#I’ll fixed my pinned post text
newtthetranswriter · 9 months
Cuddles And Mischief
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Paring: Yuta okkotsu x Gn! Reader
Featuring: Yuta(duh), Toge, Panda, Maki, and Gojo for like two seconds
Warnings: Migraines, cuddles, Toge is a little shit, Panda is Panda, Implied reader trying to kill Toge and panda (Don't worry they’re fine)
Word Count: 3308
Summary: Having chronic Migraines is a bitch, but on the brightside Yuta is the sweetest person to ever live and he just so happens to be your boyfriend. Cuddles are on the agenda and also apparently killing two classmates.
A/n: This is just something I thought of cause I've had a crazy bad migraine for the past week and just needed some cuddles. I believe that Toge 100% knows how to pick a lock, you can fight me on that. Also, I wrote this with the thought of JJk happening more like when they’re in college just cause I was more comfy with that, I’ll probably go back and edit my Toge fix to be the same at some point. Also please request stuff, i have a list of fandoms i will write for in my pinned post and i'm going to update it later to have the characters listed as well. Anyways enjoy this Yuta fluff.  MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
If I had to describe the worst week of my life it would probably be this one. I know saying the worst week of my life is maybe a slight stretch but damn this week sucked. I’ve had a migraine for the past week, and nothing helps, I’ve taken ibuprofen and drank tons of water but again nothing helps. I just want to lay down in a pitch-black room with my boyfriend, Yuta, and sleep in his warm embrace. I crave cuddles, which is odd for me. I’ve never been big on hugs or cuddling but he’s just so warm and inviting I can’t help but crave to be near him.
There are two reasons I have yet to do this though. One, we've been busy with school and training. We go to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu Technical Institute, it's a school to learn about cursed spirits and how to fight them, most of our day is taken up by training and the occasional mission. And secondly, no one knows we are together. You see when me and Yuta started getting closer, we agreed that it would be best to keep our relationship secret from our classmates because some of them can be a lot to deal with, and we didn’t want to deal with the endless teasing. Cough Panda Cough 
It can be difficult to find time for ourselves when dealing with our crazy life. So here I am sitting on the steps next to the training field, watching Maki fight with Panda because he did something stupid. Yuta and Toge are also on the field practicing hand to hand combat, not that either of them really needed it with their powerful techniques. And as to why I'm just sitting here, well one like I said before I have a migraine and two there are only five of us in our class so not enough for even groups, so I'm sitting out right now. 
As I watched Maki pin Panda, I noticed a certain black-haired swordsman eyeing me with concern. With us trying to keep our relationship on the down low, I haven’t had the chance to tell him about my migraine, but I know he could probably tell something was up because I was currently wearing a pair of dark sunglasses that could put Gojo’s to shame. I know I could have texted him, but I didn't want him to worry about me. So here I was being watched by my secret boyfriend while trying to hide the fact that my head felt like it was going to explode.
“MUSTARD LEAF '' I heard I disgruntled Toge exclaim as Yuta completely lost focus on his sparring match with the cursed speech user. 
“Sorry Toge, just lost in thought, would you give me just a minute I need to ask Y/n a question?” Yuta asked as Toge waved him off, obviously upset that his best friend is stopping their training. Yuta then proceeded to make his way over to where I’m sitting on the steps. “Hey Y/n, are you ok? You seem a little out of it, not to mention I don’t think Gojo could even see through those sunglasses.” He asked as he approached.
 “Yeah, I’m ok. Just have a small migraine don’t worry about it. "I'm going to go take a nap after training is over, it should go away after that.” I responded by trying to downplay my condition so he didn’t worry too much. I could tell he didn’t fully believe me but nodded in understanding before walking back to keep sparring with our classmate.
After training was over I headed in the direction of the dorms to try and sleep off this migraine even though I know it likely won’t work. As I made my way through the halls I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me into someone's bedroom. I let out a startled gasp, before I turned to see my boyfriend smiling sheepishly with a blush on his face as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you, just wanted to ask you again if you really are ok? You’ve been acting weird all week and I wanted to know if it was something I had done.” Yuta asked again, obviously concerned for me and worried that it might be his fault I’m not doing well.
“It’s not your fault Yuta. I just have chronic migraines. They just happen randomly and this one has been a bitch. It just won’t go away. Light hurts my eyes, loud noises hurt, ibuprofen doesn't help, sleeping only postpones the pain if I can even fall asleep. I’m just so tired.” I finally told him about this annoying pain. “ I’m sorry for making you worry, I know I should have told you when it first started but I didn’t want you to worry about me. I’m used to this at this point, it’ll go away eventually, until then I'm just going to be tired and on edge.” I could see multiple emotions pass his face as I told him all of this. First was relief that he did nothing wrong, but then concern as I told him how bad it really was.
“It’s okay, I understand you not wanting me to worry but I want to help. You said lights hurt and it's hard for you to get to sleep so I’m going to help out with that.” He said with a serious look on his face and I was slightly confused. How is he going to help with that? “Go lay down in your room and I’ll be there in an hour. I know exactly how to help.” I was shocked as he grabbed his wallet and pulled me out of his room and gently pushed down the hall towards my room. As we reached my room he looked around the hall, making sure no one was around, before leaning in and placing a kiss on my cheek before saying “I love you, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Before he ran off down the hall to god knows where.
I decided that it wasn’t worth stressing over cause that would just make my head hurt more so I just went in my room and changed into a pair of light pajama pants and a hoodie I’ve had for almost a decade, don’t judge the hoodie it’s gotten me through a lot of crap. After getting in my pajamas I laid down on my bed trying to relax even though the small amount of light barley breaking through the closed curtains was way too much for my sensitive eyes. I laid there for a good twenty minutes before I fell into a restless sleep that did nothing to block out the sounds of trees blowing in the wind and the distant sound of arguing, probably still Panda and Maki.
Just like he said about an hour after he had run away on a mission to do who knows what, I opened my eyes to see my gentle boyfriend enter my room quietly with bags of stuff hanging from his arms as he closed my door. He turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed I was awake and smiling at him as he nearly dropped his bags on the floor in shock.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up, I was just trying to get in here before someone else saw me.” Yuta said as he walked to my small desk and set the bags of stuff down.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t really asleep anyway. But what on earth did you buy?” I asked as I walked over to peek in the bags. I reached in one and pulled out a bag of my skittles and looked at him confused. “How are skittles supposed to help with a migraine?” I asked, trying to figure it out.
“Those are because I know you love them. This on the other hand I figured would help out a bit with the light sensitivity.” He responded with a smile as he pulled out a package that looked like a black sheet. I again looked at him in confusion. “ It’s a black out curtain. I’m going to hang it in front of your window to block out the light that still comes through your normal curtain. Also figured you could turn on some gentle music to help block out unwanted noise.” He said looking pleased with himself for coming up with the plan.
“You didn’t have to do all this really. I would have just been fine laying in here hiding under my blanket by myself. I really appreciate you taking the time to get me all this, but I can hang this up on my own. You can just go hang with the others, Yuta” I said thinking he was probably going to hang up the curtain and then go hang out with our friends as they did whatever it was they were doing right now.
He tilted his head to the side before smiling and chuckling softly. “No I’m going to hang this up, then you and I are going to lay down together. I know that when you have trouble sleeping you like to have someone with you, I also know it puts you right to sleep when someone plays with your hair. We are both taking a nap and I’m not taking no for an answer.” I was shocked to hear him be so confident about something. Normally he was shy and let others tell him what to do but this was different. I was surprised but also thankful that he was willing to set aside his afternoon to try and make me feel better.
I nodded in response and kissed him on the check as I moved to sit on my bed and eat skittles while he hung up the curtain. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about how sweet he is and how lucky I was to have him. After he finished hanging up the curtain he walked over to the side of my bed and sat down. I scooted over to give him enough space to lay down as he took off his shoes. He laid down with his head on the pillow and turned towards me to pull me into him. I jumped slightly at the contact, while I was expecting it, I’m still not used to it. After relaxing into his touch a scooted into his side while resting my head on his chest.
It felt great to be held by him in the complete darkness caused by the new curtains. The only thing this moment was missing was quiet music to drown out the outside noise. Like he read my mind Yuta reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone, opening it and playing my rest playlist on spotify before setting it back down. I smiled as I leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips before cuddling into his chest whispering an “I love you” as I relaxed to the gentle music coming from my phone. I felt him peck the top of my head before he relaxed and started to gently run his fingers through my hair. After about ten minutes of this I finally fell asleep, and for the first time in a week it was like the world fully melted away.
P.O.V Switch to the other students
About an hour later, Y/n and Yuta’s classmates were starting to get suspicious as to where their two friends had disappeared to. It was already dinner time and it wasn’t like either of them to skip a meal so the three were rightfully concerned.
“I know Y/n hasn’t been feeling well recently so maybe they are asleep.” Maki voiced the fact that one friend had been under the weather this week. “But that doesn’t explain where Yuta is.”
“Tunamayo” Toge said as he looked at his fellow sorcerers.
“Yeah you’re right, Yuta was watching Y/n during training today. Now that you mention it they have seemed really close recently.” Panda said as he processed what was being said. “Oh my god, I think I figured it out. What if they are secretly dating and skipped dinner to go on a date?” He exclaimed, almost too excited about the possibility of his two friends getting together.
“I mean it’s likely they are dating but again Y/n isn’t feeling well and I watched Yuta run off earlier like he was going to do something and Y/n wasn’t there.” Maki said looking at the giant bear like he was stupid for forgetting that one of said friends is ill.
“Salmon” Toge said, agreeing that the two were probably a couple but also agreeing that they probably weren’t on a date right now.
“Well then how about we figure this out the old fashioned way.” Panda stated
“By asking them next time we see them?” Maki asked, hoping her friend would say something reasonable for once, though she knew it was unlikely.
“No we go find them, you said Y/n wasn’t feeling well and that they would probably be sleeping, so I say we go check their room. If they are resting, that's where they will be.” Panda stated as if it was the most obvious answer to their problem.
“Salmon” Toge exclaimed with mischief in his eyes as he was the first to dart out of the room towards the dorms. He was determined to see what his best friend was up to at the moment. He also secretly hoped that they were correct that Yuta and Y/n were together because he shipped from the moment he watched the two talk for the first time.
“Toge calm down if you want to find out you gotta be quiet when you go down there. Don’t want anyone hearing you.” Panda said as he followed his friend down the hall. Maki was also with them, though she would deny her curiosity saying it was only to stop the two boys from being stupid.
As they turned down the hall that held the room of their friend who had been unwell all week, they could hear quiet music coming from the bedroom. “You hear that, that’s Y/n’s sleep playlist; they play it every night to help them sleep.” Maki said as she tried to stop her dimwitted companions from disturbing their friend’s sleep.
Only there was a problem, as they didn’t stop and made it closer to the room the three stopped walking in a state of shock. Not because of something they say but something they could feel. It was strange only in the sense that this cursed energy didn’t belong to their ill friend, it belonged to their other missing companion. It startled all of them to feel Yuta’s cursed energy flowing from Y/n room, it was obvious that's where it was coming from as underneath the large cloud of his energy they could barely make out Y/n’s cursed energy mixed in.
“I knew they were together.” Panda stated as he moved closer to the room. Toge following close behind was also excited to break up his friend's private moment.
Maki followed them as they stopped at the door, “you guys know he could have just stopped by here a minute ago to check on them, right” she said, trying to reason this out so the two didn’t invade anyones’ privacy in their attempt to cause trouble.
Panda just looked at her with a roll of his eyes as he tried to open the door. “ Doubt it, his energy is too strong for it to just be a residual, Damn it, they locked the door.” He exclaimed as his plan was foiled.
“Yeah it's probably locked to keep creepy bears from going in there without knocking.” Maki responded not paying attention to the silent member of their group who had ducked down to a crouch in front of the door inspecting the lock.
“Well knocking would be counterproductive Maki, I want to catch them by surprise and not announce my presence.” Panda countered. Again neither of them noticing Toge pull out a couple paper clips from his pocket.
“I think we should just leave them alone, They will tell us when -” Maki started but was interrupted.
“ Mustard Leaf” Toge whispered, shouting to get his friends’ attention. The two bickering sorcerers look at their shorter friend in shock as they watch him start to pick the lock on the door.
“What the hell Toge, why are you doing that?” Maki almost shouted at her friend who just responded with a shrug as if it was a stupid question and kept working.
The three of them were so focused on Toge unlocking the door that they failed to notice their teacher making his way towards the group. “So what are you three doing?” the tall man with a blind fold asked right as the click of the lock coming undone sounded.
The trio nearly jumped out of their skin but as Maki was about to explain it in a way to not get in trouble for breaking and entering, Toge opened the now unlocked door. Panda took the moment of shock from his friend opening the door to tell his teacher what  was happening.
“We are just trying to prove that that is happening.” he said, sounding triumphant as he pointed at his two friends who were peacefully sleeping in each other's embrace. As The Now Four of them took in the sight of the two young sorcerers looking the most relaxed that they have in a while, Toge couldn’t help but pull out his phone and snap a picture of the sweet moment. No doubt with the intention of blackmail in the future.
As the shutter sound resounded through the space the sleeping couple began to stir and with that the group snapped out of their shock. There were six different reactions, one from each person, and they were as follows. Yuta looked up in confusion still groggy from sleep and started blushing as soon as he saw his friends and teacher standing at the door to his partner’s room. Maki shook her head in disapproval of her friend’s stupidity for interrupting someone's well deserved sleep. Panda was holding back a laugh at his friends’ startled expressions. Toge started with a happy smirk until he made contact with the owner of the bedroom he just broke into. Gojo was also laughing as he walked away knowing that one of his students would deal out the punishment for his other students' mischief. And then there’s Y/n, while they were still half asleep they knew exactly who was standing in their doorway and were ready to kick someone’s ass.
Y/n jumped over a still blushing Yuta to get out of the bed, having the complete intention of taking their class from five students down to just three. First on their list was the one currently frantically sending the picture he just took to his other friends so when his phone was inevitably broken he would still have it. Second was the walking stuffed animal who hadn’t stopped laughing since they woke up to the intruders. The only reason Maki was safe was the fact that she had walked away after Gojo left, Y/n also knew she probably was trying to stop the idiots.
As Y/n chased the cursed corpse and cursed speech user, Yuta couldn’t help but start to giggle at his friend’s antics. He also let out a sigh of relief, knowing he no longer had to hide his affection towards the love of his life.
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So Cries the Wolf - Chapter 1
Text Count: 6439
Warnings: Violence, general threat
Chapter Summary: On top of your daily work as a forest ranger, management drops an ambitious project on your hands - fix up a broken jester animatronic for the park’s purposes. Your project quickly gets out of hand, and you have to come to the understanding that you now have a new housemate.
Notes: Due to a lack of AO3, I’ll be posting chapters here and making a chapter index attached to my pinned post. Enjoy the first chapter!
Once again it was morning, and once again you’d been awake from about three o’clock. Dappled sunrise knocked through the windows, curtains be damned, and cast a warm glow across your bed and the far wall of your cabin. Thin gold and red lines in the wooden panels caught the sunlight, gleaming all too perfectly, as if one of them hadn’t given you a splinter just yesterday. All too quaint and rustic. You knew better.
You knew that this small building you spent most of your nightly life in ran predominantly on the generator out back, feeding the small collection of electrical appliances you’d bought yourself so you could have coffee in the morning and noodles in the night. You knew that the new septic tank that management had gotten through in setting up a month ago was continuing to be tetchy, leaving you on your toes for the next call you’d have to make to have some poor plumbing tech guy driving out into the middle of the woods to figure out why the pipes had blocked up again (you’d do it yourself but you have neither the arm length, sanitary equipment, nor courage to avoid breaking it completely). And most of all, you knew that instead of sandalwood, mahogany, any of those fancy wood smells - no, that didn’t exist here. You got as much floral scent as the last collection of air fresheners you picked up last week would provide, and then it was just chemicals, old paper, vinegar from your last limescale treatment of your kettle, and dog odor. Technically you’d already stopped noticing most of those smells but you noticed people looking at you in concern whenever you went into ‘civilization’, aka the town about four hours out.
Your latest batch of early hours activity was now spread across the desk in front of you. A large laminated copy of the Amberhill Woods region is unrolled and weighted down with two mugs from your overnight tea drinking, a bowl of milk dregs and a remaining cereal scrap, and a paper weight of a beaver you’d gotten as a gift many years ago. You vaguely remember who it was from. An area is circled in red - your ‘zone’ of monitoring, patrolling, and responding to any alerts whether it was someone spotting a bear or a couple of kids getting too eager to climb a tree and failing to figure out the way down. In the middle of this red zone is a red X - your cabin. Tonight, within the red zone, there’s a number of blue Xs, scattered around within a blue squiggled shape. Books were left opened on the desk, a notebook full of thoughts and bookmarks off to the last available open space. Lines were being drawn, connections were being made. You knew you had a strong inkling of what you were dealing with out there - you just needed the opportunity.
The sound of claws and footfalls on wood caught your attention. Wandering in from his waiting in the kitchen, a large black dog meandered up to your side. Lots of people loved to speculate on his breed, you’d heard them all. Melanistic German shepherd, husky mix, a high wolf percentage mongrel. Every time you’d laugh awkwardly and admit that the vet hadn’t been able to tell you a breed when you rescued him, so you just call him ‘dog’. 
Montague’s snout pushed up towards the desk, and you provided your hand, running it down along the back of his head and into the thick fur of his neck. Whining plaintively, he began to nudge at your hip. 
“Breakfast already?” Well, sunrise had come about. And you knew you had a meeting with your ranger lead in…a small shock of panic hit you as you batted around for your phone underneath the papers and books. The chirpy clock app on screen told you it was 7:34am, and that the local area was due to have [BLANK] weather conditions. Because like hell you were going to pay fees for constant WiFi in the middle of nowhere. Still, there was slightly less panic to be had, but now you had an actual deadline looming.
With an hour and a half to go, you followed Montague to the kitchen and started scrounging around for your morning meal. Considering the dog judgment on his face, you figured that another bowl of cereal wasn’t going to cut it. Instead you pulled out the last of your bacon and a couple of eggs, setting it all to fry on your electric stove as the coffee machine hummed to life (if you counted excruciating blitz noises as a hum). Montague sat patiently by the table, waiting for the plate of bacon to come wafting past his nose and be placed down on the floor next to him. The pair of you ate in relative peace. A soft breath between races. Your phone buzzed with an alarm that you had an hour to get to the ranger center, as you siphoned your mug of coffee into a thermos flask. Montague had already grabbed his collar and leash by the front door, and waited for both to be secured before you stepped out into dewy fresh air and bright morning sunlight.
“I spent too long in front of the desk lamp,” you commented to Montague as you rubbed your eyes, hoping to readjust quicker to daylight instead of house light. You trudged over the dirt footpath and twigs to the lock-up that acted as a garage out here, removing the padlock with practiced ease. As nice as cycling was, you had less than an hour to get to your meeting and the dirt tracks didn’t take kindly to bicycle wheels at max pace, so the quad bike it was. Montague hopped up into his seat, giving you a glare as you fixed a helmet onto his head. 
“Don’t look at me like that, you know you have to wear this when you ride,” you grumbled back. You’re certain dogs aren’t supposed to look this grumpy. It would have to be something he’d be practicing once you both got back from the meeting. In fairness on his part, dogs didn’t normally have to wear head protection when riding on quad bikes, but management had insisted on health and safety regulations for any passengers on ranger property. Setting your own helmet in place, you locked up behind you, double-checked the doors, and then sped on along the makeshift road. You’d timed it all right, you’d be fine for sure.
About five minutes late, you stumbled up the steps to the massive log cabin that was Amberhill Forest Services. You could already see Anthony and Rebecca in discussion from one of the meeting room windows, but soon everything was chockablock blurred by the rapid form of Phoebe dashing over from the reception desk.
“Hi! Oh gosh you’re so late,” she said rapidly, dreads swinging around her cheeks. She’d picked up new pink streaks since you last saw her, it suited her. 
“Barely late,” you replied, a laugh already on your lips.
“So late, it’s terrible, Ant said we were going to be relegated to endless coffee duties for this,” Phoebe went on dramatically, before her voice switched around to a more level but still peppy tone: “Okay but he did ask for us to wait a few minutes. He needed a private word with Becca.”
“Does this mean I can get coffee?”
“Yeah! They installed the new machine last week, it is so good.” Phoebe gave you a small nudge as you both started to head through the office. “I may have leveraged management to give us some customizations. We are in syrup heaven, my friend! If you like caramel or hazelnut, that is.”
“Truly a marvel of our times.”
The office wasn’t quite bustling or buzzing just yet, with a couple of forest wardens having come in to retrieve their weekly schedules and some administrative staff moseying around the kitchen area with coffee and breakfasts ahead of the day’s slog. You wondered at times if you could have continued taking on a role like that - sat behind a computer or files of paperwork for hours at a time, communicating with teams to coordinate movements and reports. No, the forest held so much of you now, you had to be out there. 
Phoebe made you both coffee, dumping an unethical amount of syrup into her mug while you just added your regular preferences. In comparison to the output of your machine back in the cabin, this was practically decadent. There was a fair amount for you both to catch up with - you worked in the south east while Phoebe worked in the north, beyond the initial slope of Skeel Peaks or as the team here called them The Dragon’s Teeth. Since you worked so much by yourself (okay, you and Montague), it was a breath of fresh air to chat aimlessly, and Phoebe was the sweetest breath of air in this office. Always in with a positive cheer and able to spin a bad situation into an opportunity. 
In the middle of recalling an instance of maintenance with one of the radio towers and a particularly raucous deer, you spotted Anthony poking his head into the open office area. He didn’t look upset, but he wasn’t looking happy either. It was enough to step a stiff lump in your gut.
“We’re up,” you said quickly, taking coffee in hand and with Phoebe following you as closely as Montague. You all made your way over to the meeting room, with Anthony going ahead and holding the door open for you both. 
“Glad you could make it this early,” he said, rubbing a hand over his chin. It seemed like he was giving the whole beard thing another attempt, but currently it was at five o’clock shadow stage and it only made him appear even more tired than he actually was. “So, easy things first. Phoebe, there’s been some reports of rain damage on the trail up from the north side of the Skeel Peaks slope, I need you to go check it out and report on how bad it is. Also someone’s spray painted the emergency generators by Radio Tower Three again, and we’re losing signal over there, so that’ll need a wash and general maintenance check.”
“Yeesh, our local painter’s getting antsy,” Phoebe mumbled. You wrinkled your nose in distaste - bad signal meant anyone trying to contact the Services could well be fresh out of luck if the signal dropped at just the wrong time. Rubbing your fingers together, you forced yourself to focus back on the conversation as Anthony was detailing your particular work. 
“- continued tree vandalism, so you’ll need to be increasing your patrols to make sure the culprit gets caught. Don’t need to arrest them if it looks like someone you can’t handle, if needs be just tag them and bring the photo here so we can contact the police force and get them involved,” he explained. “Any questions from either of you?”
“Not here.”
“Good. Now for the complicated stuff.” Anthony paused, letting out a long sigh, before stepping over to a pair of large crates that had been unceremoniously shoved to the corner of the room. Heaving the lid of one open, he gestured inside. “Management got these during a charity auction sale, funds going towards that Fazbear Cooperation after the arson attack on its Pizzaplex. Something about…anyway, they want to renovate the bear to be a fire safety mascot and the jester to be around the kids play area. Apparently it used to be a daycare attendant so if the coding’s still in there, all the best for us.”
You exchanged a surreptitious look with Phoebe, who gave you a confused one of her own. It was no secret that management had tried a few ideas to connect with the general public in attempts to raise funding, whether through community activities, charity runs, or supporting various businesses. At the end of the day, the public paid for the work you all did, so getting as much of that support as feasibly possible benefitted you all. But….second-hand animatronics? You stepped over to the open crate and - 
“Oh my god.” The words spilled out before you could stop them. The bear animatronic (Freddy Fazbear, you recognised him pretty quickly from adverts and cereal boxes) had some serious dents going on, and one of his hands had been practically mauled. There were also scorch marks over parts of his legs, with joints in the ankles and feet being partially fused together. You stepped back to give Anthony a serious look, before stepping over to the other crate.
The jester had fared so much worse. It looked like it’d had a grinning sun for a face, but one of the rays had been snapped off and another was jammed halfway in. The ruffles around its neck had been burnt, as had the fancy gold and red trousers. One hand was full detached and placed almost reverently on the chest. Sections of the arms had been shredded open like it’d been ripped from paper instead of metal. And there were scorch marks everywhere. This guy had been hit much worse by the fire than Freddy. 
“Oh my god,” you repeated, because what else could you say. Anthony began to scold you before letting out another long sigh, pressing his fingers to his forehead. 
“It’s an ambitious plan,” he said, words repeated many times from other people. “Rebecca has agreed to start working on a promotion plan and sorting out how these animatronics are going to be set up. We can’t have them wandering into the woods, of course. Phoebe, you said you have a master’s in physical engineering, right?”
“That’s right,” she replied, peeking into the Freddy crate. “You want me to fix these guys up?” You could already see a plan formulating in her head. She wasn’t smiling though. Montague kept sniffing the jester’s crate, sneezing loudly before glancing up at you. It wasn’t a comforting look.
“Just the bear please.” That was confusing. Why not give both animatronics to Phoebe? Unless…oh. The penny dropped in your mind as you looked back towards Anthony with a cold shock. 
“You know I can’t - “
“I know you aren’t an animatronics expert,” he interrupted. “But this…it needs your skills to deal with it.” His hands squeezed tightly together.
“...so it’s - ”
“And management didn’t know?”
“I’m sure they didn’t.”
“And how do you know?” That question made Anthony pause, and his hands squeezed tight enough you thought the knuckles might pop out. After a moment he rubbed at his wrists, and in the moment he pushed up his sleeves just enough, you could spot a faint purple bruise ringing his right wrist. The dripping cold in your stomach roared into a spark of indignation, before just as quickly subsiding. No-one needed to see you lose your cool, especially if Anthony wasn’t going to talk more about what had happened.
“Okay, okay,” you stepped in before Anthony could try to figure out his reasoning. “I’ll take it back and fix it up. I won’t be able to bring it back as well as Phoebe would, but that’s what Google’s for, right?” It pained you to say it, but you’d be needing that WiFi this time around. Maybe you could subsidize it under company use, since you were fixing up their stuff. Regardless, the relief on Anthony’s face was palpable. 
“Thanks, you two. I’ll let you know if I hear anything else from higher up. Until then, keep me in the loop on how the projects go,” he explained. Leaving Phoebe to talk to him about how she was meant to carry the Freddy and crate back to her station, you wrapped your arms around the jester crate and hauled it out of the room. Maintaining balance on the steps down to your bike was hazardous but just about manageable. Montague looked on in mild disappointment as you strapped the crate down onto the back of the bike, taking his seat away. 
“Sorry, you’ll have to walk this one back,” you explained. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow.”
He sneezed again. The rising disappointment was becoming tangible. With one last glance into the crate, where that burnt up tangle of wire and cloth smiled endlessly at the sky, you set the quad bike into gear and began a far slower run back to your cabin.
The animatronic was dropped on your work desk with a metallic clattering, limbs left to go wherever they desired. Guilt temporarily hit your stomach - you hadn’t meant to be careless with it, it was just heavier than you’d anticipated. Wiping your brow, you set the arms and legs more neatly on the table before acknowledging you were procrastinating on the next step of this progress.
“So…haunted,” you said aloud.
“Anything can be haunted from a place of destruction,” Montague responded, wandering around the table. “And from what we gathered from the newspapers, the arson attack was considerably destructive.” His nose poked up over the edge of the table, sniffing at the nearest part of the animatronic for a brief moment before he sneezed and stepped away.
“Okay, but we need to figure out what exactly has gone down with this guy,” you said, pulling out your last measure of research desperation, your laptop, and plugging it into the cabin’s Ethernet system. You didn’t want to keep calling it things like ‘jester’ or ‘robot’ or ‘it’ for the next month or so, surely it had a name somewhere. 
“Well, your colleagues believe you’re the expert on that,” Montague commented as he wandered past you and towards the doorway, prompting you to laugh drily. 
“I’m serious. This is pretty big, and if I don’t do it right, my job might be on the line.” You weren’t sure for certain, but considering Anthony had gotten this project from management and promptly passed that responsibility to you, your nerves were going haywire from this. 
Your internet search provided some results. Pictures of a much cleaner and put-together sun jester inside a brightly lit daycare center, alongside a more calm moon jester. It looked like you’d gotten the ‘Sun’ model of the Daycare Attendant. Bittersweetness washed over your heart as you scrolled through multiple pictures of Sun, posed for press releases and candid photos taken by parents of children he was looking after. That animatronic looked genuinely happy, for someone with a permanent smile on his face. He looked alive. Now you had to dissect his mechanical corpse and root out a ghost from his circuits.
“Don’t worry,” you said quietly, reaching out to pat the Sun’s shoulder. “We’ll get you back up and running properly like you have before.”
Sun’s one functioning hand promptly snapped up and grabbed your wrist, squeezing until you could feel something pop. As you let out a pained yell, you watched as skin formed across the metal, pulling away slowly. Red ribbons decorated with batter copper bells managed to extract themselves from the arm, followed by a long limb of burnt purple feathers. You were pushed backwards from your chair, another pair of arms beginning to rise with the new chest that was extracting itself from Sun’s body. Metal popped and scratched on the table surface with the movement, feathers growing and promptly vanishing into the new body that was breaching into this reality. Finally from the head came another disc face, wide eyes open and dark, amber circles forming the pupils. Another smaller pair of eyes perched atop these huge eyes, one red with a while pupil and the other deeply pale with no visible pupil in sight. As the lanky form dragged clawed and scaled feet off the table and onto the floor, an array of dark feathers with ends lighting up in flickering fiery yellow and burning orange fins flared out around the umber face, lighting up the crescent moon stamped onto half of the face, and a mouth split open far, far too wide to naturally fit a creature with such a head.
“Knock, knock, who’s there?” a voice purred from the being’s gullet. It loomed over you, dragging you like you weighed nothing, another hand reaching out to grab your chin and force you to stare up at it. Your face was only just about level with its chest, where the symbol of an eclipse, watery sun rays extending out from a black circle with a pale crescent moon in the middle, glared back at you. “A little mouse come sneaking around, like its other mousey friend. But this one smells so much better.” Teeth gleamed within the open maw, and the eyes widened even further. Hunger dripped from it, although your gut said it wasn’t technically going to eat you. Maybe yet. The claws gripping your cheeks tightened, ice cold against your skin, leaving you barely able to wriggle in this creature’s grasp. 
“What do you want?” you wheezed out. 
“Freedom,” it hissed. “Free of this miserable metal shell we have been stuck in. Free of the screaming and the noises and that voice. You…you can give us freedom. I can smell it on you, salt and herbs and blood. You know what we are.”
“...Well, not exactly-” Wrong answer. Another hand grabbed your shirt collar and hoisted you up into the air, leaving you gasping and kicking uselessly. 
“I know what you are,” the creature spat. “Hunter.”
“Montague,” you wheezed.
A blur of shadow and smoke burst through the door, briefly canine in shape as it launched into the creature. You were dropped to the ground, inhaling deeply and clutching your hand to your chest as the pair of entities fought blindly. The table was knocked over, Sun’s body clattering to the ground, and you had to dodge a flailing clawed leg that nearly scratched part of your cheek off. Your attacker snarled and spat insults a plenty, but came to a halt as Montague physically pinned him down, a thick paw shoving the face into the wooden floor. For a while there was silence, your heavy breathing and coughing breaking true stillness, before the new entity began to laugh.
“Hypocrisy! True hypocrisy!” it cackled. “You bind yourself to what you seek to destroy!”
“I don’t seek to destroy anything,” you replied hoarsely, staggering back upright. “I just deal with anything that wants to kill. Which means you need to start speaking fast.” A rumble of warning echoed from Montague’s gut.
“I could deal with them now and be done with it,” he growled.
“No. They came from Sun. I want to know how and why,” you replied firmly. 
“Sun,” the entity whispered. “Yes, they called us that. Sun and Moon, we were.”
“You…were Sun?”
“No. But yes.” The entity shrugged weakly, and yet still managed to give off a sense of smugness. “I came from them.” 
You were still struggling to wrap your head around this creature’s insinuation that the Daytime and Naptime attendants had been the same individual, let alone half of everything else they were spouting off. The lack of oxygen you’d been hit with wasn’t helping. Rubbing your face, you swiped away thin beads of blood from where no doubt those claws had pierced your cheeks. Not enough blood for a bonding however, which you were a little grateful for. 
“You…came from an animatronic,” you said slowly. “But animatronics don’t have souls to corrupt.”
“Clever and true. And yet, here I am.” Two arms spread out in a greeting, bells jingling fainty. Montague was watching you, waiting for your command. Staring down at the entity, this thing that had managed to form from the memory banks of a Sun (and Moon?) animatronic, you made a choice. 
“Eclipse,” you said firmly. The entity reeled, wriggling and spitting at you. Putting a name on a nameless thing meant it could be controlled in some way. Names were powerful, and you were observant enough to put cues together for a correct and meaningful name. With that response, you knew you had a winner. “You’re going to help me figure out what happened to this animatronic, you’re going to help me fix them, and you’re going to explain how the hell you ended up existing.”
“...I can help you with two of those three,” Eclipse replied, their voice returning to that low purr they’d greeted you with. “The last I would consider you to be helping me, more than the other way around.”
“You don’t know how you came to exist?”
“Not a clue. I woke up, and I was…” They trailed off, waving a hand around. “Mind telling your guard dog to get off me, pup? It’s hard to think on the floor.”
“I think we’re quite well here,” Montague responded. 
“I agree with Monty,” you added. “Go on, keep talking.” Eclipse’s mouth twisted into a snarl, but that was all.
“I woke up and I was here. Alive. No past or thoughts, just here,” they snapped. “I became.”
Even demon summonings came with history. People couldn’t just make a new demon or cryptid out of spare parts, like an animatronic. And Eclipse was frankly too developed to be a newly birthed being. You pressed your thumb to your lower lip, thinking for a while before stepping away. New fresh guilt appeared on your tongue at the sight of Sun left tossed on the ground. Without much word, you righted the table and dragged the Daycare Attendant back onto it. Montague and Eclipse watched in silence. Once you were satisfied with how Sun was laid out, you exhaled heavily.
“Let them up, Monty,” you murmured. The dog-like shape of shadow growled in upset, but complied, stepping off Eclipse and manifesting in solid matter by your side. 
“They hurt you,” he grumbled.
“Lots of things hurt me, and you don’t kill all of them,” you retorted quietly. “Besides, I think they need me. Isn’t that right?” You speak up louder now, catching Eclipse’s attention. “You need me to fix Sun so you’ll be free.”
“Clever,” Eclipse purred, pushing themself back to their feet. “I knew you were a better pick.”
“Well, you also tried to break my coworker’s wrist, and nearly did the same to mine,” you snapped back. The pain was pulsing through your hand and lower arm, and quietly you worried that they had actually broken something there. You did not need a hospital appointment on your schedule. Continuing to grumble to yourself, you marched from the room and towards the kitchen, Montague obediently at your heel.
“You really can’t be serious about this,” he said, watching as you pulled a first aid kit from one of the cupboards.
“Unfortunately Monty, I am serious,” you replied with a sigh.
“They tried to kill you!”
“Intimidate me? Yes. Maim me? Maybe. Kill me? No.” It was hard to pop the kit box open with one hand, but you managed with some elbow leverage. Finding the ice pack, you cracked it and laid it across your wrist, hissing as the cold began to seep into the muscle. “They said so themself. They want freedom from ‘that metal shell’. They’re stuck to the animatronic somehow, like an unwilling possession on both parties.” You could see Eclipse beginning to creep into the room, leering through the doorway. You didn’t care right now, the adrenaline of the situation petering out. “They can’t fix the animatronic themself though, or go through the process of separation. That’s where I come in.”
“You fix it, you exorcize it, and Eclipse goes free,” Montague said with a distasteful snap of his jaw. “What stops them from slaughtering you afterwards?”
“Don’t know. We’ll get there when we get there.”
“And why keep them alive now?”
“Because they are the first entity we’ve encountered that exists like this. Aren’t you curious?” You felt the pleading bubble up without warning. Montague leveled you a firm look, one ear flicking, before he licked his nose and turned to look at Eclipse, although he still spoke to you. 
“You are an oddity,” he muttered. “If they try to kill you, I will kill them first.”
“I’ll accept that.” 
While you needed to take a patrol soon, with your swollen wrist you had to call in sick, agreeing to make sure to check in on radio as frequently as possible. Anthony showed distinct concern at you injuring yourself so soon after getting back with the Sun animatronic, but you promised him that you’d just burnt your hand while making lunch, it was just coincidence. Eclipse was right there when you hung up the phone, grinning proudly as he whispered “Liar.”
That pretty much set the tone for the rest of the day. Books were restlessly paged through as the first mapping of Eclipse began, attempting to piece together what they were and where they’d come from. You also took the time to examine them further. The feathery ‘rays’ that decorated their head were the same burnt purple as the rest of them, with pink and purple flames rising up the middle. Where you’d thought the edges of the feathers to be burning was a trick of the light, the edges returning to a smoldering red once Eclipse relaxed. Yellow and orange fins that could expand and flare like the feathers were visible too. Eclipse themself was about as useful as expected when it came to actual research - scowling whenever you asked a question, looking in a book and tossing it to the side with a grumbled “Wrong!”, constantly fidgeting and rifling through your drawers and cupboards. There was a sense of caged energy to their movements, an irritation that kept growing whenever you provided a suggestion that turned out to be incorrect. By the time evening rolled around, you were exhausted on all fronts. 
“I’m done,” you stated, closing your latest book with a loud snap, catching Eclipse’s attention. “I am officially done for today. I am clocking out, retiring for the night.” Montague nosed at your hand, licking your fingertips gently. You ruffled his head in turn. “I’ll be fine. You look after the house, okay?”
“And me?” Eclipse slunk through the room with the presence of a malevolent shadow, the amber circles of their larger eyes gleaming unnaturally. 
“Couch,” you replied bluntly, making your way through the doorway to your bedroom. “I don’t have a guest bedroom.”
“Whatever happened to keep your enemies clos-AGH.” Eclipse stopped dead with a shout of pain, the underside of one foot sizzling as they hopped backwards. Leaning back, you gave them a smug grin of your own.
“Salt in the wood paneling,” you explained. “Does wonders for privacy against shitty demons.” 
“Language,” Eclipse snarled back. 
“Oh pardon me - incomprehensibly irritating asshole demons.” One more scowl was exchanged between yourself and the demonic entity, before you shut the door hard, cutting out the glare of the corridor lamp and letting the moonlight trickle in from your window. Pale shrouds of light guided you to your bed, where you collapsed onto the sheets and tried not to think too hard about the last twelve hours of your life.
What had you done?
Moonlight was replaced with sunlight by the time you next stirred to life. For a brief blissful moment you didn’t remember the previous day or your restless dreams of the night, until you heard the sounds of arguing outside your door and everything came swamping back into your brain. Echoes of your wrist being sprained and claws digging into your face and neck stirred a jolt of panic to your limbs and stomach, and you barely kept from retching over the side of your bed. After a few sacred seconds to regain a sense of self, you checked the time (8:43am, you’d slept in) and got changed into everyday work clothes, arguing continuing to leak through the door. Stepping over, you took a moment to brace yourself, and unlocked the door.
“- sense of dignity or understanding-”
“Rich talk of dignity from you.”
“I have more dignity than a feather twig. You ought to make sure they don’t mistake you for a duster.”
“There won’t be any mistakes, I have made certain of that.”
Eclipse and Montague’s voices overlapped in a brief roar that filled your mind. It wasn’t until you realized that they’d stopped and your throat was hoarse that you noticed you’d started yelling back. Exhaling heavily, you looked at the pair in the kitchen before wandering towards one of the cupboards.
“Good morning,” you bluntly intoned. “Good to see neither of you decided to kill each other while I was asleep.”
“Oh please, we’re not animals,” Eclipse scoffed. Montague’s ears flattened back, but he didn’t respond to that jibe. 
“I’m going to start fixing Sunny this morning,” you explained, reaching for a bowl and mini-box of cereal and ignoring the snicker from Eclipse. “Then I have to do actual work in the afternoon. Can you keep to yourselves until then?”
“I’ll do a perimeter sweep,” Montague said. “I’ll come if you call me.”
“I will assist where I can with fixing…Sunny,” Eclipse replied, dragging out the last word like a string of bitter syrup. 
“Are you mad I’ve given him a nickname?” You turned to give Eclipse a bemused look, a weak chuckle dancing to life. Either your confusion or amusement seemed to strike a nerve, as the feathers on his head puffed up once more, dark red edges warming towards orange.
“You have not even spoken to them and yet you talk of them with fondness,” they retorted. “Your heart is too soft for the work you do, pup.”
“I think it’s perfectly soft for my work,” you replied firmly, shutting the fridge door with a slam. Shaking hands poured the milk and cereal, and you ate quickly, unwilling to spend long under Eclipse’s impatient gaze. Montague lingered in the front door’s shadow before pushing his way outside, vanishing into the dappled ground of the trees and dawn. Leaving just yourself and Eclipse in the building. 
Sat at the table, you watched as Eclipse began to drift around the room, flitting from wall to wall until you could see their shadow overlaid with yours, their body blocking the warmth of the sun from your back.
“Just us now,” they murmured, a hand reaching past your shoulder to tap on the table.
“You know that the moment I say Monty’s full name, he’ll be here and he won’t wait for me to give the command like last time,” you said bluntly. It was too early to be dealing with this sort of taunting. Eclipse’s hand withdrew, although it hesitated in drifting over the curve of your shoulder. A single claw touched on your skin, sending a shiver down your back, but was gone before any true threat could become present. 
“Brat,” Eclipse grumbled, stalking away slowly.
You ate the rest of your breakfast in silence, obtaining a mug of coffee and carrying it through to your research room turned animatronic workshop. Sun’s frozen smile looked back at you as you wandered in, and you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t just about yourself. Sure it was a need to appease management and get a demon off your back, but now you felt compelled to bring this sunny smiling figure back to life. Setting the coffee aside, you began to work on opening up the chest cavity. Figured you would start at the ‘heart’ of the problem. 
“Oh fuck,” you muttered as you looked upon a mess of wires, half of them crisped and melted together. “This is not going to be an easy process.”
“Ew,” came Eclipse’s voice over your head, peering down over you and into the animatronic.
“Thank you for such words of inspiration. I’m going to go and get more wiring now.” Stepping away from Sun, you felt claws hook into the back of your collar.
“You can’t fix this?” Eclipse questioned, eyes beginning to squint.
“I’m trying to fix this!” you snapped back, pulling sharply away. “He needs new wiring to replace the shit that’s melted together. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the same make but that spaghetti glue mess isn’t going to be functioning by itself.” It was too early. You grabbed a swig of coffee before going to your hoard of electrical repair items, including your personal spaghetti mess of spare wires. Eclipse’s glare burned holes into the back of your skull all the while. 
It took about an hour and a half to find wires that were roughly the right sort to fit into Sun’s chassis, and then another half an hour to remove the melted wiring and fit the new ones into place. Your fingers ached from working with the raw metal tips and pliers and screws, used to manual labor but not this finicky sort with sharp points at any slipped possibility. The stress of responsibility weighed heavily on each movement, Eclipse’s presence pushing down even harder. The demon provided no assistance whatsoever, pacing around behind you and looming over to watch your progress every now and again. Sometimes they’d point out a mistake, jabbing a claw into your view and snapping “Wrong” before stepping away. One “Wrong” too many though, each one poking into your degrading patience and rising temper, nudged you to the brink and you slammed your hands down on the table.
“I’m not a fucking engineer, okay! Stop with the…the fucking lip and pointing!” you snapped.
“Watch your tongue there,” Eclipse growled, leaning onto the table with all of their hands and across the animatronic between you, their feather display beginning to flare up from agitation.
“How about you watch your fucking tongue? I get it, me fixing this gets you free, but I’m not going any faster with you prodding your way into it.”
“I’m making sure you get it right.”
“Then do it yourself, you big baby!”
“I can’t do that.” 
“Why not? You’ve got twice my hands, you’d do it twice as fast.”
“Can’t do that.” 
You rubbed your hands down your face, withholding a scream of frustration. How could one entity be so blindingly irritating? The next outburst at Eclipse began to form on your lips, when Montague trotted in through the doorway.
“We have company,” he said quickly. 
“Which means I have work to do,” you added, dropping your pliers on the table and leveling Eclipse with a harsh stare. “Want to come along and find out what I really do for a job?”
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aroace-polyshow · 1 year
pinned post time!!
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(user boxes all by @/sweetpeauserboxes, except otori siblings one, that one is by me, and the tags are a screenshot of a compliment i got from a reblog game)
hola amigos i'm marlo!! i have a bunch of names though, you can also call me mono, venus, jupiter, or milo
i'm honduran/american!!
i have a few sideblogs including: @cyberpunk-deadboy - art only blog!! @marlos-fave-characterthoughts - character analysis blog thing?? where i save a lot of posts about characters i like :] @vflower-spotted - rbing vflower fanart!! @rui-kamishiro-spotted - same thing but rui!! @pjsk4koma-cutouts @daily-polyshow @marlos-shelf-of-posts @daily-rui-kamishiro co run blog!! more. that i am forgetting to add here. plus a few rp blogs and like 3 secret ones. which if you find i would prefer you did not bring up here <3
my main fandoms are: omori, project sekai, vocaloid/utau, bungo stray dogs. project sekai is currently the main one.
i also enjoy and sometimes reblog stuff for: we know the devil, dr stone, one piece, your turn to die, sanrio, night in the woods, sarazanmai, persona 5 and other stuff i know i'm forgetting
i use caps pretty often and swear a lot. heads up lol.
don't ever be afraid to tag me in stuff i'm more than happy about it!! i also LOVE ask games i reblog them whenever i see one pls pls pls send me asks i think theyre so fun i love talking to people
tags to note: mono’s stuff - self explanatory. any of my own posts, be it text a photo or whatever mono’s art - self explanatory. any of my own art. some of it is from my sideblog. won’t queue let me feel like a real devil for a moment? - queue tag. wktd quote. hollow ☆ wonderland - unit swap again but its wxs as n25 i love them so much please ask me whatever you want about them i’m so normal about them i prommy (lying) (MASTERPOST) <- THIS SHIT IS BROKEN BUT I’LL FIX IT EVENTUALLY IGNORE IT FOR NOW
also if you couldn’t tell wonderlands x showtime is my favorite project sekai group, they mean a lot to me and i post about them a lot. just a heads up i get SO annoying about them. i love them so dearly.
and uhm i think thats it? i might be forgetting something. idk though.
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buttersc0tchz · 6 days
HEYYYY should probably make a pinned post at this point LMAO
Heya i’m Kip/Kipper whatever ya wanna call me.
I use He/She but I really don’t care use whatever :)
more info below the cut!
Big interest guy, if you see me reblog it I probably enjoy it LMAO
Big interests right now are:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Bendy and the ink machine
Poppy Playtime
Sam & Max
I usually tag my posts pretty well, if you want my a little tag run down:
-> #kips (fandom name) posting
Fandom tags:
named: sonic, cuphead, batim, poppy playtime, mcyt, sam and max, cats | (<- cat posts galore)
-> #kips art tag 🐛 | My art tag!
-> #kips silly posting | Tends to be about text posts i find funny :P or whatever else i feel like putting in there
-> #kips comic posting | All the parts to my comic in a nice little place :)
-> #kips comic unrelated tag | Unrelated to the main stuff, unrelated for fun comics and references to not clog up the “comic posting” so the comic stuff is easier to get to! :3
-> #kips oc tag 🏷️ | OC art
i’ll fix this up and make it cooler in a few :P
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typosandtea · 11 days
Assorted doodles for my blogs’ soon to be updated navigation posts :)
I’ll be posting a new pinned post and a bunch linked posts later today! As well as fixing all the tags on my previous posts. updated link posts will be tagged with #blog maintenance for a while if you don’t want to see them spammed!
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[ID: a transparent simple digital drawing. A person is shown is lying on their belly facing to the right of the image, they are shown from the hips up. They are typing on a grey laptop. The person is wearing a dark grey t-shirt and a navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor. The person is the same navy colour as helmet. They are looking at the laptop. There is a small pink heart above the laptop. The back of the laptop has a ‘t’ on it. The artists signature is on the back of the laptop “typos & tea”in hot pink. End ID]
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[ID: a simple digital drawing like the reddit guys pointing meme, over a screenshot of my blogs ask box button. The screenshot details. The ask box button text is “Asks very welcome!”. The follow button is mostly obscured by the drawing. The bio reads “fallout!!! Mostly 4! (New line) Drawings, Crochet and, Silly vibes! (New line) Adult. She/her. SFW”. The drawing details. The person is shown on the images right side, they are pointing at the ask button, the pose is that meme of those reddit guys pointing excitedly. The person is wearing a grey t-shirt and a navy blue T51 power armour helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor. the person is the same navy colour as the helmet. To the left of the person is the text “yooooo!” In dark pink. To the right of the person is the artist signature “typos & tea :)” in the same dark pink. End ID]
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[ID: a digital drawing. A person wearing a navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor, a grey t-shirt shown on the images left. Their eyes are visible and smiling behind the visor. The person is facing slightly to the right. The persons left hand is raised and open palm facing forward, they are the same navy colour as the helmet. To the person’s left is various crochet tools. A green handled crochet hook, a pink ball of yarn, a safety pin, a yellow flexible tape measure and some red handled fabric scissors. The background of the image is muted dark purple with slightly pinker shades scribbles on it. End ID]
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[ID: a simple transparent digital drawing. A navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor is shown. The wearers eyes are looking to the right. Either side of the helmet mirrored, is a pink heart and a large horizontal pencil, the pencil is the simple yellow kind with the eraser on the end. End ID]
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[ID: a simple transparent digital drawing. A navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor is shown. The wearers eyes are looking to the right. Either side of the helmet mirrored, is a pink heart and a large horizontal crochet hook, the crochet hook has a green handle. End ID]
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[ID: a digital drawing. A person wearing a navy blue T51 power armor helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor, a dark grey t-shirt is shown pointing to the right with their left hand finger guns. their eyes are visible behind the visor and smiling goofy. To the right and above the person is the text "It's Falloutin' time!" the background of the image is a gradient from light blue-purple to maroon with blue in the top left corner and maroon in the bottom right. End ID]
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eadanga · 5 months
Royal Love Part 17
Summary: Now 18 Eleanor heads to her first year of college and falls for a handsome musician. Can she keep her royal secret be with her true love?
A/N: This series is for @kingliam2019 one of my 500 followers giveaway winners
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Eleanor and Marissa get out the cab and head to their dorm room. Marissa drops all her bags with a big sigh “What a flight I feel like I haven’t moved in forever”
“I know I thought I’ll be used to this by now I’ve traveled so much”
“But the baby was happy and so was your family I can’t wait to see her again”
Eleanor smiles “Me too and you post those pics right?”
Marissa does an X across her chest “Cross my heart I really don’t want the royal family coming after me”
Eleanor giggles “I don’t think my dad will do that but it’s for my security”
“I know but don’t you think Cole should know I mean you too aren’t dating yet but”
“I can’t just up and tell him without asking my dad I’ll tell him when the time comes ok?”
Marissa nods “Ok I understand”
There’s a knock on the door and Eleanor goes to open it she grins when she sees Cole “Hi there”
“Hi Marissa texted and said you were back”
Eleanor sighs “Marrissa I was hoping to surprise him”
“Oopsy” Marissa giggles “Sorry not sorry”
Eleanor rolls her eyes and Marissa laughs as she walks off “That girl”
Cole chuckles “I know so there’s a dance later this week you wanna go together?”
“Of course let’s go”
Cole grins “Great I can’t wait” He takes her hand and gives it a squeeze then walks out the door
Marissa pops her head out her room “Did he just ask you out again?”
“You were eavesdropping weren’t you?”
“Yup!” Marissa grabs her hands “Now we gotta go shopping!”
Eleanor laughs as Marissa grabs her hand and pulls her out the door.
Eleanor sits in at her vanity fixing her makeup she smiles at the thought of dancing with Cole
“Girl you ready?”
“Almost!” Eleanor checks herself then puts on her dress and heads to where Marissa is waiting for her “Damn you looking hot girl”
Eleanor giggles “So are you”
“Why thank you now us hotties have a dance to head to”
Eleanor laughs as Marissa struts out the door and she follows after her
The ballroom of the dance is packed with people Alyssa stands with her minions as she looks around “Where’s Cole I want him to see how beautiful I look then he’ll ask me to dance and then he’ll have to take me back” Her eyes light up when she sees Cole enter the ballroom “Oh Cole!” she walks over to him
Cole rolls his eyes “What?”
“Don’t you like my dress? It’s designer”
Cole looks at her up and down “Nice now I’m gonna”
Alyssa stands in front of him “Wait nice? That’s all you have to say?”
“Yeah goodbye” He tries to walk away again
“What’s the matter with you? You loved when I wore stuff like this?”
“Used to not anymore”
Alyssa grabs his suit by his chest “Look here we are mean to be together now stop playing around and take me back already how long are you going to hold a grudge like none of it wasn’t your fault!”
Cole raises an eyebrow “Mine?”
“Yes maybe if you paid attention to me more I wouldn’t have to find someone else!”
“So when people are dating it’s a requirement for them to be around each other 24/7? The times I didn’t spend with you was when I had to study or I had practice”
“But I’m more important!”
Cole rolls his eyes “Whatever get off of me”
“Not until you take me back!”
“Not gonna happen”
“I always get what I want Cole and if I can’t have you!” She’s cut off by a pair of hands that pull her away from him she falls to the floor “What the?”
Eleanor and Marissa stand there with their hands crossed Eleanor turns to Cole “You alright?”
Cole dusts himself off “Fine thanks for that”
Alyssa stands seething “YOU BITCH!” She lunges for Eleanor but Eleanor grabs both her hands and pin them behind her back
Marissa calls over a security guard “This girl has become unhinged I think she’s having an episode you should bring her back to her dorm”
The security guard nods and grabs Alyssa “Let’s go”
“I hate you you bitch! You’re gonna pay!”
“Yeah yeah whatever bye dumbass” After she leaves Eleanor turns to Cole “Sorry she ruined your night”
“It’s not completely ruined” Cole takes her hand “Let’s dance”
Eleanor smiles as they dance together Cole smiles as he looks deeply into her eyes “You look beautiful” then leans in
Eleanor feels her heart race as he kisses her softly then pulls away “Sorry I hope that wasn’t”
Eleanor silences him by kissing him again it feels like their the only 2 people on the dance floor
Cole smiles as he pulls away “Shall I get us some drinks?”
“Yes I need to make a phone call real fast”
Cole nods as he heads to the drink table and Eleanor ducks to the bathroom she looks to make sure no one is around and dials her dad
“Hi my princess what’s going on?”
“Dad I think” She sighs
“What is it?”
“I think I’m in love”
“Is it with the Cole guy you told me about?”
“Yes dad and…” She bites her lip before continuing “I want to tell him everything about me”
Tags: @indiacater​​ @mfackenthal​​ @the-soot-sprite​​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @gkittylove99​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​ @princess-geek​​
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roosterbruiser · 11 months
As is tradition, I humbly (violently) request some landslide tidbits…
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first of all? this picture is so fucking funny
second of all? your wish is my command, darling....
okay I don't think I've posted this before but if I have PLEASE call my ass out!! that is on me!!
here's a deleted/reworked scene from the bachelorette party....
It was still early in the evening and The Hard Deck was still slowly building momentum, a handful of uniforms speckled around the wide-plank floors. Pool balls clanking, beer bottles chiming, distant chattering and light conversations were the only sounds then. The jukebox wasn’t on yet, the piano empty of Rooster or any Rooster-like form. 
Before we’d gotten out of our car, I’d sent a final text to Rooster, who had sent us away from his spot on the brick porch--grinning something fierce, cheeks warm, hair sandy. The boys weren’t there yet--he was waiting for them to pick him up. 
Me: Let loose!! Don’t miss me too much!! 
He responded just as we crossed the threshold of the bar, just as Bob held the door open for me and Phoenix, just as the crashing waves became a lull in the distance, fading from earshot. . 
Tramp: I’ll be drinking to forget you, baby ;)
Standing at the bar with Bob and Phoenix flanking me, watching Penny uncork a good bottle of champagne with a small, easy smile on my lips, I stuffed my phone into my pocket. 
The sun was sinking into the ocean just outside, casting a golden light over the polished wood and brown beer bottles; it all felt very warm. 
“Let the bachelorette party commence,” Bob announced, smiling coyly. 
Bob, wearing his suede jacket that I loved so much, looked down at me from his glasses. He was still sporting the shaggier look--hair grown out and pushing the Navy’s protocall, cheeks scruffy. He looked good, very handsome. But he still smelled like a freshly-bathed baby; a scent that seemed to ooze from him, filling all the air between us.
“You’re getting married tomorrow!” 
It was Phoenix who said it, her lipstick pink and her dress pinker. 
“I know,” I said softly, “counting down the hours.”
Bob and Phoenix grinned at Penny, who was looking at us through her lashes. 
“Smitten kitten,” Penny said, shaking her head, chuckling. 
“Bob, your veil is crooked,” Phoenix chuckled, her elbows on the bar, dark hair framing her smiling face as she looked at Bob. 
Bob sighed, moving to fix the short, tulle veil that we pinned in his hair on the drive over. 
“How embarrassing,” he muttered, shaking his head lightly.
Phoenix and I laughed--Bob’s cheeks bloomed, painting his face the pale pink of a rose. But he was smiling that sweet Bob smile; the one that was wide and kind, the one that was born from our joy. His girls. His best friends. 
“Here,” I offered, moving to adjust the pins so the veil sat straight. 
Phoenix grinned, her own veil pinned prettily--the pristine white fabric a stark contrast of her shiny, dark hair. 
“You were looking like a wayward bride there for a second,” Phoenix said, biting her lip, “and that’s Faye’s role, right?”
She nudged me, teasing. I bit my lip hard, stifling a laugh--very, very happy. Wordlessly, Phoenix smoothed my veil, too--her touch gentle as she adjusted the tulle over my curls.  
Penny slid us three flutes of pink champagne, placing a silver ice bucket beside me before settling the un-corked bottle in the ice. 
“How’s our blushing bride really?” Penny asked, the sun painting her face warmly as she leaned onto the bar, setting her chin in her hands. 
“Cool as a cucumber,” Bob answered, sliding Phoenix and I our champagne before he grasped the stem of his and brought it to his lips, “have you ever seen a more relaxed bride?”
He was telling the truth--I was totally, wholly calm. Not an itch in my palms, not a flurry in my belly, not a lump in my throat, not even a throbbing vein behind my eyelid to be found. All I felt, on the eve of my wedding, was solace. Bliss, even. It almost made me feel silly how serene, how completely balmy, I was. 
Penny’s smile was a familiar one--a happy one. Her cheeks were smooth and her lips were soft. 
“So, no cold feet here?”
I sighed, taking a sip of champagne. The bubbles tickled my throat, coated my belly, sank to my toes. I wiggled them in my heels--yep, still toasty warm. 
“Nope,” I told her, “snug as a bug and all that other stuff.”
Phoenix leaned on my shoulder. Hers was a weight that was becoming very familiar to me, too; one that I was beginning to cherish as deeply and know as thoroughly as Bob’s. She threaded our arms, squeezing me tight. 
“Can you believe it? You’re getting married to Bradshaw tomorrow,” Phoenix sighed, “and to think--we were all there the night you guys met!”
Bob leaned on my shoulder, taking my other arm as Penny watched, bemused. 
“It’s enough to make a grown man cry,” Bob sighed, “and believe me, it has.”
Phoenix snorted. 
“Well, as sweet as it was watching you two find each other--maybe I should get a smidgen of credit,” Penny said, a teasing lilt in her soft voice. 
I quirked a brow, already growing warm at her words. Phoenix and Bob cocked their heads, eyebrows raised. 
“Is that so?” I asked, now the bemused one.
She shrugged--turning her nose up slightly, biting her lip, giving us a very casual shrug before crossing her arms over her chest. My throat was throbbing.
“Well,” she started, “I might’ve put in a good word for you early on.”
“How early on?” Bob pressed, lips turned in a half-smile. 
Penny found my eyes and I don’t know why, but I suddenly knew the night she was talking about. The night that Rooster leaned against the jukebox and played Crimson and Clover, when I was sitting alone at the bar transcribing. It was the night that he’d escorted us to our cars--when Penny had said something to him that I couldn’t hear from my place by the doors.
“I’d say pretty much the start,” she smiled, eye falling in an inconspicuous wink, “right, honey?”
I nodded, still smiling with my lip bitten. 
It was the start of it all--I had been a fundamentally different person before that night, before Rooster played mine and my sister’s song, before we waltzed in the empty bar, before he told me and I told him, before his number was in my phone, before Sweet Thing meant very much to me. 
“Just let Rooster know that you were a sweetheart,” Penny remarked coolly, “but he’d already had his mind made up by then.”
Right--his mind had been made up by then. I think little parts of ourselves were already falling in love with little parts of each other. Yes, I remember how he had held me that night as we danced. I remember how secure I’d felt, how suddenly down-to-earth I was. I remember wanting to be held down by him forever. I remember all of it. 
Before I could respond, feeling choked with an overwhelming love for Rooster, Phoenix laughed, nodding wildly. 
“Oh, we used to talk about turning it into a drinking game,” Phoenix added, glancing at me mischievously, “like, take a drink every time Bradley tells a story with Faye in it. Or finish your drink every time he sleeps off-base.”
Bob laughed, continuing, “And take a shot every time he smiles at his phone.”
I elbowed them simultaneously, face burning.
“You’re teasing me,” I said, furrowing my brows, “we hid it very well!”
Bob rolled his eyes. 
“Shall I remind you of that one morning--!”
“--You shall not,” I quickly interrupted.   
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raverin-2 · 6 months
The Drafts Outed By An Intern | BKDK | SocMed Au | 1
Summary: Izuku forgets to delete his drafts from his main account when he realizes that he wasn't typing on his private account, and Kota decides he's tired of it while he's in charge of Izuku's social media for the day.
Sidenote: Soft and messy, check out the TAGS.
Ignore all times and dates (I tried to fix 'em, but the warning still comes) Text Messages & Twitter used All images are found on my pinterest, which you can find linked somewhere within my pinned post... CREDITS TO THE OWNERS!! Aged-Up Characters (it's not too important, but I wanted to note it 'cause Kota is interning)
I. Another Forgotten Draft… WHAT?!
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II. Izuberry, Delete The Drafts
Izuku sees the tweet when his notifications start pinging loudly from the phone sitting next to his computer. He was just trying to work through some files at him, it’s his day off, and he’s got to distract himself from asking Kacchan about his stupid date with Camie.
His jaw drops when he reads the tweet, and he’s immediately calling Kota because he knows he’s the one on Twitter duty today.
“Heya Deku, what’s up?���
“That strained tone tells me Emily has made it to the office. Why’d you do that?”
“Because you two keep fucking pining and never saying shit, and your drafts are FULL of little notes about him. Plus, I seen his ass with that bitch, I’m pissed at him too, so I’m getting both your heads out of your asses cause Eijirou sent it to Katsuki already!”
“Kota, that’s not okay, but I understand the reasoning. Give Emily the phone, please.”
It takes a minute, and Kota is grumbling. But Emily’s huff is distinct as it reaches his ear.
“Don’t be mad at him, just deal with it. He’s fine.”
“I’ll put out a statement that it was a prank by one of our mischievous interns.”
“Wonderful. Thank you.”
Izuku hangs up and doesn’t even get his phone on the desk before it’s pinging again.
III. Flashback To Drafts and Posts
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Thank you for reading, I hope you've enjoyed it!! Lemme know what you think!!
~If you want to read my regular fics before they go live, you can find them on my patreon.~
Part Two
~Chapter Breakdown~
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badassxbirdy · 1 year
Edit: If I’ve unfollowed, refollowed, or you’ve softblocked, please see this post and let me know accordingly!
May Activity Update (Pinned Post)
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It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This update includes things posted or in drafts for the month of April. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens, memes, and the wishlist, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
OOC Housekeeping:
I want to start doing more story arc development on Ty’s blog again, so expect a few posts about that to come soon.
Posted a round of opened starters, for anyone who doesn’t know: those are explained here.
I’m going to be tagging people in replies to get around the current notes issue and any others that may arise. If I forget to do it, I’ll shoot you a message instead.
Fixes for the notes issue can be found here and here for those who need it.
Thread tracker has (for the most part) been updated. Thanks to everyone who got back to my DM’s about old threads. ❤️
I still haven’t found the login for Ty’s discord. 🤦‍♀️ Until I do, tumblr DM’s or Ty’s Wire are the best ways to reach me both IC and OOC.
Threads, replies, memes, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
At the motel (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Car trouble (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
“You shouldn’t be out here all by yourself this late at night.” (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Ty takes Lance on a hunt! (drafted) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: the peanut gag continues! 😂 (link) - @demcnsinmymind
Birthday gift mischief: a crossbow! (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Universe differences (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Ty is scarred for life. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon shields Ty. (link) - @derschwarzeengel
The truth about Darklighters (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Damon encounters Dark!Ty (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Getting out of jail (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
Roasting 50 shades (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Vampire!Damon (drafted) - @derschwarzeengel
Making their escape (queued) - @derschwarzeengel
“I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” (link) - @drkroots (Shannon)
“Is there a reason you’ve been following me for an hour?” (drafted) - @drkroots (Deacon)
Kit offers a flower, Tyler says 👁👄👁 (link) - @florafound
Birthday mischief: baking unsupervised is probably a bad idea. 😂 (link) - @heavenguided
Meeting Captain Hook (link) - @hvbris
Ty is confused by Wednesday (drafted) - @hvbris
Birthday mischief: “hey! you didn’t tell me it was your birthday!” (drafted) - @imprvdente
FBI!Fish babysits Human!Ty (drafted) - @imprvdente
At the fair (link) - @indyflanery
Attempting to babysit the Doctor. 😂 (link) - @innerwar
Jokes with Charm (drafted) - @innerwar
A demon problem (drafted) - @magaprima
“Can I just be normal?” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Time for “The Talk” (link) - @nightiingaled (Mel)
Ty is ANGY and Proteus is BABY. (link) - @nightiingaled
Banishment gone wrong (link) - @normallyxstranger
The way out (drafted) - @razorfst
NO BEING BAIT. 😤 (link) - @unbearablyindifferent
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
FMK poll results: Ty needs therapy. (link)
Ty’s favourite holiday (link)
“Would you still love me if I was a worm? 🥺” aka KilliTy being disgustingly cute. (link)
Sinday questions: One thing a partner should never do. (link)
Sinday questions: mood killer, how adventurous is she, one night stands, and one thing she’s dying to try. (link)
Sinday questions: does she crack jokes, does she get emotional, does she like to go out as aftercare, and physical affection/cuddling. (link)
Tyler can’t NOT make jokes. (link)
A gem from discord: Ty telling Killian about her arm scar. (link)
KilliTy moodboard by Rookito. 🥹 (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and hydrate your flesh prison. ❤️ — Em
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conceptrewritten · 1 year
The Pinned Post™
Howdy! I thought I’d make this so I can dump things that don’t fit in the description. I’m really just writing things down that have been floating in my head, so I’ll definitely be making small changes to this over time.
Keep reading for F.A.Q. and submission guidelines.
What is this?
Concept Rewritten is a blog for showcasing and archiving Toontown Rewritten development content, or other similar tidbits. You can expect to see early models, art, or textual information. Posts are scheduled to release every second day, for now, in order to not burn through everything too fast! However, if you’re a developer, or you just have some interesting pre-release/unused content, you can make a submission!
When submitting, please keep in mind that, if your post contains content that has not been publicly shared in good faith by any member of the Toontown Rewritten team, you must have permission to submit it. We’re not a leak blog!
If you’re the owner of any of the content here, and would like to have it taken down, edited, or even just expanded upon, you can contact me here! If you offer proof of owning the content or having authority on it, and want it deleted, it’ll be done, no questions asked.
Tags for individual characters/events/areas will be tagged appropriately - e.g. #Cartoonival Grounds, #Cartoonival, #Riggy Marole.
As well as this, there are specific tags for categories and whatnot:
#sketches - Sketches from finished (or unfinished!) content.
#concept art - Early art used to convey the idea of the finalized version.
#3d art - Unused or unfinished 3D models.
#early gameplay - Gameplay footage of unfinished/unused content.
#prototype - Images or footage from early/test versions of content.
#music - Self-explanatory!
#user interface - Anything related to the in-game U.I.
#graphic design - Posts pertaining to graphic design (e.g. website layouts, logos, icons, in-game U.I.)
#trading cards - Posts pertaining to the Toontown Rewritten trading cards.
#writing - Posts relating to games’ lore or character writing.
#brand art - Posts involving Toontown Rewritten’s brand art, including wallpapers and such.
#product design - Merchandise designed for Toontown Rewritten.
#animation - Self-explanatory!
#misc - Anything that may not fit the above tags, but still belongs on the blog.
#video, #image, #text, #audio - Type of content within the post.
#meta - Posts not related to the topic of the blog.
Submission Guidelines
Source your submission!
Unreleased content must be publicly released by the Toontown Rewritten team and/or confirmed to be scrapped.
Submissions that do not have a publicly-available source must have adequate permission to be posted.
Can you do [private server]?
Unfortunately, there are no plans to include other servers, as I’m currently not involved enough in the communities of any other servers to do them justice. However, if you think you can do it, you have my blessing to run it yourself! It would be great to see the creative process of more people in the community.
This [source/credit/name] [is/has become] inaccurate. Could you fix it?
Send on a message and I’ll try have it fixed A.S.A.P.!
You deleted this post, can I know why?
If a post is removed, it’s probably for good reason. If it can be shared, there will be a meta post.
Where is the Toon Resistance?
 biscuit door :)
[Last Updated: October 9th, 2023]
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norcalbruja · 2 years
Project Beginning: Adapting an Ancient Greek chiton to Regency style, plus incorporating Filipino patterns.
(Main text is copied from my own Reddit post, on the off-chance that anyone does a Google search and worries about plagiarism.)
So I'm a very rusty cosplayer who's heading to the Bridgerton Experience in August, and I was brushing up on Regency styles for my outfit. As many reenactors know, Regency folks were big fans of "Grecian style" clothing and hairstyles, and why not? Ancient Greece had a lot of lovely draping/fluid garments, so I was thinking of literally just making an Ancient Greek peplos and tailoring the sleeves/skirt for more shape.
The last time I sewed anything outside of fixing normal clothes was at a cosplay convention before the pandemic. That was a Moana cosplay, since I'd originally planned on that being my "easy and fun getup before I test out things with patterns or heavy shaping" project, so I'd say "basic hand-sewing and light embroidery" is the level of my sewing skills right now. Which is partly why I signed up for a Bridgerton-themed event for my SECOND "easy outfit to get back into sewing" project, since Regency loves its minimalist clothing. Heavy sigh at the state of the world right now.
This article in particular has a lot of great pictures comparing Ancient Greek to Regency clothes: https://sharonlathanauthor.com/grecian-influence-on-regency-fashion
I also know that the Bridgerton Experience is not a "proper" reenactment type of event, and since I heard Season 2 of Bridgerton has part-Indian characters, I was thinking of using precolonial Filipino patterns or tattoo-inspired motifs somewhere on the dress! Not using traditional FABRIC, though--the companies I've found for that are in the Philippines or across the country, and with the pandemic screwing up logistics, I'm going to buy things as "close to my area" as possible.
Filipino weaving and tattoo motifs tend to be geometric, so replacing Ancient-Greek hem and sleeve designs with Filipino ones seems like it would fit right in, but traditional Filipino tattoos are blackwork (check out Lane Wilcken's tattooing work on his public page https://www.facebook.com/filipinotattoosancienttomodern ), so I'm definitely going to use a lighter pastel/earthtone color as the main dress to "soften things up."
For the first step, I'm just going to buy some muslin this week or next week and start draping/pinning a peplos for the overdress (Found a great instruction article at this link https://web.archive.org/web/20151105022544/http://www.dl.ket.org/latin1/things/romanlife/greekdress.htm ), and I'll either buy a shift or start drafting out a chiton for the underdress.
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nancypullen · 2 years
OMG, It’s Over
The world’s slowest painters finally made their exit on Friday afternoon.  The “three day job” took nine days.  I don’t think they did a great job, and they left behind a bit of a mess - but at the end of nine days I would have paid them extra to leave.  We’ve walked the house and made note of everything they did that we have to fix or improve.  Not major stuff, but it has to be done.  We didn’t have the ceilings painted because they didn’t need it, but the painters touched the ceilings with their rollers in several spots and now we’re stuck trying to match the ceiling paint so that we can touch up those places without it looking like we touched up those places. Or having to get all of the ceilings painted.  I was steamed about that.  They did absolutely no sanding or prep - if there was a nail hole they just painted over it.  Again, I was steamed.  They received a bag  of money for doing a half-ass job.  It looks great as long as you don’t look too closely.
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We’re still waiting for an installation date for carpet in just one, small room.  That’s been a saga.  We chose a particular carpet around the 1st of June because we were told it was in stock and readily available.  The guy came out and took measurements.  When we tried to pin them down to a schedule, suddenly that carpet wasn’t in stock after all.  We were assured it would be in on June 16th.  Nope.  Honest, it will be on the morning truck on June 17th.  Wrong again.  No one seems to have any idea if or when it will arrive.  Even worse, in order to get the wrong information we have to call and call and call and leave message after message.  We’re always promised that someone will get to the bottom of it and call us right back and then I think they immediately go into the Witness Protection Program.  Mickey actually spoke with someone this morning and I saw the glimmer of hope in his eyes.  Bless his heart.  I’m stressed over this because Matt is flying in on July 1st and this carpet is for his room.  Normally I’d just stick him in another room, but everyone will be here for the 4th of July weekend.  It’ll be a full house.  His room has been taken down to the sub floor and we can’t put a bed or anything in there until we get some dang carpet! Arrrgh!  It’s one, small room- just a square of beige carpet.  It really shouldn’t be this hard.  We also want to pull up the carpet on the stairs (it’s awful), paint them, and install a runner.  I’m thinking I’ll wait a while on that because this process has been ridiculous.
On a happier note, I found some cute cushions for that pretty rocker and the porch will start cheering up now.
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I brought my rickety, little plant shelf up from Mt. Juliet and I’ll start filling that with pretties.  I’ve got the first layers of paint on that small chair that I’m turning into a planter (it’s going to take a while).  The gardens are filling in (my tomatoes have gone NUTS), and at least the outside of the house is looking like a sweet home.  I’m sure the UPS man is very impressed.
On a much happier note than that (I mean, it’s hard to top chair cushions, right?), no sooner had the slow-motion painters pulled out of the driveway than I received a text from Tyler saying they were coming over to spend the weekend.  The grandgirl had been talking about a “sleepover” and they wanted to give it a whirl.  So we spent Father’s Day weekend playing, laughing, eating, and exploring.  By Sunday night we realized we are old.  I wish I could post all of the precious photos here, but rules are rules.  Half the weekend she was a mermaid and the other half she was Wonder Woman. Who needs tv when you have an entertaining four year old around?  My goal today is to find mermaid treasure to toss into the blow-up pool - a few strands of Mardi Gras beads and some diving gems should work.  I should probably turn one of these cardboard boxes into a treasure chest.  That’s some happy crafting! Anyway, we’ve checked a major item off of a long to-do list (paint) and if we can just get a  #$@%&! square of carpet this week, we’ll be in even better shape.  I’ve ordered some artwork to hang over the sofa and I’m terrified.  I’ve never seen it in person and it could be all wrong.  I’d better write in my wish book, it needs to be just right!   I’m sitting on our very comfy sofa as I type this and after weeks in those stinkin’ camp chairs and then another nine days with the furniture covered in drop cloths - this feels like a victory.
I’ve decided that’s enough whining for today.  I’ve got to buy some mulch and then I think I’ll spend the afternoon painting that little chair.  Flowers and stripes and polka dots take time.  I hope that wherever you are, your day is going smoothly and that you get to do something you enjoy.  Make time for yourself, it’s so important. Stay safe, stay well, stay centered. XOXO, Nancy
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publicabsent · 2 years
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bold what always applies to your muse. italicize what applies to your muse conditionally.
DARKNESS.     the mind was made to illuminate the heart.  /  we carve our names on the surface of history.  /  all our strength came out of the woodwork.  /  we only know this light as darkness crashes against it.  /  it’s a cruel trick how we find ourselves when we lose everything else.  /  our mistakes they were bound to be made.  /  the smell of the falling & burning leaves.  /  the bitterness of winter.  /  the sweetness of spring.  /  there was bad blood in us.  /  the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  /  firewood burning bright in the dead of winter.  /  were we broken right from the start?  /  forgiveness is a lesson he cursed you to learn.  /  just live what little life your broken heart can.  /  just live what little life your mended heart can.  /  darkness exists to make life truly count.
SPACE ONE.     space & time takes violent things, angry things, & makes them kind.  /  we are infinite as the universe we hold inside.  /  we may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.  /  i am desperate, if nothing else.  /  no one can unring this bell, unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new.  /  i am dissonance waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune.  /  somehow i’ve fallen in love with this middle ground at the cost of my soul.  /  all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life.  /  the night sky once ruled my imagination.  /  let my change of heart occur.  /  fault lines tremble underneath my glass house.  /  there was an avalanche of change.  /  we laid our names to rest along the dotted line.  /  we were amateurs at war, strangers to suffering.  /  another lie from the front lines.  /  our backs against the wall, we’re surrounded & afraid.  /  though time is ruthless, it showed us kindness in the end.  /  a second chance to make amends.  /  losing track of what we’re fighting for.
SPACE TWO.     a secret under lock & key.  /  while collecting the stars, i connected the dots.  /  i don’t know who i am, but now i know who i’m not.  /  make my messes matter, make this chaos count.  /  you taught me the courage of stars before you left.  /  how rare & beautiful it is to even exist.  /  a stained glass variation of the truth.  /  stitch by stitch i tore apart.  /  if brokenness is a form of art, i must be a poster child prodigy.  /  an open book with a torn out page.  /  a model citizen of doubt.  /  i’m pinned under the weight of what i believed would keep me safe.  /  show me where my armor ends, show me where my skin begins.  /  the heaviness that i hold in my heart is crushing me.
LAND.     a little broken, a little new.  /  the impact & the glue.  /  some truths are sharper than knives.  /  truth’s got its sight set on you.  /  if truth is north, then i am true south.  /  i set out to rule the world with only a paper shield & a wooden sword.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i once was.  /  i bear little resemblance to the king i could become.  /  half your heart has yet to come home.
LIFE.     all we held dear was on the line.  /  my heart reconciled all the darkness & light inside my chest.  /  i saw the future unfold in silver and gold.  /  you are grace, you are light.  /  i can’t keep my head from spinning out of control.  /  is this what being vulnerable feels like?  /  i’m only steady on my knees.  /  i’ll run the risk of being intimate with brokenness.  /  a thousand fingerprints on the surface of who i am.  /  let the scaffolding inside of me be strong enough to hold this tired body up.  /  i was given a gift of hope.    
SENSES.     fall in love in a single touch, & fall apart when it hurts too much.  /  all i want is to flip a switch before something breaks that cannot be fixed.  /  pain is a well-intentioned weatherman.  /  god, i want to feel again.  /  i am aware of what light tastes like.  /  like fists unravelling, like glass unshattering.  /  i’m well aware of the shadows within my heart.  /  i want to be astonished.  /  nothing less than a work in progress.  /  sacred text on post it notes.  /  the light goes out, my heart goes still.
EMOTIONS.     the calm water in the middle of an anxious sea.  /  the starting line of an adventure.  /  the faint outline of the divine.  /  losing my balance again & again.  /  each brave step forward, i take three steps behind.  /  it’s mind over matter.  /  a single loose thread & it all comes undone.  /  in our great sorrow, we learn what joy means.  /  with a broken heart, transformation begins.  /  i feel the pressure building until i can’t breathe. /  reckless but honest words leave my mouth.  /  it’s fight or flight.  /  a last minute man of faith.  /  kerosene on a flame of doubt.  /  it’s too late for holy water now.
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coveholdenenjoyer · 2 years
Baxter X reader (reunion hcs )
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currently having baxter brainrot so here we go.
(Note: The MC is mainly based on my personality. i write with myself in mind, but i’ll start posting here so other people can enjoy my writing too. sorry if the MC doesn’t fit your personality at all, i have my own personality in mind. so basically the MC is the MC from the actual game, but with my personality)
Also note i’m not in college yet so i have no idea what it’s like lmao, i’m writing this for fun. it’s probably going to be very long bc why not.
So basically you guys are already dating by the end of step 3.
but baxter has to leave sunset bird to go back for college, so you guys have to take a break :(
unlike in the current game, you guys still keep in touch, but you aren’t dating anymore because long distance would be too hard.
and you don’t even know what college Baxter goes to because you never asked. you wanted to avoid thinking about the fact that he would have to leave.
you applied to some colleges a while back and ended up getting accepted to this really nice school.
it was pretty far from home, but you would be able to make it home for holidays.
so today is your first day, and you’re extremely nervous because making friends is difficult, and you don’t know if you’ll fit in.
you get your dorm key and stuff, and you find the place your staying.
you were moving into a place where someone was already staying. (you can probably tell where this is going lmao)
the place you got was nice, it was extremely clean and was pretty big.
one side was your roommates, and one side was your own.
you text your moms letting them know you arrived safely and were now in your dorm.
you sit down your bags and begin to look around.
both beds were lofted and there was a desk underneath.
the other side of the room already had things on it, so you assumed that your roommate had already moved in, and you walked to the bed with nothing on it.
there was a post it note stuck to your desk. there was something written extremely neatly in black pen, it said:
“So sorry I won’t be here to greet you, i’m busy at the moment. I’ll be back later. -your roommate”
he must’ve left earlier. classes don’t start until next week, this week was just unpacking and getting ready. everyone was free to roam around until classes started.
welp time to unpack.
you put away your clothes, made your bed, and organized your desk and school things.
you brought along some pictures of you and friends/family because your moms said it would be a good idea.
you had several of things you’ve done with cove, some of dates you’d been on with baxter, a few family photos, and pictures of your friend group hanging out.
they all were pinned on the cork board, besides three of your favorites. those were taped near your bed. They included one of you and cove sitting on poppy hill, a family photo that cliff had taken, and a picture of you and baxter sitting in his condo.
when hanging up those picture, you got a little upset because you really missed being home. you just shook it off and finished putting things away. you would text cove and your family when you were done.
as you finished up putting things away, you checked the time. it was 4 pm. you had been putting things away for around 3 hours now.
you went to lay down to take a nap while waiting for your roommate.
you woke up to someone messing with the lock on your door.
you say up in bed. it’s probably your roommate.
you quickly got out of bed and checked if you looked presentable in your mirror.
you finished fixing your hair and sat down in your chair.
the doorknob made a clicking sound and the door opened.
“Hey, I’m back” said a very familiar voice.
A boy with black and white hair walked into the room.
“Baxter?” the name flew out of your mouth as soon as you saw his hair.
he turned towards you with curious look in his eyes, he didn’t tell his roommate his name.
you locked eyes and he smiled.
you ran over to him and the second he said your name.
“I missed you so much” you said as you wrapped your arms around him.
“i missed you too” he hugged you back a gently kissed your forehead.
you weren’t afraid of being lonely anymore. you knew that baxter would keep you company and would be there for you through everything.
Sorry if this was shit lol, i wrote most of it during class.
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jjungkooksthighs · 4 years
Edacity | jjk (m)
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Pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader
 Genre: platter of smut, the barest hint of fluff and the tiniest garnishment of angst / nonidol!au / college!au
 Rating: 18+ / nsfw
 Word Count: 8.2k
 Summary: After a rough day at college in your biochemistry class, you come home to your boyfriend, who is sweetly making you dinner. In his efforts to help calm you down, he only riles you up when you realize that it’s not the food you’re hungry for…it’s him.  
 Warnings: dom!jungkook, possessive!jungkook, jealous!jungkook, big cock!jungkook, sub!reader, lots of dirty talk (let’s face it I love that shit), praising, fingering, grinding, fellatio (cock sucking), cock worship (just a smidge), unprotected sex (reader has a birth control implant in her arm but Koo doesn’t like condoms, so yeah), breast/nipple play, nipping, marking via hickeys, sucking, pussy stretching, rough and possessive sex, begging, muscle kink, scratching, precum play if that’s a thing, manhandling, pinning down, cursing, wet and messy sex (kind of), degradation kink (koo calls you a slut a couple times but that’s about it), size kink, hair pulling
 A/N: This fic is brought to you by 201008 Jungkook from the “Savage Love” video he posted. I saw it, got horny and then wrote this filth. Blame him for this, not me. Also, please let me know what you guys think. Your feedback means more to me than you know. Tagging @nervouskiwi​ , @tricethecharm​ and @nightshadevinter​ per their request! 
The door to your apartment opens and shuts with a heaved sigh from you as you drop your bag to the floor with a thump, the day’s toil stemming from an unhelpful and unknowledgeable lab partner finally taking its toll on you while you rub your eyes as if to clear away the sight of the freshman boy who’d stared dumbly at the temperature probe and gas pressure sensor before asking you which was which in your biochemistry class. After that, he’d proceeded to clumsily knock over the catalase solution you were meant to measure enzyme activity with on several occasions in his ceaseless cloddishness.
 Even your professor had not noticed your lab partner’s negligence despite the seven times that you’d had to go procure a new vial of solution from the back of the classroom and when you’d asked to just do the lab alone upon finding out that your lab companion didn’t even know how to work the magnetic stirrer, your teacher still had not yielded to your plea. You had ended up doing all of the work and your efforts had gone entirely unnoticed to all but yourself. Well, almost everyone.
 “Bad day?” The mellifluous voice of your boyfriend of three years wafts over to your ears and you don’t have to open your eyes to know he’s in the kitchen directly to your left, your body instinctively wanting to seek the comfort of his warm embrace after such a long day. The sound of him already has the agitation crumbling, his voice the music to your ears that you are sure you will never tire of.
 “Terrible,” you whine, “my professor paired me with someone that didn’t even know what the equipment we were using was called. I had to do all the work.”
 “Aww…I’m sorry to hear that. Come here, babe. I’ll make it all better, yeah?” He asks.
 Your body is already moving at that and there’s the distinct clinking of a utensil against cookware that dots the space of your shared apartment. When you breathe in the succulent smell of sundubu-jjigae (one of your favorites of his) the earlier irritation is drawn away as you take in the aroma that has your stomach rumble tellingly in hunger. You really hadn’t been in want of food before you walked in, so now you’re not sure if it’s the dinner that has you craving or if it’s the person that made it.
  Wanting to look upon the source of the delicatessen, you open your eyes to find your boyfriend who is already gazing softly at you while he-with one occupied and tattooed hand-attends to the stew and it is as if the frustration is drained from you immediately as you drink in the sight of domesticity.
 His hair has been drawn up in a manbun that would be an instant panty-dropper if he went outside right now with the way that he’s left some of his chocolate brown fringe to frame each side of his face. It is wavy with the water from the shower he must’ve taken in the way that it darkly curves to the sides along his eyes and that alone has you suck in a breath. You let your eyes trail downward, your own malnourishment throughout the day causing familiar hungry desire to begin to pool heatedly within you at the visage of the black pajamas you’d bought for him a week ago after he’d ripped his previous pair apart in one particular voracious spur of energy to hastily plunge himself into the silken depths of your pussy. The striped shirt he now wears is open deliciously into a perfect ‘V’ shape that boasts the luscious expanse of his chest all the way down before tortuously stopping at the crest before his navel. He wears the matching pair of pants, their length giving a salacious view of his calves that you are sure the gods themselves must have had a hand in crafting.
  In the dimmed light of the kitchen, you can see the shadows that curl temptingly around his abdominals, your fingers inadvertently twitching against your sides in your want to touch, to feel him again.
 You know from experience how defined his chest is. You know how hot his skin is against your fingers. You know the bliss his body grants, for he has reminded you timelessly in the way that his perfect cock finds its dwelling in the wet warmth of either your mouth or your pussy as he brings you to paradise. You’re quite sure that you’ll never be able to sate yourself of him, the memory of him driving his cock into you from this morning bringing a familiar wave of desire to wash over you. You’d left him on the bed with a hardened cock after round two upon deciding to ride his thigh, thoughts of his pleading words and strained expression living in your thoughts all day long in your decision to punish him for grinding his cock into your ass so early into the morning.
 Usually he wouldn’t have gone so easy on you, but after all your texts throughout the day that were telling of your stresses, he couldn’t find it in himself to discipline you. Wanting to ensure that you felt better, he had decided to wait. After all, patience was a virtue, as you had told him before.
 Before you know it, you’re standing before him, one of his arms winding around you to pull you close as you let your irises dip from his eyes to those lips of his that must’ve been created by the devil himself in how they tempt you. Your boyfriend watches with interest, arousal coloring him internally when you look back up at him, your eyes beginning to cloud over in lust as you slide your hand down the sliver of his chest that he’s left uncovered for you. His skin receives you as if it had been waiting for this very moment, his muscles flexing proudly as you stroke the heated skin with appreciation. He’s more taut than usual under your touch which means he must have gotten back from the gym some time ago in the way that his muscles are tightly tensed from such use.
 It is that thought that has you press your lips to his in a heated kiss, your tongue sliding through his parted lips to kittenishly lick along the roof of his mouth to earn a groan from him, the sound caught between your lips and travelling with sonic speed right down to your pussy. He takes control when you try to wrap your tongue around his, the hot muscle plunging straight into your mouth as the other hand he’d been using to stir the stew abandons its earlier movements to find purchase on your ass as he squeezes you firmly between his fingers. When you disconnect, it is with a pant after the breath he has stolen from you.
 You breathe, “You’ve already made it better, Kookie, but do you want to know something?” You question as you bring your lip between your teeth, enjoying the way his eyes fix on that action as the inklings of desire begin to manifest in his eyes, in the way the soft exterior he’d been showing earlier begins to melt into something darker and far more primal under your attention.
 “Tell me, baby,” He husks as you close one hand around the silk of his shirt to bunch the fabric between your fingers as you dare to unearth the heated skin of his left pectoral, “If this is how you’re going to greet me, I would very much like to know.”
 When your mouth descends upon him to give soft, featherlight kisses along the line of his exposed chest, you manage to utter between them, “I bet the food you made for us is delicious, but the only thing I want to taste right now-” you peer up at him through a fan of dark lashes “-is you. You’re the only one who can give me what I really crave.”
 Your boyfriend’s eyes darken instantly at that, his other hand finding its place along your ass and you need no instruction to wrap your legs around him as he lifts you like you’re a feather only to prop you back down on the cold, hard countertop as he growls, “What a needy little girl you are. Didn’t have enough of this cock this morning, huh? God, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?”
 He lowers his head and you instinctively bare your neck for him, your legs spreading so he can step between them as you let your head fall back while one of his hands is already there to cup your nape in his effort to hold you there. You both keep your eyes locked on each other the whole time, desire burgeoning to life wildly within you as he peers at you with a hooded gaze while he moves torturously slow to where you want him and finally, finally, his lips find their home in a hot, open-mouthed kiss on the sensitive spot on right under your ear. 
The warmth of his mouth has you gasp, your back straightening as one of your hands finds purchase in his hair to coax him downward as you mewl, “Yes, Kookie…yes. I’m only a slut for you. It’s only ever been you.”
 You hastily unbutton his shirt while he lets you and instantly you’re salivating at the perfect canvas of him that is presented to you as the offending piece of clothing is pushed off his shoulders. Your palms, magnetized to him, splay over his abs, catching on the ridges of the defined set of muscles as they jump excitedly under your touch while you trail your hands upward. He sighs in satisfaction against your skin when the pads of your fingertips graze his dark nipples and you nearly coo at the sound of that alone.
 “That’s right, Y/N. No one else makes you this desperate, huh?”  He manages between kisses.
 You nod as much as you can in this position and you feel the way his lips turn upward in a smirk borne of the boost to his ego, his lips descending down the column of your neck in a wet trail and it is when he gets to the jugular notch between your collarbones that he presses the wet, heated muscle of his tongue to the delicate skin there that you keen, your fingers curling inward within his hair as he hisses at the pull and in punishment, nips you there. 
You are utterly powerless to stop your juices from collecting along your folds that you know is going to ruin your underwear. Without thinking, your hips begin to search for friction and you grind against him, the warm bulge of his member hardening under your ministrations.
 “A-ah, Kookie, please.” You beg for his mercy and his grin deepens as both of his hands run down your clothed arms. His mouth continues to trail across the sliver of skin over your shoulders and when his hands make another pass upward along you, you watch the way that his brows scrunch together as if disturbed by something and suddenly his devilish mouth is gone. The unforgiving cold is left in his absence and you whine at his loss, not understanding why he has stopped.
 Both of his hands settle on the countertop to either side of you as he leans forward, his tongue hotly poking against his cheek in a sight that only makes you wetter when his eyes narrow, “You smell different. Why?”
 Your boyfriend has always had a sensitive nose, but right now, you’re hardly in the mindset to think about what it is that he’s disgruntled about as you whimper, “Kook, I was doing a lab and dealing with chemicals. That’s all, okay?”
 You watch his fingers curl inward until they’re white with how hard he’s gripping the marble, his jaw setting as he hisses, “This morning you left smelling like me after I fucked you,” he grasps your chin with one hand, “Now you smell like someone else. Explain or you will get none of this cock that I know you want so bad.”
 You try to think past the haze of desire, you really do, but all you can do is blink owlishly as you try to navigate the sea of want for him that has filled your mind. Under his piercing gaze, you’re frozen in place and you swallow thickly to manage the only answer that your mind can supply with a stammer, I-I… It was my lab partner,” you watch his expression begin to contort in anger and before he can sink further into the emotion, you put both hands to either side of his face in effort to keep his attention on you, “He kept brushing against me when I was doing measurements for the assignment, Jungkook. It was nothing. He is nothing to me. I promise.”
 You hadn’t really thought of the implications of the first thing that you’d said, but you could see the momentary fury that had begun to color his very irises and wanting to quell it, you urge him close, your hands falling to rest on his chest as you plead with your eyes for him to understand. You both have been together three years and deep down, your boyfriend knows you would never betray him like that, but the lion of possession within him had roared loudly and there was little he could do to quiet it without the reassurance you had been so quick to feed it with.
 Before you have time to process anything, your shirt has been torn from your body and lands somewhere behind you, but you have no care for that right now. Instead, your focus is on Jungkook, the anger that had begun to set in his irises overtaken by something far more carnal as he orders, “Get on your knees, Y/N. I think you need to be punished for letting someone else touch what isn’t theirs. You’re mine,” he boldly wraps a hand around each breast to give a harsh squeeze, “show me you can be a good girl and suck me off until all you know is the feeling of me on your tongue.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself between your thighs and with a submissive nod, your body obeys. He watches you with a darkened, lustful gaze as you lower yourself to the hardwood floor, your hands still by your sides while your boyfriend, all in one go, sheds his matching pajama pants until they puddle along his feet abandonedly. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of his thick, muscled thighs that you’ve fucked yourself on more times than you count, but your salivary glands do not fully exert themselves in hunger until your irises trail up to the thick shaft that arches deliciously upward as a constellation of veins scale along it all the way up the bulbous head that is already wet with precum. His tip rests artfully along his abdominals in some kind of lewd painting brought to life that you could stare forever and a day at, a whine coming from your lips as you lick them.
 Your boyfriend watches with interest as you ogle him and when he sees the pink of your tongue draping itself sinfully against his lip, he declares, “If you don’t get your mouth on me right now, baby, I’m going to fuck your face later, yeah?”
 That one has you moaning in thought, your boyfriend’s lips turning up in a smirk as you quickly lean forward, both hands trailing slowly up his legs and compressing around the thick, corded muscle as you do. When your hands find his member, you lightly run the tips of your fingers over his aching dick, the veins there throbbing energetically at your touch. He groans at that and then one of your hands encircles itself over his base where you gently squeeze the half of him that your fingers can reach, your other hand curling around him and stroking up and down as he grunts in pleasure, his eyes screwing shut.
 You swallow with some effort when your thumb runs over his slit to collect more of his fluid before swathing it along his glans as you ready him for your mouth. He’s already substantially hard, but you have no doubt that he will become even more so when you finally do suck him off. He really does have the world’s most perfect dick and you don’t think you’ve ever seen a thicker, bigger and better one than his. 
Granted, you’ve only ever actually seen and felt his, but you have never had a wish to have anyone else’s. You couldn’t possibly have room to want anything else when he fills you so deliciously, when he fits inside you like he was made for you.
 “Such a nice, pretty cock, Kookie…thank you for letting me have it,” you praise.
 As you bring him toward your waiting mouth, you blow out a puff of air to have him suck in a breath, his jaw clenching as one hand finds itself in your hair to guide you forward. With one final look up to his face, you take him into your mouth to watch his face contort into an expression of pleasure, his eyebrows scrunched together and his hair veiling his face to the point where you can only see his eyes based on the glint in each iris that flashes erotically at you as he takes a stuttered breath. 
Your walls clench contract around nothing as his member fills the wet cavern of your mouth while you try to take him as far as you can. Even like this, your hand still holds his base in his profound length despite the fact that you’ve gotten him as far your throat will allow.
 You’ve deep-throated him many times in the bliss that you have discovered you can grant him and now will be no different. There is nothing that you enjoy more than knowing that you alone can give him pleasure.
 When you’ve fitted him inside your mouth a little bit more, that’s when you run your tongue along his length before sucking, your cheeks hollowing out as you do. Your boyfriend’s fingers tighten in your hair as he growls, “Yeah, that’s it, baby. God, you’re so perfect for me. That little mouth takes me so fucking well.”
 You swallow around him, drawing him deeper into your throat as you all but guzzle him in your ministrations. He leaves a salty taste on your tongue in the precum that you collect and you can’t say you don’t fucking love the taste of him. You hungrily slide your tongue over his slit before kittenishly licking along the sides, a guttural moan tearing itself from the recesses of his body as he bucks under your ministrations.
 When your boyfriend opens his eyes to peer down at you, it’s enough to have his cock throb inside your wet warmth. The way that his cock disappears beyond the cradle of your lips is sin itself, but the way that you stare heatedly at him with desire simmering hotly in those irises of yours…Jungkook thinks if eroticism had a picture, you would be it right now. 
He’s just hit the back of your throat and because of that, drool has begun to pool along the sides of your mouth and fondness floods him at the sight, his thumb brushing away the spit only to lather it over your lips as he croons, “Look at my beautiful, messy girl starting to fall apart on my cock. Fuck, you’re so good for me, Y/N. Such an obedient little girl,” you suction your mouth intensely around him at that, “Think you can take me farther? I bet you can fit all of me down that tight throat of yours if you really try.”
 His praises have your walls fluttering around nothing as you engulf him impossibly farther into your mouth with another swallow, the wet slurping sounds of your ministrations filling the room as he starts to massage your head through tightened fingers that pull at the roots of it. You inhale through your nose, unable to any longer breathe through your mouth through the cock that blocks your airway and in one fluid motion, you press forward and try, but fail, not to gag around him as his dick sinks further into your throat.
 Tears instantly threaten to fall from your eyes as they water, your vision becoming blurry as you sputter against his dick. The sensation of your throat closing around him earns a hiss as he responsively thrusts his cock into you, unable to stop himself from chasing his pleasure.
 You let him fuck your mouth, enjoying the sounds of rapture that tumble freely from his mouth and content in the knowledge that you are able to gift him this euphoria. Tears are quick to fall from your eyes as you suckle him, the wide girth of him easily hitting your gag reflex in the back of your throat as you trail your tongue along the underside of his shaft while you slacken your jaw to ease his access.
 Your boyfriend coos while he watches your tits rise and falls with the efforts of your breaths, “Such beautiful tits, baby. If you hadn’t been a bad girl earlier today, maybe I could have used them as a cocksleeve. I bet you would have liked that, too, you dirty slut.” 
 You preen at his words with a moan, the vibrations of that heightening his pleasure and it is when you slide a free hand under him to grasp and fondle his balls that are extremely full in the seed that aches with need to be released that he grunts with fervor and when you roll them in your hands like dice before you gently run the pads of your fingers over them, he throws his head back, his mouth parting as he drives his cock into you one more time. With how far down his cock hits at your larynx now, you can’t see him any longer through the blurred vision as tears stream down your cheeks while you cry out his name.
 “Fu-fuck, baby. I can’t l-last much longer if you keep doing that. You really love this cock, don’t y-you? Tell me how much you love it. I w-wanna hear it with my cock in your mouth.” He manages through labored breaths.
 You hum in agreeance, the burn of his dick inherently insistent as he moves and the vibrations your sound makes has his cock throbbing dangerously as it begins to swell in warning of his impending end. He’s so hard already and your pussy aches to receive him, your walls contracting around nothing at the feel of his hot member between your lips.
 “I love it, Kookie. I love it so much. Love how big you are.” You splutter despite the very large dick currently nestled between your lips.
 You make a point to show him by swiveling your hand around what little of him is beyond the reaches of your mouth at this point while your other hand drags itself downward from his balls to rub at his perineum. That one has his back bowing inward, his fingers fisting in your hair as he groans and you can feel how his cock pulses in warning of his climax that you cannot wait to taste the fruits of as you flick your tongue along his length once, twice and then three times before suddenly, with a guttural sound, his fist pulls at your hair roughly to effectively extricate himself from your mouth as he breathes laboriously above you.
 You both watch as your spittle clings to his cock in a thin line in its attempts to remain connected to him until it sadly breaks off and away. You whimper at the loss of him, blinking up at him far too innocently for someone that just had a dick rammed down their throat and you watch the way his eyes flash cravingly at you only to rub your neglected thighs together in search of some friction.
 “As good as that was, baby,” he lowers himself down to your level to wipe away the tears that had collected along the sides of your face as he darkly declares, “there’s somewhere else that I want to cum in today and you’re going to let me, aren’t you?”
 You nod without a thought, his hands are quick to wrap around your waist and lift you with ease until you’re splayed out on your back for him along the countertop that is mercifully long enough to support your torso. Your legs dangle precariously off the edge, but they never reach the floor and like this, you’re granted an unfettered view of him, his now engorged dick standing to attention along his abdominals and when you peer up at his blown out irises, you release a shaky sigh in anticipation as he licks his lips like you’re a meal he’s about to fucking devour.
 “You know, I wanted to eat you out, baby. I really did,” he husks as he steps forward between your legs that you part in invitation, “but you sucked me off so good that now all I can think about is ramming this cock into you so hard that you won’t remember anything but my name and getting my fill of you until you milk me fucking dry, Y/N.”
 Arousal ignites within you at that and you pleadingly implore, “I want you to do that, gods, I do, but first, Kook…kiss me. Please, kiss me. After that, you can fuck me to your heart’s content.”
 You don’t know how you find yourself wanting even more of him, but you do. His mouth, you are sure, is the work of an incubus in the way that it can work sinfully against you. The words that tumble from them light the fires of desire within you and just want to feel the warmth of his lips again, honestly. 
 He arches a brow at this as he leans over you, one hand finding purchase along your waist as he rasps, “You want me to taste myself, baby? Is that it?”
 You can tell by the lilt in his voice that he’s playing with you and you already know this is a game he will ultimately lose, for you have a trick up your sleeve that he forever and always falls for. You let your hand slither along your body, your index finger dipping between your wet folds while he watches with a hooded gaze as you bring your soiled hand to your lips to dapple your essence over them like a lewd lipstick before you angle your chin up invitingly to beseech, “Won’t you taste me, Kookie? Don’t you want to taste us? Please,” you whine,” all I want is a kiss. No one...no one kisses me like Jeon Jungkook. Please, Kookie. I want your mouth so bad.”
 Your boyfriend brings his lip between his teeth at that as he lowers himself down to your level, his sinful irises burning heatedly into your skin as he utters, “That’s it, baby. I love it when you beg for me. So fucking hot.”
 With that, his lips descend over your own, your arms wrapping around him as you mewl into his mouth. He consumes you and drinks from you like you’re his last means of sustenance, his lips capturing yours in voraciousness as his tongue runs boldly along them in quick movements of possession before he’s sliding the wet muscle everywhere he can reach in his mission to claim the depths of your wet cavern. He can taste the remnants of himself on your tongue and with the sweet juices of your sex that you’d lathered over your lips, it’s a combination he has come to thoroughly enjoy the taste of in how well flavor of you both coalesce into something so tangy.
When he’s satisfied with his mapping of your mouth, he draws your lower lip between his teeth before suckling the tender flesh to have you gasp at the sensation.
 Distracted by that alone, you do not notice the hand of his that isn’t currently attached to your waist that snakes slowly downward to slip with ease under your grey sweatpants and between the silk panties that cover your womanhood. Your breath hitches upon the sensation of his long, tattooed fingers dragging themselves against your slit and you’re not surprised at the generous collection of your juices that make his digits glide along your folds, but he hiss he makes is delicious when he curses, “Fuck, Y/N. You’re this wet when I haven’t even touched you? God, you really are a slut for me, huh?”
 With one hand, you entangle your fingers along the hair at the nape of his neck as you breathe, “Only for you, Jungkook. This is all for you.”
 He plunges one finger inside you at your response and immediately sibilates at the way that your wet warmth welcomes his digit enthusiastically and energetically. With as wet as you are, you know that you will have no problem taking him, the considerable amount of slick between your legs tangible evidence of your need to receive and welcome him into your sex. It takes no time at all for him to add a second finger, one thumb rubbing at your clit as you moan his name, your eyes falling shut as under his ministrations. Warm waves of heat fall over you under his touch and you bask in his avid attention. Without extricating his hand from your pussy, he orders, “Take off your pants, baby. I want to see this pretty cunt while I fuck it.”
 You heed his command, one hand disconnecting from around his neck to hurriedly discard your pants and underwear along the floor in one fell swoop as your boyfriend’s hungry irises flick downward to feast upon the visage of your dripping cunt. Something about the way that his fingers disappear into your wet depths transfixes him, the squelching sounds that your pussy makes going straight to his core as arousal flares within him. Wanting to prepare you for him as thoroughly as he can, he continues to swirl his fingers over your clit in measured circles before the two fingers he’s got inside you curl inward in a come hither motion. The sensation has you throwing your head back, a stuttered cry coming from your lips as your fingers tighten in his hair and your unoccupied hand latches onto his strong bicep in search of something, anything to cling to.
 His vision darts upward to your face to catch your expression shift to one of pleasure under his touch, thick and heavy desire for you demandant in its need that manifests in the ache of his cock that pulses with need to find its home within your silken walls. He yearns for you so much now that it’s almost painful to bear it when the source of his relief is only a few inches away and, distantly, he thanks the gods above that you’d gotten a birth control implant before you’d both become intimate for there is no greater heaven, he is sure, than when he is burrowing his cock into you velveteen walls and finishing there where he belongs.
 He lowers himself to your ear, his warm breath pebbling your skin as he husks, “What do you want me to do to you, baby? Do you want this? Or,” you whimper loudly when his fingers are pulled from your pussy only to hitch your breath upon the hot, hard member he is quick to slide against your generously lubricated folds, the edges of him torturously dragging just above your waiting slit as he smirks darkly, “do you want my fat cock? Fuck, you really just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
 You mewl when he takes your earlobe between his teeth, his tip brushing along the tender bundle of nerves along your clit, words escaping you beyond his name as you manage, “Jungkook.”
 You watch as he angles himself along your sopping entrance, the continued sweep of his dick across your folds an erotic sight that has heat lather itself like honey over your core as you wrap your legs around him in answer. Words elude you like your mind is caught in his maze and with every stroke of his cock between your sensitive labia, your mind is brought to a dead-end that you have the truest of troubles navigating.
 Your boyfriend takes your silence as disobedience, both hands laying possessively over pierces you with his commanding gaze, “I asked a question, baby. I require an answer if you want to get fucked,” he punctuates this to mercilessly poke his tip against your entrance while squirm against him, “Use that pretty mouth and tell me what you want or else I’m going to tie you up and leave you crying for me on our bed while you get to watch me finish myself off with my own hand.”
 His words have fresh arousal depositing itself within your folds as you mewl, but under his ministrations that have him running his cock along your sex, his dick catches your newly released taint when you wrap your legs around him in your effort to encourage him inside and he hisses at the sensation as your labia embrace and enfold around his member as he squeezes your sides tight enough that there will be marks there tomorrow in the shape of his fingertips.
“Tell me now, Y/N, or you’re going to be punished. You’ve been so good, baby. Do you really want to be naughty now?” He rasps as he uses the grip he has on your hips to pull you even closer, the promise of sin flashing dangerously in his eyes through the fringe that falls along them.
 Powerless to resist his demand, you submissively whisper, “Want …want your big cock. Want you to fuck me so good with it that I can’t walk and for you to paint my pussy with your seed. God, Jungkook, I want you so much right now. Can I please, please have your cock inside me?”
 Your boyfriend leans up to tower imposingly and commandingly over you, excitement flourishing within you in the anticipation of what he’s about to do to you as he smirks while he angles himself toward your entrance and with a flick of a dark brow, he warns, “Prepare yourself, baby, because I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to fucking ruin you because that’s what you deserve for getting me so fucking hard for you, (Y/N).”
 That is all the caution he gives you before, all in one go, he propels his length inside you with a sharp thrust of his hips. You moan as he enters you and he doesn’t stop until he’s fully sheathed within you, his tip just barely missing the cluster of nerves hidden within your center as your mouth parts in an ‘o’ shape.
 Your walls greet him eagerly and envelop him with fervor only to cause him to groan, “Fuck, baby. How are you still this tight after I fucked your little cunt this morning and last night?”
 Lost in the sensation of him buried within you, you can’t find the words to answer him when he starts to impel himself into you without abandon, his irises glazing over in desire as he chases his pleasure. Like this, his bangs hang heavily over him and flit back and forth frenziedly in his ministrations, but you can see his eyes in their entirety now and their darkness seeps straight into your core in the lust that simmers there.
 Captured in his consuming gaze, you notice the way that his irises dip from your own to the neglected breasts that bounce in the jostling movement he wracks on you, heat licking up your spine when you watch the tip of his pink tongue hungrily dart across his lips to wet them. Before you realize what’s happened, his hot mouth is upon one of your mounds, his lips suctioning your tit against him with avid voracity as he leaves a purple petal to blossom there under his ministrations. It joins the myriad of others that he’s left from your previous couplings like brands over your skin and you relish in the new addition that marks you as his.
 “Shit, I love your tits so much. So soft and warm in my mouth. You really do have the most beautiful breasts, baby.” he mutters as you close your eyes at the sensation of him on you, your fingers leaving their own claim on him as you claw your nails down his back while he pounds into you with vigor. He seems to approve with the way that he speeds his movements like the rabbit he reminds of while in some kind of heat. You throw your head back when his velvety lips enclose around your areola, his hot tongue flicking against your pert nipple unrelentingly as you buck underneath him with a weak, broken mewl. The sinful chuckle that erupts from him is felt before it is heard, the deep thrum of the vibrations dripping right through you and straight to your core that clenches around him in response.
 “Please…” You breathe out the only word that can come to mind through the haze of hormones that now cloud your vision.
 When you sink one hand into his locks once more to pull at his hair, he makes a sound of disapproval,  blown irises heating you like a furnace as he focuses his sight on you when he growls, “I’m not done yet, Y/N. I’m going to suck these pretty nipples of yours until they’re  fucking swollen because of me. These,” he blows a warm puff of air against the sensitive areola of your left tit,” are mine. You need to be reminded of that.”
 You whimper at that, his other hand palming at your other breast while he rolls your nipple with practiced ease between his fingers. When he punctuates a particularly acute slam of his hips into you with a long, wetted lick of his tongue in a stripe over your engorged bud, that’s what has your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you wail, his dick hitting your g-spot with precision that tears the sound from your throat in the way that he pairs it with an agonizingly delicious ministration of his tongue.
 He suckles you through it all and when the warmth of his mouth finally leaves you, your breast is freed from him with a ‘pop’ from between his lips and don’t see the way that he’s painted you with his spit, nor the way that he peers longingly at the engorged, abused nipple he’s left in his wake before he’s moving to the other to latch onto your neglected tit like a newborn trying to coax the life-giving essence of milk from you. You cry out when he decides to nip at you, the hand that he’s left on your hip gripping you roughly in effort to keep you in place against his fierce thrusts of his hips inside you.
 Before long, you feel your nipple harden under his ministrations and with a groan, he releases you from his mouth only to rise and watch your freshly marked breasts move laboriously up and down in your strained breaths, the gleam of his spit shining prominently under the dimmed lights in the kitchen. Your neck is arched back and your eyes are screwed shut in the picture of submission as you let him use you for his pleasure while he continues to pound into you with the strength of an ox every single time.
 You feel fingers grasping your chin to urge you to angle your chin downward as he commands, “Look at me, Y/N. When you’re getting fucked by me, you’re going to watch me and keep those pretty eyes on me so you can burn it into that head of yours that there’s only one man who can make you feel this good.”  
 If you weren’t panting before, you surely are now as your body heeds his demand, his words playing you like an instrument as heat coils heavily in your core as you take him in cravingly while he coos, “That’s a good girl. So obedient.”
  He’s leaning above you now, the muscles of his chest flexing and contracting as he rolls his hips piercingly into you to hit just the right spot time and time again, euphoria steadily building each time. His hair, from all of your attention, is mussed and somehow the man bun he’d been sporting before is looser to allow more of his chocolate tresses to frame his face, his lips reddened from lavishing on your breasts. Sweat sluices his skin everywhere, which somehow makes him even more irresistible as you urge him down for another kiss.
 He denies you at first, deciding to smirk cockily as he angles his head and in the movement, you notice the attractive tint of rosiness to his cheeks in the blood that has rushed there through his earlier efforts as he clucks his tongue, “Words, baby. Use that mouth of yours and maybe you’ll get what you want.”
 You whine as he rams into you, your vision jerking upward as you wrack your brain to formulate some kind of response through the sea of lust that resides there now. Somehow, you manage, “I-I want another kiss.”
 His fingers sink deeper into your waist as he prods, “Yeah? Where do you want my mouth, angel?”
 In answer, you take the hand he isn’t holding you with, your digits wrapping around his index finger as you bring it to your mouth to breathe, “Here,” you lower your joined hands in a slow trail down your throat that contradicts the rapid thrusts he impels you with,” here,” you drag his hand through the valley of your breasts until it’s splayed possessively over your stomach, “and here. I want you everywhere, Kookie. Please.”
 Your boyfriend licks his lips as he lowers himself down once more to your level as he husks, “Fuck, the things that you do to me, baby. You’ll get what I decide to give you, yeah?”
 His mouth descends upon you in a French kiss that puts others to shame, his traitorous tongue leaving no part of your mouth untouched and wrapping possessively around your own in a show of dominance that you have no wish to resist. He presses his lips insistently over yours, consuming you in his wet heat that you relinquish your own mouth to. The hand that had been draped along your side before slides along your waist to relish in your contours, his other hand moving behind your head to hold you there as he drinks his fill of you.
 When he breaks for air, you’re breathing heavily and he gives you no time to recover before heavy, lingering kisses are rained down along your jawline and then he’s descending like a stream down the frontal column of your previously marked throat from last night’s exploits with him. He lathers his mouth over you in open-mouthed kisses, his tongue brushing over your sensitive skin while he keen, your back arching up and into him as you press your naked chest against his own to earn a hiss from him while he continues to pound into you relentlessly.
 His name leaves your lips in a stuttered breath, “Jungkook.”
 Your boyfriend croons, “Be good for me and take it, baby. If you do, I’ll let you cum around my cock.”
Your feel your core tighten and clench compactly around him when his mouth trickles down between your breasts, adding a few more hickeys on the way so that there are now entire constellations of his marks in mottled purples and reds all along your body. When he manages to get to your stomach, that’s when he administers a closed-mouthed kiss that is made domineering by the way his irises peer hotly at you before he parts his lips to lick heatedly above the area of your navel as you whimper out.
 With his face inches from your own, you can see the blown out irises that stare hungrily at you, your gaze thirsting to drink him in as the sounds of your coupling fill your ears. With every roll of his hips into you, his balls slap against your pussy mercilessly in combination with the lewd squelches his dick makes as it drives itself into you without pause. 
He rams into you now with the might of ten men, your core tightening around him as he groans in his ministrations. He pulls you into him with the hand that is wrapped around your side, your moans joining his when the hand he’d been holding your head with snakes heavily down your body in a hot trail from your neck and then down to your abdomen before stopping torturously just before your glistening folds. 
 You wrap your fingers around his wrist to urge him where you need him most as you breathe, “C-close, Kookie. I’m almost there. Please, let me cum.”
 Your walls are beginning to tense around him with your impending end and he knows how to play your body like an instrument to get it to sing the tune he wants. He watches you plead with your eyes imploringly at him while he denies you what he knows you want most, instead choosing to plunge himself inside you especially hard to cause you to cry out. There is nothing quite like your pussy, nothing quite like the way that you suck him in and refuse to let him go until you’ve ensured that he has released inside you like an uncontrollable pubescent boy learning how to come for the first time.
 You make him ravenous and in that appetence, the ambrosia that is you is a delicacy he will never grow tired of. So, he indulges in you and lets himself enjoy your sweet depths for as long as he can until you’re screaming nothing but his name in your need to come undone, your thighs trembling from under him as you curl your fingers unyieldingly around his wrist.
 He finally obliges you, his thumb pressing deeply down onto your clit as you wail in pleasure before he’s quickly drawing figure-eight patterns along the bundle of nerves as he pistons in and out of you deliciously. Your walls begin to quiver with your oncoming end and knowing this, your boyfriend stares zealously at you to darkly command, “Come on, baby. Cum for me. Cream all over this cock that you love so much.”
 It takes one final slam of his hips into you to have his cock bury itself so deep inside your pussy that it perfectly presses against your g-spot while his fingers rapidly attend to your clit before your body instinctively heeds his order, spots erupting behind your eyelids as thousands of tiny, warm presses inside your sex signal your orgasm while you throw your head back, your eyes still locked on him as your mouth parts and you shriek his name out for the entire apartment complex to hear as your climax explodes with the intensity of a firecracker within you.
 He groans at that to utter, “That’s right, baby. Let everyone know who has fucked you so good. Tell them all who owns you.”
 Your walls flutter and spasm deliciously around him and your boyfriend grunts at the sensation, loving the way you wrap around him like your pussy was made for this and before he knows it, he’s throbbing and following behind you with his own release as he colors your walls with his creamy seed in violent, energetic bursts.
 “Mine. You’re mine,” he repeats over and over as you both ride out your orgasms.
 You wrap your arms tighter around him to give him a light peck along his jaw as you say, “Yes, Kookie. I’m all yours. I love you so much.”
 He catches his breath as you fondly wipe away the sweat that has collected in beads along his forehead while you tenderly tuck his fringe behind one ear before he earnestly tells you, “I love you more.”
 Sometime later he feeds you the stew he made for you as you moan in delight at the warm trickle of it down your throat while he spoons it to you from your place  on his lap. Your sounds of enjoyment had been quick to get him hard underneath you as you’d knowingly fidgeted in effort to drag your ass over his member that you found yourself longing for once again. Your antics had proven successful in the fervid way he’d eaten you out like a five course meal before you fed him the dessert of your sweet juices before he’d dragged you to the bedroom for round three. 
Hours after that find you both well into the night with the window open so that the moonlight can spill in on the two of you atop your shared bed. You are sure to remind him just how much you love him then when he wakes to find you grinding on top of him as you welcome him once more into your wet warmth that has only and will only ever belong to him.
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badassxbirdy · 6 months
November Activity Update: Mini Edition (Pinned Post)
Hello, lovely people! It’s time once again for an activity update. If you’re new here: these monthly posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. However, this month we’re doing an abbreviated version as October was a slooooow month for me. Otherwise I would primarily be tagging people to say “hey, it’s in my drafts!” which we already did last update. So! This one only includes OOC houskeeping.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on her (newly fixed) Wire for IC texting. Bold text = links.
Alrighty, now onto the housekeeping!
Ty’s Wire is now working again! If you didn’t get a reply, please resend your message. Or just send her a new one/start a new convo if you’d prefer.
Edited to add: I now have her discord back too! 🥳
I’ll be heading off to visit my mum in about two weeks time, and should be there until mid January. I’ll have my tablet with me to trim threads, but if you notice any formatting or image quality issues, shhhhh no you don’t.
Tumblr is being a little hit or miss with when it shows me notifications that I’ve been tagged, ditto with new posts showing in my actual tracked tag. If you tag me in something, a quick DM to let me know would be much appreciated. I don’t want to miss stuff!
I’m poking around with the pages, so expect the new relationships page to go up by the end of the month! The old one is approximately a century old, so it’s well overdue.
Updating rpthreadtracker as we speak. As soon as that’s done, I’ll edit this post with a link to it.
I intend to make more use of my ooc sideblog, @birdy-ooc, for mini updates and ooc things. Sorry not sorry for the amount of memes that will be posted there.
Currently still in the process of changing up my medication. We’re taking it slowly as I’m coming off one that is notoriously a pain in the neck for withdrawal symptoms. It’s been absolutely kicking my arse, so if I’m slow to respond to ooc messages, please do not feel ignored. I will answer when my brain is not making dialup noises. There are several appointments coming up as part of the new treatment plan for my medical mischief, so wish me luck!
That’s all for all now! Stay safe, be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to hydrate your flesh prison.
— Em ❤️
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