#I've seen like 5 separate people what the fuck is going on ladies
khattikeri · 8 months
i loved reading your post. i think hori is way worse than kishimoto when it comes to writing female characters. he has disgusting opinion on women and at this point i cant even separate the art from the artist. hori disgusts me on many levels. also, are you an anime only fan or do you follow the manga as well. if its the latter, what are you thoughts on the recent events of the series.
apart from his sexist view on women, i think the plot itself, it's fights and everything in between also has plenty of flaws rearing it's ugly head
I think it's less of a hatred for women on Horikoshi's part and more an unconscious bias that ends up leading to female characters all dying or fading away into irrelevancy... or being established as "strong" only for them to have a single shining moment before being relegated to supporting male character arcs, which get a lot more time and detail.
I quit the anime halfway through season 5 and haven't been reading ongoing manga chapters properly in years (I stopped when Lady Nagant was defeated), so I don't actually know how the final arc is going. I've seen some things relating to Dabi/Todoroki family drama and Bakugou's status in the battle. But I check leaks very rarely.
I was pretty disillusioned and emotional when I wrote the rant post on misogyny in the series. I just typed it out in one go fueled by my own indignance at how conveniently things go for Midoriya and how little any of the women in the story get to shine, even when the intention is for them to do so.
I obviously missed some points and examples because I was so emotional... so seeing people take it out of context on twitter and calling me a crazy tumblr fujoshi or radfem acting in bad faith pissed me off. I blocked a lot of people over it. Not worth my time if people can't fucking read and use their brains, lol.
I hesitate to throw labels at Horikoshi though. Maybe he does truly believe that women can be as strong as men. Maybe he doesn't truly hold misogynystic beliefs in the extreme way, where he thinks women have to be subservient. How people view strength between genders is an important aspect to consider. Saying a woman is strong or having her fight physically is not the same as being given equal character development to a man. Men get inhuman or creature-based designs, such as the centipede, but all the women have moe humanesque faces even if they have different skin colors or horns. Where do you draw the line?
Regardless of Horikoshi's intentions, there is a disparity in how he writes and draws his female vs his male characters, and especially how many of each of them he creates. I think it's ridiculous to act like that difference doesn't exist at all, or that someone calling it out (with no intention to like, cancel him) is reading into it too deeply.
In the end if people can't handle others pointing out flaws about things they like, that's a problem for them, not me. I've heard others say the final bnha arc is flawed and overly rushed, but I wouldn't know. I don't intend to read it until the series is over so I can binge and then mark it complete on my lists.
I used to like it but these days I find myself understanding more and more that shonen manga, especially Jump manga and action shonen, truly are not meant for me. I'm not a kid anymore and my standards for character development, plot development, and critical analysis just don't mesh well with it.
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impressivefailure · 2 years
Alright it's 5:30 in the morning so I'm gonna make one more post of my thoughts about the teaser then go to bed... and fail to fall asleep because I will still be thinking about it.
So the opening shot of Ruby in the fog room, we see her shake her head slightly suggesting she's talking, also she's seemingly by herself, so either the team doesn't reunite until a ways into the volume or Ruby is separated from the others. Might be some sort of personal trial thing? I've heard in another post that apparently the island reacts to their emotions so maybe this is just what happens when Ruby finally breaks down? it summons this... ominous fog.
The next scene is from the last teaser, and unless we are getting scenes of what's going on back in remnant it will likely be the opening scene of the volume. Not much to say here.
Then the crazy m.c. escher-esque bell tower and butterfly. The view outside the tower windows make it seem like the structure is horizontal, but differentsides don't match up, and the butterfly's movement says vertical. So clearly some trippy shit going on here. Can't quite make out what the pattern is inside the grid at the end of the structure is, but it kinda looks like a raised dias with a set of stairs leading up to it.
The next scene has Ruby holding one of penny's summoned swords. So if they made it down here then its possible her body did too, which... is unpleasant to think about given the general fuckery of this place. Crwby don't do us dirty with some kind of zombie penny please.
Then Ruby looking shocked in the forest with the mouse, I'm guessing this is fairly early on and she's just seen something that's made the otherworldliness of this place land for her.
Followed by a shot of the team on a cliffside overlooking some absoultely bonkers terrain. This could actually be a shot directly following from the last one and this view is what has Ruby shocked. We have the world tree, a hexagon of big glowing mushrooms, some smoking geyser/volcano rock formations, a floating island, some icy peaks and weird columns off in the distance, and oh yeah, fucking candyland apparently. If the terrain responds to their presence then Neo is definitely somewhere in the candy zone. We've also got a red area that reminds me of forever fall and a purpke area that kinda looks like a town covered in shadecloths that are partially hidden by the cliff and trees. So... a lot of ground to cover.
Then we've got a knight with armour seemingly reminiscent of Jaune's standing in flames. Is it jaune? Maybe, he doesn't appear anywhere else in the trailer. Definitely framed like a bad guy though. So either it's someone else or we're getting evil/corrupted jaune this volume.
Then this weird horned masked guy standing in what looks like a tree structure with glowing mushrooms around, some kind of village maybe? Also the figure has some kind of armour, shell, or exoskeleton over sinewy tissue. Not much to work with, but the stance, twitchy movement and the horns do remind me of the god of darkness a bit.
Neo looking feral in the rain and using her semblance on herself, though the scene cuts off before you can tell what illusion she's making. The terrain looks purple and rocky I don't think we've seen that so far in the trailer, so she might be in a very different area.
Someone with a bandage around one leg walking from the beach following another (likely Ruby's) set of footprints. A lot of people are saying Alyx and I'm inclined to agree mostly because they looked quite human, unlike a lot of the stuff we've seen so far, and I don't have any other good guesses except neo in disguise, abd why would she bother disguising herself if no one's there.
Then we get a montage of things asking what.The mouse talks, there's soneone with a crown, a chesire cat creature that said fuck you I'm gonna have my own artstyle, something with three eyes lurking in a pile of leaves, a lady in some kind of metal exosuit, and Ruby standing over someone (or something? We hear a what here too, but she closes a lid, so maybe whoecer spoke did so from a different place than Ruby's eyeline. That or she's locking someone in a trunk, which... normally I would say she wouldn't do, but hey she's under a lot of stress, who knows) off screen with death in her eyes. Too brief to be able to tell much about each of these. Though the exo-suit lady looks to have something to do with jaune/the knight from earlier just because they appear to be in the same place surrounded by fire. If not the person on the beach then this would be my next guess for Alyx, and it turns out she's maybe not gonna be as helpful as we hoped. No Idea why Ruby's so pissed off, but I guess that depends on who/what she's standing over.
Then we get shots of each of team Rwby and the trailer ends.
All in all, I have very few answers here. Team Rwby definitely seems to cover a lot of varied terrains, but whether they're doing so with intent or just searching remains to be seen. Jaune might be having a horrible time this volume as some kind of corrupted enemy, or that could be something completely different and they just decided not to show him in the teaser.
I have no idea, but writing all this down instead of having it rattling around my brain will hopefully help me sleep better.
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ferdydurke-moved · 4 years
Every person on earth is having birthday today I swear to god
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vampyrly · 3 years
: / i need any help and/or validation for a situation im dealing with
ok heads up this is going to be potentially very long to read and get through, like possibly 10 minutes at most but it is detailed and information heavy, i dont want to leave anything out
if anyone knows me/knows me on twitter and has seen my tweets where i've detailed the bullshit my roommate has done in the past you'll know i dont particularly like their presence based on their immature and gross antics. well ladies and gentlemen just when i thought they couldn't possibly sink any lower as a person, they pulled through the shit olympics and won gold.
my roommate has a cat, they had it prior to moving in and on their account the cat has been by their side 24/7. it is very attached and has most definitely developed a form of separation anxiety because of this. there hasnt been an issue with how often they stay with their cat up until recently... their girlfriend got her own apartment and over the past few months my rm has been staying with her 24/7. as in, is practically never in the apartment. they only come back to refill their cats food/water and is immediately out the door again. occasionally they will sleep overnight but after that they are back out the door.
as anyone who understands cats or animals in general would realize, this is essentially neglecting a cat, one you have gone from being with every day, to essentially never seeing. and this was not gradual, it was a damn near sudden change. you can probably imagine this is putting a lot of confusion and stress on the cat. over time, the cat has reacted more physically. they have become prone to crying by the door, biting the gf's toes, glaring at her (i guess), and such.
now, about a week ago, the cat had bitten my roommate incredibly hard to the point of drawing a lot of blood. apparently this was so traumatic to the rm that they now refuse to even be in the same room with the cat (there have only been a handful of times where they've slipped into the room to grab an essential and shimmy back out) so much so that they brought an air mattress, set it up in the living room, and is now temporarily sleeping there. no, im not joking.
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now im not going to go into detail about why this buildup from the cat occurred, i think it should be pretty obvious already why, but to my rm, they fully believe this behavior is aggressive and unusual. as in, this cat had malicious, negative intent to do harm on its owner. its owner which, up until months ago, they were so attached to and clearly loved. as a friend has pointed out, this isnt signaling aggression. this is signaling a need to get attention in any way possible. their own cat had scratched them up so bad to the point they almost had to go to the ER, but it wasnt because the cat was aggressive, it just thought it was playtime! the case is different here yes, because unlike my rm the friend actually takes care and gives attention to their cat, so this was a very rare occurrence. simply put, this cat is lacking so much stimulation, attention, and basic interaction that this, to me, felt like a last resort. because clearly, the constant cries of sadness wasnt doing anything for them. they're currently in the process of rehoming the cat and will permanently ditch it on the 28th. thats still another 5 fucking days of this cat being in these neglected conditions, and thats not counting when this started, which was 17th, 18th if were being generous on account of me misremembering the date of events because who can blame me so much has already happened its becoming difficult to keep track.
a cat that they up until this point loved and gave attention to as apparent by them claiming she is for emotional support, is being thrown out of their life without remorse over one instance of """aggression""" (dont make me explain why it wasnt again.)
my roommate knows full and well that they have every ability and every second on their hands to bring the cat with them to the gf's apartment but guess what? they simply choose not to do so! i guess those toes getting bitten was so traumatic because oh yeah may i add, the girlfriend is a massive enabler of the roommate and sees absolutely no issue to the actions they are taking in response. i doubt they even tried to properly warm the cat up to a person who is a newcomer to the relationship. im sure they both think in their heads that this is the most responsible thing they can do as pet owners and that they're such good people for rehoming a cat they cant take care of anymore. yes, nothing more responsible than neglecting an animal that needs social interaction as much as that one in particular is in dire need of. responsible pet owners would have never let it escalate to such a point, i'll have you know.
my roommate has done a lot of bullshit that has made me want to pull my hair out, but at the very least, it didnt involve a living creature. this however draws a line as i refuse to stand for animal neglect simply because im an outsider and have no direct say in the situation. i've taken as much action as i possibly can, phoning and texting and emailing as many people as i possibly can. i hesitate to say this is straight up animal abuse because as firm as i can be i try to give people the benefit of the doubt BUT. i will say that every single person i have relayed all of this info to thus far has told me that this is grounds for animal abuse.
yesterday i ran into my rm and they told me "heyyy sorry about her crying constantly, its just not possible for me to be in there whatsoever!" and when i asked if they have someone refilling the bowls and litter on their behalf they said "nope just me" ????????? simultaneously on the same day i said fuck it, i am going to break out the secret key i have to their room to check on the cat. yes i have a key to their room, i have never used it until now and if you want to ignore everything thus far to give me some shit about trust or whatever consider: i dont fucking care. as it turns out the food and water bowls are the type that automatically refill. so, hmmm. theres that part out of the way, but of course, you cannot put in a machine to automatically interact with a cat on the level of a human. as for the litter, i couldnt see since i didnt step more than a foot into the room as to not impede boundaries on the cat and i didnt want my roommate to suddenly come home to me knees deep in their shithole. it was probably in the closet but then how is that being cleaned? those automatic cleaning cat litter boxes dont come cheap and i know damn well they cannot afford one. and may i just add as a tidbit, the room has a sitting scent of pee. though seeing as how gross my roommate can get im betting its just them and not the cat. also that room was cold as fuck. were at 60-70s right now in terms of weather right now it does not need to be that cold......
here is a video i was able to capture. i mounted my phone on a monopod in order to get a scope of the room without stepping in too far.
i decided that the least i can do at the moment is to head out to dollar tree and get a toy or two so i can at least provide some amount of stimulation. before i left, i checked on her again.
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she was just laying there, keeping her distance, and didnt lurch at me whatsoever. i came back with a feather wand and played with her for a couple of minutes. she responded a little to it, but for the most part she was peering out the door wondering where the hell her so called responsible owner was. i took my sweater off and let the cat sniff it. i have zero relationship with this cat, infact its the first time i've ever properly seen it as it is locked in the bedroom 24/7.
now you may be asking yourself, why is this cat locked away in a room 24/7 like rapunzel locked in her tower and not roaming freely in the open apartment? i too would like an answer to this! i rarely spend any time in the living room but even if i did i have NO issue with it chilling in there.
someone i phoned did bring up a good point that for AS to consider a legitimate case of abuse or even do anything, there'd need to be no food or water. so essentially, unless you're straight up physically harming an animal outside of their headquarters they dont fucking care. want to be proven further on that? my rm actually did speak with AS at the start of bite-saga. surprisingly they werent 100% truthful, and, get a load of this, they told them that the cat potentially has a virus, and that they need to be quarantined the entire 2 week period. thats some lying bullshit if i've ever heard some!!! not only that, just a few hours ago i peeped the girlfriend had the vet get back to them about lending a muzzle!
SO. heres the current situation as of today and what will occur to tomorrow: i finally phoned someone who is going to drop by the apartment tomorrow, potentially with another person (these are not random people, im simply keeping their status as anonymous as possible to maintain their privacy) to check on the cats conditions. they'll also call AS again and nudge the rm in a way where it seems AS needs them to expedite the surrendering process sooner than later. i cant imagine another 5 days of this going on, but theres only so much that can be done that doesnt involve me straight up catknapping the poor thing and rehoming her myself. this is the condition of the cat as of a few hours ago:
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if i were someone uninvolved and saw this, i would have assumed she were a stray that broke into the room........
i try not to be petty and villainous, but a line has been crossed and the disgusting mistreatment of an innocent creature is a crime i refuse to allow be sweeped under the rug. if theres any benefit to living in a relatively small town, its that everyone knows or at least recognizes everyone. far too many people already get away with animal abuse, at the very least i can make as many people here as aware of their antics as i can. is that wrong to do? should i not air all that i can out about them? im so tired and exhausted. i've lost so much sleep over this and im probably going to lose a lot more. thanks for reading.
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portiaphan · 4 years
DV Characters as Things Hannibal Buress Has Said
Alex: "I'm a gangsta, and gangstas don't ask questions." Yes they do ask questions! I thought that was a main point of being a gangster. "Hey, mothafucka, where's my money?" That's a question. "Do you want to die tonight?" That's a question too. "What? What?" That's two questions.
Alva: Gibberish rap is - I freestyle all the time, just hangin' out with friends. And sometimes when I'm freestyling, I'll lose my flow, you know, but I'll still wanna - I don't wanna just stop rapping because I lose my flow. So I'll just put in nonsense words till I can bring in regular words again.
Brielle: I couldn't imagine only being an actor or a writer. Because what the hell do I do when I'm not working? Mope?
Battista: I’m a dumb guy. My point of view is limited.
Bellamy: Why are you booing me? I'm right!
Beau: SIX PACK ABS! TEN PACK ABS! TWELVE PACK! What if I want an odd number of abs? What if I want a five pack to show people I'm still humble?
Bernadette: My other airport nemesis is airport security. I don't like them at all. They seem so dedicated to keeping bottled water out of the sky.
Calina: I acknowledge that I jaywalked, I apologize not for the act of jaywalking but how my jaywalking made you feel. I'll try not to jaywalk in the future while you're watching but trust that I'll do it for the rest of my life - it's the best way to go about being a pedestrian.
Castora: There's a lot of dudes in my neighborhood that have handlebar mustaches. Which is cool if you want to have a handlebar mustache but don't try to have a conversation with me like you don't have a handlebar mustache.
Catherine: He said, "Man, we are right by the Adige River. These buildings are 200-300 years old, they have rats everywhere. Even the five-star restaurants have rats!" Somehow he made me feel like the asshole for bringing up rats! I don't know what kind of jedi mind trick that was - it confused the hell out of me because I still ended up ordering food then.
Cyrus: So we talk for a little bit. She says stuff, I say stuff, she says stuff, I say stuff. You know how a conversation works.
Celeste: I get upset easily by people. I saw this guy- he was on the phone. He had the phone between the ear and shoulder like that, but he didn't have anything in his hands. Which is really upsetting! Who the hell do you think you are? This action for people that are multitasking. Where's your other task? You're not doing anything else.
Daphne: He'd be the worst real estate agent ever. "Right here we have a 34 bedroom house. Let me show you around the property. Great features to this place, some of the rooms have extra, smaller rooms in them."
Delilah: I was in Scotland for all of August and it was the darkest time of my life. Mostly 'cause they call cookies biscuits. I don't like that at all. It was an incredible culture shock for me, tough to adjust but I tried for a few weeks. Pass me the chocolate chip BISCUITS. Let's have biscuits and milk, everybody. I love Oreo biscuits. But, in the fourth week, I couldn't handle it no more. THOSE ARE COOKIES THOSE AREN'T BISCUITS. Those are cookies. Cookies are cookies and biscuits are biscuits. If you call cookies biscuits, what do you call biscuits 'cause I'm not saying scones.
Everett: I did not move to Verona with a plan. The first time I moved to Verona, I just popped up. My sister was living here in Verona. I just popped up. She had her baby and a husband, and I just popped up. "Hey, what's up? I got $200 and dreams. Let's do this."
Genevieve: I can't just look at a status and move along. I see a status got 36 'likes' — can't accept it got 36 'likes' and move along. I got to click on it and start reading the names of the people that liked it. "Oh, yeah. Jim would 'like' some shit like that."
Grace: Yo ma, money over everything.
Halcyon: Awe man, I gotta get a team. I don't have a team, I just have friends. I call up my friend, "Hey man, I know you're my friend but I need you on my team right now."
Hazel: You have a regular-sized tub and a miniature tub, the sink.
Henry: You never know what could happen when you go into a store - somebody might pull a Tonya Harding on you and break your knee cap. And now you got your knees all fucked up just ‘cause you wanted to get that vinyl.
Hugo: It sounds like God owed someone some money and they couldn’t get to him, so they murked his son. That’s what I really think happened. Jesus got stabbed up in an alley… but it’s easier to sell crucifixes. You can’t sell a pendant of someone getting shanked up in the alley. It’s a marketing scheme.
Ivan: Come to your place at 5:00 in the morning, eat your food, drink your drinks, leave at 6:30 without fucking like it’s cool. That’s a passive burglary.
Isabelle: Two separate charges $400 at Barnes and Noble. Who balls out of control at Barnes and Noble?
Juliana: Believe in yourself like one of those weird-ass clothing stores that only have six shirts in them. So many questions. How much do these shirts cost? How long have y'all been here? Why is there a DJ?
Katarina: Kill people, burn shit, fuck school, I hate spam emails! That's annoying! You think you have an email from a friend but it's spam.
Lucien: I believe in my ability to not spill food in my pants 'cause I'm a goddamn adult. And I've mastered the art of getting food from my plate to my mouth without messing up my jeans. You need to believe in yourself, too and get your life together, that's for babies. Have some confidence in your eating abilities and hand/eye coordination.
Lillian: I'm not a club person, I'm more of a bar/lounge type of person. But, I'll go anywhere if you give me a free bottle of alcohol.
Mikael: I have weird aspirations. Like, I really want to kick a pigeon.
Matthias: It's a weird emotion when you're flattered and cynical at the same time. "Oh, that's nice that you would say that, but what the fuck are you up to?"
Marcelo: I just wear black and gray all the time. If you Google Image me, you'll just see a bunch of black and gray. It's simple. If I like a shirt, I'll buy six or eight of them, wear them back-to-back, and just wait for somebody to say something. "That's the same shirt you wore yesterday." "Yeah, but this one is fresh."
Maeve: When people go through something rough in life, they say, "I'm taking it one day at a time." Yes, so is everybody. Because that's how time works.
Nikolai: But this time, it was me and this old lady we were jaywalking together. We weren't together like that. But if we were, so what? Mind your business.
Odessa: It was a phone interview and sometimes when I do phone interviews and the journalist is boring, I just start saying crazy stuff to make it fun for me.
Olivio: There have been times I’ve been out, and my phone battery is at nine percent, and I was like, "Time to go home."
Orion: Don’t thank the lord. I gave you that compliment, thank me.
Priam: I lost my debit card recently, had five charges on it before I caught it. First charge, $30 Chuckee Cheese. Who goes to Chuckee Cheese as soon as they find a debit card? Are you serious?
Paola: I applied for a job at Starbucks. One of the questions was, 'Why do you want to work at Starbucks?' Uh, because my life is in shambles.
Pandora: I don't even know how to use a semicolon to this day, I use a comma every time. And you know what? If I email somebody and they get upset about me using a comma instead of a semicolon, that's not a person I want to work with anyway. And that's how you weed people out of your life.
Ramona: I went into this restaurant in Verona called The Two Gentlemen. Went into the bathroom at The Two Gentlemen, huuuuge rat in the bathroom at The Two Gentlemen and the rat looked at me like "the fuck you doing here?" That was his vibe, very negative vibe.
Rafaella: Sometimes I get drunk and I get into arguments with taxi drivers. And I get out the cab and I slam the door. That's not the way to win an argument with a taxi driver. The way to win is you get out of the cab and you leave the door open.
Regina: And that was the first time in my life, without any sarcasm, I could say, "What? You want a cookie or something?" Because any other time you say that, you being mean, but I meant it from my heart. "How many cookies you want, man? You want seven cookies? That's way too many cookies. You're being ridiculous right now. You can take, like, three or four cookies and get out of my face. Otherwise, you're taking advantage of my generosity."
Ronan: Wack.
Roman: In my hometown of Verona, I'm kind of a medium deal.
Theodora: We got interns at the job. You can just tell them to do stuff. You gotta be nice, though. I had this cat fax something. I handed him a couple of pages, and I handed him another page. I said, "Hey, man, fax something for yourself, too."
Tomas: Rap videos confuse me cause they have to be continued at the end but the never make a sequel. Where’s the second video? There’s so much suspense!
Trinity: I was at the airport and there was this kid, four or five years old walking with his mommy, fixed his fingers in a fake gun, and then took a shot at me. And I'm looking at the wall to see if there's something on the wall he could've been shooting at 'cause I'm in denial. I look back at him, he looks me in the eyes and takes too more shots. Now I'm hit three times, that's an act of aggression. I need to defend myself.
Valentina: Morpheus, Dorpheus, Orpheus, go eat some walruses. Orifices, porridges. Morpheus, Morpheus. Going to the Buffet and Walruses. Confidence, corpseses. Worcestershire sauce. Go into your orifices. Red pill, blue pill. Morpheus, walruses. Seashells by the seashorpheus. MORPHEUS DRINKING A FORTY IN THE DEATH BASKET.
Vivianne: "We'll keep you in our thoughts" With the other bullshit in your heads? No, keep me out of your thoughts, because I hear some of the stuff you talk about and if that's close to what you're thinking about, I don't want to be around that, so keep me and my family out of your thoughts, unless you're thinking of making me a sandwich.
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Scummy GC
Charlie: hope you two are having a very merry sober holiday 😘 Ronnie: just say f u its shorter like Joe: yeah cheers mate 👍 Bronson: I'm gonna go with Feliz navidad bitches 'cause I'm multicultured and it's a bop 🕺🎵 Bea: Always said that about you, babe, bringing the much needed culture, Charlie bringing the class Charlie: she gets it! nothing but genuine festive feelings here kids Bronson: She's a smart girl, always said that about her 🤓🧠 Ronnie: yeah getting knocked up by freckles is well smart Bronson: Don't be bitter 'cause you're barren Karen Ronnie: 🖕 got enough kids to look after here cheers Bea: Stopped you making the big separate claims per kid so isn't an advisable career move for you, no Bronson: 😂 Joe: alright don't need a headache coming at me from this direction as well Ronnie: trouble in paradise? shocker Bea: Turning up and seeing otherwise would be too 💔 I suppose Bea: no need to act like we don't all know the actual problem Ronnie: that my invitation yeah? speaking for mummy dearest now you're playing at being one, that's proper sweet Bea: Just 'cause you're waiting for it to be written in blood Ronnie: or sweat or tears like Ronnie: I'm easy Charlie: this is exactly what I was after Charlie: creating that family christmas vibe, thanks ladies Ronnie: we all know you've got a boner for my ma and stepdaddy Charles the only thing that's shocking is you ain't there with that lot Charlie: shocking in what world Ronnie: the one where you're a step away from wrapping yourself up and getting on their front step baby Charlie: obviously there'd be no greater gift for you than to sulk all alone 'til dear joseph gets back Charlie: but I'm skint 😘 Bronson: Go on and keep pretending I ain't here, it's cool Charlie: OBVS you'll be coming too because you don't 💘 her as much as you love milfy, right ron? Bronson: I mean... 😉 Ronnie: only your backstory is a match for the princess' if we're going for the pity adoption though babe Ronnie: unlucky B boy Ronnie: we're in the cold this year and every Bea: and here's me thinking I'd missed this year's obligatory sob-story film Bea: tah for the recap Ronnie: gotta give you everything you want 💋 Bronson: 🤶💉 Bronson: You're alright, she had a dose of the clap last year Bea: I'm set, oddly enough Bea: and thanks, Bronson Bronson: Have I earned MY seat at the table? 🤞 Joe: crack that joke to my brother and you'd find out, like 😏 Bronson: Reckon I could take him, no offense Charlie: hot Bea: 🙄 Bronson: 🤢 Charlie: 😂 Bea: That all then? Bea: Merry Christmas etc Bronson: 😂 Bronson: Sounds like a Ma, doesn't she? Bronson: Busy busy 🐝 Ronnie: love you too 👑❤🖕 Bea: Obviously Bronson: It's been fun lads! 🙌🍾 Bea: Have to see you some time in the new year, yeah? Bronson: Text me and just me, like Bea: Will do ❤ Charlie: Bit rude when I've not seen you for longer but okay Ronnie: he means leave me out your text chain, yeah? Ronnie: can do Ronnie: don't fuck with stepford wives Charlie: you can dream, babe Charlie: 'tis the season Bea: If I thought I could trust you around pool chemicals Bea: still wouldn't hire you as my poolboy 💔 Ronnie: is it christmas without some casual racism? nah Bea: If I was being racist, I'd have gone with Bron Bronson: Always the bridesmaid Bronson: Thanks though Bea: Exactly, you're welcome Bronson: 🎁🎁🎄🎁🎁 Bea: actual gifts to come Bronson: I posted yours meaning you'll have it by July maybe Bea: 😂 Bea: hopefully they post it right back then Bronson: 🤞 Joe: have a good one 🎄 Joe: back asap Ronnie: be more of a walking greeting card mckenna Joe: think they're usually a lot more flowery than that Joe: but sweet of you to say anyway Ronnie: not how I write 'em but only got so much blood, yeah? Joe: I won't watch the post then Joe: noted Ronnie: don't Ronnie: disappointing you is 🎅s job like Joe: you'd never Ronnie: you wish Ronnie: there's enough loved up couples at your table baby Joe: don't I know it Bea: Could you do this privately Bea: don't need the notifications Ronnie: not coming for your incest 👑 relax Ronnie: you can still be the people's princess Bea: not taking your 🩸ties Bea: deal with it Ronnie: 💔 Bea: you cry more than my kids, honestly Ronnie: give 'em time Ronnie: don't know they're born yet Ronnie: plenty left to fuck 'em up and over Charlie: This is why you aren't being asked to be godmother Charlie: terrible speech, come on now Ronnie: nah it's 'cause you're the biggest fairy she knows Charlie: babe 💘 Charlie: that's more like it Ronnie: 💋 Joe: please don't put the idea of a christening out there Ronnie: gotta save 'em from hell somehow mckenna Ronnie: they'll already be living it Joe: don't start Ronnie: don't tell me what to fucking do like I'm your missus Bronson: Come and get your medicine, Grandma, maybe you'll calm down Ronnie: you either Ronnie: ain't too big to get sorted out Bea: Bless Bronson: NOW it feels like Christmas Bea: and all before the Queen's speech Bea: which obviously, we don't have to endure Bronson: Could be a record Bronson: The festive feels are definitely higher than last year Bea: don't act like you remember 😏 Bronson: Shhh Charlie: You ungrateful brat Charlie: I always do the best christmas Bronson: Calm down, dear, I'm trying to make Bea feel like she's missing out so she'll rush back to save Christmas Charlie: 💡🤓 Charlie: I'll 🤫 Bronson: I'm a smart boy, you should all be saying it about me, like Bronson: I'll pretend to leave so you can have a practice Bea: You're both idiots Bea: but you're both sweet too Bronson: We love you 💞 Charlie: yeah, thanks for letting me hit that before you got wifed, babe Charlie: remember it always 😘 Ronnie: and you pussies want me to shut the fuck up Ronnie: fitz you're the gayest it's hardly a 5 star review Ronnie: bet she wishes she could forget, like Charlie: how dare you erase me Charlie: RUDE Ronnie: you're still here and queer babe Ronnie: can't get rid Charlie: unlucky Ronnie: that's me Ronnie: stuck with yous Charlie: Yeah, yeah and our hearts bleed Charlie: seriously, get some more 🍾 in your glass immediately Ronnie: can be arranged twat 🖕👊💔🩸 Charlie: don't threaten me with a good time Charlie: already having so much fun Ronnie: it's not a threat baby it's a guarantee Ronnie: sit on the 🍾 and shut the fuck up, yeah? Charlie: I'm sorry, shoulda complimented you too Charlie: I remember you were there, don't worry Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: always was, hand and dick holding for you Ronnie: you ain't got enough sweet talk Bronson: 🤢 Bea: I agree Joe: same Bronson: You two are the real married couple Bronson: You're making the kids uncomfortable mum and dad Joe: get a room and a 💍 charles Ronnie: ain't getting one of you, Joseph Joe: not asking to be your third Ronnie: gutted like Charlie: Spring wedding? Charlie: 🌷 🌹 🥀 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Bronson: Bagsie Best Man Bea: Just don't clash with my christening Bronson: I won't let that happen, I've got you Bea: 💕 Bea: worry about them, no one would show Bea: 👑 Charlie: 😱😱😱 Bronson: 😂 Charlie: 👜🌄 Charlie: you ain't pregnant now, sweetheart Bea: don't all rush to defend my honour at once Bronson: I've just decked him IRL Bronson: keeping it Christmassy Joe: fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la Ronnie: you two wanna get a room after that love tap Bea: 💚👹
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badhebie · 3 years
[03-07-2021] Return to the city, which I have left for several years. Bandung. A town I love, which never fails to impress me. The city always has something new around every corner.
Made an appointment to Meet an 'old friend' that I never seen or talking for many years. After talking with shitty and unnecessary chitchat then we moved to an old Kopitiam around Sudirman Street that still amazed me until now.
After many years passed, this old Kopitiam still impress me. The building, the wall arts, the decorations, the ambience, the lighting, even the people coming here still same as in the past. Many old guys and old ladies coming here only for playing capsa, chess or mahjong showdown while enjoying some Coffee or Tea with some Dimsum. They just playing happily with each other. They seems dont care that now already quite late at night. What a moments.. Reminiscing!
After feeling mesmerized, we order some of their Signature Coffee and some Dumplings. I'm shocked to know that their tastes of Coffee is consistency and never change! That's cool!
Because of nowadays I'm enjoying writting about anything, then I tell my friend that I will record all of our chitchat and conversation into an mp3 recording file. So I could make the convo's transcript to fill in into my blog :))
t r a n s c r i p t :
Me : This Kopitiam kinda reminds me about the old times that we always coming here for almost every week with our friends..
P : Ya Ya Ya.. indeed! It is not every week! But twice a week, hahaha..
It's been long story we talking about anything until I tell her about my problems.. she looks kinda shock hearing it all and seems not believe for what happening to me right now.
Yes I told her about my family's matters..
P : Oh.. ( I can see her eyes pouring some tears )
I cannot believe why you have to be an asshole by cheating to your wife? Do you know that what you have done is so heartless and hurts your wife so much? Oh ibie!! I really cannot believe what you have done!! really.. fucking asshole! (I can see some rage on her eyes!)
Me : Well, things happens! My life is fucked. And I really fully regrets! I dont know how to fix this.. Yes I know I have done something terrible.. But at that time, I feels like i lost controls to myself and everything. And at that time I feels like I dont understand myself too..
P : You dont need to make excuse for youself! Wrong is wrong.. You have no reasons to do all this fucking things!
Me : Yes I know.. and I admit that I was an asshole for doing this.. and now i really regretfully for what happened to my family..
at that time, I feels like sometimes my wife didnt love me and sometimes I feels like she never respect me.. I dont know this is only my feeling or my reasons, but yes sometimes i feels like that..
Maybe because Im an overthinker person, thats why that time I lost control to myself and doing all this bad things. But after that i feel regret.. really sad and sorry..
P : Whatever your reasons, bie! What you've done is unacceptable.. Oh I really speechless to you! fuck!
Then, have you apologize to your wife and ask for forgiveness from her? Have you explain everything to her? Are you really feel sorry now?
Me : Yes I do! As a man, I do apologize and ask for forgiveness from her. I even kneel to her to forgive me and give me chance. I dont know how to fix this.. I dont know how to make her forgive me and give me last chance and trust me again that I will never ever doing very bad mistakes again and broke her trust again.
P : Then? Did she forgive you?
Me : No, She is not. She said she cannot give me chance for now and ask me to clear my self out of problems.. at first I was so excited that I thought she is willing to give me chance. I'm doing my best effort to fix everything, I do my best to bring back her trust on me. Until one day I realized that she's only play with my guilt and probably just want to revenge to me. After knowing that, I feels numb and thinking that all my efforts was nothing. What am I trying to fix was meaningless.. Then its time I have stopped all my efforts to fix everything and stop expecting. I feel bad.. really bad!
P : Huh? What do you mean? I dont get it. Why dont you continue to fix with her? Show your fully efforts to brings her back!! Its all your fault then you have to fix!
Me : Yes, at first I will show her my fully effort and Im willing to do anything to fix all of this. Then one day I realized that she was looking for another guys or maybe now she probably having a relationship with someone else already. That day I realized that all she said by saying will give me chance after I clear myself out was only a joke, its fake and just an empty hope!
Can you imagine, if she said will give me chance but in reality she was in relationship with another guy? Then I have to fix what? I have to keep fighting to fix everything when she has already have relationship with another guy? It's unacceptable for me! If she said she will give me chance, she have to wait and look at my progress, she have to let me work my best and wait me until I clear myself out, but what she did is having another relationship with someone else! Then what she said will giving me chance was a fake and its all lie! Am I right? Thats why I'm stopped all of this!
P : Huh? Wait.. wait! I miss something here. So, she said she will give you chance but you have to fix yourself first BUT in reality, she was having relationship with another guy already? So, what I got here is she probably waiting you for fixing yourself but while waiting she has another relationship with someone else? She is having relationship while waiting you?
Me : YES! Exactly! I'm not sure she's already in relationship or still looking for another guy.. but this is so heartless and unacceptable for me! Why dont she just said NO MORE CHANCE for me instead of saying will giving me chance but having another relationship with someone else or looking for someone else? Its does not make sense!
P : If this is the case, then yes.. actually what she have to do is just saying directly to you that NO CHANCES for you. I dont understand her as well.. why she said she will give you chance after you clear yourself out but she is having or looking relationship with someone else.. Haha im curious about it! Well, then its your rights to stop or to keep fighting for her! But I understand you, you will feel hurt when you keep fighting for her while she was having relationship with someone else. Well, my advice is just follow your heart! But if the case is like this, you better pull yourself out of this situation and keep walking.. At least you already did your job, feels regret, apologizing, ask for forgiveness and trying your best to fix everything, eventhough in the end it didn't go as you pleased, but at least you tried. You did a great job, bie!
Me : Yes! I take my punishment already by cannot see and touch my son. As a man, I admit my big mistakes to her already! I feels fully regret already. I ask for forgiveness already, I promise to her that I will never ever doing bad mistakes and broke her trust anymore, I doing everything already to regain her trust! But she wasting all my efforts! She is playing with my feeling by saying will give me chance after I cleared myself out! She gave me fake and empty hope. So i pull myself out and stopped! At least if someday Mica grown up, I can tell him what I did. I can tell Mica that his dad already trying to fix everything but his mom is wasting my efforts and playing with me. So im gonna give up..
*She looks confused, sad, and crying..*
P : Do you still love your wife after what you have done?
Me : Yes I do. I love her with all my heart.. It will and always! I've been fully regret with what I did to her. If I could turn back the time, even it cost my life, then I would.. GIving up didnt means I didnt love her, I just feel tired hurt myself as well.. and I feeling hurts when my efforts wasn't appreciated. Been there, done that! But I will always love her with all my heart and I keep saying sorry to her in my heart and my prays..
P : Im sure you were really miss Mica and your wife.. I can see from your eyes.. it looks empty! You miss them so bad.. (*she looks crying again)
Me : I miss my son for every second of my life.. I never felt this way, missing someone til my heart aches! It really hurt deep inside.. Almost every night Im crying missing my son. What I could do only looking at Mica's photos on my gallery.. No father in this world who is strong enough to bear the pain of missing his child. Its really unbearable for me..
P : Do you try to call Mica everyday? You can video call to him to heal your wound.. Or ask his mom to video call to you everyday if posisble. Or ask her to send Mica's picture for you at least once a day.. Im sure it will not bother her at all
Me : Yes, I do ask her already to send me Mica's picture as much as she can.. but you know what, Pao? I think she trying to separate me with Mica as well..
P : HAH ??!! What do you mean??
Me : Yes, you heard it right! I think she trying to separate me and Mica as well.. Do you know why? I ask her many times already to send Mica's pic as much as she can.. and she said YES, she will try to send Mica's pic as much as she can. But again, in reality she was fake again.. she only send like every 4 or 5 days or even 1 WEEK and only send 1 photos or videos. Do you think its called "AS MUCH AS SHE CAN" ? send pic every 4-5 days and only 1 ? After waiting for every 4-5 days I only got 1 pic or 1 short video.. She can HATE ME as much as she want but she have no rights to separate innocent child to his father, right??? Yes you are RIGHT! Even 1 photo per day it will not bother her at all.. But she just dont want! But she probably busy looking and impress some guys out there instead of sending me some of my Son's photos that I always wait like forever.. sending some pic's everyday not wasting even 1 minutes of her time. But this is about WANT or DONT WANT!
P : WHAATTTT?! REALLY?? Sorry bie.. but in my opinion, no matter how bad the father, every childs in this world is have FULLY RIGHTS to know his/her father! If she doing that, she is FORCEFULLY take Mica's RIGHTS to know you as his father.. she is doing a bad parenting system! How heartless she was.. She take Mica's rights as innocent child to know his father. Well, somehow I feel bad for you bie. You are right, She can hate you as much as she wanted to, but she have NO RIGHTS to force Mica to not to know his father.. Oh my God! Somehow, I got your point when before you said you have your own reason by doing some bad mistakes to her.. Well, I dont know but I got the point somehow! Its only you can feel it.. But it doesnt mean you were right! You are still WRONG by doing the FUCKING BAD THINGS! But I know at least you did a great job by fully regret it, apologizing, and trying to fix with her, even in the end she wasn't appreciate you, at least you try.. a gentleman's job! Standing ovation for you bie..!
P : . . . .
P : As a man and as a normal human being, its OK for you to make mistakes. Learn from it, take lessons from it, and promise for you life that you will never ever do it again. Even you ever failed as a man and as a husband to your loved ones, Im sure that you have fully regret now. But you never failed as a Daddy! Im sure you were being a Super Daddy for Mica! And Im sure, Mica is super love you and proud to you as his Father! You will be a good Dad for him, Im sure of that bie..!
Me : Bad Parenting Systems? Probably yes.. She is forcefully take Mica's right to know me as his father.. Well, if someday Mica grows up, I hope Mica didnt grown up with rage and questioning where is his Dad! Because He will understand when he grows up.. And someday I hope I could explain everything to him what was happened.. At least I have tried everything and its gonna be my reasons to Mica..
P : I feel sad for you bie.. Keep strong and be patients! God will never sleep.. If you feel fully regret and promise to never ever doing bad mistakes again for your life, im sure God will always listens to you and helps you.. keep believe it! Im Buddhist too like her.. so Im sure we belief about Karma. You get your bad Karma already by doing bad on the past. And if she is proven trying to separate Mica from his Daddy, Im sure too she will get Karma too for what she did.. For now you better stand up and keep walking for your life. And love yourself more than before.. Last time we met you look so fat than now.. Now you look losing weight! Remember you have to keep healthy.. Overthinking will make you sicks! Try to forgive yourself.. Try to accept yourself back.. Try to love yourself again.. What's DONE is DONE! you cannot turn back the time, but you can fix it and make it better.. But first forgive yourself and love yourself, so you can stand up and walking again.
Me : Yes I try to walks again.. and now I almost can running again hahaha! But the pain is still unbearable for me for missing my Son every second of my life.. it hurts so much for missing him!
If you were her, would you like to give me second chance for me to fix it? I just want to know from other people's perspective..
P : HAH? If I were her? You mean if this bad things happens to me? Hmmm.. Well, If I was her and this is happened to me, for sure I will very angry, mad, and sad as much as she did, or maybe more than she did. But after that I will heal myself first and think clearly for what I should do. But in my opinion, every people DESERVE a second chance! Especially if we have childs already. For sure in the end I will give you a second chance and let you prove yourself that you will never ever doing bad things again and broke my trust. Because for me second chance is LAST CHANCE! So if this happened again, NO MORE CHANCES for you for your life! But yeahh.. for me every people deserve a second chance! Especially when I see you were really regrets and I can see your efforts to fix everything! Its for me.. But every people's have different minds, so my opinion cannot be used as a standard! But for sure If I were her and I already said I will give you chance, then I would really give you chance and see you progress first.. I will waiting how much you can show and prove yourself to fix and be a better person than before! But for sure I will not looking for other guys while waiting HAHAHAHA.. because I will be honest and pure from heart when I said i will giving you chance.. No FAKE FAKE woyyy! Hahaha..
Me : Here we comes the sarcastic moments, hahaha... But thank you for your perspectives! I hope she could do as you said,, but yeah every people is different!
P : Then dont be too worry bie.. I hope she could opened her heart soon and not thinking only about herself, but about Mica as well.. Mica is still really too little for this! He needs both his Mummy and Daddy on his side. Dont let innocent child be victims from the selfishness of their parents.
Me : Well, I dont know about that.. I feel too tired and almost fully giving up..
P : You can rest a while bie.. And I know for now you were busy and tired with your business hahaha.. congrats anyway! Dont give up bie! Move forward!! I will joins and helps your business.. your coffee bottle is super yummy and your cornflakes is good, especially the peppersalt one! I like it.. No one's here using cornflakes as snacks, thats why I think it looks promising business.. Just dont give up and keep walking! Thats my note! Dont feeling down when sometimes your business is going down.. You need to have a strong mentality build when you working on personal business. Up and down on personal business is normal..
Me : Hahaha thanks! Yes it starting to grows.. I will working hard for it! Woyyy of course its good, it has secret recipes from starbucks hahaha.. Yes yes you have to helps me extent and expand my selling hahaha.. just kidding, Pao! But thank you, you boosted up my mood haha..
P : YEEESSSSSS!!! hahaha sure I will helps you as much as I can, dont worry! haha.. And I will promote it anywhere haha.. soon you will need to open mini factory, hahaha Ameeenn!!!
And dont worry, when I said AS MUCH AS I CAN, I will do and act in real, not only words or FAKE!! hahahahahahaha..
*we both laugh hard on this*
Me : LOL hahaha.. Here we comes again for another sarcastic moments, Hahahah! But Ameeennnn!! Thanks, Pao! I feel lightly after I confess to you all my stories.. wish me better and better OK?
P : Sure!!! Im sure you can..!
The time has passed, It's been 02:50am already. Then I sent her home and I back home as well. Thanks for listening to my vent, Pao! What a day!! Ready to work again tomorrow ^_^
0 notes
emisonme · 6 years
I've had it with the stans.......
This fandom is chock full of some of the most toxic people I've ever had to interact with. How is it, five lovely young Ladies, attracted such filth. I have had the misfortune of reading some of the most vile comments, directed toward anyone who isn't their favorites. It's getting beyond ridiculous. The stans need to either GROW UP or SHUT UP.
The truth is, a shit load of these "stans" don't give a rats ass about their so called faves. They only care about themselves. They are selfish people, disguised as fans. You have your "nizers" for each girl, but C, L, and N, "nizers" are without a doubt, the most toxic of the bunch. They are down right despicable, when they are shit talking the other girls, but they are just as vicious when they are shit talking their favorite.
When Camila was still in the group, a big part of the fandom was united in their hate for her. When Camila left the group, it became a competition within the fandom to make sure she didn't succeed as a solo artist. Then when Down was released, and the fandom as a whole was disappointed, they splintered even more, and it became every fave for themselves. Lauren go solo! Normani go solo! Dinah go solo! Ally, go solo! There are literally less OT4 stans left, than there are OT5 stans. Go figure.
Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. Now, we have the infighting within the fandom, of who's the new leader of the group. You know, for a bunch of people who did nothing but bitch and moan about Camila being the perceived leader, because "Fifth Harmony shouldn't have a lead", suddenly seems to think they need a lead, because now, the fight is on between the L-stans and N-stans to see which one is the new leader of the Group. The hypocrisy is real!!!
Oh, it gets worse! When your favorite, someone you claim to love and support, does something you don't agree with...Hell hath no fury like a fan scorned. All of the girls have their problem stans, but poor Lauren hit the unfortunate jackpot with this riff-raff. I'm not even sure why some of you even call yourselves fans of her. You don't have a good thing to say about her, half of the time. She can't do anything right, for some of you.
I've seen more of her own fans, or used to be fans, call her a fake lazy sloth, who is a drug addicted alcoholic, who fucked up her voice, and sucks Ty's dick for connections. Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you people. Lauren's life does not revolve around YOU. She was not put on this Earth to kiss your fucking ass!
Does Lauren have a few bad habits? Hell yeah, but who the hell doesn't. I can assure you, even if it were real (which it's not), she would not be the one sucking his dick for connections. If anything, he would be the one sucking her clit for more fucking album sales. Fifth Harmony got Ty more notoriety, not the other way around.
It amazes me, that these 5 young Ladies interact with this fucking fandom, at all. We fell in love with a manufactured group, that we knew would go their separate ways. When they auditioned for that damn show, none of them had any intentions of being in a girl group. They were put together, by a machine, and told to sound great together, and get along, or they could kiss their hopes and dreams of a music career good-bye.
They didn't have a say in any of it. It was either agree to THEIR terms, or go home. They agreed to THEIR terms, because they knew they stood a better chance of making it, as eventual solo artists, by using the group as a stepping stone. Dinah said it best, not that long ago, when she compared Fifth Harmony to High School. The group was to acclimate them into the Music Industry. She even said this was like their Senior year.
Do I wish they would have all stayed together? Yeah! I miss ALL of the girls together, but I also know, they are not happy with their situation in the group. They do not have the freedom they keep telling us they have. They will never have the freedom they seek, as long as they are together, at least, not now. If their solo careers don't pan out, they can always find another Label to give them the freedom they deserved, and make another go at it, as a group. Right now, they all want the freedom to express themselves individually. Unfortunately, this fandom has proven, they either want them to go solo, or commit fully to the group. There is no middle ground with some of you. It's really sad!
Your selfishness rears it's ugly head, every time something doesn't go as you hoped it'd go. Camila's first solo single is a Sia sample. Not what you were expecting from her, you un-stan and call her a flop artist. Havana gains World Wide success, you come running back, but with yet, more demands. I don't know how many times I've seen the statement, "I'm taking a chance on you, now where's MY fucking album" REALLY!!!
Fifth Harmony releases Down as their first single as a foursome, you are disappointed and call them flop artists. You tell them, you are putting your money on them and they better deliver. They release their self titled album, and now "They suck! They need to all go solo."
Do you notice the damn pattern here? That's right, it's all about YOU. You don't want them to succeed for themselves. You want them to succeed for YOU. You chose sides, and now, by God the side you chose better win, or else.
I'm not saying all stans are selfish hypocrites, but a shit load of you are, and you know who you are. If Camila doesn't out-chart 5H, she is suddenly not who you thought she was. She becomes a racist flop nobody who needs to take her untalented ass back to Cuba. If Fifth Harmony doesn't out-chart Camila, they suddenly become lazy ass nobody's who can't carry a tune without their fearless leader. Lauren suddenly becomes the junkie Bi-slut attention whore. Normani suddenly becomes the girl who can't sing and should stick to dancing. Dinah suddenly becomes the idiot Mormon Trump supporter, who can't breathe for shit. Ally suddenly becomes the conservative Bible thumper who is only good for high notes.
You ridicule the hell out of them, not because they aren't successful, but because they aren't successful enough, FOR YOU! You want them to win, because YOU want to win. You chose them, so the least they can do is win, FOR YOU.
When they are successful, you shower them with love and praise. When they aren't as successful as you expected them to be, you shit on them and treat them like trash. You do this, not because they aren't out there working their asses off, but instead, because they didn't live up to YOUR expectations.
OT5's didn't pick a side, because we want them all to succeed, collectively, and individually. We don't measure their success by who beats who, who gets more media attention, or who has more damn Social Media followers. We don't want them to succeed FOR US! We want them to succeed FOR THEMSELVES. To bad the vast majority of you, who did choose a side, can't say the same.
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adrumlynjump · 4 years
i'm going to list my wips and talk a little bit about them because i have nothing better to do!
i can't put a cut here right now bc i'm on my phone but i will as soon as i can get to tumblr on my computer, probably tomorrow
one shots (more like no shots):
1 - lovestruck au
so this is an au inspired by the song lovestruck by the vamps. it's one of my favourite songs and i just thought it really fit into a fanfic, and i always wanted to read it.
probability of finishing: low
progress: i've witten like 600 words and i can't anymore
2 - no title
okay, it was a prompt like "person b has their head on person's a lap" and it's really a pining!bughead, oblivious!bughead, best friends to lovers au with a knowing veronica, nothing special
probability of finishing: also low don't kill me they're all low
progress: i have some paragraphs, one of which is very cute and soft of jug listing the things he knows and loves in betty
3 - hey, lady (ei, moça)
another song au because i don't have creativity. ei, moça is a song by this brazilian band called lagum and i love it and wanted to turn it into a fic
probability of finishing: can you guess? low
progress: i have translated the lyrics to english
non decided length:
1 - mirror mirror au
for those of you who live under a rock and haven't seen this movie, it's a twisted snow white story. i love it very very much.
the cast features lily collins (love, rosie), armie hammer (call me by your name) and julia roberts (pretty woman and if you don't know her i don't know what you are doing with your life)
probability of finishing: do i even have to put this anymore
progress: none, i just thought of it last night and said "that'd be cool"
long fics, more than one chapter:
1 - (somewhere) beyond the ocean
okay, this one has a special place in my heart. i thought of this probably in 2017, before i even knew what riverdale was, so it was just an idea that was forgotten. some time ago i remembered about it and was like "maybe i should turn it into a fic". disclaimer: i don't actually know if the idea was mine, it could be my friend's, we used to write together so it could be ours, but i think it was mine because i remember thinking of an appropriate date
essentially it is a future world fic, where all the glaciers melt and almost all the land gets taken by water (no that's not possible i looked it up it would rise like 67 meters but this is fiction fuck off). people live in platforms on the ocean, and betty's dad is a commander. jug is from the few places that were left on land, forgotten. there's more but i don't want to spoil it too much.
probability of finishing: low but kinda higher than the rest
progress: i have an idea, a kind of storyline but i still need a motivation for the whole thing. i know i want to separate it into two timelines, "then" and "now". i have the first paragraph and the last line of the first chapter. i also have a moodboard that is indeed very moody:
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2 - famous!bughead au
i am a sucker for famous!bughead aus. in this one, they would be playing annabeth and percy in a percy jackson movie series. it kinda brings together my two favourite couples, percabeth and bughead, and i always thought they looked alike, so i decided to write a fic.
probability of finishing: can you guess again? low but like the one above kinda higher than the rest
progress: i have a timeline. i know ot would be divided into 5 chapters + an epilogue, each chapter for a movie they were filming and the epilogue for an after. i have like 500 words written.
oof that was long! if you want to write any of my ideas, please do but just let me know so i don't write it too, and i can even help! (just please don't write the multi chapter ones i want to write them)
thanks for reading if you reached here i guess, i don't think anybody did, but if you did, thank you i love you!
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