#Infernal seris
freetobeeyouandme · 5 months
can't sleep and somehow ended up thinking about The Infernal Devices series despite not having gone there for years but like...god that was one wild ass messy love triangle and i think it might have geniunely been one of the most fun takes on the whole ya love triangle trend ever like yeah just marry both of them just 100+ years apart because of magic immortality reasons. and they were legally besties
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yellowraincoat · 10 months
The fact that Cassandra Clare wrote all of her series out of chronological timeline order means that you start in the 1890s and WOW everyone is so GAY. Shadowhunter society embraces their bisexual warlocks, and their lesbian daughters and bisexual and gay sons (except for the bridgestocks). Isn’t lovely how this sheltered society outside of the mundane world rejects petty prejudices? Also, Magnus the warlock is a super well put together man who plays mentor and uncle for young shadow hunters despite looking 25
Then you zoom forward to 2007 and somehow the clave has become… significantly more? homophobic??? To the point where it’s dangerous to come out. And on top of that, uncle/mentor magnus is going through a midlife crisis, has regressed several hundred years in maturity, and decides to date an 18 year old baby gay for some reason.
Then in 2014 the conservative cult that is the clave is analyzed for what it is and the majority of shadow hunters break away from it bc it’s that homophobic, transphobic, and unwilling to recognize modern medicine or mental health diagnoses. Oh and magnus is back to being shadowhunter mentor/dad/uncle
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clockwork-carstairs · 3 months
the last hours was actually so tragic. like maybe it’s the edwardian london thing that makes it seem more tragic to me but damn all that miscommunication made them all so LONELY and isolated when they didn’t have to be. in tid even when will thought he was cursed he had jem, and even when he was being awful to tessa she still had other people in her life like jem and sophie. jem and tessa had no family, but they had people they talked to and shared their fears with. in the dark artifices, they’re this really strong family unit, the tragedy is horrible but there’s a network around them all (blackthorns + emma + kit) so no one’s really alone.
but in the last hours like….these kids HAVE parents and friend groups and supposed best friends even, yet they seem more isolated than any other series mains. james doesn’t tell anyone about the gracelet and what he went through (fair enough bec it was terrible and traumatising). but then it’s not just that. cordelia isn’t telling anyone what she’s going through. lucie isn’t telling anyone what she’s going through (trying to bring someone back to life???) – and they’re supposedly best friends and future parabatai! and matthew isn’t telling anyone what he’s going through, not his parabatai either, and no one wants to address how visibly he’s suffering. and grace, she’s actually alone. and it just seems so lonely and sad and they all seem so isolated even though they shouldn’t be, because unlike the tid and tda mains, the tlh lot actually have parents and their own homes (for the most part). the start of chain of thorns especially is just really painful because they’re all suffering ALONE when they all have people around them they just don’t bridge the gap. it just feels so lonely which is almost ironic bec what about the friendship of the merry thieves and the parabatai bonds and best friendship?
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some fandom friends of mine ask me why i’m such a steadfast percy defender and the reason is kinda simple: even tho i was a little girl while reading the books, i related far more with percy than with annabeth or clarisse or thalia. i understood percy’s character the most and tho i love them all, my love for percy will be just a bit more and well, for so many others that one favourite closest to heart character is annabeth instead or nico or thalia or clarisse or one of the hoo heroes and that’s the thing about books and all these worlds full of different, interesting people. you relate to characters not just based on gender or motivations or their unique set of attributes but sometimes it’s just the way they talk or their backstory or their ways of coping or their outlook on life or their introspective musings and that’s enough to make them that one special character you will die on hills for and that’s hella dope actually.
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hopestrope · 2 months
I am including only the ones that stuck together and didn't stab each other on the back. So I am excluding Julian and Emma, Michael and Robert, Luke and Valentine for obvious reasons.
(Shadowcombats series 1)
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ineffablydaydreaming · 7 months
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. . . 🌧
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thrxughthenxght · 12 days
Anyone in the Shadowhunters and All For the Game fandoms laughing because the tag abbreviation for "The Sunshine Court" is TSC? Just me?
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tys-kitty · 22 days
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caterpillarinacave · 9 months
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~~~~~Will Herondale~~~~~
Off-white linen shirts, blue, blue eyes, loyalty, familial love, hair in your eyes, the wrinkled pages of beloved books, hearing a poem for the first time, wet streets, the warm presence of your best friend, the scent of books, velvet and some wild cologne, one that smells like love.
TID Character Moodboards 1/16
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wikitpowers · 3 months
Do you ever worry that now that we see the horizon of the shadowhunter books coming to an end, the community or fandom will become a diaspora? Do you think you will fan over them as intensely as you are now say five years post-TWP? Does it give you anxiety and all or make you lonely? :(
And how do you reckon you’ll cope with it?
(Asking for a friend 🎈)
honestly, i’m trying not to think too much about tsc ending bc it makes me super sad bc wdym there won’t be anymore stories with amazing, loveable characters and addicting plots and insane angst? it’s so hard to picture cassie not writing tsc.
but do i think the fandom will die out? i honestly don’t think so, there are too many stories that have changed peoples lives and one does not simply forget about their favourite characters in the blink of an eye, but i do think it might become more quiet… kind of like the 1d fandom… and yes, i suppose it does make me feel quite lonely bc currently i’m just having so much fun talking about the shadowhunter world with people on here and it’s wholesome and so so nice to be surrounded by people who love the same thing as me🫶🏻 thinking about that excitement being diminished is a bit anxiety enducing i suppose.
but no matter what happens, i hope i can still fangirl about tsc with people be that 5, 10 or 15 years in the future. maybe not as intensely or as often and who knows what person i will be then, but kit and tsc are so special to me right now that i don’t think i can ever say my heart will truly leave the fandom.
people can say what they want about cassie’s work but i think she left a legacy and her books won’t easily be forgotten. and it’s less lonely when i focus on the fact that she can still get new readers who have never picked up her books, people who will read tid or twp for the first time in idk like 2028 and then they will be sucked into this world and have the same experiences as us and just fall in love and that truly brings me a lot of comfort (and makes me kind of emotional)! but let's pls not let these books be forgotten <3
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galaxydefenders03 · 1 year
I love how 1 star book reviews are either like a whole analysis of the book and how the plot is bad and the characters are unrealistic and how the author is problematic etc or just "this book sucked lol"
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blqckthorne · 1 year
how do i explain to someone that hasn’t read these books that i am already mourning the loss of the shadowhunter chronicles as if there are not at least 5 books left in the series do you know how insane that makes me sound
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madamevandeleur · 7 months
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hopestrope · 1 month
(Shadowcombats series 4)
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iloveallmyocs · 6 months
Ok but why is Will looking at Jem like that in the new illustration? Sir you are in love.
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Image from cc’s Instagram, art by Charlie bowater
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wessasbitch · 3 months
sometimes I wish I could read for the first time again all the books I love the most, but I'm also so afraid I wouldn't like them as I did than. I was 11 when I first read Harry Potter, 13 when I read Percy Jackson and Hunger Games, 14 when I read The Mortal Instruments and The infernal Devices and now I'm 23
I still enjoy rereading all of these books but I think it's a way of healing my inner child, considering I still can't get over the fact that I'm way older than the main characters
and when I begin reading a new series now that I'm in my twenties I internally feel the same age as the main characters - so late teenage years, like in The Dark Artifices, The Last Hours, The Shatter Me serie and The Folk of the Air - but also like an older sister that can't believe those teenagers are always in trouble and how I thought some years ago that I was an adult (I don't feel that now, I feel like a little child lol)
I'm definitely not going to stop reading new series anyway, I still want to feel like a teenager in another world and forget I have responsabilities now
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