hi do you have any hcs about sebastian? or just the ass squad in general (abigail, sam, sebastian) :D
Of course, anon! Gotta love the ass squad lol. Thanks for the ask. :) Spoilers for the ass squad obviously.
Sebastian and ASS Squad Headcanons!
It was actually Sebastian that inspired Sam to start a band! Seb knows the keyboard by the time Sam is wanting to start a band, and I imagine it was him playing something for Sam that sparked the idea!
Speaking of the band, poor Abigail had to sit through hours of Sam going on and on about what it would be like when they're famous before she eventually gave in and joined (it's not like she didn't secretly like the things Sam was talking about nooo never).
I'm on the fence about Seb being a natural ginger or not, but I do think he dyes his hair a lot. Whether it be highlights or his whole head, he and Abby do it all the time together. He mostly dyes it red or blue while Abby is emptying her bottle of purple hair dye for the tenth time that week.
Seb has modded Prairie King for Abigail to make it easier for her. She repaid him by still failing the game.
Sam annoys the hell out of Seb by calling him emo - turns out he actually finds the word annoying. It's mostly due to Sam not shutting up about it, but he also dealt with a bit of bullying in school for it. He'll still use it himself though when he's making jokes.
He does really care for Maru; he just hates to show it. Demetrius is still rotting in hell, but deep down he knows it's not Maru's fault. He takes a lot of inspiration from her inventions and has made a few models of them.
Sebastian gets along with Elliott surprisingly well. it mostly started over Elliott hearing him play keyboard and asking him about it, and from there they grew kind of close! They won't really hang out, but they talk at the saloon on Fridays, catching up on how the other is going.
Thanks to his unlikely friend, Seb listens to classical every now and then. Sam found out and has not let it go. The only reason they aren't being blackmailed into doing all his bidding is because Sam is so forgetful.
Sam is banned from Abigail's kitchen. Let's just say he set the toaster on fire, because that's exactly what happened. Abby walked in like "I smell something burning. Sam?" to see their friend freaking out trying to blow her toaster out like it was a birthday candle. He got a massive talking to after and isn't allowed within two feet of the kitchen tiles.
Sebastian has had multiple pet frogs. The kicker is nobody but him knows about them. When he was a kid, he took one home and put it in a cardboard box under his bed. It lived surprisingly well for being fed leftover dinner.
Seb is 25, and Maru is 21, so he spent very little time with his father. But the memories he holds of him are very strong. When he and Maru were little, they were a ride-or-die pair of siblings. They helped each other cheat on tests all the time. It's only when Demetrius found out and only got mad at Seb did a rift begin to form between them.
If Seb could have any other job, he would want to participate in motorsport races. I mean, he has a bike and he's Sebastian. You can't tell me he hasn't broken a few laws doing tricks.
He used to have a little thing for Sam when they first moved to the valley. He got over it pretty quick though and moved onto Abigail. But it was his "Ah shit, I'm gay" moment.
He has heterochromia. I mean this HC is mostly because his eyes don't match on his different sprites, but his right eye is green! It's usually covered by his hair, so people don't tend to notice.
One reason he hates the beach is because he got stung by a jellyfish. It hurt more than normal because he's extremely sensitive to pain. It wasn't that bad, but this HC is coming from someone who got 1 cm worth of stray jellyfish bits on the webbing between their fingers and cried. God bless the ocean.
Also, he's autistic, with a special interest in programming. This is coming from an autistic person, btw.
Tada! I hope you like these headcanons, anon. I worked hard on them. :) Also, thank you for being the first person to ask for a HC post!!
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clownsheepartsies · 10 months
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I realized i never specified on Orion's relationship with those three so i might as well
Detailed hcs + close ups under cut
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Orion + Abigail
Sibling dynamic all the way
They fight, they prank each other (and others), and they love each other
A menace to society together and apart
Orion is insistent on teaching her magic and she is ecstatic to try
They play together at the secret forest because it has the ✨vibes✨
Orion annoys Abigail everytime she's with Sebastian because she gets annoyed and it's funny
Abigail retaliates by annoying him with Sam which causes Orion to go into a little fantasy world for about an hour
Pierre won't allow Orion into the store because when he was a kid he accidentally turned him into a pigeon and started chasing him while giggling
This is how Abigail and Orion met
Also when the wizard gave him a stern talk about not listening to her Mom when she encourages him to break havoc
Abigail is the only one who Orion told about his crush on Sam
The only one he TOLD because everyone else (except Sam) noticed anyways
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Orion + Sebastian
I genuinely believe that making spells is comparable to programing
So they talk a lot about how frustrating it can be when nothing seems to go right
Vent a lot with each other about their family problems and their proyects and stuff
They tried to make Sebastian's motorcicle fly while high at least once
They landed in prison (literally)
Sebastian isn't one to ask him favors because he knows how busy he is and likewise Orion doesn't ask much of Sebas for the same reason
They're both very respectful of each other's boundaries
Sebastian's basement isn't one of them tho, Orion spends most of his time there because is comfy and he doesn't have to worry about his father barging in
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Orion + Sam
OK so Orion is head over heels with Sam
Absolutely smitten, a little cliche, whatever way you want to call it
Sam is a little too oblivious about it
Which is weird because he's not dumb but you know, somehow he doesn't even notice
Sam is constantly experimenting tunes with Orion since he is basically a magic bard
They have fun, sadly they can't do it often because Orion is often busy
Sam forgets about stuff easily and Orion helps him to keep up with them
Sam never forgets about that homework due tomorrow with Orion around!
Which sucks but is for the greater good
Orion doesn't even try to hide his feeling for Sam
In the context of the game, if you start dating Sam and you are uncomfortable with his crush, Orion will back away
Or at least he'll do his best to hide it as much as he can
He may not interact much with Sam as a result but such is life
There's another SDV oc named Orion that is shipped with Sam and i had no idea when i made the character but i find it extremely funny
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davenweenie · 1 year
I’ve spiralled into a Lab Rats hyperfixation recently and now all of you have to deal with it. I haven’t watched Mighty Med yet so some stuff about Elite Force may be wrong since I don’t know the MM characters that well yet. Most will be Chase-centric. Anyway, here are my HCs.
-Chase is trans, he is the most trans character I have ever seen you cannot change my mind.
-Adam acts like a d!ck to Chase but he actually loves him a lot and would actually kill someone for him (I stand by Adam being the cuddliest sibling)
-to reiterate the above, Adam loves hugs. He will hug anyone and any given point (Tasha is usually the victim of his super strong hugs)
-Bree loves girly stuff but when it comes down to it she can act like a classic brother (pranks, punching people in a friendly manner, bro hugging people, loogie contests, arm wrestles to prove who’s stronger etc) (THIS IS NOT ME SAYING GIRLS CANT DO THIS, it’s just that traditionally brothers do this more than sisters. This is coming from someone who has a sister and a brother)
-Bree can pick Chase up and used to always attempt to throw him like Adam does. She has not yet succeeded in throwing him farther than about a foot. Adam thinks it’s cute and hilarious.
-Leo gets along with Chase more than everyone else because they’re both autistic and they stim dance together all the time after Leo introduced it to Chase.
-Chase was forced to suppress his stims as a child because Mr Davenport wasn’t educated on autism/neurodivergence enough to realise it was helpful to Chase.
-Chase was not diagnosed with autism until Leo came along and both him and Tasha pointed it out that he is most definitely on the autism spectrum.
-Adam isn’t stupid. He just acts stupid and like he doesn’t know things just to annoy Chase and he thinks it’s funny.
-Adam has ADHD and struggles with retaining information that doesn’t interest him.
-Adam is also dyslexic and has dyscalculia (number dyslexia basically)
-Leo and Bree love reading comics together. Bree fangirls over Skylar Storm (since this is based on the seasons before Bionic Island and Elite Force. She pretends to not know Skylar when she sees her because she’s been bullied at school for liking comics before and she doesn’t want Oliver, since she had a crush on him, to know she reads comics)
-Adam and Chase can’t read comics. The colours and fonts make it hard for Adam to focus and Chase gets overwhelmed by all the bright colours with his super senses. The pages also feel very icky to him.
-Chase leans against Adam when he feels overwhelmed (this is kinda canon since we see this in the scene where Chase gets overwhelmed by the sound of the school bell in Crush, Chop and Burn)
-All the siblings play Minecraft. Chase and Leo have an amazing world together where they’ve built a whole city with really cool features. It’s their pride and joy.
-Spike doesn’t know he’s bionic and god forbid he ever finds out.
-Spike stems from Chase’s deep rooted dysphoria. Spike is everything he thinks he is not. This is why we see Spike portrayed as having a really deep voice and constantly flexes his muscles as a result of toxic masculinity.
-Chase can communicate with Spike in his head if he wants to, he just hasn’t discovered it yet because he still hates the idea of Spike taking over his body
-Chase and Sebastian definitely dated.
-TW for this one: Sebastian was abusive to Chase towards the end of their relationship, after Sebastian found out about the destruction of Krane.
-Chase falls for people easily and tends to blindly trust people because of his autism. He isn’t aware when people have ulterior motives as he’s not good at reading between the lines. (This is totally not based on me /s)
-And on that note, Chase uses tone tags all the time after Leo showed him what they were. Leo loves it. Adam is confused on what they mean and forgets the meaning so has a screenshot of what they all mean saved to his phone. Bree forgets to use them a lot because she speed types and makes a lot of mistakes but she tries her best.
-Adam is gay, he definitely went out with Owen but had to break up with him when they moved to the bionic island. They get back together once Adam realises that Owen can come to the island whenever he wants to. (I imagine this happens after the team is split up when Bree and Chase join the EF)
-Bree is lesbian. When she started school she realised all of the girls always talked about boys and dated boys, she was desperate to fit in so she tried to force herself to go out with guys. That’s why she never had a long lasting relationship. None of them ever worked out. She’s dating Skylar now (I will get more into detail about that in future posts)
-Chase is bisexual. I absolutely love this hc. He thinks girls are really pretty, and blushes every time a girl has complimented him. But he thinks boys are very pretty too. He only really realised he likes boys too when he had to pretend to be Bree at that school dance with Bree’s boyfriend (?) at the time. I stand by Chaz (Chase and Kaz) being real. They were so in love.
-Leo is pan. He’s gender blind and doesn’t care about the gender of the person he is dating. It took him a while to find a label that fits but when he finally found one (after hours of research with Chase) he was ecstatic. He asked Taylor out when he realised how much he liked her but it turned out she was dating one of the female students in secret. Leo now has a crush on Logan but is still trying to figure out how to ask him out since he’s never been with a guy before and he has a lot of past internal homophobia he’s trying to work through.
-Last one for this post, there will be a lot more. Leo’s dad was abusive which is why Tasha left him. She was a single mother for a few years before deciding to start looking for another partner which is when she met Mr Davenport. She was very picky because she didn’t want the same thing to happen to her and Leo again.
So sorry for the extremely long post. I just have so much to talk about.
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manybcdthings · 18 days
for FELIX 👪 / for NICK 👪
Felix Ranström. I'm talking about them all LOL
He has a complex relationship with all of his family members, but they all play a part in who he is. They're all influential dynamics, it's really exciting to write. Being closer in age meant he had a slight overlap of a childhood with Nina, so in some ways it's easy to say they're close to one another. But Nina worked out how to balance social enjoyment and career climbing, whereas Felix never did. He views it as wearing a mask whereas Nina views it as the easiest thing to do, so it's always interesting to me to see where they overlap and where they differ. He's not judged as harshly by Nina, either. Whereas Felix's relationship with Oskar seems really hostile on the surface. Their age difference meant Oskar was already an impressive person to compare himself to as Felix was growing up, so he sits firmly in the belief that Oskar is the favored child. However, I love the glimpses of brotherhood between them where you can see Oskar genuinely cares for Felix but doesn't quite know how to show it. Felix's admiration for Oskar can become jealousy quickly and oof it's just so exciting to write. Love it. And then there's Filippa, who was the OG black sheep in many ways. Felix is drawn to her for many reasons, firstly because he feels less alone but also because she's an interesting person. However, I love that she isn't a complete contradiction to their family and isn't this abundance of warmth and you can still see that she's wealthy and had a cold upbringing. I think it's a great contrast to write against because it's the closest thing Felix has to a warm family connection but still isn't quite as warm as actual loving families.
Nick Belcourt
I love all of them so I'm going to write about all of them but forgive me because HE'S NEW so I haven't been able to get as indepth with him yet. I think Nick definitely idolizes his mother and would be quite funny if the siblings labeled him as a mama's boy, but I think he really admires her and especially after their father's death. Nick and Sebastian's relationship is going to be really fun to explore because on the surface they're quite different but there's this unspoken bond between them that actually, it's pretty rare to see them not around one another. They even live together and me and Essie have a few HCs already that their brotherly dynamic is pretty seamless, especially being twins, we said there's moments even when they're disagreeing that they have identical mannerisms which will be funny to write. Nick and Bella, we've taken a few HCs over from Nick and Lily and I'm excited to explore them, he definitely annoys her purposely but beyond that they view the world quite similarly and have this very diplomatic approach to things. So there's definitely moments where Nick has turned to Bella for advice and he can't imagine going to anyone else for it either. For Nick and Prim, he's typical big brother with baby sister and is quite protective but he doesn't outwardly say this. He actually gets quite hurt if Prim thinks he's not cool enough to hang out with for something too.
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maveras-posts · 2 years
More✨RANDOM✨Sebastian HC
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My Random Headcanons for our Beloved Demon Boi:
Sebby is a SKILLED singer (Tho he only sings to himself)
Imagine Sebastian singing into the handle of a broom while he’s cleaning I-
Regularly buys outfits for his cats😭🤚
Is very CULTURED, has indulged in many cultured hobbies & expertise
From art, music, especially opera, literature, culinary arts and of course the ✨VIOLIN✨
It took him over a CENTURY to learn violin
Sebby couldn’t control his strength so he BROKE MANY
Would rage quit and ✨YEET✨ the violins
Will never admit it but…HE LOVES WINE
Literally after a hard day of dealing with the manor’s BS he will lovk himself in the WINE CELLAR “The master isn’t of age…can’t let it go to waste.”
Only gives him a buzz for a few moments but it gives him ✨NOSTALGIA✨ (Wine has been around for THOUSANDS of years)
Uses his powers to pull pranks on the servants (They annoy TF OUTTA him…so he scares them in spite)
Makes servants belongings appear in random places (It rly fucks with them mentally)
Lowkey tho he loves the servants and wouldn’t trade them for the world (They all are like his younger siblings in his eyes)
Sebby & Agni have so much CHEMISTRY
Sebastian doesn’t want to pursue (Is insecure that Agni won’t accept him if he knows what he is)
Honestly why Sebby doesn’t pursue anyone (Is insecure about being a demon)
Truly is not like the other demons, the others make the group look bad
Sebastian & Agni wrote letters to each other for the rest of Agni’s life (Sebby keeps them to this day)
Took it HARD when Agni passed away
Still thinks of him at least ONCE A DAY
Wonders what life would would be like if he settled down (I’m GONNA CRY-)
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We all are wondering how old his man is—HE DOESNT KNOW EITHER
Sebastian quit counting after a few ✨millenniums ✨🤦‍♀️
In Modern Day, he has a lil hobby that being… SCARING the souls of teens that play with OUJIA BOARDS
All he does is speak Latin and they freak TF OUT
Also Sebby has a few tattoos now (Has done some on himself…HE HAS TO BE GOOD AT EVERYTHING-)
Would be a ✨GOD✨ at rap battles
DEDICATED to the Wikipedia for Ciel Phantomhive
The community knows this and Sebastian basically says “Trust me bro.” for HIS SOURCE
Wouldn’t be surprised if he has written a couple books on Jack the Ripper (It’s still a case based on theory)
Is DEEP into the conspiracy theory rabbit hole
Sebby finds it funny that humans have thought of these ✨WILD THEORIES✨
Knows the answers to most, will never tell “It’s for mankind’s better good not to know…”
Hates to admit, but doesn’t mind Grelle’s company from time to time (Still keep in touch every so often)
Still has the occasional ✨TEA✨ with Undertaker
Is supportive/protector of the ✨ALPHABET COMMUNITY🌈
Lowkey feels bad for LGBTQ+
Has seen the HORRORS the group has been through during the MILLENNIUMS
Is DISGUSTED by society’s treatment of women
Has saved MANY women on the streets through the years (From assault, catcalling, harassment etc.)
MANY MEN have suffered a “Horrible demise” At least how Sebby puts it (Consumes their SOULS)
Sebastian still believes that Mankind is beautiful (Has seen both the good & evils)
“Humans are a beautiful mess.”
Finds us interesting and still finds it ✨FACINATING✨ to live among us
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
could i have hcs/oneshot (which ever format works better i’m not sure) for a g/n teenager mc whos quite quiet/shy but for some reason has decided to cling to mozie of all people. and mozart becomes a protective older brother figure for them. (maybe just maybe he lets them play a duet on the piano with him too)
thank you so much and i hope it isn’t too specific
Aww ty for sending in such a cute request!! 🥺🥺
Shy teen!MC (platonic) - Ikevamp headcanons (Mozart)
Mozart is ruthlessly cold at first. He doesn’t care about the fact that you’re shy or a teen lost in a big mansion filled with vampires, because he’s sure being around you will bring him nothing but loud trouble. Or so it seems.
He actually pities you a bit, and he feels bothered by your situation, but he concludes that he has neither the right nor obligation to step in and be the one to comfort you; especially not when the mansion is filled with people way friendlier and apt to the task than him. Nevertheless, he can’t help but soften ever so slightly whenever he comes across you. This whole situation is weighing down on you a lot, and it’s extremely obvious that you’re still uncomfortable and walking on eggshells around everyone. With this in mind, he tries to be less harsh with you (although his behavior may still come across as rude and strict), convincing himself that it’d be less troublesome and annoying than having to deal with awkward reactions later on.
Unfortunately for him though, you seem to favor him over the other residents, and you can’t help but visit him daily in the music room, bringing his favorite tea and some rouge with you so that he can take a break. He cannot find it in himself to chase you away, so the first few times he just lets you be; after all, it’s only natural that you’d seek out the comfort provided by music, the universal language. (he mostly plays happy or soft tunes whenever you come by :,))
For reasons unknown to him, you do not only spend your time in the music room whenever he’s playing, but you also slowly start to trail after him around the mansion. And not only! If he has an errand to run in the city, he’ll immediately hear you ask Sebastian for permission to accompany Mozart. The pianist is a bit shocked, but still he finds it impossible to deny your enthusiasm. You seem to feel way more comfortable when around him, and it seems to be one of the only times when you let your guards down.
Before he knows it, you’ve made your way into his heart, and as he's aware of your shyness and struggle when around others, he takes it upon himself to shield you from unwanted situations/interactions. His unusual behavior only downs on him when Arthur teasingly calls him “Big bro Mozie” (a nickname that made you giggle and almost caused Isaac to choke on his tea) and it’s at that moment when he finally realizes that perhaps he’s kind of acting like one. Too bad that he’s too stubborn to mind! (despite the evident blush on his cheeks) And as time goes by and you grow closer, he completely takes on the sibling role.
You spend a lot of time together, but his brotherly side does not only come out in public. He lets you practice with his piano, guiding you and correcting your mistakes every now and then (despite the tender atmosphere he’s still a strict teacher, mind you); at times he even proposes you play a duet together! It’s a wholesome sight that leaves everyone else with their jaws on the floor.
The day you have to go back, he doesn’t push you away when you hug him for the last time, but instead tightly returns the embrace. He’ll silently put a piece of paper with an original song composed just for you in your pocket as he pats your head with his other hand. “Don’t cry, dummy. It’s not like I’m going to die or anything” is what he says, trying to maintain his composure. Unbeknownst to you though, he’ll shed a few tears himself later on once he finally takes in the void you left behind.
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kyroscorner · 3 years
Hi! If requests are open, is it ok if i request some platonic hcs for Ciel and Alois being friends with a reader from 2020 who's like 16 and they have a big sibling-little sibling relationship? Bonus if the reader has their phone with them and they show them their favourite shows and stuff. (They/them pronouns if possible please 👉🏻👈🏻) feel free to ignore if requests are closed!^^
Hi, glad I can do this for you and quite flattered that you requested something from me. Without further ado…
✦ Your parents had been friends with each other since college, so it was only natural that you guys become close friends. You were an only child and Ciel’s twin had died, so the two of you became each other’s siblings. You would roughhouse with one another, tease each other, and pull pranks too. 
✦ When you first came out as genderfluid, Ciel immediately supportive of you and vowed to protect you against bullies. He gave a warning to everyone should they fail to be nice and respectful of your pronouns, he would set his dog, Sebastian, on them, and it worked. No one bothered you and Ciel was pleased with the results. 
✦ However, much like any other sibling, the two of you can get into some nasty fights. Usually, their pretty trivial and you end up making up with one another within a short period of time. Ciel usually starts the fights, so he’s the one that always ends up apologizing. 
✦ Ciel is not a big fan of the shows you watch, but he will watch them with you because it makes you happy. However, the two of you love to watch horror movies together. If you were bored at a party your parents had thrown, you would whip out your phone so the two of you could watch horror movies to pass the time. 
✦Ciel loves to stargaze despite hating most outdoor activities and loves to invite you to watch the stars with him. You may not have any idea what he’s talking about, but it’s cute to see him become so passionate about something he clearly loves. 
✯You and Alois met when you were in elementary school, but you used to think he was a snotty brat. The truth was he was lonely and wanted attention, so he thought that the best way to get it was by annoying you. 
✯It wasn’t until around 5th grade that he started being nicer to you, and the two of you became best friends. The two of you found out that you had similar interests in style, tv shows, and food. He loves to watch cooking shows with you and point out all of the dishes that you have to try together. 
✯Another thing that Alois loves to do with you is going on major shopping hauls. The two of you can go all day in the mall and end up buying a crap ton of stuff from all of your favorite stores. Alois has a great taste in fashion, and he has ended up helping you choose a lot of cute outfits and accessories. 
✯Still, Alois is slightly demanding of your attention, but you made it clear early one that you will not tolerate that behavior. He tries his best, but every now and then he has a slip up which he is immediately regretful. 
✯Despite bring slightly younger than you, Alois very protective of you, and makes sure that no one messes with him. He always makes sure to use your proper pronouns and that everyone else did too. 
I hope you enjoyed these fluffy headcanons!
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character ask meme YOU KNOW who im gonna say, do the terrible murder agen and yr bestest boy, that goro man ooo and klavier if u want
!!!!!!!! THEY!!!! HHHH CLINT I WOULD DIE FOR YOU…..I LOVE YOU…..♥️♥️♥️ mmm also i got excited but i’m on mobile, so. apologies for the length.
how i feel about this character: i wanted to lovepost abt chamberlain earlier, so i’m going to get a lot of it out now. george chamberlain? he is the absolute fucking WORST, second only to charlie fucking wynn; he’s just fucking TERRIBLE and such a goddamn ASSHOLE and i LOVE HIM SO MUCH! he’s fucking awful, don’t get me wrong!! but he’s also lame as goddamn HELL! because this is a man who sits alone in the dark drinking juice boxes! and he has a very! unorthodox! way of investigating a crime scene! specifically the blood samples! and he opens fire on and kicks in doors he has full clearance over! and so much more! he’s a dramatic fucking bitch with dramatic fucking one-liners because he thinks they make him seem cool and he is just a walking NIGHTMARE and i! Love!! Him!!!
all the people i ship romantically with this character: none because i hc him as aroace ;3
my non-romantic otp for this character: EREN. DAVENPORT. it’s made pretty damn clear that chamberlain and eren DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER in 3.2, but the way they bicker is unlike how he snarks at other policies. they act like goddamn SIBLINGS; chamberlain is usually so smug with others, but he just seems TIRED and ANNOYED with eren and it’s REALLY REALLY FUNNY TO ME. so!!! i have. A Few dumb headcanons abt eren and chamberlain. they treat each other like siblings and they hate each other and they make ridiculous wagers, like if eren can torture seditious policies faster than chamberlain can bring them in. another is chamberlain and caligari for similar shitty sibling reasons, and another is the switcher and charles wynn with the three of them as a post-5.10 trio because i’d just LOVE to see these three try to work together for twenty minutes.
my unpopular opinion about this character: are there unpopular opinions when there’s no fandom? hm! i like him. fjdkdjdjdb
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: MY ENTIRE BULLSHIT 100% SELF-INDULGENT CHAMBERLAIN, SCIENCE, AND CUBE THEORY????? also, after that last time in the cube, chamberlain started acting very. very weird. more so than usual. like with the straitjacket and when he was on the phone with davenport in i believe? 4.11. I THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO GO GODDAMN ROGUE. i thought he was going to fuck over HARTLIFE because of what they did to him in the cube and join the resistance out of pure spite! but no, no, he’s a static character. i? will make him a dynamic character???? i’ll give him completely undeserved character depth if i want to? fucking bite me!
how i feel about this character: i cannot for the life of me properly articulate how! much! i love love love my boy! he’s very! very!! important to me!!! i love him. i love him! i’m also sleepy so everything else from here on out is going to be fucking subpar fjdksndh!
all the people i ship romantically with this character: akira!!!! also yusuke as a cute and mild unrequited crush! and he and ryuji have some in common too!
my unpopular opinion about this character: he really and truly can be absolved of A LOT of what he did due to his circumstances and the level of manipulation from not just shido, but the other adults around him as well
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: my entire fucking “optional confidant akechi” post and basically anything else resembling canon divergence in my “crowboy tag.” among MANY other things, my boy deserved his own palace too.
how i feel about this character: he is my beautiful sunshine man and i love him sm more than capcom ever will
all the people i ship romantically with this character: apollo!! with sebastian is kinda cute too, since they both have shitty male role models and music motifs.
my non-romantic otp for this character: FUCKING EVERYBODY????? KLAVIER GAVIN DESERVES THE ENTIRE WORLD??? HE DESERVES SO FUCKING MUCH?!?????? hhnfkdjdhd but SPECIFICALLY him and trucy….fucking brother-in-law figure. OOF ALSO him and edgeworth!!!!! goddamn father figure…..
my unpopular opinion about this character: Real German fuck off
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: character development and screentime would be Fucking Stellar, Capcom!!!!!!!!! hhhhhhhh visiting kristoph in prison. yes, make me fucking Cry abt my BOY
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