#I am still not sure why Louis pushed babygate last week
hyunjining · 4 months
This is probably going to be more than you expected but I am at a stage where I'm pretty disappointed with the actions Harry and Louis have taken over the last three-ish years. Babygate especially. Like Harry's shit is embarrassing but Louis' behavior has made me really change my view of him. I just don't recognize the boys I was once a massive fan of. And before anyone comes at me with 'the boys don't owe you anything' or 'you hate closeted people'. No. I'm allowed to have opinions without feeling owed something or hating closeted people. I think a bunch of people have been turned off as well. As for those who have stayed, it seems that most people on my dash are content with Louis touring and are excited for HS4 from Harry. I can't really relate because even though I like their music and go to their shows, it's not the main reason I'm here. It will always be 1D over their solo careers every day of the week for me. And it will always be Harry and Louis as individuals and as a couple over their music careers. Because for me their music careers will always be accompanied by stunts, manufactured images, pushed narratives and agendas, and unsavory people. This didn't bother me as much during the band days or during the first couple of years of the hiatus because we would get a lot of content to mitigate the fakeness or ugliness. But now it's just getting a bit too tiresome to constantly keep looking under the surface. Because I sure as hell am not going to accept the Harry and Louis I get at face value most of the time because they are simply not worth supporting unless you look deeper.
i actually really appreciate you taking the time to type that all out for me because i really do want to have an honest discussion. i think your feelings make total sense honestly. babygate has been so bewildering lately i barely know what to make of it and i think that has caused me to just feel disinterested in all this. it only took almost 12 years lmao. i’ve always said that even though we don’t know the intimate details of why they do what they do, it’s still perfectly valid not to agree with it. and i definitely didn’t agree with freddie being in the doc. and another year of him in donny for christmas… woof. idk man. i think i’ve been using my newfound interest in kpop as an excuse to ignore harry and louis because i don’t know how to feel 😶
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saintqueer · 2 years
hello jordan. i hope you're doing well. it's been a while that i have sent you an anon ask. i used to be here a lot of times in 2021 but used to talk to you about bbg. i was fairly new and always had tooo many questions about bbg and you seemed be very very hopeful back in aug 2021 or around that time and it was good to talk to you. then shit went down with constant bbg push and ever since then till now i am quite confused about what the fuck is happening with Louis and his stunts. i am quite tired and i did notice that you are too. you aren't as active as you used to be. i hope everything is fine and you are happy and healthy.
i dont dig into these things these days but i saw the dm discourse and all this time even after everything that happened with bbg in 2021 up till now, i was hopeful it's leading towards the end but this is so disturbing and has been for a while with the way tomlinsons are being with F (Lottie pregnancy video also had mentions of F). I will never believe he his kid until and unless i get the positive dna test but i can't make anything out of it than we have been pushed under the bus again and it's a never ending circle.
i also read on a discourse that maybe louis wants us to believe he's his kid now. the way he's trying too hard but that just breaks my heart for the same boy who fought so hard and was able to not participate in this for four years is now okay to play dad roles all of a sudden. like that would be so bad. altho i agree that he made a conscious decision regarding what ever is happening with him and nobody is forcing him to do this on this level (like lot of blogs).
i liked your opinions on bbg always. they seem to console me. if you want to pls share your genuine opinion on why it's happening now? and where do you think things are leading?
because honestly i am only here till lt2 comes out and if things aren't better i am swearing on myself this shit is not worth my time. i would honestly just disappear in the general crowd of people who listen to their songs and then forget about them.
ps: did you get the job you were talking about? I think it's been few months since i last checked on you. also saw your new house, it's amazing. congrats!
this is such an amazingly articulated message, anon! i'm so happy you came back to talk.
first, thanks so much for asking about me! i am feeling so much more hopeful in my personal life rn. i got the job in a contract position and will move to salaried once the hiring freeze lets up in the company. getting out of my roommate situation has changed so much for the better just in the last week or so. i don't know what is going on with you, but i hope you are happy and healthy!
okay, onto the meat of it. yes, i was so hopeful. i mean i was cheekily so sometimes. like i didn't actually always think babygate was gonna "end today" but i did have hope it could still end by lt2.
anyways, i stopped engaging on tumblr as much because of many things, not just personal. ive become frustrated with the state of the fandom and i also just got more and more confused by HL's actions. i didn't have patience for the discourse and the clout-chasing and the biased opinions (i know i'm not immune to those things). basically ive still been very tuned in but just in private, on discord. i engage a lot still with their content but just in private because the fandom felt so different. i tend to know generally what the "fandom discourse" is on any given day but i'm a lot more detached because there are very few takes i can fully agree with anymore.
ive been very confused as to everything that has gone down since, i would say, April of 2021. and ive felt very conflicted by HL's choices since this past winter. i don't have the same interest in theorizing or expecting change as i once did because i don't see a particular pattern anymore. HL's motivations appear to be different and i'm not sure what to make of it.
as to the discourse... yeah those dms were something and that discussion blog is...um...ok....lol...
for me, the attacking of larries is not a matter of "he has done it before and it's to be expected". it's a matter of: it is 2022 and this is playing into his homophobic image which is no longer necessary for his closet and unhelpful for his career in current society. this isn't 2011 anymore. i know he did the same in 2017 but like??? he has left Syco, he had a tour filled with rainbows, he has young 14 and 15 year old queer women who look up to him. for me, there aren't excuses for specific things that have been done in the last two years. for both harry and louis. i feel conflicted about both of their actions in equal measure.
i agree about the apparent lack of fighting tbh. things feel wildly different than 2020. something has changed and i'm not sure what it is. it does feel like something happened that kicked off this extreme change in energy around spring 2021. as my friend Brenda says, it feels like we are missing a piece of the puzzle. that being said: it's been going on so long and it's gotten so bad and relentless that very little feels fun anymore. even compared to the start of louis's tour, something feels off. HL are less loud and less combative and less rebellious and even moreso since february 2022. even the larriebaiting we've gotten since then feels more passive and subdued.
i've gone through many emotions watching it all with my friends from angry to sad to heartbroken to apathetic. i've gone crazy enough to be reading them with my tarot deck on the regular, trying to make sense of why they've been doing what they are doing.
nothing will ever convince me out of what i know yo be true. nothing will ever convince me that louis is the father of freddie. even if he got himself a positive pat test, briana was never pregnant. nothing will ever convince me that their het images are real. for me, it's just becoming a question of how much i engage. i always felt appreciated and loved and connected as a fan even when shitty things happened. i cannot say i feel that way anymore. sometimes it feels like they want a shift in the fandom and i don't want to be in a place where i feel unwanted. this might mean i don't buy merch anymore or i only get one copy of the album or i don't engage in content creation anymore. i'm not totally sure what it means but if things keep up as they have the last year, i probably won't re-engage.
to answer your question of what i think this is leading to: fuck if i know. it's starting to feel like nothing. we could wake up next week to find out all this bullshit was leading to a custody case where louis ends it and then we get leaked pics of HL kissing during the dwd premiere ruining olivia's whole career. OR this could go on and on and we have to put up with louis using a full on child who is old enough to understand what's happening and has been exploited by his own family for promo of his new album while an independent artist and watch harry get engaged to olivia to sell a shitty movie advertised as all about female pleasure when's it really about hostage and rape. i just don't know anymore because everytime i thought they had a plan and a direction they were moving in, it just got worse.
to be perfectly clear: i'm always gonna love these two boys from the bottom of my heart. they are imperfect and have made many mistakes but i still love them. i'm never gonna doubt what i know about them up to this point. i'm always gonna think they are gay heroes intheir own right. i still believe they have been misled and are being talked into things by greedy and corrupt execs and managers. i'm never gonna think louis is a dad and i'm never gonna think harry is a womanizer. i'm gonna continue listening to their music. i am gonna buy lt2 (but tbh if bg ended, id buy five copies instead of just the one). i'll likely never stop keeping an eye on them even if from a greater distance. BUT i believe the mistreatment of the gay subset of this fandom has grown and has become less acceptable over time as they have gained more say in their promo strategies. i won't put an immense amount of effort and time and money into a fandom where i am constantly gaslit and made out to be insane. at the end of the day, no matter how fond i am of them and the way they fought, they are two extremely privileged white rich people who have been in this very fucked up industry since they were teens.
i hope that answers your questions. i know i really went on there but louis and his stunts make no sense to me and have not for a while. nor his social media activity. i think he could be scared and making really dumb decisions out of fear of losing the success he has had. but, of course, i really have no clue at the end of the day. in my opinion, he is being nowhere near as transparent as he once used to be.
sorry if there are a billion typos, i just typed this all out in one go on my phone lol
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
I am very skeptical about this, I just don’t feel that he’d do that so casually (it’s a whole Larry is real sign), when we have gotten both of his stunts especially babygate in the last few months. We are still in the middle of the biggest push from Louis’ side in babygate since ever. So I feel like he has zero room for a Larry is real sign acknowledgment right now. If he had acknowledged a blue and green or a tattoo etc, it would have that plausible deniability margin but this? it just doesn’t make sense. He has been made to deny it verbally at the expense of hurting his fans until now and I just can’t believe an acknowledgment would happen this easily. (Not that I need it, I believe they have been together since the beginning and never broke up (had ups and downs, who doesn’t?) and all the stunts are stunts).
I just wish some people didn’t do this. Don’t do this to louis and Harry both. Don’t bring controversial (I understand it shouldn’t be, it should just be treated as a relationship like any other but heteronormativity and homophobia exists) issues to their safe space. Not the concert space at least. It’s their individual space, let them have it. If THEY Larry and bluegreen, then by all means go off all the way to Moon. I’ll go too. Just, can we not dampen the festive mood of concerts?? Now m anxious because m sure m gonna get nasty msgs in the inbox and end up with trending stunts and unnecessary bs. Larry is real and going strong, leave them be. I beg. Let’s be mature about this.
Hey dear. I got a lot of messages like this one and at first I would simply not answer and move on from that topic but then I felt like I should say something because I realised this could be mainly coming from new fans who didn't get to quite fully understand how HL have been communicating over the past decade. This is probably one of those things that you only understand the dynamics when you're living through it and experiencing things in real-time. And we didn't get to experience much in the past two years, so I totally understand why people can be confused. I love new fans' perspectives too, but this is my blog and I felt like giving my opinion more in-depth on this topic. I'm sorry this is going to be long.
First of all, stunts NEVER stopped larry from being extremely obvious and loud. In fact, the times we got the most blatantly obvious "proofs" was when we had some sort of extreme situation with stunts or denials and that was their response to it. They're reactive, it's a pattern, they usually feel the need to communicate when they're feeling like they need to reassure something or when they're probably feeling frustrated. Although I don't particularly think they're doing it for us or to reassure us, it's more like they're doing it for themselves in a way to cope with the situation. (e.g. when Louis got the dagger tattoo after a huge denial, 2014 was probably the year they were being held back a lot and it was one of the loudest years. Harry was basically trying to come out once a week. This is only a very obvious example, there are literally so many situations this happened over the years, guys. Harry and Louis way of communicating is a reaction to something and always has been) So, actually, the fact babygate is being heavily pushed in the last few months is just one more reason to believe Louis really went for it and why he was pretty bold and obvious with it.
There are plenty of plausible deniability and pointing at signs it's not new at all. Although by now it's extremely obvious what happened, people can still believe he didn't unless is proven otherwise, which is not possible. We can't prove he did that. So people can believe whatever they want. Oh my god, they used to point at so many Larry signs while in the band! Harry literally pointed to a girls' arm where larry was written. Louis just pointed at someone's tattoo a few days ago, Harry pointed at a bunch of people wearing masks with Louis' logo in it. There are always a lot of ways to interpret those things, but it happens over and over and over. Those are not coincidences every time, it's happening. Maybe Louis was a little bolder on this one because he kept pointing at it for a really long time and there weren't any other sings around and he happened to point at it on the exact song the sign was referring to. But yeah, this is not new.
And finally, I would just like to address people saying the larry signs are "disrespectful" (fuck I really hate this word) and stuff like that. As I was saying, people always brought Larry signs to 1D concerts, Harry's shows seem like a less safe space for that but people always did it. And Louis' shows already feel like a much safer space, people were actually cheering for the sign in one of the videos, there are a lot of larries attending to the shows. Not sure if we are a majority by now, but a huge part of Louis' fanbase is made of larries. This is the real deal guys, and it's beautiful to see! Larry turned larry into a thing, not us. They keep engaging with it and pointing at it. Louis literally sings Larry call a load of smoke in LMAO. Princess Park is unquestionably the loudest moment of the show. So like... c'mon. They have been shut down their entire lives, we're punching bags. Enough is enough. Now, what I have a problem with, is with things spinning out of control, one thing is for that to happen online and the other thing is to happen IRL. And we can already see that happening. So Louis started flipping people off and now everyone does it all the time, he started to stop the show and give them water so now people are quite literally demanding it to happen multiple times at the show. I really don't want these kinds of larry signs to become a real-life representation of the blue and green hearts on instagram or touch your nose if larry is real. IMO it's okay to be supportive, but not to ask for it you know? It's different, don't be extreme. So I really hope people can understand that difference and not let this become a thingTM because that would be really annoying and even provoke the opposite reaction. Use your brain people, larry is so fucking real.
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hazlouquitefinished · 6 years
C, if Louis has a one and done album deal with Syco, why do you think he hasn't rushed to get it out, so the contract with them would be over sooner?
Hey, friend! Thanks for the message.
Before I start, we have no way of 100% knowing the exact terms of the deal. I hesitate to comment on this too much for that reason. I’ll share a few thoughts, though.
Number one, it frustrates me that some people still assume a debut solo album isn’t a big deal for Louis. It’ll be one of the most important events of his solo career; we need to step back from 1D days, where we were used to the unbelievably draining “one album a year” routine. That kind of turnaround is not normal. I’d be really sad to know that some people think of him as the kind of artist to rush such an important milestone, Syco circumstances aside. 
We know how important his music is to him, and we know how seriously he takes these kinds of things - this will be a debut to the world, not just to the fans. So many people are going to be listening to it and evaluating him as an artist based on that one body of work - of course he’s going to spend a lot of time on it, even if he does have a “one and done” deal. 
That said - sure, there absolutely could be other influencing factors, but before I get into those, I want to reiterate: Louis isn’t the kind of artist to rush out a debut solo album, regardless of circumstances. This fact is obvious based on his work ethic and devotion to his craft alone.
Moving on! 
Album Release Date Speculation 
Does anyone remember back when he first started talking about the album during the summer, and how he initially mentioned it could be out in late 2017?
In an interview with MTV UK during the summer, he said:
“In my head, I’m like 80% done with the album […] In an ideal world, it’s [out at] the end of the year.” 
That quickly changed into “probably next year”, and then “early 2018″, and now maybe toward the end of the first quarter of 2018. Again, these kinds of delays are totally normal and could 10000% be due to the creative process alone. 
Lots of news outlets used quotes from that same MTV UK interview all through the summer and fall as the release date moved out further - this next quote in particular when it started to look like the album wouldn’t be out until 2018:
“I’m very much a perfectionist. But I am nervous about it, because I want it to be as good as it can be, obviously. […] I’ve got an idea, and a vision, and a message; what to get across. It’s a difficult thing actually doing that across a body of work [on] an album. I’m nervous, but also really excited for the fans to hear it.”
Example from People’s Choice, September 2017:
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As you’ll notice, he’s been evasive with putting an exact date or even month on it. I think that that’s, of course, at least partly due to the perfectionism aspect. Wouldn’t you want your debut solo album to be 1000% perfect, especially with the pressure he must be under? 
Also: as I mentioned earlier, we can only touch the surface of how hard it must have been to record and tour simultaneously in 1D. Putting out an album a year must’ve been unbelievably difficult & draining. I think all of the guys are absolutely entitled to having more time to focus on the creative process, yet I only see people criticizing that when it comes to Louis. Sigh. 
Other Possible Influencing Factors
I do think there could be (at least minor) influencing factors. There’s plenty of reasons why a record company might push back an album release date.
More on that under the cut.
Comparison #1: Liam
Let’s take a brief pause and look at Liam. He’s doing the same thing as Louis - taking time to work on his debut album. I know he’s signed to a different label altogether, but let’s generally compare. 
Via a Universal press release in mid-November, his album release date was initially announced to be January 12th, 2018. 
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While this wasn’t officially confirmed, it’s safe to say that a press release is far more reliable than, say, an update account assuming a date.
On the 3rd of December, however, Liam told a reporter at the Jingle Ball that he had a finished album, and he only wanted to change “one or two songs” because of some producers he’d met. 
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Side note: two days later, it was announced that Camila Cabello’s debut album would be out on January 12, taking that spot from Liam. As I’ve said before, I don’t have a lot of knowledge about Liam’s promo, but he seems to do (at least recently) some cross-promo for Camila in interviews and the like. This may be related to them both being on the Jingle Bell Ball circuit, or possibly because she’s still a Syco artist.
Usually, Syco/Sony doesn’t shy away from having multiple drops on one day, but they seem to be really pushing solo Camila. If we’re looking at alternative reasons for an album date being pushed besides perfecting the sound – Perhaps Sony/Syco wanted the overlapping fans from Liam’s fanbase and her fanbase to focus only on her debut album. 
I just found it interesting that his album got pushed back right before hers was announced, especially after his was announced via press release. It’s certainly possible that it’s just a coincidence, of course - they’re not labelmates, but as I mentioned, there are a few ties connecting them.
A week later on the 10th, Liam had more comments about the release date of his album:
“I wish I knew. It was almost done and then I decided I wanted to do something a bit different and push the boundaries. I’ve met some new producers that I really like, and I have a ballad-y kind of thing coming out with somebody, so that’ll be really cool.”
I noticed that a few of the Liam blogs I follow were wondering about that rationale, but again - I don’t want to comment too much on his stuff because I’m far less well-versed in his babygate and PR circumstances.
So, to summarize -
His album could’ve been pushed to accommodate Camila’s release, maybe due to both of their ties to Syco (hers current, his past) and competition between their similar fanbases. It also could’ve been pushed by the release of “For You” if he was a late add to the soundtrack, though that came out on the 5th, so it seems odd that that would be the reason. It also, of course, could’ve been pushed because he simply wanted to work more on it, even though it was finished at one point.
It could’ve been none of these reasons, and it could be a similar situation to this next comparison - who knows for sure! 
Comparison #2: Sky Ferreira
Here’s a similar example from Sky Ferreira, who had a finished album that was then pushed back after it was complete:
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Pic quality is grainy, sorry - basically, the actual album wasn’t released until late 2013, though it was planned for 2011. Sky was signed to Capitol - Liam’s label - so this is more relevant as a comparison to Liam than Louis, but it’s a similar situation. 
In 2014, she had this to say about Capitol:
But it almost wasn’t to be. According to Ferreira, Capitol Records intended to release a different album this fall made up of songs she’d worked on with various collaborators. “It was okay,” the singer said, “but I wasn’t really proud of it.” (Lance Turner, who handles marketing at Capitol, said, “We’ve always supported Sky’s creative vision.”)
At the last minute, Ferreira persuaded the label to allow her to make her own record — provided she could work fast enough to meet a predetermined release date. So she recruited a pair of L.A.-based producers, Justin Raisen and Ariel Rechtshaid, and together they banged out “Night Time, My Time” in a 21/2-week burst of writing and recording.
“I felt like I was on a cocaine binge the whole time,” Raisen said. “We just got into this state of mind and went for it. There was no second-guessing.”
That sounds extremely familiar to Liam’s situation, doesn’t it? The album changed at the last second, added new producers, and Capitol is involved. Not making any claims, just drawing parallels here. 
For context, Sky had a complicated relationship with her label, and there was friction behind the scenes over creative differences.
She said, “I do a lot of stuff behind their back. I have to because nobody ever listens to me! I do have supporters at the label, but I still have to deal with a lot of people who are like: ‘Er, I don’t want to spend that money on her.’" 
Additionally, Capitol ended up recalling the finished album altogether - allegedly because of the cover. This blog compared the recall of Sky’s cover to a nearly-identical album cover made by Blind Faith in the 70s: 
So, why is it that an album cover that was certainly controversial, but allowed to exist in the marketplace for 50 years, is suddenly deemed too racy and pulled from circulation?  If one didn’t know better, one would almost think that it never existed in the first place.Sadly, the same fate awaits Sky Ferreira’s new album, which has just been recalled by Capitol Records due to the subject matter of the album cover.  Keep in mind that the label had no problem releasing the album a mere two months ago with the original cover art.
As a result of the album being pulled, it sold far less than expected and Sky was dropped from Capitol.
Okay, so now we’ve made a few comparisons:
 Liam’s on a similar timeline, and there’s curiosity surrounding his delay as well. (I use “delay” for lack of a better term because, again, this turnaround time wouldn’t be unusual to other artists.)
Sky Ferreira’s album was delayed because of friction with her label, demonstrating that albums can indeed be delayed for that reason.
Back to Lou:
1) Louis is a self-proclaimed perfectionist when it comes to his craft. An album a year is not the norm for most artists, so him taking the time to perfect his debut solo album shouldn’t be all that unusual. 
2) That said, there’s a possibility that there are other influencing factors at play. 
Influence 1: More general mismanagement. 
Quote from below about JoJo’s mismanagement, which rendered her unable to release new material. One of her albums was rewritten and rerecorded three times over, but not released for years after the fact.
“One of those extreme situations where you have [a label exec] who is one of those guys who would just go to war and say, 'No, I’m not doing it,’” says David Byrnes, a partner at Ziffren Brittenham, whose firm has represented clients like Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, and Fleetwood Mac. 
Influence 2: “Starving out” dedicated fans by limiting the flow of content.
@theyrereallyawful made a great post about the content starvation occurring, so check that out if you haven’t yet! Especially compared to the other guys, Louis’ team severely lacks in delivering content that is consistent, shareable, and easy to find. This has been happening for a long time, and (if they are intentionally pushing the album back) that could be another example of content starvation. 
Liam’s digital content agency, WMA, has spoken about this very topic:
“One of the key learnings is that, for an audience like Liam’s, there is never too much content or too much you can do.” 
So, overall: 
To answer anon’s original question - Louis isn’t the type of artist to rush through an album release just to get it out there, especially not his debut solo album. 
I don’t think there’s much of a delay in its release in the first place - or at least not one that would be unusual compared to other artists. I think Louis is definitely a perfectionist, and he’s certainly under a lot of pressure from a lot of people to deliver a good solo debut. If he takes a little extra time perfecting his album, so be it. 
I do concede - based on his team’s shitty, shitty history - that there could be other influencing factors at play. Namely, pushing the album back when it’s already finished could serve to starve out fans and/or could be an example of more general mismanagement. 
The thing that makes me curious about that option is Louis’ wording in the first MTV UK interview –
“In an ideal world, it’s [out] at the end of [2017].”
All I know is that it will be out when it’s out, and I can’t wait to support and promote the fuck out of that masterpiece.😎
Beyond that, all we can really do is guess.
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bosley25391 · 7 years
Harry Styles publicity
Omg! I am sick and tired of fans complaining about Harry's lack of publicity, CameronCrowe taking advantage of Harry for his own publicity, Harry's management not thanking fans enough or even worse, that fans would have supported him more if he ended babygate. What is wrong with people and this is why 1D fans are often a joke and branded as young teenage girls who are overly emotional and project images of what the boys should be doing and their role in it. You should be embarrassed and I am embarrassed for you and as a fan. Harry can't win: 1). He does Rolling Stone which he was obviously excited about but most claim bullshit, and then Cameron does RS's podcast which I am sure Harry knew about and was happy about because it is more publicity for his record yet fans complain about Cameron and think Cameron is using him for publicity when Cameron is a name in his own right and doesn't need anyone to help his own career/name... silly people. And Harry even plays off the article in the promo for the next gig with James Corden. 2). Harry is doing an ENTIRE week on Late Late. He is hitting the biggest how out there! This is huge! I knew he wasn't going to short change James, no way and just to SNL with Jimmy. He has an album to promote but since people can't hear it yet, that is hard to do. This is very rigid and smart. He doesn't get burned out running all over the place and tiring out his voice talking all day and singing. They are going for the shows that have maximum viewing and credibility. No one HS ever done an entire week! Is he the musical guest for an entire week. Maybe two songs a show so we hear the entire album. How awesome is that of Ben and James... I mean really. You can't get more supportive than that. It has NEVER been done before. So all the haters of Ben need to stop. So in one morning I have seen Harry twice in two big platforms, both promoted on Twitter.... so give it a rest. This is not about what 1D fans, Larries, Harries or any of the other subgroups want. This is what Harry wants for his solo career. And who cares if you don't like the approach. He has said it is his favorite album and if you like it great, and if you don't c'est la vie. He is proud of it and wants the world (not just 1D fans) to hear it and hopefully decide they like and maybe even enough to buy a song or the whole album. 1D fans are only a small drop of the fan base Columbia and the Azoffs are looking for. And I suspect they gave Harry a big say in how and where he wanted his publicity. It is unreasonable to expect him to do so as much as when 1D did an album... that PR was shared among 5 of them (well at least 4 of them, as Zayn never really spoke up much after the first album anyway)...and we know Syco overburdened them and burned them out. I am sure that they are making sure that doesn't happen. Also, Harry is very self-effacing. I would be hesitant to promote the song or the album and appearances too much in case people don't like it... it becomes too in your face asking for support, buy my product, etc. everyone has said he is nervous about this album. So let him dial it back a little... as James Corden says, "put your toe in the water and it people embrace it" and make it theirs" that is true success versus jumping in and pushing it on people. So I hope everyone just chills and let's things play out... and for those who expected Harry to end babygate... really??? What if that baby really is Louis???? ( I know that he could grown up and still be Louis's child according to Louis and some of you would never believe that) but if he is Louis, how could Harry possibly end it?? You are asking the impossible. I really hope fans stop their whining and either buy/stream the music because they like it not because it is expected or something is expected in return. I think that is all Harry wants as well, for you to support him IF you like the music. Not because you were a 1D fan.... sigh.... Okay, enough of this rant... it's just Tumbler the last 24 hours he been hard to digest because of all the negative posts about what Harry and his team SHOULD be doing instead of what they are doing as if you all are the experts. Clearly the Azoffs didn't get were they were by being stupid with their talent... give it a chance, PLEASE.
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sweariwouldnt · 7 years
about this all.
SPOILER: This post ends with me not being a Houis, but believing Harry and Louis are together, never having broken up, Louis not being neither a dad nor keen on building himself a closet (aside from maybe when he feels like trying to show Harry he can be Bob the Builder and fully revamp their fantastic closet in one of their homes of love). 
I just need to rant/vent a bit, because my mind is a mess and I need to again reaffirm things to myself and also know that I have thought about all potential reasons and outcomes. 
Firstly, one of - if not the most important - things I’ve learned in my over 1.5 years in this fandom is to stop being naive. We see what we are meant to see, when we are meant to see things. Louis himself said last week that fans see everything and make connections before anything is confirmed. Thus it didn’t come as a surprise one bit to see that today, he’s linked to Eleanor after that frankly fucking obvious follow farce last night. This all after a few weeks of Louis seemingly found the dad in him, after almost two years of not giving a fuck. I’m not going to really go into how hurtful and horrible his public image is, everything is clearly set out to either 1) Reinforce the horrendous character assassination campaign that’s been on/off for almost two years now or 2) Hype up everything for Babygate to end. 
Now optimisim is another thing I decided to get rid off rather soon after tapping into this fandom. I do feel, and especially hope, that all this in-your-face dad! show we have seen is setting up the public sympathy for Louis when Babygate soon ends with him not being a dad. 
I personally believe in karma and would thus really bloody hate for any beard to get the honour of suggesting a pat test to Louis, or however they’re planning on setting the final wheels rolling. I would especially hate for that someone to be E. I do absolutely want BG to end a year ago; ideally, E’s new dragging in would result in only this and not continue as a tool for ‘not-Larry’ after BG ends. I don’t know about that though. What I’m sure of is that, as 1D’s team has been very concerned and careful in making sure none of the beards get a scratch to their image when their contracts end, is that a lot of stuff was promised to E. She wouldn’t voluntarily come back from the goodness of her heart to help out a friend, when 1) she has very little goodness and 2) they are not friends. 
From what was visible last year, with the Tomlinson-Deakin family’s continuous social media engagement with E, I’m sort of thinking this would’ve been on the making for a while now. It’s not an impromptu Sunday Shenanigan. If, as I still believe, things changed in March - how and why, will never know probably - and D’s contract was until December, I would sway towards believing (as several vague anons seemed to suggest for months) that E would have a role on this after D. 
So, hopefully she is brought to give the final push to end BG and nothing more. But I do have to, and have had to throughout being here, also consider that this is all a lot uglier than I’d ever wish. 
I wouldn’t be comfortable in rallying about everything I do had I not thought about maybe Larry broke up. Maybe they were never real after all. Maybe Louis does want to closet himself. I don’t think it’s being a weak Larry, I think reassuring yourself and your stance with considering everything possible is smart. 
So I did. I thought about Larry never being a thing, and decided that’s bull. I know what I’ve seen. I thought about them having broken up and deemed that as bull as well. I know what I still see. In a way, after the horrendous 2016, I am more sure than ever that these two are probably the most real, beautiful real love I have ever seen. 
Then, would Louis closet himself? Not going to lie, there have been moment that I’ve been exhausted and thought that maybe he did. Those moments were very fleeting. If he did, the whole babygate would’ve looked incredibly different. True, I don’t know him but I’m fairly sure in my trust that Louis is an excellently good, if not a perfect, person. He could’ve easily stuck with El or someone else, there is no need to bring in a child. Especially when you go to lengths over again to show how fake it all is. If this were to be believable, it would have been from the start. I don’t know why it started and why it’s been going on so long, but I know it’s not because Louis would want to closet himself in the Love Rat and Douchebag Dad -closet. 
I also don’t think any of this can be plainly labeled under ‘Louis’ team is idiots and don’t know how to promo anything without private life matters’. Evidently they are dumb with various things, especially how unorganic they are and how blatantly fake everything is. But this isn’t to promo JHO, the articles aren’t for that. It feels like a build-up for something bigger. They don’t need to bring back a beard to promo one single, especially as they’ve been lagging on that front throughout JHO promo season and also, there’d be a dozen of articles of Louis’ private life to write before even thinking about E. I really don’t think the reason Louis has JGG and the Syco-related goons still as ‘his team’ because they are so excellent at promoting his professional career. 
So, as you can see, my head’s a mess and I have no answers. None of this has made me change my opinion about anything, but I am very exhausted with having to constantly see how people I care about are being messed with - and well, that includes me. There’s such a difference between ‘turning’ and taking a break because this has all been very fucking tiring. 
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