#JDU leader
BREAKING: बिहार में अवैध बालू खनन केस में जेडीयू नेता गिरफ्तार, उपेंद्र कुशवाहा के करीबी हैं रवींद्र मंडल
BREAKING: बिहार में अवैध बालू खनन केस में जेडीयू नेता गिरफ्तार, उपेंद्र कुशवाहा के करीबी हैं रवींद्र मंडल https://www.biharjharkhandnewslive.com/
जिस व्यक्ति का चरित्र सत्यापन कर पुलिस ने चरित्र प्रमाण पत्र निर्गत किया। उसी व्यक्ति को 15 दिनों के बाद पुराने मामले में गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। रविंद्र मंडल की गिरफ्तारी के बाद यह चर्चा जोरों पर है। जिला जदयू के वरीय उपाध्यक्ष और निकाय चुनाव में नगर परिषद अध्यक्ष के दावेदार रविंद्र मंडल को टाउन थाना की पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर लिया। मंडल की गिरफ्तारी रविवार देर रात उनके सतगामा स्थित घर से की…
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n7india · 10 months
बिहार में BJP विरोधी दल टूट से 'सशंकित'...!
Patna: महाराष्ट्र में एनसीपी की टूट के बाद भाजपा विरोधी कई दल अपनी पार्टी में टूट को लेकर सतर्क हैं। इधर, भाजपा समेत कई दलों के नेता जदयू में टूट का दावा भी कर रहे हैं। ऐसे में कई दल अपने विधायकों को एकजुट बने रहने का पाठ पढ़ा रहे हैं। हाल ही में बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार विधायकों, विधान पार्षदों और सांसदों से मिल चुके हैं। मुख्यमंत्री से मिल चुके विधायक और सांसद भले ही विकास कार्यों से…
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biharkhabars · 2 years
नालंदा में SHO और ASI को उम्रकैद की सजा: थाने की हाजत में जदयू नेता की हुई थी मौत, 7 आरोपी रिहा
    नालंदा में थाने की हाजत में जदयू नेता गणेश रविदास की मौत हो गई थी। इस मामले में नगरनौसा थाने के थानाध्यक्ष (SHO) और एक पुलिसकर्मी (ASI) को उम्रकैद की सजा सुनाई गई है। जदयू नेता की मौत 11 जुलाई 2019 को हुई थी।   10 लोगों पर दर्ज हुआ था मुकदमा इस मामले में पीट-पीटकर हत्या करने के आरोप में तत्कालीन थानेदार कमलेश कुमार समेत 10 लोगों पर मुकदमा दर्ज हुआ था। सुनवाई के बाद एडीजे तीन सह एससी-एसटी की…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
विधानसभा सत्र से पहले आखिर क्‍यों नहीं हुई NDA की बैठक? पढ़ें Inside Story
विधानसभा सत्र से पहले आखिर क्‍यों नहीं हुई NDA की बैठक? पढ़ें Inside Story
पटना. बिहार विधानसभा सत्र का मानसून सत्र चल रहा है. सदन में विपक्ष की ओर से उठाए गए सवालों का सत्‍ता पक्ष की ओर से लगातार जवाब दिया जा रहा है. कुछ मुद्दों पर गतिरोध भी चल रहा है. इन सबके बीच सबसे बड़ा सवाल यह उठ रहा है कि मानसून सत्र के शुरू होने से पहले बिहार NDA के घटक दलों की होने वाली बैठक इस बार क्‍यों नहीं हुई? आखिर ऐसी कौन सी वजहें थीं, जिनके कारण सत्‍ता पक्ष की सहायोगी पार्टियों के नेताओं…
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vipnoviny · 2 months
Červená karta Rajchla a jiných lidí: „Nekupujte na Rohlik.cz už ani rohlík!“
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Ilustrační fotografie. V pondělí proběhla demonstrace zemědělců po celé České republice, kterou spoluorganizoval bývalý šéf Agrární komory Zdeněk Jandejsek, jenž založil firmu Rabbit a.s., která ve svém holdingu spravuje 18 firem soustřeďujících se hlavně na živočišnou výrobu. Na protest s protestem zemědělců se společnost Rohlik.cz rozhodla vypovědět smlouvu s firmou pana Jandejska a přestat od ní odebírat její produkty: „Vyjádřit nesouhlas s politikou je právem každého z nás, ale omezovat dopravu a osobní svobody obyvatel už nikoliv. Je také špatně, když organizátorem stávky proti současnému systému je člověk, který právě díky němu načerpal na dotacích přes 2 miliardy korun. Z tohoto důvodu jsme se rozhodli na Rohlíku dále nenabízet produkty RabbitCZ. Chápeme, že se náš postoj nemusí líbit každému, ale v Rohlíku nám jde i o principy. V podpoře lokálních českých farmářů budeme samozřejmě pokračovat a za odstraněné položky pro vás urychleně najdeme náhradu.„ Právník a politik strany PRO Jindřich Rajchl zkritizoval jednání Rohlíku.cz a vyzval lidi, aby u této firmy přestali nakupovat: „Podívejte se na rohlik.cz. Rohlik.cz, který vyloučí ze své nabídky produkty firmy RabbitCZ od pana Jandejska, protože si dovolí postavit za své práva? Tak já vám říkám, že si už u Rohlíku neobjednám ani ten rohlík. Ani ten jeden rohlík! A vyzývám vás, abyste udělali to samé, protože pamatuji si tenkrát, když Česká spořitelna vyhrožovala Vysoké škole ekonomické tím, že v podstatě pokud nepřeruší práci s Miroslavem Ševčíkem, takže ukončí financování. Co udělali lidé? Okamžitě začali vypovídat smlouvy České spořitelně a ta musela vycouvat, ale bleskurychlým tempem z toho svého nesmyslného politického prohlášení.“ Rajchl přirovnal jednání Rohliku.cz ke komunistickým praktikám: „Takže já teď a tady vám říkám, nekupujte nic u Rohlik.cz. Já tam už nekoupím ani ťuk, protože pokud je tady nějaká síť, která se rozhodné vyřadit produkty nějakého zemědělce jenom proto, že se rozhodl postavit se za práva zemědělců a zorganizovat tenhle protest, kdy v podstatě drtivá většina zemědělců je na tom stokrát hůř, než zemědělci ve Francii, v Německu, v Polsku atd., tak je to prostě návrat do komunismu.“ Rajchl dál vyzývá své fanoušky, aby bojkotovali nákup u Rohlíku.cz Pod včerejší výzvou Rajchla se podepsala spousta lidí, kteří souhlasili s ukončením nákupu produktů společnosti RabbitCZ na Rohlíku.cz. Komentáře těchto lidí si získaly desítky lajků. Například Milada Petrášová píše: „Připojuji se. Bojkotuji Rohlik.“ Dušan Mesarč pod příspěvek napsal: „U Rohlíku jako firma ukončuji odběr a jdu ke Košíku.“ Marie Brožková dále napsala: „Nikdy jsem od Rohlíku nic nekoupila a tak to zustane.“ Alena Michael Hradilovi napsali: „ze Spořky jsme tenkrát odešli a Rohlík dnes pro nás končí..“ Hana Klimešová píše: „Šéf rohlíku je aspeňák“ I šéfka komunistů Kateřina Konečná na svém profilu sociální sítě X zkritizovala jednání Rohlíku: „Žijeme v krásné době. Rohlík a jeho majitel se nás snaží všechny vychovávat a staví se politicky vůči jednomu zemědělci, protože si dovolil protestovat. Přitom u společnosti Rohlík si podávají různé inspekce od roku 2017 dveře kvůli všemožnému porušovaní zákonů a vykořisťovaní zaměstnanců – pardon partnerů OSVČ. Rohlík, který je známý tím, že nerespektuje ani základní dopravní předpisy pod výmluvou na zásobování, nás bude moralizovat? Nestačí vám?" Hradní právník a bývalý poradce Václava Klause, Pavel Hasenkopf napsal, že by se na společnost Rohlik.cz měl podívat antimonopolní úřad: „Na Rohlík by se měl podívat antimonopolní úřad. Mít rozvážkovou službu a odmítat rozvážet zboží ne pro jeho kvalitu či cenu ( tržní důvody), ale pro politické názory jejich výrobce je úplně stejné, jako odmítnout někoho ubytovat proto, že je teplej.“ Zakladatel Rohliku.cz , Tomáš Čupr,  je absolventem Aspen Institutu programu Aspen Young Leaders, kde je také zmíněn. To znamená, že Rohlik.cz je globalistická firma podporující zánik tradičního zemědělství, vyvlastnění půdy farmářům skrze vysoké daně, povolenky (agenda Grean Deal), ceny energií a zákony, s cílem převedení majetku a půdy na nadnárodní korporace produkujících cvrčky a jiné geneticky modifikované potraviny. To jen abyste věděli s kým máte tu čest. Děkujeme @hbomaxczsk za zmínku o Rohlíku v 6. sérii Ricka a Mortyho a taky za pokoření další mety... stát se součástí popkultury! 📺 Kdo je zvědavý, proč o nás Rick mluvil, ať si naladí 4. díl. #picklerick #wubbalubbadubdub #rohlikcz pic.twitter.com/uZz9Zz0KXS — Rohlik.cz (@rohlikcz) October 17, 2022 Read the full article
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morningmantra · 3 months
Bihar: Bihar CM Seeks Governor's Appointment
CM Nitish Kumar may be ending partnership with RJD and aligning with BJP. RJD breaking ties with JDU, may align with BJP. Political leaders express statements.
Bihar: It looks like CM Nitish Kumar is getting ready to end his partnership with RJD led by Lalu Prasad Yadav and join forces with BJP again. In Patna, the political situation is evolving rapidly. Sources say CM Nitish Kumar has met with the Governor and may resign, forming a new government with BJP. Latest reports indicate that the RJD led by Lalu Prasad Yadav is breaking ties and preparing to…
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newswatchindia · 3 months
And Nitish Kumar will go with BJP only!
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Bihar Political News: Now the possibility has increased that JDU leader Nitish has made up his mind and has almost gone with BJP. JDU executive meeting is to be held tomorrow on 28th and it is believed that this will be announced in the same meeting.
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jayprakashraj · 3 months
Lok Sabha Election 2024 : Know How Effective JDU's Caste Equation Will Be. | Raj Express
Today, we'll talk about Bihar's politics. JD(U)'s National President, Nitish Kumar, has reshuffled the national team, relieving several leaders under the leadership of Lalan Singh from their duties.
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mithilatoday · 9 months
Former MLC and JDU Leader Vinod Choudhary Passes Away; Bihar Mourns the Loss
Bihar, India: The state of Bihar is mourning the loss of former Member of Legislative Council (MLC) and Janata Dal-United (JDU) leader Vinod Choudhary, who passed away yesterday. Vinod Choudhary, widely respected for his contributions to Bihar’s political landscape, was also known as the father of Plurals Party Founder Pushpam Priya Choudhary. As news of his demise spread, condolences poured in…
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daily-media · 1 year
Ex MP Behind IAS Officer's Murder To Be Freed As Bihar Tweaks Prison Rules
Among those who will be released is former MP Anand Mohan Singh who was convicted in the 1994 murder of then Gopalganj District Magistrate G Krishnaiah.
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New Delhi/Patna: The Bihar government today notified the release of 27 prisoners, days after amending the Bihar Prison Manual that triggered a massive opposition backlash. Among those who will be released is former MP Anand Mohan Singh who was convicted in the 1994 murder of bureaucrat G Krishnaiah.
G Krishnaiah, then Gopalganj District Magistrate, was killed by a mob allegedly provoked by Anand Mohan Singh. The gangster-turned-politician was sentenced to death in 2007 by a lower court in Bihar. The Patna High Court, however, commuted it to life imprisonment; that order was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2012.
Earlier this month, the Bihar government had removed the clause which had forbidden the remission of jail term for those convicted of murdering a public servant on duty.
In its notification, the state’s law department said that the new rules were for prisoners who have served the actual sentence of 14 years or a sentence of 20 years with remission.
“In light of the Bihar state sentence remission council meeting on April 20, the decision was taken for the release of prisoners having served actual sentence of 14 years or sentence of 20 years with remission,” the notification said.
The change in rules and Anand Mohan Singh’s release has stirred up huge controversy, with Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) terming the change in rules as “anti-Dalit”.
“The move by the Nitish government to prepare the release of Anand Mohan after changing rules in the case of the brutal murder of extremely honest IAS officer G Krishnaiah, who belonged to a poor Dalit family from Andhra Pradesh’s Mehboobnagar (now in Telangana), is being discussed for negative and anti-Dalit reasons in the whole country,” Ms Mayawati tweeted on Sunday.
She asked the Nitish Kumar government to reconsider the decision, saying that Anand Mohan Singh’s release would anger the Dalit community.
BJP’s IT Cell head Amit Malviya also hit out at Nitish Kumar. “Can someone who is leaning on a criminal syndicate, to hold on to power, be the face of India, even as opposition leader?” Mr Malviya tweeted on Monday.
The ruling Janata Dal (United) hit back at the BJP, with a “B-team in UP” jibe also at Mayawati. In a tweet, JDU leader Rajiv Ranjan Singh said that the change in rules was aimed at getting the common man and special prisoners on a uniform platform.
The change in the Bihar prison manual benefits Anand Mohan Singh, a Rajput leader with considerable influence on his caste voters.
For the last two years, several politicians from the Rajput community have been demanding Singh’s early release. Even Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has on multiple occasions hinted that he “stands by his former colleague”.
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livewellnews · 1 year
At Congress' "Black" Protest Over Rahul Gandhi, Trinamool's Surprise Entry
Trinamool sources said Prasun Banerjee and Jawhar Sircar will attend the meeting, scheduled for 10:30 am today.
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New Delhi: In a rare feat of Opposition unity, the Trinamool Congress, which said it will remain equidistant from the BJP and the Congress, today joined the big strategy meeting in the office of Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge. Prasun Banerjee and Jawhar Sircar represented TMC in the meeting, which discussed the Opposition strategy on Rahul Gandhi's disqualification from the Parliament. The party said the Opposition should be united, even though they are distancing themselves from a joint front on other issues.
Mr Kharge said that the Congress party welcomes anyone who strides forward to “protect democracy”.
“I thank everyone who supported this. That is why, I thanked everyone yesterday and I thank them today as well. We welcome anyone who comes forward to protect democracy and Constitution and safeguard the people. We extend heartfelt gratitude to the people who support us,” the Congress president said.
Congress MPs wore black shirts as a mark of protest over Mr Gandhi's disqualification. K Chandrasekhar Rao-led Bharat Rashtra Samithi, a rival of the Congress in Telangana, joined the “black shirt” protest along with Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray). After Rahul Gandhi's "not Savarkar" jibe at the BJP over its demand for an apology, Uddhav Thackeray had, on Sunday, warned him that demeaning Vinayak Savarkar would create “cracks” in the opposition alliance.
17 opposition parties -- INC, DMK, SP, JDU, BRS, CPM, RJD, NCP, CPI, IUML, MDMK, KC, TMC, RSP, AAP, J&K NC, and Shiv Sena (UBT) -- attended the meeting.
TMC shares an uneasy relationship with the Congress, which is part of the opposition, along with the Left, in Trinamool-governed West Bengal. The party had initially maintained a calculated silence on Rahul Gandhi's disqualification in a 2019 defamation case, even among widespread calls for a united opposition against the BJP's alleged targetting of opposition leaders. TMC has in the past avoided joining Opposition strategy meetings that Congress was part of.
TMC chief and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who has been a strong critic of the BJP, supported Rahul Gandhi.
“In PM Modi's New India, Opposition leaders have become the prime target of the BJP! While BJP leaders with criminal antecedents are inducted into the cabinet, Opposition leaders are disqualified for their speeches. Today, we have witnessed a new low for our constitutional democracy,” she had earlier said.
Ms Banerjee had earlier this month accused the Congress-Left combine of having an 'immoral alliance' with the BJP, and said that her party will not enter into any partnership with the two to fight for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. Ms Banerjee claimed that the Congress, after having sought the “saffron camp's help”, should refrain from calling itself anti-BJP.
Congress has called Mr Gandhi's disqualification a “conspiracy” to silence Rahul Gandhi, who they say was making the PM and the BJP uncomfortable with sharp questions on the Adani-Hindenburg issue. Congress workers have been protesting across the country for the last two days. Party president Mallikarjun Kharge and top leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra have accused the government of “trying to silence” a “martyr's son”.
Asserting that the action against Mr Gandhi was lawful, and initiated by an independent judiciary, the BJP accused the Congress of protesting against the Constitution and the courts.
The move drew the Opposition's ire, which called the swift action by the Lok Sabha secretariat a “dictatorial move” and decried the “murder of democracy”.
Meanwhile, 14 opposition parties have approached the Supreme Court, alleging the misuse of central investigating agencies by the government. The top court will hear the case on April 5.
52-year-old former Congress president Rahul Gandhi was convicted by a court in Gujarat, PM Modi's home state, and sentenced to two years in jail for a 2019 speech in which he linked PM Modi's last name with two fugitive businessmen, remarking how the “thieves” shared the same last name. The court also granted him bail and suspended the sentence for 30 days to allow him to appeal to a higher court.
Rahul Gandhi's team has said they will challenge the verdict in a higher court. If the order is not cancelled, Mr Gandhi will not be allowed to contest elections for the next eight years.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
Dhananjay Singh's 'Coronation' in place of KC Tyagi… What is the political significance of this decision by Nitish Kumar? - jdu up kc tyagi dhananjay singh politically important purvanchal caste combination ntck
In the Lok Sabha elections, JDU, Nitish Kumar’s party, has announced to participate in both Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The party has also indicated an alliance with the SP. In such a situation, JDU is trying to give its organization an edge in UP before the 2024 elections in a new way. Bahubali leader Dhananjay Singh has been replaced by veteran leader KC Tyagi from Uttar Pradesh in JDU’s National…
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prashant kishor | prashant kishor news | bihar | Patna | nitish kumar | BJP | RJD | JDU | bihar CM
Nitish Kumar, who was made CM by Prashant Kishore himself, now why is he marching against him? Revealed in an exclusive conversation with Shakti knowledge Prashant Kishore said that I am not a leader and neither do I want to become a leader in future. Explaining about Jansuraj Yatra, he said that this yatra is not a campaign against any party or individual. Patna: There is hardly any person…
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newssy · 1 year
JDU's Upendra Kushwaha Floats New Party, Says Nitish-led Govt Not Good For Bihar
Last Updated: February 20, 2023, 14:49 IST Upendra Kushwaha had on Sunday tweeted that he will address a press conference on Monday, 2 pm (ANI Photo) Upendra Kushwaha said he gave his full support to Nitish Kumar during the Mahagathbandhan alliance in Bihar One of the significant leaders of Nitish Kumar-led Janata Dal-United (JDU), Upendra Kushwaha on Monday announced that he is floating a new…
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arun-pratap-singh · 1 year
Upendra Kushwaha resigns JDU launches new party 'Rashtriya Lok Janata Dal', says Bihar CM Nitish Kumar | India News
NEW DELHI: Disgruntled JD(U) leader Upendra Kushwaha announced his resignation from the party on Monday and launched his own outfit, Rashtriya Lok Janata Dal. The move comes on the heels of a prolonged tussle between him and Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar over the party’s strategy moving forward and alliance with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). “We have decided to form a new party – Rashtriya…
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rnewspost · 1 year
Congress: Don’t need reminder to lead Opposition unity: Congress | India News
NEW DELHI: A day after JDU leader Nitish Kumar sought Congress’s green signal to start corralling opposition parties in a camp, Congress tersely said it needs no reminding about its lead role in forging the anti-BJP unity, and that it has already taken steps towards bringing disparate parties on a common platform, the Bharat Jodo Yatra and the parliamentary joint strategy sessions on the Adani…
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