#Hans Schmidt
angeltreasure · 5 months
Ariz. Church Leader Shot in Head While Preaching on Street Corner: 'In Desperate Need of a Miracle'
Let’s pray for him! 🙏🏻
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Hans Schmidt (1859-1950)
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prettylittlelyres · 27 days
Violins and Violets - Book One
Salzburg, 1784
19-year-old Katharina Schmidt is under pressure to find a husband and settle down. She and her younger brother Hans are musical prodigies who grew up travelling Europe, but now that they're older, Katharina is told to settle down and be ladylike. Hans - now on a solo tour - sends letters encouraging her to keep composing, and she does so. However, as Katharina becomes friends with other young women in Salzburg, she wonders if she really wants the same things as they do: are marriage and children really for her?
Read more about my "Violins and Violets" series here!
Follow my NaNoWriMo progess here.
See my posts about "Violins and Violets - Book One" here.
Progress: 62k / 78k
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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House Colnaghi-Abt (1927) in Riehen, Switzerland, by Hans Schmidt & Paul Artaria
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Why do we feel like this is exactly how past break ups have worked for Hans?
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tollosebio-stuff · 2 years
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After watching 40+ of his works, I've noticed the roles that he plays often fall into these five categories...
#1 - because he's German, obviously, a Nazi. The bottom two are a little niche as he plays 'unwanted Nazi admirer'.
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#2 - guy you can take home to meet your parents. He's played way too many of these—it's a given with that beautiful baby face—but these would be my top five. Bottom layer gets extra points for being a good friend to the elderly.
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#3 - opposite that is the guy your parents warned you about. It seems Daniel has a lot of fun playing these, especially the top layer, which leans on the love-to-hate category. I can't tell if it's just my distaste for The Face of an Angel, but I also considered adding Thomas Lang. Could be why Chris in Cargo made it here as well... because what even was that movie.
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#4 - now we have 'man in way above his head by the situation his political ideologies have gotten him into'. You almost always need a trigger warning for the films these characters are in as they will absolutely gut you. They're often based on real people and events. So you will learn something about history while Daniel gets tortured into a pulp.
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#5 - and finally, 'expert in his field, kind of an asshole, but hella breedable'. Most of my favorite characters are in this category... I don't know what that says about me.
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Is it cheating to place Zemo a second time? I don't care. He feels like an entirely different character.
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taylormarieee · 5 months
Kinkmas Special!
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A/N: HOLA! So, yes I know I didn't finish my Kinktober but I will finish this one! I WILL redeem myself this time. I'm not going to have as much prompts and do everyday like I did with Kinktober. So I hope y'all enjoy! There will be two. This one is all characters and on behalf of @neteyamyawne I'm making a second one dedicated to Avatar so, Enjoy!
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~Week 1~
Day 1: "I'm gonna fold you like a present"- Clapton Davis
Day 3: "Suck me like you suck that candy cane"- Finnick Odair
Day 5: "Surprise, I'm your present" - Peeta Mellark
Day 7: "Christmas Sex?" - Rick Grimes
Day 9: " Fuck that, I want you for Christmas"- Sean Anderson
~Week 2~
Day 11: "I want you under me, not the christmas tree." - Kuai Liang
Day 13: "Your on my naughty list princess." -Bi-Han
Day 15: "I wanna do more than kiss you under the mistletoe." -Mike Schmidt
~Week 3~
Day 17: "Carino, Let's have a sexy Christmas." -Miguel O'Hara
Day 19: "You wanna be on my wish list?" Rick Grimes
Day 21: " Tonight my love, I want you" -Finnick Odair
Day 23: "Fuck that christmas party, I want you on the counter, now."-Peeta Mellark
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stellasworks · 6 months
Honestly I need a fic or Headcanons that includes a reader with POTS, it’d be super comforting to see how characters would react to their s/o or their person of interest having POTS.
For those of that are unaware of what POTS is, it’s Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Basically consisting of irregular heartbeats, fainting/passing out, light or sound sensitivity (I have both) etc.
Like I wanna see characters like Mike Schmidt, Smoke/Tomas, Bi-Han/Subzero, Johnny Cage, Mileena, Reptile/Syzoth etc. (all mk1), plus more characters and how they’d take care of their s/o when their having off days of their POTS getting the best of them (if that makes sense?)
Edit: Full context I have POTS so that’s why I’m posting this
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albiorixsims · 3 months
Спасибо @rorynameless за отметку! Необычная эстафета - такого я еще не делала, чтобы не про определенный геймплей факты выкатывать, а в общем. Даже пришлось взять паузу и задуматься.
Суть: пишем пять рандомных фактов о своем геймплее и передаем эстафету пяти пользователям Tumblr.
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Я люблю, когда мои симы из разных геймплеев пересекаются. Это создает ощущение целостного мира, как будто мои герои живут на некой общей сим планетке. Сейчас у меня две основных вселенных, которые никогда друг с другом не пересекутся: обычная и оккультная. Есть несколько сохранок, которые пока не входят ни в одну. Например, текущий геймлей Free Spirit. По некоторым признакам его можно отнести к оккультной вселенной, так как присутствуют оборотни, поэтому я не исключаю, что Грегу укус Райли как-нибудь аукнется в основном оккультном сохранении, но в истории самого Райли то что он стал оборотнем не главное.
На днях я накидала сюжет для 25го по счету геймплея, но фактически у меня в процессе сейчас 23 (в блоге далеко не все пока что, большая часть переезжает из ts3 и начинается заново). Нет ни одного законченного и не будет, наверное - ненавижу, когда истории заканчиваются и не только мои, поэтому когда-то открытие для себя существования фанфикшена стало моим спасением, чтобы не расставаться с любимыми персонажами))
Из предыдущего пункта вытекат следующий факт: я не умею расставаться со своими главными героями, поэтому династии это не мое, если только это не вампирская династия, где все поколения остаются живы. Я даже придумала себе челлендж, где прямо правилами прописана смена поколений, но в итоге так и застряла на первом.
У меня есть очень странная особенность - я обажаю падать в предистории, поэтому в части моих геймплеев повествование даже еще не дошло до "истинного" главного героя, потому что я застряла на отыгрывании истории его родителей xDD.
Люблю делать всякий графический контент для своих геймплеев (баннеры или заставки с отсылками к поп культуре, играм, мультикам и т.д: a few moments later, таков путь, fatality, все вот это). Особенно баннеры, это прямо уже ритуал. Если у геймплея ещё нет баннера - я не начну его постить.
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*это кстати возможно спойлер, потому что Эван пока еще на такой плакат "разыскивается" не попал в отличие от Лондона.
Передаю эстафетную палочку @madfeary, @serenasims, @watermellonfizz, @youroselion и @edyavtostopom
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Prince Isolder: Hey Solo. 1996 called. It wants its clothes back. Han Solo: Hey Isolder. 2090 called. You're dead and you wasted your time on Earth.
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Hans Schmidt (1859-1950)
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prettylittlelyres · 5 months
Ladies Don't Write Music - 15th November 2023 - update
I'm on track for NaNoWriMo because I hit 25,000 words for the month today! I'm so pleased. Attempting NaNoWriMo at all this year was a huge gamble because I haven't written over 25,000 words since February 2023, and even then I only managed just over 37k... but I've written 25k in the last two weeks and a day!
I also finished writing Chapter Twelve today, and brought it in at 5,000 words exactly. That's both immensely satisfying, and a point of pride; it's the fastest I've finished a chapter on this manuscript since I started drafting it at the end of July. The full manuscript is now just over 60,000 words long, and I want to do some more writing before I go to bed.
Below the cut: a celebratory excerpt, my NaNoWriMo 25k badge, and the cover I designed at the start of November, because I'm proud of that, too.
I clapped the right tempo, and counted Fräulein Schneider in.
She began, halting here and there, but, in general, playing very well.
“I’m not sure if you need a teacher,” I said, as she came to the end of the first page, “You sight-read just fine, and your sense of rhythm is strong.”
Fräulein Schneider beamed at me. “Thank you!” she said, “But it’s… it’s the pitch that I struggle with. Did I really…” She looked down at her hands. “Did I really play that correctly? I keep thinking I was pressing the wrong keys, but I don’t like to look at my hands when I’m sight-reading, or I lose my place in the music.”
I shook my head. “There was nothing wrong with the notes you played,” I said, “Considering it was your first time with the piece, actually, it was excellent.”
Louisa raised her eyebrows, and looked from me to the sheet music, and then back again. “That’s… That’s a surprise,” she said, “I’ve always thought I was, well… quite bad at the harpsichord. I practise, but the music never makes any more sense than it does when I start learning a piece. My last two teachers gave up on me, but I keep playing anyway because Papa and Mama said it would be a good way to entertain my husband one day.”
“Doesn’t it sound good to you, at least?” I asked, “I mean, do you like the way it sounds, even if it’s a little confusing?”
She smiled. “Yes, very much… but I worry that it doesn’t sound so good to other people. Full of wrong notes… Who would enjoy hearing a piece they recognise mangled out of shape?”
I tapped the page she had just played. “You certainly didn’t mangle this,” I said.
“Oh,” she said, covering her face with her hands, “That’s a relief!” Then her eyes widened as she dropped her hands to her lap. “Goodness me, how embarrassing it would have been if I’d played it badly in front of its composer.”
“Badly, not at all,” I assured her, sitting down next to her at the bench, “A little slowly, perhaps, but…” I played the first few bars as they should have been played. “That’s what it’s meant to sound like. And what you played was close enough. Honestly, Louisa, if you practise for even half an hour every day, I think you’ll have the first page fluent in less than a week. Your hands will learn it, even if your ears don’t.”
I decided a while ago that Johann Schneider's character would be tone-deaf, and would enjoy watching music performed for the movement. He has a younger sister and I thought it would be interesting to explore her having the same difficulties. Johann isn't a musician (yet), but Louisa plays the harpsichord and has a lot of trouble feeling confident in what she's playing because she's never sure she's got the right pitch. Luckily, her proprioception is excellent (as is Johann's, which is why he can dance so well), so she can put her fingers on the right keys without needing to see them. This is what Katharina's trying to help her see here, in this ad-hoc music lesson; she doesn't need to hear what she's playing to be able to play it well.
I'm quite enjoying playing around with parallels between Johann & Louisa Schneider and Katharina & Hans Schmidt. In both pairs of siblings, you have the older, more serious one having trouble meeting people's expectations, in contrast with the younger, more humourous one having very little trouble at all. The pairs also mirror each other in their strengths and weaknesses: Katharina and Hans have audiovisual projective synaesthesia and perfect pitch, so can hear and see the music they're making; Johann and Louisa are literally tone-deaf (Johann completely, Louisa almost completely) and music for them is a much more visual thing than it is for most people. Then there's Katharina, whose coordination is so bad it causes problems, being the opposite of Johann, whose coordination makes him an excellent dancer who then has problems because he finds constant poorly-veiled requests to dance at parties very tiring.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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For Swiss architect Hans Schmidt (1893-1972) architecture was a built world view and the necessary professional prerequisite for societal change. The unity of architecture and society was a leitmotif he held up throughout his entire, winding career that led him from Basel to Moscow to East-Berlin and back to Switzerland. Schmidt in 1918 graduated from ETH Zurich and in 1920 moved to the Netherlands where he found employment in the office of Michiel Brinkman in Rotterdam, a work experience that had a lasting influence on the young architect: through his work on Brinkman’s „Spangen“ housing development Schmidt realized the importance of housing as a means to improve the living conditions of workers and the less well-to-do. With his friend J.J.P. Oud Schmidt shared and discussed the preference for an unadorned, honest and systematical architecture. Based on this theoretical foundation and rooted in the belief of a unity of architecture and society Schmidt in 1930 moved to the USSR and until his return to Switzerland in 1937 planned and realized a number of industrial cities. Consequently he also was one of the co-founders of the Swiss communist party „Partei der Arbeit“ in 1944 which he also represented in the grand council of the Basel-Stadt canton until 1955. But it was also this championing of Communism that contributed to his outcast position in the Swiss architectural establishment. And thus Schmidt didn’t hesitate to accept the position as chief architect of the „Institut für Typung“ in East-Berlin where hereafter he had a lasting influence on the architecture of the GDR.
After long years of utter neglect the GTA Verlag in 1993 published Schmidt’s still relevant monograph and work catalogue. It elaborates the previously mentioned aspects of the architect’s life and career, especially with regard to Moscow and East-Berlin, and with Ursula Suter’s exemplary work catalogue allows for a profound discussion of Schmidt’s projects and buildings. A wonderful book!
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Hans will happily show off his butt cheeks all summer.
Side fact: Natural beaches aren’t available to the average person in the Soft-Boiled world. They can still enjoy human-made beaches, pools, and water parks though!
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