#I'm the shaco
inloveanddepth · 10 months
so soul fighter looks fun
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deer-with-a-stick · 3 months
the fact that the season cinematic is making people feel Vague Positive Emotion for Tryndamere is hilarious. You either get the Teemo (Mortal Reminder) treatment or you get the Ezreal (Warriors) treatment no in-between
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hivvernal · 6 months
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The jokes on you!
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bells-of-black-sunday · 6 months
"Why am I so short? Because the Gods don't fucking love me."
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brood-mother · 4 months
total long shot but do any of my followers play league and if so are you playing aram clash cup this weekend and if so do you have room for another thoroughly mediocre players on ur team 🥺
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ohnoitstbskyen · 6 months
I know music is not your specialty, but what is your opinion on Riot games' pieces and do you have any personal favorites? This extends to champion themes, event music and Esport anthems. (Personally I'm a big fan of Pentakill and some of the champion themes like Pyke or Jhin)
Yeah I can't really offer any, like, analytical commentary on the music, but there is a running joke that Riot Games is a music publisher that occasionally patches a video game.
Personally, I really, really, REALLY enjoy Viego's theme as a piece of storytelling music,
and I cannot listen to tracks like Volibear or Pantheon's themes without getting pumped, it might be literally impossible.
I have a lot of fondness for Nami's theme, Tidecaller
and Lulu and Shaco's Quirky Encounter off the official League of Legends soundtrack.
The Odyssey theme is an absolute fucking banger,
and nothing vibes quite as deep with the champion as Tahm Kench's theme does (even if I wish it was a bit more extended rather than trailing off like it does).
A bit more of a niche thing, but I really like the way Riot has used the Demacia leitmotif so consistently in a lot of its music. So the base theme is this (I think it also counts unofficially as Garen's champion theme?):
The primary melody and a lot of the compositional structure from that then shows up in Poppy's theme, but much much gentler and sweeter, which reflects both her role in Demacia's founding and her personality:
And in a BIG and BOMBASTIC rendition in Galio's theme, which... I'm not 100% sold on Galio's theme, but I love that it has that consistency:
And then it shows up again halfway through Sylas' theme, but with a more ominous, tense and unpleasant vibe... which I can't embed directly because Tumblr enforces a 10 videos per post limit? Huh. First time I've run into that.
Well here's a link instead then.
But yeah, Riot has a habit of working with some DAMN good musicians and composers for their champion themes. I won't say every single theme is a perfect banger, I do feel like a lot of them fall into the trap of "making it epic" because that's what cool fantasy video game music is supposed to sound like, rather than really engage deeply with what the champion is about, but they hit more often than they miss, I think.
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thestringking · 1 year
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finished AU viego and shaco concepts for my little league fancomic i'm working on!
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odekoyma · 2 months
So thinking and reading your comics, I can't help but think of a third team of goobers. Briar (Top), Zeri (Bot), Tahm Kench (Sup), Shaco (Jungle) and Lux (Mid). The dynamics between each role would be funny, especially the personality clash (Except the Supports who all try their best with their problem children). I'm also just a general fan of Zoe and Shaco being gremlin friends together
Nothing can stop from making your own Dream team!
There are endless possibilities with over 150 champions in League so ofc it would be cool to see more teams like these.
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olwrat · 5 months
Me when I'm a poor lil' full build adc and the 3/12/0 enemy Shaco is missing.
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*Gotta pray that Teleport will be quick enough*
*I don't wanNA DIE YET GETT-*
*An ally has been slain*
Actual conversation I had once, accidentally tipping on /all
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league-of-starlight · 5 months
*pointing a gun at you, politely* Favourite League Of Legends champion and why, explain yourself. No particular reason im just curious. If you say Shaco im blowing my brains up. Polite threat :)
Oh, well, this is something. A pleasant something.
That's a tough one because I like a lot of them. But if I have to pick one of my top ten, and I do...
I just... really like Miss Fortune. Specifically Ruined King and partially LOR version. Just, the struggle that she desperately wants to kill Gangplank because she thinks that'll fix things, but when she finally does it it just makes things complicated and now she's constantly struggling with doing the same things to keep control, and it turns out he's still alive so now all that work just earned a pissed off enemy looking to handle the score.
And despite that, despite all the nightmares, all the shitty things she 'has' to do to maintain a grip on her city, and even though it's taking it's toll, there's still a heart under it all. Someone who can joke, laugh, share meals, have friends in a sense. It's interesting. I love that. But she can't let go of what happened, completely understandable, and that tension is just so good for a protagonist.
Sarah is a great character, and I'd love nothing more than for her to finally find peace and drop Gangplank into a watery grave. But, you know. Riot's gotta riot.
Other characters I love are Gwen because I love the whimsy and the whole 'legacy of Isolde' is neat. Lucian and Senna because battle couples are cool. Jhin because I'm pretentious. I have a nostalgia for Annie and Amumu because they were two of the champions I first learned about. The arcane crew all have a place in my heart too. And Lux plus Seraphine, because, call me basic, but I love optimism.
But, yeah, Sarah. Gold star.
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pomefiwhore · 1 year
TWST League of Legends Headcanons
I've been with this in my mind for a loooong time so I've finally decided to voice this hcs of mine !! some characters aren't listed because I have no idea who they would play with but I'm welcome to hear your opinions <3
Riddle: mostly a mid-laner but time to time chooses to be support. mono mages and MAIN VEIGAR THERE IS NO DISCUSSIONS UPON THIS
Ace: goes mostly top and mid but sometimes go with jungle. he uses the MOST ANNOYING AND OVERY-USED CHAMPIONS. that absolutely annoying and self-centered yasuo that u wanted to kill not only in-game but irl too? yeah, it's him. he loves to play the most menace characters just to show off. but he is not even that good though. I mean, he sometimes can make really good gameplays, but if he ends up against someone who REALLY knows what is doing, ace is done for and would blame the team. very obvious but he is an average yasuo main
Deuce: main top and mono tank :)) probably main sion but plays with malphite, maokai and dr mundo. sometimes likes to play with alistar too
Cater: plays with the most aesthetic characters! I hc that he is main gwen (just like me ♡) but loves to play with characters such as ahri and xayah
Trey: doesn't know what he is fucking doing so mostly goes as sup because he thinks they are the easiest to learn (usually duo with cater). BUT I hc that he enjoys play as nunu and willump because he thinks they are adorable :) probably main soraka or sona
Leona: this mf can play every single lane perfectly. he keeps saying that he barely touched the game but give him any champion and he'll fucking SLAY. but I like to hc that he quite enjoys playing as le blanc and samira ;)
Ruggie: main twitch. main twitch. main twitch. he enjoys playing in every lane but most of the matches he always plays as twitch !! being invisible and poisoning others while shooting? he loved it !! but I think he would enjoy playing as wukong too
Floyd: doesn't have a main lane because it depends entirely on his mood. sometimes he would play normally but sometimes if he is bored he would be like "ok why not go BARD TOP??????" loves to play with the most DEVIL characters such as shaco and sett but loves funny characters such as rakan and kled
Jade: plant characters. that's it. prooobably a main teemo because of the mushrooms but I hate thinking about this because.... teemo. one of the few people who play as ivern and actually good at it and is every adc worst nightmare as zyra.
Jamil: Main mid-laner. tried cassiopeia because of the snake jokes and ended up maining her. REALLY good playing as irelia so I'm really sorry for every single player that is against him. I like to think that he is good playing as akali too.
Kalim: he enjoys every lane but is terrible at most of it. probably main fizz because he thinks the gameplay is funny. insisted in playing duo with jamil but he is the WORST sup. thought annie was really cute and sometimes plays as her. an average neeko player. plays aram
Vil: doesn't play much but loves to play as the bad girls hotties characters. a nightmare as morgana and even worse as evelynn. tried elise once but didn't enjoy the gameplay. sometimes play as xayah or any adc because rook wants to be his duo.
Rook: main sup but will go jungle and play well with absolutely any jungle character. main rakan or lux because wants vil to be his xayah or jhin. but can play with any sup pretty much. he is worse than satan himself when playing as lulu. secretly considered to be shaco main. loves to play with champions that makes people suffer.
Epel: plays with any buff, strong-looking character. really. if looks strong he wil try it, no matter how hard the gameplay is. but loves playing as aatrox because of the might :) although I like to think that he is really good when playing as heirmerdinger. considered to be main poppy.
Idia: he is the WORST type of lol player. he is the definition of complete nerd incel loser. knows every single possible build, uses meta and is the type to mock other people runes if they aren't what is considered "ideal". for a long time was mono seraphine because reminded him of his favorite group but he can play every single champion and knows everything about them. even the lore. I'm scared of him.
Ortho: main baby characters. without intention he mains the PUREST characters. was main braum for a long time and loves to play as kogmaw or gnar 🥺 just like his brother knows everything, but only because he is an android 💀 loves to play duo with his big brother and is an absolute menace as lillia
Lilia: a nerd loser just like idia, but he is too old for this shit so he is far from being a toxic lol player. loves to play with the most "??? omg this dude still exist" champions and SLAYS. was main bard for a long time because he loved the gameplay. I feel sorry for every single enemy team that ended up against Lilia when he was playing as jax. I hc that he was also a main zoe.
Sebek: I'm just putting him here because I'd love to think that he would be main renekton because well, croc.
please if you are a lol player tell me ur headcanons too!!!
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 6 months
I love your writing so much!! I'm not usually in to xreader stuff, but you do it very well! Your style is super pleasing to me, don't know how to explain it but it just is! You also have a very good grasp of League lore; and that's refreshing to see as a League veteran. Keep up the good work and please take care of yourself :)
Aww, that's so sweet, thank you. Basically I started playing League a few years ago (I think it's 3, but I don't trust myself with numbers enough to be sure) with the only reasoning being the lore, which - from what I heard - was really convoluted. That's why I always try to include some facts from the lore; I'm just a simple nerd, I see a massive universe with 100+ different characters, each of them with their unique story (maybe apart of Shaco lmao) and I can't help but loose myself in it.
In my opinion the sweetest thing an author can get from their audience is the "take care of yourself<3" and "remember to drink water" texts, like, they are so adorable.
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tearsoftime0086 · 6 months
I was the (former) anon who asked you to post your League stuff; I'm so glad you did!! You're a great writer (didn't realise I wasn't following you on tumblr; only on ao3. That has been remedied) and I'm glad I made you happy!
I'm seriously in love with your writing style. Especially on Shuriman Nights; that one made me emotional and as I said it's one of my favourite ever League fics, but those WIPs!! I love where you were going with the Shaco lore, understandable you didn't write the sad part lol. The "Gold blood, dripping from Yasuo's arm, while he drowns in red" in the other WIP is a really good line I love it so much. While I'm not the best at wording compliments I will say that if you decide to finish anything; I'll be there to cheer you on. And you're welcome to talk League lore with me anytime; I love making new friends :D
Oh wow you're following me on AO3 too? Thank you - you must've been seeing a lot of non-League updates haha, so I really appreciate it!
Your whole message is so lovely - I've never had someone compliment my writing style before o.o it makes me keep wanting to do my best!
If you can pardon my rambling for a little bit, I'm so intrigued with how Shaco's lore is almost left in the dust, even with the whole Shadow Isles/Sentinels lore that they released with Viego. Definitely want to revisit that WIP at some point, if only to jot down my thoughts on how it goes.
(Also that Yone line is my favorite in that WIP - the angst of Nightbringer Yasuo being a god in that skinline a;dklhs)
I'll 100% be sure to take you up on that League lore offer as newly minted mutuals! Thank you for the kind message and hope you have a great rest of the weekend :)
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not me re-visiting and updating the Shattering the Time (Arcane) series I'm working on and deadass typing 'Shaco' instead of 'Silco' and my brain going 'yeah that checks out'
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ceyyaa · 4 months
Hey fellow kitchen enthusiasts! Get ready to hear about some seriously awesome Amazon finds that have completely transformed my kitchen routine into a realm of charm and convenience. These gems are the secret sauce to making your kitchen feel like a cozy, welcoming haven!
First up, we have the CAROTE 15 pcs Pots and Pans Set, the superheroes of my kitchen – trendy, easy to clean, and always ready for a cooking showdown! Then there's the Homaxy 100% Cotton Waffle Weave Kitchen Dish Cloths, the absorbent, durable, and oh-so-stylish BFF every kitchen needs.
For a dining table masterpiece, check out the SHACOS Round Braided Placemats – chic, easy to clean, and bound to start conversations! And let's not forget the LANE LINEN Kitchen Towels – soft, practical, and the fashionistas of the dish-drying world.
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Need a quick fix for your favorite hot beverages? The SUSTEAS Electric Kettle has got your back, delivering pure, caffeinated goodness in a flash! Go green with the Wheat Straw Dinnerware – lightweight, sturdy, and eco-friendly, giving your meals a side of Earth-loving vibes.
Elevate your dining game with the timeless Leetaltree Beige Placemats – the perfect backdrop for your culinary masterpieces. And don't forget to invest in a killer set of cooking utensils for your kitchen adventures – it's like having your dream team, making everything easier and way more fun!
These Amazon treasures have worked wonders for my cooking and dining experiences, and I'm convinced they'll do the same for you. So go ahead, jazz up your kitchen, and enjoy happy cooking and creating!
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madzxzx · 6 months
I finally got back into league I'm feeling good enough to torture myself and Im a shaco one trick that takes smite flash instead of smite ignite and some people have the audacity to question how you play I don't need ignite to get kills I rather have flash so I can play way more risky you're a stupid piece of shit with goop sloshing around in your skull your brain is goop don't speak to me I forget that I can actually be mean because usually it's pretty hard for me even if I can see a reason to also when they question your champ if you play off meta like I used to play kha mid all the time and it's really easy to cheese your passive if you can manage your wave correctly but people always be like "kha mid?" Shut your fucking mouth I've been doing so good and people will just troll because you're playing off meta while still doing good and they don't give a fuck they just don't like that their game is being played not how it's supposed to be played go play a single player game if you're mad you can't control other people people with bad mental got me shakin my head
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