#I know we usually shoot the shit over WWDITS but I've had True Blood on my mind lately
ectokelpeigh · 2 years
Danny gets fangs, and they're retractable like the vamps' from True Blood. Also like them, he doesn't have perfect control over when they come out; they're subject to emotional arousal. Pretty much any emotion will do it when it's strong enough (in either form, poor kid). It's Scary Eyes 2.0: Scary Teeth! (or, My Shiny Teeth And Me remix: My Scary Teeth And Me)
Also love how one of the books TB is based on specifies that newer vampires have lisps while they get used to talking with their fangs. I'm bringing this up because it takes a while for anyone in Amity Park to realize he has fangs. First they notice Phantom seems to suddenly go silent at times. Turns out he's just really self conscious about the lisp so he avoids talking when his fangs are out.
Of course when his rogues catch on to this, they take special care to get a rise out of him. Finally there's a way to shut this kid up
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