#I didn’t mean to add in so many um Easter eggs I guess
gusutexts · 3 years
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Messages from Wen Ning to Mo Xuanyu and Nie Huaisang
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winryofresembool · 5 years
Edwin/dad!Ed one-shot: Girl Issues
Summary: Ed’s son Alan has been disappearing a lot from their house, and Ed tries to figure out why.
A/N: finally! This took like a million years. I hope you guys will still enjoy it :) Please let me know what you think!! (bing @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak)
Edit: I forgot to say there might be a small “easter egg” hidden in the fic, about a movie some Edwin people have been talking about lately :’)
Words: 2450
Warnings: swearing
”Hey, Ed?” Winry addressed her husband who was cleaning the kitchen after the dinner. “Do you think Alan has been acting weirdly lately? He’s been doing… less mechanic work and gone out to town way more often…”
“He has?” Ed stopped putting the plates into the cupboard and turned to look at his wife, raising his eyebrows. “To me he has told that he’s simply taking some extra art lessons with Mr. Dawson because drawing blueprints has never been his strength.”
Winry crossed her arms over her chest and looked just as surprised as he did. “And to me he’s told he’s helping out some friends who have trouble with school… Something doesn’t add up.”
“Hmm. It’s not like him to hide things from us. I think I will call Mr. Dawson tonight and ask him if he’s really been at his house,” Ed decided. The conversation ended at that point because a loud crash could be heard from the living room, and Winry rushed to check what the twins had broken this time.
Only half an hour later, Ed, who was observing Emma’s alkahestry studies upstairs, heard the front door opening and closing. That let him know Alan had just left the building. He waited 10 more minutes, just in case Alan indeed went to the Dawsons, before dialing their phone number.
“Mr. Dawson? Hello! I’m calling you because my son seems to have been spending a lot of time there lately. Is he there right now?”
“No. And he hasn’t been here for the past two or three weeks, so I wouldn’t call that ‘a lot’,” a grumpy voice answered.
Ed narrowed his eyes at that piece of information, but he didn’t want to make Mr. Dawson too suspicious so he didn’t reveal the real reason of his call.
“Oh, OK. Well, thank you, anyway. And if he shows up, could you tell him to come home as soon as possible? Winry has a commission to finish and the twins are currently trying to kill me, so extra hands would certainly be useful.” The part about the twins was obviously a lie, as they were sitting surprisingly quietly in the living room listening to their father’s phone call, but the dramatic wording would probably get Alan home more easily. That is, if he ever got the message.
Winry glanced at Ed curiously when he finished the call.
“So? Did you find out anything?”
Ed shrugged. “Only that Alan hasn’t visited Mr. Dawson for several weeks. I thought he was enjoying his classes!”
“I thought so too,” Winry said, getting more and more confused.
“Did you talk to any of his friends?” Ed asked then.
“I just saw Jack, that boy from his class, down the street, and he said that if Alan had been helping someone, he certainly wasn’t among them. But you know, to me it sounded like he was hiding something from me.”
“Great,” Ed sighed. “So he’s been lying to both of us. What do we do about this?”
“I guess we should get him to talk. But how do we do it? He’s got your blood in him, you know.” Winry threw Ed a sly look that Ed had seen quite many times during their years of marriage.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Ed pretended to be hurt by Winry’s implications.
“Just that you have never been very good at expressing yourself, honey.” Ed snorted, because Winry and he had never been ones for pet names. “But also, since he’s more like you than you probably realize, you should be able to figure out the best way to make him open up. Was there anything that managed to crack your shell open when you were a teenager?”
Ed leaned his jaw against his hand, seeming to consider Winry’s question. His face seemed to have gotten some extra color when he spoke.
“Well, after the Promised Day… There was this girl who had been my friend since forever… She had even built me an automail leg and arm, so I could function… I knew she was upset because I couldn’t tell her what was happening in my life, but after the Promised day, when I felt it was safe to tell her everything… it was easier than I thought. Why? Because she made me feel she cared.”
“Ed… that’s very sweet of you…,” Winry said, completely surprised by her husband’s words and blushing slightly. She let her hand linger on his shoulder for a moment before continuing: “Anyway, I guess that means you should show that you do care about his wellbeing. I mean, deep down he must know that already, but you know, sometimes it’s good to say it aloud. He’s in a difficult age, but I know he really respects you and values your opinions.”
“I hope so,” Ed grunted, not quite believing her.
Until that moment, the twins who had been listening the whole time hadn’t said anything, but suddenly the 4-year-old Henry blurted: “We heard brother talking with big sissy today! He told her to ‘dis… tract you’, whatever that means, while someone comes to get him with a motorbike!”
“Really?” Winry asked, her eyebrows raising probably higher than the twins had ever seen. “Those two are almost as bad as… oh, never mind,” she added quickly when she saw the twins staring at her intensely.
“So that’s why Emma was so eager to show me what she had learned with Mei… She’s usually not that enthusiastic about it,” Ed noted.
“Makes perfect sense. Hey, my little king and queen,*” Winry ruffled her kids’ hair, “you didn’t happen to hear where they were planning to go?”
“No, mum,” the twins said in unison. “But I bet Emma knows!”
“We’ll just have to ask her, then.”
“No, dad, I’m not gonna tell you where Alan is. One, because I don’t know it either since they change their meeting place regularly, and two, because it’s none of your business.”
Emma took a book from her bedside table and pretended to be interested in it instead of looking at her father’s stare. Even though it didn’t work quite as well against her as it once used to, she still felt slightly bad about hiding things from him. Alan was right, though, their parents were too curious for their own good.
“Fine, then. Can you at least tell me with whom he is?”
Emma was positive her father would use what he liked to call “Elric telepathy” on her if she didn’t talk, so she let a little huff from her mouth and said:
“He’s gonna murder me, but… you would find out eventually if they continue doing this. You’re not gonna like this, dad…”
“Emma, just tell me already.” Ed was starting to show signs of losing his patience. Even though he had calmed down after having his children, the old temper still raised its head when he was truly annoyed or frustrated.
“Remember how Mei’s niece from Xing came to visit her and Al a couple of months ago because she wanted to learn more about Amestris and alchemy?” Emma asked, trying to be nonchalant but failing at it.
“Yes, wasn’t she Ling’s daughter?” Ed asked, not understanding why Emma had started talking about her. “Didn’t she have all those guards behind her all the time because she’s the daughter of the Emperor?”
“You are right, she was… Well, what you probably don’t know is that she decided to stay here in Amestris. She’s been trying to keep a low profile because she doesn’t want the media to follow her.”
“OK, but what does this have to do with Alan? I don’t get… OH!” The pieces of the puzzle started finally clicking in Ed’s head, and Emma could see his face taking a more and more dark red shade as he processed the information. “Are you telling me… my son… is seeing… that bastard’s heir?!”
“I told you, you wouldn’t like it.” Emma shrugged. “I thought you and the Emperor were friends, though? Doesn’t he always send you presents on holidays and stuff?”
“Damn right he does,” Ed suddenly stopped caring that he was talking to his daughter, “but that’s only because I once had to pay for a hell of a lot of food for him. He owes me.”
“Whatever you say…” Emma rolled her eyes. “Listen, please don’t be too hard on Alan. From what I’ve seen, they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and Zhi is a nice person.”
“Fine. But I’m still gonna talk with him.” Under his breath, he mumbled: “what if they decide to get married? What if my son becomes a prince? What if…”
“Um, dad, I don’t know what you had in your mind when you were 15 but I really don’t think they are thinking about marriage yet,” Emma said, amused by her father’s exaggerated reaction.
“When I was 15, I was trying to save our entire country from Homunculi so it was a bit different!”
“Based on your stories, you were only trying to save Uncle Al, dad, and everything else just happened by accident.”
“That… might be true, but you shouldn’t say it aloud, Emma,” Ed gave her a fake hurt look. “I still punched the god on his face!”
“Whatever, dad.” She took her book again and hid her face behind it. “Just… could you go now so I can continue reading in peace? I have a test tomorrow I need to study for.”
“Would you like me to help?”
“Just go, please!”
Ed and Winry had already put the twins into bed when Alan showed up at home again. Winry remained calm on the surface even though Ed knew she must have been sizzling underneath her cool cover. She had always hated it when he and Al had hidden something from her and now, they were talking about their 15-year-old son… Ed guessed that it was normal teenagers acted that way, but that didn’t mean he liked it. He suggested Winry go to check on the rest of the kids while he’d deal with Alan.
“Alan, can we talk?” Ed asked, barely able to contain his annoyance. Alan looked like he sensed his parents had found out something, the guilty expression Winry had seen on Ed so many times giving him away.
“Now? Dad, I’m hungry as fuck, haven’t eaten anything since lunch so can I at least grab a bite first?”
“What’s with that language, young man?” Ed asked disapprovingly.
“Please, like you weren’t the one who taught me that word…” That was the truth, but Ed wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
“I’ve always told you to not do what I do, not the other way around…”
“Right… Well, since you clearly aren’t allowing me to eat, you might as well get into the topic.” Alan crossed his arms just like his mother had a little bit earlier. That amused Ed a bit.
“We can always talk about it in the kitchen,” Ed noted, a small smile spreading on his face.
“So… what was it you wanted to talk about?” Alan asked when he had a full bowl of stew in front of him.
Ed looked serious again. “I think you know. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your disappearances lately.”
“But I’ve been…”
“We know you haven’t been where you were supposed to be. I talked to Mr. Dawson today and he told me you haven’t visited him for several weeks.”
“Listen, the sooner you admit it, the better. Do you want me to know the real story or the vague one Emma told me?”
“She told you about Zhi? Damnit, I’m never telling her anything again.”
“I think you are missing the point there, son.”
“Fine,” Alan finally admitted, as he was lapping the stew into his mouth. “Yes, I’ve been hanging out with Mei’s niece… who also happens to be the Xingese Emperor’s daughter.”
“And what? What are you expecting me to tell you? That she’s pregnant? That we are about to announce our engagement any day now? That I’ve decided to move to Xing and leave my family behind forever?”
“None of those things are true, right?” Ed raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Of course they aren’t! I like her, and we have a lot of fun when we are hanging out… But I do realize that she’s a princess from another country. And she knows the realities too. She’s gonna have to go back eventually. And when she does, she is in the constant focus of her people. That is not something I’ve ever imagined going through, but why does it have to mean I’m not allowed to enjoy this moment? I knew you guys would react badly to this, that’s why I didn’t tell anything.”
“Now we finally got to the root of the problem,” Ed said. “I don’t mind you hanging out with this Zhi girl… the princess… whatever… But I am upset that you have been lying to us for a long while now.”
Alan couldn’t help but roll his eyes in annoyance. “Like you’ve never had any secrets yourself…”
“I admit that when I was your age, I hid a lot of things from your mother, because I wanted to keep her safe… But I regretted it a lot. I could see she hated it, and it made me upset too. After the Promised Day, I was so relieved because I could finally share everything. I think it made our relationship stronger too.” Ed sighed before adding: “I’m not good at these things, but what I’m trying to say is that please don’t hide things from us just because you think we might not like what you are wanting to tell us. We are here to support you.”
“Dad, thanks… And sorry… for not telling you.” “No problem, son. I’m just saying what I wish my father had once told me.”
“Oh…” Alan hadn’t heard his father talking about his father a lot. He had just always assumed they had had a bad relationship. And this proved he had been right.
“So, now that we have dealt with that…,” Ed spoke suddenly, “about this Zhi girl… how far have you gone with her? Do I need to have the talk with you?”
“Dad, stop being so embarrassing!” Alan screamed and jumped off his chair. “I’m not gonna talk about that with you! Uncle Al or even the Emperor of Xing would give better advice than you!”
“Hey, take that back!” Ed growled, but Alan had already run away from the kitchen, and he was left to fume with anger on his own.
*Names Erika and Henry both mean rulers and I have a headcanon that the twins indeed are the rulers of the Rockbell-Elric household even though they are all a pretty strong willed bunch. 
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #178
VM 3x11 Poughkeepsie, Tramps and Thieves
Stray thoughts
1) Okay, all the cuteness and fluff in this opening scene should’ve been a warning sign that this episode wasn’t going to end on a happy note for LoVe, right? I mean, tell me this doesn’t read as a piece of fanfic.
VERONICA: Are you gonna eat that? LOGAN: This? VERONICA: Yeah, that fry in particular. LOGAN: That was the plan. VERONICA: I'm just saying, if you weren't, or if you were just gonna consume it out of obligation or to meet someone else's expectations, I know someone who might be willing to take it off your hands. VERONICA: Maybe add a little ketchup, make it worth a girl's while.
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VERONICA: You're welcome.
Of course, I’ve embraced the notion that Rob Thomas is actually writing LoVe fanfiction a long time ago.
2) Ugh, Weevil’s so sad about the Dean’s death. Of course, he is! How many people have actually given a rat’s ass about Weevil? Not that many, and the Dean was one of them.
3) So, Lamb is more of an idiot than I thought. I mean, this is how responds to Keith’s burn…
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He doesn’t understand his own sarcastic comment is actually a self-burn? Like, you can actually read his lips (“Oh, fuck”) when he realizes what he just said?
4) “ You're just like the rest of them, aren't you? You just want to use me for my skills and pay me for my time and effort.”
MAX: If you don't find her, I'm taking a bath with my blow-dryer.
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6) This is one of Veronica’s traits that always rubs me the wrong way, probably because people mocking others’ interests is a personal pet peeve of mine…
MAX: It was Comic-Con. VERONICA: You didn't get all sweaty in your Wookiee suit, did you? MAX: Yuk it up. You know, it's not all Trekkies and Star Wars nerds. I was there because Dave Gibbons has a new graphic novel that he scripted as well as drew. VERONICA: [sarcastically] Sounds cooler now. 
Get off your high horse, Veronica. There’s nothing uncool about liking stuff. That mentality sucks.
What’s worse, she’s clearly a closet nerd, since she can both deliver and understand geeky references.
7) Now, this is the Veronica I love...
MAX: Have a seat.
VERONICA: No, thanks. It's easier to be nosy if I can mill about.
 8) And I love this little Easter egg...
VERONICA: You know Mac and Parker? This is their room.
MAX: Who?
VERONICA: Uh, this photo.
MAX: No, that's from the around-the-world party. That's my roommate, Brian, and my friend, Fred. I think that room was supposed to be Canada, but it was kind of lame.
9) This is gross on so many levels…
VERONICA: The glass-is-half-full version: Chelsea's not getting married. Max is overjoyed. MAX: Are you serious? VERONICA: Yeah. The half-empty version is...she's a hooker. VERONICA: Brian and Fred, as demented as this sounds, thought you'd have more confidence with girls if you...lost your virginity.
10) And this is something the show did a lot during this season, and I honestly appreciate it:
MAX: Can you still find her?
VERONICA: Um...yes. But she'll still be a prostitute.
MAX: I'm not stupid, Veronica. Okay, we had something. I know it. There's some things you can't fake.
VERONICA: There are some things women are universally known for faking, and this girl is a professional.
MAX: When I dropped her off at the airport, she had tears in her eyes.
VERONICA: Are you sure she wasn't thinking of the cab fare back?
See, Veronica’s fieldwork in the world of P.I. has given her hands-on experience on how seedy and corrupted everyone is. Expecting the worse and jumping to conclusions has become second nature to her. She can’t help it. It doesn’t help that more often than not, her instincts are right. But on occasion, people surprise her and prove her wrong. This will be one of those cases, at least in the sense that Wendy really had feelings for Max. And every time Veronica is proven wrong in her preconceptions, it feels so refreshing because Veronica is judgmental and jaded to a fault. And like Logan told her a few episodes ago, she’s not always right. She still believes she is, though.
It still kind of feels this pattern of Veronica having preconceptions and then being proven wrong was building up to something bigger, you know? Veronica had become more prejudiced and prone to snap judgments at the same time she became more reckless and cocky with her detective work. As the season progresses, her sense of infallibility and almightiness gets stronger. But she is never forced to face the music. I think it would’ve been a great arc if she was.
11) See point 6) above.
VERONICA: That explains why Chelsea was into comic books. Chelsea's a dude.
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KEITH: Will you be home for dinner?
VERONICA: No, I'm meeting two hookers over at Logan's later.
KEITH: On a school night?
VERONICA: Off-peak hours. Save a few bucks.
KEITH: You're not really.
VERONICA: Fiona and Lizette. They're just a couple of gals putting themselves through college. Man, quit bringing me down with your bourgeois hang-ups.
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14) This conversation pretty much sums up Logan’s and Veronica’s issues and insecurities as well as their relationship’s shortcomings in this season.
VERONICA: So, have you...ever been with one? LOGAN: An escort? VERONICA: Yeah. LOGAN: Do we really want to go there? VERONICA: I guess we don't have to now. LOGAN: Come on, that wasn't me answering the question. VERONICA: It kinda was. LOGAN: No, it wasn't. That was me knowing there's a land mine and trying to figure out where to put my foot. VERONICA: Well, I guess you picked your spot. Look, why not dispel any romantic notions? If we see each other, warts and all, and still like each other, that's a real connection. LOGAN: Well, maybe I enjoy my romantic notions. Maybe I don't care to see any warts, you know, yours or mine. Now you see, you're smiling, all right, so I think it's all fun and safe, but it's a slippery slope from "Have you ever been" to "How many" and "How often." VERONICA: So you've been with multiple hookers on several occasions. LOGAN: I'm not having this conversation with you.
On the one hand, Veronica claims she wants to know about Logan’s sexual exploits so that they can disregard any “romantic notions” they might have about each other and love each other as they truly are. On paper, that seems like a solid statement. And I’d buy it if she wasn’t prying on Logan’s sexual exploits, to begin with. Veronica has always been terrified of Logan cheating on her, with has more to do with her own insecurities than him giving her actual reasons to suspect him. Other than the one time he “cheated” on Lilly with Yolanda (and I think it’s fair to quote Ross Geller’s “we were on a break” defense,) Logan’s always been faithful. Yes, he does sleep around when he’s single, but when he’s in a relationship with someone he loves? I think Logan would cut his own dick before cheating. Veronica knows this. She’s had first-hand experience on how loyal and faithful Logan can be. And she had a first-row seat to Logan and Lilly’s relationship – he was the cheatee, not the cheater. So the fact that she wants to dig in Logan’s previous sexual relationships has to do with her own insecurities as regards how she won’t measure up to Logan’s former sexual partners. She probably feels inexperienced and inadequate. She might even think he could get bored of having sex with her (I know, she’s delusional! Logan could never get tired of her! NEVER!) And so she’s been restlessly waiting for the other shoe to drop and for Logan to cheat on her pretty much since they started dating.
On the other hand, there’s Logan claim that he’d rather avoid this conversation because it is quite literally a landmine. He’s honest, of course. And right. Nothing he could ever say would satisfy Veronica. And that’s the problem. That’s his own insecurity when it comes to her. But the difference is, his insecurities are well-founded. We already got a glimpse of this when the whole Mercer-and-the-hotel-on-fire thing came up. What frightens Logan more than anything is that he believes he will never be good enough for Veronica. And Veronica, more often than not, makes him feel wanting. So, you see, fessing up about his sleazy past won’t exactly paint him in a boyfriend-material light. Logan’s smarter than that. Moreover, he knows he’ll probably feed Veronica’s mistrust because for some reason she has this internalized misconception that if you are a sexual being, then you’re prone to cheating.
VERONICA: Sorry, Lizette. Looks like we're gonna have to reschedule. Pay the girl, Max.
LOGAN: If we're paying her anyway...
16) Look at this goofus face when the two lovers are finally reunited! You truly believe this guy could cheat?
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17) Ugh, and then…
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To Logan’s credit, he didn’t even bat an eye when she showed up. But then…
VERONICA: No, Madison is pretty much the physical embodiment of all things I loathe. If Dick starts dating her again, you're gonna need to get a different roommate.
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He can’t look her in the eye because he knows, he knows what her reaction is going to be once she finds out he slept with Madison (even if they weren’t together when he did…)
18) I fucking love this moment…
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The way Keith just looks at her like actually taking note of her advice? It kills me.
19) Favorite!
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WENDY: Oh, my God. Thank you. That's the thing about being a working girl. Easy to break into, not so easy to get out of. It's not like I'm one of the big earners, but I have this client, a judge. VERONICA: Ooh, a judge? Which one? WENDY: Cramer. VERONICA: No freaking way! My dad busted him for taking bribes, and the old bastard still got re-elected. WENDY: He is the kinkiest out of all my clients. No sex, he just likes to sneak me into his office at the courthouse. All he wants to do is have tickle fights and walk around in my shoes.
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And while Veronica is delighted with this piece of information, Max is…
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…the opposite of delighted?
21) “For what little it's worth, I was totally wrong. You and Wendy do have something. You two are great together, and I'm sorry. And this just plain sucks.” You see? How nice is it to hear Veronica admitting she wasn’t right?
But, of course, literally one minute later…
VERONICA: It's purple makeup. The bruise was a fake. You've been had. They duped you. Nicki didn't get worked over by her pimp. She and Wendy just conned you out of a grand. MAX: That's crazy. VERONICA: Crazy? She screws people for money, Max. That's what she does. VERONICA: I'm sorry. That wasn't- MAX: No, I'm an idiot. VERONICA: You're not. From where I stand, Wendy's the idiot. And now we must crush her.
No evidence other than the stained cloth and yet she thinks she’s figured it all out. And she’s ready for payback. Ugh, I wish they would’ve gone somewhere with this pattern of behavior!
22) You see what I mean?!
LOGAN: This is a bad idea.
VERONICA: It's blackmail. It's the go-to idea. In case of emergency, break glass or blackmail.
LOGAN: Uh, excuse me if I can't get jazzed about my girlfriend extorting a judge.
VERONICA: Look, I'm not doing a back handspring about it either, but I'm getting Max his thousand dollars back, and I'm taking away Wendy's best client. It works on so many levels.
MAX: You don't have to do this.
Like, even Max tells her she doesn’t have to do this. And she ploughes ahead
23) And, let’s be honest, she gets off on it…
VERONICA: I can't believe I had to blackmail a judge just to get some alone time with you.
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VERONICA: But seriously, folks... have you? LOGAN: What? Ever been with a hooker? Why does it matter? VERONICA: I just want to know. I assume the answer is yes. Look at it as an opportunity for me to show you how cool I can be. "Hooker? Who cares?" LOGAN: Well, here's your chance to be cool. Stop asking. VERONICA: I just want to get to a place with you where we can be really... intimate. LOGAN: That's what the female praying mantis says before she bites the male's head off. VERONICA: I'm just saying, buried secrets tend to surface when I'm around. LOGAN: Maybe that's because of all the digging, huh? VERONICA: I'm giving you the chance right now to come clean. You tell all. I tell all. Go from there. LOGAN: Hm, fine. Ask away. Ask anything you want. VERONICA: Have you ever been with a hooker? LOGAN: No.
She’s giving him a chance to “come clean” as if he’s committed some sort of crime. And she can’t help her smile when he confesses he’s never been with a prostitute.
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25) So was he talking about the beach girl or Madison? Or, possibly, both. 
VERONICA: Were you with anyone while we were broken up? LOGAN: Landmine. I fooled around with this horrible girl who meant less than nothing to me, and I couldn't regret it more. Thinking of it makes me ill. So, there. Presto. Intimacy. Still love me? VERONICA: Yes.
26) You see Veronica? You’re not invincible…
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VERONICA: You just handed over a hundred hundred dollar bills.
MAX: Yeah, I was there.
VERONICA: And what guarantee do you have that-
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28) To be honest, I love how Weevil treats Wendy in this scene. Like, no judgment at all! He’s just happy to see someone he knows and wants to say hello! You’re cool beans, Weevs.
WEEVIL: Hey, I-I know you.
VERONICA: Weevil, this is Wendy.
WEEVIL: Fiona, right?
WEEVIL: You used to dance at the Electric Lady. My buddy was a bouncer up there.
WENDY: You must be thinking of someone else.
WEEVIL: No, I don't think so. You have a tattoo, red dragon, left cheek. Am I right?
29) Okay, so that lasted as long as a un pedo en una canasta. (sorry, I like this idiomatic expression in Spanish and I’m not even trying to translate it.)
MAX: "The-the day we met was one of the best days of my life. I-I fell for you that day, but you didn't know what I was then, and now you do and it shows in the way you look at me. It shows in the way you touch me but I'll never regret it. You made me realise what I was missing. Love, Wendy."
MADISON: Oh, Logan and I hooked up in Aspen over the holidays. I guess you two were split, huh? I was in town and thought he might have some free time, but, oh, well. Oh, and, as a friend, he's not so big on the one-piece numbers.
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Hey, what's going on guys Nick at Nite here today and welcome to another clash, royale Vidya, who knows how long it's gon na be? Who knows what's gon na be going on up there in the sky? Do you have any idea? Because I don't know if we do coming off a big stream that we were just doing earlier, you can find those on the second channel Nick at Nite. A link is in the description down below into the am shirts, always 10 % off. I know they got some new spring designs. This is one of my favorite like recent designs. It came out right as like spring was turning or winter is turning to spring. Rather, by let's see what we got, I know we do have the elixir capture mode going on a couple more days, so I may as well dive into that and see what we can get out of it, because I think the rewards are pretty sweet. I already checked in with a shop today and I've already used this goblin giant deck.
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I think to completion. Like I don't know we could. We could potentially use it some more, but I don't really know if how many times in a row it's acceptable to post the same one. You know let's go through here and donate some quakes and then, after all, these of there's like events going on back to back to back to bow so many trades. I assume that's because you get so many in in this, so we got. Let'S see two days. Eight hours four wins reward. You get a Ledge ysou. You get common all the way through legend, then on this one, rare epic leji and then a lumberjack interesting. Why the lumberjack? Ah he likes a lick, sir. I guess that makes sense. So let's do this! Try elixir capture, you can't lose out, look at the brawl stars in the bottom right, it's a little easter egg whenever the map zooms out or in in the beginning or the end alright. So I haven't played elixir capture since the sneak peak videos that we did. We could just start a casual, a lumberjack there. I saw someone tweet one that was like a goblin barrel, mirror it seemed a little ludecke. Oh man, I wasn't even ready for the bonus elixir their mega minion on this balloon and it's still gon na get a hit Wow. I was better at stopping balloons with the Sparky deck all right, we've got giant here. So, let's slap a golem right in front of it and call it call it a party make a minion going in four digits over there on that right lane we got poison over here, left flame gon na be swapping that out - and here comes the next ball Of juice got juicy lanes juicy lanes. What'S the address for the GPS, one juicy lane so many bats on that Tower, the log is not gon na do anything. Gollum still takes it, bats go in for the clean sweep and the golem almost actually a will make it there for the death damage, Wow baby dragon going down the mid. Let'S just start stacking this Lane, I'm not really they're playing kind of slow and sort of like like off in a way, but we'll take it right. Yeah. The answer is yeah, so much roll just through there. Oh wow, that's weird guess: Mega minion. Now, that's one way to do it. This a whiz huh. I don't think that's gon na be the ticket chief, but it is the warm-up mode. So this isn't really the competitive one. I don't know if the other one is I assumed it would be since there's just like regular rewards on the line I assumed it would be gems to continue, but I didn't look at the details of it. We'Ll see you in a second um, let's see you're. Actually gon na go for this they're actually going for barrel, he's gon na get that extra elixir right here as well. They get the bonus elixir. The two in the middle balloons on the tower baby dragon trying to deal with all these skeletons I'll, just slap a golem down right in the mid that which actually just got another bonus elixir night, which over here snag that elixir and then I'll Jack. It'S like they woke up with a minute left and then I go wait. I should try they worse news fasting in the beginning, so that's gon na be chalked up to a nice first start to the video. I know we've been winning too much in the beginning of episodes lately, but I brought it up to corporate and we're talking about it. You know it might, it might be an implemented change that we stick with. It may not haha one common going for the next bah bah bah dah dah. Oh. If so, if a tech beats me, I will consider using it. I guess is that even worth I don't know wizard right on the thing, interesting placement so like the we just does that all cancel out, then, are you gon na back up that wizard or oh yeah, Ickes you're gon na go like that huh I'll Jack, quicker Than Sparkie quicker than lightning able to drop Sparkie who's gon na get that bridge elixir cuz, both dragons are sort of just chill in there. I guess we're gon na win that one yeah bonus night, which Oh giant though, but we got bats bats, add up quick. That'S interesting to see a giant versa tonight which, as soon as she gets bats, the night which is more DPS but initially the giant is so that's just food for thought. You could take it, you could leave it, you could leave it on the curb. I don't know as long as it does not come home with you without a cork in it. Why not sure? Let'S go poison, I mean I this. This mode is a little more elixir heavy.
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Then then, in the regular mode you still like the regulation and then no tea and all that in the final minute, double elixir. But you could potentially I could probably go with a lightning golem deck over poison. Just because you are gon na be getting a little bit beefier of pushes with this bonus, I want to see, like the craziest thing, that someone came up with of how to play this. I haven't watched any videos or anything on it, so we're just feeling it out right now and seeing if anything comes natural to us, we'll see when we get to the actual challenge, how things unfold, but as of right now they look. Okay, he was gon na be trying to hold down the fort right there. We got some bats and they be dragging continual King pressure. It'S a medical condition, folks, throw a golem down for this beam about to be rebuilt should be perfect timing. Al Jack. Are you nice he'll deal with the wizard and then we got? Oh, No, the bats win it folks, the bats have won, delete your Twitter accounts because the bats are here. He'S gon na not go with the inferno tower again we're deck. He was regular. Wiz Inferno tower Sparkie giant. I was using Sparky, so I'm okay with the Sparky portion of this deck, the rest doesn't make as much sense. Let'S get up making a minion on this storage, al Jack for some added juice on this Lane, just one but a every elixir counts, and if we're not accounting, elixir, then or not a la la our legs. Are you know, that's what I always say to the toddlers? Oh fun fact. No, that's so fun, actually night shakers are actually sold out on G feel calm until further notice. Unless you're watching this video in the distant future then still check, but just thought, I would say it because we figured that out on the stream today they were nowhere to be found because you guys bought them all by golly. We need a restock restock reach up. Everybody got one got that shake shake up up: L Jack pulling ahead, but in the second half we pull it out. Wow nice little Goblin barrel. I guess night which up against insurmountable odds, will go with the golem here with its ice whiz and then a bar barrel for the gobs. That'S gon na drop that nicely barbarian has like the floor to himself no other speakers present, and then we get this next vat of elixir in the center nice. What do we want to do with all that juice bar kit in the back whoa? We just stole it from the bridge there that was nice. That was nifty. You got the giant coming in probably okay Goblin barrel as well. Valkyrie ice wizard tough to push through, but I mean I've got a lot of so I put it here. Do I get that one nice fireball? We should be rebuilding the center yeah right around now I'll Jack down boom right back at it and right on that storage. I wish I had enough time to put the Golem to block him, so I mean I guess, with the two that you get you sort of could, but it's sorta same time. It sort of feels like you can't Knight, which, in the back that was a shallow barrel, okay, okay, Goblin barrel giant, I mean until double elixir time that Dec has the advantage here, but we're just playing an aggressive goal and play style and it seems to be Working all right is that night, which gon na come back l Jack. What are you gon na? Do al Jack's gon na come back for the storage baby we've been. I think we won every one, every one of the mid, the mid, the middle fights. What do we want to call those the duel off so and that's a stupid name, alright, baby dragon knight which over there in that lame just dumping troops? Deep, is all we're doing right now, folks to Lumberjacks, go to that king tower mega minion as well. That'S like a nice minyan poison, going in your game II. Look it's like took shook look book, but its mitts, just nook yeah right. That'S the big say it is until this. This say it is, and then it's till it is it and you're like tea, cow, Canadian monkeys with the Z yeah, but the smile on your face like a rascal back in place, yeah like an old school like an 82. That'S what I did that's what I do nah get that poison out. No doubt slapping it --, which, on that Lane say, I won't say I will, and I did yeah yeah oh gee is lit yeah that jack on that time. What'S a towel yeah back I'll! Do tea, Wow, well Jack just took that tower to pound Ville. Oh nice Inferno tower that's gon na be actually really annoying. I wonder if I should bust out a lightning with this deck in the in the the official one. We didn't really need this baby dragon, but I what's a buzz: what's a vis baby dragon barber, just kind of countering it out, we could already poison that tower. Basically, down baby dragon dealing with a furnace situation grab an eye twitch pop around down. I get those bats out here: yeah man, that is some gnarly DPS, and we win that one and now the inferno towers, gon na get swarmed, and you just wasted your inferno. Cuz, I have a golem, I haven't shown it yet, but I assumed you would figure that out with the rest of the deck preceding it. But if not here it is missed at sea cow, golem, trudging down that right, lane super tremendously valiant honor and more the crown bestow, the crown bestow yeah. I don't know that was just like a graphic novel in a way. Oh we're pushing it now. Golem barbarian poison on this Inferno. You bet you bet, golem goes down, but it's fine mega minion gets fireball, but it's fine. We'Ve got another one, we're already back to it our barrel deep and this one's looking. Oh so steep the mountaintop lives the mountaintop lives.
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These are like all really good quotes out of context if they all actually were quotes. They'D be epic wow, that's a chunk, a game. Alright, we're warmed up. That'S a good way to warm up just Clash Royale Gem Generator make you feel on top of the world. Alright. Legendary token. Nice join for free, is it three losses and you're out buying in resets from where you are oh cool sweet? Well, let's go in I'm just gon na go and use all these just give our clan or whatever they want. Here you are that sure honey alleges. What'S the last token, I have oh, I have a rare, oh wait. All right, master, elixir capture - hmm, I was gon na put lightning in, let's see if it still feels like we should all right I'll Jack. What do you got? You got to outpace this wizard nice, you did it. You did a thing I'll jack on our tower, not the best start. I'Ve seen worse. It'S just Barbera over here, hmm, not ideal. Let'S drop a poison down that which is pretty injured wow. They got that bonus. One weight hog: oh, I was worried. The hog was gon na turn around. It did not did not do that, but the bats gon na go nice bats. I think I'm still gon na I'll Jack this, because that wizard will walk up to the plate and just take that thing for a ride. Alright wizard, you stay we're banking, the elixir, it's weird to be ready for it as an in addition to the regularly generating elixir. It'S like a lot of elixir to be ready for at any given moment. I don't really. I don't have a good cycle down for this. The bar barrel seems weird, and it does it's weird, that it doesn't trigger it when it goes over as a barrel, it has to go over as a barb. I guess sort of makes sense, but still don't like it. Baby dragon knight, which all graders gon na be coming on over, which will be weak and hog, is down nice. It'S tough to like yeah, be able to use all that elixir at a moment's notice. Like, oh by the way, here's like plus 2 and then plus 1, you just generated one like where you gon na put it son. Oh, my god, alright barb barrel for that wizard in the back Lumberjacks cancel out night, which huo's feeling like it was about to rebuild. It will was that log gon na push our night which - and we could drop a golem here - actually not that good they're gon na win that one, but we get the poison value of the century behind it on the barbs and now that hog is very much So, stuck on a golem he's playing a heart straight into a golem which, like normally you would never do like you'd literally, do the exact opposite of that normally throw the poison in good measure. We got those raged, baby D and megohm ending up top baby D. Could take this one all the way home dragon all that was close, all right, 606, honey huh, I know he's got the fireball. We got to stop it. Stop whoo. That was very much so close Barb's there to chunk down our golem, but we are gon na. Be able to throw that poison down and goal of mites good game. So it's like I'm not really playing it any different than if it was an elixir capture outside of like the occasional deploying a lumberjack in the middle kind of thing. But I mean those could very well just have been at the bridge, it's sort of weird al' check. Can you beat that it's kind of a fast, it's kind of a heavy hitting that's weird? What the L Jack? What chaos ensues? Barb Errol! Then we get all this going on. Is that bandit gon na make it think so golem alright night, which chill chill chill baby dragon, drops our night which predictable it's got a Dark Prince baby dragon deck here with the D G dark goblin, starting to chunk down that elixir, but nope lumberjack is gon Na win that one out and then we got a deal with a lot of stuff at the lane, so let's just poison this. Hopefully it actually takes the dark, alban. Okay, barely dark goblin would have got a shot on the tower. Actually, that was a little bit late. We get another pump in the mid, maybe maybe not it's every 30 seconds. I think after it expires. Let'S just bring this hog over here first and then, knight which this is. Who is actually going for that elixir storage as well tonight which, over on that side, let's go with like medium sized units only until double elixir, then we drop golem down and then we go full pound.
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Alright, we're gon na win that exchange nice I'll Jack mmm did I hit that barely barely barely barely barely barely barely about a dream night, which first golem build it build the push I'll Jack in the back. Whew poison goes in everyone get in here on the golem that dark alban just looked death in the face and went today. Alright, that's gon na be a massive tower down. Let'S just throw to air units just four more and it is very greedy to be pushing for three crown right there. So, let's just get ready for a hog. There comes nice, good game. Good luck as well! Here'S a carrot first to have been pretty swell yeah, not like blowouts by any means, not super easy, but at the same time not super hard Big Daddy from the Dutch masters. Okay, okay, baby dragon. On those bats, it's hard to tell sort of worth. Oh [, Music, ] unfortunate circumstance there no baby dragon. You got this by chance back up with the Megaman. Hmm, oh, no! That'S bad! Wow! Dudes! That'S good game! All of that work the worst way it could possibly work for us. Just then that was nasty. Wow solid, solid, a solid, controlling lead, these wizards holy cow. This would have to be the comeback of the the eon and not even like century decade, year month, week, ii - micros - I don't know whatever you want to do the Dutch masters they don't mess around. You could just butter a couple hogs on to our King, though that's the problem here, and I can't really stop him that well right, which just bring a golem out Barbera. You got to deal with those archers for us. I mean, I guess, yeah we poison the wizard perfectly-timed on that Pekka. To that Pekka was dead, don't even play with me. Mid-Swing went down by the way nuts barbed arrow going out. We got ta win this one for sure, and we've done it folks. Let'S get this golem down all righty, all righty, all righty, let's throw poison in nice, we clipped the archers and the wizard there. That was the poison that we've needed of the decade, not not that much more than that, though tornado everything right here onto that Tower and also take out the bats in the process. No, that was way too close.
I I let the baby dragon in the night which honestly had it guess not it's, okay. I don't honestly. If we came back from that start, that would have been a miracle that was about as bad as it gets. We played almost every card straight up into it's counter and yeah: hmm, okay, all right, lumberjack, pretty simple start here! Nothing really much gon na be going on. Alright, alright, alright couple clean exchanges as that Inferno tower gon na last, a whole nother one Wow. That'S pretty crazy, almost got to elixir storages with a single Inferno tower world record or anything. I don't know all right. Let'S get this El Jack down on this Ram. Man, you get that Inferno tower out of here when I say get out of here all right, barbarian, nice and Ferno Towers toast he went with the early golem take out the problem with that is generally that you're gon na get all the snowball troops winding up On your tower there it is the raged baby D, us Yas, Yas, all right, all right, Oh Allan, Allan, so love he's always making those games about the Brazilian force. That'S what it means right, be our force, a Brazilian battle, royale ATS. Now that's a tongue twister, not really it's pretty actually normal to say: let's get that poison! Oh, Oh yo, whoa, a mega manana all right down. Everybody know we're going to pound da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da we're just gon na cycle, all the way back to poison part. Two no RAM rider connection. You will not get through mega min L Jack, Oh baby. This is a very meaty medium-sized unit party right now the arrows go flying. We'Ve got two baby DS and a heck of a lot of dps on that Tower.
We'Re not able to get the three, but we're able to put enough pressure on to his counter push not even existing, not in this universe or any other multiverse ba ba da ba ba ba huh. I guess that makes sense every troop that is involved with elixir. I guess is the reward here: take it I'll take note of it bar barrel, ooh I'll Jack, nice boys. This is a speedy, a speedy deck from someone who's just grabbing a lick, sir, and go and I grab and go grab and go one here. Two there. Three, there sure grab it and go. There'S some anti swarm cards all right. I'Ll pretend, like I know, what's going on with this
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