#Hunter Apprentice
turquoisespace35 · 6 months
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What if they where in a florist and tailor AU?
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Bro has never seen her without sleeves
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velo-cats · 3 months
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yk in tcw when obi-wan was like:
"ventress, you're not looking well"
and anakin was like, "she never does"
is so funny if you compare ventress with her chaotic neutral glow up from the last episode to anakin (who is currently a walking genocidal toaster) and obi-wan (who already looks like og trilogy ben).
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foolilazuli · 5 months
I like how before joining Luffy, Zoro already had a reputation and people would be like “omg it’s pirate hunter Zoro! and some guy…”
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mirroredmemoriez · 4 months
Amanda and Cecilia think thonks (THIS IS NOW GENERAL RANDOM SAW THOUGHTS)
“I grifted off his name. Shitting on his legacy was just a bonus I’ll admit that.” - Cecilia on her fathers work/legacy
“It is I who will carry on John’s work after he dies.” - Amanda on John, who basically is her father and his work/legacy.
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Don’t know why these lines intrigue me, however I’ve kinda stated before how I find the comparisons between these two interesting. I don’t believe they are perfect mirrors but there are some similarities to look at, alongside their major differences as well. Cecilia uses her fathers name to benefit herself, she takes advantage of it and others to get what she wants. She is aware that what she is doing is wrong and if found out, would tarnish the Pederson name. Whereas if we turn to Amanda, she heavily dedicates herself to continuing John's work and the Jigsaw legacy. However, obviously throughout the Saw franchise, she begins to question his methods and goes against them. One takes advantage, the other is taken advantage of.
“I rob, I steal and I cheat.” - Cecilia
“I’m a murderer. He took my life from me, so I just returned the fucking favour.” - Amanda
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They both admit what they're doing isn't correct to a degree. However, neither has or likely will stop what they're doing. Cecilia scams and Amanda rigs her traps to be impossible, in a way her own form of scamming? What I mean by that is, the whole point of the traps is to be a lesson- It's supposed to be escapable, any survivor of it will tell you that... Obviously, there are some places to question the tests/traps even outside of Amanda, but we're not looking at that right now. Anyway! She basically scams people out of a chance of surviving due to her own past experiences. Lynn Denlon in Saw 3 being a perfect example of this really? She died due to the shotgun collar going off yes, but she likely would have anyway due to Amanda shooting her- Which Lynn had already PASSED her test by that point really.
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(Honorary Angel Trap mention) I don't think I have to go too in depth about how Cecilia scams people, but she doesn't just take their money. She also in her own way takes their lives- They leave thinking the treatment will help them, spending savings and such when really it's fake. We’ve also got the fact that Cecilia outright murdered Gabriela. This comparison of their characters and the reception to them by the fandom/audience is something I find fun! Yes, people dislike Cecilia for being a scammer, but the main cause of people's hatred that I've seen isn't even what she did to John? At least here on Tumblr, it's the fact that she killed Gabriela.... The reason I find this ''fun'' is because well, Amanda was the one who put Gabriela in that scenario in the first place and yes of course- We have to acknowledge that Gabriela was part of the scamming which is why she was tested alongside her being a drug addict, however at the end of the day I think it's agreed upon that base level, she isn't a terrible person. She did what she did to survive. So I wonder, if Gabriela had just died in her trap, whether there would be uproar about her death? Would people be angry at John and Amanda the same way they are at Cecilia? And to answer my own question, I don't actually think so. I believe this because of the circumstances of death, reactions and the reason why. Cecilia didn't just kill Gabriela whilst she was in her trap, she did it afterwards. She effectively stole her ''second chance'' because of how money hungry she was. Cecilia also showed no remorse for doing such. Then we have Amanda's reaction.
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It goes without saying she was likely rooting for Gabriela the entire time, she reminds Amanda of herself for one and she's also distraught because Gabriela did WIN. I see this as a catalyst to Amanda's future behaviour alongside deaths such as when she ''mercy'' killed Adam and then Laura from Saw 2.
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I'm also going to drop this link to a previous post I made, which I think fits in to what I'm saying here and possibly adds to other points. (I have a tendency to repeat myself or ramble)
Almost nobody in the Saw franchise is either fully ''good'' or ''bad.'' That's what I like about it, they are people with faults- Some characters have more redeeming qualities/traits, others not so much. The most beloved characters are likely the Jigsaw apprentices (And Adam). At least the MAIN three ones. Which, let's go over their crimes!
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Fun fact! These kinds of crimes are the type that would land you in PRISON. It goes without saying that the moral compasses of all 3 of these characters are basically broken or spinning constantly. Yet, as I stated before- Amanda, Mark and Lawrence are some of the fan favourites of the Saw franchise.... And don't get me wrong, I'm an Amanda fan myself for example! However, it's so interesting the reception these guys get compared to other characters in media and generally in the Saw universe. If we go black and white/narrow our views, they are actually the villains at some points. The crimes speak for themselves and generally whilst watching the movies, you're supposed to be rooting for the people to get out of their traps- Not always mind you, but a good percentage of the time. So many people justify their actions due to their backstories, a common thing for villains and or ''bad guys''. It's understandable, because the shit all of them have gone through would definitely leave anybody unhinged... At the end of the day though, that doesn't mean they should be excused. I think I'll end this here because I've gotten so sidetracked? As I always say at the end of something like this, these are all just my thoughts and opinions- Not fact or concrete either, I'm open to discussions with people who disagree with me for example! IF YOU'VE GOTTEN THIS FAR DOWN! THANKS FOR READING, ANYBODY WHO LIKES AND REBLOGS MY RAMBLINGS DO MAKE MY DAY. -MAL OUT
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ghastigiggles · 2 months
Omg omg omg "Here comes the tickle monster" with ler!Jing Yuan and lee!Yanqing! If that's okay ofc💕
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“My lord, please, you should still be resting…”
“A little rest is good for the soul,” Jing Yuan smiled back, gazing out the window; “But too much, and one risks becoming lethargic.”
Yanqing sighed softly, his brow furrowing with worry as he gazed at the general’s back. While it was true that Jing Yuan was bouncing back well, a part of him – the part that was still attached to his mentor – still stressed over the depth of his wounds. Jing Yuan could be like a cat at the best of times, concealing facets of his health to avoid worrying those he cared for – and giving his enemies an advantage, all the same.
“... I understand,” The young warrior managed after a moment, knowing better than to push his luck too far; “In that case, if there’s anything I can do to help, please, let me be of service.”
Jing Yuan turned to look down upon Yanqing, a soft smile upon his lips as he took in the boy’s worried state – and with a soft chuckle, he nodded, turning to face him fully as Yanqing perked to attention.
“There is one thing…”
Something about the general’s tone struck a memory for Yanqing, who promptly tensed – suddenly overwhelmingly glad that there were no other members of staff present in Jing Yuan’s office. As the older warrior stepped forward, he stepped back, swallowing as he realized where this was going.
“My lord…! You can’t be serious – your condition is –”
“Not severe enough to stop the tickle monster!”
In a split moment, Jing Yuan grinned and started closer, earning a yelp of alarm from Yanqing as he darted away in turn, quickly moving to stay out of reach – though he couldn’t stop the anticipatory, equally entertained smile from seizing his features, nor the squeal that escaped him when the general finally seized his target. 
“Here it comes!”
“Eeyah! Nohohoo, my - my lohord…!”
Ultimately, a little laughter was a soothing balm for both of their souls – and for those who passed by the office’s doors, pausing to smile at the muffled sounds of play within. All would be well within the Divination Commission.
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mermaidchan05 · 27 days
Vesuvia Weekly: "How Did You Learn to Do That?"
“How did you learn to do that?”
“My master taught me.” 
Whenever the question was posed, that was Chimalus’ response.  It was almost instinctive at this point. Though Chimalus had graduated from “My master taught me” to “Asra taught me,” the meaning was still the same. 
After all, Asra had taught them everything.  He was the one responsible for bringing them back.  He was the one who taught them how to be a person again.  And after that, he hadn’t stopped.  He’d taught them how to read.  How to write.  He’d taught them nearly everything they knew about magic. 
So it was only natural that, when Nadia first led them to the palace stables and asked if they knew how to ride, their response was much the same. 
“Asra taught me how, once.” 
Nadia had smiled then, one of the first smiles that was meant just for Chimalus, a smile that made their heart skip a beat. 
“My, you are full of surprises, aren’t you?” she’d said. 
And in that moment, though they hadn’t fully understood why back then, Chimalus had wanted nothing more than to keep surprising her.  To see that smile more and more often. 
Which was exactly what they did, though it was hardly ever on purpose.  Since the fateful day that Nadia had come to her shop, searching for help, Chimalus and Nadia had experienced more than their fair share of surprises.  But they had gotten through everything the universe decided to throw at them.  And now, at last, things had started to calm down.  There was still much work to be done.  Still so many things that needed to be fixed.  But there was also enough time to steal away for an afternoon to have tea with friends. 
Which was exactly what they were doing when the subject of riding came up. 
“Did you ever ride, Asra?” Nadia asked.  “I seem to remember hearing something of the sort...” 
“No,” said Asra with his Magician smile.  “Well... not horses, at least.”  
Chimalus didn’t hear how Nadia replied, or if she even replied at all.  Their hand shook as they put their teacup down.  The realization crashed over them like a wave, leaving them stunned, breathless. 
Asra didn’t know how to ride.
There was no possible way he could have taught them. 
So how did they know?  How did they remember? 
In any other circumstance, they would chalk it up to simple muscle memory.  But that didn’t make sense in this case.  Not when their muscles carried so few memories in the first place.  
And if Asra hadn’t taught them to ride... who had?
Such questions were dangerous.  Chimalus and Nadia had been working towards unlocking the secrets of Chimalus’ past.  Of the life they had lost.  And while Asra had done his best to help, he admitted that there were some things that even he didn’t know.  Chimalus hadn’t shared every detail of their past with him.  There were some things, Asra explained, that had apparently been too painful or upsetting to share. 
Which meant those memories may have been lost forever.  Chimalus had, unwittingly, hidden their own history.  
How much else had they lost?  And if it was so painful, so heavy that it was a burden not even Asra could bear, did they even want to reclaim it? 
But the question pestered them.  Demanded answers.  And they had no answers to give. 
All they knew was that Nadia would remain by their side.  Whatever the past held, the two of them would face the future together.  And they had more than just Nadia.  There was Portia, of course, as stalwart a partner as anyone could ask for.  They had Asra, who had always supported them.  They had Julian, who had a knack for running into and out of trouble, which may have been exactly what they needed in this case.  They had friends.  They had family.  
Perhaps that was all they needed, whether or not they ever found the life they had left behind.  
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fox-daddy · 15 days
So due to the nature of this weeks prompt being things that are the same and different I'll be focusing on each of my Mc's in general and when it comes to their relationship with Asra and Julian since their the only M6 to have cannon interaction with Mc pre-plague and I'm going to keep it like that for my Mc's.
With that said spoilers for Mc's past and why they have amnesia and a small glimpse into my Mc's relationship with Julian pre-plague.
One of the biggest differences between pre-plague and post-plague Kyle is his magic. Pre-plague Kyle had very strong air based magic, the element of freedom, creativity, connections, change, and chaos. While Post-plague Kyle has more varied magic, being stronger in earth and water-based magic than he's ever been and gaining new skills with the fire element. Overall, it becomes a lot more balanced in his abilies.
Due to an event when Kyle was ten-years-old, he gained a fear of fire. However, this wasn't that big of a fear being more nervous dealing with fire but overall covered by a curiosity and deep enjoyment for watching fire flickering in a fireplace or candle. Post plague Kyle still finds fire interesting to watch. However, due to being burned alive, even if he doesn't fully remember, it has left its scars. The most obvious is that his small fear has turned into a big fear but not quiet phobia. They can watch a candle burn or sit by a fire, but the moment they have to cast fire or put something on the fire their tensing up a bit and slightly squinting their eyes.
A less obvious change is how Kyle has more control over himself after his death. Not a lot it's not like he went from Lucio levels of hyper to Muriel level of calm but while Pre-Plague Kyle would find it harder to keep calm in a place around people with high energy and likewise getting more sleepy when around tired people. Post-plague Kyle is able to focus more on how he actually feels. Although he can still energize himself with the crowds energy if he needs to.
Kyle and Asra;
Right off the bat, their relationship pre-plague was a bit complicated. They weren't an official couple, but they almost acted so much like it that most people who didn't know them would assume they were dating. Due to this, they never really had a time where they became a couple. Rather, it happened so slowly that it just unofficially became a thing.
Pre-Plague Kyle was harder to read for Asra while both versions find Asra just as hard to understand. As this has little to do with their soul connection and more due to the fact Kyle did things that didn't make as much sense as everything else he did. While most of these were small, little things like flinching at large clouds overhead or hissing like a cat at certain things. It could be excused if it wasn't for the fact that Kyle almost always seemed to act with some sort of logic behind it.
Pre-Plague Kyle did not appreciate Asra sneaking up on them as it was quickly established as something they shouldn't do unless they wanted Kyle being annoyed if not angry at them. Yet Post-plague Kyle not only is fine with it but will typically jump before laughing and playfully joke about Asra giving him a heart attack.
Kyle and Julian;
They didn't really know each other very well with Kyle not studying under Julian for very long before moving to the lazaret where they felt they were more needed to look after the sick rather than feel useless running between doctors. Post plague, they actually have more the chance to interact and to become closer.
The biggest change is their temperament. Hunter pre-plague was way more aggressive and willing to use their skills to take down any bully's in bars and taverns. While Post-plague Hunter is a lot calmer. While their not afraid to stand up for people their less likely to go out with the goal of finding trouble. (Even if they technically never start anything.)
One word,'hate'. Pre-Plague Hunter has a lot of hate and anger at how they were raised at a young age being taught over and over that their a natural monster and that this is who they are, what their good at, being a monster. While not all of that is erased by their amnesia, this leaves a deep-seated anger, they don't fully understand. However, Post-plague Hunter has more of the tools to be able to redirect that anger into something else.
Pre-Plague Hunter understood their anger and pain a lot more than Post-Plague Hunter, knowing why they feel the way they do. Having a deeper understanding of who they are and why they are like the way they are. As Pre-plague Hunter sees themselves like a shattered glass only able to cut while Post-plague Hunter sees themselves more like a street dog, hurt and angry and sometimes violent but not broken.
This also leads Hunter post-plague into being more kind to themselves and being in general more happy without their past holding them in a choke grip.
Hunter and Asra;
Pre-plague they weren't dating, and while it could've happened with some more time, they didn't have more time. The biggest difference between pre and post plague Hunter when it came to boundaries. Being unable to speak or understand themselves meant that during the beginning their was a lot they both had to learn.
For example, pre plague Hunter spent a lot of time at the magic shop before they met Asra. Being brought back to ground zero after being brought back to life. This had to do with physical touch and gifts but also in other small areas. Although that isn't to say everything is worse post-plague quiet the opposite. Over time, Hunter was able to accept touch and gifts more easily and even learn to seek out comfort when they need it rather than try and deal with it on their own like they used to.
Hunter and Julian;
Unlike Kyle, Hunter spent a good amount of time amount of time with Julian. Only leaving after they caught the plague. Due to this, when thinking of Hunter back then compared to now even Julian can tell Hunter is more passive. Which isn't to say much compared to most people, yet this speaks volumes when it comes to how they interact with each other.
Pre-plague Hunter had no deeper care for Julian or themselves outside doing their work and learning from the doctors. Them having little care about themselves was something Julian could tell from their almost reckless behavior at times. Even when they had the plague, having to be told by someone else to leave before valdemar got their hands on them. Especially since they worked closely with valdemar.
The biggest change is their nervousness. Pre-plague Bluebell is a lot more nervous and shy, wanting to be the background character in someone else story. If their ignored, they won't be hurt. Yet Post-plague Bluebell is still quiet and soft-spoken. However, they are a lot more open to making new friends and being social.
Pre-plague Bluebell would rather be out of peoples eyes, and yet Post-plague Bluebell finds themselves wanting to prove themselves as capable of looking after themselves.
Asra and Bluebell;
Honestly, the biggest difference is that it's easier for Asra to convince Post-plague Bluebell that they actually deserve to be happy. That theirs more you can have from life than just living.
Another difference is more around Bluebells own perspective. As pre-plague Bluebell had little to prove and even less to lose while post-plague Bluebell both feels like they need to prove to Asra that they can look after themselves even before they actually could. (While this could easily be hand waved as Bluebell not liking, feeling vulnerable due to what happened to them during their vulnerable times in their life as a young child. It can go deeper than that back to going from babied and abused to free but having to be fully self-reliant or die trying.)
Julian and Bluebell;
To be honest their in a more similar boat with Kyle not having a lot of connection to Julian. However, breaking cannon a little because Bluebell breaks cannon a little having wings, tail and ear feathers Julian did know they went to the lazaret. Having actually been the one to convince them, they shouldn't hang around valdemar in case they found out Bluebell had the plague. What's more curios than a normal human? one with wings and a tail.
Despite that, most of their interactions were brief and quick. With Bluebell not really enjoying speaking and once again wanting to be a background character more than anything and Julian being drowned in his work.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
1 Insight: Djura's third companion is Josef
15 Insight: Josef is just a cooperator variant of the NPC type 'Izzy's Successor', Djura's third companion is that corpse you pick Charred Set from
40 Insight: 'Djura's companion' might not even necessarily mean Powder Kegs. For example, Djura's Ally doesn't have any Powder Kegs weapons but is clearly included! Even then, there were multiple Powder Kegs, why just three specific ones? Maybe 'companions' refers to his polycule divorces closest friends or whatever. Could that mean Bestial Hunter who is from Oto Workshop (beta Powder Kegs workshop)? Could that mean Valtr since his weapon was made in Powder Kegs? Could that mean Izzy? Who knows!
60 Insight: Djura's third companion is an OC spot because developers forgor/had no time and we've been doing blue curtains effect this whole time
99 Insight: Djura's third companion is a Blood-Starved Beast that Djura's Apprentice fights with, they left Old Yharnam together and this one was poisoned with Ashen Blood all along and eventually turned
0 Insight: You've been fighting Brainsucker in Upper Cathedral Ward's corridor for too long lol
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katyahina · 3 months
Who are Yahar'gul hunters? (compiled reference and observations on 7 obscure NPCs)
Like the title suggests, I decided to cover whatever could be said or speculated about a group of NPCs in Bloodborne in one post as despite suffering from not having unique names or at least titles (save for Antal), they are distinct enough to have the characters and lore nonetheless in Soulsborne's trademark nonverbal fashion! They are a valid part of overall Bloodborne cast and I've found out they offer plenty to work with!
Some shared observations
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(Description are always taken from Last Protagonist's retranslation document ( x ) to not miss out any nuance)
1) Yahar'gul hunters are Healing Church hunters, rather than Old Hunters (the hunters of Gehrman's type) or Yharnam hunters (simple citizens who, albeit trained by Ludwig, don't count as Healing Church hunters)! Not only five out of seven of them use Healing Church weapons (six out of seven if you count Archibald's weapons as such) and not only School of Mensis is another faction of "nerds" of the Healing Church but also some visual hints can be seen:
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^^^ For example, the metal helmets of Yahar'gul Hunters are the same as what Executioners (enemies) in Hunter's Nightmare are wearing! These Executioners are likewise staff of the Healing Church, or used to be in the times of the past. It is up to interpretation if their caged helmets were to contain those eldrich tentacles and School of Mensis simply took the design to honor their roots (like they honored their Byrgenwerth roots with uniforms), or if those Executioners were given to the Healing Church BY Micolash/Mensis to begin with, or the secret third/fouth/fifth thing! I just think the design implication being here to begin with is interesting
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(The images of Church Giants are from this ( x ) page in Bloodborne Wiki (that awesome one created all by the same person))
^^^ Healing Church staff also seems to have a knack for ropes tied around (and the Madmen, former Tomb Prospectors, repeated the idea by tying long empty phantasms shells in a similar fashion)! Yahar'gul Hunters are said to use it as both restraint for kidnapping and... yeah, as 'lucky charms'.
2) It is rather interesting that they are, functionally, doing the same as what Snatchers (big Pthumerian guys with a sack) do - kidnap people for School of Mensis! My headcanon is that School of Mensis worked primarily with their hunters as kidnappers, and Snatchers were doing their own thing but simply shared living space with School of Mensis! Moreover, they do not aimlessly kidnap people long after Mensis Scholars "ascended", but need people for their own ritual of attempting to create an Amygdala, which is The One Reborn. It is a long rabbithole, but internal name of Amygdalae is 'evil god' and internal name of The One Reborn is 'failed evil god' ( x ). But alternatively, School of Mensis worked with the hunters and only afterwards was able to get Snatchers to help them! Regardless of interpretation, at least at some point in timeline, Yahar'gul Hunters were School of Mensis' tools for kidnapping.
3) Five out of seven of Yahar'gul hunters are not white. More specifically, one of these hunters (the Hunter's Nightmare one) is distinct, when other four are similar 'type' of model (not sure what to call it) with Henryk. Yeah, from game developing standpoint, devs probably just used Henryk as a base for creating Yahar'gul hunters, and naturally DLC hunter would look unique. But for all we know, it could also be an implication! Like how Heir Rune that Henryk drops is also found in Yahar'gul! At the same time, out of shown covenants of the characters, proportionally Yahar'gul hunters have the biggest amount of not white people. Yharnamites believe foreigners caused the plague of beasts, and Yharnam is very much Slavic: Czechia+Poland inspired, mostly with white people of course. Maybe people who were visibly foreigners had the hardest time whenever bias against foreigners began, and so these hunters had to turn to School of Mensis: a faction that takes in everyone, needing simply people willing to do crimes, and also provides opportunity to hide from the public eye.
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4) Yahar'gul Hunters are the only type of Hunters in the game to use Archibald's weapons!
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Archibald is not necessarily against the normal Healing Church; he is referred to as 変人 (a weirdo), unlike, say, Powder Kegs that are called 異端 (heretics). But, the items associated with him (Tonitrus, Tiny Tonitrus and Spark Hunter Badge) are all found in School of Mensis! One Yahar'gul hunter uses Tonitrus, one other uses Tiny Tonitrus, and Bolt Papers are dropped by one of the Yahar'gul Hunters and Snatchers, and also found on corpses all over School of Mensis! But maybe it was him being fascinated with "magic" of beasts instead of straight up denying all about them, or the fact that bolt harms Kin (who used to be an important deal for Healing Church) that earned him the weird looks. It further feels like Micolash was collecting various rejects by his side, sure that they'd do every mad thing he needed while having no choice, and Yahar'gul Hunters rather joined because of hard situation. Heck, there are two Yahar'gul hunters that defected from School of Mensis!
5) Back to Loran implications, because there are some!
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Remember how Henryk is implied to relate to Loran? Further in cut content as his set used to be called Hunter of Gremia Set (Gremia used to be name for Loran ( x )) This is also the case with Suspicious Beggar, who straight up can turn into a unique beast that comes from Loran and isn't anything spawned by Healing Church's antics. Loran is very desert-inspired, so.. heck, appearance of Yahar'gul Hunters + Archibald exploring Loran electric beasts can also be useful for interpreting this cast of characters. Maybe Archibald specifically searched those with Loran heritage as part of his interest in Darkbeasts and School of Mensis had to comply for like... Archibald being to Micolash what Ludwig is to Laurence. Or maybe people with Loran roots were shunned not by Yharnamites in general, but by Healing Church itself, all over suspicion that they were more subjected for giving into beasthood than everyone else. :/ *insert 'This place is reserved for Whites' meme again*
6) In two out of three cases where you meet these Hunters, they fight as a group in which members also mutually balance each other with their skills. You'll see what I mean when I describe each hunter individually! But yeah, they group by compensating for each other's weak points, as opposed to, say, normie Church hunters that group by 'a cool person and their bodyguard' system (like the girls at Research Hall or Forgotten Madman and his escort for example). Really efficient.
Alright, I think I am done with overall review of the cast, and like I said, I am going to bring up each individually under Keep Reading! I just figured general observations were needed first! Will also be using screenshots of their face data that I recreated in game to have references, face sliders are datamined by Zullie the Witch! (( x ) ( x ) for videos and ( x ) for extremely handy compillation on the same cool Wiki)
The Defectors
I group these characters together as it is easier! They are Antal and a Yahar'gul Hunter that we meet in the Hunter's Nightmare, in Underground Cell! Both of them are using Church Pick, and both are actually against Healing Church by what we can conclude. I've heard that before Zullie datamined these hunters, people used to assume they were the same character 🤔
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He is the only named Yahar'gul Hunter and is a summon against The One Reborn and Darkbeast Paarl! His weapons are Church Pick and Flamesprayer! He doesn't excell in any stats, nor there is anything remarkable about his build.... and I also used to think he had a tiny mustache because of that shadow just above his lip, but turns out he doesn't have facial hair fhdhfds Let's say he has it shaved or something.. Also, Antal is apparently young, both by feature sliders and actual age picked for him. I assume early balding working under Micolash is normal.. -_-"
With his summon locations, it is up to interpretation whether he is dead (since some summons do raise from the grave to hunt) or simply prefers to work against School of Mensis "from inside", helping the kidnapped if he crosses paths with them, rather than straight up leaving. At the very least, IF he died, he betrayed School of Mensis before his death, as the title suggests! Also according to internal files ( x ), Antal had an unknown occasion to appear in Hunter's Nightmare that was cancelled. It isn't clear whether it was as a hostile NPC or as a summon, but, having it cut is interesting because there IS another Yahar'gul Hunter there in the final game:
Yamamura's boyfriend Yahar'gul Hunter from Nightmare
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OKAY OKAY but hear me out fdhfsdh This is the hunter we find in the Underground Cell in Hunter's Nightmare, where people that learned too much about the Healing Church's secrets are thrown to die!
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It is quite a bold move for someone who worked for School of Mensis of all things to be considered someone that learned too much, right? I think that an intention to betray had to be the factor, then 🤔 Yamamura is a summon not only against Living Failures, but also in Yahar'gul for Darkbeast Paarl and The One Reborn! Summon locations indicate the characters' backstory, so Yamamura once was at Yahar'gul. I think it is a logical conclusion that this hunter had helped him to run away... or maybe was convinced BY Yamamura to consider his life choices and to run? Was Antal helping the two as well but didn't make it out alive, or he chickened out to run with them and did stay as "passive" rebel? What do you guys think?
Well, the potential backstory aside.. This guy has blond hair and blond (shaved) beard and eyebrows, which I like for an interesting design! He is shaved, not bald. His built sliders are quite big, especially arms at 245 and the chest area at maximal 255. Among other NPCs he excells at Strengtht with 45 (third place amongst NPCs shared with Brador and Yamamura) and Skill (second place, shared with Yamamura and Bestial Hunter). He uses Church Pick and Repeating Pistol; both are Church weapons, like Antal! He is also my favorite Yahar'gul NPC because he is totally forming Detective Gang with Yamamura, Gratia and Simon trust me guys my uncle works at Fromsoft fdhfdhshfd xD
But yes, I think if Antal's cut appearance in Hunter's Nightmare is of any indication, developers decided to make two characters instead of one in the end! Good for them!
Cathedral Ward Hunters
They are the two guys that you fight when approaching the 'normal' entrance to Yahar'gul - a chapel where Patches directs you towards! Just the outside guards of the Yahar'gul. If you also follow there with Henriett summoned, she will help fighting them.
CW Hunter with Tonitrus
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He is really frail and old, as you can see. He uses Tonitrus and drops 4 Bolt Papers! I'd say he is the most 'electric' hunter out of everyone we meet, heheh; He is also the only NPC to use Wooden Shield, others who use it as Yharnam Huntsmen enemies!
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As it is not an effective thing against the beasts, he maybe simply chosen it because his purpose is to fight people, not beasts. Maybe he also does originally come from regular citizens, and Tonitrus was simply something he took after starting working for Yahar'gul when normally we'd see him with a pitchfork or alike. Finally, he has one of the lowest Bloodtinge stats amongst all NPCs (9), as third weakest, so maybe using shield instead of a gun was a necessity from his blood being too weak to reliably use for the bullets (which are created from the user's blood!). I favour the latter version particularly and I'll also explain why soon!
CW Hunter with Rifle Spear
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Okay, well, this Yahar'gul Hunter uses generic placeholder data, and this is what it looks like xd So his appearance is entirely up to interpretation. He uses Rifle Spear and Ludwig's Rifle, and drops 10 Quicksilver Bullets! I like the fact that both of his weapons are able to shoot! Furthermore his most excellent stat IS Bloodtinge: 35, that puts him on 6th place amongst NPCs (shared place with Brador and Simon). It is very clear what his specialization is, in contrary to his hunting partner! They're like opposites x)
The three Hunters ambush you in Yahar'gul
I guess anyone who had a Skill Issue (like me т.т) remembers THESE guys. I've found them challenging to kill, but at LEAST they do not respawn. Also, in the area where we fight them a previously accessible Lantern is completely smashed after Rom is defeated and can no longer be used! I think it should have been them who smashed it... Maybe after seeing the Moon turning red, they simply knew what was going to happen? Not sure whether they protect Micolash's secrets even past his disappearance or have their own motivation; like I said, it is also possible that after Mensis Ritual the remaining people in Yahar'gul were doing their own thing!
Beast Claw Yahar'gul Hunter
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Uh... So yeah, he shares all sliders and stats with the Tonitrus Hunter from Cathedral Ward! I personally like to simply take this idea and make them be twins! But even this aside, his sliders make a lot of sense for me!
Amongst Yahar'gul Hunters, he is the only one wearing a variant of Yahar'gul Helmet without the hood. Moreover, it is the only piece of attire he is wearing, otherwise naked (if you don't count underwear lol)! He uses only Beast Claw and drops the Clawmark Rune (also dropped by Gilbert). What I like about simply reusing these stats is that his physical weakness might be either the result of continuously turning to beasthood or, better yet, the reason why he has to turn to beasthood! If him and Tonitrus Hunter are twins, there might be some physical weakness (or even sickness) shared genetically, and both have to compensate for it somehow!
Despite sharing face data, they have different stats, with this hunter having stronger stats in everything. Most of them could simply be because he is a later game NPC that must be stronger, but the one that stands out is Bloodtinge which is significantly bigger compared to Tonitrus Hunter: 38, that puts him in 5th place amongst other NPCs and is a place shared with other two from the same trio. Super sold on the idea that it is also because of beasthood; he'd need to consume a lot of blood to awaken it, so...
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^^^ Interestingly, his weapon yet again is related to the Darkbeasts ('black beast' refers to them in this file)! Although not electric, but it is still fitting to use for someone from Yahar'gul since Paarl is there too!
That rat around the corner Yahar'gul Hunter with the Cane
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I honestly remember this guy much more from how he sneaks up on you from behind when you approach the other two hunters from the trio and also spams Tiny Tonitrus attacks than from him using Threaded Cane (and Flamesprayer).. but Cane is what he is commonly referred to with. Also the second Yahar'gul Hunter, together with Antal, that isn't shaved. His built is average, but he has a very strong, visible stripe of a scar on his left cheek. Also rare case of Yahar'gul person that has eyebrows o_o Unacceptable!!!
There isn't much else to say about him, other than the scar is interesting. Also, this trio of hunters mostly shares the stats, with each of them being weaker than the other two at something, and this hunter's weakest stat is Strengtht (14)! Guess he doesn't need it much, since his weapons are long-distance combat! Or maybe he started being very careful after receiving this scar somehow... Or, maybe, he is the smartest one in the trio (he even drops Madman Knowledge) and the Beastclaw Hunter baiting the Paleblood Hunter while he ambushes from the corner was HIS idea. ...and maybe smashing the Lantern was his idea too? Yes, I like the idea that he is just the smartest amongst them and takes the lead as a strategist, and also the most careful.
Yahar'gul Hunter with the Cannon
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Okay, this NPC I actually never forget for one minute because he has THE most buff buld amongst ALL NPCs! He is the only character that has chest, abdonmen, arms and legs all at 255! What, you guys thought that Alfred had the biggest tiddies? Compared to this Hunter, Alfred is just a pathetic twink!!!!!! Just look at HIS build for comparison:
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(aww he got a belly tho :3 )
But yeah, anyways, this Hunter uses Cannon and Rifle Spear. Very, very powerful shooting force that drops 20 Quicksilver Bullets, and damn, that Cannon is heavy. I am supposed to say "interestingly how both of the weapons he uses are made by Powder Kegs", but....
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..turns out that localization team made a MISTAKE, and for some reason attributed it to Powder Kegs! When even the original Japanese script says かつて医療教会の工房が試作した大型銃 ('a large gun that was once invented at the 'medical church' workshop'). Sighhh.... it even makes perfect sense because you do not get the ability to buy this weapon by obtaining Powder Keg hunter badge, you just find it! It makes EXTRA sense because there is a weapon CHURCH CANNON, that was remodelled FROM the original Cannon! AAAAAA WHAT WAS THE POINTTTTTTTTT-
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Okay OKAY I am calm now
Yes, all in all, the guy is also very interesting! As an artist I also love that his hair is very dark, almost black, but his eyebrows and beard are brighter brown (darker blond?). I like small details like this! He is also amongst people with THE lowest Arcane stat from all NPCs (8, the last place) and has a very tiny mole on his left side of the nose that is invisible because of the color chosen for it. Awesome.
Yeah, I think I've covered whatever observations and ideas I've had on these guys. I just really wanted to because Bloodborne is still rich with easily-overlooked NPCs even ten years later! And honestly, not giving them the names is what made it so bad in my opinion... Like for example, imagine how easier it'd be to communicate about and ship the two female Hunters at Research Hall had they only been named internally? Someone could argue that Yurie is "loreless" character, but since she has a name it is easy to identify her, and thus pin down lore implications and make a story. @ Fromsoft please stop giving your obscure NPCs enough to work with and then not give any way to instantly tell them apart besides what weapons they use ;-;
In any case, these guys were kinda hard simply because there is many of them, but at this point I can easily distinguish them 🤔 Maybe someone else will find this post useful or interesting!
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evanystar · 3 months
frostpaw :3
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dogvomitkiddiepool · 4 months
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you know how I made the post, detailing how I wouldn’t do Omen of the Stars? Forget I said that lmao, that was before I saw the covers of said arc. Breathtakingly gorgeous, all of them. And they have cat scenes on them! You know what that means…
The Fourth Jeremy (1/6)
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laneelliot12 · 8 months
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*insert every Marina and the Diamonds song here* let me into ur rp groups it'll be funny Pretty girl who is graduating to pretty WOMAN status soon!! SnowflakePaw is the worst creature and I love her for that < 3 (That funky little homie in the corner is GalePaw, who belongs to the lovely @systemraboot!
For @solsticewcrp
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tortillatabby · 6 months
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