#I was literally gonna sit down and write after taking Charlie downstairs
trashyswitch · 4 years
William's Many Secrets
William thought he had done a good job of keeping his secret. But Chris comes downstairs and starts blurting out a letter William had wrote to Henry. This domino-effects into Henry and the kids discovering another secret about Will:
This is gonna be my last fanfic for a good week or so. I am heading off to a beach cottage for summer vacation, and I'm leaving this morning! I will attempt to start another fanfic (because writing fanfics is so fun that I can't just stop for an entire week), but I likely won't upload anything until after next Saturday.
Disclaimer: There is indications of cheating. If you're sensitive to that subject, then...it's not that long...so, read at your own risk.
Other than that: I hope you like this fanfic!
Henry, William and the kids were having another play date together. Charlie was at another friend’s house, so only Henry and his wife could come. While the wives hung out on the back deck, William and Henry hung out in the living room watching TV and drinking a coke each. “Some lady called the pizzeria, asking for a birthday afternoon dedicated to her 9 year old son.” Henry told William.
“Yeah?” William reacted, only partly listening to him.
“You could hear the kid in the background being all whiny. And the moment she mentioned ‘Freddy Fazbear’, you could hear his screams of excitement echoing through the phone.” Henry told him, chuckling at the memory. “The kid wouldn’t shut up after that.” Henry concluded.
“Mm hmm…Don’t blame him.” William said back.
“His party friends are coming this Saturday. I’m gonna need a little help getting the place ready.” Henry told him.
“Let’s worry about that when it gets closer to the date.” William replied.
“What? Not in the mood to talk about work or something?” Henry asked.
William smiled slightly. “Not really, no. I just wanna rest and hang out without us needing to bring up work.” William replied.
“Ooooh...So you’re agreeing with my wife, then?” Henry accused.
William chuckled. “Did your wife tell you to not talk about work when you’re supposed to be relaxing?” William asked.
“Yes.” Henry replied.
“Then yes, I agree with her.” William concluded before taking a drink of his coke.
“Alright. Play it that way. But the moment you forget there’s a kids birthday party happening this Saturday, that’s your fault.” Henry warned him.
“Aww, you meeeaaan.” William whined sarcastically before smirking at him. Henry chuckled at him before giving William a slight push on the shoulder. This caused William’s coke to spill onto his shirt and jeans a little bit. “Hey! Watch what you’re doing, you clumsy elf!” William warned with a laugh before returning the push. Henry ended up getting more coke spilled on himself than William did. So, he pushed him again to make more coke spill. This led to a slight pushing fight to see how much coke could be spilled on the other opponent.
At one point, Henry made the genius mistake of purposefully spilling his coke on William’s pants.
“Oho, that’s it!” William put his coke down and quickly stole Henry’s glasses from his face.
“What- HEY! GIVE THEM BACK!” Henry shouted.
“You gotta catch me first, Devito!” William teased.
“GIVE ME BACK MY GLASSES, YOU BLURRY BOZO!” Henry shouted at him, taking off running after the purple-colored blur.
William laughed and ran into the kitchen before stopping at the counter. “Na na na na na, you can’t see me!” William sing-songed like a child.
Henry, getting more and more fed up with him, stopped in front of William. Just to be even more mean, William put the glasses on to see what he would look like wearing them. But the prescription in the glasses overwhelmed his eyes. “WhOoOoa! Okay! Your eyesight is worse than I thought!” William joked.
“Give them back now, William. No more games.” Henry ordered.
“How do I look?” William asked, striking a pose with the weirdly shaped rectangular glasses.
“You look like a blur of purple.” Henry replied, getting increasingly fed up with him.
“Yeah? And you like a blur of beige...aaaand a little blue.” William replied.
“William, give. Them. Back. You’ll hurt your eyes.” Henry ordered and held his hand out.
“Alright, alright. But can I put them onto your face myself?” William asked.
Henry sighed. “Fine. Just don’t poke me in the eye.” He warned.
“I won’t.” William replied before bringing the glasses closer to his face. William gently started lining up the sides of the glasses with his face, and gently inserted them onto his face. The first thing Henry saw perfectly clear, was William’s gentle face. It was super rare to see William this gentle with him. Henry began to regret the attitude he gave him.
He gave William a smile.
“Daddy! Look what I found!” Chris yelled to his Father and Uncle.
William’s gentle facial expression vanished slightly as he leaned back and looked down upon his youngest. The kid was holding a piece of paper in his hand. “What is it?” William asked.
“It’s a letter! It was in the typewriter upstairs! Dear Henry;” Chris explained before starting to read the letter.
William’s eyes widened. He immediately recognized what this really was! Suddenly scared, William ran up to his kid. “HEY-heeeeyy Chris! Uh- what have I told you about going through people’s stuff?” William asked him.
Chris only ran away from him a good 3 feet and continued reading. “I wanted to tell you this-”
“Chris, no.” William warned.
Chris looked up at his father from the corner of his eye, before smirking and continuing. “-for a while now, but I was too scared to.” Chris read.
William was visibly freaking out. “Chris! Stop! Reading!” William begged before his relationship with Henry was completely blown apart by this freaking letter.
Chris giggled and ran over to Elizabeth, who was standing at the stairs. “Elizabeth! Read this!” Chris ordered, handing Elizabeth the paper and pointing to the line she had to start on.
Elizabeth cleared her throat and smirked when she saw her father all blushy. “My friendship with you has been so amazing. Being able to partner with you to make Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria a success, has been an amazing experience.” Elizabeth read.
William was restless amidst his panicking. “Elizabeth, give me the paper.” William ordered.
Elizabeth only giggled at his attempt. “You’re red like a strawberry!” Elizabeth told him.
William’s eyes widened in horror as he struggled to keep himself calm. “E-Elizabeth...give back...give back my paper. That’s Daddy’s paper.” William attempted.
“Not anymore!” Elizabeth declared before sprinting away. Elizabeth took a shortcut past the other side of the table and headed into the living room. Then, she stopped and continued reading.
“I wish I could tell you in person how much you mean to me. But for now, I must rely on a paper and pencil or a typewriter.” Elizabeth read.
“I SWEAR-” William started to sprint, but was grabbed on the wrist. “Uh- Henry?! Let me go!” William ordered.
“You’re not going anywhere. I wanna hear this.” Henry told him.
Elizabeth continued to read. “This feeling is strange. I can’t describe it. I’ve never felt this way before. Usually when I’m with my wife, I feel like a smooth talker with all the confidence in the world. But when I’m with you, my mind goes blank and I can barely keep myself together.” Elizabeth read.
“Daddy, are you broken?” Chris asked.
William awkwardly tapped his fingers. “IIIIIIII...I don’t...I don’t know. Honest. No idea.” William stuttered.
Elizabeth blinked as she looked at the letter. Then, she gasped! Everything clicked! “YOU’RE IN LOVE!” Elizabeth blurted out.
William took a deep breath, and groaned in pure embarrassment.
“You’re in love! Love love love! You love him! You love Henry! It says so in your letter! ‘I have a crush on you’! You love him!” Elizabeth cheered excitedly, jumping around in front of her father.
William covered his face with his hands and growled into his palms. This was the most embarrassing day of his life. His kids had somehow found his letter, and were now blurting out his most well-kept secret.
“Daddy and Henry, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Chris and Elizabeth taunted loudly.
The worst part was the super wide smile that was peeking through his hands.
Henry walked up to William, still in awe at the crazy confession, and put his hand on his shoulder. “Hey. You okay?” He asked. Henry tried lightly pulling on William’s hand to get his hand off of his face. And the half part of William’s face that he saw, made him literally beam from cuteness:
William’s face was visibly red and a huge toothy smile was present on his face.
“Oh my gosh- Your face is so red!” Henry reacted, unable to handle his personal excitement.
“Ihihi knohohohow...Ihihihit’s teheherriblehehehe…” William whined.
“Awww! Daddy’s all blushy! Daddy is blushy! Daddy is blushy!” Chris teased and poked his Dad’s side.
“Daddy’s in loOoOoOove! He loves Henry!” Elizabeth teased, before squeezing his other side.
“Wahahahait! Guhuhuys!” William giggled.
“Tickle tickle Daddy!” Chris teased. William grabbed his daughter’s hand and allowed Chris to poke his side. The truth was, the poking didn’t really tickle much at all. It was Elizabeth’s squeezing that seemed to surprisingly tickle.
“Awww...it’s not working.” Chris whined.
Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and tried tickling his side with her other hand. But, this didn’t make William react. It only made him smile in confidence. “What happened?” Elizabeth asked.
“I’m not very ticklish.” William told them.
Henry guffawed. “That’s a load of malarkey!” Henry reacted. “I used to tickle you all the time! And I got plenty of laughs out of you!” Henry reminded him.
“Those-...” William hid his nervousness very well. “That was just pity laughter. Nothing more.” William explained.
“Come on, man! It can’t be! Watch this!” Henry declared confidently before tickling his ribs. But William just sighed and let him try. His face was just monotone as he looked at his kids.
Then, Henry tried tickling the armpits. Other than William’s arm movement to give Henry more access, William wasn’t reacting at all. Chris was eagerly waiting to see if he would double over and laugh, while Elizabeth was going insane with how her father was being as calm as he was!
“Wait...What?” Henry reacted.
Next, Henry tried tickling his sides and his belly. William cleared his throat and just waited for Henry to be done tickling him. “You gotta be kidding me…” Henry muttered, before attempting to squeeze his hips.
William seemed relatively calm and composed. But, there was a slight reaction. And Elizabeth caught it. He widened his eyes and accidentally let a wobbly smile show up on his lips for 2 seconds or less. But he had quickly bit his lip and shoved the reaction down. It was here that Elizabeth realized: there was some lying going on.
Then, Henry finally stopped and crossed his arms. “Alright. I give up on the upper body region. But there’s one more spot I wanna try before I give up completely.” Henry told him. “Please sit down on the chair over here. I wanna test out your feet.” Henry ordered. Henry sat down onto the chair and spread out his arms on the armrest. “Right off the bat:” Henry pulled off one of William’s socks and tried tickling his feet. William didn’t make any reaction, besides the slight eyebrow raise he made in curiosity.
Elizabeth finally decided to confront her father. “Hey Henry: Go back to tickling his hips.” Elizabeth ordered.
Henry turned to look at her. With Henry not looking, William gave Elizabeth the index finger on the mouth to ‘shut your mouth’.
“Really? Why?” Henry asked.
“Because he smiled!” Elizabeth declared.
William narrowed his eyes and gave Elizabeth a ‘you evil’ kind of frown before resuming his normal look. “What smile? I didn’t smile.” William denied.
“Yes you did! And you just told me to be quiet!” Elizabeth told him as well.
Henry sighed and looked at Chris. “Did you see any of this?” Henry asked. William shot Elizabeth a look. He pointed at Elizabeth, before swinging his hand across the front of his neck, to say ‘you’re dead’.
“Yup. I saw the quiet thing, and I just saw Dad tell Elizabeth that she’s gonna die.” Chris told Henry.
Henry looked at William. “I think the person who’s gonna die here, is you.” Henry told him before lifting him up.
Henry stood his friend back up and started tickling his hips again. William squeezed his eyes shut this time, and started slightly squirming while attempting to push Henry’s hands off. But this only led to Henry tickling his sides instead! William turned himself to the side and widened his eyes. Scared a laugh would come out, William covered his mouth for a moment before attempting to reach back and stop him. But this just led to Henry digging his wiggly fingers into William’s armpits!
This time, William yelped and jolted before increasing his squirming dramatically! Henry began to grow more and more confident in his abilities. So, he pushed William’s knees down so he was kneeling down. “Quick kids! Tickle different spots on his body! And whatever you do: keep! Switching! Spots!” Henry ordered.
The kids didn’t waste any time! They ran up to William and tickled his belly, tickled his sides, tickled the front of his ribs, and tickled his exposed feet! Chris even tried tickling the lower part of his back while Elizabeth tried tickling his hips again. While the lower back was somewhat effective, the hips made the man double over for a couple seconds! To make things worse, the kids were teasing him and mentioning his darkening blush CONSTANTLY!
William was getting closer and closer to bursting. He had developed a wobbly smile that just couldn’t go away, and he was wiggling and squirming around like a skittish cat!
“Okay. Keep going...keeeeep going…” Henry encouraged.
“Why? What are you gonna do?” Elizabeth asked.
“You’ll find out very veeeeerrry-” Henry teased. Suddenly, Henry took in a quick deep breath and blew a gigantic raspberry on his neck!
“aaAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHENRYHYHYHYHY DOHOHOHOHON’T!” William screamed before finally breaking.
“You did it!” Elizabeth yelled.
Henry, feeling proud of himself, let William go and allowed him to just tumble his giggly body onto the ground. “Aaaaand there he goes. Get ’em kids!” Henry declared.
Elizabeth and Chris both let out big war cries and started tickling absolutely everywhere they could reach! “HehehEHEHEHEY! NOHOHO FAHAHAHAHAIR!” William yelled at them. William helplessly turned onto his back and struggled to fight the kids without hurting them.
“Ohohoho! No fair?! No FAIR?! Did I just hear that right?! You just earned yourself another tickler!” Henry declared, pulling his sleeves up with an evil smirk on his face.
“Nohohoho! NOHO! NO, DON’T EVEN THIHINK AHABOHOUT IHIT! WAHAHAIT- NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! DAHAHAHAHAHAMMIHIHIHIHIHIT!” William threw his head back and laughed hysterically! Henry was squeezing his hips like his life depended on it!
On top of that, Elizabeth had finished tickling his ribs and side, and had ran over to his lower body to tickle his feet. The moment she started scratching his left arch and heel, William squealed and pulled his foot away. “Ticklish feet, Daddy?” Elizabeth asked as she tickled the right foot next.
“Wow! You’re actually begging us?! Are you really that ticklish?!” Henry exclaimed. “If that’s the case, then how in the world did you keep yourself from laughing before?!” Henry asked.
“Maybe Daddy needs more people to tickle him!” Elizabeth guessed as she sat on William’s lower legs.
“Maybe so.” Henry replied, keeping that in mind before lessening his fingers.
William did get a moment to breath slightly, but his breathing didn’t last long before he was thrown into another wicked fit of laughter. “ELIHIHIZABEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO FEEEHEHEHEHEHEHET!” William squealed.
“He has ticklish toes!” Elizabeth reacted.
“Awww! Does poor widdle Willy have ticklish toesies?” Henry teased.
Chris paused his tickling for a moment and giggled. “You sound like an anime girl.” Chris joked to Henry.
“I do?! No no no, I’m just teasing him.” Henry explained.
“Oh! Even after all this tickling, you’re going to deny being ticklish on your toes?! Tickle him.” Henry told Elizabeth.
“Way ahead of you.” Elizabeth told him while tickling the balls of his feet and under all 10 of his toes. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo! Who’s a ticklish Daddy? Who’s a love-struck Daddy?” Elizabeth teased.
“What in the world is all the rack-” someone asked, before widening their eyes at the sight.
“Michael!” Chris shouted, pausing his tickling before running up and hugging his big brother.
“Hihi Chris!” He said back. “Tickling Dad, I see?” Michael teased. Chris whispered something into Michael’s ear, causing Michael’s eyes to widen and for a big smile to show up on his lips. “You’re a genius! Let’s go get it!” Michael declared before running into the kitchen with Chris in his hands.
“Well, there goes one tickler.” Elizabeth said.
“Let’s give your papa here, a break.” Henry suggested. He removed his hands from his armpits and looked at William upside down. “You okay, Mr. Giggles?” Henry asked.
William chuckled at the nickname. “You...are so…*huff* getting it...when...I can...breath. Again.” William warned him.
Henry smirked at the slight threat. “You know you’re just asking for it, right?” Henry told him.
“Asking for what?...A kiss?” William teased.
Henry raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Well...later. But for now: More tickles!” Henry teased before tickling his armpits and upper ribs.
“NahAHAHA! Cohohohome ohohohon!” William laughed, pushing him away.
“Nope! Can’t stop me that easily!” Henry grabbed Elizabeth and held her out to him. “I have a mini tickle monster, and I’m not afraid to use her!” Henry warned.
Elizabeth giggled before showing off her ‘claws’ and saying “Rawr!” at him.
“Aww, come on! I come out with a camera, and you choose to stop?!” Michael reacted.
Henry decided to unleash the tickle monster to see what she would do. Unsurprisingly, Elizabeth crawled all over William and started squeezing his hips, tickling his belly, squeezing his sides, and even tickling his ribs. “Hahahaha! Mihihichahahael! Tuhurn thahahat ohohohoff!” William told him, lifting his arms up to try and reach the camera.
Henry, taking advantage of the moment, wiggled his fingers in his armpits. “Gotcha, Will!” Henry said quickly.
“Awww, poor Dad! He’s getting recorded against his will! Whatever will the ticklish man do?” Michael narrated.
“That’s rude. Maybe a blow on your tummy will help?” Elizabeth asked. Then, Elizabeth blew a BIG raspberry right on her father’s belly.
“oHOHOHOHO JEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” William shouted and wiggled like the world depended on it.
“WOW! You nailed that perfectly!” Michael reacted.
“Oh! And by the way, Elizabeth: that’s called a raspberry.” Henry told her.
“A raspberry?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yup! Lay down.” Henry told her. As soon as she laid down, Henry lifted up her shirt and blew a raspberry on her belly next.
“EEEEHEHEHEHEHEHE!” Elizabeth giggled gleefully.
“And THAT is a big boy raspberry.” Henry told the camera.
“Do it on Daddy!” Chris told him.
William’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. “NO!” William warned.
“Oh! That’s not a bad idea!” Henry muttered.
“NO.” William warned a second time as he sat up and put a warning finger up.
“Lay yourself down.” Henry declared, pushing William back onto his back. “And let a pro handle this.” Henry said confidently.
“I’ll sit on his arm!” Elizabeth declared, before sitting herself on William’s left wrist.
William yelped. “Elizabeth! Get off!” William begged nervously. He tugged at his wrist, with zero success. He attempted to cover up his stomach with his right hand, but Henry had grabbed the wrist and held it aside.
“One…” He counted.
William gulped and widened his eyes as Henry wiped off Elizabeth’s slobber with Will’s own shirt.
“Two…” Henry counted.
Henry lifted up his shirt with a big smirk on his face.
“Three!” Henry took a deep breath, and blew a BIG raspberry onto his bare belly!
Suddenly, his laughter went silent. It was here that Henry decided to cover Will’s belly and help him out. With Elizabeth out of the way, Henry lifted him up a bit and leaned him against the bottom of the couch. “I didn’t kill you, did I?” Henry asked.
William could barely speak. So, he nodded his head.
Henry chuckled and put his ear against his chest to feel his heartbeat. William, surprised by this gesture, immediately felt his face turn a scarlet red.
“Awwww!” Elizabeth cooed.
Michael lowered the camera and revealed his wide eyes and his dropped jaw. Hold up...does his father...have a thing for Henry?! Since when?!
Henry moved his head away from William again with a smile. “I can hear a heartbeat, so you must be alive.” Henry teased.
“R-Really?...That’sgood. That’s...very good.” William said, unsure of what to say at that point.
Elizabeth was clapping her hands and looking like an awestruck fangirl, while Chris was just watching in curiosity.
But Michael...was confused. Almost...hurt, but not hurt at the same time. The idea and the proof seemed to conflict him. Was his father bisexual? Wasn’t that considered a bad thing? If that’s the case, then why is his father one of them? And how did Henry feel about it? Was...was Henry bisexual as well?!
“Noooow KISS!” Elizabeth declared.
Michael jolted at the sudden declaration. Hold up, WHAT?! “Elizabeth!” Michael yelled at her.
“What? It’s true love!” Elizabeth told him.
“If that’s true love, then what was Mom and Dad?” Michael asked.
Elizabeth looked at Michael with confusion, before she gasped and looked at them. She didn’t even think about that!
William looked at Michael with a genuine guilty face. “Michael’s right. I can’t date anyone. I already chose the love of my life, and that’s your Mom.” William told Elizabeth.
Now it was Elizabeth’s turn to be conflicted. “But...But the…”
“Elizabeth...come here.” William told her. She walked up to her father and sat down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her. “We may not have a love relationship. But, we have the next best thing: an amazing friendship. If you wanna tell us to keep our friendship, then that would be amazing. But please...leave the kisses out of our friendship.” William told her. Elizabeth sighed, but nodded. “Okay.” She said.
“Don’t worry Elizabeth. Best friends can still have loads of fun.” William told her.
“Like tickling?” Elizabeth asked with a smile.
William nodded and gave her side a couple light tweaks. “Like tickling.” William replied.
Elizabeth giggled and smiled before getting up and running up to Michael. “Your turn Michael!” Elizabeth yelled, before tickling the back of his knees.
“HehEHEHEY! IHIHI’M HOHOLDIHING AHAHA CAHAHAMEHEHERA!” Michael laughed and ran away. Michael leaned over the couch and placed the camera on there, before he laid himself onto the ground.
“TICKLE PILE!” Chris declared as he ran to Michael.
While Michael was getting doggy piled and tickled by his siblings, William and Henry walked away from the living room.
Henry grabbed William’s hand and put a finger on Will’s lips. “Let’s take a detour.” Henry whispered. He walked William over to the nearby storage closet in the Afton house, and closed the door behind them. The moment the door was closed, William and Henry made every moment count. Henry treated William like the greatest treasure he has ever held in his grasp. They kissed, they touched, they made love, and they did it all in a matter of minutes. The world seemed to slow down for the two of them. And right before they opened up the closet door…William whispered this:
“Are you free this Saturday, after the birthday party?”
108 notes · View notes
modernsocialmediaau · 4 years
AU: Sara is lead singer in a band called The Legends. Her band mates are; Charlie: Bass Player, Nate: Lead Guitarist, Zari: Drummer, Ray: Pianist. They call their fans beebos. Ava on the other hand is a famous actress with an entourage; Nora her best friend, and stylist, Gary: Manager, and Mona her publicist.
“Rise and shine!” Gary screams from the downstairs, the two are the only one that took care of themselves that night. Everything was going normal until the group caught a glimpse of Ray and Nora locking lips. That’s sort of when all hell broke loose, Sara offered shots and Charlie offered drinking games. 
“If he doesn't stop shouting. I will literally hung him by his leg out in the balcony.” Charlie groans placing a pillow on top of her face, Zari pulls her much closer trying to hide her face while also burying her neck in Charlies shoulder. 
“C’mon love birds.” Sara throws a pillow at the cuddling two. As well as Ray and Nora locking lips, Zari and Charlie made a mistake locking lips right in front of Gary as well as Sara but Sara already knew. 
After an 20 more minutes of Gary shouting and John singing they finally got everyone out of bed for some breakfast. 
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Soon after breakfast the crew heads for their hike, it was a rather quiet first hour. Sara and Ava are up front leading the way, talking about god knows what while the others are behind them scheming. 
“Now that you two are settled, can we focus on those two.” Charlie points at the two blondes leading the way,
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“Charlie, Ava needs time to heal” 
“And Sara--” Nate sighs knowing how much mending a broken heart is hard, but having had a pile of broken hearts after the other tends to wound an individual. 
“Need to heal as well,” Ray sighs
“Okay but you guys can’t tell me that last night they weren’t up on each other or vibing at all.” Mona coo’s looking ahead to see the two girls examining the trail 
“So what they’re friends, what if they are—“ Nate is cut off by the conversation the two girls are having up ahead. Ava is currently holding the map far from Sara’s reach, she’s using her butt as a shield.
“Just let me see it for one second.” Ava argues
“Why Miss-Know-It-All,” Sara teases bumping into Ava catching her in surprise letting her guard down. “You didn’t” Ava scoffs, but Sara took that opportunity to take the map and run away from Ava. 
“Are you kidding though.” Mona woo’s pointing at the two playing tag with one another
“Okay but they’ve been like that since the beginning of their friendship, they’re both extremely headstrong. Sara is extremely rebellious and from what I noticed Ava is a little controlling.” Nate explains following the two blonde girls still play fighting over the map 
“What’s wrong with him?” Gary mumbles, John shrugs taking out a cigarette as they follow, everyone starts to do the same but Nora puts her hand out to stop everyone else from walking. 
“Okay new plan, do we force them to be together, or do we let them heal properly and hope that they’ll get together?” Nora speaks up leaving Zari, Ray and Charlie stuck 
“Well clearly forcing them together isn't working out,” Ray starts 
“Exactly when we do that they seem to butt heads but—” Zari continues 
“When we leave them alone they come together naturally—”Charlie adds
“Which leaves us with the question again, do we keep forcing them together? Or do we let them heal—”
“Hey guys! C’mon the lake is up ahead!” Sara shouts summoning the last four to catch up to them. 
“Well Ava leaves in a month and you guys leave in 2. Which means everyone will be gone, and your tour is going to last what—?” Nora schemes as they slowly walk trying to create some space as they scheme 
“7 month at the most.” Ray informs 
“Which means we let fate decide?” Charlie questions
“That just may be our best bet.” Zari pulls Charlie to walk faster since everyone doesn't have a choice on what to do about the two. 
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1 Hour Later...
“Who knew Mona Wu could cook?” Nora jokes as everyone is enjoying their lunch with some coffee, and tea. 
“Well if you guys actually came over for food every once in a while instead of going out to eat you’d actually see how I can cook.” Mona defenses rolling her eyes making everyone cackle. As they continue to eat Sara somehow sneaks away from the group, and of course Ava notices which means she follows. 
Nobody else notice the two girls sneak away. As Ava gets closer to Sara she whispers “Hey! Where are you going?” 
“Hey, stalker.” Sara chuckles continuing to her path, up a hill 
“I’m not a stalker, you just left and what if you get stuck or lost or something?” 
“Whatever floats your boat”
“So what are you doing exactly?” 
“Wanted a better view, better views give me better ideas, lyrics, melodies—”
“You’ve got writers block?” 
“Yup, and it’s killing me because it is literally the last song of the album and we’re suppose to record it when we get back into town Monday.” 
“Oh well then I’ll leave you alone—” There’s a pause, a part of Ava that wants Sara to ask her to stay but she can understand why the girl might want her alone time
“No wait, can I bounce things off of you?” Ava smiles before turning back around to Sara
“I’ll do my best—What do you got?” 
Sara takes her phone out and pulls up the instrument of her empty music.  The two sit for 6 minutes just trying to get the feel of the music. 
“First of all, I love the sound—do you have a concept?”
“I don’t know nothing is really connecting to me and the whole album is coming together but this song would take it to a whole ‘nother level”
“Alright let’s start with this what haven't you wrote about?” 
“A break up, I refuse. I’ll write about everything else but I don’t know I always feared that I’ll cry during one of the shows and crying is—”
“Disgusting—”Ava jokes
“Exactly but if thats’ the next best thing I’ll take it. So breaks up...break ups”
“How did your break up with Alex go? I know this is personal and might be a little too weird to talk about but—”
“No it’s okay, it was in the end of March and my ex girlfriend Alex broke up with me. She said that she felt lonely every time we were together because I was so busy with everything going on with my life. And she wasnt wrong—”
“Alright what made this break up hard?”
“She found somebody else, this amazing detective named Maggie Sawyer—I guess it hurt a lot because we were friends for 8 years then we dated and I just kind of assume we’d get married and do the whole house and kids thing but to be replaced so quickly hurt.”
“Do you want her back?”
“No I dont want her back but I hate thinking about her with somebody else.”
“Okay so let’s write about that mindset, you dont want her but you hate seeing her with his Maggie person.”
“That’s not bad, Sharpe. Not bad at all.”
30 minutes later
“Let’s hear it, Lance.” Ava runs back to Sara from going to the lake to meditate to hear what she’s got so far.
“It’s rough but hear me out,
So I heard you found somebody else And at first I thought it was a lie I took all my things that make sounds The rest I can do without
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
“That’s so—What the actual fuck—keep going.” 
“That’s all I’ve got so far, I was thinking of adding another chorus like 
I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Yes that’s good. Next verse c’mon don’t slack now—”
“Feel free to shout some ideas—jeez this is hard.”
“Right sorry, okay same melody right?” 
“Yup, all I’ve got for the second verse is
c’mon baby
this aint the last time—
That I’ve been amazed?”
“No that doesn't make sense, what about that I've seen your face then repeat c’mon baby almost like calling her out as well as calling out to her.”
Come on baby This ain't the last time that I'll see your face Come on baby
“I hate that I can be replaced?”
“You said you’d find someone to take my place?” 
“We’re going to go with yours I dont want her to think this is about her in the slightest—then I have this crazy idea that I thought of as soon as you left ”
I just don't believe that you have got it in you 'cause We are just gonna keep 'doin' it' and everytime I start to believe in anything you're saying I'm reminded that I should be getting over it
“I love that its a shift but not too noticeable where it throws the person off”
“Thank you, then the chorus repeats—
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody elseI'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Do you have any ideas for the bridge?” 
“I want it to almost be chant like so that whoever is listening to this is getting a looking at themselves in the mirror and my friends said I need to get over the last bit of you and so here I am hyping myself up in this mirror type of feel.” 
“Specific I’m all ears.”
“I want it to build up like this;
I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body
then how about, get someone you love? get someone you need?”
“Fuck that, get money!” Ava jokes but Sara disagrees. 
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money”
“Damn I am a genius.” Ava nods 
“Right, but it needs one more line before I go on a chanting spree—”
“Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money. I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“Where do you keep coming up with this?”
“Okay let’s hear it shall we?
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“That was it! Yes then obviously repeat the chorus right?” 
“Yes and thats the whole song. Thats the whole album WOOHOOO!!!” Sara shouts, pulling Ava into a very tight hug. Ava couldn't help but feel good and oddly giddy having Sara in her arms.
“Oi! Is everything okay?” Charlie waves at the two girls and the two pull away from one another
“I just finished the album you’ve got to hear it!” Sara kisses Ava’s cheek before running towards Charlie. Ava watches Sara making to Charlie, and she decides to sit down to think about what to do.
“What was that up there?” 
“She helped finished the last song of the album which means I finished the album—”
“Sara—calm down, let us hear it then?”
Part 13/?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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A Slice Of My Love. Chapter 6. Wait, You Don't Think I'm Insane?
Sup children!! (No clementine my brother did not hack onto my Tumblr and write me a whole fucken chapter.) We be existing on the bean bag again. 
The farthest you will most likely see me venture is to my bed. Or a hotel. It depends how long this book goes for. I mean, we’re almost at 10 chapters. I said like 20-30 most likely. Holy shit. I’m almost ½ to ⅓ done with this book. Moving on before I go on more of a tangent than I already have!!
Pairings: Mentions of the glasses gays (it's toned down for this chapter and in chapter 7 it will be turned up to 11), Prinxiety but it’s best friend mode™ that has been preset to 11
Tw: Cursing, Fourth wall breaks (they be back, but not as bad this time), Virgil being insane, Virgil and Roman being both shippers and BFFs, the lack of sleep finally catching up to Virge, Vee thinking he has just proved a major point.
Virgil’s POV
Assuming that you’ve read this whole book, you already know that Pat has been overtaken by the powers of the boop™ and has gone upstairs with Logan. Logan never came back downstairs.
Roman was thinking about something. Well, I knew what that something was. You only have to be best friends with Princy for a year and a half to know what he wants to ask you.
“You wanna ask me about Alonso, don’t you?” Roman looked up at me. Then he went back to thinking.
“You know that as long as you don’t accuse me of being insane, you can ask me whatever the fuck you want.”
He looked at me again and then sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal. “Taking advantage of the fact that dad’s upstairs huh?”
The fuck? Dude, we’ve been best fucking friends for over a year now!! If you’re trying to ask me something just ask me!!
“No shit Sherlock.”
He gasped in fake surprise. “How DARE you!! I hate to inform you, but I am the prince, hence I am royalty. You do not speak to royalty in such a crude manner!!”
So the Roman stans are taking mild offense right now. I’m gonna tell you this once and once only. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BEST FRIEND MODE™ HAS BEEN TURNED UP TO ITS PRESET NUMBER OF 11!!
Anyways, Roman stans aside, I laughed hysterically at Roman’s mocked offense. He does a really good impression of what I’d like to imagine offended Roman stans to sound like.
Ok, we’re gonna chuck the Roman stans out a window so I can actually move on from them. I decided that I was going to help Princey away from the conversation that He was trying to move away from. (I was really tempted to say spared.) The extra bitch hasn’t left yet, has it Em? (We are NOT doing this now.) Fine.
“Seeing as you’re trying to change the subject, Pat and Lo earlier.”
His face lit up at the mention of the glasses gays, as we’ve dubbed them.
“Looks like someone needs to get more sleep.” Ro did a crappy impersonation of Lo. I laughed some more.
“And don’t forget the boop™”
Roman started snickering “How did I forget the boop™? Uhh… Well, I only have 2 weaknesses: self-deprecation and affection.”
Roman was crappily imitating Pat now. I knew where Roman was going. I jumped up from my chair and ran over. Then I slowly walked by him and booped his nose.
Roman snickers turned into a bit of giggling, then he continued with our inside joke. “Never mind. I have 3 weaknesses: self-deprecation, affection and whatever Logan just did.”
I laughed even more at Roman’s shitty impression job. “Ok, you’re purposely sucking. I have accepted this challenge of sucking at doing impersonations for this joke.” I cleared my throat for the shittiest Logan Sanders impression in the history of the universe. I heard Roman mumble “Oh god” underneath his breath.
Good. You better be bracing yourself for this shitshow Princey.
“Patton, I believe that Roman and Virgil would call that a” I searched through imaginary vocab cards “boop™.”
We looked at each other and then laughed hysterically. I somehow ended up falling over in our laughter. We stopped for a moment and looked at each other again. Then laughed again, only harder this time.
Through my laughter, I managed “Stop laughing and help me you, stupid bitch!!”
He looked at me in disbelief. “You’re sitting there, on the floor, laughing, but I can’t laugh with you?” He lectured me while still giggling.
“I’m laughing at my own stupidity. Only I can laugh at myself.”
“Whatever. I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one!”
The laughter had died down quite quickly after that. Roman helped me up off the floor. We walked to the couch and sat down.
Well… more he sat down, I lay down, and he was my footrest. It’s an us thing.
“Do you always have to put your feet on me, Virge?”
I scoffed and looked at him in disbelief. “Do I have anywhere else to put my feet? No. Do I want you to sit on my feet? No. Do I want to sit up? No. Do I want to move to the other couch? No. Are you my prisoner now? Yes.”
He laughed a little more. I could tell that he was thinking that I stole his job of being the dramatic one.
We sat there in comfortable silence. The only thing keeping it from being awkward was the light and playful atmosphere. I have no clue about you guys, but with a best friend that you’re almost always loud with, silence is just weird and awkward. (This is a thing with me and my best friend. Normally we just randomly quote Charlie the Unicorn at that point.) 
I decided that I needed to bring up the inevitable.
“You gonna ask me about Alonso any time today? I already told you. You can ask me. I trust you.”
He thought for a moment. “Umm…. Well…. What does he look like?”
I snickered a little bit. “Wow. You’re THAT scared that you’re going to offend me?”
He didn’t share my laughter.
“Oh, umm…. Kinda like Remy, but without the stupid sign that says sleep. But like Remy mixed with someone else. I can’t put my finger on who though.” Roman hummed in response. Then he got a mischievous grin on his face.
He dared though.
“So is he hot?”
I looked at him with my most serious “Bitch what the fuck?” face and asked him a simple question: “Roman, you’re my best friend and I love you (platonically), but why are you like this?”
He looked back at me with a “Bitch what the fuck?” face as well. “Because I’m the literal embodiment of Thomas’ romance. And as your best friend, I want you to find love.”
“That wasn’t cheesy at all Ramen.” I snickered a little bit at the Ramen part. Roman absolutely HATES the nickname Ramen. But he’s still Ramen.
“Don’t think Ramen’s going to get a reaction out of me. It’s not. I’m totally fine with that nickname now.”
Roman picked up on the reference and finished the song. “And I want my pink shirt.”
I joined him for the extra part that we add every time we sing/listen to that song.
Once our laughter had died down again, Roman got serious again. Ish.
“Are you gonna tell me if Alonso is cute or not?”
I couldn’t escape this conversation now. “I don’t know. I guess? You know that this isn’t really my department. It’s like 110% yours.”
He snickered a little bit. “So like, when did you notice him?”
I told him the story. “So Pat was lecturing me about how I should be sleeping and all that bs. I wasn’t really listening because of the hypocrite card. I was staring at the counter and he was just sort of chilling there. Existing.”
I looked at Ro to see his “Vee you’re insane” face but it never came, so I continued.
“Then after Pat went upstairs to get Logan. Alonso, at this point in time I didn’t know his name so I was just referring to him as ‘the counter guy’ in my head, started talking to me by quoting Heathers. I was quoting the scene that he started when Pat and Lo came downstairs. They told me that I was being crazy and that there was only a piece of bread. That’s why I thought that you’d think I’m crazy too.”
Roman looked at me. No discernible emotion could be seen on his face. It was kinda scary. He just told me “I don’t think you’re crazy.”
It took me a moment to comprehend that. “You don’t?”
“At least I think that.”
I didn’t fully think out what I was about to do before I did it. That’s very unusual for me. Might I remind you that I was running on two cups short of a full pot of coffee (Pat and Lo drank them) and like 2 hours of sleep?
I lept off the couch, grabbed Roman’s hand and dragged him up the stairs. Once I got to Pat’s room I kicked the door down. We were greeted with the sight of the glasses gays cuddling on Patton’s bed watching a movie.
After I kicked the door down they looked up at me in shock. Still cuddling though, so that’s a bonus.
Pat spoke first. “Virgil, please tell me why you just kicked down my door.”
I could hardly contain my excitement. I moved to the side a little bit and pulled Roman forward. “RoMaN sAyS i’M nOt CrAzY!!!”
Logan looked at Roman “Roman, please explain.”
Roman looked down at his feet. “Well, do I have a story for you guys.”
This chapter is the longest by far. The actual chapter part went over 3 pages. That’s a first.
Anywho. I really liked this chapter. It was quite fun to write. However, the next one will be even more fun to write. The glasses gays turned up to 11. God am I gonna have a ball with the next one.
Chapter 7 will most likely be next week. We’re going to Chicago and it’s a 3-hour drive there and back. I write on my laptop which will be left at home, and I don’t have a phone to write on soooo….. I get to listen to Heathers and Mean Girls mass amounts of times though.
                                            The existing internet writing human,
Taglist (if you’d like to be added/removed please inform me): @winterswishing-reblogs @thetomorrowshow @just-some-gt-trash @iixclementine
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dawnowar · 4 years
So this school lunches thing got me thinking about the way my abusive stepmother treated me as a child.
Thats as much of a trigger warning as you’re getting cause I think its better to process things than avoid them...  I have time to write and this is on my mind this second. Writing is a huge part of how I process things... so here we go.
So i passed on a post cause our local school system is offering free lunches for any kids under 18, which is great. I’m a big proponent for school lunches because growing up my evil stepmother didnt feed me right. and I was a rich kid so i think there was a lot of expectation that i was being taken care of in a way that I was not.
My stepmothers whole thing.. my family’s whole thing.. was pretending we were a normal family. Presenting that way to the outside world. Even in our house there was a huge degree of this. Which made it worse for me because it was so easy for people to assume i was just a weird kid when the signs presented themselves to people who could have helped me.
Anyway since i grew up and especially after she died, so many people told me that of course they noticed things weren’t right and of course they said something and fought for me. I never knew that until recently. So as nice as it is to hear, it didn’t help me live through those 8 or so years she was in charge of me.
At home she fed me candy.  and ice cream. cupcakes, etc. and that’s all. Breakfast was one cup of hot cocoa with two packets of mix in there that was always like a clumpy syrup at the bottom of the cup. After school was candy until my dad got home and we would all sit at the table and pretend to eat a meal together. She would give me the tiniest portion of meat or any real food and then tell my dad how I “eat like a bird”. which is nonsense. He never questioned it any further than that. 
On weekends when I had to eat at home I was allowed noodles and butter, mac and cheese and not a lot else. just pasta. When I got older, I would actually sneak eggs and tuna when she wasnt home. I’m sure she noticed these things going missing but what was she gonna do after I ate it? 
She had a lot of rules on me for every single thing. That didn’t make any sense. Where i was allowed to go, where i was allowed to sit, who i was allowed to talk to.. and i just mean in the house on a regular day... I wasnt allowed to use the upstairs bathrooms at all, i had to use the guest bathroom downstairs and I wasn’t allowed to bathe or shower, but when I got older i started sneaking showers when she was gone as well. 
I’d hear the garage door close as she was leaving and I’d be showering and eating tuna and trying my best to cover up my tracks before she got back. 
All this started gradually... wasnt at once or anything so when it started i was like 8 give or take.. and we moved a couple of times so more rules were put in place as i was moved further away from the neighbors who looked after me. When i was 10 we moved to a different city where I knew no one and i was on my own. Inside my own home. I just had to deal with it till i grew up. But it got much worse before it got better. By the time i was around 14, i was dealing with growing up stuff.. by the time I was 16 she really couldn’t control me anymore, so stuff like what i ate or where I sat or if I showered... i just one day figured out that if i just do things she usually cant or wont stop me. 
She used to steal my things and i didn’t have a hairbrush for years. I wasnt allowed to bathe, or do my laundry and I didn’t have a hairbrush, so you can imagine I looked like Pig Pen from Charlie Brown. She told my teachers I liked being like that or something. One of my gym teachers humiliated me once by forcing me to stay after class and shower as if i was just gross and she was solving the problem. She just humiliated me on top of all i was suffering, so i didn’t look to teachers to help me. 
My evil stepmother was physically abusive to me as well but that was the easy part. She would just go into rages and take it out on me if i didn’t obey her nonsensical rules which were impossible to follow anyway. She would come and attack me while I was asleep any morning my father left for work early. Most mornings. A normal morning for me..... She would wake me up by dragging me out of bed by my hair, onto the floor, out of my room, into the hall, around the corner and down the stairs and leave me at the bottom of the stairs to start my morning routine getting dressed and ready for school. 
Then I watched cartoons in the TV room by myself and drank the chocolate sludge till it was time to get on the bus to go to school where all the kids hated me because i was gross and I spent all day getting teased and taunted till I came home and went back to the TV room where she would either bring me candy or come in an attack me and pull my hair out. I wouldn’t know which one she was coming in the room for until she was doing it. There was a lock on the door and I would lock her out when she was being violent but she had the lock removed. Lied to the locksmith and my dad and made them believe there was a reason to take the lock out, so I started locking myself in the bathroom.
By the time I was 16, I was a much more imposing figure she couldn’t control completely anymore. I was washing myself and i was dressing myself so i didn’t look so dorky and maybe people started liking me at school. I got super lucky that a girl actually became my friend at school. She was not only super-independent but she had a car so she could pick me up and drive me away and she had a job working at a laundromat so i was able to wash my clothes for free and spend time away from home and learn how to grow up into a person who could do something besides just stay alive. 
But clear up to the very end of high school school lunches were my main source of nutrition. My evil stepmother was letting me eat pizza by then too. For her, being fat was the worst possible thing I guess so she just tried her best to fatten me up feeding me only carbs while both her daughters grew up to become anorexic. 
The first day I was actually on my own ever.. I was in England and I had just slept off the jet lag in my new rented room that was just for me. I wasnt on any program or plan. I wasn’t at college, nobody was in charge of me...  i was just there. just me and this rented room and I woke up in the morning with nothing and realized i needed to feed myself. I went to McDonald’s and got a vanilla milkshake and realized i have no idea how to feed myself like a normal person. 
I had to start that day and figure every single thing out for myself via trial and error about how to be a person in the real world.
That woman only had control of me for 8 years of my life and then I went out into the world and became a real person after that. She didn’t break me or destroy me. She did, however, destroy my family.
Its my dad’s fault for letting her. I’ve always felt this way. He was the adult. He was the only one who could have stopped it but instead he spent his time pretending everything was OK. I didn’t know until recently that literally EVERYONE told him, so he was willfully ignorant. He sacrificed his own children for this facade of a relationship with this woman. I can’t explain why a person does that, but he left me and my brother to fend for ourselves.
Which we did and we are ok. 
I don’t care what happened to her or her daughters. She basically stole the life I should have had and gave it to her children, but from what little i know about them from the outside is that they had their own problems which seem much harder to get past than what I had to deal with. 
I don’t mourn the loss of that life i never had any more than I mourn the life that we pretended we were having that we never were. 
I only wish I’d known back then the enormous power I really had if i’d only just kept on telling everyone who would listen truth. If i had told everyone everything at every turn i would have saved myself. I didn’t know that at the time. I was just a kid and I gave up because i didn’t believe anyone was listening once my most trusted adult didn’t believe me. I suffered until I grew up and didn’t have to suffer anymore. 
I am an emotionally healthy adult for the most part. I’m not without scars. It’d be impossible to come out of that unscathed. I’m perpetually single because being alone is safe and comforting for me. Because when people come in, you don’t know if they’re going to attack you or give you candy but neither one of them is what you really need. 
I flailed around for a lot of years as an adult trying to figure out how to take care of myself. I finally got it right after my boyfriend in the late 90s dumped me and I wasn’t dealing well when my best friend died and everything just burned down around me and i had to rebuild everything from scratch slowly and methodically starting with cleaning my kitchen and i found the flylady.org who put me on the path to getting my house cleaning under control and then the rest of it followed. 
Now i actually clean other peoples houses for a living.
We always had housekeepers and those ladies were the best women to me ever in my life and I’m proud to see that I’ve followed in their footsteps. These are the women who cared for me. These are the women who were kind to me. These are the women who worked hard for what they had instead of marrying rich and stealing from their cash-cow’s children. 
I didnt get the evil stepmother until I was around 7 or 8 years old but i had plenty of great parenting, people who loved me, people who took great care of me and taught me to be smart before I got there. I believe this is how I survived. 
School lunches, other people’s good parents, and good role models on my TV. And Rock and Roll, which became a real source of empowerment, an outlet for stress, and a way for me to meet people who became friends as I got older. 
I love all the true crime stories of how abused children grow up and somewhere around puberty they rebel and their abuser can’t control them anymore. I think this is how so many of us get away. We become adults. Probably best you don’t kill your abuser, but there’s some part of that tragedy i can’t help but like when you find out people like Gypsy Rose Blanchard was suffering for so long so she did something about it. 
I never did shit. 
I grew up and got away and that’s good enough. This woman didn’t give a fuck about me and until i got away from her and my dad pretending everything was fine and her daughters going along with it all, I was never going to have my own real life... which i deserved to have. 
Glad i wasnt so trapped i felt like i had to kill her to get away. She was more than happy to let me go away so I was already gone years before i realized i didnt have to let her control any part of my life at all. 
Seems so dumb i still played along for so many years after I was grown and moved away. It’s just the way things were for so long i just kept doing it. 
Until one day my younger sister was getting married and she called me to ask me to be in the wedding and im like...... you dont even like me, why would you want me in your wedding? and she said she orig only wanted her sister but they needed more bridesmaids or something.. maybe that was other sisters wedding.. i cant remember but it was stupid and had nothing to do with me and i was not gonna put my life on hold and spend all this money to travel states away to pretend any of this mattered to me so that was it. 
It was over. Finally.  Totally over.  All I had to do was just not live like that anymore. 
and I did. I live however I want to now. 
So fast forward to present time and im in my early 50s and i get a call says the evil stepmother is dead and my dad is still alive but only barely. My first inclination is to scoop him up and go thank goodness thats over, but unfortunately i doubt he saw it that way. and instead it ended with me trying to contact him directly and not through my step-sister but it was impossible and disappointing since she was still trying to act like the middleman i didn’t ask for but not providing any useful information or assistance in communicating with him.  She wanted me to call him even though he can’t hear so a phone call was just going to be more of the pretending everything is fine I refuse to take part in anymore.
I wrote him a letter directly asking him to take his time and write me back but all i got back was more interference from her and more insistence that i call him. Which I never did..... because he can’t hear. so what’s the point. He died shortly after that and i knew almost nothing about what was happening or not happening at any point.  
So he’s gone now too. Buried with the wife and one of the sisters who committed suicide a few years back. Growing up in a family like this isn’t good for anyone even if you aren’t the target for the abuse. All three of them are gone and im not sorry im glad for it. 
Their dead bodies can lie in the ground pretending they were a good family and no one walking by them ever has to know the truth. That’s how they lived their lives and that’s how they’ll rest forever. 
I expect to have a lot of life left to live and i’m going to do it on my own terms and be kind to people and not value money or other people’s perceptions of me over everything. 
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screamxqueenx94 · 5 years
Wolf Moon/Teen Wolf Series- Part 1
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Thank you to @mummybear, @ficus-fig and @mrs-mitch-rapp93 ,who gave me the confidence to go for it! You guys are awesome and I love you with all my heart! And to those who are reading this, thank you and I hope you enjoy it too!
A/N: So every part is going to have the same name as the episodes, but they will be told from the point of view of my OC, which means somethings will be left out because she wasn't present and some things will be added. You will learn a lot more about her throughout the series. I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! And if you want to be added to my Taglist at anytime if you're not already, just ask :)
Pairing: Eventually in the series; Stiles Stilinski x OC! Charlotte 'Charli' Vérszívó
Warnings: swearing, some underage drinking, and mentions of deceased parents
Italics= inner commentary/ thoughts
Charli's POV
It was difficult being in a new place. After everything I went through in the past year, my father and I were forced out of our old home and had to move to Beacon Hills after the incident that killed my mom happened. I don't really miss New Jersey too much, but I do miss my mom. She was the best. She was the rock for our family. She always had a smile on her face even when things were bad.
I miss hearing her sing around the house. I miss the smell of her perfume lingering after she already left the room. I miss being able to tell her anything and not worry about her passing judgements on me. She always knew when to be my best friend and when to be my mom. Most of all, I miss how much she loved my father. He wasn't the best at expressing his emotions, but my mom made him do that and when she died, he changed. He became cold, distant… almost hollow.
We pulled up to the new house and it was beautiful. It was something my mom would have loved. It was a huge gray and stone neo-eclectic style house with a two car garage, and a circle driveway. My father told me that there was an inground pool in the backyard, as if to make me more convinced to be here, but I didn't have a say anyways. I get out of the U HAUL and walk towards the house. I examine the front yard with a bunch of beautiful peonies, roses and snapdragons lining the front of the porch and hydrangeas lining the stone walkway leading to the front porch.
“What do you think, Charli?” My father asks as he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.
“It's beautiful…” I trail off. “...I just wish mom could've been here to see it. She would love this place.” I continue quietly, looking down at my old beat up high top converse sneakers.
“I know… I wish she was here too…” He replied sadly. “But, this is our new life. We're going to get a fresh start here and we're going to make the best of it.” He continued with a slightly more positive attitude.
I sighed and looked back up at the house. My father let go of me and we walked into the new house together. When he opened the double doors, he let me in first. I looked up and noticed the double sided curved stairs that led to the second floor. Why the hell do we need all this space? It's literally just the two of us.
“There's also a fully finished basement for when you have friends over.” He broke the silence.
I looked over and half smiled at him. “Where's my room?” I ask quietly.
“Take your pick. There's at least five of them here.” He smirked.
It was night when we finished unpacking most of the boxes. I carried some crushed up boxes to the curb and threw them away. As I put the lid back on the trash bin outside, I heard a car coming up the road and pull into the driveway of the white house next door on the right side of us. I look up as the door slams shut and see a boy with a buzzcut in a grey cargo jacket get out. After he gets out, he starts walking up the drive, but I may have been staring for too long because he actually stopped to look at me. I quickly made myself busy by putting the boxes that didn't fit in the bin on the ground leaning against it.
He starts walking over to me and starts talking. “Are you my new neighbor?” He asks in a friendly tone. God he was cute.
“Uhh yeah-- yeah I'm Charli.” I answer.
“I'm Stiles…” he holds out his hand to shake mine. Holy crap! His moles are beautiful!
I shake his hand, then shove both of my hands in the pockets of my black zip up hoodie.
“So where did you guys move from?” He asked as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets.
“Jersey. We uh, we lived in Piscataway.”
“Oh cool cool… so did you guys just want a change of scenery or…?” He asked, trailing off.
“No, actually my dad got a new job offer out here and because it's not legal for a 16 year old to live on their own, I had to come along.” I answer as I tuck some of my long, chestnut hair behind my ear, making him chuckle at that last part.
“What’s he do?”
“He's a lawyer.”
His eyebrows raise a bit and he nods. There's a moment of awkward silence between us until he clears his throat.
“Sooo… I'm guessing you're going to be going to Beacon Hills High?” He asks, clearly not sure what else to really say.
“Yeah. My dad originally wanted me to go to a private school, but I convinced him to let me go to public school for a change.” I answer back. “Plus, I'd probably get myself kicked out anyways.”
“You're a rebel I take it?” He asks smirking.
“Only when I wanna be.” I answer back smirking as well, winking, making him chuckle.
We stand there for a minute laughing at how stupid we are. When we stop, he's about to say something until my father opens the front door.
“Charli, come inside. It's late.” he calls. Thanks, Dad…
“Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?” I ask, smiling as I walk backwards towards my front door.
“Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.” He answers back, smiling.
“Goodnight.” I tell him, as my body is facing the door but my violet eyes are still on his honey brown ones.
“Goodnight.” He answers back then starts heading back to his own house.
I go inside and close the door. I have this weird feeling in my stomach. A feeling I never really had before. It was strange, I'm not sure I like it. My face was hurting from smiling so much. Is this what a crush felt like? I honestly don't know.
I take off my beat up high top converse sneakers by the front door and start walking towards the steps to go upstairs.
“Who was that?” My father asked, coming out of the hallway leading from the kitchen with a drink in one hand and a case file in the other heading towards his office.
“Just one of our neighbors.” I answer, trying to head upstairs.
“Yeah? A teenage neighbor?” He asked as he placed the case file down on the big mahogany desk with a raised eyebrow.
I sigh. “Yes dad, a teenager. A teenaged boy.”
“What's his name?” He asked, leaning against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Stiles.” It just rolled right off my tongue so easily, felt natural coming off my lips.
My father's face twisted. “What the hell kind of name is Stiles?”
“What kind of name is Ambrus?” I shot back.
“Touche… you little shit.” He commented, making me smirk.
“Well, I've had a busy day. I'm going to bed.” I declare.
“Don't you want some dinner?” He asks, holding up his glass to me.
“No thanks, I'll have some in the morning.” I call back as I head up the stairs for bed.
I wake up and get ready for school. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and look through my closet. I pull out a tie dye t-shirt, ripped faded skinny jeans and the same black zip up hoodie from last night. Since my hair is a mess, as per usual, I decide to just do two loose braids and stop at where the purple dip dyed ends begin and then put on my ‘Anti Social’ beanie. I head downstairs and sit at the island in our open dark wood kitchen and my dad is already dressed for work in his tailored Armani three piece suit and tie.
“Hey, good morning sleepy head.” My father greets as he pours me a drink into a mug. “You excited for your first day?”
“Define excited.” I mumble, still tired because I could barely sleep last night.
“Hey, c'mon now, Charli. Cheer up! Besides, you're gonna have at least one new friend right? That kid, Stiles from next door?” He tries to pep me up as he hands me the mug.
I drink it all in one sip and wipe my mouth with the napkin he hands me. I toss it in the trash and head for the foyer where my shoes from last night and my backpack were. I put on my shoes and throw my bag over my shoulder. I'm about to leave when my dad calls out. “Did you forget something?”
I look up and he tosses me my keys. I catch them. “Thanks, Dad. Love you!” I call out as I head out to the garage door.
I walk in and sitting in the garage is my father's black Cadillac CTS-V Coupe and my purple 1962 Volkswagen convertible. I could've had any car at all, but I just wanted to keep this because it was in the family for three generations now and I'm a sucker for sentiment. I get in and open the garage door. I adjust my mirrors, take a deep breath, start it up and drive off to the school. As I drive, I turn up the radio and the disk jockey announces that she's going to to play ‘Lowlife’ by Theory of A Deadman. I turn it up louder and start singing along as I'm driving.
I get ready to pull into the school parking lot, but get cut off by some dickhole in a grey Porsche. I slam on my horn and flip him off and keep going. I pull into a spot next to an old beat up pick up truck and gather all my stuff together. My phone alerts me of a text and I check it.
Dad: Have a great 1st day Princess! I put ur schedule & money in the front pocket of ur backpack :)
I half smile and get out and walk towards the school. As I'm walking, I'm pretty sure I see Stiles talking to some other kid with shaggy black hair, but I'm not sure so I don't say anything at first. Before I say anything, a strawberry blonde girl walks past him when he tries to get her attention.
“Hey, Lydia! You look… like you're gonna ignore me.” He sounded so defeated. I felt bad, but at the same time, kinda happy because now I got to talk to him.
“Hey, Stiles.” I call out. He looks past his friend's head, smiles and waves at me.
“Hey!” he actually sounds happy to see me. Play it cool, Charli. Don't fuck this up too.
“Charli, this is my best friend, Scott… Scott, this is Charli, my new neighbor I told you about.” he introduced, gesturing back and forth between us.
Scott and I wave to each other and the bell rings. We all head inside and as I'm walking I pull out my schedule and try to look for my first class.
“Who do you have first period?” Scott asks.
“Mr. Westover.” I answer, not looking up until I feel Stiles’ hand on my shoulder.
“Lucky you, that's right next to us.” Stiles says smiling. “Scott, save me a seat, I'll be right back.” He continues as he leads me to the classroom.
We walk in and Stiles goes up to the the older man behind the desk.
“Mr. Westover, this is Charli, she's a new student here.” He states, leading me over to his desk.
“Thank you, Mr. Stilinski, I'll take it from here. Get to class.” He says in a monotone voice, as he sifts through papers.
Stiles gives him a sarcastic salute and looks at me. “I'll see you after class so I can show you your other classes.” He smiles.
“Now, Mr. Stilinski.” Mr. Westbrook's voice raises just a bit. Stiles leaves. “Take a seat anywhere, Miss Vérszívó.” he continues as he motions to the rows of desks facing the board.
I take the last available seat next to a tall boy with brown spiked hair and blue eyes in a leather jacket. I see in my peripheral vision that he's looking me up and down. I can't tell if he's checking me out or judging me, but by his appearance alone, it's probably judging.
“You're friends with Stilinski?” He asks, almost snobbish.
“He's my neighbor and was kind enough to introduce himself, so yes, I'd say so.” I answer back without making eye contact, just sifting through my backpack for a notebook and a pen.
“Well, if you ever decide to hang out with a more appealing crowd, you know where to find me.” He turns back forward, smirking.
“Cool, I'll look for you in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I shoot back as I'm opening my notebook and preparing to take notes. A kid with short black hair starts snickering behind him, which makes me want to crack a smile. The brown hair boy looks back and gives the other kid dagger eyes.
“Mr. Whittmore, is there an issue that needs to be addressed?” Mr. Westbrook calls out, making the brown haired kid's head snap towards the front of the room.
“No sir.” He said.
Mr. Westbrook turned back around to the board and continued writing on it. I looked over at the douche next to me and smirked.
I started looking for my locker and seen Stiles and Scott talking to a girl in the hallway.
“Can Someone tell me how the new girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging out with Lydia's Clique?” the pretty girl complained.
“Because she's hot... Beautiful people herd together.” Stiles said to her.
I chuckled and approached them. Stiles and Scott looked over at me and smiled.
“Yeah, toolbag over there just tried recruiting me first period.” I comment as I point to the guy I told off first period who had his arms wrapped around Lydia.
“Wait, Jackson actually tried to talk to you?” the girl exclaimed.
“Ugh… that's his name? Wow, he apparently has a typical douchebag name too.” I joke.
“What did you say when he talked to you?” Stiles asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I told him if I needed him, I'd look for him in the feminine hygiene aisle along with the other douches.” I answered.
Stiles and the girl bust out in laughter, which earns me a high five from Stiles. Scott was really quiet though, kept staring at the other new girl tentatively. As if he was listening to their conversation. I could hear it too, something about a party, but I was mostly tuning it out.
“Are you busy later?” Stiles asked after the other girl left.
“Just some more unpacking when I get home, but other than that, no… why, what's up?” he shoved one hand in his jean pocket and adjusted the strap on his backpack over his with the other.
“Well Scott and I have Lacrosse practice after school, but after we were gonna hang out… did you wanna hang with us?” He asked, almost shy.
“Yeah, that'd be cool.” I answer.
“Great, I can text you after practice if you want?” I nod and give him my phone to put his number in.
“Quick question: what's Lacrosse?” I ask.
Whatever I said triggered something because even Scott looked at me shocked. I look at them both. “What?” I ask.
“Okay, forget texting you later. You gotta come to practice.” Stiles exclaimed.
“It's only the biggest sport in Beacon Hills.” Scott adds.
I think for a moment, then I shrug. “Okay, yeah, I'll come watch."
That's where I'm leaving off today , hope you guys liked it :)
@mummybear @ficus-fig @music-magic-mayhem @bold-sartorial-statement @zenawa @stiles-o-dylan24 @cry-btch @maaariiiooo13 @thekingofselfloathing @sporadiccookiebagel @bewarethebees @inschi @awesomeandromedablack @raugsmaug @wil2space @bansheeintuition @mrs-mitch-rapp93
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andiwantitliao-blog · 5 years
My first ever fanfic!
The New Girl. Part 1
This is a kaitlyn x MC (AU). Its set at highschool where kaitlyn and MC (Charlotte) meet and start to develop feelings. (Thinking of maybe trying this as a series. Be kind, it's my first try at this :')
Charlotte woke to a loud banging on her bedroom door. Pulling the blankets up over her head she sleepily called out. "Urg! What?!"
With no warning the door swung open and her little brother burst in to the room. As much as she adored her brother, the energy of an 8 year old was not ideal for the morning of the first day back at school. "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie! You gotta get up!" He sang as he practically bounced all over her room. "Come on Charlie! We're gonna be late!" With a sigh, Charlotte threw off the covers and looked over at her brother with a loving smile before pulling herself from her bed and shuffling downstairs.
"Come on Connor. I think your cartoons are on." She said, taking his hand and leading him down the stairs.
The table, as usual, was set with a lavish breakfast that their mum had cooked up. Charlotte grabbed a few slices of bacon and sat down cross legged in front of the tv with Connor, just in time to hear the theme tune for Renegade Rock Rangers; Connor's favourite show about 5 teenagers who's instruments and rock music could vanquish any evil.
"Charlotte..." she heard her dad say with a quiet laugh. "Aren't you a little old for this now?"
"Plenty of kids my age watch cartoons dad. Besides..." she ruffled Connor's hair. "We're huge fans of Rock Rangers." Her dad laughed again as he collected his things for work, giving them both a kiss on the tops of their heads before leaving for the day. After 30 minutes of watching the show and a few air guitar power-ups with Connor, Charlotte started to get ready for school.
Sitting in the backseat of her mum's car with Connor, Charlotte looked over her class schedule for the new year. Most of her classes she enjoyed, and the ones she didn't was only because the teachers of the classes were boring to listen to drone on. The car pulled up outside her school and Charlotte was already searching the crowds for her friends through her window.
"I see Justin and Kevin!" Connor shouted excitedly. "And there's Kyle, Sara and..." Connor paused as a deep red covered his face. "....Laura." Charlotte had noticed long ago that her brother had been crushing on her best friend. It was cute watching him get flustered every time Laura came to the house. Kissing him goodbye and trying to hold back the grin creeping across her lips, Charlotte said goodbye to him and her mum before rushing over to her friends.
"CHARLIE!" Justin and Kevin called out in unison. They were twins who seemed to deliberately do everything together. "We missed you all summer!" Justin said before capturing her in a hug. Kevin tapped his foot in mock offence as he waited for his own. "So what's new with you?"
"Literally nothing!" She laughed. It wasn't as if they hadn't seen eachother for long. The twins were just dramatic. "What's new with my favourite identical idiots?"
"Nothing with us either... but...!" Kevin trailed off.
"But what?" As she asked Justin nodded his head to indicate behind her. As Charlotte turned around she saw her long time friend kyle sweep her newest friend Sara in to a deep kiss. "Ohh... that explains why she was invited everywhere with us last term.
"Called it" Justin said smugly as they started towards the school. Walking through the busy halls, Charlotte stooped at her locker and began filling it with her new textbooks. As she put away her schedule, the locker door slammed shut in front of her.
"Don't I get a hello?!" Laura snapped before breaking in to a sly grin. The two girls embraced eachother as though it had been years.
"Hey gorgeous!" Charlotte squealed. "How was skiing in aspen?"
"Amazing, you'll never believe what I did..."
"What? The last I heard from you, you were flirting with that 'suave, sophisticated, obviously-way-cooler-than-any-boy-at-our-school' college guy."
"Well.. we might have..." Laura began whispering in Charlotte's ear. What she admitted to doing on her vacation made her eyes widen and her cheeks turn red.
"No way!"
"Oh yes!" Laura giggled.
"How was it?!"
"Details later." Laura winked at her friend.
"Better not discuss it at my place though. Remember someone has a crush on you..." Charlotte said with a small laugh. Just then she noticed Laura's attention had fallen over he shoulder at something behind her.
"Um.. Can we help you?" Laura asked impatiently. Charlotte turned around to see a dark haired girl bashfully staring at the two of them. She had silver rings piercing the length of the ears.
"I... uhm. Sorry, I'm new here and..." She practically mumbled, earning her a sigh from Laura.
"If you're new, the school offices are that way." She abruptly pointed. The dark haired girl turned on her heel without another word and scurried off. "Jeez. Just what we need, another weirdo at this school. As if the twins aren't bad enough."
"Laura, you could have been nicer..."
"I save all of my niceness for you Char. You know that." Laura linked their arms together as they walked to class.
The first few minutes of home room were abuzz with people swapping summer vacation stories and friends reuniting. The twins were whispering and staring over at kyle and sara, who's lips hadn't seemed to break apart yet. Laura was gloating about the amazing resort she and her parents had stayed at in aspen. Charlotte was listening to music on her headphones and doodling in her English book when the teacher, Mr Hopkins, called for the classes attention.
"Quiet please. Quiet Quiet Quiet." The class didn't respond. "EVERYBODY TAKE YOUR SEATS!" He yelled. "KYLE, PUT SARA DOWN! AND CHARLOTTE, TAKEOUT THOSE EARPHONES."
Just then a ball of screwed up paper hit her in the back of the shoulder. She looked behind her to see the twins pointing at the front of the class. "Oh. Sorry Mr Hopkins."
"A nice start to the new year." He sighed. "We have a new student joining us. Kaitlyn, please come in and find a seat."
The dark haired girl shuffled in to the class, not making eye contact with anyone as she passed them. Her eyes scanned the empty seats until they landed on one nearest the window, directly next to Charlotte. She sat down and put her bag up on the desk, but before she could catch it, the bag fell and the contents scattered all over the floor. The class laughed at the display and Charlotte could almost hear Laura rolling her eyes next to her. Leaning down the help the new girl before she suffered any more embarrassment, Charlotte picked up a note book with gothic writing scribbled all over the front. 'We are all the masks we wear, and mine is weeping'
Charlotte lifted the book to the new girl who was frantically picking up her belongings. As she noticed the book in her hand, she quickly swiped it from Charlotte and stuffed it back in to her bag. The rest of home room passed without a word from her.
As school came to an end, Charlotte watched Laura wave goodbye as she ducked in to her parents flashy car. The twins both blew her a kiss as they walked towards the bus stop, arguing about their favourite movies. Charlotte waited for her mum to pick her up, knowing that she had to get Connor from school first. As she scrolled through posts on her phone a quick tap on her back made her jump. She turned to see the new girl standing there, looking as uncomfortable as possible.
"Are you ok?" Charlotte asked genuinely.
"I..." was all the new girl managed before losing her confidence.
"Did you need something?" Charlotte smiled, trying to put her at ease.
"I... Um. Thank you." She said, almost as a whisper.
"For what?"
"For not laughing. And helping me earlier."
"Ohh." Charlotte giggled. "I'm sorry I didn't help much. And I'm sorry for touching your notebook. You seemed kind of protective of it."
"No, no. It's ok. It's just... it's kind of private." Her face was becoming more red by the second.
"You don't have to tell me what's in it. And you don't have to thank me. It looks like we're going to be neighbors, in home room at least, so we should get along."
"I'd like that." She said with a little more confidence in her voice. It was only then that Charlotte noticed the Texas accent that rolled through her words. "I'm Kaitlyn."
"Charlotte" she replied, raising her hand to shake. "But most just call me Charlie."
"Like the unicorn?" Kaitlyn giggled.
"I really don't like to invite that comparison... but yes, like the unicorn." She laughed. Just then, her mums car pulled up at the front of the school and she could already hear Connor calling from inside. "That's my ride, but I'll see you tomorrow kaitlyn." With that, Charlotte rushed over to the car and got in, sparing kaitlyn a quick wave before the car pulled away.
"See you... Charlie." Kaitlyn whispered as she found herself standing alone.
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ltwilliamhavers · 6 years
New Years Eve (Rosawatts)
authors note: it’s a to the moon fanfiction! my first one ever! fun times. so, number one, i did write this pretty quickly and only went over it once so if theres mistakes im really sorry! and two, i feel like in one of the minisodes they mentioned eva’s canon family but i just. completely forgot about that. so if eva does have a canon family sorry about that- all of her family members i just completely made up. this fic is also pretty long- or at least i think so. its a little more than 5k words. just an fyi, i guess. anyway, thats about all i have to say, so thanks!
Neil was awoken to the sound of incredibly loud banging outside of his hotel room.
“Neil! Neil Watts! Open this door right now, I know you’re in there! I am not afraid to open this door by force, I swear!”
Neil sat up in his bed, feeling slightly uncomfortable due to the hard mattress and also the fact that this was not his usual bed. He wipes the sleep out of his eyes and quickly puts his glasses on so that he’s able to see more than two feet in front of him. He takes a quick scan of his surroundings. There’s cheap art of fruit baskets and lakes all around the stark white room, an old TV that he’s surprised even works anymore, and the weird, popcorn effect of the ceiling. He quickly realized that he wasn’t in his apartment he shared with Eva- but he was still groggy enough to not remember the reason why.
The woman outside the door continues to yell, obviously either not aware of the other patrons in the hotel, or she quite simply doesn’t care. She starts banging on the door again. “Come on, groom to be! Eva will literally kill you if you’re late, so if I were you I’d hurry up.” A brief silence ensues, giving the still tired Neil- not really listening to anything the voice outside says- the time to finally step out of his bed, wipe off his glasses, and head towards the door. The noise outside quickly pipes back up. “It’s also a possibility I will kill you before Eva gets the chance to. So you better hurry up.”
Neil groggily walks towards the door, it still shaking even though the person outside knows for a fact that the door is locked. Still stretching his face out, trying to wake himself up, he finally answers the person outside. “…Roxie?” Neil says, slightly yawning.
“Yes, Neil, it’s Roxie. Who else would be yelling at you at 9 am?”
“Other than Eva, idiot. You guys aren’t allowed to see each other today.”
This sentence quickly jumpstarts Neil’s memory- even though Eva and Neil aren’t really ones for superstitions or traditions, they decided to do the whole thing of not being able to see each other on their wedding day.
Their wedding day.
On this day, Dr. Neil Watts is going to marry Dr. Eva Rosalene.
“I’m assuming you just woke up, considering it took me about 20 minutes to even get a response out of you.” Neil assumes that Roxie is exaggerating this, as she does with most stories, but he wasn’t entirely sure. He decided to go the safe route and not question this in case the story actually was true.
“Yeah, can I just… uh…. can you hold on a quick second?”
“Are you going to let me in or do I need to sit out here for another half hour?”
Roxie increased the time again, so Neil can safely assume that she did exaggerate how long she was outside, banging on his door.
“Just hold on!”
“If you’re in your little Pokemon boxers, I’ve seen them before. I’ll be fine. Just let me in, Neil, oh my God.”
Neil turns a bright red as he looks down, seeing his bright blue boxers with the little red Pokemon logo on it. “Wait, Roxie, how do you know I have… better question, when have you seen them?” There is silence from the other side of the door, but Neil has known Roxie long enough that she’s probably rolling her eyes.
“So, obviously you don’t remember anything about your bachelor party.”
Neil is too embarrassed to answer. He’s always been a little self conscious about how much of a lightweight he is- it doesn’t take him much to get him blackout drunk.
“Okay. Long story short, you got blackout drunk- obviously- and you wouldn’t stop taking off your pants to show everyone the ‘super cool Pokemon boxers’ that your ‘beautiful wife’ got you, even though you weren’t married yet. I tried to help you to your car because you literally could not stop stumbling, and you yelled at me multiple times for ‘trying to flirt with a happily married man.’”
Neil blushes thinking of drunk-Neil’s shenanigans, but he does think it was really funny he was telling everyone he was married. He’ll probably tell Eva about this story after the wedding- he’d like the embarrass himself as little as possible in front of her before they get married.
“Neil, I will start yelling again.”
“Just let me put my pants on, Roxie! I’d rather you not have to see my boxers while I’m sober.”
Roxie lets out a long, drawn out ‘ugh’ outside of the door while Neil quickly goes through all of his things, looking for pants. The first thing he finds are the dress pants that go with his suit, so he quickly pulls those on and opens the latch on the door, before Roxie ends up waking up the people in the building next to the hotel.
Neil opens the door, looking straight ahead, before quickly looking down to make eye contact with Roxie. He stands almost a foot taller than her, and it infuriates her whenever he jokes about her height or rests his arm on her head. He decided not to bring anything up today. He can already tell Roxie is angry.
“You owe me so many gallons of ice cream for this.”
“I really think you were only out here for a couple of minutes-”
“So. Many. Gallons.”
Neil shuts up quickly, staring into Roxie’s glaring eyes. Roxie quickly scans over him, giggling. “Graphic t-shirt and dress pants. It’s a really good look for you, Neil.” Neil turns bright red once again.
“Wedding’s at 6, Watts. All the groomsmen are downstairs. The bridesmaid are all helping Eva out- except for the best one, of course.” Roxie does the fingers in the cheek thing, smiling warmly at Neil. “None of us are dressed up yet. We’re gonna dress up a few hours before hand. We’re all going out for brunch.”
“Wait, why aren’t you helping Eva out?”
“Well, she did tell me that I could help out, but I know myself. I’d probably end up spilling everything humanly possible onto her dress. So I just decided…. not to.”
“You think it’s fine to spill stuff on my outfit though.”
“Weddings are for two people and two people only- the bride and the bride’s mother. So, no, you don’t really matter in the whole equation.”
“Yeah, because the whole marriage and love thing doesn’t matter at all.”
Neil sighs, not bothering to deal with Roxie’s logic of marriage and weddings this morning. “So I’m gonna get changed so that… I don’t want to go to brunch looking like this.”
“That’s probably a good idea.”
“Thanks, I try,” Neil says, with a cocky grin. Roxie rolls her eyes as Neil closes and latches the door.
* * *
Eva keeps twirling the engagement ring around her finger. She has a lot of pent up nervousness about this day- it needs to be perfect. Not that she’d ever tell Neil, but she’d daydreamed a lot about her wedding day. Sure, as her third-grade self she had never imagined the man she would one day marry would’ve been a snarky, sarcastic asshole, but she did know that she would’ve never picked someone she wasn’t sure she truly loved. She knew she made the right choice, she just didn’t want to kick off their marriage with a horrible start.
Her mom, Estella, walked into the bedroom alongside Eva’s twin sister Charlotte (who was called Charlie by basically everyone who knew her). They looked like they were glowing.
Charlie started lightly jumping up and down, clapping her hands and smiling cheerfully. “Evie, it’s here! You’re getting married!”
Eva jumps up with a start at this, not realizing that they were in the room. Eva starts, “How long have you two…” when Charlie sprints towards her and envelopes her in a bear hug.
“Evie, oh my god, you’re getting married! It’s finally happening! I’m so excited, oh my  god! I’m the most excited I’ve ever been!” Charlie pulls away from the hug, still slightly bouncing. “Well, okay, probably not the most excited, I was probably more excited on my wedding day, but you know what I mean. And you’re probably more excited than I am. I mean, that makes sense, right? Anyway.” Charlie takes a deep breath from chattering excitedly. Eva smiles warmly to herself- there’s really no stopping Charlie ones she gets talking. Not that she minds, Charlie’s always been her best friend since day one and she appreciates that she can do the talking for the both of them.
“Umm… thank you, Charlie. I am also very excited,” Eva says, stifling a laugh. She looks behind Charlie, seeing her mom still standing by the doorway. She sees Eva looking at her, and she gives her a warm smile, closing her eyes. Eva smiles back.
“So… when are we starting with the makeup? I’m so excited! I can’t wait to do your makeup! Oh my goodness, you’re going to look so beautiful! Not that you don’t already. I’m just super excited!” Charlie starts bouncing up and down again, along with her natural curls, while Eva starts giggling while Charlie keeps prattling on excitedly.
Eva looks around towards the doorway. “Mom? Where are the rest of the bridesmaids?” Her mom was one of the bridesmaids, and she had agreed to keep track of everyone. Usually that job went to the maid of honor, who was Charlie (technically matron of honor, in her case), but they all had mutually agreed they would not have Charlie in charge of keeping track of everything. Her mom responds in a small voice, “They’re all carpooling here. As you know, that girl… Roxanne? She’s staying with Neil. Too clumsy.” Her mom smiles with this last sentence. It wasn’t meant maliciously, Estella loves all of Eva’s friends, but anyone from a mile away can tell Roxie is one of the clumsiest people to grace this Earth.
The last three bridesmaids- Sophie, Maria and Valentina- were close friends from college that Eva was able to keep close in touch with. They weren’t doing anything in particular to help Eva out with her wedding, they were there for morale support and to give Charlie other people to talk to. Charlie was a professional cosmetologist, so she was in charge of doing Eva’s hair and makeup; Estella was in charge of making sure everyone was in the right place, at the right time. All Eva had to do was make sure she looked presentable, and show up to her wedding on time.
Eva hears the doorbell ring from the front of her shared apartment, and Charlie lights up. “Oh! They’re here! I finally have company!” Eva started to say something along the lines of, “Am I not good enough company for you?” but Charlie had already sprinted towards the door. In just a few seconds, she heard the hellos and semi-quiet screaming of girls by the door. Estella turns to Eva. “I’m going to step into a different room. I need to check on the Neil and the boys…” She smiles to herself. She had always loved Neil- he always managed to curb his tongue whenever he was near her. “Oh! And Roxanne.” She pats Eva’s arm appreciatively, and heads into the living room as all the other girls file in to the bedroom.
Charlie holds up a hair dryer in one hand and a hair straightener in the other. “Alright, Evie! 11 am. Gotta head out at 4. Five hours to get you ready for your wonderful groom!” Charlie smiles with all her teeth as Sophie, Maria and Valentina cheer behind her. Eva smiles sheepishly as she sits down at her vanity, waiting for Charlie to work her magic.
* * *
Neil, Roxie, Alistair, Rob and a few others who were Neil’s personal friends were still all sitting down at the brunch place. The wait had taken a while (this place was always very popular) and with the amount of people in the restaurant, the food had also taken a while to arrive. Everyone was already mostly finished up as Neil got the phone call from Eva’s mom. His phone started vibrating as the contact ‘Estella ❤’ popped up.
“Uh… I’m gonna go take care of this okay? You guys got the bill? Thanks guys love you bye!” Neil finishes quickly and leaves the restaurant to step outside as Rob yells after him.
Neil steps out into the cold winter air- Neil thought it would be romantic if they had gotten married in the winter. Eva didn’t care either way, she was just excited for the wedding. They had both decided on New Year’s Eve (which Neil had also suggested, thinking that it would be symbolic for their ‘new beginning.’ Not that Neil would ever admit this to Eva.)
He immediately regretted not bringing a heavier jacket or maybe some gloves, which Roxie had pestered him to do so and Neil had brushed her off. He picked up the call for Estella, fingers already freezing.
“Ah, Neil!” He smiles to himself. He always loved how happy Estella was to hear from him.
“Yes, hi, Estella. What’s going on?”
“Just checking up on my boys! How’s Roxanne?”
Neil looks inside the window of the restaurant, watching Roxie pick up her drink and accidently spill some on herself. He turns back around. “Well… she’s exactly how you’d expect her to be.”
He hears Estella giggle on the other line. Neil smiles.
“So? Neil? Are you ready? I know I am a nice woman but if you are late I will find you.”
“Yes- yes, Estella, I’m going to be ready. All of our suits are dry cleaned and at my hotel room. Is Eva almost done with her makeup?” Neil smiles to himself again. It hasn’t really hit him yet how big of a thing this is- he’s getting married. To Eva Rosalene. The girl he’s had a crush on since high school.
“Oh, she hasn’t even started on makeup yet! She’s still straightening her hair. It might be a while.”
“Estella, not that I don’t love talking to you, but could you hand me to Eva? I’d really appreciate it.”
“Yes! Sure! Just one second.”
Neil hears shuffling on the phone and takes this moment to look back inside. He sees Rob paying the bill, then he turns back to Neil, giving him the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture. Neil quickly turns back around.
He then jumps, hearing a loud cacophony of noises from the other line. Lots of girl’s voices yelling “Hi, Neil!” and some other squeals in the background.
“Hi, hi, everyone.”
He hears some whispering that he can’t really make out, but soon he hears Eva’s voice.
He puts on his sappiest, mushiest voice. “Hi, babykins!” he says, drawing out each word.
“I swear to god, Neil, if you ever say that to me ever again I will call off this wedding.”
Neil laughs. “So, babe, what’s happenin?
“I’m just getting my- OW! Charlie!” He hears some muttered apologies, presumably from Charlie. “I’m getting my hair done, if Charlie doesn’t rip it all out first.” He hears Charlie go, ‘hey!’ in a mock-offense tone.
“Sounds like a really fun time.”
“Yeah, I can tell how enthralled you are by your voice.”
“So… whatcha gettin done?”
“Neil. Come on. You know I’m not allowed to tell you what I look like.”
Neil grins. “Not allowed to say what you look like?”
“Wait, I didn’t-”
“Oh no, Eva, I’m forgetting what you look like! What color is your hair? Do you still have those beautiful dark brown eyes? I don’t know. And you can’t tell me.”
“Neil, I swear, you know what I meant.”
“Please answer my questions. I’m getting so worried. I can’t remember.”
“I hate you so much,” Eva answers, but he can tell she’s speaking with a smile.
Neil sees the group leaving the restaurant, Roxie turning around and waving at him to follow them. Neil turns back to his phone.
“Alright, I gotta go. Hanging out with my crew, you know the deal.”
Eva sighs from the other line. “Bye, Neil.”
“I love you!”
Eva smiles. “I love you too.”
“Okay, bye for real this time. Roxie has been glaring at me this whole time.”
“Adios, Eva.” Neil hangs up the phone, puts it in his pocket, and walks over to Roxie to rejoin the group.
* * *
“I cannot believe you don’t know how to tie a bowtie.”
“This would’ve been much easier if everyone could’ve worn a tie, not just the groomsmen.”
“Would I have had to help you out with tying a tie too, Neil?” Roxie asks with a smirk.
In the church’s dressing room, Roxie was standing on her tiptoes to try to help Neil get his tuxedo on. Neil was able to get everything else on- Estella made sure he could button everything and that everything was the correct size for him. However, Neil had never learned how to tie a bowtie.
“Well, you see, I know how to tie a tie. I just never wear bowties.”
“It’s really not that difficult.”
“Don’t patronize me, Roxie. Not on my wedding day.”
Roxie giggles a little bit, as she finished up his bowtie. Neil makes eye contact with Rob, standing by the doorway. He’s there to make sure Neil and Eva don’t see each other before the big moment.
“You really should learn how to tie a bowtie, Neil.”
“Rob, do not make me resend your best man responsibilities.”
Even though Neil and Rob had more or less hated each other when Neil had started working, Neil had eventually warmed up to him. Rob was one of the ones who first caught on to Neil’s crush on Eva, and prompted him to ask her out. Neil decided that this was good enough to give him the position of best man.
Rob smiles. “You’re going to resend my best man responsibilities.”
“If you keep talking like that, yes, absolutely.”
Neil walks over to the tall mirror to check himself out. He does a few poses in the mirror, giving Rob a glare when he sees him laughing in the background.
“I can’t believe I’m going to look better than Eva on our wedding day.”
“That part’s debatable,” Rob answers.
Roxie adds onto this. “Yeah, you haven’t even seen Eva yet. Trust me on this one, she looks absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to look that good on my wedding day.”
Neil turns around, putting on a self assured face. “No, trust me, I definitely look better than her. Me and Eva are having a little competition for whoever looks better today.”
Roxie raises an eyebrow. “…Eva agreed to that?”
“Well, no, but… I did. And that’s what matters.”
Roxie and Rob sigh at the same time.
“Are you nervous?” Roxie asks.
Neil has felt butterflies in his stomach the whole day, and now knowing the wedding’s going to start in half an hour his hands have started to shake.
“Absolutely not. I was born ready for this, are you kidding?”
Roxie and Rob obviously saw through this, but they said nothing.
Roxie starts backing up towards the door. “Gotta go meet up with the bridesmaids- haven’t even gotten into my dress yet.” Roxie ducks out into the hallway. “Adios, losers!” she yells, voice echoing down the hallway. Neil sighs.
Rob and Neil stand in silence for a few moments, before Rob pipes up.
“Are you ready?”
Neil turns to himself in the mirror again, giving himself a once over. His tuxedo is all buttoned up, none of his clothes have any wrinkles, and his white boutonniere was perfectly placed in his pocket. He looked good to go.
But how are you ever ready for the most important moment of your life?
Neil turns back around to Rob. “The readiest I’ve ever been.”
“I don’t think readiest is a word.”
“Shut up, Rob.”
* * *
All of the many guests have sat themselves down in the large church. The officiant has made his way to the altar. Neil and Rob have made their way to the altar from the side door. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen have made their way to the top; all the groomsmen in black tuxedos and ties; all bridesmaids in cream colored dresses with gold sashes. Charlie then walks up to the altar by herself, in a full length gold dress. The ring bearer has delivered the rings, and the flower girl has sprayed flower petals over the aisle.
The only thing left was Eva and her father, James, to walk down the aisle.
Neil kept fidgeting with his pockets. The only other wedding he had been to before was Charlie’s, and he didn’t pay attention to what the groom was doing because he was too busy getting yelled at by Eva for not paying attention.
He now wishes he would’ve actually watched the reception instead of trying to get Eva to laugh at his jokes. Almost all eyes are on him. He’s never had stage fright, he was always a theatre kid at heart, but he has never been this nervous before in his life.
The organ player starts up and Neil quickly picks his head up to watch the big church doors at the end of the aisle. Everyone in the pews stands up, facing the doors too. Neil’s heart is beating faster than it ever had before.
The big church doors burst open, as the organ player plays a crescendo. James and Eva walk through the doors, and-
Eva looks the most beautiful Neil has ever seen her.
Her hair is in a low bun, held up with silver hairsticks. She is in a beautiful, long a-line sweetheart dress with long lace sleeves. Her face is covered with a veil, but Neil knows she looks as beautiful as she always does.
James and Eva slowly walk down the aisle, and Neil realises he’s tearing up. He remembers what he said to Eva one time- how ‘liquids and solids’ come out of his mouth at weddings- but he knew that was a lie. He was a sucker for weddings, he just couldn’t help it. He tries to wipe his eyes, before actual tears start rolling down his cheeks. He keeps his hand up by his face the entire time Eva is walking towards him, he can hardly believe this. He’s really doing this. He’s really going to marry Dr. Eva Rosalene.
James and Eva reach the end of the aisle, and Neil can finally see Eva’s face through the veil. She’s smiling at him. Neil smiles back, eyes tearing up again.
James takes a seat in the front row, watching Eva step up onto the altar to join Neil.
Eva takes Neil’s hands in her own. She looks up at him, smiling warmly. Neil keeps looking at her with bewilderment- she’s here, right in front of him, and she looks so beautiful. Neil can’t help it this time- tears start rolling down his face. He can’t wipe them away, he doesn’t want to stop holding Eva’s hands.
Eva starts giggling. “Thought you weren’t the sentimental type?” Eva whispers under her breath, while the officiant talks behind them.
“Eva. Not on my wedding day.” Neil whispers back.
“Just your wedding day, huh?”
Neil was about to respond, when the officiant said, “And do you, Dr. Neil Watts, take Dr. Eva Rosalene as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
Neil looks at the officiant, then back to Eva, staring into her beautiful dark brown eyes. He chokes up a little before answering. “I do.” He says this while not looking away from Eva’s eyes.
(Not that he’d ever tell Eva, but he did consider saying ‘no’ as a joke when answering this question, but then he realised that almost every person there would murder him. So he decided against it.)
Eva smiles at him. The officiant turns to her. “And do you, Dr. Eva Rosalene, take Dr. Neil Watts as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”
Eva looks up at Neil, and holds her gaze for a few moments. “I do.”
The officiant smiles at the both of them, and then to the crowd.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
All the guests cheer loudly as Neil lifts Eva’s veil, cups his hands around her face and kisses her. When he pulls away, he sees Eva’s eyes shining. “Not bad,” she whispers to him, in  a sarcastic tone. When they both turn to face the front, Neil elbows her a little bit. Eva smiles and glances at him for a moment.
They laugh as the groomsmen and bridesmaids pull out gold confetti poppers and sprinkle them with the confetti.
* * *
“Are you ready for our first dance, m’lady?” Neil extends his hand out towards Eva, who was sitting next to her family, when the lights had dimmed and the DJ had introduced the two of them to come out onto the floor.
“Call me m’lady again and I will divorce you.”
“You won’t, you love me too much.”
“That, and it’s expensive,” Eva responds with a smile. Neil frowns good naturedly.
“Oh, come on. Dance with me.”
Eva allows herself to be pulled up by Neil, leaving her family who all turn to face towards the floor. Neil turns the ‘dragging Eva’s forearm’ into ‘holding Eva’s hand’ as they get closer towards the floor. They step onto the middle of the floor, holding each other close as the song turns on. Eva looks confused for a few seconds, then looks up at Neil, eyebrow raised but still smiling. “You chose ‘You Were Meant For Me’ by Jewel? Really? How sappy are you?” Neil blushes. ‘You told me you liked this song.” Eva, smiling, leans in close to Neil, moving her arms to his back and resting her head on his shoulder. “I do like this song.”
Eva and Neil stayed on the floor throughout the whole song, swaying with each other and keeping each other as close as possible.
* * *
It was nearing the end of the reception, which meant that it was time for Neil and Eva to cut their wedding cake. The cake was 3 tiers tall, the bottom tier chocolate (Neil and Eva’s shared favorite), second tier vanilla (they both decided that they needed something basic for anyone to enjoy), and the final, smallest one, carrot cake. Eva took it upon herself to show Neil that carrot cake can be delicious if cooked by the right person.
They had done the sappy thing where they both held onto the knife while cutting into the cake; Neil playfully elbowing her, trying to get her to mess up, while Eva laughed.
When they had both gotten their slices onto their plate, Eva said, “Do you want to do that really cheesy thing where the couples shove the cake in the other person’s face?”
Neil tried to remain as straight faced as possible. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Eva took this moment as a teaching lesson for Neil, not noticing the grin growing on his face. “Sometimes, at weddings, when the betrothed are cutting their cake, they ball up some of the cake in their-”
Eva was cut off from the rest of her sentence as Neil had picked his slice of the cake in his hand and shoved it into Eva’s face. She looked confused for a few seconds, then looked back up at Neil with steely determination, a sly smile on her face. “Oh, you are so paying for that one, Watts.” Neil was about to correct her, saying that technically today, they were both Watts, but got interrupted because of the cake that was thrown in his face.
Eva had another fistful of cake, laughing, and Neil went to grab another part of his slice, when they were interrupted by a flash in front of both of them. They lower their pieces of cake and turn towards the bright flash, seeing a smiling Charlie holding her phone. “Oh, sorry! You two just looked so cute so I thought I might as well get a picture, right?”
Neil was about to say something along the lines of ‘that’s alright,’ but was once again interrupted by the act of cake being shoved in his face. He turned to the Eva laughing beside him. “You’re paying for that one too, Watts!” Neil said, as he picked up Eva, now laughing even louder, and slung her over her shoulder. She playfully hit him, yelling, “I swear, Neil, put me down!” if she could get it out between bursts of laughter. Neil was smiling too, and Charlie continued to take multiple pictures of the newlywed’s shenanigans.
* * *
Most people had already filed out at this point. Only Eva’s family, the groomsmen, the bridesmaids and a few stragglers were left. It was time for the final dance.
“You picked this final one too, yeah?”
Neil looked at Eva. “I absolutely did. And you’re gonna love it.”
Eva rolled her eyes in a good natured way.
The DJ introduced the final song, saying it was almost time to pack up, as Neil stood up from his chair and once again tugged on Eva’s arm to get her to follow him.
“I’ll stand up if I find out it’s a good song.”
“Alright, well, I guess you’ll just have to watch me out there, alone, busting some pretty awesome moves on the dance floor.”
“So you do admit it’s a bad song?”
Neil sighs while smiling, as he makes his way to the dance floor. He stands in a pop punk boy band pose while waiting for the song to start, making Eva giggle. The first beginning notes of the song start, as Neil starts to dance horribly. He watches Eva put her head in her hands while laughing, causing Neil to smile.
On the loudspeakers, Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners was playing.
Whenever the lyric, ‘come on Eileen!’ played, Neil sang ‘come on Eva!’ loudly over it. Eva turned bright red from the embarrassment of her husband, but was smiling nonetheless.
Neil had stayed out there for about 30 seconds, starting to get worried that Eva wasn’t joking when she said she wouldn’t join him. But when he turned around, and he saw Eva standing up from her chair, smiling and shaking her head, with a glint in her eyes-
He saw his whole future.
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