My favorite changes in my Miraculous Ladybug rewrite!
Here are a few changes I've made that I really enjoy (some of which I haven't gotten a chance to talk about yet!)
All holders of the Rabbit and Snake Miraculous have the ability to break the fourth wall due to the nature of their Miraculous (This persists into their civilian lives if they're a permanent holder)
I've changed a couple of the Miraculous weapons (Because a ball? Really?) and my favorite of the changes is that the Dog Miraculous now has a Flail!
All Miraculous holders are immune to their own powers, which includes a copycat's powers, because of this I get to design and write a Butterfly!Nathalie which I'm very excited for (She's probably my favorite character in the show)
Because Adrien and Félix aren't sentimonsters I was able to change the fact that they look identical, so now Adrien has heterochromia (two eye colors) and he's also slightly taller than Félix
Because I've changed the ages of characters, I got to play around with their characteristics like Luka having tattoos and Socqueline having a higher maturity level than most of the main cast
Since I didn't want to change EVERYTHING about the characters, I kept a major personality trait they had and rebuilt the character around it which was fun as it challenged me to keep them similar to their original selves while also not making them exact replicas but older/more mature
The rewrite is going to be a bit more mature so the characters will swear (not all the time), the Miracle Cure can't bring back people from the dead, and I can delve deeper into certain topics that the show either avoided or couldn't go too deeply into because it was a kids show (Such as Gabriel and Tomoe's borderline abuse of Adrien and Kagami and the actual abuse Colt put Félix through)
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