#It's Siegfried! S i e g f r i e d!!
squadron-of-damned · 1 year
Can we ask the von Karmas questions? If we can, hmmmmmmmm, for any you want, what is their favorite song?
That is an extremely difficult question, because mine and their listening tastes don't overlap that much. By default they all would answer probably some classical piece. But I'll do my, uh best.
Frieda: R. Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
Herman: A. Dvořák - symphony no. 9: From The New World
Siegfried: (Scottish folk ballad) - Twa Corbies.
Friedrich: E. Presley - Way Down. (I guess. Check with Dorky, though. I am just guesstimating here.)
Griselda: J. S. Bach - Suite in G Minor
Wolfgang: W. A. Mozart - Symphony no. 38 in D Major
Markov: E. Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite no. 1 (In The Hall of the Mountain King
Helena: F. Chopin - Op. 47, Ballade no. 3
Leonore: Deine Lakaien - My Shadows (Check it with Ly first, I might be wrong.)
Gandulf: C. M. von Weber - Op.29, Canzonetta no. 2 (Heitere Tage)
Nikolle: D. Li - 15 Squared
Ilse: J. Haydn - Symphony no. 69
Jörgun: Haggard - Hijo de la Luna
Gretchen: K. Gott - Die Biene Maja
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girltop27 · 2 years
Some Ideas on WHEY PROTEIN - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD You Should Know
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Premium Gold 100% Whey Protein Powder, Ultra Fast Absorbing Whey Peptides & Whey Protein Isolate, Vanilla Ice Cream, 30 Servings (2.23lbs) - Walmart.com
Not known Facts About Whey Protein Blend - Bodybuilding.com
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View abstract. Gad, A. S., Khadrawy, Y. A., El-Nekeety, A. A., Mohamed, S. R., Hassan, N. S., and Abdel-Wahhab, M. A. Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective effects of whey protein and Spirulina in rats. Nutrition 8-12-2010; View abstract. Gattas, V., Barrera, G., Leiva, L., de la Maza, M. P., Bunout, D., Steenhout, P., Klassen, P., Voss, T., and Hirsch, S.
Rev Med Chil. 2007; 135( 7 ):879 -884. View abstract. Gernigon, G., Piot, M., Beaucher, E., Jeantet, R., and Schuck, P. Physicochemical characterization of mozzarella cheese wheys and stretchwaters in comparison with several other sweet wheys. J Dairy Sci 2009; 92( 11 ):5371 -5377. View abstract. Gilbert, J. A., Bendsen, N. T., Tremblay, A., and Astrup, A. Result of proteins from different sources on body composition.
Dis. 2011; 21 Suppl 2: B16-B31. View abstract. Gouni-Berthold, I., Schulte, D. M., Krone, W., Lapointe, J. F., Lemieux, P., Predel, H. G., and Berthold, H. K. The whey fermentation product malleable protein matrix reduces TAG concentrations in clients with the metabolic syndrome: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. Br. J Nutr 2012; 107( 11 ):1694 -1706. View abstract.
Some Known Details About Whey Protein - iHerb.com
Effects of whey protein supplements on metabolic process: proof from human intervention research studies. Curr. Opin. Clin. Nutr Metab Care 2011; 14( 6 ):569 -580. View abstract. Grey, V., Mohammed, S. R., Smountas, A. A., Bahlool, R., and Lands, L. C. Improved glutathione status in young adult patients with cystic fibrosis supplemented with whey protein. J.Cyst.
2003; 2( 4 ):195 -198. View abstract. Grobler, L., Siegfried, N., Visser, M. E., Mahlungulu, S. S., and Volmink, J. Nutritional interventions for lowering morbidity and mortality in individuals with HIV. Cochrane. Database. Syst. Rev. 2013; 2: CD004536. View abstract. Guida, B., Piccoli, A., Trio, R., Laccetti, R., Nastasi, A., Paglione, A., Memoli, A., and Memoli, B.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc. Dis. 7-5-2010; View abstract. Gunnerud, U. J., Heinzle, C., Holst, J. J., Ostman, E. M., and Bjorck, I. M. Results of pre-meal drinks with protein and amino acids on glycemic and metabolic actions at a subsequent composite meal. PLo, S.One. 2012; 7( 9 ): e44731. View abstract. Gunnerud, U., Holst, J.
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Strawberry Whey Protein Powder – Naked Nutrition
9 Simple Techniques For Whey protein - Wikipedia
The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- research study of bovine and human milk. Nutr J 2012; 11:83. View abstract. Check Here For More , K. J., Bruenger, A. J., and Lemmer, J. T. Timing protein consumption increases energy expenditure 24 h after resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
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kalu-chan · 3 years
I know it’s the “correct” spelling for the character.
But typing or even seeing “Zigfried” deals me 2d4 psychic damage every time.
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taunuswolf · 3 years
Natürlich ist diese Liste nicht vollständig. Sicherlich könnte ich sie um viele Persönlichkeiten erweitern. Besonders bei Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Musikern und Schauspielern kämen sicherlich noch viel mehr bewundernswerte Menschen zusammen, die mein Leben mitbegleitet haben. Bei den eher unbekannten Namen habe ich die Funktion in Klammern daneben geschrieben. Einige Namen sind Legendengestalten oder biblische Figuren, zum Beispiel Heilige (HL). Menschen, die ich zum Beispiel während meiner Zeit als Redakteur oder anderwärtig persönlich kennen gelernt habe, sind zum Beispiel auf der Tumblr-Seite fett gekennzeichnet. Unter der Rubrik (Vormärz) versteht man die frühen Akteure der Demokratiebewegung, die leider nicht zum Zug kamen und stattdessen einem autokratischen System weichen mussten, die als Pseudodemokratie bis heute anhält. Im Klartext: Deutschland verträgt keine echte Opposition.  
A: Jeanne d´Arc, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Bettine von Arnim, AC/DC, Johann Valentin Andreae (Rosenkreuzer), Alexandra (Sängerin), König Arthus, Adele, Hirsi Ali, Charles Aznavour,    
B: Hugo Ball (Schriftsteller), Marianne Bachmeier (Mutter Courage), Sebastian Bach, Gottfried von Bouillon (Kreuzritter), Friedrich Barbarossa, Clemens von Brentano (Dichter), G.L. von Blücher, F.W. von Bülow (Preußische Generäle der Befreiungskriege), Hildegard von Bingen, Beatles, Carl Ludwig Börne (1848ziger), Robert Blum (1848-Rebell), Ludwig van Beethoven, Arnold Böcklin, Max Brodt, David Bowie, Thomas Bernhard, Wilhelm Busch, James Baldwin, M. A. Bakunin (Anarchist), Boetius (Philosoph), Buena vista social Club, Josef Beuys, Samuel Beckett, Sebastian Brandt (Humanist)        
C: Cicero, Paul Celan, Carl von Clausewitz (Oberst Befreiungskriege), Leonard Cohen, M. Caravaggio, John Cassavetes (Regis.), Karl August von Cohausen (Archäologe), Charlotte Corday (Rebellin 1790), Robert Crumb, Eric Clapton, Lowis Corinth, Joe Cocker, N.S. Chruschtschow, Sean Connery.        
D: Denis Diderot (Aufklärer), Albrecht Dürer, Bob Dylan, Carl Theodor von Dalberg (Aufklärer), Dante, Dido (Sängerin), Alexander Dubcek, Doors,    
E: Max Ernst, Hl. Elisabeth, Enya, Eisbrecher (Band), Michael Ende, Umberto Ecco, Joseph von Eichendorff,    
F: Gottfried Fichte, Ernst Fuchs, Friedrich der Große, Georg Forster, Caspar David Friedrich, Fleetwood Mac,  
G: Theo van Gogh, Franzisko de Goya, Gottfried Grabbe, Che Guevara, Siddharta Gautama, Karoline von Günderode (Dichterin), Georges I. Gurdjief (Mystiker), Matthias Grünewald, Artemisia Gentileschi (Malerin), Gandalf, Brüder Grim, Grimmelshausen, Ralf Giordano (Journalist), Green Day (Band), Florian Geyer (Rebellenanführer), A.N. von Gneisenau (General Befreiungskriege), M.S. Gorbatschow.      
H: Hagen, Hermann Hesse, Peter Handke, Hölderlin, Heinrich Heine, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Hecker (1848-Rebell), Händel, Villard de Honnecourt (Gotik-Baumeister), Michel Houellebecq, Homer, Herodot, Klaus Heuser (BAB), Gorge Harrison, Andreas Hofer, Johnny Hallyday (Franz. Sänger), Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Werner Herzog, Elmar Hörig (Kultmoderator), Ulrich von Hutten (Humanist), Victor Hugo, Harro Harring (Vormärz),      
I: Jörg Immendorff, Henryk Ibsen, Isaias (Prophet),  
J. Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes der Evangelist, Jeremia (Prophet), C.G. Jung (Psychologe), Jennies Joplin, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Turnvater)
K: Karl Kraus, Theodor Körner, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Charlotte von Kalb (Muse), Lee Krasner (Künstlerin), Rainhard Karl (Bergsteiger), Peter Keuer (Grünen-Gründer), Alfred Kubin,  
L: Lukas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Flake Lorenz, Andreas von Lichnowski (1848ziger), Cyprian Lelek (1848ziger), Georg C. Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lanzelot, M.V. Llosa (Schriftsteller), Annie Lenox, Königin Luise, Ludwig A.W. von Lützow (Befreiungskriege), M. Lafayette (Fr. Staatsmann und Aufklärer) Franz Liszt, Led Zeppelin, Hanns Lothar (Schauspieler)
M: HL. Maria, HL. Maria Magdalena, Marcus, Matthäus, Matthäus Merian, Maria Sybilla Merian, Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Edward Munch, Claude Monet, Albertus Magnus (Scholastiker), Merlin, Alma Mahler-Werfel (Muse), Meister Eckard (Mystiker), Moody Blues.    
N: HL. Nikolaus, Novalis, V. Nabokov (Schriftsteller), Ningen Isu (Band), Nirvana, Agrippa von Nettesheim (Alchimist), Hannah Nagel (Künstlerin),    
O: Josef Maria Olbrich (Jugendstilbaumeister), Rudolf Otto (Religionswissenschaftler), Oomph (Band), Oasis, Mike Oldfield,  
P: Platon, Plotin, Pythagoras (Philosophen), Jean Paul, Plinius, Parzival, Tom Petty, Daniel Powter, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd,  
Q: Queen,
R:  Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Josef Roth, Ramstein, Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Richter, Rio Reiser, Ritter Roland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Eric Rohmer, Ulrich Roski (Sänger), Rolling Stones, R.E.M. Lou Reed, Chris Rea, Petra Roth (Ex-OB Frankfurt/M)
S: Johann III Sobieski (polnischer König), Sunzi (chinesischer Philosoph), August Schöltis (Schriftsteller), Lou von Salome (Muse), B. Smetanar, Carlos Santana, Sappho (Dichterin), Schopenhauer, Helmut Schäfer (Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt) Sokrates, Egon Schiele, Madame de Stael, August Strindberg, Richard Strauss, Philipp Jacob Siebenpfeiffer (Vormärz), Helmut Schmidt, Subway to Sally (Band), Karl Ludwig Sand (Vormärz)    
T: B. Traven (Schriftsteller), A. P. Tschechov, Ivan Turgenjev, Ludwig Tieck (Romantiker), HL. Judas Thaddäus, Hermes Trismegistos (Philosoph), P.I. Tschaikowski, William Turner, Lars von Trier (Regisseur)  
U: Peter Ustinov, Ludwig Uhland, Siegfried Unseld (Verleger),
V: Luchino Visconti, Leonardo da Vinci, Velvet Underground, Vitruv, Vercingetorix, Francois Villon (Dichter), Walter von der Vogelweide, Robert Vogelmann (Menschenrechtsaktivist)    
W: Wim Wenders, Richard Wagner, Otto Wagner (Jugendstilbaumeister) Wagakki-Band, Sara Wagenknecht, Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosoph), Georg August Wirth (Vormärz),
X: Xhol (Band)    
Y: Neil Young, Yvonne (Aktivistin der Gegenöffentlichkeit)
Z: Heinrich Zille, Carl Zuckmayer, Frank Zappa,  
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animegirlsakurablr · 3 years
Shenanigans in the Grand Order, part 84.5
And now, stuff that happened in the last few weeks. Enjoy! 😊
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I could only guess that Abby is really excited, Medea is tired (even though it’s the first turn), and Siegfried doesn’t know what to do.
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To be perfectly honest, I was not expecting to summon them. All I was trying to do was summon Red Hare! And on a Summon Ticket! (I was able to summon Red Hare, using 28 out of 38 Summon Tickets...)
(Also good news, Emperor Mothman, you get to see me descend into madness before I properly meet ya!)
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I like to think that Andersen went ‘nope, ain’t bothering’, which does sound in-character for him. 😆
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Yet again, on a Summon Ticket, and I wasn’t even aiming for her! I was aiming for both versions of Martha! 😅 (I was able to summon og Martha four times, and sadly not Ruler Martha. Maybe another time. 😥)
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Yan, you may have a new buddy. (I also summoned Rama while trying to get Ruler Martha. I was pleasantly surprised, really. 😅)
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Either Siegfried is getting tired of Merlin, or Merlin went ‘go ham, man’.
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(exasperated and confused Master sounds) S I E G F R I E D -- 
(if you listen closely, you can hear him say ‘sorry’.)
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random-senpai · 5 years
> Siegfried finally has an event focused on him
> Event reward is another Lancelot skin
@Lan Chan
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chaldeaslunchbox · 5 years
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▶︎ NSFW works are marked with an asterisk (*).
▶︎ Updated regularly.
- Amakusa Shirou Tokisada & Friendship
- Amakusa Shirou Tokisada & Relationship*
- Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova & Sisterly Bond
- Antonio Salieri & Relationship*
- Arash & Relationship
- Arjuna (Alter) & Friendship
- Arjuna & Relationship*
- Arthur Pendragon & Master Suppressing Feelings
- Arthur Pendragon & Master Who’s the Reincarnation of Guinevere
- Arthur Pendragon & NSFW Action*
- Arthur Pendragon & Parenting
- Arthur Pendragon & Shy and Stoic S/O
- Asclepius & Relationship
- Ashwatthama & NSFW Action*
- Ashwatthama & Relationship
- Bartholomew Roberts & Shy Master Having a Crush on Him
- Bedivere & Master Protecting Him Elizabeth Midford-Style
- Bedivere & Tristan & Relationship With Female S/O
- Billy the Kid & Robin Hood & Best Friends With Master
- Cú Chulainn (Alter) & NSFW Action*
- Cú Chulainn (Caster) & Relationship + Cuddles
- Cú Chulainn (Lancer) & Relationship 
- Cú Chulainn (Prototype) & Relationship*
- David & Relationship*
- Diarmuid & Relationship
- Dioscuri & Friendship
- Edmond Dantes & Parenting
- Edmond Dantes & Relationship*
- Emer Being Summoned to Chaldea & Jealous Cú S/O
- Emiya (Archer) & Teaching Master How to Cook
- Enkidu & Relationship*
- Gawain & Parenting
- Gilgamesh (Caster) & Relationship*
- Gilgamesh (Caster) & Overworked Master s/o
- Guinevere & Jealousy With Master Who’s Close to Arturia
- Hans Christen Andersen + William Shakespeare & Master Who Writes
- Hijikata Toshizou & Thighs
- Irisviel von Einzbern & Adopting Master as Family
- Iskandar and Waver & Video Games with Master
- Izou Okada & Relationship*
- James Moriarty & Relationship
- Jeanne (Ruler, Alter, Lancer) & Adopting Master as Family
- Karna, Arjuna & Master Calling Them “Big Brother”
- Karna & Appreciative Master Praising Him
- Karna & Parenting
- Karna & Relationship*
- King Hassan & Friendship
- Kintoki Sakata (Berserker) & Relationship
- Kintoki Sakata (Rider) & Confession/Relationship
- Kotarou Fuuma & Realizing Feelings for Kind and Gentle Master
- Lancelot & Caring and Benevolent Master Relationship*
- Lanling Wang & Deaf Master
- Liangyu Qin & Relationship
- Mandricardo & Relationship
- Merlin & Budding Master Relationship*
- Merlin & Hanahaki Disease
- Mordred & Friendship
- Mordred & Arguing Over Big/Little Spoon Roles
- Nagayoshi Mori & Relationship
- Napoleon Bonaparte, Iskandar, and Thomas Edison & Friendship
- Napoleon Bonaparte & Small S/O
- Nobunaga Oda (Archer) & Relationship
- Nobunaga Oda (Avenger) & Relationship
- Ozymandias & Friendship
- Ozymandias & Master Cuddling With Sphinxes
- Ozymandias & Sharing Affection With His S/O*
- Qin Shi Huang Di & Relationship
- Qin Shi Huang Di & NSFW Action*
- Round Table Knights & Monty Python
- Round Table Knights & Arturia-esque Female Master
- Robin Hood & Animal-loving S/O
- Robin Hood and Tristan & NSFW Action*
- Ryouma Sakamoto and Oryou & Friendship
- Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty & Same Time Summon & Master who is a Descendant of Creator.
- Sherlock Holmes & Friendship & Relationship
- Sherlock Holmes & NSFW Action*
- Shuten Douji and Ibaraki Douji & Adopting Female Master as Sister
- Siegfried and Fellatio*
- Siegfried and Lancelot (Saber) & Comforting Master
- Solomon & NSFW Action*
- Solomon & Relationship
- Souji Okita & Caring for Sick Master S/O
- Toshizou Hijikata & Relationship*
- Valkyrie & Amusement Park
- Yan Qing & Teaching Master Martial Arts
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tainbocuailnge · 6 years
siegfried’s soft ‘iidarou’ on card select
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siegfried idly flapping his wings constantly
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namelessarcher · 6 years
Updated Tags
But for those of you on mobile, hopefully this post will help! I’m not gonna put it under a cut, cause according to a kind anon under the cut didn’t work half the time, and the tags weren’t accessible on mobile either? So it’s gonna be... a really long post. Sorry friends. Also if you haven’t, please fill out this form if you wanna contribute to the 1st anniversary project~!
Mod Jenn’s Headcanons and Drabbles
Mod May’s Art
Spring | Valentine | Christmas
Abigail | Achilles | Altera | Anastasia | Angra Mainyu | Arash | Archimedes | Arjuna | Asterios | Arthur | Artoria | Artoria (Alter) | Astolfo | Atalante
Bedivere | Beowulf | Billy the Kid | Boudica
Charles Henri Sanson | Chiron | Cu Chulainn Alter | Cu Chulainn
David | Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
Edmond Dantes | Emiya | Emiya Alter | Elizabeth Bathory | Enkidu | Ereshkigal
Fionn Mac Cumhaill | Fuuma Kotaro
Galahad | Gawain | Gilgamesh | Caster Gilgamesh | Kid Gil
Hans Christian Andersen | Hector | Henry Jekyll
Illyasviel von Einzbern | Irisviel von Einzbern | Iskandar | Ivan the Terrible
James Moriarty | Jeanne d’Arc | Jeanne d’Arc Alter
Karna | Kiritsugu | Kiyohime
Leonardo Da Vinci
Marie Antoinette | Medea | Medb | Medusa | Merlin | Miyamoto Musashi | Mordred | Mozart
Nero Claudius | Nitocris | Nobunaga Oda
Robin Hood | Romani Archaman | Rama
Sasaki Kojiro | Scathach | Scheherazade | Semiramis | Sheba | Sherlock Holmes | Siegfried | Solomon | Souji Okita
Tamamo no Mae | Tesla | Tristan
Vlad III
Waver Velvet | William Shakespeare
Yan Qing
Zhuge Liang
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vintagereveries · 3 years
Indexes of advertisers & fashion houses participating in the Fashion Pageant 1924 St. Louis
This entry is part 3 of 26 in the series 1924 St. Louis Fashion Pageant
These last pages contain the list of participating St. Louis fashion houses and an index of advertisers, as well as general business to business ads and misc. fashion advertisements. What an interesting glimpse into the history of fashion- who would have guessed that St. Louis had so many designers and was a center of fashion in the 1920s?!
The only 2 pages left to scan are the color ads at the end, which I will post tomorrow!
I’ve gone ahead and converted the index of advertisers and the list of fashion houses to text (forgive my lack of formatting), and then below that are my scans:
  List of Houses Exhibiting in the 1924 Fashion Pageant GARMENTS Alaska Fur Co 819 Washington Ave. Carafiol-Silverman Garment Co 1209 Washington Ave. Carleton Dry Goods Co 1133 Washington Ave. Classy Jean Dresses, Inc 503 N. 12th St. Davison-Frank Fur Co 1123 Washington Ave. Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co 16th and Washington Ave. Phil Erlich & Co 1331 Washington Ave. N. Friedman & Sons Cloak Co 1235 Washington Ave. Goldman & Rosen Garment Co 1410 Washington Ave. Greenberg Garment Co 823 Washington Ave. Hirschfield Bros. 823 Washington Ave. Hirshfield Skirt Co 905 Washington Ave. Kopelowitz Bros., Inc 819 Washington Ave. Landers & Pearlman Fur Co 823 Washington Ave. Lees Brothers, Inc 1209 Washington Ave. Leppert-Roos Fur Co 809 Washington Ave. Newburger Garment Co 808 Washington Ave. Paristyle Garment Co 1517 Washington Ave. Rice-Stix Dry Goods Co 10th and Washington Ave. The Rose Mfg. Co 1508 Washington Ave. Royal Garment Co 1219 Washington Ave. Alois Schwartz 15th and Washington Ave. Shapiro & Handelman Garment Co 1021 Washington Ave. Singer Bros. Cloak Co 1204 Washington Ave. E. M. Thomas Co 505 N. 7th St. Zieser & Kling 1101 Washington Ave. MILLINERY Gaier & Stroh Millinery Co 1221 Washington Ave. Goldman-O’Brien-Nassauer Mfg. Co 819 Washington Ave. Golluber Millinery Co 1409 Washington Ave. King-Brinsmade Mere. Co 1701 Washington Ave. Levis-Zukoski Mere. Co 1113 Washington Ave. Rosenthal-Sloan Millinery Co 1700 Washington Ave. Ziegler Mfg. Co 905 Washington Ave. SHOES Boyd-Welsh Shoe Co Cook and Newstead Ayes. Brown Shoe Co 1610 Washington Ave. Central Shoe Co 17th and Washington Ave. Friedman-Shelby Branch 1621 Washington Ave. Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co 12th and Washington Ave. Johansen Bros. Shoe Co 3634 Laclede Ave. Johnson, Stephens & Shinkle Shoe Co 4240 Laclede Ave. W. H. Lampe Shoe Co 4060 Forest Park Blvd. McElroy-Sloan Shoe Co 1515 Washington Ave. John Meier Shoe Co 711 N. Fourth St. The Moore Shoe Co 239 S. Boyle Ave. Pedigo-Weber Shoe Co 3437 Locust St. Peters Branch 1228 Washington Ave. Roberts, Johnson & Rand Branch 15th and Washington Ave. Samuels Shoe Co 1214 Washington Ave. Shoe Specialty Mfg. Co 3417 Locust St. Travaso Shoe Co 1908 Locust St. Tweedie Footwear Corporation 1421 Olive St. Wohl Shoe Co 1216 Washington Ave. ACCESSORIES Bauman-Massa Jewelry Co Commercial Bldg. Corticelli Silk Co 1314 Washington Ave. Forest City Mfg. Co 1627 Washington Ave. Harris-Polk Hat Co 1227 Washington Ave. C. R. Hettel Jewelry Co 907 Washington Ave. Licht Bros. & Co 1409 Washington Ave. R. Lowenbaum Mfg. Co 2225 Locust St. Rothschild Bros. Hat Co 1100 Washington Ave.
  Index of advertisers:
Apple Hat Mfg. Co Ault-Williams Shoe Co Capitol Shoemakers, Inc Carleton Clothing Co Carleton Dry Goods Co Central Shoe Co Clark, A R Clark, W. L. M Classy Jean Dresses, Inc Curlee Clothing Co Davison-Frank Fur Co Doerr Shoe Co., F. L Elder Mfg Co Ely & Walker D. G. Co Erhart Leather Co., W P Fabricius Mere Co Forest City Mfg. Co Frank & Meyer Neckwear Co Frankel Bros. Millinery Co Friedman & Sons Cloak Co., N Gaier & Stroh Millinery Co Garrison-Wagner Ptg. Co Gibbons Knitting Mills Goldman & Rosen Garment Co Goldsmith Clothing Co Grimm-Lambach Flower Co Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co Harris-Polk Hat Co Hecht Bros. Clo. Co Hirschfield Bros Hirshfield Skirt Co House of Finkelstein Hurst-Zucker Neckwear Co Index to Advertisers 90 68 Baldwin Piano Co 94 Barnet Leather Co 69 Belding’s 75 Belle Hickey Mfg. Co 93 Bertha Hat Co ’78 Bettmann-Kleinhauser Clothing Co 84-85 Blackwell-Wielandy Book & Stationery Co 93 Boyd-Welsh Shoe Co 62 Brauer Bros. Shoe Co 60 Brown Shoe Company 104 Butler Brothers 80-81 65 90 30 61 95 79 57 8-9 77 72 13 59 95 79 4 38 73 6 28 22 32 74 12 98 103 87 14-15 77 37 56 5 International Shoe Co 19 Johnson, Stephens & Shinkle Shoe Co 55 Kennard & Sons Carpet Co., J 91 King-Brinsmade Mere. Co 73 Knickerbocker Clothing Co 86 Korrekt Klothes, Inc 92 Lammert Furniture Co 91 Lampe Shoe Co., W H 63 Landers & Pearlman 36 Langenberg Hat Co 83 La Vogue Dress & Waist Co 74 Lees Brothers, Inc 29 Leppert-Roos Fur Co 35 Levis-Zukoski Mere. Co 31 Lowenbaum Mfg. Co., R 102 McElroy-Sloan Shoe Co 2 Mandle Dress Co 95 Marquette Cloak & Suit Co 3 Meier Shoe Co., John 64 Mercantile Trust Co 16 Milius Shoe Co 72 Missouri Pants Mfg Co 82 Missouri State Life Insurance Co 100 Morisse Lace & Embroidery Co 76 Mutual Garment Co 98 Nelson Pants Co Newburger Garment Co Nussbaum Silk Co 8.7 77 76 Ohio Leather Co 70 Paristyle Garment Co 7 Patton, Arthur S., Leather Co 69 Peters Company 18 Progressive Shoe House of the West, The 95 Renard Linoleum & Rug Co 92 Rice-Stix D. G. Co 20-21 Richardson-Leaver Fixture Co 93 Rosenthal-Sloan Millinery Co 25 Rothschild Bros. Hat Co 10-11 Royal Garment Co 33 Samuels Shoe Co 67 S’apin-Landau Garment Co 57 Schwartz, Alois 24 Schwarz & Wild 58 Siegfried & Sons, H 88 Stein-Poulson Mfg Co 78 St. Louis Globe-Democrat 17 St. Louis Wholesale Garment Association 26-27 Superior Hat Co 87 Thomas, E. M., Company 23 Tober-Saifer Shoe Co 68 Travaso Shoe Co 72 Tweedie Footwear Corp 71 Wardle Co., G M 78 White-Branch-Shelton Hat Co 89 Wohl Shoe Co 66 Zemitzsch Co., The Walter E 34 Zieser & Kling 74 101
Indexes of advertisers & fashion houses participating in the Fashion Pageant 1924 St. Louis was originally published on VintageReveries - Vintage Fashion and Ephemera Blog
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sonyclasica · 4 years
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Sony Classical reúne la discografía completa de Fritz Reiner en Pittsburgh y Nueva York en 14 CD. A la venta el 11 de septiembre.
Cuando, a los 50 años, Fritz Reiner fue nombrado director de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Pittsburgh en 1938, todavía era relativamente desconocido en Estados Unidos. Este alumno de Bartók en la Academia de Música de su Budapest natal, ex director de la Ópera Real de Dresde, donde trabajó con Richard Strauss, y durante los últimos 16 años, el director musical de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Cincinnati, rara vez era mencionado en la prensa estadounidense, aunque en realidad había hecho algunos discos en 1938 con la Filarmónica de Nueva York, que fueron emitidos de forma anónima.
Todo cambió para Reiner cuando su mudanza a Pittsburgh llevó a casi una década de grabaciones fundamentales para la Columbia Americana. Sony Classical ahora se complace en presentar una nueva caja de 14 CD que recoge toda la discografía de la Sinfónica de Pittsburgh de Reiner, junto con las grabaciones de Columbia que hizo después de mudarse a Nueva York en 1948, para convertirse en director principal de la Metropolitan Opera.
Reiner ya era un experimentado director de Wagner cuando llegó a Pittsburgh y, como era de esperar, sus primeras sesiones en febrero y marzo de 1940 incluyeron, entre otras selecciones populares, la Cabalgata de las valquirias. Esta es la grabación más antigua del nuevo set y el primer registro comercial acreditado de Reiner. Desafortunadamente, los problemas eléctricos arruinaron los masters de Wagner restantes de 1940, por lo que esas obras tuvieron que volver a grabarse en 1941, Otros que datan de antes de la guerra incluyen el Don Juan de Strauss (de enero de 1941) y Don Quijote, con el violonchelista Gregor Piatigorsky (noviembre de 1941), así como Iberia de Debussy (también de noviembre de 1941).
Tras la prohibición nacional de grabación en tiempos de guerra, Reiner y la orquesta regresaron a la Mezquita de Siria en marzo de 1945 para establecer algunos ejemplos principales del repertorio muy variado del director: la Sexta Sinfonía de Shostakovich; la grabación principal de la suite de Robert Russell Bennett de Porgy and Bess de Gershwin, encargada por Reiner; Divertimento No.1 de su amigo húngaro Léo Weiner; las Danzas de Galánta de otro compatriota, Zoltán Kodály; y la Segunda Sinfonía de Beethoven.
Algunas de sus grabaciones más memorables de Pittsburgh se hicieron en febrero de 1946: la primera producción en estudio del Concierto para orquesta de su antiguo maestro Bartók; Danzas húngaras de Brahms y el primer concierto para piano con Rudolf Serkin; El amor brujo de Falla, un perenne favorito de Reiner, con la excelente mezzo solista Carol Brice, que también grabó Lieder de Mahler eines fahrenden Gesellen durante esas sesiones; y la suite de Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme de Strauss, que Reiner había presentado en los Estados Unidos en Cincinnati. Ninguno de estos, excepto el concierto de Brahms y el Strauss, había aparecido en CD en Sony Classical.
Reiner realizó su última grabación en Pittsburgh, Ein Heldenleben de Strauss, en noviembre de 1947. Dos años más tarde, sus primeras sesiones de Nueva York para Columbia tuvieron lugar en el 30th Street Studio, produciendo un conjunto completo notablemente elegante de los Conciertos de Brandenburgo de Bach. También lanzado por Sony Classical en CD por primera vez, presenta nombres tan ilustres como los clavecistas Sylvia Marlowe y Fernando Valente, el flautista Julius Baker, el trompetista William Vacchiano, el oboista Robert Bloom, el violista William Lincer y el violonchelista Leonard Rose. Unos meses antes, Fritz Reiner hizo una de sus grabaciones más famosas de todas. Estuvo en el Metropolitan dirigiendo el Salomé de Strauss con el mejor exponente del papel principal, Ljuba Welitsch, haciendo su debut en la casa. En medio de la carrera en marzo, en el 30th Street Studio, Columbia capturó la escena final en el disco, una grabación que ha conservado su estado de referencia.
En 1953, el capítulo final de la larga carrera de Fritz Reiner comenzó cuando se convirtió en director musical de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Chicago y comenzó una famosa serie de grabaciones estéreo para RCA Victor. Pero cualquier apreciación completa del legado de este legendario director de orquesta debe incluir sus logros anteriores para Columbia Records en Pittsburgh y Nueva York. Para todos los innumerables aficionados de Reiner en todo el mundo, la nueva caja de 14 CD de Sony Classical será una escucha esencial.
Fritz Reiner – The Complete Columbia Album Collection
Ravel: La Valse, M. 72 (Remastered)
Debussy: Images, L. 122: Ibéria (Remastered)
Berlioz: La damnation de Faust, H. 111: Marche hongroise (Remastered)
Debussy (orch. Ravel): Danse "Tarantelle styrienne", L. 69 (Remastered)
Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96: Prelude to Act I (Remastered)
Wagner: Siegfried, WWV 86C: Waldweben (Remastered)
Wagner: Lohengrin, WWV 75: Prelude to Act I (Remastered)
Wagner: Lohengrin, WWV 75: Prelude to Act III (Remastered)
Wagner: Die Walküre, WWV 86B: Walkürenritt (Remastered)
Wagner: Tannhäuser, WWV 70, Act I: Bacchanale and Venusberg Music (Remastered)
Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96, Act III: Vorspiel (Remastered)
Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96, Act III: Tanz der Lehrbuben (Dance of the apprentices) (Remastered)
Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, WWV 96, Act III: Aufzug der Meister (Entrance of the Meistersingers) (Remastered)
Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 36
Mussorgsky: A Night on Bald Mountain, IMM 43 (Remastered)
Gershwin (arr. Bennett): Porgy and Bess "A Symphonic Picture"
Brahms: Concerto No. 1 in D Minor for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 15
Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra, Sz. 116 (Remastered)
Glinka: Kamarinskaja "Wedding Song and Dance Song"
Rossini: Il signor Bruschino, IGR 64: Overture (Remastered)
Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Remastered)
Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243, No. 2: Et exultavit (Remastered)
Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243, No. 9: Esurientes implevit bonis (Remastered)
Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232, Part I, No. 10: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris (Remastered)
Bach: Mass in B Minor, BWV 232, Part IV, No. 26: Agnus Dei (Remastered)
Falla: El amor brujo "Ballet-pantomime" (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 5 in G Minor (Orch. Parlow) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 7 in F Major (Orch. Schmeling) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 12 in D Minor (Orch. Parlow) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 13 in D Major (Orch. Parlow) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 6 in D Major (Orch. Parlow) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 21 in E Minor (Orch. Dvorák) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 19 in B Minor (Orch. Dvorák) (Remastered)
Brahms: 21 Hungarian Dances, WoO 1: No. 1 in G Minor (Orch. Brahms) (Remastered)
Strauß, J. II: Rosen aus dem Süden, Op. 388 (Remastered)
Strauß, J. II: Schatz-Walzer, Op. 418 (Remastered)
Strauß, J. II: Wiener Blut, Op. 354 (Remastered)
Rodgers (arr. Don Walker): The Carousel Waltz (From "Carousel") (Remastered)
Strauss, R.: Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40
Strauss, R.: Le bourgeois gentilhomme, Op. 60
Mozart: Symphony No. 35 in D Major, KV. 385 "Haffner"
Bach, J. S.: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067 (Remastered)
Bach, J.S. (arr. Lucien Cailliet): Little Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 (Remastered)
Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, KV. 550
DISC 10:
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 54
Kabalewksy: Colas Breugnon, Op. 24: Overture
Kodály: Dances of Galánta (Galántai Táncok)
Weiner: Divertimento No. 1 for String Orchestra, Op. 20 "Nach alten ungarischen Tänzen"
Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 1 in D Major, Op. 43: V. Marche Miniature
Bartók: Hungarian Pictures, Sz. 97
DISC 11:
Bach, J.S.: Brandenburg Concerto No. 1 in F Major, BWV 1046 (Remastered)
Bach, J.S.: Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F Major, BWV 1047 (Remastered)
Bach, J.S.: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major, BWV 1048 (Remastered)
DISC 12:
Bach, J.S.: Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major, BWV 1049 (Remastered)
Bach, J.S.: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D Major, BWV 1050 (Remastered)
DISC 13:
Mozart: Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I: "Don Ottavio! son morta!" (Recit.), "Or sai, chi l'onore" (Aria)
Mozart: Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II: "Crudele! Crudele?..." (Recit.), "Non mi dir, bell'idol mio" (Aria)" (Voice)
Dargomizhsky: Songs and Romances, Volume I: 36. Mne grustno
Dargomizhsky: Songs and Romances, Volume I: 46. Melnik
Mussorgsky: Rustic Song in F Minor "Where are You Little Star"
Marx: Hat dich die Liebe berührt, IJM 11
Marx: Pierrot Lunaire, Op. 21: 5. Valse de Chopin
Strauss, R.: 8 Gedichte aus 'Letzte Blätter', Op. 10: 3. Die Nacht
Strauss, R.: 4 Lieder, Op. 27: 2. Cäcilie
Strauss, R.: Salome, Op. 54: Final Scene
DISC 14:
Strauss, R.: Don Quixote, Op. 35 (Remastered)
Strauss, R.: Don Juan, Op. 20
Honegger: Concertino for Piano and Orchestra, H. 55 (Remastered)
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