#Harbinger Ganon
link-is-a-dork · 1 month
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golvio · 1 year
Something I’ve noticed about the Great Fairy Fountains in BotW is that, although they look like standard flower bulbs when dormant, when they activate and open after Link donates enough money, they look like rafflesia flowers. Rafflesia flowers have no leaves or roots because they evolved to be parasitic, attaching themselves to a specific species of vine called the Tetrastigma that grows along the rainforest floor and siphoning water and nutrients from its host plant.
Now, there doesn’t seem to be any such vine in the temperate forest where Cotera’s rafflesia grows, but the base of the flower is covered with giant fungi, which suggests her flower gets its water and nutrients from the same symbiotic mycelium network that supports the nearby trees. The fungi near the fountain seems especially active and potent—not only are its fruiting bodies huge, the surrounding plantlife its roots are attached to seems unusually healthy and vigorous. There are even several rare species of plants growing in the area, including the Hearty Radish, Endura Carrots, and even the incredibly picky and sensitive Silent Princess, which was notorious among pre-Calamity gardeners and conservationists for being unable to survive outside of very specific natural conditions.
But what’s really curious to me is how Cotera and her sisters seem to also require a symbiotic relationship with regular mortal people to survive. They’re different from the animals that frequent their fountains in that, in addition to physical sustenance from water and root sugars, they also require some sort of magical/spiritual energy from visitors to stay healthy and happy.
I keep thinking of Skyward Sword’s yin/yang imagery with the dual forces of Malice and Gratitude in the materials you can collect to upgrade your stuff. Gratitude, like Malice, is a spiritual energy that’s released by living beings when they experience a sufficiently powerful emotion. The emotions associated with Malice appear to be negative, while the emotions that form Gratitude energy are positive. Both energies can “crystallize” into solid forms that can be handled, transported, and used in rites. Both have transformative and vitality-increasing properties for creatures aligned with their specific energy wavelengths, and can be poisonous to creatures not aligned to them, like how Malice is poisonous to the non-monster peoples of Hyrule while giving beneficial properties to monsters, boosting their physical strength, extending their vitality, even resurrecting them so long as they have physical remains to animate.
There have also been certain notable cases where certain beings were able to shift their energy alignments when exposed to enough pf the opposite energy. For example, gathering a high enough concentration of Gratitude Crystals was enough to transform Batreaux the demon into a human. Meanwhile, Rhoam mentioned that Ganon was formerly a human man who “became Malice.” I imagine the nature of his transformation and the reason why he was exposed to enough ambient Malice to become an entity that was composed of and could consciously control it will be expanded upon in TotK when it comes out.
But, anyways, Cotera and her sisters. It seems like her dependence upon travelers and their donations reveals a very interesting thing about “minor deities” and other beings of similar power who deliberately cultivate symbiotic relationships with humans through worship. The way she gathers Gratitude energy is initially through a symbolic donation of something of value to humans, in this case, money. The energy given by this donation is enough to revitalize her from her hibernation, and she continues gathering Gratitude by using her restored powers to improve the armor Link carries.
Basically, before travelers stopped coming to visit the fountains after the Calamity wiped out huge chunks of the population and made travel difficult, there was some kind of economy happening where the Great Fairies exchanged favors for the Gratitude mortal travelers released upon receiving those favors. Without that Gratitude energy, the fairies can at least physically survive, but are forced into a state of hibernation until a mortal radiating the positive emotional energy they crave draws near.
It reminds me a lot of the relationships between regular humans and kami in various depictions of Shintoism, where humans need the favor of the gods to survive, but the gods also require attention and energy in the form of prayer and symbolic exchanges of money used for the upkeep of their shrine. A lot of local folk religious practices in various parts of China involve a similar relationship, although in some cases the exchange of money/gifts is even more symbolic, with joss paper versions of “real” goods being burned in offering.
It makes me curious about what’s going on between the Yiga Clan and Ganondorf. The Yiga certainly seem to be trying to set up some sort of reciprocal relationship between themselves and Ganon in Age of Calamity, putting Ganon’s inert little robot vessel in a shrine and offering it food. Ganon, likewise, seems drawn to the Yiga because of the Malice they foster within their hearts from their own hatred of the Royal Family and the Hylians for their rejection and exile after lifetimes of devoted service. Harbinger Ganon depends on Malice in his environment for energy, violently wrenching out life energy touched by Malice from monster and human alike in order to restore himself as quickly as possible after each defeat.
However, if Ganondorf himself is freed and the urgency of his appetite is tamed by treating his obvious starvation…would it be possible for him to develop into a Malice-aligned version of the symbiotic relationship between beings like Cotera and her visitors? One where favors are exchanged for the voluntary, gradual release of the hatred and anger burdening his worshippers’ hearts, as opposed to him violently cracking their souls open and instantly slurping up the hate-filled juices inside, draining them of their life force and killing them in the process?
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sharlmbracta · 2 months
do you think astor would've drove the harbinger ganon like it was a divine beast
at least he thought so, but in reality he's driving it like an obedient car in traffic
either he drives it like an obedient traffic car or the harbinger refuses to go faster than the (nonexistent) speed limit
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maz-koshia · 2 years
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c’mere you lil shit
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More of the sillies
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bl00dblight · 11 months
Not me fusing the Age of Calamity events with Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom for OC stuff 😔
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nintendo-b1tch · 7 months
There isn’t enough Rauru Fanfics!! >:0
So here, have some angst! :D
Warnings: Grief, Loss, Major Character Death, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Violence, Stress, No Happy Ending
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As he watched you run, a grin spread across his face, basking in the euphoria of this simple yet magical moment. Suddenly, you halted, turning towards him with a mischievous glimmer in your eyes. In a swift motion, you planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open in surprise and admiration. The affectionate gesture sent waves of warmth pulsating through his entire being, solidifying his love for you.
However, reality didn't mirror this idyllic scene. He awoke to find himself lying alone in bed, the absence of your presence as overwhelming as a tidal wave crashing upon him. Instinctively, his arm reached out to the side, seeking the imprint that your body would leave on his mattress. His fingertips grazed the empty space, a cruel reminder of the hollowness within his soul. As his trembling hand fell back to the sheets, his sorrow gave birth to crystalline tears that gently tracked down his cheeks, mirroring the anguish that consumed him.
His mind became a torrent of memories, each fragment tragically reminding him of the void that was now his reality. The weight of regret pressed heavily upon him, crushing his spirit with its unforgiving grip. If only he had been more cautious, if only he had shielded you from the clutches of Ganon, perhaps you wouldn't have been subjected to such a tragic fate. The simple stone, a mere piece of jewelry that adorned your neck, had proved to be a fatal harbinger of doom. In his heart, he carried the burden of guilt, etching the words "it was his fault" into the very core of his being.
Every fleeting moment with you, every stolen kiss, now replayed in his mind like a bittersweet montage. The weight of your absence intensified with each passing second, seeping into the crevices of his soul. The overwhelming grief threatened to shatter him completely, leaving only broken fragments of a once vibrant love story. The realization that you were gone, forever out of his reach, pierced him with a searing pain that he couldn't escape.
As the tears continued to cascade down his sorrow-stricken face, his heartbreak became etched in every line and crease. He yearned for the warmth of your laughter, the touch of your hand, and the ethereal connection that only the two of you shared. The throbbing ache within him served as a constant reminder of the irreplaceable void you left behind.
In this sea of anguish, he found himself drowning in a whirlwind of regrets and what-ifs. If only he could turn back time, rewrite the course of history, and rewrite the tragic fate that had befallen you. He clung to the remnants of your love, desperately seeking solace in the hazy memories of your beautiful laughter and infectious spirit.
In the depths of his despair, he vowed to honor your legacy and never let your memory fade. The stone that had caused your untimely demise became a symbol of his eternal devotion, a poignant reminder of the battles he fought within himself. With each teardrop shed, he silently pledged to fight for a future where love prevailed over darkness, where your laughter could once again fill the air, enchanting his broken heart with remnants of a love that will never be forgotten.
The haunting events of that fateful day replayed over and over again in the deepest recesses of his mind, replaying like a broken record that he couldn't tune out. There seemed to be no escape from the gripping nightmares that relentlessly whispered devastating images of your lifeless figure sprawled mercilessly on the unforgiving ground. And there, standing ominously in the backdrop of this indelible memory, was Zelda, her presence casting an eerie shadow upon the scene.
It was as if the weight of his guilt had become an unwelcome companion, a heavy burden that refused to be shrugged off. Shoulders slumped under the immense pressure, he found himself enveloped in an overwhelming sea of remorse, unable to fathom how he could have prevented such a tragedy. Deep down, he knew that you, in your infinite kindness and understanding, would never have wanted him to shoulder this blame alone. But try as he might, it was a challenge to convince himself otherwise.
Every waking moment was haunted by the fragments of that incident, the vivid imprints etched forever in his psyche. From the smallest details of how the light had danced upon your face to the exact postures Zelda had assumed in those haunting seconds, his mind relentlessly recreated the scene vividly, unable to let go. It was as though time had stopped and he was trapped within a loop of remorse, forced to relive every heart-wrenching second indefinitely.
The constant replay of this torturous memory began to spill over into his daily life, causing ripples of distress and despair in even the most mundane tasks. The once vibrant hues of everyday existence seemed muted and dull, as his mind remained fixated on that singular, pivotal moment of tragedy. The world around him carried on, oblivious to the silent torment gnawing at his soul.
He yearned for closure, for a way to escape the clutches of this consuming guilt. Desperate attempts were made to rationalize the situation, to find some semblance of solace in understanding that sometimes, despite our best efforts, life takes a cruel detour. But the heavy weight persisted, pressing down upon him like an unrelenting force, unwilling to grant him respite.
You were the one who opened your heart to fall in love with a unique and unconventional being like him. While many Hylians would mock and ridicule him, you chose a different path, embracing his imperfections and vulnerabilities without judgment or scorn. Your unconditional acceptance and support transformed his life, becoming the guiding light that brightened even the darkest corners of his existence.
The unimaginable day when you were taken away from him stands as a haunting turning point, forever etched into his memory. The mere recollection brings back a flood of emotions, like a fierce tidal wave crashing against the shores of his soul. He can still vividly recall the moment he crumbled, his helpless sobs finding refuge in the comforting embrace of his older sister. The pain of losing you weighed heavy on his heart, threatening to crush his spirit.
The sheer disbelief at your departure overwhelmed him. It was as if the universe had played a cruel trick on him, snatching away his beacon of hope and leaving him stranded in a desolate void of emptiness. Coping with your absence proved to be an uphill battle, one that required him to confront his inner demons and face the reality of life without you. Alas, his inability to accept your departure led him down a treacherous path of detrimental habits and destructive behaviors.
Night after night, unbearable nightmares plagued his vulnerable psyche, mercilessly thrusting him into a realm of torment that he sought to escape. Sleep became his enemy, a treacherous portal that unleashed the haunting memories he desperately wished to evade. His sister, although well-intentioned, could not fathom the depth of his anguish and grief. It was in the dead of night that she awoke, startled by the piercing sound of his anguished scream, a haunting echo of his heartache and yearning for you.
This distressing episode served as a mere glimpse into the extent of his sorrow, a silent testament to his shattered soul. The magnitude of his pain was impossible to comprehend fully, confined within the confines of his mind and heart. Yet, the echoes of his anguish reverberated through the halls of his existence, a constant reminder of the void left by your absence.
When the panicked urgency surged through her veins, propelling her out of her own room and towards the source of the piercing scream, she was met with a sight that left her breathless. In the wake of her hasty arrival, her brother's once peaceful abode had morphed into a scene of havoc and destruction. The room, once a sanctuary, now lay in ruins, as if a tempest had swept through its very core.
However, it was not the shattered remnants of the decorative mirror that commanded her attention, but rather the sight of her brother standing amidst the chaos. Approaching him with measured caution, every step calculated, she couldn't help but notice the untamed state of his hair - an outward manifestation of the depths of his anger. Only on rare occasions did his normally composed demeanor give way to such uncontrollable fury.
As she drew closer, her acute hearing intercepted the soft murmurings emanating from him, the words casting a shiver down her spine. Shock and horror washed over her like a tidal wave as his disturbing declaration echoed in her ears, each repetitious utterance carrying with it mounting intensity. " I'll kill him " he seethed, the weight of those words hanging heavily in the air. The force behind his voice grew, matching the intensity of his emotions, as his clenched fist collided once more with the jagged fragments of the shattered mirror. Yet amidst the chaos, her gaze locked onto something unexpected — a glint of metal in his other hand.
With tears streaming down his face, his anguish was palpable. The sight of her brother, overcome by a maelstrom of emotions, filled her with a desperate sense of concern. In that moment, she glimpsed her most cherished possession, a necklace that held sentiment and memories intertwined, clutched tightly in his trembling grasp. The juxtaposition of his vulnerability and the presence of that treasured necklace left her questioning the events that had led them to this drastic point.
Each shattered piece of the mirror, every trembling word, and the necklace cradled in her brother's hand served as a mosaic of emotions and turmoil. In that poignant instant, she vowed to uncover the truth and bring solace to her brother's tormented soul, to navigate the labyrinth of their shattered reality with unwavering determination. She knew that the road ahead would be arduous, but her love for him was an unyielding beacon, guiding her through the darkest of storms.
" Rauru....this isn't your fault, you couldn't have seen this coming "
" YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, MINERU, I SHOULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING!! HE IS RIGHT, I AM NO FIT TO BE A RULER IF I AM UNABLE TO PROTECT MY FAMILY!! MY SUNDELION!! My everything.... " His body collapsed into his sister's arms, a vulnerable surrender to the overwhelming grief consuming him. As his uncontrollable sobs reverberated throughout the room, it became evident that something crucial was missing in his life. Your absence had left an unfathomable void in his soul, a void that seemed insurmountable in its depth and magnitude.
The tormenting night had awoken him from a fitful slumber, startled by the vivid intrusion of a powerful memory. In his dream, a cherished recollection had materialized, reminding him of a remarkable moment that had forever altered the trajectory of his existence. Summoning unprecedented courage, he had mustered the audacity to ask you on a momentous date, a simple act that held profound significance for him.
The night had unfolded like a beautifully scripted romance, each moment etching itself into the fabric of his memory. And when the time came to bid adieu, he exuded both anticipation and trepidation. With trembling hands, he gently clasped a meticulously crafted necklace around your delicate neck—an exquisite piece painstakingly created by his own hands. It was a blooming Sundelion, a whimsical embodiment of your heart's desires, carefully selected because he knew it held a special place in your affections.
His heart swelled with an indescribable sense of pride and accomplishment upon completing the necklace. The delicate charm gleamed against your skin, its intricate details a testament to the love and dedication he had poured into its creation. As you gratefully expressed your admiration for the thoughtful gesture, his smile widened, deepening the bond that already connected the two of you.
Through this tangible symbol of their affection, he hoped to convey a multitude of emotions that seemed impossible to articulate in words alone. Each carefully crafted petal and intricate design was imbued with the love, adoration, and profound understanding he had for you. It was his humble attempt to epitomize the intricate beauty of your soul—a reflection of the vivid blossoms that bloomed within your essence.
In that moment, he knew that the necklace would be far more than a mere accessory. It would become a cherished talisman, a tangible embodiment of the depth of their connection and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. And so, as he collapsed into his sister's arms, his tears mingling with the memory of that cherished night, he held the necklace close to his heart, finding solace in the reminder of the love he had once shared with you.
You were a truly extraordinary individual who possessed a remarkable ability to brighten people's lives. Your infectious personality and genuine care for others meant that you always went above and beyond to ensure that everyone around you wore a genuine smile. It was absolutely heartwarming to witness how effortlessly and selflessly you made it your mission to uplift those who were feeling downhearted.
In your presence, even the most sorrowful souls would find solace and comfort as you ceaselessly worked to turn their frowns upside down. Your unwavering dedication to spreading happiness and joy was truly awe-inspiring. You had an innate talent for understanding the needs and emotions of others, which enabled you to provide them with the support and encouragement they required during their difficult moments.
Your magnetic charm and charisma attracted people from all walks of life, and it was a testament to your exceptional character. Your mere presence had the power to create an atmosphere of warmth and positivity that enchanted everyone around you. You effortlessly formed deep connections and friendships, leaving an indelible impression on everyone who had the privilege of encountering your radiant spirit.
However, when fate took you away from the realm, an irrevocable darkness descended upon the once vibrant kingdom. The news of your untimely departure spread like wildfire, and the kingdom was plunged into an overwhelming state of deep sorrow and mourning. It was as if a brilliant light had been snuffed out, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. As word of your loss reached far and wide, communities near and far grieved the loss of a remarkable soul whose impact had reverberated throughout the land.
The kingdom mourned not only for the loss of an extraordinary individual who had enriched the lives of so many, but also for the void created by your absence. The absence of your vivacious spirit and contagious laughter left an insurmountable emptiness that permeated every corner of the kingdom. The memory of your selflessness, compassion, and unwavering commitment to spreading happiness was etched in the hearts of every citizen, forever reminding them of the profound impact you made during your time amongst them.
The grief that pervaded the kingdom served as a testament to your extraordinary influence and the indomitable mark you left on the hearts and souls of the people. It became increasingly evident that your absence was not just a personal loss, but a collective tragedy that weighed heavily upon the entire community. The kingdom yearned for the return of the joy and unity that had once flourished under your guiding light.
Though the kingdom continued to mourn, your legacy lived on, as the lessons you imparted and the countless smiles you had brought continued to inspire and motivate. The memories of your kindness, generosity, and immense capacity to bring happiness to others lingered, reinforcing the importance of compassion and empathy within the hearts of those who remained.
In conclusion, your unparalleled ability to bring a smile to everyone's face, even in the darkest of times, was a gift that touched the lives of countless individuals. Your magnetic presence and unwavering commitment to spreading joy made you the guiding light of the kingdom, and your departure left behind an irreplaceable void that was mourned by all. Your legacy of kindness and selflessness continues to resonate within the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to cross paths with you, ensuring that your memory is forever cherished and celebrated.
Every single day, without fail, he would find himself in the same predicament: unable to sleep, tormented by the memories of their time together. Each night seemed to bring forth a different recollection, replaying like a broken record in his mind. It was as if the universe had conspired to snatch away his beloved far too soon, leaving him to grapple with an unfair and unfathomable reality.
The emotions that churned within him were overwhelming, and he couldn't help but feel a growing disgust in the depths of his chest. The sight of couples indulging in displays of affection felt like a personal affront, a cruel reminder of what he had lost. It was almost as if they were purposefully rubbing their happiness in his face, taunting him with the fact that he could no longer share such moments with you.
These thoughts, invasive and unrelenting, plagued his mind relentlessly. They consumed him to such an extent that he found solace only within the confines of his own room. It became a sanctuary of sorts, a shelter from the onslaught of memories and emotions that threatened to engulf him. Within those four walls, he sought refuge from the tumultuous waves crashing against the shores of his weary soul.
And so, he would retreat into isolation, withdrawing from the world outside that seemed so devoid of the warmth and joy he once knew. The confinement of his room became a physical representation of the emotional isolation he felt, a space where he could attempt to make sense of the incomprehensible loss that had shattered his world.
In this chamber of solitude, he would dwell upon the fragments of memories scattered across the vast expanse of his mind. Each moment of tenderness, each laugh shared, and every touch exchanged would be painstakingly dissected and analyzed. For within those memories lay the essence of what had been lost, the intangible connection that was now severed.
As he grappled with the unbearable weight of his grief, he longed for an answer to the inevitable question: why? Why were others allowed to bask in the glow of happiness while he was left to navigate the darkness alone? The answer remained elusive, buried within the complexities of fate and the unpredictability of life.
And so, night after night, he would find himself trapped in this ceaseless cycle of longing, yearning for an escape from the clutches of his sorrow. Each sleepless night was a stark reminder of the love that had been snatched away, and the pain that persisted. And within the walls of his room, he would continue to search for solace, hoping that one day, the memories would bring not only pain, but also a bittersweet sense of peace.
Rauru found solace in immersing himself in his royal duties, seeking respite from the overwhelming weight of his thoughts. Wrapped tightly in his blanket, he absentmindedly scratched at the fur on his thighs, a nervous tick that offered temporary distraction. His gaze fell upon the wounds that marred his flesh, a secret he held close, aware of the unhealthiness of his actions.
In truth, he couldn't fathom the possibility of breaking free from this cycle. It had become an addiction, a desperate attempt to alleviate the agony of your absence. You were more than just a presence in his life; you were the very essence of his happiness. The day you left, his world came crashing down, an irreversible rupture in his soul.
That fateful night, Rauru found himself kneeling before the statue of the goddess, pouring his heart out in desperate pleas. He yearned for your return, hoping against all odds that she would hear his cries and grant him reprieve. However, no matter how many times he humbled himself in front of that relentless statue, you remained forever out of reach.
Oh, how he longed for your presence once more, but it was an unattainable dream. He resigned himself to a life where you would never grace his side again, forever mourning the loss of the one who completed him..
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ashleyquinn03 · 4 months
Do you think if Calamity Ganon/Harbinger Ganon/Astor had won, that Ganondorf's soul would've left his body and gone into the body that was created? (Same thing with purely Calamity Ganon in BotW)
Like, could you imagine an intelligent Malice/Guardian built Ganondorf?
I wonder what might've happened if he won. His army kills the rest of Hyrule, and then what? What was his plan after that even in TotK, was his next goal to kill the rest of the world?
Ganondorf is an interesting character because we really don't know his big goals, we just know step 1 of his plan.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 months
Hyrule Warriors?
Since I did the regulars Hyrule warriors I’ll talk about Age of Calamity :) hope you don’t mind!
Ok, so, I understand why this game is so hated. Nintendo practically lied to us, marketing this as a prequel, which yeah, was a sucky thing to do. I don’t like that either. But…
Idk this game is weirdly special to me dhsksbsksbk. I 100% the game, dlc and all, and when you’re able to look past the fact that they lied to you, this game is pretty good! The fighting when you’re playing the right character is far more satisfying than Hw, and it’s a lot easier for me to play each battle. It was fun to 100%! I like Terrako, I like what they did with Rhoam, and yeah I’ve started to like Astor just a little bit. He’s my scrunkley loser. The introduction of Sooga was super cool and Kogha’s character was just, incredible. Plus they picked the PERFECT voice actor for him.
It’s really annoying how much it doesn’t follow botw tho. Like it’s connected, but not canonically. If I recall correctly, link pulled the master sword when he was 12? So what’s he doing here? Also they just… really tried to force Link and Zelda into the same proximity :/ I didn’t connect much to their relationship in botw but this game REALLY forced it huh. It’s annoying and it’s also disappointing how they didn’t explore Link’s family? Or anything about Link? Like great we have more stuff about Zelda but like, what about Link? Also why does Terrako follow him around when he’s obsessed with Zelda lol?
I also wish that they did more with the champions. Like giving them actual character arcs. I felt like they had so many ideas but such little time to actually explore any of it. Especially revali, who has the potential to being an extremely complex character. I also wish they did more with Sooga. He and Byrne kinda suffer in the same way to me :( I’m glad he’s at least playable in the dlc, but still.
But, I did love young robbie and Purah. The two scientists are so sexy it’s not even funny. And of course Impa is such a beloved omg I love her so much <333 tho she feels mega sidelined at the end :(
Also uh…. Why isn’t Astor playable? Unless I’m missing something but I’m very disappointed that Astor, the main villain, is not playable in this game? Pls if he is playable tell me cuz I wanna play as the crusty man.
Ok sorry I’m jumping all over the place but I did like calamity Ganon, he looked super cool. And harbinger Ganon also looked super cool. Like dang they went all out! And watching everyone fight at the castle was super dope :)
Now, even tho the gameplay is more fun and satisfying than Hw, it’s only more fun when you have the right character. Some of the characters in this game are painful to play as. The fairies, daruk, and Yunobo are ones that I hated playing as. They’re so painfully slow and it’s not fun :/
Idk this game has many good things and many bad things. But I like it a lot! It’s a good one!
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link-is-a-dork · 11 months
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golvio · 2 years
Imagining Harbinger Ganon’s mannerisms but with Regular-Ass Ganondorf is extremely funny. Like, we know that Terrako can “talk.” He does it a lot in his cutscenes, even if nobody actually understands him. Harby Gan just chooses not to. Apply that to regular human Ganon and you’ve got a guy who deliberately only communicates with people through extremely pointed glances and magical slide shows. Dude doesn’t even do body language apart from occasionally making exasperated noises at people who’ve really pissed him off.
Like, every once in a while I remember Astor’s intro cutscene, where he’s randomly “chosen” by Harby at the Bimonthly Edgelord Cult Meeting. He’s holding the astrolabe aloft, so confident in his knowledge that he’s Ganon’s Special Boy, to which Ganon responds by…just straight-up turning away and walking off. He doesn’t even say goodbye, he just leaves. Imagining an actual dude doing that instead of a silly robo-mascot makes me laugh my ass off every time.
And the Yiga Clan meetings. He’s just sitting completely motionless on an extremely tall chair, surrounded by bananas, staring off into space. He’s not even stimming, so you can’t even tell if he’s doing the autistic thing where you listen to a person without actually looking at them (we already know he’s generally not great at eye contact in more casual settings from Cadence of Hyrule) or he’s just zoning off because whatever these nerds are bickering about isn’t as interesting as Revenge™️ or remembering Ye Olde Anciente Memes. Every once in a while he’s like, “Alright, these dense motherfuckers are getting too far off track,” and hits the power button on the projector to distract these chumps with a movie like a babysitter jingling plastic keys to get an infant’s attention, because at least two-thirds of the other guys in the room have never seen an .mp4 in their whole lives and are so very impressed with Lord Ganon’s magical memory projection powers.
This guy’s gonna be an absolute fucking hoot when he’s back in his original body. I can’t wait to see him in action!
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dullweapons · 1 day
okay so since there are a few hylia’s ( i can count about four ? 2 new & 2 from mutuals on side blogs or side muses … im sure there will be more , hell i wanna write a hylia too lol ) so imma write out how ray actually feels about hylia as clear as i can . i don’t really have a problem with hylia myself ? my only problem with her is her being added late into the games but skyward sword is old like me now so im over it . ( i do dislike that we just forgot demise but imma pretend he’s still here hush— @harbingered for my demise 👀 i will pay attention to him i swear )
ray HATES hylia . perhaps the most out of the gods & deities of the world . he curses her & blames her for a lot of things even when she clearly isn’t to blame . he uses her like a scapegoat . someone to point the anger he feels at when there is no one else to blame but himself . he’ll blame her for the troubles zelda goes through , or link or even ganondorf . because he knows hylia . seen her . felt the sting of her magic . saw her bring up the humans to their safe haven in the sky & leave him down there . she didn’t care .
as a child he was taught to worship hylia, as all the children of skyloft settlement were. his family had small statues of her that they gave offerings too . he would pray to her just as his mother told him to . so he was fine with her … maybe a touch annoyed — but that was mostly towards his mother being quite religious & making him repeat hail hylia when he was naughty ( which was often af )
upon being forced into the ancient battle ; his views were forcibly shifted by his father . not by any commands but more due to his father talking about how hylia cares not for him nor any other demons . lamatar believes demise would do right by the demons & monsters ( was that true ? who knows ) . he would beat this idea into ayrin until he began to think it himself .
“ hylia doesn’t care about me. if she did, she would’ve stopped me from joining this war . she wouldn’t have me here …mama says hylia loves us all but no one loves me. she doesn’t either .”
continuing on, ayrin was stuck by the goddess blade causing a horrible scar that glows similarly to TP! ganondorf’s scar. due to it being a holy blade , it couldn’t go away as easily as death or other wounds for the demonic weapon & he was out of battle for weeks. ( visual ref of rays scar here ! ) i have been debating it be hylia who struck him , but it can just be the first link . regardless , he sat there — scared & angry , not just because he failed his father , but hylia hurt . her blade hurts so so much . hylia is pain .
further down the timeline ; he continues to see princesses & queens struggle with their magic or are forced into horrible situations of the cycle born of demise . he sees link , so young forced into battle & losing his childhood only to become a shell . he’s seen ganondorf turned into a monster of anger & greed for what was once a king has become nothing but a pig . if hylia stayed a god perhaps things would be different . perhaps not . regardless, he blames them all : the golden goddesses , hylia & demise . none of them are free from his hate .
but hylia worship has grown strong again by botw & by then — he is a tired , cynical old man . he works hard to make sure his solders are ready for the war that is coming against calamity ganon . he sees the princess struggle to awaken her powers . he scoffs at her & wonders if the blood of the goddess is finally gone from tainting the royal family.
& he prayed to hylia to save them from the calamity when the calamity came & took over all the sheikah technology & his men died trying to get to akkala .
& she did not answer .
so for the hylia rpers i totally understand if you’re like “ damn he a hater idk if i wanna interact “ because he’s never ever gonna warm up to her . also if you wish to discuss what happened between them during the ancient battle please feel free to DM me ! my default does not need to be canon minus 1: ayrin / bby ray going to the war & 2: ray being struck goddess blade . those two are the only requirements — im flexible with anything !
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fenriraa · 6 months
I was going to tag this as part of the Astorvember, but I did kind of branch off from the malice topic, so I decided not to (aight I've read that I can ^-^ ) It's not a backstory, but more of a rambling about that DLC cult scene, involving malice. It's a bit long wall of text of ideas/ramblings that I could be way off and overthinking about, but I still thought I would share.
In the story description, it says the rest of the cult were “unable to withstand the power of malice”.. Unable? Eh? You mean Ganon didn’t intentionally mean to kill them (except maybe the last one/two)? Somehow Astor was the only one able to, and either he was evil enough to not die from it immediately, if malice responds to internal intentions (like being evil)  instead of external factors (like physically controlling it), or he was just built different. Maybe he forced himself to withstand it, Idk. 
And I say Ganon maaaybeeee didn’t mean to kill them because he kind of took his time with the last two seers. And he was just killing all them one by one. If I were Ganon, and I only intended on taking one person out of a group, I would’ve just killed the rest on the spot, at the same time. Not sure what’s the point of doing it one by one- unless that was just what the storyboard went or if Ganon was just that much of a bitch. And it seemed it was going to spare the very last seer, until he attempted to destroy it with the rock.
… Wait-
What if Ganon WAS going to take the other two? Once he realized giving the previous seers malice was killing them (note that Astor was being maliced before anyone else was, right before the first seer fell on his ass, so that might’ve made Ganon think he could continue on with the others. Or, wait.. Unless he sensed Astor as the most “evil” and went with him first, and then went down whoever was the second most evil, and so forth..), Ganon decided to stop when he was killing his potential servants. He was going to spare the last two, but one started running off, and Ganon decided nevermind and killed him, then the other one.. He just watched him. Didn’t kill him right away, just watched him. Then when he was literally seconds away from breaking the harbinger, Ganon kills him too.
Somehow only Astor was able to handle the malice. And honestly I can’t think of how really, it’s either just fate, him messing around with malice beforehand and had built a resistance (?) to it, or he was evil enough to handle it.
Now.. my question is, are the others dead dead? And not just knocked tf out? Put into a coma?
In my AU story, I can't decide if they all could "withstand" it either by just pure luck or if Ganon revives them.. Or if something else revives them.
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ravensroleplays · 5 months
Harbinger Ganon:
"Hi how are ya"
(To Hat Kid)
"Huh?" Hatty looked up at the new person. "I'm good." She answered, smiling a little.
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azuresage · 5 months
Theorycrafting a DLC Expansion for AoC that explains how TotK's setup works on its timeline split (updated)
This idea is still cooking in my brain so I said let's ball and wrote out the plot and story chapters too and made some tweaks to what I'd already written. TotK does not contradict AoC, they can still work together. Here's how I would see that happen.
TotK main story spoilers under the cut
Thanks to TotK, we know that Ganondorf's seal broke because of the Great Calamity of 100 years ago, not BotW's present day story. Which means the Great Calamity of AoC should still weaken his seal like on the main branch of the timeline, however this time we're on a new branch and 106 years later there won't be a hero and princess combo to save the day anymore when Ganondorf wakes up. So you would think that doesn't fit with TotK, right? UNLESS...
... Unless we consider events that are unique to AoC's timeline, as well. First we should establish what we know about AoC's timeline split. We know that Terrako had to have gone back in time pretty far comparatively, because Link didn't yet have the Master Sword and hadn't yet met Zelda and Daruk the ways BotW described they did. The very start of AoC must happen much earlier on than the earliest point we ever see in BotW's memories. Knowing that, it makes sense why things happen so much differently than the history BotW's memories painted. We can assume there were so many more monsters that massive-scale battles the likes of which were unheard of in BotW's history became necessary because Astor and Harbinger Ganon were going around creating more monsters for the purpose of expediting the Calamity's revival. We never hear of Astor in BotW's history, because Harbinger Ganon wasn't around to choose him. So because of these two mucking things around, the Calamity's revival actually happened earlier than it did in BotW's history. This is important information for later.
So we know that because this is a timeline split that occurs just before the events of BotW's 100-year history, the setups of TotK's history still apply. On the main timeline, it took 106 years for Ganondorf to wake up after the Great Calamity weakened his seal. On the split timeline, the Calamity was averted, but the damage was still done, and the battle dragged on longer and had Astor and Harbinger doing things that never happened in BotW's history. Most notable of these is fully reviving this timeline split's Calamity Ganon, which we know was done by Harbinger Ganon absorbing Astor and assumedly merging with the Calamity Ganon that was already present in this timeline. We know they had to become one at some point because when they defeat him, Calamity Ganon is gone and the Calamity is over. So he did in fact fully revive, something he didn't get the chance to do in BotW's history because Zelda stepped up to seal him away for 100 years while he was still a cloud of malice. Because of this major difference, and because of the connection between Calamity Ganon and Ganondorf, I think it's fair to propose that this split timeline's Ganondorf can wake up after a similar timeskip as seen between BotW and TotK. Meaning, we can still do a "6 years later" after AoC's ending for this and it would still make sense. TotK's prologue can still commence as it did on the main timeline.
So how could this work here? We can't send AoC's Zelda back in time because even in this timeline the Light Dragon should still exist. As a matter of fact, on this timeline we'd end up with two Zeldas and two Master Swords. Kinda awkward, huh? Here's how I think we can make that a little less awkward...
Gloom starts seeping out as it did in TotK. Link and Zelda go under the castle to investigate as they did in TotK, BUT this time they have Terrako with them. That will be the key that changes how this goes. Link still gets his Master Sword and his arm messed up, but Terrako is the one to intervene and prevent Zelda from getting yeeted back to the past by her sacred stone. Call it plot magic or triforce magic or whatever you want. Instead he yeets her up to the Great Sky Island while Rauru does the same to Link as in TotK. Upheaval still happens. However this time we can't really have several weeks or months pass from this point to when Link wakes up, yeah? So instead of starting the Great Sky Island chapter as Link, you would start it as Zelda and Terrako as Rauru guides them across the island to find Link, to parallel TotK. Fighting through a Warriors map full of Soldier Constructs with Link as the end goal. He would hold on to the Decayed Master Sword and the Master Sword weapon itself would become unavailable to use in-game for a while. Zelda would gain the Purah Pad as a 4th tier of her Sheikah Slate weapon. This is where we can diverge to make a Warriors-themed story, and this would be the start of Chapter 8 in AoC.
Now, for here, we can mirror the story progress from the early chapters of AoC. The Great Sky Island can be CH8M1, and then we can go to CH8M2 on the surface and use an adjusted map of North Hyrule Field and Castle Town that we see in "All Hyrule, United"; adjusted to account for the changes in TotK like fallen blocks and Lookout Landing, which was created to research the gloom and then repurposed into a base to search for Link and Zelda after they went missing. Link and Zelda evacuate the town and reunite with King Rhoam who is still alive on this split. Also, have King Rauru's ghost accompany them as a new playable character instead of vanishing. Just like in TotK, most of the Sheikah tech has vanished except for the stuff Robbie and Purah are creating, so now Lookout Landing is the new home base on the map screen and title screen instead of the Sheikah Tower.
Next we can do Chapter 9 and have it mirror Chapter 2. There can be four missions in this chapter, each revisiting the Champions and dealing with the sudden changes to their towns. So rather than recruiting them like in CH2, instead we're helping them defend their homes on adjusted maps. After this, we can move to Chapter 10. After the towns are relatively safe, the Champions reconvene at Lookout Landing and try to figure out what's going on. In doing so, Puppet Zelda is sighted heading into the Hyrule Field Chasm. CH10M1 takes place at the Great Abandoned Central Mine, and the now-friendly Yiga help track her down and expose her. Puppet Zelda and Phantom Ganon become a boss here. After this, I would have Mineru make her presence in the Purah Pad known and lead the group to their next objective; the Construct Factory and Spirit Temple. This would be CH10M2 and is how you would recruit Mineru's Construct as a new playable character.
Now it's time for Chapter 11. What I would have happen here is another four missions on brand new maps, each involving the four new dungeons and include the bosses from TotK. Mineru and Rauru lead each of the Champions back to their homes and into these dungeons. The Champions now become the Sages of this era and get a new outfit that includes their Secret Stones and a 4th weapon tier that's their Champion Weapon again but with their Secret Stone symbols superimposed behind them. Revali is a bit iffy here because he's not outright stated to have family ties to Teba and Tulin, but Revali's Gale and Tulin's Power of Wind being almost exactly the same thing seems to suggest some kind of blood connection.
Now that the Champions have upgraded into Sages, it's time for Chapter 12. Now Mineru explains what should have happened to the Zelda and the Master Sword from the main timeline. They go back to Korok Forest for CH12M1 to speak with the Great Deku Tree and free him from a Phantom Ganon. The Deku Tree is able to make sense of Mineru's story and explains that there should be a second Zelda and Master Sword in this timeline, and just like he does for Link in TotK, he helps the party find them. This brings us to CH12M2, back on the Great Sky Island fighting off hordes of monsters and Phantom Ganons to get to the Light Dragon. A more powerful Puppet Zelda is the boss of this mission, and after defeating her, Rauru discovers that the ghost of Sonia has been with this Zelda all along. Just like at the end of TotK, Rauru and Sonia's ghosts use an extremely powerful version of recall channeled through the Sacred Stone Zelda had kept, and return the Light Dragon to her previous form. This second Zelda becomes as separate new playable character that can be referred to in-game as Sage of Time, with her Secret Stone as her weapon type. Link will also get the second Master Sword, and after another powerful recall, the first Master Sword is restored, as well. Link dual wields them both as a new weapon type, and the old Master Sword and Hylian Shield from the base game becomes accessible again, too.
Sage of Time is able to realize that this is a timeline divergence and understands there should be another version of her that gets the Master Sword to the Link that she knew from her own timeline, and decides to stay here and help. Sonia ghost becomes another new playable character along with her, and from here we dive into Chapter 13, the final chapter of the expansion. CH13M1 will take place at Hyrule Castle, adjusted to account for the new split levels. This can work like the Lanayru Road map from Guardian of Remembrance where there were two separated battlefields with different things happening on them in the same scenario. The castle was suddenly overtaken by monsters and they must reclaim it. Mummy Ganondorf appears in the Sanctum as the boss of this mission. Our heroes are in trouble against him, and so Terrako does one last yoink from the future and calls Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, and Tulin from the future, post-TotK this time, in their full Sage power for one last hurrah on this timeline. Each of them gets a new outfit to make their appearance match their TotK designs while Tulin is introduced as playable. They get the Champion Weapons as new weapon types for each of them with new movesets, and to differentiate from the other Champion Weapons, we can give them that sparkle effect that pristine weapons you find in the Depths in TotK have. From here, we move into CH13M2, the final battle, in the deepest part of the Depths. This will be a highly expanded version of the War in the Depths of Hyrule phase of TotK's final battle, leading up to rehydrated Ganondorf as the final boss. Demon King Ganondorf gets to be a phase change, and so does Demon Dragon with a brand new exclusive arena in the sky for this fight, like the Blights got in AoC.
After Demon Dragon is defeated, the Future Sages return home to their timeline and the ghosts of Rauru, Sonia, and Mineru can now all pass on in peace. Sage of Time stays in this timeline in a bittersweet realization that she isn't able to return to her original timeline because there's already another version of her there. This timeline split now has two Master Swords for good. The heroes have a moment like the true ending of TotK where they all vow to continue to defend Hyrule.
Now that we've covered the story for this expansion, we need to move on to the game mechanics. I said before that Link's arm would still get jacked up so he'd still get Rauru's arm here. So how I would introduce the hand powers into AoC's format, without interrupting the runes, is I would put them on the same trigger button as the runes, but on the d-pad so that the runes can still be used on the face buttons. Similarly, we can select a few choice zonai devices to put on the other trigger with the magic rods and apples, doing the same thing. We could then incorporate these new abilities into environmental and combat mechanics, with Terrako sharing them between all the characters like he does with the runes. Rune counters and abilities still function the same as in the base game thanks to Terrako beefing up the Purah Pad.
Ascend is easy. It would still work the same way as in TotK, but it would see the most use on new maps with more verticality. Would also be good to use it on Battle Taluses like in TotK. Recall would also work the same way as in TotK; use it to reflect non-metal projectiles and also as an environmental gimmick like when enemies try rolling spike balls at you. Fuse could be used on zonai devices laying around, which I would have sprinkled throughout the maps as a new environmental thing you can do. Stick something to your weapon for a quick effect. For example, use Fuse on Flame/Frost/Shock Emitters to add a brief elemental effect to your attacks, and Fuse a Beam Emitter to shoot a beam whenever you guard for a short time. And Ultrahand would basically function as Autobuild to snap some of these environmental zonai devices together into a preset construction that will either attack enemies or allow you to traverse gaps in the map i.e. flinging yourself across a gap between sky islands, similar to how the little paraglider bits in AoC were. You would also be able to collect zonai capsules as a drop item, which then can be used on the R trigger where the magic rods are, but only certain ones, like maybe the Rocket and Time Bombs and Springs and Waterspouts.
As for the map screen, do what TotK did and make it possible to tab between the Sky and the Depths to access more points of interest. Add all the new points in the Zonai green color so they don't get lost among all the old Sheikah blues. This will give plenty of space for more stuff without overcrowding the already-pretty-full map we currently have in AoC. Also, we can make Ganondorf a new playable character (Demon King form costume included) through some postgame missions. All characters would get upgraded abilities and new moves and increased level cap, as well. And naturally, Link will get access to all the new armors introduced in TotK (including the version of the Hylian Hood with the hood down) as well as new weapons that fit in his types. Zelda will also get her starting outfit as a costume while Sage of Time gets the Zonai dress.
I want this to be DLC instead of a second game because I think the nature of AoC makes it much easier to just pick it back up and continue on, and I wanna keep all my upgraded weapons and stuff (and I don't wanna buy yet another full priced game lol). I just think it makes more sense to do it as an expansion instead of a sequel. Now, would they actually make an expansion for a 3-year-old game like that? Unlikely. I would just prefer it if they did. Like I said, I'm not saying that they're going to do this; just that if they did it at all, this is how I want it to happen. The only snag with that, though, is that AoC also sort of sets up for TotK with the Future Champions and the DLC which first introduced Tulin as having Power of Wind. I believe that the current play order to best experience the story of these three games is BotW > AoC > TotK. So this DLC expansion would then make that BotW > up through Guardian of Remembrance of AoC > TotK > the expansion of AoC. That's kinda awkward. Even so, I'd still prefer it as DLC... For one final wrinkle, I'm gonna go for the low hanging fruit and say this expansion should be named Age of Upheaval.
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