#I didn't see Touka at first!
kyanitedragon · 3 months
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"I can see Touka's real feelings when she looks straight at me with her right eye." - :re volume 15
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tg-pilled · 3 months
My review of the Tokyo Ghoul live action movie!
First off, I won't be reviewing based off the CGI, props, etc. I don't know enough about practical effects or that area to make any proper judgement regarding it.
Secondly, this is my opinion. In no way am I trying to make fun of the actors, CGI, storymakers, etc. I just have autism and will be commenting about what I did and did not like about the live action.
Here is what I LOVED:
The casting was perfect in my opinion. I was pretty much like "yeah wow that's the character if they were real" for every single character
The acting was pretty good! I wasn't expecting it to be as satisfying as it ended up being.
Touka and Mado's fight was so well done! It was the perfect balance of emotion and action! I love that they didn't back down from Mado being batshit crazy and that they didn't make him hesitant to kill anyone! It felt like they stayed really true to the characters in that aspect!
THE RELIGIOUS IMAGERY??? OMFG I LOVED IT SOSO MUCH!! When Kaneki pierces Amon and leaves him looking like he's been crucified??? Wow. Amazing, stunning, never been done before. Mado calling Touka a sinner??? Amazing, stunning, never been done before.
Renji, Touka, Kaneki, and Hinami walking through the creek made me tear up omfg they are FAMILY.
What I Liked/Appreciated for What It Was:
The storyline was decent. I know they have to set it up and stuff but I REALLY wish we could have seen the final arcs, Jason, Shuu, etc. I am also biased because those are my favourites to analyze BUT I also understand that it's a movie that is trying to fit a large amount of content into a small amount of time.
I felt like Kaneki's character growth/development was rushed BUT towards the end where he's laughing over Amon's body and then sees himself in the puddle, WOW what a scene. Even still Kaneki's development was rushed but it felt like they were wanting a second movie.
The ending was. Okay enough. I wish Hide and Kaneki had seen each other again but like. I'm insane about their relationship anyways. AND THE WAY KANEKI LOOKS AT THE CHAIR. It was very good I appreciated the throwback and it came full circle.
What I Did Not Like At All:
Okay this isn't even the movie's fault but it being rated NC-17 makes no sense to me. I felt like it barely showed anything and it should've just been rated R. It is definitely an atypical horror movie but it is still horror.
Nishiki felt extremely cast aside. If they hadn't included that scene at all, nothing would have changed. They didn't make him as compelling as he was in the manga (again, it's a live action so I can't expect much) but he was very much a forgettable aspect of the movie despite him looking so babygirl.
I miss the talk that Hinami and her mom had before she died. It felt so short and wasn't well done in my opinion.
It felt bound to the anime (which we all know is better if you have read the manga and can actually understand wtf is going on) which is not an inherently bad thing but there should definitely have been more explanation for the character motives.
Anyways thank you for reading if you made it this far into my ramble and autistic rant. Thank you to my wonderful moot for getting me the link to the movie 🙏
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post-tg · 5 months
strong tokyo ghoul men of every organization and race
Hello everyone, welcome to my second publication. Here I will only mention the strong men of Tokyo Ghoul. If you want a deeper explanation of why they are strong. I will make another post.
It must be remembered that the range that I will mention does not mean that it is literally the strongest. this can change. Without further ado, let's get started!
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Kuzen Yoshimura
Rating: SSS
Extra: Kaneki Ken
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rating: SS
actually: SSS
as inspector
Rank 3 Rank 1 First Class Associate Special Class
note: Kaneki is actually the most powerful, I put him as an extra because Kaneki changed organizations when necessary, with pros and cons.
PS: I'm surprised it hasn't become a special class.
Seidou Takizawa
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as inspector
rank 2
Tatara and Noro
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Rating: both SS-
ps: I didn't think to add noro and tatara in this publication. Both have different strengths and both were killed shortly after.
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Donato Porpora
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rating: SS
Note: Donato was not in clowns but he did collaborate with them
Tsukiyama and Rose family:
Shuu Tsukiyama
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Rating: SS
Juuzou Suzuya
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Rating: Special Class
Itsuke Marude, Mougan Tanakamaru and Koori Ui
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Rank 2 Special Class
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rank: special class
note: mougan was not a peacekeeper at the end of the manga, he is currently a monk
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rank:Associate Special Class Special Class
Rating:both special class associated
Furuta Washuu
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Rank 1
race: half human one eyed artificial ghoul
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Rating: S
actual: ???
Half Human:
Kishou Arima
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Rating: Special Class
1st generation:
Kuki Urie
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rank 2
rank 1
First Class
Associate Special Class
as ghoul: supposedly S
2nd generation:
Shinsanpei Aura
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Rating: rank 2
3 rd generation and half human:
Yusa Arima
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First Class
note: Yusa is a half human It is not explained whether he became a Quinx or not.
others ghouls
Amon Koutaru
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Rating: SS Rank 1 First Class Special Class
Artificial one-eyed ghoul
rating: ???
Arata Kirishima
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rating: ???
half natural ghoul:
Underground King
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rating :???
Son of Kaneki and Touka
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rating :???
ps: unfortunately it was not possible to see what the son of this couple will be like, why will their son be the strongest? I would like to answer that question for another time but you have the words to analyze why you are the strongest
ps : please don't work for me, it's just what has been seen
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pachu09 · 1 year
MadaTobiIzu, Shifter AU
One day, Madara and Izuna entered Tobirama’s office in their shifted forms. Madara as a Lion and Izuna as a Cheetah sidled smoothly towards the Albino.
Tobirama, upon seeing the brothers is at first confused why they insistently sniffed his head, his chest, his hip and even his feet. When Tobirama asked them what they are doing the brothers refused to answer and they left a baffled Tobirama thinking about their bizarre behavior.
However, tomorrow comes and the Uchiha Brothers did it again. And then they keep doing it everyday, until weeks passed by. Only Hashirama and Mito knows why they were doing it. Touka was getting angry at her cousin's behalf and its only a matter of time before her patience snap and she'll hunt the Brothers down for sport. ( Only Tobirama’s request at her not to do anything had stilled her hand. )
Little did Tobirama knows that the real reason why the Brothers were sniffing him was...
Madara and Izuna didn't know what kind of shifter Tobirama is. In the years since Konoha was founded not once did they even saw Tobirama shift. They knew Hashirama and their other (dead) brothers are all Bears, but Hashirama confirming Tobirama isn't a bear made them curious. Only one time Hashirama’s frown and mysterious words made their curiosity more intense.
" Tobi's animal Shift isn't really suited for Konoha's climate. "
A month after they started their newest bizarre ritual; Madara and Izuna burst inside the Hokage's office, with a loud bang.
" Where's your brother, Hashirama?. " Madara demanded, Izuna looked around the office thinking Tobirama must be hiding somewhere inside it.
Hashirama who was startled out of his wits confusedly replied. " What?. Why are you looking for him?. "
Izuna hisses and pouts. " We're looking for him since the morning and its already late afternoon and we still can't find him.
Hashirama who looked relieved, answered happily. " Oh. You won't see Tobi for the next two weeks here!. "
Madara and Izuna freezes in shock. " Why? Did you give him a long mission?. " Madara asked suspiciously.
Hashirama laughs. " No. My Otouto and Mito–chan are going somewhere. I don't know where it is but its their yearly ritual, since Mito–chan married me. "
Madara and Izuna Iook at each other then stared down at Hashirama who's obliviously doing his paperwork. " Is it because of Tobirama’s shape shift?. "
Hashirama hums. " Maybe?. "
Madara grumbles. " Why can't you just tell us what's Tobirama's Shifter form anyway "
Hashirama looked up at his bestfriend and frown. " I promised Tobi. And I will never ever break that, Madara. "
Madara and Izuna grumbles and pouts. Its not fair that they had to investigate what Tobirama’s Shape-shift is. They don't think the Albino would be too pleased if they asked outright. So they had to resort to sniffing him whenever they can, to determine/guess as to what he is. It really bothered them that they don't know what kind of shifter a member of their Pride was...
Madara sigh. " Let's go, Izu. We can't really do anything. We might as well hope Mito–san and Tobirama would come back early. "
Izuna huffed in annoyance and jump out of the room's window. He didn't bother to wait for his brother, knowing Madara would just follow after him.
Madara turn to say goodbye at his bestfriend. " Sorry for his rudeness, Hashi. " he awkwardly says to his Hokage, fortunately Hashirama ( the idiot that he is ) only waved away Izuna’s rude behavior with a jolly laugh.
" Its okay, Madara. Just follow after him and make sure he doesn't maim any other Nin that might be on his path. " Madara paled and nodded, he threw a quick salute at his Kage, vanished using a Shunshin and quickly followed after his wayward brother.
A week later...
Madara and Izuna walks into the Hokage office again. They freezes for a second, when they saw the giant five tailed fox lounging on Hashirama’s feet. Its red tails possessively curled around the Hokage's legs and feet. An eyelid peeled open to reveal its dark eye and its smirk reminded them certainly of someone.
" Uh, Is that Mito–san?. " Izuna awkwardly asked. He slowly move to hide behind his brother as the fox yawn widely and revealed its rows of sharp teeth.
Hashirama beamed at them and petted the fox's head gently. " Yes, this is Mito–chan. I'm surprised she and Tobi went home early. They're usually gone for two weeks when they went vacationing.."  The Brothers watched amused as Mito delightedly pushed up her head onto her Husband’s hand.
But as soon as they realized what their Kage had said. Madara and Izuna had quickly scrambled out of the nearest window to find Tobirama.
And when they visited Tobirama in his Home laboratory. Instead of seeing the Albino. They saw a pretty Snow White Leopard deeply asleep beneath a massive desk....
Hours later...
When he awakens, Tobirama was surprised to see a Lion and Cheetah comfortably sandwiching him between them. When he tried to get out of their inappropriate cuddling fest. He found out he couldn't, because he was tightly squeezed in between the two brothers. His shifter form was smaller than them so it stands to reason he's weaker than them in this body.
Tobirama startled as Madara ( who was apparently awake ) suddenly licked his whiskers and Izuna laved his tongue on his forehead. He chuff uncomfortably as both brothers started to groom him. Their heavy weight on top of him made him breathless. He batted away Izuna ( when he tried to lick him on his mouth ) or Madara ( who tried to groom his prized fluffy tail ).
When they shifted on top of him —Tobirama yowled loudly when both of their combine weight nearly crushes him.
An angry hiss and a swipe of his clawed paws made both brothers quickly retreated. Tobirama hisses and spits in anger. With his ears pinned on the top of his head, his fur puffing up, he showed how he's so displeased with their disrespectful actions. He was nearly crush to death and no amount of the brother’s purring will make him forgive them easily.
He chuffed, shook his entire body and warily eyed the purring brothers. He tentatively step out underneath his working desk. But before he could get out successfully. Izuna’s wet nose pressing on his belly made him jump away in fright. He hisses and batted the Cheetah away from him. Quickly darting out of his laboratory, Tobirama ran as fast as he can towards the safety of his own room.
Unluckily, his paws never even graced his bedroom doorway as he was again pinned down by the Uchiha Brothers. Tobirama snarled and tried to bite any limbs within his reaching jaws. But Madara who clamp his jaw on his nape made him limp in an instant. His protesting meows are ignored when Madara started to dragged him out of his own house. He was dangling limply in the Lion's mouth and he's displeased at how people will perceive him when they witness he's being carried like an unruly cub.
Tobirama glowered at Izuna who ( even in his Cheetah form wore a disturbingly shit eating grin, ) cheerily walked alongside them.
The Albino curled tightly and bit his tail when he noticed many of the Konoha Citizens stared at them wide eyed and with gaping jaws. This is a humiliation the likes he had never wanted to experience...
When he transform back into his Human form he'll make sure the Brother will pay for this humiliation. Tobirama thought darkly; but first, he needed to conserve his energy because Summer in Konoha makes him pretty lethargic. His Snow Leopard form isn't really suited for Konoha's climate. He'll probably be pretty too out of it the moment Madara drag him to the Uchiha Compound....his thoughts trailed off as he yawn widely.
' Yes, he'll have his revenge...'
As soon as that idea crossed his mind. Tobirama didn't notice he slip into a deep sleep again. Never even knowing that when they arrived at the Uchiha Compound most Uchiha had scandalously stared at their smug Clan Head and Heir....
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ipsen · 8 months
ooo thoughts on how eto and touka would interact/what they think of each other?
would you believe me if i said i covered this very topic in holometabolism on ao3? they have a very fun relationship!
but yeah! let’s see…
Eto and Touka are surprisingly similar; both very angry people at heart, and their anger is very targeted at the inability to enjoy a normal life due to great loss drastically changing the direction of their lives (Ryouko for Touka, Noroi for Eto). The difference lies in how they are able to deal with these things; Touka has support in the form of Anteiku, while Eto is alone. They're endpoints of the same type of trauma: loss and being left behind.
TG Eto and Touka
They should not meet during TG; this is asking for a fight that Touka, ever the hothead, is going to lose. Touka isn't exactly fighting for the sake of something during most of TG, so there's not much of a place for her in the torture chamber, but it's like regurgitating facts you read online to someone and then not having any substantial opinions of your own. Eto's convictions are as solid as cement; for her to give you the time of day, you must be bigger and stronger than her.
:re Eto and Touka
The more interesting of the two, since both are further along their divergent pathways. re Touka is a different beast from TG Touka. She listens. She understands. There's a maturity and patience in her words now.
On the other hand, Eto has remained largely the same. Still a sniper rifle, and a deadly one, but still alone and angry at everything. Stuck in a rut that wasn't of her own making, but she didn't try getting out, nor did she have the support she needed to try in the first place.
Now, does Touka like Eto? No, probably. Even if all the violence has a goal, and she's more than aware of Kuzen's irresponsible actions regarding Eto, that doesn't excuse most of the things that happened afterward. Touka thinks power is used to protect things, while Eto thinks power should be used to change them (ultimately for the better, but the death and destruction it creates causes friction between the two).
It's not that Touka doesn't understand, it's more like Touka wants to try to find an alternate solution first before jumping to violence, hence her more reactive nature regarding combat. That said, sometimes the search is for something that doesn't exist, and Eto is intimately familiar with this.
I still think both can learn from each other. Touka can learn about the innate responsibility tied to power and knowledge; if you know something is wrong, it is your responsibility as the one who knows to do something to correct it. Eto can learn about kindness and empathy and that there is hope for someone like her. It'd take a while (the jealousy hurdle is rather high), but Touka's stubborn and also really cool.
Their similar trauma also gives Touka some leeway when building the bridge she needs to reach Eto, so there can be a change.
Thanks so much for the ask! <3
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creamy-jam · 2 years
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fuck you (doodles your fic) @messier-47
below the line are thoughts, critiques, and some musings :)!!! TL;DR. Love this fic very good, definitely recommend
Think I'm going to just get critiques out first before I gush and muse a bit.
Preface: I've only given the first 33 chps a single reading and it was binged intermittently in chunks of 10-15 chps.
Pacing is the hugest problem I can see with this fic atm, but that is only if you binge it all at once. While there are spots to breathe they are still moments you need to pay attention too to get the full meaning and understand later plot points to the fullest. This fic is probably one of the best examples of a serial publication that I've seen in a long while, the tension will build and fall without ever superseding the other and there's a decent amount of variety in the type of tension. Good breaks between high action vs political intrigue vs the rare what I can only call mission thriller.
I do wish there were some quiet moments, something that didn't necessarily matter. Maybe a moment between Tobirama and Touka, or Tobirama and Takeuchi. I appreciate and love Takeuchi, but I kind of wish I did get to see her just as a Great Aunt that's not used as a warning or information source for Tobirama. These are just examples I can think of. Why I'm wanting this is aside from a breath, everything feels like I need to pay attention because of how it will tie into chapters later.
Point and case The Mooncake. Definitely a character depth detail, but it is a point 3 times as far as I remember with its starting point in The Freed arc. A flavor detail that helps you understand Tobirama, but also buried under two different arcs absolutely filled to the brim with action and political intrigue happening all around us.
Past that, the only other complaints I have are personal opinion and probably is about stuff very few others care about too much.
On to gushes and muses. Good lord the worldbuilding has been some of my favorites I've seen so far in the works I've read. It's probably one of the very few pieces that are Tobirama-centric that is more focused on the world and the impact these Founders have upon it through both politics and violence.
I really honest to god cannot wait to see how the Slavers/Blood-thief's plot will tie with the most recent reveal in that specific plot. I'm curious to see how it will impact Konoha and if the formation of Konoha will be the breaking point specifically for the Daimyo especially in seeing his Noble Shinobi clans and lesser clans basically becoming a union??? What will the Daimyo do, what CAN the Daimyo do against the Shinobi. If all the Shinobi of Hi no Kuni come together? The Daimyo still has Orochi which I am wink wink guessing is related to the clan Orochimaru is from (cant remember the HC clan for him and where its from, I keep thinking the Land of Grass?).
I am also very interested in how Hashirama will develop, he would benefit from being more involved with the Clan and kind of obviously serves very well as a positive relation with the Clan as a Clan Heir rather the one in charge, however, he, as demonstrated multiple times, is a positive idealist. Where Tobirama seemed to thrive as Clan Head. But Hashirama also works well as a Clan Head, just witht eh same issues as being an Heir. I would like to see a bit of a definitive answer coming on as the 8 month timeline continues for Hashirama to do something on his own as Clan Head and doing something good for the Senju to regain their trust.
If Hashirama fails? What then, at the moment Tobirama doesn't really seem to want to be Clan head, but not altogether opposed to the position itself.
I'd almost say I'd like to see Hashirama leave his position as Clan Head (if) when he becomes Hokage. And Tobirama becomes Clan head that way rather than the Senju having a coup of some kind or Hashirama miraculously pulling some great feat to gain the trust of his clan.
Alas,,,, what to do of the Hashirama problem. He's a little freak and I love him dearly but I want to wring his neck all the same.
Excited to see Tobirama and Izuna come head to head and see Madara's thoughts on the interaction. I'm very curious to see if the Uchiha will fit into Tobirama's schemes and whether Tobirama will first open up to Madara or Hashirama about his plots. Especially considering The Daimyo affects the Uchiha more than Senju and that Madara is more likely to see and understand Tobiramas plots than Hashirama. Hashirama has so far reacted negatively to every last reveal or lack of a reveal. It might even be Izuna before Madara that Tobirama speaks too. Izuna is his rival and as currently both heirs they are the msot likely to speak together first before one or the other speaks with their respective clans heads.
Oh head is so full of thoughts and it is spinning!!!!
Can't wait for the next chapter and see how these arcs progress. Sleep well Tobirama and enjoy your corset-training <3
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eltheabberation · 3 months
My first impression: Ngl I did NOT care about her. I did not know who she was and why we were getting introduced to her (I was skimming through the CCG parts cause I was an IDIOT and did not care about anyone outside the Kaneki group and was terrible with names so I didn't even realize she was the daughter of the crazy guy from the early chapters so. oops)
My impression now: She has issues!! And she's pretty!! Therefore I love her <33 But yeah she's probably one of my top 5 favourite characters in tg and she's underrated imo. But yeah she needs therapy. Also she's a lot more chaotic then people give her credit for.
Favourite thing about that character: I like the whole idea of her character, like she comes off as cold and really strong when deep down she's lost so many people and yet she doesn't have anyone to talk to and can't express her emotions properly and there's something I love about that <3
Least favourite thing: Uh... hard to really think of one, I guess it kind of feels like after she goes off with Amon she just becomes irrelevant to the story which sucks but I might be wrong since I haven't read the later parts of tg:re in a while
Favourite line/scene: The scene where she defends Takizawa. Other than the obvious seiaki brainrot, it's also really important to her character development. She's watched people she's loved die so many times, and she's been holding in her grief for so long, and idk I just thought it was such a pretty scene and I think it was nice to see the emotions she's been bottling up finally come to the surface.
Favourite interaction that character has with another: Her scene with Hinami and Touka was really wholesome, I thought it was nice :>
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: The quinx squad, she interacts with Haise a bunch but I wanna see her relationship with the others too
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Can't really think of one sorry
A headcanon about that character: One time she was walking with Takizawa for whatever reason and they passed by a pawn shop and one of the things in the window was a fucked up cat figurine which she was immediately entranced with and Takizawa jokingly said she should buy it which she did and now she has a shelf full of fucked up cat figures that she lovingly maintains
A song that reminds of that character: Uh... Oh No! by Marina fits her pretty well I think...
An unpopular opinion about that character: I don't know much about the fandom's actual perception of her but she seems like the kind of character the fandom would designate as the "braincell holder" which. She is not. She gave her BOSS a speech about why being polite is a waste of time. "Oh we can actually save 2,000 seconds a year if I don't say please." Bonus points is the fact she probably just did it for shits and giggles. She does not give a shit and she does not have the braincell.
Favourite picture:
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This one probably. Awe look she's imitating her dad!! How cute!! (this surely has. no implications)
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chairteeth · 20 days
Fic question! Which one of Touka and Nemu is more likely to derail your plot? (I know together is probably the worst, so who contributes the most after that)
Oh boy! Lovely question thank you, let me just elaborate for you. So as you said, together is peak plot derailment, but besides that, the one who makes it impossible to have something normal and simple is Touka, but only if Nemu is there. Also Nemu's role is often just, riling Touka up which then causes the plot derailment. But let me go longfic by longfic, outlines included. There will be some level of spoilers for all of them, though I'll try to keep them mild or vague enough, so I'll put it under a read more just in case:
Ascent of the Fourth Beast (130.4k): This was supposed to be a fun little pokemon crossover, following the story of the Black & White games with only a little adjustment, such as Touka being Professor Juniper's assistant instead of just a normal kid and Nemu being well N (for obvious reasons I think). Needless to say, that did not happen! They got tangled up in a whole mess and then TOUKA threw a curveball at me, the curveball being "oh you know how I'm actually from Johto (because I have a Japanese name and it'd be weird for me to be in the US-based region with a Japanese name)? Well actually I died when I was 11 and got juiced up by a god and so now I have to deal with a second puberty and all that it entails and also I want to roast Nemu's father over an open flame" (this is completely valid considering she's talking about Ghetsis and as we know Ghetsis is the scum of the earth).
Pragma (18.8k): This is the ONLY "longfic" that was actually normal, and the only reason Touka did not yeet it off the rails was because I struggled very hard to end her necromancy arc early and did not want this to be any bigger. I wanted it to be an exploration of grief and mourning and also Nemu really didn't want her to go down that route or the meguca wish route. Luckily we managed to keep it self-contained! It is the only time I have succeeded in that regard.
Cage of Briars (wip): This was supposed to follow the plot of Ib, but then the lesbians lesbian'd and suddenly it's way longer than it was supposed to be. Plus I have a chapter that goes before the main plot so I can introduce the changes to the cast and then two more chapters after the supposed end of the game in order to tie up loose ends. However, the worst part is most definitely the lesbians unnecessarily lesbianing. Literally, please explain to me why the ball was necessary. And so on and so forth.
Roadkill AU: THE WORST EXAMPLE. Mad scientist Touka is like the worst possible idea anyone could have ever had. If you thought she was intense in Cage of Briars, you have NOT met motherfucking roadkill!Touka. I cannot even begin to explain the extent of her insanity in this AU, and almost literally everything in it is her fault. It was supposed to be a horror/mystery thing that would end once the mystery behind Tasuke and Nayuta's untimely demises was solved, and that is not what it became. She has zero excuses too because she is a whole ass 29 years old in this one, she's just Like That. To give you an idea, though I think I've mentioned it before, in the very first chapter she finds a wounded dirty naked woman in her property during a stormy night and first kicks her to see if she's alive, and upon hearing a grunt in response, she tells Ui to put her in a sack and stuff her in the trunk of the car, then gets to the mansion and chains her in an observation room in the basement. As far as she knows this is just some homeless person that snuck into her property. You can probably tell this is already unhinged behavior but she gets EXPONENTIALLY WORSE as the chapters go on. Sure it's not like Nemu's attitude is doing anything but encouraging her, but solely because of Touka's shenanigans in this AU, this fic might even cross into explicit territory (more for the graphic depictions of violence than anything else though, the cannibalism will likely be, considerably graphic, but also please do not underestimate roadkill!Touka because she is fully capable of putting in some wildly nsfw scenes that are not quite smut but still "??????????" in nature).
Fairy AU: This one, hopefully, will remain relatively self-contained, but I do not really trust the shenanigan potential that a Stardew Valley-esque farm setting combined with the Satomi cousins has, particularly considering Touka is 100% going to be drooling for several chapters at minimum. Plus of course detective shenanigans with the Rabi subplot and whatever Nemu is hiding and the fairy hunters that Touka thinks are lunatics, then Touka's secret that of course she has, the human experiments subplot, the Mikoto plot... Somehow I feel like Touka's shenanigans, drooling, and investigations are going to take up way more words than they're supposed to and she will get immensely distracted from the very simple premise of "dethrone the Fairy Queen (Mikoto)".
Teacher AU: This one is super grounded and has zero magical elements, however Touka's trauma in this is Very Very Intense and highly tied to relationships which will cause more friction than ever with Nemu, plus there's a child in the midst. To sum it up, Touka is an elementary school teacher (yes, elementary, there is a very important reason why she's an elementary school teacher), Sakurako is an 11 year old adopted child with a single mother. Sakurako thinks her mom is very very lonely and that she'd get along with her favorite teacher, thus tries to set them up not knowing that Touka has Very Very Intense trauma that will cause issues later down the line, ft. emotional support Ui. I expect this one to get derailed less because of Unhinged Touka BehaviorTM and more because of the sheer trauma this girl is packing in this AU, she will be avoiding a lot of things very hard.
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transhawks · 1 year
boyfrens anon - oh no, i know. but you see, im from the jinkei server (ok this MIGHT give me away. whatever) and there has been a discussion already in there soooo you know. didn't mention it.
but yeah, not canon but very, very gay. extrememely gay. sickly gay. dabi making hawks uncomfortable is something i love to see and when done in fics i want to squeeze something - possibily the both of them.
if they become ""friends"" in canon, assuming they both live, i want touka to keep making keigo uncomfortable but in a non-threatening way and keigo getting that right back on him. they could be extremely hilarious if they want to.
yeah i basically would love to see the dynamic they have in the game or something close to it, alright
and it's funny to think before the dabihawks fanon dynamic was "hawks is annoying and dabi is done with him" when in canon dabi is the one going out of his way to use touch as a threat, keep calling hawks, and piss keigo off. and it's hawks avoiding dabi at the first opportunity and reaching out only when necessary.
these clowns. i hate them. hope they kiss >:/
Oh yeah I kind of know you are now lmao. Yeah I was losing my mind to this and I think you were reacting too lmao.
Yeah, I really like...wish small things like this were put in fics. It's why I find so much wealth in canon, you know? Or even semi-canonical stuff, stuff I like using in fics. Dabi has always liked toying with Hawks so much, I really love seeing it in fics. Not that Keigo is, like, passive - he's got a petty side, obviously. I just think (love) that Touya is good at throwing him off his groove.
if they become ""friends"" in canon, assuming they both live, i want touka to keep making keigo uncomfortable but in a non-threatening way and keigo getting that right back on him. they could be extremely hilarious if they want to.
Genuinely want this for them in the epilogue. I'm sure Horikoshi's happy ending has some resolution of Hawks and the Todos and if Keigo learns to stop being....weird about them enough that Hori makes them interact, this is absolutely the dynamic I want.
Same, anon, same.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
I read your thoughts about Shisui/Tobirama and I am totally hyped.🥰 Might it be possible to get a tiny snippet about Tobirama being "enamoured" by Shisui? If not, it's totally ok.
Hey Anon, I'm glad you enjoyed my theorising! 🥰
Hmmm, I don't have anything established or enamoured 🥺 but I do have a snippet from another meeting between them? Its a Soulmate AU WIP I don't plan on posting (it's just not cooperating and I think it's a bust), so if you ask nicely I might spill some more 🤭
Tobirama’s gaze dragged sideways just in time to catch spinning Sharingan eyes unlike anything he’d ever seen before. They rested in a pale face, dried blood smearing over one cheekbone. A mop of ebony curls held back by a metal headband engraved with an unknown symbol. A widening grin that showcased two sets of the deepest dimples Tobirama had ever seen, the emotion displayed an obvious mockery of the severity of this new threat.
(Something in his senses, seeking, meeting, recognising-)
The katana didn't skewer Izuna, finally felling a foe too dangerous to be allowed to keep breathing.
No, the stranger did the impossible; running faster than the cutting-edge, space-time fuinjutsu of the Hiraishin.
He deflected it.
Time restarted.
Tobirama skidded as soon as his feet touched the ground again, digging in his heels and dragging his momentum round in a sharp turn. He was just fast enough to catch the blur of the stranger as he planted a sandal between Izuna’s shoulderblades and booted him clear across the field, where he landed with a shriek of rage on top of both Madara and Hashirama.
That was the two strongest Uchiha against his brother-
Tobirama tensed his thighs to launch himself after his opponent, only for the stranger to plant himself, faster than Tobirama could see but just slow enough for his senses to register, directly in his path again.
In his hand, he wielded a simple tantō.
“Senju Tobirama,” the stranger started, still smiling as if the sight of Tobirama was the best thing he’d ever laid eyes on. And those eyes- "I've been wanting to meet you for a long time."
Tobirama’s chakra fluctuated, resisting the usual iron-clad control he maintained on his core, and Tobirama ruthlessly wrestled himself into submission. He was a Shinobi before everything, and having a reaction changed nothing about the threat this second Uchiha presented.
Tobirama levelled his sword and refused to falter. “You interrupted my jutsu, Uchiha.”
He was undeniably one of them, his strange Sharingan as different as Madara and Izuna's variations were from the standard trio of tomoe. Even discounting how other he was - a tattoo on his exposed bicep, no Uchiha emblem but that same leaf engraved on his greaves and chest-guard - Tobirama could taste that specific flavour of fire-smoke-spice in his chakra that denoted Uchiha heritage. Even if his chakra cycled faster than anyone Tobirama had ever seen outside of a rare, enraged Hyuuga.
“I'm sorry, I've no doubt it would've been very impressive. That seal looks like a masterpiece.” He managed to convey genuine admiration, whatever his ploy was. “But I want lasting peace and letting you kill Madara-sama’s remaining brother would be pretty counterproductive.”
Tobirama tried to split his focus on how Hashirama was faring - Touka’s signature had raced over to support from one side, they were lucky that Hikaku wasn't present to face her today - but, for the first time since he was a child overwhelmed by Hashirama’s presence… Tobirama wasn't fully able to.
His every sense, physical and chakra alike, were honed on the Shinobi before him.
Tobirama tempered his breathing.
“Peace? The Uchiha have no appetite for anything but violence. And I have no reason to ever believe you, Uchiha.”
Hashirama could - would - take people for face value. Tobirama… couldn't. Everything was a trick, a ploy, had a price, and he’d paid it in blood and tears and the lives of his brothers because no ceasefire ever lasted and Tobirama wouldn't lose Hashirama as well.
The stranger - Shisui, Uchiha Shisui, and there was a errant thought noting how it meant ‘death water’, a match to Tobirama's own moniker of ‘Water Death’ - didn't do anything foolish, like lower his blade, but his expression remained open. Intentionally so. He wanted Tobirama to tear his words apart and check the validity of his earnestness. Even his chakra didn't contract away from Tobirama’s keen sensing, in fact it was leaning in-
"My name's Shisui and if it's a reason to trust the Uchiha that you're looking for…"
His eyes didn't match. In his peripheral vision, Tobirama could see that the left was the usual Sharingan-red but, instead of tomoe, had a thick, turning pinwheel around a crimson pupil. The right, however, was much more complex, a lattice overlaying the whole design, and the chakra that surged to the Dojutsu was massively lopsided, the right eye drawing so much more…
“-well, I’m hoping you recognise the resonance as much as I do. I wasn't expecting it, let me tell you now, but I can't say I’m upset to be paired with someone as impressive as you."
Enjoy! Sorry it's not fluffy 😅
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tenebraevesper · 6 months
Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 36: A Twinkle of Chaos
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''I've gotta be so much more than this, and I'm gonna try. I'm cool in a twisted kind of bliss, with saying good-bye.''
– So Much More… by Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
''Hey, Eggman, are you even there?!'' Sonic shouted into the air, then kept silent, waiting for some kind of response. He then turned to Lucas. ''Strange… Wouldn't the old Egghead start gloating by this point?''
''Yeah, you're right…'' Lucas agreed, being as confused as Sonic to why the Doctor didn't appear to talk to them. ''Maybe he's busy with something else, although I couldn't imagine what would be more important…'' He trailed off as, suddenly, a holographic screen appeared before them. ''Oh, there he is!''
''Hey, Doc, you're late to the party!'' Sonic said tauntingly. Dr. Eggman looked a bit irked at first, but then smirked.
''Don't worry, Hedgehog, I have arrived precisely at the right moment,'' he said. Lucas took a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips as he stared at the holographic monitor.
''What do you want from us, Eggman?'' he asked.
''As you had already speculated, I'm here to gloat about my victory over you,'' Eggman responded. Lucas and Sonic arched their eyebrows, exchanging glances and clearly looking confused.
''Uh, but you didn't even win,'' Sonic pointed out. ''Lucas and I are standing here, clearly not defeated.''
''True, but now I'm free to exploit your greatest weakness – boredom,'' Eggman responded. Sonic was confused for a moment, having expected the Doctor to say something else, but then shrugged.
''I suppose that explains the lack of a Final Boss,'' he said. ''Still, it's not like I'll die of boredom.''
''I know,'' Eggman responded, pressing a button. ''That's why I prepared this!''
Another holographic screen opened, and much to Sonic and Lucas' surprise, they saw Amy fighting Metal Sonic, while Minami was fighting the Badniks that Ferra sent after them. Sonic frowned, glaring at Eggman.
''What have you done to them, Egghead?!'' Sonic growled, with Eggman looking pleased with the reaction the blue hedgehog gave him.
''I have managed to capture all of your pathetic friends and put them in AR Fields similar to this one,'' Eggman explained. ''However, unlike your friends, who will all have to fight for their survival, you have the privilege to watch them struggle. I'm sure this is going to be like torture to you.''
Sonic gritted his teeth, clearly furious that Eggman placed his friends in danger, and he was completely powerless, unable to do anything to help them. He glanced at Lucas for some kind of guidance, but Lucas just stared at Eggman with a serious look on his expression. Eggman, in turn, laughed madly, clearly enjoying seeing the two being so helpless and angry that their friends were fighting on their own.
''I will enjoy this… Orbot, get me some popcorn!'' Eggman turned to the robot off-screen, and the holographic screen turned off, but four more appeared, showing Tails and Warren, Knuckles and Lily, Silver and Makoto, and Shadow and Touka in their respective Zones. Sonic saw that Tails and Knuckles were fighting against two more robots that looked similar to Metal Sonic, Silver was dealing with Badniks and Shadow had to fight a mech.
''Lucas, do you have any ideas?'' Sonic asked, turning to his partner for advice. He knew that, if there was anyone who could figure out a way out of this Zone, it would be Lucas. However, Lucas was silent, his eyes narrowed.
''Honestly, I don't know,'' Lucas replied, much to Sonic's dismay. ''I don't know enough about the AR Field, and I sincerely doubt your speed is going to help us here.'' He stepped towards the holographic screens, observing each of them. ''What I do know is that the whole of Team Neos is fighting against Dr. Eggman and trying to find a way out, and I'm certain that they will succeed.''
''So, are you suggesting that we just stand here and do nothing?'' Sonic asked, puzzled.
''I'm not saying to that we won't do anything. We are waiting for the right moment,'' Lucas explained, pointing at one of the screens. ''Minami and Amy are fighting Ferra and Metal Sonic, meaning that if they defeat the two, that means that Ferra and Metal Sonic will try to retreat and they can follow them out.''
''I see… So, we have to trust in their own strength,'' Sonic replied. Lucas nodded.
''Exactly! We both know that all our friends can handle things just fine,'' he replied. ''Once we find a weak spot in the AR Field, we're getting out.''
''I wish that we could get out sooner and help them, but I guess we have no other choice,'' Sonic noted, turning towards the screens. He did fully trust his friends, but nevertheless, he had hoped that he'd also participate in this battle.
Amy charged at Metal Sonic, holding her Piko Piko Hammer up high, but Metal Sonic was faster, dodging her attack. Instead, she left a crater on the ground. For a brief moment, Amy glanced at Minami to see how she was holding up, but her partner had no issues dealing with the horde of Badniks that was closing in on her, swinging her pink hammer around and destroying them. Amy then turned back to Metal Sonic and Ferra, who didn't appear to be bothered at all by this display of raw power and fighting spirit. In fact, Ferra looked almost bored, which led to Amy being suspicious of her.
However, before she could figure out what bothered her, she was attacked by Metal Sonic. His clawed hands and her hammer clashed, releasing pink sparks, and Metal Sonic was forced to back off as Amy overpowered him thanks to Chaos Surge. Amy then leapt again at Metal Sonic, only for the latter to fly back to Ferra, who just smirked.
''Chaos Surge!''
Minami and Amy stepped up, with Minami breathing heavily as they stared down at the empowered Ferra and Metal Sonic. Ferra replied in a simple tone, ''You shouldn't have wasted your Chaos Surge.''
''I still have plenty of energy for this battle,'' Minami growled, charging towards Ferra with her pink hammer held high, only to see an orb of white and light blue energy appearing between Ferra's hands and her firing it straight at Minami. Minami held up her hammer, swinging it into the blast of energy, but was knocked back by the resulting impact, causing an explosion.
''Minami!'' Amy attempted to run over to check on her partner, but was almost hit by a blast of energy from Metal Sonic.
Minami was lying on the ground, gritting her teeth. She felt her whole body aching, her hammer lying uselessly next to her. Ferra approached her with a smirk.
''I don't think I had really ever shown what powers I get via Chaos Surge. Turns out, it's both super speed and firing energy blasts at people. Quite convenient, isn't it?'' Ferra explained, earning a glare from Minami.
''Let's see… If we go here, we should be able to get to the Hidden Palace Zone,'' Lily said as they reached a teleporter. She and Knuckles stepped on it, only to find themselves back exactly where they had started. Both were startled, with Knuckles looking around in surprise.
''What happened?'' he asked, turning to Lily.
''It seems like we cannot escape Sky Sanctuary,'' she groaned.
''So, we're stuck here?'' Knuckles asked, with Lily nodding. He then turned on his heel and walked away. ''Fine, then I will find the borders and punch my way out.''
''I like the plan, but how do we- agh!'' Lily was startled when something suddenly jumped right in front of them.
This figure was a robot built in the image of Sonic; thus, he was mostly built out of blue metal, with light blue-colored metal on his belly and muzzle. His head had metal fins designed like Sonic's quills and a pair of triangular ''ears''. The robot's feet were red-colored with a white stripe in the middle, resembling Sonic's shoes. He also had a horizontal optic sensor as eyes.
''Get out of my way!'' Knuckles growled. He was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the robot, but frankly, he didn't care much about what the robot wanted, he just wanted to find a way out of the AR Field. However, the robot refused, taking a battle stance.
''Be careful, Knuckles,'' Lily warned him. ''This is Mecha Sonic, the Boss of Sky Sanctuary.''
''Mecha Sonic, huh?'' Knuckles slammed his fists together, smirking gleefully. ''If I can beat up the real deal without any problems, this robot is nothing.''
''Once again, I like the confidence, but I have a bad feeling about this,'' Lily said in a deadpan tone. It was obvious that this was a trap made by Eggman, because she sincerely doubted that Starline would send Mecha Sonic after them. However, she had to wonder whether the robot was just here to fight them or if there was more to it.
Knuckles, on the other hand, charged at Mecha Sonic, who leapt back, then turned into a ball and went for a spin attack right into Knuckles. Knuckles dodged and went for an uppercut, hitting Mecha Sonic square in the face and sending him flying back. He then punched his fists again with a satisfied smirk, but Mecha Sonic wasn't going down so easily.
''Good thing there is no Master Emerald anywhere in this place,'' Lily muttered to herself as Mecha Sonic and Knuckles charged at each other again.
''Watch it!'' Warren shouted, him and Tails dodging an attack from the robot that ambushed them. Their opponent was a silver, bulky robot model based on Sonic in terms of appearance. The head structure contained pointy ears, sharp saw-blade quills and a round orange eye on a wide black sclera. The robot also featured a metallic armor with two arms and orange rocket boosters with tires. ''Silver Sonic shouldn't be too hard to take out, but… Yikes!''
Silver Sonic, or rather Mecha Sonic, as the former was just a nickname the fandom gave him to distinguish him from Mecha Sonic Mark II (aka the Mecha Sonic who was currently fighting Knuckles, leapt into the air, curling into a ball and firing spike-like rockets from his quills. Both Tails and Warren leapt behind a steel pillar for safety, with the rockets hitting it and exploding.
''Okay, I admit that I was wrong,'' Warren said, giving Tails an alarmed look. Tails glanced behind them when they heard a thud, as Silver Sonic landed back on the ground.
''Any ideas?'' he asked Warren.
''Unfortunately, nothing's coming to mind,'' Warren shook his head. Sure, he played the video game, but he didn't know how much of that knowledge he could apply to this situation. ''We could use Chaos Surge and short-circuit him.''
''Sounds like a good idea,'' Tails responded, narrowing his eyes. ''I wonder if a Chaos Surge-powered EMP would also work on the AR Field.''
''Probably, but we need to deal with Silver Sonic- agh!'' Both Warren and Tails were startled when Silver Sonic suddenly appeared in front of them, with both diving towards the ground to dodge the attack. Tails then found himself attacked once again by Silver Sonic, only for the robot to stop when Warren threw a piece of rubble at it, distracting it long enough for Tails to rush over and reach out for his partner.
''Chaos Surge!''
Empowered, Tails suddenly flew towards Silver Sonic, who attempted a spin attack, only for Tails to easily fly around the robot and point his hands at it, releasing a pulse that fried Silver Sonic's circuits. The robot fell, hitting the ground, with Warren celebrating.
''Awesome! That was- Ah, com'n!''
''Oh, no!''
Both Warren and Tails saw Silver Sonic suddenly glitching out and getting up. It appeared that the robot was ready for Round 2.
''Man, one wrong move and we're dead,'' Makoto said as he looked over the edge of the platform at the pit below them, with Silver casually floating next to him.
''Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall over,'' Silver responded in an encouraging tone.
Makoto nodded in response, only for them to suddenly get surprised by a giant wheel with a grey tire and was decorated with alternating of yellow and brown-colored strips around its circumference. It had three contraptions mounted on it which could revolve around about the wheel's center: a cockpit, a laser cannon and a giant hand. The cockpit and the cannon was blue and orange, and the hand was mostly gray with some blue and orange dots on it. Each of these contraptions were mounted on a metallic stand on the wheel, which was mostly grey with a blue spherical glass on either end, a smaller blue spherical unit on the center, and orange borders with spikes underneath.
Both Makoto and Silver stared at it, clearly confused by the contraption, with Silver asking, ''What's that?''
''Uh, I think that's supposed to be the Boss of Sky Canyon; the Egg Saucer. I think it was piloted by Knuckles in the video game,'' Makoto explained.
''Do you think Knuckles is piloting it now?'' Silver asked. Makoto shook his head.
''I doubt it,'' he responded, only for both of them to get startled when the Egg Saucer suddenly rolled towards them, as if guided by an invisible hand. Silver pointed his hands at it, using his psychokinesis to stop the Egg Saucer and even lift it up. He gritted his teeth, feeling the weight of the contraption, but he managed to swerve it, forcing it to fall over the platform and into the abyss.
Silver then fell on his knees, breathing heavily, while Makoto stared in shock. ''Uh… That was quick.''
Silver smiled at him, quite amused. ''I had figured that I should finish this fight as soon as possible.''
Makoto walked over, helping Silver up as he added, ''Yeah… It's just- This was considered the hardest boss fight in the game.''
''Really?'' Silver was surprised, both him and Makoto glancing over at the abyss, noticing the Egg Saucer glitching out and vanishing. ''I wonder who piloted it.''
''Our main suspect would be Eggman, but this feels kinda sloppy,'' Makoto replied, narrowing his eyes.
Both Touka and Shadow dodged the snowballs tossed by the Yukigasen Badniks, a bunch of Badniks that looked like snowmen with yellow eyes and a red scarf. Shadow managed to use his super speed to get close to them and fired several Chaos Spears, destroying the Badniks. He turned back to Touka, who was covered in snow, and shook her head, getting it out of her hair.
''I hate this place,'' she said, still feeling cold and shivering. Shadow didn't comment, having made sure that she was fine. He was more worried about the sudden sound of something large and metallic landing before them. It was a huge robot with no legs, mostly gray with red circles, and blue jet propulsors on its shoulders and chest. Someone was sitting in the blue cockpit, controlling the mech, known as the Hyper Eggrobo, the semi-final Boss of Sonic Advance 3.
''Dr. Eggman?'' Shadow stepped up, him and Touka staring at the Hyper Eggrobo. To their surprise, the glass panel opened, revealing a white platypus instead.
''Unfortunately, not. But, don't worry, I'm just as good as the Doctor in using one of these,'' Dr. Starline replied, noting the glare both Touka and Shadow shot him. ''I suppose it would be rude to destroy you without introducing myself, though. My name is Dr. Starline, the one and only, and Dr. Eggman's most trusted ally. Although, I suppose you may have heard of me.''
''Admittedly, we did hear about you from Lucas, Sonic and the others, but, honestly, we still have no clue who you are,'' Touka replied, glaring daggers at the platypus. Starline frowned, being clearly offended by this.
''Such disrespect!'' he huffed.
''Those are the consequences of being in isolation for so long,'' Shadow added in a matter-of-fact tone. ''If you want to be mad at someone, go after the scientists at the Codex Research Facility.''
''I suppose that makes sense…'' Starline muttered. ''In any case, I-''
''You were the one who trapped us here, weren't you?'' Touka suddenly interrupted him, glaring daggers at the platypus. Starline was a bit caught off by the question, mainly because of Touka's interruption, but then scoffed.
''The AR Field is actually a combination of Dr. Eggman and my own ideas-'' Before Starline could even continue, Touka yelled again.
''Why the hell did you send us to this area instead of somewhere, oh, I dunno, tropical?!'' she asked angrily. Starline just stared at her, looking baffled, while Shadow felt exasperated. He was a little amused by Touka's priorities, but they had to focus on the fight against the huge robot. Starline, who snapped back from his stunned silence, rolled his eyes.
''You will have to lodge that complaint with Dr. Eggman,'' Starline responded. ''However, I doubt that will happen after I'm finished here.''
He swung one of the robot's arms towards them, about to crush them, but Shadow managed to grab Touka and warp away safely, with Shadow then warping right in front of the opening in the Hyper Egggrobo's chest. He then summoned a Chaos Spear, throwing it right into it. Starline freaked out as he heard an minor explosion coming from the chest, with the Hyper Eggrobo suddenly shaking, and he looked at a monitor to assess the damage. The chest was obviously compromised, but to his relief, Starline could still control the robot. He fired several red bombs at the two, with Shadow being forced to once again warp Touka away from harm, only for Starline to suddenly launch the arms at them.
''Watch out!'' Touka grabbed Shadow, running with him behind an ice wall, with one of the arms hitting it and causing it to crack. ''Okay, we need a strategy here. I can't just let you protect me all the time.''
While Shadow wanted to respond that that has been always his job and there was no reason to complain, he knew this was no time to start an argument. ''Then, what do you suggest?''
''Let's use Chaos Surge. That way, we can both fight,'' Touka replied. ''We need to find a way to the cockpit and get Starline out of it.''
''If we use Chaos Surge, won't the AR Field collapse due to the excessive Chaos Energy?'' Shadow asked.
''I think that we should take the risk,'' Touka replied. Shadow thought about it for a moment, before nodding in agreement. They could worry about the consequences later. Now, they needed to defeat Starline.
''Chaos Surge!''
Meanwhile, Starline was distracted with downloading the repair data from the AR Field to fix the robot. He then turned to a monitor, which warned him about the other robot he sent to deal with Silver and Makoto had failed. He gritted his teeth, but figured that it was to be expected that it would be defeated without a proper pilot. Starline had chosen to deal with Silver later as he saw Shadow as a greater danger and believed that the dark hedgehog needed to be taken care of immediately. Fortunately, he managed to fix the robot and face the siblings once again, only to be taken off guard when he saw both of their eyes flashing orange, surrounded by a powerful aura. He growled, realizing he forgot to monitor the battle field.
''Never mind, I can take care of this,'' he grumbled, throwing another batch of bombs at the two. However, to his surprise, both just warped away, out of range of the explosion, with Shadow skating towards the robot, preparing another Chaos Spear. Starline focused on him, sending an hand at the hedgehog, only to be startled when Touka suddenly warped on the left shoulder, Chaos Spear in her hand, and rammed it right into the propulsor. Starline cried out in surprise when the robot suddenly tilted to the right, with Touka warping away. He quickly started the repairs, but was disrupted by another Chaos Spear to the back from Shadow, followed by a spin attack to the cockpit. Starline looked up, relieved that there were no cracks on it, as the glass was reinforced, but he felt a chill flow down his spine when he saw Shadow glaring daggers at him. He knew that he had to finish this battle quickly, so he pressed a button. It was something he had added, using up the robot's energy, but if he had a proper target, he could destroy them easily.
His target was Touka.
Shadow noticed the robot suddenly charging up, the chest area glowing, and had a brief second to realize that Starline was targeting Touka, who had frozen when the chest area suddenly flashed, almost blinding her. Shadow realized he only had seconds, his body moving before his mind could process anything as a memory of a strange, yet familiar power appeared.
''Chaos Control!''
Shadow was stunned when everything around him slowed down, as if time had stopped. However, he knew that he had no time to ponder about his newfound aspect of Chaos Control, as he had tapped into all of the power both he and Touka shared, a memory of the time he had fought the Irregular at the Codex Research Facility flashing in his mind. He furrowed a brow.
I refuse to repeat this again.
He charged straight at the robot, his mad dash turning into a spin attack that knocked it back, and he leapt back, snapping his fingers and holding up his hand in the air.
''Chaos Spear!''
The air cracked with energy, and multiple Chaos Spears rained down on the robot, destroying it's armor and limbs, and even cracking the cockpit, with another one shattering it. Then, as Shadow landed on the soft snow, time started to flow again, and he witnessed the robot falling apart, with Starline panicking as he realized that he lost. He was about to press another button to forcefully exit the AR Field, when suddenly, everything around him started to glitch out.
''Wh-What is this?!''
The glitching lasted only for a moment, and Starline quickly pressed the button, fearing that he'd get trapped within the AR Field. Fortunately, it allowed him to leave, with the robot also vanishing. Shadow observed what happened, but then quickly joined Touka, who fell on her knees, completely exhausted. Her energy had depleted and she was shaking, although not because of the cold.
''Touka, are you okay?'' Shadow asked her worriedly. Touka nodded, pressing her hand against the temple.
''Yeah, I guess so, but what had happened? The robot was there a second ago and then it started falling apart,'' she inquired.
''I used Chaos Control, and then time suddenly stopped… or at least, it slowed down,'' Shadow explained.
''I see… Isn't that another aspect of Chaos Control?'' Touka said, remembering the lore of the Sonic the Hedgehog video games. ''By using Chaos Control, one can manipulate space and time, but even then, isn't stopping time a bit overpowered?''
''Well, I managed to deplete almost all of your BioEnergy, didn't I?'' Shadow responded, with Touka noting the snark in his tone. So, she decided to fire back.
''Yeah, and that happened without me fainting,'' she responded. Shadow was startled by that, and instead of bantering back, just looked down at the glittering snow, flustered and without an answer. Touka immediately realized that her younger brother was still upset over what had happened at the Codex Research Facility, mentally cursing out all the people who made him suffer like that. She then smiled, and quickly pulled him into a hug, much to Shadow's surprise. ''Nevertheless, this shows how much you have grown, and I'm really proud of you.''
''Yeah, thanks… Could you stop choking me?'' Shadow gave her a grumpy look when Touka refused to let go of him, simply grinning back in defiance. Fortunately, he was back to his usual self.
Suddenly, their surroundings started to glitch out once again, and both jumped on their feet, realizing that these were the consequences of the earlier Chaos Control, and prepared themselves for the worst outcome. However, when the glitching suddenly stopped, a bright green light appeared before them, revealing itself to be a gem resembling a green diamond, about the size of Touka's fist. It was floating before them, leaving both of them confused.
''Wait, is that…?'' Touka started, blinking.
''It's a Chaos Emerald,'' Shadow finished her thought, and carefully reached for it. To his shock, once he grabbed it, he could feel the overwhelming power of the Chaos Emerald, a wave of energy crashing against him, making it clear that this was the real deal. Admittedly, while he and Touka were unfamiliar with the details of the lore, they were well informed about the Chaos Emeralds, as Minami insisted on the two memorizing everything about those magical gems.
Touka then hummed, only to snap her fingers, ''If this is really a Chaos Emerald, maybe we can use it to escape the AR Field. If a Chaos Control like that caused the AR Field to glitch out, then I can only imagine what a Chaos Emerald can do.''
''We might end up shutting down the AR Field,'' Shadow warned her.
''Once again, we need to take a risk,'' Touka responded. ''After all, it's not like we can use Starline to get out of this place.''
''True...'' Shadow trailed off, a bit surprised when Touka made a miserable face.
''I also just want to get to someplace warmer,'' she said. Shadow just sighed in exasperation.
''Now, this is the response I had expected from you,'' he said, then held up the Chaos Emerald. ''Chaos Control!''
Both of them vanished in a flash of green light.
''What happened?!'' Sonic cried out in surprise, him and Lucas being both caught off guard by their surroundings suddenly glitching out, the holographic screens in front of them turning into static for a brief moment. Once the glitching stopped, they turned back to the screens, shocked to see Shadow and Touka having found a green Chaos Emerald.
''How's that possible? The Chaos Emeralds shouldn't even exist,'' Lucas stated, completely stunned. Sonic hummed, placing his hand under his chin as he thought about it. Just like Shadow and the rest of his Irregular teammates, he had been informed by Lucas about the Chaos Emeralds and that it was impossible for them to exist in real life.
''Maybe, but I think we just got a lucky break,'' Sonic noted. ''If Shadow and Touka got one, and there are 7 Chaos Emeralds in total, perhaps we could find the rest of them.''
''Right, and if we can use them to their full potential, we could all escape the AR Field,'' Lucas added, nodding in agreement. Sonic gave him a thumbs up.
''Then, let's go!''
Starline was freaking out. He just realized that he had failed his first big mission, one that had been entrusted by Dr. Eggman to him. How was he supposed to face his idol now?! How could he even lose to that hedgehog?! He had a perfect plan and now everything was ruined! What was he supposed to do now?! Starline was pacing in the room, doing his best to try to ignore the sense of panic rising inside him, wondering what he was supposed to tell Dr. Eggman.
''Dr. Starline?''
Starline almost jumped out of his skin and quickly turned around, seeing Orbot at the door. ''Wh-What do you want?!''
''The Boss wants to see you,'' Orbot told him, then left. Starline gulped nervously, wondering what he was supposed to do now. Obviously, he followed Orbot to the main control room, but he was also trying to think of a good excuse to why he had lost.
It is all their fault that I have lost. If Shadow hadn't come up with that trick, I would've won otherwise! Starline thought angrily, only to return to his initial nervousness when he entered the main control room. Eggman was sitting at one of the screens, observing the data that was being gathered.
''Uh, uhm…''
''Dr. Starline, you're back,'' Eggman said, turning around towards the platypus, who gulped anxiously. He tried to figure out Eggman's mood, fearing that the Doctor was furious, but instead, he was met with cold indifference. ''So, what do you think of your first fight with Team Neos?''
''Well, I… it was quite an interesting experience,'' Starline responded, taken off guard by the question. He then quickly cleared his throat, adding, ''It appears that I lacked a contingency plan for Shadow suddenly developing a new ability. However, I…''
''I'm currently not in mood to listen to your excuses,'' Eggman told him in a dismissive tone, waving his hand, and Starline quickly shut up. Eggman then smirked. ''Instead, perhaps you'd want to take a look at this.''
''Sure… but, what is this?'' Starline asked, noting seven red dots appearing on the screens.
''Those are the Chaos Emeralds,'' Eggman told him. ''It appears that your earlier clash with Shadow and Touka had caused a glitch within the AR Field. Somehow, the Chaos Energy within Shadow caused the Chaos Emeralds to appear.''
''T-The Chaos Emeralds?!'' Starline was genuinely shocked to hear something like that. ''But, that should be impossible!''
''It appears that it is not as impossible as it seems to be. Speaking of which, if you're done resting, you'll be going right back to the AR Field,'' Eggman told him, with Starline returning a stunned look. ''We will gather the Chaos Emeralds before Team Neos does. Consider this your second chance.''
''Of course, Sir,'' Starline responded, quickly walking out. He felt both relieved, yet anxious as he realized he'll be going back to fight Team Neos for the Chaos Emeralds. However, the anxiety then vanished when he realized that Eggman trusted him enough to gather something powerful like the Chaos Emeralds, and a sense of pride swelled inside him. He smirked, already planning how he'd gather the Chaos Emeralds.
Meanwhile, Eggman leaned back in his seat, pressing a button and calling Ferra. She and Metal Sonic had been clearly caught off guard by their surroundings glitching out, along with Minami and Amy, and Eggman decided to take advantage of that.
''Ferra, Metal, change of plans! You'll be going after the Chaos Emeralds.''
Ferra and Metal Sonic were genuinely surprised to hear that, staring back at the holographic screen.
''W-Wait, the Chaos Emeralds?''
''You heard me right. I already sent Starline to find them, but just to make sure, you'll be going after them as well. Have you understood me?''
''Loud and clear, Doctor!''
The holographic screen then closed, and Eggman got up, with Orbot and Cubot quickly approaching him. Orbot asked, ''Are you going anywhere, Boss?''
''Oh, I'm going on a little gem hunt,'' Eggman responded.
''But, haven't you sent Dr. Starline, Metal Sonic and Ferra to do it for you?'' Cubot asked, scratching his head.
''I did, but they'll also prove to be an useful distraction,'' Eggman explain. ''When everyone is too busy fighting each other, I'll be the one to swoop in and take all the Chaos Emeralds for myself, ho, ho, ho!''
#Previous Chapter
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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I have finally caught up with 100 years quest and now I wanna talk about it so uh
First of all, fav new characters are Wraith, Suzaku and Mercphobia. Probably because we focus on them and get an in-depth look. (The only others we actually get a look into their background is Elefseria, Kirin and hints with Selene)
I defiantly liked the labyrinth section more than the earlier half, possibly because Gajeel and Laxus content but also seeing all these dragon slayers fighting was great.
Laxus jumping in to protect Lucy is a huge show of growth since he would never have done that in the Battle of Fairy tail.
Also his fight against Kirin was interesting. They actually finally brought up how Ivan was the one to put that Lacrima in Laxus again after not really mentioning it since the Battle of Fairy tail. Plus him seeing it as the final link to his father and by ripping it out and consuming Elexion's soul, he freed himself from that final tie was cool. Like the lacrima was something he kept inside him begrudgingly and this fight was the excuse to remove it. (Which also Laxus is the only one to canonically be forced to have his Lacrima. God Serena, Sting and Rogue all chose to have theirs and although Cobra says he chose it as well, he was probably manipulated in some way to want it but Laxus had no say in the matter. He was just forced to take this lacrima that probably could have killed him if something went wrong (I also doubt its very legal to implant a lacrima that isn't for health reasons into a child))
Gajeel against the weird alchemy God Serena was great too. I was happy to see him get some spot light
I also yelled in joy when I saw that Gajeel and Carla (even if for a bit) got teamed up together. I found it funny that it was the exact same team up that I put into the post Tenrou chapters of the AU which wasn't even influenced by this, I just picked Carla because I didn't want to pick Lily because that seemed too obvious.
Lily asking if Touka would stay just because Laxus didn't have a cat is probably my favourite line that Lily has ever said. The fact that Gajeel points it out when its him without a cat and then Gajeel points it out. I was laughing and wondering if Lily would say the same thing about Cobra seeing as he is also without a flying companion now that Cubelious is human. Not sure how I feel about Freed's line about being Laxus' cat because it could be taken the wrong way and gives me slight Juvia vibes which I really don't want because Juvia was assassinated, please don't do the same to Freed and make him a one note character.
I was very happy to see someone from Crime sorciere other than Jellal and Sorano be mentioned and the fact that the context was Erza asking Jellal to join Fairy tail and by extension Meredy was great because Juvia and Meredy friendship. Plus I want Jellal to bond with Laxus and Gajeel because they both can kind of understand what Jellal did (Obviously its different Legal scales, Jellal did the worst legally. Gajeel is more morally bad with a bit of illegal stuff thrown and Laxus was mostly just morally bad, even if he had intent to kill, most of the damage he personally caused was to Natsu and Gajeel who went to fight him)
I'm also glad that Diablos and Fairy tail are friends because I wanted Suzaku to be on good terms with them because he very clearly liked them since he got on with them before they realised they were enemies. Its nice to know that the guild wasn't all that bad. Wasn't expecting the master to be smooshed though. Glad he was though. He gave me Jiemma vibes. Dunno if it was his design or somethin but serious Jiemma vibes.
Laxus being practically unphased by most of the events transpiring was hilarious. He was just like 'Eh if I get to beat some guys and save the day then who cares'
Also the fact the first thing he yells upon seeing the others is "A dragon" like he hasn't ever seen a dragon before even though he's seen 7 during the dragon king festival, Acnologia twice times (I can't quite remember if he was still conscious when Acno and the other dragons showed up but I think he'd passed out by then) and was on a dragon not that long before that point.
Yeah, was liking the new stuff a lot more than the old stuff. I found that a lot of the stuff after maybe mid to late Alderon arc was kinda meh. It wasn't as fun to read as the more recent stuff. I guess I'm more of a fan of the older fights from the original series. I was a lot more invested in fights like the fights from Phantom lord, battle of Fairy tail and oracion seiz. Maybe because they had a bit more verity to them. Like literally the fight between Natsu and Totomaru was just a petty match of who could do the pettier thing. Like spitting at someone and deliberately using a fire that has a bad odour is petty and that just made it fun to watch because it was a different flavour of fight. And other fights had far better stakes and such. (Alveraz had really bad stakes because there was too many fakeout deaths that didn't need to happen.
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sabishi-tomo · 10 months
12, 13, 14, 15, 29 and 32 for ANS asks please
Sorry for the late answer, anon! I was procrastinating a bit since I was traveling when you first asked. Full list of asks here. 12. Favorite arc The Bergatt arc! I loved everything about it: the political intrigue, the mystery behind who had framed Mitsuhide, Kiki's fake engagement to Hisame, seeing Zen, Kiki & Obi work together, Hisame & Mitsuhide bickering, the Bergatt family drama and the bond between the twins... Everything was amazing!
13. Favorite scene or line Answered here in detail! It's basically a scene that I liked enough to get a coloring commission of (see below!) Coloring by @iluvluvnutella
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14. Most hated arc The perfume arc! It was a bit too long and the focus shifted too much away from the main gang. It didn't help that I'm not super invested in Eisetsu as a character (or Kageya for that matter). and I felt like he didn't need so much screentime, lol.
15. Your controversial take Answered here.
29. Things you still don’t understand Why Touka Bergatt was dumb enough to try to assassinate a prince (next in line to the throne) inside a military base. What was his exit plan and how did he think he would escape after killing Zen when there were so many witnesses? If his plan was just to kill everyone at the base and make a run for it, that just seems... supremely dumb. My theory is he was just so unhinged at that point that he lost sight of the bigger picture.
32. The best part of the fandom Answered here! But basically it's how warm and friendly and encouraging the community is. It makes content creation and discourse really fun.
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luna-loner · 2 years
The Multilinguals of E Class:
A list of students who are canonically or possibly fluent in more than one language. I tried not to include my opinions much, but there were some instances I felt the need to clarify why I placed a particular student on this list, and canon information didn't feel enough.
Nakamura Rio: It's well-known this girl is as fluent in English as a native speaker; hence why she's the first on this list.
Shiota Nagisa: Another obvious one, not only because English is his best subject, but also because he was able to use it during the space arc to explain his and Karma's mission, indicating his fluency.
Hazama Kirara: The graduation album reveals she majored in English and French literature. However, it also mentioned she's read books from around the world in their original language, so maybe Hazama knows more than three languages.
Ritsu: A Norwegian AI who speaks Japanese. It's not far-fetched to say she's programmed to speak pretty much every single living langauge. Who knows, maybe dead ones as well?
Akabane Karma: Like Nagisa, Karma seems fluent in English. He had no problem understanding and responding to Kevin, as well as taunting the other foriegn exchange students about how "the whole school is a battlefield" Another instance is the space arc, where he again uses English to communicate.
Takebayashi Kotarou: He spoke English during the pole-toppling contest.
Kataoka Megu: In the reaper arc, Megu asks Irina for some French lessons and later reveals she has a French manga from her.
Possible candidates:
Yada Touka and Kurahashi Hinano: As Irina's top two students, It's possible they're fluent in English and perhaps in other languages, too, especially Yada, given how she's interested in learning everything from Irina (apart from seduction as stated in the Graduation album) Plus, fluency in English, as well as other languages, is useful in the business sector.
Chiba Ryuunosuke: I wasn't gonna include him on the list until I re-read his rollbook profile which mentioned how he's a math wiz with a university-level understanding of spartial diagrams, and he has that same energy geared towards social studies and English; but I'm not sure if this means he's fluent in the language or just booksmart.
Sugino Tomohito: Also wasn't gonna add him until I re-read the rollbook. Korosensei said Sugino should improve his English if he wants to make it to the baseball league, and we do see Sugino playing in the major leagues, so who knows?
There's also my theory that everyone in E Class knows sign language. The only evidence I can give is when Irina distracted the guards at the hotel and communicated with the students through sign language. Of course, one can argue she was signing to Karasuma only, but judging from Nagisa's reaction, I'm sure everyone understood her, meaning they all know sign language.
If it's true, then everyone on this list is at least trilingual, but again, this is just a theory/headcanon.
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kyanitedragon · 7 days
Touriko Playlist
“She Bore It All With A Smile”
Tightrope - Michelle Williams (“never sure, never know how far we could fall / but it's all an adventure / that comes with a breathtaking view / walking the tightrope / with you”)
Girl In Blue - Animal Sun (“she screams tonight, "i wanna be like you!" / dancing in the light to forget the abuse”)
Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA (“the feeling that i'm losing her forever / and without really entering her world / i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter / that funny little girl / slipping through my fingers all the time”)
Strawberry Blond - Mitski (“i love everybody because i love you”)
She Likes A Boy - Nxdia (“strawberry lipgloss, oh, it's wasted / on this dumb boy who likes the chase / but why am I so angry in the first place? why am I hurting? she's not your girlfriend”)
I Miss You - Julia Michaels (“you weren’t a fan of pictures / so i hardly even took ‘em / got them saved in my mind from the bedroom / so that i can’t forget your skin / so i saved all the texts / all of the best over the years / just to remind myself / of how good it is / or was”)
Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart - Mitski (“i don't blame you / if you want to bury me in your memory / i’m not the girl I ought to be, but / maybe when you tell your friends / you can tell them what you saw in me / and not how I turned out to be”)
Glassy Sky - AmaLee (“i didn’t wanna hurt you, hope you know / empty promises / shattered dreams of love”)
What If I Never Get Over You - Lady A (“i’m tryin’ but then i close my eyes / and then i’m right back, lost in that last goodbye”)
Ease My Mind - Hayley Kiyoko (“i need you to be here / i need to see you crystal clear”)
Girls - Girl in Red (“i’ve been hiding for so long / these feelings, they’re not gone”)
Far Away - Nickelback (“too long, too late, who was i to make you wait?”)
The Only Exception - Paramore (“when i was younger / i saw my daddy cry / he broke his own heart / and i watched as he tried to reassemble it / and that was the day that i promised / i’d never sing of love”)
Heather - Conan Gray (“me in your sweater, you said it looked better / on me, than it did you, only if you knew / how much i liked you”)
Boyfriend - Tegan and Sara (“you kiss me like your boyfriend / you call me up like you want your best friend”)
She Likes Girls - Metro Station (“i can read the signals from a mile away / i know she’s on your mind and that’s okay / i think she likes girls”)
Turning Out Pt. ii - AJR (“i think i probably wasn’t in love with you / i think i probably loved the idea of you”)
Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie (“i loved and i loved and i lost you”)
Old Scars / Future Hearts - All Time Low (“those memories of all the future hearts you've killed / i don't wanna be the one that's left behind”)
Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy (“anything you say can and will be held against you / so only say my name / it will be held against you”)
Starving - Hailee Steinfeld (“i didn't know that I was starving ‘til i tasted you / don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo”)
Strawberry Blonde - Chloe Moriondo (“can you stay and make me feel better?”)
Monster - Paramore (“i’ll stop the whole world / from turning into a monster and eating us alive”)
Burning Heart - SVRCINA (“kiss me / fade away / just far enough / i’m drifting / touch you so i know that i’m not dreaming”)
Safe & Sound - Taylor Swift (“you’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now”)
Lover. Fighter. - SVRCINA (“i know, it’s not easy or that simplified, no / but you and i are on each others’ side”)
Warrior - Beth Crowley (“put me to the test / i’ll prove that i’m strong”)
Wild Roses - Of Monsters and Men (“oh roses, they don’t mean a thing, you don’t understand / but why don’t we full on pretend? / before i closed my eyes i saw a moth in the sky / and i wish i could fly that high”)
Meet Me On The Battlefield - SVRCINA (“our tainted history is playing on repeat / but we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead”)
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Malia J (“load up on guns, bring your friends / it's fun to lose and to pretend”)
Breathe In, Breathe Out - Set It Off (“until then, i will choose to display / all these feelings that i hate / you think you know me, but you don't”)
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siverfanweedo · 1 month
Got tagged at @gunsli-01 in this tag game. I don't tend to tag people cuz I just am never sure who to tag but anyone who wants to do this can do it.
1. Are you named after anyone?
the current name i go by Hunter was taken from Hunter from the owl house tho i am considering going back to my chosen legal name my middle name is from a Fate character but i don't wanna say who cuz its not a common middle name
2. When was the last time you cried?
uh i can't remember but probably due to something on tiktok
3. Do you have kids?
No but maybe one day
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
No but i do hike
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I try to but people take it to seriously so i am probably not using it right
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Not to sure :/c i a not really perspective of other folks maybe their height
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Don't really vibe with horror so i guess happy endings
9. Any talents?
Understanding Philosophy, might not be the best but i will see what someone is saying and can more or less pick up on it. I guess also drawing and writing emotional scenes
10. Where were you born?
In the current town i live in, small town in the BC Rockies right in the corner but the US Border and Alberta
11. Hobbies?
I guess drawing and fic writing. I also read manga sometimes and again going on hikes.
12. Any pets?
1 cat, her name is Touka she is black and tries to wake me up very early for food.
13. Height?
like 5'4
14. Favorite school subject?
Philosophy like i know it's not something you have to study and i didn't start it until College but it's been my favorite thing i have learned so far.
15. Dream job?
Policy, namely disabled policy ya know. Its kinda what i am doing rn i a on the accessibility committee at my college but i wanna be at least partly in charge of getting that stuff going. Government job would be nice but i'll probably be starting as a community support worker and ya.
also a philosopher on the side :)
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