#I tried to tag everyone but reached max tag capacity
aspenflower17 · 3 years
Finding You (Part Six of ??)
Heya! I finished part six (yay!) and it is ready to be read 😁 It’s weird to me I’m on part six already seeing as how that seems like a lot, but also not enough. If you’re new here, the link to Part One is below. I also have links at the bottom of each chapter to go to the next one. You can also find my new Master List on my blog as a pinned post. As always, if you would like to be added to the tags list, just ask in a comment down below, or you can send me a message, and likes, comments and reblogs are always welcome!
Also, for anyone wondering, IKEA was fun (as always), but the store actually reached max capacity.. 1,400 people... During a pandemic... The line was so long, it reached the back of the self-serve furniture area (the place where you can pick up all the heavy/big items), and was starting to wrap around. Note, our IKEA has the switchback thing that amusement parks have for rides... So the line was easily hour wait. Suffice to say, we didn’t end up buying anything.
Part One
The Peeps!:  @simpingforsatan @naimena @hachimochi @wrathandgreed @magi-minminxiii @rensphilia
Word Count: 2030
Triggers/warnings: claustrophobia?... Maybe...?
I had my show in the Devildom. It was successful. He didn’t show up though.
Mc sighed, putting her journal down. As much as she hated to admit it, she was too upset to make much more of an entry for the day. It had been her first show in the Devildom, and it had been a huge success. She should be happy. No other show had ever been as successful. She wanted to be happy. She wasn’t though.
Mc got up to open her suitcase. She had made a secret compartment to carry the letter S had written to her. It had given her a lot of strength over the years and she almost considered it a good luck charm at this point. She reread the letter, laying down on the bed, though she knew it by heart at this point. 
She knew she was probably projecting too much on S. Besides the letter, she had only spoken with him maybe half an hour. Why was she so caught up on him? She didn’t even know his real name. Yes, he had greatly impacted her life and his letter and words of comfort had been a constant companion, but what did she actually know about him?
A sharp rap at her door interrupted her search, “Mc? Can I come in?”
Luke entered her room, carrying a tray of tea.
“I figured you could use some tea after the day you’ve had.”
“Oh, thank you,” Mc smiled softly as Luke brought over a chair.
“Still upset?” Luke asked, pouring a cup for Mc.
“Ever since the show you’ve seemed unhappy. Kind of depressed, like when you were a child.”
“Ah, well, I was a bit upset that my artist talk was interrupted so abruptly.”
“That turned out alright though, didn’t it?”
“Yeah. It’s just not the same,” Mc shrugged, taking the proffered tea.
“So, that’s seriously what’s bothering you?” Luke asked, his eyebrow arched, then, “You’ll have plenty more shows down here if Diavolo had anything to say about it.”
“You think so?”
Luke smiled and shook his head at Mc, “Of course, silly. Barbatos told me all about it when I was getting the tea.”
“Well, I’m glad. I like it here, even though most of my time so far has been spent in that gallery space.”
“Well, I don’t know how much Michael likes it down here. I kept telling him he needs to ask Diavolo about Lucifer, but he says it’d be improper.”
Mc snorted, “Well, we wouldn’t want to be improper now would we?”
“He’ll be so surprised when he finds out what Diavolo’s planning for next week.”
“I can’t tell you about it yet. It’s not set in stone, so I don’t want to get your hopes up.”
“Luuuuke! Where are you?” Michael’s voice came drifting from down the stairs, “I can’t figure out how to turn on the light in here!”
Luke rubbed his temple, “I’ve explained it like three times… Hold on! I’ll be down in a second!” Luke kissed Mc on the cheek, “Get some sleep and cheer up Sis.”
“Thanks Luke,” Mc smiled up at him, “I do have the best big brother don’t I?”
Luke grinned happily, “Good night Mc.”
After he left, Mc’s smile faltered and then fell. Her thoughts returning to before he had come in, “I should probably find something to do to break me out of this. Sulking in my room isn’t going to get me anywhere. I do have a whole castle to explore, though I don’t know how much of it I’m allowed to explore… Surely they couldn’t get too mad about me checking out the library…” and with that, she put her letter back in it’s secret place and left her room.
The castle was quiet, the padding of her feet the only sound. I guess even demons sleep. Her knowledge of demons seemed woefully inadequate as opposed to the knowledge she had about anything else that interested her. There just hadn’t been much information to find in the Celestial Realm unless it was how to defeat a demon, or to break the influence they had over a human. Of course she’d also heard the stories about the Great Celestial War. Six angels, led by the Morningstar himself, had gone on a rampage, and had been cast out. Being a scholar, Mc had never found a reason why they had rebelled, though she had read a lot of theories, most of them mere speculation that cast angels in the purest light possible. These, of course, she hadn’t listened to too intent;y. She knew angels had a lot of secrets already, being privy to many of them; they weren’t entirely innocent in many respects. She suspected this was true of this instance as well.
The library proved to be hard to find in one night, but by the time Mc felt sleep start to pull her back to her room, she had the layout of the castle halls almost memorized. She had actually found it easy to do, easier than almost every other place she’d been in. Of course, she didn’t know everything about the castle. If this castle didn’t prove to have a lot of secret doors and passageways, she would be sorely disappointed.
The fog was so thick Mc felt like she could chew it. The ground beneath her feet was soft, but it didn’t feel like anything she knew. There was no sound, not even her breathing. Just a murky white everywhere. Mc couldn’t remember how she got here or what she was doing here, but she was searching. No time to think. No time to remember. She needed to find it. She had lost it. It hadn’t been on purpose, but it had happened. She would find it though. Surely she could find it. It was the most important thing. Cherished. Loved. So important.
The world was growing colder. Her hands were stinging and her feet were clumsy. She could still feel though. So cold. Too cold to move, yet she did. Nothing should be working right now. She should’ve collapsed long ago. How long ago? How long had she been here? Did it matter?
She hadn’t found the thing yet. What was it? If she found it, she’d be warm. It would keep her warm and safe. No more searching. She would never lose it again. She just needed to find it.
A dim light started to pulse slowly. Was that it? Was that what she had lost? No. Maybe it could help her find it. The light got brighter as she continued forward. What was it? Light was good though, right? Light was a marker. Light could help the lost. It illuminated. It could help her find it.
The light was now right in front of her. It was so bright! Almost blindingly so. The area around her started to heat up, her feet and hands throbbing with relief. Was this it? What she had been searching for? Something within her screamed to turn around, but the heat was so welcome, even if it hurt. Hurt worse than anything she knew. She would be safe here. If she had to keep searching, so be it. She just needed to rest a bit. She reached out to the light, her hand backlit against the light. She grabbed at the light, and was then falling.
Mc gasped, sitting up straight in bed. Where was the light? Where was she? After a couple moments, Mc remembered where she was. On a bed. In a guest room. In Lord Diavolo’s castle. In the Devildom.
Mc reached for the glass on the bedside table with shaking hands. Spilling a little on her blankets, she tried to shake off the claustrophobic feeling that lingered. She hadn’t had a dream about her first memory in a while. After she had become an angel she had learned about what happened to human souls after they passed. Some found their way straight to the Celestial Realm, blinking and waking up to the eternal light. Some were wanderers though. While many wandered just a little while, some wandered endlessly through the fog she had experienced. Though the angels didn’t know exactly what caused this, many of those who wandered a long time before finding their way to the Celestial Realm were sad in some way, as she was.
She had gone home that day and asked Simeon about it, and he had told her she had wandered the longest of any soul in the Celestial Realm. She had been very cold and it had taken a while for her to wake up. She had been a little horrified, and Simeon assured her it was nothing to be concerned or ashamed about. It was simply a fact and no one held it against her, least of all Luke or him. She had wanted to believe him so bad, but everyone treated her lasting loneliness as a bad thing, so she had been forced to hide it. Pretend she didn’t feel lonely. Pretend she was fine.
She fumbled for something to distract herself and found her DDD. She worked for a second and finally turned it on, the light actually hurting her eyes. They adjusted quickly though and she groaned as she saw it was nowhere near time to get up. The thought of falling asleep again was not an option so she decided to start scrolling though Devilgram. Apparently the app was rather old as far as in-vogue apps went, but Lord Diavolo had said he would never use a different social media app, so it persisted as the number one app. She still wasn’t really used to the layout, Luke having helped her set up her artist’s talk.
She went to the post and found a lot of comments and likes. She started reading them, smiling as people praised the ingenuity of her work, frowning slightly at those who were impressed “an angel could have such an eye for art”, and rolling her eyes at the comments that criticized her species, clearly just upset she was an angel.
As she continued reading however, she ran across a couple comments asking if anyone had more information about the demons who had caused quite the uproar during the artists talk. Confused, because everyone had been very respectful at the center, Mc opened the replies, and found a whole thread of people who were upset they had been pushed and otherwise knocked out of the way of one demon who had been running through the maze following another demon who had been flying. Many speculated they were the reason the artists' talk had been cut short, and some theorized they were running to the center to harm her. A couple people tried to cut through the noise, stating the demons in question were Mammon and Satan, both Avatars of Sin. Most of the comments about this said Mammon acting this way seemed normal, but they couldn’t understand why Satan would do something like that. It seemed so out of character, a lot of the replies to these comments said they were either liars or sorely mistaken thinking it was Satan.
Mc’s heart jolted a little bit, seeing Mammon’s name. She recognized it as one of the angels who had fallen, and the name Satan had been mentioned in some history accounts as having taken form from Lucifer’s anger, though the information on him had been scarce and some thought he was just a myth. After all, how could someone be born from an emotion?
So, he’s real after all. Not that I thought he wasn’t, or at least, I figured there was at least some truth to the stories. Oh, someone has a picture of them. Wait… Is that?
At that moment, the app shut down.
“No, no, no, no,” Mc said, clicking the app again. It couldn’t have been… Could it? Her screen changed, but nothing loaded. An error message then popped up on screen, saying the app could not load, and to try again later.
Mc sat stunned for a second before springing into action.
Part Seven
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tomeandflickcorner · 3 years
Episode Review- The Real Ghostbusters: Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster
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Awesome! We got a Janine centric episode! And it really gives her a chance to shine!
There’s apparently been a huge spike in paranormal activity within the city, and the Ghostbusters are struggling to keep up with their mounting workload.  Each day, they have to head out to take on a number of busts and when they come back, they’re greeted with a pile of new additions to their worksheet.  Needless to say, they’re really exhausted.  Peter asks Egon what could be causing this rising amount of ghosts appearing in the city, but Egon doesn’t have any answers. And when he takes out his PKE Meter, it immediately overloads, further illustrating how serious things are.
When Winston and Ray head down to the basement to unload the new batch of captured ghosts into the Containment Unit, with Ray saying they’ll have to add another Klein Bottle to the machine to prevent it from going over max capacity, Janine approaches Egon and Peter.  She basically says ‘hey, I know you guys are super busy and all, but my apartment is haunted.  Can you please do something about that?’  But Peter and Egon tell her they can’t address her problem until after they resolve the supernatural crisis.  And yeah, I can see both sides of the issue here.  Janine is clearly not the only one dealing with a ghost problem right now, and it probably should be an issue of first come, first served.  Otherwise, it wouldn’t be fair to everyone else.  At the same time, Janine is on the Ghostbusters’ payroll, too.  You’d think there would be some sort of office perk to that.
Anyway, Janine ends up returning to her apartment after clocking out for the day.  When she arrives, she is aggravated to discover that the ghosts haunting her apartment have moved all of her furniture up onto the ceiling.  In frustration, she yells at the ghosts to get out, but the ghosts all just laugh.  Though they do unstick all her furniture, which all falls to the ground, forcing poor Janine to put everything back in place.  The next morning, Janine wakes up to find her bed is floating in midair.  And when she gets into the shower, no water comes out of the showerhead.  Instead, the shower quickly fills up with frogs.  As one might expect, this is the final straw for Janine.  So when she returns to the Firehouse, she is fully prepared to demand the Ghostbusters help her out.  But when she arrives, she is greeted only by Slimer, who informs her the Ghostbusters had already headed out to deal with other calls.  So Janine decides to take matters into her own hands, borrowing one of Peter’s spare uniforms and taking an extra Proton Pack and Ghost Trap.  She returns to her apartment to catch the ghosts herself, with Slimer tagging along. When they get there, the apartment seems to be deserted. And for a brief moment, Janine wonders if the ghosts had simply gotten bored and left on their own.  But then the lights suddenly turn off, and the ghosts begin throwing random objects at Janine while Slimer hides in a nearby cabinet. (Janine is particularly angry that a vase her mother had given her gets smashed against the wall.) Despite Janine’s best efforts, the ghosts quickly get the better of her, wrapping her up in a blanket and taking away the Proton Pack she was carrying.  Fortunately, Slimer eventually decided to quit cowering in the corner and actually help out.  While the other ghosts were distracted in tormenting Janine, Slimer carefully pushed the discarded Ghost Trap into position and triggered it, making sure to hold onto a fixed object in order to keep himself from being pulled into the trap as well.  So the ghosts haunting Janine’s apartment are soon trapped.  And Janine thanks Slimer for coming to her rescue.
Meanwhile, the Ghostbusters were still hard at work catching all the other ghosts plaguing the city.  Including a group of thug-like ghosts who were actually wielding real guns. I have no idea why I found this so hilariously shocking.  After all, it’s not the first time we’ve seen guns depicted in this show.  Maybe it’s the fact that the guns are being held by these small ghosts as if it was no big deal.  Sometimes I forget that the 80s were a different time.   Anyway, as the Ghostbusters start to head off to their next assignment, Winston remarks how the last time ghosts were crawling out of the woodwork like this, it was when Gozer was around.  Peter briefly wonders if it was possible that Gozer was somehow coming back, but Egon says this wasn’t the case, as none of the readings suggest such a thing.  However, he does take note that the ghosts they’ve been catching all have a common spectrography.  Which suggests that there’s a single source for all the ghostly activity. Unfortunately, there’s too much spectral static for him to pinpoint the exact location of that singular source. Peter tries to put a positive spin on things by reminding his teammates of how much money they’re making. Winston counters this silver lining by reminding Peter that they’ve been too busy to make much use of that extra money.
As the Ghostbusters head off to Gracie Manor, which is being haunted by a Class 9 Free Roaming Vapor, that statue of Atlas at Rockefeller Center suddenly comes to life, scaring off all the ice skaters in the process.  (So I’m guessing this episode takes place during the winter months.)  The Atlas Statue ends up throwing the globe it was carrying, which just narrowly misses the Ecto-1 as it drives by.  The Ghostbusters try to shoot the Atlas Statue with their Proton Packs, but it proves to be completely ineffective, since the stature was infused with so much ectonic energy, it could resist the force of the Proton Streams.  So the Ghostbusters have no choice but to run.  They try to get creative and slow the Atlas Statue down by using the Proton Packs to melt the ice beneath it as the Atlas Statue sets foot onto the ice skating rink, but this doesn’t work as the Atlas Statue is able to jump back out of the hole in the ice. The Atlas Statue then fires of a beam of light emanating from its finger at the Ghostbusters.  In a flash of light, the Ghostbusters all vanish from sight, much to the shocked dismay of the onlookers and news reporters.
Elsewhere, Janine and Slimer return to the Firehose after capturing the ghosts that had been haunting Janine’s apartment.  When they see the Ghostbusters haven’t retuned yet, they decide to wait for them to get back.  As they wait, Janine pulls out a TV set.  This results in her seeing the news report announcing that the Ghostbusters disappeared while fighting the Atlas Statue. So Janine and Slimer hurry back out to try and figure out what happened to the Ghostbusters.  When they arrive at Rockefeller Center, Janine pulls out the PKE Meter she’d brought with her, but quickly admits to Slimer that she has no idea what she’s doing.  She can’t even properly analyze the readings on the PKE Meter.
Janine and Slimer begin to wander along the city streets, at a loss as to what to do.  But that’s when Janine realizes something.  Remembering how the Ghostbusters seemed to disappear as if they got pulled into a Ghost Trap, she gets the idea of getting information from some of the ghosts that have recently been caught.  After all, maybe they might know what happened to the Ghostbusters. While she admits it’s a long shot, it’s the only possible lead they have.  Of course, Janine can’t enter into the Containment Unit herself as she’s alive. (And she probably can’t use that special suit Egon used to enter into the Containment Unit back in X-Mas Marks the Spot as I imagine she’d need someone who knew what they were doing manning the control panel.)  So she recruits Slimer to go into the Containment Unit instead.  Slimer is not exactly on board with the idea, but Janine doesn’t give him much of a choice. Upon being put inside the Containment Unit, Slimer wanders around for a bit before he manages to locate the Thug Ghosts that the Ghostbusters had recently caught.  Slimer eavesdrops on their conversation, overhearing them gloating how they won’t be there for long as Proteus will see that they’re released soon enough.  And that Proteus already has the Ghostbusters in the Erie.
Okay, hold on a minute here.  First off, how do these Thug Ghosts know what happened to the Ghostbusters?  From what we saw, these ghosts were captured before the Ghostbusters encountered the Atlas Statue. How would the ghosts in the Containment Unit know what’s going on in the outside world?  And come to think of it, when did the Thug Ghosts get put into the Containment Unit in the first place?  They were just captured earlier this very same day.  Did the Ghostbusters swing by the Firehouse between capturing the Thug Ghosts and starting to head off to Gracie Mansion? Because I didn’t get the impression they had the time to do that.  Talk about a plot hole.
Getting back to the episode, Slimer’s presence is discovered before he can get the chance to hear anything more, so he has to make a run for it when the captured ghosts begin chasing after him.  Slimer manages to make it safely back to the entrance/exit port of the Containment Unit, and Janine is able to pull him out in the nick of time while preventing any other ghost from escaping.  Now that she’s armed with the information Slimer was able to gather up, Janine does some research and locates the only Erie building listed in Manhattan.  After making a remark about how there’s never any thirteenth floor listed on the elevator buttons due to how superstitious people can be, Janine ventures up to the top floor of the building.  But she notices the PKE Meter is going off as they pass by the 14th floor. As a result, Janine is able to discover this building has an unmarked 13th floor, and she is able to reach it by hitting the emergency stop button and blasting the elevator doors open. She finds herself in some sort of other-worldly office building, complete with a demonic receptionist.  After brushing past the Demon Receptionist, Janine forces her way through a large doorway, ending up in a room that appears to be filled with mirrors.  These mirrors are soon revealed to be some sort of prison cells, with the Ghostbusters all imprisoned within one of the mirrors. Which gives Janine the opportunity to make a Lewis Carol joke.  Egon instructs Janine to get out of there since she doesn’t know what she’s up against. Ray backs up Egon’s statement by explaining that Proteus was a primal god like Gozer.  
At that moment, Proteus himself appears.  And he somehow knows Janine’s name.  (Yeah, I suppose he might have overheard the Ghostbusters calling her Janine, but that doesn’t explain how Proteus knew her full name.) Janine attempts to shoot Proteus with the Proton Pack, but to no avail as Proteus is much too strong.  Slimer, showing some courage, ends up charging at Proteus and keeping him distracted.  While Slimer is distracting Proteus, Janine turns and fires at the mirror prison holding the Ghostbusters captive.  This not only results in the mirror breaking, freeing the Ghostbusters in the process, but the light reflecting off the mirror surface apparently momentarily blinds Proteus. The blinded Proteus ended up firing off one of his finger beams randomly, with the finger beam bouncing off the other mirrors. This resulted in the finger beam overloading, causing the place to begin to fall apart.  Thankfully, the Ghostbusters, Janine and Slimer are able to make it out of there safely before the 13th floor blows up, clearly taking Proteus out in the process.
Upon returning to the Firehouse, Egon remarks that Janine showed real bravery to come after them like that.  The other Ghostbusters then notice the phones are no longer ringing off the hook, and Ray concludes that, with Proteus gone, the paranormal activity in New York will probably return to normal.  Peter then tells Janine that she’s pretty handy with a Proton Pack, so Janine suggests that she should try to go into business for herself.  Peter offers an alternative suggestion- she stay on as their secretary, but with a raise in salary.  Janine accepts this, on the condition that they continue to make sure her apartment remains ghost-free. With the exception of Slimer, of course.
As someone who likes Janine as a character, this was one episode I’d recommend to anyone who was interested in giving the show a chance. Obviously, Janine doesn’t have the experience and knowledge that the actual Ghostbusters have, but she still is able to hold her own when the situation calls for it. She even managed to defeat Proteus, a literal god.  Sure, Slimer did help keep Proteus distracted for a little while there, so she didn’t do it alone.  But the fact remains that Proteus was defeated because of Janine.  And she also helped save the Ghostbusters in the process. That’s not just an impressive feat for a secretary with no real Ghostbuster training, it’s impressive for anyone.  Though I do find it a bit strange that Peter seemed surprised how good Janine was with a Proton Pack, as this isn’t the first time she’d wielded one.  Even if you don’t include that time in Mr. Sandman, Dream Me a Dream (since that was technically Dream Janine), she did get the chance to wield a Proton Pack in Janine’s Genie.
There’s one other thing I want to comment on for this episode. In the opening scene, we can see the Ghostbusters heading out to what I think was either a library or a bookstore. I couldn’t tell which.  But the ghosts they were catching were clearly Captain Ahab, the Frankenstein Monster and one other ghost that was apparently supposed to be Mr. Hyde, though I didn’t get a good enough look at him to properly identify him.  I wanna know the story behind this haunting!  Are they suggesting these characters were actual people, the way Ebenezer Scrooge was shown as an actual person in X-Mas Marks the Spot?  Or were the ghosts haunting that location simply taking up the form of famous literary characters?  Because that would have made for an interesting episode.  Especially since it could have potentially gotten kids watching the show interested enough to actually read the actual novels, the way the movie Pagemaster was trying to do. (Although, I’ve been told that with the book Moby Dick, every other chapter in that novel takes a break from the actual narrative to discuss the whole history of whaling.  I imagine kids might get bored rather quickly if they tried to read that one.)
(Click here for more Ghostbusters reviews)
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blstys · 4 years
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one  word  prompts    /    A C C E P T I N G    /    @shockpop
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time  does  not  yield  to  grief.  hour  still  folds  evening  back  into  itself,  the  clock  keeping  track  in  endless  circular  rotation.  katsuki  still  has  to  keep  moving  with  it  and  he  does.  morning  comes,  sleepless,  to  remind  him  again  what  a  piece  of  shit  he’s  been.
cats  get  fed,  kissed,  a  note  for  care  ( a  vague  text  message  to  kirishima  ensuring  that  they’ll  be  fed  in  case  their  other  human  refuses  to  resurface  in  the  next  three  days )  placed  high  on  the  fridge  where  sootball  can’t  hoard  it  away.  
an  overnight  bag  sits  packed  by  the  door.  dog  tags  chime  as  they’re  returned  to  their  place  around  his  neck.  denki’s   key  stays,   untouched,  where  he  left  it.
it  goes  like  this:  work  becomes  hyper - fixation,  too  closely  related  to  the  fall  out  to  be  the  hardy  scapegoat  it’s  always  been;  becomes  less  distraction  and  more  outlet  the  way  electrical  training  used  to  be.  get  through  it,  succeed,  get  passed  it.  this  is  the  new  loop  for  the  two  days  of  preparations.  the  new  intrusive  that  katsuki  slathers  over  the  i  look  at  you  and  see  nothing  old  one.  it  equates  to  chap - stick  on  a  second  degree  burn.  relief  exists  with  immediate,  irrevocable  brevity,  the  memory  of  how  his  previous  attempts  to  solve  problems  this  way  forgotten  in  the  face  of  desperation.  he  keeps  applying.  
force  focus,  force  sleep,  rinse,  just  repeat.  get  through,  succeed,  get  passed.  review  recon,  plan  strategy,  get  some  sleep.  through,  finish,  passed.  the  argument  at  the  apartment  becomes  background  noise,  a  bad  dream.  a  pestering  sense  of  discontent  that  he  does  not  have  the  mental  capacity  to  tend  to. 
by  the  third  day,  the  numbness  of  repetition  sets  in.  wake  up,  did  he  wake  up,  did  he  really  sleep?  it  gets  hard  to  tell,  when  he’s  ignoring  all  facets  that  catch  the  sunlight,  which  ones  actually  demand  attention.  this  is  his  second  mistake.  
it  goes  like  this:  action  arises,  planned,  anticipated.  before  bakugou  can  blink,  he’s  already  in  the  thick  of  it.  which  is  the  thick  of  overwhelming  nothingness,  really.  things  go  well  beyond  expectation.  even  better.
it  goes  so  well,  in  fact,  that  katsuki  skips  right  over  pride  into  unease.  he  makes  it  behind  the  enemies  lines  alone,  without  incident.  no  need  for  improvisation  or  to  call  his  reserve.  without  a  single  confrontation.  without  a  single  instruction.
eyes  watch  him  from  a  forest.  not  the  maze  of  alleyways  he  currently  navigates  but  the  distant  memory  of  a  similar  feeling.  a  training  camp  ambush.
he  presses  at  his  ear  piece,  something’s  fucked,  half  n’  half.  i’m  falling  back.  a  long  pause.  hands  curl,  defensive.  maybe  he  imagines  it  to  be  longer  than  it  is.  he  presses  again.  todoroki?  i’ve  got  a  bad  fucking  feeling.  you  held  up?
there  is  no  answer  on  the  other  end  of  his  com - piece  —  but  for  the  faint,  far  of  ringing  of  interference.  shit.
blood  runs  frigid,  sweat  cooling  where  goosebumps  rise  on  his  skin.  the  temperature  has  dropped  unnaturally.  measures  are  taken  to  keep  him  on  the  useful  side  of  sweaty  under  unfavourable  conditions  but  his  body  isn’t  regulating  heat.    the  work  of  a  quirk  unaccounted  for.
unease  shifts  to  disbelief.  improvisation.  think,  run.  keep  running,  think  quicker.  sudden  clarity  says  there  is  no  difference  between  where  the  forest  ends  and  his  escape  begins.  the  interference  is  disorienting  him  on  purpose.
katsuki  rips  it  from  his  ear  and  crushes  it  in  a  fist.  keeps  running.  back - tracks  through  the  wrong  route  without  guidance.  through,  through,  through.  finds  the  crushed  com - piece  under  foot  twice  before  he  realizes  he’s  circling.  a  mouse  in  a  maze.
it  is  three  minutes  after  cut  communication.  the  first  building  quakes  to  pieces.  shatters  ?  it  seems,  the  rumble  nearly  half  glass.  a  skyscraper’s  corpse  collapsing.  uraraka’s  comets  have  trained  him  for  this  —  hands  raise  instinctual,  but  cold,  they  don’t  detonate  cleanly  —  half  strength,  panicked.  he  maneuvers  well  enough  to  stay  on  his  feet.  the  rumble  further  disorients  him,  the  ringing  returned  to  his  ears  from  his  own  explosion.  a  mouse  in  a  maze  with  no  exit.
cages,  restraints,  hands  made  half  useless.  the  ringing  grows  louder,  not  a  fault  of  his  own.  outside  source.  two  quirks?  fight,  flight,  freeze  argue  for  first  place.  there  is  no  clear  target,  no  clear  escape.  dread  rises  up  the  back  of  his  throat,  the  forgotten  fear  of  something  purely  unknown.
another  building,  further  out  crumbles  —  there  is  no  sound  but  the  pressure  of  it  reaches  his  ears,  delayed.  reverberates.  he  moves  away  from  it,  trying  to  get  his  bearings.  through,  through,  through.  debris  crumbles  from  over - head,  to  close  to  detonate  at  his  current  capacity.  fear  creeps  higher,  brighter,  a  feral  thing.  not  quite  terror  but  rising  ever  closer  toward  it  as  the  next  round  of  ruin  throws  him  off  his  feet.  explosions  flare  and  are  smothered  underneath.
pinned,  arms,  chest,  gasping.  wind  wiped  clean  from  his  body.
it  belongs  to  another  body,  knees  biting  into  wrists,  weight  centered  on  his  chest,  hand  curling  around  his  throat.  wind  moves  above  them,  cold,  colder.  katsuki  shivers,  dry  palms  flickering  out.
“ come  on !  did  you  think  it  would  be  so  easy,  blasty ? “  confirmation  is  only  half  retained.  bakugou  biting  out  curses  in  exasperation.  “ fame  comes  with  a  price,  you  know.  when  everyone  knows  who  you  are  it’s  harder  to  hide  your  weaknesses.  you’ve  been  in  the  limelight  a  long  time  now,  haven’t  you,  katsuki ?  spend  weeks  researching  things  about  us  that  we  already  know. ”  this  is  obvious  information  he  doesn’t  need  a  villain’s  speech  to  tell  him  that.  tries  instead  to  weasel  fruitlessly  out  of  the  clutches  in  before  he  realizes  he’s  losing  too  much  oxygen.  crimson  eyes  blink,  brows  creased  with  agony.  breaths  stutter,  sputter,  gasp  again.  
villain  hooks  their  fingers  through  the  chain  on  his  neck  and  steals  his  identity  from  him  in  the  same  way  he  stole  his  breath,  instantly.  
“ who’s  going  to  come  to  your  funeral,  bakugou  katsuki ? ”
panic.  flash  flood  of  a  fear  he’d  never  considered  rushing  to  the  forefront  of  a  oxygen  deprived  mind.  denki.  he  gasps,  not  to  answer  but  in  the  desperation  to  breathe.  he  would  go,  wouldn’t  he?  hating  me,  angry,  always  wondering  what  i  died  without  confessing?
the  villain  covers  his  mouth.  “  ah,  that  was  a  rhetorical  question,  actually,  katsuki.  ”  
anger.  that  name  is  not  his  to  repeat. he’s  only  given  it  to  one  person.  denki.  he  would  get  the  stupid  fucking  dog  tags.  katsuki  never  changed  his  emergency  contact  information.
he  stops  listening;  has  trouble  focusing;  can  taste  his  own  blood  in  the  back  of  his  throat,  pooling.  
panic,  again,  again.  denki.
worse  for  being  comprehensible,  his  threshold  for  terror  maxes  out.  there  is  nothing  he  can  do  becomes  the  immovable  force  to  the  unstoppable  fact  that  if  he  doesn’t  force  something  to  happen  in  his  favour  he  will  die  here.
panic.  it  was  your  mistake.  live  with  it.  hands  struggle,  weak,  to  reach  the  one  obstructing  his  air  passages.  wrists  ache,  threaten  fractures.    it  was  your  mistake.  die  with  it.  teeth  gnarl,  barely  able  to  bank  the  fabric  of  his  gloved  assailant.  proof  the  cold  comes  from  a  separate  entity.
a  new  rumbling,  this  one  familiarly  shindou’s  —  but  far  off  in  the  distance,  indication  that  his  own  back - up  is  not  far  away.  are  they  close  enough,  though?
is  this  what  jeanist  felt?  he  chases  that  rabbit  for  a  beat,  too  long,  tastes  the  charred  lack  of  hope  in  it.  chokes  on  it.
no,  that’s  real.  katsuki  forces  his  focus  to  resurface  to  the  hand  on  his  throat.  if  he  goes  under  it’s  all  over.  his  mistake.  one  he  wouldn’t  get  to  live  with.  vision  blurs,  freckled  with  the  painless,  endless,  terrible,  silence  that  promises  to  take  hold.  that  offers  relief  from  his  predicament.  who  will  come  to  your  funeral,  bakugou  katsuki?  hands  grapple  again,  pinned  down,  ice  cold.
the  vision  of  a  back,  turned  away  from  him.  leaving,  leaving,  leaving.  katsuki  motionless,  doing  nothing  about  it.  if  i  die  here  i  will  never  see  him  again.  he  passes  the  threshold  for  struggling,  senses  overwhelmed.  the  villain  pinning  him  down,  a  cinder - block  shackled  to  a  sinking  boat.  denki  will  never  get  his  apology.  will  never  know  that  it  was  misguided  love  and  not  pride  that  got  in  the  way  of  things. 
the  voice  above  him  promises  a  quick  relief.  a  pathetic  death  for  a  disappointing  opponent.  katsuki  barely  hears  over  the  echo  of  ringing,  returned  brain  interference.  it  buzzes  softly,  almost  golden  through  streaming  tears  and  blotched  vision.  at  least  it’s  me  instead  of  him.  thank  fuck  i  made  one  good  mistake.  heat  rises,  too  close  to  his  face.  hands  removed  for  a  startling  —  sharp  shock  of  cold  air.  his  body  racks  with  the  swell  of  lungs  still  compressed  under  the  weight  of  a  human.
the  heat  blares  as  hands  return,  either  side  of  his  face,  confusing,  ringing,  glowing  golden.  the  interference  is  electric.
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there’s  no  room  for  repeat  here.  get  through  it,  or  don’t.  there  is  no  certainty  that  passed  it  exists.  crimson  eyes  flash,  the  carved  stencil  of  a  laugh  traced  over  a  forgotten  expression.  his  voice  doesn’t  exist  but  a  rasp,   barely  spoken  through  the  jolt  of  a  body  reawakening:  “  uno,  bitch. ”
and  he  lights  up  the  reserve  switch,  sweeping  the  flash  of  searing  pain  through  his  nerve  endings  and  up  through  freezing,  up - turned  palms.  a  flash  flare.
katsuki  doesn’t  know  how  he  gets  to  his  feet  —  but  it’s  just  in  time  to  see  back - up  ascend  over  the  rumble,  shouting.  he  can’t  hear  them  clearly  over  the  crackling  of  electricity.
he  points  in  the  direction  of  his  half - seared,  unconscious  assailant;  lets  todoroki  do  the  dirty  work  of  apprehending  them  while  his  lungs  kick  up  an  old  fight  to  function.  finally  pulling  in  full  breaths,  limbs  trembling.  he  tries  to  assess  his  own  condition.  his  head  swirls  at  the  edge  of  fading  consciousness.  hands,  still  steaming,  lift  to  his  throat  just  to  be  certain.  blood  drips  over  his  lips,  unobstructed.  ribs  plea  for  less  gasping.  
good  enough.  he  can  make  do  with  that.  i’m  still  here.  a  silent  plea  sent  out  that  whatever  happens  next  denki  can  sense  how  fucking  grateful  he  is,  that  none  of  the  love  was  wasted.  that  he’s  coming  home,  so  fucking  help  him.
i’ve  got  unfinished  business.  denki  is  owed  the  common  decency  of  an  apology,  at  the  very  least.
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mabsj · 4 years
Hi there Tumblr’s. Assallammu’alaikum to all readers. Just got my own free time to type this story. I’m currently at Genting Highland. Yeap. For holiday. Not me alone, but with my cousins and my mom. I tagged my mom along if she wants to follow in the very last minute to Genting Highland. And That very last minutes she wants to follow us. It’s a drive-up holiday as we don’t want to take a bus up there because we know it’s going to be very dizzy and some of us might get a little bit uncomfortable. Total there is 3 cars going up. But 2 cars depart first and the another one departs the next morning. Because the first car which is my cousin car is going back to Singapore a day earlier than us. And for me, the 2nd car, the driver, which is only me, decided to depart and drive at night if we going to anywhere for drive-up vacations because ATLEAST we don’t rush ourselves or waste our time on the journey to our destination. The 3rd car leaves the next morning due to my uncle finishes work at 7am. So have to let him rest. Because check in is at 3pm so it’s standard.
 So make the journey story short, I don’t drive fast due to my mom and I got full capacity on my car for small car even with turbo engine, to me it’s dangerous unless if I’m alone or 2pax inside the car and my car is lightweight unlike bigger car which is heavier than mine. Depart at 1am from Singapore and the 1st car drives like racer on 130-140km/h(well new car just only 3months old) and I only drive the max is 110-130km/h depending on me and the road situation. And obviously lost sight of my cousin car. But I’m fine with it because we stay at the same hotel for the first day and the worst part is, all fell asleep and the driver will be alone. The journey took 7hrs including stops for rest and morning prayer. Reach to our hotel, checked-in, had our breakfast and while we wait for my uncle to arrive, we zzzzzzzzzz………
 They arrive at their hotel at around 6.30pm. I was still sleeping because I was the only driver, and my co-driver soundly asleep and only wakes up upon reaching… shagg… I woked up a t 9.30pm. hahaha… And my uncle ask me if I want to follow him. His favourite place whenever he goes to Genting. I guess, everyone knows it. Casino. I never been to Casino. But wanted to see what’s inside. And I did enter. Alongside with both my young cousin. We enter at about 11.30pm. Actually, they won’t allow Malay to enter except for foreigner. Malay people from other country like Singapore, Indonesia and other country they allow them to enter except for Malay from Malaysia. Had to show our passport for verification. Once I enter inside, the environment is way far different from normal routine. Inside does not look like high end people playing by wearing suits, smart dress or high-baller. It’s standard normal people like us and some wearing short pants playing. My uncle play the game. But me and my one cousin,Nabil, we explore around the area. Heard people shouting here and there, heard them like as if they nearly win or win the game. Some people. It only 2hrs for us to explore the whole area from level 1 to level 2. It’s massive actually. I don’t know. Maybe I’m first timer. After 2hrs plus, we both went back to my uncle and we saw him won RM4000. To me it’s a lot of money. And I asked him how much he put inside, and he said, RM1000. I was like, hell no…… To me it’s wasted. I can buy shoes, shirts with that RM1K. But after seeing that he won RM4K, I let him be. But that doesn’t end. The money he won double’s up. YES. RISES UP. From RM4K, rises up to RM8K. Just only slot in RM1K, it reaches to RM8K. And lastly it hit RM10K. I was very shocked. He knew I was a first-timer. He suddenly gave my younger cousin,Nabil, RM200 to play for fun. And same goes to me. Just for fun try out. I take it and try it out just to know why and what makes them so attracted.
 Nabil finish his RM200 in just less than 20mins. And for me. A shocking for me, from RM200, I won RM3.5K. My another cousin, Ramdhan, told me to carry on. And yes. From there I felt the addictive moment. And I feel what other’s feel. Once they won, their prize gets higher and higher, they wanted more. The higher it is, the higher bet they put. But I stop at that amount and ask my uncle for his card to insert in the cash prize to his card account. He smile and he told me to continue, but I said to him, I try it out just to feel what other’s feel that is my intention and I don’t want to spoil what I intend. So transfer done and I rest for a moment and have some smoke and withing 1hours, I thought he would win higher. But turns out to be lesser. Form RM10K, downfall to RM3K. hahahahahahaha… to my disbelieve guys. He knows my money is RM3.5K. he didn’t disturb that amount. He only use his. And ended up he only won RM3k. Out of RM1K he slot in, he won RM3K where at the beginning we had won RM10K. Only then he realise he should have taken out that money. Hahahahaha… Well… That’s what we call, addicted and not realising the game played. And the next day, he went again. He invited me too but I told him, only once. I don’t feel like going there again. Tried once and enough. Ahahaha…
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peachednkeen · 7 years
Yesterday at the museum, I had to go to the bathroom so I told my activity partner where I was going and I excused myself. So I start towards the building and now, we had a line of people waiting outside to get in since we'd reached max capacity and couldn't safely allow anyone else in. As I'm walking past these people, a women from the line yells "Why is she cutting?" in the most vicious tone she could muster. The volunteers (which is what I am) have these vests that we wear and we have name tags which are visible from the front but not the back, if you've been to the museum, you know what we look like. I whipped my head around at the speed of light and looked her straight in the eye to say "I work here, Ma'am.", she shrunk down so quickly and tried to pretend like it didn't happen but everyone else in the crowd was so embarrassed. One of the ladies who works there was apologizing to me as I walked in but honestly I just thought it was really fucking funny.
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