#Humm's Masterposts
starheirxero · 2 days
humm ok yk what too. its basically morning so im gunna sleep now n then im gunna finish up my drafted masterpost n then im gunna post all my new pinned stuff n then i can get extra silly 4ever
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short-baby-witch · 4 years
Broom closet witch tips masterpost
Here is a hopefully helpful post for all of those witches out there who are still in the broom closet. Some of these tips can also be good for witches that are out of the broom closet!.
Hidden altar
Hide your altar if you have one! First of all, you don't even need an altar! If you want, you can have a virtual altar or on a book. You can draw your altar in a book or a sketch book and no one will ever know! There are alot of apps you can download on your phone to make an altar. Another way of having a virtual altar is with pinterest. Create a board and pin images of things you want on your altar. Pictures of nature, your dieties, poems, sigils, anything!
If you do want to have a physical altar, here are some hiding spots:
- Drawers
- Mint boxes
- Shoes boxes
- In a fake book
- Under your bed
- In your bathroom
- In your wardrobe
- Outside
You can also have a temporary altar. Like me, you can hide your material somewere and get it out and lay it on the floor when you want to make a spell or a ritual.
Incorporate witchcraft in your everyday life
Witchcraft can be hard to hide when you make spells in rituals but there is alot of things you can do without being noticed at all! Some of these things are probably things you already do, and are considered as "normal" to society.
Meditation - Sit in a quiet place or in the nature and ward, cleanse, talk with your dieties, spirits etc... No one will ever know what you are think about!
Jewlery - You can wear your crystals. Instead of having a box full of crystals or just randomly sitting around, wich could be suspicious, have them into charms that you can wear as earings, necklaces, bracelets, rings etc...
Talking walks - Alot of walks so you can connect with the nature. As simple as that.
Sigils - Draw sigils everywere! They can be used for pretty much everything and can be drawn pretty much everywere! Draw them on your skin with non-toxic markers or water/oil. On your paper at school. If someone asks just say they are random doodles.
Witchy replacements
Replace smoke work (sage smoke, insensce) with sprays. Put rosemary and water into a spray bottle and spray it everywere to cleanse! If you get asked, just tell them you like the smell.
Replace candles with citrine, sunstone or electric tea lights. Citrine and sunstone are stones that represents the element of fire. If you want to practice candle work without setting off the fire alarm, use tea lights.
Replace complicated potions with tea! Tea is always the answer. Stir it in different dircections and your intent will manifest. No one will ever know.
Replace matches with a lighter! It dosent smell at all. Here's a post that's really similar to this one.
What to do if someone finds out
- Tell them that if they talk about it to anyone you will curse them
- If they talk about it a while after they found out, tell them it was just a phase and you find yourslef ridiculous
- If someone insults you:
"Let's burn the witch", say "Why burn the witch when we can burn the bitch?"
"Your going to hell", say "so as you."
If an old person insults you, you can always say "Ok, boomer"
"Witchcraft isn't real", say "Humm... That would mean that your religion isn't real either."
"You're so weird", say "Yes, I am aware."
- If someone finds out, it's never the end if the world. I know alot of witches that their parents wouldn't let this be if they found out. In that case, just try to hide everything somewere else in the house, or just tell them. Staying in the broom closet is never the best solution.
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elizaviento · 5 years
Higher Power
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My dear Anon -- this prompt was perfect and I thank you for the delicious images that subsequently invaded my mind.  I hope this meets your expectations, as well. 
Note:  This story features Rick/Reader D-74 from Assimilation because, you know, they’re my babies and I just love them so. 
Higher Power
(Rick Sanchez x Reader)
NSFW -- 3200 words with lots of romantic type feely feels.
(FYI:  Assimilation can be found in the Rick Fic Masterpost link in my blog description.)
It was Jerry’s idea to go camping.  I only agreed because I knew how much he loved it.  Rick only agreed because Beth guilted him into it.  So, you can imagine how much fun we were having while huddled around Jerry’s poor excuse for a campfire.
“Okay! Who has a scary story?” Jerry asked much too cheerfully while violently ripping open a bag of jumbo marshmallows that proceeded to spray outward, hitting him in the face before tumbling to the ground.
“Don’t worry, I brought another bag” I said before the kids could groan in disappointment. I knew Jerry better than he knew himself so the second bag of marshmallows was just a metaphor for my knack for bailing him out.
Rising from the ground, I quickly dusted off the seat of my jeans before shuffling toward my tent a few yards away, which was more difficult that I had initially taken into account.  The sky had managed to fade from the soft hues of pink and blue to pitch black in the half hour that we’d congregated around the fire and I found myself stumbling on twigs and small rocks more than once before reaching my destination.
Once I’d finally made it to my tent, I felt around for and quickly unzipped the entrance flap -- the metallic hiss of the zipper sounding as loud as a freight train in the all encompassing darkness.  Then, crawling inside on my hands and knees, I continued to navigate by touch until my hand closed around the plastic bag containing the fluffy cylinders of sugar.
When I felt something bump my ass from behind, I opened my mouth to scream the very second a hand materialized out of nowhere to engulf it.
“Jesus fuck! Calm down!” Rick’s rough whisper floated toward my ears from close by.  “You -- y-y-you’re too fuckin’ jumpy” he chided, releasing my mouth so I could breathe a sigh of relief as he crawled inside the tent beside me and flopped down on his back.
“What are you doing?” I asked as he gripped my upper arm and tugged until he’d pulled me on top of him.  I could feel, rather than see that our faces were within an inch of one another as his warm breath wafted across my skin.
“Humm?” was his only reply as he closed the short distance and pressed his lips to mine. Even in the complete blackness, his aim was perfect and I wedged one hand between his neck and the floor of the tent to hold him in place. That is, until I remembered that we were mere feet away from the remainder of our family.  Pulling back, it was my turn to place a hand over Rick’s mouth to prevent him from connecting our lips once more.  
“As much as I’d love to be defiled among the majestic beauty of nature, I’d rather not scar Jerry and Beth for life.  Or the kids.” I removed my hand from his mouth expecting something witty in retort.  I wasn’t disappointed.
“Baby, you can only be defiled once and I -- uh -- I’m pretty sure I took care of that looong ago” he purred, squeezing my ass for good measure.  I needed to nip this encounter in the bud, right now, or I’d never have the willpower to resist.  So, I pitched my body to the side until I landed on my back beside him.  
“We need to get back before Jerry assembles a search party” I warned, hoping that the threat of my brother happening upon us rutting in a tiny tent would deflate his libido.
“Ugh. For some -- someone so hot -- so sexy, you sure know how to kill a boner” he complained. My eyes were just beginning to adjust to the darkness so I could faintly make out the movement of his lanky form as he sat up, his spiky hair swishing across the vinyl ceiling of the tent.
What felt like hours later (but was in reality only 45 minutes), Jerry had run out of cheesy campfire horror stories and was grasping at any straw to keep each family member’s attention.
“Come on, Dad” Summer whined as she pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her hoodie for the 247th time that evening on impulse, the ‘NO SERVICE’ message on the screen mocking her time and again. “Can’t we just, like, go to bed now?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Jerry asked, plunging another marshmallow on the end of a twig and thrusting it directly into the fire; only to pull it free when it had transformed into a block of flaming ash.  “It’s only 9:00 o’clock!  The night’s still young!  Rick, you must know some spooky ghost stories with all that planet hopping, right?” Adjusting my gaze beyond the flickering flames, I caught a glimpse of Rick and Beth sitting directly across from me, rolling their eyes simultaneously.  
“No, Jerry” Rick spat, his face screwed up in disgust as he took a swig from his flask.  “I don’t have any spooky ghost stories ‘cause they -- g-ghosts don’t exist.”
“Well, how could you possibly know that?” Jerry countered, shoving the charred marshmallow into his mouth before spitting it right back out with a whimper.  “Ow, that’s hot!”
“It was practically smoldering like a brick of coal, Jerry” Beth explained with a sigh, wrapping her arms across her chest.  It was, indeed, becoming increasingly chilly as the evening progressed and I felt a smile tug the corners of my lips when I spied Rick draping an arm across her shoulders in an unconscious bid to warm her.  No fatherly instinct, my ass, I thought, making a mental note to point out his adorable display of affection at a later time.
“Yeah, Rick. How do y-you know ghosts don’t exist?” Morty chimed in as he speared a hot dog on his twig and very carefully hovered it above the flames.
“Be -- because there’s no such thing as a soul.  Or god.  Or the devil. It -- it’s just us, all alone fuckin’ judgin’ and -- and -- and killin’ each other in the name of some ‘higher power’ that, if it did exist, wouldn’t give two shits about any of us anyway.” He paused long enough to take another pull from the flask.  “Does that -- uh -- does that answer your question?” he finished, standing from the fallen log he and Beth were sharing in some type of mic drop-esque grand gesture.
Narrowing his eyes in the way he does right before he says something stupid, Jerry countered, “I think you do believe in a higher power, Rick.  But in your case, it’s yourself."
“Yeah! You -- y-y-you know what?  You’re absolutely right, Jerry!” Rick said, throwing his hands in the air while Beth lowered her head and pinched her brow.  I could second her reaction as I also stood to make my way back to my tent.  “‘Cause -- uh -- you know --” he continued, suddenly jabbing an index finger in my direction, “-- your sister screams -- calls me GOD every single night!”
In that very moment, everything fell eerily still and silent.  Even the crickets seemed to halt the ritualistic rubbing of their hind legs as each pair of eyes that didn’t belong to Rick grew to the size of teacup saucers.
“Uhh…” Jerry hedged while trying and failing to formulate an adequate come back.
“Seriously, Grandpa Rick?” Summer interjected while stomping away, presumably toward the tent she’d be begrudgingly sharing with Morty. “Just… gross!”  Tentatively, Morty rose to join her, the inky blackness swallowing him whole like the gaping maw of some type of mythical sea creature.
Feeling like I could vomit at any second, my eyes flicked toward Beth.  The look on her face could only be described as mortified as she also gathered up the remainder of the food and tossed it in the cooler.  “Thanks a lot, Dad” she spit sarcastically, actively avoiding eye contact with me.
Then, as if suddenly realizing what an absolute horrid thing he’d just allowed to fly from his mouth, Rick slumped forward and groaned  -- scrubbing a hand down his face before fishing the other in the inner pocket of his lab coat again for his flask.  Or should I say crutch.
“Look. I --” he began, but the damage was done and I was already striding toward the sanctuary of my tiny tent with unshed tears of humiliation and rage stinging my eyes.
He didn’t come after me.  At least, not right away.  He knew he’d managed to piss me off royally and that if he didn’t give me time to cool off, I wouldn’t be above socking him in the jaw.
So, I lay in the dark -- staring up at the ceiling of my tent with the sleeping bag zipped up to my chin.  Once securely inside, I’d let the tears silently fall from my eyes as I seethed and seethed and cursed his name.  How could he say something like that?  In front of the kids?  In front of BETH?!  Did he really think so little of me that he wouldn’t think twice before blurting something so fucking crass in front of our family?  
Eventually, the burning sensation in my face began to cool along with the tear tracks drying on my cheeks.  Rick knew to let me be when I was truly angry because he also knew that I wasn’t one to hold a grudge.  However, perhaps he deserved it this time.  Perhaps having a legitimate grudge held against him would serve him right.
Mulling the thought over, I yawned and let my eyes drift closed.  The crickets had resumed their delightful chirping and I allowed them to lull me into a peaceful sleep.
“Shhh” a raspy voice hissed with lips pressed to my ear when I was suddenly jolted awake. After a second or two, my brain registered the voice with the vision of a man with blue spiky hair and a perpetual scowl.
“I’m still mad at you” I whispered while I attempted to wiggle from his grasp.  I was trapped in the sleeping bag with Rick’s arms wrapped tightly around it.  
“You’re not” he challenged, his voice low enough that only I could hear while his lips still pressed and feathered across the shell of my ear.
But, I actually was.  And, his arrogant insistence that I wasn’t…
Freeing my arms from the cocoon of the sleeping bag trapped in Rick’s arms, I forcefully shoved him away.  Wishing there was even one speck of light to see the, no doubt, shocked expression on this face, I wiggled from the sleeping bag completely and sat upright with my knees pulled up to my chest.  
“What the hell?” he harshly whispered from the other side of the tent.  I could faintly hear the whoosh of polyester fabric as Rick blindly groped his hands across the sleeping bag, searching for me.
“Don’t you dare, Rick!” I spat, my voice straining as I tried to project a whisper in a manner that adequately portrayed how upset I was with him.  “Don’t you DARE try to get in my pants after that little stunt you pulled!”  He groaned in obvious annoyance and the rage burned within me fresh and hot.  He had no right to be annoyed with ME.  “Get out” I demanded, pointing toward where I thought the flap of the tent was located even though it was much too dark for him or I to tell.
Without a word, I felt the tent pitch and sway as he attempted to crawl toward the exit. Again, I could hear the swish of his hair as it made contact with nylon and I began to snicker as it became increasingly obvious that Rick couldn’t locate the flap.
“Wait” I said, my voice softening as his exasperated sighs only managed to endear him to me in the most inopportune moment.  I had promised myself I’d hold a grudge, but I was failing.  Now that I was free of the warmth of the sleeping bag, the chill licked at my exposed skin and the deep seeded adoration and yearning for Rick began to bubble up from the pit of my being; that coil nesting in my stomach slowly unfurling to extend to my arms as they searched for him in the darkness.  Recognizing my tone, he immediately sought me out again, as well, and soon we were comfortably entwined.
“I’m sorry” he whispered into my hair and he sounded more sincere than I could ever recall.
“You know I’m not good at expressing my feelings --” I began and he scoffed as if to imply ‘yeah, me either’ before I continued, “-- but that was fucking brutal, Rick.”  He pressed a tender kiss to the top of my head and I knew I wasn’t angry any longer.  Turning to press my face to the crook of his neck I whispered confessions of love against his skin while balling my fists in the lapels of his lab coat.  
“Sweetheart --”
But, I deftly cut him off by pressing my lips to his while tilting and raising my hips, effectively tipping him flat on his back.  Now straddling him, I settled my bottom on his upper thighs while my hands worked the buckle of his belt.  Even in the darkness, the practiced movements came so naturally that I’d soon pulled it from the loops and began the task of loosening his fly.  And, while I undressed him, he undressed me -- lifting the oversize t-shirt from my body before I trailed my hands under his sweater until he lifted his arms so I could do the same.
We were quiet. Silent as the night.  Neither of us above a whisper as our humid breaths heated the small enclosure that protected us from the elements.  And when I finally rose to line his cock to my entrance, I suppressed a sob as I slowly took him fully inside.  
“Oh baby -- oh fuck, you feel so good” Rick groaned before capturing my lips just in time to swallow my moans and gasps.  
“Rick” I breathed, nestling my face in the juncture of his neck and shoulder as I buried one hand in his hair.  “Rick, please.”
He knew what I wanted.  He was always hesitant to utter the words even though we both knew them to be true. He hitched a breath as if to prepare but I decided perhaps now wasn’t the time.  Perhaps I wanted the words to come of their own volition instead of from my gentle prompting.  
So, I began to fuck him.  Slow and deep -- alternating between pressing kisses to and planting my teeth in sensitive flesh behind his ear.  And, still we were quiet.  Silent as the night.  Neither of us above a whisper as we rocked together, his fingers digging bruises into the flesh of my hips while my fingernails pressed crescent grooves in the flesh of his neck and scalp.
“Oh my -- fuck! -- oh god” he released in a strangled whine as I quickened my pace.  The slight slapping of skin on skin ricocheted between the nylon walls of our enclosure as it mingled with muted grunts and gasps and the occasional soft moan that I allowed to escape when Rick’s cock hit my sweet spot just right.
“Who’s the higher power now, huh?” I asked in the sultriest whisper I could muster before trapping the shell of his ear between my teeth.  
“Sweetheart -- baby...” he whined, gripping my hips tighter in silent question.  He was teetering on the edge of control and I nodded my head in approval, excitement already overtaking me as my body tensed in preparation for the pounding I knew I was in for.  And as he bent his knees to firmly plant his feet on the floor for leverage, he moved one hand from my hip to roughly grip the back of my neck and pushed his pelvis upward until the head of his cock pressed heavy, direct and consistent pressure on my g-spot.
“I love you.”
The words were so sudden and unexpected that my body immediately responded, tensing further as my cunt violently clamped around Rick’s cock and I came -- hard -- sinking my teeth in his shoulder to silence the scream that threatened to rip from my throat.  Each contraction seemed to be stronger than the last as it pulsed and pulsed through me, the endorphins flooding my bloodstream at an alarming rate.  And, as my climax began to ebb, Rick lowered his hips only slightly before forcefully slamming them upward again and again and again.  Limp as a rag doll, I allowed him to fuck into me as another orgasm began to build deep inside.  No longer possessing the mental capacity to sexily moan and croon for him, I only dropped my head to his shoulder as he whispered the praise he knew I cherished so well.
“Oh, fuck, my perfect girl.  You -- you know I love you, huh?  Y-y-you can feel it, yeah?  Feel how much I fuckin’ love you? -- oh shit!”
I came again -- quietly sobbing and drooling against his neck and I clung to him; sweaty and trembling.
“Thaaat’s it, my sweet girl.  You -- you’re pussy’s so goddamn perfect, baby.  Fuck, I’m gonna cum” he growled directly into my ear, probably a little too loud at this point but I was far too gone to care.  He fucked up into me -- hard and deep -- once, twice, a third time; clenching his teeth, a forceful inhale whistling past them as he filled me up. Hot and thick and perfect.
“Holy god, fuckin’ christ” he gasped as his muscles relaxed and the death grip on my neck and hip loosened.  I only hummed in response letting my full weight settle on his chest for only a moment before I rolled and plopped down beside him.  
“Leave it to Jerry to pick a campground that doesn’t have showers” I quietly joked and snickered as the product of our coupling leaked to the floor of the tent.
“I -- uh -- I’ll portal us to the house in a couple of hours” he rasped.  My eyes had somewhat adjusted to the darkness once more and I could faintly make out the motion of his sweeping hand through his hair as my mind burned the evenings activities into my memory bank.  “But, remind me to tell Jerry he was actually wrong. Yet again.”
“About what?” I asked suspiciously, furrowing my brow as I hoped he wouldn’t say something completely idiotic to ruin the moment.  But in the safety of the darkness, he said something that nearly knocked the wind from me --
“My higher power is you.”
The End.
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darkling-er · 6 years
Hope’s Savior ( John Seed x OC ) | Part 12
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Summary: Trinity-Hope Johnson finds herself in the middle of a holy war, leading the Resistance, while having a complicated relationship with one of the cult’s herald. And she thought her first case would be easy. Oh how wrong she was!
Pairings: John Seed/Fem!Deputy, John Seed/OC, Earl Whitehorse & OC ( uncle&niece ), Joseph Seed/Fem!Deputy ( kind of ), might add more later
Warnings: mild language, violence, eventually smut, masturbation, oral sex, you know guys the usual, use of drugs ( bliss and other, thanks to Sharky ), fluff ( does that even need a warning? ), manipulation, angst, mention of mental illness ( insomnia, depression ), mention of child abuse ( from John’s side ), torture, I think that’s it? I swear it’s not so bad!
Word Counter: 4413
Notes: Okay, so things going to go fast from here. For a bit, not super fast. Also: I love Nick Rye! *-*
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | MASTERPOST for the others
It has been a long time since Hope had such a nice sleep as she just had in John Seed's bed. Feeling the expensive comfort all night long, body and mind relaxing. Her senses being dim from the scent surrounding her through her dreams. No nightmares, no burning fields or Jacob's voice demanding her to kill. She wakes up on her own, head burried in the youngest Seed brother's pillow. Her hand stroking the fabric of it, smiling to herself.
Hope opens her eyes and yawns as she slowly sits up in the king sized bed. Her head doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday. She rubs her eyes from the sleepiness and as she does she notices something on her wrist. She actually didn't realize she was wearing a wrist watch all along.
“What the...” She wonders as she looks down at the watch. She's not an expert, but she knows something expensive when she sees one.
She doesn't remember having it, until... Until she got into John's bunker!
“What the hell? Did he buy me a watch?” She laughs in disbelief as she look at her wrist. She shakes her head, can't believe the man did that. Yes, she mentioned it to him that she lost her watch in the Whitetails, but this? He brought her a gift? And an expensive one at the look of it.
She gets up from the bed, bare feet meeting the fine wooden floor. Even the floor feels nice, of course. She chuckles for herself as she stands up and walks toward the door which she thinks leads to the bathroom. She doesn't know what she was expecting but as she watches the door open, revealing a huge bathroom she stops at her tracks. A shower cabin in one corner of the room and a bath tub at the other. A huge ass mirror above the sink and a toilet, covered in a fluffy blue toilet seat. Luxury and money screaming off of every bit of the room. Just like everywhere else in the house.
As she steps into the bathroom she notices the bathtub, that it has jets in it.
“Oh, you’ve got to be joking.” She says as she looks at it in disbelief but with a huge smile on her face.
She starts the water, then starts looking for bath bombs or anything that she could put into the water. She opens the cabinet above the sink, the one with the mirror and she’s faced with a bunch of medical bottles.
She frowns, looking at the descriptions. Everyone is named for John, but a few of the bottles have a different name. ‘John Duncan’ and on that Hope doesn’t know how to react. Why is John’s name Duncan? Isn’t he a Seed? I thought Faith was Fake Seed…
She looks at the names of the medications: Normison, Prozac, Adderall… All kinds of drugs against insomnia, depression and anxiety? Wow, now I feel even more sorry for him. Fuck.
She looks past the medicines and she spots toothpaste and a couple of toothbrushes. She checks them, grabbing one that looks unused and start brushing her teeth. I could get used to this. She didn’t pay much attention to hygiene since she arrived in the County. And now she wanted to do everything that she didn’t have the chance of.
She feels refreshed as she puts down the toothbrush then she stops the water, that already filled up the bathtub. The young woman puts some stuff into the water, all kinds of nice smells filling the air in the bathroom. She gets out of John’s shirt and her underwear and sets it down at the sink, then she gets into the tub with a sigh.
Her muscles relaxing in the hot water she closes her eyes. As she lays there her radio crackles to life in the bedroom. She opens her eyes and listens, waits for a voice to talk to her.
“Deputy... We need to talk.”
What...the...hell... It’s Joseph Seed. Why is Joseph Seed calling her, what should she do? Hope gets out of the bath quickly, wrapping a towel around her body as she leaves wet marks on the floor while walking back into the bedroom. She looks at her radio on the bed in disbelief. He never called her. Hell, he didn’t try to talk to her since the Cleansing.
“I know you can hear me... I know you’re in my brother’s house.” His voice is calm as always, soothing and friendly. The reason why she has goosebumps all over her body. She shakily takes the radio in her hands, but doesn’t push down the button to talk. She never talked to him before, he never heard her voice.
At her silence there’s a dissappointed sigh, but not an annoyed one. He’s nothing like John. Why are you comparing him to John?
“I’ve had a vision of you last night...” The man continues and she just stands there, water dripping down from her body as she looks down at her radio in her hands. “I’ve seen what’s coming next. The Lord showed me a glimpse of the future: you standing above my brother’s corpse.”
There’s silent again and Hope mouth drops. Her heart feels heavy at those words. Just like in the voice mail, but now he said it. No metaphors or hidden clues. She thinks of John, the man that owned this house, who has the smirk of the devil. She thinks of him dead, belove her, his beautiful blue eyes turned into glassy ones. She shakes her head, closing her eyes as she tries to delete this picture out of her head.
Joseph continues on the other end as she does:
“I ask you...” He seems to search for the right words, then he exhales and continues. “I ask you to spare his life... He wasn’t always like this, he was the most loving out of all of us. He was just a boy when all those terrible things happened to him.”
Hope imagines a young boy again, crying on the kitchen floor while his parents beat him. She doesn’t notice how it affects her until a tear drops down from her face to her hand that is holding the radio.
“I know he can change, he can change through love. I’m only asking you to spare his life. You don’t need to kill him, Deputy... Please think about it.”
And with that her radio turns silent again. She stands in the room, water dripping down from her body, towel hanging around her. All kinds of thoughts run through her mind. Mostly about the so called vision of Joseph. She wonders if the Father called John about this vision as well, but she has a feeling that he didn’t.
She tries to forget about it as she puts up her underwear and her jeans, Sharky’s sweater and the denim jacket on her body with her dirty boots. It’s easier to wear the weathered clothes rather than trying to explain why she wears John Seed’s shirt.
She makes her way out to the corridor and as she looks down into the living room she smiles at the sleeping Sharky and Boomer, cuddling up on the couch. It’s a cute picture, really. She walks through a door out to the balcony and then down to another building, which she assumes is the garage.
Well, almost. As Hope enters the garage she whistles, watching the yellow plane being parked there.
“Hello, beautiful.” She smiles, running her hand long the door of the plane. She remembers John’s being a dark one, and there’s a huge text saying: ‘Rye and Sons’.
She smiles as she enters the plane, although she never in her life flew one. I learned to fly a chopper, how hard could this be?
She puts the headphone on her head and starts the engine of the plane, ready to exit the building. I didn’t die yet, that’s good. She amuses as the plane starts to roll out of the hangar, taking a turn to the airfield.
She flies into the air and starts to panic as she does. This definitely doesn’t work as a chopper. But there’s no going back.
A man’s voice comes through her radio and she tries to concentrate not falling to her death and listening to him speaking as well.
“Hey! This is Nick Rye! Who the hell are you and where do you think you’re taking my plane?! Goddamn Peggies... Wait, wait wait. Ain’t no Peggie dumb enough to pull a stunt like that... Shit, you’re that Deputy I been hearin’ about, ain’t ya?”
Hope laughs nervously as her hands shake around the control of the plane.
“Did you just call me dumb?” She laughs. “Yup, that’s me. Thought I would return your plane to you? You need it?”
Nick humms on the other end:
“Yup. You gotta bring that bird back to me. It’s our only way out of this shit storm. Now I need to make sure they didn’t mess with it. Let’s run it through some tests. Hang a sharp left at the crop circle and fly super low along the river.”
She makes the plane turn left and almost gets a heart attack.
“This thing is a lot more sensitive than a chopper!” She says panicked but manages to straighten out the plane.
“Did you ever fly a plane?” Nick asks and she laughs nervously with a ‘nope’. “Man, you’re either brave or stupid.”
Hope laughs at that nodding to herself.
“Probably both.”
The man on the other end sighs:
“Either way, you just saved my life. Hell, you saved my whole family. Peggies attacked my place just as we were fixin’ to take off good. Swiped my plane and left me to fight for my life. I’m damn near outta ammo.”
Hope takes another sharp turn to left and she feels like she’ll fly right out of the plane, bumping her head on the metal ceiling. When she manages to straighten it out and watches the river below she starts to get lower in the air. She pulls it back up when she almosts flies right into the water as Nick’s excited voice follows her, making her a bit less afraid of the flight.
“God damn! Breakin’ into John’s ranch of all places and makin’ it out in one piece. Way to show those fuckers.”
She chuckles at that, while following the river.
“Yeah, they had that coming. So I figured why the hell not.” Her voice is proud of her own actions. Though it was probably just a bold and idiotic idea.
“They must have been mystified.” Nick laughs with her. “Man, what I’d give to have seen the looks on their faces. Stupid Peggies.”
She follows the river, trying her best to not to crash as Rye continues to speak.
“That’s all they do around here. Show up at your door, like they did to me, and take whatever the hell they want. You know, I shoulda figured everythin’ would be alright. That plane’s never let a single one of us Ryes down. Don’t know what we would’ve done if we lost that plane.”
“Mhmmm...” She says as she tries her best at controlling the plane.
“You should be comin’ to a big fork in the river. Hang right.”
“Oooookay.” She says and watches for the direction. Honestly she just wants to land this thing and survive the day. She should’ve taken lessons before going off, flying around the county. And she’s not even wearing a parachute.
“Yeah, takes a certain kind of man to defend his home. Between you ‘n me, I’m not sure I fit the bill. I don’t know if you got little monsters of your own, but--”
“I’m twenty-one” She laughs, defending herself.
“Okay, but! I’m telling you, the thought of leaving mine fatherless puts the fear of God inside me. And mine ain’t even born yet.”
Hope smiles to herself. A family-oriented person, huh? That’s not a bad thing.
“If runnin’ means I can protect my family at the cost of losin’ my home, so be it. That’s the right move ain’t it?”
Hope smiles to herself, touched by how he wants his family to be safe.
“I think so, yeah. I mean I’m not a parent but I would probably do the same.”
There’s a moment of silence before Nick continues to speak:
“Still, makes my goddamn blood boil that I gotta uproot from the place my family worked so hard to put together. They earned every inch of this land with blood and sweat, and now I gotta lose it to some man-bunned little twerp and his posse of inbreeds? Fuck it!” Hope laughs so hard at that that her hand shake, making her stops as the plane moves dangerously. “You don’t mess with a Rye without it leavin’ a scar. Let’s give ‘em a long kiss goodbye, partner!”
Hope smiles at the sudden nickname, finally getting to be called something else than just ‘Deputy’ and ‘Rook’.
“I’m in it. What should I do?” She asks as she flies over a bridge.
“You should be flying over a field. Light up any Peggies you see. And if you see any Bliss tankers, blow ‘em sky high.”
Blowing things up? Now that’s a thing I really love! She flies over the field and angles the plane, starting shooting at the silo. Getting a bit too close, worried it won’t blow up she hoists the plane up a bit in the air, the silo blowing up below her.
“Woooohoooo!” She laughs, happy like a kid at Christmas’ morning.
“Joseph has his minions poisoning our water supply. Check out the irrigation reservoir or places like it, and lay waste to ‘em.”
Hope flies over a forest, being a bit more confident with the plane. Nick even compliments her on it.
“Look at you being an ace in that thing. You’re like the next Clutch Nixon! Man... he was so cool.”
The junior deputy giggles at that. She heard about the stunt man, he’s a god damn legend in Hope County, but she doesn’t think she’s anywhere near him if it comes to planes.
When she catches sight of the bliss tankers she lowers the plane a bit, shooting them all up.
“Peggies do most of their fueling just north of my runway. Take ‘em out before they get in the air.”
She looks into the distance and considers it.
“Yo, Nick! Do you have like bombs on this thing?”
She asks and Nick humms:
“Yup! See the big red button people tell you in movies to not push?”
She looks down at the controls, the button ot top of it.
“Yeah, I see it.” She replies, readying her thumb over it.
“When you’re ready, drop the bombs on top of the peggies head with pushing it down. You’ll get the hang of it.”
She waits until she reaches the field, the planes being under her and she drops the bombs. And they blow up good, she doesn’t have to do it twice. She laughs, happy of her win as Nick speaks to her again.
“If you do a nice smooth turn, it should put you on a good approach to my air strip. See ya soon!”
She turns the plane, not being as clumsy as before, but starts panicking.
‘Wait, wait, wait, wait! How the hell do I land this thing?!”
Nick hushes her, voice calm, trying to calm down the young woman.
“Now, people say landing is the hardest part, but I’ll show ya how to do it right. Just get the runway in front of you while steadily lowering your attitude.”
Not understandin professional or any language she shrieks:
“What?!” She lowers the plane a bit as she nears the air strip, trying to not die while landing.
She slows down the plane a bit as it lands on the ground, shaking her in the process.
“Umff..” She says as she rolls on the runway.
“Awesome landing, partner! Bring the plane to me. You’ll see me wavin’.”
She moves the plane toward him, trying not to crash into the man in the process. She stops the engine and gets out of the plane, thanking God that she landed safely.
“I think I’m gonna vomit!” She says, leaning on her thighs as she looks down at the ground, but she doesn’t.
“Oh my god, oh my god, look at her... Son of a bitch, you did it!” The man comes up to Hope hugging her close and she can’t help but giggle at the embrace. “You did it, thank you!”
Nick releases her and looks at the plane. He looks in the way of his house shouting:
“Kim! The plane’s back!”
A woman’s voice replies back to him:
“Yeah, I heard!”
Nick turns back to Hope and motions to the plane.
“Hey, come on, let’s turn it around. Come on, grab on!”
She does so, helping him turn the plane, though she’s not as strong as she wants to be, so Nick does most of the muscle work. The man chuckles at her:
“You know, this is the first time in a long time I feel like shit’s actually going my way. Those damn Peggies...”
When they finish turning the plane around he shouts again:
“Kim, come on!”
Nick looks at the plane:
“Please tell me they didn’t fuck with her... You know...” He turns to Hope while checking the yellow metal bird out. “This plane’s been in my family for three generations, can you believe that?”
Hope smiles at him:
“That’s awesome.”
The man shouts again to Kim:
“Kim, you coming?!”
The reply comes, annoyed:
“Yeah, I’m coming!”
Nick raises his hands and shakes his head as he walks past Hope:
“I swear, that woman sometimes... Anyway, my grandpa first got it when it got back from World War Two.“ He climbs on the yellow bird and opens the door to it. “Was his pride and joy.”
“Nick!” A shout comes from Kim.
“I made a few... modifications over the years...”
“Niiick!” Hope turns to the voice then back to the man.
“Kim would ya just hurry up?”
Hope smiles but frowns as soon as the woman replies:
“Nick! The peggies are on their way!”
Nick’s smile freezes:
“What?” As if on cue a plane flies over above them, dropping a bomb near on the forest to them. Fuck! “Those motherfuckers, they just won’t let up!”
A couple of bullets fly right into the plane, almost hitting Hope and Nick. She picks up her AR-C and looks at the man.
“Jesus Christ. Listen. I’m better in the air but you’re a fuckin’ beast on the ground. I’ll hit ‘em high you hit ‘em low, what do you say, partner?” She gives him a brofist nodding. “Horah!”
He enters the plane and Hope turns around, starting to run toward the house. Keep the pregnant woman safe, that’s a priority!
“Kim’s in the house! I’m trustin’ youy partner, keep her safe!” He says through the radio as Hope shoots the peggies outside of the house.
A worried scream comes from inside:
“Nick, Nick, Nick!”
Hope turns her beast mode on and fights herself inside, taking out every damn peggie in her way. As a cultist tries to break into a room upstairs with a bat she takes him out, while Kim inside shouts:
“Tell John Seed this is our place!” God, I already love this woman! Hope smiles to herself as she moves out of the house, standing on the porch, ready to kill anyone who dares to come near the Rye house.
“Ah, dumb move Nick. Shit, shit! Hangar, they’re at the hangar!”
Hope leaves the house, peggie free and runs to the building near it.  She climbs on top of the hangar, she likes being on the high ground. Easier to hit targets.
She shoots down the ATVs and the truck, but a bullet almost flies through her, Hope takes cover on the roof. Snipers!
Nick comes to her aid though:
“Stay back. I’m gonna light up these snipers on the roof.” And he does, Hope thankful she doesn’t end up dead today.
After getting clear all of the peggies Hope goes up to the house, waiting for Nick to land. When that happens and he makes his way inside she waits outside, until the man opens the door again, suitcase in hand:
“Come on, Kim. We’re leaving.”
“No.” The pregnant woman says firmly in the back of the room.
“No?” Nick asks back, placing the suitcase on the porch. “C’mon..” He motions to Hope to help him out.
She follows him inside:
“No, this is our home.”
“Kim, you just don’t understand...”
Hope stays silent, not wanting to get between the conversation of husband and wife. Nick gives her a suitcase to hold and she does that.
“Don’t understand what? That they’re stealing our land and kidnapping our friends and God knows what else?” Kim steal the suitcase from Hope’s hands and the junior deputy stands there awkwardly, listening to them.
“Nick. Your grandfather built this place. You really want to turn your back on that? And what about all the times you talked about handing off the business to our daughter?”
Hope stands next to the pair, looking from one to the other. A smile breaking her face as she listens to them. Is this how being in love feels? Cute.
“I talked about handing off the business to our son.” Hope wants to laugh at that but stops herself.
“You’ve seen the ultrasound. It’s a girl.”
The man shakes his hand:
“That was on a messy black and white TV screen. You know them things ain’t reliable.” He points at Hope in question and she widens her eyes, putting up her hands, wanting nothing with this conversation.
“Nick...” There’s a moment of silence and the man places his hand on Kim’s pregnant stomach and Hope smiles at that.
“I love you.” He says to Kim, who replies with a ‘me too’.
“Awww...” Hope says smiling at the pair, feeling like a third wheel in the moment, but enjoying their happiness.
“Well, Deputy, looks like the Rye family’s digging in. Hey, listen, if you need air support, you gimme a holler. You and me, we’ll be like Butch and Sundance.”
He seems so happy as he brings back the suitcases into the house, Kim turning to him:
“Nick, they both died at the end.”
He looks up at the woman shaking his head:
Hope looks at Kim, smiling down at the woman, she takes her hands in hers and whispers:
“Please, take care of him.”
Hope nodds and mouths a silent ‘of course’. Nick stands up and looks at the woman, coming up to them and holding them both in his hug.
“Wow, sudden... but okay.” Hope giggles and starts to suffocate with Kim and they both let go of the man.
He smiles down at Hope, questioningly:
“So, partner! What’s your name?”
Hope looks at him surprised and just stands there, looking up at the man. She feels like tear are gathering in her eyes. Such a simple question, but it makes her heart warm and melt. Not only he doesn’t call her Deputy non-stop, but he also asked her name? She doesn’t get that much attention from others. Hell, she doesn’t think anyone knows her name, other than her uncle, colleges and Adam.
“Sorry.” She says, wiping down her tear, laughing. “I feel like an idiot for crying at this, just you know. Not many people treat me like... well like another human being.”
She feels small, she fears she’ll cause them to cringe, but Kim comes up to her, arms wide open and she hugs her.
“Well we do. We’re greatful for what you did to our family,...?” She looks up at Hope, which is funny, considering Hope is quite small as well.
“Hope. My name’s Trinity-Hope Johnson. But I prefer Hope.”
Kim and Nick smile at her and she feels like she’s already at home. She didn’t feel this around others. Not even Sharky, though the man is considered to be her best friend.
“Welcome to the family, Hope.”
After staying for breakfast -which she skipped while flying around the Valley- and talking to the Ryes the junior deputy leaves their house. A smile on her face she steps into the car, which she asked to borrow from Nick. When she drives to the Ranch she is surprised to find it empty. No Sharky, no Adam. She tries calling Jerome, Mary May, even the Ryes but no one answers.
Hope starts to get worried, not knowing why is the sudden silent. Then her radio crackles to life on her belt. She expects it to be Sharky or Adam explaining where they went, but the voice calling her belongs to someone else. She freezes, fear starting to build up in her. How is that every time John calls her on the open station he sounds so monotone? Cold, while speaking on the private channel he always seems to ease up a bit?
“Atonement is the final step before fully accepting The Word of the Father into your heart. Our sins - having been finally exposed - can now be removed... Freeing our souls and opening our hearts. Now, the pain of Atonement is measured by the severity of the sin... and thanks to your Deputy, the sins of this Resistance are indeed...severe. You will all Atone for what the Deputy has done. You will all welcome The Word of the Father into your hearts. You will all say Yes... Your actions have consequences, Deputy. I’ve gathered all your friends here in Fall’s End to atone for your sins.” Hope blinks a few seconds, not knowing what to do.
“You’re welcome to join us. After all, if it weren’t for you they wouldn’t be in this predicament... This is your last chance to say Yes, Deputy... Don’t be late.”
The call ends and Hope stands in the home of the man who kidnapped her friends... She wants to cry out to him from anger, but that wouldn’t help them... She looks at the answering machine on the dining table and thinks about Joseph Seed’s morning call. He saw what’s coming next. And if she has to kill John Seed to save her friends? Then so be it...
A/N: This is the watch she got from John:  Vacheron Constantin Overseas Small Model.
Tags: @onl-you , @redaurora17
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itisannak · 7 years
You sure wanna go there, princess? (C.H)
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Calum Hood, 5 Seconds Of Summer  (Reposting due to lack of notes on the original) 
Masterpost   More Calum Hood Imagines More 5SOS Imagines   Prompts   Ask or Request
#2. “You sure want to go there, princess?”
I stare at my reflexion in the mirror, admiring the way my dress enhances my curves. I ruffle my hair, making my waves more voluminous and messy. “Wow…” I hear my boyfriend, sigh from the entrance of our bedroom. “You like it?” I ask, smiling mischievously. “Love it… But…” He says biting his lip. “But what?” I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. “You sure wanna go there, princess? I mean, with that dress and that hair and makeup… I have other ideas on how we could spend the night.” He replies smirking. He walks up to me and hugs me from behind. He pushes my hair to the side, leaving him with free access to my neck. He nuzzles his plump lips on my skin, leaving a few open mouth kisses along the way to my shoulder. “Ideas? Like?” I ask, throwing my head back as his lips impact with my skin. “Mmmm…. ” He moans in response before he drags me to the nearest wall.
He pins me on it, pushing his body on mine, squeezing me between him and the wall. He grabs my chin in his hand, putting his thumb to my lips. I suck in the tip of it, looking as innocent as I can. He smirks at me, his eyes squinting a little bit. His hand leaves my chin, his thumb slipping out of my mouth, as it moves to my neck. His thumb presses on my Eve’s apple, the rest of his fingers resting on the side of my neck. “You look so damn cute… The kind of cute I wanna press to a wall and fuck senselessly…” He groans, his eyes a bit darker. I take the side of my bottom lip between my teeth, knowing that Calum likes it when I do that. “I should be the one doing that to your lip….” He moans, choking me a bit harder. I smile at the sudden dominance he shows; it’s a side that I don’t usually see, but when I do, oh boy I am so glad. His lips crash on mine, his teeth lightly scraping my lip. I moan lightly, tension building up inside me. I open my mouth, allowing him to take dominance in our kiss. I really want to be submitted to him tonight, I really crave for him to use my body as he pleases. His hand releases my throat, only to move down my chest and directly to my boobs. He cups my boob, fondling it and playing with my nipple. I moan in his mouth and he smirks, knowing the impact his actions have on me already. “Your boobs are so perfect…” He moans, his lips now to my jawline. He bites lightly on my skin, leaving love bites and hickeys to stain it. My hands go to his hair, pulling on the soft curls. He kneels in front of me, his hands tracing from my ribs to my hips. “Beautiful…” He whispers as his fingers graze the thin fabric of my dress. He grabs the straps of my dress on my shoulders and slowly peels off my dress from my body. He stops pulling it down once my boobs are freed. His lips latch on my nipple, sucking on it greedily. “Oh God…"I moan loudly as his teeth bite on my numb. I can feel his lip curve into a smile when the words leave my mouth. "I was thinking of having a nice meal to start our night…” He whispers in his seducing tone. I moan in response, in loss of words from the horniness.  
Calum drags my dress further down my body, revealing my naked body to him. “No panties, no bra… Looks like you were prepared for this…” He smirks at me, stroking my thighs. “First of all, the dress is so tight that if I wore underwear, the lines would be seen by everyone. And second, I had my plans for after the party…” I purr as he starts kissing my thighs. He spreads my legs more, stroking my inner thigh to my ankle. “Those high heels look so pretty…. Are they making your legs tired?” He asks me, his thumb massaging my arch.  Knowing how much he likes fucking me with my high heels on, I just nod my head no. “Such a good princess for daddy…” He praises me before his lips connect with my cunt. His tongue dances against my clit, using just the tip, in the beginning, teasing my numb. I let out a high pitched scream as he flattens his tongue and goes further between my lips. I can see him smiling with his eyes, which are darker and sparkling with lust. I smile at the sight of him, but at the same time throw my head back, as he licks circles on my entrance. “Cal…” I moan pushing his head more on my crotch. He groans against my pussy, his tongue working faster and faster, driving me closer to my high. “I don’t want you cumming from just my tongue, babygirl…” He states, removing his lips from my folds.
He gets up from his knees, pushing his body against mine again. I feel his boner pressed on me, showing me how much he wants me… I reach for his boner, my fingers brushing his hard on from over his jeans. “See what you are doing to me, babygirl? See how hard you are making me? You and your perfect body…” He humms, kissing my neck. “Then have me… Wrap my legs around your waist and shove your cock so far inside me that I will feel you bulging out of my stomach. ” I provoke him and he sneers. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist, while I rip his black button up shirt. The buttons fly everywhere in the room and I bite my lip. His jeans and boxers are soon on the floor, his boner now free. “Don’t tease me, please…” I beg. “I can’t wait to be inside you either…” He mouths, attacking my lips. He slips inside me, his tip stretching my walls as it pushes past them. He spreads my legs more, pinning my body more on the wall. His hands are keeping my body in place, making me feel secure and allowing me to enjoy the moment. I stare at his arm muscles as the bulge and flex and I bite my lip, feeling fire inside my stomach. The previous sensation of his lips on my pussy hasn’t left my body yet, making everything seem more intense. “Babygirl, you are so damn tight. It’s like you’ve never been touched down there… I don’t know how you do that.” He praises me, hissing as his dick thrusts inside me. I feel his veins against my walls, his tip getting swollen. I know that he can’t wait to cum inside me, fill me up with his cum. He gets thrilled when we are doing it raw, I can tell that. I put my hands on his neck, my nails digging into his flesh as he pounds in me. “God damn it. What are you doing to me…” He growls and I moan in response, my heart pounding in my chest. My head is thrown back, my eyes closed as I get closer to my orgasm. One of his hands goes to my neck, grabbing firmly and choking me. “Look at me. Look in my eyes as you cum. Scream my name, make everyone know you are mine and only mine. ” He commands me. I stare in his eyes, mine wide and my mouth forming an ‘o’ as I feel my insides knot up. My pussy quivers, my heart is pounding almost out of my chest and my face burning. He is pounding with all he’s got, thrusting on my g-spot repeatedly. I scream his name as I reach my orgasm, my head spins and everything around me goes black.  It’s like my soul leaves my body for a moment, I feel numb for a few seconds. Calum still thrusts inside, getting closer to his own climax. He is sloppier now, his breath is hitched and his cock is throbbing. My walls are pulsing, squeezing him as he goes deep inside me. His thrusts are making my orgasm last longer, causing my legs to tremble. He shoots his cum inside me, I feel it explode rope after rope. His head is back and his eyes are shut, his jaw clenched. I arch my back off the wall, my chest touching his as I feel a new wave of euphoria. His hips are grounded to mine, his member still inside me.
We are both sweaty and breathless, but both of us are smiling as we stare at each other. “I love you so fucking much.” Calum whispers, kissing the tip of my nose. I giggle and nuzzle my head in his neck, feeling safe in the warmth of his skin. “I love you too.” I mumble sleepily. “Wasn’t that better than the stupid party you wanted us to go?” He asks, walking us to our bed. “Much better.” I reply, kissing his neck.
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elizaviento · 6 years
Protect & Serve (part 5)
Note:  Nothing but sex here, my dears.  Finally!
(FYI:  Additional chapters of Protect & Serve can be found in the Rick Fic Masterpost link in my blog description.  Or, you can click the #protect & serve tag in this post, within my blog, to access additional chapters.)
“Are you – are you really sure?” he asked, gripping my hips almost painfully.
“Oh god, Rick. You have absolutely no idea how sure I am,” I confirmed, pressing my face in the crook of his neck once again to breath in his intoxicating scent. I felt him shiver beneath me seconds before he pitched his body to the side, rolling us both over until he was on top, his hands still firmly planted on my hips.  I gasped, my eyes wide as I stared up at him looming over me and a bolt of fresh arousal shot through my every nerve ending, causing my fists to clinch and my toes to curl.
Circling my thighs around his waist and reaching up to wrap one hand around the back of his neck, I pulled him down until our lips made contact.  My aching need for him completely overtaking me, I pressed several soft, open mouth kisses to his lips before sweeping my tongue between them in silent question – which he answered with a sigh, opening to me completely.  And, the moment our tongues collided, the kiss took on a frenzied quality that I’d only ever experienced during hot and heavy teenage make out sessions.  
We pawed at each other roughly as we fought for dominance and I was soon moaning wantonly into his mouth when his hands finally made their way below my t-shirt, his fingers dancing across my stomach and ribs before lightly cupping each of my tits over the fabric of my bra. However, by this point, I was a raging inferno and needed more intimate contact.
“Let me suck your cock, baby,” I cooed when Rick finally released my lips to take a breath. The look of delighted surprise that graced his features was so adorable and endearing; I couldn’t help but giggle and pull him down for another quick kiss before awaiting his reply.
“You – y-you don’t have to –” he started, but I quickly cut him off with another kiss before interjecting –
“I want to.”
I leaned up, gently pushing him up as well so that I could scoot out from under him and off of the side of the bed before settling to my knees on the floor.  
“Come sit here,” I coaxed while patting the space on the mattress directly in front of me. He looked uncertain for only a second before obeying, sitting on the edge with his legs spread wide so I could shuffle between them.  He was still wearing his boxers – a tall tent pitched before me that made my stomach flip.  I could guess that his size was larger than average based on what I could feel when he was vigorously dry humping me, but I found myself almost giddy with excitement as I wrapped my hand around his clothed cock.  Immediately, he moaned and tilted his head back as I tightened my grip slightly and pressed a kiss to each of his thighs.  
“Shit,” he hissed when I released his dick to follow my kisses with the light scrap of my nails – beginning at his upper thighs and ending at his knees.  When my hands made their way to the waistband of his boxers, he took my hint and lifted his hips slightly, allowing me to whip them down his legs faster than was probably necessary.  
Just as I expected, his cock was quite impressive.  As I was taking the time to admire it properly, I felt a hand cup my cheek while another raked it’s fingers through my hair on the opposite side. Realizing he was politely trying to get my attention, I shifted my gaze upward toward his face just as he whispered my name, followed by, “Y-y-you don’t know how much I – I – ahh fuuuck.”
I’d placed a soft kiss to the underside base of his shaft, effectively cutting off his train of thought, and smirked to myself at how responsive he was. Peppering several more while moving upward to the tip, I swiped my tongue across his hot, plush head to clear away the bead of precum that had formed before relaxing my throat to take him inside the warm, wet cavern of my mouth completely.
“Oh jesus fuck,” he practically whined, bucking his hips up slightly when his cock hit the back of my throat.  I hummed in response, earning myself another cursing whine as he tangled a fist in my hair. Allowing saliva to pool and drip from my mouth, I remained in place for as long as possible before releasing him completely with a gasp.
“How’s that, Rick?” I asked, gripping his soaked cock and stroking from base to tip.
“Fuck – fuck baby,” he panted, his hand still tangled in my hair.  When I twisted my fist slightly at the tip on a downward stroke, he yanked and I let loose a whine of my own.  “Oh, shit.  Are you – is that too rough?” he asked, immediately releasing my hair in favor of screwing that fist into the quilt on his bed.
“No,” I breathed, reaching for him with the hand that wasn’t currently engaged in stroking him.  “It’s perfect.”
“Yeah?” he asked, still breathing hard while I gently unclenched his fist from the quilt in a bid for him to continue.
“Uh huh. Do what you want to me, Rick.  I want to please you.”
He released a shaky breath and placed his hand back in its previous position in my hair, gently guiding his cock down my throat once again.  Rising on my haunches to get a better angle, I screwed my head from side to side while swallowing around the head of his dick before rising slowly and sinking down again and again.  And, all the while, Rick sang my praise.
“Oh god, baby, that – that’s it.  You’re so fuck – fucking gorgeous.  Shit! You swallow that dick so well.”
I continued to moan around him, quickening the movements of my mouth while chasing them with my hand, never ceasing the stimulation until the moment he halted me altogether with two large hands capturing the sides of my face.
“Baby – baby, if you don’t – you’re gonna make me cum.”
“That’s not what you want?” I asked as sweetly as I could, placing a soft kiss to the tip of his cock.  Even though I had thoroughly been enjoying myself, I couldn’t deny that my pussy was practically dripping through my panties at the thought of him fucking me senseless.
“I want – wanna see your pussy.  Show me,” he said, his tone taking on a slightly demanding quality that had me pushing my thighs together as I pulsed with need.
“Wait, are you saying you want me to ‘spread ‘em’, Officer?” I teased, letting a smirk color my features as I stood and removed my shirt, whipping it across his bedroom where it disappeared into the darkness.  Despite my cheesy line, he smirked in response and circled his hands around my waist, pulling me with him as he scooted back toward the middle of the bed before positioning me exactly how he wanted – flat on my back, legs spread wide, with him kneeling directly between them.  “Have I been so bad that you need to perform a cavity search?” This time I couldn’t stop the giggle that escaped me at my own perceived cleverness, convincing myself he’d never heard anything like it before.
“Mmhmm,” he hummed with a tsk as he push one knee flush against my clothed cunt.  He was becoming more comfortable during our encounter and my heart began to hammer against my ribs as he gradually assumed control.  “Only bad girls let – let their panties get this soaked.”  He ground his knee harder and I moaned, reaching for him, but he smoothly evaded me. “What – w-what kinda naughty thoughts made a bad girl like you so – so sopping wet, huh?”
“Only you, Officer,” I replied, loving the direction this was going.  In response, he leaned over me, propped himself up with one hand next to my head and palmed my pussy with the other.
“Not all those toys, hmm?” he asked, slightly pressing with his middle finger – just enough to stimulate my, no doubt, already swollen clit hidden between my folds. I felt a rush of heat shoot up from my chest to my face, the humiliation somehow increasing my arousal for him to an impossible degree.
“Who do you think I imagine when I’m using them?” I asked while curling my fingers around the hem of his t-shirt.  In our haste, this one piece of clothing had someone remained on his body and I was more than ready to get him completely nude.  “Take this off, please.”
Rising to his knees, I sat up with him and pulled it up and over his head before tossing it off the side of the bed.  My bra quickly followed suit.  
“Shit,” he whispered, taking in the sight of my bare tits before palming each one.  I moaned and arched my back, leaning into his touch as he gently rolled my nipples between his fingers.
“That’s good?”
“Fuck, yes. Now use your teeth,” I demanded, leaning back to prop myself up on my forearms. However, Rick had other plans.
“Oh no, little girl.  I – uh – I-I-I still need to perform that cavity search, remember?”  I gazed up toward him, wide eyed, as he grasped both sides of my panties and yanked just as I rose my hips from the bed.  “And, I’m confiscating these” he said, dangling the damp scrap of fabric from his index finger before balling it up and tucking it between the mattress and box spring.
“Yes, Officer. I’ll be – ohh!”  My elbows gave way and I flopped to the mattress gracelessly as Rick pushed two long, slender fingers deep inside my pussy.  
“Humm, no – nothing yet.  But, l-let me…”  He pulled his fingers out entirely and then pressed back inside, deeper, while leaning over my prone form.  I gasped and clutched wildly at his biceps, trying to gain leverage as he hooked and gently pressed directly against my g-spot.  “Mmm, I – I think I found something,” he teased, leaning in further to place a chaste kiss to my forehead. “Is – is that it?”  He pressed again, harder, and I cried out.    
“Yes! Oh fuck!  Please don’t stop!”
“Such a bad girl,” he crooned as he began to steadily finger fuck me, making sure to hit the right spot with each downward pull.  He leaned in further still, our noses just centimeters apart, his eyes locked directly with mine.  “Are you gonna – can you cum for me?”  He pressed the pad of his thumb on my neglected and swollen clit and I did.  
“Oh, Riiick,” I moaned as my eyes rolled back, completely awash in bliss.  I’d never had an orgasm that good from a simple fingering and I realized that Officer Sanchez was much more than I had ever imagined.  And, as the wave of dopamine lapped at my nerve endings, Rick captured my mouth in another heated and frenzied kiss while positioning his cock directly at my entrance.
“You – you ready, sweetheart?” he asked, sliding the head of his dick up and down through my slick folds before pressing forward slightly.  Aching for that sensation of absolute fullness I knew he would provide, I nodded my head and screwed my fists into the quilt in preparation. Then, he continued to press, slowly, and halted all movement when he was fully seated – allowing me to adjust to his considerable size.
“Oh god,” I moaned, wrapping my arms around him to pull him flush against me – chest to chest. He buried his face in the crook of my neck and peppered kisses to the sensitive flesh.  “I’ve wanted this for so long, Rick.”
“So have – me too, baby,” he groaned in reply, the tickling movement of his lips spreading goosebumps across my skin.  “Wrap – w-w-wrap your legs around me, yeah?”  I did as instructed and he began to move.  Slow and steady at first but faster and harder as my moans and gasps urged him on.  
“Baby,” he panted, rising slightly to kiss me once before continuing.  “Y-you’re so warm and – and wet.  So tight.”  He began to pick up more speed, wrapping his arms under my back and around my shoulders to roughly pull me down against each of his thrusts.  I could only cry out wordlessly in response, unable to articulate with words how amazing his cock felt each time it rammed that perfect spot deep inside.  
“Sweetheart, I – I need you to cum for me again.  Can you, baby – can you cum for me?” he asked, suddenly changing position – leaning back on his haunches and pulling me upward until I was straddling him. I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself and – before I could reply – he planted his hands on each of my ass cheeks, lifted me up the length of his shaft and slowly guided me back down.
“Ohmygod!” I cried, dropping my head to his shoulder. The angle in this position was so fucking perfect and I knew my body would be helpless against fulfilling his request.  “Keep doing that and I’ll cum all over your cock, Officer.”
With a growl, he lifted and dropped me again – harder.  I screamed and dug my nails into his flesh.  
“Faster! Please!” I begged and he complied, bouncing me on his cock as I grunted and gasped in his ear like an animal.  And, he continued – fucking me absolutely senseless, growling encouragement in return until every muscle in my body went completely rigid and then snapped in a pulsing wave of pleasure that welled stinging tears behind my tightly screwed eyelids.
“That’s it – yeah.  T-t-take that cock, baby.  I feel you – oh christ – fuck!” Rick roared, moving his hands from my ass to roughly clutch the flesh of my hips, ramming me on his cock harder than ever as he pumped every drop of his hot cum deep inside.
“Wow,” I said with a breathy chuckle when I felt his muscles finally relax and his posture sag.  My head was still resting on his shoulder and I pressed a tender kiss to the side of his neck.  “Am I still in trouble, Officer?  Are you going to have to take me in?”
Rick chuckled in return as he leaned to the side, sending us both crashing into the mattress before pulling out of me completely – the inevitable gush of wetness following suit.  
“Oh, yeah,” he started, disentangling my body from his so he could pull back enough to see my face.  “I – uh – I gotta keep my eye on you, bad girl.”
To be continued...
P.S.  I’m so sorry for the cheesy role play.  I just couldn’t help myself! 
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