#I think I want this anthology to revolve around the concept of fading adolescence
firewoodfigs · 3 years
of louche hair and gauche boys
at fifteen all we wanted was to be pretty, to be adored  with our short skirts, cropped shirts  soft laughter and even softer whispers — as if none of our opinions mattered.  we’d paint our nails, scrub ourselves  clean and white, gleaming white like a brand new set of veneers,  artificial and ready-to-go  for boys made of pure filth; dye our hair brown and bronze,  chestnut and hazel and almond (god, we must’ve been nuts!) — so many different tones till we were  richer than an entire forest itself. 
too rich, perhaps, for the boys with sun-kissed skin and wind-mussed hair,  eyes crinkling like paper  whenever they smiled.  i’d smile back and rein myself in as one reins an unruly horse venturing into the vast wilderness; take my positions as i should, stand beside you like a trophy  as i hid my own, like muted gold. 
for you i became a slab of bronze,  shushing my valors and vanities in order to not outshine you.  to be loved, seen and heard,  i must neither speak nor stand.  instead I must sit still, quiet as you ramble on about your grand ambitions in nothing but  aspirational terms, empty as a tree’s hollow cavity.
funny how I clung on to your every word as if it were a gospel truth  — you? oh, how wretched, how terribly wicked! you’re the furthest thing from God himself. here is my curse. may you never escape  from the endless, burning pit in my chest  — this is your eternal damnation. 
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