#Hunter is kinda furry and you can’t tell my otherwise
space-b33 · 3 years
To all the shirtless Hunter requests! He washed his bandanas with the whites and now the bad batch have pretty pink briefs.
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freddieslater · 3 years
Were in the woods!
I apologize sincerely and profusely for the long wait! I needed to get a bit more back into a Teen Wolf mindset! (Still not completely there, but I’m trying!) But I hope you enjoy this snippet, and I now have another one to write for this fic for a separate request, so if you like this one then you could check out that one, too!
"Why do you keep going back there anyway?" Isaac asks, giving her a strange look. She thinks that if she didn't know him very well she would be intimidated by that look, but as it is, he has his hands shoved in the pockets of his fluffy cardigan. That just kinda rules out everything else.
Even with that, though, Erica still tenses up over the question and the curious stares of both him and Boyd, because he's now drawn his attention in as well. Lying wouldn't seem like such a difficult thing if they couldn't hear every beat of her heart. 
She tries to shrug it off. "It's more peaceful than the loft." Diversion, that always works, right? "Derek's uninvited guest doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon, and I'm just not really into the whole family feud thing." 
She's getting away with it. Bringing up Peter and how annoying his and Derek's constant arguing is a sure-fire way to distract the two of them. There has to be a lot of pent-up complaints after spending so much time around them. 
Boyd's raised eyebrows say otherwise. 
"You've nearly died in those woods twice," Isaac points out. "I can't imagine you feel all that comforted by them with the knowledge that it's literally a hunting ground for — oh yeah, werewolf hunters." 
"Is it that coyote?" Boyd asks her, and she sighs.
Isaac looks bewildered. Then his eyes narrow and he scoffs, catching on. "Seriously? You're still on this? It's a coyote! Not a person."
"You don't know that," Erica argues firmly. They've already been through this at least three times in the last week. She made both of them promise not to mention it to Derek or Scott or just anyone. "You haven't seen their eyes. They glow just like ours, but blue. That's not normal for coyotes, and — I can just feel something about them, okay?"
She looks away, knowing he doesn't believe her. It's not that she needs him to — she already knows that Boyd is swaying to seeing it her way from a few discussions they've had about it on their own — but it would just be nice for him to at least consider that she could be right.
"Can you please just try and trust me?" she asks, mildly exasperated. They reach her front gate. 
They stop, and she turns to face them. Isaac rolls his eyes into oblivion. 
"Okay, even if I did believe that this coyote is like us, somehow," Isaac says, making it very clear that that is not the case, "you were going on about a car wreck just a week ago, and how it looked like an animal attack? Who says that it wasn't your little furry friend, huh?"
Erica starts shaking her head, "It couldn't be. The wreck looked old, like — years old."
"So?" Isaac stares at her.
It sounds a bit stupid now to say that she just has this feeling that the coyote is the same age as them. She can't actually prove it. 
Even Boyd gives her a look now. He almost looks sympathetic. He never likes siding with Isaac, she knows, so the fact that he's staying quieter than usual on the subject is telling. She doesn't like it. 
"I just... It just couldn't have been, okay?" she insists. "They're not — if they were like that, then they would have killed me by now as well. They've had the chance—“
"Exactly, glad you're seeing the problem now," Isaac cuts in. "Going into those woods on a full moon is a big enough risk, there's no reason to be taking it on any other night." He looks at her imploring, widening his eyes when she goes to protest. "What if the next night is the night the coyote decides to turn on you?"
She can admittedly see his point, but it doesn't mean she thinks he's entirely right. There's just something about the coyote. They don't want to hurt her, she just knows it. She just wishes she knew a bit more so that she could prove Isaac wrong. 
"So..." her mouth twitches up into a smug smile, "you finally believe that the coyote's like us."
Boyd grins. Isaac tries to backtrack.
"I'm gonna prove it to you," she tells him, determined, slowly walking back towards her house. Her eyes flit to Boyd. "But it would be easier with some help." 
She can tell by the sparkle in Boyd's eyes just how much enjoyment it would bring him for Issac to be wrong. He nods.
"Of course."
Isaac stands there, shaking his head at the two of them, arms crossing over his chest. He pokes his tongue into his cheek. As Erica stops by her front door, his resolve visibly crumbles. 
He groans. "Fine. We'll look into it." He points a finger at Erica. "But you have to promise to tell us if you’re going back to the woods. I’m not wasting my time on this just for you to end up as the next animal attack, making it all pointless.” 
“You have nothing better to do,” Boyd points out. 
Isaac rolls his eyes and motions them both away. “Go inside. Just — go. I was promised hot chocolate for this incredibly stressful endeavour.” 
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techouspeaks · 7 years
Movie Reviews: Disney’s The Jungle Book 2016 Remake!
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I finally get around to watching this movie! Does it get me pumped like I’m being chased by a tiger or does it flop like a big fat bear? Let’s find out! (Contains few spoilers and I will compare it to the original film.)
Based rather loosely on Rudyard Kipling’s series of stories and inspired off the 1967′s Diseny film of the same name, The Jungle Book follows Mowgli, an orphaned human boy who, guided by his animal guardians, sets out on a journey of self-discovery while evading the threatening Shere Khan the tiger. As a baby, he first witnesses his father’s death by the fangs of Shere Khan and is brought to the wolves by Bahgeera, the panther.
I finally got to see it on my birthday, Sept 8th since I had been planning to watch it ever since it came on Netflix. Thought, “Well it’s my birthday, might as well celebrate the rest of it by having a movie night!”
I sat back and watched it on my computer and Omg! Is it an improvement compared to the old Disney film!
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I will admit and people may hate me for this but I HATED the old Jungle Book movie! Where do I even BEGIN with the old film?! The characters are rather incompetent in taking care of a little boy! The main character is nothing but a brat that I want to slap! He’s rather useless, constantly complains he “wants to stay in the jungle”, yet proves over and over why he shouldn’t live there by endangering himself and others! The songs are annoying and I frickin hate the stupid “Beatles style” hair styles that a lot of the animals seem to have! It’s just an awful awful film!
 I get that it was old Disney then but shoot, Bambi and Cinderella were old Disney and I can watch those movies just fine! Shoot, I can watch the Black Cauldron and Sleeping Beauty, even the Aristocats without wanting to slam my head into the wall! Well okay, maybe not the Black Cauldron because of thar furry ugly thing, but you get what I mean.
The old movie was just outright annoying! If I had to pick my most hated Disney film ever, this would be the one! The only good thing about the old movie was Shere Khan and Kaa, because they wanted to kill and eat all of the characters! That would have been a happy ending for me!
In the 2016 remake was like a breath of fresh air! They fixed all the problems of the old film!
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I’ll start with the main character Mowgli. I like this version of Mowgli. Sure he complains about staying in the jungle and causes some trouble, but he’s smart and does think about others that want to protect him, unlike the old animated version of him. He’s a kid so he’s not gonna be perfect, but he also learns from his mistakes. Plus, he does some pretty clever things that make him more deserving to live in the jungle. He invents and tinkers with things (called “tricks” by the other animals) and uses his brain rather than just full out brawn. He knows he’s not a wolf despite wanting to be one, so he resorts to creating things by whatever he can find and making use of whatever he can make out of it.
I like how the story focuses not just on him going to the man village and having an adventure, but on his development as a person. Does he belong in the man village since he creates things or can such things co-exist with nature peacefully?
Also like how it focuses on the other characters and their development as well.
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Bagheera is my favorite character in this movie. I like how wise he is and yet, he doesn’t just scorn everyone he comes across like in the old movie. He scorns when it is needed but gives credit when credit is due and even helps Baloo out as a friend. Plus he’s gorgeous to look at! I gotta give them props for the animation in this!
Baloo is a mix bag for me. I kinda like the idea that they made him kind of a con-artist instead of a “papa bear”. This may turn people off if they like the old film. I personally thought he was alright. Kinda like Charlie from “All Dogs go to Heaven” without being a complete ass hole.
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Raksha is another favorite character of mine. Again, sweet but scorning when need to be. A lot of people may think she’s too soft or a little damsel-ish when facing with Shere Khan, which is a little unlike her in the original book, where she full out threatens to tear Shere Khan a part and insults him. 
To me, Raksha in the film makes more sense. She’s fierce and will even tell off Shere Khan when need be, but she’s also smart for backing down. She knows if something were to happen to her, her pups will die. She has to bow down sometimes, because she can’t take down a tiger on her own and she needs to survive so her pups can survive. She’s a mother and mothers need to be both protective and smart and that’s exactly what Raksha is.
 In some ways, she sorta reminds me of Sarabi from the Lion King. A fierce hunter and kind mother that’s forced down by a tyrant that has taken over. Speaking of which...
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This version of Shere Khan is the best version ever! Well okay, I like Shere Khan in “Jungle Cubs”, despite he was demoted to “bully” as a cub than fiercest villain, but in terms of actual villains, this guy puts Scar and old Shere Khan to shame! When you see him in the film, you know he’s out for blood! 
Unlike in the film, where you just hear about how brutal he is in the old movie, you actually get to see the brutality. He’s smart and intelligent like old Shere Khan and Scar is, but unlike those films, he keeps his brutality and smarts to the very end! He doesn’t just act it, he knows it, he keeps calm until he turns for the kill! He let’s everyone know why he is to be feared!
Now I can understand that, just hearing about how brutal and how everyone is afraid is part of the charm of Shere Khan in the old movie. However, I personally like to actually see a villain act upon it their villainy, rather than just flaunt it. Otherwise, it just seems like a load of hot air and not categorize as a real villain.
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The other characters are decent as well. I love this movie’s version of Kaa, but I wish they actually had more of her. She appears in one scene and never does again. It’s like she’s on advertisement and in the trailers but she only appears in that one moment. At least have her sing that song “Trust in Me”. I love to hear that song in her voice!
I don’t mind Kaa being female in this version either, as you could probably tell. I mean, Kaa is a snake! Who the hell cares what gender a snake is? It’s a frickin snake and awesome snake at that!
King Louie...eh...You could have taken him out and it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Granted I like this version of King Louie a lot better than the old film, but the song was kinda there just to wink at the old audience of the older film. It just didn’t do it for me. 
The animation in this is spot on! I mean it is gorgeous! This movie reminds me a lot of the Lion King, because everything is on a grand scale! It feels massive and important! You really feel like you’ve been taken to the jungle! It feels like you can touch everything, it just feels so real!
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The only complaint is when some of the animals talk or about to, it seems a bit off at times, especially when they show Baloo in the water, he moves more like an animatronic robot than an actual bear. Baloo especially seems off to me most of the time,regardless if he talks or not. This can be a little distracting but it doesn’t bother me enough to ruin the movie for me.
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The movie also tries to wink at the audience at times by putting some of the old songs in and yeah...They don’t really fit in there too well. I wish they had left it out, except “Trust In Me”. 
So, yeah I do recommend this movie if you’re not so much a fan of the original film, as they did change a lot but for me, who hates the old film, it’s definitely an improvement. It does feel like a Disney Renaissance movie. It’s fun and funny at times, it has it’s flaws but is still full of heart, a pretty strong message of self discovery and really likable characters. It gets dark when needs to be but still have a light tone. I definitely give this film 8 1/2 out of 10 stars! Rather high, but that’s how much I enjoyed this film!
 Grab your stuffed animals, get into your best jungle gear and give it a watch when you can!
8 1/2 Stars!
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Level: Great!
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