#I'd know how to draw a dolphin
aviidus · 1 year
Could you tell me more about your mermaid au?
I will eat up any lore, facts, narrative or just anything you have to offer on this au 🥺
I'll be honest, I don't have an entire world or story planned out with this AU lol, it was just an idea with a number of creative scenarios that don't have a rigid narrative.
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I imagined the first few interactions between the celestial twins and Y/N is Sun desperately trying to stop Moon from eating their new friend- the only merfolk that hasn't fled from them in ignorant fear.
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Since the celestial twins are techniaclly an entirely different subspecies, it would make sense that they have their own language. I'd imagine communicating through their blinking their bioluminescent patterns and other more "primordial" or "beastly" clicking or groaning noises similar to dolphins and whales.
It's a language barrier that they'd probably break pretty quick. You learn fast when you've pretty much grown up your entire life with only your brother and no other sentient living creature to interact with. Who knows if one day they could speak Y/N's language.
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I remember designing them thinking about how the bells and ribbons would work on a mermaid. I didn't want to leave it as a piece of kelp or something, I just incorporated it as a physical characteristic on their body. It could be used to helpthe brothers communicate, locate each other, confuse prey, etc.
I have more scenarios that I am planning on drawing with this AU, but if there is someone out there who'd like to write a coherent story about these guys, I would be delighted to see how it would be done!
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c0zy-fluff · 1 month
Please, for the love of God, give us your smiling critters Mario party headcannons, all of them, all of them that you have, please
*giggles maliciously*
You have no idea what you just released- I have a LOT of hcs that I REALLY wanna draw- But I suppose I'll list them first-
What version do the Smiling Critters prefer to play?
- I'd say either Mario Party 8 or 9- Maybe 9 because that's where they're altogether and it paints more of a friendly image cuz of the layout and the OST (srsly, I LOVE the OST of Mario Party 9 and it was my childhood-) Also, for the sake of not making this post go on and on, Imma just be using Mario Party 9 for this-
Who do the Smiling Critters main?
- Tough question. Kinda. Buuuuut, Imma use Mario Party 9 characters cuz why not-
DogDay - Toad
CatNap - Shy Guy
Kickin - Wario
Bubba - Koopa (or maybe Magikoopa, idk)
Hoppy - Daisy
Bobby - Peach
Picky - Birdo
Crafty - Yoshi
What is their fav mini game? (Type of game; fighting, luck etc.)
Kickin - Magma Mayhem (He gets out immediately cuz someone kicks them off LMAO)
Hoppy - Launch Break (Kickin questions her power on how fast she's spamming the button)
Bubba - Card Smarts (He got that big brain plays)
Picky - Pizza Me, Mario ( One word. Food.)
Crafty - Flinger Painting (They don't know how they almost always win this one and will always internally question it)
Bobby - Buddy Bounce (She loves the music and helping herself and the other critters out)
DogDay - Ring Leader (Makes him feel like he's actually riding a dolphin and it makes him feel so alive-)
CatNap - Manor of Escape (no matter what door they goes through, he ALWAYS manages to be the first to find the right door)
What's their fav board to play on?
Hoppy - Magma Mine
DogDay, Crafty, and Bobby - Toad Road
CatNap - Boo's Horror Castle
Bubba - Bob-Omb Factory
Kickin - Blooper Beach
Picky - DK Jungle Ruins
Which boss fights are their most favorite/least favorite?
DogDay - Most favorite: Wiggler ("Aww!! He's so friendly-shaped!!")
Least favorite: Dry Bones
CatNap - Most Favorite: King Boo
Least Favorite: Whomp (they're always being the one who's sacrificed)
Bubba - Most favorite: Dry Bones ("An elephant always remembers!")
Least Favorite: King Bob-Omb (Too many ppl pick the same one as him, especially Kickin)
Kickin - Most Favorite: Chain Chomp (The OST slaps for them and he gets surprisingly lucky they aren't Chomp-bait, cuz his ass isn't paying attention one bit to the rails)
Least Favorite: Spike (Hoppy's too damn fast for them)
Hoppy - Most Favorite: Spike (She mostly gets the golden hammer everytime)
Least Favorite: Bowser Jr (Luck is surprisingly her enemy)
Bobby - Most Favorite: Cheep-Cheep ("Aww they look so cute!! Why do we have to fight them?" "For the mini stars!!" "...Okay, but why?") ((Kickin's the one who's talking to them-))
Least Favorite: Bowser (She barely manages to get her character's face on the block)
Crafty - Most Favorite: Blooper (She could get inspiration to make a pirate-related painting from the OST)
Least Favorite: Lakitu (They keep accidentally bumping into the spikes)
Picky - Most Favorite: Bowser Jr (If she's surprisingly lucky with high dice rolls, she might just win that fight)
Least Favorite: King Boo (The other critters keep taking the same lineup she's trying to go for)
That's all I got...for now. :]
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ghostxrose · 4 months
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ This part is a long one folks.. nearly 5k words.. idk feels long to me so I thought I'd warn ya. Enjoy the read! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)
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When you had breathed the first breath of your second life you could already tell that it was vastly different than your first. With the little bit of understanding you had been given at the beginning of that new life, you noticed that your new world was underwater. Your parents seemed to be the same, though; your mother was loving while your father couldn’t care less about you.
As you got older, you learned that the new species you had been born into had called themselves Mermaids or Merfolk. You had a tail instead of legs and appendages called arms, hands, and fingers. You only had hair on your head and all of the teeth in your mouth were sharp.
Your tail and fins were stunning gradients of deep, dark purple into dark blue that shimmered in the sun. Your skin tone was a sun-kissed and glowing golden tan. Black claws grew from the nail beds of your webbed hands. Your long, flowy hair was jet black and your eyes were the same stunning violet with cracks of piercing blue. 
Growing up, your mother and the elders of your pod had told tales of destructive and vicious two-legged beings that lived on land. The stories of your captured and slain kin terrified and angered you. Luckily, in that new life, you had been born much stronger.
Your mother and elders had taught you and the other Mers your age how to become fierce hunters. Not only that but you had been taught how to fight and defend yourself in the face of danger. You had excelled so much that time around that you were regarded with the highest amounts of respect within your pod. A proud candidate of becoming a future leader of the pod someday.
Shortly after entering adulthood, you and a couple of other strong Mers within your pod were tasked with hunting along the reefs near the shoreline. While your mother worried for you, you reassured her that you wouldn’t have been given the task if you weren’t strong or fast enough to handle it. The task itself was easy, the schools of fish that gathered near the reefs made for easy hunting.
Your first few trips to the reefs went by without any problems and were always bountiful. You and the others you went with had yet to run into any of the evil two-legged beings that were rumored to live near the shore. You even got so bold as to perch yourself on a rock that stuck out of the water and sunbathe some days. You only got away with it because your group would split up to hunt and you were fast enough to collect a good bounty before you had to go back to the pod.
During what had felt like your millionth time out at the reef, you were excited to find that when you perched yourself on your usual sunbathing rock, the surface world was gloriously sunny and warm. Laying back on the warm rock, you unconsciously let the happy clicks and whistles leave your mouth.
As you sunbathed to your heart's content, you heard the familiar clicks and squeaks of a pod of dolphins swimming by. Sitting up with an excited smile, you clicked back at them, calling them over to play a bit. You slid back into the water when they drew nearer, having accepted your invite, and began swimming around and jumping with them. Some form of tag had ensued and you were chasing around some of the younger dolphins of the pod.
You were only out of the water for a moment, having been mid-jump, but a moment was all your sensitive ears needed to pick up the sound of voices drawing near the shoreline.
“Aw, man, look! Dolphins!!” An excited male voice had called out, the sound and vibrations of his heavy footsteps picking up their pace.
“Yeah, I see the fucking dolphins! Let’s just hope the bastards didn’t scare the fish away, again! Fishing in this area lately has been shitty!” Another raspier voice yelled out as the pair stepped onto the sandy shore.
You were quick to hide behind your sunbathing rock, only the top of your head and eyes sitting above the water. You fought the urge to hiss as you observed the two-legged beings mess with long weird sticks. But along with the anger, something else bubbled up inside of you, something strangely familiar.
It was a feeling that didn’t feel anything like anger and it left you confused. Two-legged beings were bad. They were monsters. They captured and killed your kind just for your scales. You hated them.. except.. looking at the tall, muscular, and angry-faced ash-blonde on the shore.. you didn’t feel any hate.
You flinched as the two males waved their long sticks around and hissed quietly as two separate somethings landed in the water not far from where you were hiding. You silently slipped completely under the water and swam to where one of the objects had sunk into the sea.
Right away, the flash of something shiny caught your attention along with something else brightly colored. Cautiously swimming closer, you saw that there was a piece of fish meat stabbed onto something curved and sharp. You weren’t sure what the shiny piece or the brightly colored thing was, but the whole thing seemed threatening.
You grabbed the object angrily intending to steal it, but instead, you felt a sharp pain as your hand closed around it. You screeched and tried to pull away but the object was tugged in the opposite direction instead. You momentarily panicked as the object embedded itself deeper into your palm as it was tugged. That’s when you noticed the shine of something very thin attached to the urchin-like weapon.
You quickly bit at the nearly invisible line, hearing the snap of it breaking as your sharp teeth sliced it. Seconds after, you heard yelling so loud that even the water around you barely muffled it. You snickered to yourself for having angered the two-legged being.
You sobered quickly though when the smell of your blood hit your nostrils. Looking back down at your hand, your stomach turned as you inspected the curved barbs embedded in your palm and fingers. Your hand was stuck in a partially crumpled position and blood steadily seeped from the wounds. You prayed to the Sea Goddess that there weren't any sharks around.
Of course, if you had remembered anything from your previous life, it should have been that luck did not favor you. 
It had happened fast, and your first sign had been when all of the reef fish had gone into hiding. Your second sign was the warning calls from the dolphins before they fled the area. You growled to yourself, pissed at the situation you had gotten yourself into.
You were fast but sharks were just a bit faster than Merfolk in general, so swimming away wasn’t an option. You also really didn’t want to get back up on your rock because the two-legged beings were still at the shoreline. But when you saw a flash of gray and white out of the corner of your eye, you knew that you had no other choice.
You darted back over to your rock and clumsily lifted yourself onto it. You had just barely managed to get your tail tucked to your side and away from the edge of the rock when the shark jumped out of the water towards you. You screeched at it loudly, narrowly avoiding its open and deadly mouth.
Letting out another shriek as it partially landed on your body, you swiped at it with your uninjured clawed hand. You slashed one of its eyes and left deep claw marks all over its face as it writhed and thrashed, desperate to get back in the water.
Avoiding its mouth the best you could, you shoved it away from you using both arms and all of your strength. Yet another screech left your mouth as you shoved the shark because the action was driving the object stuck in your hand deeper into your flesh. The shark finally fell back into the water but not without scraping its teeth along the length of your arm and pulling a pained shriek from your lungs.
Water as salty as the sea itself streamed down your face, seemingly from your eyes, and made it difficult to see. Pained noises rose from your throat involuntarily as your chest heaved. Your whole body shook uncontrollably as you watched the shark swim out to deeper waters and eventually disappear, coming to terms with the fact that there was no meal to be had here.
“What.. the.. fuck.. just.. happened?” The angrier male voice from earlier spoke aloud from behind you.
You whipped your head around even though the action caused the world to tilt and spin slightly. You attempted to hiss and growl and warn the two-legged monsters to stay away from you, but your attempts were weak. Your threats turned to whimpers and pained moans very quickly and you looked down at your arm. Blood flowed freely from the sliced flesh, steadily dripping onto the rock below you.
“Ah, uh.. Fuck! Are you okay?!” The previously cheerful redheaded male called out, his voice panicked. You looked back at them, debating whether or not you should answer or just leave and try to swim home.
“You dumbass! She probably doesn’t even understand you!” The angry blonde yelled at the redheaded male. The redhead was about to say something back to the blonde but you interrupted.
“I.. u-under.. s-stand.. W-we.. s-speak.. the.. s-same..” You weakly stuttered out as black spots began to appear in your vision.
“Are you able to come.. To.. shor-” The redhead tried to ask you but it was distant and muffled, and suddenly you were in the ocean again before everything went black...
When your eyes cracked open again, you panicked. Some sort of dim light had revealed that you were no longer in the ocean. Instead, you were surrounded by weird cave walls that weren’t rounded and were made of something weird that didn’t appear to be rock. Not only that, but you were in a very small body of water, the end of your tail had stuck out and was painfully dry.
Panicked clicks and squeals left your mouth as your eyes darted around. Pained yells soon left your mouth as you tried to climb out of the small body of water but your injured arm protested heavily against the action.
Suddenly, the angry blonde from earlier was bursting into the cave-not-cave. You hissed and growled defensively when he tried to approach you. He let out a quiet, irritated growl of his own and put his hands up in a placating manner. Something in you clicked into place when you heard that familiar growl of annoyance come from him and you immediately quieted down. You stared at him with wide and confused eyes while he lightly glared at you.
“You done throwing your damn tantrum?” He asked, his voice full of agitation.
You silently nodded and he rolled his eyes before putting his hands down and stepping closer to you. The pain in your arm and hand hit you again in full force and a loud, pained whimper left your mouth. You went to grab at your arm, now wrapped in weird red-stained material, as more whimpers left your mouth but a large warm hand stopped you.
“Shh, it’s okay. I know it hurts but you can’t touch it, understand?” The blonde said in as gentle a tone as he could muster with his raspy and gruff voice.
You looked into his eyes, his breathtakingly beautiful and familiar crimson eyes, as water flowed from yours once more. He reached his other hand up and carded his fingers through your hair soothingly, his face soft and concerned.
It was like the air was stolen from your lungs when you whispered, “You’re from my first life. You’re him.. My Eternal Love..”
The blonde’s eyes widened for a second before he gave a small smirk, “Yeah. My name is Katsuki Bakugo. Are you planning on being hurt every time we meet, idiot?” He said with a teasing smile on his face.
“It just sort of keeps happening, I’m sorry, Katsuki.” You apologized quietly then gave him your name.
“Do you.. Will you have to go back to the ocean, Violet?” Katsuki asked you, a sad look in his eyes.
“Violet? What is that? My name is not Violet.” You told him, confusedly.
“Agh.. I-I know that! But it’s the color of your damn eyes! And it’s the name of a stupid flower! It’s romantic, damn it! J-just answer my damn question, Violet!” He said exasperatedly as his cheeks turned pink.
A sense of warmth filled you at the name given to you by your Love and a small smile graced your lips. It soon turned to a frown as you thought back to his question.
“I’m not sure.. I don’t think I would be able to live out the rest of my life in this very tiny ocean and I’m sure my pod is worried that I didn’t return to them.. But I do not wish to leave you, Katsuki.” You said in anguish and looked back into his eyes as more water spilled from your own.
“Shh, Violet, shh..” Katsuki said gently as he pulled you to his chest. “How about we get your arm healed and we can figure it out after that?”
You nodded against his chest, your uninjured arm clutching the material he was wearing over his torso. The water continued to flow from your eyes and you let out a low irritated growl.
“What’s wrong now, Violet?” Katsuki asked as he leaned back to look at you.
“My eyes, Kats! What is this ocean water coming from my eyes?! Why won’t it stop?!” You asked exasperatedly.
“How do you speak the same language as me but not know what crying is or  the word ‘tears’?” Katsuki asked amusedly as he wiped the water from your face.
“Crying? Tears? Why are these things happening?” You asked curiously as the ‘tears’ from your eyes began to slow.
“It’s just something that happens when you get sad or hurt, or sometimes if you’re feeling really happy. I suppose you wouldn’t notice tears if you lived in the water.” Katsuki explained to you, then kissed your forehead.
You nodded quietly in understanding while a yawn suddenly left your mouth. A small smile curled the corners of Katsuki’s lips up and he stroked one of your cheeks.
“Get some more rest, my Violet. See that bed right over there? That’s where I sleep and it’s probably where I’ll be when you wake up again, okay?” Katsuki told you gently and you nodded your head again.
He helped you get the end of your tail rehydrated before you sank the top half of your body further into the water. With one last kiss to the top of your head, he made the dim light go out and got into his bed. You fell asleep quickly to the sound of your Love’s breathing and ocean water hugging your body.
The next day, you are woken up by the panicked voice of your Love, “Violet?! Hey! Wake up! C’mon, Violet, wake up!”
You groaned as you groggily opened your eyes, thoroughly confused about what all the commotion was about, “Wha..? What’s wrong, Kats?” You asked as you looked up at his wide eyes and shocked features.
“What’s wro- Violet, look down!” Katsuki said a bit too loudly.
You complied anyway and looked down at your tail.. or.. what had been your tail.. but was now a pair of golden-tan legs.
Shock settled on your face and your mouth gaped wordlessly. Holding out your arms you saw that your fingers, much like your new toes, were no longer webbed or clawed. You felt around your ears and discovered that they were just like Katsuki’s now, no longer bearing finned shells to improve hearing. Your tongue ran along the now flat edges of your teeth and the gills that used to line your ribs were gone.
The only evidence that you were a Mermaid at any point were the small patches of tiny shimmery scales on your arms, legs, and face. At a distance, they could be mistaken for freckles.
You looked up at Katsuki, a tidal wave of emotions crashing through you as you tried to take in what happened to you.
“You didn’t know you could do this?” Katsuki asked gently as he crouched down next to you. You shook your head as your breaths started to get more labored from the panic settling into your bones.
Katsuki was quick to act as he lifted you out of the water and brought you over to his bed. He covered you in something large and soft then seated you in his lap and hugged you close. He spoke soothing words into your hair and rocked you gently from side to side.
Once you had calmed down, you spoke in a shaky voice, “I’ve never heard of this happening. The elders of my pod never mentioned anything like this being possible.”
Katsuki was silent for a moment before speaking quietly, “Violet.. I’m sorry about you possibly losing your family and your home.. but.. what if this was meant to happen by way of the Goddess of Fate? What if this is for us to be together?”
“I.. I can only hope that I’ll be able to visit my home and my family again someday, maybe in my original form, but.. I am very grateful for this, Kats. Of course, I would want the chance for us, you are my Eternal Love.” You said softly and pulled away to look at Katsuki face to face.
Katsuki’s eyes widened a bit before filling with adoration and softening alongside the rest of his features. Neither of you said anything more before you both leaned in toward each other and slotted your lips together.
A few months later, you slowly woke up to the morning sunlight shining into the hut you shared with your Love. Katsuki was already awake, his head rested on your chest and faced towards your stomach as he whispered words and gently stroked the small bump that seemed to grow a little more each day. You smiled warmly as you looked down at your Love, your chest filled with overwhelming emotions.
“Good morning, my Love.” You said as you brought a hand up, your fingers running through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp.
You heard Katsuki whisper ‘I love you’ and then he kissed your stomach before he shifted his body to lean up and kiss your lips.
“Good morning, Violet.” He said with a smile. “You still want to come with me when I go fishing today?” He asked as he laid back onto the pillows and pulled your body even closer to his.
“Yes. I think it’s time I stop fearing that I’ll see a member of my pod and visit the ocean again. I’ve been missing it lately.” You said with mixed feelings.
You were excited at the thought of connecting with the sea again. Excited to walk along the shore, telling your unborn child about everything you see. But you were also nervous and scared of the chance of encountering a mer from your pod. You knew they would be angry at you for not only not coming back home but for choosing to stay on land with the humans.
“You have nothing to worry about, Violet. I’ve been fishing the spot we’ll be going to for a while and there haven’t been any signs of Mers in that area. The fish are always plentiful and my fishing gear stays intact unlike when your crazy ass cut my line.” Katsuki said with a teasing smirk at the end.
“But if I hadn’t messed with you that day and had gone back to my pod like I first wanted to then it would have taken us longer to be together again.” You told him and poked his cheek.
“You were also attacked by a fucking shark, Violet. I think it would have been okay for us to wait a little longer for each other if it meant I didn’t have to see you so damn injured again. But at least I was able to help you with your injuries this time.” He said with an upset look on his face before he hid it and nuzzled it into the crook of your neck.
You tried to apologize but he was quick to kiss you to prevent you from getting the words out. After many more kisses and a bit more time in bed just holding each other, you both got up. When the sun had reached its highest peak in the sky, you and Katsuki went into the village to get fishing bait. Once he had everything he needed, Katsuki led the way to the fishing spot.
It wasn’t a very long walk and your feet were sinking into the warm sand before you knew it. The water was fairly calm at the cove that Katsuki had brought you to, the waves gently lapping at the shoreline. You hesitated for a few moments before stepping only close enough that the water touched your feet when gentle waves rolled in. Your eyes had screwed shut and you anticipated the return of your tail and fins when the lukewarm ocean water first touched your skin.
You were brought out of your scared and racing mind when a large pair of arms wrapped around you and your Love’s voice filled your ears. “Are you okay, Violet?” Katsuki asked in a concerned tone as he rested his chin on your shoulder and his hands gently stroked your stomach.
“Y-yes, I think so.. I just wasn’t sure what would happen when I touched the sea again.” You explained after letting out a relieved sigh at the sight of your still-human legs.
“I told you that you would be fine, Violet. Now, make sure you watch my amazing fishing skills and tell our brat all about how great their papa is!” Katsuki declared with a smirk.
You giggled as he kissed your cheek, then let you go to pick up his fishing pole. He made sure you watched as he cast his line out, a triumphant smile on his face when it went out quite far.
You spent a while talking out loud about everything you saw, your Love’s fishing skills per his request, and shells you found in the sand. You had been in the middle of rubbing your stomach and telling your unborn child about small sea creatures when you were suddenly splashed and hissed at.
Fear washed over you and you stumbled away from the water’s edge. Your panicked eyes searched the water until they caught on a pair of glaring cold blue eyes and blonde hair. Even if that was all you could see you instantly recognized the Mer as your podmate Neito. Your arms wrapped protectively around your stomach and you glared back.
“What are you doing here, Neito? Leave!” You called out angrily. You were splashed and hissed at again, and suddenly Katsuki was standing in front of you protectively.
“Who the fuck is this, Violet? What’s going on?” Katsuki growled out as he glared at Neito who had fully raised his head above the surface.
“How dare you abandon your pod?! Especially for a two-legged! You know what they do to our kind and here you are with one, carrying its child!!” Neito shouted, his voice was full of bitter anger and disgust.
“What the fuck do you know about humans, huh?! What your damn elders have told you is fucking wrong!” Katsuki shouted back angrily, his arms held out to the sides as if to shield you from Neito’s words.
“Oh, I know plenty about you two-legged monsters. Though, I do suppose that you do not seem all that intimidating. I would go as far as to say that you seem like a weak one.” Neito taunted with a smug look on his face.
Before you could stop him, Katsuki had shouted out in anger and raced towards the water. He wasn’t more than shin deep when two other Mermaids appeared from the water and grabbed him. The water became foamy from Katsuki’s thrashing attempts to fight off the holds of the two Mers, but they remained unaffected as they dragged him into and under the water.
As soon as Katsuki was grabbed you screamed, fear and dread filled your body and mind. You ran towards the water after your Love and the Mers that were dragging him away. Neito and the other Mers were fast so by the time you were waist-deep you weren't sure where they had gone.
That’s when you felt your body changing and your vision whited out for a moment. When it cleared again you looked down at your body to see that you had gained your Mermaid features back; tail, fins, and everything else.
You pushed your sudden transformation to the back of your mind in favor of diving under the water and searching for your Love. With your Mer-hearing back, you heard and felt the vibrations from thrashing from feet away and near the surface. You swam as fast as you could towards the commotion, tears flowing from your eyes even though they were immediately lost to the ocean around you.
When you came upon Neito, the other two Mers, and Katsuki they were all surfaced and Katsuki was panting heavily. He was kicking his legs to keep himself afloat but he was no longer fighting the Mers holding him. Judging from his red and swelling cheek and the cut above his eye, you had guessed that the Mers hit him for fighting them.
You swam towards Katsuki but Neito blocked your path causing a growl to come from you and Katsuki. You quickly quieted yourself down when one of the Mers holding Katsuki slammed its tail into his stomach. The pained wheeze and cracking of Katsuki’s ribs caused your chest to hurt and your stomach to drop. You whimpered as you cried and peered around Neito, your eyes connecting with Katsuki’s. He tried to mouth that it was okay but all your brain focused on was the look in his eyes... The same one that he had had in your last life when you were dying.
“Finally, they’re here,” Neito said, his face still smug.
You watched in horror as the heads of  your parents and the rest of your pod surfaced, all of them wearing looks of disgust. You cried harder from the fear of the situation. Your parents swam up to you, your father’s face full of disgust and disappointment while your mother’s was full of shame and sadness.
“You have betrayed us. You have betrayed the pod. You, this monster, and the abomination you’re carrying inside your body must be punished.” Your father said in a bitter and cold tone. This may have only been your second life with your parents but you already resented the way your father made the decision to toss you away so easily.
Suddenly, your parents grabbed your arms and held onto you painfully tight as they dragged you beneath the surface. You heard Katsuki yell and curse until his voice was muffled from the mers holding him dragging him underwater.
You and your Love were positioned to face each other, the two of you being held in place by your captors as you all floated in the open water. Katsuki couldn’t speak it but you could see the fear and love in his eyes. Your heart shattered and you sobbed. The elders of your pod surrounded you both and you knew what they were going to command.
“I love you, Katsuki! I’m so sorry!” You screamed as you thrashed against your parents’ holds. You saw the air bubbles escape his mouth as he tried to say he loved you. Anguish, love, adoration, and heartbreak swirling in his eyes as well as yours.
“Drag him down.” You heard one of the elders of your pod command.
You shrieked, screeched, and wailed as you watched the two Mers quickly drag Katsuki down into the dark depths of the sea. Before you could attempt to break free and chase after your Love the elders gave another command, “Slice up the traitor then leave her and the abomination for the sharks.”
Your shrieks, cries of pain, and blood were all that filled the water as your pod mates took turns swimming past you and dragged their claws through your flesh. You don’t know how long the torture went on for but your voice had given out at some point and your body was almost numb to the feeling of flesh being torn. After your parents each had a turn at leaving their marks your pod left without another word or look back.
As you sank into the dark, cold depths you apologized to Katsuki and your unborn child. It wasn’t long before something fast swam past your limp body. Staring blankly up at the dimming surface, you were happy that your consciousness faded before you could feel the jaws of a great white bite into you.
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Author's Note ~ A few months ago when I had first written this fic I *sobbed* as I typed out the end of this lifetime for our poor Katsuki and his Violet, soo.. uhm.. I'm sorry if you cry.. But I appreciate every single one of you Lovelies and thank you so much for everything! <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
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fluffychubbydragon · 9 months
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Finally done! Geez that took waaaayy longer than I thought it would. Here's some info about her (also, sorry if there are any typos, posting this using my new tablet and I'm not used to it)
This is my oc in @mothiepixie's pirate au, but I would be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about drawing her as a pirate before when I found @aylish91 and her wonderful fanfiction on AO3: A Sea of Hope. So thank you to @aylish91 for putting the design in my head and thank you to @mothiepixie for giving me the excuse to draw it!
Info about her in this au below:
She'll fix ya up real good, but you bet your ass that she's going to give you a smack upside the head for being reckless. Lucida cares about Mottie's crew, but sometimes even she needs a break from their recklessness and idiocy. I'd imagine she's like a mother figure to the crew and scolds them endlessly because she cares.
As mentioned, she's the doctor of the ship using mostly green magic which can be amplified with singing/humming, and further amplified harmonizing with her dragons. (I've only drawn the one that stays with her no matter what she does. She has 2 others. Will draw them later if anyone is interested)
The crew found her on an island that is full of tiny dragons. She was the self proclaimed "protector of dragons". She was alone with these creatures for so long that she no longer knows her age, nor knows how to properly show how to be sad. She feels sadness, but she doesn't know how to show it in a 'human' way. She joined the crew in order to see what else is out in the world other than the small island where time seems nonexistent, and because she couldnt in good conscious let them leave with their accident prone crew with no healer. (She is well over 200 years old in this au. She's closer to 1000 years old in her canonical au)
She does want to go back to her island someday after a long time and tell her stories.
Her dragons speak their own tongue, but can understand human language with no problems. She finds the sea monsters very friendly, especially the sea serpents who use the same language her dragons use, if not have a bit of an accent. She enjoys the looks of confusion from the crew when she starts talking in dragon tongue either to her dragons or to the sea serpents that like to follow the ship like dolphins.
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noeggets · 1 year
So in theory I wanted to make my own jellyfish sonic oc (im actually doing that with the phantom jelly fish idea) how would you recommend incorporating the jellyfish parts in its design?
See so what I do is two different things
Either I look at the animal I'm making a try to imagine what it would look like as a sonic person by taking the image and putting it in my preferred art program and draw a base body for a sonic character
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Every jellyfish sonic person is gonna have a bell, that large head lamp thing, so you can only come up with so many creative ways to make to make it unique but in the phantom jellyfish case me personally I would leave it a solid color or put the faded like pink brain thing in it so it looks semi transparent cause you dont have many colors to work with alone but if your using crazy colors say i make the phantom jelly purple i would make the brain teal
I try to stay true to the animal and if it doesnt have spots or stripes I try not to give it any but if you want to you can that's just me
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My second method is learn from others, if you search pinterest or tumblr or deviantart or Google for that matter and put " 'preferred animal' sonic oc" you can see how somebody else would do it and work with how they interpreted it into a sonic person form and cheat off that to make your own
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it's not stealing it's what you do with that design choice cause if that was the cause Shadow's quills are sonic's but bent different ways as long as your not like taking a whole design there are 0 problems with doing this
another thing that helps is if you have a character and a element you don't need much else cause that brings you a color too
like Water, you have your jellyfish, that could be cool but let me make it cooler maybe the tentacles are made of water and they could attack with them like many whips that would be cool maybe they are always walking on them like Kit tsunami
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You can use actual canon characters that aren't the same species to get a general idea on what your about to do when creating a animal that hasn't been used in the sonic world
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Like we have only seen one jellyfish sonic person and its Opal from the archie comics but you know what we have seen to go along with that? Sharks,Dolphins,fish,otter,octopus some animals are like in the same category as others
these may not be the same animals but they are all ocean creatures and you can gather from every design choice that having a sonic sea creature oc they do not have noses like the rest of the cast (I would even argue Charmy shouldn't have a nose because he is a bug but thats up in the air for whoever is drawing him to decide)
Another way I dont do often is try turning a existing sonic character into the animal you desire, I have a sketch book where I turned all the hedgehogs into different kinds of dogs it was a fun experiment
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i'd say Hedgehogs Tenrecs and Meerkats are almost in the same slot because Hedgehogs have quills but meerkats do not, but you can give them almost the same ear types like Sonic's or like Surge or Gold you could even do it like Surge except more pointed and tiny
for the Meerkat i would go round like monkey khan from the archie comics like how i did knuckles there
i hope some of this nonsense actually helps you cause this is actually how i do it
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lauvra · 4 months
This morning I'm up early enough to hear the bikes thunder through from wherever as they zip-tear the sky open, I keep thinking a plane is falling and wonder what'd happen if I flung my legs over the back of a stranger's two-wheeler. Where I'd end up, how far away or how far below. I didn't sleep last night except to have a single dream. The roaring continues at intervals, the ones who fueled up, slept in, who knows. On Wednesday night I went to see a friends band play at Old Bar, after he finished drumming - which I didn't even know was one of his many skills as well as producing and playing an assortment of stringed and non-stringed instruments - I said I was experiencing too many big feelings to verbalise and he said to write it down. I'm gonna be honest I still don't know how to write about live music, I think the people who do it best have some manner of technical insight that I don't possess. All I know is that if you're lucky, one-in-so-many performers might make you want to get up on stage and embody them but if you're really lucky, an Artist or group offers you something pretty irreplaceable which is an authentic sense that it's actually okay to be who or whatever you already are; and share it boldly or by being. That's what I felt. Through the varied personal style of the band members; which is neither shallow nor trivial a subject, through the banter and rapport with one another and through Sid, the front woman's vocal range and lack of self conscious expression in performing I felt emboldened to exist more freely. The power in her voice reminded me of a remastered Siouxsie Sioux and took me by surprise. I wrote a long time ago about an experience where while discussing music and art, I told a stranger seated opposite by circumstance that I made Art but wanted to be Nothing - and I guess it was said as both the most and least self-conscious thing I could offer to avoid attention but I felt it was understood. That was Sid who let me be nothing. Today more than any other day the importance of receiving and reciprocating energy from such good natured muses is profound. Yesterday I went to a Summer Solstice Art event at a friends place in Windsor, it kind of emboldened me to want to hold similar events at our place and/or contribute next time. Live music, pottery, drawing, painting, we collaged and stamped our monstrosities into badges to keep. We lingered in the kitchen picking at a woven basket filled with cherry's. We used cards from our wallet to decipher whether or not we'd won big on scratch cards until the money ran out and walked while pop rocks crackled on our tongues. Jack's partner Cal tattooed people, friends gave other friends 90's style Dolphin tramp stamps using Henna then we left and ate dinner at Yellow Bird. I took my burger to go and ate it in bed feeling tipsy and thankful. Obviously I'm burning out with the thought streams by now. 2024 will be better.
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corpsoir · 2 years
(Part 5 spoilers) This idea just kinda hit me, but you know how in part 5, after Narancia died, they showed his soul flying away in the form of a bird with a plane-like shadow? What if, in your fanpart I'd Solvei ever dies, the same thing happens but instead it shows a dolphin/flying fish-like shape jumping out of the cloudline before soaring off into the sunset
oooohh my god this like literally made me tear up. yeah. YEAH.
im imagining skagen walks out the hospital to go home with his parents right. and he looks up at the sky and theres this weirdly shaped cloud that moves and kinda looks like it swims through the clouds, glowing and stuff. im thinking it takes the shape of what her stand wouldve looked like had she never died. you know. her soul and all. and skagen can see it since this is right when he develops förutan vind. ok im gonna cry 👍
ive thought about the "scene" where she dies in their story so many times but never really what happens right after. but this is kinda bittersweet in a way omhghklsggs
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VERY quick scribble because i had to hjgkhdsk
and i dont have a lot of good drawings of her stand yet but heres the latest scribble i made of it! it basically looks like. idk a pointy nursehound-gecko combination or something, at least thats the vibe i was going for lol. its named sunnanvind :) i mightve talked a little bit about it before but im gonna do a proper post for them all later
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sorry for spotify link but heres the song her stand is named after. its what we in swedish call a "sommarplåga" (literally summer torment) because they play these kinds of songs on the radio all summer long BUT i think its kinda sweet. its very solvei.
also sorry for the super long lore dump and stuff i got excited HDSJKGHJKS
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dandylion240 · 1 year
And all of them for any of them for Maja, as I need to learn more about her
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1.Would you hug a stranger? How close someone has to be to get a hug?
No I would not. I would have to know someone really well before I go around hugging them.
2. Have you tried some exotic/weird food? How was it? Would you eat it again?
It depends on what you call exotic. To me pizza is exotic. It's not something I've ever had up until recently I had almost steady diet of fish and kelp.
3. If you had to give up one sense, which one would it be?
Oh that's a difficult choice but I'm a musician so I need to hear, to see and to touch. So maybe smell? I mean I can still play and sing and not be able to smell.
4. How good are you at remembering dates? What about numbers in general?
I keep close tabs on my calendar so that I don't miss any gigs and I'm more into musical notes and scores than facts and figures.
5. Do you like cold or hot weather more? Why?
I'm used to the cold and I feel like I'm wilting if I'm outside too long in the summer time.
6. Would you rather spend a date night somewhere quiet or in a more crowded place (e.g. club, festival, amusement park, etc.)
I love going out to clubs or concerts. Any place where there's music.
7. What shows your emotions more, your words or your actions?
My songs. I can put my feelings into music more than words or actions.
8. Is curiosity good or bad thing in your opinion? What makes you curious?
You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat. That being said curiosity led me here so it can't be all that bad.
9. Balloons or confetti?
Neither really. You wouldn't like them either if you've seen what balloons and confetti do to the environment.
10. Have you ever had an animal to eat from your hand? Do animals usually like you?
There's nothing like feeding a dolphin. I love all kinds of animals and they just know I mean them no harm.
11. Would you rather be stranded in a huge deserted field or locked alone in a room, for following two weeks?
Both sound absolutely horrid. I could probably do a huge deserted field if that field had a lake or something.
12. Do you prefer to sleep with socks or without them? Do you usually even wear socks?
I don't wear socks until recently I didn't even wear shoes.
13. Do you tend to get sick easily? If so, what do you do to prevent that? If not, what’s your secret to strong immune system?
I don't think I've ever been sick. I think I'm immune to most human illnesses.
14. What is your first language? How many languages can you speak?
I know quite a few languages. Mer, Simlish, Dolphin, etc.
15. Do you like drawing/painting? What’s your preferred art tool?
Music. That's the only art form I need.
16. Are you more organised or disorganised person? Or maybe you like to plan only certain aspects of your life?
I'm very organised and I plan everything out before I do anything. I have to know what I'm doing before I start. Of course you can't plan for everything but I'm seldom caught off guard.
17. Would you choose a dream car or a dream house?
Dream car I guess. That way I can travel between gigs. I don't know what I'd do with a house.
18. Are you the type of the person that would laugh when someone else falls? Or would you rush to help? Maybe you would just walk by without reaction?
I suppose I'd stop and help if they looked like they needed it but if it looked like someone was already assisting them and I was in a hurry than I'd probably just keep on going.
19. How often do you travel? What you like the most about it?
I haven't done too much traveling yet but I can see myself doing a lot of it once I have my music degree.
20. Do like stargazing? Do you believe in shooting star wishes?
There's nothing like a sky full of stars. I don't honestly know if I've ever made a wish upon a star but if I did I know what I'd wish for.
Thank you for asking!
@wannabecatwriter correct me if I got anything wrong. I'm still learning her personality.
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jaimebluesq · 1 year
8 shows to know you
Tagged by @dual-domination - thank you so much!
All right, I'm going to go chronologically rather than by current importance, and yeah, I'm going to show my age a little bit. So without further ado...
1 - The Monkees
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When I was a kid, I first watched the Monkees on reruns (this was the 80s), and I fell for their shenanigans and music - to this day I still hum Cheer Up Sleepy Jean some mornings. I was a Mickey Dolenz fan, but I loved all of them equally. When I got *older*, I did discover fandom and fanfic... that was a fun personal update lol.
2 - The A-Team
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OMFG where do I start... Did I mention I love shenanigans? Because these boys may be former military but the show is FULL of shenanigans. I laughed my ass off, honestly. When I grew up, my opinions on certain things developed, and it's hard to watch the show the same way... but it will always have a special place in my heart.
3 - Various Saturday Morning Cartoons & Shows
All right, I can't list them all because this list is only for 8 shows, but Saturday Morning Cartoons (and Saved by the Bell) were the best things ever growing up! And I think they really helped develop my sense of humour ;)
4 - Star Trek: The Next Generation
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And here we are, my first foray into true addiction and obsession. Didn't have the internet yet, which was probably a really good thing because I'd have spent all my time reading fanfic. As it is, this was when I made my first foray into it with a self-insert fic about the ship meeting a new alien species led by a young girl with blue hair and sparkling pink uniform who would draw the eyes of young Wesley Crusher... omfg I was young, okay!!! That fanfic never saw the light of day, thank goodness. But this show IS the reason I got to meet a Klingon and a Vulcan when Paramount took over Canada's Wonderland and did a Star Trek exhibit :D
5 - SeaQuest
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This show was so significant in my life that I should REALLY list it twice. I watched it when it first aired, at least the first two seasons - either the 3rd never aired where I live or I missed out on it for some other reason - and loved it so so so so much. I think one of the things I initially loved about it was that it wasn't just a military vessel - it was both science and military, and the conflict between the two was often a significant plot point - well, all that and the talking dolphin. But the characters were magnificent, the episodes were engaging even when they got silly... and then years later, I got onto the internet, fell in love with TV show #6 which prominently features one of the actors, and my love for seaQuest got renewed to the point that I even wrote for fanzines back in the day, and created a little internet fan thing called "Tim O'Neill's Cunning Linguists" - yes, I do love a good pun ;)
6 - Xena: Warrior Princess
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I can't describe HOW MUCH this show was important in my life. Honestly. It's the reason behind my foray into fandom. My love of Ted Raimi renewed my love of SeaQuest, and Joxer was a character that my 'loser' self related to more than anyone else, and the fact that he was accepted as part of the group meant so fucking much to me! I made awesome online friends through this fandom - JoeyRZ and CrystalBlue in particular - and to this day, I can remember Shamenka's "The Fool and the God" almost word for word because I re-read it so damned much. I'm team "The last season didn't happen except for Virgil because he's adorable". So yeah, there's no true knowing me unless you know about my love for this show.
7 - The Rise of Phoenixes
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It's funny that there's such a huge time period between #6 and #7, but even though there were many shows I loved and enjoyed, none of them had a real profound effect on me... until this one. I honestly don't remember how it happened, but a few years ago someone introduced me to harem games on mobile, and the players of the game began talking about CDramas they enjoyed. At the time I was skeptical, had never really watched much from other countries before, but I spotted The Rise of Phoenixes on Netflix and I happened to have an account, so one day I thought, what the hell? I binged the whole fucking thing! And I didn't find the subtitles off-putting - in fact, I think I've come to prefer watching everything in subtitles since I'm hard of hearing, and when a show's in another language, it gives me the excuse to do so >.< But yeah, this show was my introduction to CDramas, Ni Ni was gorgeous as hell and I adored her, and it's the reason I am where I am in fandom today. Which brings me to...
8 - The Untamed / CQL
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It was really hard trying to find an image that accurately reflects my feelings about this show, but I think this does it enough. Wei Wuxian's story was wonderful and engaging and addicted me instantly, and his love for Lan Wangji was evident despite them having to keep the BL quiet for the sake of the Chinese censors. But Nie Huaisang's story, that's what made me go "There's more story to be told here... I wonder what people are writing about it in the fandom. There *MUST* be a fandom for this show, right?"
*Ahem* Hundreds of fics read later, my AO3 now lists me as author to 90 fics in this fandom, I've taken part in many events (and still am!), I've pioneered ships and supported others, and I've been having the time of my life, all because of these boys. I continue to watch other CDramas - from Word of Honor to Blood of Youth - but none have engaged me as much as The Untamed, the show that I binged and then, after the reveal of the final episodes, rewatched the entire thing immediately after. If you're following me on Tumblr these days, you know how I feel about this fandom :D
If you've read this far and want to join in, consider yourself tagged :-p
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skypied · 1 year
sorry this is from a few days ago but i still wanna do the ask meme ;3
(I love the perpetual 3-5 business days ADHD delay on both our sides<3) read moreing bc I refuse to shut up<3
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
A lot! A lot of the time writing is providing entertainment for myself, and I often make myself laugh tbh! But I have no clue if anyone else finds it funny, mostly bc what feedback I get on things being funny often differ from what I laugh at 🥴 the one I can point to (and will again later in this post) is the goat-wrestling scene in always be this close. I also think all the banter in Morning Routines is funny. There's a shit ton of fun stuff in my wips, but I'm coming back to those.
(unrelated, I just discovered I've on two different occasions, months apart, written the exact same line of dialogue, which is Alberto saying "stop complaining and put your dick in my mouth". The more you know)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
ouhhhhh uhhhhhh I think I'd say dialogue is one of my strong suits... I think? It's what drives most of my writing, and, while I feel like I'm always making the boys more and more OOC with every iteration, I guess that's one of the things that makes people find my fics in character. Maybe??? I dunno??? (honestly this is the worst kind of question bc for all I know I'm WAY off base). When I first am able to suppress my shame, I think the porn I write is fun and hot (but, y'know, it's 100% self-indulgent and to my tastes since it's a drop in the ocean from my personal spank bank, so again, nervous to state it for a fact)
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
given how I've rotated these blorbos so relentlessly in an endless drier for 14 months, there are sooooo many, and very few that are fixed in stone tbh. I more go through phases with headcanons, tbh! and I'm getting sleepy, maybe I'll come back and do a separate post if I remember anything special 😴
I can share that one of my current headcanon obsessions is Alberto in a skin tight short tennis dress though. I have this one in mind, bc that was the one that inspired it when a friend of a friend borrowed it to wear and he's a short'n'stout king who's dummy thicc and looked absolutely incredible wearing it. Hopefully I might draw and at some point post ... maybe in a sketch dump along with the two-three other pieces that are just "Alberto on his knees, thighs spread, soft lil tummy out, in cute outfits" hehe
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think always be this close with the Alberto almost getting himself severely damaged in a goat-wrestling match is the wildest. The rest of my fics are either just shameless porn or shameless fluff or writing-for-writing-practice's sake - I rarely write any plots or scenes that get wild. Honestly babe my wildest rides are still wips 😭 and I can't decide on just one so this is almost a ranking
#1 is probably the "discovering Luca's dick glows under the blacklight when they're getting nasty in a club bathroom" which also includes Alberto joking about Luca being into scat (or maybe it's on the cutting room floor) and jokes about dolphins being depraved creatures and Luca's dick trying to fuck Alberto's ear and Luca having a laughing fit over Alberto looking like he's playing a flute while sucking his dick and Luca delighted to discover Alberto likes having his mouth stuffed with his tail. this fic is honestly like 80% done and has been for almost a year, I'm just eternally struggling but I did my once-every-four-month casual perusing and re-discovered that it's a lot of fun and I wanna finish it
the also-80%-done "Luca tries casting himself in a porn" fic. It got away from me and now includes smut and is, oops, 12k. It's not as overtly wild, but I think it's funny, I think it'll be finished soon-ish, and I hope y'all will find it funny, too. If nothing else, laugh at me pls<3
the one doc just titled "train wrecks" which is 3am, Luca in the club spotting Alberto and going
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Luca pretends he's so blackout drunk he's forgotten where he lives so Alberto will take him home, and the rest honestly is just the dumbest banter. Highlights include likening Alberto's dick to a Christmas present, joking about Luca time travelling to groom Alberto to give him even more daddy issues, Alberto calling Luca a bird furry for leaving old food bits in his mouth during makeouts, and a lot more that'd take too much context to explain. but besides being a lot of dumb funny shit what I like about it is exploring the kind of surprising honesty and delightful rudeness you get with complete strangers. I think my fav moment is them small talking to get to know each other more, Luca talks some about his mom being overbearing and a pain in the ass, then when Alberto talks about his parental situation Luca just goes "fuck you, you can’t let me complain about all that stupid shit and then tell me that" and, after Alberto tells details about his dad and Luca offers sympathies, Alberto in return goes "no, fuck you, that sympathy is for your own bad conscience, not me". This one is a lot less finished, due to being mostly dialogue, and needing three sex scenes (and counting maybe???) written out lmao
sandbox is pretty much eternally on hold, but some out of context highlights include:
Alberto's literal "anyways, here's Wonderwall" moment
everyone calling Luca a slut
Giulia calling Alberto "young dumb and full of cum
Luca repeatedly having to tell Alberto off for quoting memes in bed
Alberto's graphic Shrek t-shirt collection
Luca skipping class to suck a guy off during a matiné showing of a war drama
Lorenzo giving Daniela chlamydia when they were young
Luca accusing his parents of being in a swingers arrangement with Giulia's parents
Alberto: recites Luca's Starbucks order - Luca:
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(that's not a joke btw it's literal actual canon)
okay I'm done will sleep now ty for letting me ramble @ u ! 🥰
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literaticat · 2 years
I am an author illustrator working well with an editor on 3 books. A relative of mine wants to become an editor is looking for advice. they want me to ask my editor for advice/ ask to interview them. I want to help my relative but am worried this would be frowned upon for some reason? Would this be an industry faux pas? I love my relative but respect my editor and dont want them to feel used. Is it okay to ask for advice in a respectful way?
I mean "informational interviews" are a thing, if, say, your relative is a student who is legitimately TRYING to become an editor or something like that -- students, or people just starting out in publishing, DO sometimes reach out and say things like, "Hey, I have a BA in English Literature and am enrolled in a Publishing course this summer; I'm interested in pursuing a job in editorial and I wonder if you have time for an informational interview?" -- and some editors might say yes and some might ignore it. It would be a stronger ask if, say, they were an alum of the same college or something like that, but it's possible even without that.
But I'd feel VERY weird if one of my clients asked me or their editor that on their relative's behalf. It would have to come from the person themselves, and NOT using your name. That would just be likely to lead to WEIRD FEELINGS somewhere, not great.
[Like when my mom passes along the info for her local friend who draws pretty dolphins** and says "oh she wants to write a children's book, aren't these dolphins precious, you should talk to her!" like mom I love you but NO pls this isn't how this works and these wouldn't make a book, as lovely as they are -- it makes me think that my mom is a little bit of a dum-dum, bless her***. If you did this on behalf of your Kookaburra Cousin, I might sort of think YOU were a little bit of a dum-dum.]
It would be MUCH more likely to be successful for them and not blow back weird on you if the person a) approaches them in a professional way, themselves, not relying on any tenuous connection from you, and b) is very obviously actively taking steps to get a job in publishing (ie, they are in school, or they are actively job-searching kind of thing). That way, they come across as a go-getter who knows what they are talking about -- rather than coming across as some rando who just wants to pepper the editor with absurd and time-consuming questions.
**fyi dolphins true identities have been obscured to protect the innocent
*** which honestly my mom is THE smartest person ever and so far from being a dum-dum -- she just is 100% clueless about what I do!
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blue-manuscript · 10 days
WIP Questionnaire
The rules: Answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
WIP: The Lucien Project
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
I actually originally wrote this as a short story for a creative writing class about twelve years ago. I tried a couple times to adapt it into a novel, and then got busy with college and kind of forgot about it.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
The song would be soft piano in a minor key, definitely originally composed by someone I care about because music is my other passion. I think the visuals that would go on screen with the music would look like Lucien's thoughts: flashes of dolphins, the hospital, the red-walled playroom , Aurelia, etc.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I have loved Lucien and Aurelia for a very long time. Part of what makes writing this piece hard is that I love them, but the story around them largely does not. I love Lucien because he feels like me, and I love Aurelia because everybody needs a friend like her.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
I'm not completely sure how to answer this question. I think it would draw people who like Stanger Things, but I'd argue that The Lucien Project is in a different genre. It's about kids being forced to deal with things they are too young to be dealing with on their own.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
I have always had a very set, tragic ending for this story. I don't want to write it, but, in my heart, I know that it's the way the story should end.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Animals are in The Lucien Project are more symbolic than tangible. Dolphins, because that's how Lucien says hello. Robin, because that's how Lucien sees Aurelia. (My dad thinks Lucien should be able to communicate with animals, and I'm still struggling with whether to work this in or not. There's a potential that Lucien could end up with a mimicking bird as a translator.)
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
So far, Lucien has only traveled on his own feet, around the halls of the hospital. Aurelia is driven by her parents in cars, and I can imagine her taking a train somewhere fancy.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Aurelia and Lucien have been separated for some time; I am working on getting their plot lines to align again.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
The main character is autistic coded, and, hopefully, should feel relatable to some readers like him. (It feels relatable for me, at least. It's been healing to write it for the most part.)
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
My goal was to finish the first, complete draft of the novel by my birthday. I have left the Children alone for far too long.
Tagged by @winglesswriter (thank you so much!)
not tagging anybody specifically - play if you want to!!
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
How the Tamaki Naked Apron Scene became popular?
Kakyoin : Guys! Guys! We are doing Episode 10 of the first season of Fire Force! We need to come up with something for Episode 10. What do you come up with something great with one of your ideas? Mr, Kujo?
Jotaro : You want something to help us on make a lot of sense, even making the 10th episode with some ideas? What do you need something for it? It's not like that you needed any ideas after the ninth episode? What will be the idea for episode to come up with?
Kakyoin : Alright, get this. This will be a great idea for episode 10. Company 8 are going to prepare a feast and it's going to have a major thing to be very important for the show. Now let me show you to this artboard. David, here's I'm getting something that might add up to the show.
Jotaro : It better be not one of your silly ideas.
Kakyoin : (draws something creatively) Voila! My perfect scene for the tenth episode of the show! What do you think guys?
Polnareff : Kakyoin...what kind of ideal scene for the tenth scene is that?
Avdol : That does not go well with the script.
Jotaro : Kakyoin...What the-[dolphin chirps] is that supposed to be for the 10th episode?
David Production : Seriously, Kakyoin. That's your idea for the show.? A picture of one girl that wears only something and without wearing clothes. A real piece of fanservice, you got there...for our expense!
Kakyoin : I sure did! In fact, this perfect drawing of a picture I made for the ideal scene for the 10th episode, is a picture of--
Tamaki : Excuse me, fellas. Does wearing this pink apron without my clothes make me look fat in the show?
Kakyoin : What are you talking about, firefighting cat girl? Of course wearing the pink apron without your clothes on thing is no expression of--[his eyes enlarges] HOLY FISHPASTE!! That is seriously one hot mama! I gotta take a picture of it! (Holds out a camera flash.)
Kakyoin : Hey, what I tell ya? I told you! She's a fine hoochie mama I'd say! This is the ideal scene for the tenth episode that I wanted everyone to see. (Shows a photo of Tamaki wearing an apron in the nude) Pretty hot, right, guys? (Hears something collapsing) Guys?
Jotaro : They just all passed out from nosebleeding blood loss and fainted from insane erections, called boners. You hardly knew that you were going to make a scene of a girl that wears a pink apron in the nude. Doesn't that feel that it's not even context out of that. This is show made by David Production, not a show full of pornographic idiots!
Kakyoin : Oh...right. I'll go ask her.
Joseph Joestar : Who knows? Maybe it's best that we shouldn't run into her, you know. Like most people do.
Kakyoin : And what do you even expect that I even trust a girl like her age, that I really did that to her!? What's that cat girl gonna do, break my spirit and threw me in a garbage can?
(cuts to Kakyoin with his legs shown in the trash can after getting beaten up by Tamaki)
Kakyoin : Okay, wow. Second...(in pain) Oww! I didn't realize that some fire chick manage to beat me up to a pulp and threw me in the can. Who's idea was that anyway? Never had a worst written character had to go beat me up in person.
Shinra : Not so much of it. I imagine of banging Tamaki wearing that apron in the nude like that. I totally telegraph that for myself!
Kakyoin : Oh haha! That's really funny man! I was hoping you would definitely say that right now! But, man, Tamaki. She's great wearing that apron with no clothes, bro. I should really telegraph that. On the other hand, could you please, get me out of here? I kinda feel like that I just peed all over on my face!
Shinra : Why did David even bother of you making that scene. At least you look cute in apron without your clothes
Tamaki : I'm going to break your Xbox, you devilish perv! [Runs off]
Shinra : No, Tamaki! It was Kaykoin's idea! He gave the ideal scene of you wearing that apron! [Flies off]
Kakyoin : So much for being a total chick-magnet that does get involved so much of fanservice. I bet you young version of Joseph liking Tamaki in apron with no clothes.
Young Joseph : [snaps and swear shades] Nice indeed!
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bitletsanddrabbles · 9 months
Forgotten Obsession
So I forgot something when I was filling out the 'about you' thing for @misunderstoodnotevil . Why? Because I was tired and drawing blanks. Which seems odd for something classed as an 'obsession', but I never become so obsessed with something I can't set it aside for other things (work, writing, etc.), which means it's never a big enough obsession to escape me blanking on it when tired.
But I am currently rather focused on functional mermaid tails.
I live in an area with a lot of water. Not an island or anything, but between the Sound, the not-so-far-away Pacific ocean, lakes, and rivers, it's a good idea to know how to swim, so my parents popped me into swim lessons as soon as I was old enough. End result was that I could swim before I could walk. I taught myself to swim under water before I was a year old. I was in swimming lessons continually until I was thirteen.
Then we moved and there was nowhere to swim. Now, that may seem an odd statement given what I just said about all of the water, but it's true. Open water around here is Not Great for swimming, especially if you prefer to swim under the water rather than on top of it. There's pollution. The salt water is really high saline contend that gets up your nose and is annoying and tastes nasty if it gets in your mouth. There's lake weed that grabs at your limbs and also hides things like rusty metal. A lot of it is glacial feed so it's damn cold. People laugh at our 'extreme heat advisories' the second it hits 80, but if you actually read the things, one of the big points is usually "The water is still 32 degrees, please don't get hypothermia and drown." Public pools exist, but aren't as plentiful as you might think, and public swim time is so crowded you can't actually swim.
I'm not going to lie - I've been missing the water for 30 years.
Then I discovered these.
Now, one thing I did not learn as a kid was dolphin kick. Even ignoring how out of swimming shape I am, tossing one of these and striking out in True Mermaid Form was never going to happen. Mentoring is a necessary thing. But between my costume photography and my genuine desire to live in the water, these lit a fire. If I can't have my family seal coat, I will take a fish tail damnit!
So I started looking into the pool at my parents' community and, discovering it's actually not that busy mid week, I bought myself a swim suit and went to learn a) how much I'd forgotten and b) how out of shape I am.
The answers were a) a lot and b) very, but! I remember how to swim underwater (no surprise there), how to tread water, and I re-learned how to do a somersault in water partially by accident. Not bad for 15 minutes before my legs and arms informed me they'd file for divorce if I didn't stop making them drag me through water instead of air. My lungs, which also out of shape and probably a bit damaged from years of local wild fires, despite my safety precautions, were also pretty cranky.
I had a blast.
Needless to say I immediately started looking into adult swim lessons and broke down to order myself a monofin and a starter tail*. Of course, then I realized that part of the reason my right leg was cramping worse than my left is because it still has a damn 7cm blood clot in one of the surface veins and the whole project has been put on hold until the thing either yields to the blood thinners or gets surgically removed, but.
This is happening.
It may be next summer.
It may take five summers!
*the one I got is not currently up for sale, but it matches the swim suit.
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spyroid101 · 3 years
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PhinDoll’s a good bro~
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hi, congratulations so happy for you. Now I have a few prompts that I would lIke to see your spin on. Mafia! Bucky x Receptionist reader. I am in a really bratty mood and need Mafia! Bucky to fix that it seems. Feel free to do one all or none no pressure from me. 114 Make Me; 139 I'd Like to see you try 135 Do your worst; 126 "You took my heaven away and didn't think that I wouldn't go looking for revenge?"; 111 "Its easier to ask forgiveness than permission - Dolphin AKA Mrs.Mischief209
Thanks hun 🙃
I could only think of one way this could go without it going dark, sooo-
This is more so just mafia!bucky x fem!reader bc there isn't a mention of being a receptionist- oops 😬
Mafia!Bucky Sleepover
Lil angsty and good bitta smut below cut: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI
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"Goddammit..." Bucky sighed when he walked into his shared bedroom to you sitting with your back against the headboard and a disapproving look on your face.
He let his head fall forward, trudging further into the room with a yearning between his legs that was going to have to wait.
All he had thought about for the last five hours was the sweet yet vulgar sounds he was going elicit from you; but now he had to make nice.
You watched as he kneeled on the end of the bed, suit jacket crumpled on the floor and mattress dipping under his weight as he made his way to you; knees on either side of your legs and his hands holding him up at your sides.
He leaned in to place a kiss to your lips, a loving smile adorning his face. "No." You muttered, turning your head away from him.
"I'm sorry, babygirl. I didn't have service at the warehouse. Gimme some love." He said softly, going to dip his head to under your jaw before having his face pushed away by your palm.
Something only you would ever be able to get away with.
"Serious?" He huffed, looking at you completely dumbfounded. "It's 5am, James..." You murmured.
He narrowed his eyes at the stern look on your face, knowing you couldn't be serious. You were almost as insatiable as him and it had been damn near two days.
"Need my girl, c'mon. You know I'm sorry." His hand glided up the inside of your thigh, stopping when you swatted at it. "Talk to me, sweets. How can I fix it?"
"Not leave me thinking something happened to you." You looked at him from the corner of your eye and his head dropped to your shoulder. "I won't do it again. Just wanna fuck, baby." He mumbled. "You could've texted me before you went to the warehouse."
"It's easier to ask forgiveness than permission." He hummed, nosing at your jaw. "I'm not saying you can't do it, James. I'm just saying to let me know so I'm not brewing in my thoughts."
Bucky lifted his head, amused smile tugging at his lips. "Out of everything I do, staying out late without telling you is where you draw the line?"
You rolled your eyes at him and exhaled a deep breath. "I said I was sorry. Touch me, please. Wanna feel you."
You maneuvered from under him, hopping off of the bed without another look at him. "Where are you going?" He grumbled, turning to sit on the edge. "Guest room. You left me worried, so, I'm leaving you to your hand."
A hasty kiss to the corner of his mouth and you made your dash to the bedroom door. "Dammit, sweets! Don't fucking do this." He called after you, the guest room door shutting in his face.
"Have fun with your hand!" Your voiced sounded from the other side when the lock clicked.
Bucky woke up the next morning in a foul mood. The creases between his eyebrows seemed to turn permanent as he watched you walk into the kitchen, only wearing one of his button down shirts and underwear.
His jaw clenched when his gaze wandered to the soft skin of your thighs, wanting nothing more than to shove his head between them and stay there for the entire day.
"Sleep good, big boy?" You teased, his hard stare meeting your taunting one. "No. I slept like shit." He grumbled, bringing his coffee cup to his lips. "The bed in the guest room is really comfortable. Might sleep in there more often."
Bucky pushed away from the counter, taking the few steps to stand in front of you. His eyes trained on the buttons of the shirt you wore.
"Take it off." He nearly growled, starting to reach his sleek prosthetic hand towards the fabric. "No." You snapped, smacking the hand away. "Dammit, why are you doing this?"
You giggled backing towards the doorway. "Is big, tough James Buchanan being needy?" You said, taunting tone and first name ripping through Bucky.
"Stop it, dollface. This is the last warning." The husky tone of his voice nearly made your knees buckle, but you had to keep up the game. "Make me."
His eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Oh, really?" He said, tongue swiping across his bottom lip. "I'd like to see you try." You sassed, leaning against the doorframe.
His thumbs hooked in the waistband of his track pants, shoving them down to pool at his ankle. "Two can play that game, sugar." He said, tone low and calm as you willed yourself not to look pass his bare chest.
A devilish smile crept across your face as you worked at the buttons of the shirt, letting it fall down your arms before tossing it at him. "I play it better."
Bucky's breath hitched at the sight of your bare chest, stepping closer to you so he could lift two cool, metal fingers to the underside of your chin and tilt you head up.
"You took my heaven away and didn't think I would go looking for revenge?" He chuckled lowly, blue irises darkened and a barely visible rim around his blown pupils. "I know just how to push your buttons, sweetheart."
"Do your worst, James."
Bucky knew he was in over his head on this game, but he also knew you couldn't hold out on him forever. The ache for him between your thighs would consume you and you'd let him back in.
So, as he sat at the head of the bed with his back pressed to the wooden headboard, he tried to keep his eyes averted from the open bathroom door as you showered; your figure blurry from the fog that coated the glass shower door.
Bucky palmed himself through the thick comforter that laid over his lap, waiting for you to come out when the water turned off.
"Still pouting?" You giggled, tilting your head to the side as you pulled your underwear on. A wicked smirk graced his sharp features and he gripped the plush fabric in his lap in vibranium fingers before throwing it away from him.
Your breath caught in your throat at the sight of his tip swollen and leaking, resting against his toned abdomen.
"What? Can't take some of your own teasing?" He mocked, fishing over himself a few times; watching you linger across the room, chewing on your bottom lip.
He waited until you were in arms reach, jerking you onto the bed with him and shifting around so your clothed wetness was pressed to his throbbing erection.
"Is it still no?" He tested, his large hands rocking your hips against him, fabric of your underwear easily being torn when you shook your head. "Those were my favorite-"
Bucky gripped the back of your neck to smash your lips to his, rocking your hips against him and moaning at the feeling of your slick coating the silky skin.
"I can buy you as many as you want." He huffed, having you lift your hips so you could lower on him. Your hands held onto the headboard for some support, a whimper passing your lips with every inch that stretch you further. "There ya go, good girl." He moaned once he was fully sheathed in your snug walls.
Bucky didn't hesitate to pick up the speed, dragging you down and shoving you up at the pace he wanted. Your head lulled forward as his hips pistoned up into yours. Not able to do much else than to whine and moan, your fingers digging into the hot skin of his chest.
A soft yelp escaped your throat when the palm of his warm hand came in contact with the swell of your backside before squeezing the tender flesh. "Cum, babydoll. Make a mess on cock." Bucky grunted, hips meeting yours each time he pulled you back down.
Salacious sounds echoed around the room, fingers curling into his sturdy chest more as the pressure in your lower belly with every punishing thrust. Bucky's lips locked around one your nipples, a moan vibrating against the supple skin when your clenched down around him; shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you as a mindless chant of his name spilled from your lips.
Releasing your nipple with an exaggerated pop, Bucky's head fell back against the headboard and his hips slowed to a grind as your body went lax against his chest; hot streams of his seed filling you with each twitch of his cock.
Every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire, face buried in Bucky's neck as the pants coming from both of you slowed down and the mixed release leaked down to his base.
Bucky tilted his head to look at your fully satisfied face, a dark chuckle vibrating his chest. "Oh, don't you fall asleep, sweets. I'm not done with you just yet."
A fluid motion and you're back was pressed into the mattress, Bucky's head dipping down to make a trail of kisses along your chest and abdomen as he moved further down the bed.
"Shit..." You exhaled, tangling your fingers in his hair as he pressed your legs further apart, a dark, mischievous smile curling the corners of his lips.
"How many times did you call me James, sweetheart?"
Taglist: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @commonintrest
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