lexa shook her head, smiling. "That's so like her. Did she read the note in front of the class?"
Clarke nodded, giggling. "Yeah, she did. Monty asks Harper to be his girlfriend"
Lexa laughed. "That’s embarrassing."
Clarke reached for another handful of popcorn, her eyes dancing with a mischievous glint.
"Did you hear about Bellamy and Echo?" she asked, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.
Lexa's eyes lit up with interest, a smile playing on her lips. "No, what happened?"
"They're apparently dating now," Clarke revealed, her words laced with the excitement of a juicy secret.
Lexa gasped theatrically. "Really? Since when? They barely even talk in class!"
Clarke shrugged, enjoying the shared gossip. "I heard it from Raven. She said they've been hanging out a lot after school lately. It's so weird, right?"
"Yeah, totally unexpected," Lexa agreed, her tone full of wonder. "School's been full of surprises lately."
The conversation spiraled into a lively exchange of school gossip. They talked about who liked whom, which teachers were rumored to be the strictest, and the latest drama from the school play auditions. Each revelation was met with gasps, giggles, and wide-eyed expressions.
Clarke, with a sly grin, leaned closer. "And guess what else? I heard that Mr. Pike caught Jasper and Maya passing notes in English class. But instead of getting mad, he read the note out loud, and it was a really bad poem Jasper wrote for Maya!"
Lexa burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "No way!"
After their laughter had subsided from the latest round of school gossip, Clarke glanced at the small laptop they had set up in the corner of their pillow fort. An idea sparked in her eyes, and she turned to Lexa with an excited grin.
"Hey, do you want to watch a movie?" Clarke asked, her eyes shining with anticipation.
Lexa's face lit up at the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds awesome! What should we watch?"
Clarke bit her lip in thought, scanning through the list of movies they had been wanting to see. "How about a rom-com? Something light and fun?"
"Perfect choice!" Lexa agreed enthusiastically. "Rom-coms are the best for nights like these."
Clarke navigated through the streaming service, her finger hovering over the titles. Finally, her eyes landed on a movie they had both been talking about seeing. It was a new romantic comedy that everyone at school seemed to be talking about.
"What about this one?" Clarke pointed to the screen, displaying the movie's poster, which featured a colorful and whimsical design. "I've heard it's really funny."
Lexa peered at the screen and nodded, her smile widening. "Yes, let's watch that! I've been wanting to see it ever since Anya mentioned it."
Excited, Clarke clicked on the movie, and the opening credits began to roll. They adjusted their positions in the fort, making sure both of them could see the screen comfortably. Clarke grabbed a couple of extra pillows for them to lean on and pulled the bowl of popcorn closer.
As the movie started, the fort was filled with the sounds of laughter and dialogue from the screen. Clarke and Lexa were soon absorbed in the story, commenting on the characters and laughing at the funny scenes. The outside world seemed to fade away as they delved into the world of the movie, enjoying the comfort of each other's company and the shared joy of a good film.
When the movie reached its climax and the two lead characters shared a tender, triumphant kiss, Clarke turned to Lexa, a curious glimmer in her eyes.
"Lexa, have you ever kissed anyone?" Clarke asked, a playful tone in her voice.
Lexa, taken aback by the sudden question, shook her head with a shy smile. "No, I haven't. What about you?"
"Me neither," Clarke replied, a bit of a giggle escaping her. She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Do you think it's like how they show in movies?"
Lexa pondered for a moment, her gaze turning back to the frozen image of the kissing couple on the laptop screen. "I don't know. It looks… nice, I guess? But probably not exactly like that in real life."
The idea seemed to hang in the air between them, a bubble of curiosity in their cozy world of pillows and blankets.
"Maybe we could… you know, try it? Just a peck, to see what it's like," Clarke suggested, the words tumbling out in a rush, her cheeks flushing with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Lexa's eyes widened slightly, but then she nodded, a mutual understanding of friendship and trust between them. "Okay, just a peck. Like a practice."
They both leaned in awkwardly, their eyes closing as they shared a quick, innocent kiss, more a brush of lips than anything else. As they pulled away, Clarke burst into giggles, the sound light and carefree.
"That was… weird," Clarke said, still laughing.
Lexa laughed too, though her mind was a whirlwind of new feelings and thoughts. It was a simple, innocent moment, but it sparked a realization within her, an awakening of sorts to new possibilities she hadn't considered before.
The movie resumed playing, but Lexa's thoughts were elsewhere, gently exploring the new emotions that the innocent peck had stirred. It was a moment of self-discovery, subtle yet significant, a first step in understanding herself better.
Clarke, oblivious to Lexa's internal revelations, chatted away, filling the fort with her cheerful voice. The night continued with more laughter, movie scenes, and shared snacks, a testament to the simplicity and beauty of their friendship.
As the movie credits rolled and the fairy lights in the pillow fort seemed to glow a bit softer, Clarke and Lexa lay side by side, a comfortable silence enveloping them. The laughter and conversations of the evening had woven a new layer into the tapestry of their friendship, each moment a thread of shared experiences and understanding.
Clarke turned her head to look at Lexa, her eyes reflecting the dim light. "Tonight was fun, Lexa. We should do this more often."
Lexa smiled, her thoughts still lingering on the revelations of the evening, but her heart full of warmth for the friendship she shared with Clarke. "Yeah, it was perfect. Best Saturday ever."
They began to tidy up the fort, folding blankets and gathering up the remnants of their snacks. As they worked, their chatter was light and easy, punctuated with laughter and plans for their next adventure.
Finally, with the fort returned to its former state of just being Clarke's room, Lexa gathered her things to leave. At the door, she turned to Clarke, a genuine smile on her face. "Thanks for today, Clarke. It really meant a lot."
Clarke hugged Lexa, the bond between them stronger than ever. "Anytime, Lexa. You're always welcome here. See you on Monday?"
"See you on Monday," Lexa agreed, stepping out into the cool night air, her heart light with the joys of youth and the comfort of a friendship that was more like family.
As Lexa walked home under the gentle glow of the starlit sky, her thoughts kept drifting back to the day's playful dare and the quick, innocent kiss she shared with Clarke. She could still feel her heart fluttering a bit, a mixture of surprise and excitement at the new experience.
The kiss was brief, a mere peck, but it left Lexa with a whirl of feelings she hadn't expected. She wondered what it meant, feeling a buzz of curiosity about the new emotions stirring inside her.
Skipping a little as she walked, Lexa felt a warm glow inside her. Today wasn't just any other day—it was a day where something new and exciting happened, a day she would definitely remember.
After Lexa left, Clarke lay in her bed, her room feeling a bit more special after their fun day. She couldn't stop thinking about the movie, the jokes they shared, and especially the quick, silly kiss they had dared to try. It was just a peck, really, but it made her heart beat a bit faster, and she found herself smiling at the memory.
Clarke hugged her pillow, feeling a mix of excitement and wonder. It was just for practice, she reminded herself, but it was also kind of cool and something totally new. She was happy it was with Lexa, her best friend who made everything fun and less scary.
As she closed her eyes, Clarke felt thankful for having Lexa in her life. They could share jokes, watch movies, build pillow forts, and even do goofy things like practice kisses, and it all just felt right. She drifted off to sleep with a smile, thinking about their next hangout and all the other fun firsts they might share together.
As the night wrapped the world in its quiet embrace, both Lexa and Clarke lay in their respective beds, miles apart yet connected by the memories of the day.
For Lexa, the stars outside whispered of new beginnings and self-discovery, each twinkle a reminder of the day's innocent revelation.
For Clarke, the familiar walls of her room held the echoes of laughter and shared secrets, a testament to the strength and beauty of their friendship.
In their own ways, they both cherished the simplicity and joy of their bond, a friendship that was evolving and deepening with each shared adventure.
As they drifted into dreams, their thoughts intertwined with the promise of more days filled with laughter, understanding, and the magic of growing up together.
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
Part 3
word count - 1733
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Y/n walked alongside Bellamy and Clarke, their boots sinking into the soft earth with each step, her gaze sweeping over the others to ensure everyone was holding up okay.
"You did a great job back there," she said, offering Clarke a reassuring smile. "Getting that transceiver could be our ticket out of here."
Clarke returned the smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks.” She brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, the gesture a small but genuine display of appreciation.
Jasper, walking a few paces ahead, turned back with a smirk his movements loose and relaxed. "Yeah, you're like our own personal superhero." He bounced on his heels, the rhythm of his steps a testament to his restless energy.
Y/n chuckled, brushing her hand against the bark of a nearby tree as she walked. "Just doing my part," she replied.
Raven, the pragmatist, walked confidently backwards as she spoke, her feet steady despite the uneven terrain. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still have to make it back to camp in one piece." Her hands moved animatedly as she talked, punctuating her words with purposeful gestures.
Bellamy nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "She's right. We need to stay focused and keep moving." His posture was straighter than a stick.
The group's brisk pace through the forest abruptly halted as Raven's urgent call pierced the quietude of the campsite. "Something's wrong!" Her words prompted Clarke and Y/n to hasten their pace to the beach. A huddled group gathered around an unresponsive man lying on the ground. “What happened?” Clarke probed.
“I don't know,' Harper replied, her voice shaking. “I found him like this.” Clarke wasted no time, her voice commanding. "Check for a pulse," she directed, already kneeling beside the man, her eyes scanning the man's body for any signs of injury. Y/n nodded, her hands palpating his neck for any signs of life. “Everyone move back!”
Meanwhile, Bellamy's determined strides brought him to Raven's side, where he thrust the transceiver into her capable hands. "See what you can do with this," he said. Raven nodded, already focused on the device in her hands.
Clarke and Y/n worked in tandem, seamlessly falling into a rhythm as she began CPR on the man, hoping for a response. Minutes felt like hours as they continued their efforts until a faint gasp broke through the silence, followed by the shallow rise and fall of the man's chest. Clarke and Y/n exchanged a relieved look, knowing that they had managed to save his life.
The man's breathing steadied, he began to whisper, his voice barely audible above the waves crashing beside them. Y/N leaned in closer, her ears straining to catch his words. "Where are they?" he mumbled into the air.
Y/N exchanged a puzzled glance with Clarke before turning back to the man, her voice gentle but insistent. "Who are you looking for?" she asked. before the man could respond, a wave of dizziness washed over him, and his eyes fluttered closed once more, slipping back into unconsciousness.
Raven furrowed her brow in frustration as she examined the transceiver, the dim glow of its screen revealing the dreaded message: low battery, no signal.
She muttered a string of curses under her breath, her fingers flying over the device in a desperate attempt to coax it back to life. "Damn it," she muttered, her frustration mounting with each futile attempt.
Her attention was drawn to Bellamy's figure as he walked through the sand of the beach, his brow furrowed in thought. "Bellamy!" Raven called out. "We need to head inland. The transceiver won't work here."
Bellamy's attention sharpened on Raven, he nodded in agreement. "I'll gather a group. We'll head into the woods and see what we can find." Bellamy turned on his heel and began to walk back towards the camp.
Bellamy organized the team, he singled out Octavia, Lincoln, John and Raven to accompany him inland. With determined strides, they set off through the dense forest, the oppressive heat bearing down on them as they ascended towards the looming mountain peak.
Sweat dripped down their faces and their clothes clung to their bodies, but they continued to hike.
roars reverberated from all directions, causing the group to instinctively huddle together back to back, their hearts pounding in their chests. "What was that?" Octavia said, Lincoln locked hands with her as they scanned the trees, trying to calm her nerves. "I've never heard anything like it." He rebutted, his own voice shaking.   
"We need to keep moving. Whatever it is, we don't want to find out." Raven conceded. They strained to listen for any sign of the approaching danger. Without warning, a massive creature thundered through the underbrush from Lincoln's direction.
They broke into a sprint, feet pounding against the forest floor as they ran for their lives. The creature let out another deafening roar, its hot breath on their heels as they desperately tried to outrun it.
Bellamy hesitated, his instincts urging him to confront the threat head-on.
"Go!" he shouted to the others, as the others urged him to keep running, a deep growl froze him in his tracks. Octavia grabbed his arm, her eyes wide with fear. "Bellamy, we have to go!" she pleaded.
He brushed her off and faced the oncoming danger. A polar bear burst through the foliage, its massive form charging towards him. With no time to spare, Bellamy acted on instinct, raising the unresponsive man's gun and taking aim.
The shot rang out through the forest, the echo of gunfire reverberating off the trees as the polar bear slumped to the ground, motionless.
The rest of the group rushed back to his side, confusion clouded their expressions. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before - a giant, hulking beast with razor-sharp claws and glowing red eyes.
Raven frowned, her brow furrowed in puzzlement. "Why would there be a polar bear on a tropical island?" Octavia shrugged back, shaking her head in disbelief. "I have no idea, but I don't think we want to stick around to find out.”
Clarke and Y/N strolled along the sun-kissed beach, the gentle lapping of waves providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.
Clarke's shoulders relaxed as she kicked off her shoes, her toes sinking into the warm sand with each step.
"Feels good to finally unwind, doesn't it?" Clarke remarked, her voice carrying a hint of relief. "I don't think I realized how tense I was until now." Y/N nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting out to the endless expanse of ocean stretching out before them. “Definitely. I feel like this is going to be our everyday now.”
As they walked, they found themselves reminiscing about the events that led them to this remote island. "I knew Wells from before," Clarke explained, her tone tinged with sadness. "We grew up together. Our parents were friends, that sort of thing.” Y/N listened intently, a sense of understanding dawning on her.
"Maybe the crash was meant to happen," Y/N mused, her voice barely above a whisper. "Maybe we were brought here for a reason."
Clarke's brow furrowed in contemplation, her gaze lingering on the horizon. "It's certainly possible," she conceded, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But for now, let's focus on getting everyone home safely."\
The mountain trail was grueling as the group embarked on the arduous climb up the mountain, each step taking all their effort. Bellamy and Murphy led the way, hacking at overgrowth to clear the way. Octavia and Lincoln followed hand in hand, while Raven brought up the rear lugging the transceiver radio.
At last they crested the summit, the valley spreading out before them in all its wild beauty. Their weary bodies pulsing with adrenaline as they beheld the breathtaking vista spread out before them.
Octavia let out an exhilarated whoop, her cry echoing off the rocky peaks as she raised her arms in victory. They had made it.
Raven wasted no time in powering on the transceiver, flicking switches and turning dials until it crackled to life. Static hissed and popped...then a voice sounded through the speaker.
But it was not English that greeted them - instead an automated French message repeated on loop. Their elation crumbled to disappointment.
"Now what?" Murphy grumbled, wiping sweat from his brow.
Raven's brow furrowed as she fiddled with the transceiver settings, trying to break through the foreign broadcast. frustration mounted as the cryptic French loop played over and over from the transceiver. She desperately tried to decipher any clues in the string of incomprehensible words.
 "Octavia, can you make any sense of it?" Lincoln asked hopefully. Octavia shook her head in response, “I haven’t spoken French in 6 years, I… I cant do it.”
Lincoln who had been silent until now, reached out to squeeze Octavia's hand, “we have to try.” Octavia pursed her lips, concentrating hard on translating the antiquated dialect.
"I'm rusty, but it's saying... Please someone come. The others... they're dead. It killed them. It killed them all...'” She glanced at the others uneasily as the message repeated.
The transmission continued to loop, each iteration punctuated by the count of repeats. Raven's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she tallied up the cycles.
Her eyes went wide when the count registered in her mind. "No, that can't be right..." she murmured. "According to the repetition, this has been broadcasting for over sixteen years!" Raven murmured in disbelief.
"What? How is that possible?" Bellamy demanded. "What the hell is going on here?"
John echoed Bellamy's frustration, his jaw clenched tight. "Well, isn't this just a fantastic turn of events," he muttered, his gaze sweeping the horizon as if expecting answers to materialize out of thin air.
"Here we are, stranded on a tropical paradise with a distress call that's been bouncing around the cosmos for over sixteen years. Just another day in paradise, huh?" His tone dripped with sarcasm, the frustration evident in every word.
"Pack it up. We're moving out," he ordered, his tone crisp and authoritative, "We need to get back to Y/N and Clarke," he continued, his voice brooking no argument.
"They need to know about this message." With a decisive nod, he motioned for the group to follow, his stride purposeful as he led them back down the mountain. In his mind, there was no time to waste.
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sundayinthcpark · 1 year
Unconditionally Cared For
pairing: Marcus Kane/Abby Griffin
ao3: Unconditionally Cared For
for: @stormkpr (cc @johnmurphyisqueer @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis)
notes: hi !! i have not written fic for the 100 in ages and i don’t think i have ever written any that was set even close to in canon, so this was very new for me. i’ve also never written kabby before, even though i absolutely adore them. also, this idea came to me at about 11 pm christmas eve, so it probably is not as good as i’m telling myself it is. but here !!! merry christmas/happy holidays <3
For once, Marcus was glad to be awake before Abby.
Their room had a little window that showed the center of the camp- Arkadia, as they’d wound up calling it- and through that window came a harsh, cool light. It wasn’t Marcus’s first time seeing snow- they’d been down here, what, just over a year now?- but it was his first time being with Abby in the snow, and he couldn’t wait for her to see it. She always lit up whenever she saw something beautiful, and he was sure this would be no exception.
Slowly, carefully disentangling himself from Abby’s body- she let out a soft sigh when his arms moved from around her ribs- he crawled out of the bed, being sure to tuck the blankets around her as he went. He smiled softly, then made his way to the window.
The kids- most of them damn near adults, if he actually thought about it- seemed to have discovered the snow already- Miller was building a fort, Harper appeared to be attempting a snowman, Jasper was making snow angels, and Bellamy had a quickly growing pile of snowballs sitting between him and Clarke. Kane’s smile grew as he watched them. He knew things had been difficult lately, for all of them, but especially for the kids, and he was glad to see them enjoying themselves.
Drawing away from the window, Marcus grabbed two tin mugs from a cupboard in the room and set about heating up water, dropping some tea bags that Jackson had made into the water, then set about getting ready for the day.
He was halfway through putting on his jacket when he heard movement from the bed. Abby was blinking awake, giving him a soft smile as she opened her eyes.
“Good morning,” he said, giving her a soft smile in return. “Come and see.”
He held out her mug of tea and nodded toward the window. Abby’s face screwed up in confusion for just a second, before she fought a glimpse of the outdoors and practically leaped out of bed, hurrying over to stand next to him. “It snowed!”
Marcus had been right. Abby’s entire face had lit up, her eyes shining as she gratefully accepted the tea. Standing there in his t-shirt and the sweatpants she’d slept in, watching Octavia pelt Clarke with her brother’s snowballs and Raven laughing at her girlfriends, Marcus realized that this was something that was never going to go away. He was in love, and there was nothing to do about it now.
The realization didn’t scare him. He just smiled, and wrapped an arm around Abby’s waist as the two of them watched their kids play in the snow.
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pogueswrld · 2 years
*•.¸♡ pillowtalk ♡¸.•*
summary: fem!reader (based on oc) and Bellamy agree to mess with Murphy by flirting together and he gets a little insecure, when she comforts him he decides that words are simply not enough.
warnings: nsfw🦢 SMUT SMUT SMUT, Bellamy (yes that's a warning.), some form of flirting, forehead kisses (I'd like to be warned so), oral (fem! receiving), fingering (fem! receiving), thigh riding, dry humping, breeding kink (?), penetrational sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it pls), praising, slight dirty talk, multiple orgasms, nicknames (pretty girl, pretty boy, angel, baby), switch!Murphy, Murphy with a scruff (also a warning lmao), that's it I think.
note: reader and Murphy have an established relationship, this takes place in the six years time skip between season four and five <3 jasper is alive cuz I said so 🧍‍♀️ gif's not mine, found it on Pinterest
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The cold metal of the Ark has become something you're used to, your fingertips trace the lines in the walls and it sends a shiver through your body. Your cloth-cladded feet pads across the halls until you reach the common room where Bellamy sat, looking through an old tablet.
John is having one of his 'I wanna be useful' days and has spent the entirety of the day ignoring you. Perhaps not on purpose, but you still feel neglected.
You decide to get back at him by doing the thing he dispises most; teaming up with Bellamy to annoy the hell out of him.
It is almost dinner time which meant that everyone were about to gather in the room you sat in to have one of the meals you all share together, ever since you all left Clarke Earth, there was a silent agreement to not leave each other's side, no matter what. That led to everyone having the meals of the day together.
Even though the meals usually consisted of Monty's algae in different forms, there still was this shimmering vibration in the air when all eight of you gather around the tables you've pressed together to pass stories about your days or memories from before being locked up in the Sky Box── or in Echo and Emori's case, before you guys showed up in their lives.
Emori and Raven were the first to walk in and sit on the table, chattering about training and how Raven was improving with her punches. Then Monty and Harper with Echo trailing behind them, Harper carrying the bowls while the pot of food in Echo's hands.
A graon coming from the hall behind you caused you to turn around and there he was. When you first got to the Ark, John had asked you to give him a haircut and you happily did, now every few weeks he walks into your shared room with a pair of scissors and sits between your legs as you give him the same haircut he's grown to love.
Somehow, he and Jasper had found friendship in the midst of the madness of it all and the buzzcut boy is walking in behind him with a teasing grin.
"Please tell me you didn't poison this Echo, I don't feel like going into another coma." your lover pipes up, his shoulders cracking up in a shiver at the memory of Monty's first try at the algaes. Murphy was the first to try it, he was in a coma for two weeks.
Echo only smirks at him and sets the pot on the table. You share a look with Bellamy across from you and he nods at you, biting back a smirk at the thought of messing with Murphy again.
John takes notice of the glance and pretends to not see it, he leans over to kiss your cheek and you let him. You don't give him a kiss in return and he furrows his eyebrows slightly, but he doesn't spend too much thought into it as he digs into his bowl hungrily.
You take another glance at Bellamy and kick his leg from under the table, the man with freckles looks up at you and smiles then goes back to eating, trying to stifle his laughter as John clenches his jaw from beside you.
This goes all through dinner and by the end of it you think John might explode from the way he tenses when you place a hand on his knee, his jew clenched so hard you think his teeth might shatter. He didn't leave snickering comments at anyone's stories and some of them took notice but one glance at you they realized you were playing around with him, again.
John is the first to leave the table and you freeze up, Emori gives you an exaggerated stare and you smile sheepishly, "I think we over did it this time," Bellamy mumbles and your face pales. "Oh Jesus, you think so?" He shrugs and takes another spoonful of his soup and you groan, not helping.
"I'm gonna go talk to him and make sure he didn't just break up with me." you rush to your feet and down the hallway that leads to your room, you can faintly hear Raven's giggle with Harper.
They always laugh at the way you jog down the hallways.
You knock twice on the door before pushing it open just enough to let your head through, "John?" he hums in response and looks up at you, his blue eyes glistening in the artificial light in the room. The dark long-sleeved overused shirt he's wearing tightens around his biceps as he pulls at the grey overused sweatpants covering his legs higher up to his thighs.
He looked godly, absolutely heaven sent and you hold tighter to the handle and the door when you feel your legs quiver for a moment.
You walk in and make sure to close the door with the lock behind you, even though you both are very open with your relationship you both prefered to keep moments like these to yourselves. Privacy was a luxury you couldn't afford on Earth, so you take advantage of every moment you can get together on the Ark.
You sit at the edge of the bed and keep your eyes on him, "Are you upset?" you ask and your heart races at the thought of the answer. You know he knows that you usually do this with Bellamy just to mess with him, so he knows that you're not actually serious about leaving him for Bellamy, out of all people. But the idea of you leaving him so easily was never venturing too far away in his mind, it's always hovering just around the corner so the second you do something like this, it attacks him with doubts and insecurities. He hates it, mostly because he knows it's not true, but he still can't help it.
He remains silent and the stillness in the room almost brought tears to your eyes. It never came to this, flirting with Bellamy, it usually ended with you holding to Murphy and all three of you sharing a laugh, never to him being too upset that he won't even look at you.
"We were messing with you, you know that right?" you add, hoping that it might clarify whatever he thought of the both of you, "I'd never seriously flirt with Bellamy, John. I'd never dare do that, not to you, not ever."
"But you still do it." his voice was small but steady, he looks up at your eyes and you almost choke on air, "Yeah, to mess with you. You've been ignoring me all day." you whine softly, bringing both of your legs onto the bed so you're sitting on them and facing him completely, your hands facing upwards.
"I've been busy!" he exclaims, shrugging one shoulder. He turns to face you and his fingers twitch as he hesitates if he should reach out to hold your hand or not, he does it anyway.
"I know and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I just really missed you today." you say the last part in a low mumble, your eyes casted down to your joint hands so you don't see the way his eyes light up at your comment, you don't see the smile that sneaks up to his face and you don't see the mischievous glint behind his irises.
You feel his index and thumb at your chin as he tilt your head upwards to meet his usually icy eyes, a shiver runs down your spine at how dilated his pupils were. His smile was replaced with his signature smirk and you have to hold back from pressing your thighs together, electricity shoots through you from where his skin touches yours and it travels straight to your core.
"You missed me?"
His voice, just like soft velvt, travels your mind and reaches to your soul. A breath escapes you and you unconsciously lean towards him, "Yes." you whisper and when your breath fans across his face he's reminded once again just how deeply he's fallen in love with you.
Your hands, a bit smaller than his scar-littered ones, clutches to his free hand as he leans towards you and your heart hammers when your lips touch. A fire burns so bright within you that it has you on your knees for him, it reaches the deepest parts of your soul and it makes you crave him with such intensity that it reaches him and he moans against your lips.
The sound almost makes you buckle but you reach up and cup his cheeks, kissing him rough enough to make him aware of just how much you've missed him. His hands sneak around your waist and tug you closer onto him. A surprised gasp leaves your lips as you settle in his lap and he smiles against them, his hands squeeze your hips and you can't stop yourself when you push them closer to his body.
He grunts and one of your hands make it to the back of his head, tugging at his golden brown strands and he moans with a certain desperate undertone that has you in shambles.
You grind against him with a goal now, your stomach flutters at the slight friction against your clothed bundle of nerves. "Someone's desperate," he mutters against your lips with a smirk and you grid down on him with extra force, his already hard dick pressing against you and he moans at the pressure he receives from you. "Could say the same about you, pretty boy." he exhales at the nickname, it sends an electric wave straight to his dick and it twitches.
His hands travel upwards, sneaking under your shirt and the contact of his skin on yours makes you gasp. He curls up the hem of your shirt and tugs at it gently, almost immediately you let him go, just for a moment, and pull off the fabric from your skin.
He let out a soft whimper at the loss of your touch in his hair but when you tug at his shirt he's also forced to let you go and discard the fabric somewhere on the floor, your eyes meet and both of you freeze for a moment, you hips never quitting their movements.
You're both breathing heavily as you find pleasure with each other, the eye contact almost makes you shake in his arms but he leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. "I love you." he whispers and you gasp because even though you've been together for almost four years, it still feels the same. Everything feels like the first time with him.
You wrap a hand gently around his neck and pull him closer, your lips meet and John moans. "I love you." You've learned not to say 'too' when you confess your feelings to each other, it never felt the same as when you say the words as an affirmation.
Murphy's hand travels up your back and unclips your bra, he moves one of the straps off your shoulder and you push your arm out of it, letting it fall freely and pull the other strap along. Murphy doesn't touch you right away, instead he trails his fingertips across your back, your shoulder blades and your neck, he whispers sweet nothings against your lips as goosebumps cover your body and you shiver in his hands.
It's funny how easy he was able to have you right in his palm, shaking and desperately aching for him in every way possible.
When he touches your chest you're left gaping and gasping, squirming in his lap as he pinches your nipples between his fingers. He chuckles at your reaction to him and moans when you move your hips a certain way it has him shaking beneath you. His hands go down and he curls his fingers within your pants, he doesn't move though.
"Can I?" your heart almost leaps out of your chest and your nodding frantically, "Please."
He pushes the hard fabric off your skin, leaving you completely exposed for him except for your panties. You go to take them off but he halts your movement, "No, keep them on." even though your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, your pussy clenched around nothing in excitement.
He sneakily helps you off his lap and let's you straddle his thigh instead, you barely notice, too caught up in chasing your high to notice the position change. When you do notice you pause, but John guides you back into your rhythm, the way your knee rubs against his hard on was making his head spin. "Please don't stop," he gasps into the crook of your neck, his hands squeezing the skin at your hips and it makes you grind against him faster, pressing down onto him harder. "Please."
One of your hands remains in his hair as the other one made it to the tent growing in his sweatpants, you cup him through the fabric and he releases a gasp into your neck, the feeling of his breathing on your sensitive skin causes you to shiver and moan. It was all too good. "Fuck." he grunts and bucks his hips into your hand, begging for more.
Your hand wraps around him through his clothes, expertly moving your fingers in circle motions as your thumb presses against his tip. You can almost feel his thighs shaking beneath you but he simply flexes them and it gives you a delicious sensation that makes you let out a loud moan. You muffle it by biting your lips.
His hazy eyes make contact with yours and he gives you a smile that sends you into heaven. You move your hips rougher against him, completely aware of the way you're dripping through the fabric of your panties and the stain it's creating against his grey pants. He dares a to glance down and sees the stain, the hands on your hips squeeze you once more as a groan make its way out of his throat.
The way you're holding him, squeezing and teasing his climax out of him along with the way your eyes roll to the back of your head when your clit brushes against the fabric separating the both of you from one another pushes him to the edge. He puts one finger against your clit and you gasp loudly then use it to your advantage, your orgasm hanging just out of reach.
He brushes his finger in figure eights against your nerve and you have to stop a squeal when your orgasm takes you by surprise, your legs clenche together and trap his hand between your legs and unintentionally, your hand squeezes him tightly and Murphy moans before throwing his head back, his own orgasm washing over him. A visible stain told her that he just came in his pants.
John takes a glance at his pants then looks at his girl, a blush spreads quickly across his cheeks and chest and he hides his face in the crook of your neck, too embarrassed to look you in the eye.
You let out a soft giggle accompanied with a heavy breath, "Let's get these off." your comment suggested that you weren't done with him yet, and it made his softening cock harden in excitement. He followed your instructions and pulled off his pants as you took off the last remaining garment on you and when you straddle him again, you're a lot more meaningful and vulnerable.
John thought that you would leave him at some point of your lives, he thought that you would get tired of him and his constant need to survive and putting him first in difficult situations but that's not true, and you wanted to show him just how untrue it was.
Your arms wrap around his neck as his hold on to your waist, it wasn't as erotic as you thought it'd be but more sensual. Being completely bare with him, skin on skin, being able to share that kind of intimacy with him caused you to lean your forehead against his own, "I'm yours," you whisper, a simple breath in the quiet room, he wouldn't have heard it if you weren't so close to him. "I'm yours forever." you lift your head and press your lips to his forehead.
He almost whimpers, instead he pulls you down and gives a gentle kiss to your lips and trails it down to your jaw, neck and collar bones. You're gasping when he teases your soft spot.
You can feel him all over, his hands going up and down the sides of your body, daring to take hold of your hips and he kneads at your behind, the force behind his action causes you to press your body closer to his and you don't even realize you're moaning until a finger prods at your entrance.
Still slick from your most recent orgasm, John finds it easily to slip into you with one finger, then another and you clench around him, pulling a sweet noise from the back of his throat that lingered somewhere between a moan and a groan.
The way he receives pleasure from giving you pleasure makes you even wetter if that's possible, and he senses it and smirks against your skin. "You like this, don't you? I know baby, I know." he scissors his fingers and the motion makes you close your eyes and moan, resting your head against his. You almost beg for him to do something but he curls his fingers and you whimper loudly, the words dying in your throat.
John looks up at you with dark, lustful eyes as he thrusts his fingers in and out of you, watching you gasp and squirm in his lap with nowhere to escape the increasing torturous pleasure he gives you. He dares to add another finger and you almost fall apart completely, you squeal and your knees buckle, your legs shake slightly as you try to close them around his hand but he holds them apart. He tsks at you, "Come on angel, I want to see you."
Your eyes flutter and a wave of pleasure rolls through you, but it's not enough to give you the heavenly feeling of a climax. "More," you whimper, one of your hands grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging him upwards to look at you, forcefully removing his eyes from the way his slick coated fingers entered and escaped you repeatedly, "I want more, please." your words are a mere gasp, and John moans lowly when sinful squelches sound across the room from where your bodies connect.
He pushes you down onto the bed to where you're laying on your back, his hand moves out of you just long enough to help you get comfortable, but the empty feeling that washed over you causes you to whimper. "Don't worry angel," he mumbles, a smirk plestering across his face, "I'll give you everything you need and more."
The suggestion causes a heat to rise up within you and you keep your eyes on him from below your lashes, you watch as he litters open mouthed kisses to your chest, the valley of your breasts, your stomach and inner thighs, a gasp leaves you when he bites the sensitive skin gently and you arch your back. "John," you whine, "Please."
"Please what baby?" He knows you hate it when he makes you say the words, but he also knows how much you love it. His eyes cast down to your entrance and catches the way your clench around nothing, it doesn't help your situation and feeds his ego some more, another smirk accompanies his lips as he brushes his scruff against your skin, pressing gentle kisses where he scratched you. "Hmm?"
Another whine leaves you and you arch your back suggestively, he still doesn't move from his spot between your thighs and keeps a pair of innocent eyes on yours, "Yes?" he asks again and you huff, "Can you fuck me? Please." your plea came out in form that suggested you could almost cry from desperation and Murphy fakes a pout, "Aww, is my baby gonna cry? You want me to eat you out that bad?"
Embarrassed, your arms are thrown to cover your eyes, but not the blush that scatters across your cheeks and neck, reaching the tips of your ears. Murphy only chuckles and you're almost tempted to wrap your thighs around his neck and switch your positions so you're in top and choke him with yourself, but the thought flies out the window when his warm mouth latches around your clit.
The sudden warm sensation causes you to gasp loudly and arch your back into him, both of your hands shoot down to his hair and hold onto him tightly, as if you were meant to fly away if you don't. The tug at his strands causes him to moan into your cunt and your eyes roll to the back of your head, both of his hands hold tightly to your thighs ad they rest on his shoulders while his mouth absolutely devours you.
His tongue, having memorized every square inch of your body and knows you better than you know yourself, flicks at the bud of nerves before pressing onto it, he watches you jolt and squirm, but never push him away. He does it again and again, then he let's his nose press against it while his tongue fucks you into heaven.
One of your hands clasp against your mouth to keep your moans at bay while he tongue fucks you, his nose and thumb switch from pressing your clit to flicking it then drawing figure eights onto it. You can feel his other hand disappearing from your skin and when you cast a glance at him, you see him wrap his hand around himself and jerk himself off to you.
The sight makes you moan and John looks up to you then, he catches your eyes and winks, it doesn't help the fire building within you and your back flies off the bed. You moan his name and he almost loses it, his thumb and index squeeze your clit and you squeal and gasp, his other hand leaves his dick and and enters you with a purpose, with the goal to make you cum.
"John," you moan, unable to keep your back to the bed and hold yourself down, both your hands bury themselves in his hair, "I'm so close." he hums against your cunt and laps off your juices, three fingers going in and out of you while his tongue and thumb take turns attacking your clit. "Please please please please," the embarrassment from earlier disappears from your body as you beg for your release, "Baby, can I cum? Please can I cum?"
He chuckles against you and the vibration almost send you floating, but your hold on his hair tightens and he moans and pulls away from you, "Go ahead angel, cum for me, be a good girl and make a mess on our bed."
You whine as you cum, and your legs shake as he holds them apart to not close around his head, his lips don't move from your core and his tongue continues its attack on your cunt. He helps you ride out your second orgasm and when it got too much you squirm away from him, "'s too much, too much."
Murphy only chuckles when he pulls away from you, his nose, mouth and chin glistening with your wetness and you fight the urge to cover your face in embarrassment once again, "Oh you taste so sweet." A gentle whine leaves you and you adjust your body, something prods at your thighs and you're suddenly aware of his hard on.
It was your turn to smirk when he blushes, he buries his face in the crook of your neck and your hand gently, very softly, brushes the back of his neck with the your nails, then letting it trail down his back, sending shivers and goosebumps to raise across his body. "It's my turn to make you feel good." he groans and the sound vibrates through you, your arms hold onto him as you flip him over so you're on top, you straddle his hips and pull away from him to find him grinning. "Oh this is about to be good."
You giggle, distantly aware of his throbbing cock beneath you. You lift yourself off his hips just enough to let his dick rest on his abdomen, then your straddling him again but this time your cunt lays directly onto him and John moans at the sight, his eyes never moving off you as you cover him in your wetness when you grind back and forth on his length.
"Fuck," his curse is enough to let you know that he's enjoying this just as much as you are, and when you feel him twitch you sink into him further, letting your overstimulated clit rub itself in the most painfully delicious of ways.
"I wanna feel you, please," he whines, and your core throbs in desire. You don't tease him like he teased you, you just wrap your hand around him and spread your wetness all over his cock before letting the tip poke at your entrance, you don't push him in though, not even when he bucks his hips in desperation.
"What're you doing?" his breath is knocked out of his chest, he can barely speak and from the hazy look in his eyes you can tell that he can barely think clearly too, you chuckle at him and sink down onto him, feeling him stretch you open as he groans and throws his head back. It felt wonderful to be completely filled by him.
You let out a sound between a strained moan and a whine, John bucks his hips, pushing himself deeper into you, before falling back down to the bed. You know what he wants, but you take it slowly, gently lifting yourself off him, just enough to keep the tip of his dick within you, then you're falling back to let him fill you all the way within you. You both moan, it felt too good not to, and when Murphy sits up, he wraps his arms around your waist and helps you into a steady rhythm that brought both of you to tears from the overwhelming pleasure.
A broken sob escapes you when you feel him reaching deeper within you, his thrusts brushing against your g spot and it makes tears blurry your vision, "You're so close, I can feel you." John gasps into your neck and you whine desperately, your tits bouncing with every thrust and one of his hands cup one while the other keeps a hold on your waist or your hips.
You tug his head away from your chest and lean your forehead against his, your eyes meeting as you breathe the same air, hearts pounding furiously as you both work to chase your highs.
"I love you." he whispers, feeling you clench around him and biting his lips in hopes of not coming undone beneath you already, you press your lips to his forehead, sweat coating your skin and his. He tightens his arms around you and your pace slows down, getting sloppier as your legs scream at you in exhaustion. "I love you."
This time when you orgasm, it's almost relieving, so relieving that you cry shamelessly in his chest. You can feel him thrusting into you still, not holding back when he releases. He groans and whines into your neck as you milk him of every last drop to coat your inner walls, "Holy shit." he breathes, and the inhale that follows feels like fresh air as he wipes away your tears. You hug him closely and he doesn't fight back, he wraps his own arms around your waist.
He helps you lay on your back, still haven't pulled out of you, and keeps his eyes connected to yours. "Sorry for being a dick to you." he mumbles, his hand brushing off a strand of hair that got loose during your activities, you swallow to make sure you can still use your throat and smirk at him, "Sorry for flirting with Bellamy."
He narrows his eyes as a thought passes through his mind, you're almost tempted to ask him what it is but knowing him, he'll grace you with it anyway. "How about you never flirt with Bellamy again, yeah?" he asks, and because he knows you and he knows the way you think, the way you act, he decides to thrust into you one more time before pulling out. He watches you with a smirk as you scrunch your face and nod repeatedly, "Okay, okay okay! Ow, fuck."
You dare take a glance between your bodies and glance at his dick as John purses his lips and slaps it lightly against your clit, it sends a jolt through you and you whine loudly, pushing his shoulder to get off you and he chuckles as he lays beside you.
Yes you might have your differences, and of course you argue, but so does any other couple. What matters is that you talk it out, or fuck it out, and manage to not feel horrible doing it. Sure sometimes it's hard, with John liking to remain silent and brood on his own, but you manage to bring out the best in him, you helped him become the best version of himself and you continue to do so reminding him of what truly matters.
To him, you are the only thing worth fighting for on this decaying world, and you sure as hell feel the same.
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Privileged (36/?)
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Summary: Now with a way to unchip their people, the group of delinquents head back to Arkadia with every intent on stopping ALIE. However, an unexpected visitor from a certain mountain throws a spanner in the works. *yn*’s romantic crisis takes some unexpected twists and turns as she tries to keep up a brave face for her friends.”
Warnings: death, violence, ANGST, swearing, some fluffy fluff if you squint
Notes: Based on 3x12 “Demons” of The 100.
‘Privileged’ Masterlist
"Becca's journal is amazing. At 26, she found a pathway to access a human mind.” 
*yn* tore her gaze away from the rover’s window to look at Raven. 
“That same year, she had to lock up A.L.I.E. because her answer for what was wrong with the world was too many people.” Raven continued as she flicked through Becca’s journal. *yn* peered over Raven’s shoulder, her eyes travelling over the rough sketches and mathematical equations. They might as well have been written in gibberish. 
“She was 27 when it launched the bombs."
“What did she write about the flame?” Clarke queried, swivelling around in the passenger seat to face Raven.
 "Well it’s A.L.I.E. 2.0. Becca saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind but to merge with one. It could never wipe us out because it would be one of us. She would have put it in herself first, altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant.”
“The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?” Clarke queried causing Raven to look up at her in surprise.
“Yeah, it did.” Raven nodded, causing *yn*’s brow to furrow in confusion.
“And you know that because...?” *yn* trailed off.
“Nightblood. That's where it came from.” Clarke explained. “Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That's why we have to find her. If she can access ALIE two..."
“-She can tell us how to stop ALIE one...." Octavia murmured in realisation. 
"Get back to the mind pathway.” Monty piped up, causing all eyes to turn to him. “If ALIE uses it to upload our minds to the City of Light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive?” He queried, flickering his eyes up from the chip clutched in his hands. There was a pause as *yn* felt a wave of sympathy wash over her as she studied Monty’s desperate features.
"That depends on your definition of "alive", Monty.” Raven answered softly. *yn* placed a hand on Monty’s shoulder and squeezed it in an attempt to comfort him as the rover fell silent.
She looked down at her lap when she felt warm skin brushing against her own. She shot Raven a soft smile as Raven threaded her fingers through *yn*’s, squeezing her hand tightly once they were entwined.
*yn* glanced across from her and stiffened when her eyes met Elijah’s. She swallowed and averted her gaze from his, turning her attention to the front of the rover. There, instead of finding a reprieve, she found herself staring back at Bellamy who was studying her through the rearview mirror.
The rover was starting to feel a little bit too crowded for her liking. 
“We’re almost home.” Bellamy announced as he reverted his gaze back to the landscape in front of him.
“Miller, come in.” Bellamy spoke into the radio. “Harper, you there? Ride is two minutes out.” Bellamy continued when he got no reply.
*yn*’s brow furrowed as he was met with complete silence. 
“Good start.” Jasper remarked as the rover slowed down to a stop.
“Nothing new for us then.” *yn* quipped as she pushed open the back door to the rover and jumped out onto the grass. “Don’t even think about it” She ordered, shooting Raven a warning look as Raven moved to follow after her. “You stay here.” She continued as Octavia and Elijah jumped out after her. Before Raven could protest *yn* slammed the door shut, keeping her, Sinclair, Monty and Jasper inside.
“Keep your eyes sharp.” Bellamy spoke as he raised his gun up into position. *yn* slid her blade out of her pants, gripping it tightly in one hand with a small gun in the other. The group slowly edged out of the tree line and into the open, revealing Arkadia.
“It’s been two days since we left, why the hell haven’t they fixed the gate?” Clarke remarked as they slowly approached the entrance.
“Maybe because there’s no one here to fix it.”
Something was wrong, very wrong.
*yn*’s eyes darted around nervously as they slowly made their way into Arkadia, the rover trailing behind them. It was like a ghost town. Everywhere she looked there was nothing but empty space. It was like everyone had vanished into thin air.
“I don’t like this.” She spoke, glancing over her shoulder at the rest of the group on foot.
“Miller, where the hell are you?” Bellamy spoke, frustration laced through his tone as he picked up the radio once more.
“Maybe they got chipped.” Jasper suggested.
“If they got chipped they would have waited for us at the cave, they would have ambushed us or something.” *yn* answered back.
“Maybe they saw the open gate and went in for Lincoln’s book.” Elijah suggested.
“Maybe you should all stop saying ‘maybe’.” Octavia huffed.
“If they are chipped, then ALIE already knows we’re coming.” Clarke spoke, ignoring Octavia’s comment. 
*yn* opened her mouth to respond but clamped it shut as they made their way into the centre of Arkadia. She felt her stomach churn as her eyes fell on crimson liquid pooling in the mud. 
“Let’s get his book and get the hell out of here.” Octavia spoke up, her voice cracking slightly as she did. *yn* tore her eyes from the blood before her to Octavia, her heart aching at the grief evident on her features.
“That’s a plan I can support.” Jasper remarked as Octavia turned on her heels and marched towards the main building.
*yn* hurried after her, intentionally keeping her eyes focused on the rover in front of her. 
“Close it up and turn the rover around, we may need to get out of here quickly.” She heard Bellamy say as everyone piled inside once the garage gate creaked open. 
*yn* hovered near Raven as the metal door slammed shut once they were all inside, engulfing the room in darkness. She waited patiently as Raven carefully stepped out of the rover. 
The pair wandered over to the communal area, *yn* feeling her concern levels rising as she noted the abandoned, half eaten meals with food still on cutlery, and playing cards and books scattered everywhere, as if they’d been dumped in a hurry. 
“It’s like they just got up and left.” Clarke remarked, voicing *yn*’s own thoughts.
“We should just get in and out. No fucking around.” *yn* spoke, her eyes still surveying the room.
“Let’s pack as much gear as we can into the rover.” Bellamy suggested.
“I’ll get the map.” Octavia announced, hurrying off towards Lincoln’s room. 
“I’ll go with her, no one should be alone.” Jasper said, trailing after her.
“What’s the rush? They won’t be coming back.” Raven queried, fiddling with her sling.
“How do you know?” 
“ALIE’s mission is to chip everyone, it wouldn’t make sense to return to a place she already took.” Raven explained.
“Well, it might make sense if there was someone in that place who could tell us stuff like that.” Sinclair remarked, shooting Raven a pointed look.
“Good point.” Raven conceded. 
“Like I said, let’s get in and out.” *yn* spoke up, to which everyone nodded. She could feel Elijah and Bellamy’s eyes on her as she turned on her heel to make her way out of the main room. She slowed down in the hallway when she heard the uneven steps of Raven limping behind her.
“You seem very eager to load gear.” Raven remarked when *yn* came to a stop and glanced over her shoulder. 
“This place is creeping me out.” *yn* answered, waiting for Raven to catch up with her before the pair continued. 
“Even though it was, or is, meant to be our home.” *yn* sighed, her eyes flickering over the interior of the Ark. It was strange to think that just over six months ago this had been carrying them up in space.
“Maybe it’s time to find a brand new one. One without a reminder of our shitty past.” Raven answered as they made their way into a supply room. 
“I could get onboard with that.” *yn* said as she began to shove supplies into a backpack. “Put it at the top of our ‘things we need to do if we survive this shitstorm’ agenda.” *yn* remarked dryly which caused Raven to let out a chuckle.
The pair fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound was the shuffling of supplies being dragged from the shelves. *yn* let out a small sigh as they worked in silence, letting herself steal a glance over her shoulder at Raven.
“Raven?” *yn* queried, her brow furrowed in concern when she saw Raven standing motionlessly, staring blankly at a bag of wheat in front of her. “Is everything ok?” *yn* continued, speaking softly as she placed her bag down and approached her.
“Um I’m fine I-” Raven cut herself off, seeming to snap out of a sort of trance when *yn* placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“I was just thinking.” She spoke as she turned to face *yn*.
“About you... about us.” She admitted quietly. “I mean- not that there’s an us I-” She stammered, feeling herself grow red at the sight of *yn*’s raised brows. *yn* stood patiently, watching Raven inhale deeply and compose herself before speaking again. 
“I just meant.” Another pause. “Even though I was chipped, I remember everything.” 
“And by everything you mean...” *yn* trailed off, feeling her heart hammer in her chest as she studied the girl before her.
“When I kissed you in the control room and you stopped me. When you told me you had too much going on.” 
“Raven I-”
“Just- just let me finish ok?” Raven cut her off, sending her an almost pleading look. *yn* opened her mouth to speak but cut herself off, instead sending Raven a nod of encouragement. Raven shot her a look of gratitude before inhaling sharply.
“I just wanted to say that I get it. That even though I have feelings for you, I understand that with everything going on with ALIE and Pike and Bellamy and Elijah... it’s too much. The last thing you want to deal with is some crippled girl pining after you-”
“Raven don’t you dare talk about yourself like that.” *yn* snapped, anger coursing through her veins. “You’re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. And I -”
“-*yn*, please.” Raven interrupted her once more, leaning up to cup *yn*’s cheek in her hand. “Let me let myself go.” She hoarsely whispered as tears welled up in her eyes. “For you.”
“Raven...” *yn* murmured. There was a part of her that was screaming at her to fight for Raven. But there was another part of her that was telling her that this was for the best. That it was wrong to keep Raven on tender-hooks when *yn* knew her heart was already being torn in multiple directions.
“If things had been different...”
“But they’re not.” Raven sighed. “Timing’s a bitch.” She deadpanned causing *yn* to let out a breathless laugh. 
“I’ll always be here for you *yn*, and maybe in the future the timing will be right for us.” Raven continued as she pulled *yn* into a tight embrace.  
“But for now, you need to focus on keeping us all alive.” 
“Just promise me I won’t lose you, even as a friend.” *yn* whispered into Raven’s neck as she wrapped her arms around her.
“Of course I promise, you can’t get rid of me that easily. I just need some time.” Raven reassured her.
“Thank you Raven.” *yn* murmured, squeezing her tightly. The pair stayed like that for a few moments, simply enjoying the feeling of being in each other’s arms before they both reluctantly pulled away.
“I’ll give you some space.” *yn* heard herself say when she noticed that Raven was still fighting to keep her tears at bay. Raven nodded, shooting her one last tight lipped smile before she turned her back on *yn* to continue gathering the supplies.
*yn* knew that Raven didn’t want her to see her cry.
“What did you find?” 
Bellamy turned around in surprise at the sound of *yn*’s voice. She looked at him expectantly as she came to a stand still, her arms folded across her chest.
“Weapons, tonnes of them. And bullets.” Bellamy explained, gesturing to the practically full armoury. 
“Shit.” She breathed out. “I guess ALIE doesn’t think her army needs weapons.”
“Lucky us.” Another voice interjected. 
Elijah appeared through the doorway of the armoury, keeping his eyes locked on the weapons in front of him as he avoided *yn*’s gaze. 
“Where are the others? You radioed everyone right?” *yn* asked before an awkward silence could break out.  
“I did.” Bellamy confirmed. 
“Raven, Sinclair, Monty and Clarke were all in the hanger before I left to scope out any other supplies.” Elijah spoke. 
“Can you try them on the radio Bell?” *yn* queried, inwardly cursing herself as the nickname involuntary slipped out.
“Uh- yeah, I can.” Bellamy nodded, clearly taken aback by the sound of the nickname rolling off her tongue. “Raven, do you come in?”
“Yeah I’m here, what’s up? Is everything ok?” Raven’s voice crackled through the radio and *yn* let out a sigh of relief.
“Where are you? Have you heard from the others?” Bellamy asked.
“Sinclair and I are still in the hanger, Clarke and Monty left to meet you at the armoury. They aren’t there?” 
The three exchanged concerned glances.
“No. We haven’t.”
“Anyone seen or heard from Octavia and Jasper?” *yn* queried to which she was met with two shaking heads.
“Is everything ok?” Raven spoke up.
“Just stay where you are Raven, we’ll make our way back to you.” *yn* replied, before Bellamy turned off the radio after Raven responded in confirmation.
She fell silent as her mind began to race and an all too familiar pit in her stomach began to form.
“You’re having one of those feelings, aren’t you?” Bellamy murmured as he studied her body language and facial features.
“Something’s wrong.” She mumbled, more to herself than to anyone else. 
“We need to find the others.” She continued, pulling out her blade and hurrying outside before either Elijah or Bellamy could utter a word.
The pair exchanged brief glancing before pulling out their weapons and following after her. 
“*yn* don’t you think we should wait to see if we hear from anyone before we race in, we don’t even have a plan if something is wrong.” Elijah called out as him and Bellamy raced to catch up with her.
“I have a plan.” *yn* answered back as they crossed the square to head back inside the main building.
“And that is....?” Bellamy queried.
“Find where our friends are and kill anyone who tried to hurt them.” She responded nonchalantly. 
“Of course. Why didn’t we think of that.” Elijah remarked dryly which caused a smirk to involuntarily twitch up onto Bellamy’s lips.
“Hey I never said you two had to come along.” *yn* shot back, shaking her head in amusement as the three made their way inside. 
They slowed down to a stop once they were deep inside the building. 
“Clarke! Monty!” *yn* shouted out. 
Suffocating silence responded.
“Maybe we should head back to the hanger and decide-” Elijah was cut off as *yn* pressed a finger to his lips. He studied her in confusion, watching her as she stiffened up and stared at the hallway behind him. 
“Did you hear that?” She whispered.
Before either of them could reply a scuffling sound echoed down the hallway, followed by a large bang. 
“It’s coming from the direction of the control room.” Bellamy murmured to which *yn* nodded in agreement. *yn* glanced over at Elijah, realising her finger was still pressed to his lips. “Sorry.” She apologised, gently dragging her finger away from his lips. 
“It’s ok.” Elijah answered softly, studying her intently which made *yn* blush slightly as she moved away from him towards the control room.
“Ever occurred to you that we might be walking into a trap?” Bellamy remarked as the three made their way into the control room.
“It did. And I decided I didn’t care.” *yn* responded as she slowed down, her eyes flitting around the derelict surroundings for any sign of life.
“Well, there doesn’t appear to be anyone here.” Elijah stated after the trio spent a few more minutes exploring the room. “I think we should head back and see if we can find the others.”
“Yeah,” *yn* let out a sigh as she finally relented. “You’re probably right.”
“Maybe we can see if any of the security cameras are still working and see if we can spot anyone. Or explore outside the boundaries.” Bellamy suggested.
“Good plan, let’s-” *yn* cut herself off as the sound of metal clanging the ground entered her ears. 
The three of them swivelled around to see a metal ball rolling towards them. *yn* stiffened as she stared at it curiously as it grew closer, finally coming to a halt when it came into contact with her boot. Before anyone could say anything the ball shuddered and opened. 
*yn* felt terror rush through her as red gas spilled out. 
The memory of being alone in the forest and fleeing from the gas before slipping into unconsciousness filled her mind. Before she’d woken up trapped in Mount Weather.
“Fuck.” Bellamy cursed, recognising it instantly. *yn* jerked her head around at the sound of the door sliding shut. 
They were locked in. 
“We’ve gotta move before it knocks us out, cover your faces.” *yn* ordered, hastily yanking off her shirt to wrap around her face. “There’s an emergency button on the left that’ll open the door.” Bellamy explained. 
“Bellamy!” His name slipped past *yn*’s lips when she looked up to see a masked figure suddenly appear behind him. Bellamy turned around just in time, swinging the butt of his gun at his head. 
The figure groaned as Bellamy made contact, forceful enough to make him stumble back.  “Hurry!” Bellamy shouted, turning his back on him as the three of them sprinted towards the door. 
“The door will only stay open momentarily before sealing shut.” Bellamy continued as they approached the bright red emergency button. *yn* could feel her mind going hazy as the gas slowly seeped its way through the fabric of her shirt.
*yn* let out a grunt as she felt something hit her back, causing her to topple to the floor. She flipped over onto her back just in time before the masked figure lunged at her, pushing their entire body weight into pinning her to the ground.
“*yn*!” Bellamy and Elijah shouted simultaneously. 
“Just open the fucking door!” *yn* called back, grunting as the figure attempted to rip her makeshift mask from her face. She leant forward and smashed her head against theirs, causing them to be dazed momentarily. Seeing an opportunity she pushed with all of her force, managing to wriggle out from underneath them. 
Manoeuvring herself so she was straddling them, she landed a punch to their jaw causing them to slump to the ground. Satisfied, she hastily rose to her feet, stumbling slightly as the gas continued to grow more effective. She would be unconscious in a matter of minutes.
She looked to her left to see the boys had just managed to pry open the safety glass and had slammed the button, with the door now open. “Let’s go!” *yn* urged as they hurriedly met her in the centre of the room. The boys were only steps ahead of her as they ran towards the door, all of them becoming more clumsy and slow as the seconds ticked by.
*yn* glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening when she saw that their chaser had gotten up to their feet and was now hot on their heels. “Hurry!” She yelled, her heart pounding in her chest when she saw that the door was beginning to slide shut. 
She could practically feel the masked person’s breath on the back of her neck, swearing at one point that she felt their fingers scrape her back. The gap was getting smaller and smaller by the second as they grew closer.
Her eyes darted between the two men in front of her and realised the gap would be too small for all three of them to get through one at a time.
They weren’t all going to make it. 
She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the pursuer’s fingers graze her neck and with all the energy she could muster she lunged forward. Her body colliding with another as she gripped onto him and pushed with all of her might.
Her vision was growing blurry as she felt the body underneath hers land with a smack on the ground. Her own body slammed against his as they hit the floor, simultaneously the door shutting with a sick thud behind them. 
She pulled her shirt off over her face and gasped for air as she desperately tried to rid her lungs of the gas. “Are you ok?” A familiar voice breathed out from beneath her. 
Hands were on her face and back, tracing her body for any sign of injury. She blinked a few times as she felt her head clearing and glanced down.
Bellamy’s concerned features stared back at her.
“Elijah.” She mumbled, crawling off Bellamy as she shakily got to her feet. “Elijah.” She repeated, this time louder as she pressed her hands against the door.
“*yn* we’ve got to go, we need to find the others.” 
“I can’t, Elijah is in there. We need to help him.” She answered as she tried to pull the door open.
“He’ll be unconscious by now, there’s nothing we can do right now. We’ll only get ourselves caught or killed.” Bellamy winced as the last word escaped his lips and he saw the realisation dawn on *yn*’s face. “I have to save him.” She muttered, although Bellamy could see her resolve waning. 
“Ba- *yn* come on, we need to get out of here before whoever that was comes after us.” Bellamy pleaded with her, placing a hand on her forearm. She stilled her desperate movements at the feeling of his skin against hers. Bellamy swallowed and quickly removed his hand as she looked up at him. 
A bang on the other side of the door made *yn* jump slightly, shattering the trance like state she was in. “Let’s go, we need to head back to Raven.” She nodded, her survival instincts kicking in as she pulled her hands off the door. Bellamy nodded and the pair broke out into a sprint towards the hanger. 
“*yn*! Bellamy!” A voice shouted out as they turned a corner into the hallway that led to the hanger.
“Clarke!” *yn* breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes fell on her best friend. “Thank god you’re ok.” She continued, closing the gap between the pair as they embraced in a tight hug.
“Where’s Monty?” Bellamy queried as he joined the pair. 
“Emerson took him.” Clarke explained.
“Emerson?” *yn* echoed, her brow furrowing in confusion. “From Mount Weather?” 
“How is that possible?” Bellamy queried when Clarke nodded in response.
“Because I didn’t kill him, I let him go.”
“What are you talking about?”
“In Polis. I had a chance to kill him and I let him go. This is all my fault, Miller, Harper, that’s why we haven’t heard from them he’s-” Clarke began, tears welling up in her eyes as she spoke.
“What about the others? Octavia? Raven?” *yn* queried, speaking softly in an attempt to calm down Clarke.
“I spoke to Raven.” Clarke nodded as she took a deep breath. “She’s still with Sinclair in the hanger. I told them to stay put but then I heard footsteps and that was when I found you.” 
“Ok, let’s make sure they’re ok first and then we can find the others.” Bellamy spoke. “Let’s go in from the outside, we’re less likely to get caught in a trap if we come in from the open.” 
Clarke and *yn* nodded in agreement before they all hurried towards the hanger. 
“Wait, where’s Elijah? Wasn’t he with you two?” Clarke queried as they made their way outside. 
“Raven! Sinclair!” Bellamy called out as the three approached the hanger door. He edged in slowly with *yn* following closely behind him. 
“Emerson has him.” *yn* answered quietly, guilt overwhelming her at the thought of Elijah lying there, unconsciousness and defenceless. “It’s my fault.”
“Fuck.” Bellamy hissed, distracting Clarke from asking *yn* what she meant. *yn* stepped out from behind Bellamy, her eyes instantly falling on the reason for his curse.
“Sinclair.” His name slipped out from her lips at the sight of his body lying motionless on the floor. 
“No.” Clarke murmured from behind her, the pair hurrying to his side. 
*yn* watched Clarke press two fingers to his neck as she felt tears pool in the corners of her eyes. She didn’t need Clarke’s confirmation to know that he was dead. 
“We're too late.” Bellamy breathed out as Clarke gently closed his eyes. 
“No we’re not.” Clarke shook her head. “He didn’t kill Monty or Raven, he would have left their bodies. He took them somewhere.”
*yn* stayed silent as she gently stroked Sinclair’s face.
Another friend, gone.
“If you’re right, then Octavia and the others are there too.” Bellamy murmured in realisation.
“Elijah.” *yn* breathed out, finally tearing her eyes away from Sinclair to look at the pair. “Where would he be taking them?” 
“He could be anywhere.” Bellamy sighed. “Does he even know his way around?”
“He was here. You were both in Mount Weather.” Clarke answered and *yn* watched as something dawned on her. “The airlock.” 
*yn* rose to her feet as she watched Clarke hurriedly grab the radio, bringing it to her lips. “Emerson, I know you’re listening. We need to talk.” 
The three fell silent, watching the radio with bated breath. They grew even more tense as it crackled to life, “I don’t need to do anything.” 
*yn* recognised the voice instantly. The one she’d become all too familiar with in Mount Weather. Emerson.
“You should have killed me when you had the chance.”
“And now you’re here to kill me is that it?” Clarke answered back.
“Something like that.”
“Then let my friends go.” She snarled. “Do that, and you can have me.” Her words made *yn* take a step towards her, a worried look on her features.
“Brave, Clarke. I’ll give you that. They’re lucky to have a friend like you.”
“I know what I’m doing.” Clarke murmured to her, sending her a reassuring look before bringing the radio back up to her face.
“Come to the airlock, alone. No weapons. Right now.”
Clarke let out a sigh, shoving the radio in her pocket as she turned to *yn*.
“Before you even say it, you’re insane if you think you’re going in there alone.” *yn* spoke up. “So don’t even think about trying to mater yourself.” 
“*yn*’s right. We don’t know what happened between you and Emerson in Polis, but we do know that letting yourself be killed by him right now is a stupid plan.” Bellamy interjected, his jaw set in determination as he studied Clarke.  
“You guys have a better one?” Clarke queried, her once determined features slowly eroding. 
“You distract him, Bellamy and I can figure out a way to kill him and get the others out.” *yn* answered, Bellamy nodding in agreement. 
“Let’s go.” *yn* continued, her eyes involuntarily darting to Bellamy. The pair locked eyes briefly and she forced herself to look away, clearing her throat and nodded awkwardly, “We need to free our friends.”
Clarke watched as *yn* stole another glance at Bellamy before she turned on her heel and hurried towards the airlock.
“What the hell happened with Elijah?” Clarke queried, turning to Bellamy once *yn* was out of earshot. “She said it was her fault, what did she mean by that?” Clarke pressed when Bellamy turned to watch *yn* go.
“She-” He cut himself off, inhaling deeply before turning his attention to Clarke. “We were in the control room and we were trying to escape from Emerson. The door was closing and we were both in front of her and *yn* must have realised that there wasn’t enough time or room for us all to get out.” He explained. 
“She had to choose between you.” Clarke breathed out in realisation, as Bellamy stiffly nodded in response. Her eyes grew wide as she studied Bellamy and she couldn’t control the little bundle of happiness that surged inside her.
“She chose you.” 
“I held up my part of the deal. Your turn. Let my friends go.” 
*yn* pressed her back against the wall, watching as Clarke approached the airlock slowly, her hands raised in surrender.
“Tell Bellamy to show himself first.”
“I don’t know what-” Clarke began but was cut off by the sound of Octavia screaming in pain. 
*yn*’s grip on her gun tightened as she turned to Bellamy to tell him to stay put but she was too late. He was already stepping out of his hiding spot and into Emerson’s view.
Emerson yanked Octavia’s head back and pressed a knife to her throat. “Good. Now take out the clip and put the gun on the ground. Then get inside.” 
“Please, you wanted me. I’ll get inside once you let them go.” Clarke responded.
“I was talking to Bellamy, not you.” Emerson answered, pressing the knife into Octavia’s chest.
“Ok, ok. Just stop.” Bellamy pleaded as red liquid began spilling out onto Octavia’s chest.
“Bellamy don’t.” Clarke whispered as he slowly placed the gun on the ground, kicking it out of his reach.
*yn* inwardly cursed as she kept herself glued to the wall. She could hear Bellamy’s footsteps growing quieter as he approached the airlock. “Those are yours.” She heard Emerson say followed by the clanging of metal.
She gritted her teeth, her hold on her gun growing increasingly tight as she mentally prepared herself to take the shot. She only had one chance. 
“Now *yn* next.” 
She felt a breath lodge in her throat. 
“Come on *yn* don’t be shy, I know you’re lurking around somewhere.” Emerson continued. 
A few moments of silence stretched on as *yn* stayed rooted in place.
“Fine.” Emerson called out. “Let’s see if the other Blake sibling bleeds just as easily.” 
“Fuck.” *yn* hissed under her breath, wincing at the sound of Bellamy’s grunts of pain. Before she could overthink her actions she tossed her gun out onto the floor and stepped out into Emerson’s line of view.
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” Emerson smirked, eyeing *yn* as she raised her hands up. “Get inside.”
Her eyes darted to Bellamy to see blood spilling out onto his shirt, his eyes wide with fear as he shook his head at her, silently pleading with her to run. She felt bile rise in her throat at the sight of her other friends, their eyes all full of terror as they stared back at her. Her eyes landed on Elijah, her heart sinking at the sight of him on the floor, bound and gagged as he looked back at her. 
It was her fault he was here. 
“Now.” He demanded as he moved his knife towards Bellamy once more. 
She swallowed and tore her eyes from Elijah as she slowly began making her way towards Emerson. The second she was within striking range she leant down to her pocket, suddenly brandishing a blade. She lunged forward towards Emerson, channeling all the rage she had.
Emerson seemed to have predicted this, gripping her arm that held the knife and smashing her around the head with the butt of his gun. Momentarily dazed, she stumbled back, allowing Emerson to rip the knife from her hands and shove her against the wall. 
“*yn*!” Clarke shouted. 
“Stay there or she dies.” She heard Emerson spit back in response.
She could faintly hear grunts and moans of protest from the others as they struggled against their restraints. She could feel something brushing against her arm and she turned her head to see that Bellamy was handcuffed to the wall right beside her - so close that they could literally touch. 
“I spent hours analysing and watching you in Mount Weather. You don’t think I picked up on a few of your little party tricks?” Emerson growled into her ear as he pressed the barrel of the gun to her temple. 
“Get in the handcuffs now.” 
*yn* blinked a few times as her vision began to clear and she glanced up to see an extra pair of handcuffs that were attached to the same ring as Bellamy’s. She glanced at him momentarily before she slowly leant up and strapped herself into the restraints. She felt her stomach drop as the last handcuff clicked closed. 
“I should kill you right now.” He hissed. “If Cage hadn’t been so fucking obsessed with you we might have survived.” 
“He might have been an evil piece of shit but at least he had good taste.” *yn* remarked back, wincing as the gun pressed harder into her skin.
“Always the one putting on a brave face. Until we finally broke you in Mount Weather, that is.” Emerson chuckled causing *yn* to flinch. “If I had time I’d torture you all over again. But that’s not part of my plan.” 
*yn*’s head slumped against the wall as Emerson finally removed the gun from her head and turned his attention back to Clarke. 
“Now, get on your knees.” Emerson ordered, pointing his gun to Clarke. “Hands behind your head.” 
*yn* locked eyes with Clarke and shook her head as she watched her best friend comply. *yn* tugged at the restraints but to no avail. She was well and truly trapped. 
She watched as Emerson stepped out of the airlock, his gun never leaving Clarke’s head. She felt panic rise up in her as he pressed a button and the doors to the airlock slammed shut. *yn* flinched as she heard a thump at the door and glanced past Bellamy to see Clarke’s face pressed against the glass.
"You murdered 381 people. You took the lives of my children, my brother, my friends. Did you really think that I would be happy with just one life in return, hmm?" She heard Emerson snarl through the glass.
*yn* felt the panic begin to rise up in her chest as realisation fully dawned on her. None of them were going to make it out alive. 
She began to writhe against her restraints desperately as Emerson took a few steps back and slammed his clenched fist onto a button. The airlock lighting turned red and *yn* immediately felt the air begin to thin. 
She could see Emerson saying something to Clarke but *yn* couldn’t make out what it was he was saying over the siren that had begun to wail mercilessly. *yn* let out a scream of frustration as she pulled with all of her might against the handcuffs, pressing her feet against the wall to use every last ounce of her strength. She could see Octavia slipping into unconsciousness beside her as she felt her own strength rapidly deteriorate.
“*yn*.” Bellamy spoke quietly, she paused and turned to look at him as she felt herself growing weaker. Her body fell limp in defeat as they locked eyes, both of them with tears rolling down their cheeks. He shook his head slightly as his legs gave out from under him and he dangled from his handcuffs. 
She knew what he was saying.
There was nothing they could do.
Her own legs collapsed underneath her and she could feel her vision starting to grow blurry. She weakly lifted her head up as she felt Bellamy’s clammy fingers brushing against her own. She blinked rapidly as tears continued to spill down her cheeks as she messily entwined her digits with his. With the last ounce of energy she had left she turned her head and nodded weakly in understanding before pressing her forehead to his.
She felt her eyes flutter shut as Bellamy squeezed her hand and pressed his forehead firmly against hers. “*yn*.” He breathed out as he felt her fingers begin to loosen around his. Bellamy’s own eyes began to droop as he watched *yn*’s head loll back as she slipped into unconsciousness. 
"Any last words?” Emerson whispered to Clarke.
“Yeah, Ascende... superius.” Clarke gasped out before slamming the chip into Emerson’s neck.
Emerson spluttered as the chip buried itself into his neck and travelled up to his brain. Clarke shoved him off her as he began to gargle before slamming the button to the airlock.
The door slid open and she dragged herself forward as oxygen flooded back into the space. Clarke let out a sigh of relief as she watched her friends almost immediately begin to twitch and show signs of life. 
*yn* let out a gasp as oxygen suddenly flooded her brain and her eyes sprung open. She spluttered as her lungs began to work overtime to collect the air they had been denied as her vision began to clear. 
She turned and felt relief wash over her as she saw Bellamy slowly coming too. “Are you ok?” She heard herself whisper to him. 
“Yeah..” He breathed out before breaking out into a coughing fit as a result of his exertion. “Don’t strain yourself.” She ordered, unable to hide the concern in her voice. 
Her words made a small smile appear on his features as he squeezed her hands that were still restrained beside his. “I’m fine, I promise.”
“Good, now lets get the fuck out of these handcuffs.”
*yn* felt her lip quiver as Octavia let out a heart wrenching scream. Her eyes never left Lincoln’s body that was placed on the pyre in front of her. She clenched her jaw and blindly reached out to take Clarke’s hand as tears of her own spilled down her cheeks. Her eyes then turned to Sinclair’s body, where Raven had a hand pressed gently to his chest as she said her goodbyes.
Two more friends dead. Two more of her people gone.
She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand and took a step forward. “May we meet again.” She murmured to Sinclair, placing a hand on his shoulder.
She then turned to Lincoln, her eyes quickly filling with tears once more as she stared down at his body. 
“Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.” *yn* whispered to him, smiling softly as she brushed a hand against his cheek. “Goodbye brother.”
With that she took a step back beside Clarke as Octavia moved forward, a flaming torch in her hand.
“yu gonplei ste odon.” Octavia spoke as she leant down and pressed the flame to the pyre.
“yu gonplei ste odon.” *yn* and a few others echoed as the wood caught alight. 
*yn* inhaled sharply as Clarke reached over and grabbed her hand as they watched the flames grow higher and stronger.
“yu gonplei ste odon.” She heard Bellamy whisper to himself from beside Clarke. 
*yn* looked over to Octavia to see her staring at Bellamy, her expression difficult  to read. *yn* watched as her face slowly contorted from one of pure grief to one of cold, detached anger.
“It’s time to go.” Octavia announced, her voice still shaking. “I’ll get the map.”
*yn* moved to follow after her but was stopped when she felt a hand gently grip her wrist. “I need to talk to you.”
She glanced up, her eyes widening slightly when she was met with Elijah. “Yeah.” She nodded, noting his determined features. “Of course.”
He nodded before turning on his heel and heading off towards the outskirts of the camp, not bothering to wait up for her. She let out a small sigh and trudged after him. 
They ventured further away from the pyre, the voices of their friends and the crackling of the wood growing quieter with every step. Once Elijah was satisfied that they were far enough away he came to a stop.
“Elijah...” She murmured, concern written all over her features as she noticed the pain etched on his own.
“I just want to say. I’m not angry that we haven’t been able to talk. I know these last few days, well the last year actually, has been fucked. And the timing right now is probably not great either but if I don’t get this off my chest I’m going to explode so-” He cut himself off, closing his eyes shut as he inhaled deeply to calm his beating heart.
“I’m listening Eli.” She encouraged, taking a step towards him. She felt her heart sink when his eyes flashed open and he took a step back, keeping the same space between them.
“I- you can’t do that anymore.” He spoke, catching her entirely off guard.
“Do what?” She asked, a puzzled look appearing on her features. 
“That- that voice and that nickname it-” He cut himself off once more and inhaled deeply. “Fuck.” He breathed out in frustration.
“I don’t understand.” 
“No, of course you don’t.” He chuckled bitterly, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head. “Because you don’t understand the effect you have on me and so many others around you *yn*. You don’t understand what it’s like to be totally and irrevocably in love with someone who doesn’t love you.”
“Of course I lo-”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare fucking say it.” He snarled and *yn* took a step back at the unexpected harshness of his tone. 
“Maybe you love me like in a way someone loves an old friend. But you’re not in love with me. Not anymore. And I can’t follow you around like a lost puppy anymore in the hopes that one day you might fall back in love with me.” He continued, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
“I can’t be the person you turn to anymore when you need to feel loved or when you try and get over Bellamy. I can’t be that distraction for you. It’s going to be the fucking death of me.” 
“Bellamy and I are done, Elijah. How I feel about you has nothing to do with him.” She heard herself shoot back. Even she didn’t believe her own words.
“You chose him today *yn*. You chose to save him over me. You patched him up after his sister beat him up for getting his boyfriend killed. You clung onto him today in that airlock like he was the only person you would ever want to die alongside. He slaughtered an army of innocent people and you would still choose him over me everytime.” 
*yn*’s lips parted in surprise as she stared at him wide eyed. She was totally and utterly speechless.
“I-” She cut herself off as she felt a tear escape her eye to spill down her cheek. “I’m sorry.” She breathed out hoarsely. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know.” He nodded. “But I can’t be there for you anymore *yn*. Not as a lover, not as a friend. I need time.”
“You need space.” *yn* breathed out, Raven’s words from mere hours ago echoing in her mind.
He nodded at her words. “Yes.” 
An awkward silence filled the air as they stared at each other, neither of them having any clue what to say. *yn* had just lost one of her best friends. Elijah had just told his soulmate that he couldn’t be near her anymore.
“We should get back to the others.” He mumbled to which *yn* nodded numbly. 
The pair made their way back towards the main building in complete silence. All eyes turned to them as they entered the hanger, the tension between them almost visible as they made their way towards the group. She could feel Bellamy’s eyes on her before they flickered to Elijah. He knew something was wrong. 
*yn* straightened up and painted on a smile as she approached the others. There had been enough drama for one day, she didn’t need to add to it. 
“What’s going on?” *yn* queried when she noticed everyone hugging and saying goodbyes. 
“Me, Bellamy, Jasper and Octavia are heading out to find Luna. The others are staying here to try and access ALIE.” Clarke explained as *yn* came to a stop beside her.
“Ok.” *yn* nodded, her eyes flickering between the group that was now split in two. “I call shotgun.” She continued, shooting Clarke a grin before moving to say goodbye to the others.
“And I’ll be staying here.” Elijah announced. “Hope you can do with an extra pair of hands?” He queried, turning to Raven.
“Yeah of course.” She nodded, unable to hide the confusion on her face. Clarke and Bellamy exchanged their own looks of surprise at Elijah’s words. Usually wherever *yn* went, Elijah followed.
“Be careful.” Raven murmured into *yn*’s hair as the pair embraced tightly. “When am I not?” *yn* smirked causing Raven to roll her eyes.
“I mean it Kane.” She teased which caused *yn* to let out a small laugh.
“Yes captain.” She spoke as she pulled away. She shot Elijah a longing look before tearing her gaze from him and making her way towards the rover.
She hopped into the passenger seat and was relieved to see Jasper already in the drivers seat. She leant back in her seat and let out a sigh as Octavia, Clarke and Bellamy piled into the back of the rover. 
Somehow she had managed to just escape death, have another friend die and lose two of the people closest to her due to their desire for space all in the space of 24 hours. 
“In need of a distraction?” Jasper queried when he noted her blood shot eyes and the way her smile dropped the second she was out of Raven’s sight. She turned to see him waving a music disc in front of her.
“You read my fucking mind.”
Part 37
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim = Get knocked down, get back up.
yu gonplei ste odon = your fight is over
Y’ALL SO MUCH HAPPENED IN THIS CHAPPY I LOVE IT <3 WHAT DO WE THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT?!  As always, feedback would be super super appreciated and you can give it back HERE!
@captainpineapplesbloguniverse @moodboards57 @reyeswritings @sheebthezeeb @endgametike @badbitch101​ @previouslyforgotten @nutterbutter2885 @earthtobear@istlynn18 @illyrianbae @fandomcrib @mick–schumacher @wanheda101 @princekooks​ @lilulo-12​ @i-have-my-issues​ @mirahg​
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lolawassad · 2 years
Hey it’s me again. I have another request haha I was wondering if you could write a murphy x reader where the reader falls asleep on his shoulder and he goes all soft and is like “nobody fucking move or i’ll kill you myself or sum” haha. And if you want you could harper and monty be like the readers parents again. And in they case it would be like they finally understand that Murphy actually cares about the reader and isn’t just using them or something. (he proves himself to them in a way yk?)
Hope this makes sense, happy writing!! :))
John murphy (almost wrote john purple??) X reader
3rd pov
Monty walks in with a big smile "i did something new with the algae" he says proudely murphy who is sitting next to y/n scoffs.
"You trying to put me in a coma again?" He asks annoyed, making y/n and harper giggle "yeah 'dad' you trying to kill my boyfriend?" Y/n asks playfully, the dad part makes monty smile even more and the boyfriend part makes murphy cockily put his arm over his girlfriends shoulder with a smirk.
"See shes on my side" murphy says proud making the girl next to him shake her head "murp.. Dont be rude to my dad, he might actually poison the algea, remember the whole 'ill kill ya' speech he gave?" She asks concerned.
Bellamy glares at the couple in front of him as if echo isnt holding his hand on the table and scoffs "face it murphy, you wont ever be good enough for our little sunshine" he mocks, y/n kicks him under the table and echo slaps his chest letting go of his hand "dont be mean, i think.. You guys are a very cute couple" echo smiles before adding "remember my threat too okay little sky boy?"
Y/n sighs annoyed before shaking her head and walking away from the dinner table.
Murphy glares at the older couple before chasing after his girlfriend "doll" he yells before grabbing her arm, he lifts her up bridal style and takes her to the big window facing earth, he sits her down and then sits next to her.
"They just really fucking love you baby" he tells y/n making her scoff "its so annoying, everybody is a couple everyone deserves happieness but then i wanna be happy with you and its not okay, i mean i have had a crush on you since you punched finn the first day on earth cause he looked at me funny and then blamed it on me being friends with jasper so i was under your protec-" he cuts her off with a kiss
"i have had a crush on you since that day too, i didnt think you wanted anything to do with me because you scolded me and i didnt talk to you until after i got hanged and you stormed up and demanded they take me down. When connor put that knife against your throat i got so fucking pissed, thats why i took my anger out on him instead of wanting Charlotte to get floated. im happy Charlotte is still alive by the way, i heard she met a grounder her age before the bunker closed" y/n's head falls onto murphy's shoulder and he pulls her closer, their backs now against the wall facing the window "do you wanna go back J?" Y/n asks looking at earth
John just shrugs "im going where ever the fuck my girl is, so.. Do you wanna go back, doll?" The girl nods her head "i wanna see clarke, make up with her, i wanna see octavia, and just give her a hug, she needs one" she says
murphy nods in agreement before snorting "i bet she and lincoln are making childern as we fucking speak" y/n laughs
"Gross, i wouldnt be surprised if they already had a child though, i remember octavia saying she would have some kids with him when she told me about their relationship for the first time" she says
"what about you? You wanna have kids with me?" He asks, his mouth is in a smirk but his eyes are filled with hope. Y/n nods "fuck yeah, i want 3, and we shall call em huey dewey and louie-" he slaps her shoulder "fucking brat" he scolds her with a playfull laugh.
Murphy softly lays his head on her head and they just sit in silence watching the earth, it doesnt take long for y/n to fall asleep, leaving murphy with his thoughts on how lucky he is.
Then he hears the voices of the others, when they enter the hall way he softly but harshly tell them "shut the fuck up if you wake her i will take out your fucking eyeballs and shove them where the sun doesnt fucking shine yeah?" Before softly pulling his girl so shes laying on the floor with her head in his lap and starts playing with her hair.
Monty and bellamy look at each other and nod, echo and harper just smile at each other.
Raven and emori fake gag and whisper "gross affection" before raven jumps on emori's back and emori starts running away.
Thats how y/n wakes up, to a still staring at earth murphy and her head in his lap "i do want kids with you, i have had want them with you since the so many-th time you saved me" y/n says "i told octavia 'i want a boyfriend and kids but if he isnt john murphy then i will stay single and kidless my whole life" she continues before yawning and falling asleep again leaving John in happy tears
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topazy · 2 years
Chosen Side
Pairings: John Murphy/reader Bellamy Blake/reader (past relationship)
Warnings: swearing
Chapter: 5.02
You picked Joaquin up and kissed the top of his head. You thanked Savannah for watching him again, before carrying him towards your room. “What did-”
In the distance, you could hear Clarke asking someone where you’d gone. Shit. You almost ran into your room as footsteps could be heard echoing from the other end of the hallway.
Once inside, you sat Joaquin on the bed, saying, “You know how we only let our friends in here?” He nodded. “Well, the person who’s about to knock on the door isn’t our friend, baby. So when they knock, we need to be real quiet, okay.”
Joaquin shrugged, unfazed, and laid down on the bed while knocking started on the other side of the door. “Y/N, are you in there?”
You both remained completely silent until the knocking stopped and Clarke left. You let out a sigh of relief. Clarke wasn’t stupid and would start asking questions the moment she saw your son.
When Joaquin looked up at you with a bored expression on his face, he said, “When can I go outside?”
“Really soon, I promise.”
“Thanks for meeting me,” you say quietly, before closing the door behind you.
Harper smiles, while Monty looks at you curiously. Despite the war paint and grounder appearance, Harper looked at you the same way she always had, with love.
Love you didn’t deserve.
“Danica? Are you okay?”
It wasn’t until you heard Monty’s question that you realised you were crying. You shook your head. “I missed you guys so much.” You wiped your eyes and sat down in the chair across from them. “I’m sorry for springing this on you. I wish I had another choice, but I don’t.”
Harper reached her hand out and they both stared at you, concerned. “What’s going on? Why did we need to meet in secret?”
“I need to tell you both something…” You took a deep breath. “But when I do, you can’t tell anyone. Not even Bellamy. He’s too close to Octavia to be involved.”
Monty looked apprehensive. “I’m scared of what you're going to tell us.”
You pushed down the lump in your throat. “I have a son.”
Harper let out an excited squeal. “Oh my god, Dan! That’s incredible. What’s his name?”
“Joaquin, he’s the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet.” You sniffed. “He can’t wait to meet his Auntie Harper.”
“He knows who I am?” She asked, smiling.
You nodded, “he knows who everyone is. I’ve told him countless stories of his family who saved the world.” A wave of sadness fell over you. “He knows all about the mountain men, what Pike did to the grounders, and A.L.I.E. I didn’t want to tell him, but stories of how Skaikru brung death from space spread fast.” You rubbed your eyes again. This was going to be harder than you imagined. “Right before we got rescued, Octavia was about to kill me for the crime of treason.”
“What did you do?” Monty asked quietly.
“I tried to be a good mom,” you whispered. You’d thought about telling them the truth, but then you’d need to talk about the dark years. “What I did doesn’t matter anymore. What I’m asking is, if I die, can you keep Joaquin safe until he’s with his dad.”
“His dad is alive and not here?” Harper stared at you, confused. “I’d assumed it was someone in the bunker.”
You shook your head, “no. I was already pregnant when I came into the bunker.”
“I thought you and Bellamy hadn’t... you know, for a while?”
“He’s not Bellamy’s son. He’s Murphys.” silence filled the room. Neither of them knew what to say. “And that’s not even the complicated part.”
“There’s more?” Monty puffed out his cheeks.
“In Becca’s lab, I got injected with a dose of Luna’s blood…”
Harper's eyes widened as she said, “He's a nightblood.”
Monty’s eyes widened, “Does that mean you are?”
“No, I think because I was already pregnant when I was injected, it worked differently. Blodreina will either kill him or use him as a weapon,” your eyes well up at the thought of your son being used as a weapon. “He’s just a kid. Please say you’ll take him to Murphy if I die.”
“Of course,” Monty said, nodding. “Would Octavia really hurt him or kill you?”
You sighed, “she’s already tried to do both of those things. Which is why I’ve hidden who he is from her.”
Harper gripped your hand tighter.
“Thank you both for agreeing. I know I’m asking a lot,” you sniffed. “Do you guys want to meet him?”
You watched from the edge of the bed with a smile as Joaquin practically clung to Harper. She’d smothered him in kisses and hugs from the moment they met.
You turned to Monty and said, “She’s a natural.”
“Who else knows?” He asks quietly. “And how the hell have you managed to hide it?”
“Joaquin doesn’t get out much,” you admitted, ashamed. The older he got, the more afraid you became that he’d hurt himself and someone would see his blood. “Kane, Jackson, and Miller know.”
“How? That’s an odd combination.”
You let out a soft chuckle. “When I found out I was pregnant, I cried to Kane and told him everything. I gave birth in my room with only Jackson and him there. They both agreed to keep quiet, knowing what would happen if it ever got out. The sneaking around and lying took a toll on Jackson, which is how Miller found out.”
He placed his head in his hands. “Murphy was a mess. He spent years in isolation, and a part of that was because he beat himself up for leaving you behind. He never stopped punishing himself for it.”
“He didn’t have a choice. I was hurt and probably wouldn’t have made it.”
“Did Abby never question if he was nightblood?”
“Jackson always covered up for me.” You chewed on your bottom lip. “I’m scared, Monty. The moment we leave this bunker, everything is going to change.”
He patted you back. “I know. God, Danica I can’t believe you have a kid. That’s amazing.”
You chuckled, “It was one hell of a surprise when I got fatter while everyone else got thinner. I can’t wait to hear what life on the ring was like.”
“I can’t wait to hear about your life down here, your makeup is pretty scary,” he laughed.
If only he knew how much darker your stories would be. You wondered if your friends would still accept you if they learned how many people you'd killed and what you'd become to survive.
“I can’t wait for him to smell fresh air for the first time, or see birds flying.” You thought back to the first time you stepped foot on earth. It was a feeling you feared Joaquin would never have.
“Have… you… I don’t want to cross a line here, but have you told Bellamy?"
“I haven’t yet. I was going to before but changed my mind when I saw how badly he wanted his sister to be the same person as before. I want to tell him everything, but I just can’t. Not yet.”
“I understand.” Monty smiled as Harper started to braid your son's floppy hair. “I suppose you don’t need to tell him he’ll know who the dad is straight away.”
“How so?”
“Because your kid is a mini Murphy.”
He wasn’t wrong. Joaquin had inherited Murphy’s features; the only difference was that Joaquin’s skin tone made him look sickly, but you assumed that was because he’d never been in the sun before.
God, Murphy was going to freak out when he found out he had a son.
Harper comes and sits beside you as Joaquin shows Monty his drawings of people fighting in the pits. It’s disturbing that your son grew up around so much violence, but hopefully that will all change soon.
“He’s amazing, Dan,” Harper says as she leans her head against your shoulder. “Whatever happens, we are your family and we’ll protect Joaquin as if he was our own.”
You stared at Bellamy, unsure of what to say. He had to reveal to you that he’d put Octavia in a coma to save everyone in the shallow valley.
You could fully understand him doing it; you just couldn’t believe he actually did it.
“Bell, I have something I need to tell you. I wanted to say it for days, but things have just been so chaotic with the worms and going to war with Diyoza that there’s never been a good time.”
He looked worried. “I’ve wanted to tell you something as well. I’m sorry.”
“What do you have to be sorry for?” You asked, confused.
“Echo. I never told you about her, and for that I’m sorry.”
You did your best not to laugh. Bellamy had always tried to protect your feelings, even when he didn’t need to. “You have nothing to be sorry for. We split up a long time ago.”
He shrugged, “We never actually spoke about it and I wasn’t sure how you’d feel seeing me with someone else.”
You and Bellamy were over the moment he blindly followed Pikes' orders. You had learned to love him as a friend, but nothing more. You’d just assume he felt the same way all those years ago.
“All I want is for you to be happy,” you smiled. “Tell me about Echo?”
“We were both lonely up in the ring and were there for each other, things just developed from then on. Not that it was easy. I still hated her for what she did to Octavia on the cliff. It took me a long time to forgive her.” The smile that spread across his face assured you that he was truly happy with her. When Monty told you that Bellamy was going to leave with Echo when she got banished again, you knew she was special to him. “What was it you wanted to tell me?”
The worries you'd had about telling him the truth seemed to vanish. “I have a son. His name is Joaquin.” Your eyes start burning with tears that you quickly wipe away. “Sorry, I’ve just been unusually emotional the past few days.”
“A son?” Bellamy gripped your hand in his to comfort you as he smiled. “Who’s the lucky man?”
“That’s the thing... he’s John’s.”
“John?” Bellamy’s smile faded when he saw the guilty expression on your face. “You had a baby with John Murphy?”
“Yeah…” You should not have felt guilty, but you did. Even though you were technically single at the time, you still feel as if you betrayed Bellamy. “I’ll understand if you want me to go.”
Bellamy shook his head. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a long time, Dan. Since we arrived back on earth, we’ve been at war. A new life is something to celebrate, but I feel I should tell you Murphy was a mess up in space. I don’t know how well he’ll react to this.”
You sat in a comfortable silence, just happy to be in each other’s presence. You could hear multiple kids laughing in the room next door. You grinned, knowing the loudest laugh was your son.
“You really think this plan is going to work? What happens if Octavia wakes up?”
Bellamy’s jaw clenched at the mention of his sister. “There’s been a change of plan. Madi is a nightblood, and Indra thinks it would be best if she became commander.”
You let out a deep sigh. “I hope you know what you are doing, Bell. This could go wrong in so many ways.”
“Do you trust me?”
You lied. After hearing his plans for Madi, there was no way you could tell him your son was a nightblood.
“This is the happiest I’ve ever seen him look,” you state. “He’s so happy to be outside.”
You sat beside Harper on a rock as Monty pointed up at the night sky, telling him about the different stars. You had stayed beside the entrance to the bunker the whole time, but it somehow felt like enough. They had joined you outside to fill you in on everything that was happening with Diyoza and how Echo had gone in with a way to take down the enemy.
It was hard to know your friends were in trouble, but Bellamy had already warned you to not get involved. He didn’t want Joaquin to grow up without a mom. And after realising how much Octavia had changed, he wanted you out of sight.
“Can I ask you something?” Harper asks quietly.
“What happened between you and Murphy? I thought you hated each other.”
Her question is very hard to answer. You and Murphy had almost killed each other on several occasions, but he’d also saved your ass. “I did hate him until he saved my life in Polis. It started out as a crush, but it evolved into something more.”
You thought back to the first night at Becca’s lab, when you thought the world was ending. You and Murphy had grown close as friends, but he was still a mystery to you. You had casually asked Emori what their relationship was, and when she confirmed it was nothing more than a friendship, you realised that you didn’t have any more excuses to ignore your feelings.
Murphy looked surprised when he opened the bedroom door and saw you standing there. “Hey Dani, what’s up?”
You stepped forward and pressed your lips to his. For a moment, he seemed stunned before he returned the kiss with more intensity.
“How do you feel about him now?”
“I honestly don’t know. It’s been six years, and none of us are the same. Besides, things got a little messy anyway.”
You chuckled slightly at the look Harper gave you, “Don’t stop telling me now.”
“I left that damn island to go support Octavia at the conclave, but Murphy didn’t see it that way.”
“He thought you left him to be with Bellamy?”
You’d told Murphy how you felt the day before, which is why it hurt so much that he didn’t believe you. “Yeah, that’s exactly what he thought. We saw each other briefly in the bunker before he left to rescue Raven, but all he said was ‘I know’ kissed me on the forehead and left.”
“I know?” Harper shook her head, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” you say, before standing. “Joaquin, it’s time for bed.”
He pouted at your words, “Can’t we stay up here? Please.”
“Not tonight,” you held your hand out for him to take.
“What if me and Uncle Monty have a sleepover tonight?” Joaquin jumped up and down, excited at the idea. “I can’t wait to tell him all about the ark.”
You jumped at the sound of a gunshot.
Looking around, you couldn’t see anyone. In the corner of your eye, you spotted Joaquin's favourite toy. It was a small blue teddy bear that Octavia had found. Joaquin took it everywhere with him and was distraught when he realised he’d lost it. After searching the bunker, you’d guess he’d left it outside. Luckily, you were right. It was lying among some rumble, so you picked it up and dusted it off.
When you stood back up, you froze at the sound of a guns safety being turned off.
“Turn around.”
“Clarke?” You turned to see her pointing a gun directly at your head. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Why are you here?”
You held up the toy in your hand and said, “I came looking for this.”
“You’re lying!” She yelled, "Get in the rover.”
You hear the roar of rushing blood in your ears as your brain processes her words. You couldn’t leave. Her hands started to shake, making you nervous. “I can’t leave. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I guess what you're doing for your daughter.”
“I need to keep Madi safe from Octavia!”
Tears threatened to spill from Clarke’s eyes. She was desperate. “Nobody understands that more than me. I have a son. Right now he’s with Harper and Monty, but I need to get back to him.”
Clarke looked over her shoulder at Madi, who was pleading with her to stop. She shook her head, “I’m sorry, Danica, but I can’t let you do that. Now, get in the rover.”
Reluctantly, you walked towards the rover that the young girl was sitting in. You should have listened to Monty and let him come with you. You did have your gun holstered in your belt, but the moment you reached for it, Clarke would pull the trigger on hers without hesitation.
"Where are we going?" You asked through gritted teeth.
Clarke got behind the wheel of the rover, “shallow valley.”
You blinked away tears. It was breaking your heart to know you had no option but to leave with her. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, you would make Clarke pay.
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randominagines · 3 years
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Thank you @kloy344 for your request 💕
Pairing: Raven Reyes X Fem! reader
Setting: end of season 5
Warning: very angst
P.s. if you find any mistake please correct me, English is not my mother tongue and I want to improve. Reblog, if you can, it helps a lot, thank you💕
P.p.s. gifs belong to the creators.
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The Diary
The Eligius had to be a good idea, the promise of a better future. Y/n still remembered the day she got into her cryogenic.
"Is everything okay here?" Clarke asked while looking at y/n, her blonde hair messy while she kept running around the ship to check if everyone was ready. Y/n nodded. "Yes, Clarke, just give us a minute." She asked while looking at her girlfriend, Raven. Y/n looked at her, her eyes scanning every single centimetre of her face: she wanted to print the image of her in her mind and keep it with her. "Maybe, if I will be lucky enough, I'll dream of you in the next 10 years." Y/n whispered while slowly caressing her cheek. Raven smiled, a tiny but lovely smile, that lightened up her whole face. "You won't even realize, we'll be awake soon an we will be together, in a safer world, ready to restart. A new planet for us." Raven said, her head tilting and her fingers tracing y/n's lower lip. She nodded. "Rayes, you're an optimist all of a sudden." Y/n joked while putting her hands on her girlfriend's hips to pull her closed. She shrugged, arms crossed over her shoulders. "It's because I'm in love." She said and pressed her lips against y/n's.
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That kiss was passionate, slow, almost tormented: they knew that they were going to fall asleep and stay like that for ten years, hoping to wake up in a better world.
"Okay, time to go to bed guys!" Bellamy shouted and everyone started positioning in their personal cryogenic. Y/n bit her lower lips and caressed Raven's face. "It's time for our new planet, baby." She said and layed down while watching her girlfriend lying down in the cryogenic next to her. They held hands for a couple of seconds. "See you in a moment." Y/n whispered while Clarke closed her cryo. Raven smiled. "See you in a moment." She repeated before her capsule was closed too. Y/n closed her eyes, knowing that when she was going to open them, Raven would have been next to her.
Y/n thought that the world would have been a safer place once she was awake, but she was wrong.
"So, only thirty years passed, this means I'm early..." She whispered while staring at Monty: he looked almost sixty, with grey hair on his temples and wrinkles all around his face. He sighed. "I'm so sorry, y/n, your pod somehow failed." He whispered while Harper nodded. Y/n sighed. "There's no way to go back to sleep, right?" She asked and Harper bit her lower lips, trying not to cry. "No, y/n. I'm sorry." She said.
Y/n felt her heart getting heavier: she flashed a quick look to Raven through the cryogenic glass. Her girlfriend was peacefully sleeping, her eyes closed and her chest raising and lowering regularly. She was even more beautiful than how she had been in her dreams in the last thirty years. Y/n took a deep breath, her hand caressed Raven's cryogenic while she realized that she was going to die long before she was going to wake up.
Monty put a hand on her shoulder. "We know how much you love each other, we could wake her up too..." He suggested but y/n immediately shook her head. "And condemn her to a life on this ship while everyone she knows and loves are asleep? No, that would be selfish." She immediately said and looked at him. Monty nodded, respecting her decision. Harper tilted her head and wiped a tear away. "You could write her a letter." She said, her voice a whisper. Y/n nodded, her eyes traveling back on Raven. "I will, I will write a diary for her, so she will remember me." She said, her eyes filling with tears. Monty softly smiled, the wrinkles around his eyes stretching. "She could never forget you anyway."
*96 years later*
Raven slowly opened her eyes, her body feeling heavy and numb. She slowly sat up, the absolute silence in the room was almost unbearable. She automatically looked at her right and her heart skipped a beat: y/n's cryogenic wa empty. Raven stood up, her knees almost failing to sustain her weight: Clarke caught her and supported her. "Where is she? Why is everyone still asleep except us?" Raven asked, her tone alarmed. Clarke exchanged a look with Bellamy and took a deep breath. "People will be awake in an hour, I decided to woke you up now because I need to talk to you." She whispered, her voice reassuring. Raven looked at the empty cryogenic again. "Where is y/n?" She asked once again, the worst feeling tormenting her stomach. Clarke helped her standing up and sighed. "Come with me." She invited her and they walked to the commands. Bellamy opened the room and grabbed a small book from the table, he looked at Raven and reached his hand to give it to her. "What is this?" Raven asked while frowning. Bellamy took a deep breath. "This is a diary y/n wrote for you. Her pod failed and she woke up ninety six years ago." He said.
Raven stumbled back as if he had just stabbed her, she felt her heartbeat fastening while she shook her head. "No, no, no, this is not possible... She can't be gone..." She started whispering, her eyes scanning the room as in search of her.
Clarke sighed. "Monty and Harper woke up too, they knew we needed more time so they spent their whole life finding a new planet for us. Y/n was with them all along, she helped them and left the diary for you." Clarke explained. Raven kneeled down, she was not strong enough to bear that pain, and she bursted into tears. She started sobbing, her hands covering her face while she closed her eyes, hoping to never opened them again unless y/n was in front of her again. Bellamy kneeled next to her and hugged her, his arms wrapping her while she rested her face against his chest. She wanted to disappear, to fall asleep again and not perceive that pain anymore. "I can't live without her..." Raven whispered against his chest while Bellamy looked at Clarke in complete concern. Clarke caressed her head. "I'm sorry, Raven, she didn't want things to go like this either." She whispered while looking at Raven.
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Raven stared at her, tears streaming down her face, and took the diary from Bellamy's hands. "I need a moment." She said and Bellamy and Clarke nodded while leaving the room. Raven took a deep breath, her chest hurting and her stomach twisted. She slowly opened the diary and her breath was cut off: there was a drawing made by y/n. It portrayed them, they were smiling and hugging, their bodies attached and their faces happy. Raven caressed the drawing and noticed that she was shaking. She turned the page and saw y/n's calligraphy, she could have recognised it everywhere.
Love of my life,
if you are reading this, I'm long gone. I'm sorry, I never wanted to leave you but sometimes we don't have a choice. I've been awake for days and I decided to start this diary, to take you with me in this journey and to keep doing what I've always done: sharing everything with you. Read it, if you want, and you'll know how I've lived knowing that I was helping Monty and Harper finding a better place for you, a safe home where you can be finally happy. I know that this hurts right now, but just know that I'm at peace knowing that you'll have a better chance. I love you never forget this, and I will love you forever, even after I'll be gone.
P.s. there is a small necklace for you at the center of the diary, I made it to let you have something of mine and there is a log and some maps I drew to help you find other planets around this new galaxy, it's my present for everyone. Please, don't be sad, my love, I've lived happily. Not a day went by without me thinking about you, but it's okay, sometimes love is cursed but this doesn't mean that it's less worth it.
With all my heart, which is forever yours, Y/n.
Raven caressed the page, her tears falling in the words and making them look bigger. She hugged the little diary, taking it close to her heart, as if she could perceive y/n in those pages. In that moment, the little necklace fell on the floor with a ringing noise: Raven took it and noticed that y/n had moulded a little piece of metal into a tiny planet, a new planet. Raven smiled, remembering how they talked about a new planet where to restart. She immediately wore the necklace and stood up, her eyes still filling with tears and her hands squeezing the little diary.
Y/n was gone, but she had done everything in her power to ensure that she could have a new life, happy and fulfilling and in a safe place, and Raven didn't want to waste that chance, even if she was never going to forgive her love. She looked at the new planet getting closer, her hand squeezing the necklace while she thought about y/n and a soft smiled appeared on her face. "Thank you, my love." She whispered.
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100hearteyes · 3 years
any more thoughts on 'clarke and lexa make a porno'?
Part 1 Part 2
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“Last but not least, worry no more, citizens of Capitola: after a grueling week of searching, our very own superhero Jasper Jordan has finally found his cape. He was wearing it all along.”
“It’s so good to know that he will be able to go on keeping Capitola safe.”
“Yes, what would we do without Jasper Jordan here to protect us? And from now on, you’ll be in Lexa Woods’s hands. Also, such good hands those are. She’s got very long fingers.”
“Oh. Well, I never actually noticed, but I guess they are. Thanks, Clarke. And now, perk your ears for the new hit single from our very own global country star, Harper McIntyre. It’s called Call Me Harp-by. She’s a creative genius!”
Lexa’s first instinct when she hears the studio door open is to hide. She checks her options: Monty is holed up under his desk playing on his GameBoy Color, Octavia has barricaded herself in a corner with actual hand-carved sticks and is roaring at Bellamy in a strange language, and Murphy is probably peeing into a bin behind the pillar on the far side of the room.
She’s too slow to think of a solution in the end and she can’t do anything but flush when Clarke strolls in and heads over to her, smirk plastered on her face. Lexa only has time to save her miniature Baby Yoda from Clarke’s weapon of ass destruction before her coworker sits on the edge of her desk.
“Hey, Lexa.”
Lexa forces a polite smile, trying to focus on her outline for the day rather than the butt cheeks planted on her desk, the body attached to them, or the face looking down at her with a sly grin. “Hello, Clarke.”
“What do you think of Harper McIntyre’s new song?”
The topic confuses her, but she trudges on with a brave face. After all, she’s got opinions on Capitola’s Taylor Swift rip-off and if Anya is going to make it a point of leaving the room every time Lexa so much as mentions them, then she’s going to take this opportunity with both hands and pull out all the receipts. “Uninspired. Derivative. Oddly reminiscent of Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen.”
“Yeah...” Clarke nods pensively, letting the subsequent silence drag on for a few more seconds. “I like your fingers.”
Lexa starts at the sudden topic change and struggles to keep her blush under control under the brazen intensity of Clarke’s stare. “Yes, I- I noticed. You mentioned. On the radio, for all of Capitola to hear. Thank you, I guess?”
Clarke hums, before clicking her tongue and hopping off of Lexa’s desk. She roundabouts it until she’s right next to Lexa, thigh brushing Lexa’s arm.
Lexa tries and fails to swallow down the knot in her throat as Clarke sits on her desk again, this time on her side, crossing her legs so her feet touch Lexa’s leg.
“So a little bird told me we’re starring in a porno together.”
Lexa almost yelps, scrambling out of her chair to fasten both hands over Clarke’s mouth. “The whole world doesn’t need to know, Clarke!”
Clarke rolls her eyes, but Lexa can feel her smile under her hands. Their eyes lock, a tacit understanding passing between them. Clarke's eyes are a vivid blue, like a cloudless sky or the color of Lexa's highlighters before Anya dunked them all in a bag of manure, and it's hard not to drown in the depths of them.
"Glad to see you two getting intimate already."
They spring apart as though they were burned. Lexa sits back down on her chair, while Clarke takes a seat at her desk, which to Lexa's chagrin is right next to her own. Anya chuckles as she sinks into her own chair, propping her feet on Lexa's desk, crossed at the ankles.
"Anyway," she slams a hand over a stack of papers, making Clarke and Lexa jump in their seats, "can you guess what this is?"
Clarke and Lexa look at each other with raised eyebrows, then at Anya. Lexa shrugs.
"This is your fucking Bible," Anya says, not waiting for them to guess. "Your Dianetics.Your Loose Canon. Your gospel." At her companions' still expectant stares, Anya heaves a dramatic sigh, throwing her arms up. "It's the goddamn screenplay."
It's like the snap of an elastic band. Lexa and Clarke shoot out of their chairs to snatch the script from Anya's desk. Lexa gets there first (going to the gym does pay off after all), dribbling around Clarke, and lets out a triumphant cry before sinking back into her chair, thumbing through the pages of the heavy tome.
She stops on a random page and feels Clarke press closer to read over her shoulder.
Enter Lulu. Plumber by day, detective by night. She stops by the island and twirls a lead pipe in her right hand before sheathing it like a cowboy's pistol.
It seems it's time to read your...
Lulu puts on her shades. ZOOM IN.
...Anya rights.
Lexa balks, peeling her eyes from the page to gape at Anya.
"Anya rights? Anya rights? You can't just... Arbitrarily rename the Miranda rights. They have that name for a reason."
Anya rolls her eyes like Lexa just said something obnoxiously stupid. "I didn't just rename them, you dumbass. I fucking changed them. If you'd read the whole thing, you would know that the suspect has the obligation to remain silent. No more fucking cry babies in cuffs."
"This is..." Lexa opens and closes her mouth like a fish, trying to find a thread of logic in the midst of... Whatever fever dream she's living in right now. "I thought we were filming a porno, not a sexy cop movie. Plumber by day, detective by night? That's- it's not even remotely realistic."
"Lexa... Suspend your disbelief."
"I think it's really good stuff," Clarke chimes in, her breasts still firmly pressed to Lexa's shoulder blade.
"Thank you, Clarke!" Anya exclaims, throwing her hands up and letting them fall on her legs with a loud clap. "At least someone appreciates my genius."
Lexa rolls her eyes, but fine. Fine. She will read more; she will give Anya a chance. She opens the book on a new page, several scenes ahead.
Blondie rubs her lover's love button like she's scratching at a turn-table, making Lulu scream louder than Saoirse Ronan in Ammonite when Kate Winslet was eating her out with her neck.
Oh, fuck! You're so good at this! Almost as good as my awesome best friend and mentor Anya, even though I've never had sex with her because that would be totally gross.
Blondie stops her ministrations to look up at Lulu and smirks.
I know. After all, they don't call me DJ Diddles for nothin'.
Lexa stares incredulously from the two hundred-odd pages to Anya, wondering how grave a sin she must have committed in a past life to deserve this.
"What are you, a sex-deprived straight guy?"
Anya scoffs, yanking the script from Lexa's hands before she can do anything to stop it. "I can assure you there is no deprivation in that department."
"After reading that I am seriously starting to doubt that you've ever even seen a vagina."
"I thought it was good," Clarke pipes in once again. This time, Lexa turns to her with a raised eyebrow.
"Is she paying you to say that?"
Clarke tsks with a smirk. "I'm just smart enough to know better than to get on the lead producer's bad side."
Anya snaps her fingers and points at Clarke approvingly, and Lexa has never regretted a decision so deeply in her life.
"Anyway," Clarke resumes, standing up and grabbing her bag. "This has been fun, but I need to get going. Anya, stay classy. We'll work out the schedule this week. Lexa," she adds, her voice dropping a tone to turn into a seductive purr. She leans down, and it's all Lexa can do not to focus on how her breasts squish together and seem to become fuller and more inviting. She loses the plot when a pair of lips presses to her cheek in a kiss that is chaste, yet way too slow for propriety. "See you tomorrow."
Lexa's throat is dry as a desert as she watches Clarke leave, her hips swaying more than usual. She jumps in place when Anya clears her throat next to her. This time, she can't avoid her friend's shit-eating grin.
"No chemistry, you say?"
"Shut up, Anya," she grumbles, focusing back on her work. She has a full, five-minute newscast to prepare, she can't dawdle and joke around gossiping like some people. But then a thought pops up in her head and she turns to Anya, eyes narrowed. "Is this some elaborate plan to get us together? I refuse to be your little Love, Actually experiment."
Anya's stare is fifty shades of unimpressed. "Lexa. Don't take yourself so seriously. It's a bad look on you."
Lexa buries her face in her hands with a long-suffering sigh. Why is this her life? Why is this her best friend? Why is she hopelessly attracted to the worst, most unprofessional coworker on the planet?
"Why couldn't you find a normal hobby? Something that doesn't include me? Like baking. Baking would have been so much better."
"You know," Anya drawls almost nostalgically, "I actually considered that, but the criminally inclined baker niche was already taken up by Martha Stewart."
"She is surprisingly niche," Lexa says, intrigued.
"But she's also able to appeal to a larger audience."
"I know. It's like Punkya. You'd think a lesbian erotica magazine would only appeal to queer women and depraved straight men, but it's been selling surprisingly well amongst the straight female demographic."
Hm. Are all women secretly queer?
"Interesting," Lexa concedes, before veering the topic back to Anya's passion (and Lexa's torture) project. "So when does principal photography start?"
And there it is again, that nefarious gleam in Anya's eyes. It grows along with her Cheshire cat grin, curling and curling until it's pure, unbridled evil.
"Next week."
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I can’t lose you
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Bellamy Blake x reader
Bellamy Masterlist
Summary: Reader keeps leaving camp alone, Bellamy admits his feelings
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of death.
A/N: this is like my first time doing a flashback it’s kind of rough. (It’s italicized)
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You had been leaving camp to explore since the dropship landed. You would usually take Harper since she’s on the guard, but lately you’ve decided against that. You could handle your own, you thought. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the plants were blossoming, how could you say inside? You grabbed your knives stuffing one in your boot, and two in your front pockets.
“Miller, let me out.” You demand standing in front of the gates. “Where’s your partner?”
“Obviously not here, just open the gates. I’ll be fine. I have my knives. Please he’ll be out right behind me before you know it.” He hesitates then motions at someone to open the gates. “I won’t tell B you let me out okay?” He nods watching you leave camp.
You walk for a bit until you reach a lake that catches your eye. You sit down taking in all the smells, sights and sounds of the ground. You never thought you’d ever go to the ground. You had only heard stories about the ground and what it was like living there. Growing up on the Ark you were on the poorer side, your father was a janitor and your mother was a seamstress.
Little did you know on a fateful day you’d end up in the Skybox and eventually be on the ground. On a day like any other day your mother got sick. She was in Ark Station Medical for weeks until they believed they couldn’t help her so they sent her back home, she was going to die. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing your mother. You weren’t a Griffin or a Jaha, you were just a poor little girl from Factory Station. So you stole it, you stole the medicine that could help your mother.
You almost fully succeeded with your plan until you heard a knock on your door a day after you got the medicine to your mother. You still remember that day like it was yesterday.
“(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) open up.” a voice called from the other side of the door. You stood there looking at your mother one last time. This is it. You’re going to die because you wanted to save your mother. Your father stares at you with anger and panic laced in his eyes. “You did this. You couldn’t have just let your mother die? Now you’re going to die (Y/N)!”
Your father opened the door letting 2 guards in. One of them walks over to you putting your hands in handcuffs. “(Y/N) (Y/L/N) you are under arrest for theft of medicine.” Your father stood there watching as they whisked you out. “Bye dad.”
Multiple families were watching you intensely watching as the guards whisked away this young girl. There amongst the families were Aurora, a friend of your mothers and her son, Bellamy.
*end of flashback*
They locked you up in the Skybox and you stayed there for months, your father never came to visit you. But someone did, Bellamy Blake. Since he was a Guard Cadet, he started to visit you multiple times a week. He didn’t want you to be alone all the time. He told you about his day, he even told you about Octavia. Bellamy was the only person you had. He was the little happiness left in your life.
A few months after you were put in the Skybox, Bellamy had come like he always did. This time around he didn’t have his big smile he wore. He told you that your mother died despite your efforts. Bellamy kept coming to see you for weeks until all of a sudden he stopped showing up.
You wondered, was it you? Was it something you said? Your negative thoughts were put to rest as you heard a commotion one day, the guards walked in with a girl with dark brown hair and green eyes. It was Octavia, Bellamy’s sister. Your heart dropped as you came to a realization of what that meant, Aurora Blake was going to die and you will probably never see Bellamy again.
You weren’t alone with your thoughts very long until you heard some rustling. “Hi Bellamy. Figured you’d be here by now.” You said turning to face him.
He wasn’t the slightest bit amused, he came over and stood right in front of you with his arms folded. “(Y/N), what have I told you about leaving camp?”
You roll your eyes, looking back at the water. “To have someone with me.”
Bellamy still cared about you greatly despite him not seeing you for the past few years. He didn’t want you to throw your life away. He wanted you to be free but also inside the camp safe. Where he can protect you.
“Yes, exactly. So why are you out here alone?” You stand up dusting yourself off looking Bellamy in the eye. “I just needed some time to myself, sorry Bell.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. “You can’t keep doing this.”
“Why not? I have my knives. I'll be fine.”
“(Y/N) this isn’t some game. This isn’t the Ark.” Bellamy says slightly, raising his voice.
“I know it’s not.”
“I don’t need you getting hurt or dying on me.” Bellamy says not breaking eye contact with you.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind dying with nature.” You joke. “It’s gorgeous out here.”
That aggravates Bellamy. He could not imagine you ever dying. That’s not an option. His feelings about you are strong. He visited you while you were locked up awaiting your death. He always looked forward to seeing you, making you smile by telling you terrible jokes. He took it upon himself to tell you that your mother died when no one else was going to. Bellamy has so much love for you. Even when he couldn’t visit you anymore, he thought about you all the time. He can’t imagine his life without you.
“(Y/N). Camp. Now.” Bellamy demands pointing the way to the camp. You don’t move making Bellamy even more upset.
“You’re not the boss of me, Blake.” You retort walking farther away from camp.
“(Y/N) stop.” Bellamy said with a serious tone. You ignore him and keep walking. Bellamy runs up to you grabbing your arm causing you to spin around and brush him off. “Bell-”
“I can’t lose you.”
“(Y/N). I can’t lose you.” He says in a softer tone.
You laugh thinking he’s joking and you keep walking.
“I love you! (Y/N), I love you.” He confesses, voice raised and sincere eyes. You freeze wondering if you heard what you heard.
“You love me?” You ask, turning back to face him.
“You really think I just came down here for Octavia and not you too?”
You practically throw yourself in his arms hugging him so tight. “I love you too.”
“I’d love you a lot more if you were inside camp.” He says pulling away from you smirking.
“Way to ruin the mood, Blake.” He kisses your cheek and leads you back to camp with your hand intertwined with his.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading, likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated :) ~ Mak
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bellamyblake · 2 years
Written for the 12 days of bellarkemas prompts: Day 3-gingerbread;
canon divergence, established relationship AU
@klarkegriffin,  @queen-of-the-wallflowers15
It was rather needless to say that out of the two of them, it was Bellamy who made all the home cooked meals, no matter how hard Clarke tried to help out and follow him around the kitchen, watching as he metitiously, carefully, cut the vegitables or poured oil in the already rather warmed up pan or added spices to the bubbling meals. 
She was a child in the kitchen-a rather sweet, adorable, messy child who always went around stating “I want to help, Bell!” but ended up with two cuts and flour all over herself whenever she did try to do so.
Bellamy pretended to be all grumpy about it, but in all honesty, he was rather enjoying her enthusiasm and while he had banned her from the little cabin kitchen he had build them a few years ago throughout the year, he let her help when holidays such as the Spring festival or Christmas (which their camp still celebrated) came around and Clarke was...
well one would say rather extatic and that would probably also be a misinterpretation.
Her favorite thing was watching Bellamy make bread-he was a true poet at that and it was during one of those precious kitchen moments with his sleeves rolled up and kneading his precious dough that she had grabbed him by the elbow, turned him around, jumped in his arms and kissed him so hard he lost his goddamn mind and saw stars in the middle of the day. It was also that same evening that they conceived the little life she was now carrying in her very big, very annoying seventh month old bump.
It was also that bump that was the whole reason he agreed to having her help him with the Christmas ginger bread that they were to make for Monty and Harper’s special dinner party tonight-a celebration of both the holiday and their little boy Jordan’s first birthday.
Bellamy was already regretting his choices when Clarke dug her finger in the batter before he had even began mixing it and licked it with a loud and very satisfied moan.
He swatted her hand and furrowed his eyebrows.
“Princess, you promised!” he reminds her.
“Oops...” she says in pretend innocence as she licks her finger “Sorry, Bell.” he rolls his eyes and sighs but nods at the bag on the counter.
“Come on, pass me the flour.” she does and of course she’s so clumsy, she spills half of it on the table in that simple process and he can’t help but smile thinking about her shooting guns, leading negotiations or waving swords around all day but being an absolute disaster in the kitchen.
It’s when he starts kneading the dough that she elbows him in the ribs and gives him her biggest puppy eyes ever, going like.
“Bell....can I try too?” he sighs again, a little tiredly but also liking that she asked, picks her by the wrist and brings her between his two big arms. He rolls up her sleeves and puts her hands in the dough.
“You have to be gentle with it, like loving a little kid-” his hand falls for a brief moment to her bump and caresses it softly, then leans in and kisses her cheek, then her neck and makes her giggle.
“Bell, stop it! I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Sorry, love, I just can’t keep my eyes off of you.” he whispers and keeps caressing her bump “You carrying our kid drives me crazy.” 
“Not as much as you making ginger bread does me.” she moves up to meet his lips and they kiss like this for a while, abandoning the precious dough for a few moments before they separate desperate for air and focus back on it.”I always mess this up.” she pouts as she tries to mimick his movements.
“No, you don’t.” he promises and covers his hands with hers heping her follow him “Just like this, easy, slowly...add some flour then dig into it again-” he whispers “It has to become one solid piece but also be soft to the touch.” his hand drops to her bump again “Like this.”
“Stop calling our kid bread, Bellamy.” Clarke pouts again and he laughs a little “It’s offensive.”
“Oh, I’m sure Cassie’s the most offended kid in the planet right now.”
“We still don’t know if it’s a girl.” Clarke reminds him as she focuses on the bread and he watches her get the hang of it by resting his chin on her shoulder “So that’s rather offensive too.”
“I told you, if I’m wrong and it’s a boy, you can pick the name.”
“Yeah, at least it’d be a normal one, not something like Perseius, Ares or Zeus.” he chuckles at that and they feel the baby kick in that exact moment, making Clarke ouch a little and stop her movements.
“See, our girl agrees with me.” Bellamy points out as he rubs her tummy in a soothing manner to make the minor pain go away.
“Or our boy agrees with me!” Clarke fight stubbornly making him laugh once again. He kisses the brow between her eyebrows and because he can’t help himself, turns her face to him and brings her to his lips once more. 
He puts flour on her cheek and she on his but he doesn’t care because the only thing he wants to do is lift her up, put her on the counter and kiss her until he can’t feel her lips anymore which is exactly what he does while satisfying her with his fingers and rubbing the big bump in his pants in her leg desperate for release.
It was needless to say they are late for Monty and Harper’s dinner party but everyone compliments their ginger bread and when they ask what the special ingredient is, Bellamy smiles, takes Clarke’s hand and says “Love.”
She rolls her eyes at the cheeniess of him but brings him in for a quick kiss and feels yet again their kid kick in her stomach. She already knows he’ll probably be right and that it’s a girl since no boy of theirs could kick and demand attention that stubbornly but she hopes that at least Cassie inherits some of her father’s cooking habits because Clarke-
Clarke was a disaster.
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finnsgrin · 3 years
Period Pain - Bellamy Blake
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Bellamy Blake x reader
From my Wattpad: inanoncriminalwayy
GIF: bellamyblake
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Word count: 2,345
Published: September 24, 2021
TW: Menstruation, blood, mentions of nausea, some sexist comments, cursing
Spoilers: None
A/N: I wrote this for my lovely friend who is dealing with a rough period. I love you, C, and I hope you feel better🥺 Here is some Bellamy fluff for you! Also, I didn't proof read this, so, sorry for any mistakes!
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Punching the number code into the keypad, you grumble to yourself as Murphys words ring in your head.
"God, why are girls even allowed on the scouting team? They're always too busy checking their hair. Why don't even need guns to fight off the grounders. We have (Y/N) here to scare them off. Is it just me, or is she crazier than usual today?" Murphys sexist comment was delivered with a smirk.
It probably didn't help your case that in response to Murphys asshole comment, you lunged at him, and hit him hard in the face with your elbow.
"IS THAT CRAZY ENOUGH FOR YOU MURPHY, IS IT?!?!" You had screamed at him.
You would have done some significant damage if Lincoln and Miller hadn't pried you off of Murphy.
"See what I mean? Crazy bitch." Murphy mumbled that last part under his breath, and it was a good thing Lincoln and Miller had both of your arms pinned behind your back, or you would have attacked him again.
"Murphy, enough!" Kane had hissed. He was head of the scouting group today, and it was too damn early for any of this nonsense.
"Murphy, you're on latrine duty." Kane continued, snatching the walkie talkie from Murphys hands.
"What?! That's so not fair!" He retaliated.
"What's wrong, Murphy? Not man enough to do it?" Harper smirked from her post, and Murphy shot her a death glare.
Murphy was still sulking as he walked out of the room, and you breathed a silent sigh of relief that he was gone.
You had to admit, Murphy had some balls saying something like that. Todays scouting group consisted of you, Miller, Lincoln, Monroe, Harper, and Octavia. Any one of you could easily take Murphy on. In fact, Harper had beat him in a sparring match just last night. What drove him to say such a thing was beyond you, but, Murphy usually never thinks before he speaks, so, It didn't entirely shock you.
What you had even done to warrant such a comment was beyond you. You had barely spoken two words to anyone that morning. Your guess was that Murphy was just talking to hear himself.
"(Y/N), you're off too. I want you to go back to your quarters, and get some rest." Kane continued.
The two men let go of you, and you shook your head quickly.
"Sir, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I promise, I-"
Kane cut off your apology by holding up his hand.
"(Y/L/N), you're a good kid. I've never had any troubles with you before. Honestly, Murphy had it coming. He's said one too many misogynistic comments. I'm not allowed to punch kids, so, thanks for doing it for me." Kane gave you a small smile, and everyone in the room let out a laugh.
"So, if I'm not in trouble, why are you kicking me out?" You questioned, confused.
"You're pale as hell, (Y/N)." Miller answered for Kane, and Kane nodded in agreement.
"I feel fine." You said.
Okay, that was a lie. You felt like complete garbage. You were nauseous, and achy, and your skin was cold and clammy.
"Seriously, go get some rest. We'll have someone else take over for you." Kane extended his hand to you, beckoning you to hand over your walkie talkie.
You sighed, disappointed that you were missing out on todays scouting mission, but, admittedly, also kind of relieved that you could just go lay down and take a nap.
Everyone shot you looks of pity as you exited the room. You loved scouting missions, and everyone knew it. This was the first time you would ever missed one.
On your walk back to your dorm, you spotted Jackson, who gave you a friendly smile.
"Hey, (Y/N)! I thought you were on a scout?" The doctor took a moment out of his busy schedule to converse with you.
You sighed heavily, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you fought off an approaching headache.
"I was, until they sent me away. Said I looked sick." You used air quotations on the last two words, rolling your eyes.
"I'm gonna be honest. From a medical professionals point of view, you look like hell, (Y/N)." Jackson rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Gee, thanks. Is that your official diagnosis?" You scoffed.
"Just being honest. Come to medical if you start to feel any worse. Drink lots of fluids." Jackson gave you a quick pat on the back as he hurried off to help an injured man who was being carried in.
Your footsteps feel heavy, and you sway a bit to the side. Maybe it was a good thing you were being sent home.
Your boyfriend, Bellamy, was working with Clarke, Abby, and Monty today as they discussed the plans of rationing, and you were grateful he wasn't in your shared room to see you in such a state. He had so much to worry about, and you didn't want to add any stress to his plate.
When you enter your room, you kick off your hunting boots that were just a little too tight. It felt good to have your sore feet be free.
Your queen sized bed that you share with Bellamy is still a mess from the hurry you two were in this morning to get to work. You curl onto Bellamys side of the bed, breathing in his comforting scent of gun powder, and pine.
A deep ache resignates in your abdomen, and you groan, flipping onto your side and curling in the fetal position. Maybe you were catching the nasty stomach bug that was going around Arkadia.
You sigh as the pain eases, and close your eyes as you fall asleep.
When you awake, your mouth is dry, and the pain is worse. You remember Jacksons advice on staying hydrated, and sit up to get a glass of water.
You feel wet and sticky, and you wonder if you had sweat through a fever. You groan, and stretch. The clock on the wall says it's 12:15. You've been asleep for almost four hours. Bellamy sometimes comes back to your room for lunch, and you two talk about your day so far.
When you stretch, you feel something warm tricked down your leg, and you freeze in your tracks.
"Shit." You curse as you look down.
Your eyes are met with a dark trail of blood running down to the floor.
You whip around, and gasp when you see the giant blood stain on the white sheets. Bellamy could NOT see this.
You begin tearing the the blankets and pillows off of the mattress, your heart pounding as more blood pools at your feet.
The door gives a beep as it is unlocked and opened. It's too late to remake the bed.
Bellamy walks in, two plates of lunch balancing on his arm. Today, it's mashed turnips, and boiled deer meat.
He smiles as he walks in, but his face falls as he's met with your panicked expression, and the bloody bed sheets.
"Babe, what happened, are you okay?" He quickly sets the food on the desk in the corner of your room, and makes his way to you.
"I-" Before you can even say anything else, tears begin to uncontrollably fall from your eyes, and you break down into sobs.
Of COURSE it's your period.
On the Ark, people with periods were given a shot every three months to stop their period, as the Ark was incapable of providing pads and tampons to everyone. Sometimes, if they were low on the vaccine, you were given menstrual cups, but, in all honesty, that rarely happened.
Now that you were on the ground, there was no way to make the medicine, and Mount Weather had been blown up last week, so those with a uterus were being hit hard and fast with their period.
"Oh, princess." Bellamy took you into his arms, holding you close, and rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
"I'm - I'm sorry. I'll - I'll clean it up." Your words were broken as your emotions ran rampant. You were in pain, and felt sick, and you were so embarrassed.
"No, no, don't even worry about it. You go get in the shower. We'll have some cuddles when you get out. Does that sound nice?" Bellamy whispered in your ear, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
You pulled back, shocked by his words.
"You forget I helped raise my sister for 15 years." Bellamy chuckled as he gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I picked up some soap and put it in there last night. Take your time." His eyes were kind, and he wiped away your tears with his thumb.
"Thank you, Bell." You whisper.
If you had the energy in you, probably would have burst into tears again right then and there.
The walk to the shower is short. It's only a few feet away, but drops of blood still litter the floor.
You turn on the water, and wait for it to heat up.
As you strip, you almost pass out from the amount of blood in your pants.
Seriously, there was probably enough blood there to heal a dozen mountain men from radiation poisoning.
You take a deep breath in an attempt to control your nausea, and step into the shower. The water feels nice as you let it run over your body, cleaning you of sweat and blood.
The comments from earlier this morning make sense now. Looking pale, the mood swings, the dizziness...
You wash yourself with the soap Bellamy had brought home, and turn up the heat of the water in a desperate attempt to soothe your contracting muscles.
You were in the shower for maybe 10 minutes, just trying to wash away the grossness you were feeling, when you hear a knock at the door.
"Babe, can I come in?" You hear Bellamy on the other side.
"Yeah." Your voice is small, and you hear the door open.
The sliding glass door to the shower is fogged up from the heat of the water, but you can make out Bellamys clothed figure in the doorway.
"I put your pajamas by the fire outside so they could be a little warm. There's also some thick cloth, and clothes pins you can use to make sure you don't bleed through anything." Bellamy sets your clothes on the toilet seat.
"Thank you." You whisper.
Bellamy gives you a smile, a nod, and closes the door.
You stay under the hot water as long as you can until it manually shuts off. There's only so much heating the Ark can power.
You frown as the water turns off abruptly, and quickly dry off before blood can start flowing again.
The cloth and clothespins pinned to your underwear aren't very comfortable, but they're better than nothing, and it gives you some peace of mind knowing that you won't bleed onto the sheets again... hopefully.
The pajamas Bellamy set out for you are a pair of dark sleep shorts, and one of Bellamys shirts.
The warm clothes feel lovely against your skin, and you smile at the small act of kindness your boyfriend thought of for you.
You make sure your soiled pants are in the dirty laundry hamper before you exit the bathroom.
Bellamy isn't in his usual work clothes which consists of a bullet proof vest, and dark pants, and thick and heavy boots. He's wearing a pair of boxers, and an old tee shirt.
"I took the rest of day off of work so I can help take care of you." Bellamy explained before you could speak.
You give a small smile, and cross over to the bed where he's laying on. The sheets are fresh and clean, but he's laid a black towel on your side just incase of any accidents.
"That's sweet, Bell, but you didn't have to do that." You smile, and plop down next to him.
He immediately takes you into his arms, holding you close to his muscular chest.
"Octavia told me what happened today. How you freaked out at Murphy."
You open your mouth again, ready to defend your actions.
"I'm not gonna scold you. The shit probably deserved it." Bellamy chuckled.
You smiled, curling in deeper to his chest.
You liked how nothing was ever too serious with Bell. He didn't pressure you to talk when it wasn't serious.
A sudden wave of pain overtakes your entire body, and you flinch, a small scream protruding from your lips.
"Babe, babe, are you okay?" Bellamys eyes are flooded with worry, as you clench your eyes shit, your face contorted into pure pain.
You curl tightly into a ball, and your hands instinctively go to your stomach, where you wish you could rip out your uterus right then and there.
Bellamy sees where your hands are, and he takes his hands to replace yours. His hands are large, and warm. He gently lifts up your shirt, and begins to massage at the tense muscles  contracting beneath your skin.
"Jesus, babe." He whispers as you whimper at the contact.
"It hurts, Bell." You groan, tears rolling down your cheeks and into your ears.
Bellamys heart breaks at the sight of you. The girl he loves in pain. He would take it all from you in a heartbeat.
"Do you want me to tell you a story?" Bellamy speaks softly as he runs away at a knot in your stomach.
You nod, feeling a little sleepy. The hot shower relaxed your body, and stories always help relax your mind, especially when Bellamy tells them. His voice is just so soothing.
You nod, yawning.
Bellamy begins to tell a story about Aphrodite. He loves telling you stories about the goddess of beauty, because she reminds him so much of you.
You slowly lull off to sleep as Bellamys hands massage away your cramps, and his voice soothes away all of your worries.
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hd-junglebook · 2 months
Edge of exile
Part 4
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The sterile lights of the med bay glinted off the metal instruments surrounding you and Abby as you worked feverishly to tend to Clarke's wounds.
Despite your reluctance to delve into the world of medicine, your mother's legacy loomed large in this moment, her medical knowledge proving to be an unexpected lifeline.
As you navigated the labyrinth of tubes and monitors, memories of your mother flooded back to you. She had been your guiding light, your mentor in the art of healing.
But when she passed away tragically when you were just fourteen, the world seemed to crumble beneath your feet.
In the wake of her death, you abandoned your dreams of following in her footsteps, the pain of loss too raw to bear.
Instead, you sought refuge in the world of machinery, finding solace in the intricate dance of gears and the rhythmic hum of engines.
But now, as you stood at Clarke's bedside, your hands steady despite the tumult of emotions swirling inside you, you couldn't help but wonder if perhaps fate had other plans in store for you.
Could this unexpected turn of events be the catalyst for a new beginning, a chance to honor your mother's memory in a way you never thought possible?
"Y/N, I need saline and a pressure dressing," Abby's urgent voice cut through the tension in the room, pulling you and Jackson away from the table. Without hesitation, you both moved to gather the supplies, allowing Abby and Clarke a moment of privacy.
Major Byrne entered the room, her expression grave. "Is she alright?" he inquired, concern evident in her voice.
Abby's face darkened with annoyance, her focus never wavering from Clarke.
"No, but she will be," she replied curtly, her eyes scanning Clarke's figure once more.
The tension in the room was palpable, making you squirm uncomfortably. You fought the urge to sneak away, instead staying close to Jackson as he guided you to the opposite side of the room.
"Okay, so this drawer has the pressure dressings," Jackson explained quietly, pointing to a nearby cabinet. "And over here is where we keep the saline bags."
As you reached for the pressure dressing, Clarke's voice drifted over from the other side of the room, explaining the whereabouts of the remaining members of the 100.
Earth seemed more dramatic than you had ever imagined. Your mind raced with questions and concerns about the grounders and the mysterious mountain men.
After Major Byrne left the room, Abby declared it best to leave Clarke to rest alone. You hesitated, torn between your sense of duty and your desire to reconnect with Clarke.
Despite the years of distance that had grown between you, memories of your childhood friendship flooded back, tugging at your heartstrings.
Drifting towards toward new friends like Harper and Miller. The easy friendship between you and Clarke frayed and faded, neither of you making an effort to salvage it.
"I think I'll stay for a bit," you finally said, your voice soft but determined. "Just to make sure she's okay."
Abby nodded understandingly, her expression reflecting a mix of concern and empathy.
"Alright, but don't stay too long," she cautioned, her hand resting reassuringly on your shoulder before she left the room.
As you settled into the chair beside Clarke's bed, a flood of emotions washed over you. "Can I ask you something, Clarke?" you said gently. Clarke smiled, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. “What happened to you guys?”
"So many people have died. So many people have changed. I thought we could do it, build a life on the ground. But it's not what we imagined.”
You listened quietly as she recounted her struggles with Bellamy, - the struggles to build a camp and find food, the constant threat of Grounders attacking, the losses they suffered.
She explained meeting Anya and the tentative peace treaty, then the new horrors of the Mountain Men, who had been capturing their people.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" You murmured softly, unsure if she could hear you.
"Yeah, it has," she replied, her voice hoarse but filled with warmth. "I've missed you."
The sincerity in her words caught you off guard, stirring something deep within you. Despite the years of silence and distance, you realized that the bond you shared with Clarke was still there, waiting to be rekindled.
"I just wish I had one person I could really trust to help me figure this out," Clarke said.
"We'll figure this out together,” you said to her, feeling pity take over you. Clarke managed a grateful smile, meeting your hand in a fist bump.
It had been hours since you left Clarke in the med bay, finally deciding to return to your room and seek some much-needed rest. The weight of exhaustion hung heavy upon you, you had been awake for 24 hours.
You drifted into a fitful sleep, the sound of your book crashing to the ground jolted you awake. The harsh slam echoed in your ears, pulling you back to consciousness.
With the sun now casting its warm glow through the windows, you roused yourself from bed and changed into a more comfortable attire of jeans and a singlet.
The promise of fresh air beckoned, and you made your way out to the yard, hoping it would help clear the fog of sleep from your mind.
Just ahead, your eyes fell upon Clarke in the distance. You picked up the pace, hoping to catch up to her and check in on how she was faring. But as you drew closer, you noticed a group standing a few feet away from the front gate.
And there, at the center of the group, stood Bellamy Blake, his arms outstretched in welcome. Your heart sank at the sight of Clarke rushing into his embrace, their reunion unfolding before you.
You stopped short, an uneasy feeling creeping into your chest at the sight of Clarke wrapping her arms around his figure tightly as they reunited.
From the moment you first laid eyes on him, you had been drawn to Bellamy, the rebel king of the delinquents. There was something magnetic about him, an irresistible charm that belied the rough edges of his exterior.
Despite the turmoil within your own heart, you couldn't help but admire the strength and determination that radiated from him.
Watching Bellamy and Clarke now, you took a deep breath and pushed away the envy rising within you. Clarke needed him, you told yourself.
He was just comforting a friend, nothing more. You tore your gaze away from them and focused on the others in the group, figuring it was best to ignore it and start a conversation.
As Bellamy explained the situation with Finn, Clarke's expression shifted to confusion. Finn's reckless behavior, driven by his belief that
Clarke had been taken by Grounders, sparked a flare of irritation within you. It seemed like there was always some new drama unfolding with this group, ever since you set foot on Earth.
Part of you longed to distance yourself from their constant chaos, to avoid being swept up in the whirlwind of their troubles.
But Clarke's insistence that all hands were needed to find Finn on a near suicidal mission shattered your resolve. You knew you couldn't abandon your friend in her time of need.
With a heavy sigh, you resigned yourself to yet another perilous journey into the unknown, steeling yourself for whatever challenges lay ahead.
Thirty minutes after the initial plan was made you, Clarke, and Bellamy converged at the gate towards the back of camp Jaha, the tension in the air crackled with urgency.
Octavia’s swift arrival, accompanied by Wick and Raven’s efficient shutdown of the electric fence, added to the sense of urgency as you prepared to venture into the woods.
The group moved swiftly through the trees, you found yourself falling into step beside Octavia, the younger Blake sibling.
Despite not having spent much time together, her fiery energy immediately intrigued you. Her confident stride and determined gaze spoke volumes.
"Octavia," you greeted her with a nod, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Looks like we're in for another adventure."
She returned your smile with a nod of her own, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Wouldn't have it any other way," she replied, her voice tinged with determination.
The two of you soon struck up an easy banter, exchanging light-hearted jokes and observations, it was a good distraction from worrying about your uncle and his whereabouts.
Ahead of you, Clarke's voice pierced through the chatter, her worried questions directed at Bellamy.
"Where do you think Finn could have gone? Is he alright?"
Bellamy's calm reassurances did little to ease Clarke's anxiety, and you couldn't help but detect a hint of his own exasperation with the situation.
His jaw clenched slightly as he replied, his gaze flickering towards the dense foliage ahead.
"He's resourceful, Clarke. We'll find him," Bellamy said firmly, his voice tinged with determination.
As Octavia peeled away from you to assist Clarke, you found yourself standing beside Bellamy, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.
With each step closer to him, your heart pounded in your chest, the nervous anticipation building with each passing moment.
"Trouble in paradise?" you quipped as you came up beside him.
Bellamy shot you a wry half-smile. "What gave it away?"
You laughed, the sound seeming to briefly lift the burden of stress from Bellamy's face. Your steps slowed, both lagging a little behind the others as you fell into easy conversation.
Darkness descended upon the group, enveloping the forest in its velvety embrace, the stars emerged one by one, casting their gentle glow over the landscape. The sight of the twinkling constellations never failed to fill you with a sense of wonder and awe.
You continued to walk alongside Bellamy and the others, the rhythmic rustle of the leaves and the soft whisper of the wind through the trees brought you a sense of comfort and familiarity.
It was a stark contrast to the sterile confines of the Ark, a reminder of the beauty and resilience of the natural world.
The darkness made it almost impossible to see, you and Bellamy took up your positions for the first watch, your senses on high alert as you scanned the darkness for any signs of danger.
Your figure faced outwards, towards the tree line, ready to react at a moment's notice to any sound or moved a little too fast for your liking.
Behind you, Clarke, Raven, and Wick sparked up a conversation, their voices mingling with the gentle hum of the forest.
You heard Bellamy give a long sigh. "We shouldn't have engaged them like that in the first place. We're not ready for a direct fight."
"Bell, we didn't have a choice," Octavia argued. "They weren't exactly open to negotiation."
Bellamy’s voice was gentler when he responded, "Maybe not, but we should've been more prepared. Set up defenses, secured a better position. Instead, we just rushed in half-cocked and look how that turned out."
A brief silence fell. You kept your gaze trained on the dark trees, hyperalert for any sign of movement. But the woods remained still.
Clarke sighed. "I hope we can still find some way to make peace with them eventually. The fighting has to stop."
Bellamy gave a sarcastic laugh. "Good luck with that, Princess. We're invaders in their land, they're not just going to forgive and forget."
"Maybe not," Clarke admitted. "But there are good people among them, like Lincoln. There has to be a way for us to coexist."
You smiled at that, Clarkes determination to make this work was admirable, even while knowing Bellamy's skepticism was justified.
Dawn broke into the sky above all of you, painting the sky with hues of gold and pink, Octavia roused the group from their slumber.
Octavia led the way with a sense of urgency as the four of you trekked deeper into the woods. She moved with urgency, desperate to get to Lincoln's village.
The forest was alive with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves as you walked in companionable silence, each step bringing you closer to the unknown.
You walked in companionable silence, Clarke flanked Octavia at the front, while you and Bellamy took up the rear, your senses on high alert for any signs of danger.
You came upon a gurgling river, its crystal-clear waters shimmering in the morning light. Without a word, Octavia halted, shrugged off her pack and knelt by the water's edge, splashing water on her face.
Following her lead, the rest of you followed suit, taking a moment to rest weary feet and replenish your water supplies. But too soon, Octavia was urging you all onward, her worry for Lincoln evident in every line of her face.
With another hour of walking, the group finally arrived at the statue outside of Lincoln's village.
Octavia's breath caught in her throat as she searched frantically through the brush, her desperation mounting with each passing moment.
“The reapers came from there. I couldn't save him, Bell. I couldn't save him,” she reached out to Bellamy allowing him to wrap her arms around his figure.
Clarke approached them, her voice steady and reassuring. "Don't worry, we'll find him."
You stood there, watching the scene unfold, you couldn't bring yourself to offer false promises of reassurance. The truth was, you had no idea if Lincoln was even still alive.
The four of you resumed your hike, the weight of uncertainty hanging heavy in the air, you couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the surrounding scenery.
The towering trees loomed overhead, their branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms, while shafts of golden sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.
Each step felt like a struggle against gravity, your muscles burning with exertion as you pushed onward, determined to find John and Finn.
Another hour passed in a blur of sweat and exhaustion, the rhythm of your footsteps echoing through the silent forest. It had been about two hours since leaving Lincoln's village, yet there was still no sign of the missing pair.
The sky above seemed to mirror Octavia's mood; the once vibrant blue now obscured by dark, brooding clouds. The threat of rain hung heavy in the air adding to the already tense atmosphere.
Octavia spotted a sign spiked into the ground and called you over to inspect it. Scrutinizing the foreign language etched into the weathered wood, you puzzled over the cryptic markings, furrowing your brow in concentration.
"Any ideas what it says?" Octavia asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
You shrugged, a wry smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Beats me. My best guess? 'Keep off the grass' in Grounder."
Octavia snorted with laughter, shaking her head. "Somehow I don't think that's it."
Before you could reply, shouting erupted from behind the forest, followed by the unmistakable sound of gunshots reverberating off the trees.
Your three companions immediately ran towards the commotion like adrenaline-junkies, leaving you standing there in exasperation.
You threw your hands up in exasperation. "Oh sure, run towards the murder sounds! That's perfectly sane behavior," you called after them sarcastically.
With a resigned sigh, you took off in pursuit, muttering under your breath about the recklessness of your friends. Bursting into a small clearing, you skidded to a halt at the chaotic scene unfolding before you.
Finn stood facing your group, eyes wild, his gun still aimed at the villagers who cowered in fear.
You tensed instinctively, your heart pounding in your chest as you assessed the situation. Finn seemed past reason, lost in whatever traumatic visions were haunting him. One wrong move could set him off completely.
Clarke stepped closer to Finn, holding up her hands in a calming gesture.
"Finn, it's us. It’s Clarke."
Finn's aim wavered, his breath coming in panicked gasps as he stared at your group with wide, unseeing eyes.
"I found you."
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oceanna1919 · 3 years
I Am Becoming Death {1X10, part 2}
SMUT ALERT!! If you want to skip it, don't read when you see this symbol (**)  Enjoy!!
‘’ There's five to a clip. Let's go. We need to get these guns on the wall.’’ Bellamy ordered as me, Raven, Jasper, Monty and Harper worked on getting the guns ready. There isn’t a cure to this fatal virus. The grounders used it to weaken us and they are attacking tomorrow morning.
‘’ Why just five?’’ Monty asked confused.
‘’ We're running out of gunpowder.” Bellamy informed casually and I rolled my eyes.
‘’ Oh, we're so dead. Maybe we should just give up.’’ I said sharply and Jasper turned to me with a playful smile, making me raise my eyebrows.
‘’ Don't worry. I got your back.’’ He flirted and I heard Bellamy growled from beside me.
‘’Hey watch it!’’ Bellamy warned him and I took his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. Jasper looked at Bellamy bored.
‘’You don’t tell me what to do.’’ Jasper said glaring at Bellamy and he of course glared back. His jaw clenched a couple of times.
‘’ Hey, guys, stay focused. We're doing good. We need as many rounds done by dawn as we can.’’ Raven said, looking between the two of them. They continued to glare at each other without doing anything. I snapped my fingers angrily and I glared at Bellamy and Jasper.
‘’Back to work.’’ I ordered them and they get back to work with one final angry glare. Suddenly the tent opened and Finn entered.
‘’ It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot. What do we need to build a bomb?’’ Finn  asked quickly looking at Raven at the end.
‘’ Depends on what you're trying to blow up.’’ She said confused. Where he was going with that?
‘’ How about a bridge?’’ Finn asked with a small smile.
‘’ What are you talking about?’’ Bellamy asked him, kind of irritated if I may add.
‘’ Murphy says he crossed a bridge on his way back here from the Grounders' camp.’’ Finn informed us, before turning to Bellamy.
‘’ Sound familiar?’’
‘’ Yeah. So what?’’ Bellamy asked, sounding more irritated.
‘’ So the virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge won't stop the attack, but the longer we can delay it, the more of us will be able to fight.’’ Finn had a good point, but I don’t think his plan was going to work.
‘’Finn. Even if Murphy is telling the truth’’ I started, doing air quotes when I said ‘if’
 ‘’and that's a big if, that bridge has survived a nuclear war and ninety-seven years of weather.’’ I finished shaking my head softly.
‘’ It won't survive me.’’ Raven said confidently. Oh boy.
So Bellamy left with Finn, Jasper and Raven to get the liquid hydrazine from the drop ship explosion. I decided to stay with Octavia at the dropship and help the others. About 2 hours later, 4 delinquents brought in another figure. When I saw who it was, my eyes widened and I gasped. I felt my throat tightening and my mouth become dry.
‘’ Bellamy.’’ I whispered shocked.
‘’ Clear some space. Lay him down.’’ I ordered quickly, trying to stay as calm as possible. They laid him on some makeshift bed and he immediately started coughing blood.
‘’Move!’’ I yelled, rushing to him and turning him to the side, patting him on his back. When he finished I turned him on his back again, I took his head in my hands and I looked at him with tears in the corner of my eyes.
‘’Jas… I’m scared.’’ He admitted and my heart cracked a little bit. I caressed his face lovingly.
‘’I’m here Bellamy. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.’’  He nodded and I saw tears falling, making me cry too. I didn’t want him to die. This moment I realized that I really loved him. I really loved Bellamy Blake.
‘’Octavia, I need something to clean his face with.’’ I said quickly, wiping away my tears, looking at Octavia. She had tears too scrolling down her face.
‘’ Hey big bro. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise’’ Octavia said as she cleaned his blood from his face with a wet cloth. Bellamy smiled weakly, before coughing up more blood, making me and Octavia panic even more. She patted his back, making him throw up more blood.
‘’ That's what I said to you the day you were born.’’ He told his sister with a small smile.
‘’ I know. You told me that, like, a thousand times.’’ She said, nodding her head. Bellamy put his hand upon hers and looked at Octavia.
‘’ I'm glad you're here.’’ He admitted and I smiled at them. They absolutely loved each other, but Bellamy is over-protective and annoying sometimes, may I add and Octavia doesn’t like that, at all, so they are always arguing.
‘’Octavia, we need you!’’ Someone shouted and Octavia let out a small sigh. She looked at me as she was asking permission to go and I nodded. She looked one last time at Bellamy and after she left. He looked so fragile with pale skin, sweat, tears and blood all over his mouth. I took the wet cloth beside his makeshift bed, swiping his mouth with it gently. I could feel his eyes on me all this time. When I finished cleaning up his mouth, I finally looked at him.
‘’ Get some rest Bellamy.’’ I told him, caressing his face softly. He took my hand weakly, moving his thumb across the palm of my hand.
‘’I don’t want to close my eyes.’’ He whispered, making my heart tightening a little bit more.
‘’Why not Bellamy?’’ I asked him, my voice cracking, using my other hand to stroke his hair.
‘’I don’t want to close my eyes and never open them again, Jasmine.’’ He whispered and his voice sounded so weak. I took my hand from his hand and I stopped stroking his hair. I went behind him and I took his head, placing it gently on my laps. I took his head and kissed his cheek.
‘’ Bellamy I’m not going anywhere. I swear it. And you’re not going to die. You’re not going to get rid of me, so easily’’ I said trying to lighten up the atmosphere a little bit. He let out a small laugh and looked up at me.
‘’ Jasmine, I’m so lucky to have you by my side.’’ He said, closing his eyes. I started stroking his hair with a small smile until Bellamy fell asleep.
‘’Get the hell away from me!’’ I heard a familiar voice saying as I was checking some girl’s pulse. I turned my head in its direction and I saw Bellamy slapping away the cup of water Murphy tried to give him. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that Bellamy was alright.
‘’Bellamy you’re sick. I’m just trying to help.’’ Murphy said trying to convince him. I saw blood starting to drop from his nose and Murphy took a cloth, trying to offer it at Bellamy, but he just starred at it.
‘’Hey Murphy, I got this!’’ I exclaimed as I approached them. I took the cloth from Murphy and got on my knees. I gently wiped away the blood, smiling at Bellamy and he smiled back, before glaring behind me, at Murphy.
‘’When I get better, if you’re still here-‘’ Bellamy started, but I cut him. We didn’t need any more fights at this moment.
‘’Bellamy, please. Stop” I begged him weakly. He looked at me and he let out a sigh. I took the mug from Murphy with a forced smile and a got a genuine in return. Murphy left as I sat beside Bellamy, giving him the mug. He drank the water in one shot and swiped his mouth with his sleeve.
‘’ How are you feeling?’’ I asked him as he took my hand in his.
‘’Relief that I’m not dead.’’ He replied half joking and I slapped his upper arm playfully.
‘’I wouldn’t let you die. I told you that.’’ I told him seriously and he looked deep in my eyes.
‘’I know. I know that.’’ He said and he kissed the back of my hand.
‘’Have you seen Octavia?’’ He asked me and I nodded.
‘’She’s asleep. She helped me a lot last night and…She gave Murphy a break.’’ I answered. He glared at the direction that Murphy left.
‘’Don’t tell me you trust him now.’’ Bellamy scowled and I shook my head.
‘’Trust? Not even close. But, I believe in second chances.’’ I said, glaring at him. Bellamy had a lot of second chances. Murphy deserves them too. He looked at me before looking away.
‘’It’s almost dawn. We better get everyone in. If we lock the doors, maybe the grounders will think we’re not home.’’ He said and I looked at him with raised eyebrows.
‘’Not everyone is sick Bellamy. ’’I informed him and he rolled his eyes.
‘’I know Jas, but better sick than dead.’’ Oh now I understand where he’s going with that.
‘’You don’t think Finn and Jasper are gonna pull it off.’’ I said with a fake offended voice.
‘’Do you, Angel?’’ he asked me with a pointing look. I took a moment to think. Then I got up and gave him a kiss on his lips.
‘’I’ll get everyone inside.’’ I said and Bellamy gave me a small smirk.
‘’Why? I thought you trusted them.’’ I heard Bellamy saying and I turned around to glare at him.
‘’Asshole.’’ I said and he laughed.
Αs Bellamy, Clarke and I were watching as everyone piled in the dropship, a loud explosion was heard in the distance. Bellamy tightened the grip he had one my right hand.
‘’Τhey did it!’’ I exclaimed in disbelief. I could not believe that they did it. I looked beside me, on my right and I saw Clarke looking at the huge cloud of grey some in disbelief, just like me.
‘’I am become death. Destroyer of the worlds.’’ Clarke whispered
‘’It’s Oppenheimer, The man who built the first -’’ I continued her sentence as Bellamy didn’t let me finish it.
‘’I know who Oppenheimer is.’’ Bellamy said and I saw from the corner of my eyes that he rolled his eyes. I shoved him playfully and I turned to him. I leaned up on my toes, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, only for him to kiss back eagerly as his hands found my waist. I pulled back and I shyly looked the delinquents behind me. Everybody was looking at us. Bellamy noticed them too looking.
‘’Go inside the dropship!’’ he ordered and everybody started moving inside. Clarke gave me a small smile before leaving us.
‘’I’m glad you’re alright.’’ I exclaimed unexpectedly for the 40th time or so and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back almost instantly and I leaned up on my toes, resting my head on his shoulder.
‘’I’m glad too Angel.” He said against my neck and I felt shivers running down my back. I kissed his neck softly and his breath became sharp. I smiled and I looked at him innocently as he glared at me playfully.
‘’What?’’ I asked innocently, playing with the zipper of his jacket. He shook his head and gave me a full kiss on my lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
‘’You’re gonna be the death off me Jasmine. I swear.’’ He said, making me blush.
‘’It’s them! They’re here!’’ Harper screamed as she was patrolling.
‘’Open the gates!’’ she yelled excitedly. Everyone started cheering and clapping their hands as Monty and Jasper walked into the camp. As Jasper passed me, he winked at me and I waved my hand at him. Monty smiled at me and I smiled back. Seconds later Finn followed, helping Raven walk. She was extremely pale with dry blood over her nose and mouth. She had the virus. I saw Clarke froze from behind me and I could feel her sadness. I touched Clarke’s arm gently and she looked at me. I nodded at her.
‘’You got this.’’ I smiled at her sadly and she nodded.
‘’I got this.’’ She said at Finn as she approached and he followed her into the dropship.
‘’Hey Jas!’’ Someone said and I turned around.
‘’Hey Jas!’’ I laughed, saying the same thing at Jasper. I just realised that we have the same nickname.
‘’You did it! Thank you for saving everyone.’’ I congratulated him with a smile and I saw his cheeks changing color. They became red.
‘’Thanks.’’ He replied and an awkward silence began. As I went to leave, Jasper talked.
‘’So you and Bellamy.’’ he said and I smiled at the mention off his name.
‘’ Yes we’re a couple.’’ I saw Jasper’s smile fall.
‘’You know that he’s not the best guy in the world. He will hurt you.’’ Jasper ‘warned’ me sharply and I rolled my eyes.
‘’Don’t worry about me, go talk to your groupies, they were waiting all day to see you.’’ I said sarcastically and I pointed behind me. Some girls were giggling, looking at him and whispering. Some girls even glared at me.
‘’What? You’re jealous?’’ he smirked and I looked at him blankly.
‘’ No, but I have one quick question. When did you become such an arrogant person?’’ I asked him with a serious face. His smirk fall.
‘’ I warned you Jas.’’ He said before turning around and going to his groupies. I rolled my eyes one more time, before deciding to go take a nap.
I was sleeping in mine’s and Bellamy’s tent peacefully when I heard a loud noise. I woke up quickly, looking around me, trying to find the source of the noise.
‘’Sorry Angel.’’ Bellamy said apologetically taking the gun from the ground and putting it in a corner. I guess it slipped off his hand and that was the loud noise.
‘’Did I wake you up?’’ He asked and I looked at him angrily.
‘’I’m so sorry Angel.’’ He apologised again and he undressed himself, keeping his boxer only. I blushed a little bit, kind of not used Bellamy taking off his clothes. He smirked as he noticed my blush and I grimaced at him, resisting the impulse to stick out my tongue like a five-year-old. I looked away instead. He took a few steps and got in the bed beside me. Instantly he opened his arms and I launched myself into them, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly, ending on top off him. Minutes later, I started moving around, trying to find a comfortable position and I heard Bellamy let out a sharp sound as he took my waist tightly and stopped me. I froze, trying to understand what’s wrong.
‘’Stop moving Jasmine.’’ He kind of growled, making me smirk, finally understanding why.
‘’Why Bellamy?’’ I asked him with an innocent smile and he glared at me. I pulled myself closer to him, my legs were laying on the outer side of his. Now I could feel his excitement, making me excited. I took the decision to do something rebel. I rubbed my crouch against his boner, causing his breath to become short. He slightly winced and closed his eyes. Suddenly I stopped moving and that made him open his eyes and looked at me in shock. I looked up at him and I saw him looking from my eyes down to my lips, my mouth was already slightly opened. He leaned in and grabbed the back of my head. He bit my bottom lip, making me moan and I felt him start grinding, making me let out a loud moan. I felt him smirking and he pulled back, starting kissing my neck and I gasped, loving the way his kisses felt. In one move, he had me underneath him, causing me to let out a small surprised yell. He smiled and looked me deep in the eyes. I noticed his eyes were a bit darker than usual and his pupil dilated.
(End of smut)
‘’Jasmine I have something to tell you.’’ He whispered, his face inches off mine.
‘’What?’’ I gulped, fearing the worst.
‘’If … If I have died today, I would have regretting one thing.’’ He whispered again, looking serious. I nodded slowly my head for him to continue talking, but he didn’t. I cleared my throat and asked.
‘’And that is?’’ He smiled and caressed my cheek lovingly and I leaned on his touch.
‘’That I love you. ‘’ he admitted and my eyes widened, almost falling out of my face.
‘’Come again?’’ I asked stupidly and he let out a small laugh.
‘’I said that I love you.’’ He repeated and I smiled. A big smile. I took his face and slapped my lips to his. I never thought that he would say these 3 words. I was kind of in shock.
‘’I love you too Bellamy” I said once I broke the kiss and he grinned.
‘’ I know Angel.” He said smirking and I slapped him playfully.
‘’Douchebag.’’ I murmured and we both smiled at each other, rubbing our noses gently together as our foreheads collided, resting on one another. He took my hands in his and put my hands, above my head and looked at me seductively. He was about to kiss my neck, the spot that makes my knees go weak, but someone entered our tent.
‘’Jasmine!’’ Octavia asked desperate and stop dead when she saw Bellamy on top off me. He growled under his breath, not happy that someone interrupted us. I pushed him and he almost fell off the bed.
‘’Octavia?’’ I asked her concerned. She looked like she was crying.
‘’Jasmine I need to talk to you.’’ She told me and I could see her blush. I nodded and I kissed Bellamy goodnight.
‘’What? You’re not sleeping here tonight?’’ he asked me with a frown. I shook my head taking a glance at Octavia. Something must be happening with her and Lincoln and I know that she needed someone by her side.
‘’Octavia. Were you crying?’’ Bellamy asked his sister as he looked at her. She looked at the ground and shook her head. I touched Bellamy’s hand gently, making his attention to turn to me.
‘’I will deal with that. I love you Bellamy’’ He nodded and smiled at me.
‘’I love you too Angel.’’ I smiled back and got out of bed. I took my handmade pillow and I walked outside with Octavia by my side.
‘’What’s wrong?’’ I asked her whispering once we were outside the tent. She shook her head and fresh tears started falling, making me feel sad.
‘’ Not here. In my tent.’’ She cried and I nodded sighing. I rubbed her back as we were walking towards her tent.
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fuckyeahbellarke · 3 years
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Flowers, Chocolates, & Something Warm
[An alternate canon fluff with a Valentine's twist set in an alternate post-2.16 future where Maya survived. - This is an older work that I reedited & added to slightly.]
[On AO3]
The day started out normal enough, except for the flowers sitting outside her tent. She doesn’t pay them much attention as she picks them up and takes them to medical. They’re an important ingredient in a healing salve for burns, after all—someone probably found them and left them where she’d surely see them.
She takes them to medical and adds them to the inventory list. Before setting them down, she puts them to her nose, breathing in the subtle, earthy smells. She’s smiling when Harper comes in for her lesson that morning.
Later, she doesn’t find anything strange about Bellamy coming in after dark with some rations for the both of them. She often forgets to eat, and he often brings her food. They’ve done this enough times now that Clarke’s already getting their space cleared in the corner as soon as she sees him with the tray.
He tells her about his day. “Miller nearly blew up on Tanner for forgetting his shift this morning, and Jasper’s been nervous all day.”
Clarke smiles. “You’ve scheduled Miller on a lot of late night watches, he’s probably getting sick of the strange sleep schedule,” she comments.
Bellamy shrugs. “I think he likes the dark,” he says then adds with a small knowing smile, “and, anyways, Harper’s always keeping him company up there.” Clarke’s eyes widen as she stares at him. His smile widens as his small smile breaks into a wide grin. "Monty too. Together sometimes."
Clarke's more amused by Bellamy knowing this gossip. She shrugs at sips at the moonshine he brought her. “Is that why she was so tired during her lesson with me today?”
And so it continues. There still aren’t a lot of them at camp—a newly established settlement away from the Ark, back at the dropship site—after more than a year apart, so Clarke isn’t always treating patients in medical. She has, however, taken to giving lessons to their residents for most minor injuries and their remedies on hand so she isn’t inundated with the small things all of the time.
Similarly, Bellamy and Octavia (with Lincoln every now and then) have held individual training courses to make sure all of the camp residents can defend themselves.
After Bellamy leaves, it’s Octavia who gets Clarke wondering. “Apparently Bellamy’s been spreading stories of Old World traditions again,” she comments when she comes into medical with new rations gathered from her group’s scouting expedition. “Jasper’s been fretting all day about what to present Maya for Valentine’s Day, and Miller’s taken Harper who knows where, not to mention what Fox and Newt are up to behind the smokehouse.”
“Valentine’s Day? The love holiday from Before with all the hearts and flowers?” Clarke’s a little confused, even as Octavia nods.
They didn’t celebrate holidays on the Ark. Well, maybe they did at first, when there were gifts to be made and time to be spent on such things, but that only lasted about thirty years, then things changed. And from what Clarke’s been told, the Grounders don’t keep the Old World holidays. They have their own now.
Octavia shrugs. “Well, to be fair, he was speaking of some old Roman saint and the beginnings of the holiday, but you can probably guess what part the rest of them were more interested.” She twirls a yellow flower in her hands. “I think Lincoln heard enough of it to believe I want to be involved some how in this madness.”
Clarke’s grabbing paper and pencil and taking inventory of their new stock. “Well, do you?” she asks.
“I don’t know,” Octavia replies. “I mean, I want him to tell me or show me that he loves me, but I don’t want it to be for some stupid Old World tradition based on a facts no one even remembers anymore except for my stupid brother who knows everything Roman.”
Clarke smiles fondly. She’s heard a lot of Bellamy’s stories, too, after all. “You could tell Lincoln that,” she says to Octavia, “or you could do something to show him how much he means to you—something all your own.”
“That’s a good idea, Clarke,” Octavia responds.
Clarke nods, focusing on the inventory in front of her, looking for the plant Octavia mentioned when she came in. “Now, where did you tell me the—” she cuts herself off as she turns around, noticing that she’s the only one in the room.
Much later, as most of the camp residents find their tents to sleep, she returns to her tent to retrieve one of her furs. Sitting amongst her bed furs lies one she does not recognize. Clarke walks over to it curiously and picks it up. It’s a shawl, she notes with a smile. As she inspects it more closely, she begins to recognize the animal it was made from. Bellamy’s prized kill the other week. A rather large big cat, they all thought at the time, with a strangely dark brown fur. No one could quite decide what animal from Before it was closest to.
She picks it up, wraps it around herself, and walks over to the large fire still burning outside. She smiles when she sees Harper, Miller, and Monty looking cozy together as well as Jasper and Maya off to the side curled into each other. Things must have turned out alright for them, she notes. She also can’t find Octavia anywhere, so that must be going well, too.
Clarke sits beside Bellamy, like she always does, and studies him closely. There's something more intimate in his eyes when he looks at her lately. His concentrated expression holds steady for over a minute before he smiles down at her. “Enjoying the warmth, Princess?” he asks loudly.
Clarke barely has to look around to see the smiles directed at the two of them. Perhaps she should have pieced it together long ago—the rest of camp seems to have figured it out long before her.
Finally, she nods as she leans against him. “How long have you been working on it?” she asks.
“’Bout a week now, ever since I told them the story of Valentinus. It got me thinking.”
“I didn’t get you anything,” Clarke murmurs.
“That was never my intention. I just wanted you to have this. You needed it, and this seemed like a good occasion—something for them all to look forward to.”
“And the flowers?” Clarke asks pointedly.
Bellamy shrugs. It’s dark enough that without the fire, she wouldn’t have been able to see the slight tinge on his face. “Thought you’d like them.”
Clarke nods. “I did. They were very beautiful.”
The next morning, she rolls over and stares at him. “What about lunch?” she asks.
“What about what?” He seems confused. Clarke figures it’s all the activity they participated in last night when they were alone.
She kisses him. “You took me lunch yesterday. How did that factor into your plan?”
“Who says it did? Maybe I just wanted to eat with you.”
Clarke stares down at him.
Finally, he cracks. “Monty was experimenting; there was cocoa in the moonshine.”
Clarke’s laugh can be heard by all.
(Original version can be found here.)
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topazy · 2 years
Silent bloom
Paring: Bellamy Blake/reader
Warnings: swearing
Chapter: 2.06
“So it’s on a loop?” You asked quietly.
Harper nodded, “Monty said it would work... I think it will work.”
You smiled weakly at her. The two of you had been kept separate from the others for the past few days, and you still hadn’t seen Monty or Jasper. Part of you was excited to see them, but you were also scared. What if they had suffered at the hands of the mountain men? How would you explain that Finn was dead at your hands? They would hate you.
A woman in a white coat entered the room and left you with new clothes. Your eyes widened as you examined the light pink jumper that had matching trousers. What the fuck? They were clothes that a child would have picked out. Regardless, you changed into clean clothes before helping Harper change. It scared you how physically weak she had become.
Since Harper arrived, she’s been taken twice to have her bone marrow removed. Fortunately, all they did to you was run a couple of tests and take blood samples. “I know it’s hard, but we need to stay strong. If Clarke could escape here, then we can as well.”
Harper shook her head, “Y/N I can’t. I’m too tired and would slow you down. But you might be able to. When they come back, I’ll cause a distraction. That will give you a chance
You quickly declined. “No, we will leave here together. I promise.”
You watched as she forced a smile and said, “okay.” She nodded, “What’s your plan?”
“We do whatever they ask of us, then-”
You were cut off by the woman in the white coat reentering the room. She eyed you both suspiciously, “when you are ready, follow me.”
You gave Harper a reassuring nod before following the woman.
When you reached a room that resembled a large dining area, Monty pulled you in for a hug, before moving to help Harper sit down. Jasper stared at you bewildered for a moment before hugging you. “I’m so glad to see you guys. “You pulled back from him, “Where’s Maya?”
“How do you know who Maya is?” Jasper asked.
“Clarke told me about her. Listen, I don’t have much time to explain.” You whispered, “We are running out of time, but I think she might be able to help.”
Jasper shook his head, “I’m not getting her into trouble.”
As you tried to explain the situation, it surprised you when Jasper walked away, refusing to listen to what you had to say.
“Clarkes already tried to explain to him what’s going on, and so have I,” Monty said quietly. “But I might be able to help.”
“All right,” you gulped. “I need a radio. The grounder army should be here soon, but I want to try and contact our people before they arrive.”
Both Harper and Monty's eyes widened at your words. “Grounder army?”
“Clarke’s made peace with the commander and they have agreed to work together to get everyone out of here. I wasn’t with them when I was taken. I don’t know if the plan is still going ahead, but Raven was working on a radio. If we had one, I could try and contact them. And right now, Maya is our best chance at getting one.”
Monty patted you on the shoulder and said, “I’ll try my best. Our people will always find a way.”
“Thank you.”
You would tell them about Finn. The words were burning at the tip of your tongue, but it wasn’t the right time.
“I was scared... when you disappeared. I thought I’d never get the chance to say I’m sorry, and I needed you to know that I love you.”
“Finn?” Hearing his voice, you looked towards the doorway of your bedroom. You jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway. “Finn?”
You found him staring out the window. “You know, I still have one of your drawings of daisies in my room.”
You leaned on the wall beside him and sighed. As a child, you’d decorate your bedroom walls with drawings of different flowers, mainly daisies.
“You're not really here, are you?” Finn shook his head. “Then why do I keep seeing you?”
“Your conscience is trying to tell you something,” he shrugged.
You ran your hand across your face and let out a sob. “What?! What is it trying to tell me? That I’m a bad person? I already know I am!”
Finn shook his head and smiled, “You're not a bad person, Daze. You just need to forgive yourself.”
“Forgive myself?” You scoffed. “You make it sound so easy. I killed you, and you were my best friend.”
“I know.”
You wiped away stray tears. “What if I can’t forgive myself?”
He shrugged, “Then you're screwed.”
You woke up in a haze with a ringing in your ears. Panicked, you tried to move but realised you were strapped to a bed. As you continued to struggle, a man with dark hair entered the room with a smug look on his face.
“What am I doing here?”
He clasped his hands behind his back and stood at the door of your bed. “Would you rather I call you Y/N or Daisy?”
“I’d rather you let me go.”
He let out a chuckle. “I’ll go with Daisy. After all, I hear it’s what your friends call you.”
You frowned.
“I’m Cage Wallace, President of Mount Weather,” he says proudly. “Why do you think you're here?”
“I’m fresh blood,” you snapped.
He let out a disappointed sigh, “would that be the only reason you are here?”
“I suppose so, unless I’m tied down because you're scared of a little girl.”
A horrid grin spread across his face. “I don’t like weak people, and you don’t strike me as weak. You and Clarke share that in common, except she doesn’t listen, but I think you will.”
You watched him pace and go back and forth. “I’m your prisoner. Why would I listen to anything you have to say?”
“Because I have something you want.”
What could he possibly offer you? Your freedom? Your friend's freedom? You don’t imagine he’d do any of those things. “And what’s that?”
“I heard you wanted a radio to speak to your friends on the outside. Good news, though, you don’t need a radio to talk to them.”
You stared at him, confused.
Cage turned and pointed towards the camera in the corner of the room. “Say hello to Clarke and Bellamy.”
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