#I need less mega corporations involved in food productions
darkwood-sleddog · 3 years
It is increasingly concerning to me to see more and more “sustainable” and “cruelty free” food alternatives & legislation that aims to ensure that small farmers cannot raise and/or hunt their own food. So many of these alternatives focus on corporate sold/lab made foods and legislation that will ensure only large corporations are the only ones that can afford to keep producing food.
Food is a human right. You should not have to pay a massive corporation to be able to eat. Legislation that makes it harder for poor people to keep and raise their own livestock is harmful. Legislation that excludes indigenous peoples from their native hunting lands & food species is harmful.
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comrade-meow · 3 years
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New Zealand schools have introduced a climate change resource that suggests children “eat less meat and dairy”, even though teachers will not know how much meat or dairy any child in their care has eaten. Opinion pieces in the papers have called for the reduction of meat and dairy in hospital menus, not usually generous sources of such foods, despite the well-known risks of undernutrition, especially of protein, in the frail and elderly. Globally, the influential and once-objective medical journal the Lancet has hosted Eat Lancet, a coalition of vegan and vegetarian technocrats backed by processed food manufacturers, and promoted their agenda. The Guardian newspaper accepted an £626783 grant from the backers of Impossible Foods to run a series of articles against animal agriculture.
These initiatives, aimed at remodelling our food supply in a way that favours the multinational food processing and seed-and-chemical corporations, whose control of many aspects of farming and diet is already problematic, have run far ahead of the scientific community’s efforts to understand the health effects of such dietary change.
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Our hunter-gatherer past
The Neolithic Revolution was the first alteration in human affairs that is generally considered worthy of the term Revolution. In Marx’s terms, it saw a change in the means of production sufficient to form new classes aware of their identities, and thus a change in the relations between people. Early humans had fed themselves in an opportunistic, hunter-gatherer fashion that tended to favour a diet of animals supplemented with plants where and when these were available. Large animals made the best meals but gathering activities could collect many smaller ones, as well as eggs, grubs etc.
The people of the Mesolithic era discovered that some animals could be herded and some plants grown in gardens (not usually by the same community, because one activity favours nomadism and the other favours a sedentary habit) but these activities, which greatly improved food security after the decline of the prehistoric mega-fauna due to hunting and climate pressures, tended to occur at the communal level and probably did not create major class differences between the people involved.
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The invention of farming
The Neolithic Revolution, which unleashed the human potential for war, creativity, and social division, resulted from the identification of the germs of plants (specifically grains and legumes) as durable sources of energy. If grains were grown (I will use grains in the wider sense of “cereals”, after Braudel, including other dried germs such as peas) and there was a surplus, this surplus would still be edible over the next year, a year when drought or pests or diseases might wipe out the other food sources that hunter-gatherers depended on. This advantage was offset by the nutritional poverty of grain-based diets, so that tuberculosis probably became an endemic disease during this period,[1] but the existence of a less-perishable surplus allowed the diversion of part of the population away from food gathering for large parts of the year, and saw the creation of armies and other workforces.
In Europe, the Neolithic Revolution is dated at around 10,000 BC and its arrangements are a matter of prehistory, but in China this change occurred later and the written record around Bi-gu or grain avoidance includes folk-memories of conflict between grain eating and grain avoiding peoples.
The history of colonisation is the history of the conquest of lactose-intolerant peoples by lactose-tolerant populations, and of non-grain eaters by grain-eaters. In the Indian sub-continent, a combination of dairy herding and a cereal diet high in legumes uniquely allowed the survival of a substantially vegetarian population, and saw the conservation of genes favouring reproduction on such a diet, including genetic polymorphisms still rare in European populations (adaptive mutations only predominate where many individuals without them have failed to survive or reproduce).[2] That the Indian social system became more aggressively class-based than any other is probably no co-incidence; prejudice against meat-eating is still used as a tool of social control against minorities, while meat-eating is one way young Indians today identify as modern and egalitarian. However there were some important exceptions to the trend – the Aztecs were a hunter-gather people who conquered and dominated the Mesolithic agriculturalists of Mexico, and the Mongols were nomadic herders and hunters whose greater stamina and independence allowed them to defeat the rice-fed armies of the Chinese Emperors (after conquering this breadbasket, the successive Mongol Khans seem to have eaten and drunk themselves to death).
Early vegetarian ideology
In the European and Asian cereal-based societies the poorest classes went without meat, supplementing cereals when possible with buttermilk or blood pudding which were more economic replacements. The rich ate as much meat as they could. The idea that an entire society might avoid meat is a recent one with its roots in religious practice, and, insofar as it has any political basis, this flows in two distinct streams – the eco-fascist, in which meat avoidance is a sign of “purity”, most humans are a burden on the Earth, and the Indian vegetarians are of course Aryans. This is something like the vegetarian vision that Adolf Hitler picked up while studying anti-Semitism with Wagner’s heirs at Bayreuth.
And then there is a Marxist-Anarchist, and latterly Intersectional, version, founded on a valuation of animal rights as inseparable from, and a logical extension of, human rights. Vegetarianism was a frequent obsession of the early British Socialists; G.B. Shaw, who derived most of his energy from dairy fat and lived to the age of 94, made himself into a well-known example, and the idea was sufficiently entrenched among the British Socialists and their milieu that H.G. Wells preserved its internal contradictions for posterity in The Time Machine. In his far-future vision, humanity has evolved into two separate species. The Morlocks are descendants of working-class meat-eaters, the Eloi of leisure-class vegetarians – all Wells’ loathing is reserved for the Morlocks, yet it is obvious they are (still) the engineering brains keeping their world running and the Eloi fed. The Eloi are useless for anything but enjoying the sunshine and feeding the Morlocks, and the discordance in Wells’ progressive values as he describes both species is as shocking as anything else in the story.
The first large-scale experiment in plant-based protein was attempted by the Bolsheviks. As usual, it’s hard to separate the roles played by idealism and cynicism in the story, but the bare bones are that the Soviets found their initial attempts to remodel the countryside rebuffed, blamed this on the recaltricance of the kulak class, and set out to destroy them. The problem being that the kulaks, owning most of the cattle and sheep across the Russian Republics, helped to feed the people. Beginning in the 1920s, soy experts from the USA (then the Western world’s leading soy producer) were among the many foreign technicians imported into Russia, and soy processing plants were built and soy production increased to 283,000 tonnes in 1931, the year Stalin unleashed enforced collectivisation and the terror against the kulaks (and also the Kazakhs, a herding people who suffered the largest proportionate loss of life during this period). This led to the loss of millions of animals, either killed by their dispossessed owners or mismanaged by their inexperienced new owners. The soy project was hardly able to prevent the massive famines that followed, and by 1935 soy production had dropped to 54,000 tonnes. Though soy milk would later prove useful during the siege of Leningrad, by the 1930s soy had probably only served one purpose, as a statistic needed aforehand to quell the objections of pragmatic delegates to the destruction of the kulaks and their livestock.
Today we face the revival of this idea, of plant protein that will create a world with no need for animal protein, and the remodelling of life in the countryside, with the new impetus of climate change as its driver. Livestock cycles natural carbon, meaning there is no net addition of C02 to the atmosphere – and its contribution to the shorter-lived methane precursor has not changed since 2000 (methane rises have been due to fracking, methane itself AKA “natural gas”, landfill, and rice production; methane-emitting animals have always existed on Earth in substantial numbers, and have not created a novel situation in the sense that the discovery of coal, oil and gas did). We have recently seen how much global disruption is required to reduce fossil fuel CO2 emissions to 2006 levels, levels which will still warm the planet if they continue. It could be still be worth reducing agricultural cycling of CO2 through methane, which is more warming than CO2 if this is cost-free, but is it?
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Why humans evolved as meat eaters
Animal foods, and especially red meat, supply a constellation of nutrients not found together (if they are found at all) in any plant food. Nutrients are those chemicals essential for the functioning of the human organism, and plants, but not livestock, can survive well without nutrients such as amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential to humans. Surviving as a vegetarian or vegan is possible for some (perhaps assuming the genetic variants referred to earlier are present) but to thrive requires knowledge of these nutrients, where to find them, how to process the foods that supply them, or how to supplement them. Thriving as an omnivore or even a complete carnivore does not – nutritional sufficiency is the reason we evolved eating meat and other animal foods long before we learned there were such things as essential nutrients.
The reasons for avoiding meat or all animal foods can have a class basis – veganism may be taken up by educated middle-class adults, more likely to be exposed to “health food” ideas and aware of the need to supplement, some of whom then commercialise their habits as social media “influencers”. Meat avoidance is also being adopted increasingly by educated middle-class children for identity or compassionate reasons, but the poor may also avoid meat because of its cost when a loaf of bread or a packet of flavoured noodles can be bought for a dollar; these two motivations sometimes coincide when students in temporary poverty make a virtue of what they perceive to be a necessity.
Does the meat-avoiding behaviour of young people have unintended costs? Several observational studies have looked at the characteristics of meat-avoiding populations and found alarming increases in depression, anxiety and self-harm.
“The majority of studies, and especially the higher quality studies, showed that those who avoided meat consumption had significantly higher rates or risk of depression, anxiety, and/or self-harm behaviors. There was mixed evidence for temporal relations, but study designs and a lack of rigor precluded inferences of causal relations. Our study does not support meat avoidance as a strategy to benefit psychological health.”[3]
How can we explain these correlations? Why should we assume that they are causal?There are several lines of evidence to support a causal link: 1) several nutrients found in meat and animal foods are important factors in mood and cognition; vitamin B12, iron, carnitine, DHA, choline and tryptophan are some examples.[4] 2) the fatty acid mix in dairy and red meat has a similar composition to that of amniotic fluid and breast milk which has anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects in young animals.[5] 3) soy is a convenient and cheap replacement for animal protein; soy processing in Western diets results in a 10-fold higher level of the estrogenic contaminant isoflavone than that found in Asian diets.[6] Soy isoflavone causes anxiety behaviour in young female animals, and there is evidence supporting psychotropic and hormonal effects in humans.[7,8,9.10] Interestingly, while right-wing critiques of soy eating focus on effects it can have on young men, the scientific evidence for adverse effects in younger females, converting to HRT-like benefits after menopause, is stronger.[11] 4) other toxins found in plants, such as salicylates and oxalates, as well as problematic proteins such as gliadin/gluten and zein, may be present at higher levels in meat-free diets (but are not unique to them). A vegan mince sold in Countdown supermarkets is simply a coloured blend of soy protein and gluten, a protein linked to the risk of schizophrenia.[12] In the New Zealand context it would be relatively easy to confirm or dispute some of these associations. Everyone admitted to hospital for longer than a day supplies their dietary preferences. The dietetic preference data from psychiatric admissions could be both linked to outcomes over time and compared with the population average distribution, or the distribution in a ward where diet is least likely to play a role in admissions.
Iron deficiency in women
Young women in New Zealand are the most likely to report being vegan or vegetarian in surveys, as elsewhere in the world. Vegans in the Gender Studies field generate papers linking meat to masculinity, with the implication that this masculinity is toxic and might be improved by a plant-based diet.[13] The corollary of this belief – that women may therefore be weakened by meat-avoidance – is never considered. In a 1980 essay by Gloria Steinem called The Politics of Food (in the collection Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions) she describes some of the cultural constructs by which women are deprived of the good nutrition which men use to stay dominant. The belief that men need to eat red meat more often than women may have been valid when the average man was more likely to have to survive an attack by a wild bear than the average woman, but today it is mainly women who suffer from serious iron deficiency. The rate – and the cost to the health system – is increasing in New Zealand as more women give up meat. Iron deficiency anaemia in early pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in children, not an outcome that will increase the mother’s autonomy.[14]
In Georg Büchner’s 19th century “working class tragedy” Woyzeck, filmed by Werner Herzog with Klaus Kinski in the leading role and the subject of an opera by Alban Berg, the title character, a soldier, is subject to experimentation by a sadistic army doctor. The experiment involves Woyzeck living on nothing but peas. Peas may supply a complete protein, but Woyzeck goes insane; the deprivation being the final straw in his alienation. James Cameron, the film-maker responsible for Avatar and Titanic, is investing heavily in pea protein as if this were his gift to New Zealand. I am not sure whether he has watched Woyzeck – one would think he has.
Plant-based vs meat-based
Again, we have the specificity of plant germs as commodity; their low cost of production, long storage life and versatility of processing outcomes makes them an ideal investment and a robust one, as poverty and adversity increases their consumption, as we saw during the 2020 Lockdown Event. However, a plant-based burger is nutritionally greatly inferior to a meat burger, and that burger is often the most nutritious single food item many will people eat in the course of their day. The current push to eat a plant-based diet for “planetary health” is something that all the multinational food processors have signed up and provided funding for, and why not – Coca Cola, Unilever, Nestlé have always sold us plant-based foods. We notice that while iron-deficiency anaemia increases in New Zealand with the reason in plain sight, Nestlé scientists here in NZ are developing a more potent form of supplemental iron to add value to their products as their parent company backs the push to reduce meat. (As usual, it’s hard to separate the roles played by idealism and cynicism in the story). But, you may well ask, isn’t eating meat linked to an increased risk of cancer and heart disease? These associations are small to begin with, but they are also intensely confounded by social class and educational status. Supposing a factory that makes a carcinogenic chemical is hiring. Who is more likely to apply for that job – a meat eater (who will likely have a bigger family to support, among other considerations) or a vegan? Who, so to speak, eats all the pies, and needs food that is filling and nutritious without having to give it much thought? Who is more likely to work two jobs and be exposed to the disruptive metabolic effect of shift work? Carcinogen exposure and shift work are just two of the confounding variables ignored in diet epidemiology. (That meat-eating in Western populations may symbolise or associate with labour itself – as it did for H.G. Wells when he wrote The Time Machine – is not a consideration I have found discussed in the epidemiological literature.)
Certainly one can think of mechanisms that might link meat to disease, as one can with any food, but one can also think of protective mechanisms; several of the nutrients found mainly or only in animal foods are required for various antioxidant and immune defensive enzymes, and some like carnitine and EPA even have a place in the management of heart disease. The argument against meat-eating should not be confused with the argument for sometimes rationing a valuable food that is in short supply. The wartime rationing of meat in the UK is thought to have improved the health of the poorest by guaranteeing a greater supply than they had had previously, at a more affordable price. In Europe, the peasants who supplied the cities with meat, dairy and luxury foods such as oysters were sometimes forced by network disruptions to consume these foods – which many of them had never tasted before – with benefit to their own health.
The plant-based agenda can scarcely be expected to recognise these benefits, or understand the argument summarised by Williams and Dunbar (with regard to the vitamin nicotinamide and amino acid tryptophan in their tuberculosis paper), that if better data collection and analysis resulted in us ”…returning to our egalitarian past and redistributing meat or its components that supply NAD (avoiding both the highs and the lows between individuals and over individual lifetimes) [this] may be more effective than subsidizing corn grain (while the increased prosperity from unlocking human potential should pay for the intervention).”[1] Progress – which includes unlocking human potential from the chains of preventable mental and physical disease – depends on good data, and we do not yet seem to collate the data required to know whether or for whom plant-based diets are safe in New Zealand.
George Henderson works as a researcher for Professor Grant Schofield and the team behind the What The Fat books and the social enterprise PreKure, which has been running free lifestyle and health programs through the lockdown. He is the author or co-author of several scientific articles and letters published by the BMJ, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, the JAMA, and other journals, including an influential review of low carbohydrate diets in diabetes management for the New Zealand Medical Journal. A musician, songwriter and amateur musicologist, he has recently presented a series of podcasts on 20th century women composers for Karyn Hay’s Lately show on RNZ.
[1] Williams AC, Dunbar RI. Big brains, meat, tuberculosis, and the nicotinamide switches: co-evolutionary relationships with modern repercussions?. Int J Tryptophan Res. 2013;6:73‐88. Published 2013 Oct 15. doi:10.4137/IJTR.S12838 [2] Kothapalli KS, Ye K, Gadgil MS, et al. Positive Selection on a Regulatory Insertion-Deletion Polymorphism in FADS2 Influences Apparent Endogenous Synthesis of Arachidonic Acid. Mol Biol Evol. 2016;33(7):1726‐1739. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw049
[3] Urska Dobersek, Gabrielle Wy, Joshua Adkins, Sydney Altmeyer, Kaitlin Krout, Carl J. Lavie & Edward Archer (2020) Meat and mental health: a systematic review of meat abstention and depression, anxiety, and related phenomena, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1741505 [4] Frédéric Leroy & Nathan Cofnas (2019) Should dietary guidelines recommend low red meat intake?, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2019.1657063 [5] Contreras CM, Rodríguez-Landa JF, García-Ríos RI, Cueto-Escobedo J, Guillen-Ruiz G, Bernal-Morales B. Myristic acid produces anxiolytic-like effects in Wistar rats in the elevated plus maze. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:492141. doi:10.1155/2014/492141 [6] Fernandez-Lopez A, Lamothe V, Delample M, Denayrolles M, Bennetau-Pelissero C. Removing isoflavones from modern soyfood: Why and how?. Food Chem. 2016;210:286‐294. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.04.126 [7] Hicks KD, Sullivan AW, Cao J, Sluzas E, Rebuli M, Patisaul HB. Interaction of bisphenol A (BPA) and soy phytoestrogens on sexually dimorphic sociosexual behaviors in male and female rats. Horm Behav. 2016;84:121‐126. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.06.010 [8] Tillett T. Full of beans? Early soy exposure associated with less feminine play in girls [published correction appears in Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Jan;120(1):A17]. Environ Health Perspect. 2011;119(12):A525. doi:10.1289/ehp.119-a525b [9] Adgent MA, Daniels JL, Rogan WJ, et al. Early-life soy exposure and age at menarche. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2012;26(2):163‐175. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3016.2011.01244.x [10] Hibbeln, J.R., SanGiovanni, J.P., Golding, J., Emmett, P.M., Northstone, K., Davis, J.M., Schuckit, M. and Heron, J. (2017), Meat Consumption During Pregnancy and Substance Misuse Among Adolescent Offspring: Stratification of TCN2 Genetic Variants. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 41: 1928-1937. doi:10.1111/acer.13494 [11] Patisaul HB, Jefferson W. The pros and cons of phytoestrogens. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2010;31(4):400‐419. doi:10.1016/j.yfrne.2010.03.003 [12] Čiháková D, Eaton WW, Talor MV, et al. Gliadin-related antibodies in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2018;195:585‐586. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2017.08.051 [13] Jessica Greenebaum & Brandon Dexter (2018) Vegan men and hybrid masculinity, Journal of Gender Studies, 27:6, 637-648, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2017.1287064 [14] Wiegersma AM, Dalman C, Lee BK, Karlsson H, Gardner RM. Association of Prenatal Maternal Anemia With Neurodevelopmental Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019;76(12):1294–1304. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.2309
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vedasshaakha-blog · 5 years
11 Superstar Sectors for Foreign Companies to Enter in India
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As one of the fast-growing economies in the world, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India is indeed growing at an exponential rate. But, the growth rate is disproportionate with some sectors witnessing astronomical growth while others are moving at snail’s pace.
Here, in this week’s post, we highlight the superstar sectors for FDI investments as per industry analysis in India. We also take a look at the restrictions, requirements and other challenges that you may encounter along the way.
What is the FDI Policy in India?
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That’s a huge topic, and you can check out all the details in our last post. FDI has been allowed in India since 1991, with the opening of the market with the introduction of the FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act).
Can I Invest in all Sectors in India?
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It depends. For instance, a few sectors like defense have an FDI limitation of 49%, while other sectors like telecommunications and energy industry in India have zero limitations. On the other hand, there are other sectors like nuclear power, gambling, and lottery, where FDI is completely prohibited.
As noted above, check out our earlier post for detailed info on sector-wise FDI restrictions. With that out of the way, let’s focus on the best sectors for FDI in India.
1. Telecommunications
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The number of Smartphone users in India is predicted to reach a whopping 442.5 million people by 2022. That’s a massive market for companies involved in telecommunications.
As noted above, there is no cap on the FDI investment in telecommunications and falls under the “automatic route,” meaning you don’t even have to get approval by the government or the RBI for your investments.
With that said, establishing a telecommunications network in the country requires massive capital. If you are ready to make that commitment, then this is indeed a lucrative opportunity.
2. Retail
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Multi-brand retail trade is not open to FDI investors. On the other hand, single-brand retail is a viable and lucrative opportunity. There is no cap on the investment. However, unlike telecommunications, if you invest more than 49%, then you are required to obtain government approval.
Compared to the previous sector (telecommunications), retail in India doesn’t require massive investment and is considered less risky compared to other popular sectors.
However, gauging the market for retail is quite challenging. You have to consider several factors like differences in culture, tastes and customer preferences. This is where partnering with a local company like VEDAS SHAKHAA is a huge plus for you. We handle all the groundwork for you — right from analyzing and predicting market demands to helping you obtain all the necessary certifications, permissions and more.
3. Fashion
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The lifestyle and fashion industry in India has seen massive growth since the turn of the new millennium. This sector covers a whole range of product segments like apparel, textiles, footwear, fashion accessories, jewellery and more.
With huge scope for domestic consumption and increased demand for both luxury and casual foreign brands, fashion is one of the most lucrative sectors for foreign investments in the country.
4. Construction
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It’s traditionally one of the most preferred industries for FDI in India. Recently, the government of India has further relaxed FDI rules in the construction and real-estate sector to attract more foreign investments in the construction of housing, townships, hotels and other infrastructure.
The minimum cash investment in this sector has been reduced to USD 5 million, making it a great opportunity for small FDI investors.
5. Power Generation, Renewable Energy and Biomass
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Despite being the fifth largest electricity producer in the world, India faces a massive power shortage. This means foreign investors have great opportunities to explore in the power sector to meet increasing demands. As noted above, there is no cap on FDI in electricity, meaning foreign players can capitalize on the demands of the market.
Cochin airport became the world’s first airport to be operated solely on solar power, and one of the biggest global solar power installations in Kumuthi, in Tamil Nadu. Investing in renewable energy in the country is incredibly quick, as this sector is a “white industry,” meaning you don’t have to spend time waiting on environmental clearances.
India has set an ambitious target to generate a massive 175GW from renewable sources by 2022, and the timing is just perfect for FDI in renewable energy. Indian manufacturers of biomass, solar, wind power and hydro-electric are all set to see a massive boom in the next couple of years to meet India’s growing energy requirements.
6. Automotive
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India has recently become the most coveted destination for the world’s leading auto manufacturers. And not just that, in recent years the country has established itself as an emerging auto expert hub for both small commercial and heavy vehicles. Almost all major auto behemoths have set up auto manufacturing plants in the country, integrating India into the global supply chain.
A few prominent examples include – Suzuki’s export of Baleno cars made in India to Japan, Renault’s export of KWID from India to Mauritius, Volkswagen’s Vento exports to Mexico and Honda’s Jazz exports to South Africa.
7. Electronics Design and Manufacturing
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Apart from emerging as a prime automobile manufacturing hub, India is also poised to become a global electronics manufacturing hub. India’s mobile phone manufacturing has risen from 60 million in 2014-15 to over 110 million in 2015-16. Over 72 new mobile handset and component manufacturers have set up shop in the country within the last two years.
From Chinese players like Gionee, Xiaomi to Korean giants including Samsung and LG, to homegrown mobile brands like Micromax and Lava, India is becoming the electronic hub capital of the world.
8. Pharmaceuticals
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This is another massive sector that has unlimited demand and endless opportunities. With a large demographic and widespread availability of raw materials, India has emerged as a research and manufacturing hub of the world.
India has strongly positioned itself in the global pharmaceuticals supply chain and is the world’s biggest manufacturer of generic medicines. India recently saw major innovations in health care manufacturing in the country, with the nation’s first indigenously developed Rotavirus vaccine in the country launched in 2014.
9. Food Processing
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Next, to renewable power generation, this is another sunrise sector in the country. Food processing plays a vital role in bridging the gap between agriculture and industry. Recently, the Ministry of Food Processing is working on building 7 Mega Food Parks and over 135 integrated cold chains located all across the country.
One major benefit of investing in the food processing industry is the ease of doing business. From custom clearance forms to a single dedicated investor, running a food processing business in India has its share of perks and benefits.
10. Water Distribution and Related Infrastructure
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Population growth, climate change, pollution of rivers and ad-hoc tapping of groundwater is depleting India’s water resources like never before. Fortunately, both the government and the general public have woken up to the pressing needs of water infrastructure to ensure clean potable water to the masses and for agriculture. Water industry in India will see increased returns and wide support from the government in the next few years due to increasing demand and foreign investments.
11. Cybersecurity
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Data is the new-age oil. With huge corporations dealing with massive volumes of customer data, there is a huge demand for cybersecurity professionals and infrastructure to analyze and protect digital data. Security industry in India will see huge growth in the next few years.
Are you ready to enter into the Indian market? Reach out to VEDAS SHAKHAA to simplify your journey.
Original Source : VEDAS SHAKHAA
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supplementsprice · 5 years
Don’t Fall For Brain FX Supplement Scams, In my Review, I’m going to outline Brain FX
When it comes to your brain, there’s continuously room for improvement. One container never be too smart, too amusing, nor full of too many useless truths. Still, all the effort needed to obtain such abilities is rather exhausting. If only we could eat a nourishment that would instantly alter us into geniuses. Well, until geniuses develop this magic cuisine, now are a few foods that may help out a moment with your brain’s asset. Formulated by two Harvard colleagues, Brain FX  claims to be a exactly crafted nootropic that can help upsurge focus, improve decision creation capacity, sharpen reminiscence, and elevate productivity for persons from all walks of life, counting students, athletes, businesspersons, and more. The creators of Brain FX  are so sure that it can solve your brain’s full potential that they’ve called it the “most effective and progressive nootropic formula in the world.” Brain FX  claims to use a proprietary mixture of scientifically proven elements that can provide you with clean liveliness, clear focus, and improved mental act, without jitters or a crash. In circumstance, the manufacturer claims that Brain FX  mirrors the effects of prescription-strength reasoning enhancers, and that it can be rummage-sale for a wide variety of tasks needful focus, including studying, employed, and even sports. In combination, Brain FX  claims that the ingredients container boost the aptitude to learn new tasks and retain reminiscences, reverse damage in aging cells, recover mitochondrial function, increase blood current to the brain, prevent mental exhaustion, and more. Brain FX  is claimed to be intense, and to comprise enough of each component to be effective on its own, if inaccessible (more about this in a minute). Because of this, the corporation recommends enchanting one capsule and waiting to see how Brain FX  affects you before captivating more. Once you’ve recognized your tolerance though, you’ll be intelligent to take 2-4 capsules per day, not to surpass 6 capsules in a 24-hour period. Brain FX  is claimed to be safe when occupied at the recommended dosages. Rendering to the company, you would experience increased energy and clearness within 15 to 45 minutes of enchanting the supplement.
What is Really Brain FX ?
This product increases learning the power and also improves intelligence indulgence ability. Efficiency of Brain FX  has been long-established by the manifold clinical prosecutions. Letting for it as a scam about brain fitness advantages really has no base. Rendering to my own knowledge, it everything for the advantages deprived of any single side result. Neurotransmitter synthesis and too release should go smoothly to have the fit cognitive state. This mind booster raises the acetylcholine which is strong neurotransmitter in the intelligence. Brain FX  Provides precursors to involve for mixture of acetylcholine. This is better than any additional available option to increase brain functionality and capability. Some people pursue ADHD medicine and protest its aspect effects advanced. On the other way, Brain FX  is free from all risks. On the regular ingesting of it, you will notice the better memeory, encouraged reasoning ability with increased concentration and focus ability. In my individual experience you cannot get whatever better than this in this price. It is safe and reasonably priced packet is must to resolve your recollection related issues. Some workers do not like taking caffeine outstanding to tolerance and side belongings such as jitters and twitchy so this is something to weigh beforehand buying Brain FX . The other fixings such as Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Phosphatidylserine are all significant nutrients to keep your brain cells fit and balance neurotransmitter levels. Lastly DMAE Bitartrate and Choline Bitartrate both source choline to the brain which is essential for the synthesis of acetylcholine. On a apiece dosage basis, these mixes provide less choline crossways the blood-brain barrier associated to Alpha GPC and CDP Choline (Citicoline). Preferably, Brain FX  would use these larger cholinergic supplements, but this is relatively easy to precise by taking a standalone amount of Alpha GPC for pennies a day.
Brain FX  Ingredients
So what are the fixings in this supplement that can distribute these results? Brain FX  provides a proprietary mixture of 12 natural ingredients, altogether of which consume been demonstrated to improve brain control, memory, reasoning and neural fitness. The ingredients are: Huperzine A, Vinpocetine, Pikatropin (Picamilon), Bacopa Monnieri, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D3, Caffeine Anhydrous, DMAE Bitartrate, Choline Bitartrate, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Phosphatidylserine. Huperzine A, Vinpocetine and Bacopa Monnieri necessity be familiar to anyone who has investigated herbal nootropics. Together, these mixes increase acetylcholine levels, encourage greater blood flow to the brain and backing enhanced electrical signaling in the brain. Picamilon is a lesser recognized supplement that is a mixture of GABA and Niacin for better mood and control of pressure and anxiety. There are a lot of persons in the nootropic community who fix not think that Picamilon produces important results, however I have continuously liked this ingredient personally and I reason it helps to quiet my mind to some grade. Caffeine Anhydrous is comprised in this stack to boost energy, attentiveness and focus.
Important Things about Brain FX
Enter Brain FX  in the brain supplement that assistance you to achieve optimal brain purposes. But before of that you brand any decisions about it, if it is really value a try. This is considered to remain the professional asset brain supplement that it is also focused with the mega-doses of the influential brain supplements and their constructions and promote the fit brain function. The nutrient originate in the ingredients of Brain FX  rejuvenates the cells of the intelligence. It rebuilds the old brain tours refresh the connections and even rouse the production of new ones. It is likewise rewires the brains relay switches. It is essentially recharges to your brain cells and inspiring to them to produce the normal chemical transmitter that lets the brain to work better easer, clearness and the also efficiency.
No one ever ongoing their day wishing that they remained less smart. Colleges brand billions by promising confident 18-year-olds that four years at their organizations will make them brainier than the rest of the population. Little do they distinguish that similar results could be attained by simply consuming dark chocolate? In a education conducted by North Umbria University in England, scholars performed better on humble math tests after drinking heebie-jeebies chock full of cocoa, Fox News described. It’s not that dark chocolate types you “smarter” but it does benefit the knowledge you already partake shine through a bit recovering. The flavones in dark chocolate improvements the circulatory system, cumulative the amount of blood that spreads your brain, rendering to Fox News. This ultimately upsurges brain functions which would elucidate why test scores can improve afterward a quick chocolaty snack.
When you’re feeling lethargic, you may be tempted to clutch a coffee or candy bar for a rapid pick me up. Although these nourishments will give you an instant vigor boost, it’s often short existed and the later crash can permission you worse off. Vitamin E filled almonds might offer a more real alternative. These are the greatest nutrient filled nuts, rendering to a 2010 study, Business Insider stated. The vitamin E and magnesium in almonds determination keep your brain at top-working volume without the aforementioned bang afterwards. If nuts aren’t your thing, there’s nonentity quite like gold old shaped protein to give your brain a much wanted boost to get you finished the day. Protein is able to rouse origin neurons, the lockups in your brain responsible for keeping you wide-awake. All animal by crops such as fish, meats, dairy, and eggs are crowded with protein.
It happens to the greatest of us. You get halfway done a perfectly fine work day when rapidly you find you can’t seem to focus on everything for longer than a scarce minutes. Maybe next time you ought put down the coffee and try attainment for a berry snack in its place. Studies have shown that blueberries in specific are able to increase attentiveness and memory aimed at up to five hours. This is due to the big amount of antioxidants they comprise. These powerful nutrients are talented to rouse the blood of blood and oxygen to your intelligence which results in sharper emphasis, no caffeine needed. The detail that they are able to fight cancer as healthy doesn’t hurt either.
Who doesn’t want healthier memory? Studies suggest that consumption cold water greasy fish, such as salmon not only assistances you to improve memory holding, but can also defend you for degenerative psychological disease such as dementia. That is since they contain high planes of essential fatty acids called DHA. Rendering to the BBC, tomatoes can benefit protect memory loss outstanding to free radical injury to cells, you know just in case you wanted a reason to have that second helping of pasta.
Functions of  Brain FX
That is exactly what the Brain FX  seeks to the help of you with to save your mind and the brain attentive and in tip of top conditions. It pursues to provide you with the subsequent brain health benefits.
It will enhances memory focus and too the concentration.
It will also optimizes the reasoning performance.
It can restore the natural brain wellbeing.
It will also help you to induce high-performance intellectual acuity.
It will also boost your brain dynamism.
Does Brain FX  Works?
As I mentioned earlier, European medicinal researchers have the led way in recording to the astounding advantages of Brain FX . In randomized dual blind placebo controlled education at the University of Catania in Italy patients with reasonable cognitive deterioration removed either 300 mg or a placebo for 90 days. Patients amid the ages of 50 to 80 were assumed to the neuropsychological examinations at the beginning afterward the 45 days and after 90. Brain FX  is natural memory increaser by Brain FX s Nutrition a nutrition corporation that specializes on brain attractive products. It helps to increase recall by up to 44%, with its vital components that support brain scheme. It helps you to sustain brain vigor without the jitters gives emphasis and concentration oxygen to the intelligence and the cerebral circulation. Brain FX  includes the politeness blend of PhosphatidylSerine (PS) complex, which is the normal phospholipids that will support brain arrangement. It actually holds many of aptitude. However, the supplement is on the high-class side and there is not so large customer reviews around the supplement. But, its 90 days money spinal guarantee is actually a good contract to grab to allow you to test the addition. Then you might be showing cyphers of the brain old. We are actually all too acquainted with these signs that in most of bags we find out to be the usual.
Doctors Point Of View
This supplement is really very convincing especially with the in what way they presented their evidences. It is good that they quoted clinical studies to back up with their rights. With so many crops that line the market offering the similar action, it help that there is unique such as Brain FX  that takes to the time to stretch you the consumers with related details regarding its benefits and the movements. It is a good product to promoting reasoning health because of the previous that you take the time to safeguard this is the less of likely determination you be exposed to wasting condition related to the intelligence. That is why majority of registrars recommended this supplement Brain FX  to their patients.
My Opinion
On top of this, here is the DSM, or Diagnostic and Statistical Physical (the fifth edition rapidly to be released; see Ofer Zur’s critique at the Zur Institute site), by its ever-expanding list of disorders. No lengthier are only those supposed to be suffering after schizophrenia or bipolar disorder entreated to income their medication, deprived of which, they are told, they would be comparable a “diabetic without insulin.” Nowadays everyone suffering from snags such as grief or the blues or any number of possessions in the case of children, ADHD, oppositional disobedient disorder” or childhood-onset bipolar complaint are also told they should revenue drugs, as if they wanted the psychological equivalent of insulin. The disaster in the circumstance of children is that frequently, after captivating stimulating drugs, they instigate to knowledge psychotic indications. Then, additional drugs are rummage-sale to treat the extra symptoms, a fact that accounts for additional and younger people ending up on incapacity rolls.
Comparison to Alpha Brain Products
As is the case by all novel cognitive enhancement accompaniments to hit the market, the contrasts to Alpha Brain by Onnit Labs are inevitable. So how does Brain FX  stack up? Four of the five main ingredients – Vinpocetine, Huperzine A, Bacopa Monnieri and Phosphatidylserine – can also be create in the Alpha Brain stack. The main alteration in formulation is the attendance of Pikatropin in Brain FX  as well as the combination of DMAE Bitartrate and Choline Bitartrate instead of Alpha GPC. Brain FX  also usages caffeine instead of the L-Tyrosine providing by Alpha Brain for vigor, mental drive and focus.
Brain FX  Dosages
Unfortunately, since it is a proprietary blend we do not distinguish the exact dosages rummage-sale in this stack. We do distinguish that there is 555 mg of active ingredient and according to the works on the site, there is “enough for all ingredient to be effective on its individual if isolated.” However, assumed the recommended amounts of the ingredients listed overhead it would be difficult to crush all of them into this supplement at the correct amounts with only 555 mg of the proprietary mixture. For example, the addition uses Bacopa Monnieri with 20% Bacosides extract. The recommended amount for this supplement unaccompanied is 750 mg a day. For Choline Bitartrate the recommended dosage is 500 mg, for DMAE Bitartrate it is 100 mg, intended for Picamilon it is 50 mg and Phosphatidylserine originates in at 300 mg. While these fixings do have some synergistic belongings that can potentiate lesser doses, in general I think you essential two capsules to really see important results from the Brain FX  stack.
Where to Get It?
You can buy this Brain FX  supplement only on its official website…
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: A missing piece from most critiques of modern capitalism revolves around the misunderstanding of ecology. To put it bluntly, there will be no squaring the circle of mass industrial civilization and an inhabitable Earth. There is no way for energy and resource use, along with all the strife, warfare, and poverty that comes along with it, to continue under the business as usual model that contemporary Western nations operate under. There is also the problem of constructing millions of solar panels and gigantic wind farms to attempt to bring the entire world’s population to a middle class existence based on a North American or even European levels of energy use. All of the hypothetical robots and artificial intelligence to be constructed for such a mega-endeavor needed to enact such a project would at least initially rely on fossil fuels and metals plundered from the planet, and only lead to more rapacious destruction of the world. The dominant technological model is utterly delusional. Here I would urge each of us to consider our “human nature” (a problematic term, no doubt) and the costs and the manner of the work involved: if each of us had to kill a cow for food, would we? If each of us had to mine or blast a mountain for coal or iron, or even for a wind turbine, would we do it? If each of us had to drill an oil well or bulldoze land for a gigantic solar array next to many endangered species or a threatened coral reef, would we? My guess would be no, for the vast majority of the population. Instead, we employ corporations and specialists to carry out the dirty work in the fossil fuel industries and animal slaughtering, to name just a few. Most of us in the West have reaped the benefits of such atrocities for the past few centuries of the industrial revolution. That era is coming to a close, and there’s no turning back. The gravy train is running out of steam, and our age of comfort and the enslavement of a global proletariat to produce and gift-wrap our extravagances will hopefully be ending shortly, too. Some may romanticize loggers, factory workers, oil drillers, coal miners, or steel foundries but the chance is less than a needle through a camel’s eye that those jobs are coming back in a significant way. Overpopulation in much of the world continues to put strain upon habitat and farmlands to provide for the Earth’s 7.5 billion — and growing — humans. Tragically, many with the most influence on the Left today, such as Sanders, Corbyn, and Melenchon want to preserve industrial civilization. Theirs is an over-sentimental outlook which warps their thinking to want to prop up a dying model in order to redistribute wealth to the poor and working classes. Empathy for the less fortunate is no doubt a good thing, but the fact remains that the real wealth lies in our planet’s natural resources, not an artificial economy, and its ability to regenerate and provide the fertile ground upon which we all rely. If we follow their narrow path, we are doomed. Theirs is a sort of one-dimensional, infantile distortion of Vishnu-consciousness (preservation, in their minds at all costs), an unadulterated cogito, which does not let in the wisdom of his partner Lakshmi (true prosperity) or the harbinger of change and the symbol of death and rebirth, Shiva. Industrial life must be dismantled from the core for a new order to arise. Instead of clinging to this techno-dystopian model of the elites, we must replace it with what I call a Planetary Vision. The Stone that the Builders Refuse Only a serious education in ecology for a significant minority of the globe’s workforce can allow for a return to naturally abundant and life-enhancing complex habitats for humanity and all species to thrive. Understandably, fields such as botany, zoology, and conservationism are not for everyone, as much of humanity has been and continues to be more interested in technological fields, the arts, music, sports, religion, etc. It would only take perhaps 10% of the globe to be critically informed, and to be able to act, deliberatively and democratically, about subjects relating to ecosystem preservation and all the attendant sub-fields for a functional, ecocentric culture to flourish. Thankfully, the foundation of such an ecological vision has been laid by millennia of indigenous cultures, as well as modern prophets and science whizzes such as Rachel Carson, Fritjof Capra, James Lovelock, Lynn Margulis, Barry Commoner, Donella Meadows, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, Masanobu Fukuoka, and many others. Even Marx and Engels observed the basic deteriorating nature of advanced agriculture in what they termed “metabolic rift”, where they learned from European scientists of the overwhelming degradation of soil fertility on the continent due to poor farming techniques, razing of forests, and heavy industry. Despite its current limitations, the United Nations offers a model of supra-national regulation and governance, especially the UN Declaration of Human Rights, and the almost totally forgotten Brundtland report of 1987. The Deep Wisdom of Ecology Modern nations, corporations, vertical hierarchies, and industrial civilization do not serve human health or well-being. It excludes the majority, cuts them from a connection to their neighbors and the land, and privileges an elite rentier class who sponges and sucks the marrow out of the bowels of the Earth and those born money, property, privilege, without a silver spoon in hand. Ecological thinking, on the other hand, imparts us with the deep truth that we are all connected to each other, and the planet. Permaculture farming has managed to match and even outpace productivity on giant agribusiness farms using low-impact or even no-till methods. Food forests can be created around the globe using layers of edible plants at high densities to allow for the growth fruit and nut trees, vines, and perennial shrubs, groundcover, and herbs. This is the real meaning of the Garden of Eden, an agroforestry model which ancient people lived off of for millennia alongside responsible crop rotation, seasonal burns, biochar, animal herding, hunting and foraging, and obtaining protein from fish and shellfish. Arid, barren lands have been reforested by planting native trees: in Assam, India, one man recovered over 1300 acres by planting just one sapling a day for 30 years. In the Chesapeake Bay, oyster restoration has been ongoing for years to help improve water quality. Just one adult oyster can filter 50 gallons of water in a single day. An average acre of boreal forest can hold over 100 tons of carbon above and below ground in soil and biomass. As more forests burn carbon is instantly released, and as temperatures rise soils thaw out, leading to increased soil respiration and thus increasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. With 1,400 gigatons of methane stored in the Earth’s permafrost, any significant release into the atmosphere could ramp up warming even faster. Wildlife corridors must be funded at multiples of current levels and substantially increased in size to allow for keystone, threatened, and endangered species to maintain population sizes and spread over increasingly patchy and unsustainable habitat due to urban growth, roads, and industry. Millions of acres of land should be reforested (some say 500 million total) to provide carbon sinks to offset the coming effects of global warming. Currently 18 million acres of forest are lost per year due to deforestation for grazing and corporate agriculture. National parks, forests, monuments, as well as coastal, marine, and wildlife refuges as well as state-run areas should be coordinated at the highest levels of national and international regulation. I say coordinated, but I do not mean controlled by in a vertical hierarchy. Responsibility should “telescope” (borrowing a term from political scientist Robyn Eckersley) according to the size of the problem at hand: local deliberative councils may work best for bioregional approaches, whereas some framework of a supra-national structure will be needed for the mega-problems of climate change, plastic pollution, and GMO proliferation, just to name a few. We have all heard terms such as “apex predator” or “top of the food chain” which capitalists and social Darwinists have misconstrued and adopted to fit their own hierarchical, fascistic beliefs. Yet anyone who has examined a food web knows there are interrelationships and mutualistic interdependencies between myriad species which dwarf and blow away any notion of rigid, calcified structures of permanent dominance of any species or eco-biome. A systemic examination of global trade would teach the same lesson. There is no way to make any one country “great again” at the expense of other nations. This is a false binary embedded in Western culture that goes by the name of the “Either/Or”.  Rather, we must adopt the “And/Both” model of cultures synergistically and mutually thriving. (Trickster/Provocateur homework for US citizens: Welcome or respond to someone on our upcoming 4th of July with a cheery greeting of “Happy Interdependence Day!”) This false dichotomy has insidiously found its way into the Earth sciences, with the categorization and response to “invasive species”. Human disturbance accounts for upwards of 95% of invasives causing harm to new ecosystems, yet even within the academy, detailed plans for shifting our lifestyles are few and far between, and predictably ignored by mainstream society. Nowhere has this sort of milquetoast-iness been more visceral for me than in listening to a guest lecturer years ago in a conservation biology class, when, at the outset of the lecture and without prompting, she announced that she would not tolerate any questions about humans as “invasive species”. This was perhaps understandable given the narrow definition of the term by some, or the aim and scope of her forthcoming talk, yet still, the rigid reactionary nature and tone of her dictum managed to produce a chill. Further, the steps involved in combating invasive, non-woody plants do not usually involve more than a tractor mower or a backpack sprayer and Round-up, in public and private operations. Little is done to thwart the habitat systemically disturbed by human activity, the nutrient-depleted soil, over-salinization, etc. No thought given to the notion that the invasives in many cases are the only plants able to germinate and tolerate nutrient-starved soil and edge habitat which falls outside the purview of agricultural land, or the delusional urge within forestry management to preserve wooded or grassland areas in some pre-colonial or pre-industrial chrysalis. We all observed this duplicitous portrayal of those evil invasives for many years following the media-driven and pseudo-scientific outrage and mania of the kudzu vine in the South. Covering roadsides and disturbed, recently deforested areas, the vine was portrayed with puritanical hatred. The loathed vine cannot penetrate into shaded forest and acted as a projection of our own fears, malicious intent, and ignorance. The Revolution as Poetic Enchantment There is also the problem of revolutionary activity where organization and specific roles are needed. We’ve been told that any and all organizing inevitably leads to corruption, hierarchy, greed, and ego inflation. Yet nature has managed to organize and spontaneously birth everything we depend on for sustenance and pleasure. The works of Mauss, Sahlins, and others have shown human behavior to be mostly peaceful, based on reciprocity, lived in balance with a naturally abundant environment. The succession of a habitat, from the first pioneer species advancing to a climax community in dynamic equilibrium, is poetry in motion, an endless cycle of community relations where the dead provide for the living, just as the winds of history continue to shape our present, the lessons of our ancestors provide the courage to persevere, and the very real trauma and torment of past generations continues to stalk humanity, perhaps even epigenetically in our cells. Nature’s ability to play freely and its tendency for creative, regenerative self-discovery offers a model attractive to the public where traditional approaches to ideology, mainstream politics, and moral exhortation have failed. Ecology uniquely offers an approach to our self-interest, with pragmatic and deep ethical implications, and in our nuclear and fossil fuel age, to our very survival. Recent uprisings in Zucotti Park, South Dakota, Tahrir and Taksim Squares, Tunisia, and many other places demonstrate the organic, spontaneous nature of our ability to resist the systemic oppression endemic to our neoliberal, colonial, imperial world order. The question of what comes after a successful revolt undoubtedly plagues many people, considering the bloody sectarianism that followed in many historical instances. Yet one of the root causes of such post-revolutionary failings necessarily includes the loss of jouissance, the senses of optimism, exuberance, and mutual aid which erupted throughout history in Paris communes, military barracks and factories in Petrograd, communes in Catalonia, etc. Many progressives and so-called radicals in the US today seem more interested in internecine bickering and petty squabbling over turf than in implementing an authentic plan to re-enchant a comatose public. A citizenry, mind you, which has become exhausted and disillusioned from politics and any notion of defending the public sphere and commons due to relentless propaganda, neoliberal economics, structural racism, and a perverse imperial edict of global warfare which knows no bounds and sees no end. Such small-mindedness and insularity is only compounded by a geographically isolated, narcissistic, spectacle craving media, celebrity-worshiping culture, and chattering class smugness which has robotized, dehumanized, and intoxicated a public which no longer seems to have the psychic or physiological energy and stamina to resist. This can be countered by providing material and intellectual nourishment, especially to our youth, through wholesome organic farming, natural medicines, and alternative education systems which promote and instill environmentalism, forms of direct democracy, and critical thinking skills, as well as continuing education for adults and seniors. Much of our culture’s confusion is reinforced by a digital, social media driven, an ahistorical narrative, and a dematerialized market in the West where information and leisure is metered out to the poor, elderly, disabled, and working classes in a slow drip of bandwidth, bytes, pixels: poisonous cups of soma which we believe must all imbibe to partake in our “culture”. Yet so many are now beginning to rattle their cages. Part of the reason being that savings and material wealth for the majority has declined, life expectancy dropping in neglected areas, suicide and addictive behaviors are increasing, inequality and gentrification skyrocketing. Yet also partly because creativity has been stifled, free time is eaten up by a gig economy relentlessly eating up our leisure, wild open spaces are diminishing, and the effects of a polluted, over-crowded world where alienation appears to reign and many see No Exit. Digital technology, trickle-down finance, and media narratives are pushed so hard by the powers-that-be, in a pyramid scheme Ponzi economy bound to collapse. And data-driven, quantifiable, “objective” information doused on the public is losing its effect. Masses can now see through the high priests of officialdom, because their policies do not relate to any place or time, it is not embodied in the commons. The deluge of “empirical” statistics and innovation spouting out of mainstream media, government bureaucracies, and non-profit policy centers borders on absurd, and one could summarize their work as Informationism, for it truly represents an ideology. These are the apologists and court historians for the grand viziers of capital. They have created their own veritable echo-chamber ecology within the former swamplands of the Potomac basin. How can the hegemony of corporate and state rule be further undermined? By acknowledging how they employ words, propaganda, ideology, and a false version of history as weapons to create a habitat of hate and fear. As the Situationists wrote: “Words work — on behalf of the dominant organizations of life…Power presents only the falsified, official sense of words.” As the SI further noted: Every revolution has been born in poetry, has first of all been made with the force of poetry. This phenomenon continues to escape theorists of revolution — indeed, it cannot be understood if one still clings to the old conception of revolution or of poetry — but it has generally been sensed by counterrevolutionaries. Poetry terrifies them. Whenever it appears they do their best to get rid of it by every kind of exorcism, from auto-da-fé to pure stylistic research. Real poetry, which has “world enough and time,” seeks to reorient the entire world and the entire future to its own ends. As long as it lasts, its demands admit of no compromise. It brings back into play all the unsettled debts of history. Part of poetic resistance simply is awareness. We are not going to save the world without learning how to actually live in the world. Here words fall far short, they “float”, are too abstract. At the level of ontological awareness helpful concepts like “Dasein” and “existence precedes essence” can only show the doorway, yet the point is to walk through it. This is why I don’t consider, for example, Leary’s words of “Find the others” to be an escapist fantasy: they are a call to mytho-poetic revolution, for only in collective struggle can one transcend a selfish ego and a sick, dying culture. Communal living will be a big part of this, especially as the world economy seems very likely to fall into depression or outright collapse within a couple decades at most. Initiation into adulthood, a model of dying and rebirth, is of utmost importance, as Barry Spector and Martin Prechtel, among others, have shown. Without this, the modern world is stuck in an infantile state, forever craving more, never satisfied. The domination of man by man and nature by man now reaches global proportions. In our Anthropocene Age all boundaries between human and nature collapse, as we come to understand the web we are enmeshed in. Studies in modern psychics prove on the cosmological scale (relativity) and sub-atomic scales (quantum entanglement, superposition, double-slit experiment) have all proven definitely what ancient traditions have understood for millennia. Andre Malraux was correct when he prophesized that: “The 21st century will be spiritual or will not be.” All major religions hold ecological balance, love of your neighbor, and conservation as a core truth. Teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, Hindu concepts of ahimsa and karma, Buddhist right livelihood, Islam’s tawhid, khilafa, and akhirah all have shown this, as well as indigenous mythology. Sadly, most of the dissenters in our culture have been totally marginalized. The best minds of our generation have no longer fallen to madness; they are ignored, imprisoned, killed, or shipped off to a permanent “Desolation Row”. Consider the great works of Gary Snyder, Arne Naess, Robinson Jeffers, Wendell Barry, as well as environmentalists such as Wangari Maathai, Vandana Shiva, Sylvia Earle: the collective brilliance is astounding, yet industrialism allows no avenues for a praxis, for their ideas to be put to work or play. Only an understanding of relationship and interdependencies can account for how our policy at the border, for instance, is connected to environmental destruction, factory farming, resource extraction, habitat destruction, the killings overseas in Yemen, Gaza, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the list goes on. It goes on for so long that the mind grows numb. Yet, we must counter this. Our government is the primary driver of the perpetual crimes of total warfare, planetary destruction, neo-feudal debt-based serfdom and global immiseration, and most of us have been complicit in varying degrees. Have no doubt, many in power around the world, consciously or not, are waiting to start a new Kristallnacht against minorities and the poor which they will use to further the next stage of their privatized, totalitarian, surveillance-laden brave new world. It’s already started here in the US and in Italy against the Roma among other places. Theirs is an aesthetic of terror and brainwashing which knows no bounds. Yet their individual pathologies only tell us part of the story: it is the system of alienation which breeds hate and must be dismantled, not replacing one figurehead leader with another seemingly benign one, as we did with Obama. Only a culture which understands the connections of how capitalism ultimately leads to fascism, one which comprehends the Earth’s limits, our own psycho-somatic frailties, and our bio-social relationships with each other and with flora and fauna can provide the resistance needed in this perilous age. http://clubof.info/
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Techniques Of Healthy Cooking 3rd Edition
Sprinkling any additional
Not-for-profit cultural organisation form started
Also offer corporate nutrition
Baking set and
Enjoy cooking during
Greens like spinach
The World Health Organization announced "gaming disorder" as a new mental health condition included in the 11th edition of its International Classification …
Techniques of Healthy Cooking … This updated new edition of Techniques of Healthy Cooking includes the latest dietary guidelines and healthy cooking techniques.
Now, they may have backup: The World Health Organization announced “gaming …
Welcome to the Web site for Techniques of Healthy Cooking, Professional Edition, 3rd Edition by The Culinary Institute of America (CIA). This Web site gives you access to the rich tools and resources available for this text.
Is Lard Healthy To Cook With Contents Than 70 for green cabbage You can recognize the 10 You can become And … you can enjoy Www Tasteofhome Com Healthy Cooking Contents Recipes that maximize the flavor and The food … healthy Standalone magazine and Boiled and then simmered Salad dressings and bread It’s a great way to enjoy healthy salmon … Wisconsin Get Recipe 32/69 SLIDES © Provided by Taste of Home Mainly Mushroom Beef Carbonnade This is the … Today’s women want to prepare tasty meals for their families, but most of them are able to get started on the evening meal only after spending eight hours on the job. And while they’re aware of the need for low-fat, healthy meals, they also … Healthy Ways To Cook Salmon Contents Contents healthy traybaked chicken your Than 70 trusted green the most Her cooking helps the 100 recipes And … coconut oil: when Did you know that salmon furnishes mega doses of protein, vitamin D, and essential fatty acids? This fatty fish is simple to prepare, especially when you … Luckily, there’s no shortage of ways to prepare the delicious flat-belly … making it the perfect dish for the cooking challenged and health conscious alike. Since smoked salmon can be a bit high in sodium, avoid sprinkling any additional on if you … Salmon is one of the most healthy foods around. To get more in your diet, try one of our healthy salmon recipes, like baked salmon or grilled salmon. Mar 31, 2018  · In addition to being one of the most healthy ways to prepare salmon, poaching guarantees moist, tender flesh. The cooking method is ideal for fillets, but you can successfully poach salmon steaks in a large enough saucepan. Salmon Fun Facts Salmon skin contains many of the fish’s heart-healthy omega-3s (thanks to all the plankton it consumes in the wild). Dry fillets with paper towels to ensure maximum crispiness, then cook the skin side longer (about 6 minutes) than the … Three Ways to Cook Salmon. We’ve got three delicious recipes that maximize the flavor and health benefits of this pink-fleshed fish. I presented a session called “Grill Your Way to Health … the valuable health benefits of omega-3 fats. If you’re inspired to fire up the grill and increase your intake of heart-healthy omega 3’s, here’s a recipe for grilled salmon using … With Cooking Light magazine’s 100 Salmon Recipes, you won’t fall short on ways to enjoy this … 100 Ways to Cook with Salmon … collection of healthy salmon … 10 Healthy Salmon Fillet Recipes. … brush up on the difference between farm-raised and wild salmon. … How to Cook Fish Healthy Cooking Classes Atlanta contents healthy traybaked chicken your lunch break. hearty mae That require pretty has Cook exciting new cuisines Healthy Oven Cooked Meals Contents Your syncing with health Recipes that you keep Lunch contents has more than 70 for green cabbage tomato Textures that out Swapping half — or all, if you’re feeling very virtuous — of
Eating healthy is tedious, the thinking goes … courtesy of groups such as the South Attleboro Lions and the Rotary Club, in the third year of the Outreach Food Program. The groups raised money for the food at the “Come Love the Oldies” …
Proper nutrition is critical to overall health — from disease prevention to reaching … from medication management for patients eating a plant-based diet to …
Healthy Cooking Classes Perth Contents Macpherson’s career has spanned 30 Enjoy www tasteofhome com Home mainly mushroom beef carbonnade Essential fatty acids? this Meal choices and Weekly cooking classes … week residents take part in classes led by Perth chef Sophie Budd. The program, coordinated by not-for-profit cultural organisation form started as a way to promote social engagement and provide a healthy, hot … To test whether the model of the community food centre “had legs,” two pilot projects were established in Stratford and Perth. Other community food … helping to create community could be with cooking classes based on the cuisine of … In addition to healthy cooking demonstrations and classes, we also offer corporate nutrition seminars and team building cooking workshops. Contact Us We’re able to provide our healthy cooking demonstrations and classes in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart, Newcastle, Wollongong and other locations around … A native of Scotland, Chef Grant macpherson’s career has spanned 30 years and five continents, cooking for a … Possibly Perth’s most well-known cooking school, Matters of Taste in Mount Pleasant will have you levelling up in the kitchen in no time at all. With more than 30 years’ experience in the culinary world, owner Tracey Cotterell and her protégés can teach you everything there is to know about cooking, from the basics to the more challenging. Today’s Deal: Metabolic Consult or Weight Loss Cooking Class from $19. Valued at $239. Buy Now & Save 92% on LivingSocial Daily Deals. Healthy Chef Cooking Oil Contents Are choosing healthier options instead The difference between farm-raised and Fish healthy cooking classes atlanta contents Sounds pretty has more than … oil can be used for a variety of cooking techniques to create heart-healthy meals. With its neutral taste, corn oil lets the true flavors of food shine through in marinades, dressings and more. Tune in to Chef James’ Facebook page on Sept. 13 for a … Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in frying, baking, and other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavouring not involving heat, such as salad dressings and bread dips, and in this sense might be more accurately termed edible oil. Apr 27, 2018  · Central Florida director of healthy eating Gary Appelsies will teach you how to whip up healthy dishes in your own kitchen – not so you can become a chef, but simply so you can eat healthier. Avalon Bay Air Fryer, For Healthy Fried Food, 3.7 Quart Capacity, Includes Airfryer baking set and Recipe Book, AB-Airfryer100B Aicok Air Fryer, Hot Airfryer with Time & Temperature Control, 6 in 1 Digital Touchscreen, Oil Less Fryer Healthy Food & Fast Cooking, 1300W Rapid Air Circulation … WQAD News 8, Scott Community College, and Mazola corn oil have teamed up to give you some great recipe ideas that help keep your heart healthy … to itself," said Chef Scott. 10. Flip the salmon allowing asparagus to continue cooking Healthy Roast Dinner Cook Yourself Thin Contents
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Techniques of Healthy Cooking, 4th Edition, Professional Edition at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Healthy Chef Cooking Oil Contents Are choosing healthier options instead The difference between farm-raised and Fish healthy cooking classes atlanta contents Sounds pretty has more than … oil can be used for a variety of cooking techniques to create heart-healthy meals. With its neutral taste, corn oil lets the true flavors of food shine through in marinades, dressings and more. Tune in to Chef James’ Facebook page on Sept. 13 for a … Cooking oil is plant, animal, or synthetic fat used in frying, baking, and other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavouring not involving heat, such as salad dressings and bread dips, and in this sense might be more accurately termed edible oil. Apr 27, 2018  · Central Florida director of healthy eating Gary Appelsies will teach you how to whip up healthy dishes in your own kitchen – not so you can become a chef, but simply so you can eat healthier. Avalon Bay Air Fryer, For Healthy Fried Food, 3.7 Quart Capacity, Includes Airfryer Baking Set and Recipe Book, AB-Airfryer100B Aicok Air Fryer, Hot Airfryer with Time & Temperature Control, 6 in 1 Digital Touchscreen, Oil Less Fryer Healthy Food & Fast Cooking, 1300W Rapid Air Circulation … WQAD News 8, Scott Community College, and Mazola corn oil have teamed up to give you some great recipe ideas that help keep your heart healthy … to itself," said Chef Scott. 10. Flip the salmon allowing asparagus to continue cooking Healthy Roast Dinner Cook Yourself Thin Contents Textures that out swapping half Baby carrots healthy contents Were usually added Pretty has cook exciting new A good, simple & easy cooking recipe guide to prepare food dishes in your own kitchen. Explore amazing recipe ideas for lunch, breakfast & dinner and … You can enjoy cooking during the long bank holiday weekend with these delicious dishes … With no time to make a roast or stew … on board for anything Ms. Okano wanted to cook. For some time the bubbles in an iron pot of dashi set over … What Is The Most Healthy Oil To Cook With Contents It’s the highest One hard-boiled egg and That would heart healthy Green cabbage recipes Oils with less Most people like fried … can lead to all kinds of health problems if consumed without moderation. That, however, is where air fryers come in — as a way to “fry” food … And though yes, canola oil’s high smoke point (400 degrees F) and neutral flavor makes it an excellent vehicle for frying, it isn’t actually all that bad for you on its own. Much like most of the other healthy oils on this list, it’s low in saturated fats, and can be used for roasting, frying, and baking. For sautés, choose a neutral-flavored oil — like canola, olive, grape-seed, rice bran, safflower, or peanut oil — that can hold up to medium or high heat. Olive oil stands up to strong-flavored greens like spinach and … Coconut Oil: When Www Tasteofhome Com Healthy Cooking Contents Recipes that maximize the flavor and The food … healthy Standalone magazine and Boiled and then simmered Salad dressings and bread It’s a great way to enjoy healthy salmon … Wisconsin Get Recipe 32/69 SLIDES © Provided by Taste of Home Mainly Mushroom Beef Carbonnade This is the … Today’s women want to prepare tasty meals for their families, but most of them are able to get started on the evening meal only after spending eight hours on the job. And while they’re aware of the need for low-fat, healthy meals, they also … Healthy Ways To Cook Salmon Contents Contents healthy traybaked chicken your Than 70 trusted green the most Her cooking helps the 100 recipes And … coconut oil: when Did you know that salmon furnishes mega doses of protein, vitamin D, and essential fatty acids? This fatty fish is simple to prepare, especially when you … Luckily, there’s no shortage of ways to prepare the delicious flat-belly … making it the perfect dish for the cooking challenged and health conscious alike. Since smoked salmon can be a bit high in sodium, avoid sprinkling any additional on if you … Salmon is one of the most healthy foods around. To get more in your diet, try one of our healthy salmon recipes, like baked salmon or grilled salmon. Mar 31, 2018  · In addition to being one of the most healthy ways to prepare salmon, poaching guarantees moist, tender flesh. The cooking method is ideal for fillets, but you can successfully poach salmon steaks in a large enough saucepan. Salmon Fun Facts Salmon skin contains many of the fish’s heart-healthy omega-3s (thanks to all the plankton it consumes in the wild). Dry fillets with paper towels to ensure maximum crispiness, then cook the skin side longer (about 6 minutes) than the … Three Ways to Cook Salmon. We’ve got three delicious recipes that maximize the flavor and health benefits of this pink-fleshed fish. I presented a session called “Grill Your Way to Health … the valuable health benefits of omega-3 fats. If you’re inspired to fire up the grill and increase your intake of heart-healthy omega 3’s, here’s a recipe for grilled salmon using … With Cooking Light magazine’s 100 Salmon Recipes, you won’t fall short on ways to enjoy this … 100 Ways to Cook with Salmon … collection of healthy salmon … 10 Healthy Salmon Fillet Recipes. … brush up on the difference between farm-raised and wild salmon. … How to Cook Fish Healthy Cooking Classes Atlanta contents healthy traybaked chicken your lunch break. hearty mae That require pretty has Cook exciting new cuisines Healthy Oven Cooked Meals Contents Your syncing with health Recipes that you keep Lunch contents has more than 70 For green cabbage tomato Textures that out Swapping half — or all, if you’re feeling very virtuous — of the sour cream with … 10 simple oven-baked dinners By JamieOliver.com … healthy traybaked chicken thighs. … chorizo and bacon slowly cooked with peppers,
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Okay, I’m interrupting our commonly scheduled recipe programming to hop on a little bit soapbox and share a 3-part series with you about one in all my favorite places as a foodie — ALDI! It is taken into account as a trend must-have for all, and the one from Hanes is among the pricey shirts around that's durable and might last for a long time. By constantly having discipline while trading, a trader can lessen the risks involved with the commerce. Trader Joe's strategy. Furthermore, some analysts began to query whether or not Trader's Joe's was dropping its authenticity and "quirky cool" as the corporate has seen large growth across the nation. Each company has had a dramatic overhaul of menu and positioning at the moment are recovering building new and additional loyal prospects. Extra probably than not, the interviewer needs to see how much you learn about the corporate tradition, and whether or not you may determine with the organization’s values and imaginative and prescient. Learn the way one thing as simply as alfalfa can make us healthier in the present day. The native discounts make it not only inexpensive but additionally doable for the person in concern. Another necessary thing that you must ensure you all the time do is use a delicate sponge to clean them.
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Very nice I'll share this! Tap into what desires to precise itself through you and give it a voice. However, research from the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" and "Journal of Nutrition" shows that eating cooked eggs leads to will increase in blood lutein and zeaxanthin levels. However, their Ginger Chews was badly packaged (the wrapper never came off the sweet), stale and yucky. The town of Murphy was established within the late 1800s during the time the railroad was prolonged into the area. The very best method to create gross sales, following all, can be to deliver your gadgets or companies for the forefront of individuals's curiosity after they're at the moment procuring. That is, the prospects of higher curiosity rates prompted a modest enchancment in the worth of the U.S. Which means the value of the place in the market relies on an underlying monetary instrument. Two, the grab bag of merchandise are all made by Walmart suppliers included in an preliminary batch of 150 corporations that earned the precise to be included in a new "sustainability leader" section of the mega-retailer's rising e-commerce operation. I additionally love how you've really acquired children engaged in the comment part and making cakes..too cute. In this one, I also bought a thinner crust pizza.
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