#Hero flexes and Villain swoons
alwaysmychoices · 4 years
Not the End
Synopsis: With only 24 hours left for Charlie to decide if she wants a relationship with Ethan, Charlie and Ethan try to distract themselves from the weight of her decision. But what if Charlie can’t decide? And what if they lose each other?
Chapter 10 of the “with and without” series
Previous Series: “a weekend with dr. ramsey”
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x MC (Charlotte “Charlie” Greene)
Words: 4k+
Rating: Teen 
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Charlie waited for an epiphany, a sign, or a clue.
She looked in every passing face for an answer, but she avoided her own reflection. She spent the night agonizing over Ethan’s proposition, begging herself to fall asleep to see if her dreams would provide a hint. When the sun rose, she retreated to the safety and security of her morning routine. If she could just make her coffee, maybe she would understand herself.
His thumbprints marked her body and mind, and his constant presence in her mind morphed him into a fantastical beast – elusive and distant. She manipulated the image in her mind, painting him as a hero and a villain, but just before she could be convinced of either, the mirage slipped away to her barebone memories of tender smiles as he pulled her close and apologetic eyes as he distanced himself.
It was alarmingly easy to question her own memories.
All this time, had she been right to be so fearful of a relationship with Ethan Ramsey? Was it their doomed fate that pushed her to her lowest point, or had a series of unfortunate missteps blinded her?
A month ago, Charlie knew all the answers.
She knew that she was naïve and reckless to have pursued him in the first place. She regarded her past self with resentment and pity for allowing Ethan to burrow himself in her heart with promises he could never keep. She saw the ensuing chaos and months of painful mistakes as a learning experience. Charlie Greene was smart enough to never trust Ethan Ramsey again.
But was she really?
Sleep-deprived and mindlessly moving through her commute, Charlie didn’t feel smart. She felt angry and confused. Why had she broken her rules? Why had she thrown caution to the wind and exposed herself to danger?
Ethan had the power to hurt her deeply, and now, he handed her the same capability.
There was no safety without hurting him, and the significance of the decision weighed on her. She had every right to be angry at him for backing her into a corner, but something about it felt inevitable. Their current relationship was volatile and unsustainable. A decision had to be made.
She just wished she didn’t have to make it.
As Edenbrook came into view, Charlie mumbled under her breath that she regretted ever meeting Ethan Ramsey, but that was a lie.
The closer she got to Edenbrook, the further her stomach twisted. She dreaded seeing Ethan without having an answer to give him, but she could hardly avoid him all day. Her pace slowed as she attempted to prolong her distance from him, and with her gaze leveled at the door, she felt like she was walking a plank.
Little did she know that she wouldn’t make it to the door.
“Charlie!” Bryce’s eager greeting jolted Charlie out of her head, and she nearly winced at the foreign enthusiasm. Who could be that happy on a morning like this?
Charlie pushed her sunglasses off the bridge of her nose, balancing them on the top of her head as she scanned her surroundings for her friend’s familiar form. It was hard to miss someone like Bryce. He was too tall, too tan, and too devastatingly handsome to blend into a crowd. Soon, she found him by the basketball court near the door and, in an attempt to deter conversation, offered a polite wave.
Bryce waved her over, leaning against the goal post. As Charlie approached, he flashed a bright white smile and flipped his sweaty hair to the side, and interns audibly swooned behind her.
Charlie rolled her eyes, somewhat relieved by the distraction as she polished off her to-go coffee and leveled a cocked eyebrow at her friend.
“You did that on purpose.”
Bryce shrugged shamelessly, flexing his biceps he surveyed the scene behind her. Charlie looked with him and found a conspicuous group of interns and residents clustered near the door. Some were holding coffees and carrying on small talk, if just to warrant their lingering, but some boldly stared. Judging Bryce’s casual confidence and lack of surprise, Charlie wondered if this was a frequent occurrence.
“I did,” Bryce admitted brazenly, smiling even wider, “It’s my responsibility as the most handsome resident. I have a duty to those interns.”
“A duty?” Charlie repeated, amused.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Bryce mused as he shouldered his gym bag, shamelessly flexing his sweaty arms once more for the crowd, “I have to maintain the image. You, on the other hand, look like shit.”
Charlie huffed, mumbling a sarcastic “Thanks.”
He was right, of course. She hadn’t slept, and her indecisiveness took up too much of her headspace for her to think of much else this morning. She dressed in the first scrubs she saw, and as soon as her curls gave her any resistance, she forced them into a ponytail and moved on with her day. Her face was tired and puffy, and without the cover of her sunglasses, her under eyes were dark.
“No offense, of course.”
“Of course,” Charlie echoed in disbelief.
Bryce flashed a wicked smile and leaned in conspiratorially to ask, “To look that bad, you must have had a very good night. What were you up to, Charlie?”
What was she up to?
Just as quickly as it retreated, Charlie’s anxiety resurfaced. Only now, it was bubbling and hot and constricting. She regretted the extra-large cup of coffee as her stomach clenched, and the longer she went without answering, the more she squirmed.
What was she supposed to say? The truth was too complicated to share, especially when she’d kept Ethan a secret for so long. It was one thing to admit that she spent the night fucking her boss in his office, but it was another to admit that she’d been with Ethan. And she couldn’t confess her anxiety without sharing his proposition or the weeks of interactions preceding it.  
Charlie scrambled for a lie, and in the rush, she picked the lamest excuse she could.
“Just didn’t sleep,” Charlie forced a yawn just to prove it, and she internally winced. How would faking a yawn make her seem genuine?
Bryce didn’t look convinced, and Charlie recognized that she was in danger of being discovered.
“Right…” Bryce made a show of rolling his eyes, leaning in further as if silently assuring her that whatever she said would stay between them. Not that it would, of course. If Charlie were to reveal all of her secrets with Ethan, she doubted that Bryce could contain himself.
At best, he’d be so enthralled with the drama that he would feel compelled to tell someone, if just to check if they already knew and hadn’t told him. At worst, he would oppose her self-destructive behavior and would urge their mutual friends to stop her.
But Charlie was so overwhelmed and confused that, if he had pushed, she might have told him.
In the end, she didn’t have to face the questioning at all, and she felt a pang of regret at missing her opportunity to unburden herself.
Charlie’s face dropped, and she was relieved that Bryce was too distracted by the greeting to notice.
Everything was too much. Her heartbeat was too fast, too loud. Time passed too quickly, and it was all too soon.
She watched in horror as Bryce waved his arm in a friendly greeting, summoning the familiar voice.
Don’t come, she willed him silently, I’m not ready.
But of course, that didn’t work.
Even though she recognized the voice, she felt a sting of shock when she saw Ethan Ramsey approach her. Just as she feared it might, the mere sight of him summoned more emotion than she knew how to process. Everything was fleeting yet so deep that she couldn’t form a coherent thought.
She missed him. She adored him. She felt a swell in her heart at the sight of him. But she also dreaded his presence. She feared his hold on her. She tortured herself with her own indecision and her failure to give him an answer. She hated herself for not understanding or trusting herself enough to know what to do.
Ethan, conversely, felt only one thing – crushing disappointment.
His gaze had only just found her when she darted her eyes away, actively avoiding him as he neared her. He could see the exhaustion and worry etched on her face, and his heart sank.
She’s not going to say yes, he realized.
He knew this was a possibility. Last night, he reassured her that she could reject him without earning his hatred. But none of that shielded him from the despair of a refusal.
Ethan struggled to regain his composure as he was socially obligated to approach Bryce after calling out his name. He hardly remembered why he wanted to talk to him in the first place, and now, he certainly didn’t want to. The only person he wanted to talk to was Charlie, and even then, he wasn’t sure if he could.
What could he say to her?
He wanted to comfort her in her obvious distress, but he hesitated to push her. There was something comforting in knowing she still had time to change her mind. It made his rejection feel less final, less devastating.
“You forgot your water bottle,” Ethan blurted out as soon as he reached the young doctors, shoving the bottle in Bryce’s direction. He felt the urge to run and struggled to resist it.
He didn’t know how to act normal. He wasn’t sure he remembered what normal was.
His memories were now skewed to Charlie. Surely, before her, he had done this before. He had offered himself and faced rejection. Charlie was a woman, not a life-altering event. So, why did everything but her feel distant? Why did he not recognize the man in the mirror?
Bryce stared at Ethan, obviously confused and perhaps even uncomfortable with Ethan’s changed demeanor. Ethan was trying so hard to be himself that he came off as a caricature of a gruff attending instead.
“Thanks,” Bryce thanked him tentatively, observing carefully as he took the bottle.
Ethan nodded in his direction instead of replying, and he cast a quick, fleeting look in Charlie’s direction as he greeted her, “Dr. Greene.”
Charlie opened her mouth to greet him as well, though she wasn’t sure how to. Could she still call him Ethan, or was she supposed to take the hint when he failed to call her by her first name?
But Charlie didn’t have to decide.
Just as quick as he approached, Ethan left.
Charlie and Bryce watched as Ethan walked into the hospital, his stride purposeful if not downright irritated. The crowd of interns by the door dispersed quickly under the heat of his stare, muttering that he was sure to be a pain in the ass during rotations if he was already in a bad mood.
They were probably right.
Charlie might have felt bad for the interns on the receiving end of his demanding mentorship, but she knew they got to leave it behind after their rounds. She, on the other hand, had the pleasure of working with him for the rest of the day. Charlie tensed at the thought. If they couldn’t manage small talk outside of the hospital, how would they make it through the day?
“That was weird, right?” Bryce asked, still staring at the door like he was trying to work out the scene he just witnessed.
“What was weird?” Charlie asked innocently, staring ahead to avoid being studied by Bryce. She wouldn’t withstand the scrutiny.
“Dr. Ramsey,” Bryce looked at her incredulously, like she was crazy to have missed it, “He was acting strangely, wasn’t he?”
Charlie shrugged with one shoulder, trying to seem casual as she deflected, “I mean, it’s Dr. Ramsey. What’s normal?”
“I guess…” Bryce murmured absently, consumed with the new mystery.
“I’m going to head in. You coming?” Charlie was quick to leave. If she gave it too much time, Bryce might just work it out, and she didn’t really want to answer the questions that would follow.
Bryce tilted his head thoughtfully, eyes narrowed like he was trying to see through a mist, but finally, he let out a deep breath and flashed Charlie a playful smile as he asked, “Are you just trying to get me in the shower?”
Bryce seemed to forget about Ethan and his strange behavior entirely by the time they reached the locker room, and Charlie let out a relieved sigh once he was safely distracted. She left him to shower and rushed to the diagnostics unit before Ethan could make it there. She collected her assignments from June, who was often the first in the office, and began her morning rounds.
Once she was working, Charlie felt the anxiety in her chest slowly dissipate. Distracted with work, she had no room to think of Ethan or his proposition or the complexity of her decision. She picked up extra jobs throughout the day, even stepping in to help a few interns during her moments of peace and inactivity.
Ethan similarly busied himself, but unlike Charlie and her friendly requests to help around the hospital, Ethan was a terror.
Every intern and resident who had the misfortune of crossing his path soon learned to regret it. Working directly with Charlie had distracted him and maybe even softened his disposition, so his young students had not faced his full intensity in some time. Some interns had never even seen it at all.
The first sign of his sour mood came during their morning rounds. Interns who bumbled or made mistakes were quickly and sharply corrected, and by the end of the morning, at least half of the group hated him. One intern almost had the nerve to call him out on his rudeness but lost their nerve under his intimidating stare.
Those who encountered him the rest of the day found him to be even more severe. He watched all of them with a sharp eye, sharper than he had been in quite a while. A few residents didn’t even realize he was present until they received his criticism.
The entire time, Charlie and Ethan did not cross paths.
They were surpassingly good at avoiding each other.
Of course, they couldn’t evade one another forever, and in the late evening, they ran out of places to hide.
The sun had nearly set by the time Ethan and Charlie faced each other again. Despite hours apart, it just took one look to take them back to the basketball court this morning – awkward, hurt, and strained. After that look, they didn’t really like looking at each other.
It was too distracting. They had come together for a group meeting to go over Senator Farrugia’s confounding test results, and they needed to be their best if they were to solve a medical mystery. Thinking about each other consumed too much brainpower and left them preoccupied and emotional.
They distanced themselves for their own wellbeing. Ethan sat at the desk while Charlie sat at the round table in the furthest chair from him. She kept her eyes on the test results and the whiteboard, actively avoiding his blue gaze. He felt her aversion, and it stung. They both contributed to the discussion, though they never directly conversed.
Late into the meeting, Ethan stepped back, allowing his colleagues to follow a train of thought on their own. He found himself watching Charlie, occasionally looking to the others to hide his sole interest in her. She seemed oblivious, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel it. Despite his better judgment, he imagined her saying yes, and that proved to be the most painful part of it all.
He could picture it. He could see her smiling her bright smile and kissing him as she agreed to a relationship. He could hear their banter in his car as he drove her back to his apartment, and he could smell the dinner they would make. He could envision taking her to bed and waking up next to her.
It came so easily to him that it felt real.
And with a deep twist in his heart, he had to remind himself that it wasn’t.
He wondered if this was their future – avoiding each other as Ethan tortured himself with ideas of their happiness. If she rejected him, could he look at her in the morning? Could she look at him? Could they work together again?
Or was this horrible day the beginning of a new normal?
“I can’t do this anymore,” Baz groaned, head in his hand, and Ethan could deeply empathize.
During Ethan’s inattention, they had amassed at least a dozen new theories and crossed them all out. All three looked frustrated and discouraged, especially Charlie. This case only compounded the overwhelming flow of emotions she’d felt all day, and she cursed ever fighting to bring Farrugia to Edenbrook.
If she hadn’t poached Senator Farrugia, Ethan wouldn’t have kissed her outside of the bar. She wouldn’t have called him later for him to reject her out of principle. She wouldn’t have gone on a date with David, and Ethan wouldn’t have gotten so drunk that he needed saving. They wouldn’t have gotten comfortable again, and they wouldn’t have had sex last night. None of this would be happening if she had just left the patient alone.
Charlie excused herself from the table, leaving a pile of papers at her seat, as she crossed the room for a glass of water just to have a new distraction.
“This is particularly tricky,” June nodded to Baz as if it were an equal complaint, which only made Baz groan louder as he closed the cover of his tablet and massaged his temples.
“If tricky means ‘absolute hell,’ I agree,” Baz grumbled, and Charlie smiled softly into her glass as she watched them.
She could see Ethan watching them, too. She wondered what he was thinking. Was he just as amused, or was he irritated as well? Or was he thinking about her?
The last thought made her body tense, and she averted her eyes.
Charlie wished that she knew what to do, but after spending all day running from him, she was no closer to her decision. She was running out of time, and she swore she could hear the ticking clock in the back of her mind.
“On that note, we should conclude this meeting. We’ll pick up in the morning,” Ethan announced, visibly relieved to put the case away for the night.
Baz let out a weak “wooo!” as he let his head fall to the table, still working through his frustration. June shook her head at his display and collected her materials, wishing her colleagues goodnight as she left to check on a few patients before going home. Baz began to pull himself together, albeit slowly.
For a moment, Charlie felt frozen in place as it dawned on her that she would soon be alone with Ethan. As much as she wanted to stop thinking about Senator Farrugia, she wasn’t ready to leave the security of the group meeting. She wasn’t ready to run away, and she wasn’t ready to face him either. She felt as though she just remembered the passage of time, and the reality of her deadline hit her. Every step she took was a step closer to the ending, but she didn’t know what it looked like.
Charlie didn’t trust the fluctuating advice in her head that ranged from “say yes, you idiot!” to “run away and never see him again!”
All she really knew was that she didn’t want to hurt Ethan, but she also didn’t want to hurt herself.
Belatedly, Charlie realized that Ethan was watching her, and she cautiously glanced in his direction only to directly meet his gaze.
Charlie was amazed by the thought. It came easily and so readily, and for a moment, she thought everything was solved. But then doubt crept in.
Dropping her eyes, Charlie mumbled an excuse about needing to check on her intern and hurried out of the office before she could be left alone with Ethan.
Once again, Ethan was disappointed.
He was amazed that he still felt it. For any other paramour, the indecision and rejection would have numbed him quickly to reduce the likelihood of future pain. Harper once joked that it was her first clue that he didn’t love her.
But Ethan did love Charlie. Maybe that’s what made him so ready to wait for her, maintaining his optimism with every blow. Maybe he was willing to play the fool for her.
Alone in the diagnostics office, Ethan evaded his own reflection. He didn’t want to see who he’d become in hopes that she would accept his offer, yet he knew he would sink much lower if he lost her.
Forty-five minutes passed, and Charlie didn’t leave his mind for a single second.
At his best, he thought about how he was thinking about her, and at his worst, he thought about everything about her.
While he sat in his thoughts, Charlie found herself running. He was everywhere, yet just when she could touch a feeling or an instinct, her mind instinctively distanced itself. Forcing herself to stay there and face it was a herculean task. Even as she tried, she couldn’t maintain it.
Why didn’t she know? When it’s right, you’re supposed to know.
Charlie paced the halls, finding odd tasks as she went to fill the time, but there wasn’t enough to distract her now. Each time she paced, she found herself a little closer to the office. She felt tied to him and was following an invisible rope.
“I’ll just say no,” she thought aloud, her voice a low mumble kept only to her. As she pivoted in her pace, she frowned and countered, “wait, I should say yes. Or…”
Charlie opened her mouth to speak, but her thoughts were too jumbled to produce a sentence. It was as if, in the chaos of everything flying at her, there was nothing left. She’d thought of it all and felt no closer to a resolution.
In her frustrated daze, Charlie didn’t realize that she was still walking. Instead of turning at the corner, she kept going, inching closer and closer to disaster. Maybe, subconsciously, she was ready to face him and that’s why she kept walking, or maybe she was so ripped apart by fear and adoration that there wasn’t room for another thought.
She kept walking until she felt a pair of familiar eyes watching her.
Charlie held her breath as she scanned the hallway. She knew she would see him, but that knowledge didn’t prepare her for the sight. She gasped lightly, her chest tight as she tried to remember how to breathe again.
Ethan. Her Ethan.
He watched her carefully, reading the precarious confusion in her face. He braced himself for another rejection, yet… he wasn’t quite sure he would get one. There was something in the way she looked at him – in the way she was still standing there – that made him think she might actually say yes, and that was a dangerous thought. In response, hope and optimism filled his chest, brushing over every wound with golden forgiveness.
Tentatively, Ethan nodded in her direction, still separated by at least twelve feet.
“Charlie,” he greeted her hesitantly, studying her intently for any sign of her answer.
Charlie felt blank. Like all she could do was stare back. When she realized he’d expected her to say something back, she breathlessly whispered, “Ethan.”
This was it.
This was the time.
And Charlie didn’t know.
She wasn’t oscillating between extremes anymore. She was very firmly planted in a field of nothingness. Every thought and idea and argument was out of reach, and she could only see panic-inducing emptiness.
Ethan watched her face twist as she came to this realization, but he couldn’t interpret it. He waited for her to speak, but his foolish optimism couldn’t stay bottled up. He wanted her to say yes so badly that he was willing to push for it.
Against his better judgment, he asked, “Have you decided?”
Charlie’s chest heaved as if all of the air had been taken from her lungs, and she stared at him as she tried to find it again. She stood still, yet she felt like she was running for a clue. She was trying to remember why she’d fought herself on both sides, hoping for an illuminating insight that would change everything. She waited for it to become simple, yet it never did.
And in the recesses of her mind, as she weeded through her feelings while staring down the barrel of nothing, there was a thought.
A small, quiet one. Yet she heard it over the noise.
Maybe the absence of a choice is a choice.
Here, at her last opportunity, if she didn’t know what she wanted to say, that had to mean something. Her frustrating indecision and urge to distract herself said something, but she hadn’t listened.
Maybe she’d made her choice the moment she ran out on him last night. Maybe this whole exercise was just an attempt to hold onto him longer. Maybe she already knew she would lose him.
“I-I…” Charlie stammered, still running. She was always running. She didn’t want it to be true as she finally declared, “I can’t.”
And then she was running. She was actually running. With each step, she was leaving it behind. She was retreating, and she was praying that she made the right decision.
Ethan stood in a state of shock, all of the hopeful warmth replaced with the bone-chilling absence of it. He failed to comprehend the devastation he felt, running just as she did back into his head. He lied to himself that there was still hope. He reminded himself of the time left before the deadline, and as he left the hospital in defeat, he told himself that this was not the end.
Because, if it was…
Ethan didn’t know if he could face it.
And as Charlie tried desperately to retreat, there was a thought she couldn’t escape.
She made the wrong choice.
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Author’s Note: SO, I was planning for this to be resolved, but the chapter got long, and I was tempted to raise the suspense. I know you probably hate me and Charlie, but I want Charlie to be human. So, she’s going to be annoying sometimes, so will Ethan. I’m already working on the next chapter, and I can tell you that it has a much happier ending. 
I am sorry tho 
also, I’ve never said this, but in my mind, this series has a long way to go. So, you’ve still got a lot of chapters left if you want to stick around, even if Charlie can be annoying. 
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musutofu · 4 years
【 Family Matters 】 Drabble
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♡ pairing | ᵞᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ Todoroki x ᵍⁿ Reader ✑ word count | 1.8k ✎ genre | yandere ✗ warnings | kidnapping, arranger marriage prompt | 5. “The world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.” 50: “I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.”
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A chill, then a shiver; the most gentle trembling of her shoulders as the cold traces up the ridges of her spine with the iciest touch. Barely a hair’s breadth of movement only captured by eyes keen enough to know what to look for, but enough to upset the balance of her hands. The needle poised between her fingers slips and eats through her skin, pulling away pearls of blood as it leaves like a syringe. She makes a small noise of acknowledgment, a wisp of a sound that hardly disturbs the silence that’s clouded the room. The following sigh is louder as she lifts the embroidery from her lap to more closely examine the red stain eating through the white fabric like wildfire. It spreads to the mauves and lavenders of the peonies she’d been stitching, ruining a few hours of work in a few seconds. Still, she doesn’t look to the damage to see how badly she’s injured herself, only mournfully swipes her unbloodied thumb over the unruined flowers with a rueful smile. The minute uptick of her lips is an expression she’s been showing more often, although it’s worrisome in this context. Not wanting to disturb her but concerned for the ribbon of blood dripping down her finger, you rise from your seat to take the embroidery loop from her hand. She lets you, smile falling just a fraction before her eyes focus on your face. “It’s ruined now.” She’s still smiling, head tilted and eyes closed as if she’s expecting something. It sets a pang in your heart at the thought of what she must be thinking of; the consequences she must expect after rendering a day’s work pointless. Whatever it is she doesn’t have to fear it from you as you gentle dab at the blood on her hand, whipping the tiny cut clean with a sanitizing wipe before covering it with a bandaid. She flexes her finger to test its durability, holding her hand up to admire the floral decals wrapped around her fingertip. The bright pinks and blues stand out against her pale skin and even paler hair. Humming a soft thanks, she bows her head, eyes catching on the doorway as she lifts it. “Ah, Shouto.” The boy is easily recognizable as her son, a perfect split between her and her husband. “I wasn’t expecting you today.” He makes a sound in his throat like he hadn’t expected to find himself here either, but still moves to give her a hug. It isn’t the most intimate of gestures but knowing from Rei how things went in the Todoroki household it makes you feel as though you’re intruding. Trying your best to go unnoticed, you quickly gather your things and move towards the door. Rei catches you as you’re quietly bowing your goodbyes and waves you back in before you can fully disappear behind the closed door. “Don’t go so soon, come keep us company a while longer.” Whether she’s truly lonely after having years of motherhood taken from her while she’s been here or simply being polite, you can’t tell, but decide to resettle yourself in a chair near to her son. “Shouto, this is [Name]. They’re a student volunteer that comes to visit me every so often. I believe you two are around the same age, aren’t you?” She looks to you for confirmation. “I suppose we are.” You’re both still in high school and you recognize him from this year’s U.A. sports festival. He’s the same year as you. “It’s nice to meet you, [Name]-kun.” You say the same, hoping he doesn’t notice the way you fidget in your seat as he looks at you. His eyes are mismatched; an icy grey and burning blue that sears through you until it feels as though his gaze has melted away everything but your soul. It’s a strange feeling that you needn’t linger in and you turn away first, feigning interest in Rei’s ruined embroidery. She sighs when you lift it for appraisal. “I know, it’s ruined. I can be so clumsy sometimes.” She says bashfully, sounding less tense than she’d looked before. “My grandpa once told me nothing is ever ruined, and he’s a kimono maker. He’s had to repair and restore all sorts of stains and tears. We could turn this into a bouquet of camellias and peonies. I have some red thread at home, I’ll bring it on my next visit.” Rei smiles again and it helps to stave off the strange feelings her son is encoring with his enthralled gaze still trained on you. The visit continues like that until a nurse comes to inform you that visiting hours are over. This time Rei lets you slip away without protest, but her son won’t allow you the same luxury. He finds you outside in the light of the setting sun. It makes his left side glow as the dull embers of the waning sun catch in his crimson hair. He says nothing, still just staring in a way that makes you feel like he’s looking inside you rather than at you. Unsure of what to say, but knowing it’d be rude to walk away you stay nailed to the spot, waiting for him to say or do anything that could release you from the binds of propriety. “What school do you go to?” He says finally. You tell him, a slight swell of pride filling the emptiness his eyes have left inside you as you name one of the most prestigious schools in Musutafu that specializes in clinical rehabilitation for people affected by the aftermath of villain attacks. He doesn’t even pretend to be impressed. His eyes pierce you like a pin and all the hubris leaks out onto the pavement. “Thank you for looking after my mother.” You don’t mention that you’re getting school credits for your volunteer work and he doesn’t say goodbye. He simply turns to walk in the opposite direction. His abrasive exit bothers you less than it should seeing as his departure takes away all the tension that had built up since his arrival. Rei is a nice woman but her son has a strangely aloof personality, though not so strange when considering his upbringing. You brush his intense presence off as a normality for someone in his situation. Quite nearly forgetting about ever having met him after several visits to see Rei go uninterrupted. She says he still visits, just never when you’re there and coyly wonders why you’ve taken a sudden interest in him. It’s easy to pretend it’s admiration when everyone in your class are swooning over one U.A. student or another. Truthfully, you’re glad for the lack of appearance on his part. One meeting with the stoic boy was enough. After today’s visit, Rei insisted you take her fully restored embroidery of red and violet flowers as a gift for being so kind to her. You tuck it under your pillow before you go to sleep, wondering if the maternal love stitched into each flower would give you sweet dreams. Strangely, you awake in the middle of the night. It hadn’t been a nightmare that had done it as the memories of some happy dream still cling to the edges of your consciousness, but they’re easily flushed away as you move to shift back to your side only to find your hands tangled with your headboard. A short tugs gives way to a quick bite of searing pain as the frozen restraints cut into your wrists. It takes you longer than it should to realize the headboard is different than your own, and that the bed is different. The entire room is foreign to you right down to the white shirt you most definitely hadn’t gone to sleep in, though your frantic shuffling tells you it’s the only part of your clothing that was tampered with. “Ah, you’re awake.” The voice comes from a corner of the room where the silhouette of a chair is occupied by the last person you’d want to find you in such a compromising position. Shouto is watching you with his lecherous eyes, taking in every detail of your struggle. Each second that passes drags to the length of an eternity as he silently takes in every detail of you prone form. When he shifts to stand you jerk away in fear, wrist tugging hard at your restraints. Hard enough to cut your skin open on the ice fractals. Warm lines of blood drip down your raised arms and Shouto clicks his tongue in distaste. “Darling, don’t hurt yourself. That’s merely a precaution. I’ll remove it as soon as you calm down.” “Calm down? You expect me to calm down when I’m in a strange place with a strange man? Don’t tell me to calm down!” Shouto sighs like you’re a petulant child refusing to go to bed even when it’s evident that you’re tired. “This isn’t a strange place and I’m not a strange man. You’re at home, our home. With me. I don’t see what’s so strange about it.” “Home? My home is with my parents, far away from you.” He sighs again, his expression a cross between endearment and exasperation when you move away from his approach. He still catches you around the waist, right hand cutting through the thin fabric of the shirt to send a chill through your skin below. “My parents are your parents. Marriage does that.” His head leans into the column of your neck, lips smiling against your skin like you’ve just told the funniest joke. “Marriage?” You incredulous. How had one chance meeting that only lasted a few hours lead to the leap from strangers to life partners. “It was arranged by my father at my request. Your parents were rather excited to hear that you were going to be married to a Hero. Mother was the one that encouraged me to pursue you. Said we’d make a lovely couple.” The words draw forth memories of Rei’s soft smile, but it’s soured by the reminder that if you hadn’t been assigned to her you would’ve never met her son, though it’s hard to loathe such a sweet woman. “I couldn’t agree more.” Shouto continues. “I love you. I wanted to tell you that first day at the hospital but I didn’t want to frighten you. Now that we’re to be married I can say it as much as I’d like. I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds. I want to keep you all to myself.” His arms tighten around you waist, pulling you impossibly closer. Your hearts beat against each other; yours a frantic flutter against his steady rhythm. “I want to keep you in my arms forever. The world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.” “And you do?” The words are said before you can stop them. Shouto lifts his head from where he’d been marking your neck with deepening bruises. “No, but I’m willing to spend every day of the rest of our lives proving my worth. You’ll love me then,” his voice darkens, “I know you will.”
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rubyneo · 4 years
everyone staring at me talking ab this hyper-specific rarepair born from my need to see villain/hero ships but not liking the implications of most of the villains with the other heroes
Tumblr media
Ruby had ridiculous crushes on Em and Mercury at Beacon. They also had crushes on her
Neo, Merc, and Em were all dating and were discussing also bringing Ruby into the relationship (and defecting from Cinder)
Then the F.o.B happened and Em + Merc thought Neo was dead and Ruby would never forgive them (wrong on both counts)
The Crime Kids(tm) are always kissing Ruby. Her cheeks her forehead her nose her hands it doesn't matter. She's getting smooched
Neo likes to lay on top of her partners :3c Especially Mercury bc he's the biggest which means more space to stretch out
Mercury + Em are the only relationship that's non-romantic, but Emerald truly thinks of Mercury as her soulmate (in a non-romantic but not rly platonic way). Tbh, kind of digging them as QPPs?
Neo and Ruby love just chilling together. Neo likes sitting in Ruby's lap so she can lean back and press kisses to the underside of her jaw 😳😳
Em and Ruby like to spar together! Especially after Cinder dies and Em gets the fall maiden powers, they like to test the silver eyes v the maiden powers
Mercury likes to pick up Neo and Ruby and just cart them around on his shoulders. He also flexes for them while the pretend to swoon.
Emerald likes to just. Cuddle with Neo and Ruby. She needs a nap, bro.
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elizabethemerald · 5 years
10 Years Later
To everyone who enjoyed my “Did the others know?” Question from the other day. Here is them finding out. It’s a lot less beating up the wizard and a lot more caring for the child who was hurt. I hope everyone likes it, or it makes you very sad. Please reblog just like you did with the other post! I want to make sure everyone who saw that sees this. 
Ten years. It was the ten year anniversary of the end of the war. The week had been filled with celebrations, speeches and toasts. Now at the end of the week, the heroes of the wars gathered for their own smaller celebration.
This was the date they all considered the actual anniversary of the end of the war. Not when the last wizard died, but when Jim and Claire finally woke up from their comas to be told the good news. 
Toby hadn't left their sides the entire week, sitting in the room they shared in his wheelchair. Aja had woken up a few days before the others. This was the day that they celebrated. The day of tears as the heroes were told about their victory, and what that victory had cost them. They celebrated with drinks and stories, laughs and more tears. 
Jim sat on the long couch in between two of his lovers. His mane was growing longer and he seemed even taller. To his left was Claire and his right Toby. 
Claire sat with several of her most powerful wards glowing in a circle around her. While she had finally stopped trying to hex Morgana into non being on sight, it was clear she still didn't trust her. Anytime Morgana looked her way the temperature in the room would drop or jump a few degrees. 
Toby sat on Jim's other side. His prosthetic leg sat on the coffee table. With his mastery of gravity the prosthetic was mostly for appearances, and no one here cared. 
On his other side was Darci. She held his hand tightly throughout the evening. Her belly already starting to show the baby bump. 
Aja and Krel leaned against the wall. She was in her human form, he was in his Akiridion form. The pressures of their daily lives often kept them in their other forms so here where they could relax they opted for the form they were so often denied. 
The various adults were sitting around the room as well. Barbara sitting with one arm around Morgana and the other around Zelda. Zadra would occasionally walk through the house and run her fingers through Barbara or Zelda's hair as she passed, though her focus was on security for the royals. Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Strickler sat around the dining room table. 
"I'm telling you, Gunmar was the worst." Toby was saying. The discussion of which villain was the worst was one that was still hotly debated even ten years after the end of the wars. They all politely refrained from mention Morgana, at least while she was in the room, though Claire had made her opinion on that clear. "After everything he did, Gunmar gets the biggest douchebag award."
"You don't have to tell me the awful things he did." Jim said. It was accepted that other than Aaarrrgghh and Nomura that Jim had the most first hand experience with Gunmar's cruelty and thus be taken as an expert in the matter. "But we all knew he was evil. His name was Gunmar the Skullcrusher!"
Toby and Claire nodded. Jim had made this argument many times before. 
"Merlin pretended he was a good guy, when really he only cared about his magic. He gets the biggest douchebag award." Jim paused and his eyes went a little distant, then his voice turned bitter. "Especially after what he did to me."
Several in the room reacted to the extreme bitterness in his voice. Barbara sat forward. Blinky looked hurt. Walter and Zelda made eye contact across the room. Jim seemed lost in his thoughts and didn't notice. Walter cleared his throat to draw his attention. 
"Young Atlas, I thought you had come to terms with your current form." He said. Jim looked up surprised. 
"Oh, being a half troll is great! I'm stronger, faster and a better fighter. Plus I'm closer than ever to my dad." Jim smiled broadly at Blinky. "Plus I can do this."
Jim flexed his arms, his custom tailored suit strained to hold his muscles form. Claire immediately blushed up to her ears. Toby swooned dramatically into Darci's arms. Even Aja had to take a deep breath. Jim smiled and quirked his eyebrows at his lovers. Walter struggled not to roll his eyes. 
"Then what are you talking about Jim?" Barbara asked. She was still concerned and her son's show boating wasn't going to distract her. "What else did Merlin do to you?"
Jim looked at her and then the others, confusion etched on his face. "Remember he refused to let me go to your rescue, beat me unconscious then tied me to a chair?"
There was several long seconds of silence. Glances flew across the room rapidly as everyone tried to process that statement. The temperature in the room plummeted. 
"He what?!" Claire shouted. The air crackled around her, her hair starting to float around her head.
"Did I never tell you?" Jim asked, his expression a mix between remorseful and incredulous. 
"Do you think I would have been willing to travel across the entire country with someone who had done that if I'd known?" Claire asked. 
Blinky immediately rose to his feet and moved to sit in front of Jim on the coffee table. 
"Master Jim...son…" he hesitated and looked to Barbara for help. She joined him on the coffee table.
"Jim, tell us what happened." Barbara said softly. She put her hand on his knee.
"Oh if you don't know, then I'll tell you later. I don't want to spoil the party!" Jim tried to put on a brave face. However, his voice still choked up and he had tears at the edge of his eyes. 
"Everyone here loves you Jim." Blinky said. "Please tell us what happened."
Claire and Toby pressed themselves against his shoulders to show their support. Jim took a deep shaky breath. And told them. 
Jim told them about his fear that Gunmar would hurt his mom. Trying to coordinate the search with Toby and Claire. Wanting to leave the house to help them search. How Merlin had stopped him. The fight in the house. Jim described the desperation with which he fought to escape so he could rescue his mom. 
By the time he described Merlin ripping the Amulet from his chest there wasn't a single dry eye. Jim telling them about waking up tied to a chair brought several sobs from his family. Merlin's describing Jim's choice dragged growls from a few of his guardians, including Aaarrrgghh and Morgana. 
Then came his trip into the bathroom. 
Everyone knew how they had found Jim. They knew the aftermath of what happened. But he hadn't told any of them his thoughts as he filled the tub, as he donned his armor for what he thought would be the last time, as he stepped into the black potion. 
Jim was sobbing, tears pouring down his face as he spoke. Toby was holding him tight. Claire had dropped some of her wards so she could be just as close. Aja had walked over and was leaning against the back of the couch holding Jim from behind. 
"I thought I might be dying!" Jim said. His voice broke their hearts. "Merlin didn't explain how the potion would work. I didn't know if I was going to come out on the other side. I didn't even know what was going to come out on the other side."
"When I woke up in that pond I thought I might be in the Void. I was barely able to stumble into the house."
"And then you had to travel across the entire country with the man who did that to you.” Barbara said softly.
“We had won, we had defeated Gunmar. I thought at the time that it was worth it.” Jim said, wiping tears from his eyes. “I tried not to think about what he had done, and when I did I thought it was my fault for not listening to him.”
“And the way he talked about you after.” Claire said, her eyes distant. “Not just before the Eternal Night, but after as well. On the road to New Jersey, anytime he was tutoring me in magic, he would talk about how he had “fixed” you. And he would talk about your life before like it didn’t matter, like your life didn’t shape you into the hero you are.”
“God if I was there I would have squashed him into goo.” Toby said, shaking in fury. He held out his and the collapsed handle of his hammer flew across the room. 
“Careful Toby!” Darci said covering her belly. 
“I am sure there are many things we would have done had we known.” Blinky said. “But the important thing is we know now. Jim is there anything we can do for you?”
“Other than constant reminders that we love you no matter what.” Barbara said. 
“Honestly that’s what I need the most.” Jim stood up from the couch as he spoke. He easily lifted Claire and Toby as they clung to his shoulders. Aja had to nimbly step over the couch as she held onto his shoulders. Barbara and Blinky both stood with him and embraced him. Jim’s soft sobs echoed in the house as one by one every person there came up and joined the hug.
Later, the “kids” were out in the back yard “sparring.” Barbara thought to herself that she had to stop them thinking about them as children at some point. They were her children, and she loved them all. Of course the sparring was really just playing around. The older crowd stood together in the kitchen. 
“That bastard is lucky he’s dead and buried. I have half a mind to dig him up and desecrate his corpse, for what he did.” Barbara had a death grip on the kitchen counter. “I did everything I could to protect Jim from the abuse I went through. And the person who we thought would be our savior hurt more than anyone else.”
Morgana held her close. “Merlin always was a bastard. He cut off my goddamn hand in my sleep.”
“He was constantly abusive towards Claire on our journey to New Jersey.” Blinky said. 
“And he hated me for being a changeling.” Nomura said, grinding her teeth. “Among many other reasons.”
Barbara sighed deeply. “Well whatever’s he done he’s long gone. Now we have to be there for Jim and kids. Make sure none of them are still hurting from the war.”
Barbara continued to glower as the other adults made their assurances that they do what they could to assist. The party returned to its celebratory nature. 
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
Like Ghosts In Snow (Ch. 2)
While your guardian is keeping a huge secret you take on the nightlife and find yourself in a mad supernatural hellzone.
Vampire au, villain au
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of violence
A/N: I had written 90% of this before I started requests and figured I’d finish it before continuing. I’ll get on to do more requests Thursday at the latest! Deku is here! I’m stoked.
Chapter 2: Ambrosia
You sat on the passenger seat of Bakugou’s Oldsmobile and listened to his shitty gangster rap music. Eijirou moved around in the back seat from window to window allowing his head to pop out to catch the cool salty pacific air, occasionally popping his head over your seat to give kisses and sniffs.
Bakugou parked the car on the side of the road. You knew immediately by looking around that this was a college town. Kids around your age walked in groups up and down the street, shopping, finding hot spots, looking for places to get a drink or go to dinner. They skipped and cheered and laughed with one another. You felt a twinge if jealousy watching other kids having fun with their friends.
“The comic book store a couple blocks away so we’re gonna have to walk,” Bakugou said letting Eijirou our of the car. Eijirou sat on the sidewalk waiting patiently for the two of you to start walking. A good boy.
Before you got out of the car, you bent down to tie your shoe. Bakugou opened your door for you. You looked up at him surprised. “And they say chivalry is dead,” you said slightly slurring the word ‘chivalry.’
“Hurry the fuck up.” Woah there, partner.
You slid down your seat and out of the car and walked fast paced towards the sidewalk however you managed to trip over your own leg and nearly fell into the road.
It was like you were frozen in air. You started at the street but your face never met it. At that same moment a 1967 black mustang sped down the road. The would’ve hit me, you thought yourself.
Bakugou pulled you onto the sidewalk. He had caught you by your hand just in time. “It would be really nice,” he growled at you, “if we could make it to this damn comic book store without you getting yourself fucking killed.”
You blinked at him. He had saved you by he was still so mean. You looked into his glowering red eyes. He did look a bit concerned. Still he was being so rude to you, and why?
You laughed. “I just wanted you to hold my hand,” you said innocently. You looked down at your hand still intertwined with his.
He threw it away stalking off down the street. You thought for a second you had seen him blush. You just shake your head.
You walked in silence for a while, watching as Eijirou sniffed every lamppost, ever plant, and every trash can you passed by. People avoided Bakugou on the street, making sure to walk into the road to avoid being near him. It probably didn’t help the Eijirou was a growling machine whenever anyone looked his way.
“We’re going to cut down this alley and walk behind the buildings. The dog is wasting our time stopping every second he can to get his damn fix.” So you followed Bakugou down an alley with Eijirou watching carefully behind you.
The alleyway was plastered with ‘Missing Person’ posters. Faces of all ages stared at you with messages from loved ones pleading for the viewer to call specified numbers if there was any information on their whereabouts. You read some of the names. ‘Momo Yaoyorozu’... ‘Denki Kaminari’... ‘Hitoshi Shinsou’... You came upon a poster where the person’s face was torn away from the wall. The name read ‘Izuku Midoriya.’
Bakugou has stopped walking to watch you look at all the posters. You turned to him and asked, “is this town safe?”
“Does it feel safe?” He glared at you. He was so cryptic.
You gulped. It didn’t. But you weren’t going to let this smug fucker spook you out when you wanted to enjoy your night. You sarcastically fluttered your lashes gave him a smile, curling a lock of hair around your finger and gushed, “I feel safe knowing that a big strong man such as yourself is here to be my personal body guard.” You could nearly see steam fuming out of his nostrils. Eijirou barked at you, as if to say, I’m here too you know! You turned away from him and skipped down the alleyway.
The back of each building had something beautifully painted on it. You were mesmerized by the swirl of blue mixed with an orange and pink hue that painted a landscape of a giant wave crashing against a bluff. The next building had the scene of a thunder storm in the middle of a desert, the cactus and dunes were silhouetted against a purple night sky with a white lightning bolt bursting through it.
The last building on your trek really caught your eye. An incredibly bulky man stood over a mound of skeletons that had pointed teeth. His blonde hair seemed to be blowing in the wind. He held a medieval axe in one hand while his other flexed showing off rippling muscles. He had a huge conquering smile on.
“We’re here,” Bakugou snapped you out of your daze.
“Wow,” was all you said.
“Tch,” Bakugou looked down at Eijirou who seemed almost as amazed as you were at the painting. You didn’t think dogs could understand artwork. “You’re staying right here,” Bakugou said to the dog.
Eijirou let out a whine but he sat down obediently.
A bell dinged as you entered the store. At the front, an older man sat staring blankly through the window at people walking by. He was scrawny, nearly skin and bones, eyes sunken in casting a shadow over his face, but he had wild blonde hair, with bangs parted down the middle falling to either side of his face. When you walked by, giving him a smile, he slowly put up a hand to greet you but continued to stare outside, as if his greeting was only a reflex. Bakugou didn’t look at him.
The place was filled. Different swords and weapons decorated the walls, comic books grew in stacks, there were standees of heroes from recent movies you’ve watched in theaters, and separate sections for old movies, games, and cds were labeled in pictures and stickers, and there were stairs towards the back of the store labeled ‘records,’ with a sign pointing up.
You slowly walked to a stack of books and fingered the folds of a random book before picking it up. It had been a manga from the mid 2000’s called, ‘My Date With a Teenaged Vampire.’ You snickered to yourself as you flipped through the pages, watching the heroine blush and swoon over a very cheesy looking vampire.
Bakugou scoffed over your shoulder causing you to jump and throw the book back into the stack. “Jesus! Hover much, Katsuki?”
“It’s Bakugou,” he rolled his eyes at you. “Of course you’re one of those girls that believe in that ‘vampires are romantic, star crossed lovers, fate’s kiss’ bullshit. Vampires feed, kill, and burn, in that order.”
“And werewolves howl, piss on trees, and hump each other, in that order,” you wanted to defend yourself but you didn’t want him to think you cared about what he thought about you. You didn’t.
“Werewolves don’t exist,” he said crossing his arms, challenging you.
“And vampires do? Honestly, Bakugou, if you are gonna be a killjoy, you could just wait outside.”
“I don’t see why the fuck not. It’s not like I wanna be here.”
“The door,” you said, motioning towards the outside, “is right over there.”
He narrowed his eyes and slammed his hand on the table next to you and started leaning in to you causing you to move away from him. For a split second you thought he was going to kiss you but the thought quickly left your mind when he stopped right in front of you, his hot breath on h s face. “You’re a pain in my ass,” he whispered and shoved something to your chest before stalking away towards the front. You watched as he swung the door open, causing the bell to ring, and the shopkeeper raised his hand to say goodbye to his guest.
You looked at what Bakugou had left you. It was a comic book from the 1980’s. The title of the book was blacked out with sharpie pen and over it written in chipping whiteout was ‘10 Ways To Absolutely Destroy a Vampire.’ You flipped through the comic and saw various different scribbles over the original work, seeming to correct or call bullshit on certain things the comic had written in it. You read through a strip where the hero dramatically piles a stake through the heart of a vampire the words ‘obviously’ were messily scribbled next to the perishing vampire. You scrunched your face. Why did Bakugou give you trash? You flipped to the last page of the book where ‘property of Edgar and Alan Frog: vampire hunters’ were written. “Well, Edgar and Alan Frog, you guys are psychos,” you said aloud.
A sudden ring from the door front caused you to jump. You glanced up to see the shopkeeper put up his hand in greeting but didn’t see anybody in the store. A shiver went up your spine. Maybe it was someone lost or confused and turned back immediately? You shrugged it off but you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched.
You made your way up the stairs to look at the collection of records. You flipped through the $2” stack and read through dozens of bands you hadn’t heard of. Your hand ghosted over some lapel pins representing music labels. You made your way over to the rock bands that were in an alphabetized order. You scanned through through the D’s; David Bowie, Dead Kennedy’s, Depeche Mode, and your fingers landed on the Morrison Hotel album by the Doors. You pulled it out of the stack and you felt eyes on you again.
You turned abruptly and your eyes met with mesmerizing emerald ones. You smiled at the messy haired boy who was fixated on you before returning reading the back of the album.
“Jim Morrison... quite the inspiration,” a friendly voice rang in your ears.
Nervous at the stranger speaking to you you didn’t look up from the album when you replied, “yeah... I think my dad is a big fan of his. I’m thinking about getting him this album.”
“You should get it for yourself,” the voice was right up against your ear. You took a step away and turned to the boy, giving him a surprised look.
His green irises peaked through half lidded eyes, face dusted in freckles, his red lips stretched into a lazy smile when he got a good look at you. He almost looked like a doll. He wore a white dress shirt with a black vest, black slacks, and converse. His cute face did not match his clothes at all.
“M-maybe I will,” you felt an uneasy tension creep up your back.
Taking a step closer he reached behind you, his arm pressing uninvitedly on your shoulder, and pulled a different record back into his hands, his eyes never leaving yours. “If you’re going to get an album by The Doors, might I suggest ‘Strange Days,’?” He flipped the vinyl over to show up the list of songs, rubbing his shoulder against yours. “Some of the songs feature a harpischord, an elegant instrument that’s not usually associated with rock and roll.” When you didn’t say anything he continued, “you know, when Morrison died they didn’t do surgery on his body to see what his cause of death was. Some believe he might still be alive.”
That made you laugh. “Yeah he’s probably somewhere sharing a drink with Elvis, right?”
The boy grinned at your joke. “Yeah, something like that,” the spirit of eerie irony filled his voice.
You took the vinyl from his hands and admired the odd photo they used as the album cover.
“What’s your name?” The boy asked.
“F/N L/N,” you said without hesitation. You felt you should be cautious around him but you couldn’t help but blurt out the honest answer immediately. A shiver shot through your body.
“F/N L/N,” your name was drawled our through his lips, slowly, as if he was savoring the taste of it on his tongue. “You’re a friend of Kacchan’s?”
The boy chuckled humorlessly. “Katsuki Bakugou. I can smell him on you.” Another uneasy wave hit you, still you were unable to move away from the boy. “He has a hard time making friends.”
“I can’t fathom why,” you said rolling your eyes.
The boy jumped up to sit on top of the counter holding the records. He smiled down on you. “I like you, y/n,” he said slightly kicking his feet. He reached over to the box of lapel pins and held it in his lap. He tilted his head to the side and asked, “Will you do me a favor?”
I don’t think so. “Sure.”
“Give me your hand.”
Your right hand involuntarily reached up to reach the boys. Taking one of the lapel pins he pricked your pointer finger. You winced, shooting your hand back. A drop of scarlet oozed from the tip. You sucked at your wound.
The boy’s smile grew, his tongue pressed against his white teeth. “What does it taste like?”
Leave. Turn around and leave. Go find Bakugou and go home. “It takes like,” you licked your finger, “skin and copper.” Why do you want to know?
He bit his lip, looking pleased. He held out his hand to you once more. “Let me try.”
Again your hand met his. He caresses your arm as he brought your bleeding finger to his lips, keeping eye contact with you, he kissed your finger. “Oh,” he took your finger into your mouth, you felt his tongue swirl around the wound, and he sucked. A greedy moan escaped his lips.
You felt a different kind of tingling envelope your body. It’s like you were entranced by this man who was sampling your blood.
Looking pleased, he let your hand fall to your side. “You taste magnificent. Like honey, sunshine,... ambrosia.” He licked his lips as if the taste of you lingered on them. “I can’t wait to have you when you’re not intoxicated.”
How does he know? How am I not screaming? Why can’t I call for help? Questions ran rapidly through your head as you stared at the green haired boy, paralyzed.
He hopped down from the counter and started walked towards the stairs. “Sadly, we’ll have to save that for another... date.”
Your body was burning to move. “What’s your name?” Was all you could muster.
He tossed his head back, sleepy eyes landing on you. “*Izuku Midoriya*, but you won’t be remembering that anytime soon.” The boy disappeared down the stairs.
Chapter 3
Tags for EVERYTHING: @yandere-inamorata @doriichii @miitaart @dessiedawnwritesfanfiction @kido-is-not-a-ghost @wickedlewicked @chickennuggetsarequestionable @nevermorelenore @kpanime @jetblackjessie @ayeputita @bokunoheroes-stories @captain-sin-allmight-queen @diisasterbii @iceformer @meganofmars @colagirl5 @colorbookshd @grimmjadeskye @sm0kingcrack @sarcastictextstuck @zellllyyyy @psionicsnow @mynahx3 @andie-in-tumblland
If you asked to be tagged in Like Ghosts In Snow please remind me. The list slipped through my silly seal flippers and I misplaced it.
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kuroast · 7 years
I'm the hero! [dad!kuroo]
What happens when the older siblings make fun of the youngest for wanting to be a hero? Well, papa Kuroo takes the matters into his own hands.
A gentle hand patted the shorter raven’s thick hair, drawing attention to himself by doing so.
Shinji’s runny nose appeared to be unusually red, especially compared to his pale complexion. Upon being asked if something was wrong he rigorously began shaking his head in disagreement.
“Who are you lying to, Shinji?” Kuroo asked once more, placing the five year old on his lap.
“They told me I can’t be a hero,” he sobbed, trying to rub the tears out of his eyes. He didn’t need to specify who. Kuroo knew.
“They have a point,” the older raven nodded, “To become a hero you need someone like me.”
“Like you?”
“Yes, you need a villain! Have you ever met a hero without his villain?” Kuroo repeated, his grin turning smug.
“But- but villains are bad people! They do bad things!” the kid replied, quite puzzled at his father’s notion, “You don’t do bad things!”
“Yeah, but I’ve done a lot of bad things in my time,” his grip on Shinji’s shoulder tightened as his voice filled with sorrow, “I didn’t do my homework on time and I procrastinated until it was too late. I didn’t do the dishes when asked and… That does things to a person. It turns them corrupt. Don’t follow my footsteps son. End this cycle of evil!”
“I understand, father! I won’t let you down!” Shinji’s eyes lit up as he nodded his head in determination, “I’m giving you a 10 second headstart.”
A knuckle crack followed in and Kuroo’s eyes widened.
“But-but I’m your father!” he whispered out, his voice desperate as he raised his hands in surrender.
“Justice knows no relation! Your 10 seconds are up!” his offspring screamed out whilst releasing a loud battle cry, startling both you and your husband.
Just as Shinji’s tiny fist balled up in battle fury, you let out a dramatic gasp, “Oh no, I’m being attacked!!”
Both males immediately turned towards you, alarmed above all.
“Where’s the monster!?” Shinji puffed his chest out in a heroic matter, jumping up to his feet in order to inspect the situation. With a faked sob, you pointed towards the dirty dishes.
Shinji stiffened and looked towards his father who too let out an unsure hum, “I uh, don’t get me wrong, I’d love to, but I can’t right now babe, I’m being murdered on father’s day over here. Plus, he’s the hero!”
“N-no, no!” the shorter raven patted Kuroo’s shoulder in a soothing matter, “You have to redeem yourself for the henious acts you commited in the past.”
“Henious acts!? You mean like betraying your father and leaving him at the mercy of his wife!?” Kuroo grumbled, ashamed of how he was being scolded by his equally lazy son. Chores were never a thing he was good at.
“Not all heroes wear capes, after all,” you teased with a giggle as you loosely threw an apron over the male’s head.
“Clearly not, some wear betrayal like the finest silk! I’m talking to you Shinji, come back here and learn some responsibility!” he was about to leave, his fist clutched across his heart as he feigned disappointment.
You tugged at his arm the same way that a smirk tugged at your lips, “You’regoing to teach /him/ responsibility? You can’t even do the dishes!”
“Babe, it’s father’s day!” the raven let out a whine, pouting his lips in a childish manner.
“I saved you from the clutches of death coming from the hands of our toddler, it could be national Kuroo day and you’d still owe me a dish washing,” you reminded, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Are you thinking of the same dish washing as I am?” he sedcutively wiggled his brows, puffing out his chest before flexing his muscles. He’d have you swooning in no time!
“You mean the one which involves soap?”
“I- well, soap can be one of the many synonims for a certain substance, yes,” he drawled out, leaning in towards your face with a steady sneer present on his features. Before either of his hands had an opportunity to do as they would have pleased, you scoldingly waved your index finger in front of his face with a look of disapproval on your features.
“Clean the dishes and I’ll give you a punishment. A villain can’t be allowed to roam around freely,” was all you said as you placed a chaste kiss on the male’s cheek before playfully jabbing at his ribs.
The poor man was too smitten to actually notice. What a dork.
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