#Hundred Soul
ew-selfish-art · 8 months
DPx DC AU: Danny learns that he can change his summoning ritual and decides to go chaos mode with it i.e. A viral tiktok trend.
Danny ascends the throne and it's honestly pretty alright as far as new jobs go. He states a few opinions, makes sure no one goes to war and is slowly integrating a community service sentence to Walker's prison. It's not a bad gig, and considering the troves of gold he's now owner of, it doesn't pay too shabby either.
His main problem with the job isn't even his constituents (he likes to think they would vote for him over pariah), it's all these loony death cults! They keep summoning him with Pariah's old cold sign and it's driving him insane- After a very unhelpful smirk by CW, a long study session in GW's library and some help from Ember (she knows drama like no one else) Danny finally has a new summoning ritual.
Of course he swapped out the blood and bone for like, sour gummies and random shit he had in his backpack at the time. A TI-84. And yes, the Latin chant is that one super-fast bit of Rap God preformed to a BTS dance at speed.
But rather than keep this to himself, he gets Sam (who has a thriving plant and protest community following) to record her completing this ritual and Danny being summoned. Why? Cause it was a very specific to Sam skill that they didn't know if people could replicate and it gives Danny some plausible deniability that he tried to make it difficult when CW asks.
Posting it makes it very quickly go viral as people attempt to call it fraudulent but sure enough, Danny is now traveling the world at a moments notice.
Which is great cause it's summer and he's bored in Amity anyway (He's going to change it before he starts university in September, duh), and its even better because the second a lame ass death cult brings him forward to, like, destroy the planet, a slumber party or influencer has already summoned him away. Shit, he even met a few celebrities this way! Plus, turns out that most death cultists aren't able to rap!
Reality hit him pretty hard when he got summoned to an office space that is clearly a base of operations and the summoning spell locked him in. Literally, he has no idea how to get out of this binding spell- Danny definitely hadn't realized that was an option. Taking in the Justice League members in front of him, plus one trench coated menace, Danny groaned for a moment before thinking to ask:
"Wait- Which one of you was able to do Rap God? And the dance? Please tell me someone thought to film that!!"
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spacedustmantis · 9 months
charlie slimecicle is like barbie in the sense that he too can be anything
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anghraine · 6 months
I find it deeply annoying that Darcy gets lumped in with Rochester and/or Heathcliff, but it is also slightly funny because I'm not sure any Austen lead would hold Rochester and Heathcliff in more undiluted contempt than Darcy.
(In fairness to Rochester, I don't like him but he's no Heathcliff either. IMO a lot closer to him than to Darcy, though!)
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sneeb-canons · 8 days
Headcanon #500:
Mind is afraid that when he distances himself from or above the others, that he will be too far gone to come back down. That when his paranoia gets the best of him, he'll shut everyone else out and then be completely alone with no way back to where he was before.
Heart is afraid that if Mind is right, with the idea that what he does isn't genuine, that he's being manipulative without realizing it. Then therefore being Whole without himself there is the better option. That he'd be thrown out because his ideas would then be "not worth it" or even "vile"
Soul is afraid that no matter what he does or how good things will be, they'll always eventually split up again or even end up worse. Even then he has no clue what he's supposed to do or be during everything, and so because of that he'll never be whole. Or worse that he'll never really "feel" whole.
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horseimagebarn · 9 months
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two horses attempting to smooch despite the barriers keeping them apart in their stalls this is a testament to the beauty of love and how it permeates all life not just us humans
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shima-draws · 5 months
What the FUCK Furina’s backstory is so fucking sad??? The absolute TORTURE she’s been through. Shit dude,
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klysanderelias · 6 months
It's always funny to me when a big-name youtuber argues vociferously that souls-like games DO have a difficulty setting, it's Playing The Game Right (leveling, build, using summons, etc), and then later on in the same video will have a fifteen minute long section complaining about how certain boss fights completely invalidate certain builds or require you to drastically alter your style of play, and i'm like... I thought you were in FAVOR of this.
And of course they're not, they just don't understand what a difficulty setting IS anymore, and that's completely fair because I think that most DEVELOPERS don't either, but it means that the criticism they make is always couched in a fundamental misunderstanding of the thing they're trying to criticise (and also usually a complete misunderstanding of where the criticism comes from).
And I want to be clear, I've beaten basically every single Dark Souls game, I beat bloodborne, I played shitloads of elden ring and the reason I didn't beat it was because I got bored, and I've done speedruns and soul level 1 runs of dark souls 3. I'm pretty much the dark souls power player that everyone expects would argue AGAINST having difficulty options.
I've been playing thousands of hours of battletech, and the battletech difficulty screen has been the singlehandedly biggest argument I've had change my mind.
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In the game, Battletech modifies difficulty per mission by changing the total health of enemies, changing their skills and experience levels, the usual fare of difficulty curves (although damage is never affected, thank god). But having all these granular options can dramatically change the way the game is played without simply affecting health values or hit percentages.
Toggling mech destruction and lethality means that losing a mech in a mission or having a pilot be knocked unconscious removes them permanently. They're killed, destroyed, you need to go get a new one. That's a HUGE change from the base difficulty where having a mech be completely destroyed in combat just removes the weapon components and costs a ton to repair. Likewise, changing the number of parts required to buy or salvage in order to complete a mech DRAMATICALLY changes the game - the maximum amount of parts you can get from a single mech is 3, and usually you only get 1. Needing 3 parts means that if you're lucky, you could see a brand new mech in a mission, blow its head off, and get one for free. Moving that scale up both means that rare or expensive mechs take much much longer to earn, but also that replacing mechs takes much longer (meaning that losses are even more painful).
Like, every single one of these options can dramatically affect how you play the game or change the feel of it to something much more interesting to you as a player - do you want to play a rogue-like game where you have to save and scrounge to get new mechs, and each mech and pilot is a precious resource you have to protect? or do you want to powerscale fast and constantly get new mechs and rare weapons?
And like, having extremely granular options for gameplay isn't for everyone, but then again, there are the owlcat pathfinder CRPGs that do this same thing, but have a base 'easy-normal-hard' sort of slider that automatically selects certain options, and you can adjust them if you want. If you're not interested in going through each slider you can just say 'I'd like normal please' and the game automatically makes all the selections, but you can also stop and say 'hey actually let me turn on permadeath too' and you can do that.
And I think that when people think about difficulty, they think about the most basic 'health and damage adjustments' sliders, and not ANYTHING else that actually have much more of an impact. I will hit this point to my grave that dark souls would massively benefit from difficulty options like turning off instakill effects (like curse or petrification) or removing the harsh penalty of dying when you can't get back to your bloodstain because a) that's often what drive new players off the most, and b) it doesn't fuckin' matter anyway, all you're losing is souls, the only thing it does is make you have to go grind more to make up for it.
And of course, there are always EXTRA challenge runs people come up with - nuzlocke runs of pokemon, soul level 1 runs of dark souls, hell, when I do Battletech I often add additional challenges like 'no intentional destruction of civilian buildings' or 'each mech must be assigned to a pilot and if one of them is sidelined, so is the other'
But challenge runs aren't difficulty settings, and more importantly there's no way to unchallenge run a game. You can decide to make the game harder for yourself, but you can't make the game EASIER. And when people say that you can, they're lying to you. Like yeah, there builds that are very strong in dark souls, and leveling optimally will make the game easier, but if you don't know what optimal leveling looks like, it's pointless. If you have a deep and thorough understanding of the game, and you check the messageboards, and delve through the wiki, and use a couple of exploits, the game will be easy! And if it's still too hard for you after that? Well, go fuck yourself, you just spent hours of your life doing research only to give up on the game anyway.
And the truth is, most people who argue that dark souls shouldn't have a difficulty slider are doing it out of bad faith, because they have a certain amount of ego riding on 'being good at hard game' as a character trait, and making these games more accessible frightens them because what if being good at dark souls isn't actually getting them into heaven
but also because they're somehow afraid that having extra difficulty options in the game will tempt them into choosing them? And then they won't get the 'true experience'?
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Gamers are some of the most fragile people in existence that the mere option of reducing difficulty sends them into hysterics.
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
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daisuke 'this is my emotional support bastard' jigen
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licollisa · 1 year
I just wanna say i love the way you draw Asriel! Can you give me a how to draw, or tell me about a video where you learnt how to draw him if thats okay with you?
Awe thanks! I strive to make him look fluffy n cute but also include a vibe like he's still an actual young teen and would behave like so?
As for how to draw him,,, I kinda suck at explaining, but, I just nitpick details I liked from various Asriel fanarts I've seen and integrate that to my own Asriel (as in I intensely scrutinize & study at said fanarts). E.g like @/Xxtc-96xx 's Asriel.
So I didn't really have a video to recommend. But I can break down the specific features for you!
- His 'hair' model consists of the tuff of fur on both front & back
- Eyes are vertical, round & slated down (like his sprite)
- His fingers are shorter and stubbier. To stress this I make his fingers double jointed, instead of three like a human. I add a little triangle nubs on top as nails.
- ...For the snout, you can refer to plenty of 'how to draw furries' out there. Even I wing it all the time. Hands down the hardest part of drawing them goat monsters. Just add two lil fangs that looked like it fused with his mouth haha.
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That's about it :D
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character-estudio · 2 months
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a collection vintage music with eerie undertones that I imagine alastor would play on his radio broadcast, and some classic louisiana jazz that ties into creole roots.
↳Hazbin Hotel Full Playlist found here
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
I think Tom would have a major preoccupation with the fact that Tuvok has only had sex with his wife. Like, Tuvok lets this fact slip and Tom can't let it go for some reason. Even though everyone he brings it up to is like "?? And? What do you want me to say about that? Who cares?" Tom for some reason is still like:
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He can't even verbalize why
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kisaraslover · 2 months
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something something as evil as he is about owning and subjugating her for eternity shes twice as insane about being the only one for him
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eilarae · 1 month
expect this will be met with a chorus of "it's not that serious" but uh. something about calling a kid who died alone and terrified in a hostile, unfamiliar environment a bitch doesn't really sit right with me.
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radioactivecatboy · 4 months
jang uk king of burning bridges. i love him so much i will always be going crasy stupid bonkers over his denial for entry into songrim in ep3. park jin publically telling him no, you can’t join, and with your gate open you are no longer allowed to enter songrim at all. him immediately, and almost proudly informing park jin that he lost his entry plaque. i am a thorn in your side, he is saying, and even when i am no longer allowed within these walls you will remember the sting of me. park jin trying so hard to break jang uk’s spirit so he’ll stop drawning attention to himself, only for it to give jang uk, fueled by spite, even more reason to continue on this path. jang uk telling park jin i’ve only been hit 99 times. better hit me again. better make it count. better do it your fucking self. the way he stands up again and laughs. he’s so bitter and pissed and betrayed i love him to DEATH
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remyfire · 3 months
Today's gleefully sadistic brainrot is the realization that Hawkeye was not the first person to call BJ Beej, and how incredibly annoyed he must've been to hear Leo use Hawkeye's Special Boy Nickname that now Hawk knows has never completely belonged to him.
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maomao9jinshi · 2 months
jinshi carrying maomao is now my roman empire AndThat song touched my soul directly, the whole scene felt exactly like a cdrama. I am gonna rewatch it several hundred times,
KurusiyaNoHitorigoto #Maoamo
薬屋のひとりごと #Kusuriyanohitorigoto
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