#Hope there is no copyright infringement for pants patterns
resowrites · 2 years
Keepers Of The Stone - Part 3 (finale)
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Summary: Captain Kirk and the Enterprise have received an urgent subspace message from a mining colony on Admetus Two. The colony has been struck down by a mysterious virus and the Enterprise have been tasked with not only finding out the cause, but saving the dying miners in time. But what will they find upon beaming down to the planet - and what is at stake over the course of their mission?
Characters: TOS crew.
Warnings: Occasional adult/dark themes, occasional threat of violence/danger, technical/space jargon, angsty, mentions of sickness and death, lightly beta’d.
WC: 3129
My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! No copyright infringement intended, gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Part 3:
24 hours later.
Mr. Spock awoke to the glaring light above his bed in sick bay. When he slowly tried to sit up, he found himself bound by multiple restraints. He couldn't recall having been beamed aboard, in fact, he had little recollection of the past day and a half. Instead of calling out for Dr. McCoy, he laid back down and tried to search his memory for what had happened. But his conscious mind fought him, as though what he had seen was so terrible he had to be protected from it. He was determined to fight his way through such defences, he was sure that the information needed was locked away in his head. He could feel sweat collecting on his brow, he was very near the source of such agony now when suddenly the privacy curtain to the bay was swept aside. Mr. Spock's head fell back against the pillow as he panted with effort. "Are you alright Spock? Are you in any pain?" Dr. McCoy ran towards him and looked up at the monitor above his head. It registered high psychic output meaning that whatever Mr. Spock was going through, its origins were mental instead of physical. With effort, Mr. Spock turned his head towards the doctor.
"I am well enough Doctor, I was merely trying to recall my memories on the planet surface, which for some reason my consciousness has chosen to bury, when you came in and disturbed me." Dr. McCoy couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Well excuse me for doing my job, you've been out of it for 24 hours, I had to check in on you every hour until you came round. Are you telling me you have no memories of what happened when you beamed down to the planet surface?" Dr. McCoy examined his pallid face closely, memory loss could result from head trauma right up to toxic gas inhalation. Mr. Spock would continue to need close observation. 
"I appreciate your devotion to duty doctor," which came out far more sarcastically than Mr. Spock likely intended, "but I assure you I am otherwise well. With enough effort, I am sure I will be able to recall my memories after a short time." It was then that they both heard the curtain sweep open again.
"Be sure that you do Spock, it may be the only answer to this mystery..." Captain Kirk stepped towards the foot of the bed and held his hands behind his back. "How are you, Spock?" He asked in a far gentler tone.
"As I was just informing the good doctor, I am quite well barring memory loss of my time planetside. Can you enlighten me as to what led you to beam me back?" The Captain pursed his lips but decided to continue for the moment, if Mr. Spock said he was well then he was prepared to take his word for it.
"As soon as we heard you get up to walk, I had the Bridge turn on the main viewing screen. At first, it was hard to see what you were looking at. Eventually, we noticed the strange shift in air patterns signalling the creature was nearby. We didn't see it come towards you, all we could see was you standing one moment, and collapsed on the ground in agony the next. You gave me quite the scare Mr. Spock..." the Captain smiled softly at his longtime friend and companion. 
"My sentiments as well Captain... though I do not believe the creature was attempting to maim or kill me. It communicated something which for the moment I am unable to understand though, of course, I will give it first priority." Captain Kirk smiled as he shook his head.
"Your first priority is to rest Mr. Spock, we still have time until the reactor goes supercritical, and I'm sure Mr. Scott will jury rig another solution if necessary. I'll check in on you later." The Captain smiled briefly before swiftly exiting the room. Once Dr. McCoy had noted down the readings from the overhead monitor, he too left Mr. Spock to get back to sleep. Not that the First Officer had any intention of doing so. Despite his weakened state, he quickly entered a meditative state and began calmly sifting through the fragments of memory that was now slowly beginning to coalesce. It seems it was the method the creature used to communicate with him, rather than any harmful behaviour itself, which led to the surges of pain Mr. Spock felt. 
Perhaps their two species had incompatible forms of telepathy... or it didn't take enough care when entering the mind of a creature radically different from itself. Again Mr. Spock gritted his teeth against the pain, the images in his mind were slowly starting to merge, and words formed into sentences that gradually built in meaning. Finally, after almost an hour of concentrated thought, Mr. Spock let out a low sigh, he believed he'd discovered the key to the entire mystery.
The next morning.
The senior officers had once again gathered around the briefing room table. Captain Kirk eyed them all from his position at the head of it, determined that today they were going to put this matter to rest once and for all. They had only hours left to stabilise the core or the atmosphere would eventually be wiped out in the equivalent of a nuclear blast. He was glad to see Mr. Spock take his regular seat beside him. He still looked rather peaky but in much better form than he did the day before. Captain Kirk noticed the intense look in his eyes, he had news for them all, one way or another. "Alright gentlemen, we're on a strict schedule so I'll try and keep this brief. We've now confirmed the presence of Novorium on the planet, after Mr. Spock's altercation yesterday, I want any and all suggestions on how to proceed. Remember, our goal is to save the planet and make it suitable for re-habitation." Although Mr. Spock raised an eyebrow at the use of the word 'altercation,' he turned his gaze towards the Captain, indicating that he wished to speak first.
"Captain, gentlemen, if I may, it is imperative we save the planet from nuclear disaster. After my interaction with the Novorium yesterday, I now understand their behaviour on the planet..." Dr. McCoy eyed him sceptically, as austere and rigid as Vulcans liked to appear, he was concerned that Mr. Spock hadn't quite recovered his senses enough. The Captain, however, was prepared to him hear out.
"Go on Mr. Spock, what can you tell us?" The Vulcan sat up straight and cleared his throat.
"It appears the Novorium have inhabited the planet for millions of years. They reside mostly underground, though when the colonists took control of the planet, they ventured to the surface to observe their activities from afar. When the colonists began mining the Tavassium, the Novorium were initially concerned at their main food source being taken from them..." Dr. McCoy quickly cut in.
"What? You mean to tell me that a bunch of clouds are going around eating stone?" It was at times like this that Mr. Spock had to resist the all too human urge to roll his eyes. 
"They are not merely clouds doctor... nor the Tavassium simple rock. It appears that the same qualities which attracted the miners to use it as an energy source are also those that attract the Novorium. Once it is harnessed in a reactor, it is depleted of the nutrients that the Novorium needs. Had the miners not used it in this manner or started shipping it off world, in all likelihood the Novorium would have let them be." The Captain furrowed his brow.
"Do you mean to tell me, Mr. Spock, that the Novorium are responsible for the deaths of the entire colony?" Something flashed across the Vulcan's steely black eyes.
"Captain the matter is not quite as simple as it appears. The colonists, however unwittingly, were depriving the Novorium of their only food source. Had they not acted to defend themselves, they could well have been wiped from existence." Dr. McCoy was unconvinced.
"But hold on a minute... they managed to communicate with you, why couldn't they make their case to the colonists?" It was a perfectly valid point and one that the Captain wanted answered as well.
"I am afraid that would have been impossible doctor. Humans do not possess the same telepathic capabilities as Vulcans. You saw my state in sickbay, I do not believe a human would have survived such an encounter, or at least retained their sanity in doing so." The doctor pursed his lips, he hated any implication that humans were somehow inferior to Vulcans, but as he hadn't experienced such contact himself, he was forced to take Mr. Spock's word for it. 
“So that’s it? The entire planet has to be abandoned because these creatures can’t share a natural resource?” Captain Kirk wasn’t happy at the prospect of having to report such news to Starfleet. They’d want him to find a compromise, despite there clearly not being one in this situation.
“Captain it is the Novorium’s only source of food. We, however, have a choice regarding the energy we consume. To continue mining on the planet would be to subject the Novorium to extinction. And that also violates our most sacred laws.” Captain Kirk couldn’t believe the matter was so clear cut.
“But why can’t they share the Tavassium, surely there’s enough to meet everyone’s needs?” The Vulcan had anticipated such a question and shook his head.
“Negative Captain. The planet does not have enough for both the Novorium and the miners. The mine we beamed down near is actually one of the last sources of the element, it is why we picked up a reading from it far below. The Novorium tampered with the automatic controls to determine whether the vein was soon to be exhausted.” The Captain then realised something.
“But if what you say is true Mr. Spock, then shortly the Novorium will have to move off world as well…” the Vulcan cut in.
“Or die in the process, yes.” The Captain nodded his head to show his appreciation for the Novorium’s predicament as well. It was hardly their fault that they depended on the planet for survival and if the Federation could find a way of offering assistance to them, it would. 
“Did you try and extend an offer of help? Surely they can understand we don’t wish to cause any more harm?” Mr. Spock tried to recall the exact words spoken to him by the Novorium but alas, his hazy memory failed him.
“Unfortunately Captain there would be little we could do, we cannot search whole systems looking for other suitable food sources. I have since checked our databases for any records of the element under other names or descriptions of similar discoveries. There is only one and it is thousands of lightyears away. I can try and make contact with the Novorium but either way, they remain sanguine about their likely fate. They are not anxious or insistent on survival at all costs.” The Captain found such a description hard to believe but without direct contact with the species themselves, he judged Mr. Spock’s assessment as sound.
“Recommendations Mr. Spock?” He suspected he already knew the answer.
“Captain, if the supply of Tavassium is in any event, limited, it makes no sense to continue risking the lives of colonists or further endangering the Novorium. I believe the time spent on Admetus Two has come to a natural end…” Lt. Cdr. Scott quickly piped up.
“No truer words Mr. Spock, the readings from the reactor have spiked. It will go critical sooner than expected. We’re out of Pergium and we can’t get another supply in time. The Tavassium sciences tested showed some missing trace elements though they don’t know the exact cause. If it was consumed by the Novorium then it’s likely most of the stock down there is the same, especially after it was placed outside of the warehouses. I don’t think the reactor is stable enough to attempt another refit and by the time we know whether the new Tavassium is effective, the reactor could have already blown. What are your orders, sir?” Mr. Scott looked gravely towards the Captain. Although Starfleet’s commercial interests in the planet were now at a close, they still had a duty of care towards the Novorium, their actions towards the colonists notwithstanding. 
“Well, what can you do Mr. Scott? We can’t let the Novorium die. We’ll have to risk sending Mr. Spock down to communicate with them one last time. If we at least give them the option to find the planet you discovered Mr. Spock, we’ll have done all we can. If you can’t rig the reactor to remain stable Mr. Scott, we have no choice but to let it destroy the planet.” All the men around the table remained silent apart from Dr. McCoy.
“You can’t seriously be considering sending Spock back down? It isn’t safe Jim!” But the Captain made no response. It was a terrible burden to be left to decide the fates of whole planets as well as his crew, but their time had run out and their first priority now was to try and save the lives of the Novorium. Time being of the essence, Captain Kirk quickly ended the meeting and escorted Mr. Spock to the transporter room personally. They had no idea whether he could get the Novorium to appear again, the Tavassium they used as bait had most likely been consumed, though Mr. Spock felt confident he could try and reach the Novorium telepathically. In any event, they had to give it a shot.
Mr. Spock beamed down to a still deserted colony, given that there was no way of saving the planet, they’d have no time to collect the bodies and return them to their relevant families and home planets. It was a sobering thought and harsh reminder of how dangerous space exploration continued to be. When he decided he was in as good a spot as any, Mr. Spock stood very still and tried to quieten his mind. Although he wouldn’t say he felt anxious, the weight of saving the Novorium’s lives felt very heavy indeed. Telepathically, he began sending out a calling card of sorts. If the Novorium were in the vicinity, hopefully, they’d respond soon. 
Mr. Spock knew he didn’t have another four hours like last time to await their response. Luckily this time he didn’t have to, through his squinted eyes he could see the familiar wavering atmosphere that signalled a Novorium was present and fast approaching. He quickly signalled the creature to stop and explained that he couldn’t again undergo direct communication due to the pain it caused. The Novorium seemed to understand. It hovered where it was and awaited further instruction. Normally a Vulcan has to be in physical contact with a subject to be able to communicate via mindlink, but obviously, the Novorium couldn’t be touched and therefore had developed a much more expansive consciousness. 
As quickly and as simply as he could, he explained the location and coordinates of the nearest planet that would supply them with food. He explained the graveness of the situation with the reactor and that it would destroy the planet and most likely their species as well. He wasn’t sure the Novorium had understood, but he had no further chance to explain, the creature swiftly disappeared and it was soon as though Mr. Spock had merely been talking to himself. He tried to call the creature back but was interrupted by the beeping emanating from his communicator. “This is Spock, what is it?” His tone sounded impatient though in truth he was more concerned that the Novorium he encountered hadn’t quite grasped his meaning. Lt. Uhura responded to him stiffly.
“The reactor is about to meltdown Mr. Spock, prepare to beam out.” She ended the transmission before Mr. Spock could reply. Back on the Bridge, there was far more of a commotion. 
“Captain, we have to get him out now, the reactor’s going to go at any moment!” The Chief Engineer practically lept out of his chair. Captain Kirk jabbed at the comm panel on his chair.
“Kirk to transporter room, lock onto Mr. Spock, and beam him back now.” The Captain didn’t even sign off, instead, he lept from his chair and made his way to the engineering station.
“Report Mr. Scott?” But the burly Scotsman simply stared at his console glumly.
“It’s gone sir… everything within range… destroyed.” Captain Kirk gritted his teeth and turned to face Lt. Uhura who was already trying to reach the transporter room. Finally, she overrode their competing signals and got through to Lt. Kyle. A smile stretched across her face.
Sometime later on the Bridge.
Captain Kirk put the finishing touches on his report to Starfleet. They wouldn’t be happy at having lost the whole colony along with the planet as well. They’d most likely carry out an investigation and upon finding the planet’s atmosphere stripped clean, would order a quarantine that barred any of their ships from visiting it again. It was a terrible waste of work and resources but as Captain Kirk often discovered, those were the breaks. He looked over at Mr. Spock, who was quietly engrossed at the science section. He decided to get up and stretch his legs. Mr. Spock could sense the Captain moving towards him and motioned for a Cadet to take his place. Standing in front of each other, Captain Kirk could see that Mr. Spock was troubled by the unknown fate of the Novorium. They no longer registered anywhere on the planet, nor anywhere else in fact. “…You did all you could Spock.” But it was useless, an unclear outcome was as bad as a negative one in Mr. Spock’s view.
“Captain! Registering Novorium on heading 1356 mark 2.” Ensign Chekhov shot up excitedly from his seat.
“… And more Mr. Spock.” The two men smiled at each other.
“Alright Mr. Chekhov, plot a course for Achelous Five, apparently there’s a moon we’re to investigate…” the young Ensign smiled as he tapped away at his board.
“Aye aye sir, course laid in.” Mr. Sulu smiled beside him, relieved they were finally on their way and hopefully to a much happier mission. 
“Warp factor three.” The Captain was also seated now and smiling broadly. Not all their missions were a success, but at least they’d managed to save a rare species from extinction. 
“Warp factor three sir.” The Enterprise hovered for several moments before vanishing from view.
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A/N: Hi guys, as a huge Star Trek fan and a lover of the original series, it’s my pleasure to present this new three part story. This is the final part! I hope you all enjoyed the story and felt I captured something of the spirit of the original. Any feedback is appreciated and I hope you’ll continue to stick around and enjoy new stories in the future!
To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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unnaturaldecay · 2 years
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my catgirl rogue from today's dnd game
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rhiannon-a-christy · 7 years
Like Velvet and Leather
Molly hiked the strap of her bag up higher on her shoulder. The contemptible thing had been nothing but annoying since she left the hospital. She should have just taken a taxi, but then again she hadn’t known her favorite café would be closed. Koffee With A K had been her place of choice since she had been in uni. It had been one of those kitschy shops that tried too hard to be ironic. They hosted poetry readings filled with the worst writers in England. Offered coffee with names like Winter Lodge White Chocolate Mocha Snowstorm. And played the latest in new age music. It was overdone and over the top, and she loved it. Unfortunately when she had gone to get her customary cup of Alpine Ginger Mountain, she had found the doors locked. She was presented with a problem. She was, in no small way, addicted to caffeine. She had just pulled a double shift at the hospital, and needed a cup of coffee about as much as she needed air. She had stood in front of the shop for several minutes trying to figure out what she would do. There were of course several popular franchises stuck on every corner, but the last time she visited one she cringed at the price and taste. She was close to despair when she remembered seeing a little café tucked away some blocks down. She had taken off without delay, ending up at the heavy old door panting and wishing that she actually drove. Regulating her breath, she looked up before her. The door was painted black with a simple sign of gold numbers. It looked for all the world like someone’s home, but the sandwich board on the sidewalk said otherwise. Slowly she entered the shop. 221 was the sort of place that movie hipsters spent their day. Inside was dark, the walls covered in Victorian patterned paper. Shadowboxes hung throughout the place, displaying various insects as well as old medical instruments. Bookshelves towered over the patrons, filled to the brim with worn, heavy volumes. What couldn’t fit on the overfilled shelves were stacked up in precarious piles, some on tables and others on the floor. Soft jazz played throughout the café, but was only loud enough to hear without straining. Molly quickly made her way to one of the corners, settling herself down into the black leather chair. She blinked when she noticed the pictures on the wall beside her. Diagrams of old medical practices were placed besides framed sketches of Victorian medical tools. Scattered about these were several Victorian post-mortem photos. The one closest to her of a husband with his dear wife. The café was far from the sort of place she normally went. The entire theme seemed to be Victorian Macabre, and she loved it. She was sure if any of her friends were with her they would be bolting for the doors. None of them had ever understood her interest in death and the seemingly morbid. And this place fit the bill perfectly. She was just pulling off her scarf when a cup of coffee was set down on the table before her. “Oh, um I haven’t ordered yet.” Molly looked up from the fine boned hands placing the cup and into the eyes of the man beside her. He was tall, thin, and had a head full of curly hair. She swallowed hard, the man was the definition of male beauty. “You don’t order here.” The man gave a swift nod of his head. Molly just blinked at him. She was about to reply when she finally noticed that nowhere in the café was there a board or menu. She looked down at the steaming coffee and back at the man. “I assure you, you will enjoy it. Take a drink.” The man’s lips curved into a slow, sinful smile. She picked up the cup, brought it to her lips, and slowly took a drink. The liquid was hot, dark, and filled with spices. There was a thickness to it, but she was sure the coffee contained no cream. Instead it had been brewed until velvety smooth. She could make out hints of cinnamon and cloves, but many of the others alluded her. There was a heat that curled over her tongue, leaving it tingling as she swallowed. She closed her eyes and let out a low moan. “What is this?” Another drink slipped into her mouth, trickling slowly past her tongue. “It’s our Belstaff brew.” The man sat himself down into the other chair. “And I take it you like it?” “It’s like sex.” Molly’s eyes flew open when she realized what she said. She had not meant to say that, not at all. Of course it was true. It was like the best sex she had ever had. Each sip was like velvet, leather, and silk. Like being tangled and tied. It was exhilarating and titillating. Her cheeks began to grow red as she imagined such things with the man in front of her. “Ahem, I mean, it is really good. Thank you.” “Next time you’ll try the Belgravia brew. I believe you may find it… just as exciting.” The man’s eyes shot straight towards her lips, his tongue peeking out to sweep across his own. Molly felt a knot clench tightly low in her belly and she thought quickly on something to dispel the tension currently growing between them. “Not that the company isn’t nice, but won’t you get in trouble for sitting down on the job?” “That is the great thing about being the owner, I rarely scold myself.” Molly swallowed another drink of the coffee, keeping her eyes on anything but the man. All she had wanted was a cup of coffee before going home, she had not planned on sexy flirting men. It probably wouldn’t bother her so much, but she wasn’t exactly dressed for this. Her old khakis, pink blouse, and cherry cardigan were not what one would call seductive. Plus, she was sure the smell of death still lingered around her. “I’m uh, I’m Molly by the way. Molly Hooper.” She gave a nod towards him, refusing to lend her hand for a shake. If he touched her when she felt as she did she was sure she would blow. “Sherlock Holmes.” The man, Sherlock leaned forward in his chair. “It is nice to meet you, Molly Hooper.” Molly just kept herself from choking when he spoke her name. If she thought the coffee was like velvet, well his voice surpassed that by a thousand. The door to the café opened, admitting a smiling middle-aged couple. Sherlock stood, gave a quick nod to the new customers and turned back to Molly. “I’ll have a slice of devil’s food prepared for you tomorrow.” Sherlock, wicked smile still in place, headed towards the counter. “Why are you so sure I will be back?” Molly set her cup down, turning to look directly at the suit clad man. He looked down at her, hair falling over one half of his face. “Because you want to know.” “Know what?” She squirmed in her seat. “How I did it. Now, drink up, Molly Hooper.” He winked at her, turned, and without another word headed back to the counter. Damn. Molly ran her fingers over the handle of her cup. She was in so much trouble. She looked back to the man. Though, maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. ------------------------------------------------- Author’s Note: Prompt from @all-oftimenspace who asked for Coffeeshop AU. Hope ya like it Sugar, it kind of went a bit more sensual than I had planned. Also, Koffee With a K, is actually this fake coffeshop I created for my business class. I had to come up with a commercial and promotion campaign for it. (thankfully only written out) I also had to create an entire budget for opening it. The full name of the shop is actually: Koffee with a K, the Pretentious Coffee. It was a joke between my Da and me. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
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liveindianyou · 5 years
Origami bird. Easy origami work. Paper size: 15x15 cm Step 1: Start with a square piece of origami paper. If you only have regular 8.5x11 paper, follow these instructions to make a square sheet. Step 2: Fold the top corner to the bottom corner. Step 3: Fold the triangle in half by taking the left corner and folding it to the right. 📌📌📌IMPORTANT NOTES 📌📌📌 #JCBKiKhudai #paperairplane #origami #papersword #papercraft #lifehacks #tricks #creativeidea #homemade -------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe Channel : https://youtube.com/LiveIndianYou?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------------------- 🔎 RELATED SEARCHES 🔍 1. how to make a paper flapping bird 2. how to make a paper bird that can fly step by step 3. paper bird pattern 4. paper bird craft steps 5. how to make a bird model 6. how to make a bird drawing 7. how to make 3d paper birds 8. how to make paper birds for wall ⏩⏩©Copyright Disclaimer⏪⏪ Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'Fair Use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research, Fair use is a permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing, Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use 🔻🔺 YOUTUBE CHANNEL 🔻🔺🔻 🔘Live. Indian YouTube channel :- https://www.youtube.com/LiveIndianYou 🔘Live. Bangla YouTube channel :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3DakMdVtIIG2i3irfgZFOA -------------------------------------------------------- 🎵🎵🎵Music by KineMaster : http://bit.ly/1mAhvPo 🎥📽 Video editing by KineMaster : http://bit.ly/1kQjK2j 🔘 Live. Indian YouTube channel Video and Playlists link:- 🔹How to Make Paper Rat [ Mouse ]🐁 👉 https://youtu.be/zosOHzTfxiw 🔹How to Make Paper Sofa 👉 https://youtu.be/qIUUsUPe_os 🔹How to Make Origami Umbrella ⛱ 👉 https://youtu.be/INoZuXNf9RE 🔹How to Make Origami Dress 👗 👚 👉 https://youtu.be/mjW6zhoDu0U 🔹How to Make Paper Shirt and Tie👔👉 https://youtu.be/2glpgjElhXc 🔹How to Make Paper Shirt👕 👉 https://youtu.be/vgPAOfC7H7o 🔹How to Make Star 🌟 With Paper 👉 https://youtu.be/krGyaI1Wl9A 🔹Mini Kite making 👉 https://youtu.be/qZg4gqnhzYc 🔹How to make pant & shirt with paper 👉 https://youtu.be/0VYbAzyVEn0 🔹Inside the Capacitor 👉 https://youtu.be/yeasu-w-ITE 🔹Inside View : Mobile Phone Battery 🔋👉 https://youtu.be/iv-pO3KEl9M 🔹How to Make Origami fox 👉 https://youtu.be/1DMdScKscZE 🔹How to Make Paper Dinosaur 👉 https://youtu.be/XTR5rXTRyaw 🔹How to Make Paper Turkey 🦃 👉 https://youtu.be/TTzOeTxa6ro 🔍🔍📱OUR SOCIAL MEDIA📱🔎🔎 📌 Facebook page :-http://bit.ly/2J4SaUZ 📌 Twitter :- (@LIVEIndianYou): https://twitter.com/LIVEIndianYou/ 📌 Instergram :- (@liveindianyou):http://bit.ly/2JpMdkw 📌 Google Plus :- http://bit.ly/2J78e8m 📌 PicsArt :- http://bit.ly/2Jr8fDt 📌 Pinterest :- http://bit.ly/2J7TGWk 📌 WhatsApp Messenger :- http://bit.ly/2Jr8qif 📌 Blogs page :- http://bit.ly/2J9rlyS 🔼THANKS FOR WATCHING GUY'S HOPE YOU LIKED THE VIDEO MAKE SURE DO #LIKE #SHARE & DON'T FORGET TO #SUBSCRIBE🔽 Youtube 2019 LIVE. INDIAN, LIVE Network by Live. Indian
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
How Sportswear Took Over Your Wardrobe
How Sportswear Took Over Your Wardrobe
Let’s kick off with a question: what is the most valuable clothing brand in the world? That would be sportswear giant Nike, which topped the 2018 league table with a total worth of $28bn, despite a 12 per cent drop due to “challenges” in North America and some executive misconduct.
Buoyed by rampant sneaker culture and shifting dress codes, this should be a surprise to no-one, because there has been a fundamental shift in men’s fashion. Comfort got cool. The tastemakers went technical. Tracksuits became high fashion. At what point do we stop compartmentalising it as “sportswear” and just call it fashion, or clothes?
Fashion’s brand rankings are a clear indication, if you needed one, that sportswear is no longer restricted to the playing of sport. Trailing behind the mighty swoosh, according to marketing consultants Brand Finance, are high street behemoths H&M and Zara, which finished second and third on $19bn and $17bn respectively, followed by a resurgent Adidas, up 41 per cent year on year to $14bn (one of Nike’s principle “challenges” in North America).
That’s way ahead of the luxurious likes of Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Cartier, which only just reach double figures – of billions of dollars, but still. Being able to wear T-shirts, sweatpants and trainers for more than going to the gym or the corner shop is, after all, the ultimate luxury.
What’s changed in recent years is exactly that: sportswear is no longer just casual dress. Even if you work in an office, there’s a good chance you’ll have a pair of sneakers on, perhaps some drawstring trousers. There could be a sweatshirt slung over your chair, a baseball cap on your desk, a track jacket in your bag. Today, it’s completely normal to look smart in clothes that were originally designed to sweat in.
This isn’t brand new, of course. Rene Lacoste’s 1927 innovation of a lightweight, breathable “tennis shirt” was subsequently adopted by polo players, Ralph Lauren and the rest of us. Sporting on-court clothing off it is something your grandfather started.
Adidas at Urban Outfitters
Just Doing It
“Sportswear as casualwear is essentially a preppy invention – the carryover from hearty WASP athletic pursuits which gave us the likes of the sweatshirt, sweatpants and letterman jacket,” says Josh Sims, author of books such as Men of Style. “Sportswear was appreciated for being tough and practical.”
Like military uniform, that other stalwart of menswear, sportswear has long been valued for the rugged characteristics it both possesses in itself and indicates in its wearer. And in sport, like war, competition results in game-changing technological breakthroughs. What we wear on the fields of battle and play has advanced more dramatically than what we wear elsewhere. If sportswear is at the cutting edge of fashion right now, that’s because – in technical terms – it always has been.
The current, unprecedented sportswear boom though can also be seen as a pendulum swing away from the hashtag-menswear sartorialism that followed the economic downturn and increased competition for jobs – coinciding with the 2007 airing of Mad Men. As employment rose again, so did jobs that didn’t impose traditional dress codes and a social media-fuelled emphasis on individual creativity.
Then there’s the swelling fashionability of fitness, which has given us a legitimate excuse to wear sportswear outside the gym beyond comfort and sheer laziness. Instead of spending valuable time fastidiously parting our hair and folding our pocket squares, we’re throwing on hoodies and baseball caps. And if you’re running around town all day, it makes sense to wear shoes designed specifically for marathons.
It’s arguably the luxury sector that’s setting the pace. Streetwear designers like Demna Gvasalia at Balenciaga and Virgil Abloh at Louis Vuitton are running the show(s), elevating previously utilitarian sportswear to the very height of fashion. T-shirts, down jackets and sneakers, which grew by 25%, 15% and 10% respectively, were “standout categories” in the 2017 Bain Luxury Study.
With its links to skateboarding, surfing and other sports, you could argue that streetwear – whatever that loaded term means – essentially is sportswear. “I’m not sure streetwear is the dominant mode, if you’re talking urban, hip-hop-driven streetwear,” contends Sims. “It’s sportswear with graphics, in effect.
“There’s not much original design in streetwear – unlike sportswear, then and now – and what there is tends to be driven by – ta-da – sport.”
The Rise And Rise Of Fashionable Sportswear
Sneakers, sweatshirts and tracksuits are the most hyped products in men’s fashion, but sportswear’s supremacy didn’t happen overnight. Here, we trace the rise of a never-ending trend that began half a century ago.
Football Casuals
As English football teams travelled Europe in the late 70s and early 80s, continental sportswear brands infiltrated these shores, helping their wearers fly under the authorities’ radar while subtly signifying their tribe to those in the know. Tainted by associations with hooliganism, it was a safely masculine arena for playing with fashion and shared values like community, exclusivity and one-upmanship with streetwear.
UK Fresh Hip Hop event, 1986
The Founding Of Stüssy
Surfer Shawn Stussy initially created graphics for boards before applying them to garms in the mid-Eighties. Incorporating influences from hip-hop, he in turn influenced Hiroshi Fujiwara, who founded Japan’s first streetwear brand Goodenough and opened cult store Nowhere with Undercover’s Jun Takahashi and Nigo, who went on to found Bape; James Jebbia managed the Stüssy New York flagship before opening nearby Supreme in 1994.
Run DMC’s Adidas
In 2017, hip-hop usurped rock as the most consumed type of music in the US, blatantly promoting the buying of sportswear in the process. The genre’s athletic aesthetic stems from the mid-Eighties, when Run DMC swapped their tailored jackets for the trefoiled tracksuits popular on New York streets. At concerts, fans held up their three-striped trainers in solidarity, prompting Adidas to offer the first million-dollar endorsement deal for a hip-hop group.
Run DMC in adidas
Lululemon’s Yoga Pants
With the 1998 creation of its Boogie women’s leggings – exhibited in New York’s Museum of Modern Art alongside Levi’s 501 jeans – Lululemon is credited with birthing the athleisure movement. Even though the resolutely technical pants were the polar opposite of for-show fashion sportswear, their practicality, comfort and cost saw them worn outside the yoga studio, and other brands upped their design game in order to compete.
Supreme x Louis Vuitton
The 2017 collaboration between the upstart streetwear brand and the storied French luxury house – which sued Supreme for copyright infringement in 2000 – was when the distinction between the two collapsed. Depending on your point of view, it was also when Supreme jumped the shark or became a megalodon; subsequent investment by private equity firm the Carlyle Group, which valued Supreme at $1bn, suggests the latter.
Supreme x Louis Vuitton
Is Sportswear Here To Stay?
If this were any other fashion trend, then you’d fully expect the pendulum to eventually swing back. And sure, we might yet see a Great Gatsby revival; nor is the suit dead, as it’s periodically pronounced. But there’s reason to suspect that sportswear, forecasted by Global Industry Analysts to grow to $232bn by 2024, is in a different league to other trends. Fitness fads come and go, but fitness itself is only going from strength to strength.
Having entered the dictionary, it would appear that “athleisure”, everybody’s least favourite portmanteau (apart from maybe Brexit), is here to stay. If there is a swing back to formality, then indications are that the tailoring will be inextricably interwoven with sportswear, whether in the form of hi-tech fabrics, design details such as drawstring waists or trainers on our feet. The concept of “high performance” now applies to work as well as play; why would we voluntarily revert to work clothes that have barely moved on in hundreds of years, which require pressing and dry-cleaning then overheat and constrict us in return?
Fundamentally, sportswear is just a hell of a lot less effort (some might say too little), queuing for the latest drop notwithstanding. Behavioural psychology holds that people are more inclined to do things if they’re Easy, Attractive, Social (ie other people are doing it) or Timely; sportswear scores highly on at least three of those four counts. But it’s the first one that is the biggest grounds to hope that sportswear won’t run its course anytime soon. Low-maintenance clothes that stretch and breathe sound and feel like the future.
4 Modern Ways To Wear Sportswear
At Your (Ath)leisure
Ten years ago, the idea that sweatpants could be smart-casual was unthinkable. The same was once true of denim. Now, here we are, happily commuting in a pair of tailored joggers that coordinate nicely with a luxe bomber jacket or sweatshirt. This style is unshowy and highly practical with muted colours and comfortable fabrics more important than branding or statement silhouettes.
Stunting In Streetwear
An ever-shifting mash-up of clashing fashion, streetwear takes inspiration from everywhere: hip-hop culture, sure, but also hiking apparel, skateboarding and haute couture. If there’s a running theme, it’s individuality. And the turning of heads, of course: think bright colours, big logos, clashing patterns and oversized everything.
Throwing It Back
With decades of history in their archives, sportswear designers are at liberty to recycle trends and individual designs, just as heritage menswear firms do. Throwback sportswear like full-look tracksuits takes confidence to wear but it can be surprisingly flattering. And even if you don’t want to go that far, you can nod to the trend with classic sweatshirts or retro sneakers.
Dress It Up
It’s not just white sneakers with your suit. As sportswear got more tailored, and tailoring got more technical, these once-polarised ends of the menswear spectrum have closed and formed a loop. Modern track pants and zip-up tops give you some high-low points of interest when paired with blazers and smart overcoats. Just keep the colours muted.
7 Sportswear Essentials Every Stylish Man Should Have
Superseding its slow-drying, woollen predecessors, the cotton crew-neck sweatshirt was pioneered by American underwear manufacturer Russell, and was so popular that it gave birth to an Athletic division. If you’re a quality nerd, look for “loopwheel”, which indicates it was made via an older, slower and therefore more expensive process that produces a more durable garment.
Another American company, Champion, holds the crown for devising the zip-up hooded sweatshirt, as well as a reverse-weave version that was less prone to shrinking length-wise when washed. Champion also patented a flocking technique for printing the fabric with lettering and numbers, which you should avoid if you want maximum versatility.
Polo Shirt
With its collar and buttons, the dad-approved polo shirt straddles the smart-casual touchline between shirt and tee. Again, lettering, numbers and mallet-wielding horseman logos emphasise its sportiness; conversely, a knitted polo is altogether more refined than than the common-or-lawn-tennis cotton variety, not to mention a little louche: Federer, not Djokovic.
Karl Lagerfeld called them a sign of defeat, but perhaps he’s the one who should slip into something more comfortable and retire to the sofa beaten, given that we’re overrun with joggers. As with many of these athletic staples, they can span the spectrum from sports to luxe, cotton to cashmere. But either way, the fit should be trim but not yoga legging-tight.
Canvas Trainers
There’d be no sneakerheads without Keds and Converse All Stars, both of which launched in 1917. Converse created rubber-soled shoes for general use and tennis before basketball; baller-turned-salesman Chuck Taylor suggested the ankle-protecting patch. They may have been left behind by the march of technology, but they’ve kept step with fashion.
Baseball Cap
Originally made of straw, now more commonly cotton or wool, the baseball cap dates back to 1849 but wasn’t worn by spectating fans until the 1960s; New Era’s 59Fifty style, confusingly designed in 1954, became standard Major League headgear. Like the sweatshirt and hoodie, it’s a billboard for advertising affiliations from Balenciaga to MAGA.
The “sports jacket” was the 19th-century equivalent of a hoodie, donned in the boat by rowers at Oxford and Cambridge University. The name “blazer” came from Lady Margaret Boat Club’s red ones; bright colours helped identify rowers first on the water, then on campus. If you want to highlight your own sporting qualifications, maybe get one in jersey.
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