#I'm not hurting anyone. and autistic people are allowed to be visibly autistic and still exist in public
noahsteensonfilms · 3 months
"The Food Is Wrong!"- a "When Only We're Around" short story
*I completely forgot to post this here, sorry*
(1 month post-movie)
"We will both be having the steaks. But make sure that his has the chips, vegetables, and steak not touching. Okay? He doesn't do well with the foods touching." Emiliano instructs the waiter, Elliot washed with embarrassment over his particular request, not leaning forwards until the waiter had returned to the kitchen.
"God. Why am I so finicky?" Elliot slaps his head in exasperation.
"This restaurant offers alterations, or the waiter would of mentioned it when I made the order. They shouldn't get mad when a customer wants an alteration." Emiliano assures him, then leans back, sipping on a glass of coke.
"Still... I feel entitled when asking. Couldn't we have gone to a McDonald's or Hungry Jack's?"
"Elliot. This is date night. On date night, we go to fancy restaurants. This dinner is like $150 so we better enjoy it."
Elliot fidgets, tapping the fork next to him repeatedly. Humming the song they had wrote the weekend they fell in love.
"So, were you able to get anyone at school to join your band?" Emiliano asks, placing thier hand on Elliot's to stop the fidgeting.
"A few people seemed interested. But a band ran by an autistic druggie isn't the easiest sell."
"Well then, that is thier loss. You are the best vocalist in all of Perth. They would be nothing without you."
"I'm glad that you believe that. But you are biased, because you want me to be in a good mood so you can fuck me tonight? Right?"
"Elliot?! That's a bit vulgar for a high class establishment."
"It's not my fault I get laid more than these uptight businessmen."
"2 steaks both medium well?" A waitress asks, holding thier meals.
"Yes, thats our order. Thank you." Emiliano responds, whilst the waitress puts thier plates in front of them.
Emiliano begins to eat his food, before looking over to Elliot with concern.
"You okay babe?" They ask, before looking down to Elliot's plate. Realising why he had fallen silent.
"Everything is touching." Elliot says, scratching at his arm. "Why is it all touching! It's not supposed to. It's all wrong!" By this point Elliot has become visibly in panic.
"Please tell your friend to calm down or you will both be removed from this establishment!" A waiter demands, rushing to thier table, which every other table is now looking to.
"My Boyfriend, thank you very much! We specifically asked for his steak, chips and veggies to not be touching each other. He has sensory issues. You ignored our simple request. Now he's having a meltdown and getting blames for it!?" Emiliano complains frustrated that they are getting blamed.
"We do not allow requests like that? The waiter says, baffled at Emiliano's insistence that alterations were allowed.
"When I made that order, our waiter made no mention of that. If alterations aren't allowed we should if been told that while MAKING the alteration. It wasn't even really an alteration either. It's just changing the arrangement of what was already on the fucking plate!" Emiliano continues, ranting about the ease of not having the foods touch, how it is ableist to not allow such a small inclusion.
"The textures they are wrong! They aren't the same! They shouldn't touch!" Elliot continues, getting louder each sentence.
"C'mon Ell. Let's just go get Macca's. At least they know how to alter a fucking meal."
~~~~~~~~~20 mins later (at McDonald's)~~~~~~~~
"I made a fool out of myself, Em. I was screaming!? Hurting myself?! I must of looked like an entitled baby." Elliot mopes, eating a 20 pack of McNuggets.
"No, babe, they were in the wrong. It was a simple request for accessibility reasons, and they were too uppity to respect that. That didn't deserve the $150 I spent."
"Can we have an extra long cuddle after sex tonight?" Elliot asks, resting his head on Emiliano's shoulder.
"We can cuddle for the rest of the night."
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as an autistic kid I got criticized for not making eye contact. so as an adult I trained myself to make very consistent eye contact (easier said than done). this in turn has led to some people telling me it's "kinda weird" that I "stare so much." the moral of this story is there is actually no pleasing neurotypicals
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