#I guess Sokka could be Chandler (sarcasm king) and Zuko could be Ross (rage issues)
theyarerealtome · 4 years
Ok, so in Ba Sing Se, Team Mum Katara lives across the hall from an odd pair – snarky, neurotic Zuko and happy-go-lucky Aang. (Plus Aaang’s pets Appa and Momo). Down the street is Katara’s dorky brother Sokka and her old flatmate Toph – a former wild child who ran away from home. The series kicks off when Suki – an old high school friend of Sokka, Katara and Aang’s – moves to the city and in with Katara.
Sokka is recovering from the death of his fiancée Yue, but he had a major crush on Suki back in the day and her return ignites FEELINGS. Meanwhile, Katara and Zuko have been friends forever (after a shaky start when he was Sokka’s college roommate) but…is there something more?
The gang go through life, getting up to shenanigans and hanging out in the tea shop run by Zuko’s Uncle Iroh. Aang tries to figure out his path in life jumping from job to job, Zuko deals with his abusive father who’s a high-profile politician and businessman in Caldera City, Toph struggles to reconnect with her parents, Suki pursues her dream of starting a female-led martial arts programme/centre, Sokka is a giant engineering nerd, and Katara juggles reforming the world** and keeping everyone fed.
*Clap clap clap*
(Career-wise: Sokka is an engineer, Suki is a marital artist who teaches women’s self-defense, Aang’s done everything (jewellery maker! zoo keeper! world traveller!), Katara is an activist of some kind. (Environmental lawyer? Union organiser? Doctor/nurse-turned-health care reformer??), Zuko originally studied law and business to join the family company but now works in NGO and/or government law. Toph is ??? (A professional athlete?  In construction? Security? Another martial artist? Idk, too many options!) ) 
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