#I just made the comment to myself that having personally known the Sun Summoner can't have helped Adrik's outlook on life & wanted to share
timeandspacelord · 3 years
Leoni says that almost dying as a child may be what gave her such an optimistic outlook on life and Adrik replies that all of his near-death experiences didn't make him an optimist, but I can't help feeling like personally knowing the Sun Summoner during the height of her power when she was also just a teenage girl very out of her depth would lead to a fairly cynical/pessimistic worldview. Like, anyone who was directly involved with the behind-the-scenes happenings of the Ravkan civil war is going to be a little more disillusioned with anything touted as a miracle, just for having known a saint and that she was just a girl
Also, the fact that Adrik's near-death experiences were way more traumatic than childhood illness, being war- and shadow demon-related, probably plays into it
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