#I think Shippo is with Kaede in this chapter
karingu · 9 months
giving proper thought to the timeskip in inuyasha (part 2/2)
In Part 1, I wrote about what Kagome must've gone through during the three years she and Inuyasha were apart, and why it might've had to take three years for the Well to open up for Kagome.
I emphasized a lot in Part 1 and emphasize again, three years is a loooong time that the story just sorta breezed through... so I wanna slow it down. How were things going for Inuyasha? In this part, I want to give attention to his actions and specifically the things he says (comparing English/Japanese) after the timeskip, which showed me how much his ability to love Kagome had evolved.
part 1: kagome part 2: inuyasha
First, to get this out of the way, I'm really touched that his feelings for Kagome never wavered. Maybe it's sort of "obvious," but it was still such a pleasant thing to see how much she's on his mind, even when she's not there.
Thanks to Shippo being an endearing lil' shit, the most important thing we learn is how Inuyasha goes into the well every three days. Even Kaede is like "wow, this guy" (and feels really sorry for him bc she suspects Kagome cannot come back).
You know how they say (in the US) you can deduce a lot about a person based on what they do with the shopping cart? It's like one of those things.
Basically, how do you act when (you think) no one is watching?
Anyways, you can tell Kagome's absence is really hard on him.
In the timeskip panels/brief scenes in the Sengoku era, I noticed that Inuyasha seems a bit down. He's not depressed, but his voice/face is just not as energetic, sort of low mood-ish. His body is here but his mind is somewhere else. He has a couple panels/frames where he's just looking at the sky.
But what he said to Kaede really stood out to me.
When he found Kagome's family weeping for her when he saw her home, in the official Eng translation he says: "I realized I wasn't the only one who treasured her." In the Japanese anime/manga, the nuance is closer to "I realized it's not just me who thinks Kagome is precious," or "It's not just me who holds Kagome dearly." (Those are my own translations)
(One thing to note, the English manga said he says, "It was meant to be," but he doesn't say that in Japanese.)
This is SO!!! special for me to hear/read because it shows me Inuyasha has acquired the healthiest form of the "love" skill.
Congratulations, young grasshopper.
No matter how much he loves Kagome, Kagome is also just as loved by her family. By recognizing that and acknowledging his place, he shows that he loves Kagome for all that she is, beyond the scope of just their relationship with each other. He is acknowledging that Kagome has a life without him, and to love her means to accept it, even if it comes at a cost detrimental to him.
To love someone is to let them go.
This is a stark contrast to the beginning, where he's literally throwing trees, boulders and tantrums over Kagome going home. This time, he had no choice, but he is calm and resigned since the start.
So, he goes about his days. That's all he can do. He has this awesome sword that can literally cut a portal to the Netherworld, yet no power to go to the other side of the well, where he wants to be. All he can do is hope that one day, Kagome will come for him, just like how he came for her all those times before.
Trust in tomorrow. (“Tomorrow” or 「明日」 is the name of the chapter/episode.)
He appears semi-resigned to his fate, but it is implied he never lost that hope. One, because he always goes to the well. And two, his nose is always looking out for her scent. When she does return, the second his nose twitches by the scent of her, he drops EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE, B*TCH, KAGOME IS BACK, MAKES A BEELINE TO THE WELL, and oh man, when I saw this page, I almost gasped at his face, which I don't think the anime did justice:
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Eyes are the window to the soul, people. And iono. Those eyes said LOVE to me in a way no words can. TAKAHASHI KNEW THIS PAGE WAS IMPORTANT. He is practically kissing her with those damn eyes.
What he said after this is also pretty sweet. In the English manga he says to her: "You fool… what took you so long?" I think that’s a clever interpretation, bc it implies he’s trying to play off how long he waited, which is on brand lol. He might've had doubts that she could come back, but he's pretending he didn't doubt (bc he's a Cool Guy).
I have a soft spot for what he said in Japanese in anime/manga tho:
「バカ野郎…今までなにしてたんだ。」 -> "You fool... what've you been doing 'til now?"
HAHA. (Um, finishing her education, you dumdum.)
Even after three years, he's not saying "I thought you'd never come back," or something along those lines. He just sort of ~whines~ in his gruff manly man way.
The nuance comes across to me like, "What have you been doooingg, Kagome?? :(( I missed you."
Aw shucks just get a room you two.
(And then they did. And then they had Moroha eeeeeee!!!)
-> To read my Part 1 about Kagome, click here!
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“Front Piece” chapter 11 sneak peek.
(AKA, Yura is like the little sister Inuyasha never wanted and has no problem calling him out in his stupidity 🤣🤣—It's gonna be some days before it's finished)
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Inuyasha observed the three women as they descended the shrine’s stairs; they all seemed overly satisfied, especially his mother, who kept prattling on and on about Kagome. She was as subtle as a fucking clown at a funeral and wasn’t even trying to hide it.
They had reluctantly left early because Yura and Kikyo needed to start preparing dinner for eight people, which truly was more like ten, given how much he and his old man ate. Kaede decided to stay until the end of the festivities and would get a ride from Shippo’s parents, likely missing most of the meeting. Inuyasha mentally snorted at that; the kid clearly wanted to spend time with Sota instead of being surrounded by grown-ups discussing his and Kikyo’s divorce, which was funny since she had been the first one to bring up the subject. But Inuyasha could understand why she suddenly changed her plans.
“We definitely have to come back,” Izayoi commented cheerfully.
“What, so you can keep following Kagome like a nutcase?” he quipped.
Izayoi huffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she retorted, looking out the window as Inuyasha started the ignition.
“Oh, please, don’t think I don’t know what’s going on here,” he remarked before looking at the rearview mirror and pointing an accusatory finger. “You two told her about my feelings for Kagome and made fucking sure to bring her and force a meeting.”
“Bravo, your brain is finally working,” Yura stated, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Inuyasha scowled at her, flipping her, then got serious when he remembered the other subject.
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Kikyo had a point, but, sadly, there wasn’t much Inuyasha could do. “From what her friends said, Naraku’s hovering happens only at work. I told them of his fucking tendency to appear wherever you go, so they said they’d keep an eye whenever they go out with Kagome.”
“There’s something else you need to know, Inuyasha. I gave her our numbers just in case,” Kikyo explained, and Inuyasha turned to frown at her. “I just wanted to let her know she could count on us.”
“It’s a nice thought, but I doubt she’d call. Not only can Kagome be stubborn as fuck but also I just can’t see her reaching out to us, not even as a last resort,” he sighed.
It would be nice if she called him, needed him in any capacity.
“Why? Because Kikyo’s the wife of the guy she likes?” Yura quipped.
“Yes!—No! Damn it, Yura! Would you fucking stop with that?!”
“Stop with what, Inuyasha?!” Yura challenged him, and he could see Kikyo trying to calm her down without succeeding.
He growled, feeling his ears folding back against his skull. “Insisting that she likes me. We don’t fucking know that!”
“With all due respect to your mom, you’re a fucking idiot. Kagome clearly fucking likes you, or she wouldn't try so hard to seem okay every time she sees Kikyo. Or you, from what I could tell today,” Yura continued, completely ignoring his growling and Kikyo’s soft pleas. “Hell, even her mom looked heartbroken the first time we met her.”
Inuyasha wanted to believe her, but he wouldn’t let himself become hopeful just yet. He parked in front of Megumi Sakasagami’s building, and Yura quickly exited the car to go get her.
“What do you think?” he asked, turning to face Kikyo.
She hesitated for a moment, fidgeting with her bag’s strap. “I think it’s a safe bet. It was more evident today; she’d look at you with such longing whenever your attention was elsewhere. It was the same look you have whenever you look at her.”
Kikyo’s words stunned him into silence, and Inuyasha only reacted when Yura and her mom exited the building. “Once we’re done with dinner, you and Yura better tell me everything you think, okay?”
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Chapters 1-10 on Ao3
Inuyasha/Kagome, Kikyo/Yura.
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ssukidesu · 4 months
Inextricably Knotted (an Inukag + Jane Eyre AU) [Chapter 3]
Summary: Kagome Higurashi was orphaned as a baby and raised by her cruel aunt until the age of ten, after which she went to school and learned the art of service and self-suppression. Now eighteen, Kagome takes a job as the governess of Shippo, the young ward of the great and mysterious Lord Inuyasha Taisho.
But as Kagome gets to know her bemusing master, a ghost seems to haunt his estate, hinting that there is a long-lost secret hiding on the third floor.
(Read on AO3)
tag list: @heynikkiyousofine @xanthippe-writes
Chapter 3: Gregarious and Communicative
The next morning came quickly. With its master home, the house stirred to life a full hour before it normally did. The very air seemed lighter, and servants who had before made a habit of breakfasting with fearful nighttime stories now bustled happily down corridors and fluttered in and out of rooms. Kagome wasn’t sure how Mr. Taisho's presence would alter her operations with Shippo, but she expected it would at least somewhat. 
However, to her surprise, she did not lay eyes on him once during the day. Shippo was particularly restless and fidgety during his lessons, but the master did not come to see him. Or her. She supposed his ankle may have kept him relatively bedridden, so she didn’t allow herself to wonder about it for long.
But just as Kagome prepared to retire herself and Shippo for the night, Kaede sent for them to come to the drawing room. 
When she and the boy arrived, Kagome was surprised to find Mr. Taisho standing—his back to her and his hand braced on the mantle over the fireplace. His ankle did not appear wrapped. Demonic healing, she realized.
Kaede was the one who greeted them; a cup of tea was anxiously flung her way, and Shippo was given another small box, no doubt containing more goodies from wherever in the world a man like Mr. Taisho gets presents for a ward he seems to so apathetically provide for.
Shippo, never the one for subtlety, did not read the wired atmosphere. “Does Miss Higurashi get a present, too?”
Kagome’s head whipped from Mr. Taisho’s solemn back to Shippo’s gloriously idiotic face. She wanted to run away.
The master did not turn. “Does Miss Higurashi like presents?”
Shippo and Kaede both looked her way expectantly, and it took her a moment to realize that she was supposed to respond to his impossible question.
“I wouldn’t know, sir. Presents have many faces to them, do they not?” She prayed this response would satisfy him enough to allow her quick retirement. 
He did not oblige. “Indeed. Some less innocent than others. You are right for wishing to inspect them all before accepting.”
Again, two pairs of eyes waited for her continuation.
“Life very seldom gives gifts with no cost.”
These words finally stirred him to turn toward her. The firelight behind him, his front was shrouded in shadows, the mute lamplight hardly enough to allow the observation of her mortal eyes. She wondered if he forgot her human limitations.
His voice was gruff. “Keep me company for a while, if you would. It has been a long time since I’ve been home, and listening to the chittering of children and old maids sounds like a terrible pastime.”
Unable to help herself, she answered sardonically, “And since I am conveniently between the stages of childhood and old maidhood, I am temporarily deemed an appropriate alternative?”
His lips twitched. “Temporarily.”
I’d have it no other way, Kagome thought. She approached the fireplace and took a seat in one of the luxurious leather armchairs. She did not use the armrests; instead, she kept herself at the edge of the seat. She would not let him think her comfortable.
After commanding Shippo to play in the far side of the room, Mr. Taisho moved to take the seat beside her, his chair identical to hers. After a moment, he grew agitated. “Well, speak.”
Kagome raised a brow. “How could I know what topics would entertain you?”
“I don’t give a damn what you talk about. Just chase away the silence,” he said, hooded eyes flicking to her. At her stiffness, he seemed to remember himself, though his expression remained hard: “I don’t mean to speak in such an imperious manner. I’m used to telling others, 'Do this,' and it is done. I’m not used to conversing via mere requests—but I assure you it is one.”
“And yet I assume if I sit here in rebellious silence, you will find some way to punish me for insubordination?”
His head tilted to the side—rather like a canine, she noticed—and he faced her more fully, black brows now holding confusion alongside severity. “No. But I may punish you by calling you to me like this more often, if only to see you squirm until you finally acquiesce. All I want is your free conversation.” By the end of his speech, the corners of his lips had risen slightly.
“You do see, sir, that if every ‘free’ conversation is preceded by my summons and ended by my dismissal, you cannot blame me for perceiving it an order, no matter your assurance of the opposite.”
“Is that so? You may claim that, but I doubt you’ve ever responded to any of your previous masters' orders in such a… liberal way.” He was fully smirking now.
Kagome looked away, blushing. “You asked for me to give my thoughts as an equal, so I’ve given them.”
“I would hate to see how you speak to your inferiors,” he joked.
Kagome poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue. “I treat my inferiors perhaps better than I treat my own friends.”
He sipped his wine, relaxing further in his chair, though his eyes remained locked onto hers. “Kaede told me you received your education at Shikon school. Did you have friends there?”
Her next breath was shallow. “Just one.”
“And where is she now?”
Kagome picked at her nails, breaking his gaze. “Dead.”
A beat passed before his response. “I’m sorry. I heard of a terrible typhus outbreak at that school around seven years ago.”
“There was, but she died of consumption.”
“I apologize, Miss Higurashi; in asking you to chase away the mire of my thoughts, I didn’t intend to make you sift through your own.”
She swallowed. “Shadows, you called them.”
Mr. Taisho tipped his wine glass at her before bringing it to his lips for a long sip. She watched his mouth curve along the glass, remembering that if he were to open it only slightly more than he had thus far while talking, she would see the points of those fangs. 
She took a sip of her still-steaming tea. “I assume then that it would defeat the point to ask you about that.”
“One would assume,” he said, redirecting his golden eyes to the fire, their color blooming to life. 
“Alright, then,” said Kagome quietly, “What is your relationship to Shippo?”
“Ah—a question about a result of my previous methods of distracting myself. At least my new methods are less consequential,” he chuckled dryly.
“Shippo is a… consequence of you pursuing distraction?”
“You could say that. At least, indirectly.”
Kagome waited expectantly.
He sighed. “I suppose I’ve no right to ask for another change of topic when you’ve done so beautifully in accommodating me.”
Kagome had to school her grin. “No, you don’t.”
Flexing his clawed fingers on the armrests, Mr. Taisho began slowly, “About sixteen years ago, I was abroad acting in full delinquency… I don’t suppose it appropriate to give you the details, but I will give you enough to empower your strong imagination, which I know you have. I met a beautiful fox demoness, and she was my…” his eyes glazed over in something like abhorrence, “…distraction. Before you think it, no—Shippo is not my son. Anyone with eyes can see he has none of my bloodline, as he is a full demon. But he is her son.” He filled his lungs with breath, and she couldn’t tell if he was trying to force a smile or trying to smother a grimace. “His father was a moronic aristocrat of little consequence other than his exposure of my lover’s infidelity.”
“You discovered them?”
“In my own hotel room. I knew she was there—as she had been for two months—and I meant to surprise her with my early return, so I trod silently. I heard them speaking and giggling through the door.” He picked up his glass again, but instead of sipping it, he merely swirled it a few times. Something to busy his hands. “What was it she called me? An ugly abomination too stupid to realize she’d made me her spoony?” 
Kagome flinched. Her grip tightened on the leather, her pale knuckles turning impossibly whiter. “How cruel,” she whispered.
“You’ve never felt jealousy, have you, Miss Higurashi? Of course you haven’t—for that would require that you experience love, first. When the day finally comes that you feel the prick, you’ll learn that one can only feel jealousy when the person usurping your love is truly better than you. When I saw who the man was after barging through that door, all jealousy was replaced with mere disgust—for him, yes, and also for her, as I saw her sophistication evaporate in light of the type of man that she truly desired. I saw her for who she truly was, her unintelligence and frivolity, and I was glad to be rid of her.”
Kagome considered his revelation, but could find nothing to add about it; he was right—she had no experience. “So if Shippo is not your son, then why do you have him?”
“His mother is dead—developed a tumor only a couple of months after his birth—and his father is a good-for-nothing whose death or life I have no way of discovering. While she was dying, she sent me a letter claiming that he was mine, but I knew she only said it to increase the odds of me caring for him after her death. I agreed regardless.”
He leaned forward in his chair and turned his head to see Shippo playing quietly by himself in the corner. A toy train, she realized. “His parentage isn’t his fault. Plus, I regained a spirit of repentance for my wildness after that experience, and I saw my caring for him as a way to partly redeem myself.”
“So… this life of repentance—what does it entail?”
He stretched his neck to lean his head over the back of the chair, a strange, self-loathing grin spreading across his face. His furrowed brow cast a dark shadow over his golden eyes, snuffing out their color. “Much inward turmoil, I’m coming to find out.”
Kagome said nothing, and he craned his neck to look at her, the glint in his eye mysterious. He continued, “Can I paint you a picture this time, Miss Higurashi, for you to analyze? Imagine yourself a young man, barely out of boyhood, and a decision is offered to you by your own family with only positive outcomes articulated. You would benefit personally, and the family would gain, as well. You accept—only to find out almost immediately that you had been deceived by all parties, and you were left with intolerable suffering while they distantly enjoyed the benefits. You flee your home country to escape these consequences of error—it was an error, not a sin, I must emphasize—by seeking refuge in the bosom of heathenish distraction. You acknowledge your wrong and return home, intent on bearing the burden for the rest of your days—only to find that, every moment, you are tempted again by a robed spirit of light that claims to be an angel. It is telling you, ‘Seek happiness, child of Man, for it is ever more in your reach.’ What would you do? Would you embrace the angel, or condemn it as Satan’s finest devil?”
Kagome hung on his every word. His eyes had arrested hers, molten and scorching. She cleared her throat, “And you’ve… tried every avenue of undoing the decision?”
“There is no earthly method I have not researched and attempted. All in vain.”
“You said that the decision itself was not a sin. But would the undoing of the decision be one?”
“Many would say so. But I’ve made my peace with it.”
“Other people are not my concern; would God find it a sin?”
He stayed silent, returning his gaze to the fire. 
“If that is a yes, then I can assure you that your ‘angel’ is indeed a devil in disguise. If making the decision had consequences you did not foresee, would making a deal with a devil in turn prove any different?”
He looked at her again, his face troubled and sullen. “So, were you shaped by your little school to think that suffering was noble? Would your teachers tell me to find meaning in my suffering and consider it honing for heaven?”
“I did not like the teachers at Shikon, sir, and what they thought of divinity often went against what I found in my scriptures. But I can tell you what I have done during my most courageous moments: I stopped looking for an earthly solution or hope, and remembered the greater Source, who is said to identify with my sufferings on earth. I cannot say that it removed the suffering, but it gave me the strength to bear it better.”
"But the instrument—" he began, suddenly desperate, “God, who gives the strength, ordains the instrument. Can that not be delivered through an earthy medium?”
Kagome did not like the direction of his meaning; not because she could not understand it, but because she did not have a rebuttal in her arsenal when she knew that there was one, somewhere. “I’m afraid I cannot imagine any further, sir. I fear the conversation has gone past me, and any additional attempt to converse will likely lead to my talking nonsense—and I don’t wish to give you bad counsel.”
He scoffed. “You’re a perfect little fairy, aren’t you? So careful with your words—one would think you’d burst aflame for saying something you didn’t feel in your heart was true. Can’t a man seek a word or two of encouragement, even if it has a tinge of dishonesty?”
Kagome offered him a sympathetic smile. “If you want idle affirmation, I suggest rethinking your prejudices against children and old maids.”
He laughed outright at that—three strong laughs that jostled his broad shoulders. “I suppose I should.”
Silence overtook the room, and Kagome wondered if he would dismiss them. Moments before she got the courage to ask, he clicked his tongue, echoing the crackles of the fire. “You claim that you resented Shikon, Miss Higurashi, but in many ways, its burdens and chains still cling to you. You never laugh,” he mused, reclining his head. “But there is something beneath your direct gaze that seems to peek through, like a little bird spying through the bars of a cage. What lies beyond, it wonders? It tells itself it is content to sit and sing as it is bid—but if those doors were to swing open…”
He paused, and Kagome realized she was holding her breath. She could not wrench her eyes from his, which were so intensely piercing that she felt blinking would be an affront. 
“…then the bird would break free in a moment, and it would soar—cloud high.”
Mr. Taisho did dismiss them after that, and Kagome felt shrouded in a strange fog as she undressed and crawled into bed. Her mind was consumed by their conversation—particularly his final words.
She craned her neck to peer out of the window beside her resting place. The moon was high and bright, gracing the terrain with a faint pale glow. Her eyes began to flutter closed, long blinks blurring her vision as the forest slowly came out of focus.
But the glimmer of a small point of light peeked through the trees, growing larger and closer by the second. A ghostly croon invaded from the small crack of her window, and Kagome’s eyes opened fully. She rose into a sitting position and rubbed her eyelids. When she reopened them, she nearly shouted in surprise to see that the creature had breached the tree line and was now flying—yes flying—right toward the house. 
Its body was like that of a snake, its head like that of an eastern dragon mixed with a fish. It seemed the embodiment of moonlight, and it moved as in a dance of swaying and slithering. 
It seemed to charge right for her window. But as it came close enough for Kagome to see that its size was at least fifteen feet in length, it wrenched itself to turn sharply upward, to where the third floor was.
As soon as it left the view of her window, its spectral sounds halted completely, leaving an equally phantasmal silence in its absence. Her heart pounded in her ears as she waited, waited for a scream or crash or quake—but nothing came. 
Kagome knew it was not a dream. She had heard the servants mention witnessing strange lights in the woods, and she had no doubt that this was the creature responsible. She wondered if there were more than one.
It took nearly an hour for her heart to calm enough to attempt sleeping again. She spent most of that hour mulling over whether to ask Kaede—or anyone—about what she saw. Mr. Taisho had all but told her that creatures lived in those woods; she supposed there was no reason to feel so surprised, and there was no true evidence that the creature was even dangerous. Kagome set her mind to not worry so much about it; living in the house of a demon would likely provide worse surprises than this in time, and asking too many questions might bring her into trouble.
The sooner she accepted it, the easier her life here would be.
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clearwillow · 2 years
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Lookie what got dusted off? No for real I thought I had notes for chapter 5 of Fever Dream and I couldn’t find them anywhere, so I drafted an outline the other night from scratch. Since Making Waves is done and Nailed It is in the queue, I may jump between some wips. I have no idea when this chapter will be ready, but I have some (unedited mind you) of it here. I’m so sorry it’s been actual years, the guilt is eating me up but I am working on it again!
The food somehow stayed in the basket she’d carried out to him. It was a wonder she hadn’t thrown it at him, even if there were three now.
Again. Kind of like how she was taking the little meal back to Kaede’s hut.
Kikyo wondered if this was what that “uphill both ways” statement Kagome made in jesting about her grandfather’s sayings meant. Only, there wasn’t any snow. Not yet anyway, but it wouldn’t be too long –
“Argh!” she let out an uncharacteristic groan and debated throwing the basket of food straight up into the air. Maybe she could get it high enough that it would be taken by the stars, so that she wouldn’t have to return with it and have to explain why the hanyou hadn’t eaten it. Kikyo didn’t want to explain that, because that meant having to come forward and explain everything that had happened on the work site.
And that meant admitting that she’d…that she’d…
“Kagome will kill me once she finds out…”
“Finds out what?” Kaede hadn’t expected to get one on her sister, but she had to take a little delight in seeing Kikyo levitate off the ground without the use of the soul collectors she once had. “Kagome is very forgiving, Kikyo. Whatever it is I doubt that if she were to be upset, it would linger for long.”
Kikyo clutched her chest with her free hand, almost as hard as the basket’s handle. She hadn’t heard her little sister come up behind her, and as she looked around she realized she’d walked further than she’d expected. She really hoped that no one had heard her fit moments before, if she was this close to the village.
“Inuyasha has split again.”
“Oh dear,” Kaede sighed. “I can’t imagine why, since they are bonded now.”
“Inuyasha told me.” She felt out of place talking about this, because it should be the hanyou to explain, but since he’d taken his human side and ran for the well… “He’s scared, about risking Kagome’s honor in her time. With her obligations to her family that she needs to complete, he’s worried that he might…” Dammit why was she blushing! She didn’t blush! “He doesn’t want to take the chance of her carrying his child before she’s ready,” she finished in a rush.
Glancing at her sister was a bad idea, because now she was giving her a critical look with her one good eye. “Why are you flushed, Kikyo?”
“It’s nothing!”
“Mm. If it were nothing, you would still be fair as fresh linens, but your cheeks are pink.” Then she looked down at the basket and Kikyo really did want to throw it into the sun. “And did Inuyasha eat his lunch?”
“He did not.”
“Well, I suppose Shippo will volunteer to eat it before it spoils,” Kaede shrugged. “Don’t think you’re getting away from my question, sister.”
Oh good, the authoritative tone she used to use to pull rank on Kaede was now being thrown back at her. That’s just what she needed right now. Technically she was still the older sister. The fifty years of being dead ought to count for something, even if she was born again with that sliver of Kagome’s soul. “F-fine. When I came to bring Inuyasha the food, I found him on the ground. He wasn’t responding…and neither were the other two…”
Kaede’s lips quirked up slightly.
“I thought something was wrong! I thought a youkai had attacked – not find a naked one splayed out across the grass –”
Kaede lost it. She stopped walking as she doubled over laughing at the image her sister described.
“Why are you laughing?! This isn’t funny, Kaede!”
“It is!”
“No it isn’t! I saw him naked! I saw that!”
Why her sister thought this was the funniest thing in the world, she’d never understand. It didn’t help her situation any when Kaede calmed enough to respond. “Come now, Kikyo. You’ve seen naked men before when you’ve treated them for injuries. You know good and well that that’s not the end that bites –”
“Of course I know that!” Now she was bright red, and the gods were laughing at her expense along with her sister. “But it was large enough that it could have!”
Kikyo didn’t recall Kaede ever having such a dirty laugh as a child, and wondered if this was some development that had happened with age. As mortifying as it would be to speak to Kagome and confess that she’d looked – multiple times, to make sure she wasn’t seeing things – she could only hope that Kaede was right about the woman’s ability to forgive.
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
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A little WIP for The Glass Mask. The next two chapters will be updated tomorrow, plus a beautiful art piece from @kalcia coming soon! Much love!
“Well, I have something that might help and we can get to your prince, if you would like?” Kaede rose to her knees, holding out a hand for Kagome to take. She looked at her, confused and decided that she might as well try. Sliding her hand into Kaede’s, Shippo jumped to her shoulder and she followed her along. Heading into a small bedroom to the side, Kaede led her to a large chest against a wall, flowers and swirls engraved in the wood, just like the chair.
“Your parents gifted this as well, but its what’s inside that was your mother’s personally.” Kaede opened the chest, and Kagome peeked around to look, intrigued. She saw a deep dark shade of green, emerald in the light, with a glass masquerade mask sitting on top. Glancing at Kaede who nodded for her to continue, she reached forward, picking up the glass mask gently.
“It’s beautiful. Was it my mother’s?” She whispered. It was like a spell had washed over here when she entered the home and if she spoke any louder, she would come crashing back into reality.
“That was actually mine. I was fond of masquerade balls in my youth, but haven’t worn it in years it seems. It is befitting for tonight.”
“And the dress?”
“Now that child, was your mother’s. She wore it the day your father asked her father, for her hand in marriage. I do not know why she gifted it to me, but I think it was meant for you. Now, we must hurry up and get you to that castle. Shippo dear, can you get her to the castle quickly?”
“Yes Granny!” Shippo leapt from her shoulder and scurried out into the living area. She could him faintly shuffling around and turned back to Kaede.
“Thank you so much Kaede. I could never repay you for helping me.”
“Kagome, you are so much like your parents, but ye are your own person as well. Get changed and I will see you off. There some shoes underneath the dress, tucked in the bottom of chest.” Kagome nodded, holding the mask to her chest tightly, smiling.  Kaede began to leave to give her some privacy, but Kagome wanted to ask one more thing.
“Kaede?” She asked when the older woman turned, giving her a gleaning eye, “Will I see you again after this night?”
“Of course my dear. After tonight, I’m not letting you out of my life again.” Kagome’s smiled widened and she reached for the dress, excitement back in her mind. Inuyasha, I’m coming.
Walking out of the small cottage, Shippo transformed into a giant pink floating ball, hovering nearby. She held the mask in her hands tightly, as she climbed on to best of her ability. Making sure her skirt wouldn’t fly up in the gentle wind, she waved goodbye to Kaede and Shippo flew off, towards the castle.
She kissed Shippo on the cheek, his cheeks warming up and he giggled. She snickered, poking him in the round belly and told him to be careful getting back home. He nodded and waved goodbye. Turning to face the large castle doors, she heard music, laughter, and voices coming from the open balconies. Taking a deep breath, she slid the glass mask over her face, brushing out her soft curls with her fingers. You can do this. You have every right to be here. Inuyasha wants you here. Taking a step forward, she reached the castle doors and gestured for the soldier to open them. He nodded, smiling for her and lead her inside.
taglist: @enchantedink-ag @yukinon-writes @jeremymarsh@thejustmaiden @sailorbabydoll92 @loveinu40 @knittingknots@dawnrider @moonandwind @lavendertwilight89 @malditamigs@coyfoxmama @hazelhalfpint @sailorlolo @liz8080@eriimoonsstuff @gottalottasocks @swaggingtomboy @kalcia
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superpixie42 · 3 years
Pixie, my sweet! For your AMA, I was wondering, what would you consider your magnus opus? That one fic that says it all? And if you haven't written it yet (or it's a WIP) can you tease us with it...pretty please?
Sending all my love! 💓
Hello darling @anisaanisa :)
So I have two answers for you.
1. I think TRUST FALL would absolutely be the one I point people to. It is just jam-packed full of my own headcanons and my personal take on demon!Inuyasha and is pretty quintessential Pixie sexytimes. This fic means a lot to me and took for fucking ever to write because of that (not to mention someone did an amazing piece of artwork for it ;] ).
2. I do have another fic I'm working on..slowly...so slowly...in the background called Controlled Vocabulary which I talk about here. But that post didn't include a sneak peek, so I'll add one under the cut ❤️
So this is the close of chapter 4-ish (maybe?) called Family and is the shortest example of what I mean when I say the titles are the chapter concepts.
Inuyasha refused to meet her eyes, instead looking out over the field. "Why do you want me? I can't give you a family."
Kagome took his hand in her own, gently brushing her thumb across the callused knuckles, "Inuyasha, you've already given me a family."
He snorted, "I'm not actually as stupid as everyone thinks I am Kagome. I know how to make a baby and we ain't done it."
She fought against the urge to roll her eyes. This was a conversation they'd avoided for too long, and she wasn't going to take his bait and avoid having it again.
"I know you're not an idiot, but you do have a very narrow world view sometimes. You have given me a family. Without you I never would have had Shippo in my life and he's as much my son as any baby we would have. I wouldnt have a second grandmother in Kaede or a sister in Sango or a brother in Miroku without you. You've given me so much; just because we can't get pregnant doesn't mean all of that goes away."
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Far Away
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Posted here on AO3!
No smoots today--maybe in another chapter depending on how this one is received?
Tag Wall:
@kagometaishostory​​  @dangerouspompadour​​​​​​​ @lemonlushff​​​​​​​ @willowandfog​​​​​​​ @cstormsinukagblog​​​​​​​ @littlestuffstohide​​​​​​​ @clearwillow​​​​​​​ @ruddcatha​​​​​​​ @hnnwnchstr​​​​​​​ @smmahamazing​​​​​​​ @wolverine1092​​​​​​​ @inuyashaloverforever​​​​​​​ @xfangheartx​​​​​​​ @umacaking​​​​​​​ @bluejay785​​​​​​​  @murdergiraffe​​​​​​​ @superpixie42​​​​​​​ @shnuggletea​​​​​​​ @sistasecbhere​​​​​​​ @nopenname22​​​​​​​ @mcornilliac​​​​​​​ @sapphirestarxx​​​​​​​ @fawn-eyed-girl​​​​​​ @liz8080​​​​​​​   @neutronstarchild​​​​​​​ @arcprz​​​​​​​ @kaze-ranna​​​​​ @alerialblu​​​ @nsr0716​​​​ @sailorbabydoll92​​​​ @sailorlolo @swaggingtomboy​​​ @mamabearcat​ @keichanz​ @eternalnight8806-3​ @shinidamachu​  @itzatakahashi​ @zelink-inukag​
It was a long day after Kagome had emerged from the well. After Inuyasha and her embrace, they were almost immediately interrupted. The only words between them were them asking if she had kept him waiting and him asking what she had been doing during the time they were apart…
When they pulled apart, he wore a soft smile of contentment. He hadn’t complained or even shown embarrassment from their disruption. She found him at her side after she had run off to greet everyone. He was a silent shadow as they journeyed into the village with the others. 
Once they reached their town, everyone had to talk to her. EVERYONE. It was crazy! Not that she didn’t want to see her friends, their kids, Kaede, even Rin… But her mind was utterly consumed by the half-demon who pulled her up and out of the well. She had so much to say--so much to ask… even so many desires to be fulfilled.
His presence never left her; that at least helped her a little bit as they walked through the village together. He likely wanted to talk to her too. Afterall, it had been three long years since they had seen each other. Maybe he had things to say as well.
They met more strangers on their walk through the village. People Kagome probably should have paid more attention to--but the hanyou was like a drug. She couldn’t get enough of him. Even though she could sense his youki, actually feel him by her, she couldn’t help but check to make sure he was still standing there. That it wasn’t a dream--that he, in fact, was physically present. Her hand often found his, to make sure this wasn’t some weird delirious psychotic break. That he was tangible and very real. She thanked all the Gods when his hand brushed and caressed against hers, sometimes even blessing her when their fingers would intertwine in return.
After the long afternoon of greeting people, saying hello to new and old faces, they found themselves sitting in Kaede’s hut, just like last night before her middle school graduation; she felt pure nostalgia. It was just like old times. Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede, and Inuyasha along with Rin and of course the twin girls and baby boy. While the feeling of the familiarity comforted her, she was also hurt--their lives had kept on going. It wasn’t like when she would go into the well to restock on supplies for their travels or if she had to go take a test at school; they hadn’t just stayed at the village awaiting her to return to restart their mission. This time they had kept on living and growing. Because she wasn’t there--and they likely thought she’d never return. 
Kagome couldn’t fault them for that, nor could she hold envious or jealous feelings towards them. If anything she was hurt; hurt that she had to even pause her life with them in the first place. That she had just pushed through trying to finish school. She was more or less forced to move on because the well wouldn’t work. Or rather try to keep living her life in her own era. Obviously that hadn’t worked. Nor did she want it to, for that matter. She had fought like hell and managed to get back there.
But it felt like there was so much time lost. There were three years between who they once were and who they were now. Were things still the same for her friends? Was she still family? Did they still see her as an important part of their group? Or was she pushing herself into a place where she no longer belonged? Like she had forced herself into doing back in her own era…
She became a broken puzzle piece--something that never quite fit but almost did. What was depressing about everything is that no one seemed to notice. Well, everyone but her mom. Sadly her mom couldn’t take the pain of the loneliness away. The feeling of being a misfit--not belonging without everyone else, knowing only made her feelings of isolation worse.
Were things still the same with Inuyasha? If she had stayed would she and Inuyasha--would they have a hut? Would they have children? Or at least a child? Would they have continued traveling? Would they have-- claws danced on her wrist and she locked eyes with amber hues of concern. She smiled softly and shook her head but took his hand, firmly erasing the negative thoughts that had begun to consume her.
It wouldn’t have been the first time she allowed that to happen. The separation had been hard on her. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually… even physically. Seeing that they had moved on made her happy. It meant they didn’t go through what she did--not really.
But Inuyasha seemed to be able to show her it was possible he left his life open to her with just the single press of his hand. It was funny how they were always so bad at communicating, yet somehow, one look and touch, she knew exactly what he was saying. Or at least she hoped.  
“So Kagome, do you intend to stay here with us tonight? Or will you be traveling back to your time?” Miroku asked as he bounced his son on his lap.
“Huh? Oh… Uhm. Well--the thing is--ah…” Why was she so nervous? Was she already having doubts about where she belonged?? No. This was her home. They were her friends--they just spent all day with her for goodness sakes! They could have very well allowed her to walk about the village all on her own but they escorted her the whole way. Why was she being so insecure about all of that?! “I think it was a one-way trip.”
Gasps filled the hut and all went silent. Well… that was awkward. She began nibbling at her bottom lip when Inuyasha pulled her chin to face him directly. He gazed at her in disbelief and awe.
“You really mean it Kagome?!!” Shippo shouted from in front of her, gaining her attention and stealing whatever words Inuyasha was about to say as he dropped her chin much to her disappointment.
“It’s--something I’m not going to test, actually.”
“Kagome--that’s wonderful!” Sango cheered standing and hugging her tightly.
“We have all missed you, Kagome,” Miroku said fondly. “Some more than others,” his voice dipped as it laced itself with playfulness leading to the smirk she saw adorning his face.
“Ye are more than welcome to sleep here child, or there is a spare hut ye can more than happily claim at the edge of the village until we can have one fashioned for ye,” Kaede suggested
“Really?” Kagome said in wonderment. They were really--that excited and happy to have her back?
“You’re also more than welcome to join us--we have a large hut and a spare room currently,” Sango offered.
“Th-thank you. I’ll take some time this evening to decide,” she mumbled. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel so out of place? It was just like--no. She belonged HERE. That’s why she came back. 
“Kagome,” Inuyasha said. She looked into his imploring eyes and nodded at the unspoken question.
“We’re going to take a walk,” she informed everyone; said information earned them smirks and giggles. Kagome blushed but rolled her eyes as she took Inuyasha's hand while they left the hut together.
They walked in companionable silence until they reached their ultimate destination--the sacred tree. Everything always led back to there. It was where they first met, where she released him from his imprisonment, where he got his kotodama, where she had seen him with Kikyo and thought there was no room in his life or heart for her, where she realized she loved him, where he refused to abandon her even when she was possessed, where he told her he needed her by her side, where they spent long lazy afternoons… This place meant everything to them. 
She idly ran her hand against the trunk and hummed happily from the sensation. It was thicker and healthier than the one that stood in her time. But it was like she could still feel where her family was--and the ultimate realization she was there--with him.
Turning back, she looked into his beautiful golden eyes that lit up her heart. She had been so afraid she’d never see them again but here she was, standing before him, the sky pink, purple, and orange from the sunset, the brisk cool air of night flowing around them.
And she had no idea what to say. She had rehearsed everything so long--when the well would finally open and she’d be able to tell him exactly how she felt, what she wanted, how she would put it all on the line for him--but standing there in that moment, she froze. Was it fear that stalled her? Uncertainty? Probably a little of both. 
Three years hadn’t necessarily aged her friends in a bad way--but it did give them families and new focuses. What if he had a new one as well? Doubt seemed to eat away at her for no real reason. But she was older than she was when she left; she had felt so secure right before time ripped them apart. Now… she questioned her place.
Not that she would have regretted coming back and not like she totally expected everything to be the same as when she left but… she just felt so far away from the girl she had been at fifteen.
“You came back.”
“What?” The way his words brushed against her, the whisper of his words… They hurt her. Not like he had meant to hurt her, no. It pained her to hear the longing and desperation in his confession. His admission of her being in such close proximity he too, felt it was unreal.
"You're… really here. This isn't some weird convoluted dream I made up--I’m not dead---I--” It slightly comforted her he was just as at a loss for words as she was.
She stepped closer to him and released his hand; she really looked at him. How had she not even seen the differences when she had seen him in the golden rays of sunlight? Why just now, in the hues of red?
He looked older, more mature, softer… his face no longer wore a permanent scowl. It showed understanding, longing...love. Her heart skipped a beat and began beating erratically. She was nervous, happy--elated that she finally found somewhere to belong. Someone she could belong to. And of course she started crying. Because why wouldn’t she ruin the moment? She was a fool to think she could ever make something perfect--
His arms wrapped around her and pulled her to his chest. “Fuck--shit--what did I say?? Did I fuck this up??”
She let out a choked sob and clung to his arms, “N-No--I-I’m sc-screwing this u-up!”
“Not even possible. You’re here… You’re the one making this reality.”
Her legs gave out as she wept into his chest. She was so pathetic letting herself get so caught up in her head and self doubt that she was making this reunion a shit-show. Shockingly she had thought somehow he would have said something stupid and she would have had to be the one to brush it off and reassure him. But no. It was her. Three years obviously switched their roles; but would he honestly be okay with being the emotionally stable one?
He held her up without question or further comment until she was done. She hadn’t even noticed they were sitting on the larger roots of the tree until she lifted her head and saw their position.
"I'm sorry," she said sadly--embarrassed of her actions and display.
“Don’t be. I’d take your tears over your absence,” he whispered softly into her hair making her flinch. She knew how much he hated when she cried. 
“I--I missed you,” she started lamely. Missing him didn’t actually articulate half of how she felt. But she also didn’t want to scare him off. Maybe he’d want to take things slow… after all, they had only just kissed when she was ripped from him.
He had just lost Kikyo and yea, she knew she held a place within his heart but… but therein lied her insecurities. While she had returned, while she dreamt of that moment over and over--standing there in the moment, she was terrified to hear that she was just a replacement. Even though he never treated her as such, at least not that she saw, the anxiety still was deep within her heart.
Every fear, every dark thought she had about herself was festering and threatening to spew from her lips. Those three years broke her. She knew that they had both grown, obviously. But…did that mean everything would change? Or could they possibly pick up where they left off? 
But that also meant they had to ask, where did they leave everything. They shared a kiss. He swore to protect her with his life, not that he hadn’t already been doing that anyway but, where did that leave them?
Were they together? Would they court like a normal couple? Or would they… get married? 
“Kagome. I can’t--” He shifted so that he could look into her likely puffy eyes. “I can’t even begin to tell you how much I… Fuck. I’m not good at this shit.”
“It’s okay…” She sighed. 
“No. Kagome-- I--I went to the well. Every three days. Just to see if there would be some fluke, to see if you had returned. I knew you were safe with your family. There were others who needed you; there were others that loved you. I made peace with you never returning. The fact you were safe and loved was enough for me. But you’re-- you’re back.”
“Yes. I’m back,” she confirmed.
“Do you know what--what that means?” His eyes were glazed over with an unrecognized emotion she had never seen. Not even with Kikyo.
“I--I--” She stuttered, unable to come up with words. “I--don’t?”
“No?” He rumbled.
“N-no. I--don’t want to say something that may be untrue. Or overthink anything. I--don’t want my hopes to be dashed,” she said as she realized she was unconsciously licking her lips in anticipation of his heated gaze.
“Yea, guess I deserve that,” he muttered, closing his eyes and exhaling. His forehead pressed to hers.
“No! No! This isn’t--damn--” Again, here she was ruining everything about this moment. She grabbed his cheeks and tried to get him to look at her.
“Kagome, I know I was a jerk. An asshole. I just--it’s hard for me to be honest about my feelings,” he admitted as he opened his beautiful golden eyes. “But I want to. For you.”
Her breath hitched and she probably was the same shade of his haori. Her heart raced rapidly in her chest as he pulled away slightly. She didn’t even stop the whine from the lost contact regardless that she was still within his arms in his lap. “Inuyasha--”
“Kagome, I never, I couldn’t stop thinking about ya. Yea, I was kinda emotionally stunted when we traveled together. But I had just literally got my heart trampled on--when even then I was willing to give up half of myself to be with the other person. Yea, it was all deceit and fuck--I don’t know what would have happened if it had come to pass and I used the jewel to become human; who knows if it would have actually worked or not. But I do know, as shitty as it sounds, That I’m kinda glad that’s not how it all played out. I--I’m grateful we met. I'm thankful you gave me a chance when I didn’t deserve one. That you loved me in spite of all that I am and do.”
“I know three years have passed. I know you came back, no way back home… And as selfish as it is, I really fucking hope it was to be with me. Yea, our friends are great and all but--I want you. All of you. Your time, your presence, your attention… everything.”
“E-Everything?” She echoed in awe.
“Only if that’s what you want… But for me, nothing has changed.”
“Nothing?” She couldn’t help but let the disappointment drip in her voice. 
“What I meant was--my feelings for you--they haven’t changed. You’re--fuck--I’m--why the fuck is this so hard?!” He growled in annoyance. She couldn’t help but sob lightly with laughter. He was the same at heart. He was still her gruff hanyou.
“Because it’s us. We always were bad at communicating. These three years… I can’t imagine what it was like for you. I know it’s so selfish of me to even say any of this--but I know how you felt. Or at least, I think anyway.”
“You are the least selfish person I know, Kagome. I’m probably the most self-centered out of our little ‘team’.”
“But you had reasons for that Inuyasha. I don’t. Not really. I just--the well--I didn’t appreciate what I had here until it was too late. You all are my family. And yes, I needed to go home and finish school for my family. But--I just. I’m sorry,” she started crying again uncontrollably.
His arms wrapped tightly around her and tucked her head under his chin as he let out a soothing rumble from his chest that could have put her to sleep on the spot. But they had so much to talk about. So much she had to say still. 
“Don’t be fucking sorry. I’m the one who tried to keep you from that life and why you ended up having to stay here in the first place--”
She pulled away and cut him off placing a hand over his mouth, “--but I don’t regret that. Ever. Falling down the well, destroying the arrow, traveling with you… I--I was so happy I could be your first real friend. That I could bring others to you to trust; a person who made you realize you didn’t have to be alone.”
“You’re right. Inside the jewel--I realized you were the only reason I have friends, friends I can rely on and trust. Without you, I don’t know where I would have ended up. I don’t want to know. I just know--I just know I’m where I am meant to be. Kagome, you were born for me and I was born for you. Not Kikyo. No one else but you. I’m sorry I ever made you ever feel second to her. It was never--it wasn’t like that.
“She and I never trusted each other. The moment Menomaru possessed you--I knew it wasn’t you. But with Kikyo… I didn’t even think about how her scent didn’t match. I didn’t question why she had betrayed me. But you and I--I just knew. Same with Tsubaki. There was no doubt in my heart. Yea, I was fucking confused and hurt--but more at the fact they would use you like that.
“When she was brought back--I was confused. But I never had any intention of leaving your side. Well, until you saw us together and the look in your eyes… it broke me. I knew I couldn’t put you through that. It wasn’t fair to you to know that I wanted to protect Kikyo. That I still cared about her even though I… I really cared about you. 
“But you still put me first. I honestly can’t say I would have done the same because I’m a selfish bastard. I finally did and of course, it looks like it not only fucked me, but also broke you,” he added as he proceeded to wipe the tears from her cheeks. 
“I didn’t belong in that era anymore. Not when my heart was here--with you,” she admitted as she brushed her hand over his heart. He clasped it tightly and exhaled.
“You’ve always had mine--even before I knew it. And it will always be yours.”
She didn’t even try to stop herself from raising up and kissing him fiercely. He returned the pressure just as fervently and held her close. Their kisses remained chaste, but with clear intent of promises of love and commitment. When they finally parted they were breathless and smiling. He kissed the top of her forehead and tucked it back under his chin.
“So… you gonna tell me what you’ve been up to this whole time, stupid?” He asked cheekily.
“Shut up,” she laughed, feeling like a thousand kilos had been lifted from her.
“Keh, sounds about right. Nothing,” he smirked.
Rolling her eyes she lightly swatted him and he chuckled deeply. They continued their conversation of what they had been up to for the past three years, how they both coped with their loneliness, things they did to pass the time--then proceeded to plan their future. A hut they would build. Marriage. Mating. Everything.
“I--I want to court you. Like I should--and don’t fucking argue with me. It’s something I want. You don’t have to want it but it’s gonna happen. And then--then we can go to the headmen and marry us or whatever.”
“Tell me about Sango and Miroku’s wedding.”
“Not much to tell really. They did it with the celebration of Naraku being vanquished. Didn’t want the spotlight. They were just ready to be married and done.”
“I--do you think we can have something small?”
“Keh--not as the village priestess or protector.”
“It won’t be too much for you?”
“Fuck no. I just want to be married to you. If I had to kill my asshole brother to wed you, I’d do it.” His words caused her to giggle in response. 
“So…” She blushed, feeling slightly nervous at the idea of them maybe exploring more intimate things. Not that she wasn’t ready. But she wasn’t sure--
“What part of ‘I want to court you’ slipped out of your ding-bat head? Even if you wanted to--which I can tell you don’t at the moment-- I’d say no.”
“Not yet. But we’ll get there because I’m going to prove to you I’m worthy of you.” Gods. His fiery burning golden eyes literally sent waves of heat through her.
“O-Ok,” she agreed without a fight. It was probably wise they dated before they actually mated. It was a ‘forever’ kind of thing. Not a ‘oh yea, let’s have sex and then go our seperate ways’ proposition. Not that she had any doubts about being with him forever. She left her childhood home, her family, her school friends she had grown up with to be here. With him. If he wanted to ‘prove’ to her he was what she was looking for, she’d let him until he was confident they were ready.
They ended their evening with another passion filled kiss under their favorite tree and walked back to Kaede’s hand in hand. They’d tell the others in the morning. Until then, they relish in their time they had together again.
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Why Are You Doing This to Me? - Inuvember Day 2
Hello everyone! I’m here to bring you Chapter 2 of my Inuvember fic “It’s Time Already”.
Like I said, I’m going to use the Inuvember prompts and write a whole story inspired by several prompts. The idea of this story is that you can read each chapter as a One-Shot for each prompt or you can read the whole story throughout Inuvember!
This is going to be a very angsty fic with a happy ending, I promise you. So please, bear with me.
Summary: After the final battle with Naraku, the well closes and never opens again, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome 500 years apart. Inuyasha decides he will wait for her, but he knows his friends can’t do that. How do you cope with losing the love of your life and think that you would never see them again? How do you cope with not being able to say goodbye to your best friend? Only time will tell. [InuKag] [MirSan]  
You can read chapter 2 below, in FF.net or in AO3.
“Why Are You Doing This to Me?” - Kagome.
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed after she saw him disappear in the well. She could feel her heart pumping loudly against her ribcage. He couldn’t be gone. This couldn’t be it. She climbed down the stairs of the well, sitting at the bottom. “Please, please, Inuyasha I know you are there,” Kagome whispered as she started digging with her bare hands, as if she could dig through time and space, just to see him again. “Please, please, I need to see him again,” she begged once more. To whom? She didn’t know. It was getting hard for her to see, the tears in her eyes making her vision blurry. 
“Kagome, you need to rest, I’m sure the well will open tomorrow,” her mother said as she grabbed her by her arms, trying to comfort her and making her stand up. That simple action startled Kagome, when did her mother climb all the way down to the well? 
“Momma, he’s gone,” Kagome said, looking up to her mother. Everyone was gone, not just Inuyasha; Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kaede… all of them were gone. They were all… dead. Realization hit Kagome like a ton of bricks and she started to cry, clinging to her mother as if she were her lifeline. 
“Kagome, you need to sleep, everything will be better tomorrow, I assure you,” Momma Higurashi replied, kissing Kagome on the top of the head.
Kagome stood up in front of the well. The day before had been a failure, she tried to jump into the well and nearly broke every single bone in her body. That day she decided she would take a different approach. 
She put both hands on the well and tried to feel that spiritual power that used to come from the wood. That power that was within the well… She felt nothing. The well was a simple well and no longer had any sort of spiritual power. That was why it wasn’t working anymore. Its power was gone, she was back in her time as if everything was back where it should be. Except… she wasn't where she belonged. She belonged right next to Inuyasha, right by his side. 
“Please, I need to see him again,” Kagome cried once more, sorrow filling every inch of her body. “Please,” she begged again.
From that day forwards, Kagome would visit the well every single day, trying to sense any sort of spiritual power coming from it. And every single day, she would leave with a lump in her throat and with a little bit less of hope of ever seeing Inuyasha again.
“Where am I?” Kagome wondered, she was standing in a beautiful meadow, surrounded by trees. Kagome took a deep breath, the air felt so pure. Hope building up inside of her, she looked around. It couldn’t be real, could it? Was she back at the Feudal Era? Her heart was about to burst from happiness as she started to run, looking for everyone. “Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed his name, looking for him. He should be hearing her, right? Kagome kept running, and calling everyone’s names, “Sango, Miroku, Shippo!”. Suddenly, the whole force of her body sent her falling down. She must have tripped on something, her knees hurting from the fall. Why did she fall? Kagome looked around and saw a bump on the earth. Horror building up inside of her, she paid more attention to her surroundings.
Kagome was facing four graves. Covering her mouth as if that would muffle her screams, she read the names on the graves: “Inuyasha”, “Sango”, “Miroku” and “Shippo”. It couldn’t be. Were they… dead? Feeling sick to her stomach, Kagome started to cry. 
They are dead, they are never coming back, you are never coming back. They all died and you weren’t there for them.
Kagome woke up in the middle of the night, completely covered in sweat. Slowly coming back to her senses she started to remember her dream. Everything had felt so real and it was so painful to her. She didn’t know how long it would take for this wound to heal or if it would ever heal at all. She was exhausted. Every night she would dream something different, that she was with Inuyasha, that she was pregnant with Inuyasha’s baby, that she saw her friends get married and have babies, that she played and took care of Miroku and Sango’s children, that she had a little girl with Inuyasha and they were happy together…
Every night was a constant reminder of everything she had lost. The dreams were worse than the nightmares. Monsters and death she could bear, dreams where she was happy and then waking up alone, having nothing? Those were the ones that gutted her. 
Feeling miserable, Kagome grabbed a sweater and headed to the Goshinboku. That tree was guilty of everything, it was guilty of making her time-travel, it was where they first met, she was connected to them through that fucking tree that was laughing at her. 
“How could you do this to me?” Kagome spoke up to the tree. Why was now the time to stop working? Her mission had ended but her relationship with Inuyasha  and her life were just starting. Since the Shikon Jewel was destroyed then there was no use for her anymore? What about her feelings? Tears were running down her face as she looked up to the Goshinboku.
She was tired of this, but she wouldn’t stop trying. 
“I miss him everyday, I miss everybody, please, let me go back,” Kagome begged once again, sinking into her knees. “I want to go back, please, take me back, take me to him. Take me to Inuyasha.” The mention of his name, saying his name out loud made her sob even harder. She was so tired. Every day that passed by made her time in the Feudal Era seem like a dream. Everything was so distant, so different, everything seemed so far away…
She felt the tree top move and her hopes came back full force. Had that worked? Kagome couldn’t believe it, maybe after all these years the well had reopened? She ran as fast as she could to the well, stood in front of it and placed both hands on the rim of it. 
Nothing. She felt nothing. No sacred power, no burst of energy… nothing. It was the same broken well that has been for the past two years. 
That night, Kagome made up her mind. Everything had been a cruel twist of fate and she needed to let go of the idea of ever seeing her friends again, of ever seeing him again. She would stop waiting for the well to reopen. She needed to move on with her life. Her life, that life was in the past and was no longer part of her. She would do everything in her power to get closure. 
Kagome was excited for the first time in what felt like ages. She had found a text that dated all the way back from the Feudal Era and she could feel how her heart raced. It was a very old book, so old that the pages could be destroyed by merely looking at them. She started to read, to search through the pages. 
This book was written by an old monk and Kagome felt her heart skip a beat when she realized she had seen that handwriting before. It was Miroku’s handwriting! It was different somehow, shakier than it used to be. Then it dawned on her, he must have written this when he was Kaede’s age. The tears started to build up in the corner of her eye and she could feel how her body started to tremble; she fought the tears as she tried to keep reading. The mention of a kitsune friend, the mention of a warrior: his love and mother of five children. 
Kagome couldn’t stop the laughter that came out of her mouth. Miroku and Sango had five children together! They were there and they were very real. They actually existed and apparently they lived their well deserved happily ever after. The joy led to sadness, as she realized those kids were practically her nephews and nieces and she never got to be aunt Kagome to them. She never got to hold Sango’s hand and help her through her labor. She wasn’t there to cry tears of joy when Sango found out she was pregnant and-. 
Kagome needed to close her eyes for a second and get a hold of the table because everything started to spin really fast. She needed to remind herself why she was there. She needed closure. Of course life moved on for them, of course they got to live the life they deserved. Knowing she wasn’t there for them was too painful to bear, but she needed to feel that pain. She needed to know what happened to her friends. 
Once everything stopped spinning, her eyes went back to the last sentence she was reading, she wanted to devour every single word Miroku wrote. Her heat stopped when she read his name.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome murmured, as if he was a deep secret that no one could even hear his name.  She leaned back on her chair, moving away from the book as if the book burnt her. Did he find love? Did he die on the battlefield? Did he have a family? She took a deep breath and leaned slowly towards the book. The mention of Inuyasha was brief: He took good care of Kaede’s village, he took good care of Miroku’s and Sango’s kids and their grandchildren. Kagome knew it was extremely selfish to be relieved that Inuyasha didn’t find love, at least during Sango and Miroku’s time. She felt glad that it was, at least, as hard to find love again for him as it was for her. 
Towards the very end of the book Miroku wrote, she spotted her name and she couldn’t stop the smile that formed in her face because she could swear she remembered all those times that she explained to Miroku that her name was written using hiragana only, and not kanji.
And I’ve written all of this because I want to share my story with the world, but specially, I want to share my story with my dear friend Kagome. She’s no longer with us but I know this book will find the way to reach her hands and she will read this. 
We lived our lives fully, but we missed you deeply. We know you miss us all, but rest assured we were happy. Don’t lose hope, because we know you’ll be happy too.
 And with that sentence, the book came to an end. Kagome felt like time had stopped and she wasn’t able to move. The only thing she could feel were her tears that were freely falling from her face. Had she just read some words Miroku wrote to her five hundred years ago? 
She never thought she would know what happened to them, less alone read a message from five hundred years ago. But there they were, words written specially to her and Miroku knew she would look for them. 
That night, Kagome dreamt of Miroku, Sango, their children, Shippo and Inuyasha. It wasn’t unusual of her to dream of them; what was unusual is that she didn’t wake up covered in sweat or crying. When she woke up, she felt happy. She felt as if she was able to say goodbye to her friends.
Kagome looked at the miko garment on top of what used to be her bed. She looked around, as if wanting to remember, wanting to keep her past alive, wanting to keep him alive. Her heart plummeted when she saw her window, waiting for his red haori or his silver mane to show up, as he used to do five years ago. 
She gulped down a sob and decided she was there to help her family and that’s all. She would be the miko her family shrine needed, only for this festival. Her grandfather recently passed away and the family needed someone to carry around the shrine duties for today. After all, she used to be a miko in training. 
Kagome quietly changed her clothes and looked into her reflection in the mirror, looking how much she resembled Kikyo now that she was older. It seemed like a door was opened because she couldn’t fight the tears this time, the grief coming crashing down on her like a waterfall. Everything was too painful, she was looking at the life she could have had with Inuyasha. She remembered her friends, her journey, her grief. She remembered everything as if it were yesterday. She was back at the bottom of the well, begging for it to open again. All she could do was sit down in her bed and cry, mourning everything she had lost those four years ago.
“Kagome are you okay?” her mother asked, sitting down right next to her and holding her. “Do you feel sick? What happened?”
“I’m okay momma, it��s just… looking in the mirror was a bad idea.” Kagome answered back, trying to calm herself down. Even though she had closure and she thought the wound had already closed, some days were harder than others. 
Her mother was always there to pick her up when the weight of the past was too much, when she woke up in the middle of the night after having nightmares, when she felt a lump in her throat after seeing Sota eating ramen...
“Kagome, if it’s too much we can find another wa-”
“No, momma, I’m okay. I will be. I need a minute,” Kagome cut her mother in. She closed her eyes and tried to focus exclusively on her breathing. She breathed in like she had learned to do all those years ago. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, seven, eight, nine, ten. Inhale, two, three, four, five. Exhale, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Eventually her breathing technique calmed her down and she was able to stop crying. She was doing this to help her family and to keep the memory of her grandfather alive. She needed to be the miko that she used to be.
“This is the Goshinboku,” Kagome said to a couple of visitors. They were supposed to be the last ones to enter the shrine since the shrine was about to close. 
“Why is this tree so special?” the girl asked, looking at her with her round eyes.
“This tree transcends time. Legend has it that a girl met a boy under this tree five hundred years ago and they fell in love only to be separated again. This tree being the only hope for them to be reunited again,” Kagome replied with a polite smile, one that never reached her eyes.
“Oh...” the girl simply replied, unconsciously leaning closer to her boyfriend. 
Kagome knew the girl wanted to hear a fairy tale about lovers reuniting, but she couldn’t bring herself to tell that story. That story felt wrong because it wasn’t real. She was still waiting for Inuyasha and the tree refused to help them. 
She said goodbye to the visitors and looked up to the tree once more, taking a deep breath and wishing to be reunited with Inuyasha again. It was five years ago, when she turned fifteen, that she met him. Now, the only birthday gift she only cared about was being reunited with Inuyasha again. 
She looked at her watch and saw that she needed to hurry if she wanted to meet with her friends at the bar today. Since she was the last one to turn twenty in her group, the girls wanted to take her out to a bar so she could legally taste alcohol for the first time. Kagome shook her head while remembering all those times she tasted sake in the Feudal Era, when she was staying the night at a palace thanks to Miroku’s shenanigans. If only her friends knew how much she used to drink when she was fifteen years old. 
In the corner of her eye, Kagome saw a dark haired man getting closer to the Well House and she wanted to scream in frustration. She was so tired that the idea of dealing with tourists that barely understood Japanese made her want to scream. Couldn’t the man read the signs that said “No visitors allowed in this area”? She just wanted to change clothes and try to go back to being Kagome. 
“Excuse me, sir. This place is not allowed for visitors,” she said while getting closer to the man. 
“I think I’m allowed to be here, Kagome,” he simply replied.
When the man turned around to face her, the wind was knocked out of her lungs. Suddenly, the only thing Kagome was able to hear was the beating of her heart, beating so loudly that it was almost painful. The only thing she could see were a pair of golden eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand, shock written all over her face.
Did he call me Kagome? How does he know my name? 
The man that was standing in front of her was an older, more human, version of Inuyasha. Was this a reincarnation of Inuyasha? Was this actually Inuyasha? It couldn’t be. If this man was Inuyasha, where were his ears? What happened to his silver mane? But how did this man know her name? He had to be Inuyasha. She tried to fight them, but the tears were already building up in the corner of her eyes. 
Inuyasha was dead, wasn’t he? He stayed in the past, she stayed in the present. That’s what she told herself over and over again every night when she woke up from a painful dream. 
Maybe this person was a descendant of Inuyasha? There was no way that this man in front of her could be Inuyasha, her Inuyasha. But again, how did he know her name?
A swift breeze danced between them and she could hear the rustle of the leaves of the Goshinboku, as if they were whispering something. She remembered Miroku’s words, the ones she read over a year ago. 
Don’t lose hope, because we know you’ll be happy too.
Could it be? Was that Miroku’s way of telling her that she will be reunited with Inuyasha?
Afraid of breaking the illusion, she did the only think she could think of: she whispered his name.
“It was time already,” he simply replied with a smile.
In that moment, Kagome knew. The man in front of her was Inuyasha, he was her Inuyasha. She didn’t know how, she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that Inuyasha was alive, and that they were finally reunited.
Kagome did the only thing she could do: she ran into his arms and she hugged him the same way she did when she dreamt of being reunited with Inuyasha. The only thing that changed is that he hugged her back and when Kagome opened her eyes, he was still there.
Aaaaand cut! 
This was Kagome’s chapter. Tomorrow will be Sango’s chapter so yes, we are not getting the InuKag reunion we all want yet. But I say we give Sango a chance, she has a story to tell! 
I honestly hope you like this chapter, I can assure you it broke my heart several times but  I wanted to make sure to do Kagome’s pain justice. 
Like I mentioned, this chapter is not heavily edited as my other works, so sorry if there are any typos.
@witchygirl99 @fantastiqueparfait @doginabirdcage @inuvember @hinezumi @meggz0rz @heyy-ahriii @cammysansstuff
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hanmajoerin · 4 years
Fun fact about my newest WIP, Lost Time: I wrote most of the first chapter while I was drunk and got way too excited about finishing a chapter of anything that I posted it before editing it sober 🙈. I just finished writing the second chapter of the story and will have it edited and posted by the end of the weekend or early next week. That being noted, I wanted to repost the edited version here for your viewing pleasure. I’ll be making a separate post with a preview for chapter two shortly! 
It’s been updated on AO3 and Fanfiction.Net as well!
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Kagome found her gaze fixated on her high school uniform which sat neatly in the back of a blue locker. Soft shadows hugged the navy and beige fabric as a soft sound—almost like white noise or static—seemed to embrace her thoughts. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Kagome reached out and grabbed her clothes. Exhaling slowly, she turned away from the locker so that when she opened her eyes nothing would have changed. 
It was hard to believe that a year had passed since the Bone Eater’s Well stopped working. Like a catalyst, the broken connection between her time and InuYasha’s changed so much about Kagome without having to change itself. Her attendance soared, her old lifestyle came slamming into her weekdays, her acquired fear of the darkness felt like a slow burn even though it wasn’t, and now she had invented ways to carry the consequences.
Even though her friends in the Feudal Era were alive and well, they weren’t here. Kagome supposed she was grieving but she felt as if she should be... happier. Miroku’s wind tunnel must have vanished so he and Sango were probably married with a child on the way. Shippo was probably having a lot of fun staying in the village and playing with kids his own age while InuYasha... everyone always said that he was restless in the village, but Kagome liked to think he was somewhat happy. Not that happy and InuYasha often mixed, but Naraku and the Sacred Jewel were defeated, he should at least be able to relax. 
The young high schooler sighed, imagining InuYasha asleep on her bed. He always appeared angelic especially when a soft pink comforter acted as an unintentional backdrop. But once he was awake, he and Shippo could easily tie for the title of “Most Mischievous.” Remembering the stories Gramps told her about how he ran circles around the table left Kagome hoping that, at the very least, her half-demon companion wasn’t driving the villagers insane.
“Higurashi!” Yua Watanabe, the archery club’s captain, called out with a slight wave. 
Kagome dropped her hands from the ties of her hakama, offering her senior a soft, “Hi, Watanabe.”
As Watanabe approached, Kagome gulped, attempting to swallow the idea of InuYasha. “Thanks for all of your hard work this year. I’m really glad you joined the club!” Yua exclaimed with a carefree ease that Kagome envied. 
“Thank you; being able to do archery is important to me.”
Yua nodded a few times in agreement, not at all able to comprehend the meaning behind Kagome’s remark. She continued talking, also unaware of how Kagome’s thoughts about the past crawled back past her throat to nestle in her mind. She never asked to leave her double life behind, was never given a chance to choose. 
“Oh, and we’re really looking forward to having you start training to compete next year. I know you’ll do well!”
Kagome flashed Yua another modest smile but before she could thank her for a second time, she yawned. “Excuse me,” Kagome apologized. Another large yawn stretched at her consciousness. “I’m just going to go to bed now...”
The world returned to Kagome slowly. She blinked her eyes against an overwhelming amount of deep browns and warm oranges. The ceiling above almost looked like the wood roofing of a hut and the unmistakable popping fire and chirping crickets sounded like a lullaby. It’s almost like I’m back in the Feudal Era, she thought to herself as she yawned. Just as she was about to turn and settle back into sleep, she heard him.
“You’re awake.” 
InuYasha’s voice sent Kagome lurching forward, all thoughts of sleep vanishing instantly. “InuYasha!” she exclaimed, her heart beating as quickly as her head spun. The high schooler clutched at her chest with uncertainty, brown eyes daring to take in the telltale colors of silver and amber. She spent so many days longing for them to come into view.
“Hey,” InuYasha began, resting his hands on her shoulders. When—how did I come back? Kagome asked herself as she reached up to grasp one of the half-demon’s hands. She never realized that his calloused skin could feel like a balm, working without delay to relieve this past year’s emotional build up. InuYasha was seated properly before her, his face highlighted by firelight and grounded by a somber expression.“You shouldn’t be pushing yourself right now. Kaede said you should rest.” 
Kagome’s eyes had to be shining as he—InuYasha!— gingerly lowered her down to the floor. She could feel moisture building bridges across her waterline, too. Of course there were so many questions she needed to blurt out, but watching InuYasha pull a thin blanket up past her shoulders stilled her. Kagome was just happy he was here. He felt so real; his touch, the timbre of his voice—everything about this InuYasha. If she was dreaming, she didn’t want to wake up. “I can’t believe you came for me,” Kagome croaked out because she always knew that he would.
“Of course I did, stupid,” InuYasha chided, crossing his arms. A small giggle filtered past Kagome’s lips as he turned up his nose. When the schoolgirl fantasized about her reunion with InuYasha, he never acted this casual. They spent a little more than a year apart from each other for the first time since they met and it was entirely too long. Had she not been so wrapped up in her own emotions, Kagome may have chastised him back. “Would have been easier for me to do that if you stayed hidden instead of charging out of the brush like that. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt, Kagome.”
Kagome furrowed her brow slightly at the comment. “What?” She asked, wiping away a tear with her index finger.
InuYasha thrust his nose even further in the air. “Keh, don’t play innocent; damn ogre’s club wasn’t that hard, I was fine.”
Kagome frowned as his words sunk in. “I...” She brought a hand to her temple, rubbing it lightly as she tried to process what the half-demon told her.
All traces of agitation scurried from InuYasha’s features at her motion. “Kagome, is your head bothering you? Kaede gave me some medicine to help with that, let me get it for you.”
Before he could walk away, Kagome grabbed at his pants, instantly stilling him. “Kagome...?”
“Where’s Kaede?”
“‘Dunno,” InuYasha shrugged. “She probably went home or somethin’.” Lightly shaking her hand away, he walked to the fire to settle the kettle over its steady flames.
So InuYasha has his own hut and he wants me to stay, Kagome thought to herself. A molten smile spread, matching the warm blush she was sure dusted her cheeks.
Kagome rolled to her side to watch InuYasha as he babysat his kettle. Everything from the painted scowl to the delicate way he mixed tea was deliberate and when he was beside her once more, she pulled herself into a sitting position effortlessly. As he passed her the cup, his hands lingered against hers. It was glaringly clear that InuYasha wanted to pick up where they had left off a few weeks before they defeated Naraku. Still, Kagome couldn’t help but laugh slightly, not used to an InuYasha who was anything but abrasive. “You’ve sure grown up some,” she pointed out, tilting her head to the side.
“Uh...” InuYasha replied, breaking their contact to shove his hands into the voluminous red sleeves of the fire rat. “You uh, really hit your head there, didn’t ya?” Kagome frowned again—hit her head? Didn’t listen to him? She was missing something but before she could even ask, InuYasha was grasping her free hand and squeezing it tightly. “Listen, when I told you to stay hidden, it was only because I knew I could handle that dumb-ass ogre on my own. I should have been paying more attention to you, though. You’re still learning and I—I should have protected you. I’m sorry.”
Kagome shook her head as InuYasha bowed his own. He wanted forgiveness when absolutely nothing he admitted happened to them. Kagome wriggled her hand from InuYasha’s and winced, rubbing her forehead again. “Are you real?” She nearly whispered, tears forming once more. Kagome was used to the dreams—it would be so easy for him to deny it or stumble over his words or maybe just admit that all of this was another fantasy. But when she saw the anxiety accumulating across every aspect of her half-demon’s body, Kagome had a feeling that she really was awake. “It’s just that I—“ she cut herself off. She needed to stand and maybe get fresh air or something. The world quickly spun beneath her feet but InuYasha was there, catching her and he was really there—they were really together. “Oh InuYasha,” she stated, closing her eyes and letting the tears glide past her cheeks.
InuYasha froze the moment she buried her head against his chest, but it didn’t take long for him to wrap his arms around her. “I’m supposed to be the one who’s upset,” he reminded her, hands softly stroking her hair. “You’re really starting to worry me, Kagome.” 
Kagome shook her head, lifting her dewy eyes up with a sense of relief she thought would never materialize.
InuYasha was different than she remembered and yet exactly the same. Just being around him set her at ease and she could feel some of her anxieties fade away. Kagome was safe now, but even as she calmed to sniffles, InuYasha continued running his hand up and down her back, he radiated a peace she hadn’t expected after being apart for an entire year. “How can you be so calm?” 
InuYasha’s brow twitched slightly and he raised a fist, it was almost as if Kagome unintentionally spiked his ire. All she could do was tilt her head to the side. “Because Kaede said that being upset wouldn’t help you relax. She didn’t tell me it would make you worry more,” he ground out. If InuYasha could trade a gentle reaction for an angry one within seconds, Kagome knew absolutely that she was in the Feudal Era again. 
“It’s been such a hard year without you, InuYasha, why on Earth wouldn’t I want you to feel something? Did you even miss me?”
“The hell are you talking about, Kagome?”
Well, it was good to know that InuYasha could still unintentionally spark her ire, too. “My life has been absolutely miserable without you!” She blurted out, pressing an accusatory finger against his chest. “Do you have any idea how difficult things have been for me? And now you’re just standing here like... like you haven’t even thought about me on—“ Kagome groaned, her head glaringly protesting her argument.
InuYasha reached out, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “Kagome, take it easy,” he advised, and she could hear the note of concern in his voice despite how stern it was. She glared up at him. He offered her a crooked smile that quickly faded. “Wait, did you say it’s been a year since the well stopped working?”
“I mean, I think so...” Her temper fled, leaving her feeling sheepish. Maybe her memories were a little off.
InuYasha placed a finger under her chin, tilting her up to look into a storm of amber. “You were gone for three years.”
InuYasha sounded as if the news might break her and it didn’t but Kagome couldn’t hold back a slight gasp. She stepped back from him. “Three...” three whole years—she had to wait two more years to be reunited with InuYasha and her friends here? It didn’t seem plausible. 
“What’s the last thing you remember?” InuYasha asked, picking Kagome up then laying her back down onto the ground. Although he was trying his best to remain calm, she could tell he was upset. 
Kagome swallowed the lump in her throat, reaching her hand out to lay against his thigh. “I just finished my first year of high school,” she confessed. “What happened to me?”
InuYasha rested his hand on her arm. “We were fighting an ogre on the outskirts of the village ‘n it threw you against the ground.”
II Chapter 2 II
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inuyashasforest · 4 years
Light Me A Lantern. Chapter One. [ReWritten.]
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Rating: M Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome Summary:  Picking up the pieces after being separated for three years isn't as easy as it may seem. A quiet, burning kind of chaos sweeps through Feudal Japan, and it's going to take a lot more than a fairy tale ending to put things back together. They defeated a man who would become the Devil. Can they survive a man who would become a God?
It rained that night. Long hours after Inuyasha had pulled her from the Bone Eater’s Well, after the tearful reunions and the years worth of catching up, it started to rain. The clouds came with the evening, rolling down from the mountains and bringing with them a gentle shower. Inside Kaede’s hut, they were dry, warm, and together, and talked away the daylight around the firepit. Truth be told, Inuyasha couldn’t remember a word of what had been said all evening. He had spent every single second of it unable to tear his eyes away from Kagome. Kagome, who was there, sitting beside him, her thigh touching his. Kagome, who he’d last seen tearing away from the embrace of her mother, leaning over the lip of the well and screaming his name. Kagome, here, so vibrant and breathtaking that Inuyasha struggled to convince himself he was not dreaming. Every so often, she had caught his gaze, and her eyes would shine with fresh tears even as she had smiled and squeezed his hand.
The rain had come without any of them noticing. Miroku and Sango could hardly stand to tear themselves away from their friend, half afraid she would disappear by morning. However, the twins were getting tired, and they had wanted to get back to their own home before the rain grew too heavy. With goodbyes nearly as emotional as their first greetings that day, they headed off through the village with sleepy children in tow. Before long, Kaede, Rin, and Shippo had all retired to their beds for the night - though Shippo opted for old time’s sake to sleep soundly in Kagome’s lap. Kagome seemed all too happy to accommodate him.
Leaning against the doorframe, Inuyasha stared out into the night, watching as the downpour blurred the lines of the houses and the fields until it seemed they were all that was left in the world. One little island of warm light in the middle of bleak darkness. The fire burned steadily, its heat radiating at his back. Unable to look away for too long, Inuyasha’s eyes gravitated back toward Kagome. She was kneeling by the hearth still, stoking the woof with an iron rod as Shippo slept curled up in her lap. It was her expression, however, that really drew Inuyasha’s attention; a low pull in her brow, and the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth.
“Cut that out,” Inuyasha said, though even he had the mind to keep his voice down while the others slept.
Kagome blinked up at him. “Hm?”
“Your lip,” he nodded toward her. “Stop biting it, you’re going to make it bleed.”
Realising for the first time that she was actually doing it, Kagome released, pursing her lips as she looked back into the flames. “Sorry,” she shrugged. “It’s a habit.”
“It’s a bad habit.”
“I’m not going to bite through the skin.”
“And how do you know?”
“I think I would notice, Inuyasha.”
Silence. A pause. The both of them broke at the same time, a stare-down dissolving into subdued laughter. The burning wood gave a loud crack as it collapsed, sending the flames stretching higher. Inuyasha shook his head, gaze drifting out the door again. The rain brought with it a cool breeze, a stark contrast to the dry heat inside the hut. “Are you gonna stay the night?”
Continue Reading On Ao3. 
Original on FF.Net
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inuyashamybeloved · 1 month
Sneak peek from “Front Piece” chapter 7.
The following scene is tied (but slightly different in focus) with one that will be portrayed in “Little Pieces”, which is the side fic that will develop the Sota/Kaede relationship. While the scene is the same, in FP the focus will be on Inuyasha and Kagome and their evident feelings for each other (and seen from Kikyo’s pov), while on LP the focus will be on Kaede and her plot to get close to Sota (seen from Kaede’s pov).
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“I think he usually helps when there are tons of visitors, so if he doesn’t show up in a few minutes, I can ask his grandpa to see if he’s home,” Shippo offered while walking with Rin hand in hand.
Kikyo sighed wistfully, glancing at Yura’s hand and itching to hold it.
“Okay,” Kaede replied with a small nod of her head.
The group walked leisurely for a few minutes before Shippo spoke up.
“There’s Sota’s mom,” he said as he began walking toward a middle-aged woman with short hair. “Mrs. Higurashi, hi!”
She turned at the call of her name, smiling brightly when she spotted the fox demon. “Oh, hello, Shippo! How are you?” the woman replied before looking at each of the girls and greeting them.
“I’m fine. Is Sota home? We were visiting and just wanted to say hi,” Shippo explained, scratching the back of his head.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled kindly, patting the boy’s shoulder. “Sota should be out here in a minute, he’s getting his grandfather a cup of tea.”
Seconds later, Sota came into view, carrying a cup and stopping when noticed the group, and his eyes widened when they landed on Kaede. “Shippo? Hi!”
“I’ll take this to your grandfather,” his mother offered, grabbing the cup from his hands and walking toward the elderly man, who was just a few meters away. All the while, the teens exchanged some greetings. Mrs. Higurashi returned soon after and remained next to her son.
Sota turned to his mother, pointing at Kikyo. “Remember I told you we ran into Inuyasha at the mall? This is his wife.”
She mentally winced at the boy’s bluntness but smiled nonetheless. “Pleased to meet you, I’m Kikyo Hidaka, and these are my sister Kaede and my friend Yura.”
It certainly left a bad taste in her mouth to introduce Yura as a mere friend, but it was certainly better than saying ‘maid’ or ‘employee’.
“Pleased to meet you, I’m Kaoru Higurashi,” she introduced herself, and Kikyo didn’t miss the surprise in the older woman’s expression, nor did she miss the faintest trace of sadness in Mrs. Higurashi’s eyes before disappearing completely.
It was a subtle gesture, but it spoke volumes to Kikyo. The woman was evidently sad for Kagome.
Mrs. Higurashi looked around, searching for something—someone—before addressing Kikyo again. “Is he visiting too? I’d love to say ‘hi’. He was such a lovely boy!”
Kikyo smiled at the kind words, shaking her head. “No, Inuyasha is on a business trip, but I’ll tell him to visit you when he returns.”
“Oh, thank you,” Kaoru replied before turning to the elderly man, who was calling out to her, “I’ll go see what he needs. It was a pleasure meeting you all.”
Kikyo watched her go, wishing she could have told Mrs. Higurashi that Inuyasha always spoke so fondly of her after returning from his year abroad. But more than anything, she wished she could have asked about Kagome’s relationship status. Given the woman’s reaction at being introduced to “Inuyasha’s wife”, Kikyo was even more certain that Inuyasha’s feelings weren’t entirely unrequited.
Leaving the teenagers to their own devices, she pulled Yura aside.
“We need to talk.”
She dearly hoped her girlfriend had also noticed what she had seen in Mrs. Higurashi’s eyes.
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Front Piece on Ao3
(Inuyasha/Kagome, Kikyo/Yura).
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If you'd like to be tagged for future teases and when this chapter is posted, shoot me a message.
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ssukidesu · 4 months
Inextricably Knotted (an Inukag + Jane Eyre AU) [Chapter 5]
Summary: Kagome Higurashi was orphaned as a baby and raised by her cruel aunt until the age of ten, after which she went to school and learned the art of service and self-suppression. Now eighteen, Kagome takes a job as the governess of Shippo, the young ward of the great and mysterious Lord Inuyasha Taisho.
But as Kagome gets to know her bemusing master, a ghost seems to haunt his estate, hinting that there is a long-lost secret hiding on the third floor.
(Read on AO3)
tag list: @heynikkiyousofine @xanthippe-writes
Chapter 5: Hot and Cold
The following day, Kagome did not see Mr. Taisho once. He may have been in town for all she knew—or he could have been held up in his office with a rare abundance of work. This did not affect Kagome in the slightest, though when she noticed herself actively looking for him whenever she ventured into the halls, she did feel quite perplexed at the curious preoccupation. In some semblance of self control, Kagome managed to convince herself that it was only out of desire to reobtain her hairpins that made her seek him out. He never did return them, after all, and she had few spares.
But she never got the opportunity to ask for them, and she instead focused even more intently on Shippo’s final lesson, which was geography.
She spun the globe with her finger tips as Shippo watched from her lap, engrossed. 
“Show me where I came from!” he demanded, and Kagome smiled softly at him. 
Her lesson on Africa interrupted, she spun until she found their neighboring continent, and then brought his little finger to point right at his home country. In quiet fascination, he drew his finger from that point all the way to their current home.
“A long way,” he said to himself.
Kagome brought them back to their lesson, which was over not ten minutes after, and then went to the dining room for dinner. She squashed down the hope that he would be there—a hope that would have been disappointed—and felt her thoughts drift back to Shippo’s small digit tracing across aluminum land and ocean. 
It had been a long way. She wondered if Mr. Taisho went himself to fetch the boy, or if he sent someone in his stead. How had that first interaction gone? As cold as he could be sometimes, she imagined her master bringing the infant into his strong arms and holding him close, hushing and feeding him in carriage and on ship. This was perhaps entirely off base—and yet, she couldn’t get the image out of her mind.
Before retiring to her room, Kagome asked Kaede if the house had any paints and paper on hand. A quick errand later, and she was behind her own door with more supplies than she’d ever seen in one place. She shucked off her day clothes and unfastened her simple bun—it was all she could do with her remaining pins—and began sketching a draft.
When her candle finally expired hours later, Kagome nearly collapsed into her bed after setting the page to dry. 
A single stroke of gold paint marred her pale cheek, much more cracking in the creases of her fingers.
There was none of that color left.
Kagome awoke to the sound of laughter. 
It was a demonic sound—deep and grating. She sat up, waiting to see if it would sound again. A few moments of silence passed, and she kicked off the sheets, thinking it must have been a dream. She shuffled over to her vanity, feeling the paint on her hands, and scrubbed them in the basin.
But there was the sound again—a gruff and evil guffaw—and it was closer. She heard steps, slow and creaking, right outside as the creature walked down the hallway and right past her door. Every muscle in her body froze, her knees locking into place as she stood as silently as she could, both to hear movement and to avoid alarming whatever it was that her room was occupied.
It moved along, the steps receding further down the hall. Kagome waited an extra minute to ensure it was far; then, she struck a match and lit a fresh candle in a holder. She pressed her ear to the door in one final test of its proximity, and she turned the knob. 
There was no one outside; nor was there sound of any kind, laughter or otherwise. She turned to the left—to the direction of the other bedrooms on the hall—and would have ended her trek at Kaede’s door, had not the alarming stench of smoke begun to curl into her nose. She continued along down the long hall, a terrible rock in her stomach at the realization that only one bedroom after this point was occupied.
Mr. Taisho’s.
With every step, she grew more convinced of the fire’s location, and once the realization fully waxed, she began to run toward the door she had never once before touched.
The smoke escaped through the crack along the threshold in whirls and wisps. She began by pounding on the wood, but she soon thought that the emergency warranted her uninvited breach. The knob was not locked. She pushed it open, a great cloud of smoke making the room’s contents almost imperceptible. 
With the exception of one thing: a ravenous flame, viciously and mysteriously crimson, its core nearly violet. It consumed the drapes around the bed—which she realized with overwhelming panic was indeed occupied still. 
Her voice lurched from the depths of her throat: “Mr. Taisho!”
No response or movement. She stepped closer, smothering her nose and mouth with the thin cotton of her nightgown’s sleeve. She could see him under the sheets, which had not yet caught flame by some miracle. His persistent unconsciousness was almost certainly due to the smoke. 
“Mr. Taisho, wake up!” she cried again, to no avail. She looked about her and could make out a large wash basin against the wall. She picked it up, lugged it over to the bedside, and dumped it right onto the drapes’ strongest flames.
Some of the water splashed Mr. Taisho, stirring him finally. Some smaller flames still ate at the bed curtains. Her mouth was forming another plea for him to rise, but before she could say it, her master abruptly and wordlessly sprang from his bed. She thought he would go for the curtains, but then he was charging her—Kagome stumbling backward out of instinct—and he shoved her against the wall with a savage grunt, his arm pinning flush beneath her throat and across her clavicle. His free hand braced itself on the wall beside her head, claws digging into the aged wallpaper and splintering the wood beneath.
The smoke and darkness were so thick that they muddled his features, as close as they were now to her face. But what she could see was this: his golden irises were glossed over, still half asleep, and the whites of his eyes were red—whether this was from the smoke or something else, she couldn’t know. His fangs were bared, and angry purple stripes marred his cheekbones. She was petrified, stupefied; but she knew in her heart that his violence was not directed to her. 
“Mr. Taisho?” she whimpered, clutching his white sleeve where it hung loosely off his rigid forearm.
The moment his name left her mouth, recognition cleared his soulless eyes, and he uncurled his lips, all but the tips of his elongated fangs now hidden.
“Kagome?” he asked, his voice so filled with grit that it sounded like an animal’s. He loosened his arm above her chest and took a step back. He put a hand to his face, as if he was on the brink of loosing consciousness again.
“Mr. Taisho, the fire—it will ignite again if we don’t put out the rest of it.”
“Damn—“ he cursed, whipping around to assess the danger. He ran to the bed and tore down the fabric, snuffing out its flames with the water on the hardwood. 
“Careful!” cried Kagome, rushing up behind him. 
But the flame was out, and he appeared unharmed. He turned to her again, the foggy darkness providing little visibility between them. But she could still discern the gold in his irises. She wondered if he could see her with a superior vision; self-conscious, she folded her arms over her chest. The cold water licked at her feet, and a shiver wracked her frame. 
“Kagome,” she heard him say. He came to her side and slipped an arm around her shoulders to guide her to his chair. After she was seated, he circled to her front and knelt to face her at an equal height. “Are you alright? What happened? What did you see?”
The window beside the chair provided enough light for her to see his concern clearly, along with his appearance. The ties of his sleep shirt were loose beneath his neck, and a triangle of olive skin peaked out. His hair was notably smooth—as if sleeping hadn’t tangled it at all—and the first traces of stubble peppered his jaw, as white as the hair on his head. 
She remembered his question. “I’m alright. I woke up because I heard… a strange laugh.” She stopped to swallow and clear her throat, chafed by her shaking voice. “Then, I smelled smoke and followed it here. I saw nothing. But, sir—I think someone has made an attempt on your life.”
“Indeed—it certainly seems so.”
Kagome felt herself choke on the smoke permeating the room. He fumbled to open the window, and after a moment, she regained herself.
“Stay here,” he began. “I must see about the rest of the house.” His hand found hers on the armrest, and he chased her distracted gaze. “Under no circumstances should you leave this room—not until I can be sure it is safe. After I leave, lock the door behind me, and do not open to anyone other than myself.”
Kagome could find no words, the adrenaline in her system jumbling her thoughts. He seemed to notice her befuddlement, and he brought a tender hand to cup the side of her neck. The pad of his thumb traced the column of her throat, the point of his claw a mere tickle. “I’m sorry about earlier, when I arrested you. I mistook you for someone else.”
She nodded her head in forgiveness, eyes unwavering. “I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”
Instead of responding, he stood and approached the chest at the foot of his bed—unharmed, somehow. From it he pulled a red coat. Returning to her, he wrapped it around her small frame. Its warmth spread through her limbs instantly. 
Rising to fulfill his mission, he repeated his charge: “Remember: none but me. Stay here, and stay silent.”
The door clicked behind him, and she rose to secure the lock. The silence that followed was near unbearable; out the window by the chair, nightly sounds of owls and wind proved the only noises. Kagome resumed her seat, Inuyasha’s red coat lying heavily around her frame, and pondered how long he would be gone. When twenty minutes passed, she stopped listening for horrific screams or dramatic crashes and instead tried to pass the time by investigating her surroundings. The coat itself was her first victim; she could not discern its fabric or follow its stitching—all was foreign to her. It was odd how heavy and warm it was despite its thinness.
The bookshelf beside her was her next locus of scrutiny. Most of the books there regarded various sciences—alchemy, psychology, pharmacology, and so on. A couple of them had bookmarks stabbed into their middles, but the dust atop them told her it had likely been years since he’d touched any of them.
Once nearly forty five minutes passed, Kagome felt lethargy fill her limbs as her adrenaline waned. She slid down to a semi-lounging position and pulled the red coat up to her chin like a blanket. 
Her heavy eyelids regained their strength at the sound of a knock. His voice confirmed her hopes: “I’ve returned. Let me in.”
She did as she was told. When she met him at the threshold, his ragged face spoke of exhaustion. 
“Did you find the assailant?”
“It has all been dealt with. None of us are in danger,” he assured as he walked past her to enter the room.
“How can that be? Has someone been found out and thwarted?”
He turned his back to her and braced a hand on his fireplace’s mantle. “I cannot speak details to you—and please do not push for the reasons—but I can and will assure you that this will not be happening again. We are safe.”
“But, sir—“
“Enough,” he barked, turning his head to shoot her a warning glare. 
Swallowing, she rose and shed the cloak, draping it over the chair. “Well then, I’ll return to my quarters.”
“Wait—“ he exclaimed—ever changeful, he was—nearly leaping from his place to take hold of her hand and halt her steps. Upon his grasp, she noticed something on his forearm.
“Mr. Taisho, you’ve been burned,” she began, lifting his limb closer for her inspection. She started to pull fabric from flesh at the small spot, but halted for fear of hurting him.
He looked surprised at his own injury, having not noticed for the shock, she supposed. He stared at the burn for a long moment, and then lifted his marred skin to his nose. He sniffed it, and a mysterious look of knowing anger twisted his face. “Don’t mind it. It will heal in time.”
Kagome bit her lip in worry. “I suppose you do heal rather fast. But is there anything I can do to help it along?”
His expression melted then; his lips turned up into a soft smile, and his eyes emitted amusement. “You’ve already saved me once tonight; that is enough.” He took a breath and regained his serious composure, meeting her eyes. “How can I repay you? A philter of mermaid tears? A banshee’s claw?”
Kagome’s grin was sheepish, her eyes darting between different members of his face and the room’s various furnishings behind him. “You owe me nothing. I only did what was right.”
Mr. Taisho, expression inscrutable, sluggishly tugged her hand until their chests were nearly flush, knocking the breath from her lungs and tossing her heart into a gallop. He looked down intensely at her face. “I insist. The thought of giving you nothing in return makes me furious. I can’t help but want to please you—I admit that I felt so even before tonight’s incident. I knew when I first met you that…” he anxiously clenched his jaw, then continued, “…that you would do me good in some way. I felt it.” He brought her hand to his chest.
“Mr. Taisho—“
“Inuyasha, please. At least when we’re alone.”
Kagome blanched, then blushed. “Sir, I couldn’t—“
“I beg you. After doing me so great a service, it feels wrong hearing you call me by so distant a term, one that I’ve shared with men who would not deserve to have their names uttered by so sweet a voice.” He brought up his free hand and brushed his fingers along her jaw. “Name your desire, and I’ll fulfill it.”
She thought it strange that he should command her to refer to him as an equal—but she knew that his domineering tone was more a result of habit than intent. She was starting to understand him more clearly as a man frustrated by conventionalities, and his fits of brazenness were, to him, rebellions against them rather than advantages of them. 
If Kagome wasn’t careful, she would lose herself in his eyes. A voice in her mind was yelling to run away—not for physical danger, but for some other ethereal risk. She was teetering on the edge of something; she wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but she suspected it had something to do with his hands, one on her face and one clutching hers, and his eyes, which were hungrily observing her lips.
Her voice found its strength. “All I ask is to return to my room.” She tried to take a step back from him, but while his fingers left her jaw, he retained her hand.
“So you will go?”
“I’m cold, sir,” she observed, then bashfully corrected, “Inuyasha.”
Her voice seemed to bring a physical reaction; his lids drooped, his nostrils flared, and his grip tightened. “Cold?” he echoed, his voice not far from a growl.
Kagome nodded.
He looked down at her skirt, the bottom of which was drenched. Her pale and pruning feet were visible beneath.
His trance was broken. “Cold—yes, and still dripping wet. Go, then: change your gown, and grip from the night whatever rest it has remaining to offer.”
“Only release my hand, and I’ll do so.”
His thumb traced the skin of her knuckles, his eyes pleading with her for something she could not decipher, and purportedly could not deliver; he let go. Kagome took two backward steps before turning from him. Her fingers reached for the knob, and his voice pierced the silence once more.
“Kagome?” he ventured with a suddenly playful lilt.
Kagome sucked in a breath. Turning, she quavered, “Yes?”
A smile. “You have paint on your cheek.”
Eyes widening, Kagome whipped herself around and twisted the knob with an anxious yank. “Goodnight, sir.”
She shut the door before he could answer.
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clearwillow · 4 years
Mating Fever: Cuddle Puppy
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This one takes place sometime in the beginning of chapter 6. Just a bit of filler after they get the jewel shard and before Kagome goes back through the well. You can read the Mating Fever here if you haven’t yet.
Kaede didn’t ask questions when the group returned to the village. It wasn’t hard to figure out that things hadn’t gone well between the aggravated looks, Kagome’s change of clothes, and the absence of Sango, Shippo, and Kirara. She shook her head and continued with her work. If they had bothered to ask her advice, she would have suggested not getting on the road, but hindsight was pointless now.
Kagome had retreated to their borrowed hut, preparing the fire pit for another night of instant noodles. Miroku went to collect water, needed to get away from the constant bitching he’d had to listen to all the way back. Inuyasha had left as well, mumbling about getting some meat because the ramen wouldn’t be enough. She had a feeling it was an excuse to maim something with purpose, but she wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. As it was, she wasn’t particularly happy either, having had to wash youkai guts off in the nearest spring with no privacy and wear a spare sundress back. The uniform had been wrung out and stuffed in a mesh bag that she’d used to collect fish, so on top of the acrid smell of bile and other unmentionable scents, her school clothes smelled of fish. Once she had the fire prepared she removed the wet clothes from the bag and hung them up inside the hut to dry. She’d still have to take them home and pray the washing machine could get them clean, but it’d be better than having them mildew.
Throughout her tasks she hadn’t said a word to either the youkai or human forms of Inuyasha, who sat on opposite sides of the fire pit. Human Inuyasha didn’t dare comment, knowing that she was unhappy, and as much as he wanted to fix it, he wasn’t the one who had fucked up. The youkai on the other hand, knew full well that he was to blame. His first mistake had been to tell her not to fight. His second had been following her into the spring. He’d had the best intentions of course, to help his mate get the gunk out of her hair. She hadn’t seen it that way.
Miroku stopped by with the containers of water. “I’ve been called to lend a hand,” he said, passing the water to Human Inuyasha. “I’ll be back in time for dinner.” Then he bolted.
Kagome snorted, taking a seat by the fire.
“You seem disbelieving, Ka-go-me.” Youkai Inuyasha drew her name out, unable to hide the grin at her reaction. She’d deny it, but he knew even without using his nose that the shiver that came over her when he said her name like that meant she liked it.
“Given what happened earlier, can you blame him for not wanting to be here right now?”
Human Inuyasha looked up from stoking the fire. Her tone spoke volumes. “Do you wish to return to your time tonight?” It would suck not having her there, but if she wished it he’d walk her to the well right then and deal with the hanyou when he returned.
“No…I still need to figure out how I’m going to explain to Mama what happened. It’s not like she’s expecting me back tonight or anything.” She huffed, crossing her arms. “How am I even supposed to tell her when I don’t even know what really happened!”
Human Inuyasha didn’t have an answer for that. He looked over the fire at the youkai to see if he had any input on the matter, and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. ‘That idiot is going to get himself sat through the floor of the hut,’ he thought as he watched the youkai crawl across the floor and lay his head in Kagome’s lap. He was too focused on watching the shitshow that was about to go down to acknowledge that the hanyou had stepped into the hut with meat for their dinner.
“The fuck is going on here?!”
Kagome was just as surprised as Inuyasha sounded, but she couldn’t look away from the seemingly innocent looking red eyes that stared up at her. “What-“
“Is this alright, Ka-go-me?” He drew her name out in a purr again, hoping to get her permission. He knew that the human had gotten the opportunity long ago to lay his head here, and he’d been jealous. Not that he’d admit to being jealous of the human; after all it had been his dumbass that had gotten poisoned in the first place.
She swallowed, looking down at Youkai Inuyasha. She couldn’t really use the beads in this instance without doing damage to herself, and Inuyasha didn’t do anything to warrant being sat. ‘I guess it’s not hurting anything,’ she thought. “On one condition,” she said softly. “That I can rub your ears.”
Human Inuyasha looked up at the hanyou with raised brows. Inuyasha could only look on in horror as his youkai side grinned widely.
“You can touch me however you want, Ka-go-me.”
Inuyasha sputtered at the words as he dropped the meat into the pot to cook, nearly missing it entirely. Kagome let out a small laugh and he looked up to see her tentatively reach out and brush her fingers across the youkai’s ears. He’d never understand her fascination with his ears, but it looked like the youkai had pleased her with his answer. She continued to rub the soft flesh between her fingers, and he lay still in her lap, watching her with something Inuyasha didn’t want to think about.
It was adoration. The youkai watched Kagome like she was the only thing in the world that mattered.
His human side continued to watch the food since Kagome was indisposed at the moment. He’d seen her fix the ramen enough times to know when to add the water to the cups. It was when he got up to get some rice to have with the meat that he heard Kagome giggle louder. Human Inuyasha looked over and felt relief at seeing Kagome’s irritation from earlier melting away. The youkai continued to snuggle in her lap, a few times making her squeak in surprise, but she never made him move.
“You’re just a big cuddle puppy aren’t you?” she laughed as he shifted again.
Human Inuyasha snorted in laughter, not so much at Kagome’s words, but at the look on the hanyou’s face. He’d gone an interesting shade of red and couldn’t form a simple sentence. Maybe things wouldn’t be so bad while they figured things out.
“I’m your cuddle puppy, mate.”
“Stop saying that to her!”
“Inuyasha, he didn’t mean anything by it-“
“On the contrary, I meant every word. It’s not my fault you have a stick in your ass, hanyou.”
Then again…as long as he steered clear of the line of fire, perhaps he’d be entertained. At least the beads had no effect on him.
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 years
Inukag Week Day 3
Okay guys, this is my first try at InuKag week, as I’ve always loved it each year before. Enjoy my story for Day 3: Promise! @inukag-week
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/31995838"><strong>InuKag Week 2021 Day 3 Promise</strong></a> (5135 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/heynikkiyousofine"><strong>heynikkiyousofine</strong></a><br />Chapters: 1/1<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/InuYasha%20-%20A%20Feudal%20Fairy%20Tale">InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Higurashi Kagome/InuYasha<br />Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Higurashi Kagome, Kaede (InuYasha), Miroku (InuYasha), Sango (InuYasha)<br />Additional Tags: InuKag Week 2021<br />Summary: <p>Inukag work for Day 3, hope you enjoy!</p>
Inuyasha sat high in the tree, eyes closed, relaxing against the trunk, his ears flickering every few seconds, listening to the encouraging words of the monk below. He knew his Kagome could do it, she just had to believe it herself. They had been traveling for almost three seasons now and she grew more powerful every time they went into battle. As much as he hated to admit it, these sessions with Miroku were helping her access and channel her spiritual powers every time she faced a new danger. He would still protect her with his life no matter what, he promised himself that.
“Kagome, try one more time. Close your eyes, focus on expanding your barrier to cover both of us. Deep breaths.” Miroku spoke softly, as if he was any louder, he might discourage her.
“Okay, I can do this.” She said to herself, knowing one and/or both men were listening and watching. She felt that spark of power, the pure warmth expanding from her soul, brushing softly against her skin and covering her entire body. She could feel her skin buzzing with barrier slowly being pushed out from her body, as if it wanted to protect the precious things inside.
“Great, take a breath again, deep breath in, and when you exhale, push the barrier farther. You’re doing great.”
Sweat starting to form on her brow, she did her best to breath normally and push her barrier out. Kagome heard Miroku’s gasp and quickly opened her eyes. Around her, him, the tree where Inuyasha sat and a few more, were enveloped in her barrier. She squealed and laughed, catching her gaze with Inuyasha, who smiled slightly in return. “That’s my girl.” Inuyasha thought, knowing he could never actually tell her to her face without facing the teasing of Miroku or the knowing smile from Sango. Hearing Kagome gasp like she was in pain, he was instantly jumping from the tree to her side.
“Kagome!” Both men shouted.
Falling to her knees, with Miroku on her right, catching her arm, Inuyasha, right in front crouching, holding her left hand, Kagome was breathing extremely fast, her heart pounding, feeling like she had ran for hours. “I think I might have overdone it.” She admitted sheepishly, cheeks rapidly flushing, realizing Inuyasha was holding her hand.
“While you did a great job Kagome, I think it might be time to rest for the evening and we can continue training in a day or so, after some rest. We are only about a day’s walk back to Kaede’s home as well. I understand you need to restock on supplies.” Miroku spoke reassuringly.
While nodding her head, Kagome turned her eyes toward Inuyasha’s and softly smiled. Grunting, he spoke. “Miroku’s right. You can get some rest. You shouldn’t over do it.” Slightly scolding her, while also being gentle, he helped her up to her feet, hiding the fear in his eyes as an unwelcoming thought came about.
“I’m okay. Let’s go get dinner started. I’m sure Sango is waiting for us.” Kagome sighed.
As they headed back to their make shift camp for the night, the spot becoming more common to stop at when they traveled, Kagome couldn’t help but feel suddenly exhausted, like all her energy was being drained for her. Tripping over her feet, she felt clawed hands catch her upper shoulders and suddenly swing her arms up around his neck, so she was on his back. Smiling softly, she laid her head on his shoulders and whispered a thanks. Feeling his hands tighten around her legs, she knew he heard her.
Miroku spoke up suddenly, “Do you feel that?” Turning to his left, then his right, past the couple, he felt like his energy was trying to be drained from him, towards an evil aura. Inuyasha looked at him questionably, stopping as well, with Kagome lifting her head to look at him as well. The feeling vanished suddenly, as if it was caught doing something it shouldn’t, and Miroku shook his head, sighing softly, “Never mind, I thought I felt an evil presence.”
“That line only works in a village, when you just so happen to spot a well off house, Monk.” Inuyasha scoffed. “Let’s go, I want ramen and I don’t want Shippo to think he can have mine.”
Later that evening, after dinner was cleaned up, everyone got settled into their sleeping arrangements, Sango eyeballing Miroku, making sure there was plenty of space between them, Kagome felt even more exhausted and sore, wondering if she had pushed herself too hard today. “I think I’m going to refill my water and stretch my legs,” getting up and gathering her bow and arrows. Standing up as well, Inuyasha stated, “I’m coming with you.”
“I’m okay, the stream is right there. I’ve got my weapon just in case.”
“I’m still coming with you.” He replied gruffly, walking closer, “I have to ask you something.” He added softly.
Smiling brightly, she nodded her head and turned toward the stream with her empty bottle. Miroku and Sango watched them leave, exchanging questioning looks. As they walked quietly over, kneeling down, she felt him sit down beside her. After filling it, she screwed the cap on her bottle, Kagome looked up at the sky, it’s stars shining so brightly, smiling at how the stars just never seem to be as bright in her time.
Turning her head, she locked eyes with Inuyasha, gasping softly, she saw so many emotions come across his face. He never seemed to be this troubled or want to talk. “Yes?”
“Can you promise me something? And in return, I will promise you something?”
“Of course, what is it? What is troubling you so much?” Using her right hand, she took ahold of his.
A slight blush forming on his cheeks, he swallowed quickly, knowing if he didn’t spit the words out, he wouldn’t ever and he needed to know this. “First, will you promise to be more careful with your powers? I know today, you made progress, but you, uh, worried me there for a second. I mean, I knew you would be fine, but I couldn’t but help, uh, but think if there was danger around, someone could actually hurt you. Not that I would let them. Uh, I mean, my promise is-“
“Inuyasha.” Without realizing he was looking at their hands, he lifted his head to clash his golden eyes to the brightest, blue eyes, that you could get lost in. Kagome, smiling and softly spoke, “You’re rambling. Take a breath. Start over for me.”
Feeling much more calm than before, he squeezed her hand in a silent thank you, began to speak again. “Kagome, you are getting stronger. You can fight really well. I just want, no, I need you to promise me, that you won’t over do it, and end up hurting yourself again. That you will, uh, let me protect you.”
With a matching blush, Kagome nodded, “Oh Inuyasha, I promise. I want to stay by your side.”
“I will protect you with my life, Kagome. I promise you that.”
“Can I ask you something, Inuyasha?”
Nodding in agreement, he squeezed her hand again, in encouragement, noticing her sudden nervousness.
“After everything is said and done with Naraku, will you let me stay by your side?”
“I mean, of course, I know you have other obligations and such, but you and Shippo, Sango, Miroku and Kaede have become so much more than friends to me and-“ she rambled on, eyes shutting tight, feeling insecure, like she said the wrong thing, letting her thoughts get away with her.
Opening her eyes, she saw the one thing she never thought to see reflected back in his eyes, love. “Kagome, I want us to stay together. If you want, I, uh, want to build us a hut. I want you to stay by my side.”
Laughing, Kagome jumped into his arms, giving him the tightest hug she could imagine, tears forming in her eyes. Burying her face in his fire rat, feeling his arms wrap around her, she nodded and enthusiastically repeated yes, over and over.
Chucking, Inuyasha, squeezed her, with a smile on his face. “Okay, now that that is settled, let’s get some rest, so we can make it back to your time tomorrow evening. You talked about another one of your exam demons you have to fight. We can talk more later.”
Giggling softly, she agreed and they headed back to camp, not even realizing their friends were laying, smiling, having heard most of the conversation.
The next morning, after breakfast and packing up their stuff, they began to travel back toward the village. Inuyasha up front, with Shippo on his shoulder, babbling on about the latest toy he couldn’t wait to play with, Miroku nodding along, beside him. A few paces back, Kagome and Sango followed with Kiara in Sango’s arms, napping slightly.
“You look fairly happy this morning Kagome.”
“I am. Inuyasha and I had a talk last night that cleared some things up, made a promise to each other. My heart just seems really happy today.” Kagome responded, a smile forming on her face.
Sango laughed and hugged, causing both girls to laugh louder, making the men up front, turn around and stare at them with questionable looks.
“It’s nothing guys! Kagome and I are having girl talk.”
Hearing them mumble and turn back around, Kagome sighed happily. She wondered if when she went home, she could go get a few extra things for the group, just because. Before she could think any further, she felt a wave of foreboding wash over her, causing her to stop and turn around, expecting to find something behind her. It was a like a pull towards the campsite they were at the previous night.
“What is it?” Sango asked stepping up beside her, stroking Kiara’s fur.
“I don’t know, it’s this weird pull, like something is calling me.”
“Come on! We haven’t got all day!” Inuyasha yelled at them from a little ways in front, the men not stopping to realize the girls felt something. As soon as Kagome turned to tell him what she was feeling, it disappeared, as if being caught, like a child sneaking a cookie before dinner. “It’s gone” she whispered to Sango, shrugging.
“If it comes back, we’ll check it out. Let’s get back to Kaede.” Nodding in agreement, they jogged to hurry up with the boys.
As dusk neared, they came walking towards Kaede’s hut, seeing her pull her door mat aside, welcome them. “Hello ye! I was wondering if ye all were arriving back soon. Come inside, I have just finished a pot of stew.” Thanking her as they walked inside, Inuyasha giving a nod in thanks for once, Kagome felt a light breeze, and slightly shivered, thinking about the weird feeling from earlier. Brushing it off, thinking it as nerves for her upcoming test she had been trying to study for at lunch, she followed everyone inside.
Once dinner was finished, everyone sat around the fire, speaking of the few demons they had slain, gaining two more jewel shards recently. Kaede asked about Naraku and of any whereabout, they told her that hadn’t seen or heard any hide of him since Mount Hakurei collapsed, that they came back to stock up on supplies, and hopefully go on another search in a few days, after Kagome returned. Shippo and Kiara curled softly near the fire, Shippo snoring softly.
The uneasy feeling from before washed over Kagome again, gasping looked toward the door.
“Something doesn’t feel right.” Miroku spoke and catching everyone’s attention.
“Kagome, are you feeling that weird sensation from earlier again?” Sango asked, touching her shoulder softly, nothing Kagome looked a little pale.
“What feeling? Why didn’t you say anything Kagome? What’s going on?” Inuyasha asked, voice growing louder and louder, staring Kiara and Shippo awake.
Before she could respond, Miroku started to speak, “Kagome, is this feeling, like something that is pulling at you, pulling at your soul in a direction, also a feeling of something bad and uneasy?”
Nodding, Kagome agreed quietly, “it started this morning, but I haven’t felt it since before lunch.”
“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?” Inuyasha asked again, crouching next to Kagome, trying to catch her eyes.
Looking down, feeling suddenly tired, Kagome started to speak, when everyone gasped around her. She looked up at their faces, she saw expressions of seriousness, confusions and astonishment. Seeing her hands out of the corner of her eyes, she realized she was glowing! What was going on?
“What the fuck?” Inuyasha angrily asked, getting to his feet turning towards the door quickly. “Something is coming.”
Jumping up, Miroku and Kaede applied sutras to the door panels, casting a barrier around the hut. Kagome immediately stopped glowing, feeling a little bit more energized, take a deep breath.
“Child, I think somebody is trying to steal your soul.” Kaede stated.
“Could it be Kikyo?” Sango asked quietly, gathering Kagome’s trembling hands in hers, knowing she needed to get ready for a battle.
Hearing Inuyasha growl loudly, swearing under his breath, Kaede shushed him and turned to the young ladies, both with frightened looks on their face. “No, I cannot feel her presence here. This is a far more pronounced evil, someone who has taken many souls.”
“I felt this feeling yesterday, but I think because I am more experienced in my spiritual powers, they couldn’t take mine. Kagome, I think, whoever it is, is after your powers and your pure soul.”
Feeling like she was about to faint, face going pale, she felt a clawed hand on her shoulder. Turning slowly, she locked eyes with hard, determine gold ones, hearing the words from his mouth, “I promised to protect you with my life.” Nodding in agreement, she closed her eyes and took a deep breathe, trying to steady herself again.
Feeling soft paws other outstretched legs, she opened her eyes to see Shippo looking at her with a worrisome expression, “Are you alright Gome?”
“Yes, Shippo, I’m okay. So what do we do now? I can’t stay in this hut forever.” Kagome asked out loud.
Before anyone could respond a loud, shrill scream came from outside, causing everyone to stop and stare at the sutra covered doorway.
“Stay here.” Inuyasha walked towards the door, turning around, “I’ll check it out.”
“Wait, Inuyasha, if you-“ Miroku started to yell. As Inuyasha stepped through the door, the barrier around the hut shattered down, making the whole hut shake. “Inuyasha! You just dispelled the barrier, now anything can come and go!”
“How was I supposed to know that?!”
Hearing a feminine laughter outside, everyone grabbed their weapons and fled the hut. Rushing outside, they saw a village woman weeping over a body, that looked devoid of a soul and a witch standing a few feet away, glowing in the same light color Kagome had been in previously. This witch was tall, with long, pin straight, black hair, and black eyes that reminded Kagome of the darkest clouds during a thunderstorm.
“Ah, finally, that delectable soul has come out to play. I was wondering when I would get to see the face of the purest soul I have ever tasted.” The witch, in a purple garment, with elegant red beading, spoke arrogantly.
“Who the fuck are you?” Inuyasha growled loudly, pushing Kagome behind him. He didn’t like this woman or that she made his Kagome sacred.
“Well, if I must tell you, before I take all of your souls, my name is Ahmya”
“Black rain.” Miroku whispered.
“You are correct, Monk. I cursed my mother for giving me the name, she never wanted me. Her angry soul tasted divine I tell you.”
“So, that’s why you’re after our souls? Because you have mommy issues? Grow the fuck up.” Inuyasha yelled, pulling out his tessaiga and pointing it towards the woman.
Beginning to walk around the weeping villager, Ahmya began to tell her story, “Oh, my dear sweet, I have gotten over my mommy issues as you say. I walk the countryside, devouring ugly souls for my own benefit. It hasn’t been until the last few decades or so that I have come to know pure souls taste better and give me longer strength and beauty.”
“So, you made a deal with a demon then? For beauty? Well, I can tell you it didn’t work.” Inuyasha smugly responded.
Laughing like it was the funniest thing she ever heard, “I can see why her soul yearns for yours. You are charming hanyou.”
Gasping softly, Kagome began to see blurs of faces, children’s cries, souls being pulled from their bodies toward this woman. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she tried to put into words what she was seeing, her heart breaking. “What did you do to her?! Kagome?!” Inuyasha yelled, smelling her tears, turned around to face her, shocked by what he was seeing. Kagome’s hands were glowing pink, cupped together, eyes glazed over, tears flowing down her cheeks, mumbling soft words.
“Miroku, Sango, watch over everyone, I’m going to rip this witch to shreds.”
“You took their souls.” Kagome spoke softly, just loud enough for Sango to step up and ask, “What was that Kagome?”
Smiling, Ahmya started laughing. “This girl has so much power, beyond any I have ever seen in my years, with the purest soul. I tried to taste more of her this morning, but she is strong. She caught what I was doing before I got far. I, however, did get to look inside her soul, that she yearns to protect you hanyou, like you protect her. That she cares for all you others more than anything. How much she loves her beloved hanyou. She is correct, some of the purest souls have been children. They tasted so sweet, I can still hear their cries as I cradled them into their death.”
“You took so many souls. Children, old folks, babies from wombs, children from their mother’s hands, whole demon families wiped out from you, How could you?!” Kagome began, her voice growing louder, til she was almost yelling, her body beginning to glow all over and bright pink color.
“Kagome, you’re going to push yourself too hard again, take a breath.” Miroku spoke softly, trying to calm her down, stepping closer.
“I’m going to kill you. I’m going to make you pay for killing all those people and for hurting Kagome.” Inuyasha swore, raising his sword up high, while Kaede rushed to the weeping woman, and erected a barrier to protect them, knowing Inuyasha’s power. Miroku stepped in front of Sango and Kagome, while Shippo tried to help Kagome take deep breaths on her shoulder.
Before Inuyasha could swing his sword. he froze, grunting in pain. “What the hell?”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted, taking step towards him.
“Stop. I’m okay, I think” he responded, feeling faint. As Inuyasha’s body started to glow white, he suddenly dropped to his knees, a vacant look crossing his face.
“I’ll start with his soul first. The yearning to protect you makes his soul quite delicious.” Ahmya licked her lips, brought her hands together, holding a mirror, chanting a soft spell, making it glow the same pale color Inuyasha was glowing in. Within the next second, an arrow surrounded in pink flew through the air, towards the mirror, causing it to fall from her hands. Eyes flashing in annoyance, Ahmya turned towards to woman who fired.
Kagome, breathing hard, readied another arrow, “Leave him alone.”
Falling to the ground, breathing shallow, Inuyasha groaned, looking up. Sango ran to this side and helped him, gathering him to his feet. Miroku started to chant, pulling his staff in front of him, creating a barrier around the gang, while Kaede still watched from afar, wearily, with the weeping woman.
“You wretched child. I will have his soul, and yours when I am done pulling his from his body.” Ahyma screeched.
Getting to his feet, Inuyasha yelled, getting ready to release the Wind Scar, Miroku stopped him. “If you release that in here, then we all die. If you step out of that barrier, she will steal your soul. You will lose yourself to your demon side, trying to survive, or you will die!”
“Inuyasha please, we’ll figure this out!” Sango pleaded. She knew this battle would be like none other fought before. Gathering Shippo setting him atop Kiara beside her, she braced herself beside Inuyasha, Hiraikotsu in position.
“Look! She’s chanting again.” Cried Shippo.
Turning around, Inuyasha stepped towards Kagome, only to hear words like a piercing scream, causing his head to pound. Pushing his ears towards his head, he saw Kagome with her hands over her ears, eyes shut tight, everyone else around with the same pained looks. Within seconds, the barrier Miroku tried to keep up, shattered, and the screaming stopped.
“Kagome! Are you okay?” Inuyasha cried.
Nodding slightly, Kagome opened her eyes to see the witch staring straight at her with a smug smile, holding the mirror in her hands once again. As Inuyasha started taking a step towards her, she felt herself becoming angry. Taking a deep, she felt her power spread from her hands, across her body and pushed out, erecting a barrier around everyone, including Kaede and the two villagers, leaving herself outside. She knew what she needed to do.
“Dammit! Kagome! What the fuck are you doing?! Kagome!!!” Inuyasha yelled from inside, beating on the walls with his fists.
“Inuyasha, I’ve got this. I can protect you. If you leave that barrier, she will take your soul.”
“You promised me Kagome! You promised me you wouldn’t over do it. You promised me you would let me protect you!”
Tears beginning to form in eyes, she wiped her cheeks and focused on her breathing, to keep her barrier steady as Inuyasha pounded against it repeatedly. Hearing the other’s voices of concerns, along with Inuyasha’s yelling, she realized Ahmya started to chant again. Knocking an arrow, she whispered “Hit the mark!” And aimed towards to glowing mirror.
Shooting off, the arrow struck in the middle and caused the mirror to shatter into tiny pieces. Small white orbs began to float around them, looking like a million little stars. Smiling, she was about to knock another arrow to take care of the witch, she began to feel the faint feeling again and saw she glowing a light white light. Falling to her knees, she gasped and the witch began to laugh, while the orbs of light floated away.
“You may have destroyed my mirror, which houses the souls that I have yet to devour, but I still can take yours.”
Kagome could hear Inuyasha getting louder, yelling and pounding, crying out her name desperately. “If I can get one more arrow in her, I can save them.” She thought bitterly to herself. Using the last of her strength, she pulled an arrow back, stringing the bow tightly. Before she could release, the bow snapped in two. Gasping in shock, she felt the last of her strength leave her, causing Kagome to fall to the ground, face first.
“NO! KAGOME! WHAT DID YOU DO BITCH? KAGOME! KAGGOMMMEEEEE!!!!” Inuyasha screamed, purple markings beginning to appear across his cheek bones, Sango had tears rolling down her cheeks, holding a wailing Shippo. Miroku began to say a prayer to let her soul find its peace in nirvana, when he noticed the barrier did not fall.
“Look,” he began, “the barrier is still up. She’s still there.” Sango, hearing this, quieted a sniffling Shippo, looking towards the girl on the ground, who lay lifeless still.
“Inuyasha, stop. Ye need to look.” Kaede began to stand, speaking directly at the angry and hurt hanyou.
“Old hag, don’t stop me. I’m going to kill that evil bitch and get her soul back.” He seethed, fangs growing, piercing his lip.
“Inuyasha. Look.” She repeated.
Turning he looked at Ahmya, seeing confusion and frustration wash across her features, wrinkles beginning to appear across her forehead. “What the…” he whispered, whipping his head to Kagome, who was glowing a bright pink.
Opening her eyes, Kagome knew she wasn’t in heaven or hell. She felt the dirt beneath her face, the soft grass on her skin. She couldn’t hear her friend’s voices. Everything seemed to be pounding in her head, she began to get up on her knees, noticing she was glowing pink, her strength returning slowly. Looking up, she saw Ahmya struggling to keep up her chant, aging beyond her years, and turned to her right to see everyone staring at her with wonder, behind her still standing, fully erect barrier. Turning in confusion, she locked eyes with Miroku, who nodded. She knew what to do next.
Determined, she began to stand, following the struggling sounds of the witch, turned her gaze towards her. Ahmya realized that she was failing. Quickly changing to another spell, deciding she could weave one to bind the girl and take her away, so she could get her soul later at her home. Suddenly, she saw the girl glow brighter, she began her spell, creating a glow around herself the color of dark purple, similar to her clothing. Shielding their eyes, everyone in the barrier braced for the unknown, Inuyasha glancing uneasily, between Kagome and Ahyma, hands on tessaiga, ready to go once the barrier was down. Sango and Miroku steadied their weapons, Kaede getting an arrow ready to shoot.
Kagome knew in this instant, if she didn’t stop this witch, she would steal more souls and never stop, taking the purest from the world. Taking a deep breath, she loudly exclaimed, her body glowing brighter, “You will never take a soul ever again.” Using all her strength and power, she readied herself to send it towards the witch. Creating a bow and arrow, whispered “How the mark.” As an arrow made from pure purification energy soared through the air, Ahyma screamed, stopping her spell and turn to try and run. Before she could take a step, the arrow plunged straight through her heart, everything exploding around her.
As the brightness died down, Ahyma dropped her knees wailing, looking at her reflection in the pieces of the broken mirror, seeing an old woman, barely hanging on to life. “You, you child! How could a child do this to me?! I will have your power! I will have ever lasting life!” Screaming, she pulled a knife from her sleeve, not noticing Kagome brought the barrier down a few seconds before.
Inuyasha jumped infant on Kagome, preventing Ahyma from harming her, and swung. “Wind Scar!” Howling in pain, Ahyma disintegrated to ash. All was quiet for about 30 seconds, before Inuyasha turned around towards Kagome with the most irate look on his face.
“Inuyasha.” Miroku spoke softly, coming up beside him, Sango following quickly with Shippo. “Wait.”
Before Inuyasha could say anything, he look at Kagome and froze. Kagome was still as can be, arms hanging beside her, body swirling in pink and white glowing colors, eyes glazed over with a blank face, covered in a barrier.
“I think ye need to take a step back everyone. She is trying to reclaim her soul and calm herself. Give her a minute.” Kaede spoke, helping the gentleman and his still crying wife up, encouraging them to go home, that they were fine and she would check on the tomorrow. “Kagome is very powerful, she realized herself tonight and her soul is attempting to recognize all of it and what she has done. Unconsciously she thinks she is still in danger and is protecting herself.”
“She won’t hurt me.” Stepping closer, Inuyasha spoke softly, “Kagome, it’s me. You are safe now. The witch is dead. I’ve got you.” He reached for her hand, and as he intertwined their fingers, her felt her take a deep breathe and eyes clearing the beautiful blue he had come to love.
The first thing she saw in his eyes was anger, followed by fear, and absolutely awe. Smiling softly, she called his name and took a step towards him, incasing him in her barrier. Once fully inside, the two of them just stood there looking at each other, neither of them speaking just yet.
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you okay?”
Both realizing they spoke at the same time, they blushed and laughed breathlessly.
“You were reckless. How could you Kagome?! You promised me and then went and broke every promise you made to me! I thought you died. Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry, it wasn’t until she started to take your soul that I realized what I needed to do. I’m okay, I promise.” Kagome softly said, tears forming in her soft, blue eyes. Feeling two hands cuff her cheeks and thumbs wiping away the tears, she brought her hands to cover his.
“You can’t make promises and then break them. I can’t lose you Kagome. Promise me you won’t do that again. You have to swear. You told me you wanted to stay by my side. I need you, haven’t you figured that out by now, Kagome?”
“I swear, I promise. I won’t leave your side again.”
“You better. I’m holding you to that promise.” Inuyasha quickly kissed her forehead, making them both blush softly. “I think you had better let the barrier down, so the others can see that you’re okay. Sango looks like she’s about to kick my ass if I don’t let you go soon.”
Laughing in agreement, Kagome closed her eyes and released a deep breath, bringing down her barrier. Feeling multiple arms around her, she laughed louder, smiling, as everyone began to talk while hugging her.
“Child, ye scared a few years off my life.”

 “Kagome, are you okay? Don’t scare me like that sister.”
“Kagome, job well down. Next time, let me know when you decide to do something that powerful. I can see our lessons are working!”
“You’re okay! I was so worried about Gome! You were such a badass!”
“Shippo!” Kagome exclaimed, “Language!”
“Kagome, ye were wonderful, ye are growing stronger all the time.” Kaede began.
“She doesn’t have to do that all the time! She promised me she would be more careful.”
“Inuyasha, move over, I want to hug her.”
“Alright slayer, but I’m staying right next to her. Monk, don’t touch me.”
“It’s the curse, not me!”
“Gome! You should purify Miroku!” Shippo snickered, everyone laughing along.
“It’s the hand, I swear! I always get blamed.” Miroku exclaimed shaking his head. Kagome laughed, shaking her head at their antics, thinking of her promise to Inuyasha, that she would do whatever it took so she could stay by his side forever.
The End.
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sinjata · 3 years
Inuyasha / Kagome Fanfic : When Your Heart Makes a Wish - Chapter 2 - Memories from somewhere far away
Here’s the second chapter, it’s all yours! :) Hope you like it! Oh, you really should listen Inuyasha soundtracks, when you are reading this story. Those are so good!
Chapter 2 - Memories from somewhere far away
Kagome cannot help it, sometimes she just has to let her memories to be heard, no matter how painful it is. At one point, she realized she had to try to learn to cherish her memories. They did not stay in her mind just for fun. How could I ever forget? Every place is reminiscent of Inuyasha, even the market where we went together... Kagome had to avoid that place too for some time. It has been difficult for her to protect herself from crushing memories, but gradually it succeeded. Until now, when Kagome’s mind fills up for a long time with questions, to which she has not dared to think of answers.
Has Inuyasha forgotten me, went on in his life? Did he ever think, that our time together might be coming to an end? Is everyone alright there? Did Sango and Miroku get married? Shippo and Kirara, how I would love to hug you both now. I miss you; I miss you all so terribly! Sota misses you too, Inuyasha, but he doesn’t say it out loud, because he’s afraid that he would hurt me... Kagome just sees it from him every now and then and when she hugs him wordlessly, Sota understands.
Suddenly, memories - good and more painful ones - makes a return to Kagome's mind, as if someone had opened the huge gate, that protected them. Kagome has tried to push certain memories, especially those which were like one big monster, somewhere very far from her mind. But now they seem like to suffocate her, unless she will release them. She can't help but give up.
Kagome remembers the moment, when after surviving the attack of the centipede demon, she got up from the well and ended up in the woods. Thinking that she had found the Holy Tree and her home yard, but then she saw a boy, Inuyasha, nailed to the tree with an arrow. She remembers rubbing his dog’s ears, totally unable to resist the temptation. Such ears... Those doesn’t belong to a human. She remembers thinking, waking up from her thoughts only, when the villagers shot them with arrows.
Suddenly Kagome does wince and almost drops her tea mug. She now realizes that she actually instinctively protected Inuyasha from the arrows of the villagers, by throwing herself in front of him, without even considering that she could be hit by herself. I could have jumped to the ground for being safe or something, but for some reason I didn't do it... She wonders.
“Thanks for that, you were just trying to kill me,” Kagome says sadly.
But Inuyasha took very good care of me too... Kagome is thinking and smiles a little for her memories. When this got sick at the Feudal era and she returned home, Inuyasha followed her. He prepared medicine for her using his mother’s prescription and kept watch at night, that Kagome was able to sleep. And he didn't even get a jealousy attack, even though Hojo was here... Maybe he was more focused on thinking about ways to get me in better shape.
Inuyasha often called her an idiot, and yet at times he behaved like one, however, he remained by her side in such moments, helping to the best of his ability. Like she was doing same for Inuyasha, there was no doubt about it.
In Kagome’s mind is now a very distant memory, of how Inuyasha was not at first allowing her to go back to her own time, when she wanted to and tried to block (or destroy) the well with a large rock. Kagome became enraged and repeatedly used the sit -command on Inuyasha, so that he tumbled to the ground and the heavily stone striked to his back. Later, a mask demon attacked Kagome and Sota, but Inuyasha rescued them by destroying the demon. However, Inuyasha was really offended about what happened with the stone and rudely refused to help them, before apologizing. As dawn came, before Kagome left for school, she vowed Inuyasha to go his own time and so he did - for a moment.
When Kagome came home from school, she found Inuyasha from her room, who was sitting on the bed while Buyo was sleeping next to him. At first Kagome was angry, because she knew how impossible it was to study while he was around. Inuyasha got bored insanely fast, if he didn’t come up with anything to do, and Kagome didn't always have time to keep him company. Fortunately, Sota helped her sometimes with that, but now he was not home yet.
“You! Why are you here? I’m not coming back yet, you know -” Kagome asked, dropping her backpack from her shoulder to the floor.
Soon, however, she saw that he was not okay. Inuyasha sat unanswered with his ears down, holding his side while his face distorted in pain.
"Inuyasha, what’s wrong with you?" Kagome asked, sat down next to Inuyasha, while concern swept over her when seeing him like this.
“Back”, grumpy hanyō growled, looking accusingly at Kagome. I hope I didn't come here for nothing... What if she doesn't want to help? Inuyasha thought somehow worried.
“Oh no - still? It seems to get a bad hit then...” Kagome muttered nervously, feeling a small sting of guilt. Somehow, it’s weird... Inuyasha often gets worse hits with demons, as those wounds healed very quickly. But now one stone cause such terrible pain? She wondered, without daring to inquire about the matter any further.
“Why didn’t you show it to Kaede? She would surely have found the right herbs for your pains -”
“As if I would show anything to that old hag! Hngh... Stop nagging and do something!” Inuyasha groaned in pain.
“Well, once you ask so kindly...” Kagome said in a sarcastic tone, sighing deeply.
“Take off your clothes”, Kagome ordered.
“Shirts, I mean”, she clarified quickly, seeing Inuyasha’s look.
Inuyasha then nodded quickly and put his Tessaiga sword from his lap to the floor, to lean on the bedside table. He turned his back and began to carefully take off his kimono. To his surprise, he felt Kagome helping him, her noticing that every move seemed to hurt him.
“Thanks...” Inuyasha said quietly. Damn, even just this feels painful...
After Inuyasha got his shirt off too, Kagome saw many big bruises on his pale back, but some of them were already healing. However, the sight gripped Kagome's stomach kind of nasty way, because Inuyasha's back was looking as if this had gotten beated badly.
“I’m sorry...” Kagome said quietly, touching his back lightly with her fingertips.
“Well now you sounded more, like you really meant it too. Last time you didn’t really convince me”, Inuyasha muttered and shuddered slightly, when he felt her gently touch on his back.
"Hey, do you even realize, that you were going to break the well permanently?!" this made Kagome flicker angrily and crossing her arms.
“How did you imagine me getting back to my own time without the well, huh? Here, back into my own life?? It’s little bit hard to apologize anything after that! Fine, I’m not making you sit under a stone or anything else anymore, but you can’t assume -”
“Okay okay, I understood!” Inuyasha interrupted, turning around and nailing his golden-yellow gaze at Kagome.
“Maybe I overreacted just a little bit, but what else should I do, when you always leave at the wrong time! We have to look for Shikon shards, but you seem to always have something hell more important here -“
"I would probably have stayed there for the rest of my life, if the well had broken!" Kagome tries to make him see, how serious the situation was.
“It doesn’t sound so bad though...” Inuyasha muttered, no longer looking at her. Damn, what I’m saying?!
“What...?” Kagome stared at him for a moment wondering, if she had heard wrong.
“It wouldn’t have broken down so badly”, Inuyasha said now louder.
It was as if you had said something completely different... Kagome was still wondering in her mind.
“Inuyasha, I also have to go to school here or I’ll get kicked out from there! My future depends on it, it’s very important to me. When will you understand that?” Kagome huffed, shaking her head slowly.
Seeing Kagome's face like that, Inuyasha understood not to be so stubborn, if he wanted help from her now.
“Maybe I’ll try it now”, Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and turns his back again to Kagome, leaving her there with open mouth for a moment. As long as you don't kick me out, but help me...
“I don’t know if massaging would help or would it only make it worse...” Kagome did wonder out loud, while she also decided to let the dust settle and focus on caring his back.
“Try”, Inuyasha decided on her behalf.
“Lay down, it’s easier that way”, Kagome instructed, and he obeyed lowering his head on Kagome’s pillow.
"You say right away if it hurts too much, is that clear?" Kagome adjured and Inuyasha mumbled approvingly, while Buyo took a new sleeping place next to his feet.
She moved closer to him, moving Inuyasha's long, silver-white hair aside and gently pressed his back searching painful spots. The bruises gave a good clue about those, but it was also easy to find those because of the noises, he made. At least his shoulders are little tight, no wonder though... Kagome noticed as she used more force.
How can it feel so... Kagome's hands, her sweet scent in this soft... I guess I've never been able to relax like this before... Inuyasha was thinking somewhat sleepy.
"Does this relieve any of your pain?" Kagome asked after a moment.
“Mm-mh...” was the only answer Inuyasha, who had closed his eyes, gave her.
Did he fall asleep? He at least seems to trust me a little bit more now... Kagome thought, and couldn't help but smile. Inuyasha seemed to relax moment by moment, making Kagome’s job easier. I didn’t want to cause you such a pain like this, but why you have to be so stubborn... Otherwise, I would now be wondering by the remains of the well, how to get back home. Kagome thought, then getting an idea. Hmm, would I dare try that to him... Yes, it might really help!
“Inuyasha, I’ll be right back. Just wait here, quietly.”
“Mm...” answer came from the pillow again.
I guess he's somehow awake. Kagome smiled, then headed to the bathroom. She took a mint green tube from the mirror cabinet and returned to her room. Kagome carefully sat back next to Inuyasha and opened the tube. Buyo woke up fast like a flash and its horrified look told, what that thought about the smell. The cat jumped to the floor and found safer place from Kagome's chair. At the same time, Inuyasha woke up too.
“What the hell stinks so strongly?! It burns my eyes!” he rose suddenly to sit, stared at her with narrowed eyes wondering, what she was doing.
“I’ll put you a cold gel, it will relieve the pain. But its effect may seem a little strange to you at first, I just warn you”, Kagome gently let Inuyasha smell the open tube and his reaction was reminiscent of Buyo’s reaction, which couldn’t stand the smell of menthol either.
"You're trying to poison me with that stuff, just admit it!" Inuyasha argued holding his nose and retreated next to the wall on the bed, kicking with his feet. Just when I was about to trust her...!
“This isn’t poison, you fool. Just watch...” Kagome said and put some gel on her own hand, while Inuyasha was about to attack to stop her.
Crazy woman... How dare you put that anywhere near your skin?! Inuyasha thought, glancing eyes wide at Kagome, then stared fixedly at her hand, as if waiting for the skin to corrode.
They both just waited for a moment and while still nothing significant happened to her hand, Inuyasha pondered his options. He moved back to Kagome's side and pushed his hand to her.
“On your own risk, woman,” he said, while Kagome just nodded smiling, applied gel to a small area on his hand and waited for the gel’s and Inuyasha’s reaction.
Inuyasha stared at his hand, tapping his knee with his fingernails. With an impatient nature of his, he was already asking, what they were actually waiting for. Until...
“Gaaah! What...! What...? It feels - cold... No, burning?!” Inuyasha was panicky for a moment, until he somehow restrained himself and sniffed his hand, then he was about to taste it too.
"No! You can’t do that!” Kagome grabbed his hand at the last minute, trying to pull it out of Inuyasha's reach, but accidentally pulling the whole patient closer to herself.
Clearly not... Inuyasha thought looking at their hands and then Kagome, while his tongue was already out of his mouth just a little bit.
“You really shouldn’t put that thing in your mouth, it would hardly even taste good...” Kagome said, then released Inuyasha’s hand in a quick motion and retreated a little further away from him, while her cheeks flushed.
How can he look sometimes so... And why I’m blushing?? My thoughts are wandering far too much now... That's Inuyasha, wake up woman! Kagome thought and felt how her hands was getting sweaty. She closed her eyes tightly for a tiny moment.
“Just trust me now. Turn around”, Kagome ordered again to avoid Inuyasha’s gaze.
What just - happened? Inuyasha thought, when Kagome's look somehow disturbed him. He nodded slowly and turned his back somewhat reluctantly. He grabbed Kagome's pillow in his arms feeling a little excited and gave her a permission to apply that substance called gel, to his back.
Kagome continued her work again and Inuyasha was remaining silent. I really hope this helps you... She thought watching the bruises, while cold gel cooled her fingertips.
It was secretly fun for Kagome to follow, how Inuyasha was squirming and twisting, when he tried to understand what he was feeling in his body at that moment, as the gold gel began to seem to gradually show reactions here and there on his skin.
This feels somehow different than before. As if her touch would burn... But it doesn't hurt, but quite the opposite. Funny feeling... Inuyasha thought, staring at the cork board hanging on the wall in front of him.
“It’s ready”, Kagome snorted as she closed the tube.
Oh... Already now? Inuyasha found himself thinking.
“Such a strange poison... That - actually helps”, he said after a moment looking relieved, when he peeked over his shoulder.
For some reason Kagome felt blushing again. She felt good while she helped, and the fact that Inuyasha took help from her, she felt like the direction was right.
“You're welcome... Still, don’t mess with it too much now. Give it some time to heal”, Kagome advised as she got out of the bed, while Inuyasha was wearing his light shirt.
“Keh, let’s hope then there won’t be any surprises on the way home. You wouldn't - come along already?” Inuyasha suggested from the windowsill, after grabbing his Tessaiga from the floor, though he already knows her answer.
“Not yet, I have to pack and -“
“Well, as long as you will return soon!”
Kagome watched, how Inuyasha leaped into the invisible. And he’s gone again... Well, let’s hurry up then!
She decided to take a bath and then pack her yellow backpack. The backpack became a little too heavy from schoolbooks and other necessities, as usual. Kagome said quickly goodbyes to her grandfather and mother before stepping out the door, then colliding with Sota.
“Bye then, Sota,” Kagome said to him, without stopping her way.
“Sister, isn’t there too much stuff? Are you leaving again?” the boy asked, when he saw her weighing a backpack.
“A girl can’t travel by empty-handed. You never know, what you’ll need there”, she justified.
“Okay, by the way I already saw -“
“...Inuyasha”, Sota ended his sentence after Inuyasha interrupted him, as if he would have fallen from the sky.
“What are you doing there??” Kagome breathes in fright, as the silver head crashes on her backpack.
“Dumb head...” Inuyasha said, grabbed Kagome’s backpack on his shoulder and headed for the shrine.
“Let’s go already!” Inuyasha said bustling, but stopped abruptly his way and turned to stare at Kagome.
“Oi - you didn't happen to pack that poison -“
“Oh that, I have it”, Kagome smiled at him, patted her backpack, knowing her travel company was talking about the cold gel and Inuyasha also nodded with a smile.
At least he waited, but here...? He really carries my backpack... His back also seems to be much better. Kagome thought contentedly, following him to a new adventure, forgetting everything else for a moment.
He finally started to trust me, even just a little... She thinks while lifting her tea mug to her lips, remembering how difficult the start was with Inuyasha, but how she decided not to give up on him. No matter what. How she was able to do that, she does not know even herself. How long a human can miss someone? The rest of this life, or is it possible to get used to it somehow? At least I'm not used to it yet, if I ever will... Kagome stares at the bottom of an empty mug in her thoughts.
Kagome wonders, how her nerves burned with Inuyasha’s overflowing jealousy because of Koga, however, usually enduring it somehow during their clashes.
It was kind of sweet to be jealous of me, but... Did he take me as for granted? It just felt like it at times... He immediately ran to Kikyo, if he got her scent somewhere nearby. As I turned like into air to him. Until she didn't show up for a while. Or did I just imagine it? But even Koga noticed it and that too, how I felt when Inuyasha did that... And Inuyasha also just wondered, why I was so tense somehow after those times.
I couldn’t help it... And when someone showed some signs of interest in me, he got pissed, even though I did nothing. As if I were just his property. You - you selfish...! Urgh... I’m not some rag doll to play with, just when he or anyone else wants! But he couldn’t help it either. That's just the way he is; always trying to save everyone, even if it’s impossible... Kagome thinks feeling little bit sad and how her pulse is rising, but then calming herself down.
Eventually, something just snapped in her head and she could not help, but explode right into Inuyasha’s face, that he can’t take her for granted. And that he always disappeared into his own little world, when he heard about Kikyo. Inuyasha did not notice any signs of danger in the air, as he said wrong things at that moment and angry Kagome used the sit command on him several times. But saying it out loud seemed to purify the air - at least for a brief moment.
However, even before that, Kagome’s heart went totally broken, when she found Inuyasha and Kikyo together in the forest, knowing Inuyasha had made his choice - and it was not Kagome. When he was ready to say goodbye for good, to focus on protecting Kikyo. However, she was not ready to hear it yet, so she went back to her own time. Kagome then realized, why she couldn’t just let it be; would return Shikon’s shards and return home, permanently. She finally realized, that she loves Inuyasha.
I didn't meet him by chance. I couldn't have abandoned him, no matter how many knife blows my own heart would have felt... Kagome wonders, until she suddenly covers her mouth with her hand and collapses into an almost silent cry. Why does the heart remember this same pain so well even now, over and over again? Is that why it feels, like my heart is little bit tilted? It just hasn’t forgotten yet...
Kagome lowers an empty mug to the ground and lies down on a bench. She crosses her hands on her stomach, trying to calm down. It’s all gone by now and behind, has been already a long time. It would finally be a good time, to forget all the bad... She looks at the tops of the tree and tries to get her thoughts in a more positive direction.
...To be continued...
So, now you have second chapter. Kagome and Inuyasha shared their memories, each in their own minds, in their own time. That’s why there are perspectives on both points of view in the memory part. Just for clarification, why it’s like that. :) Have a great week!
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