#I like the idea of the youngest son of the youngest sons son being king
py-dreamer · 1 day
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Idea just popped into my head-
Idk I just feel like Nezha wouldn't like spiders. He wouldn't have a phobia, just doesn't like them.
Also these 5 need to have a name
I know bai he shows up very little after s3 but even so!
As a group, they give off such sibling vibes. You can't tell me that canon tired god of children Nezha doesn't give off older brother vibes at least in lmk.
I also just realized, my boi just went from being the youngest of 3 siblings (ie being the third lotus prince, younger brother of muzha and Jinzha) presumably the chaotic wild one without as much responsibility and probably lil brother figure to Wukong later on-
to being a full blown guardian of a map to one of the most destructive weapons and (in my headcanon) babysitter to red son
Like big switchup man and I do think of lmk nezha specifically as an adult (mentally and physically) like jeez sometimes I think he kinda (subconsciously, he would never admit it aloud) misses being taken care off.
Ngl (excuse my mini rant here) I feel the same way about wukong. Like mans went from probably (I believe) one of the younger members of the brotherhood or at least one of the most immature to being the "older brother" to the pilgrims. They all call him elder brother I think (if I'm wrong pls correct me) and I think the turning point to kinda take on responsibility was the journey yes but also, the aftermath of the burning of flower fruit mountain.
I'm not saying he didn't care about them before, no I'm sure he absolutely did and part of his reasons for becoming stronger for protection is genuine. But I think the moment that hit the hardest as a consequence to his actions is the dwindling numbers of his subjects upon his return and it really settled in his job as their king
but yea...rlly puts things into speculation huh?
How the hell did I just ramble bout SWK in a post bout the children. He is my boi and all my friends and parents flame me for it but I digress-
anyways nothing new bout the drawing techniques but hey, hope u enjoy
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flowerandblood · 10 months
The Impossible Choice
[ Aemond • Targaryen x Baratheon! • female ]
[warnings: kissing, angst, sexual tension]
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[description: Aemond comes to Storm's End to choose his future consort. However, Lord Borros Baratheon presents him with only four of his five daughters. Being attached to his youngest child, he does not want to marry her. The prince, however, thwarts his and her plans with his decision. This is slow burn, with a lot of dark angst and sexual tension. (Anon Request)]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
For the last four years, all her sisters had spoken about was Prince Aemond Targaryen. She knew that he was to choose one of them, as agreed between the king and her father, Borros Baratheon − military intent for marriage seemed for him the right price. On the day when all the findings were confirmed he came to her, took her cheeks in his rough hands and began to speak.
“One of your elder sisters will marry Prince Aemond in a few years. But not you. I want you to stay with me." He said, kissing her forehead.
She didn't understand what he meant then, and she felt humiliated to think that perhaps he thought that she was missing something. Only after a few years did she realize that her father treated her differently than them.
Cassandra, Maris, Ellyn and Floris loved to sew, sing, play instruments, read poetry. They resembled her mother, whom she barely remembered.
Her father once told her that she reminded him of his younger sister, who died when he was only fifteen. Although, unlike her father, she could and liked to read, she went hunting with him as well, Borros watched from a distance as his son and heir, Royce, taught her swordsmanship and archery. Her father decided that she was of Baratheon blood, not her mother's, and that marriage would destroy her.
She accepted the idea that her father had other plans for her, watching her sisters, thinking that she was no match for them in maturity and beauty, their hips and breasts full, their curves graceful.
She, as the youngest of the siblings, was much smaller, her cleavage was not so plentiful, her hips were not so wide, she didn't seem fully female standing next to them, and she was glad that her father had let her escape this humiliation.
On the day Prince Aemond was to make his choice, a great storm broke out. She thought, as she and her brother walked out to the back of their fortress, that this was a bad omen from the gods.
They both flinched as they heard a monstrous, loud roar in the distance, they thought for a moment that a huge dark cloud was approaching them, and then they saw a huge beast appearing from the sky, circling above their stronghold. She felt her heart pounding in terror, shivers run down her spine.
"Do not think about it." Royce shouted at her, throwing his sheathed sword at her.
She grabbed it on the fly, her hair wet, strands stuck to her face; they often practiced in the rain and with how tense things were inside their castle, they both decided to run away and wait until it was all over.
She smiled at him, pale, drawing her sword. They slashed their blades again and again with a loud clang of steel, turning around, trying different positions. Their movements weren't fast or brutal, both of them practicing proper posture and stamina.
Though she knew that it wouldn't make sense in King's Landing, in Storm's End no one asked why Borros Baratheon's daughter practiced hand-to-hand combat.
It seemed obvious.
War has been in the blood of their family for generations.
It almost always rained in Storm's End, and when it didn't, it was usually cloudy, she was used to the fact that whenever she went outside she was all wet, and although her sisters rarely left the fortress for fear of getting sick, she only strengthened her immunity and such conditions did not impress her anymore.
She and her brother both flinched and backed away from each other when they heard a guard run down to them, shouting something at them, she had to listen carefully to understand what he was saying, as he repeated his words.
"Your father orders you to return to the keep immediately, my lady." He said, in the background of his words thunder and loud, rushing rain, she looked at her brother, but he just nodded for her to go.
"It's probably over." He said, obviously wanting to reassure her.
She followed the guard down the corridor, through the cold, stone walls of her keep, trying to keep her composure, feeling her heart pounding hard.
Which one did he choose?
Ellyn, she thought.
She had a charming smile and pleasant curves, bright eyes and ease of speech, she knew that Ellyn desired this marriage and she hoped that the prince would be kind to her sister once he was her husband.
She followed the guard into the great hall and saw her father sitting on the lord's throne, stroking his chin uneasily, her four sisters were scowling at her, grim, she sensed that something was wrong.
She turned her gaze a little to the side and then she saw him.
He was standing in a long, unbuttoned leather coat, resting his weight on one leg, saying something to her sister, but he turned to her when he heard her footsteps, the dagger and sword strapped to his belt.
She saw that famous scar and black eyepatch, his long, white hair partly tied back, there was something terrifying about him, she thought, in that animalistic, menacing look.
She felt the raindrops falling down her cheeks onto the floor, she had the impression that they would soon evaporate from the heat that she felt in her body, at first she didn't even hear her father speaking to her, unable to look away from his face, she turned to him when she heard him say her name.
“This is my youngest daughter, my prince. As I said, I felt that she was not properly prepared to fulfill her responsibilities as your wife." He said briefly, she heard impatience in her father's voice, but also something else.
Prince Aemond didn't even glance at him as he spoke, he stared at her intensely, his lips pressed into a thin line.
"I will decide that, Lord Baratheon. Wasn't that the deal?" He asked, and that was the first time when she heard his voice.
Cold, low, slightly taunting.
She felt her hands shaking and swallowed softly, only now feeling her throat tighten, she didn't know where to look.
She saw him avert his eye from her and walk slowly, unhurriedly toward Cassandra. She looked away immediately, red and horrified, when she saw that he had kissed her, her sister gasped.
When she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, she saw that he released her without giving her a single glance and walked over to Maris.
She saw him repeat the same gesture and felt tears well up in her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling of the great hall that she was standing in, where she had played all her childhood and prayed to the gods that he wouldn't do this to her.
When she heard him walking slowly towards her she didn't look at him, felt his large, cold hand grab her cheeks, forcing her to turn her face towards him. Involuntarily she drew a shuddering breath into her lungs, letting out a soft sigh, her eyes looking pleadingly at him, her mouth slightly parted in shock and fear.
His face showed absolutely nothing.
She felt him move closer to her, but hesitated for a second as she shivered all over, felt his small gesture, how quickly, almost imperceptibly his thumb squeezed and wiped her cheek, as if to soothe her, comfort her.
She looked at him again then and his lips were on hers, pressed against hers in a sticky, warm kiss, she closed her eyes and thought that it wasn't unpleasant, he smelled like smoke and rain.
She didn't purse her lips against him, but she didn't kiss him back either, she thought that he was about to break away from her as he had from her sisters, and she waited patiently, knowing that the end would come soon.
She stifled a guttural groan as his hand closed over her cheeks and he kissed her deeper, more hungrily, sending shivers down her spine.
Involuntarily she put a hand on his shoulder, as if she was both looking for support and wanting to push him away, she flinched as he let out an almost inaudible grunt when she touched him.
He pulled away from her with a wet click and she looked down, red with embarrassment. He didn't let go of her cheeks and was silent for a moment.
"Her." He said suddenly, her heart stopped.
She looked at her father in horror, but she couldn't get the words out of her throat, she heard Ellyn sob loudly, burying her face in her hands.
She thought that it was impossible.
Her father seemed as shocked as she was.
"…as I was saying, my prince…" He began, but Prince Aemond let go of her face, turning tensely as he walked slowly towards the entrance, without glancing at her once more.
"I have decided." He said loudly, coldly, leaving through the main door, outside the windows they heard a loud thunder, which shook the fortress.
She heard her heart pounding loudly, didn't even know when tears were streaming down her face as she slid helplessly to her knees, trying to catch her breath.
She heard her sisters sobbing, Cassandra came over to her, pushing her angrily so that she collapsed on the stone floor.
"How dare you touch him?! He's a prince!” She screamed, possessed by humiliation and pain.
"Enough!" Their father shouted, rising from his throne, running his hand across his face.
"All of you, go to your chambers. Now!" He shouted impatiently, dismissing them with his hand.
She stood up, but she felt her body moving on its own, her mind leaving her loins and drifting away, as she walked down the corridor she met her brother who was speaking to her, apparently asking her a question, but she moved past him, heading for her chamber, closing the door behind her. She slid down, sitting on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chin.
She felt her whole body tremble in convulsions as if she had a fever, she tried to tell herself that it was all a dream, but then she felt his fleshy, full lips on hers again, his hand cupping her jaw, his thumb brushing over her face imperceptibly.
Her stomach tightened at the thought, terrified that she liked this feeling.
They had all been humiliated by him, but especially her sisters.
She thought that they would never forgive her.
They'd wasted years of their lives, preparing to be married to the man who stole their first kisses and then chose their sister who wasn't even considered.
She wondered why he did it? What drove him?
She wasn't even wearing a gown, didn't have her hair combed, didn't look like a woman, a highborn lady.
She thought that he was mocking them and her, that it was his cruel joke, a punishment for the king and queen for forcing him to marry against his will.
Her sisters pretended that she didn't exist for the next few days, when she came to join them during supper, they got up from the table and left.
Her brother comforted her by saying that they were taking it out on her for their misfortune, but she didn't feel better.
All nights since he chose her she cried, burying her face in the pillow.
Her father had no words of comfort for her either. Even though she knew he wanted to, he couldn't keep his promise to refuse him. He hadn't expected this turn of events and was furious, but breaking the agreement with the crown was out of the question.
She wouldn't even dare to ask him to do it.
The prospect of marriage and wedding night left her in a state of constant shock, she knew nothing about these things, and her sisters wouldn't tell her even if she wanted to, her mother was dead and she couldn't ask anyone what it looked like, what she should do, how to behave.
She thought that it would all be a series of endless humiliation.
After a few weeks, Lord Baratheon received a letter from the queen, informing him of the expected date of the nuptials. She was to arrive in King's Landing in the next few days, to properly prepare for the ceremony and acclimate.
She wanted to vomit at the thought.
Her father then hugged her tightly as he had when she was a small child.
He was a big, aggressive, sometimes even boorish man, but she had never known another lord who loved his children so dearily.
"You are of House Baratheon. Nobody will break you." He said, taking her face in his hands and kissing the top of her head, she pursed her lips at his words, not letting tears leave the corners of her eyes until she heard him disappear behind the door.
The night before she left for the Red Keep she couldn't sleep. Her sisters still didn't speak to her, but she and Cassandra always had the closest and warmest relationship. She needed the advice and comfort of another woman.
She took her candle in her hand and walked down the corridor towards her chamber. She opened the door, peering inside timidly, her sister frowned at her, confused.
"What is it?" She asked coldly.
She swallowed softly at the tone of her voice and closed the door behind her, walking slowly to her bed, sitting on the edge of it without looking at her. There was silence between them for a moment.
"I'm scared." She said, her lips quivering hard, her eyes were already red from crying, but she felt tears welling up again under her eyelids, heard her eldest sister shift uneasily under her covers.
"Please, tell me what to expect." She whispered, looking at her pleadingly, her sister stared at her dispassionately.
She swallowed softly, terrified, the way she said the word sent shivers down her spine.
"What do you mean?" She asked softly, her voice trembling at the very end of the question, betraying her desperation and fear.
Cassandra looked at her for a long time before answering.
“You have a duty to fulfill. You must give the prince an heir. This is your only task. Do you know how this act looks like?" She asked, and her younger sister shook her head quickly, looking down in embarrassment.
“The man lies on top of you, between your thighs. He inserts a part of his body into you, from which fluid will flow out, thanks to which you will be able to bear his child. With any luck, he won't tear you apart from the inside." She said indifferently, her face proud, her eyes cold.
She swallowed hard, feeling her whole body tremble, what she was saying sounded terrifying, foreign and painful, she couldn't imagine anyone putting anything inside her body. She clenched her hands on her knees.
"Does it hurt a lot?" She mumbled, feeling herself shiver all over, her sister exhaled loudly through her nose.
"They say the pain is indescribable."
She nodded, swallowing softly, thinking that perhaps this would be some kind of punishment for taking away from her sisters what they wanted.
She decided that she would accept what was about to happen with the greatest dignity as she left her chamber without a word.
That night she did not fall sleep.
The next morning everything was ready and her ship was waiting to take her to King's Landing. She threw herself into her brother's arms, for the first time in her life she saw him cry.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered into her ear, squeezing her tightly, his stubble scratching her cheeks pleasantly as usual, she stroked his hair, closing her eyes.
"Don't worry." She whispered, breaking away from him.
Then her father approached her, also unable to refrain from an affectionate gesture, he kissed her cheek and pulled away from her, pressing his lips together.
She knew that if he could, he would have kept her.
She looked at her sisters who were standing in the distance, only Ellyn rushed to her, bursting into sobs and hugged her tightly. She embraced her, and walked up the long plank, to the deck of her ship.
The journey wasn’t long, but it still felt like an eternity for her. She felt great tension, terror and fear, Cassandra’s words rang in her ears, filling her with anxiety.
When they finally arrived, a man who looked like a knight was waiting for her, she recognized him as Ser Criston Cole, she had seen him fight in royal tournaments more than once. He bowed to her, giving her a calm, gentle smile.
"My lady. Welcome to King's Landing."
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte @rwdkarla @echos-muses
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buckybarnesb-tch · 9 months
Hiii! I was wondering if u could do a royalty au with the yandere Mikaelsons! It can either be human or vampire but like image THE AESTHETICS OF IT!! And can u somehow include rebekah as well!! I can leave the rest of the plot up to u or if u want I can also send ideas :)
I Don’t Want a Crown -Klaus M.
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For something like this I could see going vampire but no, I’m going human on this. I’m excited to try it out!
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Your father thought it was an insult.
You were your fathers youngest daughter, the only one currently unmarried as he had married off your sisters already to make necessary alliances. The Mikaelson family was a very powerful ally, they were close with the king and queen but your father only wanted you to be married to the eldest, Elijah. Elijah however is already betrothed.
Elijah was happy to marry you to his younger brother, Niklaus, who you hadn’t met but you had heard some truly horrific stories of him beheading and gutting his enemies.
Your father dismissed you so that he could talk to Elijah alone and you happily exited the stuffy room, exploring the castle before making your way outside. You were enjoying the overcast sky before coming across a man leaning against a tree and seemingly sketching something in a book. You paused as you walked passed him to look and see him drawing an image of your horse that was by the stables.
‘That’s very good…are you an artist or something?’ You questioned and he paused to look down at you before smiling.
‘Or something, it’s a nice hobby. I’m glad you like it. I’m Nik, lovely to meet you.’ He took your hand, kissing your knuckle softly and bowing as he did which made you smile. Many men that greeted you didn’t think they had to bow to anyone but your parents, this man was a stranger and showing you more respect than your regular suitors.
‘I’m Y/n, it’s a pleasure. Well, I’m sorry to have bothered you Nik.’ You turned to walk away when he quickly fell into step beside you.
‘I can’t leave a beautiful girl to walk alone now can I? What kind of a man would I be?’ He held out his arm and you took it as you walked through the gardens. ‘So, why are you taking a stroll alone on such a dreary day?’
‘Oh I love days like these, and I love walking in the rain…much to my fathers dismay but that somehow makes it better.’ You teased and he seemed to like it. ‘Rainy days are the best kind. And I suppose I needed to get away. My father has been trying to marry me off to some rich family, though which one is anyone’s guess. It’s exhausting meeting potential husbands every day, and not one of them actually interested in meeting me. Just my father because it’s his choice and I will do what I’m told. Then I’ll get married to a man who is cold and cruel and just as happy to make me do what I’m told. I’m not ignorant enough to think I should be free to fall in love, the world isn’t that kind but shouldn’t we at least like each other? I don’t want to become my sister, married to a man who beats her with only the intention of filling her with a son…and now I’m ranting my problems to a stranger who only asked about the weather. I’m so sorry Nik-‘
‘I asked why you were walking, you answered. And I don’t think it’s an outrageous request to want to get along or a husband who will not beat you. A man should respect his wife, she is the one who will raise his children and give him a happy home to come back to every day, warm his bed yes but that should be more than one sided as well.’ You tried to hide your blush at the topic but he definitely noticed. ‘You’re a lovely women. You should be taken care of, and regardless of what a man is like with other men he should be a gentleman with his family. I’m sure your husband will prove to be a good man, at least to you.’ You smiled at that, his optimism being refreshing.
‘It’s a nice sentiment, though the man my father is meeting with now is trying to marry me off to an apparent madman. Of course those are just rumors, everyone deserves a fair chance.’ He looked stunned by your words as you sat yourself on the rock wall overlooking the ocean. It’s where you came to read often, it was peaceful and you loved watching the waves when it stormed.
‘You have a refreshing outlook on life. I like how sweet you are Y/n. Any man should be honored to have you, I know I would be.’ He sat beside you, kissing your hand once again, his blue eyes being the kind you want to get lost in for hours.
‘Well, I’m an optimist I guess. Besides, it’s not just him that’s a possibility. My father is meeting with someone else today, I suppose he feels slighted that I’ve been offered a second son, dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life but my father is nothing if not sensitive.’ You joked and while he laughed he looked…angry? He hid it quickly before standing and holding out his hand.
‘We should get you inside, it’s going to rain any second Princess.’ He walked you back to the castle in silence and while it wasn’t uncomfortable, you felt the need to ask as you got inside.
‘Have I offended you? If I have, you have my sincerest apologies my Lord, I don’t-‘
‘Nonsense! You have done nothing of the sort.’ He reached up, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and the way he looked at you was so…heavy. ‘Now, you go get yourself warmed up and dressed for dinner. I’m sure I will see you again in a bit.’ With that he bowed and was gone, leaving you to realize how late it really was and rush to get ready for dinner.
When you arrived you were greeted by your mother as your father spoke to a man who must be in his early 40s. Very close to his age at least. ‘Y/n, your father has invited both of your suitors, Lord Aslan and Lord Mikaelson to dinner tonight. He would like to speak with both of them freely and see which is the best match, please be on your best behavior?’ Your mother begged.
‘Please tell me that old man is my suitors father?’ Your mother looked at you with hard eyes and you knew to shut up as you all sat down to eat.
‘Should we wait for the Mikaelson’s?’ Your mother asked and father rolled his eyes.
‘Can’t even be on time for a potential alliance. How disgraceful.’ Lord Aslan spoke and now you rolled your eyes.
‘Apologies my Lord, my brother has had to leave, our sister is having a bit of trouble. I’m sorry for my tardiness.’ You know that voice.
‘We can understand that. Young women are a handful, I should know, my wife gave me 5.’ Everyone knows your father hates that your mother gave him so many girls before a boy but he still brings it up. You looked up to see Nik sitting in the chair across from you and smiled politely, but you’re sure he could see it didn’t reach your eyes. ‘Gentlemen, this is my daughter Y/n.’ You waved politely, Nik smiling while the man beside your father leered at you.
‘The pleasure is mine Princess.’ Lord Mikaelson greeted, the other man laughing suddenly and gaining everyone’s attention.
‘She’s not a Princess. A Lady, maybe, and a lovely one at that.’ You cringed, taking a drink from your cup and trying to ignore his eyes on you.
‘Every women should be treated as a Princess by her husband. Do you not agree my Lord? I’ve met many Princesses, they don’t hold a candle to you Darling.’ The blush is back and this time you can’t even pretend to hide it.
‘Thank you my Lord, you are sweet.’
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The rest of dinner was your father speaking to Lord Aslan while he leered at you and you spoke to Nik back and forth, finding the rumors about him to be insane. He couldn’t hurt a fly. Or so you thought.
After they had left and you were getting ready for bed your father knocked on your door, letting himself in with a stern look on his face. ‘You behaved very rudely at dinner. You didn’t once try to speak to Lord Aslan.’
‘He was staring at my chest all night and he didn’t speak to me either, just you. He wants me to be his wife and doesn’t even want to know anything about me? No thank you. Besides, I loved speaking with Niklaus, he was sweet and he wanted to know me. I would much rather-‘ you were about to finish when your father cut you off with a hand around your throat, eyes angry and determined.
‘You think I care what you want? Your opinion means nothing to me child, it’s the men that matter and I will not be offended by being offered a second son for my youngest girl. I’m being given land and an army by Lord Aslan, plus a dowry that is worth much more than you. You’ll make yourself happy where ever I put you like a good daughter and a good wife! You are set to marry Lord Aslan in a fort night. That is all I will hear on the matter.’ When he stopped speaking he finally allowed you to breathe, pulling his hand away and watching you collapse to the floor, gasping for air. ‘Sleep daughter. You have lunch with your husband tomorrow and you must be presentable.’ With that he was gone and you were left alone to change into your night gown, holding a cold compress to the quickly forming bruises on your throat.
You were in too much pain to relax and sleep, every time you moved your neck or swallowed pain shot through your throat and didn’t leave you with the ability to get comfortable. You had finally given up trying and ended up on the loveseat with a book and an inability to stop the tears despite your pain. You were going to spend the rest of your life with a man who doesn’t care for you at all. Niklaus would move on and find a new wife, some lucky girl to have a good husband and a good life and you hate her. You were trying to calm yourself when you heard a knock on your French doors making you look up before it happened again. Quickly you wiped your face before moving to the doors to see a familiar face, waving casually.
‘What are you doing?’ You asked, opening the doors and allowing him to slip in and watching as he looked around your plain room.
‘I am to be your husband, I’m allowed to see my wife, aren’t I? I want to get to know you better before-we…why are you crying?’ You quickly wiped your face again and he stopped you, taking your hands in his and brushing the tears away.
‘Niklaus, you have to go. You can’t be here-‘
‘I will not have you cry, why are you upset, I can-‘
‘You can’t fix it! You are not going to be my husband! I told you, I’m not going to be married to a second son and what I want doesn’t matter! You need to leave, please? You’ll be killed if you’re found in here!’ You pushed at his chest but he didn’t budge, pulling you close and tilting your head up, inspecting the bruises on your neck gently. ‘My Lord-‘
‘Husband.’ He cut you off, clearly angry but not acting on it. ‘I’m sorry if you got confused Princess, it’s okay. It’s not your fault, your father seems to want to irritate me. There was no chance of any other man marrying you, I have already decided that you’re mine. You are not to worry about that, do you understand?’ He asked it so softly you felt like you were dreaming.
‘But my father-‘
‘Do. You. Understand?’ His eyes were a stormy blue, like a raging sea, impossible to tame but he never once made you feel like you were in danger with him.
‘I understand. But my father will never agree. He’s stubborn and cruel-‘
‘You haven’t seen cruel Princess…and you never will. I promise you that. And this-‘ he touched your neck softly, his eyes hardening when he looked at the bruises. ‘This will never happen to you again. Not in this lifetime, you are my wife, my Princess to protect and no one will ever harm you. No one will get close enough to try. Tomorrow you’ll go about your day like normal and not speak a word of this, then you will get the news that you are being married to me. Now come, Princess’ need sleep.’ He suddenly lifted you into his arms and carried you to your bed, tucking you into the blankets and holding your hand.
‘I can’t sleep. My neck hurts and I-‘
‘Shh.’ He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle, reaching up to open your mouth and you didn’t fight him as he pored it onto your tongue, making you swallow. ‘Now relax, you’ll sleep just fine my darling. Don’t you worry about that.’ He pressed your hand to his face, kissing your palm and sighing, his stubble scratching your hand roughly. As he began standing your eyes fell, heavy with sleep and you felt a kiss on your cheek before you fell asleep.
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You slept well into the next day and you were awoken by a maid just before lunch, helping you into a dress that covered the marks on your neck. You went to the gardens for your lunch but Lord Aslan never showed up.
Your father was furious for the rest of the day and you didn’t see him at dinner but your mother told you that he was in a meeting. Walking back to your bedroom that night you turned to see familiar blue eyes looking down at you, waiting outside your door. ‘Nik?’
‘Hello my darling wife.’ He pulled you close to his chest and into your room, the door shutting behind him. ‘Our wedding will be held in 2 days time, everything is being taken care of, you won’t have to lift one little finger. I want you to have the best wedding day ever.’
You pulled back, looking up at him confused. ‘I’m engaged already, he told me-‘
‘Your father is an idiot, and he knew not to cross me yet he did so anyway after finding out that I wanted you as my wife. That’s his problem. The other…I hesitate to call him a man, isn’t an issue anymore. He was found dead in his home this morning for looking at things that didn’t belong to him.’ You stared up at him in shock, not sure what to do. ‘I told you, I like how sweet you are and any man should feel honored to have you. I do, and I always will. I will protect my sweet girl until my dying day, and not once will your innocent eyes be forced to see anything even resembling violent. I know I’m not the best man, but I will take care of you love, and I will love you for the rest of eternity…do you want to be mine?’
You didn’t know what to say to that. ‘I’m already yours-‘
‘I will see to it that you live like a nun for the rest of your life if that’s what you choose, but I would much prefer you be mine. I love you Y/n, but it’s your choice.’ His honesty spoke volumes and I nodded my head without hesitation.
‘Yes. I want to be your wife…I love you too Nik.’
Klaus was the best husband she could have ever dreamed of and he was true to his word, she never saw any violence…even when she ordered it.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
I Don’t Want a Crown Moodboard
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What did you just say? Pt. 2.
Aegon x FEM reader.
Aegon confronts his mother, the truth leaves his mouth as the fire leaves the snout of his dragon. To his surprise you don't share the same desires of being with him anymore.
Warning: maybe it wasn't as good as the first part lol. Grammatical and spelling errors, maybe a Dark obsessed Aegon at the end but nothing very serious.
Credits of these gifs to whoever they belong to
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(...) The goblet In his hand flew to the other side of the room, tension filled the room, silence was uncomfortable, then, Aegon simply asked.
- What did you just say?
Poor servant, avoiding Aegon's look, he simply muttered and kneeled down.
- I... Said lady y/n is pregnant... please Forgive me my king, I beg for your pardon.
Aegon didn't understand why the servant was apologizing, he only rolled his eyes, he was furious, fire was running through his body.
- Get up and leave. ALL OF YOU, LEAVE! I need to talk with my mother. NOW!
Everybody left the room in an instant, Alicent was in the same place, she didn't move but was also avoiding to see her son.
- Look at me and tell me you didn't know about this, mother.
She looked at him but was speechless, there were no words.
She felt fear, she was always behind him, she was always the one who reprimanded him, but right now, she's feeling like a little kid In trouble.
- Aegon, you have to understand...
- Understand what? Is it not enough that we're all dragged into this unhappy family, full of hypocrisy and sadness for all your decisions? Your decisions had taken us to misery, my sister is right, if you weren't so blind and full of hate against Rhaenyra our story would be different.
- This, is totally unfair, You have no idea of the sacrifices that were made to put you on that throne.
- A throne I never asked for! This is all your Father wants! You've been so blind, thinking you're doing all this because of the safety of the crown, your family and the kingdom when In fact, it is only that old man's desire, to see his own blood sitting on that stupid chair!
Aegon's point of view wasn't totally wrong, he always saw his grandfather as a spider knitting its web waiting for its prey, like a moth attracted to the brilliant things, waiting for the right moment to get inside and be around the warm and brightest light, an opportunist, that's how Aegon secretly always described his grandfather. He sighed, clearly annoyed.
-...When did you receive the news of her marriage?
- Months ago, I received a letter when she was betrothed to him... and later another one arrived with the news of her wedding, but I can promise you that I don't know nothing about her pregnancy, I doubt she is pregnant.
Her words are honest but not reassuring enough to calm Aegon.
- Do you see me, mother? Do you see how painful it is for me? This marriage with my own sister, this crown over my head that I never wanted. Your decisions had been brought pain not only for me but for my siblings too. You hate Rhaenyra for all the things you consider wrong and improper , but I've done all of them too, and you hide them and pretend we're the good ones, it's pure hypocrisy. Helaena could be happier if you accepted the proposal of marriage with Jace or even if you married her to Aemond she would be happier, I could be happier if I were married with (y/n) and you wouldn't have your youngest son far from you and his true home, but no... Here we are, with a war knocking on our door, our family crumbling and with my beloved In the arms of that fuckin' wolf In the north!
Alicent approached Aegon, trying to be a loving mother, her hands on Aegon's cheeks, she can see his eyes, there's anger, pain and deception. She's trying to convince him that your marriage can bring good things in his favor.
- Aegon, you cannot see it now, but the marriage of lady (y/n) with Cregan Stark could be useful, she will do anything you asked her, she will ally to us in this war if it's necessary. Your brothers will fight at your side and your wife and children will be there too.
Aegon gave a step back, neglecting with his head, his face only shows how disgusted he feels. He never expected kind words from her but also not this kind of poorly try to calm him down, at this point he feels like he's trapped, he's a little boy trapped in a man's body, he wants to run away from that room, he needs to calm himself before doing something he could regret later.
Suddenly, your voice and the memory of your face, your hands and the affection between you and him filled his mind. You were his safe place years ago and yet, he still thinks about you when he feels lost and suffocated.
He left the room while Alicent was yelling his name, some guards tried to go behind him but he stopped us, he only wanted a person close to him, You.
He arrived at the dragon's pitch, Sunfyre his precious Dragon sensed instantly Aegon's emotions and roared to let Aegon know it was ready to fly away with him.
And that's what they did, Aegon disappeared in the sky, the clouds covered them, it was possible to hear them but to see in what direction they went wasn't that easy.
You were in your chambers resting when one of your ladies appeared, pallid as snow.
- My lady. There's... A... A dragon landed not so far from the castle.
You sit on your bed quickly, it is not possible, you try to calm yourself thinking it can be any dragon.
- A dragon? Which one?
- I'm not sure, it looked like a golden dragon, shined like the sun.
No, no, no. The fear of seeing him after all this time has appeared and grown inside you.
- What do we have to do my lady?
- Bring my coat, we have to welcome our unexpected guest by our own since Cregan is not here.
As soon as you arrived at the hall of the castle, Aegon was already there, waiting.
- My... (You doubted) King. What do we owe the honor of your visit?
- Lady (y/n), I recently found out about your marriage, I merely came to give you my congratulations.
- Thank you, my king, I've been blessed with such a wonderful marriage with a good lord.
- Where's he?
- Hunting, we weren't expecting visitors or he would be here to give you a proper welcome.
- That's fine, lady (y/n) I would like to have a private audience with you.
You looked at your ladies and knights, you didn't say a word but they understood instantly and left you alone with Aegon.
- What are the real motives of your visit... My king?
- there's no need for such formalities (Y/n)...
- Well, tell me Aegon, what are you doing here?
- I came here... To take you with me.
You are in shock, while he is walking to you, getting more and more close.
- Pardon?
- Come with me, we will annul our marriages, now that I'm king, only my word is the law. We can finally marry as it was planned years ago.
You're still surprised, you haven't moved from your place, he doesn't wait and hugs you, you can feel his nose in the crook of your neck, it's just like when you were children, he was always hiding his face in your neck while you were hugging each other, it was innocent and pure. But you two are not children anymore, both are married now, he's father and king now, you're married and soon to be mother, you haven't bled In two moons or more, your breast started to grow and hurt a little, and all your ladies had told you you look different, more beautiful, Cregan said to you that being pregnant with a boy brings more beauty to some women.
You kindly stepped back, you will not leave your husband or your new home just for an old childhood love. Aegon doesn't look surprised by your reaction.
- You don't smell like the roses anymore, now you smell like forest and berries.
- I've changed, you don't smell like cotton and Oak either, you smell like ashes and sea. You've changed too, my king.
- Probably we changed, but I'm sure our feelings are still the same (y/n) please let's go, you don't belong here, your place is at my side... Please.
His pleading eyes are like knives in your heart, but there's no way this works, people will speak, your parents will abandon you, you know a war is coming and you know who your house will support. And there's Cregan, the man of your dreams, the one who took his time to know all about you, the man who patiently won your trust and your heart, he made you a promise under the God's tree, you did too and you will not break it.
- We're adults now, Aegon, those dreams were erased, I'm married and I love him, a wolf grows inside me, I will not leave nothing of this just for an old children's dream, I moved on.
Aegon's eyes are full of tears, you're breaking his heart, but someone needs to be right-minded. You're observing him with sadness and pity while him is remembering what Alicent told him. You would do anything he asked you, maybe his mother is right, if he can't have you as wife, at least he can have you as an ally.
- I understand, you're right, I'm being a fool and I ask you to forgive me.
- It's okay Aegon...
You held his hand and squeezed it, he's contemplating the small interaction and then he looks into your eyes.
- I want to ask you for something else too.
- Go on, tell me.
- People say a war is coming, my question or the favor I want to ask for, is, will your house and the north join me?
You know the answer to that, you know your house and the north decisions are, even you have your own decision. Maybe you can avoid this uncomfortable moment.
- Aegon... I beg for your pardon but I cannot decide the loyalty of my house or my husband's house on my own. If you wish, you can stay and wait, my husband and I will discuss and consider your proposition.
He smiled at you, certainly he's not pleased with your response, he simply whispered in your ear.
- You're a terrible liar, Lady (Y/n), your decision is already taken, isn't it?... Don't worry, I forgive you, but remember this, After I win this war, I'll be back here and I'll take you with me, I will not have the kindness to ask for your permission or opinion, I will be back for you.
He left a kiss in your cheek and your hand, then he left without saying anything else, the roaring of a dragon echoed through the castle, your ladies appeared just in time to catch you, you fainted.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
What ever it takes.
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Yandere Alicent & Aemond x Sister/daughter reader. Miniseries.
What ever it takes. Part two. Part three. Alternate ending.
I can’t help but love the idea of yandere house targaryen but sometimes about these two just stick out to me.
Plot: You are the twin sister of Aemond targaryen, and the daughter of Alicent Hightower and Viserys Targaryen. Your mother and brother have always had a sense of protectiveness towards you. Then you go missing.
Words: 611.
Reader appearance: I try and not give any sense of what the reader looks like but this being a twin reader you know it’s coming. But the readers description will just be Brown hair, purple eyes. 
Warnings: Small yandere tendencies. No real statement of the targaryen way of love…If you know what I mean (Only with the one eyed prince.)
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The sun has only be shining not more then two hours, the birds flying and chirping and everyone had awakened to start their day. Queen Alicent sat on her padded chair reading what ever report was onto top. She had awaited her youngest daughters arrival for their morning cup of tea but most days it was the only thing keeping Alicent from going mad.
Alicent didn’t like to pick favorite between her children and she loved them all deeply but there was something about y/n she just couldn’t help but favor. Maybe it was hair that matched hers, or the way she would always cling to her at a younger age, or to the smile and cheerful attitude she always carried. The only real resemblance you have to the targaryen blood is your purple eyes, and the dragon you possess. You had your mother captivated and she loved you with all her heart. 
Then there was Aemond who saw the same thing in y/n as his mother, only different. Y/n had come into this world with him to face every battle and challenge thrown their way. No matter what happened she was always at his side to brighten up the darkness. Y/n was his light that he held so close and dear. He loves you more then anything in the world, but how could he not? His mother and him agreed to protect you at all cost, no matter how high of a price.
“You’re grace.” The doors opened as one of her knights stepped through rushing and urgently speaking. “We can not find the princess in her chambers, your father sent us here to tell you.” She didn’t have much time to think as she tossed the papers next to her but landing in the floor then standing standing up.
“What happened? Tell me everything, now!” She demanded as her eyes grew wide and small tears in her eyes, she looked angry. All Alicent saw was red. “Your Grace, as of this morning her maiden went to awaken her but she was not found. Her room trashed and a note was left, that’s why your father sent for you.” Bowing his head to not inflict any wrath of the queen.
Alicent rushed passed him with a heavy step, her hand clinched in a tight fist while she worried what had happened to you. And why her father knew first. How long has he known? How long as her precious girl been missing. “Mother?” She almost didn’t notice aemond in the hallway but hearing his voice stop her.
“Your sister is missing.” His body teased up as did his jaw, he moved to her side as they continued to walk. “And what has happened? When did she go missing.” The queen just shook her head. “I do not know but the hand of the king does.” She spat the words out with venom.
If just the feeling of anger and hurt could kill: Otto would be dead right now and who ever dared to take you. Stopped before walking into Ottos room Alicent grabbed her sons arm and gripped it tight and the look in her eyes he knew all to well. He was sure he had the same, they both knew the feeling.
“You must find your sister, if she is taken then you must burn her captors to ash and bone. My little girl is missing- Your sister is missing and is possibly in grave danger. I do not trust anyone else…It is your job my son.” But he already knew that already. She didn’t even have to say it.
“What ever it takes” 

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vbecker10 · 16 days
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 2)
Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (Part 6 in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor being an absolute ass, Odin being a terrible father (slut shaming?)
A/N: I'm dedicating the second part of this to my absolutely amazing friend @siconetribal! I wanted to get this out for your birthday but I just missed it, sorry! Also, I hope you like the part that you inspired (I have no doubt you'll be able to figure out what it is). Love you! 💚💚💚
And... I know this was only two parts but I couldn't help myself and now it is three lol, not sorry
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"Have you completely lost your mind!?" the king hollers from the throne. You keep your eyes down, too fearful to look up even if your training didn't require you to kneel when in Odin's presence. You know he isn't speaking to you, not yet at least. For now, his attention seems fixed on his youngest son.
"The whole of the Royal Council, the entirety of the Advisory Council and all of our foreign diplomats were in attendance tonight! Not to mention all of their families. Do you have the slightest idea of the damage you have caused?" he questions Loki.
"What could be the harm in me sharing a dance with-" Loki begins but is quickly cut off.
"A dance? You think this is about you and this..." he gestures to you as if he is searching for the least offensive word he can find, "soldier dancing?" he says with a joyless laugh.
Loki doesn't respond and in that instant you both know what it is that truly has angered the king. It wasn't that the prince used his illusions to create a gown for you or that he danced with you at the center of the ball. Loki had kissed you where all of Asgard's most important citizens could see. He had all but announced to the kingdom that you were his and that would not be allowed.
"It is of no concern to me who you bring to your chambers at night but you must learn that there is no place for this at court," he lectures. He turns towards his oldest son who is standing at the base of the stairs leading to the throne. "That goes for you as well. Every servant in this palace knows you are working your way through the kitchen staff," he says to Thor. "I do not need or want to know what either of you do in your chambers and the people of Asgard should be just as unaware."
You don't disagree with that last part, you don't think it is anyone else's business that you are with Loki but you know now isn't the time to speak up.
He continues, turning his focus back to Loki who is still standing just a few inches from you. "You can not parade your..." again he pauses as if too angry to find the right words to describe you. "Her," he changes his mind and motions to you as if Loki could possibly be unsure who he was referring to. "You can not parade her in front of the whole of Asgard. If you want to keep her as a toy for when you are bored, so be it but this type of behavior in public will not be tolerated especially when you are to be looking for a suitable wife," he says, his anger palpable.
You grind your teeth, focusing on the tiles below you to keep from saying something that could lead to your execution.
"I have found a suitable wife," Loki fires back at his father and you lift your head quickly in shock. "Father, Y/N is-"
Odin cuts his words off with a furious wave of his hand as he rises from the throne. "This soldier is not fit to marry a prince," he declares. "And you will refer to her by her rank while you are in my presence," he reminds Loki of proper protocol.
You take a step backwards as the king begins to walk down the steps of the throne. You lower your eyes again and try to keep from trembling as you feel him come closer.
"This will end now," Odin orders and just as Loki opens his mouth in protest he adds, "Or I will transfer your little toy to the an outpost at the furthest edge of the nine realms."
"You will do no such thing," a calm but stern voice says from behind you.
"And what is your solution?" Odin asks Frigga as she walks into the throne room. "Let them continue this.... this..." he stutters in anger.
"Relationship, is the word I think you are looking for my dear husband," she says as she stands between her youngest son and the king.
"Mother, please-" Loki again tries to make his voice heard but Odin's glare stops his words from forming.
"I think I have a solution to our problem," the queen says and you lift your head slightly. She looks at you and flashes the faintest smile, it eases you just for a moment but then her smile fades and so does your hope. You hold your breath as you wait to hear your punishment for loving Loki too publicly as you know they can not punish him.
"I am in need of a new sentry," she says and your heart begins to beat faster. "Lieutenant Y/L/N will be appointed to me starting tomorrow morning. The lieutenant comes from a long line of sentries. Her mother was my sentry many years ago and her grandfather guarded my father when I was a young girl at court. The Y/L/N family has protected and served Asgard for centuries," she informs Odin of your families long and decorated history. If you weren't so terrified, you would be filled with pride that the queen recognizes the years upon years of service your family has given to the kingdom.
"We will not banish one of Asgard's most loyal soldiers because you do not like how your son behaved at the ball. I will speak to him privately about his behavior and make it clear that this is not to happen again," she gives Loki a look that sends a chill down your spine. You know how much the prince loves and respects his mother and there are few feelings worse than knowing you've disappointed someone who believes in you.
Odin remains silent and you know that means the queen has successfully overruled the king. "You are dismissed for the night Lieutenant Y/L/N," she tells you and you stand up at attention. "You will meet me at my chambers at dawn," she orders.
You nod in acknowledgment and bow to each of the royals. The king first as is customary, then the queen who offers you another small smile, the older prince who seems to have already forgotten who you are and finally Loki who looks as if his heart is breaking. You force your features to remain emotionless as you turn to leave the throne room on unsteady legs.
Neither of the two guards standing at the tall double doors make eye contact with you as they move to swing them open. You take a deep breath once you are in the hall and the doors slam shut. You know you should feel relief that you were not sentenced to an eternity in the dungeon or banished to a horrid place like Migard but you find it is still hard to walk. Only days ago you had put in a transfer request in the hopes of being sent away from Loki and now it was being granted by the queen herself. You would no longer be Loki's sentry, or his lover and there was nothing either of you could do.
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You arrive at dawn and greet the two sentries guarding the king and queen's chambers. They nod in return, the shorter one even smiles a little in welcome. It has been a month since the night of the ball and it seems the rumors of Loki's favoritism for you vanished as soon as you were no longer in his service. A few of your fellow soldiers have slowly begun to speak to you again but you don't find any of them nearly as interesting to talk to as Loki.
You groan internally, it is somehow Monday again already. A day filled with the queen's seemingly endless string of long, drawn out meetings. Much like the younger prince, the queen takes the majority of her meetings in her private office, requiring all council members or other officials to come to her if the wished to have a moment of her time. This unfortunately meant you were unlikely to run into Loki unless they had meetings scheduled together which was seldom the case.
A few minutes after your arrival, the heavy wooden door swings open and the queen steps out of her chambers. "Good morning Lieutenant Y/L/N," she greets you kindly as always.
"Good morning your highness," you respond with a slight bow. You take a deep breath as you follow her down the hall knowing those will be the last words you speak until she dismisses you at the end of the day.
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Monday may be your least favorite day of the week but Sunday is by far your favorite and thankfully it is here again. Meetings are a rare occurrence on a Sunday and the queen spends much of her day in the library or her chambers. You don't mind, the halls of the palace are mostly empty so you are able to relax ever so slightly but it is after dinner that you look forward to the most.
You follow her out of the palace, your boots crunching over the newly fallen snow on the path leading to the garden. Queen Frigga wraps her fur shawl tighter around herself but you keep your head up even as an icy breeze sweeps through. You don't want to miss seeing Loki even for a moment. He exits the palace from a set of doors several yards south from the ones you have come from and your body fills with warmth.
He smiles first at his mother then his eyes move past her, to you. Your lips curve into a smile ever so slightly, not enough for his sentry to notice.
"Hello mother," he greets the queen with a hug.
"Loki," she smiles back. "Shall we?" He holds his arm out for her to take and leads her through the wrought iron gates at the entrance to the garden. You and Loki's sentry, a man named Sergeant Tones, stand on either side of the gates at attention.
You take a deep breath, inhaling the chilly air and wonder how Loki never seems to mind this type of weather. You preferred winter or fall over the heat of the summer, mostly because you were always required to wear full armor but Loki wasn't even wearing gloves today. The thought makes you shiver. You close your eyes for a brief moment and try to picture a warm, roaring fire but your mind will only conjure images of the large stone fireplace in Loki's office.
You sigh quietly as your mind begins to wander, thinking of all the times you've spent with him in his office talking about everything and nothing. A smile crosses your lips as you vividly remember the first time the prince spoke to you.
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You scan the hallway leading away from the prince's office, not a person in sight. The only sound you can hear is the pounding of rain and wind against the stone walls of the palace. Occasionally a streak of lightning would light up the window followed by the deafening sound of thunder. You try the trick your mother taught you when you were little to judge the storms distance. If your counting was correct, the storm was going to be directly overhead any second now.
The door next to you opens suddenly and you stand at attention, ready to follow the prince but he doesn't leave his office. You look over your shoulder, confused to see him just standing next to you. He isn't looking at you though, his eyes wander to the window and you wonder what he is thinking.
"I would like to speak with you for a moment," the prince finally says to your utter shock. You can do little more than nod as you follow him into his office. "Close the door," he orders as he walks over to his desk.
You do as your told but you are not sure what else to do. You had never been in his office or spoken to him before. The last three people you guarded never seemed interested in getting to know you and that was perfectly fine with you. Your training required you to be silent and you had grown used to it.
He waves for you to come closer as he takes a seat behind his desk. You stand at attention across from him and he sighs. "Sit," he says and you do. He looks at you curiously as you sit uncomfortably in the leather chair. Your armor was not made be to relaxed in.
After a moment of awkwardly staring at each other he asks, "Can you speak?"
You nod in response and he groans loudly as he sits back heavily in his chair. You stifle a giggle but can't hide the smile that spreads across your lips as you realize how cute the prince looks when he is frustrated. Your smile quickly vanishes, replaced by a furious blush when he catches you.
He leans forward, his arms crossed on his desk, "What's your name?"
"Sergeant Y/L/N," you answer after clearing your throat. It's well past noon but it is the first time you've spoken today.
"What is your first name?" he asks, from his tone you gather that is what he meant the first time.
You reply unsure why he would want to know, "Y/N your highness."
"Y/N," he repeats with a smile that makes you nervous. "No need to look so scared," he says with a laugh. "I simply want to talk. You can speak freely while you are in here with me."
You shift in your seat and tell him, "I'm afraid I don't know what it is you would like me to say."
He leans back again and places his hands behind his head, "Anything... I find I'm quite bored. I have an hour until my next meeting but just for once today, I would like to listen to someone who isn't a councilor or an accountant or Gods help me, my father." He is silent while you ponder his request then he sits up and says, "Why don't you tell me a joke if you can't think of any good topics for conversation?"
"A joke your highness?" you ask, your mind immediately goes blank. Do you even know any jokes, you try to think. The only jokes you've heard recently have been told by other soldiers and none of those should be repeated to a prince. They were either far too dirty or overly political and you were not about to be thrown in the dungeon for mocking the royal family.
He shakes his head at your silence and turns to face the window behind his desk, watching the rain fall steadily.
"Why can't you trust stairs?" you finally ask.
"What?" he asks, turning back to face you.
"Why can't you trust stairs?" you repeat with as much of a straight face as you can. This was one of your favorite jokes when you were a child. You would tell it to anyone who would listen, sometimes more than once.
He shakes his head without spending any time thinking about an answer, "I don't know. Why not?"
"Because they are always up to something," you say with a wide grin.
He stares at you blankly and your pride in your joke falters, your grin fading. A moment later a smile spreads across his lips followed by a short bought of laughter. He shakes his head as he slowly stops laughing and says, "Gods, that truly may be the worst joke I have ever heard."
You nod in agreement then look down at your heavy leather boots wondering if he will let you leave now that you fulfilled his request.
After a moment of silence, he asks, "Do you know any others?"
"A few," you admit with a shrug, "But I assure you, most of them are far worse than that."
He smiles and sits back in his chair comfortably. "I will admit, I have always been fond of terrible puns," he tells you. "Would you like to hear one of my favorites?"
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You are snapped back to the present as Loki and the queen step out of the garden. She is still holding his arm as they walk together. They reach the gate and come to a stop, he hugs his mother and whispers something to her. She nods in response and smiles at him before telling him to have a goodnight.
You fight every urge growing in you to abandon your post and follow him as you once did but you know you never will again. He nods ever so slightly towards you as he walks past and you bow as you've been trained. His guard follows at his heels.
You stand at the edge of the garden and wait for the queen. Instead of walking back inside the palace as she typically would, she stands next to you. She turns so she is facing the sunset and you can't help but turn as well. For a few moments you both stand silently, taking in the changing colors of the sky as the sun sinks from view.
"He misses you," the queen says softly.
You look at her and instantly feel your heart beat faster. This is the closest you've come to having any communication with Loki since the night of the ball. You had gone straight to your quarters after you left the throne room that night, you never even had a chance to say goodbye. You take a deep breath to keep your composure but when your eyes met hers you know she can read you as well as Loki can.
"I will tell him you feel the same," she says with a warm smile.
"Thank you, your highness," you respond. You stand together until the sun has set completely then you follow her back to her chambers where she dismisses you for the night.
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The next week drags by, the days guarding Loki never seemed this long but finally it is Sunday night again. Loki and his mother conclude their walk, hugging briefly just outside of the gates. As he steps away to leave, she stops him by reaching for his arm. She asks him something quietly and he nods in response as he looks towards you. You make eye contact with the prince and he smiles but you can see how sad he truly is, you desperately want to run to him but you stay where you are and try your best to smile back. They say their goodbyes and he heads back towards his chambers with his sentry. You bow as he passes then stand at attention again, waiting for the queen.
She stands beside you and you both turn towards the sunset, taking in its beauty. Just as you begin to wonder if Loki left a message for you again his mother looks over at you.
"He thinks about you all the time," she tells you.
You smile at her words but your heart aches as wish you could hear them from him.
"Is there anything you would like me to tell Loki?" she asks. You nod, there are so many things you want to tell him. "I promise I will tell him whatever you need him to hear," she encourages you to speak, much like her son used to.
"Can you tell him I love him and I miss him deeply?" you ask. You had never admitted to anyone before that you loved Loki but you needed him to know your feelings were as strong as they had always been.
"I will," she says, she rests a comforting hand on your shoulder and you thank her.
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It's warmer today than it has been all week, perfect weather for standing guard at the edge of the garden, you think to yourself. You look up as a small flock of birds fly over head, the sky barely has any clouds.
When the prince and the queen have finished their walk, they hug as usual and you feel your heart beat speed up when he whispers something to her. You have been waiting anxiously all week to hear what message the queen would relay to you from Loki. After he leaves with his sentry, the queen turns back to the garden.
"Walk with me," she says to you and you follow her.
You had walked down every hallway and taken every staircase in the palace but you had never been in the garden. As you pass the wrought iron gates you can't help but look around in wonder. It may still be winter but the garden is in full bloom.
"When Loki was little, I used to bring him here to teach him how to use his magic," she says with a smile as she walks down the stone path. She reaches her hand towards a rose bush full of buds and the flowers open in response as she passes. "He helped me enchant this garden to bloom year round when he was still a child, did you know that?" she asks as she moves further into the garden. You can tell by her tone that she is proud of her son and it makes you smile.
"I did your highness," you tell her. Loki had told you much about his childhood during your time together.
The two of you walk further into the garden until the pond comes into view. You had never seen it of course but Loki had described it perfectly. Two stone benches sit a few feet from the water on the west side while the other is shaded by a large willow tree.
"He told me..." you start but stop yourself when the queen turns to look at you.
"Please, continue," she encourages you.
"He told me the two of you would spend hours by the pond during the summer. He loved watching you turn flowers into frogs or cast fireworks over the water," you tell her, you loved listening to stories of him exploring his magic.
Queen Frigga slows her pace so she is walking next to you and you are immediately reminded of how Loki used to walk with you, not in front of you when you were alone.
"Those are some of my favorite memories with him," she tells you. A few steps later she laughs to herself and you look at her curiously but don't ask what she is thinking about. "I was sitting just over there reading," she points to a wooden bench near a tall oak tree. "Loki was about ten or eleven. He came running into the garden holding a small snake, he looked utterly panicked," she says. "I asked him what was wrong and he tried to hand me the snake but I refused to touch it until he told me it was his brother," she fails to hold back her laughter any longer and you can't help but join in.
"He told me about that!" you tell her excitedly, forgetting you are talking to the queen of Asgard. In this moment, you are simply talking to the mother of the man you love. "Loki said Thor was bothering him, he was just trying to study and he accidentally turn him into a snake but couldn't undo it," you repeat what he had told you.
She smiles and shakes her head as her laughter dies down. "Sometimes I miss those days," she says, her smile fading quickly now as her mood shifts. "When his biggest concern was why his older brother and he couldn't get along," she sighs. "He has not been himself these last few weeks. I worry about him," she admits as she stops walking.
You stop with her and before you say anything in response she says, "I can see how much you worry about him as well."
You nod but remain silent, you feel an ache grow in your chest. All the joy you felt only moments ago is gone.
"I know it must seem unbearable but don't lose hope," she says and you look up at her. "Loki wanted me to tell you that he hasn't stopped looking for a way to be with you again."
You lose your composure momentarily at her words, all you want is to be back in Loki's arms. Hearing he hasn't given up on your relationship is everything you needed, you can't stop the first tear from slipping free. Wiping it away with the back of your hand quickly, you apologize, "I'm sorry your highness. I just..." You pause, afraid to say more. You are not used to losing control of your emotions in general but doing so in front of the queen is unthinkable.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," she says in a motherly tone. She waits patiently for you to continue but you can't seem to find the right words to express how you feel. She touches your shoulder gently and you stand together in silence for a few moments before turning back towards the palace.
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You bow to Loki as he walks past you on his way back towards the palace. He is followed closely by a new sentry, a woman this time. You had only met Corporal Glasgow once before, she was fairly new to your company. You wonder why Loki changed guards and for someone with such little experience. Typically members of the royal family were only guarded by soldiers ranked sergeant or higher.
The queen stays at the entrance to the garden and you wait for her as always. She faces away from you, watching the sunset. A part of you wants to ask her if Loki has a message for you but you stay at your post silently.
"You are dismissed for the night, Lieutenant Y/L/N," she says without taking her eyes off the colorful sky.
You bow even though she is not looking and turn to walk back towards the palace. It's odd that she is letting you leave so early, part of your duty is to ensure the queen's safe return to her chambers but you are not permitted to question her orders so you obey.
As you take your first few steps up the path, your heart sinks at the realization that Loki had no words for you this week. Your pace slows slightly, you are in no rush to return to your quarters for another lonely, miserable night.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N," the queen calls and you turn back to face her. "You might want to take a left at the top of the stairs." She turns back towards the sunset without any explanation as to why.
You pause before continuing on, unsure why she would say that. The soldiers quarters could only be reached if you made a right down the hallway once you reached the top of the stairs. Taking a left would lead you further into the palace, a path you no longer needed to take.
You reach the wooden doors and pull them open, taking a step inside, you look up at the staircase in front of you. You climb the stairs, the only sound is your heavy boots against the marble and the clinking of your armor. You pause only for a moment at the top of the stairs, looking down the hall to your right. You already know what's that way, another night laying in your bed wishing with all your might that you could just have a few more minutes with Loki. You decide that can wait while you figure out what the queen was hinting at.
You turn left and move down the hall, it's lined with windows on the garden side and four tall doors mirroring the windows placement on the opposite side. You had been this way more times than you could count when you were Loki's sentry. It is the longest way back towards the royal chambers. He would always take this route back from his walks with his mother since you were unlikely to pass anyone and he could hold your hand or speak to you without worry.
You never wondered what was in these rooms but now you can't help but be curious. Most of them were unoccupied offices you imagine, they were too far from the main part of the palace for anyone of importance to work here. As you pass the third wooden door you hear it open and turn quickly.
Your heart jumps as you stand face to face with Loki. Without thinking, you wrap your arms tightly around him and he does the same.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
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eldritch-spouse · 4 months
Trying to hang out and catch up with your demon girlfriends, but the owner of the ice cream place you go to keeps butting into your conversation.
" Oh God, he's coming this way again, isn't he? " You murmur, having avoided eye contact with the weird glutton just in that nick of time where it wouldn't be seen as rude.
One of your friends snorts, then harshly elbows the succubus next to her. " Go on, get him busy. We need to have a talk. "
" Owwie... Okay, you owe me. " The mid-ranker in question groans, then gets up with a big bright smile befitting of a model. She puffs her cheeks and adjusts her sizeable breasts behind her scant dress before getting up and immediately making a b-line for Berle. You would feel bad for her, if not for the fact that you know she truly enjoys being a nuisance whenever possible.
" That should buy us time. " The demoness twice your size chuffs. She claps a hand on your shoulder and practically drags you forward on the table. " Listen up pipsqueak, you know who that is? "
" Well, I- " You stammer. " I know he's kind of a celebrity around here... "
" Kind of?! " The smaller of your friend hisses like you've disappointed her. " That right there is Vorticia's youngest son! "
Your eyes widen like dinner plates. " The Queen Vorticia's son? "
" ... 'S kinda cute he has a puppy crush on you. " The sloth currently busy with a bowl of chocolate ice cream mumbles.
" Cute?! " The tallest one growls. " No way! Having royalty after you is fucked up, man! "
She blinks, that poor brain trying to catch up. " H- Huh? Whaddya mean? "
" Think about it, idiot. Infernal royalty aren't people you simply refuse. Take our King for example, everyone's shaking in their boots wondering if a war will start with every minor disagreement... "
Your hands shake slightly on the table. " But- But that's madness. Why would he want anything with me? I'm not even... I'm just a nobody. "
" Yeah right?! So what the fuck does he want to do with you- " You know better than to answer when she pokes her big index against your chest. " Nothing good, that's what! "
" O- Okay. " She's your friend, you trust her judgement about demon royalty.
" You need to show him you're not here to be fucked with! Harden up, do a bitch face, like this- " She puffs like a wild boar and makes a truly terrifying snarl of an expression, gums showing and eyes blazing with malice. It makes you shudder.
In turn, you can only weirdly strain a grimace. It makes you feel like a clown, and judging by her cheeks now puffing with laughter, it's not working very well. " Pfff- Okay, gonna need some work, but I'm confident. Maybe. "
She's swatted by the tiny woman next to you. " You think that's going to stop him, seriously? What we need is strategy. She's hopeless on her own! "
" Thanks- "
" Oh yeah?! What's your big idea? "
" Guys- " The sloth tries to speak around a mouthful of chocolate. " We all took the cockblock oath, chill. "
A chorus of "We did"s follows.
" Right? So, let's just keep being cockblockers. "
" What- To a prince?! I know she's a demon magnet, but come on, even we have limits! "
" Well- I think we're doing okay so far. " She points a spoonful of ice cream out into the distance.
Your succubus friend is firmly wrapped around Berle, one hand toying with his right horn and the other insistently trying to weasel under his apron while she talks his ears off and the young glutton tries desperately to keep up. He looks frantic, glancing around frequently as if having lost track of something.
Your wrathful friend forces your chin her way before your eyes can meet the prince's again.
" You're never coming here without us all, okay? "
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supernovasilence · 3 months
narnia au where their parents were with them at the train station during the beginning of Prince Caspian. To say goodbye to them. Their parents being a little bit clingy(ptsd and overprotectiveness) wanted to both see them off on the train. The parents accidentally end up in Narnia with them. Shenanigans abound. Just imagine these two proper British parents having to deal with the fact that a magical talking lion made their children Kings and Queens, and they were for 15 years in Narnia, Narnia in general, watching their children fight and command armies, Caspian, and the fact that their kids are not really children anymore. Also Mrs and Mr Pevensies having to rely on their children in this unfamiliar place.
ooh yes, there is definitely untapped potential in Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie ending up in Narnia. They would struggle so much with everything. Why are there talking animals and trees and water. Why won't our children listen to us. Who gave our tiny daughter a dagger. Why are her siblings acting like Lucy having a dagger is fine.
Also, if they tag along from the start of PC, they would quickly meet Trumpkin, and I'm laughing so hard at the thought. Because he's also a pretty skeptical person, but they'd have different ideas of what counts as reasonable.
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: a real dwarf? How is he here? How did we get here?
Lucy: oh, Aslan probably summoned us.
Trumpkin: the magical king lion? don't be ridiculous. everyone knows there haven't been talking lions in Narnia in centuries
Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie: but other animals talking is normal
Trumpkin: obviously
Also the battle at the end? There are very serious thoughts to be had about the parents seeing their children all grown up, and realizing how capable they are (and mourning a little at how much responsibility they've obviously had to shoulder so young. they sent their children to the countryside to give them as much childhood as they could, and instead war found them. war and greater burdens than they would have had back home), but I keep getting distracted trying to decide which would be funnier, the book or the movie version.
Mr. and Mrs. P: Lucy's not riding into battle! None of you should, but especially her!
Peter: don't be ridiculous
Peter: she's riding alone into the forest to find a lion
Or there's the book version of events, where Peter, Edmund, and Caspian fight in the battle while Susan and Lucy are off riding around on a lion, and literal Bacchus shows up with Silenus and a bunch of maenads and they conjure grape vines and wine everywhere.
(askfjdl and then Edmund eats dirt. The dryads are eating dirt at the victory feast and Edmund eats some because it looks like chocolate and imagine his parents. They've just started accepting their children actually are grown up and capable and royalty--and then their youngest son eats dirt.)
Also, maybe Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie look at Caspian and go "oh, another child carrying way too much responsibility. oh, you're an orphan and your uncle tried to kill you? okay, we have five children now"
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violentvaleska · 2 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒓
ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs/ ᴀᴜ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ!ʟᴇᴠɪ × ʏᴇᴀɢᴇʀ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ ʟᴇᴠɪ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴡᴀʀ ʜɪs ʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴜɴᴄʟᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ, ʜᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴡʜʏ ʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇs ᴛᴏ ᴏғғᴇʀ ᴋɪɴɢ ɢʀɪsʜᴀ ᴀ ᴅᴇᴀʟ: ᴛᴀᴋɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴏɴʟʏ ᴅᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ, ʏᴏᴜ, ᴀs ʜɪs ᴡɪғᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ʜᴇʀ ᴇᴍᴘʀᴇss.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: sᴍᴜᴛ, sʟɪɢʜᴛ ʙʀᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ᴋɪɴɢ, ᴛᴏxɪᴄ, ᴏʙsᴇssɪᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏssᴇssɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇʜᴀᴠɪᴏʀ, sᴇxɪsᴍ
ᴀ/ɴ: ᴍɪɢʜᴛ ᴀs ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀ ғᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs...ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅs ᴏɴ ʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏs ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ;)
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Emperor!Levi who actually never wanted to be the damn king of anything. Being the only heir to the throne after his late uncle passed away he had no choice but to take the rein of the war-ridden empire Paradis
Emperor!Levi who decides after a long conversation with his consultant Erwin Smith, that the war needed to end, there was no point in continuing something his megalomaniacal uncle has started. And if conflicts aren't solved with war they are being solved with women. There opinion in this doesn't matter, an arranged marriage would be a key to peace and a potential marriage.
Emperor!Levi who offered the Marleyan King Grisha Yeager a generous deal: His cousin Princess Mikasa Ackerman of Paradis and Hizuru would be married off to their second son, Prince Eren Yeager of Marley and Levi would take their daughter in return, making her Empress of Paradis. He knew they wouldn't be able to refuse the deal, considering that Grisha Yeager's second wife, Carla, was once a noblewoman of Paradis.
Emperor!Levi who secretly only offered the deal because King Grishas youngest children were in fact half Eldian.
Emperor!Levi who, when he saw you for the first time, couldn't belive his luck. You, the Princess of Marley, were in fact a true beauty. You not only looked clean but smelled like it too, like you were taking good care of yourself. It truly relived him to see that you weren't filthy like your oldest brother Zeke. He originally planned to offer Mikasa to him, but seeing how he already had a wife, Ymir, a woman with eldian heritage and slave history, he had to give her hand to the younger brother.
Emperor!Levi who thought you were rather shy and docile, but came to realize that you infact were able to keep up with his cynic personality and were well read too.
"At least our children won't be as dumb as the heir to your lands throne" He told you the night before your wedding at dinner.
"I can't argue that. Zeke is an eccentric narcissist, I'm honestly glad to have a different mother than him." You awnsered calmly, taking a sip of your wine, while glancing at your soon to be husband.
Emperor!Levi who could not longer control himself on your wedding night and broke your hymen with a harsh trust of his hips, making you yelp in a mixture of pain and pleasure, as you wiggled under his body, naked and vulnerable. Levi took his sweet time with you, making sure to impregnate you well.
Emperor!Levi who despised the idea of children, but somehow find the encouragement to fuck you every night in hopes to see your belly round with his child, his own heir, soon.
Emperor!Levi who got madly protective over you when the doctors confirmed your pregnancy to him. It went so far he didn't even want you to leave his chambers in fear something could happen to you. You felt furious, trapped and robbed of your freedom. Freedom, something your brother Eren had plenty off now that the war was over thanks to you and his wife, Mikasa.
Emperor!Levi who didn't understand why you were so upset with him, demanding of you to be grateful instead of a "nagging woman". If it wasn't for his own mother to stop her sons madness, you'd probably still be locked up in his room.
Emperor!Levi who nearly cried tears of joy when he held his newborn son in his arms for the first time, calling him Furlan after his late friend, a soldier who died a heroic death in the war. It was bitter, yet filled his cold heart with joy.
Emperor!Levi who found a new obsession in having you, his wife and empress, as an object of his desires, in every way possible. He'd make sure you won't be able to go back to that filth of a kingdom you have been born in. You were his wife now, his very own key to his heart...
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acinnamongirlsdiary · 2 months
𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓡𝓲𝓫𝓫𝓸𝓷𝓼-𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1: 𝓢𝓪𝓭 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓫𝔂 𝓛𝓓𝓡
Summary: Reader and Jacaerys are arranged to be wed. But reader doesn’t want that bc she hardly remembers him. Tension are rising with house Lannister so allies are more important then ever.
Cw: Slowburn, angst, this is genuinely just a fix-it fic, Rhaenicent, some mentions of s/a trauma but will be tagged in the chapters!!, mean dad, eventual smut but will tag in chapters, readers super apprehensive, VERY self indulgent
Pls be nice this is my first fic lol!! Feedback is very welcome tho! Banner creds to- @gwzzzly
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.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
You were sure your father would be the death of you. One of the most powerful and influential lords of Westeros forcing his youngest daughter to marry Queen Rhaenrya’s eldest son, Jacaerys Valeryon.
Knowing him since you were kids claimed your beating heart just a little. The thought still scared you. The idea of a loveless, political marriage was terrifying. Especially with a man you haven’t seen in 7 years.
“We’re almost to Kings landing, My Lady.” Your maid and friend, Abby, said. “Are you excited? I remember when we were younger you were so in love with him and the idea of becoming queen.”
She was right. The idea of Jacaerys and being queen was enticing, but your father’s words were causing a little apprehension to say the least.
“I don’t know.” You spoke softly, as though you were trying not to wake a bear, “I remember him being kind, but it’s been so long. What if he’s changed? What if he’s become as power hungry like most other men.”
“I choose to believe Rhaenrya would rather die then let that happen.” Abby said. She was amazing to have around. So kind an positive even when you would start to spiral.
“I’m hoping for my sake he’s understanding. I’m so nervous I don’t know how I’ll react when I see him.” You said poking out the window. The foliage and mountains were so beautiful, covered with fog ready to claim travelers.
It reminded you of simpler, softer times.
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Getting out of the carriage and up the steps to the throne room were grueling. Your father reminding you to speak kindly and be as open as possible was stressing you out and causing you to shut down even more. He could be kind, your father as you siblings loved to remind you, but he was nothing if not arrogant through and through.
The throne room was vast but smaller than you remember. Running through it and poking your finger on the swords of the iron throne (which was just as intimidating as before). Rhaenyra and Alicent smiled at you.
“Hello sweet girl” Alicent said, pulling you into a warm hug. “It’s been so long you’re so much older!” She smiled.
“Queen Alicent! I’ve missed you!” You exclaimed wrapping your arms around her. You didn’t expect to see Jacaerys right away asking the queens where he was.
“Oh Jace is on the beach with Luke training.” Rhaenyra stated. Her warm gaze on you felt nostalgic. “Heleana will show you your room and perhaps you two can take a walk to show you around.”
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
As you walked with Heleana, your anxiety started to lower. She spoke about how kind Jacaerys was, how much you’ll like it here and how excited he was to see you again.
“He’ll be at the feast tonight. It’s all he’s spoken to Rhaenrya about for the past couple of days!” She giggled.
“Really? I didn’t expect him to be so happy.” The thought of a man so happy to see you after so long felt you with warmth.
“Oh yes. He’s gotten bigger than he was before.” She giggled “I’m sure he’ll be able to twirl you around whilst you two dance the night away!” She let go of your hand and started to spin, while looking dreamily to the sky.
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Your nerves eased through the day, talking and having tea and picking out dresses with Abby and Heleana.
“That one will bring him to his knees.” Abby giggle, referring to a beautiful pink gown with shirt sleeves and little ruffles on the bodice. You twirl thinking of dancing with Jacaerys. His arms around you as if you were the only people in the world.
“Did you hear what Lady Carrie said?” Abby spoke as she massaged shampoo through your hair. “She was speaking to one of the Tyrell boys and how she planned to dance with him.” You gasp. The idea of Lady Carrie and him was odd. Especially with how rough he looked. “I don’t think he deserves her though.”
The night went on with gossip and preparing for the grand meal. You tried to pay attention but ever mention of Jacaerys made you both freeze up and go stiff but also become excited in ways you could hardly contain. The idea of him and you being bound together scared you. But you’re hair tied up and flowers woven through out, your makeup in light pink shades and in your beautiful pink dress, you knew you at least looked your best.
Walking into the dining room all eyes were on you. Especially Jacaerys’.
.˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ ★ ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Sorry if this is so short! The future chapters will be longer but I just wanted to get this one out!
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dreamfyrie · 1 year
End of the Day
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x His Family
Dinner with you and the kids was Aemond's favorite part of the day. His time was mostly spent in small council meetings trying to run the kingdom while Aegon was out doing whatever he pleased. Aegon had declared him Hand of the King early on in his reign, and Aemond was honored. That was before he had become a father and met you, though. Now he was trapped in a continuous cycle of counting down the minutes until he got to reunite with you and the children every evening.
He loved hearing his kids talk about everything they did during the day. Whenever they embellished the details of their day, he'd always look at you and see you holding in a laugh while trying to put on a serious face and play along with their stories.
"Father, I swear! Lightbringer actually talked out loud today, truly!" Your son proclaimed.
"What did he have to say?"
"He told me that he thinks I'm ready to ride, and you should probably start giving me flying lessons."
"You're not big enough to fly yet, maybe if you ate your vegetables so you could grow, you'd be in the air by now," Aemond said.
"Well, I guess I'll never be flying then."
Aemond sat up and asked, "Do you know how I lost my eye?"
"No.." Your son said hesitantly. Aemond had never opened up to the kids about his eye before. They had only ever known him to have one eye and assumed it was normal for some people to be missing one.
Aemond replied with the straightest face, "I refused to eat my vegetables, and the muscles in my face turned weak, and one day it just fell out."
Your youngest son's face turned white from his father's confession while your middle son sat up in his chair beside him, "I thought you said you lost it because you rolled your eyes and complained too much during your High Valyrian lessons?"
All of your children's attention had now been captured.
"What are you talking about? It got cut out when a tail hit him because he didn't make sure to always check his surroundings while he was in the dragon pit, that's why he has the scar," your eldest son stated matter-of-factly.
Thank the gods the kids started fighting about something else, so he didn't have to explain how he somehow managed to lose his eye three different times.
The two of you watched as your toddler stood up on her seat so she could tell a story. She can't help that she makes big gestures with her hands while talking and always somehow manages to accidentally knock over someone's goblet. Standing up like she was giving an important speech was her solution to this dilemma.
She never ceased to be the most entertaining part of dinner. Your daughter slapped her brothers in the face whenever they wouldn't stop picking on her, and Aemond couldn't help but smile. He was the one that gave her that idea, and she never hesitated to put them in their place.
You were pregnant with your fifth child, and out of instinct, Aemond would rest his hand on your belly whenever he wasn't eating. He'd sit there content after dinner, listening to everyone's conversations, and his mind couldn't help but drift off sometimes.
Aemond never got to eat dinner with his father and liked to imagine this is what it could have been like. He loved how his kids felt so comfortable around him that they had no reservations about sharing all their thoughts. Kids were never something he thought too much about. He never imagined he'd enjoy being a father this much, let alone look forward to being surrounded by his children at the end of a long day.
It felt overwhelming at first, having people who loved him unconditionally and looked up to him. He spent most of his life seeking the approval of his parents, and it felt strange that he was in that position now, being in charge of making little humans that loved him so much feel worthy and enough. Aemond saw the way his mother always yelled and hit Aegon, and now that he was a parent himself, he couldn't help but wonder if that's why he turned out to be such a sad person. He would never hurt his own kids, the thought of even raising his voice at them made him feel guilty.
He came back to reality when he saw your daughter wiggling around, dancing with a knife in her hand that she had just used to cut herself a slice of cake, and her brothers yelling at her to put it down.
Aemond let out a chuckle while watching the scene in front of him. Having kids changed him more than he had ever expected. He had never been too close to Aegon, Helaena liked to be left alone with her bugs, and Daeron was away. The camaraderie that came with having siblings was something he never really had the chance to experience.
Watching his children fight like animals between each other but be ready to kill someone that ever hurt one of them, forced him to put a lot of his past into perspective. Too many of Aemond's years were wasted carrying resentment towards Lucerys. He knew if his children were in the position of watching their brother or sister being hurt, they would've done the same exact thing that Lucerys did.
He wished his forgiveness and understanding had come earlier in life, before things were too late to fix. Aemond's kids wouldn't be like him, though. He'd teach them about forgiveness, not judging people too harshly, and trying to see things from other people's points of view. He would try his hardest to pass on his wisdom and be a father worthy of their innocent love.
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emilykaldwen · 1 month
Fic Recs!
I decided to grab a few fics that I was recently introduced to as well as fics I haven't seen get a lot of traction in the space. This is just a personal list that I wanted to share!
@corporalicent's Rhaenicent Fics at AO3 - Cata is a beast when it comes to writing this ship (as well as other fandoms!) and has some really creative AUs out there: I mean come on: Nun!Rhaenyra and Novice!Alicent? We're here for that!
@lullaebies GenderSwapped!Green Kids AU Protector of the Realm on AO3 - So Helaena is now the only *son* of Viserys and Alicent, and Aegon/Aemond/Daeron were born girls. How intriguing is that! They are on a break for right now but go give that fic a look! Not to mention they write Aegon III/Jaehaera content that I just think is chef's kiss.
@dragonsoftheeast Firebender!Targaryen/No Dragons Dance AU Fire Made Flesh on AO3 - Um Hi, Helaena being the one to lose the eye? Actual good political matches. Unparralelled usage of High Valyrian and Valyrian Culture world building???? Sign me the fuck up! Dote is an amazing crafter of such a unique and fantastic canon divergence and I am constantly surprised more people aren't squealing about this amazing story that packs in so many twists and turns and is truly so thoughtful.
@theothermaidoftarth writing some Baela/Daeron and is currently working on Nettles/Cregan check out Song for Evermore on AO3 - Rare Pairs are a precious thing in any fandom and my girl is killing it with some fascinating ideas and utterly fantastic characterizations. We love IC AUs!
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey is leading the Baela/Aegon ship with her solo fic All Kings Are Beautiful on AO3, an 'Aegon was named heir' AU, as well as her other co-written work - Gwen's work reads like a historical fiction novel and that's really my favorite kind of thing. I haven't been able to read everything she's done but man, the nuance! The stakes! the ideas! She brings what I love to call an Old School A Song of Ice and Fire fic vibe to HotD space and I mean this with the highest of praise.
@selfproclaimedunicorn is writing Sins of the Father on AO3 because what if Rhea and Daemon actually had some kids but things still went sideways? - HELLO! MISA? Misa's talent for burying her fingers into every character we see and pulling out all the bits and bobs that make them tick? Is just.. I want to write this well when I grow up. The way she has seamlessly altered canon to the point where I'll see gifsets of scenes and go 'Where are Yorick and Ella?'. Also she has an Alicent x OC fic, and I would lay my life down for Aldreda Farwynd, my tall seal mommy.
@mimikoflamemaker is writing Daemon centric OC fic the False Dragon on AO3 - I haven't been able to dive into this yet but have talked fic and plotting with Justine. Their passion for the source is palpable and her creative ideas deserve to reach more people! Vaerra and Elyas are fascinating OCs with intriguing connections that you do not want to miss!
@jotterjots / @bronzefuryfic is also writing a 'What if Daemon and Rhea had a daughter' AU, Bronze Fury both on tumblr and AO3 - JJ is a real one and I always enjoy her insights. I actually had NO IDEA! that she was writing fic but from what I've read, it looks fantastic!
@acrossthesestars is writing Haunt Me, an Aemond War Bride AU that has me by the throat on AO3 - It's not a list without mentioning this amazing fic that's almost to the finish line. Alex's command of conflict and characterization where characters are allowed to be imperfect is something more of us need to dive into! We love a byronic lead in Aemond where all his edges and issues are fully acknowledged, a wily and fantastic female lead in Wylla Karstark, and just an overall amazing AU where these characters are clawing for their happy ending.
@branwendaughterofllyr is writing a 'What if Vizzy and Daemon's youngest brother lives and has a daughter' AU, A poison Tree on AO3 - I haven't been able to dig into this yet but it's just such a fascinating and original concept to make this Dance make a little more sense, and bring more high stakes. She's a long time ASOIAF writer who is passionate about the source material and here to show you what this world can be. Do go check her work out!
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missdrake · 2 years
Yandere (HOTD) Targaryen/Velaryon/Hightower family (together) HCS part 3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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Note: Finally part 3 is here! Also, this probably is some of the longest hcs I have done. This starts from episode 3 to episode 7. Mainly platonic, but there could be a romantic pairing. Also, the reader is basically trying to keep everything from going to shit
The conflict between Alicent and Rhaenyra has persisted over the years. And you tend to find yourself directly in the heart of the fights. However with Viserys there; he’s made sure that you diverge away from their disputes. He has long accepted that his wife and daughter will never get along, but what they will not do is involve you in their conflicts. 
Many children have been born throughout the years, and the two women made sure you were there for each. They secretly want you to prefer one over the other. Although you lack a dragon, Alicent and Rhaenyra made their children believe you are related to them by blood.
Similar to their mother, Jace and Luke are a bit possessive. While they can be a bit mischievous, the two typically listen to you, even more than their mother. Their faces light up when they see you and they run right up to greet you. Also, they like it when you watch them spar, asking whether they did well, grinning back when you tell them they did. While you have noticed how different the boys are, you chose not to say anything, even when Alicent argued with Viserys regarding it. 
At least for the time being, Luke is the youngest of the bunch. He takes full advantage of it when the other kids are fighting for your attention. Such as pretending to be hurt so you can comfort him. It is well known that he follows you around the court and becomes agitated when you focus on someone else.
Like Criston, there’s a very similar chance that Harwin also begins to have tendencies for you. His fondness for you doesn’t go unnoticed by the court. He trusts you well enough that he isn't afraid to show affection towards Jace, Luke, and Rhaenyra. Harwin feels so strongly about you that even the smallest remark about you will prompt him to intervene. 
Since they've likely spent the most time with you, Jace and Luke are the most jealous of Aegon and Helaena. Aegon and Helaena are also very attached to you. Aegon is frequently pressured by his family to fill in a role he doesn’t want. He appreciates having someone who is gentle and doesn't push him as the others do. Helaena, on the other hand, is attached to you because you're the only person who doesn't think of her as strange or give her odd looks; instead, you sit with her and listen to her go on about all the kinds of insects she has. 
Aemond is a completely different case. You're used to possessiveness, but Aemond is almost always by your side. Being the second son, he is frequently overlooked or passed over in favor of his brother, never mind the fact that he is still without a dragon. Because of all the love and attention, you show Aemond, he grows quickly fond of you. Including his siblings, he is jealous of everyone. The fact that Alicent also forces particular ideas into Aemond's mind is not helpful. 
Aside from Helaena- in contrast to his two brothers, Dareon is also the most pleasant. Throughout the years, he has always been gentle and sweet and has often given you the prettiest flowers as they remind him of you. Dareon had to eventually depart from King's Landing in order to go to Oldtown and serve as Lord Omund Hightower's squire. Before leaving, he embraced you and made you swear you would exchange ravens, no matter what. 
You occasionally also spent time in Driftmark with Rhaenys and Corlys. Rhaenys makes you ride her dragon back and forth, as it is the fastest way to travel. There are times when you run into Daemon and Laena, and they are thrilled to see you. Likewise, Baela and Rhaena become very excited whenever they get to meet you.
Similar to the other kids, the two girls adore spending time with you. They find themselves missing you when they have to travel with their parents. Rhaena sometimes feels left out compared to her sister and enjoys any attention you give her. Baela, on the other hand, is more demanding and jealous than her sister. She often reminds you of Daemon. 
Speaking of Velaryons, Laenor is content to reside in King's landing, even though he longs to return home and engage in battles. Your presence there is one of the few pleasant things he anticipates. Laenor, unlike the others, enjoys sparring with you and will gladly teach you how to fend for yourself. It's one of his favorite ways to spend time with you. 
Rhaenyra has objected to the idea a few times, but when you beg her to reconsider, she eventually gives in. She has Harwin watch and Laenor promises that only wooden swords will be used. Alicent and Criston, on the other hand, are horrified at the thought of you wielding a sword even if it’s wooden, and possibly hurting yourself. 
Criston develops a rivalry with Harwin regarding you. And it's possible that Criston already dislikes Harwin as a result of jealousy or a bruised ego.  Criston is supposed to be your sworn protector, not him. He will not only support Alicent's animosity toward Rhaenyra, but also ensure that some of Alicent's animosity is directed at Harwin.
Viserys occupies most of his time with you as he gets older and his health deteriorates. While he prefers Rhaenyra to his children with Alicent, it gradually becomes clear that he favors you even more. Viserys always relies on you for solace, and you never fail to reassure him. He feels comfortable sharing his shame and suffering with you, particularly regarding Aemma.
As Rhaenyra gives birth to Joffrey, you and Laenor wait outside. Only to be confused when you see Rhaenyra carrying Joffrey already walking and ascending the stairs. Apparently, the queen wants to see the baby right away. You insist she rests while you bring the child to the queen, but she refuses. There is a glimmer of hope in Rhaenyra that this will help you realize just how cruel Alicent is in this whole situation.
Your focus is now on Joffrey in light of everything that is happening. You are the one holding him the most, along with Rhaenyra. Luke, who is accustomed to receiving the majority of your attention, is a little jealous of his baby brother. As Harwin requests to see Joffrey, you place the child in his arms. While rocking the baby; he grins, saying you’d be a great aunt to the boy. 
Since you lack a dragon, the kids quarrel over which one you should ride. Jace argues you should ride his dragon, but Aegon counters that since his is larger, it’ll be better. Aemond says nothing during the entire conversation. 
When the boys offer to give Aemond a pig for him to ‘ride’, Aemond immediately goes to you; telling you what they did as you console him. You confront the boys to scold them on the matter and Aemond can be seen almost smiling in the background. 
At Pentos, Laena wants to leave, but Daemon is adamant about staying. The truth is that Laena misses her home, her family, and occasionally, even you. And to make matters worse, Laena is worried about the hightowers, and she can tell that her husband feels the same way. Besides, her daughters also miss you. 
As stated, you frequently watch the boys spar, and they all like to show off. Viserys occasionally join you and express his desire for the boys to bond through sparring. However, an unfortunate event occurs when Harwin lunges at Criston. As Harwin is pulled back by four men and forced to leave, Criston feels victorious; this will make you see Harwin as the man he is.
Before departing, Harwin bids you and the children farewell. He promises to come to see you someday and exchange ravens with you. Harwin advises you to take care of the boys and your "sister". You're not aware that this is the last time you'll see him.
Like her father, Rhaenyra attempts to keep you in her vicinity as much as possible during that time. The rumors surrounding the court become too much, and she feels as though her friendship with Alicent will never be repaired. Laenor is also preoccupied with drinking at the moment. This all just makes her feel more isolated than ever. She desires to depart for Dragonstone and wishes for you to accompany her.
As you might expect, Alicent declines and assumes you'll stay in King's Landing. But Alicent is taken aback when you ask to accompany Rhaenyra. This was brought on by guilt—the guilt you felt for siding with Alicent more than Rhaenyra, and the guilt you felt for not being a good sister to her. Otherwise, she wouldn't feel so alone. Even when Alicent is pleading otherwise, Viserys allows you to travel with Rhaenyra for a time. 
You are greeted at Dragonstone with the most heartbreaking news: Harwin and Leana are dead. Knowing how much she cared for him, you take a moment to console Rhaenyra. Jace comes to you for consolation as well, and you let him grieve. Luke is still too young to recognize Harwin was his father, but he claims to miss him and exhibits sadness over his passing. When you finally get to Laenor to comfort him over the loss of his sister, you don't hold any of his tears against him.
When you attend Laena’s funeral, there seem to be only a few who are truly grieving. While you’re used to everyone’s eyes on you, this time it feels unsettling. Baela and Rhaena are the ones you approach first, and you take them both in your arms. Later, Rhaenys joins, and the two of you share a hug and a private moment. Then you find yourself walking up to Corlys, who is speaking to Jace. The instant Corlys notices you, he immediately stands up and embraces you, too. Jace is gently nudged by you to go comfort the girls.
Your eyes meet Daemon's, but Otto stops you as you try to reach him. Otto hugs you while expressing his regret for what happened; all in front of Daemon. You both can see the anger on Daemon's face as he walks to you. Otto is pulled aside, and the two of them have a brief conversation; you can tell from the look on Otto's face that Daemon said something demeaning. 
Aegon seems to prefer being anywhere else than here. He is standing near you most of the time and will occasionally take a cup whenever a servant passes by carrying a tray. Helaena chooses to entertain herself by catching a spider. She shows it to you, and despite your sorrow, you smile at her. You are aware of Criston and Alicent watching you the entire, and wonder why Criston seems content. 
Later at night, you are summoned to the room because of an incident involving the children. Luke, Jace, Baela, and Rhaena come running to you the moment you enter the room. As Luke's face is the most battered, your attention is drawn to him. But when you see Aemond on the chair, you are horrified. Aemond then turns to fully face you, wanting you to see what they did to him. 
Nearly in tears, Alicent demands justice. When Viserys refuses, she is left with no other option. Alicent grabs the king’s blade and heads to the children. She is stunned to witness you quickly running to put your body between her and Luke. More so, the look on your face when she cuts Rhaenyra. It was a look of fear. She could still hear Rhaenyra's words, "Now they see you for what you're."
Aemond breaks the silence by telling his mother not to mourn over him, and that this is a fair trade. He leans on his mother, but she is perplexed when he abruptly leaves her side to approach Rhaenyra and those nearby. 
They realize you are what he is actually heading toward, not Rhaenyra. You still have Luke in one arm when he approaches you, and Aemond rests his head against your shoulder. You reluctantly embrace him while everyone looks on. With his good eye, Aemond turns to Luke, glaring ferociously. No one notices.
You then remain by Rhaenyra's side as the maester sews her arm. In another room, Alicent is distressed. She tells her father about the looks you gave her that night and how she might have lost your favor. How she must have frightened you. But she is reassured by Otto that this is untrue; you embracing Aemond that night proved there’s still a chance of you being on their side. You’re fond of the children, and Otto will use that to his every advantage. 
At night time, you're taken aback when Laenor wakes you. He apologizes for being absent when the incident happened and for failing to offer you comfort when you needed it, as he was too preoccupied with his grief. Strangely, though, Laenor bids you farewell and mentions how much he values having you in his life. 
In the early morning, you’re in Rhaenys’ chamber consoling her for the loss of her son. Viserys had intended to take you with him to King's landing, but after seeing how Rhaenys became childless in a span of days, Viserys let you stay to aid Rhaenys in her grief. 
You soon serve as one of the witnesses at Rhaenyra and Daemon's marriage. You are surrounded by the children, who are all in your immediate vicinity. You knew the marriage was not done out of love, but to prepare for something, and for that, you have begun to dread the future.
Taglist: @westernbaby @elsyyie @athelleen
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Hey you, I enjoy you writing tremendously and I had an idea for Aemond x Reader where reader is from lets say the last great valyrian house next to Targaryens and Viserys wants to join houses. Reader meets Aemond and she is very witty, arrogant but also very kind and soft with Helena. I would love to see the reader correcting Aemonds valyrian and how he reacts to this (of course he has also growing feelings for her that he doesnt know how to show but he slowly opens up to her).
Hope I wasn't too all over the place and thank you a million times if you do this! Love u^^
thank you, I appreciate that! sorry it took me a while to get this done, I had my last week of work before my break <3 hope you like x
Always Meant to Be.
PAIRING: Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,716.
WARNINGS: fluff, soft!Aemond.
A/N - in this AU reader is Rhaenyra's and Laenor's biological daughter, Rhaenyra gave it another go to have a child with Laenor, and that's reader :) So she'd be the second eldest born.
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Plans of your future, specifically of your betrothal, had begun cementing since you'd first bled. You were a young maiden now, and as much as your family loved you for your wit, humour and kindness, you were a pawn that could be used as an advantage for this greater game.
Your beloved mother, heir to the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra Targaryen, and your dearest Grandsire, the Sea Snake, Corlys Velaryon, had both methodically contrived the plan to wed you to one of your Uncles, a son of your Grandsire the King's from his second marriage to Alicent Hightower. Although, the princes and princess were in actuality your mother's half-siblings, being much closer in age, you'd developed closer bonds to them, having grown up alongside them. Although since your mother decided to take leave to Dragonstone, it had been a fair, few years since you'd last seen them, especially after Aemond's incident with your youngest brother, Lucerys.
Nonetheless, they'd proposed the idea to the King numerous times and Viserys was keen as ever to the betrothal.
"A great idea to solidify the union between the great houses of Old Valyria."
And so it was decreed that Aemond Targaryen was to be wed to Y/N of House Velaryon, on her 21st Name Day.
From the earliest, fond memories you had of your older Uncle, Aemond, this union was something that did not displease you in the slightest. Although having not heard of his reaction to the news, and considering that the last time you'd seen each other, the young prince was engulfed in rage towards your family, having lost his precious eye. Your intuition led you to believe he'd probably felt ambushed and disproved of the arrangement.
Although, many of your closest maids convinced you that often no reaction also meant something good.
"It means he does not disprove of the union, your Grace-" Your dearest maid, Penny exclaimed, as she amended the final touches of your evening gown.
You took a deep breath in, feeling slightly less anxious having shed a new perspective on the matter. You were not normally this anxious, nor would you rattle so easily. So why the sudden change?
You'd rationalised that perhaps the haste preparations being made for your arrival to King's Landing, as your 21st Name Day was only a few short months away, the reality was becoming palpable. Your family would attend with you on your travels, until the marriage was certified and only then would they leave you to settle into the domestic life.
Your mother and many septas had trained you for quite sometime, although, you'd paid no mind, remaining blissfully ignorant to your lessons, for a betrothal felt a lifetime away. Seeing everyone's eagerness, and the arrangements being made however, you'd begun to feel the pressure build.
"Ah! Our beautiful bride to be, look at how much you've grown my dearest granddaughter," Viserys cheerfully gleamed, embracing you in a long, yet weak hug.
Since the last time you'd seen your Grandsire, it seemed that time did not treat him so well, for his health had deteriorated greatly. Although here he stood, unphased by his condition, he was adamant on sealing the union.
"Thank you Grandfather, I have missed you."
As your mother and siblings continued on with the reunion, did you begin to scan the room for your husband to be, and yet he was no where to be seen.
In fact the only one present, excluding Viserys and Alicent, was Helaena, who seemed much more excited for you and Aemond than you had yourself.
"Oh, thank the Gods, that you are to marry Aemond. I always did see you more as a sister than as my niece!"
As she released you from her hug, she'd noticed your friendly smile fade, and did not waste a second to question.
"Well, since my arrival I have not yet seen Aemond, nor has he sought me out, and he is the one I am to marry. Is he not keen on the marriage?" You uttered, low enough for no one else to hear your yearning. You held Helaena's hands tightly in yours, unable to maintain eye contact, as you looked towards the floor and then back up at her.
A half-hearted smile appeared on her face, tilting her head slightly to the side, as though slightly amused.
"Come come now, I will take you to him."
The gust of the soft breeze, blew across your face and though your hair, as Helaena tugged your arm, guiding you down the stony steps into the muddy training yard. You hadn't a split second to take study the scene, until your eyes were met with Aemond's.
"Brother, dearest-" Helaena called out longingly, as she braced her younger sibling into a warm hug, before standing by his side, as she turned to face you. Those training with Aemond pause for a brief moment, to respectfully bow out of both your presence before resuming their practice.
"Your beloved wife to be has arrived. Had you gotten so nervous that you'd forgotten? You were oh so eagerly counting down the days!"
"Enough, Helaena." Aemond deeply exclaimed. His face remained stoic, as he slyly rolled his eyes to his sister's childish laughter. Her innocence hadn't changed, you'd noticed.
He returned his gaze onto you. The boy you'd once remembered, gone, as a taller, much more brooding and dignified man stood in his place. The bloodied eye that was slashed out, now a prominent scar remained in place, hidden beneath a black, leather patch. His hair, much more longer now, paid greater homage to the unearthly qualities that belonged solely to House Targaryen, similar to your mother's.
Out of not control, you could feel your cheeks reddened with blush, as Aemond's eye remained fixated on you. It was an unfamiliar feeling.
"You have grown, Y/N. Nykeā ābra sir." He uttered, his eye wandering over your body slowly, very attentive to your every detail.
"That is the natural course of life, I'm afraid Uncle. Although, nyke umbagon nykeā riñnykeā nykeēdrosa, bona iksos lo ao issi nēdenka enough naejot complete se gaomon. [I remain a maiden still, that is if you are bold enough to complete the deed.]"
"Hmm-" Was all he managed to sound, a half-hearted smile gleaming on his face, as he took slow strides towards you, only inches apart, although his figure towering your own. Though, you remained silent and unphased.
"Gaomagon daor fret, byka mēre. Hae nykeā dutiful valzȳrys, nyke intend naejot satisfy se jorrāelagon hen issa ābrazȳrys... Thoroughly.[Do not fret, little one. As a dutiful husband, I intend to satisfy the needs of my wife…Thoroughly]"
Instinctively, you let out a giggle not in reaction to his response although much towards his pronunciation, his Westerosi accent was thick. The maesters in Dragonstone were not as foreign to the proper Valyrian vocabulary, alongside your mother's help, you excelled in the language.
"It seems I already have a task at hand as your wife. To teach my poor husband the proper pronunciation of our Mother Tongue. The maesters from Old Town have failed you, it seems-" Your hand modestly covering your mouth as you chuckle.
Vexed as he rolled his eye, his smug smile disappearing, as he heard his older sister rejoice in laughter with you. His head snapped towards her direction, causing her to freeze, before he stormed off into some passageway, leading to the castle.
Oh, I hope he knows I did not mean to anatagonise him. I just couldn't help myself!" You reasoned with Helaena, who reassured you that Aemond was a perfectionist, and had thought (up until now) that he peaked in the language.
"He is a man grown, Y/N, he will be fine."
Nonetheless, your guilt got the best of you. After giving yourself time to settle, and time for Aemond to cool off, you sought your betrothed out. Much to your relief, he was not difficult to find, your intuition had told you to search in the library, where you would find him from time to time as children, his nose buried in some book.
"A-Aemond, dearest-" The tenderness of your voice alerted him, as his gaze swiftly turned towards your direction. He did not seem displeased to see you, although nor did he seem jovial.
"Have you come to humour yourself more with my Valyrian? Probe for some more criticism before making judgement of your husband?" He spat, before returning his attention back on the pages laid before his lap.
"No, I-I do want to apologise about before. I truly, did not mean to vex you. Forgive me, it has been a while since I've heard such accents, I am only used to my family's."
A defeated sigh escaped his lips, before his focus softened on you. He shut the book closed, before resting it down on the wooden table beside his seat, as he stood himself up.
He walked towards you, both his hands gripping your sides. He's pressure was tight although not in a hurtful sense, although it felt more reassuring.
"It is alright, you should forgive me, Y/N. It has been so long since I had been exposed to your wit. It seems there is a lot we both need to catch up on."
One hand released its hold on you, reaching up to your soft cheek, as his thumb grazed over your skin, right down over your lips.
"Perhaps you'll still be interested in correcting my Valyrian, private lessons of course," He uttered, noticing his lips licking before emphasising on the 'private'.
He was focused on you, although his eyes festering over your moist lips.
Again, through no control of your own, you felt a gentle smile beaming across your face, feeling no shame this time.
"Surely we do not have to wait for marriage to kiss."
Your unfiltered response ignited a deep chuckle from Aemond, its sound warming your heart.
"Of course not, gevie [beautiful]. We were always meant to be."
Where his thumb grazed over your lips, his own crashed down against yours, as you shared a passionate moment. All the worries that had previously troubled your mind, of Aemond's feelings towards the betrothal, vanquished.
He was to be your dutiful husband, as you were to be his loyal wife.
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. . .Osiris
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Osiris (Great and Beautiful is He) is the God of the Underworld; its King and Pharaoh ruling over the Duat. He is pictured here on the far left, His skin green and His body in mummiform. This is commonly how He is depicted; as a green-skinned, mummified man.
Son of Nut, the Sky Goddess, and Geb, the Earth God, Osiris was the first King of Egypt in accordance with Kemetic mythology, although there are stories that recount Geb, His father, being King before Him. There are a great deal of myths and stories that surround and involve Osiris, and I suppose it is important to at least skim over them before discussing hard facts about Him, as it gives some reference as to who He is and what the culture surrounding Him is like.
Osiris Myth
After the world was created, the Demiurge (who changes according to myth, and can be Neith, Ra, Amun, Ptah, or others) produces children; in the most popular form of this creation story, it is usually Ra who births the first Gods. They are Shu and Tefnut, Air and Moisture. Shu and Tefnut then form a union and birth two children of Their own: Nut and Geb, Sky and Earth. Nut and Geb were very much in love and refused to separate from each other, which, of course, caused a problem, because if the sky and the earth are eternally in contact, there is no space for anything to live and walk upon the earth. Ra made it so Nut and Geb were forever separated, by having Shu, air, stand atop Geb and hold Nut up as the sky. But Nut was already pregnant. When Ra discovered this, He was enraged, and forbade Nut from ever giving birth on any day of the year.
Nut cried to Djehuty (Thoth), and Thoth devised a plan. He went to Khonsu, God of the Moon, and set up a gamble, saying that every round of the game Senet Khonsu lost, He would have to give Nut some of His moonlight. Khonsu ended up losing so many times that Nut had enough moonlight for five days––five days that weren't in the calendar. This allowed Her to give birth on those five days, and on each day She had a different child; Ausir (Osiris), Wr-Heru (Horus the Elder), Sutekh (Set, Seth), Auset (Isis), and Nebet-Het (Nephthys). Nut and Geb were still forever separated by atmosphere (Shu), but the five Gods were birthed, and Osiris, as the eldest son, became King of the Living World.
As a side note, all Gods do have ancient Egyptian names which are different from Their Greek and now modern names. For convenience's sake, and to avoid confusion, I will use the names They are most known by; Their Greek/modern names. And as another side note, there are a lot of variations on this story. I will be piecing together a lot of different ideas but I will be leaving some things out for the sake of cohesion.
When Osiris came to Egypt, He found the people there to be chaotic and lawless. As King, He instituted laws and spread ma'at, which is truth, justice, harmony, and order. Egypt flourished under His rule and the people were incredibly happy, as all were equal, and with the fertility of the God-King, the crops were always bountiful and food was plenty. He brought not only law and prosperity, but also the right way to worship, and the teachings of agriculture.
Set, God of chaos, confusion, the desert, and of foreigners, and the youngest brother of the Ennead, grew to be quite jealous of His older brother. There are many variations and the most popular variation of this story comes from the end of the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC), where Set fashions a fabulous coffin in the perfect measurements of Osiris, throws a party, and tells the party-goers that whomever the coffin fits may have the coffin as a gift. When Osiris fits perfectly, Set quickly shuts and bolts the coffin and throws it in the Nile (this version of the myth gives an origin to the idea that people who drowned in the Nile were holy). His coffin drifts downstream and into the Mediterranean, where it washes ashore in Phoenicia, in Byblos. The coffin wedges itself into a growing tamarisk tree, a tree which envelops the coffin. Eventually the tree is cut down and used as a pillar in the palace in Byblos.
Isis, Osiris' wife and sister, searched far and wide for Her husband, and did eventually find Herself in Byblos. The story is quite long and complicated, but in the end She convinced the King to give Her the pillar, and when she returned to Egypt, She hid Osiris in a swampy area of the Nile delta, and bade Her sister, Nephthys, to watch over Him while She went in search of healing herbs. But Seth heard that Osiris was back, and so after interrogating His sister-wife, Nephthys, He found Osiris, cut His body into pieces, and threw them into the Nile.
Isis was horrified at what transpired in Her absence, but She immediately set to work on finding the many pieces of Her husband with the help of Her sister, Nephthys. They managed to find every piece of His body except His phallus, which had been eaten by an oxyrhyncus fish, a fish that was thus forbidden to eat.
With the pieces of Osiris reassembled, and the healing powers of Isis in full power, Osiris was brought back to life, but incomplete. Isis assumed the form of a kite, and from above drew out the seed of Osiris, impregnating Herself with Their child: Horus the Younger. But Osiris, still incomplete, could not properly rule over the land of the living any longer.
This is why He is the ruler of the dead––He was once the king of the living, was killed, and was resurrected, and this is what every ancient Egyptian expected and hoped would happen to them: that they would die and be resurrected. In tombs and mortuary temples you will always see Pharaohs associating themselves with Osiris.
But this long myth I have just told you is not the only version of the story, and in my opinion, it is definitely the longest version of the story. Back in the Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom there were several different versions; for example, Set's motive is different, ranging from revenge for Osiris kicking him, to revenge for Nephthys (Seth's sister-wife) sleeping with Osiris (which eventually births Anubis). Some texts claim that Seth took on the form of a wild animal, such as a crocodile or a hippopotamus, and killed Osiris that way. In others, Osiris is drowned. In some, the steps surrounding the coffin are skipped, and Osiris is simply cut up, and His pieces scattered around Egypt; a version which explains the many cult centers of Osiris claiming to be a place where Osiris is buried. Osiris' resurrection is also often helped along by other Gods such as Thoth (God of wisdom) and Anubis (God of embalming). In some versions, Set is killed for His actions. In most He is simply defeated and driven from the land, as chaos is necessary for balance and harmony, and thus cannot be killed. And the story that I have told is from the Late Period, recorded by Plutarch, and does not really go along with many Egyptian accounts, which often find Osiris' penis intact.
So that is the Osiris myth with all of its' intricacies and changing rhythms over the course of 4,000 years of Egyptian history. It embodies a huge amount of cultural practices and religious ideas within ancient Egypt, including the idea of truth, harmony, and justice, as well as resurrection, the afterlife, healing, and the workings of the cosmos. I've decided to leave out the later parts involving Osiris' son, Horus, and His fight with Set, for now because this does not directly involve Osiris, and that is our topic for this post.
Tradition, History, and Culture
Worship of Osiris dates back to the Old Kingdom, but the idea of Osiris is likely older than this. Before Osiris was actually Khentiamenti, an agricultural God centered in Abydos, a city which would later become the cult center of Osiris. Khentiamenti means 'Foremost of the Westerners', a title for the ruler of the dead, as the dead resided in the west, where the sun set each day. But Osiris Himself is not found mentioned in any texts or carvings until the 5th Dynasty, where He is depicted as a man wearing a divine wig. Later on He would take on the form we know Him best in––wrapped in a white mummy shroud, wearing an atef crown with ostrich plumes on the sides.
The mummy shroud He is depicted in forever associates Him with death and with the essential story behind Him, which is why I found it so important to start off with the Osiris Myth. This myth is also why He consumed and took the place of Khentiamenti; the name Khentiamenti, Foremost of the Westerners, instead became a title for Osiris as the King of the blessed dead. Another common epithet/name of Osiris is Wennefer (Omnophris), meaning 'The Beautiful One', 'The Beneficent One', and more archaically, 'One Whose Body Did Not Decay'. Among these names He was also called 'The Lord of Love', 'The King of Living', and 'The Eternal Lord'. From the Early Dynastic Period up until the end of the Ptolemaic Dynasty, when Rome conquered Egypt, Osiris was one of the most highly worshipped and revered Gods of Egypt.
Osiris was associated with the Nile river, with its' renewal and life-giving abilities, as one of Osiris' domains and powers was fertility, as well as rebirth. Another of His duties, evidence of which originates in the New Kingdom, was to act as judge of the dead; being King, He sat on the tribunal with the 42 Judges in the famous Weighing of the Heart ceremony. In this ceremony, which took place in the afterlife, the deceased would have to stand before the court and place their soul up for judgement. If it weighed lighter than the feather of Ma'at, representing all justice, truth, and harmony, then the heart acted well in life and would be allowed eternal happiness in the Field of Reeds. If not, the heart, and thus the person, would be consumed by Ammit and committed to nothingness. So Osiris would sit in on this tribunal and judge who entered His kingdom, as it was His domain. In this role, and in His role as King of the Living, as well, He was the embodiment of harmony, law, and justice.
"Most of his appeal was based on his embodiment of the cosmic harmony. The rising Nile was his insignia, and the moon’s constant state of renewal symbolized his bestowal of eternal happiness in the lands beyond the grave. In this capacity he also became the model of human endeavors and virtues..." (The Complete Gods And Goddesses Of Ancient Egypt, p.307)
As I mentioned earlier, Abydos became His cult center, as it was the cult center of the God who came before Him, whose traits He subsumed. It became a very popular burial site, as legends would say that Abydos was where Osiris was truly buried, and the people wanted to be buried as close as possible to Osiris. At one point they believed an ancient tomb there––which was actually the tomb of an Early Dynastic King––to be the tomb of Osiris, which they much revered, and left so many offerings in clay pots that Arabs would later call the site 'Umm el Qa'ab'; Mother of Pots. But this was not the only burial site of Osiris; since many variations of the myth include Set chopping up and dismembering Osiris into many parts, ranging from 14 to 42 different parts. These parts were scattered across Egypt, so many cities and nomes could claim that they had a part of Osiris buried in their domain. For example, far in the south, the island of Bigah claimed to be the burial site of Osiris' left leg, and thus the source for the yearly Nile inundation.
Going back to the Osiris Myth, after Osiris died and became the ruler of the dead, His son took His place as King of the Living: the falcon God, Horus (Heru the Younger). After the brief bout of chaos brought about under Set's rule, Horus took over (after much deliberation from the Gods) and order was restored. Because of this story, Pharaohs would not only associate themselves with Osiris in death, but with Horus in life. Each Pharaoh, as they came to the throne, would become the living embodiment of Horus on earth, the son of Osiris. In this way, Isis was also the mother of every Pharaoh, and their protector. And, to added extent, each Pharaoh would have a personal name, and then a Horus name granted to them when they ascended to the throne.
"It is for this reason that Osiris is so often depicted as a mummified pharaoh; because pharaohs were mummified to resemble Osiris. The image of the great mummified god preceeded the practice of preparing the royal body to look like Osiris... The king's appearance as modeled after Osiris' extended throughout his reign; the famous flail and shepherd's staff, synonymous with Egyptian pharaohs, were first Osiris' symbols as the flail represented the fertility of his land while the crook symbolized the authority of his rule." (Osiris, World History Encyclopedia, Joshua J. Mark)
Osiris can also be represented by a number of physical symbols, such as the crook and flail that He carries in almost all representations of His earthly form. The crook, which is the striped hook He carries, represents power/authority, and is a symbol of the Pharaoh. The flail, which is the instrument in His other hand, represents the fertility of the Nile, and as an extension, the fertility of Osiris Himself. But the crook and flail, though both seen typically as symbols of Pharaonic power, are actually the tools of a shepherd. There is reasonable evidence, thusly, to suggest that the physical origins of the idea of Osiris may not be that of a great King, but of a ruler of a shepherd tribe in the Nile Delta, whose rule was so beneficent that it led to him being worshipped as a God. For Egyptologists, this theory comes from His association with Andjety, a predynastic God-King worshipped in the Delta who also bore the crook and flail as His symbols. This, however, has not and likely cannot be fully proven. But the postulation is still interesting nonetheless!
Osiris' ba soul had its' own culture of worship, a practice of soul-worship that is prevalent in the cults of several other Gods, such as Hathor (HwtHer). In this form, Osiris was known as Banebdjedet, meaning 'The Ba of the Lord of the Djed,' which in English terms means 'The Soul of the Lord of the Pillar of Continuity', as ba means soul, and djed is the symbol for a pillar, which represented the backbone of Osiris. Interestingly, the name Banebdjedet is feminine, as the letter t denotes a feminine word or name in ancient Egyptian; although there are also variations on this name that exclude the t in favour of the alternative, Banebdjed. Banebdjedet, Osiris' ba soul, was worshipped mainly in Mendes, a city in Lower Egypt, in the Delta.
This leads to an interesting point concerning the androgyny of Osiris, a subject I found while researching for this post. Osiris' fertility comes from His castration and then being healed by the mother Goddess, Isis. Not only that, but both men and women identified themselves with Osiris in death. Then the name for His ba personified as another God is feminine, although representations of Banebdjedet are overwhelmingly male. Before anyone attacks me, I am not claiming that Osiris is a genderless God or King––just that He has some traits of androgyny, which I find interesting and love to study in ancient cultures, and I thought it would be good to mention for anyone else similarly interested.
Worship, Festivals, and Cult Activities
When it comes to the practices surrounding Osiris' cult, we actually know a good deal of information regarding the activities of worshippers and priests. Osiris' cult and worship was so widespread and lasted long enough that it could be recorded by the earliest Greek historians, and remained carved in temple walls for thousands of years. Among the most well-known cultic tradition is the Osiris Bed.
The Osiris Bed is rather well documented, as it was an object placed in tombs. It was not a bed for the deceased to lie in, but instead a box made of wood or clay, moulded into the shape of Osiris, in which the fertile Nile soil was placed and seeds were planted. These boxes were then wrapped in white mummy linens, and the seeds sprouted through, representing the resurrection and fertility of Osiris, and the crops that grew each year in cycles. One of the most famous of these beds was found in King Djer's tomb, a King from the Early Dynastic Period; the 2nd King ever of the unified Egypt. Coincidentally (or, perhaps, not so coincidentally) King Djer's tomb was the tomb which pilgrims believed to be Osiris' burial site.
While the Osiris Bed is far from the only practice and tradition of the Osiris cult, it does show the rich cultural practices and symbolism present in His worship. Let's look at some other examples of the practices of Osiris' cult.
Similar to the Osiris bed were Osiris gardens, which were essentially the same concept; fertile soil was planted inside a vessel shaped into the form of Osiris, and seeds were settled within to grow. These beds were tended to during festivals instead of being buried in a tomb.
There were a great many festivals, and each of them quite popular according to their time period, dedicated to the story and symbolism of Osiris. Some festivals started with recounting the mournings of Isis and Nephthys, Osiris' sister-wife and sister, in the form of a drama acted out in a call-and-response format. Another drama acted out for the glory of Osiris was more in the form of an actual fight that anyone could participate in; it was modelled after The Contendings of Horus and Set, which I briefly mentioned as a long and drawn-out argument between Horus and Set over who deserved Osiris' vacant throne after He had died. On this occasion, people would battle out and reenact the events of the story until the side of Horus finally won and victory was achieved. Afterwards, the celebrations commenced in honoring the restoration of order, and the gold-encased shAwyt-nTr (the Holy Statue) of Osiris would be taken out and lavished with offerings. Osiris, in the form of this statue, would be paraded throughout the city of Abydos before being placed in a shrine outside, where He could participate fully in the festivities, and be admired by the commoners who would usually never behold the face of Osiris. This emergence of Osiris from the dark temple's inner sanctuary to the light of the city resembled and represented His resurrection from death into life again. Although this particular festival was celebrated mainly in Osiris cult center of Abydos, it was also celebrated in other cities such as Bubastis in the Delta, Busiris, Memphis, and Thebes, in Upper Egypt.
The Mysteries of Osiris was a series of plays performed annually, and in dramatic, passionate form. It was one of the most popular observances of worshippers, and it told the story that I first told to you––of Osiris' life, His death at the hands of His brother, His resurrection at the hands of His sister-wife, and His ascension into the role we now know Him for. The roles in this reenactments were often taken up by high-ranking officials, and afterwards, the Contendings of Horus and Set would take place, which I just mentioned. These plays would take place over several days.
One festival was called The Fall of the Nile. During this time, the waters of the Nile would recede, and the worshippers of Osiris would go into mourning. One of Osiris' representation on earth was the Nile, and the Nile represented His fertility and life.
Another festival was celebrated on the 19th day of Pakhons, one of the months in the Egyptian calendar, which is roughly equivalent to May in our Gregorian calendar. On this day, the followers of Osiris would go to the river with shrines containing vessels of gold and metal, and would pour water into the Nile, exclaiming, "Osiris is found!" Mud and spices were mixed and moulded into the shape of Osiris, as well, to celebrate His return. Another festival similar to this one was called The Night of the Tear, and took place during modern-day June.
The last festival pertaining to Osiris that I will mention is the Djed pillar festival, held in modern-day January. The Pharaonic court and family would participate, raising djed pillars to welcome Osiris and the harvests that coincided with His return.
One last and interesting tradition that may seem familiar to Christians, at least in a small way, was the baking of bread in the shape of Osiris; bread as the flesh of the God, a sort of predecessor of communion wafers. But in reality the traditions of the Osiris cakes are completely different, and there were several different ways of going about it, depending on which nome you were from. In Dendera, wheat-paste models were made in the shape of each of the 16 dismembered parts of Osirs, and each model was sent out to the town where each respective part of Osiris was found by Isis. In Mendes, figures of Osiris were made of wheat and paste. On the day of the murder, they were placed in a trough, followed by water being added each day for several days. Afterwards, this mixture was kneaded into a dough, put into a mold of Osiris, and buried on the temple grounds.
This has been a somewhat brief glimpse into the cult, history, and traditions surrounding the Great God, The Beautiful Lord Osiris. If I can clarify anything please let me know and I will do my best!
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mystxcfire · 4 months
Evil Thoughts ^^
So, I am having very evil thoughts about some John Dory Ideas.
Like what if, Time-Travel John Dory. This idea came to me about the worm holes in the Trolls: The Beat goes on. Like what if 20s or mid 30s John Dory went forward/Backwards in time, like they switch places. If 20s John Dory, he would be in his mid life crisis mindset and maybe a bit feral but would be in shock at seeing his family being older than him making him the youngest with a guilt conscious on his mind. I like the idea that JD was gray for a bit when he was exploring and adventuring so, he is gray when he travelled into the future. If 30s John Dory, he would’ve try and save their grandma but ultimately fail in doing so but he tries to make it up by taking care of Branch and becoming a right hand man for King Peppy. He would also went out to get his brothers back as well and apologize to them.
Looks: 20s JD, would look like a twink. To me, JD wouldn’t have that much to eat and would be considered very underweight and look very skinny and scrawny. He looks the same as when he had left Branch but gray and seems to be glaring at others often than not, keeping a very noticeable distance between others including his brothers.
For 30s JD, looks like his canon self but as time goes on, he dawns a more exhausted look to himself. He would be constantly staring off to the distance. He wears the same clothing as his canon else but would have to change it up a bit.
Extra Info: TT!20s JD is a menace. He loves to cause trouble as he is very used to it as he has lived in the forest for awhile but he does double down when he was taken into his now ‘older’ brothers and was learning how to be civil with the trolls of pop village.
TT!30s JD on the other hand, is old. He is considered to be his brothers father which he didn’t mind and neither does his brothers, now sons. He wanted to mend the relationship that he himself felt responsible for breaking the bond, as brothers and as their father.
Or What if a Time-Loop Au of where John Dory entered a worm hole in which he was struck by a weird light and he was suddenly back in his old body and decided to try an change the past but in doing so, he created time-loops in which certain events happened instead of what would’ve happened. Like each Aus that are created are time-loops that Time-Loop JD created but everytime a new loop is created the previous loop is still implanted into his mind making him even more depressed, anxious, wary, confused and distrustful towards others. The Time-Loop either resets when JD dies or if one of his brothers dies.
Looks: John Dory would look the same as his young canon self but as the time-loop progresses, he starts to change himself. He is more tired looking, dawns different article of clothing from each time-loop that went by, has an exhausted look in his eyes as he stares off to the distance. He even stops eating at one point and gotten skinny and underweight. Scars are littered around his body, from times that he died during the time-loops.
Extra Info: TL!JD is very forgetful. He sometimes forgets about time-loops where he dies instead of grandma or Branches Dies instead. It’s an endless loop of time. Sometimes they are short but sometimes they are long. The longs ones, are the ones that hit him the hardest as he would always remember them. Always.
The fact that I thought up of this is uncanny as, I had just remembered in Trolls: The beat goes on, in one of the episodes, they were sucked into a wormhole in which anything is possible so, I decided to make something from that knowledge. Also, I would think that John Dory, would’ve had encounters of wormholes from time to time but wouldn’t be able to go through into exploring one since he mostly didn’t have the time or Rhonda would’ve stopped him from going through.
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