#Jack Boniface
wiccantwav · 1 year
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Shadowman (Jack Boniface) - Icons
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geekcavepodcast · 11 months
Shadowman Darque Legacy Reveal Trailer
Shadowman is returning to games.
Blowfish Studios and Valiant Entertainment have announced a new Shadowman game - Shadowman: Darque Legacy. The game will be a single-player action horror game in which novice Shadowman Jack Boniface will have to defend humanity against the Deadside.
Shadowman: Darque Legacy will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store in late 2024.
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benw2021 · 1 year
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Here’s another 90’s classic shadow man! #shadowman #JackBoniface #valiantcomics #90scomics #BMFW
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phoenixlionme · 7 months
Who Would Win? Battle 94
Jericho Drumm aka Brother Voodoo
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Jack Dominique Boniface aka Shadowman
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piratesgiftexchange · 7 months
by buck1eys, for @litallusion
PROMPT: “If James is the so-called “scourge of piracy”, then he must have encountered Barbossa and his crew at some point…right? Think “James Norrington’s bisexual awakening”, but instead of Jack being the cause of these new stirrings, it’s yet another old man (who also eventually gets a wig…huh).”
James Norrington loved the Navy. He loved the order of it, the easy routine of waking, rising, getting his bunk in order. He loved looking after his weapon and looking out for his more scatterbrained fellow recruits. He loved pushing his body to his limits, he testing his mind against the puzzles of navigation and battle. He loved the rhythm of the boat and the rhythm of the days, the rhythm of the songs they would sing together when they came into port and rolled into the nearest tavern like a thrashing wave of sweat and voices. He loved the freedom that came from being part of something bigger, the friends he had made and the feel of command, when the time came. Everyone said he would go far, and, when he’d first looked at himself in his new captain’s uniform, James had found it easy to agree with them. He loved the Navy, and the Navy loved him in return.
They were sailing for India to assist the EIC with some trouble in the Bay of Bengal. The weather had been calm, the crew had been badly behaved in Casablanca and were making up for it with a diffident attention to their work which made his first command easy. He had even had the time to give some of the newer recruits some sword practice. It was one thing to learn how to fight in training, quite another to cross blades with a real pirate. You never knew if you had the stomach for it until the chance presented itself. James, at twenty one, had discovered he had.
His best friend at officer school, Runcible, had discovered he hadn’t, and been skewered to the mast for his moment of indecision.
Kinder to make sure the troops were prepared, James thought, as he knocked the blade from Able Seaman Maitland’s hand and asked him to yield.
A shout came from the helm,“Captain, ship’s been sighted.”
James gave Maitland his hand and pulled him up. He was barely sixteen, and fragile as a fawn. James worried for him.
He came to the wheel and followed Midshipman Symthe’s pointed finger. There was a ship on the horizon. It wasn’t flying any colours.
A conversation from his appointment dinner played in his mind.“Don’t worry son,” Admiral Boniface had told him, red faced with age and sherry. “Young captains, they get a taste of the action and they get paranoid. Think every merchant ship from the back of beyond’s a pirate intent on taking them down. You’ve got the might of the British Empire behind you, lad, and those rascals will be scared shitless.”
James had thought about Boniface’s advice as they’d sailed. He’d thought about Runcible, how it had taken him two days to die of his wound. How the ship’s surgeon had held his hand and James had watched as the light left his eyes. He had been afraid, at the end.
James Norrington was not afraid of pirates. He was hungry for them.
The ship on the horizon didn’t look too big. It was fast though, faster than they were, and that made James’ decision easier. And if it was a merchant vessel, no harm would be done. His blood was up and singing in his ears.
“Hard to starboard,” he directed his crew. They would stay upwind, better for the canons. The men, who had grown more and more languid in the afternoon heat, sprung to attention. Norrington smiled. He loved the British Navy.
His confidence was misplaced. The battle, when it came, was awful. If hell existed, it must be something like this, James thought.
In the half hour it had taken the ship to reach them the autumn weather had turned, and a Mediterranean storm was making the deck slippery with rain and blood. The screams of men, whether friend or foe James couldn’t tell, were torn away by the howling wind. Already he could feel his fingers freezing on his sword. A dagger whistled past his ear and split the sail behind him.
“Fall back,” James shouted into the raging storm, wondering if anyone would hear him. By a blessed miracle someone did, and the call rose up for the men to retreat back to their vessel. They had damaged the pirate ship pretty well with their canons, and the enemy’s main sail was in tatters. James could only hope it would give them enough time to sail away. More battles at sea were lost to ship maintenance than swordplay, they’d had that drummed into them in training. James prayed it was true, because they were being outfought by these pirates. The crew wasn’t desperate enough, and they were being slaughtered for it.
James watched the blue flashes of the men’s coats swing by as the fled the ship. He sliced at a pirate running at him with a cutlass. The man dodged the blade but slipped on something sticky on the deck and went flying off the edge of the boat. James shuddered. Falling between two vessels was one of the worst deaths he could think of.
He didn’t have long to dwell on it. Two more pirates came at him, and James was forced to dance his way free. He stabbed one through the heart and the other one paused. James pointed his sword at his throat, but before he could ask him to yield, he felt the press of another blade at his ear.
“No, captain. It’s ye we’ll be asking to yield.”
James spun round, and found himself face to face with a pirate captain. He was tall, as tall as James, with long hair flying round his grim face. His eyes glittered with demonic enjoyment and his rich clothes were stained with blood from the fighting. There was a sinister sort of smile playing on his lips. James knew a master of the trade when he saw one, this man was in complete control of his situation. The captain grinned, as though he could read James’ mind, and traced the point of his sword over James’ throat.
James swallowed hard.
“Will ye yield to Captain Barbossa and his dread band of buccaneers, boy, or will ye die?”
Time seemed to slow down. It was because he was facing certain death, surely. The blood rush of killing and the adrenaline in his veins was making him excited. If it was arousal, it was the arousal of battle. James had never been one for book study, but he was sure the Greeks had written about this.
James looked at this captain – Barbossa, he had called himself. He shuddered, though not just with fear.
Behind him, James could hear the distant shouts of his men on the ship, but all meaning was rent to nothing on the wild air.
What was left of Barbossa’s crew was massing round him. It was like being stood in the eye of a hurricane.
Barbossa pressed slightly harder on his Adam’s apple with the blade. James felt something hot and wet trickle down his neck.
James loved the Navy. He loved the freedom which came from following orders. And right now, his order was to yield.
He thought of Runcible, dying slowly in the surgeon’s cabin. Rage thrummed in his chest like drums. Something else thrummed in his groin, but James tried not to think about that.
It was as though Barbossa was a mind reader though, because he threw his head back and laughed.
Then he was right in James’ face, the sword between them, his rancid breath in James’ ear and his leg just dangerously close to James’ groin.
“I know your type, laddie. Ye think ye want to rule, but I see ye. Ye’ll serve and be grateful.” He smiled wickedly. “Ye might even enjoy it.” And he pressed his leg, just for a second, where James needed it.
Rage and desire did battle in him. Rage was fighting a losing game. “One final time, Mr Captain,” Barbossa stepped back and addressed the crew with theatrical flair. There were unfriendly murmurs of excitement from the band of pirates, all of whom were eyeing James as if he were a meal. “Will ye yield, or shall ye die?”
James had often wondered since, in the tortured hours of a night watch when the shadows crept with doubt and guilty shapes, which he would have chosen. As it was, he was spared an answer, because at that moment the crack of a musket distracted them.
The bullet flew right past James’ ear and burst the feather on Barbossa’s hat. Barbossa roared with rage and threw a dagger into the storm, but they all heard it thunk into wood, not flesh. The pirates rushed forward to shoot back, and James took his chance.
There was no worse a death than being crushed between two ships, but he would have to take the risk. He cut a boarding line free and swung, praying that his feet would meet tarred wood and not water.
James Norrington, naval captain, landed in a heap on his own deck.
His men, bless them, cheered.
James leapt to his feet again. Being back on his own ship had brought him to his senses.
“Cut the lines, heave away.” he shouted, and the call went up. A bullet whistled past and hit the far side of the quarterdeck. They weren’t out of danger yet.
James looked around for a weapon. To his undying surprise he saw young Maitland struggling to reload his musket.
“It was you, sailor?” he said in amazement.
“Yes captain.” Maitland looked shocked at his own daring.
“Good lad,” James clapped him on the shoulder.
He made short work of reloading the musket, but they were already pulling out of range. He had calculated right, Barbossa’s sail was too damaged to make a pursuit worthwhile, and besides, they were sailing with the storm.
As Barbossa’s ship disappeared off the horizon again, the men lost the frantic look in their eye and became rowdy and despondent by turns. James ordered a double tot as a reward, which did the trick. In the early darkness the men got to singing and telling stories over dinner. They were all of them very impressed with their young captain’s daring escape, and said as much. When old Blount nodded and raised a toast James felt he had finally earned the respect of the older sea dogs, the ones who had been sailing longer than James had been drawing breath.
But the victory felt hollow. His crew didn’t know it, but James knew Barbossa had let him go. He’d been bested by a pirate. Worse by far, the baser part of himself had enjoyed it.
James went to his quarters early that night. Maitland was on watch, with old Blount. He smiled as he heard Maitland telling Blount how he’d shot the feather off the pirate captain’s hat. The boy might make a fine sailor yet.
Still, James’ mood was miserable as he turned in. Barbossa had let him go, but he’d left him with a problem. James addressed the most urgent practicalities, cursing even as he came. If anything, he felt even worse, guilty as well as frustrated.
Barbossa was evil, he was the enemy of everything James stood for. And he’d turned him on and then let him go in his debt.
James Norrington made himself a promise last night. Whatever he’d felt, that had been the heat of battle talking. Barbossa was a good sailor and a repulsive man. His kind had killed Runcible. Whatever he’d felt had been a mistake, an aberration. He loved the Navy, he loved being captain. And he would hunt down every last pirate who threatened that.
There would be another pirate, many years from now, and another storm. But James Norrington went to bed that night with no dream but that of glory to his country and to his crew. Desire didn’t come into it.
Desire, as it turned out, would wait.
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unknownworlds4 · 6 months
Halloween: A Holiday Rooted in Tradition
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Halloween is by far one of the most popular holidays celebrated in the United States. It's marked by dressing in costumes, trick-or-treating, haunted attractions, pumpkin carving, many other fun activities that range from scary to whimsical. But what is Halloween? Where did it originate? Why do we celebrate it the way we do? The origins of Halloween date back many thousands of years.
The celebration of Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, dates back thousands of years to the ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain (pronounced Sow-in). The Celtic people, who inhabited the Isle of Ireland, Great Britain, and Northern France, celebrated the new year on November 1, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this day, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead was thinnest, which allowed spirits to cross over into our world and allowed divination to become easier. To commemorate the event, the Celtic people would build large bonfires, and the bones of animals kept for slaughter were thrown into the flames as a sacrifice. People would wear costumes or carve masks out of gourds, such as turnips, in order to trick the spirits into believing that they were ghosts as well.
The practice of carving vegetables also originated in Ireland. According to Gaelic mythology, there was a man named Stingy Jack, who had a reputation for being a drunkard and a cheat. One night while drinking at a pub, he encountered the devil himself and Jack offered to share a drink with him. Afterwards, Jack admitted he had no money and convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin in order to pay. The devil did so, and Jack placed the coin into his pocket along with a silver crucifix, which prevented the devil from changing forms. Jack promised to let him go so long as the Devil left Jack alone for one year. Once one year was up, Jack tricked the Devil again by asking him to climb a tree from a piece of fruit and carved a cross into the bark, so the Devil couldn't climb down. Jack let him go on the condition that he wouldn't claim Jacks soul once he died. Jack eventually died and he wasn't allowed into Heaven and, keeping to his word, the Devil wouldn't let him enter Hell. So, Jack was cursed to wonder the Earth for eternity, with nothing but a lit coal inside a hollowed-out Turnip to light his way. He was called 'Jack of the Lantern' or Jack O'Lantern. The Ancient Irish would carve out turnips and other vegetables with scary faces to frighten away wandering, evil spirits. Irish immigrants arriving in North America began to use pumpkins because they were easier to carve.
By 43 A.D., the Roman Empire conquered the vast majority of Celtic territory, where they would rule for over 400 years. The Romans introduced two holidays of Roman origin and combined them with Celtic celebrations. The first was Feralia, which was a day in late October meant to celebrate the dead. The second was a festival that honored Pomona, the Goddess of trees and fruit, which occurred in November. The symbol of Pomona is the apple. Some believe that this is where the tradition of apple bobbing came from.
On May 13, 609 A.D., Pope Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon of Rome in honor of all Christian Martyrs, establishing the feast of All Martyrs Day. It's believed the church sought to supplant the Roman festival of Lemuria, a festival in which malevolent spirits were exercise from homes, with a Christian holiday. Pope Gregory III expanded this festival to include all Saints as well and moved the celebration to November 1, as the Church sought to replace the Celtic traditions of Samhain with a church sanctioned holiday. The day was called All-hollowmas (from Middle English 'Alholowmesse' meaning 'All Saints' Day') and thus the day before began to be called All Hollow's Eve. In 1000 A.D., the Church established November 2 as All Soul's Day, a day to remember the dead. All three became the festival of AllHollowtide.
During the celebration of All Saints Day and All Souls Day, poor people in England and Ireland would go from door to door of the wealthy and ask for small cakes called Soul Cakes in exchange for a prayer for the givers deceased family members. Children soon took up this practice. They would sing songs or perform small acts in exchange for small gifts of food, ale, or money.
In the 19th century, millions of Irish immigrated to the United States. They brought with them, the Catholic faith and the celebrations of Halloween. These celebrations were limited, as the United States was a majority Protestant country. However, the immigrants celebrated however they could, and a popular way was pulling pranks or 'tricks'. This usually amounted to nothing more than pulling the wheels off wagons, placing livestock on barn roofs, uprooting vegetables from gardens, and tipping over outhouses. However, these 'pranks' got more violent round the 1930's, with acts of violence becoming commonplace. In theory, tricks could be prevented by giving small treats to the neighborhood children.
By the mid-20th century, Halloween became a community centered holiday with haunted attractions, ghost stories, parties, and trick-or-treating becoming immensely popular. This leads us to the classic Halloween celebrations we know today. Today, Halloween is one of the most celebrated holidays in United States.
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elf-kid2 · 1 year
Stories of Superheroes & Supervillains!
The following is a list of novels and comics that I recommend to all those who enjoy tales of Superheroes and Supervillains-- especially the ones with a bit of a twist! Fellow Readers-- this is for you!
Soon I Will Be Invincible, by Austin Grossman: Follow the story of Dr Impossible (a Supervillain and Evil Genius; known throughout Earth and beyond for his countless attempts at World Domination) and Fatale (a cyborg and rookie Hero; the newest member of the world’s most famous team of Heroes) in a tale that brings new meaning to power, glory, responsibility, and of course, Good and Evil.
Hench, by Nalalie Zina Walschots: Anna does boring things for terrible people because even criminals need office help and she needs a job. But when an encounter with the so-called “hero” leaves her badly injured, she discovers that the line between good and evil is mostly marketing. And with the power of social media, spite, and the backing of one of the most feared villains on earth... she might just be able to have her revenge!
After the Golden Age, by Carrie Vaughn: Can an accountant defeat a supervillain? Celia West, only daughter of the heroic leaders of the superpowered Olympiad, has spent the past few years estranged from her parents and their high-powered lifestyle. Then she is called into her boss' office and told that as the city's top forensic accountant, Celia is the best chance the prosecution has to catch notorious supervillain the Destructor for tax fraud. 
The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Boy, by William Boniface: In the city of Superopolis, everyone has a super-power. Well... ALMOST everybody. With villains scheming for power, Ordinary Boy be able to do anything to stop them??
Sidekicks, by Jack D. Farraiolo: Meet Scott Hutchinson: by day, he’s an ordinary schoolkid, but by night, he’s Bright Boy: the superfast, superstrong sidekick of the great hero, Phantom Justice! But after an embarrassing incident involving his too-tight spandex costume, plus some signs that Phantom Justice may not be the good guy he pretends to be, Scott begins to question his role. With the help of a fellow sidekick, once his nemesis, Scott must decide if growing up means being loyal or stepping boldly to the center of things.
Henchgirl,  by Kristen Gudsnuk: Mary Posa hates her job. She works long hours for little pay, no insurance, and worst of all, no respect. Her co-workers are jerks and her boss doesn't appreciate her. He's also a supervillain. And her parents... well, they're the most famous superhero couple in Crepe City. Cursed with a conscience, Mary would give anything to be something other than a Henchgirl, but no matter what she does her plans always seem to go awry.
My Sweet Archenemy, by Rosanna Duong: In the city of Localsburg, Miss Sunshine fends off evildoers, including the maniacal Mad Spade! However, the super heroine is no sunshine and Mad Spade isn't so sinister... as she pines for the affection of her self proclaimed "archenemy”!
Steelheart, by Brian Sanderson: Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. These people, known as Epics, used their powers to rule the world. Nobody fights the Epics...nobody but the Reckoners. And David wants in. He's seen Steelheart-- the Epic said to be invincible, the Epic who killed his father-- bleed. And he wants revenge.
Please Don’t Tell My Parents I’m a Supervillain, by Richard Roberts:  Penelope Akk wants to be a superhero. She's got superhero parents. She's got the ultimate mad science power, filling her life with crazy gadgets even she doesn't understand. She has two super powered best friends. In middle school, the line between good and evil looks clear. In real life, nothing is that clear.
The Society of Steam series, by Andrew P. Mayer: This new steampunk series opens in 1880, when women aren't allowed to vote, much less dress up in a costume and fight crime. But twenty year-old socialite Sarah Stanton still dreams of becoming a hero. Her opportunity arrives in tragedy when the leader of the Society of Paragons, New York's greatest team of gentlemen adventurers, is murdered right before her eyes. Enter into a world of adventure, romance, and clockwork!
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radroller · 2 years
Stephen Reads Valiant: Part 3
Whoa im reading Valiant books again! Remember when i did this in 2019? For those who don’t i’m just talkin about the comics as i read them. Because of it having been a while ive been quickly rereading the series ive already read and it reminded me of what i love about this universe! So let’s go!
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Shadowman Vol 1: Our only new title in this batch, Shadowman is a fun mystical transforming superhero story a la Ghost Rider or the Spectre, but not quite as intense as either, and set in New Orleans. And i should say that being less intense isnt a bad thing! I like Jack Boniface as a protagonist, and the supporting cast is quite good too. I also found Mr. Twist as horrifying as he was entertaining, and i’m very interested in the approaching threat of Darque. It’s just really solid stuff, not much more to say.
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Harbinger Vol 2: After the strong introduction in the first volume, this one sees Peter Stanchek gathering fellow latent Psiots like himself in preparation for a conflict with Toyo Harada. I like when a team book (if you can even call Harbinger that) has a recruitment roadtrip, so im super down for this turn of events. The characters we meet or reunite with are all pretty fun, though some still have to grow on me. Speaking of which a lot of character development carries over into this volume, with Peter and Kris both becoming more fleshed out and likable. Faith is the real winner in terms of likability though, in a series dealing with dire situations and not-so-insignificant body counts she’s a joy to have around for her kind optimism. I can see how she became such a breakout character.
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Bloodshot Vol 2: Who’s ready for some revenge? Bloodshot takes things directly to his old handlers at Project Rising Spirit in a damn gruesome fashion. And it’s as glorious as it is satisfying. I’m once again shocked by how much i enjoy Bloodshot, but the eponymous hero is such an awesome unstoppable dude full of one-liners and the story is really gripping, i just really love it. Definitely my second favorite of the series ive read so far. And im itching to see how it fits into the greater Valiant goings-on given the big ending reveal.
Overall: Getting into a superhero universe that i know so little about is one of the funnest things ive ever done and im SO happy to be doing it again. Nexr up is our first Valiant event that Harbinger and Bloodshot have been leading towards: the Harbinger Wars!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
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"JOHN KRAFCHENKO IS ARRAIGNED IN COURT ON HOLDING CHARGE," Winnipeg Tribune. December 11, 1913. Page 1. ---- Offence He is Accused of is Unlawfully Giving Weapon to Emil Larsen ----- IS REMANDED FOR ONE WEEK ---- Much Speculation as to Who Gave Information of His Whereabouts to Police ---- Pale and haggard, and not a little nervous, as was indicated by the rest less eyes and the occasional twitching of his fingers, Jack Krafchenko stood in the dock at the city police court this morning. The charge - one laid for the purpose of holding him - was as follows:
"The information and complaint of George Smith, sergeant detective of the City of Winnipeg, who hath reason to believe and doth believe that John Kratchenko did, without lawful excuse, give to one Emil Larsen, on Thursday November 20th, a weapon, to wit, a revolver, the same Emil Larsen, not being the holder of a permit enabling him to lawfully carry a revolver."
Not Asked to Plead. The accused was not asked to plead to the charge. Crown Prosecutor E. R. Levinson, when the charge had been read rose to his feet and said:
"Your Worship, we have to consult with the Provincial authorities in regard to this case, and therefore would ask that he be remanded for one week."
"Remanded for one week," came Magistrate Macdonald's laconic reply. Nothing further was said, and the ac cured was ushered from the court room.
The news of Krafchenko's capture resulted in the descent upon the city police station on Rupert street this morning of hundreds of men, and few women and children, who wished, more or less out of morbid curiosity get into the court to have a look at the man whose alleged crime and subsequent chase had given the local and provincial police such a great deal of trouble.
The authorities were prepared for the crowd, however, and constables were stationed at the station door with orders to admit none save those with business on the premises. The crowd refused to go away, however, and until noon hundred thronged the narrow street, gazing into the fourth story of the station building, apparently in the hope that they might obtain a glimpse at least of the notorious Krafchenko. The story also got about the crowd that he would be removed to the Provincial jail this morning. This was an added interest and it finally took the combined efforts of half a dozen stalwart officers to clear the street in order that traffic might be resumed.
Will Remain in City. According to the statements made by the local police today, Krafchenko will remain in the cell at the city police station until the attorney-general's department is ready to proceed with the preliminary hearing in the more serious charge.
This morning neither the provincial or the local police had anything to say in regard to the matter of developments. The reply to all questions in variably is "There is nothing more to add. Nothing new has transpired."
In spite of this, however, which is quite reasonable desire on the part of the authorities to keep their future actions more or less of a secret until the whole mystery is unravelled, it is common knowledge that renewed efforts are being made to discover the accomplices which Krafchenko most obviously has had, both before and after the fact.
The basis of the charge now laid against Krafchenko in an incident which occurred in St. Boniface on Nov. 20. The facts of this transaction came boat in the trial of Larsen recently for carrying a revolver. Larsen was found carrying a gun and when he got it from he informed the depart the department officials that Krafchenko gave it to him. It is not the intention to prosecute Krafchenko on this charge, but it has been laid, as before stated, for the express purpose of legally holding him until he can be tried on the more serious charge. The laying of this charge also obviates the possibility of any counsel retained by the accused instituting habeas corpus proceedings, and naturally Krafchenko has not been admitted to bail.
Young Girl Informer. Rumors galore are flying about both in official and underworld circles regarding the manner in which the police became cognizant of Krafchenko's whereabouts. It transpires this morning that the police were not certain of the identity of Mrs. Byrne's lodger, at 439 College avenue, until they rapped on the door yesterday morning and hard his voice aaking "who is there?" There is some talk rife that it was a young girl of about 18 years who played the part of Delilah to Krafchenko's Samson, but this point cannot be corroborated by anything the police officials will admit. Another report has it that that Krafchenke was told by a friend of his who may have assisted in his departure by automobile from the city, but who became afraid of assisting his erstwhile friend when the facts of the crime became pubile property.
Another mystery in connection with the matter is the connection which William Dyck, the chauffeur of the murder car, has with the matter. That the police suspect suspect him of knowing more than he has already told is matter of common knowledge and it is believed that pressure will be brought to bear upon him sooner or later, and when he does speak it is believed that the whole matter may possibly be cleared up.
Wm. Dyck Departed Until yesterday, Dyck was staying at a downtown hotel but he has since departed. The provincial and local police departments both deny his incarceration with them and it is therefore not known whether he is being held or not.
Either today or at least some time during the week, it is the intention of the authorities to have the the stains on the bills found yesterday analyzed in order to make sure whether or not the dark stains thereon are those of human blood. Asked regarding the mat fer this morning Dr. Gordon Bell, government bacteriologist, stated that he had as yet not been consulted in the matter. He added in reply to information that even if the stains were found to be human blood, it would prove very little for it is impossible to distinguish the blood of one man from that of another.
Not Retained Counsel Krafchenko has not as yet retained counsel for his defence, which it is claimed will be that of a complete allibi. One eminent K. C. this morning, discussing the matter, declared that extraordinary chain of circumstantial evidence evidence which apparently directs the feet of Krafchenko toward the uttmost punishment the law can inflict, he could not only get him off, but could clear his client's skirts of the crime of which he is charged. The lawyer later declared he was not speaking at random, but from actual knowledge of the case
EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS MORE OF STOLEN MONEY IS RECOVERED --- Chief of Police McPherson has succeeded in recovering another $800 of the money taken from the Bank of Montreal at Plum Coulee.
The recovery of this money is said to be another link in the chain of evidence being forged against Krafchenko.
After Krafchenko's return to the city, the police have evidence that he made his abode in several places in and shout the city, and hid the booty in various places. The recovery of the money on College avenue was mentioned in last evening's Tribune.
The $500 recovered today was found in St. James, not far from the Assiniboia police station.
Chief McPherson was not ready to tell The Tribune today the exact location where the discovery was made, but fact after fact disclosed shows how completely Krafchenko was outwitted at every turn by the police authorities. It is, of course, suspected that the police, in their legitimate detection of crime, had some person or persons in touch with the alleged murderer for or days, and in addition there is the possibility that there may may be other suspects who, in the hope of saving themselves from punishment, have "squealed."
The money recovered at St. James included sixty-eight 85 bills and forty-six $10 bills, all of Bank of Montreal denomination. This makes $2,300 recovered in Krafchenko's hiding places.
The police are leaving nothing undone to make the chain of evidence complete in every detail.
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brookston · 2 months
Events 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 2.19
Armed Forces Day (Mexico)
Best Friends Day (SpongeBob Squarepants)
Book Giving Day (Armenia)
Brâncuși Day (Romania)
Bruce Wayne Day
Chief Leschi Day (Washington)
Coast Guard Reserves Day
Coltsfoot Day (French Republic)
Confession Day
Copernicus Day
Cracker Jack Prize Day
A Day of Remembrance: Japanese American Evacuation (California)
Feminine Mystique Day
Flag Day (Turkmenistan)
International Day Against Homophobia in Football
International Kazoo Day
International MRKH Awareness Day
International PechaKucha Day
International Tug-of-War Day
Iwo Jima Day
Knights of Pythias Day
Narconon Day (Scientology)
National Airboat Day
National Arabian Horse Day
National Boston Terrier Day
National Emblem Day (Ukraine)
National Hickey Day
National Lash Day
National Longevity Day (UK)
National Soldier Day (Mexico)
National Vet Girls Rock Day (a.k.a. Vet Girls Rise Day)
National Whippet Day
Ornithologist Day (Russia)
Photoshop Day
Prajatantra Diwas (National Democracy Day; Nepal)
Prevent Plagiarism Day
Quaid Day (Pakistan)
Rubber Chicken Day
Skate Shop Day
Solar System Day
Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day
Temporary Insanity Day
219 Day
University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day (UK)
Vassil Levski Day (Bulgaria)
World Marine Mammal Protection Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Coke Day
National Chocolate Mint Day
World Eat For Good Day
3rd Monday in February
Canadian Heritage Day [3rd Monday] (a.k.a. ... 
Family Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Heritage Day (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Islander Day (PEI, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Louis Riel Day (Manitoba, Canada) [3rd Monday]
Sanity Day (Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan; Canada)
Daisy Gatson Bates Day (Arkansas) [3rd Monday]
Presidents Day [3rd Monday]
Puerto Rican Illustrious Persons Day (Puerto Rico) [3rd Monday]
Washington’s Birthday (observed) [3rd Monday]
Women in Blue Jeans Day [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 19
America Saves Week [thru 2.23]
Cheese Week
Chip Week begins [3rd Monday]
Maslenitsa (Russia)
National Entrepreneurship Week
National Pancake Week [thru 2.25]
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Independence & Related Days
Aarianian Union of North America (Declared; 2011) [unrecognized]
Annexation Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Gabon)
Cyprus (Treaty established Independence; 1959)
Festivals Beginning February 19, 2024
Carnival of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) [thru 2.21]
Hilton Head Island Seafood Fest (Hilton Head Island, South Carolina) [thru 2.25]
Ice Music Festival (Gelid, Norway) [thru 2.24]
Pasco County Fair (Date City, Florida) [thru 2.25]
Stamford Winter Restaurant Week (Stamford, Connecticut) [thru 3.3]
Feast Days
Barbatus of Benevento (Christian; Saint)
Beatus of Liebana (Christian; Saint)
Boniface of Brussels (Christian; Saint)
The Caim Protective Circle (Celtic Book of Days)
Chaoflux (Discordian)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Conrad of Piacenza (Christian; Saint)
Ennius (Positivist; Saint)
Enrico Donati (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Feast of Pusiuraura (God of the Dart Game; Melanesia)
Fly-By for Goblins and Others (Shamanism)
Gabriele Münter (Artology)
Hachinohe Enburi (Folk Dance Festival; Japan; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Henry Fielding (Writerism)
Lentil Sauce Day (Pastafarian)
Lucy Yi Zhenmei (one of Martyrs of Guizhou; Christian)
Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)
Mesrop (Christian; Saint)
Narconcon Day (Scientology)
Pisces Zodiac Sign begins (Astrology)
Señor Wenches Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Shivaji Jayanti (Maharashtra, India)
Victor the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 8 of 60)
Ain’t Nature Grand! (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
All Fowled Up (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Battling Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
The Big Game Haunt, featuring Farmer Al Falfa (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Big Little Lies (TV Series; 2017)
Blithe Spirit (Film; 2021)
Bucks for Boris or Rocky Pays the Piper (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 100; 1961)
Cleaning House, featuring The Captain and the Kids (MGM Cartoon; 1938)
Cockatoos for Two (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
Crashing (TV Series; 2017)
Don Quichotte, by Jules Massenet (Opera; 1910)
Don’t Worry About Me, by Joey Ramone (Album; 2002)
The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley (Book; 1954)
EastEnders (UK Soap Opera; 1985)
Elizabeth (Film; 1999)
Face Value, by Phil Collins (Album; 1981)
The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan (Feminist Critique; 1963)
Flying Bullets or A Cartridge in a Pear Tree (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 206; 1963)
Get a Job, by The Miracles (Song; 1958)
Hello Aloha (Disney Cartoon; 1952)
The Hooper-Bloob Highway (DePatie-Freleng Dr. Seuss Animated TV Special; 1975)
In the Still of the Nite, recorded by The Five Satins (Song; 1956)
Jungle Jitters (WB MM Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius, by George Orwell (Essay; 1941)
Little Girls Blue (Adult Film; 1979)
Losing My Religion, by R.E.M. (Song; 1991)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV Series; 1985)
The Mummy Strikes (Fleischer Cartoon; 1943) [#14]
Nomadland (Film; 2021)
Office Space (Film; 1999)
October Sky (Film; 1999)
Organ Grinder’s Swing (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1937)
Peter the Pirate (Silent Film; 1925)
Pluto and the Armadillo (Disney Cartoon; 1943)
The Rat Pack Attacks or Sharrup You Mouse (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 99; 1961)
Red Rackham’s Treasure, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1944) [Tintin #12]
Rushmore (Film; 1999)
Seeing’ Red, White ’N’ Blue (Famous/Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1943)
Shutter Island (Film; 2010)
The Solid Tin Coyote (WB LT Cartoon; 1966)
The Sound of Silence, recorded by Simon and Garfunkel (Song; 1964)
Story of Civilization, by Will Durant (Eleven Volume History; 1975)
The Tale of a Shirt (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Teardrops on My Guitar, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2007)
Too Much Too Moon or What Makes Lunar Tick? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 205; 1963)
The Toy Shoppe (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Today’s Name Days
Hadwig, Irma, Irmgard (Austria)
Blago, Konrad, Rajko, Ratko (Croatia)
Patrik (Czech Republic)
Patrik (Denmark)
Ülla, Ülle, Ülli, Ülve, Ülvi (Estonia)
Eija (Finland)
Gabin (France)
Hedwig, Irma, Irmgard (Germany)
Filothei (Greece)
Zsuzsanna (Hungary)
Corrado, Mansueto, Publio, Tullio (Italy)
Zane, Zuzanna, Zuze (Latvia)
Konradas, Nida, Šarūnas, Zuzana (Lithuania)
Ella, Elna (Norway)
Arnold, Arnolf, Bądzisława, Gabin, Henryk, Konrad, Konrada, Leoncjusz, Manswet, Marceli (Poland)
Apfia, Arhip, Filimon (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Vlasta (Slovakia)
Álvaro, Gabino (Spain)
Ella, Gabriella (Sweden)
Leo, Lev, Levko (Ukraine)
Conrad, Conradine, Cortez, Curt, Curtis, Konrad, Kurt, Kurtis (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 50 of 2024; 316 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 8 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 10 ()
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 10 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 9 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 20 Grey; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 6 February 2024
Moon: 80%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Homer (2nd Month) [Ennius]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 61 of 89)
Week: 3rd Week of February
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 1 of 30)
Calendar Changes
Pisces (The Fish) begins [Zodiac Sign 12; thru 3.19]
0 notes
progressivemother · 6 months
Our Halloween and The Other Traditions Our Children Are Taught During This Time Along with The History of Halloween
What are the traditions of Halloween? Every family has their own little thing but I think the main tradition is dressing up and trick or treating. It depends on each family on if there is more to it.
As mothers, we are expected to take care of the costumes, treats, and decoration. It can be stressful but not nearly as stressful as Christmas. But it depends. We have seen some elaborate decorations. As minimalists, we do not go crazy. We put few small figurines up, black fabric on the television stand, and put up wreaths. We do not put up yard decorations or lights.
Mothers can make our children's costumes or buy them. We switch up, depending on what is going on during that year. This year, my daughter had a dress up that she really wanted to wear so it made it easier on me. Don't let anyone judge you if you don't make a costume. Sometimes a hardworking mother needs to be able to make her life easier.
Every year, we make pumpkin pancakes in Halloween shapes. It's a lot of fun. The kids get to create their own pancakes. Then each night we go trick or treating. We keep it simple. When they get older, maybe we will have a night of scary movies or a campfire with scary stories. Maybe, we will allow then to have Halloween parties. Small ones.
I know wonderful mothers who handle Halloween in a host of different ways and I think that what really matters is that we take a little time to think about what we really want Halloween to be for us and for our kids and then plan accordingly. We got ours through trail and error.
We had a pretty fun yet simple Halloween. Our family tradition is to carve pumpkins the night before Halloween. The kids always have a lot of fun doing this. My daughter hates removing the guts because it's "gross" but as a little artist, she very much enjoys the carving part of the night. This year, she was Nezuko from Demon Slayer. It's an anime where they kick demon butt and she loves when bad guys lose. We only went trick or treating in her grandparents neighborhood. We didn't want to go too crazy and we didn't want her having too much candy. We didn't get my step son this year, sadly. Hoping for next year.
As for the history and other things celebrated during this time.
The ancient Gaelic festival of Samhain, which occurred on November 1 but kicked off the evening before, is considered the earliest known root of our secular Halloween traditions. It marked a pivotal time of year when seasons changed, but more importantly, observers also believed the boundary between this world and the next became especially thin, enabling them to connect with the dead. This is also where the history of Halloween gains its "haunted" connotations.
The early pagan holiday of Samhain involved a lot of ritualistic ceremonies to connect to spirits, as the Celts were polytheistic. While there isn't a lot of detail known about these celebrations, many believe the Celts celebrated in costume (granted, they were likely as simple as animal hides) as a disguise against ghosts, lit jack-o-lanterns, and enjoyed special feasts. The lighting jack-o-lanterns was to ward away evil spirits.
Later, Christians took on this holiday, turning it into their version of the holiday. Celebrations of Christian martyrs and saints date back to 4th-century Rome. In the early 7th century, Pope Boniface IV put All Saints' Day on the calendar when he dedicated the Pantheon in Rome to the saints, but the day was May 13. In the next century, Pope Gregory III changed the day to November 1 when he dedicated a chapel in St. Peter’s Basilica to the saints. Yet another century later, Pope Gregory IV added All Saints' Day to the universal Christian calendar, officially extending the celebration from Rome to churches everywhere. With the Christian celebration of All Saints' Day on November 1 came All Hallows' Eve, or Halloween, on October 31, as well as All Souls' Day on November 2—a three-day holiday collectively called Hallowtide.
During the Middle Ages, as the Christian Roman holiday of All Saints' Day spread to other Christianized areas, Hallowtide traditions merged with local cultures. In Celtic regions that formerly celebrated Sahmain, the local Christian Halloween traditions that arose included jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, and costumes. An early precursor to trick-or-treating is believed to be "souling," the tradition of going door to door asking for "soul cakes," a treat similar to biscuits, in exchange for prayers for the dead in purgatory. The tradition also involved dressing up.
The Scottish practice of guising, a secularized version of souling, swapped the prayers for tricks. The costumes evolved too, taking a scary turn when young Scottish and Irish pranksters got the idea to spook unsuspecting neighbors.
The holiday almost didn't make it the the United States. The Puritans were disapproving of the holiday's pagan roots, so they didn't want it to be apart of their community. Again, Pagans were not any fun. Ever.
It was not until the second half of the 19th century as Irish and Scottish immigrants began to arrive in America in greater numbers that the holiday took hold as part of the national zeitgeist. It's estimated that by the early 20th century, Halloween was celebrated across North America by the majority of (candy-loving, costume-wearing) people.
Eventually, this evolved into the tradition of trick-or-treating in the United States. The candy-grabbing concept became mainstream in the early to mid-1900s, during which families would provide treats to children in hopes that they would be immune to any holiday pranks.
Now for the religions.
We make sure to teach our children about all religions. Our family is mixed with them. Everyone chooses what to believe in as they grow into who they are. It is the same for our children. We will keep that tradition alive. Through this we teach multiculturalism, combat hatred and ignorance, and help them grow into great people.
That is why today, we remind our children to celebrate our Pagan friends and family. They are learning to understand what this holiday means to others while they trick or treat and dress up.
That is why tomorrow, we remind them of the tradition from South and Central American cultures.
Both traditions are to honor and remember our ancestors. They are actually great holidays. Honoring and remembering those who died is a wonderful thing, whether or not it is apart of our belief system.
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42zombies · 1 year
A new Shadowman game, but starring Jack Boniface, huh?
I feel like fans of the original games are just going to be asking 'Where's Mike LeRoi?' the whole time.
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gametainmentnet · 1 year
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Shadowman Returns to Gaming in Action-Horror Adventure "Shadowman: Darque Legacy"
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5 million+ comics sold, tie-in feature issue available during Free Comic Book Day 2023
Shadowman, the best-selling fan-favorite comic series with more than 5 million copies sold, reawakens to explore haunting secrets and voodoo mysticism in Shadowman: Darque Legacy. The all-new action-horror game from developer and publisher Blowfish Studios in partnership with renowned comic publisher Valiant Entertainment and their parent company DMG Entertainment will emerge from the darkness on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, as well as PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. As a flagship title for Valiant, the adventures of Jack Boniface and other Shadowmen against the forces of the Deadside have entertained comic readers and gamers alike for decades. First published in 1992, the franchise has garnered such acclaim that it even boasts an officially declared “Shadowman Day” since Jan. 17, 1993. As a conspiracy threatens to overrun the realm of the living, Shadowman must contend with horrifying inhuman entities with challenging melee combat. Follow a dark path from the land of the living to the hellish realm of the Deadside as you cross the veil between both. Embody the hero of the dark to traverse the necromantic divide, overcome dastardly obstacles, and silence the terrifying threats lurking within.   Related Post: Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons announced   “It’s been an honor to breathe new life into such an iconic IP, with Shadowman’s first venture into gaming since the PlayStation 2 era,” said Clinton McCleary, Game Director, Blowfish Studios. “We’re looking forward to ushering fans into the horrifying, punishing, but rewarding experience we’ve crafted. Stepping into the role of Shadowman, players will encounter a compelling cast of heroes and villains while taking their scythe to the most wretched denizens of the Deadside.”
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“It is a testament to the evergreen popularity of this franchise that we’re able to tell a brand-new, out-of-continuity Shadowman story, nearly thirty years after he was first introduced to the world,” said Russell Brown, President, of Consumer Products, Valiant Entertainment. “In Shadowman: Darque Legacy, our friends at Blowfish Studios has been working with our team at Valiant to write the story and are creating a unique, carefully crafted, spine-chilling Shadowman experience. We can’t wait for Shadowman fans to jump into this action-horror adventure and for gamer fans to get introduced to Shadowman and the Valiant Universe.”
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Shadowman: Darque Legacy will release in 2024 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, as well as PC via Steam and Epic Games Store. Read the full article
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Valiant Entertainment and Blackstone Publishing Partner on Valiant Novels
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Valiant Entertainment’s cast of comic book characters are getting to feature in prose novels from Valiant and Blackstone Publishing. The first titles in the Valiant imprint are Bloodshot: Awakening, Shadowman: The Abyss Stares Back, Livewire: Circuit Breaker, and The Eternal Warrior: Servants of the Dead.
Bloodshot: Awakening hails from Fred Van Lente. The young adult novel depicts Bloodshot as an 18-year-old who awakens in a lab with no memory of who he is or why he has powers. “Breaking out of his imprisonment with nanite-powered blood, Angelo finds himself on the run, trying to piece together his memories and fight back against the sinister forces chasing him.” (Valiant Entertainment)
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Shadowman: The Abyss Stares Back hails from Shola Adedeji. Upon the death of his father, Jack Boniface returns to New Orleans after years of being away. “Jack tries to reacclimate himself to his hometown, but things have changed so much. There seem to be dark forces at work. And then Jack finds out that his father was The Shadowman, a supernatural warrior. Jack now finds himself pulled into a much larger, terrifying world, and must assume his father’s mantle.” (Valiant Entertainment)
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Livewire: Circuit Breaker hails from Sarah Raughley. The young adult novel follows a teen who has been in foster care for most of her life. “She becomes the ward of the incredibly wealthy Toyo Harada, only to discover that he has nefarious plans for her technopathic powers (and the world).” (Valiant Entertainment)
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The Eternal Warrior: Servants of the Dead hails from Ari Marmell. The novel will span “hundreds of years, culminating with a battle in the streets of modern-day New York City, Gilad Anni-Padda finds that the mistakes made generations earlier continue to haunt him, and must battle to save his soul and the entire world itself." (Valiant Entertainment)
(Images via Valiant Entertainment - Covers of  Bloodshot: Awakening, Shadowman: The Abyss Stares Back, Livewire: Circuit Breaker, and The Eternal Warrior: Servants of the Dead)
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