#I'm fkin loosing it
honeybee-taskforce · 3 months
1x07 Rewatch Toughts and Feelings
I can't decide what to eat for dinner so maybe this will help me decide??
-This opening emergency is one of the biggest offenders of the weird season one filter. Why is everyone's skin so damn gray...
-Also i just paused cause i forgot to get water but doesn't someone get fkin impaled when he gets loose??
-that is NOT a sixteen year old lmfao
-rodeo bull for best therapist for owen! bring him back in season five!!
-TK is such a good kid for helping owen train, best son award goes to him!
-i need to add this country eye of the tiger cover to a playlist
-Did Rob Lowe actually do all this himself do you think cause I like to picture him going through the whole test and them sitting there filming it all.
-"Yeah but i can learn" He is such a good kid he just wants the best for everyone and will do whatever he needs to for others.... but not himself UGH!!
-Paul is totally justified in his anger here and I'm so glad they addressed it
-"We?" ooooooooooo.... i forgot judd said that
-I REALLY wonder what they would've done with michelle's storyline and the aiding the needy if she'd come back for season 2+
-The pacing of early season dialogue is so strange cause one minute Carlos is scolding her and then immediately it's "oh btw we have a lead" like whaaaa
-that might just be me reading too much fanfic where we have time to explain things though LOL
-judd and grace are so cuuuute i love their before bed chats
-"I can do that" "Can you?" LMAOOOOOOOOO
-Owen and Judd having such good conversations but it just ends up getting resolved by a damn lightning bolt
-its raining and the sun is out where are the rainbows show me the rainbows
-I genuinely forgot that he named each and every one of the 126 and why he wouldn't keep them around... damn. fuck this guy!!
-can you imagine what it would be like if they kept Billy chill moving forward and a frenemy at the worst instead of everything that happens at the end of S2 lol...
-obviously that wouldn't make good drama for TV, BUT! It's just one of many things i keep wondering how it'd have played out differently
-this vague ass ending with the crashed truck why do i remember NOTHING about michelle's storyline????
nearing the end of the season and the only thing i really remember moving forward is the bang bang and the resulting conclusion of all that so... lets see what happens now!
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lesser-mook · 9 months
Shut Up Amazo 2? (ft.Parasite) | My Adventures with Superman-Kun
Do I believe it's legit? 900% absolutely- fuckin not.
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I'm a fkin nobody, just how I like it.
Hence: "LESSER"mooK
I found the "coincidence" funny tho, could you imagine a timeline where this was legit tho... Think about it. You claim the video, take loose inspiration from it.
Only to miss the point of the original video completely lmfao.
Imagine how cool it would be if Zucker-borg Morrow didn't say anything, kept his mouth shut about the suit function. And we see Superman just scanning the dude mid-fight, taking & slipping punches to size up the suit, all while he's fighting, on some Goku shit.
(Tho unless this Clark has a boxing/combat background, wouldn't make sense that he'd be that good a fighter this early in his career but it'd be cool to see, eventually since a Season 2 is confirmed)
Especially given that a version of him did join the Military:
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Since his powers manifest late anyway, say he gets the durability later, and he legit knows how to fight cause he was trained in the American Armed Forces, Combat Vet.
THIS GUY: (My jaw would drop if this happened)
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And actually, New52 Superman fights like with intelligence anyway!!! So it wouldn't be GOKU style, it'd be SUPERMAN acc ngl.
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amporella · 2 years
sorry, up to u whether to post this publicly, i feel like this is just a dump; i unfollowed romancewithtegridy a few weeks ago after they had posted something loosely like, "you are not more special than straight peopl if you are lgbt, ppl like that pisses me off" and it was one of their drunken rants or whatnot. and ofc theyre nobody is better than anyone else for their sexuality. im sure nobody lgbt thinks like that outside of the internet. if they actually stepped outside of their fkin (1)
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You know what, anon. This comes off as a little harsh, but honestly, I feel pretty much the exact same way. It's not that I don't understand why people would miss or feel sympathy towards her - I wasn't close to her (I don't think we ever actually had a conversation) but I know some people were - but I feel absolutely none of it. Her mental illness was obviously serious, but it doesn't justify her behavior, and when choosing how to handle a situation like that, you focus on the victims (people who were actually hurt by her posts) rather than the person posting. I'm sure romancewithtegridy was suffering, and I feel for her in that regard, but I feel comfortable in saying that the majority of people following me have also gone through mental health issues yet have never resorted to racial and homophobic slurs.
In response to nobody else thinking that way outside the internet; you're totally right, and those kind of posts are a major pet peeve of mine. I'll occasionally see posts cross my dashboard along those lines (my absolute favorite is 'it's okay for men to be masculine', with 'it's okay to like wearing makeup' as a close second), but like, those things aren't actually an issue off the internet. Nobody's oppressing straight people for being straight off the internet, and frankly, I bet her constant presence online was (while maybe not a primary reason, as I don't know her well enough to make that call) a contributing factor to her mental decline. If you start feeling legitimately agitated by things that you see online for an extended period of time, and that agitation overwhelms your enjoyment, log off. Go sit outside. It won't fix everything, but it'll make you feel a lot better!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts <3
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invinciblerodent · 7 years
Hey, why is it that making a character bi when they're straight is good, and when the reverse happens it's bad? Feel free not to answer if people have been stressing you out with this, but, I'm a pansexual male and I don't really understand why installing for example bi sera mods out of convenience is bad. My friend said its gross but wouldn't it all be gross? Thanks in advance. (Not trying to imply anything, just confused, I am not going to install bi sera mods)
I feel like I should add a reaction image here just to break up the monotony of the text, but I don’t think there is one in my library that would accurately represent what I’m thinking.
Okay. This has been talked about for years at this point, and not to be rude, but if you’re still confused, it’s because you have been either not paying attention, or are actively avoiding the topic. You are asking me to redo the emotional labor that has already been done, by people much more qualified than I am, and is readily available if you just take the time to look for the answer to your questions.
But, I realize that not everyone has been around for the past few years, so I’ll give you the benefit of a doubt, and I’ll try my best to explain it in a concise manner. I’m still not an asshole.
(Full disclosure, I say these things as a white, bisexual cis woman whose long term partner is a white, straight cis man. I experience just about as many privileges as a queer person possibly can, and I highly recommend you look into the thoughts and work of creators of color, and the people who are most harmed by this specific issue. This has not been spoken of for a while now so they may be deep within people’s blogs, but if you really care about the answer, you can spare the ~hour or so that it will take to hunt down enough sources to form an understanding. It’s not my job to do your research for you, I’ll just give a summary of it.)
The simplest way I can describe it is with a somewhat clunky metaphor I’ve read about this like a year ago.
Imagine that you have a plate of cookies. Those are all the instances m/f love is seen in media, all the prince charmings and lovely princesses, all the cartoons, games, movies, books that feature a romantic subplot between a male and a female protagonist. Take away one or two, chances are, you don’t even notice that they are gone. You don’t care, you still have enough.
Now imagine that you have one or two cookies. Those are all the instances openly LGBT+ identities are shown in mainstream media. It’s only a few, but it is all you have. And if you must go hungry for someone else to have one more cookie, you will notice.
I don’t like to liken identities to food, but this is the most straightforward way to say it that I can think of.
The thing about the bi Sera and bi Dorian mods in particular (and tbh I find it rather gross to call those mods “bi mods”, they’re more like “availability mods”, they don’t make them bisexual, they just make them romantically available for player characters of another gender) is simply that, unlike mods making originally straight characters somehow LGBT+ (which does not, in any way, undermine the heteronormativity of mainstream media, and especially the shockingly homophobic and sexist boys’ club that the AAA video game industry can be), it is not creating representation where there is none. It is taking away already existing representation with the intent of making SGA characters attracted to genders they normally would not be attracted to.
It’s not created with the intent of carving out a place in which you could see yourself. It’s created because you were told “no”, and you can’t take rejection.
Remember, if you don’t think representation matters, it is because you are already represented.
Those characters are already part of a marginalized group, a sexual minority if you will, and it is part of their identity- which is especially important to people who identify with those characters. The existence of a character like Sera, who is a fully realized lesbian with a happy ending and an actual character arc not revolving around her sexuality, in a big budget AAA game, can be especially important to people who identify as lesbians. Dorian, a gay man whose story actually deals with issues related to his sexuality, is also especially important to people who may have experienced the same- being told by guardians, people they have loved and respected, that who they are, who they love, is an imperfection to be changed.
To put it simply, bi mods for already marginalized characters take away representation from the groups they were created for. And that’s especially gross in the case of mods like bi Sera, bi Dorian (and somewhere down the line I’m SURE there’s gonna be bi Gil and bi Suvi, and at that point all hell will break loose again) because it echoes what so many gay- and lesbian-identifying people have heard over and over their whole lives: That you must conform. You must enter an other sex relationship to be good enough. You must make yourself accessible to me, specifically me, for me to love you and accept you. Who you are is imperfect; let me fix you. (And let’s not even go into implications of conversion therapy, corrective r*pe, the fucking Russian concentration camps for gay men, and all those other delectable issues that are still present in the year of our lord 2017, because I’m SO not qualified to talk about any of this- really, fkin google it. There are so many excellently written articles just within this community, it’s really not hard to find.)
“Bi mods” are not creating representation for us bisexuals. It’s telling gay men and lesbian women that they are not good enough, that they must change, and they must conform to be worthy of romantic love, because someone who claims to love them cannot be assed to make their fictional avatar of the gender that they are attracted to. It’s hurtful, and damaging, and a disgusting mistreatment of not just the characters, but the people they represent.
You see where I’m going with this? Doing the same to a straight character, while I personally don’t intend to do it because I have no problem playing a character whose gender identity is not the same as mine (for others it may trigger feelings of gender dysphoria, or any number of unpleasant feelings, so really I get it), is coping. It’s clawing out a small, imperfect place for yourself where there was none. It does not harm or affect straight people, it does not tell them that they must change to be loved.
Context in this specific issue is key. You can’t just take the whole thing out of the sociocultural environment in which it exists. You cannot examine these things in a vacuum, take them by the numbers, and just ignore all the times LGBT+ people have seen, and heard, and experienced the same rejection before.
Bi mods for gay characters are made because you can’t take it when you are told “no”.
Bi mods for straight characters are made because sometimes all the representation you can get is what you make for yourself.
There is a goddamn profound difference.
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