#I promise we'll get into actual au bits and bobs too
schism-au-blog · 3 years
Chapter Four
"Oh," Yarhil said. She suddenly remembered that Rainbow was part Pearl. "Sorry."
"No," Rainbow said. "It is a beautiful building. You're right. On the surface, it seems like a beautiful place. The best place for any pearl and her 'owner' to stay on trend. That's why it's so nefarious."
Yarhil slid off of Rainbow. "So, what's the plan?"
"There's only two or three quartzes, do you think you can take one?"
Yarhil drew her sword. "Yes, of course. You'll manage the rest?"
"Back me up if more approach. If it gets too overwhelming, I can always carry you out."
"I'll be fine!" she insisted.
"It's not a matter of shame," Rainbow reassured her. "I've carried many capable quartzes and other strong soldiers out of a tough situation. Remember, this is a hit-and-run, not a full-scale battle."
"Right. And half of hit-and-run is 'run.'"
"You're getting it!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Now, ready?"
Yarhil nodded.
"Follow my lead!" Rainbow drew her sword and ran towards the carnelian on the right-hand side of the entrance.
Yarhil dashed to the left. She set her eyes on the carnelian in front of her and forgot all about Rainbow. Days upon years of training with Pearl and the other gems was finally paying off.
"You can't be here!" Carnelian exclaimed. Surprisingly, she didn't summon her weapon until it was too late, and Yarhil slashed through her with ease.
Yarhil glanced to the right and saw Rainbow poofing her Carnelian and heading to the one in the middle, who was already rushing towards her. Rainbow flipped over her and poofed her before she had a chance to turn around. She ran into the main building and gestured for Yarhil to follow her.
Yarhil ran in, expecting more guards, but the inside was eerily silent. There were three doorways, each guarded by a handplate. The high arching ceilings were splendorous, and yet, the structure felt immense, oppressive, and empty. Yarhil suddenly realized what Rainbow meant by the terror in this place. She imagined it was worse if you were made there, if you had spent time being taught how to be obedient and always obey everyone else. How you were inferior to everyone. She felt a pit in her stomach.
Rainbow unfused. Pearl walked up to the sensor on the left and placed her hand on it. "Welcome, Pearl," a voice called out, opening the door. "Are you here for a touch-up?"
"Yes," Pearl answered. "May my quartz and her pet," Pearl mouthed 'sorry' at Yarhil, "watch?"
"That would be no problem at all," the voice chirped. "Owners are always welcome."
Rose rolled her eyes, but followed Pearl through the door. Yarhil ran to catch up, then walked behind Rose. "Why didn't you put your hand on the sensor," she asked. "Quartzes outrank pearls, right?"
"Yes, but," Rose said, "I'm a rose quartz. The Diamonds bubbled the rest of my cut for my rebellion, so any rose quartz is a traitor just for being out of a bubble."
"Ah," said Yarhil. "That explains it."
"Shh," said Rose. "We're almost there."
Yarhil wanted to ask where, but whenever a gem had told her to "shh," it was typically for a very good reason. Besides, Rose tried to give as few orders as possible, so if she was giving one now, it must be important.
Pearl fell back, "My Quartz, forgive my impertinence. You should go first."
"Oh yes, how dare you?" Rose asked. She strode forward and started to lead the way.
They made their way through the corridor and into a large room filled with pearls. At the sight of Rose, they all did the diamond salute.
"Please, that's not necessary," Rose insisted.
"My quartz, remember our orders?" Pearl asked.
"Our orders? Oh, yes, of course, our orders!" Rose said. "We have been given orders from Pink Diamond to relocate you. Please follow me."
A chorus of "Yes, my quartz"es rang out from the hall. Rose led the way back through the corridor until they reached the main chamber, where they were greeted by a regiment of citrines. Rose reached her hand back. Pearl grabbed it, and Rainbow appeared. She summoned her shield and drew her sword.
Yarhil got ready for a fight. The cluster of citrines advanced towards them. "This is why we were told to relocate you," Rainbow said, banking on the pearls not knowing fusion was highly illegal.
Rainbow glanced at Yarhil. "This is up to you. I'm not as good as you in tight spaces."
"Yes, ma'am!" Yarhil said. She rushed forward, taking the citrines by surprise. She took two out with a pair of quick slices. One took a swing at her, but she ducked. She was already two feet shorter than them, so she countered with a low stab. She swung around. She glanced at Rainbow. She was doing quite fine, she was fighting, but managing.
Yarhil needed to focus on the task at hand. Another citrine attempted to kick her feet out from under her. She jumped, raised her sword over her head, and swung. The citrine managed to dodge and Yarhil struggled to regain her balance. The citrine managed to take a counterswipe. Yarhil stepped out of the way. She swung at the citrine and poofed her.
She felt her feet lifted off the floor. She kicked and struggled, but she heard Rainbow’s voice in her ear. “It’s me. We need to get out of here. Now.”
Rainbow seemed less interested in the pearls, meaning something was going horribly wrong. Yarhil climbed onto Rainbow’s back. Rainbow scooped up two of the pearls and started running.
The reef glowed red. Sirens started blaring.
“Don’t sheath your sword,” Rainbow said, “You might need to be my extra arm.” She managed to slide out of the entrance as the building was shutting down, only to be greeted by a practical army of quartzes. Rainbow jumped high into the air using Rose’s floating power. She was able to sail over the entire army, landing softly on the other side. She started running, but now she was being chased. 
“Get ready,” Rainbow said. Suddenly, Yarhil was sitting on Rose’s shoulders, being carried swiftly to the right. Rose had her shield on her left, she was still holding the pearl on her right. Pearl was heading left. If they weren’t running for their lives, it would almost be comical how Pearl was holding a pearl nearly her own size under her arm.
Pearl headed into a forest. She was smaller and more agile than the quartzes, even with the added strain of the other pearl. She’d be able to out maneuver, if not outspeed them. She ran in a zigzag pattern, then hopped into a tree, setting the pearl down and letting the quartzes run past. “Are you alright?” Pearl whispered.
The other pearl nodded. “You weren’t given orders from Pink Diamond, were you?” she asked.
Pearl shook her head. “After we’re in the clear, you can go back if you want. I assure you, we won’t hold you against your will. We just wanted to show you another way. You don’t have to serve anyone.” Pearl took a look at the other pearl for the first time. She was silver, with two long strands of hair framing her face.
Silver Pearl smiled. “I’m willing to listen. I do think we should stick to our purposes, though. If we were made to do something, why should we rebel?”
Pearl scoffed. “Why stay with the purpose you were assigned when you can create a purpose of your own? You can still serve someone, if you want, but you get to choose. That’s what the crystal gems are all about. Choice.” 
“Choice is dangerous,” Silver said. “You can lose your way in choices.”
Pearl grinned. “But you can find it, too. Even if you choose to do what you were made for, it feels so much better to choose it rather than having it chosen for you.”
“I suppose so,” Sliver said. “But isn’t it dangerous?”
Pearl sighed. “Yes. I have lost many friends to Homeworld’s forces. It’s not an easy path, to cast off everything you were designed to do, but it is worth it. I promise.”
They heard some quartzes down below. Pearl carefully summoned a piece of paper and a pencil. “You have a choice now,” she wrote. She passed the paper and pencil to Sliver.
Silver took it. “I choose to stay quiet,” she wrote. “I choose to stay here with you.”
“They should pass soon,” wrote Pearl. “They rarely stay for long. We’re not worth it, especially since there will be attacks in other places.”
The trees around them rustled. Pearl tightened her grip on her sword. A chrysoberyl burst through the trees and zipped in front of the quartzes. “Your assignments have been changed,” she announced. “Go guard Pink Diamond’s palanquin.”
“But the rebels-” an amethyst started.
“It doesn’t matter now,” said chrysoberyl. “These are your orders.”
“Yes, my chrysoberyl,” the quartzes chanted. They all headed in the direction of Pink’s palanquin, leaving the forest.
Silver Pearl and Pearl dropped down to the forest floor. “Can you run?” Pearl asked.
Silver nodded. “I can follow you.”
Silver and Pearl ran to a clearing where they met up with Rose, Yarhil, and the pearl Rose was carrying. The pearl was sitting on Rose’s right shoulder now, and Yarhil was on her left. Rose smiled and waved.
“Yarhil, Gold Pearl, please get down for the moment. Rainbow will be able to run much faster than any of us,” Rose instructed. Yarhil and Gold Pearl climbed down obediently. “My Pearl, shall we?”
Pearl grinned. Her heart gave a flutter every time Rose called her “my pearl.” It made her feel important. It made her feel happy. She wasn’t Rose’s pearl in the sense she was Pink’s pearl. Her relationship with Pink was so formal, with Rose she could be free. She could do what she wanted. It was strange, and yet, it felt like it had always been that way. 
“Anytime, Rose,” she responded. She stepped forward into an arabesque. She let her head go down as her leg flew up behind her. Rose caught her arms and spun her into the air before catching her into a dip. The familiar glow of Rainbow Quartz washed over them.
“Get on,” Rainbow said. “Silver Pearl, climb on my right shoulder. Gold Pearl, climb on my left. Yarhil, I’ll have to carry you.”
As everyone got to their respective positions, Pearl thought “I think you need to be Pink as soon as possible. The quartzes were told to guard your palanquin, so Yellow and Blue might be visiting sooner than we expected.”
“Thanks, Pearl.” Rose thought. “Let’s get everyone back and then make up an excuse to check on that.”
Rainbow stood up, scooping up Yarhil. She ran back to the base, being careful she wasn’t followed by any of the quartzes. When she got back, she set everyone down and unfused. The instant she did, Garnet ran up to her “Rose!” she exclaimed.
“Can it wait?” Rose asked. “I have to check on something really urgent right now.”
“It’s important, but not necessarily urgent,” Garnet said hesitantly.”
“Thanks, Garnet, you’re the best!” Rose rushed off, and Pearl followed close behind.
Once she was out of eyeshot, Rose shifted into Pink and made a dash for her palanquin. She noted the extra security, which would likely meant the other diamonds or some other messenger would soon come. She hoped it would be soon, whatever Garnet had to say sounded pretty important. She didn’t want to make that wait.
She took a deep breath. She had to get ready to act proper for Yellow and Blue. She’d be in so much trouble if she got caught. What if something went wrong? What if they found out which is why they were making this surprise visit? They never made surprise visits. It was always routine “Smile and wave” nonsense.
Pink peeked out through the palanquin, only to see the enormous silhouettes of both Yellow and Blue. She sat on her throne, rolled her shoulders back, and prepared to play the part she was made for.
Taglist: @suartz
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