#ISR 1998
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God's Covenant with Abram
5 And He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward the heavens, and count the stars if you are able to count them.” And He said to him, “So are your seed.”
6 And he believed in יהוה, and He reckoned it to him for righteousness. — Genesis 15:5-6 | The Scriptures (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 17:2; Genesis 22:17; Genesis 26:4; Exodus 32:13; Deuteronomy 1:10; Nehemiah 9:8; Romans 4:3; Romans 4:9; Romans 4:18; Romans 4:20; Romans 4:22; Galatians 3:6; Hebrews 11:12; James 2:23
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newsfrom-theworld · 27 days
Why people are boycotting Starbucks
In 1998 Howard Schultz ( president and CEO of Starbucks from 1986 to 2000, from 2008 to 2017, and as interim CEO since 2022.) , went to Isr@el to receive the 'Isr@el 50th Anniversary Award.'
In this Seattle Times article, you will see MANY familiar names that met with Netanyahu to receive this award.
The relationship between him and Isr@el, even if he hasn't been vocal about his support of Israel, is still pretty close!
I mean, why else would he receive an award with other politicians as the CEO of a coffee company?
Let's move on to the lawsuit between Starbucks and its Union.
Starbucks was furious after its Union page voiced support for Palestinians and said that their use of the name Starbucks confused and angered customers.
They also claimed that customers were taking out that anger on employees.
The part that angered Palestinian supports was when Starbucks came out with this statement:
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This attack on the pro-Palestine movement left a very bitter taste in people's mouths and people began to boycott them.
Another reason to boycott Starbucks is that their workers are treated like garbage.
Here's an article from last year on why employees were on strikes and what they experienced at work.
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dear-indies · 16 days
Hello Cat! I would love to ask for your recommendation for a Jewish faceclaim for Peter Parker (specifically from the Insomniac games). I was considering using some of Skylar Astin's old content, but just looked into his posts regarding Palestine and am no longer interested in using his likeness. Someone who is around the age of 24 would be perfect, but it's not a requirement. Thanks so much for all you do!
Chella Man (1998) Hongkonger and Jewish - is deaf, trans genderqueer and pansexual (he/they) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lucas Jade Zumann (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly German - has spoken up for Palestine!
to my knowledge the below haven't made any comments:
Logan Lerman (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Fabien Frankel (1994) Indian Jewish, Iraqi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / French, Italian.
Noah Galvin (1994) Ashkenazi Jewish / Irish, Italian - is gay - no comments but did sign a letter of support for Jonathan Glazer and his speech (was both side-y but did acknowledge Isr*el's genocide).
Jonah Hauer-King (1995) Ashkenazi Jewish / English.
Callan McAuliffe (1995) Irish, with some Sephardi Jewish, English, and Northern Irish.
Leo Howard (1997) Ashkenazi Jewish / English, Scottish, Irish.
Cameron Gellman (1998) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Sloane Morgan Siegel (2000) Ashkenazi Jewish, possibly other.
Hope this helps!
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b0x-j3lly · 12 days
I know this is probably not very recent news, but I’ll rant about it anyways, now that I’ve heard it.
I have never been any more disappointed in some of the people of Indonesia, let alone, the Gen-Z ones who voted for pr@b0wo during the election day for Indonesia. The reason why? They voted for him because they saw him as one of those “Cute Chubby >_< 🥰” kinds of people after he made videos on hid campaign that makes him look like that. The gen-z voters voted only because of those videos, and those videos alone, and they didn’t even care enough to look into him and see if that really is who he is. And surprise surprise, it isn’t.
During his time as a general, four students were killed, and dozens of the remaining students were wounded during a protest at a university in Jakarta. This was during 1998, and happened under prabowo’s command. He also never faced trial for those, and the 22 abductions that took place during that year, although some of his men were tried and convicted. Thirteen remaining activists were never found.
Also he’s been seen being very rude to workers and grabbing them by the collar while giving out orders
This man abducted and killed students. And when the parents found out, he refused to let them see their children’s bodies. And as the years go by, and the parents still begged and screamed for them to see their children, he played the Victim Blaming card. The “it happened a long time ago, get over it!” Card.
There is definitely more to it all than that, but I’m sure you people now get to see a hint of the man you voted for. And I hope you are all ashamed of yourselves, because the price of your ignorance and recklessness is the lives of millions of people. Not just in Indonesia, but EVEN THE PEOPLE IN PALESTINE. Before the man was ever president, Indonesia has been on Palestine’s side for what? Years? Now that we have this heartless, cruel man as our leader, Indonesia is with ISR@3L.
That’s all I have to share for now. Thanks for taking the time to read this rant post
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raffaeleitlodeo · 3 months
Molt* trovano la situazione paradossale. Ma il Sudafrica non può che accusare lo Stato (di Isr@ele) se vuole riferirsi alla "Convenzione sulla prevenzione e repressione del crimine di genocidio" del 1948.
La quale infatti, oltre a qualificare il crimine di genocidio come atto commesso con l’intenzione di distruggere, in tutto o in parte, un gruppo nazionale, etnico, razziale o religioso, chiama in causa non solo le responsabilità individuali, ma anche la responsabilità dello Stato (per la commissione del reato o per omessa prevenzione e punizione del crimine). Non poteva fare altrimenti il Sudafrica, insomma, se voleva richiamarsi alla "Convenzione" (e se voleva farlo davanti alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia dell'ONU). Né si possono usare, nel dibattito attuale, altre parole che quelle della "Convenzione", se il quadro di riferimento del diritto internazionale è questo.
Cosa diversa dal capo di imputazione sono le accuse, da provare come in un qualsiasi dibattimento (in questo caso non un processo ma una disputa tra Stati). Lo Stato di Isr@ele può essere giudicato responsabile di "genocidio"?
I termini sono importanti, sempre. E ancor più nel diritto, dove sono - dovrebbero essere - chiari, precisi, monosemici. "Genocidio" non equivale a "crimini di guerra" né a "crimini contro l'umanità". Sembrano distinzioni di lana caprina, di fronte alla brutale escalation degli ultimi mesi, e alla morte di decine di migliaia di persone, ma sono distinzioni importanti, che è bene ricordare anche a chi fa informazione in questi giorni, e discutendo qui come altrove.
Della definizione di "genocidio" si è già detto. Fu, come noto, l'avvocato ebreo polacco Raphael Lemkin a coniare il termine durante il processo di Norimberga per descrivere lo sterminio nazista di sei milioni di ebrei. Il reato di genocidio venne poi formalmente creato proprio attraverso la “Convenzione sul genocidio del 1948” come crimine internazionale: molto specifico ed anche molto difficile da provare, poiché - secondo la giurisprudenza - richiederebbe la prova della cosiddetta "motivazione mentale".
I "crimini di guerra" sono invece gravi violazioni del diritto internazionale commesse contro civili e combattenti durante i conflitti armati (art. 8 dello Statuto di Roma del 1998, col quale si è istituita la Corte Penale Internazionale dell'Aia). Lo statuto li definisce come "gravi violazioni" delle Convenzioni di Ginevra del 1949, che coprono più di cinquanta scenari, tra cui uccisioni, torture, stupri e presa di ostaggi, nonché attacchi a missioni umanitarie. Il suddetto articolo 8 riguarda anche gli attacchi deliberati contro civili o "città, villaggi, abitazioni o edifici che sono indifesi e che non sono obiettivi militari" nonché "la deportazione o il trasferimento di tutta o parte della popolazione" di un territorio occupato.
“Crimine contro l'umanità” è infine un concetto formulato per la prima volta l'8 agosto 1945, e codificato nell'articolo 7 dello stesso Statuto di Roma. Implica "un attacco diffuso o sistematico diretto contro qualsiasi popolazione civile", inclusi "omicidio" e "sterminio", nonché "riduzione in schiavitù" e "deportazione o trasferimento forzato" della popolazione. I crimini contro l'umanità possono verificarsi in tempo di pace (qui sta la principale differenza con i crimini di guerra) e includono torture, stupri e discriminazioni, siano esse razziali, etniche, culturali, religiose o di genere.
Non so – anzi, mi chiedo – se il Sudafrica abbia fatto 'tecnicamente' bene a chiedere la condanna dello Stato di Isr@ele in base alla “Convenzione” del 1948 di fronte alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia (soggetta, suo malgrado, all'influenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU), o se invece non occorresse potenziare l'azione della Corte Penale Internazionale (il cui mandato è però fortemente ostacolato da molti, e di difficile attuazione), reiterando le accuse nei confronti dei rappresentanti di quello Stato per “crimini di guerra” o “crimini contro l’umanità”.
Mi chiedo se una causa contro Net@nyahu e i membri del suo governo non sarebbe forse più diretta e penalmente dimostrabile e chissà – last but not least - capace anche di ridare fiato a quell'opposizione interna israeliana che le stragi del 7 ottobre hanno ridotto alla rassegnazione e alla paura (di finire in galera, ad esempio, se manifestano contro il primo ministro). E mi chiedo se così, forse, non si potrebbero anche separare le responsabilità e le scelte di un governo dalla storia di un popolo (che si identifica in quello Stato), togliendo dal quadro i paragoni impropri (vedi: processo di Norimberga), l'antisemitismo, l'Olocausto, e tutte le loro drammatiche implicazioni.
Lo dico altrimenti: bisognerebbe finalmente sgomberare il campo sia dalla minimizzazione dell’antisemitismo e della Shoah – che non dovrebbero essere paragonati a niente, per la loro specificità storica e per la loro tragica unicità – sia dalle accuse di antisemitismo verso chi esprime dolore e rabbia per le sorti del popolo palestinese e muove critiche verso le politiche del governo di Isr@ele e le azioni del suo esercito.
Temo (ma spero di sbagliarmi) che il dibattito intorno al processo in corso alla Corte di Giustizia Internazionale rischi invece sia di rendere ancora più compatta la (auto)difesa di Net@nyahu, sia di alimentare l'antisemitismo (come dimostra, appunto, il largo uso di paragoni impropri).
Personalmente, ho sempre cercato di contrastare - coi miei interventi pubblici e i miei lavori, a partire da "Parole contro" (2004) - l'antisemitismo, svelandone gli aspetti più insidiosi nella 'cultura popolare' e nel senso comune, e di usare con la massima cautela e sensibilità le parole “Shoah” e “Olocausto”, e trovo offensivo e diffamante essere accusato di antisemitismo se mi esprimo per il "cessate il fuoco" o per il rispetto dei diritti umani in P@lestina e Isr@ele, avendo tra l'altro detto parole chiare e univoche - vedi un post di qualche tempo fa - di condanna alle atrocità di Ham@s del 7 ottobre.
E spero oggi che il dibattimento in corso all’Aia – indipendentemente dai suoi esiti niente affatto scontati in termini penali, e da certe approssimazioni mediatiche - possa finalmente smuovere la comunità internazionale e mettere al centro gli orrori, le ingiustizie, i diritti umani negati, e le vite spezzate nella Striscia di Gaz@, in Palestin@, e in Isr@ele. A questa mattanza - e a chi la alimenta: il terrorismo nichilista di Ham@s e dei suoi sostenitori e l'ultra ortodossia colonialista israeli@na - occorre rispondere con il diritto internazionale (anzi, con il diritto alla vita, una vita dignitosa, per tutte le persone coinvolte) e con un piano di pace, di lungo periodo, che deve trovare consenso e forza, oltre i timidi equilibrismi e i vergognosi silenzi-assensi (della UE, ad esempio).
Soprattutto, non credo si possa più assistere a ciò che sta avvenendo pensando che l’unica opzione sia quella di un conflitto che duri indefinitamente, e che continuerà a fare migliaia di morti, per la stragrande maggioranza civili. Né posso credere che chi vive prigioniero nella Striscia di Gaz@ - da generazioni, e non ha mai avuto alcuna possibilità di essere liber* cittadin* del mondo - non possa avere un destino diverso. O che chi vive in Isr@ele debba sentirsi continuamente minacciato da atti terroristici e in guerra permanente, così come chi vive in P@lestina debba avere il terrore che da un giorno all'altro arrivi qualcuno a espropriarti della tua terra, della tua casa, del tuo futuro.
Ecco: spero che, paradossalmente, il dibattimento in corso all’Aia - spingendo innanzitutto per un cessate il fuoco - possa far(ci) ricominciare a parlare di futuro. Un futuro per due popoli, e per il diritto ad esistere di entrambi.
Federico Faloppa, Facebook
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starregistration8 · 1 year
Is It Real to Name a Star? How Does It Operate, Also?
In the event that you've been via virtual entertainment as of late or watched a heartfelt film, chances are you've seen somebody name a star. In any case, is this truly something that occurs? How can it function, and how would you have any "guarantee" to a star overhead?
To respond to the primary inquiry, indeed, you can name a star. Nonetheless, this isn't generally the signal it shows up on paper. The excellence (of stars) truly is subjective depending on each person's preferences, so it's vital to comprehend what you're consenting to when you decide to name a star.
Regardless of how you feel about the act of naming stars, you can't keep the sentimentalism from getting everything. People have gazed toward the stars for millennia. Having the option to investigate that huge sky and realize there's something you've named up there can bring harmony.
Contrasted with the endlessness of the universe, we are genuinely tiny. In the event that naming stars assists us with figuring out our place in this world, what's the damage in it? In this aide, we'll plunge into naming a star and how it functions.
Might You at any point Really Buy and Name a Star?
As referenced above, indeed, you can really buy and name a star. These exchanges are taken care of through the Worldwide Star Vault. Begun in 1979, the Global Star Library has enrolled large number of names since these early days.
At the point when you buy and name a star, this name is added to the star vault inventory. This is a protected rundown of stars. Each star is named just once utilizing the NASA Hubble Guide Star Index. This is a typical method for respecting a friend or family member, and it's one of the manners in which people figure out their position in the universe.
Are these names utilized by researchers?
Notwithstanding, it's vital to take note of that there are numerous errors about buying a star name. In all actuality, you're not buying the actual star. This sounds inconceivable. Logical star names really can't be sold. Just the Worldwide Galactic Association names stars and these names have gone through the ages.
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The naming framework utilized for different stars by the IAU isn't anywhere near so marvelous or heartfelt. These stars are typically numbers and organizes. The IAU doesn't take new names for stars, and they aren't probably going to begin any time soon.
At the point when you "buy" a star from the Global Star Vault, you're just purchasing the name from that association. This has prompted examinations concerning whether this is legitimate. For instance, in 1998, the New York City Branch of Customer Issues gave an infringement notice to the Worldwide Star Vault. This was on the grounds that it's not lawful to sell something you don't possess, similar to stars.
What do you get when you name a star?
However no cosmologist or genuine star chart book will allude to a particular star by any name from the Global Star Vault, you truly do get a few things when you make a buy. At the point when you "name" a star through this library, you get a one-page star graph with a solitary dab surrounded.
While the star will be known as this given name through the Global Star Library, the name hasn't changed in some other sense. Moreover, the vast majority of the stars left through the ISR are as of now not apparent to the unaided eye. These stars have been bought as of now, so it's all the more an oddity gift.
What Ordinarily Happens When You Buy and Name a Star Utilizing a Help?
You'll find a wide range of administrations proposing to sell star names, yet the most authority administration is the Global Star Library. This makes a strong living dedication thought, and it's an imaginative method for respecting a friend or family member who passed on. This is the thing you'll do when you buy and name a star with the Worldwide Star Vault.
Stage 1: Pick your star unit
There are different star packs accessible on the ISR site. You can buy these on the web, and they generally offer various oddities with your buy. Your choices include:
Custom star unit: The custom beginning unit is the most fundamental bundle, and it incorporates an authority star map as well as a declaration including your name.
Select star unit: The luxurious pack is like the custom star unit, just the written words come outlined for simple hanging.
Extreme star pack: In conclusion, this last unit has a more excellent casing as well as a cosmologist guide.
The Global Star Library additionally has different gifts, similar to gems, trimmings, and outlined sky maps. These are famous present thoughts for birthday celebrations, commemorations, and dedications.
Stage 2: Pick your star name
The subsequent stage is to pick your star name. You're restricted to 35 characters, so think about admirably. It's not unexpected to utilize a family name, person's name, imaginary person, place, or any name that has importance for your beneficiary.
Give close consideration to your spelling and language structure. This isn't something you can alter or change later, so ensure it's right before you present your request.
Stage 3: Pick your star
While you can't pick your star from the Hubble vault, you can demonstrate when you'd like your star to be devoted. This can be any date that has significance to you, similar to a birthday, date of death, commemoration, etc.
Then, pick your star grouping. You can browse any of the 88 formally acknowledged heavenly bodies. It's generally expected to pick one related with somebody's birthday (Libra, Virgo, and so on), however you can likewise have your group of stars appointed by the ISR.
Stage 4: Compose a custom message
No gift would be finished without a custom gift message. You can review to 80 characters, so this is the spot to share your sympathies, euphoria, or kindly words with your beneficiary.
The custom message is conveyed with the ISR letter. You can pick between a remembrance letter or a letter of congrats, contingent upon the motivation behind your gift.
Stage 5: Present your solicitation
To wrap things up, enter your transportation data and present your solicitation. You ought to likewise incorporate your email and telephone number on the off chance that there are any issues with your request. This is additionally an opportunity to add anything extra, similar to a custom edge or souvenir.
Your bundle is sent inside 1 to 2 working days. Your beneficiary ought to accept their star letter inside 5 to 12 work days. For sped up orders, buy first class transporting at checkout.
Are There Comparative Gifts or Ways Of regarding a Friend or family member?
While there's loads of tomfoolery in figuring out how to name a star after a friend or family member, this probably won't be the right fit contingent upon your objectives. There are a great deal of comparative gifts that honor your cherished one and catch a similar marvel.
Adopt a Star
The Adopt a Star program is a not-for-profit option in contrast to the Worldwide Star Library. Starting around 2008, this not-for-profit has raised subsidizing for researchers. All of the returns from these gifts support the quest for Earth-like planets and portraying the stars through stargazing endeavors.
Beginning at just $10, this is a considerably more reasonable gift thought. With your gift, you get a testament like the Worldwide Star Library declaration. While you don't get to name a star, you get to accomplish something beneficial for the planetary group.
The Night Sky
In the event that you're keen on a custom star map, you can help a remarkable one through The Night Sky. Ideal for regarding birthday events, commemorations, and exceptional events, The Night Sky makes a redid guide of explicit evenings. Imprinted on gallery grade workmanship matte paper utilizing recorded inks, this is a gift intended to last ages.
You can undoubtedly redo your The Night Sky map with various components like heavenly bodies, moons, etc. Customize your guide with a general setting mark, as well as an exceptional, genuine message.
Public Backwoods Establishment
One more option in contrast to naming a star is to commit something here on Earth to your cherished one. At the Public Backwoods Establishment, Americans are urged to give to establish more trees. They right now are making progress toward establishing 50 million trees planted, and you can undoubtedly pick a one-time gift on their site to pay tribute to a friend or family member.
Separating Stone
Ultimately, in the event that you're naming a star to pay tribute to a departed cherished one, frequently you simply need a long-lasting sign of their presence. Separating Stone changes cinders into cemented, stone-like remaining parts.
Rather than conveying a friend or family member's remains in a urn, you can hold them close with a reasonable stone. This is a reasonable, one of a kind choice that profits your cherished one to nature. For the vast majority, this conveys more weight than a star overhead.
The Endowment of the Universe
At last, naming a star can be an exceptionally emblematic demonstration. While it's not exactly imaginable to change the logical name of a star, with the Global Star Library, you can have a devoted name imprinted in a worldwide star memento. However this is for the most part an oddity gift, there's no rejecting that it's a wonderful signal.
It was stargazer Carl Sagan who contrasted people with stars. He stated, "The iron in our blood, the carbon in our fruity desserts were made in the insides of imploding stars. We are made of starstuff." Maybe for this reason we keep on being so attracted to them?
Click here for more information:-
Adopt a star
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kn1dognose · 1 year
Stress et anxiété de séparation chez le chien. Comportementaliste canin près de Perpignan.
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Pension Canine à Corneilla-la-Rivière, Canet en Roussillon, Saint-Cyprien, Torreilles, Le Barcarès. Educateur canin & comportementaliste dans les Pyrénées Orientales 66.
Cliquez ici pour appeler 06 56 72 29 85
Stress et anxiété de séparation chez le chien
En plus du système HPA (axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien) préparant le corps à une action d'urgence, un autre circuit important médié par la CRH (hormone de libération de la corticotropine) dans le cerveau lui-même module les états émotionnellement stressants résultant de la détresse et de la panique associées à la séparation sociale. Panksepp et ses collègues (1988) décrivent une expérience dans laquelle la CRH a été injectée par voie intraventriculaire dans le cerveau de jeunes poussins. Les poussins ont présenté des vocalisations de détresse prononcées pendant 6 heures, même s'ils étaient en présence de stimuli sociaux qui inhibaient normalement une telle réactivité. Dans le système cérébral CRH, la norépinéphrine (NE) contrebalance et restreint l'activité CRH.
Dans des conditions de stress prolongé, la NE est épuisée, ce qui entraîne la perturbation de l'équilibre homéostatique entre la NE et la CRH.
Certaines projections de CRH se terminent dans la zone du locus coeruleus et, peut-être, dans des conditions de stress chronique, la CRH peut épuiser la production de NE ou, en conjonction avec un système neuromodulateur parallèle (par exemple, le système opioïde), entraver la production efficace de NE. En plus de l'activation médiée par la CRH du locus coeruleus, les projections de CRF innervent le raphé dorsal. On sait, par exemple, que les opioïdes endogènes exercent une forte contrainte inhibitrice sur les neurones producteurs de NE (McGaugh, 1990). Dans des conditions de déséquilibre régulateur stressant, les influences facilitées par la CRH peuvent prévaloir sur les influences améliorant l'humeur.
Des niveaux réduits de NE sont associés à la dépression, et il n'est pas surprenant que de nombreux chiens souffrant de détresse chronique de séparation développent également des signes de dépression.
En plus des circuits CRH, d'autres circuits neuroendocriniens (prolactine et oxytoxine) peuvent également jouer des rôles importants dans la modulation et l'expression de la détresse de séparation (Panksepp, 1992).
Des preuves solides suggèrent que les premières expériences stressantes produisent des changements durables dans les systèmes de médiation du stress CRH du cerveau. (Nemeroff, 1998).
Ces expositions précoces au stress semblent altérer de façon permanente l'expression du gène CRH et, par conséquent, le système de gestion du stress du chien. Ces changements comprennent l'élévation de la CRH centrale et la prolifération de la densité des récepteurs de la CRH, intensifiant ainsi la réponse de l'animal à la CRH tout au long de sa vie.
En plus des changements du système CRH, l'exposition précoce au stress élève la sécrétion d'ACTH (hormone adrénocorticotrope) induite par le stress ainsi que les taux plasmatiques de cortisol. Fait intéressant, la paroxétine ISRS (Paxil) semble ramener efficacement les niveaux de CRH à la normale tout en ajustant également la sensibilité accrue des récepteurs de l'animal à des niveaux plus normaux. De plus, le médicament produit une réduction globale des comportements indésirables de peur et d'anxiété. Ces effets palliatifs produits par la paroxétine sont apparemment médicament-dépendants. Lorsque le traitement a été interrompu, les niveaux antérieurs de CRH, la sensibilité des récepteurs et le comportement médié par le stress associé sont revenus aux niveaux antérieurs au traitement.
Ces résultats suggèrent la possibilité qu'une exposition précoce et répétée ou traumatisante à la séparation puisse incliner les chiens à devenir trop sensibles aux expériences génératrices de stress, prédisposant peut-être les chiens à développer une variété de problèmes de comportement liés à la peur et une anxiété de séparation problématique à l'âge adulte. Enfin, des études récentes par Price et ses collègues (1998) suggèrent que l'activation du système CRH liée au stress semble exercer une influence inhibitrice directe sur la production de sérotonine dans le raphé dorsal. Cette restriction médiée par la CRH sur la production de sérotonine pourrait évidemment affecter des zones éloignées du cerveau dépendantes de l'activité de la sérotonine provenant du tronc cérébral. Le lien intime entre la CRH et la production de sérotonine peut aider à expliquer les effets de stabilisation et d'amélioration de la sérotonine susmentionnés de la paroxétine via la régulation (ou la normalisation) du système CRH. Les preuves suggèrent que la paroxétine pourrait être une alternative utile pour la gestion des problèmes de comportement liés au stress chez les chiens ; cependant, actuellement, il n'est pas couramment utilisé par les comportementalistes vétérinaires (Overall, 1997; Dodman et Shuster, 1998). Compte tenu des avantages potentiels et de l'absence apparente d'atténuation des effets secondaires indésirables, peut-être que certains essais cliniques exploratoires avec le médicament devraient être effectués et évalués.
Article annexe :
Neurobiologie de la Peur chez le chien
Extinction de la peur conditionnée chez le chien
La peur chez le chien. Apprentissage et mémoire
Système Nerveux Autonome et médiation de la peur chez le chien
Peur et stress biologique chez le chien
Neurobiologie de l'attachement et détresse de séparation
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datufucuxiba · 2 years
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  Bedienungsanleitung. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Honda CR-V (2005) an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Autos und wurde von 4 Honda CR-V Werkstatthandbuch / Reparaturanleitung / KFZ Literatur. Technische Service Literatur vom TEC Verlag zur Reparatur, Wartung und Bedienung ihres HondaAlle Honda Auto-Handbücher und Bedienungsanleitungen auf einen Blick. Blickwinkelansicht des roten Honda Cr-V-SUVs auf einem Parkhaus Bedienungsanleitung Honda Civic 2001-2005 · Bedienungsanleitung Honda Civic 2006-2011 Bedienungsanleitung Honda Honda-SUV-CR-V. Haynes Owners Workshop Manual zur Wartung und Reparatur der Honda CR-V Mk II, Benziner und Diesel. Benzinmotoren: 2.0 I-VTEC (1998 cm³, K20A4). Dieselmotoren: Öffne oder lade dazu einfach die entsprechende PDF- oder Videoanleitung herunter. Die ausführlichen HONDA CR-V-Reparaturanleitungen unserer
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The 24 Elders before the Throne of YAHUAH & the 24 divisions of the priests & the Believers.
 ◄ 1 Chronicles 24 ►The Scriptures (ISR 1998)
1And the divisions of the sons of Aharon: The sons of Aharon were Naḏaḇ and Aḇihu, El‛azar and Ithamar.2But Naḏaḇ and Aḇihu died before their father, and had no children, so El‛azar and Ithamar served as priests.3And Dawiḏ, with Tsaḏoq of the sons of El‛azar, and Aḥimeleḵ of the sons of Ithamar, divided them according to their offices in their service.4And there were more leaders found of the sons of El‛azar than of the sons of Ithamar. So they divided the sons of El‛azar into sixteen heads of their fathers’ houses, and the sons of Ithamar into eight heads of their fathers’ houses.5And they were divided by lot, one group as another, for there were officials of the set-apart place and officials of Elohim, from the sons of El‛azar and from the sons of Ithamar.6And the scribe, Shemayah son of Nethanĕ’l, one of the Lĕwites, wrote them down before the sovereign, and the rulers, and Tsaḏoq the priest, and Aḥimeleḵ son of Eḇyathar, and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the priests and Lĕwites, one father’s house taken for El‛azar and one for Ithamar.7And the first lot came forth to Yehoyariḇ, the second to Yeḏayah,8the third to Ḥarim, the fourth to Se‛orim,9the fifth to Malkiyah, the sixth to Miyamin,10the seventh to Haqqots, the eighth to Aḇiyah,11the ninth to Yĕshua, the tenth to Sheḵanyahu,12the eleventh to Elyashiḇ, the twelfth to Yaqim,13the thirteenth to Ḥuppah, the fourteenth to Yesheḇ’aḇ,14the fifteenth to Bilgah, the sixteenth to Immĕr,15the seventeenth to Ḥĕzir, the eighteenth to Happitstsĕts,16the nineteenth to Pethaḥyah, the twentieth to Yeḥezqĕl,17the twenty-first to Yaḵin, the twenty-second to Gamul,18the twenty-third to Delayahu, the twenty-fourth to Ma‛azyahu.19These were their offices in their service for coming into the House of יהוה according to their right-ruling by the hand of Aharon their father, as יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl had commanded him.20And the rest of the sons of Lĕwi: of the sons of Amram, Shuḇa’ĕl; of the sons of Shuḇa’ĕl, Yeḥdeyahu.21Concerning Reḥaḇyahu, of the sons of Reḥaḇyahu, the head was Yishshiyah.22Of the Yitsharites, Shelomoth; of the sons of Shelomoth, Yaḥath.23Of the sons of Ḥeḇron, Yeriyahu was the head, Amaryahu the second, Yaḥazi’ĕl the third, and Yeqam‛am the fourth.24Of the sons of Uzzi’ĕl, Miḵah; of the sons of Miḵah, Shamir.25The brother of Miḵah, Yishshiyah; of the sons of Yishshiyah, Zeḵaryahu.26The sons of Merari: Maḥli and Mushi; the son of Ya‛aziyahu, Beno.27The sons of Merari by Ya‛aziyahu: Beno, and Shoham, and Zakkur, and Iḇri.28Of Maḥli: El‛azar, who had no sons.29Of Qish: the son of Qish, Yeraḥme’ĕl.30And the sons of Mushi: Maḥli, Ěḏer, and Yerimoth. These were the sons of the Lĕwites according to their fathers’ houses.31These also cast lots, they too, as their brothers the sons of Aharon, in the presence of Sovereign Dawiḏ, and Tsaḏoq, and Aḥimeleḵ, and the heads of the fathers’ houses of the priests and Lĕwites – the head of the fathers, as well as his younger brothers.
◄ Revelation 4:2-4 ►The Scriptures ISR 1998
2And immediately I came to be in the Spirit and saw a throne set in the heaven, and One sat on the throne.3And He who sat there was like a jasper and a ruby stone in appearance. And there was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald in appearance.4And around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white robes. And they had crowns of gold on their heads.
Revelation 5:8; 13-14 The Scriptures ISR 1998
8And when He took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the set-apart ones.13And every creature which is in the heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying, “To Him sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb, be the blessing and the respect and the esteem and the might, forever and ever!”14And the four living creatures said, “Aman!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and bowed before Him who lives forever and ever.
Romans 10:4-17The Scriptures ISR 1998
4For Messiah is the goal of the ‘Torah unto righteousness’to everyone who believes.5For Mosheh writes about the righteousness which is of the Torah, “The man who does these shall live by them.”6But the righteousness of belief speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who shall ascend into the heavens?’ ” – that is, to bring Messiah down; or,7“ ‘Who shall descend into the abyss?’ ” – that is, to bring Messiah up from the dead.8But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” – that is, the word of belief which we are proclaiming:9That if you confess with your mouth the Master יהושע and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.10For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved.11Because the Scripture says, “Whoever puts his trust in Him shall not be put to shame.”12Because there is no distinction between Yehuḏite and Greek, for the same Master of all is rich to all those calling upon Him.13For “everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be saved.”14How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without one proclaiming?15And how shall they proclaim if they are not sent? As it has been written, “How pleasant are the feet of those who bring the Good News of peace, who bring the Good News of the good!”16However, not all obeyed the Good News. For Yeshayahu says, “יהוה, who has believed our report?”17So then belief comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Elohim.
Ya'aqov 2:14-24The Scriptures ISR 1998
14My brothers, what use is it for anyone to say he has belief but does not have works? This belief is unable to save him.15And if a brother or sister is naked and in need of daily food,16but one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” but you do not give them the bodily needs, what use is it?17So also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead.18But someone might say, “You have belief, and I have works.” Show me your belief without your works, and I shall show you my belief by my works.19You believe that Elohim is one. You do well. The demons also believe – and shudder!20But do you wish to know, O foolish man, that the belief without the works is dead?21Was not Aḇraham our father declared right by works when he offered Yitsḥaq his son on the altar?22Do you see that the belief was working with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected?23And the Scripture was filled which says, “Aḇraham believed Elohim, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.” And he was called, “Elohim’s friend.”24You see, then, that a man is declared right by works, and not by belief alone.
◄ Matthew 20:1-16 ►The Scriptures ISR 1998
1“For the reign of the heavens is like a man, a householder who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.2“And when he had agreed with the workers for a silver piece a day, he sent them into his vineyard.3“And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the market-place,4and said to them, ‘You too go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I shall give you.’ And they went.5“Having gone out again about the sixth and the ninth hour, he did likewise.6“And about the eleventh hour, having gone out, he found others standing idle, and said to them, ‘Why do you stand here idle all day?’7“They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You too go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you shall receive.’8“And when evening came, the master of the vineyard said to his manager, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’9“And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a silver piece.10“And when the first came, they thought they would receive more. But they too received each a silver piece.11“And when they received it, they grumbled against the householder,12saying, ‘These last have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’13“But he answering, said to one of them, ‘Friend, I do you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a silver piece?14‘Take yours and go. But I wish to give to this last man as also to you.15‘Is it not right for me to do what I wish with my own? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’16“Thus the last shall be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.”
Revelation 20:11-15The Scriptures ISR 1998
11And I saw a great white throne and Him who was sitting on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them.12And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before the throne, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged from what was written in the books, according to their works.13And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and the grave gave up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works.14And the death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death.15And if anyone was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
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Nominative registrations-Sofia 2018
AGAGULIAN Iasmina 2001
SARGSYAN Silva 2002
GILL Ashari 2002
SLAVOVA Oksana 2001
MEDER Julia 1997
RUPRECHT Nicol 1992
HUDIS Veronika 2002
SOROKINA Darya 2002
DELBEKE Sanna 2000
VAN PUYVELDE Vanina 1999
MUJACIC Ajsa 2002
KADRIC Azra 2000
AZMAN Sara 2002
TANOVIC Zerina 2001
EVCHIK Julia 2001
SALOS Anastasiia 2002
HALKINA Katsiaryna 1997
ISACHANKA Yuljya 2001
BORNAL Heloisa 2001
DOMINGOS Barbara 2000
GAUDIO Natalia 1992
KALEYN Boryana 2000
VLADINOVA Neviana 1994
TASEVA Katrin 1997
CRANE Sophie 2002
UCHIDA Katherine 1999
WHELAN Carmen 1998
RUBILAR Javiera 2000
URRUTIA Montserrat 2001
KANG Qi 2000
ZHAO Yating 2001
SHANG Rong 2000
LIU Jiahui 1996
BOZIC Laura 1999
RIBARIC Petra 1998
LOZIC Suncica 2002
EVRIPIDOU Diamanto 2000
SKITTIDI Viktoria 2002
ELLINA Eleni 2002
ZALESAKOVA Sabina 2002
CHAMZINA Alina 2002
KRISTENSEN Josefie 2002
SACHMANN Nicoline 1997
ZAYED Haya 2000
MARZOUK Habiba 2002
SELIM Mariam 2002
KHATTAB Nourhal 1997
ANO BACA Maria 2002
LLANA Sara 1997
BEREZINA Polina 1997
KELER Melany 2002
BOGDANOVA Viktoria 1994
AESMA Carmen Marii 2002
RIF Inessa 1994
TIKKANEN Jouki 1995
GERGALO Rebecca 2000
MOUSTAFAEVA Kseniya 1995
FRIZELLE Gemma 1998
MARTIN Hannah 2002
HALFORD Laura 1996
PAZHAVA Salome 1997
PESCHEL Noemi 2001
DERVISI Maria 2002
KELAIDITI Eleni 2000
PIGNICZKI Fanni 2000
JUHASZ Anna 2002
VARAY Mira 2001
GUNDLAPALLY Meghana 1998
DANDEKAR Aditee 1999
ASHRAM Linoy 1999
ZELIKMAN Nicol 2001
TELEGINA Yuliana 2002
RUSSO Alessia 1996
OIWA Chisaki 2001
KITA Sumire 2001
MINAGAWA Kaho 1997
TLEKENOVA Adilya 2002
SEO Goeun 2001
KIM Chaewoon 2001
LIM Se-Eun 2000
KIM Joowon 2002
DJOMINA Jekaterina 2002
BAKLAGINA Alina 2002
MIZUNE Karolina 1999
MASIONYTE Neringa 2001
IVANOVA Julija 2002
DICT WENG Kwan 1995
 KOI Sie Yan 1999
AMZAN Izzah 2000
ZACREVSCHI Anastasia 2002
DIAZ Karla 1995
MALPICA Marina 2000
MARKOVIC Jovana 2002
OEVERAAS Margit 1998
EBERT Stella 2002
MIELEC Wiktoria 2002
KULIG Natalia 2001
 KOZIOL Natalia 2000
CANILHAS Maria 1997
FERREIRA Margarida 2002
 SALES Laura 2000
 LUIS SANTOS Beatriz 2000
PAK Jin A 2000
APONTE Ana 2002
CUSNIER Giuliana 2002
DAVID Alice Maria 2001
MAILAT Denisa 2002
VERDES Andreea 2000
BURGER Lilica 2002
GARDINER Shannon 1999
MOHLAMME Palesa 2000
SOLDATOVA Aleksandra 1998
AVERINA Dina 1998
AVERINA Arina 1998
VEDENEEVA Ekaterina 1994
PODGORSEK Aleksandra 2001
TOMAZIN Anja 2000
GARBARINO Monica 2001
GVOZDIC Nastasija 2001
BLAZIC Andrijana 2002
MITROVIC Jelisaveta 2002
ONDAATJE Anna-Marie 2000
KILIANOVA Xenia 1997
SEMANOVA Kristina 2002
LIMPANICH Benjaporn 1999
 PATANASAK Kanpitcha 2001
DEMIRORS Derya 2002
TUNCEL Kamelya 2002
DIACHENKO Olena 2001
FEELEY Camilla 1999
GRISKENAS Evita 2000
 ZENG Laura 1999
RAKHMATOVA Dildora 1997
USMANOVA Nurinisso 2001
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aliveinjesuschrist · 3 years
Glory to God=Hallelujah for last night begins The Day of Day Fifty=Pentecost of Shavout=The Feast of Weeks! 
On this day: May 22 sundown - 23 sundown, 2021 (changes every year depending on the moon) 
Praise God, today we rest this day until sundown, gather, make a Proclamation about this Day, read outloud from God's scriptures about these things, and we give a small percentage from our harvest fields (the edges of the field crops or money) we give to the poor and foreigners among us!
Leviticus 23: ESV 
"9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10 “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, 11 and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, so that you may be accepted. On the day after the Sabbath (Saturday sundown to Sunday sundown) the priest shall wave it. 
... (The Temple was destroyed so we can't make any offerings right now.) 
14 And you shall eat neither bread nor grain parched or fresh until this same day, until you have brought the offering of your God: it is a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. 
The Feast of Weeks=Shavuot 
15 “You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering. 16 You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath. Then you shall present a grain offering of new grain to the Lord. 
... (The Temple was destroyed so we can't make any offerings right now, so 9-16 is just for Time reference.)
21 And you shall make a proclamation on the same day. You shall hold a holy convocation (Miqra: reading outloud+gathering). You shall not do any ordinary work. It is a statute forever in all your dwelling places throughout your generations. 
22 “And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.” 
Acts 2: The Scriptures (ISR 1998) 
(The names of people and places have been restored to their original language of Hebrew that the Jewish people, all believers in Jesus in the beginning were only Jewish then later on as recorded in "Acts" non-Jews started believing to joining God's family. these first Jews wrote the scriptures and later collections of Letters we call "The New Testament" in Greek would have called them in.) 
 "1And when the Day (Day 50 aka Pentecost) of the Festival of Weeks had come, they were all with one mind in one place. 2And suddenly there came a sound from the heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 
3And there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and settled on each one of them. 4And they were all filled with the Set-apart Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to speak. 
 5Now in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) there were dwelling Yehudim (Jews), dedicated men from every nation under the heaven. 6And when this sound came to be, the crowd came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. 
 7And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying to each other, "Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? 8"And how do we hear, each one in our own language in which we were born? 
 9"Parthians and Medes and Eylamites (Elamites), and those dwelling in Aram Naharayim (Mesopotamia), both Yehudah (Judea) and Kappadokia (Cappadocia), Pontos (Pontus) and Asia, 10both Phrygia and Pamphulia (Pamphylia), Mitsrayim (Egypt) and the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Yehudim (Jews) and converts, 11"Cretans and Arabs, we hear them speaking in our own tongues the great deeds of Elohim (God)." 
 12And they were all amazed, and were puzzled, saying to each other, "What does this mean?" 
 13And others mocking said, "They have been filled with sweet wine." 
 14But Kepha (Peter), standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice and said to them, "Men of Yehudah (Judea) and all those dwelling in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), let this be known to you, and listen closely to my words. 
 15"For these men are not drunk, as you imagine, since it is only the third hour of the day. 
 16"But this is what was spoken by the prophet Yoel (Joel): 17'And it shall be in the last days, says Elohim (God), that I shall pour out of My Spirit on all flesh. 
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, 18and also on My male servants and on My female servants I shall pour out My Spirit in those days, and they shall prophesy. 
 19'And I shall show wonders in the heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapour of smoke. 20'The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and splendid day of YHWH (this the Hebrew name of God). 
21'And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of YHWH (aka YaWeh) shall be saved.' 
 22"Men of Yisrael (Israel), hear these words: Yeshua (aka Jesus) of Natsareth (Nazareth), a Man from Elohim (God), having been pointed out to you by mighty works, and wonders, and signs which Elohim (God) did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know, 23this One, given up by the set purpose and foreknowledge of Elohim, (God) you have impaled and put to death through the hands of lawless men - 
 24"Him Elohim (God) raised up, having loosed the pangs of death, because it was impossible that He could be held in its grip. 
 25"For Dawid (David) says concerning Him, 'I saw YHWH (aka YahWeh) before me continually, because He is at my right hand, in order that I should not be shaken. 
26'For this reason my heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad, and now my flesh shall also rest in expectation, 27because You shall not leave my being in the grave, nor shall You give Your Kind One to see corruption. 28'You have made known to me the ways of life, You shall fill me with joy in Your presence.' 
 29"Men and brothers, let me speak boldly to you of the ancestor Dawid (David), that he died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. 30"Being a prophet, then, and knowing that Elohim (God) had sworn with an oath to him: 
of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, to raise up the Messiah (Christ) to sit on his throne, 31foreseeing this he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Messiah (Hebrew word meaning "Christ"), that His being was neither left in the grave, nor did His flesh see corruption. 
 32"Elohim (Hebrew word for "God") has raised up this Yeshua (aka Jesus), of which we are all witnesses. 33"Therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of Elohim (God), and having received from the Father the promise of the Set-apart (Holy literally means "set-apart") Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear. 
 34"For Dawid (David) did not ascend into the heavens, but he himself said, "YHWH said to my Master, "Sit at My right hand, 35until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet."" 
 36"Therefore let all the house of Yisrael (Israel) know for certain that Elohim (God) has made this Yeshua (aka Jesus), whom you impaled, both Master and Messiah (Christ)." 
 37And having heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Kepha (Peter) and the rest of the emissaries (Apostles), "Men, brothers, what shall we do?" 
 38And Kepha (Peter) said to them, "Repent, and let each one of you be immersed (Baptized) in the Name of Yeshua (aka Jesus) Messiah (Christ) for the forgiveness of sins. And you shall receive the gift of the Set-apart Spirit. 
 39"For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, as many as YHWH our Elohim (God) shall call." 
 40And with many other words he earnestly witnessed and urged them, saying, "Be saved from this crooked generation." 
 41Then those, indeed, who gladly received his word, were immersed (Baptized literally means "Pickeled" or "Fully Submersed"). And on that day about three thousand beings were added to them. 
 42And they were continuing steadfastly in the teaching of the emissaries (Apostles aka "Sent Ones"), and in the fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers. 
 43And fear came upon every being, and many wonders and signs were being done through the emissaries (Apostles). 44And all those who believed were together, and had all in common, 45and sold their possessions and property, and divided them among all, as anyone might have need. 
 46And day by day, continuing with one mind in the Set-apart Place (The Temple), and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47praising Elohim (God) and having favour with all the people. And the Master added to the assembly those who were being saved, day by day." 
 From Got Questions website: 
 "What is the Feast of Weeks? 
 ANSWER: Described in Leviticus 23, The Feast of Weeks is the second of the three "solemn feasts" that all Jewish males were required to travel to Jerusalem to attend (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:22-23; Deuteronomy 16:16). 
This important feast gets its name from the fact that it starts seven full weeks, or exactly 50 days, after the Feast of Firstfruits. Since it takes place exactly 50 days after the previous feast, this feast is also known as "Pentecost" (Acts 2:1), which means "fifty". 
 Each of three "solemn feasts": Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles, required that all able-bodied Jewish males travel to Jerusalem to attend the feast and offer sacrifices. 
All three of these feasts required that "firstfruit" offerings be made at the temple as a way of expressing thanksgiving for God's provision. The Feast of Firstfruits celebrated at the time of the Passover included the first fruits of the barley harvest. 
The Feast of Weeks was in celebration of the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Tabernacles involved offerings of the first fruits of the olive and grape harvests. Since the Feast of Weeks was one of the "harvest feasts", the Jews were commanded to "present an offering of new grain to the Lord" (Leviticus 23:16). This offering was to be "two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah" which were made "of fine flour . . . baked with leaven." 
The offerings were to be made of the first fruits of that harvest (Leviticus 23:17). Along with the "wave offerings" they were also to offer seven first-year lambs that were without blemish along with one young bull and two rams. 
Additional offerings are also prescribed in Leviticus and the other passages that outline how this feast was to be observed. 
Another important requirement of this feast is that, when the Jews harvested their fields, they were required to leave the corners of the field untouched and not gather "any gleanings" from the harvest as a way of providing for the poor and strangers (Leviticus 23:22). 
 To the Jews, this time of celebration is known as Shavuot, which is the Hebrew word meaning "weeks." This is one of three separate names that are used in Scripture to refer to this important Jewish feast. 
Each name emphasizes an important aspect of the feast as well as its religious and cultural significance to both Jews and Christians. Besides being called the Feast of Weeks in Leviticus 23, this special feast celebration is called the "Day of the Firstfruits" in Numbers 28:26 and the "Feast of Harvest" in Exodus 23:16. 
 The Feast of Weeks takes place exactly 50 days after the Feast of Firstfruits. It normally occurs in late spring, either the last part of May or the beginning of June. Unlike other feasts that began on a specific day of the Hebrew calendar, this one is calculated as being "fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath" (Leviticus 23:15-16; Deuteronomy 16:9-10). 
 Like other Jewish feasts, the Feast of Weeks is important in that it foreshadows the coming Messiah and His ministry. Each and every one of the seven Jewish Feasts signifies an important aspect of God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. 
 Jesus was crucified as the "Passover Lamb" and rose from the grave at the Feast of Firstfruits. Following His resurrection, Jesus spent the next 40 days teaching His disciples before ascending to heaven (Acts 1). 
Fifty days after His resurrection and after ascending to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as promised (John 14:16-17) to indwell the disciples and empower them for ministry. 
The promised Holy Spirit arrived on the Day of Pentecost, which is another name for the Feast of Weeks. The spiritual significances of the Feast of Weeks are many. Some see the two loaves of leavened bread that were to be a wave offering as foreshadowing the time when the Messiah would make both Jew and Gentile to be one in Him (Ephesians 2:14-15). 
 This is also the only feast where leavened bread is used. Leaven in Scripture is often used symbolically of sin, and the leavened bread used in the Feast of Weeks is thought to be representative of the fact that there is still sin within the church (body of Christ) and will be until Christ returns again. 
 On the Day of Pentecost or the Feast of Weeks, the "firstfruits" of the church were gathered by Christ as some 3,000 people heard Peter present the gospel after the Holy Spirit had empowered and indwelt the disciples as promised. With the promised indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the first fruits of God's spiritual harvest under the New Covenant began. 
Today that harvest continues as people continue to be saved, but there is also another coming harvest whereby God will again turn His attention back to Israel so that “all of Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26)." 
link: https://www.gotquestions.org/Feast-of-Weeks.html 
 #weeks #feasts #Holyday #Shavout #Pentecost #Day50 #HolySpirit #Sabbath
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I Waited Patiently for the LORD
1 I waited, waited for יהוה; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry.
2 And He drew me Out of the pit of destruction, Out of the muddy clay, And He set my feet upon a rock, He is establishing my steps.
3 Then He put a new song in my mouth; Praise to our Elohim; Many do see it and fear, And trust in יהוה.
4 Blessed is that man who has made יהוה his trust, And has not turned to the proud, And those turning aside to falsehood.
5 O יהוה my Elohim, many are the wonders Which You have done, and Your purposes toward us; There is no one to compare with You; I declare and speak: They are too many to be numbered.
6 Slaughtering and meal offering You did not desire; You have opened my ears; Burnt offering and sin offering You did not ask for.
7 Then I said, “See, I have come; In the scroll of the Book it is prescribed for me.
8 I have delighted to do Your pleasure, O my Elohim, And Your Torah is within my hearta.”
9 I have proclaimed the good news of righteousness, In the great assembly; See, I do not restrain my lips, O יהוה, You know.
10 I did not conceal Your righteousness within my heart; I have declared Your trustworthiness and Your deliverance; I did not hide Your kindness and Your truth From the great assembly.
11 Do not withhold Your compassion from me, O יהוה; Let Your kindness and Your truth always watch over me.
12 For evils without number have surrounded me; My crookednesses have overtaken me, And I have been unable to see; They became more than the hairs of my head; And my heart has failed me.
13 Be pleased, O יהוה, to deliver me; O יהוה, hasten to help me!
14 Let those who seek to destroy my life Be ashamed and abashed altogether; Let those who are desiring my evil Be driven back and put to shame.
15 Let those who say to me, “Aha, aha!” Be appalled at their own shame.
16 Let all those who seek You Rejoice and be glad in You; Let those who love Your deliverance always say, “יהוה be exalted!”
17 But I am poor and needy; Let יהוה think upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; O my Elohim, do not delay! — Psalm 40 | The Scriptures 1998 (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 49:18; Joshua 22:22; Job 5:9; Job 7:11; Job 37:24; Job 42:3; Psalm 7:9; Psalm 18:5; Psalm 18:29; Psalm 22:19; psalm 22:26; Psalm 25:3; Psalm 25:10; Psalm 28:7; Psalm 34:8; Psalm 35:4; Psalm 35:21; Psalm 35:26-27; Psalm 38:22; Psalm 57:3; Psalm 70:3-4 and 5; Psalm 86:1 Matthew 3:15; Luke 21:20; John 4:34; Acts 20:20; Acts 20:27; 2 Corinthians 3:3; Hebrews 10:5-6; Hebrews 10:7-8 and 9; 1 Peter 5:7; Revelation 5:9
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fapangel · 6 years
What's the state of the art for defending against tiny, slow moving drones with bombs on them, both in active combat zones and in every day life?
New EW systems to knock down those annoying civilian drones, and cheaper missiles/guns properly sized for the threat, against small military ones with hardened communications and/or autonomous backup ability. 
The biggest problem with the sudden proliferation of consumer drones right now isn’t worrisome in and out of itself. Yes, ISIS has had success with them, but I think that’s mostly because they could order them off Amazon faster than the Kurds could buy shotguns to shoot them down with. The weak radio signals that GPS satellites use to communicate with ground receivers are very easily overpowered and spoofed (as Russia has recently demonstrated in the Black Sea and during the Zapad exercises,) and putting a directional antenna on a stock with a battery pack isn’t terribly hard - examples have been seen in military hands overseas, and countless private companies are producing them as a low-risk, non-destructive anti-drone measure for airports and such. 
The reason the military’s really worried is because they’ve been operating drones of this size for years in similar roles, and they’re well aware that Russia and China won’t be using shit they bought at Wal-Mart. Theirs will have much greater capability and hardened communications, so you can’t just point a shotgun or off-the-shelf jammer at them and leave it at that. And right now, they don’t really have weapon systems suited for this threat.
Much has been made of these small, cheap drones being shot down by 3 million dollar PAC-2 GEM anti-aircraft missiles, but that’s not what worries the military the most. The real worry is situations where we can’t shoot back at all. It’s highly unlikely that the Patriot detected the drone on radar and engaged it as an unknown bogey - something that small - and flying that low - was probably spotted by the ground troops it was spying on. It was engaged by the Patriot because the ground troops likely didn’t have anything on-hand suited to the task. Upgrade the $200 consumer drone to a proper small military UAV, (hardened against jammers and flying well above small-arms range) and you’ve got a real problem - because oftentimes, you won’t have a friendly Patriot battery in range. This ties into the US Army’s current scramble for new SHORAD capability - the proliferation of tactical ballistic missiles and UAVs is at least half the reason they see the need to upgrade (the other half being diminished US air supremacy in the face of A2/AD SAM systems and such.) 
We have the Stinger, of course, but it’s designed to go after jet engines - the low-power, high efficiency powerplants of drones it’ll probably have problems against, and the backpack-sized stuff like the average $200 Amazon quadcopter? Forget it. This is especially worrisome because drones are more than just ISR threats that bring artillery down on you - they’re a weapon unto themselves, and the US Army is already using one that blurs the line between drone and missile, acting as an expendable drone that can loiter a while, but attacks like a glide-bomb/missile when required. Medium and heavy machine guns offer some defense against these, but not nearly enough - they’re just too swift and small to reliably spot with the Mk 1 eyeball, even enhanced with optics and thermals. Something new is clearly needed - this is an entirely new class of weapon, and it’ll need new weapons optimized to counter it. 
The US flirted with a SPAAG (self-propelled anti-aircraft gun) but soon shitcanned it as fairly superfluous to requirements (and ineffective compared to other systems,) but they’re ideal for this kind of threat. South Korea is upgrading many of their AAA guns with thermal sights (and quite possibly datalinks/EOTS systems for automated, effective targeting) to counter similar-sized threats like hang-gliding North Korean commandos (no, I’m not joking, these silly bastards think they’re playing Far Cry or something.) SPAAGs are ideal for this kind of threat - they have the range and firepower to handily deal with targets, they’re vehicle-mounted, so they can utilize advanced sensors, datalinks, EOTS systems, etc. to make target acquisition of even tiny drones a breeze, and most importantly, they’re dirt-cheap and dual-use. A small-to-medium caliber SPAAG (20-40mm) has a gun sized similar to the average IFV, but firing at a much faster rate - they can (and have, like Soviet Shilkas in Afghanistan) be used as brutally-effective direct-fire IFVs. Alternately, Counter-Mortar and Artillery capability is something most militaries are seeking now that it’s technologically feasible, and the gun/sensor systems used for that can engage small drones just fine. 
The US has been moving away from guns, however, because missiles are far more accurate and longer-ranged, and we’ve got the tech base to mass-produce (and maintain) miniaturized, cheap ones. (Cost is largely a factor of economies of scale, and since the US needs to buy a shitload of whatever we use, it makes higher-tech weapons a lot more affordable than they are for others.) Enter the miniature hit-to-kill missile, which has a baseline definition as a C-RAM missile, but is quite obviously meant to engage close-in air threats as well. Also significant is the platform they’re designing it for - the Army’s new Multi-Mission Launcher. This platform has also launched the Surface-Launched AMRAAM (emulating the NASAMs system,) will probably be used to launch the modified ESSM that’s slated to replace the AMRAAM in that role, and has also launched a Sidewinder (demonstrating a capability equal to the MIM-72 Chaparral, retired in 1998.)
The Multi-Mission launcher isn’t just a handy-dandy all-in-one launcher for SHORAD missiles, however. You’ll recall the Marines new strategy for infiltrating A2/AD defense spheres to gut them from the inside out; sneaking in on LCACs to set up on sandspits and hit enemy SAM/missile sites with rocket artillery or tactical ballistic missiles. All fine and good, but they’ll need air defense and anti-ship capability to protect themselves if they’re found. And something to cover their asses if the enemy starts shooting back with counterbattery. The Marines are adding anti-ship capability to their HIMARS launchers, but they’ve got nothing for the other two - you’d need one whole LCAC just for a Centurion C-RAM trailer and it’s prime-mover (tow vehicle) and good luck getting a minimal Patriot deployment up (radar, command vehicle, and one TEL) without several trips…
… but the Multi-Mission Launcher can do it all. The ATACMS ballistic missiles, the M31 artillery rockets, the AA missiles - AIM-120, AIM-9X, RIM-162, you name it - and the counter-rocket/mortar missiles. And since each missile, especially the Miniature Hit-to-Kill ones, are just the right size for their mission and no larger, you can fit enough of them on the launcher to have staying power. 
Put this all together and you can see past the specific things - a new artillery launcher, a scramble for SHORAD systems, a problem with consumer drone proliferation - and see what the military sees, and why they’re planning the way they are and developing the solutions we see emerging. They’re building an entire new capability to address an entire new engagement envelope, and integrating it with existing weapons and capabilities to ensure it can work with the newly-emerging doctrines needed to counter current and likely future threats. 
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dear-indies · 5 months
cat, i once more come to you in my time of fc need. due to kiernan shipka's raising money for isr*el, i need to find a replacement for an oc of mine. however, it's VERY specific and it may be a bit difficult. she's white and originally from an affluent family in the late 1940s, early 1950s and looks to be in her very early 20s ( around 20-23 years old ). the difficulty comes in the fact that she has to have at least one modern thing where she has white hair and a sort of supernatural vibe, similar to kiernan as sabrina in the final season because she has shining-like abilities. i'm less focused on her having period accurate material than i am on her having the white hair and general vibes. thank you so much for this and i'm so sorry if this is really difficult.
Jenny Boyd (1991) - Ok I'm aware she's in her early thirties (still blows my mind does she age?) however she literally looks in her early twenties and had white/platinum hair in Legacies which is supernatural vibes.
Ivanna Sakhno (1997)
Mollie Gallagher (1997) - has white/platinum hair and modern settings.
Lizze Broadway (1998)
Reneé Rapp (2000) - is bisexual.
Willow Shields (2000) Irish, Swedish, Polish, German, Ashkenazi Jewish, possibly other - had light hair - is bisexual.
Sophie Thatcher (2000) - had white/platinum hair in Yellowjackets - she posted in support of Isr*el then deleted it and posted pro-Palestinine from what I can tell?
Morgan Lily (2000) - has white/platinum hair.
Kaitlyn Bernard (2000)
Jade Pettyjohn (2000)
Veerle Dejaeger (2000) - has white/platinum hair - thanks to @kaylawallace!
Meg Donnelly (2000)
Lilly Krug (2001)
SHE DID WHAT NOW (taken her off my fc directory thank you!)
I'm sorry I didn't match this 100% but hopefully one of these can carry you over until someone gets a new role and dyes their hair white. 😭
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nuclearblastuk · 7 years
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Announce new rock opera and UK/IRE tour dates for 2018 When 15 year old prodigy Christofer Johnsson founded THERION as a death metal band in 1987, little did he know that exactly 30 years later he would put the final touches to a project that will go down in history as symphonic metal’s most ambitious release. While ‘metal operas’ are no longer an unusual creation, this term will forever receive a new meaning on January 26th, 2018, when the curtain opens for Johnsson’s lifelong creation: ‘Beloved Antichrist’ is the title of his spectacular brainchild, consisting of 3 full-length CDs. It’s more than just a concept album, but a complete rock opera with multiple chapters unveiling a sweeping story, partly based on and inspired by Vladímir Soloviov ‘A Short Tale Of The Antichrist’. With an incredible total of 29 different roles and characters, who all required a unique voice, THERION hired not only a big choir, but also 29 vocalists to bring the epic story to life. With long-time collaborators like Thomas Vikström, Lori Lewis and Chiara Malvestiti, fans will hear the classical THERION vibe but also be able to drown in a magical maelstrom of many new as well as familiar voices. Divided into several chapters, the opera reaches a full length of 3 and a half hours and THERION are currently working on the possibility of bringing the entire production to the stage. And while this monumental undertaking still simmers away in the Swedish production halls, the band has announced a pan-European tour including UK dates, where they will perform some of their new masterpieces live in a classical concert setting. Support comes from Russia’s IMPERIAL AGE, Germany's NULL POSITIV and New York symphonic metallers MIDNIGHT ETERNAL. Don't miss this new milestone in the history of symphonic metal and witness this dramatic staging of the apocalypse and all those brave, sinister and fascinating characters heading towards the end of it all. "The world of metal would not be the same without THERION", wrote Iron Fist Magazine in 2014 and one thing is for sure: after the unleashing of ‘Beloved Antichrist’ in 2018, it never will be again. The European and UK dates read as follows: THERION w/ IMPERIAL AGE + NULL POSITIV + MIDNIGHT ETERNAL 01.02.  DE –  Essen, Turock 02.02.  NL – Amsterdam, Melkweg 03.02. UK – London, Islington Assembly Hall 04.02. UK – Manchester, Rebellion 07.02. UK – Aberdeen, The Assembly 08.02. UK – Glasgow, Audio 09.02. UK – Sheffield, Corporation 10.02. UK – Belfast, Limelight 11.02. IRE – Dublin, Tivoli
13.02. UK – Bristol, Bierkeller
14.02. UK – Birmingham, O2 Institute
16.02. FR – Paris, Trabendo
20.02. ES – Bilbao, Santana 27
21.02. PT – Oporto, Hard Club
22.02. Pt – Lisboa, Lisboa Oa Vivo
23.02. ES – Sevilla, Sala Custom
24.02. ES – Madrid, Sala But 2
25.02. ES – Barcelona, Razzmatazz 2
01.03. IT – Brescia, Circolo Colony
02.03. IT – Rome, Orion
03.03. IT – Bologna, Zona Roveri
04.03. SLO – Ljubljana, Kino Siska
05.03. HR –  Zagreb, Tvornica        
06.03. SRB  – Belgrade, Dom Obladine
08.03. GR – Thessaloniki, Principal Club Theater
09.03. GR – Athens, Poraeus 117 Academy
10.03. BG – Sofia, MIXTAPE 5
11.03. RO – Bucharest, Arenele Romane
13.03. HU – Budapest, Barba Negra
14.03. SK – Bratislava, Majestic Music Club
15.03. CZ – Praha, Meetfactory
16.03. PL – Wroclaw, A2
17.03. PL – Warsaw, Progresja
18.03. PL – Gdansk, B90
20.03. LT – Vilnius, Rock River Club
21.03. LV – Riga, Melna Piektdiena
29.03. DE – Bremen, Tivoli
03.04. DE – Munich, Backstage
05.04. DE – Jena, F Haus
07.04. NL – Tilburg, 013
10.04. ISR – Tel Aviv, TBA
More info on ‘Beloved Antichrist’ will be revealed soon.
was founded in 1987 by
Christofer Johnsson
, and they started off by recording a few demos and the mini LP ‘Time Shall Tell’.
Their debut record ‘Of Darkness…’ (1991) was a huge success for the band within the underground metal scene. They had begun life as a very creative death metal band, pushing the limits of a contemporary sound and eventually growing beyond themselves. Over the years the bands’ style has developed in a rather unique way, and they have released some very ground-breaking records.
After a few line-up changes, making
the only original member remaining,
released ‘Theli’ (1996)
which would be the ultimate breakthrough record for the band. At this stage in their career
turned towards a more operatic, progressive and even orchestral sound. ‘Vovin’ (1998)
was their bestselling record to date and the development of their sound reached a new peak - for the first time ever
worked together with a real symphonic orchestra.
(with the help of a few studio musicians) recorded this album by himself and more or less considers
 ‘Vovin’ as a solo record. 
‘Secret Of The Runes’
(2001) was their first concept album,  based around Nordic myths and was hugely influenced by Scandinavian Folk music.
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lakhasly · 4 years
Viber Media was founded in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1998 by Talmon Marco and Igor Magazinnik, who are friends from the Israel Defense Forces where they were chief information officers. Marco and Magazinnik are also co- founders of the P2P media and file-sharing client iMesh. The company was run from Isr via Lakhasly.com Rss Feed
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