#Izuna my beloved!
amgeryporcupine · 1 year
Hashirama and tobirama teasing Madara about his height?🥺
Honestly, these two Senjus would die from the dumbest reason ever
even tho it's mostly Tobi's fault in this case
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Izuna coming in clutch 🙌
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fistfuloflightning · 5 months
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In return for a binding peace, the Uchiha give one condition. One Senju life bound to the last Uchiha dead. Hashirama is willing to pay that price.
Day 6 | ghost wedding for @foundersweek
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banbansparkly · 11 months
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Sketch dump of the lwttle baby brother of the guy who almost killed the whole world
^ For the first Sketches -In my opinion the sharingan was not fucked up enough
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ginkgo-mist · 2 years
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listened to alex g’s “treehouse” while doodling these and nearly started sobbing
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I wanted to color in this months chapter cover!
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domoz · 1 year
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i think that if izuna had lived he would have made it everyone’s problem
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everyizuna · 1 year
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narutobrainrotstuff · 3 months
What makes a good character?
P.S: credit to Dushman-e-Jaan’s amazing extensive analyses of Sasuke’s character. My post is just a summary of what all that I’ve learned from her blog. I continue to analyze canon using her critical approach with Sasuke.
You know Naruto fandom is a bit bizzare in its hatred of the characters due to them being dislikable.
Like Sakura for example, canon Sakura is mean and selfish so she gets a lot of hatred. Not many fans stop to think that this is a deliberate authorial choice so it instead of being analyzed she gets bashed. Her fandom is insufferable as instead of acknowledging her flaws they keep deflecting criticism by throwing buzzwords like misogynist.
Another example is Obito, he gets hate for his grief for Rin and his character is entirely reduced to his love for her even though the author explicitly stated in the manga that’s she’s just a catalyst.
Same goes for Izuna btw as he was a catalyst for Madara’s journey just like Rin. Yet sometimes Madara is entirely reduced to his love for his brother when he’s just a part of Madara’s motivations. He didn’t burn the world for his beloved brother since he ultimately accepted his death.
Kabuto also gets hate but what about his theme (Identity crisis reflecting a tragedy in the shinobi world: Kabuto is an orphan and his identity was stripped from him due to the cruelty of the world he inhabits causing him to go around trying to cultivate a sense of self. This is very similar to Sasuke’s struggle as his identity was stripped of him by being a genocide survivor and after killing Itachi he goes on a journey to cultivate his sense of self as an avenger and carrier of Indra’s legacy. Credit to my lovely mutual @the-real-sasuke-uchiha who pointed out the tragedy of orphans in Naruto in a great post).
I feel like there’s a disconnect in the fandom where the characters are treated as if they’re real and not instruments of an author. Laserfocusing on personality traits is like missing the forest for the trees. You’re not engaging with the purpose of the character and instead focusing on whether their personality appeals to you or not. (Hashirama gets bashed a lot by some parts of the Madara fandom under “criticism” and it’s so easy to tell the difference. It’s mostly done by Tobirama fans).
-What is a story’s purpose?
A story is nothing more than an author’s way to convey themes and characters are instruments of such themes.
The main driver of this manga is the fear and losing bonds which is a reflection of Kishi’s psyche as he spoke in an interview.
So for example Tobirama’s theme is bigotry and through him you understand the psychology of a racist fascist.
Another example is Orochimaru who represents the horror and hypocrisy of the shinobi system. He preys on the victims of the system purely to sustain himself just like Konoha (Again thanks to @the-real-sasuke-uchiha who pointed out this out in a very old post).
A character that you can debate on is an indication that he’s well written.
Madara for example can be debated on (Is he a realist or an idealist/ A delusional fool or an oppressed victim/ is he a terrorist or a freedom fighter/ etc..). Kishi put a lot of thought in his psychology (this man took me writing more than 10 essays to fully break down his twisted mind🤦🏻‍♀️). Madara is fascinating in a sense that he represents violent resistance. You’re forced to confront a true reality with him. When you laser focus on his arrogance or violence you’re disengaging with his character. Also when you bash him for manipulating Obito you’re missing the bigger picture. Obito was exploited along with Rin because they were child soldiers. Madara did nothing more than exploit a situation. Konoha keeps making circumstances favorable for such acts that’s the problem. I just want to add Madara was an oppressed individual so the hate he gets bothers me for this reason as he was racially profiled and politically isolated for being an Uchiha. His visceral anger and the fact that reality is unbearable for him to want to live in dreams should invoke empathy not mockery. Madara lost his beloved brother (the last family member he had) and his very best friend for whom he declined to get revenge for Izuna’s death (many fans don’t know how huge this is please read about blood revenge in Japan) murdered him in addition to predicting his clan’s genocide. I think this is more than enough valid reason to lose your mind no curse of hatred required.
Obito is another beautifully written character. His panels where he was emotionally manipulating Sasuke while telling him Itachi’s truth were absolutely great. Also his characterization is fascinating where his nihilism bleeds into his theme illusions. When you reduce him to simping for Rin you’ve disengaged with his themes that will make you reflect on the horrors of your reality. Sometimes the Obito fandom can be a bit too defensive since some of them dismiss Obito’s wrongdoings as him being manipulated. Was Obito a victim? Yes. Does this justify the fact he started a war and participated in a genocide? Absolutely not.
Same goes for Madara and his war crimes 😂. Him being a victim doesn’t justify his manipulation of Obito.
They’re morally grey and that’s what makes them fascinating to analyze sometimes the fandom babies them a bit too much 😂 (I’m absolutely guilty of this whenever I pick up the manga I’m reminded they’re supposed to be antagonists 😂).
Honestly the best way to read Naruto is without a moral lens to save your frustration 😂. Otherwise you’ll hate everyone. Literally the entire cast even little Konohamaru has blood on his hands no one is safe.
Like acknowledge that Konoha is shit and needs to be destroyed but instead of bashing characters it’s better to analyze them in my opinion.
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Fear and Racism - an analysis of Tobirama’s advocates
During all my years on Tumblr, I’ve found constantly the same argument regarding Tobirama’s views on the Uchiha, and while most (if not all) of his fans tend to justify his behavior over the vastly discussed COH theory that considered them biologically and emotionally unstable and thus, needing the government’s control, many others avid readers tend to defend or understand (at least partially) his views and decisions upon the premise of fear. More specifically, his fear of the Uchiha’s power, a sentiment born and developed during his youth as a member of his clan that lost beloved ones at Uchiha’s hands and was forced to face them in battle.
I will not dwell on the fact that many other (if not all) noble clans composing Konoha also incurred in such duels, and it’s likely that the Senju and other families also fought during the Warring State Era. The Uchiha was the Senju’s primary opposite force, yet not the only one, still, that “fear of insurrection” was solely focused upon a single family instead of a vast group of different people. In that sense, this fact alone disintegrates the argument that Tobirama was “prejudiced” rather than racist, as prejudice refers to a preconceived idea (positive or negative) about a particular person or group not based on prior experience nor knowledge, while racism involves an unequal distribution of power on the basis of ethnicity. The fact that Uchiha was the only clan forced to perform a single job (that limited their political influence and also prevented their complete integration in Konoha), were spied on by ANBU members, and were moved to the outskirts of the city (not by the Nidaime but following the same segregationist policies established by him), are actions performed by two different governments under the guidance of what became a systematized racist political structure.
The policies he made were around his personal racial prejudices as he’s the one and only who created the bureaucratic system of the village (something many of his stans gloat about) that, in itself, makes him racist. Those that state that he was just "prejudiced" conveniently leave aside the segregationist structure he built around his mindset. As someone in a position of power who, as was canonically shown and stated (by Hashirama, Orochimaru, and himself), didn't even bother to check his own prejudices, he's to be held accountable over the simple fact that he was the Hokage in charge of guaranteeing the safety, equity, and equality of those under his command.
Yet, while fear given his prior experiences is a fair claim as the basis for Tobirama’s bias, it’s also factual for the rest, as Madara (and other Uchiha) also lost relatives at Senju’s hands –in fact, Tobirama is likely more powerful than most Sharingan wielders as he killed Izuna, the second in command. Yet unlike Tobirama, neither Madara nor anyone of his kin performed undisclosed autopsies of deceased Senju members in order to study their biology nor wrote discriminatory and limiting policies based upon their nature. Madara even deflected after learning about his clan’s future inside Konoha’s borders.
[I’ll also brush over the fact that Tobirama’s words about how Madara is viewed negatively by other clan heads, while Hashirama isn’t, it’s never canonically shown –which only let us with his word,  which we immediately took as factual.]
What I will comment on more deeply tho, is the notion of fear and its influence on racist mentalities and behaviors, as many believe that Tobirama’s fear of the Uchiha has nothing to do with his discriminatory mindset, as if “fear for what an ethnicity might do and therefore acting by repressing them in advance” it’s somehow different than racism, that implies a “racial [ethnic, as the term racism is far outdated as there’s only one race that exists with multiple ethnicities] prejudice that guides the individual to perform discriminatory and repressive acts.”
Extreme hatred is almost always based on fear. People may feel threatened by people they view as "different" or "foreign." They may fear losing power. To combat this fear, some people may seek social support from others with similar fears, perpetuating the cycle.
Attitudes of extreme hatred are usually based on fear. They come from primitive survival mechanisms—our instinct to avoid danger—to fear anything that appears to be different, which leads to fear of the other.
“When one race of persons unconsciously feels fear in response to a different race group—fears that their own level of security, importance, or control is being threatened—they will develop these defensive thoughts and behaviors,” says psychologist and political advisor Dr. Reneé Carr. “They will create exaggerated and negative beliefs about the other race to justify their actions in [an] attempt to secure their own safety and survival.”
Irrational fear, particularly of people of color, has shaped the American criminal justice system since the nation's colonial beginnings (...) Many of the propagators of this apartheid trafficked in racist fear-mongering to justify discriminatory treatment of African Americans, warning white America about the inherent criminality and violent propensities of black men.
Fear and Racism are deeply intertwined, such as is Hate and Racism (there’s a reason why xenophobia, which is the fear of strangers or foreigners, it’s often used as a synonym for racism) –Tobirama claimed that the Uchiha were a “clan possessed by evil” (x), despite his studies only confirming that emotions were the primary force behind their chakra activating the Sharingan. At no point did he prove that negative emotions were the sole requirement for their kekkei genkai to activate nor was he able to prove that their feelings commanded their actions as he performed autopsies over (hopefully) dead bodies that clearly had no way to feel a single thing and act upon it; in fact, he wrote the book of shinobi’s rules that forbid people (even non-Uchiha) from showing emotions -yet Hiruzen, the student he trusted the most with his will, as he bestowed upon him the Hokage title, happily exploited such connections amongst his forces. 
Tobirama’s need for control pushed him to create Edo-Tensei (a jutsu that came back to bite him in the ass, but regardless), he controlled powerful deceased shinobi at the expense of other people’s lives –you can say that Tobirama’s primarily driven force was fear yet it easily evolved into a clear necessity of absolute control over both living and dead people as to perform what he thought was righteous. In that sense, his characterization is marvelous, as he’s not above cruelty to perform what he claims is “the greater good”, in fact limiting his vicious tendencies is reducing both his depth as a character inside the story and the complexity and duality of the system he created under such perspective –neither he nor Hashirama were above ruthless acts to carry out their wishes.
To state that he wasn’t racist but rather, a person that acted upon his fear by creating and carrying out segregation policies based upon biology (re-read that phrase again and tell me how that isn’t racism, please) it’s limiting the existence of racism to mere “hatred” sentiments that rest upon the notion of one ethnicity’s superiority (morally, physically or both), which, pardon me, is absolutely nonsensical and paradoxical, as Tobirama was well aware of the Sharingan’s supremacy (in that case, the explanation of his racism would be solely based upon the anger awaken by sentiments of jealousy, yet canonically he never displayed such propensity as even having access to Uchiha corpses he never implanted himself a Sharingan).
[Many POC (particularly males) have to, to this day, fight against racist pre-conceptions that paint them as violent, savage, and blood-lusted individuals, created to install fear amongst the “pure” white citizens in order to push them to seek “government protection against the savages” which, in turn, happily and easily installed discriminatory policies against such communities.]
If you wish, you can say Tobirama’s fear was “rational” as he does have a background of conflict with the Uchiha, yet then you can’t blame the Uchiha for distrusting Tobirama and his successors’ policies as they also possess the same history –yet while Tobirama is, somehow, justified in his apprehension for the Uchiha, that courtesy isn’t extended to that family, who should have trusted blindly Konoha’s system, a bureaucracy which basis are built upon Tobirama’s ethnic prejudice.
And it's even by their own laid-out premises that these advocates fail to specify what exactly ARE Tobirama’s segregationist policies: They were targeted to a single clan and a single clan alone, what is that if not ethnic prejudice? They keep saying is not racism yet fail to convey what it is as if “fear” is enough response when speaking of an individual that built Konoha's entire political structure.
Furthermore, many claim that Tobirama couldn’t be racist as he allowed one Uchiha (Kagami) inside his cell, and both Itachi and Shisui were advocates for Konoha’s government yet:
This denial of the significance of race is a tool that allows the dominant racial group to legitimize the effects of racism under the guise of individual merit. Through this lens, people in positions of power can credit their successes to their own hard work while positioning the disadvantages oppressed racial groups face to personal rather than systemic failures.
The praising and/or awarding of one or few individuals inside a group that suffers from systematic prejudice is not proof of such a community not suffering from such segregation policies, rather, it’s a way to disguise such oppression while selling the idea that individual merit it’s both what matters, and the thing that’s stopping most members of such a family from rising inside Konoha’s political’s sphere. That way the blame is placed upon individual actions rather than the systematic flaws of Konoha’s policies (and the same happens with other characters, such as Naruto, Neji, Kakashi, and so on –as their traumatic experiences and subsequent reactions are blamed upon their individual perspective and not on the bureaucratic structure that is both the cause of the specific events that shaped them and the reason why they don’t have a better support system after such occurrences).
At the same time, Madara was the main motive of Tobirama’s “terror” for the Uchiha yet, after Madara’s death, he continued with his discriminatory policies towards those who shared the same ethnicity as the former leader, despite them willingly turning their back on him when he tried to make them abandon Konoha, pledging their loyalty to their village rather than to their strongest member and leader. Tobirama’s prejudice toward this specific ethnic group (as ethnicities in this manga are marked by the different Kekkei Genkai that exists), a consequence of his fear of a “new Madara rising” (whether it’s based on fear or hate doesn’t deny the fact that these notions were constructed with a racial prejudice still, making the system in itself and Tobirama specifically racist), converged in the systematic oppression that, later on, will push the Uchiha to attempt a coup and their subsequent massacre, a point that I touched upon a little more here. 
In short, denying Tobirama acted upon his fear for the Uchiha is reading his character flatly, I agree, however, maintaining that fear is not one of the main bases for the development of racist mentalities and policies is to simplify both the notion itself and to diminish the gravity of the segregationist practices that result from this perspective. 
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purpleajisai · 2 months
Uchiha Observation n°1: Sasuke’s lineage - headcanons, storyline and hints in canon
This post is part of the worldbuilding process for a fanfic idea that I’ve been maturing over the past year, so I will update this if needed. I have wondered about the relationship between Madara and Sasuke for a long while now, and I knew there has to be a deeper connection than just reincarnations of Indra. The moment that piqued my interest was the point that Hashirama made about Sasuke looking like Izuna, implying that if Madara saw someone so similar to his beloved younger brother he could listen to what Sasuke had to say and perhaps change his mindset in regards to the war.
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This cannot be a coincidence. Today, I’m going to share my headcanon regarding Madara and Sasuke’s kinship: Sasuke is Madara’s great nephew, connnected through Izuna. Here is the genealogical tree:
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First of all, let’s explain Izuna’s generation. Of course, you can see Madara represented there as an older brother as well as the 4 unnamed younger siblings mentioned in the river flashbacks. The language used by Madara suggest that there were 5 other siblings aside from him, not 5 in total and including him. In the case of Izuna, according to the databooks he died at age 24, which is definitely old enough to be married and have a child.
And perhaps the readers are wondering why I’m not considering Madara to be married as well since he’s not only older than Izuna but also the clan leader. The only reason why I’m not giving him a wife and kids at the time of Izuna’s death is because I want to adhere to canon in this regard (no spoilers about the fic’s plot).
In the storyline I’ve planned, Izuna would die and leave behind a little baby or even a pregnant wife. The exact moment is yet undecided. However, it is through this only son of Izuna from which we can connect him to Sasuke. Once Izuna’s son grows up, having the pressure of being the last surviving heir to the clan, it’s not far-fetched for this man to have more than 2 children to ensure his legacy and prevent the clan from descending into anarchy. The reason why his firstborn son, who would be Izuna’s eldest grandson, is marked as “disgraced” in this chart is because the existence of this generation collides with the 2nd Great Ninja War. A possible reason I may consider to add for his fall into disgrace and shunning by the clan is that he would’ve left some Uchiha comrades to die in order to protect important Konoha intel, therefore gaining the reputation of a traitor and not being suitable for inheriting the clan’s leadership.
With the eldest son banned from the position of clan heir, the younger son would immediately take his place. From the disgraced eldest brother, we get Obito’s ancestry, and from the younger brother we get Mikoto’s generation. For Obito’s case, I theorize a normal Uchiha picked at random wouldn’t be able to handle the toll of Madara’s eyes, whether in EMS or Rinnegan form. Technically speaking, these eyeballs are actually Izuna’s, reinforcing his importance for this lineage. Please consider the importance of genetics in handling kekkei genkai in the Naruto universe. For Mikoto’s case, I added an older brother for her. Why? Because it used to be a custom in the Sengoku period and the subsequent Edo period to follow agnatic (male-only) succession for leadership. The death of Mikoto’s brother would put Fugaku as a leader, given that he’s the husband of a bearer of the lineage of clan leaders.
Finally, we get to Itachi and Sasuke. Neither one nor another were “normal” Uchiha: both unlocked the mangekyo sharingan and handled the toll of the Susano’o, among other remarkable feats. If Sasuke is connected to Madara through Izuna’s descendants, it would imply the existence of a direct line of ancestry that starts with Indra himself. The headcanons regarding the internal structure of the Uchiha clan will be discussed in a future post. The direct family line from Izuna to Sasuke can therefore explain why both looked so similar (recessive genetics) and why Madara felt nostalgic or touched at the sight of someone who resembled his beloved little brother so much.
Thanks for reading thus far, and if you have any questions plkease use the blog’s ask box.
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pachu09 · 6 months
Oh. Look at me. Finally posting after a month? of silence…
Let's be real, life is kicking my butt as we speak, so I haven't had the energy to write and draw for the meantime.
( Gotta have to prioritize food and shelter before doing my beloved hobbies )
Anyways, enough of my complaining…
Onwards to the fic and off you go my readers...
Sweet Thing
`“ Oh, For Amaterasu’s sake!. “ Tobirama startled badly and quickly looked up from his paperwork. His wide eyed gaze settled on the Uchiha Clan Head standing in front of his desk. Madara-sama had apparently taken one look at his whole body and the man had crossed his bulging arms across his wide chest in a defensive? lecturing? pose. 
Tobirama braced himself for whatever offense the man thought he had committed.
“ What is it now, Madara-sama? “ Tobirama calmly asked. No need to rile up the man so early in the morning. Anija would be upset again if he saw them bickering. Which,... Tobirama faltered in his thoughts. He realizes that it had been months since Madara-sama and he had a spat? Tobirama furrowed his brows. He’s confused, surely it wasn’t that long ago when he and Madara-sama were at each other's throats?. 
“ Tobirama. – “ said Albino turn his full attention back to the scowling man in front of him. “ – I seem to remember I had given you a generous payment to buy a new wardrobe, yet I’m seeing you wearing that cursed be damn black overalls again? “ Madara-sama’s intensified glowering made Tobirama shrink in embarrassment.
It was true. Madara-sama had paid him handsomely ( it was worth like a Daimyo’s single mission pay ) for a security seal he had invented to be used in the Uchiha Compound. He recalled how Madara-sama had off-handedly commented about his choice of wardrobe. But he thought the man was joking about how he needed to get new clothings.
“ I thought you were joking, Madara-sama? “ Tobirama winced as the man’s glare darkened more.
“ What are you even doing with your money, Tobirama?. You live with Hashirama so I doubt you’d need to pay for rent nor food. I also doubt you of all people would even be stupid enough to do drugs?. And it's not as if your sealing supplies are that much expensive. So where are you even spending your money, Tobirama? “.
Tobirama paled and had to avoid the man’s inquiring gaze. He felt his heart beat loudly in his chest. He finds that he was too embarrassed to come clean about where he put aside his hard earned money.
“ Out with it, Tobirama! I don’t have all day to stand around here. Or….do you want me to ask your Brother? “ the Uchiha impatiently commanded, which made Tobirama; in his nervousness, finally blurted his answer.
“ The money isn’t going anywhere, Madara-sama!. “ Madara-sama stopped in his tracks before he could exit his office window. The man was perched on his office window sill and Tobirama knew it would only take a second for him to Shunshin out of the building and hunt down his Brother to seek the answer he wanted.
Tobirama nervously swallowed. “ I just like knowing I have money, okay!. Its..its for any emergency I might need for later… “
Madara-sama jumped down from the window sill and stood in front of his desk again. But instead of his usual scowl – his expression had smoothly changed into a blank eyed look. Tobirama felt his nervousness intensified. What could it mean?...
“ That’s quite sad, Tobira. “ Izuna’s voice piping up beside him made Tobirama jump up from his seat and tried to smack the man. 
“ Damn it, Izuna! ".  He growled and tried to punch the man on his face again but the younger Uchiha was a slippery bastard when it comes to dodging any kind of attacks.
He only stopped his half hearted assault when Madara-sama’s hands firmly took ahold of his balled up fists.
“ Tobirama. What my Otouto had said is right — “ Izuna’s cheeky face pops out over Madara-sama’s shoulder. “ — It is quite sad that you can’t make yourself spend what money you fairly earned. That’s not a proper way to save up?..I don’t know what you would need the money for, but I refused to see you in another black overalls again. " Here, the older man wrinkled his nose at his obvious ragged clothings.
Tobirama looked down in shame. He knew people must have remarked on him wearing patchy and worn looking clothes but he pretended he didn’t know about it. He just doesn’t care enough for any strangers' comments to confront them about it. But now ... .Madara-sama basically pointed out how hideous he looked wearing it?...for the first time in his life, he’s ashamed that he basically looked like a slob….
“ Come. I will buy you whatever you would need. And I don’t want to hear you saying NO for accepting my gifts. “ Tobirama couldn’t even raise a protest because within a few seconds the Uchiha Brothers had managed to forcefully drag him out of the Hokage Tower. 
Later in the evening, Anija eyed him with an inscrutable glance as he looked over the many bags and boxes that were delivered to their Home. Mito-neesan only raised an elegant brow and she hum pleasantly as she saw the obviously expensive Kimonos inside one of the big boxes.
“ I’m glad Madara has good taste at least. “ Neesan’s remark made him feel confused. He doesn’t really know what Madara-sama and Izuna had bought all throughout the day. His memory had already blank out by the time they went to the clothing stores where the employees had joyfully assisted him in trying out their beautiful Kimonos. 
It was an experience he didn’t want to repeat. He shuddered in fear.
He even told Madara-sama and Izuna about it at lunch but they only said from now on, he better get used to it.
He didn’t even ask what they meant about it. He’s pretty sure they’re joking. About them dragging him back to the clothing store for the next month.
He grimaced. Maybe he needs to clarify that cryptic answer first.
Anija took out two big boxes of expensive chocolates from one of the many paper bags that littered his room.
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“ Huh? I didn't know Madara can buy these so quickly? “ Anija passed the sizable boxes to Neesan and she carefully put those on his working desk.
Neesan looked over the many bags and big boxes that is scattered around in his room. “ We’ll try to help you put away most of these, Otouto. But fair warning, we won’t help you for the next time. You would need to ask Madara and Izuna’s help in the future. “
Tobirama sighs in relief. He really doesn’t know where to even put away most of the Uchiha Brothers had bought for him. 
It took at least an hour and a half before everything was put into its proper place. Anija had to quickly make him a sendai-dansu because there were just too many expensive Kimonos to fit in his regular drawers or his closet. ( He didn’t even noticed his Anija and Neesan grimly stared at each other. ) The excessive food ( he didn’t know that there was a second batch delivered ) was stored properly in their kitchen and the Clan Pantry with the help of some of their maids and active Shinobi. 
( Tobirama felt his stomach grumbling and his mouth watering as he spied live sea foods in one of the crates. He really hope he’ll get to taste the Clan Chef’s infamous seafood recipes. )
The sealing and any experimenting materials were properly put into his laboratory. ( Anija insisted that he didn’t want to accidentally revert his sealing papers into living plants again. They cost quite a lot and Anija was worried it’ll make him angry again if he ever turn his papers into plants again ). He did tell Anija that he won’t get mad again if he accidentally make his papers into plants again but Anija had winced and he muttered something about Madara-sama wouldn’t be pleased or something…which made him confused when Anija refused to answer about his cryptic mutterings.
At near midnight, Tobirama indulgently ate some of the chocolates from one of those fancy boxes. He couldn’t believe that there’s chocolates that tasted good like this. No wonder they were pretty expensive!. He moaned in delight as the sweet taste practically exploded in his mouth. 
A second later, he guiltily realized he hasn’t even shared some of it to his what?. What are the Uchiha Brothers to him?. Benefactors?. Friends?. They were friends, right?. He knew friends treat each other from time to time, right?. He nervously sweated, but Madara-sama had told him he didn't need to pay back what they had bought for him. 
So how would he even repay them back?. 
Tobirama carefully put the chocolates back in its box again and sat it on his chabudai. He licked his lips and eyed the confections longingly. He’ll probably finish those first thing in the morning. They’re really delicious and probably addictive, he’s having a hard time to even restrain himself from gorging on it. He forced himself to look away from his newest temptation and tiredly crawled off towards his new Futon and flopped on it. 
His mind races…Maybe he could help them again with the Uchiha Compound Security?. He could offer some of his more advanced and deadly seals freely in exchange for what the Uchiha Brothers have bought him for today?.
Ugh, Tobirama slapped himself on his cheek. Madara-sama had casually remarked that the Uchiha Compound is already finished!. He bit his lip in frustration and then buried his face on his fresh pillows. ( He carefully ignored that he now own a dozen of big pillows. )
Maybe he needs to sleep first in order for his mind to be organized again?. 
Tobirama yawned widely…and with his thoughts slowly quieting. He didn’t even notice that ( for the first time in many years ) he drifted off to sleep without a problem.
Come morning, Tobirama, who's rubbing the sleep from his eyes, was startled out of his dazed state when he walked into the dining room to find Madara-sama and Izuna were eating breakfast at their table. ( They also came with several gifts again and he eyed them with trepidation ). Anija has a peculiar look on his face and Neesan is calmly sipping her breakfast tea.  
Madara-sama had quickly jumped up from his zaisu the second he walked into the room and Tobirama felt baffled and embarrassed as the man practically escorted him from the door then to the dining table. ( Nevermind that it's only a meager distance between the two area. ) He was then seated between the Uchiha Brothers and he felt his embarrassment increased two fold because Neesan remarked in a curt tone that his breakfast was brought by the Brothers and they prepared it with their own hands. ( The underlying advice that he can refuse what they have given him had made him feel warm at her concern ).  
He gratefully accepted their food offerings. But he also became conscious of how they watched him eat his fill.
“ You love seafood then, Tobirama?. “ Madara-sama asked him out of nowhere and Tobirama spluttered as the Ankimo he’s eating went down wrong in his throat. 
Madara-sama had gracefully slapped his back repeatedly to help him in dislodging it. Thankfully, Izuna had readily handed him a glass of water as soon as he got rid of the blockage in his throat. He coughed and sputtered more as the water soothed his sore throat.
“ Uh, yeah.Tobi seems to go crazy when he eats seafood. He loves them! Probably due to him being a Suiton user?. And look at how fast he devoured the Ankimo we gave to him? “ Tobirama didn’t even refute Izuna’s claims, he’s still too busy hacking his lungs out and besides he’s embarrassed that he really did eat the aforementioned dish like a starving man. 
Madara-sama is still patiently rubbing his back with a soothing motion that makes him aware how intimate the man’s action is. Coupled with the man helping him down the rest of the water from the teacup he’s gripping….Tobirama somehow felt wrong footed?….is this because this is the first time Madara-sama had touched him uhh…somewhat familiarly?.
“ I seem to have surprised you with my inappropriate questioning. I apologize, Tobirama. “ he waved away Madara-sama’s apology. It's not the man’s fault he got surprised with his innocent question.
He turned to look at Anija and Neesan but somehow he found himself staring at their vacant seats. Had they left the dining room while he’s busy hacking his lungs out?. Its quite a miracle that Anija hasn’t insisted for today that they go to the Hokage Tower together.
“ Where did they go?. “ Tobirama coughed out his question to both Uchiha Brothers. Madara-sama handed him another cup of water which he eagerly drank. 
“ Hashirama said he needs to go early to the Hokage Tower and Mito-san claims there is something important that she needs to do. “ Madara-sama had calmly replied to his question.
Tobirama cock his head to the side. He really hopes that Anija starts to work on signing up the scrolls he left yesterday on his desk…
Izuna happily ate the Ebi Furai on his plate. “ Come on now, Tobi. Eat up!. We’ll need you for something later…”
Tobirama nodded his head in agreement and grabbed his chopstick again. But a chopstick out of nowhere tapping his lips made him look up in surprise. Madara-sama was using his chopstick to tap his lips. The man apparently decided that he wants to feed him?. Without a question Tobirama opens his mouth and lets the older man put the food in his mouth. He sighs in satisfaction as the delicious flavor of the tempura exploded in his mouth. 
Tobirama didn’t even think it was weird that Madara-sama fed him some of his breakfast using his own chopstick. ( Its probably normal between friends right? ). He also didn’t mind Madara-sama sitting closely next to him, ( The man’s broad physique practically dwarfed him. If he’s not as tall as he is, he’ll probably look stick thin or even fragile next to the man ) or that Madara-sama gently wipes the sauce from his lips whenever he eats some food he had dipped…
When breakfast was finally over, Tobirama wasn’t surprised that the Uchiha Brothers had planned to invite him back to their compound. When he reminded them he still needed to change his clothes. He felt conscious that Madara-sama instructed him to wear one of the Kimonos he bought for him. Though internally, he got excited that he’ll get to wear one of the favorites he tried on yesterday. 
It is a blue colored Kimono with a pattern of swimming Koi Fish and the water was drawn realistically enough that he finds it calming to look at.
When he emerged from his room wearing the beautiful Kimono he felt embarrassed that the first thing Madara-sama and Izuna told him was that he looked pretty and gorgeous wearing it. But his embarrassment quickly faded away when the Brothers excitedly ushered him out of his Home. He disregarded his Clanmates gawking and gaping at his new outfit. They were probably quite surprised that he even bothered dressing up ( because the last time he did so….it was in Itama’s Funeral ). He also ignored the Elders tutting at him from afar. He doesn’t know what they want to moan about again but he’ll be damn if he got delayed because of their nonsense clucking. He marched out of the Senju Compound with his head held high. He refuses to be intimidated by the old bigots. They can stew in their anger amongst their group. He won’t be swayed by their usual false allegations about the Uchiha Clan and that he needs to watch out for their underhanded tactics. 
Walking down the street of Konoha, Tobirama felt self-conscious because of the stares. He knew most people were probably shocked to see him wearing something other than his usual black overalls. But to shamelessly gaped and gawked at him as if he’s someone they haven’t seen for such a long time made him feel awkward. Did he really look okay or were the Uchiha Brothers just humoring him?. He discreetly tried to check if there is something amiss with his clothing but Madara-sama stepped closely beside him and then one of his hands inappropriately settled at the small of his back made him quite distracted.  
( Tobirama didn’t even notice that the Brothers practically covered him from the other people’s curious gazes nor that they threw furious glares at anyone who stares way too long in their direction. )
When they arrive at the Uchiha Compound. There, he is pleased to find they needed him to check most of their security seals. He did his work diligently. After all, it is the least he could do after Madara-sama and Izuna bought everything ( what he needed? ) yesterday. 
It took at least a few hours before he’s satisfied with his adjustments and even then he still tried to inspect his work once more in order to see if everything was functioning as it was meant to be. 
But before he could do so, Madara -sama managed to drag him away from working again because apparently it is lunch time now. 
When they arrived at the Main Family’s House Tobirama was impressed to see a large and opulent Minka the likes he had only seen in the Fire Capital. He is also surprised to see that they needed several maids to carry into the private dining room the many cuisines that the servants had prepared. He has to ask Madara-sama why they need too much food for lunch?. But the man only waved away his confusion and told him he would need to try out the Uchiha’s original recipes.
He easily accepted the man’s explanation. He is also intrigued by what food the Uchiha had invented?. He excitedly eyed the many courses that are artfully set down on the large table. He didn’t even protest when Izuna and Madara ushered him to sit down on a cozy Zaisu. He was so busy eyeing the sumptuous meal that was prepared for them that he failed to notice the Uchiha Brothers throwing warning looks at the amused looking maids.
Tobirama surveyed the sumptuous meals in front of him that looked like it was only eaten by the Nobles. ( He faltered at that thought, of course the Uchiha is a Noble Clan and their delicious looking food reflected their hierarchical station. ) He suddenly felt embarrassed and would have stammered an excuse to not eat…but Izuna ( the fool that he is ) had the brave audacity to shove some food in his mouth without his permission.
The Albino had to quickly chew what's in his mouth lest he choke and embarrassed himself again. His red eyes widen in surprise at the rich flavor that practically exploded in his mouth. He closed his eyes and savored the exquisite food he's lucky to even get a taste of.
After swallowing the frankly heavenly tasting food, Tobirama turn to Madara-sama and politely asked what is the name of the food he just tasted?.
Madara-sama answered him that it was called Funazushi. It is one of the most favorite dish the Uchiha eats. They have a branch family that manages their fisheries in the Mizu. That’s why they're not restricted in producing the Nigorobuna. Tobirama nervously had to down the ( high quality ) tea in front of him. He heard it is one of the most expensive fish in the Elemental Countries because they are cultivated in a specific lake from Mizu No Kuni.
He felt his stomach dropped. Madara-sama and Izuna had just made him eat it as if it wouldn't cost him and arm or a leg to pay for it.
Tobirama was shaken out of his stunned thoughts as Madara-sama passed him his own bowl of rice and nudges several plates of mouth watering sea food dishes in front of him.
" Eat up, Tobirama. " an elegant eyebrow raised at him made Tobirama do so. He didn't want to act like he's ungrateful or something if he didn't eat any of the food the Uchiha servants had painstakingly prepared. ( He also wants to avoid disappointing the maids that sat near the Shoji doors. They’re obviously waiting for his reaction about the food they prepared. ) He internally squashed his uneasiness and tried to enjoy the food he was given.
For at least the entire duration of their lunch time. Tobirama indeed forgot that he's eating a feast that is practically for a person with a Noble Status ( nor that the maids are watching his every move ). Madara-sama and Izuna had managed to pull him into a discussion about how he wanted to build a Shinobi school for the children so that everybody had a chance to learn the Shinobi arts and not just restricted for Clan children. He firmly believe the Civilians could also become professional Shinobi if they have proper training for it. 
So busy was he in spending time with the Uchiha Brothers. He didn’t even realized that an entire day had passed. He was also pulled into training Uchiha Kagami. Their little cousin ( two times removed ) who apparently is now his Fan ( Izuna had chortled to him ). Which is of course not true. Kagami was just pretty curious about him as was normal for a child of his age and had yet to mingle with any other Clan adult in the village.
Though Kagami's remark that he really really likes his eyes and hair.
Because he apparently looked like a beautiful moon rabbit made him embarrassed and strangely shy.
Added with an wondrous innocent expression on the child's face. Tobirama of course had felt abashed at the child's admiration. He couldn’t even look the Uchiha Brothers in the eyes for a few minutes even after Kagami's mother had taken him Home. 
Though he was extremely taken aback when Madara-sama and Izuna had heartily agreed with Kagami's statement.
It is the first time someone outside his own Clan had remarked about his physical looks. In his entire life only Anija, Neesan, Touka ( and his dead Brothers ) had positively remarked about his physical looks. 
Finding out that outside his own Clan, people remarking that he looked very gorgeous and pretty….also felt overwhelming. 
And upon accidentally meeting Madara-sama’s eyes…there is something undefinable in the man's black orbs that made him want to squirm underneath the man's intense gaze. 
But Tobirama is a trained Shinobi. He refuses to buckle under the man's enigmatic scrutiny. He carefully locked his knees and avoided the man's eyes for the moment. He needed to collect himself first if he wanted to talk to the man again. He feared that if he opened his mouth at this minute, a squeak would come out instead of words. He also doesn't understand why he felt pretty embarrassed in front of the man. But he had long resigned that feeling something is a normal thing people need to experience. ( Not whatever bullshit Otou-san had taught him, Anija had painfully explained ).
" You'll love dinner tonight, Tobi! " Izuna excitedly looped his arm around his and Tobirama internally thanked the man for breaking the awkward atmosphere between him and Madara-sama. He let Izuna dragged him away without a protest. 
With his sensing, he knew Madara-sama’s searing gaze on him hasn't even faltered and he shivered in shock as the man’s dense and hot Chakra manages to caress his entire body in a way that only a lover of a Sensor is allowed.  
Tobirama felt his face bloom with a blush. Did Madara-sama knows that what he did was inappropriate? Or did he deliberately act knowing what it meant?.
The Albino bit his lip in confusion. Maybe, maybe he'll let it slide for the meantime. Maybe its just an accident, right?. He didn't want to raise it as an issue because Madara-sama and Izuna are good people who treated their friends generously and with utmost respect. He liked spending time with the Brothers who let him ramble whenever an outrageous idea suddenly crosses his mind. They became very good friends of him. He wouldn't want to lose them if he raises question that would surely make them angry.
He couldn't help but curiously looked back to where Madara still stood motionlessly. The man was still staring at him and Tobirama felt his heart beat quickly as Madara smirked at him, making him blush furiously. He quickly whip his head back to his walking companion. Thankfully, Izuna is still talking his ear off and didn't notice anything amiss.
So Madara-sama did know what it means to use his Chakra in a way most expert Sensors do?. 
But the biggest question is, why now?....
Why declare his romantic interest after all these years?.
Surely, he's not wrong in thinking that Madara-sama is interested in him romantically speaking?. 
Tobirama felt his head ache with all of the unanswerable questions he's thinking of. He hesitated, should he dare to ask Madara-sama's intention?. And would the man even answer his impertinent questions?...
A hand inappropriately touching him on the small of his back made Tobirama stiffen in sheer surprise and he whipped his head to stare at the Uchiha Clan Head with wide eyes. 
" Is something the matter, Tobirama?. " the Albino hesitated to answer. He internally shelve for later everything that befuddles him. Now is not the time to stare off blankly into space and closely examine what Madara-sama's hidden agenda.
" Its nothing, Uchiha-sama. " Tobirama nearly stuttered his reply as he felt Madara-sama's hand caresses downward until it stopped at the top of the swell of his posterior. The man even had the audacity to raise a brow at him as if his action did not make him an internal mess. 
" Come now, Tobirama. Won't you eat dinner with us?. I'm sure the maids would be delighted that they can feed you their delicious cuisine again.  " 
Tobirama felt his mouth water. Its true. The Uchiha servants are fantastic cooks! On par even with the Akimichi. Its just a shame that the Uchiha would never dare to compete with the Akimichi's monopolized business or else he would have visited their restaurant as soon as Konoha was built. 
He shook his head at get rid of his fantasy. " I wouldn't mind a delicious dinner from your servants, Madara-sama, Izuna." Tobirama nods his head in quick agreement. Izuna beams at him while Madara-sama tilts his head. He looked quite pleased that he managed to convince Tobirama to eat dinner with them. 
The Albino stared for a minute at Madara-sama's handsome face. No one had looked so pleased when inviting him for dinner. In fact, the only other man that's delighted to have lunch or dinner with him ( with the exception of his own family ) is Nara Shin. But the man is a close friend and his visage when he is pleased with Tobirama is so far from Madara-sama's smoldering looks. 
Tobirama swallowed nervously. It felt like he's walking into a trap willingly. But surely, the Uchiha Brothers wouldn't put him in danger, right?. 
The Albino snaps out of his paranoid thought thanks to Izuna yelling that they need to hurry up or else he'll eat all of the food and he wouldn't leave them even a crumb. Tobirama hurried after his friend, he cannot take Madara-sama's intense staring for another second. 
He did enjoy his dinner with the Uchiha Brothers. But that night Tobirama doesn't know what came over him when he also agreed to sleep for the night in the Uchiha Brothers residence. All he knew was he felt tired all of a sudden and that he'll probably fell down from a tree if he attempted to even Shuñshin his way back to his Anija's Home. 
He was graciously offered the room next to Madara-sama and he quickly noted ( despite his unexplainable tiredness ) a doorway that connects his temporary room to that of the older man. He shrugged off the wrongness of it, too tired to ask his nosy question when he knew he's already inconvenienced his hosts. 
Tobirama slept without his insomnia kicking in. He was obliviously unaware of Hashirama and Mito visiting the Uchiha residence in an official capacity and that the Senju Clan Head and his Wife had started to negotiate with the Uchiha Council. 
He was unaware that Madara had formally claimed for a courtship trial and that Hashirama found himself with his hands tied from the Uchiha’s demands. At the end of the intense negotiations between the two Clans. A compromise was made that pleased the Uchiha and left a sour note to the Senju. 
" I swear Madara. If you ever hurt my Brother I would never hesitate to declare a bloody War again to avenge him. " Hashirama sat in front of his so called best friend with a grim look pasted on his usually happy go lucky face. He ignored the sake that the Uchiha servants had lset down in front of him. He didn’t want to lose his inhibitions now in case…in his restrained rage he accidentally flattened the entirety of Konoha. 
Madara scoffs at his friend's declaration. " If you have paid attention as to how we love Hashirama you would know an Uchiha is loyal to their spouses until the day they die. "
Hashirama glowered and bark out a hysterical sounding laugh. " Oh, I know how you people love. You love with all your heart and soul and the moment someone rejects you. You all became insane people. " 
Madara nonchalantly shrugged without even denying his friend's accusation. 
" I can only promise you that Tobirama will be always love and cherish by me. I will never hurt him deliberately. And I'll do everything in my power to make his wishes and dreams come true. You can only interfere with our marital affairs if Tobirama himself claimed that I hurt him. "
Hashirama scowled. His hands are tied for now. But the moment his Otouto tells him that Madara abuse him is the moment Hashirama will make sure the man will regret laying his hand on his last Brother. 
" See to it that he'll be happy in your Clan Madara. I refuse to lose him. My last Otouto. I'd razed the Uchiha to the ground if he comes to harm in your care. " 
Madara inclines his head in a respectful agreement. " Fair enough my friend. " 
Hashirama was still scowling but a dainty hand laying on his arm made him hold back any other additional nasty thoughts he wants to lay on the Uchiha Clan Head.
" Enough, Husband. We have overstayed our welcome. I have faith that Uchiha Madara will keep his promise. You should naturally trust him too when you yourself declares he is your best friend. " Mito who sat silent the entire time the two Clan Heads had been talking had gently rebuked her Husband. 
Hashirama quickly deflated at hearing the sharp tone of his beloved Wife. " But Mito!. They’re taking away Tobi-chan from me!. " 
Mito rolled her eyes, thoroughly exasperated. " Tobirama is already an Adult. He should have been married a long time ago but we all know why his suitors suddenly disappeared and vanished ne?. " 
Izuna, who was content to listen at his Brother and the idiot Senju Clan Head talking, suddenly choke on the dango ( he's enthusiastically demolishing ). Madara automatically thumps his back repeatedly to get rid at the blockage in his throat. When he finally spat out the dango, he stared wide eyed at the Senju Couple and shrilly screams. 
" No wonder Tobirama is so painfully oblivious!. You stunted his mental growth you overgrown weed!. " he glared accusingly at the Hokage. 
Hashirama only cocked his head. " No. I didn't. I just saved him from interacting with unworthy people. " 
Mito shook her head at Izuna. " It is true. Most men who came forward requesting for Tobirama's hand had just only wanted the Senju's influence, specifically they think they can shackle Hashirama's power to their own pathetic Clans. "
Madara's face smoothing into a blank one made Izuna shudder. " I trust they're taken care of, Hashirama?. " 
Hashirama grimaced. " Of course I did. I only killed those bastards but I also did send their remains to their Clans if they ever dared to pull another stunt like that again. Naturally, everyone agreed not to cross me again or else the Fire Capital would lose most of its Noble Families. "
Izuna scandalously gasp. " Civilians wanted Tobirama's hand?!. How dare they think they could measure up to his greatness!. " 
Mito gracefully nods her head in agreement. " I too was taken aback at the sheer idiocy and audacity of some of the Civilian Families. It also cemented the fact that most of their Culture really relies on leeching and then betraying off those who they deemed too powerful. " she took a dainty sip on the teacup porcelain on her hand.
The Uchiha Brothers waited for the Senju Matriarch to continue speaking.
Mito continued and what she spilled made the Brothers glower ferociously. '" Even the Daimyo isn't exempted from this type of political stance. We have the confirmation that one of Tobirama's suitors is a close relative of his and we know he's brewing something to avenge his nephew. But of course he is a cautious man. He wouldn't idiotically wage war against us if he doesn't want Konoha and the neighboring free Clans to destroy his beloved Capital. Hashirama and I expect that he'll do something when word reaches the Capital that the Uchiha and Senju are uniting because of you and Tobirama. "
Madara clenches his fists and his thunderous expression makes the Senju Couple nod and glance at each other. " If that man tried anything funny on my wedding day. I'll personally slit his throat, happily. "
Izuna enthusiastically nodded his head in accordance with his Brother's words. " And I'll happily back you up, Aniki. " 
A knock on the door cuts off whatever tirade Izuna will add. Madara hush his Brother and gave permission to whoever had knocked to enter. 
Hikaku easily slip into the dining room. Madara and Izuna stares in surprise at their cousin. The man should have been sleeping, so what made him wide awake at this hour?. 
" Madara-sama. Tobirama-sama is wide awake and I can sense his Chakra felt afraid. Must be because he couldn't sense anything outside the bedroom he's in or that he's currently locked in there. I assume he's probably knocking at the adjacent door to your room to ask for your help. " 
Madara quickly jumps up from his seat and throws the Senju Couple a hasty goodbye before he runs out of the dining room, Hikaku hot on his heels. 
Izuna let his Brother manage the situation by himself, it's not like he'll be needed to calm Tobirama down. 
Hashirama purses his lips in disappointment that he couldn't see his Otouto before they leave but Mito reminding him that he'll see Tobirama tomorrow makes him quickly perk back up. As long as Tobirama isn't married yet to the Uchiha Clan Head, Hashirama can still freely spend time with his Brother as long as he can. 
Izuna gave the Senju Couple a pointed look. " And that's your cue to leave now, isn't it?. " Hashirama glared but he followed his Wife dutifully as Mito stood up from her seat and thank Izuna for the late night snack and that they even manage to set up a meeting between them even at this time of the night.
The Uchiha Heir eyed them with a displeased look on his face. " If it isn't my duty to receive guests with appropriate welcome I would have never let you step foot in here at this time. Amaterasu–sama, I can't wait to dump this responsibility to Tobirama. "
Hashirama opens his mouth ( by the look on his face he would have spat vitriolic words back at the younger Uchiha damn the consequences) but Mito immediately covers her Husband's mouth and she smiles blandly at Izuna. 
" Fair enough, Uchiha–san. Farewell for now. But I'll remind you that Hashirama will come back early in the morning to fetch our Otouto. So it would be wise for Madara-sama not to do anything inappropriate to him, ne?. "
Izuna choked in the tea he's drinking. He slammed the teacup down on the table and hollered after the Senju Couple who already exited the dining room and was out of his sight. Did they use Hiraishin or something?...
" My brother is not a pervert or a lecher, you Uzumaki witch!..." 
Izuna stop his tirade and took a second to contemplate what he said. 
And then he blanched. Fuck, the Uzumaki witch was right. Why didn't he remember that Madara had creepily collected Tobirama's personal clothings in the span of a month?..
He quickly jumped up from his seat and Shuñshin out of the dining room to the east wing of the House. He didn’t pay attention to the guards ( who eyed him confusedly as he passed by them ) that were standing in front of the doors that led to their personal bedrooms. He had to check just in case….
He trusts his Aniki. But he also doesn't trust an Uchiha’s instinct. 
Arriving at his Aniki's private room. He tentatively knocks two times before he opens the door and peeks in.
Izuna took a relieved breath as he saw his Aniki sitting in front of the Chabudai and signing some scrolls that sits beside him. So far, everything is alright. The room is empty, save for his Aniki working with a fierce concentration. His Futon already neatly prepared in case the man retired any minute. 
Nothing was amiss. 
Izuna slowly exited the room. He also closes the door quietly. He didn’t want to disturb his Brother in case he's reviewing something important. With his urgent worry replaced with a breathtaking relief Izuna cracks a yawn and decided to retire for the night. He felt tired at the harrowing thought that his Aniki somehow did something….Curse that Uzumaki witch. He'll confront her tomorrow for making him needlessly worry. 
As Izuna trudge towards his own room. He's painfully oblivious that something is really amiss in his Brother's bedroom.
Madara looked up from the scroll he was working on. He finally let a victorious smirk grace pass his lips as he felt Izuna's Chakra trudging towards his room. His dark eyes flicker to his Futon where a certain Albino slept peacefully.
It's good that he had the foresight to blanket an elaborate Genjutsu over one side of his room or else Izuna would have dragged Tobirama out of his chambers regardless if the Albino was still sleeping. 
Tradition states that Tobirama sleeping in his bedroom is wildly inappropriate but Madara doesn't give a fuck. He'll do what his instinct tells him to. 
No one can dictate to him, on what to do and how to act around his Fiance and soon to be Wife. 
No one. 
Not even Izuna or Hashirama….
Madara's dark expression smoothens as he saw Tobirama turn to his side as he sleeps. The Albino's gorgeous face was in his direct sight now and Madara was entrance again. He hastily puts down the scroll he's holding and he nearly Shuñshin to Tobirama's side in his eagerness to join the sleeping man on his Futon.
Tobirama's peaceful visage soothes something deep within Madara's Psyche. He doesn't know what it is but this irrational feeling makes him happy and at the same time spitting mad. 
Mad in the sense that he'll guard Tobirama zealously and ( a sinister whisper in his ear says ) he'll be like his Father ( who was a former shell of himself when their Mother died ) if something worse happened to his beloved.
He shuddered, he knew what he's capable of, if somehow, someway, Tobirama had come to harm. 
Carefully opening the blanket that covered Tobirama, Madara gently scooted to lie down beside the deeply asleep man. As soon as he's in a comfortable position his hands automatically gathered Tobirama's slumbering form in his arms and then he tucked the taller man's head under his chin, Tobirama's steady breaths that passed over his uncovered chest soothes the tumultuous thoughts that grinded in his mind for the last few minutes.
Madara closes his eyes, content in the meantime that his Beloved is safe and secure in his arms.
And then he dreams of a future where nothing painful will happen and he'll live his life peacefully with Tobirama until they grow old together and the Shinigami finally takes their last breath and they'll reunite in the Purelands together with all of their loved ones.
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amgeryporcupine · 1 year
Hi, I'd like to order 3 sandwiches of HashiMadaTobi with flavors of fluff, angst, and comedy, as well as a side of protective lil bro Izuna.
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Hc where Izu doesn't want his Nii-san to get married cuz he won't be able to live under the same roof and eat Madara’s glorious cooking-
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scribomaniac · 3 months
forward, always
Spiritual sequel to 'back and then forward' by fencesit
(written with original author's blessing)
The Senju arrived three days after Sakura had stabilized Izuna. A messenger had run in, eyes wide and frantic, to deliver the news that not only had the Senju arrived, but that they had arrived carrying the white flag of peace. Sakura had a good guess as to the reason for their visit–she’d been a diligent student of all subjects during her time at the academy, after all, and knew a truce between the Uchiha and Senju came not long after Izuna’s death–but the historical dates during the warring periods were not exactly a well documented thing.
Sakura had been sitting with Madara at the chabudai in the main room, each sipping on their respective cups of tea. Madara had informed her of his plans to survey the boundary lines and Sakura had updated him on Izuna’s health. All the while, Madara had held Sakura’s free hand in his own atop the table, his thumb gently stroking across her knuckles. 
“The Senju?” Madara’s brow furrowed. He looked over at Sakura, frowning, then looked back towards his attendant. “Who all is with them?”
Bowing deeply to his lord, the attendant informed them, “Senju Hashirama, sir, and his brother Tobirama, as well as five clansmen.”
“Very well, I will meet them momentarily.” Madara turned away, effectively dismissing the other man, and redirected his attention to Sakura. “If the Senju are truly here with peaceful intentions, then I shall send them away swiftly, but if not,” he paused. Madara’s eyes flickered down to her hands, so small and delicate looking, but he’d witnessed first hand that Sakura’s appearance was deceiving. “I will keep them at bay long enough for you to escape. Find somewhere safe to hide, and I will find you when I can.”
Sakura almost scoffed, and instead she reached out and cradled his face. “I will do no such thing. I will stay with Izuna and wait for your return.” 
And protect Izuna if necessary, went unsaid. 
Madara was still for a long moment, then he exhaled harshly through his nose and turned his face into her touch. Reaching up to squeeze her hands once, he removed them from his face and pressed a kiss to both sets of knuckles. “I won’t be long.”
Izuna’s room was on the side of the house, and if the shoji window was opened even just a sliver, then the voices from the front carried well into the room. For all Sakura has memorized her textbooks, she had to admit this was all new. For her, for Madara, for everyone. Sakura had already meddled with history by saving Izuna. Now that Izuna was not, in fact, dead, there was a growing worry in the back of Sakura’s mind. There was no telling what ripple effects that one action had caused.  Perhaps the truce would no longer happen. Perhaps that by saving Madara’s younger brother, she had already changed the future beyond recognition. If there was no truce then there’d be no Konoha, and then where would that leave Sakura? The logistics and ramifications were too much to think about and she quickly pushed those thoughts away. 
Instead of making assumptions or thinking about the what-ifs, Sakura waited and listened.
The first thing she heard was Madara’s voice, deep and hard and as unfeeling as she’d ever heard it before. “Senju Tobirama, you dare to show your face to me after what you’ve done? I should kill you here and now for the impertinence; white flag or no.”
“Please Madara, I have brought my brother here not for more bloodshed, but in the hopes of ending it.” This had to be Hashirama then, Sakura decided. “I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved little brother. Had I been on the battlefield that day I would have stopped it. I cannot imagine the pain you must be feeling, losing your final brother. If I were in your position, I’m not sure that I could bear it.”
Sakura looked down at Izuna and brushed some hair away from his brow. If his survival was the only change she ended up making during this time, then it would be enough for her. To spare Madara the pain Hashirama described, it was enough. 
Just as much the optimist as all the textbooks described, Hahsirama continued, “Why don’t we put an end to this war? We made a promise, remember? To make an ideal village where we could protect our loved ones, where children could be cherished and not forced to fight.”
“I’m sorry, Hashirama,” Madara said after a long pause. Sakura wondered if he was thinking back to his childhood, of the time he’d spent with Hashirama before they learned which clan the other hailed from. “I just cannot bring myself to trust you.”
“But isn’t there any way I can convince you?” Hashirama asked, his voice sounding tense and almost desperate. 
“I suppose,” Madara said slowly, and Sakura recognized a certain level of dryness in his tone that she’d come to learn as one he used in jest, “you could prove your sincerity to me by either killing your brother or killing yourself right now.”
A new voice spoke up, “You dare say such an outlandish–”
“You’re insane! So what now, elder brother?” Another–Tobirama, it must be–began hotly, “Are you going to kill me? Or are you going to die in order to win this man’s trust? It’s madness! Don’t bother listening.”
“You truly are kind hearted Madara, by sparing me the death of my own little brother. Please Tobirama, carve into your heart these final words of mine. Words that I will be exchanging with my life. You too, fellow clan members–”
“Brother . . .”
“After my death you must not kill Madara. I forbid any more fighting between the Uchiha and Senju. Swear this right now upon our forefathers and our unborn grandchildren. Let my death be the end of it. Farewell.”
There was a pause of silence, one that Sakura’s mind filled with horrible scenarios. Konoha needed Senju Hashirama. The ninja world needed him—he was the God of Shinobi! Madara didn’t know that, but given that Izuna was safe and breathing and would recover with time, surely he didn’t intend to let Hashirama kill himself. Knuckles white and breath caught in her throat, Sakura silently begged for someone to do something. Say something. 
“While I appreciate the gesture, Hashirama,” Madara said, his voice surprisingly soft and thick with an emotion Sakura couldn’t place. “There is no need. Izuna is alive and on his way to becoming well again.”
“That’s impossible,” Tobirama spat. “That wound was fatal. Not even our best healers would have been able to save him.”
“Then it is very fortunate for you, Tobirama,” Madara said slowly, dangerously, “that I did not call for help from one of your healers.”
Once again there was a pause of silence. 
“The Uchiha are not known for their healing abilities,” Hashirama finally said. 
“No, they are not,” Madara agreed easily enough. “Thankfully, the world has all kinds of people in it.”
A small smile pulled at Sakura’s lips as she thought back to the day she’d said those very same words to him. She’d offered it to him as vaguely as he offered it to the Senju now, though she doubted the Senju would be as comforted by the words as Madara had been at the time.
“A new healer then?” Hashirama asked, his voice light and brimming with curiosity. “What wonderful news!”
If Hashirama and Madara were left alone, Sakura was sure that the two would be able to part ways peacefully, perhaps even begin the creative process behind founding a hidden village, but, and unfortunately for everyone, Tobirama was present. 
“Bring the healer here,” the younger Senju demanded. 
“Tobirama,” Hashirama chastised. 
“I will do no such thing.” Madara told him firmly. “The medic is the Uchiha’s honored guest. I will not allow for you to interrogate them for the sake of curiosity.”
“I do not believe this mystical medic exists, brother,” Tobirama stated. “I wouldn’t put it past the Uchiha to have made up this ruse to lull us into a false sense of security and then reap their revenge for Izuna when our backs were turned.”
“It was you who sought me out, was it not?” Madara asked. “If you’re to continue calling me a liar then I will ask that you leave now, while we can still call this meeting a harmonious one.”
There was a bit more of quiet, tense and uncomfortable, even for Sakura, and then Hashirama asked, “Please, Madara. If I may, I would like to see Izuna and pay my respects to him. I won’t lie and say I’m not curious about your new medic as well, but if you’d prefer to keep him hidden away then I will understand.”
Izuna would be furious if he knew the Senju were here, much less allowed into his sick room. Sakura wasn’t sure what Madara was thinking, or what his motives were, but after Hashirama’s recent attempt to prove himself in Madara’s eyes, she wasn’t surprised to soon hear two pairs of footsteps creaking upon the porch’s steps entering the home. 
Closing the window softly, Sakura turned to kneel beside Izuna and placed a hand upon his brow. Pushing a bit of chakra into him, she ensured he was deep within his REM cycle and wouldn’t wake during Hashirama’s visit–so long as everyone kept their voices down. She thought about sneaking away before they arrived, but if Madara wanted her to disappear, he would’ve sent her some sign or signal to leave, but none came so she stayed put. 
She wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from the Shodaime, but based on the stories she’d heard about him from Tsunade, Sakura didn’t have that much faith in his ability to keep quiet. Hopefully he’d at least have a bit more decorum entering a sick room than Naruto. 
When the shoji door slid open, Sakura had just finished placing a damp towel on Izuna’s brow. As with her initial meeting of Madara, Sakura was shocked by how young Hashirama looked. Whenever she thought about these legends, she always imagined them so much older than herself, so much greater. Seeing him before her, looking not that much older, was jarring to say the least. 
“Ah!” Hashirama gasped as he switched his gaze from Izuna, to Sakura, then back again. “How absolutely amazing. May I?” He took a step forward, looking to Madara for permission to venture in further. 
Madara looked to Sakura, silently asking for her thoughts. Giving him a nod, Madara passed the gesture on to the Senju head. The sequence of actions did not pass Hashirama’s notice. 
Kneeling beside Izuna, Hashirama hummed softly as he surveyed the patient. “How wonderous,” he whispered. Madara had settled beside Sakura, but Hashirama looked straight towards her as he hesitantly reached out a hand towards Izuna’s blanket and asked again, “May I?”
Sakura pursed her lips in consideration. If Izuna would hate the man’s very presence, she could only guess how he’d feel upon finding out he’d been examined by him as well. Still, something in her was adamant that this moment was important. Following her gut, but still trying her best to protect her patient, Sakura raised a hand to stop Hashirama. “Allow me,” she told him, pulling down the sheet herself. 
Deciding to treat this moment as she would any standard examination–just with the addition of two extra pairs of eyes–Sakura tenderly pulled open Izuna’s yukata. His chest and stomach were covered in bandages, covering his still raw wound. Pulling at the knot tying everything together, Sakura slowly unwound the bandages and began the process of surveying the wound. 
When she had first arrived, Izuna’s stomach had resembled that of a gutted fish with a deep line extending from beside his navel up to his right shoulder. The worst of the strike had been the initial puncture in his gut. Wounds near the stomach and intestines were always the trickiest to handle, due to bacteria and stomach acid leaking out and leading to infections or worse. It wasn’t anything Sakura couldn’t handle, but it hadn’t been anything to snuff at, either. 
Now the tear across his chest was nothing more than a thin, pink line, and the puncture beside his navel, while still very red and irritated, was healing quite nicely as well. Sakura placed her hand over his stomach and pushed the smallest bit of chakra into Izuna’s body, checking for any infection. Finding none, she removed her hand to add more of the healing salve she’d created over the stretch of healing skin. Once she was done with that, she reapplied his bandages, straightened out his yukata, and smoothed out his blanket. 
Looking back up, Sakura found the future Shodaime’s attention was solely focused on her. 
“I’ve never seen such impressive work,” he admitted freely. Looking up at Madara, he added, “You’ve found yourself a miracle worker, my friend.”
Madara’s face remained unchanged, “I have been lucky in that regard.”
“Indeed.” Hashirama’s gaze returned to Sakura. “What is your name, miracle worker?”
This time it was Sakura who looked to Madara for guidance. When he nodded his head, she gave Hashirama a small bow and answered, “My name is Haruno Sakura, sir.”
Hashirama waved her off, “Please, call me Hashirama!” The bright smile adorning his face dimmed to something more gentle and his gaze dropped to his hands in his lap. His voice turned soft and quiet as he continued, “I am glad, Madara, truly. When Tobirama told me what he had done, I feared for you, my friend. We have both experienced enough loss to last a thousand lifetimes, losing the last member of your family–your last brother–I would not have wished that on anyone, least of all you. If I were to ever lose Tobirama . . .”
It was no small feat for Sakura to curb the flinch that tried to break free from her body. Before coming to this time, Sakura had been no stranger to loss, either personally or professionally, but now everyone was gone. She thought she’d been doing a good job of not focusing on it–and she was , dammit!--not letting it drag her down and under into a vortex of depression and anguish, but damn it if Hashirama’s words didn’t just cause the void inside her heart where her loved ones used to reside to tear itself open a little bit more.
Madara shifted beside her, the heat of his arm slowly seeping through their clothes and into her skin, dragging Sakura out of her thoughts and back into the present. The movement was brief, but the message was clear. She wasn’t alone, not anymore. Looking at the Uchiha head out of the corner of her eye as he spoke to Hashirama, Sakura felt her appreciation for the man grow. 
The power of loss was undeniable. Its devastation could ripple throughout families and communities like earthquakes devastated valleys. She remembered what Madara had been like, in her own timeline, during the war. He’d been so empty and cold, so unwilling to consider alternative solutions to the one he’d deemed viable, and all of the havoc he had wreaked against the Five Great Nations had been the result of just one loss. Izuna. 
“I must ask, Sakura,” Hashirama’s use of her name drew her eyes to his, “are you related to the Uzumaki clan?”
Tilting her head, Sakura didn’t bother to hide the confusion on her face. She thought of Naruto, of his bright blond hair and ocean-blue eyes and mile wide smile with a not so small pang to her heart. “No,” she answered slowly. “Why do you ask?”
Madara’s shoulders stiffened at the question. Had Sakura not been sitting right next to him, she probably wouldn’t have even noticed. But she was, so she did. 
“The clan is known for their healing abilities,” the future Hokage answered easily, his smile turning almost charming as he spoke. “I know a good deal of their members have red hair and thought that perhaps your color shade was an offshoot of that.”
Red hair, like Kushina and Mito Uzumaki. Women that Sakura had only ever seen photos of. Mito, from her history books and maybe once or twice in Tsunade’s home, and Kushina only once, from an old wedding photo between her and Minato that Jiraya had unearthed for Naruto when the old Sanin felt he was ready to learn about his parentage. 
Comparing her rose colored locks to their red, Sakura could vaguely understand how Hashirama had come to this conclusion. 
“I’m sorry to disappoint, Hashirama,” she said with a small shake of her head. “I have no Uzumaki blood to speak of.”
“Well then,” Hashirama’s gaze returned to his one and hopefully future friend, “Thank you for letting me see your brother. I am glad that he is doing well and that he is in capable hands. Madara,” he paused, his next words struggling to make their way past his lips. “If I could encroach on your hospitality for a bit longer—I was hoping to discuss an important matter with you.”
Madara’s dark gaze flickered between Hashirama and Sakura. With Tobirama and several other Senju just outside his door, Sakura could make a good guess as to the cause of his hesitation. She could also make a good guess about what Hashirama wanted to talk about.
Giving her betrothed a small, reassuring smile, she told him, “Go on. I’ll see to everything here.” 
Madara looked like he wanted to argue, but in a show of trust in Sakura—which wasn’t so much surprising as it was pleasing—he merely sighed. “Very well.”
The two titans of shinobi walked out of the room together and Sakura felt herself release a shaky breath. 
The sky had turned a beautiful, pale orange by the time Madara returned and the Senju took their leave. Sakura had just settled down on the engawa to watch the sun set. Her legs dangled freely off the edge and a nice cup of tea kept her hands warm as the temperature slowly began to drop. 
Madara took a seat beside her, his knees tucked in properly beneath him, and with him came the weight of the world. A servant came quickly to provide the clan head with his own cup of tea, and left them with an even quicker bow. A thousand and one questions ran through Sakura’s mind, but she recognized that small furrow in Madara’s brow and the tightness in his lips from their days protecting that lord’s wife and child. The signs had appeared often enough, when he was thinking up strategies and ways to keep those in his care safe. This time, he was preoccupied with whatever Hashirama had said to him. When Madara was ready to talk, he would. Sakura and her questions could wait. 
From orange to pink to red, then to blue and then black, the sky settled into night. Sakura had long finished her tea, but still cradled the cup in her hands to give them something to do. She worried that without it she’d reach for Madara mindlessly, as she’s been doing more and more often over the past few days. Doing so while out on strolls or sitting for meals was one thing, doing so while he was deep in thought was another, and with this thing between them still so new and fragile and precious, Sakura didn’t want to risk it with a misstep. 
Looking up at the dark sky, Sakura found the same constellations she knew from her own time. It helped to settle something in her bones, made her feel more stable and confident with her place in this world. If the stars could survive in both her time and this one, then perhaps she could too. 
“Hashirama is a fool.” Madara’s words, so quiet and muttered they could’ve been lost in the wind, roused Sakura from her existential musings. Without looking at her, Madara reached over to place his hand over her wrist, his fingers pressed against the thrumming line of her pulse. 
“What did he want to discuss?” Sakura asked as she leaned, ever so gently, into his warmth.
“A child’s dream,” he scoffed, not elaborating further. 
Sakura hummed in response, waiting for the rest of the story to unravel in its own time. It took only a quarter of an hour more. 
With a slow slump to his shoulders, Madara closed his eyes tightly and told her, “I met Senju Hashirama first when we were children. We didn’t know who each other were and we,” he paused. His eyes opened and he blinked heavily. “We became friends.”
Wearily, and with a heavy heart, Madara told Sakura about his and Hashirama’s past. Their days spent playing by the river, their mutual dream of creating a better world, their shared pain over having lost brothers needlessly and so young, even his own growing pessimism and eventual desertion of those dreams and his friend. 
“I want to believe in a peaceful world,” he confessed so, so quietly Sakura had to strain to hear him. “But after everything I’ve seen, everything I’ve done , I just can’t. I don’t know how to dream anymore.”
Sakura thought back to what he said to her after she’d arrived to heal Izuna. “If there’s anything you can do—even if it’s just to ease his suffering —” Even then, the most he had hoped for was a painless death for his remaining brother. 
Pulling back so that their shoulders were no longer touching, Sakura placed her teacup to the side and tugged on her wrist until Madara let her go. Then, boldly, and with full eye contact, Sakura told him, “Lie your head down, Madara,” and patted her lap. 
Dark brows shot up, disappearing behind his raven mane. He looked down at her lap, then back up to her, his jaw dropping at the idea of it all. “Sakura,” he said, his voice hesitant. 
Placing her hands on his shoulders, Sakura guided him down to where she wanted him. “Just close your eyes and try to relax.”
She carded her fingers through his hair. The thick locks were silkier than she had expected, but she was still careful not to catch a tangle as she dragged her fingers through it. Madara’s muscles, which had stiffened against her man-handling, slowly loosened and his breathing evened out as she continued with her ministrations. His eyes, however, stayed open and alert. Smiling softly down at him, Sakura figured she’d take what she could get. 
With her free hand, she took one of his into it and laid them both atop his chest, just over his heart. 
“I had a friend, once,” she started, her eyes not straying from him, “who was the biggest dreamer anyone could ever meet.” Talking about Naruto would be hard, she knew, but she hoped it would also be worth it. 
“He inspired everyone around him, even cynics like you,” her smile widened with the tease. Madara’s hand tightened around hers, his own face unchanging. “All he wanted was for the—for the clan to respect him, to take him seriously and to not dismiss him.”
Pressure built behind her eyes and she had to look away. Sakura remembered back to her Academy and genin days, when she thought Naruto was annoying and a pest because he was loud and played pranks. As an adult with hindsight, she could see him for what he’d been; a child desperate for attention. She wished she could have been kinder to him, more patient. He was one of her most precious people, and she knew he never harbored any resentment towards her, but she still carried around a great deal of guilt when it came to Naruto and her treatment of him in those early days. 
Blinking away some of the moisture in her eyes, Sakura looked out into the night as she continued her story. “No matter what anyone said or did to him, no matter how lost he felt or how bad things looked, he never gave up on his dreams. Instead, his dedication to them seemed to grow. So many people doubted him, but you know what started to happen?”
Madara stayed silent, knowing the question was rhetorical. Sakura’s fingers continued trailing through his raven locks, her nails gently scratching against his scalp. Her eyes remained focused on the trees before her, but her mind was in the past. 
She thought of Neji, who’d been inspired not to accept fate as a fixed thing; of Gaara, who’d never known love or friendship, but who’d leapt towards it the moment a sincere hand was outstretched; of even Tsunade, who’d forsaken the village and her vow as a medic, only to have that desire to help people reignited. Sakura thought not only of them, but also of the hundreds of other people who’d been touched by the radiant light of hope that was Naruto Uzumaki. 
“He turned their hearts,” she said finally, looking down at Madara with a watery but bright smile. “Every single time.” 
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Sakura tried to circle around to her point. “There are good people in this world, Madara, people who share in this dream of a better future. You may not believe yourself worthy of it,” she gave his hand a squeeze to silently tell him she disagreed, “and you may not be able to believe in it yet, but that’s okay. All you have to do now is to try. Take it one day at a time, one choice at a time, one action at a time. Before you know it,” she shrugged, “all those little changes, those little thoughts and actions, will have built themselves up into something solid and real that you can believe in.” 
Madara looked up into Sakura’s eyes, an expression of wonder and incredulity on his face. Holding her one hand tight to his chest, he brought up his other one to cup her cheek. A hesitant, hopefully smile played at the edge of his lips. His thumb brushed away a tear that Sakura hadn’t noticed escaped. Turning her face into the palm of his hand, she breathed in deeply.  
“This friend of yours,” Madara starts, his words slow and cautious, “he’s gone too, isn’t he?”
Breath hitching in her throat, Sakura nodded her head. “His name was Naruto,” she whispered, feeling as if she were sharing a greater secret than just a name. “I miss him every day.” 
Sitting up, Madara pressed a kiss against her forehead. “His spirit lives with you, Sakura. You serve his memory proud. Because of you, I feel a newly sprouted sense of hope within my chest for the future. I feel that I can begin to try.”
Inhaling shakily, Sakura hid her face in the crook of his neck and whispered, “Thank you.”
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merakiui · 3 months
Happy 2024 Mera! (I know it's pretty late to say that but.. It shall prevail)
I must say, your fics are one of the best pieces of literature I have ever read! Your descriptions really come to life inside my head! It's as if I could see the scenes through my own eyes! The blood curdling feeling of being caught by Jade, the bittersweet pain of Azul getting cucked, I could feel it all. Every single piece that you have created deserves to be in a special place in my heart.
All your pieces are so incredibly addicting, like Death Row Undertow, I frequently read it on repeat, from the start to the newest chapter. I simply can't get enough.
Also, your newest fic, 100%. I loveeeed the concept, and am so glad that you fell for our beloved Fae Prince too, I simply knew you would succumb to his seduction and charms too! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
I would like to ask a question, if you don't mind. Did Tumblr wipe away my thirst about Silver? I don't mean to pressure at all ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠) I was just curiousᕙ⁠(⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠)⁠ᕗ I'm slightly worried if I made him OOC though, I'm not the most familiar with silver, but I hope I done him justice (if the ask was sent properly Orz)
Ooh one final note!
Please take care of yourself, and don't push yourself too hard! Please always prioritise your health first before writing, I may be looking forward to your next work, but I will always want your health to be your first priority! Thank you for the meals you have graciously provided!
As always,
XOXO, Izuna.
Izunaaaa!!!! >w< HIIII HAPPY 2024!!!!!!
Aaaaa omg thank you for such kind words. T^T <3 I'm so honored my works can have special places in your heart and that you can enjoy them!!! 💖 especially DRU!!! I'm honored it's a story worth rereading. Jade is an addictive character,,, orz whether as a scary serial killer or a soft eel in love, I will always love him. ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
And Malleus........ it was fate foretold... truly only a matter of time before I inevitably fell. ^^;;; he's growing on me like moss!!!!! He's so cute but so powerful but so sweet but so AAAAAAAA. OTL book seven has allowed me to see the greatness that is Malleus. His potential as a yan is immaculate,,, so scrumptious!!!!!
I checked my inbox for your Silver thirst and it's there!!!! I can't believe I missed it omg,,, it's so yummy... (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) I will have to post my thoughts on it soon hehehe.
Thank you again for such a sweet message!!! Please also make sure to take care of yourself and prioritize your health!!!! Eat delicious meals, get lots of sleep, and live happy days always!!! <3 sending you lots of love and good vibes!!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ੈ♡‧₊˚
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missuniversequeen · 1 year
Hey do you think you could make madara Itachi susuke and shisui (I think thats how you spell his name) react to y/n dieing or saving them :> of not thats ok :3
Hello dear thanks for the amazing request but i need to warn you a little this is might be a bit ooc and sorry i can only write for Madara for now since I don't want to messed up the canon in those character sorry for my terrible mistakes on spelling and pls have a nice wonderful day :)
Madara Uchiha
First off who are you? Saving the great Madara Uchiha? No no the real question is what are you my dear?
We all knows he is one of the strongest Shinobi of all time and someone saved him? Was he's that weak? Does his dance move on battlefield lacking? Does he's slacking? Honey you're hurting someone ego cuz Madara knows damn well he is so strong on the god level and incapable of saving himself???
If we're talking about younger Madara he might have been impressed by your actions saving him in whatever danger situation he's facing but again i need to remind you this guy is egocentric man who only cares about might and skills.
So what are you? Water user? Fire user? Woodstyle user? You shocked everyone dear and lord Madara was impressed and he might be testing about your combat ability or intelligence since you're oh so great saving a man like him
He is the leader of the Uchiha clan...the most respectable there's nothing you can do when the news spread so fast The Uchiha Madara saved by someone. Guess you're famous now you're the main topic hm
Izuna might be grateful by your actions cuz that's his beloved one and only brother left so you're appreciated 👍
But i gotta tell you Madara maybe impressed but at the same time that poor man ego hurts so bad cuz in his eyes nothing comes close to him except hashirama the god of Shinobi...so you must be someone that on par with them....if it's during war he might questioning your intentions but if you're one of the Uchiha oh Lord you're honored!
But he might gonna be investing about you for awhile so be prepared and if he warms up to you ..than lucky you he might show one of the rarest sight you're gonna see
And i view Madara as an appreciative man of course after all he's planning something great for the shinobis world and you're saving him? Shall not be forgotten who knows you can bring down the man cold wall cuz you're somewhat special
I think a gift or two wouldn't hurt anyone and he might wants to show his appreciate gratitude towards you may it's gonna be "thank you" "I'm impressed by your braveness" or just overall celebrating for the victory and being madara's savior who knows.
He might also ask about your "dance move" if YK what i mean ;)
He also proves to be quite praiseworthy, giving praise whenever someone exceeds his expectations and harsh but constructive criticism when he sees it necessary. However, most of his praises are followed with a statement about how superior he and Hashirama are. Oh but you? Special case indeed and oh to be praised by lord Madara what an honorable person you are ;)
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banbansparkly · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
little baby brothers being silly and baby
Izuna and Madara, my beloveds
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