#Internet entrepreneur
cole-dockery · 1 year
Cole Dockery - How to get started with Internet Entrepreneurship?
According to Cole Dockery, Digital entrepreneurship is more about new ways of thinking than it is about developing actual skills, which may be seen as meaning that it gives new perspectives on entrepreneurship itself. To get started, you'll need a digital gadget and, most crucially, internet connectivity.
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Be Ready for Life-Long Learning
Research How to Help People with Your Skills
Launch Your Services Online
Hope this information is helpful for you to start a Internet Entrepreneurship.
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amishafrirph · 1 year
Ami Shafrir – A Successful Businessman in the US
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Internet entrepreneur Ami Shafrir started using the Internet in 1994 when he established WorldSite networks Inc. Ami Shafrir owned the 50,000-square-foot building in the 8670 block of Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills from 1994 to 2000. At the time, it was the first building in the area to have a high-speed fiber connection straight to the Internet. 
Ami founded his own business, WorldSite, in 1994, which provided web hosting services, online payment processing, and website programming. The websites of all the major Hollywood studios, including Paramount and Warner Bros., as well as some of the most well-known Hollywood movies of the time, such as Independence Day, were hosted by WorldSite.
world site was also a part of a business called ComBill, which processed online payments and provided services for companies that use the Internet as well as financial transaction online services, including credit and debit data and collection services, as well as the identification of payment and electronic money transfers fraud for clients around the world, both online and through computers.
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ComBill's idea was well ahead of its time because of the utilization of his Internet billing platform. Ami Shafrir was promoting banks when she said that Internet billing and banking were the way of the future and that soon there will be very few physical branches of bank tellers.
 Many bankers mocked Ami Shafrir's fantastical forecasts, but we are aware of the reality of online banking and e-commerce now. One of the forerunners, Ami Shafrir, foresaw internet currencies like Bitcoin and BlockChain tokens in 1996, more than ten years before bitcoin was launched.
Ami also has a 75% stake in Federal Trance Tel, a billing company with offices in Birmingham, Alabama (FTT). For commercial services such as pay-per-call numbers, toll-free numbers, and pay-per-call numbers, FTT was a significant B2B long-distance service provider. FTT supplied billing services for tens of millions of dollars each month and has billing arrangements with all US long-distance carriers.
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Although WorldSite.com, ComBill.com, and FTT businesses were destroyed as a result of any white-collar crime that might have been possible, including the forging of Ami's signatures, which was committed 25 times in the hands of convicted twins Daniel Nicherie and Abner Nicherie, who destroyed the Estate of Ami Shafrir engaged in, FTT was the first to have an Internet billing platform called UniversalBill existed before PayPal and provided services that were similar to PayPal
Ami Shafrir found himself in court between 2000 and 2004 as a result of the crimes the Nicherie brothers perpetrated between 2000 and 2004 and was involved directly or indirectly in more than 130 lawsuits and 15 bankruptcies as a result, according to BigCrime.com. Ami finally prevailed in each of this litigation about his name, amassing judgments totaling over $10 million against Daniel Nicherie's illegal operation, which are still uncollected.
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robertakopyan00 · 2 years
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ahb-writes · 4 months
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(from The Mitchells vs. the Machines, 2021)
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maurifn · 3 months
Guerra digital
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La opinión de Málaga
¿Què és? La guerra digital és la guerra que es lliura en línia mitjançant accions tàctiques i estratègiques. Això inclou ciberatacs, espionatge digital i manipulació d'informació per a obtindre accés. Els actors són governs, agrupacions terroristes com *Anonymus i organitzacions malicioses que busquen controlar, pertorbar. ¿On s’utilitza? Aquestes accions criminals s'han utilitzat en conflictes recents com la guerra d'Ucraïna, també en sabotatges, segrestos i per exemple el conegut grup de hackers *Anonymus. Que poden influir en diferents decisions de grans polítics. ¿A qui beneficia? Aquest tipus d’accions a voltes violentes beneficien a les diferents entitats que les utilitzen en el seu propi benefici. I que els funciona , clar està. Ja que a voltes aquests tipus d’estratègies poden fracassar o sortir malament. I també per descomptat a les empreses que es dediquen a l'espionatge, grups «hacktivistes»... Dos articles de premsa: Opinió personal: Per a mi la guerra digital no deixa de ser la nova realitat a què ens enfrontem, ja que hui en dia quasi s’anomena «era digital». Tota la informació està pràcticament almaçenada al núvol i com diu el refrany, «feta la llei, feta la trampa». Diversos grups han descobert la manera d’interferir en informació a voltes confidencial. I posant sobre les cordes l’estabilitat d’un país o d’una multinacional. També pot ser usada aquesta tecnologia per a un fi benèfic, tenim com a exemple la guerra d’Ucraïna, aquestes últimes setmanes un grup de hackera han estat recaptant en aquest cas criptomonedes per a ajudar a combatre la presencia russa. A més gràcies a l'experiència que està adquirint el govern Ucranïa li podrà ajudar a tornar a tindre una certa estabilitat econòmica i social. En Espanya hi ha un cas de Hacker molt famós, anomenat Alcasec actualment té uns 20 anys i és conegut per haver-se pogut infiltrar en HBO, Glovo, Mediaset, Policía Nacional, Consejo General del Poder Judicial, Bicimad o Burger King. Ell és un prodigi tecnològic i ha aconseguit regalar menús de burger king als seus seguidors i afirma tindre les dades personals del 90% dels espanyols. Ell diu que el seu principal objectiu no és la recaptació de diners, ja que si haguera volgut, ho hauria pogut fer. En la seua comunitat, és conegut com un petit «Robin Hood». En conclusió, aquestes guerres digitals, extorsions que s’utilitzen per a beneficis de grans associacions em pareixen la nova forma de delinquir en aquesta època. I per a finalitzar vull recalcar que hui en dia va ha estat impossible no conviure amb aquests tipus d’amenaces en aquest cas digitals. M’agradaria afegir que no estic a favor de cap actuació criminal.
Artícles de premsa:
Mauri Calduch Arnau 24/1/24
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lees-chaotic-brain · 5 months
My mom: Are you seriously never going to learn how to put the blue plastic back on the tupperware? Seriously, aren't you an engineer?
My dad: Well, I don't think about small things like that. I focus on bigger things. Like for example, yesterday I figured out how to stop all hackers.
Me: *Curious engineering student* How did you do that?
My dad: *starts talking about partial-differential equations and factors and windows of time*
My mom: You do realize that makes it even sadder that you can't reassemble tupperware.
My dad: Did you hear me? I solved this problem while listening to a 45 minute podcast! Do you know what the podcast was called? "The Math Problem the Would Break the Internet!"
My mom: Yet you still can't put tupperware together.
Me: *Slowly creeping upstairs.*
Me: *dying of uncontrollable laughter in my room*
Y'all my family is hilarious. My dad literally cannot reassemble tupperware, hang curtain rods, or do any like little handyman jobs around the house. But he has his Phd. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. It's the funniest thing ever, because when my mom calls him out on it he feels the need to defend his honor.
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fractalmax-official · 7 months
Hi everyone! Crafting a marketing strategy means setting clear goals, knowing your audience, picking the best channels, and using resources wisely. It's our roadmap to business success! 🎯
#MarketingStrategy #BusinessGoals
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girldotnet · 1 year
the internet (girl version) (it’s pink)
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wennognk · 8 months
Salut mes gens bien 😇.
Je suis développeur WORDPRESS.
Je vous partage également plusieurs formations dans plusieurs domaines (e-commerce, freelance, création de site etc...)
Abonnez vous pour rien manquer 🥳✨🎉
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improvementor · 1 year
Content Inc. - 3 Useful Content Ideas (Animated). Written by the person who is arguably responsible for the takeoff of the term “Content Marketing” - Joe Pulizzi. Final Rating: 81/100. Also available as a blog post.
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n1no4oriegn · 1 year
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amishafrirph · 2 years
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Amir Shafrir: Strategies to help you grow as an internet entrepreneur
Ami Shafrir as an internet entrepreneur, started his Internet involvement in 1994 with his company, World Site networks Inc. to provide Internet hosting, Internet payment processing, and website programming. world site network inc also had a subsidiary called Com Bill, which was processing payments on the Internet. In case you don’t know, there are more than a few entrepreneurs on the internet daily talking and marketing the same kind of business and offering the same services.
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Andrew Tate was born in Washington DC, US. Andrew is a controversial online personality, former professional kickboxer, television personality, actor known for Kings of the Internet (2022) and brother of Tristan Tate. He began offering paid courses and memberships through his website and later rose to fame as an Internet celebrity.
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The side hustle that you can start today which will have you earning additional income right away! The most important thing you need to do to be successful with side hustles - get this wrong and you will limit your chances of earning significant additional income! Discover 7 proven side hustles you can start immediately that have the potential to generate income for you for years to come! How you can use a proven side hustle to generate passive income that you can count on in the future and never have to care about money again! And a great deal more with this free powerful free report!
Download Your FREE Report Now
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addmoneyonline · 1 year
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This is How You Can Create a Killer Offer
Sure, here are the steps to creating a killer offer:
1.Identify your target audience: The first step in creating a killer offer is to determine the specific group of people you want to target. You need to understand their needs, desires, motivators, and challenges in order to create an offer that resonates with them.
2.Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP is what sets your offer apart from the competition. It's the reason why someone should choose your offer over any other. Determine what makes your offer unique and what sets it apart from the rest.
3.Determine the value of your offer: Your offer must provide value to your target audience. This could be in the form of a solution to a problem, a new product or service, or a special promotion or discount. Determine what value your offer provides and how it will benefit your target audience... continue reading
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fractalmax-official · 7 months
Hi everyone! Selling an ebook goes beyond just writing compelling content. It's about engaging your readers and driving them to take action. Read the article here:
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