#I have alternative faces for steph as well but this one turned out best lmao
timbourinedrake · 2 years
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Riot Grrls!!
Saw a bunch of people redrawing this Spiderman and Mj panel and thought i'd give it a go with my girls
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klimtandbencbatch · 6 years
Ironstrange prompt: X-avengers somehow coercing Stephen into getting in a car and he has a panic attack with his magic going haywire. Tony is the only one able to calm him down.
i tried lmao i hope it isn’t…… bad…..
Stephen doesn’t quite remember how it happened, but he ended up in a car.
He’d been minding his own business, out for a walk in the Village, when a car pulled up next to him. He heard the door open, and then strong hands were on his weak ones, tugging and pulling insistently until he was thrown into the back seat between two other people, speeding off down the block.
No sling ring on him. In street clothes. His cellphone was in his back pocket, conveniently buried between his butt and the seat.
He was trapped. Kidnapped. Who were these people?
“…need to talk to Tony.”
He turned his head to face the front passenger seat - someone was speaking to him. “Captain America?” he asked, blinking hard. “I - what - ?”
“We know you and Tony have gotten closer over the last few months. We’re just taking you somewhere so that he’ll come and talk to us, that’s all. We’re not gonna hurt you or anything - “
“I need to get out,” Stephen spat immediately, his heart already starting to beat faster. “I need to get out of the car.”
“No can do, Doctor,” the person on his right answered - a man he didn’t recognize. “Cap’s orders. Just the way it is.”
He made it another two blocks before he started to lose it.
His vision began to swim, and he started to breathe heavily, his hands trembling viciously in the other peoples’ grips. He was sweating like an absolute pig, and nauseous to boot. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to even out his breathing -
- checking a scan, everything was fine, he was in control -
- in for four, out for four, in for -
- one idiot, swerve to avoid, suddenly flipped, hands - hands -
- four, out for four -
- pain, fear, pain, icy cold, stuck, trapped, what if no one finds me here? -
“I need to get out of the car, please,” he begged weakly, unable to do much else. He could feel the tide of panic rising in his chest, threatening to go over his head, to bring him under. But no one was listening.
“Please, please!”
“Doctor Strange, we’re almost - “
Magic began to pour out of Stephen, unbidden. Hundreds of eyes began to pop out all over his exposed skin, blinking balefully at the people surrounding him. The seats beneath him filled with butterflies before exploding, releasing the luminescent insects with an audible sigh of relief. Stephen’s hands began to grow insanely hot and icy cold, alternating so quickly that those holding him almost couldn’t tell the difference. They released him, but Stephen was too far gone.
The car continued to drive, out of the city, now, off to gods knew where. Stephen was trapped in his body, trapped in his magic. His solace. His captors had managed to turn it against him.
His last coherent thought before he gave over entirely to the energy raging inside of him -
Please let Tony find me.
“Hey, Boss?”
“What’s up, baby girl?”
“I picked up something weird leaving Manhattan, headed upstate? It’s Stephen’s energy signal, but it’s moving pretty fast, and it’s much stronger than usual.”
Tony set his welding mask aside, rolling over to his monitors and pulling them apart to get at the map. He flicked Stephen’s signature, getting a more specific image -
A car?
“FRIDAY, get the launch bay ready for me. I’m stepping out for a bit.”
“Should I have Doctor Strange’s room prepared for your return?”
“Might be for the best,” Tony answered, tapping the center of his chest and heading towards the launch bay as his armor spread out over his body.
Whoever had Stephen in that car was a dead man.
The magic had been harmless, mostly, at first. The butterflies thing was kinda cute, and the eyes were creepy, but they could be ignored.
It was when Stephen started muttering in tongues and summoning serpents and insects into the car that things started to get a little hairy. The tires had turned to stone and back again more times than they cared to count, and this kidnapping was, to Steve, starting to be way more work than reward.
The radio suddenly crackled to life, a voice coming over the airwaves.
“Hey, whoever’s in there, I know you’re smart enough to pull over when I tell you to? So. Pull over.” Tony. Exactly who they wanted.
The driver took the car off onto the shoulder, throwing it into park before the gearbox shifted to molten lava again. Steve turned to try to see Tony when the rear passenger doors were ripped off, and a still muttering and eye-covered Stephen Strange was yanked out into the fresh air.
Tony’s visor went up, and his hands immediately came to Stephen’s face. “Hey, Steph, baby? Look at me. Honey, look at me and breathe.”
Slowly, Stephen came back to himself, the eyes disappearing one by one. His eyes cleared, his magic faded, and he sagged against Tony, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Tony…”
“Easy,” Tony soothed. “I’m right here. I’ve got you now, okay?”
Stephen nodded, exhausted. Tony checked him over a few more times - no injuries. Thank God. Then, his gaze snapped onto Steve, pure rage etched into his features.
“Are you an idiot?” he asked sharply. “Didn’t you listen when he asked you to let him go? And he started - having a fit, and you kept driving? What the hell’s the matter with you?”
“Tony, we just need to talk - “ Steve attempted, stepping closer.
“Nuh-uh. Not anymore,” Tony dismissed, holding Stephen more closely, hiding him away from the others as he regained his composure. “You’re an ass-clown, Steve, and you really showed it today. We aren’t talking now, and we aren’t talking ever. You wanna talk? You can try my phone.”
“You’ve got me blocked.”
“Then take a hint, Rogers.” Tony turned, rubbing Stephen’s back as he called for a pickup from FRIDAY. “Preferably air support,” he added, flipping his visor back down. “Don’t know what you’re still here for, Steve. Get in your damn car, and drive.”
Tony didn’t look back until he heard the sound of the engine disappear.
He got he and Stephen into the jet, once it arrived, letting it take them to the compound. He led them inside, doing one more scan for injuries before letting himself be all comfort, his arms wrapped reassuringly around Stephen’s waist.
“I’m right here,” he reminded, trying to calm his lover down. “Easy breaths, Steph. I’m right here.”
“Magic is my one thing,” Stephen bit out, “that belongs to me. That is my - safety. And they - broke me. They turned it against me - “
“They didn’t do that,” Tony said. “They didn’t do that. Your magic was trying to protect you, Stephen. It wasn’t broken, and it wasn’t anything they did. You were protecting yourself. That’s all.”
Stephen nodded, sniffling and clearing his throat. “I’m exhausted.”
“I got your room all ready for you,” Tony said, helping Stephen off the exam table and down the hall. “You get some rest, okay? I’ll order in some food, and we can just watch shitty TV for the rest of the day. I’ll get you back to the sanctum tomorrow no problem. Sound good?”
Stephen nodded. “Yeah. Sounds perfect.”
Tony smiled, leaning up on tiptoes to kiss his sorcerer, patting him on the back as he guided him to bed. “Sleep well, Steph.”
“Thanks, Tones.”
Tony closed the door behind him, heading out to the kitchen. “FRIDAY, place my usual order for… Japanese?”
“Of course, Boss. Anything else?”
“Uh… Yeah. Bill Steve Rogers for the cost of the flight out.”
“On it, Boss.”
“Thanks, baby girl. You’re the best.”
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Why so many people type 'lol' with a straight face: An investigation
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There's a deceitful act I've been engaging in for years—lol—but it wasn't until recently, while texting a massive rant to a friend, that I became aware of just how bad it is. 
I'd just sent an exhaustive recap of my nightmarish day when a mysteriously placed "lol" caught my eye. Not a single part of me had felt like laughing when I typed the message, yet I'd ended my massive paragraph with the words, "I'm so stressed lol."
I had zero recollection of typing the three letters, but there they were, just chilling at the end of my thought in place of a punctuation mark. I hadn't found anything funny, so why were they there? Unclear! I scrolled through my conversations and noticed "lol" at the end of nearly every message I’d sent — funny or not. That's when I realized how frequently and insincerely I use the initialism in messages. I was on auto-lol.
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The next day, I arrived to work with a heightened sense of lol awareness and took note of my colleagues' behavior on Slack. They too, overused "lol" in conversation. Chrissy Teigen tweeted about the family hamster again? "Lol." Someone's selling a jean diaper? "Lol." Steve Buscemi's name autocorrected to Steph Buscemi? "Lol."
It was ubiquitous. And though some made audible chuckles at their desks throughout the day, the newsroom remained relatively silent. People were not laughing out loud whenever they said they were. It was all a sham!
As I'm sure is true with everyone, there are times when I'll type "lol" and smile, chuckle, or genuinely laugh out loud. But I'm also notoriously capable of assembling the three letters without moving a facial muscle.
Curious to know why so many of us insist on typing "lol" when we aren't laughing, I turned to some experts.
Why so serious? Lol.
Lisa Davidson, Chair of NYU's Department of Linguistics, specializes in phonetics, but she's also a self-proclaimed "prolific user" of "lol" in texts. When I approached Davidson in hopes of uncovering why the acronym comes out of people like laugh vomit, she helpfully offered to analyze her own messaging patterns.
On its surface, Davidson suspects "the written and sound structure" of "lol" is pleasing, and the symmetry of how it's typed or said likely adds to that appeal. The 'l' and 'o' are also right next to each other on a keyboard, she notes, which makes for "a very efficient acronym." In taking a deeper look, however, she recognized several other reasons one might overdo it with the initialism.
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Davidson often sees "lol" used in conjunction with self-deprecating humor, or to poke fun at someone in a bad situation, like "if someone says they're stuck on the subway, and you text back 'lol, have fun with that.'" And in certain cases, she notes, "lol" can be included "to play down aggressiveness, especially if used in conjunction with something that might come across as critical or demanding."
"For example, if you're working on a project with a co-worker, and they save a file to the wrong place in a shared Drive, you [might] say something like, 'Hey, you put that file in the Presentations folder, lol. Next time can you save it to Drafts?'" 
Extremely relatable.
Admitting we have a problem
After hearing from Davidson, I set out to analyze a few of my own text messages. I found several of her interpretations applicable and even discovered a few specific to my personal texting habits.
When telling my friend about my stressful day, for instance, I realized I'd included the lol that anchored my message for comfort, like a nervous giggle. In my mind, it meant I was keeping things light, which must mean everything's OK. In many cases, I also add "lol" to a message to make it sound less abrasive. Without it, I fear a message comes across as cold or incomplete.
On occasion, I'll send single "lol" texts to acknowledge I've received a message, but have nothing else to add to the conversation. And as much as it pains me to admit, the lol is sometimes there as a result of laziness. I experience moments of pure emotional exhaustion in which I'd rather opt for a short and sweet response than fully articulate my thoughts. In those cases, "lol" almost always delivers.
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A poor soul removing his "lol" mask after a long day of pretending to laugh.
Image: bob al-greene / mashable
The realization that "lol" has become a sort of a conversational crutch for me is somewhat disturbing, but I can take a shred of solace knowing I'm not alone. As previously noted, many of my colleagues are also on auto-lol. (If you need some proof, 3,662 results popped up when I searched the term in Mashable Slack, and those are just the lols visible to me.)
When I brought up the topic of lol addiction in the office, offenders quickly came forward in an attempt to explain their personal behavior. Some said they use it as a buffer word to fill awkward silences, while others revealed they consider it a kinder alternative to the dreaded "k."
Several people admitted they call upon "lol" in times when they feel like being sarcastic or passive aggressive, whereas others use it to avoid confrontation, claiming it "lessens the blow of what we say." 
"I've also noticed a lot with my friends that if they say something that creates a sense of vulnerability they'll use 'lol' or 'haha' to diminish its importance," another colleague noted.
While there are a slew of deeper meanings behind "lol," sometimes the lack of audible laughter simply comes down to self-control. You can use the term to communicate you genuinely think something's funny, but you might not be in a physical position to laugh about it — kind of how people type "I'M SCREAMING" and do not scream.
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Understanding the auto-lol epidemic
Nearly everyone I spoke to believed the auto-lol epidemic is real. But how exactly we as a society arrived at this place of subconscious laughter remains a mystery.
Though "lol" reportedly predates the internet, a man named Wayne Pearson claims to have invented the shorthand in the '80s as a way to express laughter online. As instant messaging and texting became more popular, so did "lol," and at some point, its purpose pivoted from solely signifying laughter to acting as a universal text response.
Caroline Tagg, a lecturer in Applied Linguistic and English Language at Open University in the UK, favors emoji over "lol," but as the author of several books about digital communication — including Discourse of Text Messaging: Analysis of SMS Communication — she's very familiar with the inclusion of laughter in text.
"Over time, its use has shifted, and it has come to take on other meanings — whether that's to indicate a general mood of lightheartedness or signal irony," Tagg confirms. "These different meanings emerge over time and through repeated exposure to the acronym."
In some cases, the decision to include "lol" in a message might be stylistic — "an attempt to come across in a particular way, to perform a particular persona, or to adopt a particular style." 
Ultimately, Tagg believes everyone perceives "lol" in text differently, and makes the conscious decision to use the initialism for various reasons, which are usually influenced by "conversational demands."
As for the increase in frequency over time, she noted that if you engage in conversation with someone who's a fan of saying "lol," you could wind up using the term more often. "Generally speaking ... people who are in regular contact with each other do usually develop shared norms of communication and converge around shared uses," she said. 
Think of it like a vicious cycle of contagious text laughter.
Embarking on an lol detox
Now that I'm aware of my deep-seated lol dependency, I'm trying my best to change it. I encourage anyone who thinks they might be stuck in an lol rut to do the same.
The way I see it we have two options: Type lol less, or laugh out loud more. The latter sounds pretty good, but if you're committed to keeping your Resting Text Face, here are some tips.
Try to gradually wean yourself off your reliance on lol by ending messages with punctuation marks instead, using a more specific emoji in place of your laughter, or making an effort to better articulate yourself. Instead "lol," maybe, "omg that's hilarious," for example. 
At the very least, try changing up your default laugh setting once in a while. Different digital laughs carry different connotations. If you're ever in doubt about which to use, you can reference this helpful guide:
LOL/HAHA — I really think this thing is hilarious as shown by my caps!
Lol — Bitch, please OR I have nothing to say.
lollllllllll — Yo, that's pretty funny.
el oh el — So unfunny I feel the need to type like this.
haha — Funny but not worth much of my time.
hahahaha — Funny and worth my time!
hah/ha — This is not amusing at all and I want to make that known.
HA — Yes! Finally!
Lmao/Lmfao — When something evokes more comedic joy than "lol" does.
LMAO/LMFAO — Genuine, impassioned laughter, so strong you feel as though your rear end could detach from your body.
Hehehe — You are softly giggling, were just caught doing something semi-suspicious or sexting, or are a small child or a serial killer. This one really varies.
heh — Sure! Bare minimum funny, I guess! Whatever!
In very special cases, consider clarifying that you are literally laughing out loud. As someone who's received a few "Actually just laughed out loud" messages in my lifetime, I can confirm that they make me feel much better than regular lol messages.
One of the major reasons we rely so heavily on representations like "lol" in digital interactions is because we're desperately searching for ways to convey emotions and expressions that can easily be picked up on in face-to-face conversations. It works well when done properly, but we've abused lol's polysemy over the years. After all the term has done for us, it deserves a break.
If we make the conscious effort to scale back, we might be able to prevent "lol" from losing its intended meaning entirely.
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #5: “Every party is a pitbull party when I'm around” - Chloe
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Honestly? I hope Sharky understands that all of it clearly was gamewise. I didn't care about his level of activity, but I cared about my game and unfortunately he was not apart of it. Having that out of the way, I want to use this next immunity to have a little bit more control for my game!
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omg sharky left im sad 2 pots back to back although my pots is always gonna be brian <3 but yaa this so sad i wanted him to stay but votes werent there hes prob pressed but also like not my fault he was not as active i mean mitch isnt either but if sharky talked more hed be here know that
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Zzzzz classic celestial double tribal. I bet we swap again at 15 and keep 3 tribes. AM I WRONG ANNA? AM I???? I’m just praying we win bc I, again, really don’t want to have to choose between Michael and drew. It’s just not FAIR to send either of them home rn but even though I know I’m safe with this majority I still want to be immune, and just pray I don’t get fucked by a swap here. If I can hit merge, I’ll be in good shape I think. Just gotta get there
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DONT STOP THE PARTY. Every party is a pitbull party when I'm around
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Chris seems very loyal to me So to have Bryce and Chris not willing to turn against me is going to bode really well for my long-term game I don't mind booting Stephen if we lose but I think I might be able to keep him If it will be good for me to have the thing with Mitch and Stephen at merge But the thing is, Tuatha would have to win immunity for it to be worth it to keep Stephen Because if they lose then Mitch is going to go, and what use is Stephen without Mitch?
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WHY DO PEOPLE INSIST ON PLAYING LIKE THEY CANT CLEAN AFTER THEMSELVES? Kori slips his alliances, Stephen leaks his alliances, Rhys and Jared want Stephen out while Stephen wants Mitch to be used to go for Bryce and Kori despite all of these people being in an alliance together, Michael is asking for my hand in marriage, Chloe feels hopeless like me, Zach himself is a mess, Loris an even bigger mess yet I like them, Drew probably is ready to puzzle me and Loris out the door, Jack and Alyssa are problematically beautiful, Bodhi is just here, and Mo is going to kill us all with kindness.
So now I'm gonna see if I can save Stephen since him going can hurt me a little. It's becoming clear to me that Loris talks to Rhys or Jared or maybe even Stephen but honestly? If Stephen is only saying Bryce and Kori's name then why not keep him and make him THINK that everyone is not onto him and them save him for later? Honestly even use him to take a shot at Bryce and Kori if all of them wanna but to take him out now even despite his problematic ways seems short shortsighted...at least I'm gonna try to get them to feel that way! Itll start by convincing Jared to convince  Rhys they should wait
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So let's see it's about half an hour before the challenge is due. Sharky went home as was according to plan. 5-1 no surprises or anything. Immediately Anna slaps us in the face with her dick and we're face to face with a Double Tribal Challenge.
Would've probably done better if it was Sunday instead of Monday but unfortunately work got in the way and there really just isn't much I could do bout that. I'm HOPING we somehow pulled out a win. There's several elements where I'm thinking we probably got last but we also might've lucked out. To be quite honest, I'm not optimistic in the least. But I want to hold out hope that our luck will somehow turn out.
Everyone in this game is so good at challenges so it really takes some crazy stuff to pull things out. I also feel like I might be playing just slightly too relaxed on the social-strategic front, but there also hasn't been much to do other than try to maybe build bonds with people and try to be nice/likable. Most of the time when I'm at tribal the thing I want has tended to be the simplest and easiest thing to do for me.
Anyway, time to start my prayer to hopefully win this challenge and not get dicked by AnnaJane.
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I'm kinda having this subtle realization that I'm in this alone. Which sounds obvious but like I don't know. As soon as I found out we lost I had this mindset of "Well just gotta hope the others choose to spare me." but bitch that's my fate I wanna choose what happens to it. So that's what I'm gonna try to do.
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WE ARENT GOING TO THE DOUBLE TRIBAL BABY AND FOR THAT IM GRATEFUL. When I initially saw that the challenge was all flash games i was freaking. Im usually not the best at flash games, but i really stepped it up and won my portion of the challenge. I hope and think Jared and Stephen will be fine, so I am hoping we swap after this. If we dont, then it might be crazy if we go back to tribal. Loris wants to blindside Kori but idk if that is the best move for me.
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So since we're one of the two tribes going to tribal we're currently in that phase of "fuck what do we do." and I'm gonna be honest its only a matter of who grabs the reins first and usually to see who is okay with said person driving. So I took it upon myself to grab those reins because if everyone's just sitting waiting I feel like my name has a chance of coming up. So instead of sitting and waiting for something that may not even happen, why not try to make something happen. So I threw out Stephen's name to Zach knowing that they have a "history" with the whole idol situation. Zach said he'd be fine with that, then I'm like going to Rhys like "Ok so it wasn't technically a name drop but I have heard Stephen's name" and Rhys was like "oh yeah I get that because he doesn't talk often." so I'm like yeah I'm thinking that too. This has such a high chance of turning around against me but if this does work I'm not gonna be able to do shit for a while without looking like a threat. Also if this does work I'm gonna feel like such a suave bitch, like oooh. Goat? Idk her... I'm gonna be eliminated.
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God this fucking sucks. Real Sophie’s Choice moment here picking between Drew and Michael I don’t want to vote either of them out but also I’m not turning on Matt/Alyssa/Bodhi. Drew messaged me last night saying he didn’t want to go like this and it just killed me. I really don’t know what to do
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Since we lost the challenge, campaign season has begun on Orfeo. The first 2 people I talked to were Jared and Zach. I suggested Mo as the easy vote since he's isolated original-tribewise and didn't perform well in the challenge, and Jared agreed immediately.
Zach was, in his own words, wishy-washy. I really don't like wishy-washy players at this stage of the game. It makes a bit more sense at merge or at the very beginning but if I'm gonna flip on Jared or Rhys at some point I want somewhere solid to land, Zach, Mo, and Chloe don't appear to be the players I'd want to make that jump with. They don't talk openly about game which makes it difficult to trust them.
Rhys also seemed okay with this plan but he was drunk last night so who knows LMAO. My conversations with Mo and Chloe were essentially meaningless. All I got from them was this deal that they'd tell me if I heard their name and likewise for them. Maybe they have an alternative and don't think they have to talk game with me. I do think I'm gonna try and play it safe for this vote and just push for voting Mo with Jared and Rhys. Hopefully the trust between us stays strong.
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♪ I’m almost confident this will backfire and I will be eliminated~ ♪
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So we lost this double tribal. Which low-key is probably good. Because were not gonna be on these tribes forever. So its good to cement some form of alliance from it.
It seems like its either Mo or Stepehen going tonight so that's good. There is pros and cons to both. Mo is from a different tribe and is more social to me. I feel like Mo wont be dis loyal so he would be a great ally. It would also show that I'm willing to work with other people moving forward, opening more doors. However in doing so, I may be closing a door on my old alliance of 5. So yes I am scared.
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Right now I’m a bottom on the bottom so I’m gonna have to push it push it real good to flip some votes onto bodhi, I have a pretty good relationship with Alyssa and me and Matt have been in cahoots all game, but this is all stars and if I have to turn on Drew I’m not holding back I am not going home tonight, tomorrow or ever. I just can’t go!
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So after I talked to Jared last night I proposed the big alliance idea to Zach without asserting I wanted it. Leaving it up in the air could make him less likely to think I'm pushing it. SO while that is going on, Jared filled me in on Rhys' anti-Steph brigade but it sounds like they may cave to voting Mo. ON TOP OF IT ALL, Kori and Bryce literally were saying they'd like a Tuatha-Orfeo alliance which coincidentally coincides with the big alliance? Huh. But if they're genuine then this has A LOT of potential.
I do feel like I'm playing messy but I told myself I'd play a little different if it meant increasing my odds. I wont try getting too hopeful just yet. Now I've told Steph that BK wama have our tribes work together and this left Steph reiterating how it sets us up nicely that nobody suspects us. I truly feel people will suspect Loris/Steph before me/Steph but still I know me and him are close so if we can last long enough to play legit together, it will be amazing. Woooo go friends
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so we r at tribal again, love that for us! 3rd one of the season, thus making all OG Cyrena having been to the most tribal councils. I did pretty poorly on the challenge, but as did multiple others its no big deal. I'm pretty shit at winning immunity anyway so its ok.
I feel like i am in a similar position as with last time i played. I'm clearly very weak socially (and admit it, ive been MUCH busier than i thought i was going to be since university has started) and have a tight 3 who all are like pretty close together, and have multiple advantages. So im being very loyal atm. just quieter than i would like. I find some of these ppl v.boring tho and you can tell some are just doing the rounds to keep face so they can't be accused of a bad social game LOL. Sharky also left last round which makes me SO sad UGH. MY ONE TRUE LOVE, KILLED TRAGICALLY BEFORE WE COULD BE REUNITED. Its like romeo and juliet, only with a gay and a straight and the gay got stoned to death by evil people. fucking RUDE.
This vote tho... its.... interesting. Maybe i WILL shove my head in the sand, get wildly drunk and just ignore everything that is going on. sounds much better tbh. I feel like a warrior ant, just being told what to do, no matter what is going on. Alyssa is genuinely looking out for me however, and wants bodhi gone as we still have 2 big shields due to the lovely meta game as both are known to be big players. Both will go along with it as well, as it saves their skin (drew and michael). Not sure how Jack is going to take it because i can't tell their connection together, mainly cause bodhi and I barely have one. and i think that is the issue. I don't know him well enough so i don't really care about him being voted off (its better tho tbh cause i genuinely like and care about michael and drew, lets be real matthew.) not sure if its a timezone thing or just my sheer laziness and lack of social game, i am unsure.
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omfg im immune at double tribal. im coming 15th again tho. i hope not. idk. like. i think ill be fine even if we swap..... like. i think im good with quite a few people? despite the fact ive disappeared this week ok yeah that's true i think i'm wrong. we'll see :sob:
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Do I want to keep Drew and Michael? Absolutely. Does that mean I'm okay with Bodhi going? Fuck no. Bodhi is loyal to me, Bodhi will not turn on me, Bodhi is not a threat to me. But Bodhi is threatening to Alyssa and Matt and they're my closest allies and they want to keep Drew and Michael and now we're blindsiding Bodhi because tribal lines DON'T FUCKING MATTER. I mean don't get me wrong, fuck tribal lines I'm so game to throw that shit in the fire but like, it's not the best move for me. Hopefully this bodes (bodhis haha punny) for me.
Ok now that I think about it going into a merge with less original numbers is actually good for us so maybe this isn't the worst. Idk I just feel bad I really wanted to work with Bodhi and now I basically have to cut him because it's majority on him either way and my allies don't trust him. Sucks man but it's allstars.
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It's really next level that I am was able to
1. Keep the vote on Mo (Rhys campaigned against Stephen, and Bryce confirmed to me that Rhys wanted Stephen out) 2. Make Chris feel like he convinced me, and that I'm doing it for him and I, when mostly it's for me and partially for Bryce 3. Secure Zach's loyalty this round (calling with him and talking about game and non-game related things to re-establish our great rapport) 4. Keep Stephen in the dark about Rhys targeting him so that I can use that information for later
And this was all without much time on my hands.
Tribe Trust List 1. Chloe 2. Zach 3. Rhys 4. Stephen 5. Mo
Master Trust List 1. Bryce 2. Chris 3. Chloe 4. Mitch 5. Zach 6. Rhys 7. Stephen 8. Loris 9. Kori 10. Mo 11. Alyssa 12. Michael 13. Bodhi 14. Drew 15. Matt 16. Jack
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god i hate this like no one ever wants to do what i want to do why do i have to be a brat every game. like its not like i want to its just ppl refuse to listen to what i want so yes ofc im gonna act out??? UGH
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I guess I am about to find out if possible change is needed for my game or not moving forward. I can hope for a million things but all it takes is one to make it all hopeless
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So some new information has come to me today. Chris has been approached by Kori with the idea of forming some kind of Tuatha/Orfeo Alliance. This is sort of what I wanted to do already but the fact that other people are proposing it is just great for me.
This just adds another reason to vote Mo out. He's original Cyrena and could become a part of a resistance to this group once merge hits. I'm personally pulling for this alliance to be made. It just brings me one step closer to the end and unites my major allies (Chris, Mitch, Jared, Kori) under a single flag.
ANNNNNND There's been some drama on the old Orfeo tribe! Mo admitted to me that he's tried to vote me out, but due to the fact that people aren't talking to him, he now thinks the vote has switched to him, which is, hopefully, correct. If Mo had made a proposal like this to me right after we lost the challenge or before, I would've had to think about it, but as it stands, he's one person who has seriously thrown my name out there. I can't let that slide.
So, I devised a plan.
Step 1: Lie
How DARE Mo throw my name out there? I would never do something like that to him! Except I did, to everyone on the tribe, whoops. It's okay though, I lied and said Rhys did it, and I think he believed me.
Step 2: Join the resistance
Mo wants to get Rhys out, great. I'm happy it's not me. But that's a bad and unrealistic idea. SO I told him that in order to get a 3rd person willing to tie with us, we should target Chloe instead, and aim to recruit Jared.
Step 3: Recruitment
Now me and Mo are trying to recruit Jared one hour before tribal council. Except, not really. It's just Mo. I've told Jared about my plan to get Mo's vote off of me and he's in on it. Now, Jared can tell Mo the truth, or lie, and it doesn't really matter. Mo seems to feel too guilty to vote for me at this point. So mission accomplished.
Villains DO have more fun, don't they?
(I'm gonna look like such a dumb jackass if this plan doesn't work whoop, but oh well, I managed to fit one contrived plan into my time on All-Stars, so it's worth it!)
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So right now I’m very nervous about this vote because even though people have said I’m safe I know bodhi is voting for me and he might just have an idol so like that’s my worry of getting idolled out lollll but uh I’m pretty worried about tonight so worried I might just throw my vote onto Drew and really protect myself and give me at least a little chance of staying due to an idol but who knows!
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I think this is my last day which makes me incredibly sad. I feel like a failure if I’m being honest. There’s a slim chance I’ll stay. I had such a fun time playing.
I was destined to be an early boot
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So I can't use Rhys campaigning against Stephen this round as effectively.
Stephen knows his name was thrown out by Mo, because Mo TOLD him. Then Mo made a pitch to Stephen to work together, and Stephen told Mo that I might vote Chloe.
Long-story-short, it was just a ploy by Stephen to get Mo's vote off of him. I did a lil magic to make Stephen feel secure that I had his best intentions at heart, and I let Mo down easily that he is going home.
Mo was a fighter in this game and I give him all due respect. Now watch him idol me out ugh 16th looks cute on me
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YAAASSSSS we woooooooonnn! I'm so happy to be avoiding this double tribal. If I can make merge at least that'd be a dream.
I had a conversation with Bryce and Chris and they don't seem opposed to doing a sort of pagonging of the Cyrenas because we talk with them the least. I'm not sure if that'll actually be an option come merge but if it is that'd definitely help me make it deeper in this game as a majority of my connections are my OG tribe barring Clohie, Chris, Loris, Drew, and Bodhi. Honestly if more OG Cyrena's like Matt, Alyssa, Jack, and Michael found themselves going this premerge I wouldn't complain.
I'm getting real tired of missing this idol system time window like a dolt though, I've no doubt I'm gonna pay for it later. But I also did win my game without idols so it's not like I HAVE to have them. It'd just be nice to shake things up since I did wanna play differently this time.
Anywho back to celebrating! Woooooooo~
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WHY DOES MY TRIBE SUCK AT EVERYTHING....At least they're not voting me out this round. Matt tried to give me an "option" after an hour negotiation that Alyssa already said he was down for, but he wanted me to think it was coming from him. Isn't that adorable.
RIP Bodhi
Bodhi and Mo are voted out in a double elimination.
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