#I hope these resources are useful!
inusmasha · 7 months
Sometimes it’s hard to read fanfic when you’re studying herbalism.. when they have the character preparing a tincture to use that same DAY!!?
Baby those dried herbs need to sit in that jar with high proof alcohol for at LEAST a month!
That’s why before the use of calendars ppl use to prepare their tinctures either on the new moon or full moon. A a full moon cycle is usually 28 days or so. And they would give the moon names so it’s easier to remember when/what month said tincture was bottled.
This is also why herbal medicine is prepare in small batches. You have to take your time preparing your bottles. Making sure everything is clean so you don’t end up with mold. Diluting your grain alcohol. Heckkk knowing when to pick your herbs for max potency! Drying your herbs! That takes a lot of time too!
I didn’t mean to rant lol
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ibtisams · 6 months
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thepalestineacademy.com has a free crash course on Palestine history and decolonisation, please check it out!
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 6 months
Hello, everyone! I have a quick request to make!
Please interact with this post if you’re doing F/Ovember this year! (2023)
(This can be a like, a reply, or a reblog - it’s up to you!)
For those looking for fellow selfshippers taking part, or who just want to send people asks for the event, look no further than the notes of this post! I hope that everyone has a lovely time, no matter how they participate ^-^
(anyone is welcome to interact with this post, as long as my DNI is respected!)
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roachemoji · 1 year
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A “Guide” to working with Artists with Aphantasia
This is not going to be applicable to ALL artists (with OR WITHOUT aphantasia)
I don’t speak for everyone!!!
PLEASE Read the information artists provide you THUROUGHLY
I’m sorry about the typos I am dyslexic and no one is beta reading this :3c
I made this guide out of frustration. I was having a hard time communicating with commissioners how much visual information I needed, and that giving me creative freedom doesn’t, personally, work for me. It all comes down to the why; Aphantasia. 
... I realized a lot of people don’t understand what that is, and how it might affect an artist. 
Note: I am a character artist!!! I do personal commissions!!!! I don’t do commercial work!! This guide is about things that I have found extremely helpful!! This may not work for everyone!!!!!!!!!!! 
So, here is the official written guide to what I, personally, have found helpful when getting commissions:
A healthy dose of both written and visual information is needed, but the percentage of which heavily depends on the type of commission and how familiar I am with the characters. 
- Is it an illustration of a scene between two character? Descriptive information on the scene, the emotions, general vibe, dialogue are more important to the composition - but visual references on each character (and their characteristics), the space, the palette, and any objects would be needed. 
- Is it a reference sheet commission? Descriptive information is no longer as important, and the main focus is on the visuals. Descriptive information would be limited to a brief description of personality, placement of certain markings, and/or the written information on the reference. Visuals would be EVERYTHING - every single aspect of that character would need a reference. 
Google Docs, Google Drives, PDFs, Character pages (Toyhou.se or Refsheet.net) is an easy way to compile both written and visual information in one place! 
What is some good visual information to compile for your characters? 
Age/Race/height/body type
Skin colour/ scars/ freckles/ skin conditions etc
Eye colour/shape
Nose shape
Hair colour/texture/style/decorations
Any additional details (prosthetics limbs/no limbs!/tattoos/piercings/wings)
Face Claims are extremely helpful - and it’s okay to have more than one!  It’s good to specify which parts of what reference are important to your character
Personal Items
Here is an example of how I organize my Pinterest boards for my own Ocs:
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Appearance: Every single visual reference I would need for their physical appearance. Faceclaims, hair styles/texture/colours, facial hair, body types, hand shapes, nose shapes, lip shapes, eye shapes
Aesthetic: Helpful for illustrations. Palettes and aesthetics that I attribute to these characters. Art styles, symbols, colours, settings, etc...
Outfits: Outfits and accessories. Full outfits or single items, textures, colours, patterns.
NOTE: It’s important to remember that some artists can only work with certain references (ie. drawn references vs photo references). If you’re unsure/your artists hasn’t stated which works best for them - ask!  
I cannot work with drawn references in simplistic styles (anime specifically), and I struggle with using nothing but Final Fantasy screenshots. They’re important when it comes to providing colour or even outfit references - but facial features are much harder for me to translate.
Some artists are okay with things like piccrews and can translate them very well! I can’t.
What is some good visual information to compile for your characters?
Written information can vary from commission to commission; unless the illustration is based off a story, I don’t need a novel to be written about the piece. 
Being dyslexic also makes it a struggle for me to parse through written information - I tend to have to break it down outside of the initial commission submission to fully understand what. I also tend to ask a ton more questions when I’m provided more written information than visual - revisions take time and energy.
It’s important to have visual to accompany your written info; 
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( shout out to @moki-dokie​ for letting me use their info as an example!! )
Commission information examples 
Info given:
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Easiest character design commission I have ever done. The information given was so concise that the only revisions were my own suggestions on the design itself. 
Info Given:
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a TON of written information was given to explain the characters backstory, to further drive my understand of the aesthetic and setting of the world the character lives in. The pinterest board provided had a lot physical references, outfits, aesthetics, and colours.
Info Given:
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I had a lot of previous information on both of these characters (I designed the top one myself), but I was provided limited written information for this; Holiday Discord call where Toad (character one) is getting a present from Zalem (character two). Zalem is barely hiding how they feel about Toad who is excited.
 All other information provided was visual; Outfits and room aesthetics. 
We discussed poses in Dms and collaboratively found references.
Info Given:
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Absolute favorite example of the PERFECT amount of information given and the PERFECT amount of creative freedom given. 
I was handed character references with all angles as well as their armor + how to simply the armor. Pose + expression references. A general aesthetic + palette to work with. The setting. A doodle to lay out exactly what they were visualizing. 
I have all the information you could need! Now what?
I am very privileged to no longer need to take first come first serve commissions, and it’s given me the ability to really sit back and filter through the commissions that I want to do, and those that I immediately do not consider. 
I think it’s important that,  before commissioning anyone, you should ask yourself a couple important questions:
Does this artist’s style suit what I want?
Does my character suit what this artist usually draws?
Do the references I have provide the right amount of information for the specific artist I want to commission?
Sometimes the answer to these questions are; No.
... and that’s okay?
Unfortunately, not every artist is going to be able to bring your vision to life, or feel happy with the completed piece! 
If you’re someone who has Big Buff Demon Men characters that are drawn in a heavily realistic style - you might not ask an artist who draws smaller, softer characters with squishier shapes and a general aesthetic that doesn’t match your Ocs! 
If you’re someone who has characters and all of their references are in an anime style (including other commissioned work), and you have no realistic face claims... maybe commissioning that semi-realistic artist and not providing them with the references the need to translate your character into a semi-realistic style isn’t a good idea? 
I don’t understand when some people get upset when they commission an artist who clearly doesn’t draw characters that look like theirs and they clearly... don’t translate them as well.  I am making this extremely clear RIGHT NOW before anyone says anything:  Everyone can and SHOULD learn to draw the entire spectrum of humanity. From facial features, hair textures, body types, etc...
But some artists struggle to draw characters with certain aesthetics? Outfits? Accessories? You wouldn’t expect an artist who draws soft pastel art to suddenly translate your extremely rough, hard, and hot character properly?
Now, if all the answers are Yes? 
Read all information provided thoroughly 
Ask questions for clarity
Provide what you can, collaborate on what you can’t
@anonbeadraws​ post: Reference sheet for your commission references!
JAMIErightmeow’s video: I have APHANTASIA
Aphantasia Dot Com
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space-writes · 19 days
Obsidian Resources Masterpost
This is a masterpost of all the useful resources I’ve collected for using Obsidian. Hopefully some of them will also be useful to you, and I’ll try to keep this post updated whenever I find new and exciting stuff!
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General Obsidian
Download and install Obsidian
Obsidian Help
Obsidian Glossary
Beginners Guide to Obsidian
How to get started with Obsidian: a guide for Autistics & ADHDers
My personal playlist of Obsidian-related videos
Danny Talks Tech
Nicole van der Hoeven
Jonathan Pritchard Obsidian Tutorials
Josh Plunkett Obsidian for TTRPG Videos
Vault Showcases & Use Examples
The best way to get an idea of what you can do in Obsidian is to look at what other people have done. This is a collection of articles, videos, and Obsidian Publish Vaults showing various setups and processes so you can get inspired!
Writing a novel in Markdown - PD Workman
(2024) Obsidian For TTRPG - Template Vault | Campaign Manager
How I Plan and Write Fiction in Obsidian – Vanessa Glau
SlRvb - Obsidian Publish
Obsidian TTRPG Tutorials
SoRobby/ObsidianStarterVault: Organize your Universe
How I structure my Obsidian vault (Obsidian tour 2023) - Nicole va der Hoeven
Obsidian - 2024 Intro for TTRPG and Worldbuilders
Form, Function, & Fun! - My Obsidian Vault Tour [2024] - CyanVoxel
Obsidian uses markdown to format text, so these are some resources to help you out with that.
Markdown Syntax - Obsidian Hub
Basic Syntax | Markdown Guide
Markdown Reference
Basic formatting syntax - Obsidian Help
CSS & Styling
You can just use Obsidian as-is, but it’s so much fun to customise it and waste all the time you should be doing work on making it look pretty. These resources cover various plugins and ways of prettifying your vault, as well as some CSS resources, since Obsidian uses CSS for styling.
How to Style Obsidian
Default Obsidian Theme Colors
CSS reference
CSS Tutorial
CSS Gradient — Generator, Maker, and Background
MarkSheet: a free HTML and CSS tutorial
ITS Theme: Image Adjustment Snippets + ITS Theme - SlRvb's Documentation
Banners: add banners to your notes
colored tags: Colorizes tags in different colors.
MySnippets Plugin: adds a status bar menu allowing the user to quickly manage their snippets within the comfort of their workspace
style settings: A dynamic user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables
A highly opinionated collection of plugins—all of these are ones I either currently use or have used. Organised loosely from simple to complex. Links go to the github pages, which have install instructions, but the easiest way is to install them directly from the plugins manager inside Obsidian.
smart typography: Converts quotes to curly quotes, dashes to em dashes, and periods to ellipses
url into selection: Paste URLs into selected text
better word count: Counts the words of selected text in the editor.
short links: plugin to display short internal links.
editing toolbar
omnisearch: A search engine that "just works" for Obsidian. Supports OCR and PDF indexing.
outliner: Work with your lists like in Workflowy or RoamResearch
Advanced tables: Improved table navigation, formatting, and manipulation
longform: A plugin that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
periodic notes: Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian
workspaces plus: Quickly switch and manage Obsidian workspaces
hover editor: Transform the Page Preview hover into a working editor instance
advanced uri: Advanced modes for Obsidian URI
dataview: A high-performance data index and query language over Markdown files + Dataview
Commander | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's user interface
QuickAdd for Obsidian + Getting Started | QuickAdd
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check out my obsidian tag for more posts / got questions? want to say hi?
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thelaurenshippen · 1 year
for quite some time, I have been working on putting every bit of practical information I have about making a podcast into some kind of readable resource and I'm very happy to say that, by george, I think I've done it.
that link will take you to our resource page which has links to a 35-page handbook that takes you through every step of podcast production (on our merch page, but you can download for zero dollars! do it!) and a direct download of a 15-page pdf about how I take an idea from development through scripting.
this is by no means the be-all-end-all definitive correct guide on how to make an audio drama. as I emphasize many times throughout, this is just how I do things, but it's a pretty thorough rundown of how I do things. if you've been too overwhelmed to start your own show, I sincerely hope this helps you!
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indigostudies · 2 months
a very incomplete list of cdramas (plus a few chinese films) i've watched and my rating for hsk proficiencies for them below the cut!
i've watched some shows that aren't included on this list, but i didn't watch enough of them to get a good sense for the level of challenge they pose, so they're omitted from the list. i've also included links to the mydramalist pages, if you want to get a sense of the plot.
i had to remove the list format, since tumblr decided i had too many characters per block of text, so i apologise for that. a number of these can be watched on youtube with english fansubs, but if you can't find something, you can always dm me and i'll get you a link!
沙海/tomb of the sea: this fits into the extended daomu biji/grave robbers' chronicles/lost tomb franchise, but you don't have to have seen the other shows or read the books to watch it, and the pov character is an outsider who also doesn't understand what's going on 90% of the time. this show is contemporary, and you could probably start watching it at a fairly low hsk level because it doesn't have a ton of complicated technical or genre-specific terms. the subbing in english decent, since it came out a while ago, but there are some errors that crop up with names and nicknames. if you wanted to watch it without subtitles, i'd say you could probably get the gist of what's being said at around an hsk 4 or hsk 5 level. it has 52 episodes, each around 45 minutes long. (mdl link)
双镜/couple of mirrors: set in the republican era, so some of the terms used are a bit outdated in terms of colloquialism, and it also has a mystery/detective element to it, so that could pose a bit of a struggle. that said, the show isn't actually too challenging in terms of vocab—i would say you could watch it without english subtitles at an hsk 3 level with some struggle, and with a fair amount of ease at hsk 4. 12 episodes, at 46 minutes each. (mdl link)
云泽传/legend of yunze: wuxia/xianxia, which makes the amount of unfamiliar terms higher if you aren't used to the genre, but the episodes are all very short, and the plot itself isn't overly complicated, which makes it easy to sit down and watch in one go. on a level of difficulty, as long as you're familiar with wuxia/xianxia terms, you could probably watch this at an hsk 2 level without too much issue, and the subbing in english is very thorough. has multiple seasons, but the first season is 12 episodes, between 3-7 minutes each. (mdl link)
神探/detective l: this is a procedural detective show, and it's set in the 1930s republican shanghai, so there's a combination of more formal/outdated language and specialised detective/case-related phrases. the english subs are decent, though, and the actors all enunciate clearly, which helps if you need to look up words. i would say this would probably be a bit of a struggle below the hsk 5 level, but you'll pick up a lot of new, crime-related phrases. 24 episodes, 40 minutes each. (mdl link)
不良执念清除师/oh no! here comes trouble!: i'll be honest, this one was a struggle for me because of the taiwanese accent. i can understand what they're saying, it just sounds like the auditory equivalent of someone coming into my house and moving everything a few centimetres to the left. this is also a procedural show, but contemporary, so not quite as challenging in terms of vocab to detective l, in my opinion..........but it's also got a heavy supernatural element, which does come with specific vocab. the subbing is good, but if you're going to watch it, this one probably requires a higher hsk level to keep up—hsk 5, at a minimum, in my opinion. 12 episodes, 52 minutes each. (mdl link)
s.c.i谜案集/sci mystery/sci: another contemporary procedural mystery show, but from the mainland, so there's no elements of supernatural. surprisingly simple vocabulary; you could watch this at an hsk 2 level and get the gist, and an hsk 3 or hsk 4 level would let you watch it just fine. has fairly good english subs, and i believe they set the show in hk, which accounts for the higher than usual amount of english usage, up to and including in dialogue. the only bit that might make it challenging is the heavy lean into the psychology, but it's all largely explained directly, since most of the characters aren't familiar with the terms either. 24 episodes, 45 minutes each. (mdl link)
成化十四年/sleuth of the ming dynasty: ming dynasty (mid 1400s, under the chenghua emperor) setting, but a fairly colloquial vocabulary. there are some specialised titles used, but those are fairly self-evident by the way the show is shot, and easy enough to look up. the english subs are good, and i would put this at an hsk 4 level—but even at an hsk 3 level you probably won't struggle too badly. my hangup here was, again, one of the leads being played by an actor with a taiwanese accent, though it's not too heavy. 48 episodes, 45 minutes each. (mdl link)
老九门/the mystic nine: dmbj prequel, set in the tail end of the republican era (1939, if i remember correctly?). has a lot of tomb- and tomb-robbing specific vocabulary, alongside the more dated modes of speech, so i would put this up at an hsk 5 or hsk 6 level, but there's decent subs, so you could watch it at lower levels, it would just be a bit of a challenge. 48 episodes, 42 minutes each. (mdl link)
猎罪图鉴/under the skin: contemporary procedural show; there's a lot of emotion- and motive-specific words used, and the fact that it's a procedural makes it a bit more challenging, in my opinion. i would recommend that don't start with this show, just because of the fact that it's pretty easy to get lost if you don't grasp some of the vocabulary. i'd put it at an hsk 6 level, but that said, the subs are good and you can watch it at an hsk 5 level with some effort, i think. 20 episodes, 45 minutes each. (mdl link)
春风沉醉的夜晚/spring fever: honestly not as challenging in terms of vocabulary as a lot of things on this list, and fairly contemporary (set in the 2000s). i would say if you're at an hsk 4 level, you will probably do alright with it. 116 minutes in total. (mdl link)
关于我和鬼变成家人的那件事/marry my dead body: another case of struggling to acclimate to the taiwanese accent; otherwise, not too complicated in terms of vocab, though there are some spirit/marriage-specific terms used. overall, though, i'd put this at an hsk 4 level as well. 130 minutes in total. (mdl link)
陈情令/the untamed: heavy on the wuxia/xianxia elements, so unless you're familiar with that, you might struggle a lot to get through it. this is a lot of peoples' entry into cdramas, though, so it's not utterly inaccessible, and has decent english subs. i would put this around an hsk 5, if you want to watch it without subs, though you'll probably still have to pause and look up some words here and there even then. 50 episodes, 45 minutes each, making it the longest on this list. (mdl link)
山河令/word of honour: arguably the hardest on this list, i would say, because it's so plot-heavy. i, as a native speaker, struggle to follow along with this for extended amounts of time because there's a combination of 1. a lot happening, 2. a lot of wuxia terms, and 3. a lot of references to literature/art/etc. i would put this up at an hsk 7 level, honestly. that said, the subs for this are very good. 36 official episodes with a 37th mini-episode, 45 minutes each for the regular ones. (mdl link)
天官赐福/heaven official's blessing: one of the easier shows on this list; i would put this at an hsk 3 or hsk 4 level; there's some words you probably won't know, but while it does fall under xianxia, it doesn't go into that as much in terms of vocabulary as cql/the untamed does. i believe both seasons have both official subbing and official dubbing into english available, but that's not how i watched it, and i've only seen the first season, which is 11 episodes and about 20 minutes per episode. (mal link)
致命游戏/the spirealm: not particularly challenging in terms of actual vocab, but as of yet, only the first few episodes are subbed, since it came out literally this month, and the other subs are all auto-generated and.............very lacking. that said, it's a contemporary setting, and i would put this at an hsk 5 level, give or take; there are some references to folklore, but the characters research and explain or deduce the explanations of what is happening as it occurs, and you aren't left to struggle to figure it out yourself. 78 episodes, but each one is a bit under 20 minutes long, so it actually isn't that much content in total. (mdl link)
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ventresses · 2 months
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Star Wars + Moodboards
Clone Trooper: Sister
"What's your name, trooper?" “Sister. It's how my brothers tell everyone I belong."
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ironunderstands · 3 months
I’m so happy more genshin-like gatcha games are coming out (I understand they are very different from Genshin blah blah blah we have had this conversation don’t try and murder me), as that means the developers for Genshin have to try a little harder to compete with them
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burningboxes · 2 months
you know kosa is a horrible fucking idea when even the kids it's claiming to protect are rallying against it
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rpclefairy · 1 year
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collection of tweaks for tumblr.
note this is directed at roleplay blogs, which is why i may be removing features that a regular personal blog would use, but everyone is free to use and customize these to your own liking.
i recently posted a quick tutorial on how to use ublock to remove the annoying shop button with the permanent "new" notification and i was asked both if i use any other tweaks for the dashboard and if i could compile my previous tweaks such as bigger dms, so here i am bundling all my tumblr fixes / tweaks. to install these you'll need ublock origin (feel free to experiment and adapt this to other adblocker extensions!) and stylus (apparently stylish has some privacy concerns so i'm no longer using that)
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ublock / adblocker part: following the steps on this tutorial, you'll open the filters panel on ublock origin and paste this. all filters are named and categorized in case you want to pick and choose.
follow the instructions in the notes! you'll have to replace my url with yours and if you have sideblogs copy paste the filters with the urls of your other blogs:
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stylus part: install this style, follow the "get stylus" button if you don't have this extension installed. optional customizing the css:
.j17Mp makes the dms window size bigger, adjust to your liking.
.k31gt various is all text / posts settings:
1. "text-align: justify;" justfies text, remove if you don't want justified text. 2. "font-size: 13px;" changes the font size of both normal and small text to a default 13px, adjust to a size comfortable for you!
.k31gt.ljmFj removes the gap between blockquotes.
everything else removes the empty gaps from removing ads with ublock.
before and after still screenshots:
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human-wof-designs · 10 months
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here's the last guide for now! i'm going to hold off making them for silkwings, hivewings, and leafwings until i've actually drawn more of them and have more information to compile
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mishapen-dear · 5 months
i love how nonchalant bad's rebellion book is. "yeah he's got a not-great relationship with the codes. sad! might need etoiles to help" as if those fuckers didn't try to kill his son 9 times before finally succeeding (which isn't even counting the other times bbh encountered/fought the code on behalf of the other eggs)
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aphsillyos · 16 days
uhhhhhh aphelios f2p this week should i try him out (i got scared just from reading his abilities but i think he's really cute)
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aphelios is super simple!! i promise!!!!!! even a goofy goober like me picked him up!!
there's a bit more to him than just this guide of course, but the same can be said about other champions's kits & abilities/strategies/etc.!
imo you should focus on remembering what each gun does when you first start playing him. it's easier to take stuff one step at a time, and if you find yourself in a bind, you'll know what your current weapons do.
(better to know your weapons well than to try and follow a weapon combo/rotation and not know what your attacks are doing. you can still make the most out of a bad weapon combo if you have to)
this video was very helpful for a lil summary :)
short answer: yes you should try playing aphelios! he is cute 💞
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nyehilismwriting · 6 months
hi, i just want to say thank you ig for donating your patreon earnings to palestine...im in a place where supporting palestine is easy and in fact my workplace just did fundraising for palestine but i just realized its not like that everywhere. i saw the twitter thread of people losing their job for even just speaking about palestine so again i just want to say thank you...it just make me feel the world is less lonely
yeah....I know the news (or lack of it) coming out of palestine lately has been pretty unbearable, but the palestinian people haven't given up, and neither can the rest of the world - I'm not in a position where I can afford to participate in direct action, but I do have income and if I can provide an intermediary for people who are worried about reprisals from financial donations that's something I'm happy to do.
obviously, I'm not an expert or a spokesperson, but I do think public opinion is changing fast and the people in power are realising that; the UN already called for a truce today, and while it's not a resolution, it's a sign that international pressure is building against israel (and the US and the UK and other complicit governments) - the palestinian people deserve safety and freedom, globally and on their own land, and we cannot demand anything less.
what's happening is horrifying, and the response from people in power in the west has been unforgivable - politicians, institutions, and corporations all have blood on their hands, as far as i'm concerned, but the people on the ground do care, and are finding ways to show it. you're not alone, and there's more work to be done.
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altern1a · 8 months
Othercon made me really want to contribute to the alterhuman community and forge connections, so here is a project I put together: Otherdirect, a directory of alterhuman social spaces! It is primarily focused on discord servers and makes it easy to browse for the niche alterhuman communities you want to join.
There is a simple and easy verification process for anyone who wants to add a server (or other space) to the directory, and I hope to gather as many overlooked groups and spaces as possible and help bring the greater community closer together!
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