#I'm just v emotion and v tired but also happy and sad oh man
otterlyart · 3 years
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The best stories are built on love, and out of it ❤️
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hanarinhightown · 2 years
DILF squad (Victus, Castis, Sparatus)
hoo boy here we go, thank you for the food anon
First impression
Victus: For legal reasons, I cannot answer this question.
Castis: ok so...........ngl i heard that castis was in andromeda and the first time i played andromeda it was just a race to the finish line to see castis. it was the only questline i did outside of the main quest (and i'm usually the person doing every little tiny thing). and then i was underwhelmed bc of course i was
Sparatus: oh no look at those green eyes
Impression now
V: Honestly? He's ruining my life. He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He's so sad. He makes me wanna cry.
C: he's perfect. he's emotionally stilted. determined. terrible fashion sense but he's committed to it. a caring father who's had a tragic time dealing with the prolonged illness of his wife and a problem child who keeps disappearing and re-appearing with an apparent death wish. he's shattering but he doesn't show it. maybe doesn't even know it. he's a bottom.
S: i am once again thinking unholy thoughts about that bastard laiel sparatus
Favorite moment
V: am i a bad person if i say it's his ass shot on menae but no really the "I'm the Primarch of Palaven?" moment is unparalleled cinematic moments in video games, I get chills just thinking about it
C: i really really really love the conversation between garrus and castis in the homeworlds comic. obviously that comic has done a number on me because i haven't known peace since i read it, but also just...the emotional impact of garrus calling his father and essentially saying "i'm dying." and castis just calmly trying to talk him out of it..... it hits hard.
S: when he gets Big Mad at you for hanging up on the council for the millionth time
Idea for a story
V: i may or may not be writing a story right now about victus and castis meeting after the war and talking about the war and being a father and pushing your sons to be what you need them to be instead of meeting them where they are and discussing old times in their field unit days and acting on old adolescent feelings for each other now that they're old and weary and tired and need Something Good
C: ok well i also have a wip about sidonis rescuing garrus's family on palaven, and it's mostly from sid's perspective, but i'm trying to explore castis's reaction to their conversations. he hears sid talking about garrus (without knowing that's who he is talking about -- sid knows who castis is but not the other way around) and it opens something up in him, makes him have some realizations of his own about his relationship with solana and garrus that he's already been struggling with (more on this below!) as well as putting the war in perspective in a way that sort of opens him up to victus, who's been messaging him from the normandy upon working with garrus and being unable to not be reminded of a young castis, and he messages castis hoping to find some tough love since they used to butt heads a lot in basic about their conflicting styles and he wants someone to be realistic about his situation as primarch, but they end up talking every night as sad dilfs do until they lose contact the night cipritine is attacked which happens to coincide with the whole tuchanka ordeal and..........well they're both spiraling after that and they deserve a very happy castis-vakarian-giving-the-primarch-of-palaven-a-handjob after that
S: that bastard laiel sparatus tells me to eat dirt and i do it wait what
Unpopular opinion
V: oh hmmmm idk i'm so bad at this section i'm sorry
C: I don't even think there are popular opinions about Castis for me to have the unpopular alternative to, so I'm using this as a free space to say that Castis Vakarian has an absolute dump truck ass
S: heads empty no thoughts i am but a vessel for The Urge every time this man is on screen
Favorite relationship
V: Tarquin
C: Garrus
S: i love the way some people write his relationship with Tevos and Valern!!
Favorite headcanon
V: Victus was a cautionary tale in the Vakarian household about Castis's "old friend Adrien" until he started climbing in the ranks and Castis realized Garrus's eyes lit up every time Victus was in the vids and his plan was backfiring
C: based on the way garrus talks about castis in me3, it seems like garrus thinks that it's himself who grew up a bit and comes around to taking his father's approach seriously when he goes to him with the reaper warning that castis takes to fedorian. i like to think that, actually, castis *has* changed a lot. the man threatened to lock up his own son right before he retires (timing can't be a coincidence, the man was exhausted) and then that son disappeared and only reappeared months later on the day of his apparent death on omega, only to survive and then disappear beyond an uncharted mass relay??? i have to imagine that when garrus finally comes around, castis is just... ready to listen now. he doesn't understand his son, but he worries that he won't get another chance. he can't lose him. so he sits down, and he listens.
S: Sparatus is aro ace and he has a mistress but isn't really sure why tbh???? She's very nice and they play chess together
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