#James E Woo
Pregnancy by accident
Fandom: MCU ( more of WandaVision, but no spoilers)
Pairing: Jimmy Woo x gen!Reader
Requested: No
Summary: Reader has been throwing up for days now. This can't be normal, right? Darcy has three theories, one involves a plus one in Reader's life with Jimmy.
Please be aware that the Reader may have a gender neutral Pronoun, but they have female Sex organs, because this is a pregnancy story. I know that not only female people are able to get pregnant, but if this makes you uncomfortable, please don't read it, for your own health!!
Word Count: 2592
Warnings: Does Pregnancy count as Warning?
A/N: I feel like half of this is platonic! Darcy/Reader but whatever. I wanted to write it, so I did
Gif belongs to creator
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A ringing brought them out of their daydream world. Not like there was any art to it. For whatever reason, Jimmy had decided to choose the most annoying and longest ringtone there was for them. He claimed it was so they would actually hear the ring, but Y/N rather thought he either wanted to annoy them or had actually taken a liking to the hideous tune. With difficulty, they got up from the sofa, on which they had just been watching some stupid American reality show, and went over to the flat door. No sooner had they opened it than a familiar figure darted in without greeting them with a word. Sighing, they closed the door. "It's good to see you too, Darcy." The brunette just shook herself and took off her glasses, which were fogged up by the warm air. "It's a bitch of a weather outside, you wouldn't believe. You'd think the world was coming to an end." With an effort she stripped off her coat, scarf and cap and hung them on the coat rack. But before she could enter the flat, Y/N stopped her. "Could you take your shoes off yet? Jimmy hates it when you enter the flat in the shoes you walked the dirty streets in." Darcy raised an eyebrow. "Your hubby isn't here. He's still hanging out somewhere in Utah." Despite that, she brushed off her with boots that had the dirty snowslush of the street clinging to them. "Not for long anymore," was their response as they moved the hallway down to the living room. "He called me this morning to say that he was almost done. He'll probably be back next week." "Oh really?" Darcy sat down on the couch. "Well then I'm gonna make sure to leave you two lovebirds alone. Don't need to be trapped between you two." They laughed. "Coffee?" They didn't turn around as they walked to the kitchen to answer that question. From the living room came only a sigh of relief. "You don't have to ask about that. I love you." Y/N chuckled softly as they tipped the coffee powder into the filter and poured hot water on everything. "Don't say that too loud or Jimmy will hear you." Darcy snorted. "From New Jersey all the way to Utah?" "You'd be amazed how acute his hearing can be."
Two minutes later they were sitting on the sofa, each with a hot cup of coffee in their hands and a plate of Christmas biscuits left over from a fortnight ago. Darcy lifted the cup to her lips and sipped the liquid carefully so as not to burn her tongue before sighing with pleasure. "Your coffee is still the best in the world. The only reason I'm even here." "And I thought you were here for a further education." "Nah," Darcy waved it off. "Just for your coffee." Y/N laughed, but as they put their cup to their lips and the usually comforting smell of coffee rose to their nostrils, they felt a pang of nausea hit them. And it was not the kind of nausea that could be suppressed. Hastily, they put the cup down and rushed into the adjoining bathroom with a "I think I'm going to puke". Concerned, Darcy in turn also put down her cup and followed her friend's gagging sounds. She stopped outside the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Hey, can I come in or are you crouching on the floor causing me to slam the door in your face?" The flush of the toilet sounded, followed by a soft "Come in." Instantly Darcy pushed open the door only to see Y/N standing in front of the mirror leaning on the sink, eyes exhausted and face sunken. "You alright?" They just waved it off and quickly rinsing their mouth. "It's not the first time. It's been going on for days now. I think I've got indigestion." Darcy rubbed their shoulders. "You must have eaten some really crap to make it this bad. I would have said you were getting your period, but I don't think it's usually this severe."
Y/N froze. They quickly ran the numbers over in their head before staggering slightly to the side and lowering themselves against the wall. Instantly Darcy crouched beside them. "Are you feeling dizzy? Any worse? I swear, if you faint on me I'll call an ambulance!" "I'm overdue." Darcy's panicked expression turned confused. "What, overdue for what?" "My period." They looked up at Darcy, understanding slowly spreading across her face. "I should have had my period ten days ago at the latest. And you know I'm usually early." "Ten days?! How can you not realise you're ten days over?" "I've been busy!" "Oh really? Even though your husband wasn't there?" "Darcy?! You really think that's the right time for this?!" "Okay, point taken." Darcy gently took their hands. She really didn't know what to do, she was an astrophysicist after all, which was why her next question came across as a bit awkward. "How are you?" They buried their faces in their hands. "I really don't know what to think, feel or do right now, Darcy." Darcy frowned. "How about a test? Maybe you're just worried for the sake of it. Or maybe you're just late. Or have some sort of disorder." They laughed briefly and rubbed their face. "I don't know what I'd prefer, but I think you're right. Even if I'm not sure I can." "Oh, come on, I mean. What's the big thing that can happen?" Darcy stood up. "Either you're not pregnant and you have to go to the doctor or you are pregnant, you tell your hubby and you go to the doctor together. Both options end with you on the treatment table. You're just sort of deciding whether it's because of a mini-woo in your belly or a disorder in your belly." "You say that so easily." Slowly they straightened up again. "One of the possibilities could end up with a mini-me running around. That I carry around in my belly for nine months and then have to push out of my body in excruciating pain." Darcy pressed her lips together and nodded quietly. "Maybe. But I've heard from many birthing parents that it was worth the pain." "Well thank you very much. That helps a lot."
Carefully Darcy took them by the arm and led them out of the bathroom. "Come on, let's both get warmly dressed and go to the nearest pharmacy and buy four tests straight away just to be on the safe side. Half of them will be on me too, but only on the condition that I become a godmother in the case, okay? Someone has to teach Junior Agent Woo bullshit." Slowly she let go of Y/N, as if they could disappear at a moment's notice, it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened, and quickly poured the already cold coffee into the sink in the kitchen. Her eyes fell on the remaining coffee in the thermos. She would need it, as the likelihood of Y/N drinking it with her was now drastically reduced. When she returned, however, her friend was slumped on the sofa. Darcy sighed soundlessly and sat down beside them, "Hey, it's not going to be that bad." "What if Jimmy doesn't want this? What if he gets mad?" Instantly Darcy grabbed them by the arms and made sure they were looking at her. "Now you listen to me. The biggest desire in that man's life, apart from marrying you, which worked out, was always to have children. Believe me, he once accidentally confessed that to me, no time or desire for context. If you're pregnant, there's nothing in his whole life that's gonna make him happier, okay? He is infatuated with you and he will be infatuated with your possible child. Got it?" They nodded gently and smiled shyly. "I think we should be on our way. The snow outside is getting heavier."
To say that Jimmy had had an exhausting few weeks would have been an understatement. He had intended to spend a cosy weekend with his spouse, but instead had been chased halfway across the country, had to deal with some idiots, slept in one of the worst hotels in the world and wanted nothing more than to hold Y/N in his arms and never let go again. So one could understand how relieved he was when he finally stood with his bag in front of the apartment building where they two lived. A tiny part of him though, felt a nagging, strange feeling, which was one hundred percent due to the confusing message Darcy had sent him three days ago. However, at the moment he tried to push all that aside and concentrate only on the fact that in a few moments he would finally be able to hold his spouse in his arms again. Hurriedly, but not so quickly that he could appear desperate, he unlocked the door and walked at a fast pace up the stairs to their flat. Once there, he took another breath before inserting the key into the lock and slowly opening the door, which he closed right back behind him. "Darling," he called as he set down the bag and brushed off both jacket and shoes. "I'm home!" His feet ran the familiar path, from the front door into the living room and a bright, warm smile spread across his face as he saw his spouse rise from the sofa. "Jimmy!"
A soft chuckle escaped them as Jimmy wrapped his arms around their body, pressed them tightly against each other and buried his nose in the crook of their neck to soak up their scent. "I missed you," he murmured, feeling their fingers gently run through his hair. "Me too, sweetie, me too." For another moment, Jimmy simply enjoyed the warmth of his loved one before he lifted his head and finally, finally, placed a soft kiss on their lips. "Love you." Another kiss. "Love you too." Lovingly, he looked down at them and received an equally loving smile in return. "I have something for you." Jimmy raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Wasn't I supposed to be the one with the presents for you because I had to leave?" Their eyes reflected their amusement. "They're bait gifts so you'll never leave." With one last kiss against his temple, they turned and hurried to one of the dressers to rummage around in the top drawer. Jimmy, meanwhile, circled the sofa and settled down on it. He hadn't been able to find a parking space outside the front door and had had to park several blocks away, so now he didn't turn down the opportunity to sit. Footsteps muffled by slippers approached him and Y/N sat down beside him, holding a pale green packet in their left hand, their right hand hidden behind their back. With a grateful smile, he took the packet from their hand and pointed to their hand still hidden behind their back. "And what is this?" "That's in case you don't understand the first one." Jimmy tilted his head. Now his curiosity was truly piqued. "The first what?" They just smiled and nodded over to the packet.
Jimmy raised his hands in surrender before his eyes turned to the package in his lap. Then he looked back at them and pressed another kiss to their cheek. "I love you," he murmured before carefully beginning to remove the paper. Y/N laughed out. "You don't have to be so careful. We certainly can't recycle that." "You never know." Nevertheless, he now unwound the paper a little less carefully, revealing a small brown packet. He looked up and they encouraged him with another nod, so he slowly lifted the lid. What was revealed underneath turned his curiosity into confusion. "What?" He lifted the small plastic badge from the package, embossed with the words 'Junior Agent Woo', hoping that perhaps there was something else in the package. This was indeed the case, though it was only a simple card with the phrase 'Coming Soon...' printed on it.
Amused, Y/N watched their husband's confusion and when he looked up almost in exasperation, they couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Stop laughing," Jimmy whined, crossing his arms in front of his chest, making him look like a petulant toddler. "I'm sorry, it's just," they wiped their eyes, "you're an FBI agent and according to Darcy, that had been your own suggestion." "Darcy?" Jimmy had now truly forgotten all the possibilities he had previously suspected. ""What does this have to do with Darcy now?"" "Think." Amused, they watched as Jimmy's gaze remained fixed on the badge and a crease formed on his forehead, caused by the strained thinking. One could almost see the gears turning in his head. All at once his face went blank and he looked up, eyes widening, mouth slightly open. "No." A small smile spread across their face. "Maybe." Shocked, he looked at the badge and back at them. "You're kidding." "No." "You... You're...ugh-" He pointed to their stomach and with a slightly shaking hand, Y/N brought their right hand out from behind their back, in which lay four plastic strips, pregnancy tests. Jimmy's gaze slid over them. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. He looked up again. Tears had formed in their eyes and he felt a familiar burning behind his eyes. "Pregnant," they finished his sentence. They put the tests down on the table. "I haven't seen the doctor yet," they confessed tearfully. "I wanted to wait for you. But according to the pharmacist, those were the best and it should be pretty obvious at four positives, right?" "Oh god." Jimmy slid forward and took them in his arms, hugging them as tight as he could. "Oh god." "I know." Sternly, he pressed a kiss to their lips and framed their face with his hands. In return, they grabbed him by the shoulders to hold themselves upright.
When they released, they both breathed hard and a tear-stained laugh escaped Jimmy as he leaned his forehead against Y/N's. "We're going to be parents," he murmured softly. "We're going to have a little mini-us." "I know," they returned, placing a hand over his heart. "I don't think I need to ask if you're happy, do I?" Jimmy chuckled. " If I' m happy? If I could I'd marry you again in a minute." This elicited a teary laugh from his spouse as well. Slowly his hands moved from their face to their belly. Of course, he knew that nothing could be felt yet, but the thought that their child together was growing there sent him into a state of euphoria. He slid off the sofa onto the floor and gently stroked their belly. "Daddy loves you very much, " he whispered and he heard another tearful laugh from Y/N. "You and Y/N. I can't wait to hold you." Then he looked up and took them in his arms again. "Thank you. I don't know how to thank you." "I know what." He pulled away from them and looked at them. "You do?" Gently, he stroked their face. "Darcy had one condition for buying half the tests." "And that would be?" "She wants to be a godmother." Jimmy laughed and hugged them again. "I think we should be able to manage that. Even though we'll probably regret it."
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queenmakings · 1 year
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racebending - the love interests of stardew valley (2016)  
→ kim woo-bin as elliot  → d’pharaoh woon-a-tai as sam → tyler james williams as harvey → jharrel jerome as alex → ali hadji-heshmati as sebastian → kj apa as shane → yara shahidi as maru → abigail cowen as penny → adria arjona as leah → maitreyi ramakrishnan as haley → auliʻi cravalho as abigail → amita suman as emily
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dramioneasks · 5 months
Christmas Fics 2023 (Part 1):
Hermione's Holiday Healing by Fawkes01 - M, WIP - Upon deciding to end her 'relationship' with Krum, Hermione also chose to remain at Hogwarts for Christmas. She knew everyone would be disappointed when she didn't arrive at the Burrow, but she needed time to herself. Little did she know that Malfoy had also chosen to stay at the castle for the holidays. It surprised her even more when they began to grow close.
Christmas Treats by cleotheo - T, one-shot - As the Christmas festivities get under way at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy has a special treat for his family. However, he isn't the only member of the family with a Christmas Surprise up their sleeve. Fluffy, festive Dramione one-shot.
Christmas Magic by Darcy M. James - K+, one-shot - Hermione takes a holiday to France to enjoy the Christmas market, dealing with the after effects of the war. She happens upon someone from her past and her day takes an unexpected turn for the better. One-shot. Hermione & Draco. Slight fluff (there's some hard-hitting moments though).
The Library Liaison by Anonymous - E, WIP - When Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy realise they’ll need to ring in the New Year by fake-dating, they think that’s just what comes with the job. Little do they know that they’re going to get far more than they bargained for.
To Woo a Witch by MyDelphi - E, WIP - Single father Draco Malfoy adored his son. And had decided that for his first Yule, Scorp deserved a priceless gift for being such a good little boy. And what was more priceless than getting him a mother? Getting him Granger as a mother. (Which would be a very convenient present as Draco Malfoy was terribly and irrevocably in love with her.)
Under the mistletoe by hazzapresents - E, WIP - no summary
The Christmas Prank by Ashabadash - M, WIP - Someone at Hogwarts is in the fun and festive mood and Christmas pranks centered around the 12 Days of Christmas have been popping up all throughout the castle, much to the dismay of several professors, including Transfiguration Professor Hermione Granger and the newly appointed Potions Master, Draco Malfoy. Will solving the mystery of this Christmas Prank put these two in the romantic holiday mood? Or will it Scrooge their season?
Twelve Spells of Christmas: The Yuletide Revelations. by Helledore - T, one-shot - Draco and Hermione exchange twelve enchanted notes. What will this Christmas bring?
All I Want For Christmas Is You by leopoldfucker - E, one-shot - hristmas Eve is a special day for Draco and Hermione, and it’s about to get even more special. That is, if Hermione says yes.
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kodaiki · 2 years
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꒰ 4:46 P.M. ꒱ ❛ bokuto kotaro x reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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it’d been twenty minutes since bokuto had noticed you walk into the library. the library was not a place he frequented often but with the results from his last exam and the verbal harassment from kuroo to go, he found himself sitting at one of those one-person seat/desks.
but then you walked in.
was he even studying anyway? closing his textbook, he slides it into his backpack before slinging the bag over his shoulder.
he probably shouldn’t be acting this creepy, especially at the fact that he doesn’t know you. well, he recognizes you from his literature course (it’s a core course he has to take in order to graduate) and it’d be a lie if he said he didn’t think you were the most gorgeous person he laid eyes on.
finding you settled in a spot between bookshelves, currently fiddling through the books on one of them, he finds his chance. lightly clearing his throat, bokuto walks by you and situates himself in a spot so he’s just next to you, only facing the opposite bookcase. 
bokuto hopes he’s appearing nonchalant as he cups his chin with his palm, occasionally humming at he skims the wide collection of books. yup, totally nonchalant.
while to you, he’s hoping he looks like he’s deep in thought, pondering over a book to read, he’s really gathering his thoughts about the best way to approach you without sounding weird. he knows you’re the best in his class. it’s clear as day by the way from just a row behind you, he can see the giant red ‘A’ on all your papers. you participate in class regularly and everything that seems to escape your lips is thoughtful in some way regarding whatever topic you’re discussing.
you’re way out his league.
but it doesn’t hurt to try and woo you with his social skills.
“ehm, do you need…help?” a voice behind him brings him out of his thoughts and he quickly whips his head around at the sound.
by his presence, your journey to search for whatever book seemed to have ended. feeling his cheeks flush under your gaze, he profusely shakes his head.
“no! er, no,” he lower his voice when he realizes he might’ve spoke too loudly, “i just love reading and i’m looking for my next…read…”
bokuto’s voice falls nearing the end of his sentence at the way your face twists into…confusion? amusement? he can’t tell.
“uh-huh,” you nod along with what he’s saying, taking a peek over his shoulder at the ‘collection’ he was looking at.
“i’ve actually read most of these,” he boasts, but the blush on his cheeks fails to subside. 
“…really.” your voice is lowering more and more with each statement of his and he thinks you catch his bluff.
“really! this…perso-author,” blindly, he reaches behind him for a random book. skipping past the title, he reads out the author’s name, “E. L. James? One of my favorites.”
that about does it for you.
the stoic expression on your face breaks as does your voice as laughs erupt out of your mouth.
bokuto’s…confused, to say the least.
what…what’s going on?
“please, i hope you’re not serious,” you gasp between laughs, wiping a stray tear from the corner of your eye. 
slumping forward in defeat, bokuto frowns. how’d you find out so quickly? did he choose an awful writer?
“i thought it was weird enough seeing a guy looking at ‘erotic romance novel’ shelf in the library but calling the author of 50 Shades your favorite? i knew it had to be some sort of prank.”
“oh,” bokuto says blankly, looking down at the book where the title was typed. ah, now he gets it. “it wasn’t a prank,” he murmurs.
at your confused head tilt, he continues, “i just wanted to impress you since i know you’re into reading.”
he’s expecting you to get freaked out and excuse yourself and probably never frequent that library again (bo, there’s one library on campus, what’re you talking about?). but to his surprise, you grin.
“wait, you’re that guy from my lit class! you compared hamlet to the lion king!”
to be fair, akaashi helped bokuto out with that assignment so whatever words he spewed out of his mouth were half of akaashi’s knowledge and half of bokuto’s bullshit. he didn’t even get a very good grade. but the C+ on his paper after seeing the way you smile at him about it looks like a golden A right about now.
“yeah…that was me.”
“you’re explanation could’ve had some work but i really enjoyed it. maybe over coffee, we can talk about it?”
“yes!” he just about exclaims, gripping onto your shoulders. “i mean,” he quickly lets go, rubbing a hand behind his neck, “sure, i guess i could go for some coffee.”
as bokuto leaves the library with you on the way to the coffee shop, he can’t help but thank the professor who gave him a D on his last exam and kuroo who wouldn’t stop bothering about studying. but above all, he thanks E.L. James for making it all possible.
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✿ reblogs and interaction always appreciated !! ✿
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songofpolaris · 1 year
Imagine: dancing in the refrigerator light
-> pairing; reader x sirius black
-> wc; 734
-> warnings; fluff, mentions of food and hunger
-> a/n; i haven’t written in fucking forever, but i’ve been trying to get back into it so… i hope you like this
dancing in the refrigerator light, the playlist
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You sneak down the wooden stairs, tip toeing on the edges, hoping they won’t creak too loud. They’re old stairs though, they creak any way you walk on them. They would probably be just as loud if you just walked loud and proud on them.
But it’s three in the morning, you’re hungry and you can’t wake everyone else up just because you want that glass of lemonade and popcorn so bad. So you try to respect their non hungry sleep and be careful when you go to make your stomach’s dreams come true.
At the bottom of the stairs you lightly step down onto your feet and go left into the kitchen. Humming your favorite song while walking onto the cold kitchen tiles. It’s a warm march night and just the old shirt you normally sleep in is enough to keep you from being cold.
There’s a soft breeze coming through the delicate curtains hanging before the old window, blowing some of the leaves of the sunflowers you keep in the vase before it into the kitchen. You pick the vase up and put it onto the island, hoping it’ll keep the flowers safe for a bit longer. Sadly, they’re dying. But they look dreadfully beautiful while doing so.
Lily’s painting of them is standing on the counter on her cute little easel. You told her about how beautiful you thought they were and she painted them for you when you were cooking lunch today.
You close the kitchen door and turn the stereo on. A low volume, but good enough to dance to. “Stand by me” comes grating through the boxes.
Climbing onto the counter you go to open the kitchen cabinet, in search of the popcorn. Now that Lily is pregnant you try to hide your snacks as good as you can but she keeps finding them. This time you thought you should hide it in the cabinet both of you can’t reach from the ground, assuming she won’t take the risk. Reaching around in the cabinet you finally feel the container you put them in and grab it. Victory.
“What’re you doing angel?” Someone suddenly voices from the door. You turn around. Eyes wide.
“Did you just stuff your face with popcorn.”
He said it more like an observation than a question. You shake your head while quickly trying to get through the full hand of popcorn you just propped into your mouth.
“I’ll be nice and wait for you to swallow so you can deny it with a full correct grammar sentence and everything.”
You swallow the last bit of popcorn quickly. “Thanks!” And jump off the counter to open the fridge to get the lemonade.
“You want some?” You look over to your boyfriend’s now clear face. He really always is standing in the spotlight, even when it’s just refrigerator light. He shakes his head and grabs your hand. His mouth grazes your ear as he pulls you closer and whispers “What if we just danced?”
You respond with a smile and a loving pinch in his hand. “Don’t you think we’ll wake them up?” You answer softly while looking up at the ceiling. James and Lily are sleeping in the room right above you.
“I’ll wake the whole world up just to dance with you, now come on. Give me this bit of joy my love.” He lifts your intertwined hands up and turns you around, catching you in his arms. The fridge’s spotlight shining onto the both of you, complimenting the boy’s years of painful obligated ballroom dance trainings to impress at formal family events or to woo the elite of the wizarding world.
“I love you, you know.” You say as he sways you around the kitchen. He decided that just dancing in front of the fridge wasn’t enough anymore.
You’re twirling around, taking leaves with you and sprinkling popcorn around everywhere he takes you.
Sirius smiles. A broad smile. With teeth and dimples and a chuckle. The whole cute Sirius smile thing.
“I know.”
“You know?”
“I’ve known for a long time. You’ve known even longer.”
“What did I know even longer?”
“That I’ll dance with you even after my doctor has screamed at me for dancing while needing a hip replacement. That I’ll dance with you until the sun comes up and goes back down again and the stars obliterate and the earth becomes unliveable.”
You smile. “I didn’t know, Siri.”
“Now you do. Now you know I’ve loved you for forever.”
taglist: @im-still-tryin-to-find-it @f4iry-blush
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emmawithtwoms · 5 months
The Gryffindors win the House cup, so Remus thinks Sirius deserves a reward
Sirius is a good girl and Remus fucks her brain out in the room of requirements
Wolfstar (Fem!SiriusXRemus) 🔞
Words: 3357
Little disclamer: this is my first e ever smut, so it might not be all that good, BUT I tried my best, so any advices, tips, corrections (since English is not my native language) are always welcome <3
That being said, enjoy and let me know what you think
The final Slytherin Vs Gryffindor match was a rush: the whole team was in perfect shape, they had been training the whole year for that game.
Sirius and Marlene were playing in perfect sintony, beating bludgers with extreme strength and precision, not giving rest to the Slytherin seeker (Reggie) and chasers.
James was uncatchable: flying faster than ever, scoring points over points, keeping constantly high the moral of the team, until finally three quarters of the Quidditch stadium exalted and everyone heard Gilderoy, from the reporter stand, scream: “And finally the Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch, although I would have personally caught it ages ago if it was me on the field, but Gryffindor wins the 1978 Quidditch cup!!” Sirius couldn’t believe it: they had won, they had really won.
She rushed back to the ground to be caught in a bear hug by James, and they started laughing together, hugging, crying and falling to the ground. Soon the whole team joined, and in the rush of happiness Sirius caught sight of Regulus mouthing; “Bien Joué, grande soeur” and her smile only grew bigger.
As Dumbledore started the award ceremony Sirius couldn’t help but look at the stands, searching for a nice pair of hazel eyes, sandy curls and a cute dimple on the left cheek, but couldn’t find any.
Her smile slightly faltered, when suddenly she felt a pair of big hands grabbing her waist and turning her around, and her mout met a pair of hot, soft lips on her. Sirius couldn’t stop smiling even in the kiss, and she immediately wrapped her arms around Remus’ neck, standing slightly on her tiptoes to reach her boyfriend better. They separated after a long moment, framed by Sirius’ teammates whistles and shouts, and she nuzzled her face in Remus’s neck.
“You were amazing out there baby, I’m so proud of you”
Sirius heard a little mischief in her boyfriend’s tone, so she grinned and whispered in his ear:
“Are you saying I was a good girl?”
Remus chuckled
“The best girl, and the prettiest player”
“And does this pretty girl deserve a reward?”
Remus cradled her face in his hands and kissed her again, slow and sweet
“My pretty pretty girl deserves her pretty pretty prize”.
Sirius’ pupils were completely blown out, and she could feel her panties get already wet with anticipation for that night, when she heard her best friend’s melodic voice screech from the other side of the field:
“Oi you two lovebirds, leave effusions for later, we got a victory to celebrate!!”
Remus blushed and Sirius barked out a laugh
“Come on Potter, as if you aren’t ready to jump at Evans the moment we leave the field”
“At least I’m not about to shag my girlfriend in the middle of the quidditch pitch, bloody exihibitionists!”
“You say that only because nobody would wanna look at your hairy arse out in the open of the pitch, me and Remus, on the other hand, are a show people would be willing to pay to watch, right Moons?”
Remus laughed and shook his head
“Yeah, but sadly I don’t like to share, especially the prettiest things”
Sirius shot a wink at him
“My my Moony, you really know how to woo a girl” said James, dragging Sirius to finally grab the beautiful, golden, shining Quidditch cup.
The celebration party was wild that night, helped by the fact that is was Friday. Everyone was happy, drunk, dancing and laughing. Almost the whole school went, and Sirius found even Regulus in the crowd, who raised a glass at her. Celebrations dragged on until late at night, and Remus and Sirius danced together a lot. Finally the crowd started to leave the common room, leaving only Gryffindors in the after-party mess. Remus and Sirius were still dancing, hugged tightly and swaying at the music, when finally they noticed everyone had left: James was upstairs, probabily with Evans, and nobody wanted to interrupt them. Marlene was down in the Dungeons with Dorcas, Pete fell asleep on the couch, someone (definitely not Marls) drew some obscenities on his face with some ink. Mary was in her dorm room and all the other guests had long left the party. Sirius stared up at her boyfriend, meeting his gaze. There was so much love she could have combusted. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed, chastly, her lips. Sirius lifted her arms around his neck and parted her lips, deepening the kiss. When they separated they were still smiling, and they touched their foreheads, closing their eyes, breathing the same air.
Sirius started
“Can I have my reward now?”
Remus grinned, and Sirius shivered in anticipation
“Everything you want baby, let’s go”
Remus kissed her and took her hand, leading her towards the passageway behind the portrait
“Wait, where are we going?”
“The room of requirements, obviously”
Sirius started to really like where this was going, and happily followed her boyfriend outside the common room.
The couple had to be extremely careful sneaking to the seventh floor, since they left Prong’s cloak in their dorm, but that did not stop them from stealing kisses and laughing along the way, still slightly tipsy from the party.
Finally they reached the tapestry of the dancing trolls, and Sirius couldn’t stand still waiting for Remus to cross the corridor three times before an enormous wooden door materialized from the wall.
“Allright baby, let’s get you your reward”
Remus took Sirius’ hand and led her inside. They couldn’t even wait for the door to shut completely before being all over each other.
They were kissing hungrily, discarding the other’s clothes like their life depended on it, stumbling towards the big bed at the center of the room. Sirius took a glance at the environment, it was simple but still romantic: a nice fireplace with a soft rug in front of it, a big red couch and an enormous king sized bed right at the center. It was perfect.
By the time they reached the bed they were almost completely naked, standing only in their underwear. Remus interrupted their kiss and took a step back, staring at his beautiful girlfriend: her shiny black hair was messy and wild on her head, thanks to Remus running his hands in them. Her gray eyes were almost black, pupils completely blown out, swallowing her iris, glazed by pleasure. Her cheeks were red, her mouth was parted, a stream of saliva dripping from it, her lips were red and swollen and she was breathing heavily.
She was perfect. Remus’s gaze lingered on her for another moment, on her eyes, then her lips, then down on her neck, her collarbone, then her breasts, still covered by her black lace bra, then lower to her waist, her strong tights, he imagined himself crushed between those thighs, suffocated by their strength while eating his girlfriend out, enjoying the moans and the obscenities coming out of her mouth, and coming to a halt on her panties, a set with the bra, black and laced.
Sirius blushed, grinning, enjoying her boyfriend’s gaze on her, opening her arms and twirling, giving him a full view of her body.
Remus whispered, stepping closer to her
“My perfect pretty baby”
Sirius looked at him, kidnapped by his eyes. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed her again, first on the mouth, and then trailing a way of wet open mouthed kisses along her body. First he kissed her jaw, then he slowly crept down her neck, biting and sucking at the little spot that always made Sirius crazy. Sirius whimpered, softly, and the noise went straight to Remus’ cock. He sucked a bruise on her neck, then kissed along her collarbone while his hands moved behind her back to discard her of her bra. The bra went flying somewhere in the room and Remus moved once again to admire his work: Sirius’ neck and collarbone were now sprinkled with red and purple bruises.
“Look at you”
he said awestruck
“You are so beautiful, so prefect, all for me”
Sirius took his face with her long fingers, kissing him tenderly on the lips
“All yours”
she whispered in his mouth
Remus fell down to his knees, gazing up at Sirius from the ground. He looked at her like she was his everything, worshiping her and her body, trailing his hands up her waist to hold on her breasts.
Remus quickly went back to his work, starting to suck on one of her hardened nipples, while with a hand he played with the other. He licked and sucked, nipping at it with his teeth, and soon enough Sirius’ hand crept in his hair, pulling lightly, while she started moaning and panting, whispering his name in between breaths.
Finally he started moving again, kissing at her stomach and her belly, going lower and lower,until he finally reached her panties, he breathed hot and wet on them, and Sirius felt it through the soaked fabric. Remus stood again then, kissing Sirius hungrily, this time it was need, it was tongues and teeth and hunger and heat. He picked her up by her thighs and she quickly closed her heels behind his back. Remus moved on the bed, placing Sirius on the pillows, never once breaking their kiss. His cock was hard and swollen in his boxers, but he ignored it: tonight was all about his pretty pretty winner.
Still kissing her, Remus moved his hands down again, getting rid of her panties, throwing them somewhere just like the bra. Sirius hummed happily in his mouth at the motion, opening her legs further, and Remus slowly brought two fingers down to her pussy. Remus happily felt how wet his girlfriend was, and slowly started to move his fingers up and down, collecting her slick and taking it to her clit. With every motion he could feel Sirius moaning in his mouth and her finger tighten on his hair.
Remus broke the kiss and moved down Sirius’ body, leaving some other kisses on the way. He positioned himself between her legs and glanced at Sirus while holding her thighs open with his hands. Sirius was a panting mess:
“Moons, please I-”
“I know baby, I know, don’t worry”
and he started kissing her thighs, slowly, leaving some bites that made Sirius gasp, and then finally he reached her cunt. Remus was in paradise: Sirius was already so wet, he could taste her on his tongue while he started licking stripes from her hole to her clit. Remus did this motion again and again, while Sirius struggled trying to close her legs around his head. Then Remus moved his mouth upwards, focusing only on her clit, and Sirius grasped his hair with her hands, pushing him harder on her. He would suck and then release her swollen clit, following Sirius’ moans and gasps, again and again, sending his girlfriend in a state of constant edging.
When her legs started to shake he stopped, resting his head on Sirius’ thigh, looking at her beautiful face: her eyes were closed, with tears of pleasure streaming down from them, she was panting heavily. Sirius opened her eyes and looked down at Remus, trying to speak
“Remus please, please I wanna come”
Remus smiled at her from between her legs
“Alright baby, you deserve your prize”
And then he went back sucking and licking her clit, between every lick he would murmur “good girl”
“Such a pretty girl”
“So good, all for me”
And Sirius grew crazier and crazier at every praise
“You are doing so good baby”
“Remus please”
“Yes baby, anything you want”
Remus slowly slid a finger inside Sirius, while still licking her clit. Sirius moaned harder and harder, she was so wet that Remus quickly added a second and third finger, sliding them inside and out of her, curling them upwards to reach that spot that always made her scream.
Sirius’ moans and breath became more frantic, her hips started moving trying to follow Remus’ movements, her fingers tightened in Remus’ hair and, finally, she released with a scream. Remus raised from between her legs and cleaned his wet chin with his hand.
Sirius hauled him up and kissed him hungrily, tasting herself on his tongue. Remus chuckled in the kiss when he felt a hand trailing down to reach inside his boxers, gripping at his cock and slowly starting to stroke it. He broke their kiss and moaned softly at the motion, trying to stifle his sounds kissing his girlfriend’s neck
“Remus, love”
Said sirius, lifting his head with her free hand
“I want you to fuck me, please”
The last word was whispered in his ear, and that did it for Remus, he was a weak, weak man. His underwear quickly reached his girlfriend’s somewhere on the floor and he positioned himself on top of her. He collected some of Sirius’ slick on his finger and smeared it around, making sure that she was still wet and ready, then he aligned his hard cock with her entrance and slowly penetrated her, taking his time to make sure she could adjust to the presence. Sirius closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her boyfriend inside her, she closed her legs on him, locking her heels together, and used them to push him deeper in her cunt.
“Look at you, baby”
Remus started rocking faster and deeper inside of her
“So eager to just take my cock, are you?”
Sirus moaned loud and nodded
“You want to be fucked for good tonight, right?”
Sirius nodded again
“You know the deal baby, you have to use words”
“yes Remus, please”
“Good girl”
Remus didn’t stop fucking her with strong, deep thrusts that reached just the right spot for Sirius to cry out in pleasure
“You do know that only good girl get fucked for good right?”
“Y-yes, I know”
She slowly started to not make much sense anymore
“Were you a good girl today?”
“Yes, Remus, I was good, I was a good girl”
Remus chuckled and gave a stronger thrust that made Sirius scream
“That’s right, you were. You were the best girl today, and you deserve a reward. Say how good you were”
And then Remus started to really fuck her. It was strong, fast and deep, every push reaching deeper, coaxing screams and moans out of Sirius. Her heels were digging in Remus’ back, leaving a bruise.
“I was good, I was good, I was good”
Sirius was repeating that as a mantra, it was the only thing she could elaborate with Remus so deep in her. She was rhythmically hitting the headboard at every thrust, she had tears running down her cheeks from how good she felt, and Remus was kissing, biting and licking every inch of her neck, whispering in between how good she was, how well she played and how proud he was of her. It was all so much and not enough for Sirius, she wanted more but didn't know if she could have handled it, she was scratching Remus’s back with her nails, leaving big red marks over his scars, unable to control her body anymore.
Just as she was about to come again, Remus stopped. Sirius could have cried. He pulled out and She felt empty at the loss of her boyfriend’s cock inside of her.
“Remus, what? Why? I was good, I was being good, why would you-”
Remus Kissed her
“I know baby, I know, you were perfect, but I really want you to ride me”
Oh, that changed everything. Sirius’ eyes glinted as she watched her boyfriend lay down on his back beside her, and she slowly crawled on top of him. She settled on her knees, hovering over his wet, hard erect cock and licked her lips. Sirius did not waste time and sat on it, taking it all inside of her in one swift motion. She arched her back at the pleasure, throwing her head back and screaming at the feeling. Remus moaned and grabbed her hips, encouraging her rocking on top of him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He moved his hands up to grab her boobs, squeezing and massaging them, making Sirius moan more and more. It was perfect, Sirius started bouncing up and down on Remus’s cock, and he would watch how her cunt swallowed his cock at every thrust. He could see how every time Sirius dropped back down on his cock there was more and more slick collecting at the base. Sirius clenched her pussy, and Remus was in heaven, it was perfect.
“So tight for me, baby, so perfect.”
“Remus, yes, yes, please touch me more!”
Sirius was pleading, begging and screaming in between moans. Remus left one of her boobs and took his hand to her pussy, starting to massage her clit in time with her thrusts.
“God Sirius you’re so beautiful”
Remus was finding it harder and harder to talk because of how hard he was breathing. He kept touching her clit with circular motions, moving his hips to meet hers. It was perfect and beautiful. Remus pulled his chest up, wrapping the hand that wasn’t touching Sirius around her, and planted an open-mouthed kiss on her mouth, swallowing all of her beautiful noises, their tongues met, dancing in her mouth, she was screaming in the kiss because of how good she felt. Sirius’ movements were becoming more frantic, faster, she was losing it, almost at her climax with Remus’ cock stretching her, his hand stimulating her clit and his tongue in her mouth, that was it. She threw her head back and screamed, coming on Remus’ cock. That did it for him: he came hard inside of her, filling her with his sperm, moaning hard and loud. Sirius hugged Remus tight, hiding her face on the crook of his neck while Remus planted small kisses on her bare shoulders, praising her.
“You did so well baby, you’re perfect, my perfect pretty baby, I’m so proud of you.”
They stayed like that for an indefinite time, just existing as one, feeling only one another, Remus still buried in her, with his come slowly dripping out of her pussy. Slowly they separated and Remus moved Sirius under him to lay her down, kissing her lips, exiting her cunt with an obscene sound and observing his cum mixed with her slick dripping out of her stretched, red pussy like it was the most beautiful view in the world. Remus used two fingers to push it back inside of Sirius, to then watch it drip out of her again, he then used the same fingers to coax a bit of that beautiful mixture and brought them up to Sirius’ mouth.
“Have a taste, baby”
Sirius parted her lips and Remus pushed his fingers inside of her mouth, depositing his cum on her tongue, then kissed her, tasting them both from inside of her. It was perfect.
Remus then left the bed to retrieve his wand and cast a quick scourgify on Sirius to clean her. They would have had to take a nice hot shower the following morning, but at the time neither had the strength nor the will to do it. Remus then pulled the covers from under Sirius, positioned himself beside her and covered them both, wrapping her in his arms. Sirius still had her eyes closed, spent from her intense orgasms, but she hugged Remus and put her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and taking his smell in: he smelled like home. Remus started planting kisses on the top of her head
“You were such a good baby, so so good, I’m so proud of you. I love you so much”
“I love you too, Remus”
Sirius whispered before drifting off, Remus chuckled and closed his eyes, falling asleep with her, legs tangled together and heartbeats in sync.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Guys I did it!
Slow Hands- Wolfstar NSFW oneshot
Hi guys! This is my first E-rated fic, so let me know what you think! If you like it, I'll definitely write more :D I know it's not strict PWP but I couldn't resist adding in all the fluff and love and plot. Sue me. Also, I'm definitely going to write a Jegulus one as well, give me a few more days! Disclaimer: This takes place mostly at the end of March during seventh year, meaning that canonically, Sirius and Remus are both 18. I know they don't normally go home for Easter, but that's the only way I could make this both overage and during Hogwarts. Creative liberties and all that. Also, shout out to some of my wonderful supporters on Tumblr who have been so encouraging, @starchasersunseeker and @beautyoftheships!!! Thank you to them and so many others who are so amazing! CW: There's a bit of internalized homophobia in this, and also a mention of Walburga and Orion's A+ Parenting. And I mean...it's smut. So if you're under 18, dnr.
The first time it happens, he is in sixth year.
They return from the holidays and Sirius is tired. He’s healing. His summer consisted of running away from torture and terror and pain. He stained the carpet in the Potters’ sitting room with his blood the day he ran away. He still wakes up screaming with nightmares.
He’s sitting with James and Peter in the compartment they share on the train, talking a million miles an hour about all of the plans they have this year to terrorize the student body and work on the Map and woo Evans, when all of a sudden, the door to the compartment opens.
And Remus walks in.
He looks a bit disheveled, his hair mussed and his shirt a bit untucked to reveal an inch of skin as he heaves his trunk into the small space.
But that’s not what makes Sirius freeze.
It’s his- well, his everything. He’s taller, for one. And he’s tan. So lovely and tan, his scars popping against his skin, making a beautiful pattern across his body.
And somehow, he just oozes calm. Like, now that he’s here, everything’s fine. It’ll all be okay. And Sirius, who has had a terrifying summer dodging curses and listening to screams just feels something taking over his entire body as he looks at the boy- man?- in front of him.
It takes him a few minutes to realize he just stared the entire time the other three boys lifted Remus’s trunk above them. He doesn’t really mind.
In seventh year, it becomes even more confusing. For some reason, he can’t look away.
When Remus laughs, he wants to laugh, too.
When Remus smiles, he feels himself grin.
When Remus is around, he feels himself relax.
For the past few years, he’s been known to take girl after girl to Hogsmeade, to broom closets, to his bed, even.
He tries. He staggers, laughing, pulling a giggling Susan into the closet on the fifth floor. But when they get there, he just can’t get the image of a smiling Remus out of his head. He tells Susan he suddenly feels ill.
He asks her to Hogsmeade. They have a lovely time, walking around the busy streets and joking together. But every time they pass a store, he sees something that reminds him of Remus, and he’s suddenly distracted.
“Sirius…do you want to be here with someone else?” Susan asks shrewdly after the fifth time he goes quiet.
He’s not really sure how to answer that question.
He isn’t sure how to talk to anyone about it. How do you casually say, “I can’t stop thinking about my best friend…even when I’m kissing other people”?
He knows James might be willing to talk, but he just feels so overwhelmed, and confused, and unsure. And a bit ashamed, if he’s honest. Why is he thinking this way? It will stop, surely. Eventually, he will move on.
He has to.
He doesn’t. He starts dreaming of beautiful smiles and gorgeous brown-blonde-hair and tan skin with delicate scars.
And hands. Hands trailing up his waist and ribs. Lips murmuring his name in his ear, low and rough.
He wakes up confused, and embarrassed, and a bit turned on. And how the bloody hell does he explain that?
He starts avoiding Remus. He knows it’s cowardly and silly, but how can he look his friend in the eye when he woke up only that morning moaning his name? It’s…it’s impossible to act normally about.
He’s thankful when the Easter Holidays begin and he will get a break from constantly being in Remus’s orbit. It’s almost torture to be around him, now. To look at him and remember the things he’s dreamt about. He’s hot and flushed and confused and drawn to him and ashamed and he just wants more than anything to touch him.
So he avoids him.
But when they go to say goodbye, somehow James and Peter have disappeared from their train compartment, and for the first time in months (Sirius is very good at avoiding people), they are alone.
Remus looks awkward, as if he knows Sirius has been avoiding him, and he wrings his hands as he whispers, “Bye, Pads…see you in a week?”
The four of them have a plan to get together for the second week of break.
“Right,” Sirius whispers, cursing his brain for choosing that time to bring up a particularly detailed dream he’d had a few nights ago that involved Remus making marks on his neck that felt so real he’d had to check himself in the mirror the next day.
Of course, Remus doesn’t know that that’s what Sirius is thinking. Or Sirius sure hopes he doesn’t. Because then, Remus chooses that moment to bring Sirius into a hug.
It’s a surprise. A very…surprising surprise. Sirius is so shocked that he doesn’t have the mental strength to put up the walls he’s been putting up for ages, now, and he just melts into the hug, so happy to be close to the boy he can’t get out of his head no matter how hard he tries.
And Remus, on his part, feels Sirius’s reaction and must be happy about it, because he moves, wrapping both arms around Sirius’s waist and whispering in his ear, “I’ll miss you, Padfoot.”
Which is sweet. So sweet. Except, Sirius is a simple man. And his body has been trained, through his dreams, that Remus whispering in his ear leads to much dirtier things than real-life Remus is most likely intending.
So, of course, his body reacts.
He feels his pants tighten and he hears his breath hitch and the heat of his blush seems to envelop him. Can you die of blushing? You must be able to die of blushing, because he’s about to.
And Remus, for his part, takes only a few seconds before he must feel Sirius’s reaction. He pulls back with an odd expression on his face, mouth falling open.
“Fuck,” Sirius mutters, tears pinching his eyes, his body turning cold. “I-er-sorry,” he stutters, looking at Remus’s shock and feeling absolutely mortified.
And he runs. He just fucking runs.
“I’d like to die now,” he whines to James a few hours later, both of them laid out on James’s bed.
“Don’t be dramatic,” James rolls his eyes.
Sirius will forever be grateful to James, who is taking it quite in his stride that Sirius is having a crisis over accidentally shoving his erection in Remus’s leg, when James had no idea that Sirius even got erections for boys, let alone their mutual best friend, only hours ago.
“He hates me,” Sirius continues to wine, throwing his hands over his eyes and scrubbing violently at them, trying to erase the memory through force alone.
“Remus couldn’t hate someone if he tried,” James says bracingly. “Plus, you’ve done much worse to him, yeah?”
“Oh yeah, let’s remind me of all my other sins right now,” Sirius wails, flailing his arms. They did not talk about his horrible mistake in fifth year.
“No, I’m just-I’m just saying! He’s not going to hate you. I mean, it’s like…like a compliment, right? Like, if you find him fit, he’s not gonna be mad!” James says, trying and failing to look a bit awkward.
“Yes, I’ll shove my dick onto you next! Let’s see how we turn out!” Sirius shrieks, thankful James has cast a muffiliato around the room, as he’s not keen on Effie or Monty hearing him go on about dicks.
James grins. “Never knew you felt that way about me, Pads. I’ll have to tell Lily, of course, I can’t have her thinking I’m cheating-”
Is he going insane? Sirius feels he must be going insane. “You-are-not-dating!” he says, slamming his fists on the bed. “And Moony is going to be- be weirded out, or awkward, or something! Because not everyone is as weirdly accepting as you!”
“She doesn't hate me anymore!" James reminds him, a grin on his face. "Plus, I think Moony’s gay, too, you know,” he says next, shrugging his shoulders.
And this shocks Sirius right out of his tantrum.
First, he’s never said he was gay. Is he gay? That’s…that’s a lot to think about.
And then, there’s Remus.
“Wh-what makes you think that?” Sirius asks, ignoring the first part of his thoughts.
James shrugs again. “I always thought he and David McHowell were a little too close in fifth year. They did a lot of studying alone. And I thought I saw a love bite on his neck once,” he says with a chuckle.
Sirius suddenly feels the urge to kill David McHowell. “Right,” he murmurs, clenching his hands into fists.
“I don’t think Moony will hate you either way, Pads. He’s not that type of guy,” James says diplomatically.
Sirius just sighs.
The next week is full of contemplation. Sirius spends all his free time thinking about Remus, thinking about his feelings towards the other boy, and what it all means.
Of course, he’s still having dreams. But now, they aren’t always so pleasurable. Some involve Remus looking at him with a disgusted face, sneering at him, yelling words of rejection and hatred. He wakes screaming, just like he did last year. But this time, he’s terrified to lose the boy he’s beginning to think he loves.
It’s after one of these nights of terrifying dreams that he’s sitting alone by the window, sipping at his coffee, watching the sun rise. Remus is due to arrive tomorrow, and he hasn’t heard from him at all.
He can’t stop thinking about him.
“Can’t sleep, Sirius?” The voice of Euphemia Potter jolts him from his reverie and he turns to see Effie holding her own mug, shuffling to meet him.
“A lot on my mind…” Sirius murmurs vaguely, gesturing to the chair next to him for Effie to sit.
As she sits and places her mug down, she looks at him with careful, loving eyes. “I’m happy to listen, if you’d like. I’ve been told I’m decent at it.” A smile. Her hand on his.
And, for some reason, this is what breaks Sirius. A mother’s love, an offer of affection.
So, he squeezes the hand back, closes his eyes, and whispers into the still air, “I think I’m gay. And…I don’t know how to feel about that.”
And he feels a returning squeeze, Effie’s other hand come to join their connected ones. He opens his eyes hesitantly to take in Effie’s warm, loving expression.
Relief washes through him.
“Oh, Sirius. You know Monty and I love you so much, right?” Effie whispers, pulling him in for a hug.
He nods, choking back the tears that threaten to spill over. “But what if…what if other people don’t?” he asks her shoulder, hiding his face there.
Effie pulls back and holds him at an arm’s length, looking at him deeply. “The people who matter, the people who are good? They will. Whoever you’re thinking about…does he matter? Is he good?”
Sirius nods again, tears falling now. Remus is the best, he wants to say. There is nobody better.
“Then, he’ll love you. Perhaps not in the way you want. But if he is truly good, he’s going to accept you for you.”
He can’t sleep, the night before Remus is set to arrive. He is nervous, and terrified, and still a bit embarrassed, and he has half a mind to run off to Peter’s to avoid the whole damn situation.
But he’s talked to James, who is again, a fucking amazing friend, and James has set him straight (ha), and told him he needs to sort his shit out, because they have exciting plans for the rest of their final year, damn it, and no telenovella drama is going to mess them up.
So Sirius waits, tearing at his cuticles with his teeth, as noon ticks closer.
Effie and Monty are both working, so he and James are lounging on the couches in the sitting room when the fire roars to life and a slightly-sooty Remus Lupin steps out.
Instantly, Sirius’s breath is taken away.
How, how, has Remus gotten taller since they’ve last seen each other?
As James greets Remus with a quick hug, Sirius has trouble forming words. Until James, smiling a bit evilly, says, “Sirius, I thought Remus could share with you? I forgot to tell you, I promised Pete he could share with me when he arrives tomorrow.”
Suddenly, all of Sirius’s gratitude for James is gone. How will he survive sharing a room alone with Remus for a whole week? But he can’t exactly refuse with both James and Remus staring at him, so he just smiles and nods when James suggests Sirius help Remus with his things.
James is mysteriously absent when Sirius and Remus arrive upstairs, and the awkwardness between them is making Sirius so tense he almost starts cracking jokes just to ease the strain.
But Remus begins speaking: “Erm…had a good summer so far?” he asks, turning around to set his trunk on the cot set out for him, and Sirius does not stare at his arse, thank you very much.
“Fine,” Sirius says, silently begging his body to remain calm as Remus again bends over to pick up another bag.
But Remus suddenly sits on the cot and sighs, looking at Sirius nervously. “Padfoot….are you mad at me?”
“What?” Sirius asks, trying and failing to keep the incredulity out of his voice. “Why the fuck would I be mad at you?”
Remus gives him a strange look. “You…you’ve been avoiding me for months. And then, the train.”
“Right,” Sirius nods. They weren’t going to avoid this, then. “I…I’m sorry. I’ve been…been trying to not make you…uncomfortable. But on the train…I just…yeah, I’m sorry.”
Remus looks confused at this. “Uncomfortable?”
Is he going to make him say it out loud? “Erm…yeah. Because…because of my feelings.” There. That should do it.
But he can’t even read Remus’s expression, now. “Feelings?”
“Don’t make me say it, Moons,” Sirius whispers, feeling ashamed now that he’s faced with the boy he’s been thinking about for so, so long. He can’t even look in his eyes.
And there it is. His voice is cold. And Sirius just knows that Remus hates him. And even though he doesn’t want to, he feels himself tear up. “I…I tried, Remus. Believe me.” It takes everything in him to look beseechingly into Remus’s eyes. “I tried to…to not feel this way. To not feel so…so strongly. But I just…well, you’re quite perfect,” he lets out a humorless laugh, “you really are perfect, with your smile, and your hair, and gods, your hands, and you have no idea how hard it is to not love you.” He’s babbling. He’s babbling and oh, gods, now he’s gone and said that.
But Remus’s expression is changing into one of…of shock? “Wait…what?”
Sirius laughs derisively again. “I’ll find a way to get over it. It’s…it’s just taking more time than I thought, I g-”
There are lips on his.
Remus’s hands are on both sides of his face, their lips connected, moving slowly, and Sirius has completely lost his breath again. What is happening?
Remus pulls away, just an inch, and stares into his eyes. Sirius can feel his legs almost give out at the way Remus is looking at him.
“Please…don’t get over it,” Remus whispers in a low voice, and Sirius almost moans at the words.
“I…” he can’t form sentences. English? What’s that?
“You’re an idiot,” Remus says, his face still inches from Sirius’s own. He moves his hands to Sirius’s waist, wrapping them there securely, and moving them backward slowly.
In the back of his mind, Sirius registers that they are moving towards his bed.
“You think I don’t love you?” Remus whispers into his ear, making him shiver as they take another step backward.
His knees hit the bed and Sirius sits, quite flustered, as Remus stands over him, brushing his lips along his neck.
“You think I haven’t loved you for years?” Remus asks, slowly kissing down Sirius’s neck and pausing at a spot to suck, making Sirius moan just a little. “I thought you were being awkward because you found out. And you didn’t love me.”
“F-fuck. I- I really had no idea, t-to be honest,” Sirius tries to say in a normal voice as Remus’s hands find their way to his hips, under the bottom of his shirt, to the bare skin there.
“Idiot,” Remus repeats, his voice almost fond, as he brings their lips back together.
And Sirius has had a lot of dreams about kissing Remus Lupin. Too many to count at this point, really. But they all pale in comparison to the real thing.
The way Remus kisses him is passionate and hungry and cuts through every single one of his senses. He feels surrounded as their tongues come together in the same moment Remus brings his hand up his shirt, spreading his fingers along his chest, making Sirius arch his back slightly, pushing into the touch.
“Can I-?” Remus asks, pulling away from the kiss to graze his lips against Sirius’s jaw.
But Sirius doesn’t even care what he’s asking to do. “Yes. Anything, yes,” he breathes, and he swears he can hear a little moan escape Remus’s red kiss-bruised lips.
He almost cries of happiness as Remus’s beautiful, perfect fingers start to undo buttons on his shirt, pulling it off his body and throwing it haphazardly on the floor. “Beautiful,” Remus mumbles, pulling their lips back together and trailing his hands up and down Sirius’s back, making him shiver.
Trying to keep his brain half in his head, Sirius pulls back and yanks at Remus’s shirt as well, half-hard just thinking about the way their chests will come together like their lips; no fabric between them.
But Remus suddenly freezes.
“No?” Sirius murmurs, sitting back a bit.
Remus stares, seemingly thinking about it.
“You don’t have to, Remus. But…you know I think you’re perfect,” Sirius whispers, hoping to Merlin he’s saying the right thing in a seemingly very important moment.
Apparently, he has, because Remus pulls his shirt off quickly, averting his eyes as Sirius gazes at him hungrily.
It’s not as if he’s never seen Remus shirtless. But like this? He looks like a god. And Sirius tells him so, only blushing a little bit.
“Fuck,” Remus murmurs, seemingly without even thinking about it, before crashing their lips back together.
And gods, he was right. A shirtless Remus Lupin is surely the way Sirius will die, because suddenly everything feels ten times more intense. As if just the fact that they have shed one article of clothing each has somehow made this all the more important. All the more consuming.
He revels in the feel of Remus’s fingers along his back as he trails his hands on Remus’s spine as well. Both their breaths hitch when Remus traces against a spot that makes Sirius moan, and when he’s about to blush and pull away, Remus does it again.
Yes, this is the way he will go. He’s not upset.
“Sirius…we need to stop,” Remus whispers, pulling their lips apart again.
Now he’s upset.
“Why the fuck do we have to do that?” he finds himself almost whining before he can stop himself. Yes, he is completely in control. Not needy at all.
“I…” Remus stutters, looking down and blushing, wringing his hands a bit. He looks quite embarrassed.
And then, Sirius looks down, too. And he sees it.
Lord save him, Remus is hard. And judging from the bulge in his pants, he’s fucking huge. And suddenly, Sirius wants nothing more than to touch him.
“Get on the bed,” Sirius orders before he can stop himself, and looks up to see Remus looking both hopeful and shocked.
“We don’t have-”
“I want to. If you want to,” Sirius breathes, almost praying that Remus will say yes. Because fuck, he wants to see. He wants to touch. Damn it.
But Remus has always been a smart person, so Sirius is glad that he’s not stupid enough to argue, and he instead almost throws himself onto Sirius’s bed, settling into the pillows. And, without a moment’s hesitation, Sirius sits directly on his lap, legs pinning him down.
And then Remus, the absolute god that he is, brings his hands to Sirius’s hips and guides his body down, until their bodies are grinding together. And if Sirius wasn’t hard before, oh god he’s hard now.
He’s moaning, clenching his eyes shut and just feeling the way their cocks brush together. It’s surreal, and when he opens his eyes again, Remus is staring at him with such reverence that he almost comes right there. Instead, he moves his hips again, their clothed cocks rubbing together in the most delicious of ways, eliciting a moan from both of them.
“Sirius...” Remus breathes, eyes wide and pupils blown, as Sirius continues to move his hips, and if he died before, he must be in heaven now. He must be.
He lets out a whine when Remus lifts his own hips to meet his, because even this little shift makes the friction so much better, and he can’t help but pull Remus closer, pull their lips together, tangle his fingers in Remus’s hair and just push their bodies as close together as possible. He wants to be closer, to be surrounded by this boy, to be one person with him.
He’s desperate with his movements now and he hardly cares, as he grips onto Remus’s hips with his knees, tangles his fingers in his hair roughly, keens wantonly as Remus bites at his lip. He just wants.
And then, as if Remus is reading his mind, he finds himself flipped over, sandwiched between Remus and the bed, and Remus’s hands are splayed on his ribs as he begins to kiss slowly down his stomach.
“Rem-” he barely gets out as lips attach to his nipple and suck, making him arch bodily off the bed, moaning loudly.
“D’you want me to stop?” Remus’s voice is ragged, now, and his hot breath is by Sirius’s waistband.
And Sirius thinks he will absolutely die if he stops.
He must have said as much out loud, because Remus chuckles, his fingers nimble as they undo Sirius’s pants.
“What do you want, Sirius?” Remus’ rough voice comes again as he removes Sirius’s pants, throwing them to the ground quickly.
“You,” Sirius moans, quite past being embarrassed about his neediness.
And perhaps he’s imagining things, but he swears he can hear Remus murmur, “You have me, love.”
And that’s that. He’s quite ruined for everyone else, thanks.
But he’s distracted by Remus kissing back up his body, swirling his tongue around his other nipple, just long enough to make him groan, and their lips are together again and he’s lost in the sensation.
But he soon feels the bulge in Remus’s pants pushing lightly against his hip, and he’s reminded of what he saw earlier, so he quickly reaches down and helps Remus rid himself of his pants as well, panting as he does so because, fuck, Remus has amazing thighs, alright?
The tenting in Remus’s boxers is enough to redirect him, though, and he (quite bravely, he thinks), reaches out and grazes his hand over the damp hardness there.
What was his favorite sound before this? Well, it doesn’t matter. Because now, it’s the sound that Remus makes as he closes his hand around him. It’s like music.
“Fuck, Sirius,” Remus chokes out, before shoving him bodily back on the bed.
And Remus, quiet Remus who would not hurt a fly outside of the Full Moon, is suddenly pinning him to the bed, murmuring, “Can I touch you? Let me touch you, please.”
And Sirius moans, nodding fervently, his hands suddenly freed as a frenzied Remus Lupin is pulling down both of their boxers, grabbing both their cocks in his hand, and wrapping his hand around them. It’s…well, Sirius is quite proud of himself for holding it together, if he’s honest.
And Remus is kneeling over him, one knee on either side of him and breath hot in his ear, as he begins to move his hand over both of their lengths, both of them moaning together. His other hand pins one of Sirius’s to the bed and their eyes lock. And Sirius feels so fucking seen. Like someone is looking into his soul. He’s been given a handjob before, sure. But it was nothing like this. Nothing so intimate. Nothing that made him feel so close to someone.
“You’re perfect. Fuck, Sirius, you’re so fucking hot,” Remus murmurs, and Sirius just keens, scratching at Remus’s back with his nails of his free hand as Remus quickens his movements. “I’ve wanted this for ages,” Remus continues, biting at Sirius’s earlobe and making him emit a rather-embarrassing mewling noise. “Wanted you.”
“Remus,” is all Sirius manages to say, so overwhelmed by the feeling of Remus touching him, the feeling of their cocks together. He’s so unbelievably hard, harder than he’s ever been in his life, and he feels the pleasure building in his spine, his toes starting to curl.
“Wanted to touch you. Wanted to make you fall apart like this,” Remus murmurs in his ear again, and by gods, whoever taught that boy to talk like that deserves a fucking medal. Because right now, Remus looks powerful. And in control. And Sirius feels weak, in the best way, sprawled out on the bed, pinned down and moaning wantonly.
“Come for me, Sirius,” Remus whispers, as if he can tell that Sirius is close. His voice is ragged, now, and Sirius registers in the back of his mind that he must be close, too. “I bet you look so fucking hot when you come.”
Sirius lets out the loudest groan yet, so close to coming that his back again arches off the bed. Remus talking like that is doing things to him, for sure, and even though he’s usually proud of his stamina, he’s sure he won’t last much longer now.
“Come for me, baby. Let me see you.”
The name is what does it. White light explodes from behind his eyes as he all-but screams Remus’s name, painting both of them with his release as he shakes and wails from the pleasure. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world, the high of the orgasm, the feeling of Remus’s one hand on him, the other pinning his arm to the bed, Remus’s body on top of him. He’s surrounded by Remus.
And then Remus comes, too, whispering Sirius’s name like a prayer, hand still wrapped around both of them and moving slowly, making Sirius moan and squirm.
And when Remus collapses next to him, Sirius has a split second of terror, where he worries that this was all, somehow, a dream. Or that Remus, despite his confessions in the moment, doesn’t feel the same way. Until Remus groans, reaches for his wand, and waves it, cleaning both of them, before pulling Sirius close to him, spooning him and nuzzling into his hair. “You’re beautiful,” Remus mutters. “So fucking beautiful, Sirius. I…”
And Sirius feels so safe. So sated. So loved and happy.
“Love you,” Remus again murmurs into his hair, and Sirius grins to himself, blushing a bit, despite the fact that Remus literally had his hand on his dick not two minutes ago.
“Love you too, Moons,” he whispers back, closing his eyes as his body begs for sleep.
And then, there’s a knock on the door.
“Oi! As thrilled as I am that you two’ve sorted your shit out, Mum and Dad will be back in half hour and neither of you were smart enough to put up a Silencing Charm. So while I go Obliviate myself to try to forget what I just heard, perhaps you two could put some fucking clothes on?”
He turns to lock eyes with Remus, who looks just as mortified as he does. Shit. Poor James.
What'd you guys think? I know it's not all-out sex, but I decided to ease myself in. If you like it, I'll write more, don't worry. Click below to leave comments and kudos if you feel so inclined!
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lumosatnight · 1 year
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22 FIC RECS 2022!
There have been some fantastic fics this year. Out of the hundreds that I've read (yes, hundreds) here are some of my favorites! These are all fics that I've read and loved in 2022, although some of them are quite a few years older. Here's to another year in the wonderful HP fandom! 22 fics ordered by ship!
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut
💫 Drarry 💫
1. help yourself and refuse to be buried by Ingi [Drarry, G, 3k] 💔 🍰 A heartfelt story about food and magical cooking! Master of Death Harry connects with his family and his Indian heritage after the war (and also with Draco ahem).
2. Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants [Drarry, E, 36k] 🌼 🔥 If you enjoy slag Harry with a heart of gold trying to woo his way into Draco's pants, then this fic is for you. Did I mention it's regency era?
3. facedown on my bed (thinking of you) by @onbeinganangel [fem!Drarry, M, 10k] 🌼 💅 A super sweet college AU fic in which Drarry end up being unlikely roommates. They still remain in character while being genderswapped!
4. Good Boy by @lqtraintracks [Drarry, E, 15k] 🔥 🐺 HOT WEREWOLF SMUT!!! Everything you could possibly want with a fic like this. Size kink, breeding kink, scenting, knotting.... um, hell yeah!!
5. An Emerald In The Sky by @corvuscrowned [Drarry, M, 7k] 💔 ⏳ Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Time travel fuck buddies to lovers with Unspeakable Harry. A love story for the ages. Crow, you continue to amaze me with your fics.
💫 Common Ships 💫
6. Industry by charlolwut [Wolfstar, G, 22k] 🌼 📷 Sirius Black is a Muggle TV producer. Remus is his editor. Secrets, misunderstandings, and hilarity ensue!
7. oops I did it again by Anonymous [Jily, E, 16k] 🌼 🔥 College AU where James and Lily are accidental fuck buddies and Lily is confused about it. Their dynamic is flirty and combative! I love James so much in this.
8. The funny thing about grief and time by @etalice [Snarry, E, 44k] 💔 🫂 This fic is flipping fantastic! The angst is glorious, the setting is gorgeous, the interactions are beautiful. Time travel and loneliness wrapped into one amazing story!
9. a mass of fools and knaves by @displayheartcode [slash!Romione, T, 2.6k] 🌼 📖 Short but sweet. Male Hermione is instantly drawn to Ron and how they grow together throughout the years. You'll be rooting for them the whole time!
💫 Rare Pairs 💫
10. Growing Teeth by @earlybloomingparentheses [Flonks, E, 2.6k] 💔 🔥 This is a story about growth and recovery and fucking. This is also a story about hair and cutting it all off to finally feel free. Fantastic characterization!
11. Crown Enterprises by @storyof-eden [Cissamione, E, 3k] 💔 🔥 I cannot get over this fic!! Mob boss Narcissa and assassin Hermione are the murder lesbians of my dreams.
12. Little Old Witch by @anxiousgoat-blog [Aragusta, G, 12k] 🌼 👶 This is an AU I can get behind 1000%! Augusta Longbottom finds out Harry is being abused and raises him herself. With the help of the friendly neighborhood squib :)
13. Extraordinarily Ordinary by starstruck1986 [Sirron, E, 9k] 💔 🔥 This ship came out of nowhere, but once I read this fic I couldn't unsee it. Ron is just the right amount of innocent and insecure to be taken in by Sirius's charms.
14. Courtship Rituals by @impishtubist [Cedrarry, T, 4k] 🌼 🌹 Cedric tries to court Harry, but of course he's oblivious. This is cute and hilarious!
15. Yes, Minister by iamisaac [Kingco, E, 1.5k] 🔥 👔 This is pure filthy smut between Draco and his minister boyfriend. Hop aboard the Kingsley/Draco ship where there's mind-blowing sex and that sweet sweet age difference!
16. Gyre and Gimble by eldritcher [Drarity, M, 3k] 💔 ☀️ A stunning fic from one of my hands-down favorite authors! Draco is drawn to the prisoner in the manor's basement. Charity is perhaps a little mad.
💫 Poly Ships 💫
17. A Life Worth Remembering by @writcraft [Snarryaco, E, 23k] 💔 🔥 Memory loss, de-aged Severus Snape, and established Drarry pulling him into the fold. This fic is such a wonderful dive into polyamory and relationships.
18. Terms and Conditions by @maraudersaffair [Linnansy, E, 8k] 🌼 🔥 Pansy can't get over her ex (Ginny) and is stuck on a trip with Ginny's new girlfriend (Luna). This fic made me laugh, swear, and sweat all in one sitting.
19. Slice of Pleasure by @misdemeanor1331 [Bleonsy, E, 5k] 🔥 🔪 Theo is obsessed with knives, Pansy is obsessed with Theo, and Blaise is just there for a good time. Knife kink and hot smut. Like very hot. Very very hot. But also sweet.
💫 Gen 💫
20. Nine Hundred and Twelve by @cannibalschism [Fred & George, T, 5k] 💔 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 This fic is filled to the brim with metaphors, friendship, and life lessons. I absolutely loved this take on time travel and the journey that George takes. Percy is the real MVP!
21. Where You Belong by blue_string_pudding [Severus, T, 6k] 💔 🐀 This is probably the creepiest, most unsettling thing I've ever read. I completely ADORE it. But I was definitely checking around corners after reading it.
22. Family Legacy by @thistlecatfics [The Tonks, T, 2k] 🌼 💔 Following Ted, Nymphadora, and Teddy as they navigate life and queer identity. This is a fic that is so wonderfully poignant, it leaves you in awe of all that it accomplished.
💫 Bonus fics! 💫
Here's a WIP I'm excited about for 2023!
One More to Love by @krethes, @theresthesnitch [Wolfstarbucks, E, 94k, WIP] 🌼 🔥 Omegaverse and surprise pregnancy! The sexual chemistry between the three is off the charts! I'm not usually into WIPs, but for this I am (im)patiently waiting for every update.
Also a cheeky self-rec because why not?
What is this, fucking Jeopardy? by @lumosatnight [Drarry, E, 20k] 🌼 ❓Cursed Draco meets Curse-Breaker Harry. Lots of misunderstandings, humor, oblivious boys in love, and talking in circles. Will Draco ever be cured? Was the author in hysterics while writing this?
Want more fics to read?
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
My 2021 list, b-day oneshots, WLW Library
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thehonoredonesrpg · 10 days
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¡Os traemos una pequeña novedad!
Como ya no queda mucho para completar la información relativa a la ambientación del foro, queremos avisar a todos los que nos siguen que la apertura de las reservas está muy próxima. Antes de ir a la fecha, queremos hacer un adelanto de lo que se subirá entre hoy y mañana:
Pactos, vínculos y técnicas malditas
Pliegues y sellos
Posteriormente, como nos han pedido, también subiremos ejemplos de técnicas malditas que se han empleado en el manga de Jujutsu Kaisen y buscaremos también algún ejemplo de los demonios que aparecen en Chainsaw Man, por si os sirve de guía e inspiración.
Las reservas podrán hacerse mañana día 16 de abril hasta el día de la apertura, aún por anunciar. Dejaremos hasta las últimas dos horas, en caso de que alguien necesite realizar algún cambio o por si hay algún rezagado. El horario de apertura será el siguiente:
20:00 en España (hora peninsular)
13:00 en México, Perú y Colombia
15:00 en Chile, Argentina y Venezuela
Antes de reservar, pedimos que por favor tengáis en cuenta la siguiente normativa, porque si algo se sale de ella la reserva no tendrá validez.
Pondremos un anuncio previo a la apertura de reservas. Hasta que ese anuncio no esté colgado, no podrán mandarse ningún tipo de reserva.
Se atenderán por orden de llegada. No sabemos si vamos a estar saturados o si el flujo de gente será más llevadero, pero intentaremos dar notificación del listado lo más pronto posible.
Únicamente puede reservarse PB, porque no hay cupos de ningún tipo para oficios, técnicas y derivados.
Pueden reservarse hasta 2 PBs para uso propio. No se permiten reservas para búsquedas.
El PB deberá de ser real y el personaje no podrá contar con más o menos de 5 años de los que el PB tenga en la realidad.
Las reservas se mantendrán durante 7 días desde la apertura del foro, tiempo que creemos suficiente para haber creado los personajes. En caso de que alguien necesite algo de tiempo extra, se puede poner en contacto con nosotros.
Tendréis que poner el nombre del PB, un nick de registro y una contraseña para que, el día de la apertura, nadie intente colarse. Quedaría de la siguiente forma:
PB — Nick — Contraseña
Aaron Taylor-Johnson — Crow
Alina Olesheva — Dragon
Álvaro Morte [NPC]
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Day
Ana de Armas — Xandro
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey — Bonny
Aubrey Plaza — whats
Bethany Joy Lenz [NPC]
Brian Tee [NPC]
Casey Deidrick — bukowski
Charleen Weiss — G.
Choi Soo Bin— Panic
Choi Yeon Jun — Badblood
Deborah Ann Woll [NPC]
D.J. Cotrona [NPC]
Ed Skrein [NPC]
Eiza González — Poppy
Ella Purnel — Mercy
Eva Mendes [NPC]
Havana Rose Liu — Snoopy
Hero Fiennes Tiffin — Serra
Hiroyuki Sanada [NPC]
Jeffrey Wright [NPC]
Jensen Ackles — Hombre Lavadora
Jeon Won Woo — Melinoe
John David Washington — bulldog
Kang Seul Gi — akugetsu
Ken Watanabe [NPC]
Kim Min Gyu — yoshida
Lily James — JED
Lizeth Selene — Boo
Maggie Q [NPC]
Mahershala Ali [NPC]
Manny Jacinto — Snoopy
Matthew Noszka — muricano
Michael B. Jordan — Air
Minatozaki Sana — shintani
Ming na Wen [NPC]
Nana Komatsu — Fool
Natasha Liu Bordizzo — Grimmjow
Oscar Isaac — Atom
Rebecca Ferguson — whats
Rosemund Pike [NPC]
Ryan Porter — bukowski
Sarah Rafferty — Dory
Shen Quan Rui (Ricky) — Ian
Steve Milatos — Crow
Suki Waterhouse — Mercy
Theo James — Drama
Tony Thornburg — Grimmjow
Vachirawit Chiva-aree (Bright) — Astro
Will Higginson — Leucocito
Yulef Bopp — Ploff
Zoey Deutch — Xandro
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
h a r r y  p o t t e r  m a s t e r l i s t
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
✿ = fluff
➷ = angst
⁂ = hurt/comfort
☽ = alternate universe
♡ = gender neutral reader (they/them pronouns) - default
❀ = female reader (she/her pronouns) - by request
✧ = male reader (he/him pronouns) - by request
remus lupin
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my sun, my moon ➷✿♡
remus notices you in the library one day and thinks his feelings for you are his best kept secret, that is, until james and sirius encourage him to tell you how he feels…in the most remus way possible
the golden seeker ✿♡
remus attends every one of your quidditch matches…except one…prompting a profound apology and a grand gesture.
hiccups and hijinks ➷✿❀
upon encountering an unfortunate bout of the hiccups, remus attempts to cheer you up, only to land the two of you a bonus assignment that ruins your respective Hogsmeade plans. rather than let the opportunity go to waste, the marauders and friends plan a surprise night of revels with fluffy consequences.
sirius black
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of shakespeare and stars ➷✿❀
you’ve caught sirius black’s attention but are unrelenting in refusing his advances until one day when he goes too far in an attempt to woo you and is forced to be …*shudders*… sincere.
black is blue ➷⁂✿❀
you’re over at the Black residence, spending time with your best fried Regulus, when you hear a crash, shout, and see the pained eyes of Sirius Black. ~ a.k.a. reader becomes Sirius’ personal Madame Pomfrey ~
regulus black
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never letting you go ➷✿⁂♡
regulus and you are the closest of friends until he starts pulling away and becoming distant.
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granatkoroleva · 7 months
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𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
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Individual fics that can be read as a stand-alone or in a nonconcurrent collection
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𝐑𝐞𝐝, 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞, & 𝐖𝐨𝐨! ➢ Collection: Red, White, & Woo! (1) | E | 4.8K | Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
𝐈𝐧𝐤’𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐝 ➢ E | 3.3K | TattooArtist!Steve Rogers x GentlemansClubWorker!Bucky Barnes
𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 ➢ E | 2.4K | Nomad!Alpha!Steve x Recovering!Omega!Bucky Barnes
𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐰 ➢ E | 1.4K | Dark!Beta!Sheriff!Bucky Barnes x Outlaw!Alpha!Steve Rogers
𝐉𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤 ➢ E | 1.9K | Undercover!Priest!Bucky x Undercover!Inmate!Steve
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 4.5K | Pre!Serum Steve Rogers x Beefy/Chubby!Bucky Barnes
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐤 ➢ Collection: Red, White, & Woo! (2) | E | 6.6K | Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 10.2K | Dragon!Steve Rogers x Farmer!Bucky Barnes 
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 ➢ E | 4.5K | RetiredCap!Alpha!Steve Rogers x Baker!Omega!Bucky Barnes
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭 ➢ Collection: Bucky's Bunny (1) | E | 4k | Dad's Best Friend!Silver Fox! Bucky Barnes x Graduate!Steve Rogers
𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ➢ E | 1.6k | Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Omega! Steve Rogers
𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ➢ E | 3.1K | Submissive!Max Burnett x Dom!Andy Barber x Switch!Rockstar!Bucky Barnes
𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ➢ Collection: Daddy At Law | E | 1.4K | Andy Barber/Thomas T.J Hammond
𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 ➢ E | 834 | Himbo!Steve Rogers x Bartender!Bucky Barnes
𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ➢ E | 2K | Pre!Serum Steve Rogers x Modern!Bucky Barnes
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 ➢ E | 2.6K | Modern!Bucky Barnes x Modern!Post-Serum!Steve Rogers 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 ➢ E | 3.7K | Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Alpha Wolf!Werewolf!Steve Rogers 𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 9.7K | Trans!Nurse Steve Rogers x Vampire!Bucky Barnes 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ➢ Collection: Bucky's Bunny (2) E | 2.3K | Dad's Best Friend!Silver Fox! Bucky Barnes x Graduate!Steve Rogers
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐭 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 2k | Erotic Performer!Bucky Barnes x Officer!Steve Rogers
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 ➢ E | 3K | Dom!Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes! x Sub!Steve Rogers x Sub!Pre-War!Bucky Barnes
𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐲 ➢ E | 2K | Adrenaline Junkie!Bucky Barnes/Pre!Serum! Steve Rogers
𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 2.5K | Demon!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Steve Rogers
𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ➢ Collection: Summertime Swooning (1) | M | 762 | Pre!Serum!Steve Rogers x Modern!Bucky Barnes
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 ➢ E | 1.1K | James "Bucky" Barnes x Thomas "T. J." Hammond x Steve Rogers
𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➢ Collection: Summertime Swooning (2) | M | 1K | Pre!Serum!Steve Rogers x Modern!Bucky Barnes
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 ➢ Collection: Two Side of The Same Coin (1) | E | 1.4K | CW!Bucky Barnes x Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐲 ➢ Collection: Summertime Swooning (3) | T | 1.3k | Pre!Serum!Steve Rogers x Modern!Bucky Barnes
𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭 ➢ E | 1.1K | World War II Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 ➢ E | 2K | CEO!James "Bucky" Barnes x Sugar Baby!TJ Hammond
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➢ E | 1.3K | Priest!James Bucky Barnes x Demon!Nomad! Steve Rogers
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➢ E | &lt; 1K | Roman!Royalty!James Bucky Barnes x Gladiator!Steve Rogers
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰 ➢ Collection: Red, White, & Woo! (3) | E | 3.6K | Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➢ E | 5.2K | Modern!Bucky Barnes x Pre-Serum Steve Rogers
𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐨 ➢ E | 1.8K | Bucky Barnes x Lloyd Hansen / Bucky Barnes x Lloyd Hansen x Nick Fowler
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ➢ E | 2K | Dark!Witch!Bucky Barnes/Incubus!Chase Collins
𝐁𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ➢ E | 1.7K | Modern!Bucky Barnes x Boss!Ari Levinson
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐥 ➢ E | 4K | Master!Handler!Steve Kemp x Pup!Winter Soldier
𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐫 ➢ E | 2K | TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Johnny Storm
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 ➢ E | 3.2K | Steve Kemp x Lloyd Hansen
𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐆𝐨 ➢ T | 1K | Frat Boy!Steve Rogers x Amputee!College Student!Bucky Barnes
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 ➢ E | 1.9K | Modern!Steve Rogers x Ghost!Bucky Barnes
𝐀𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬 ➢ M | 2.6K | Recovering!Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Architect!Pre-Serum!Steve Rogers
𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 ➢ Collection: Interview To Be My Vampire (3) | M | 2.1K | Vampire!King!Steve Rogers x Human!Bride!Bucky Barnes
𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 ➢ | E | 4.8K | Grad Student!Bucky Barnes x Incubus!Steve Rogers
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐬 𝐀 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 ➢ | E | 6.7K | Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x Agent!Steve Rogers
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡𝐬 ➢ | E | 3.4K | Kelpie!Bucky Barnes x Merman!Prince!Steve Rogers
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫 ➢ | E | 1K | Sheriff!Lee Bodecker x Younger!Neighbor!Bucky Barnes
𝐀 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 ➢ | E | 2K | Beefy!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Alpha!Cap!Steve Rogers
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢-𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬
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thevindicativevordan · 11 months
If you were in charge of the new Ultimate line and had to assign creative teams to five books, which books would you make and who would you put on them?
Obviously Hickman needs a book but generally I would like to see:
Ultimates - Written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Bryan Hitch. The flagship title that drives the line. Whatever Hickman wants to do with them works for me, I doubt I could come up with a better pitch than he can.
Ultimate X-Men - Written by James Tynion IV and drawn by Alvaro Martinez Bueno. Look Tynion would never do it, he's making bank with his creator owned work, and I'd rather have him do a DC cape book, but he's who I would pick to write this. Mutants coming together in a world that hates and fears them, but with a twist: they're not out to win over humanity. This version of the X-Men is primarily focused on protecting mutants from humans, and part of the change is because who is on the founding team this go around. My choices, restricting it to five like the original X-Men team, would be Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Forge, and Emma Frost. Emma taking the position you would usually see Jean in helps justify this team being more militant. She's pushing Cyclops and the rest towards going on the offense. Senator Kelly wants to pass an act aimed at forcing humans to register and build Sentinels to kill those who won't? The X-Men frame him in a way that destroys his political and personal life. Hellfire Club is trying to assert control over mutants? Blackmail them into backing off. It's an X-Men team that is more morally gray than we're used to seeing, and is primarily focusing on countering human bigotry at first. Later we would see Magneto show up and the X-Men react to him.
Ultimate Fantastic Four - Written by Christopher Cantwell and drawn by Federico Vicentini. Cantwell has written both Doom and Reed before, and I think he would kill it on a F4 with a villainous Reed and a Doom that could be heroic. Two pitches come to mind like I mentioned in my previous Ultimate Universe post. Either this team is a traditional Fantastic Four with Maker back in the role of "Mr. Fantastic", but concealing that he remembers the old timeline and is biding his time while he studies this new universe, or it's Dr. Doom taking Reed's position as leader of the F4 while Maker serves as their primary antagonist. Reed back with the FF would make for great tension, you have this guy that everyone thinks of as a great hero - which Reed deliberately goes along with - all the while the other three don't yet realize that he's a monster. Maybe Reed is aiming to kill off Ben and Johnny (Ben for "betraying" him when Reed first turned and "stealing" Sue, Johnny for burning his face and being annoying in general), but keep Sue this time. So the tension is that Reed wants to get Ben and Johnny killed off but doesn't want Sue to blame him, so he's trying to maneuver the two into getting killed by one of their villains in a way Sue won't blame him for, all the while he's also wooing Sue to embrace his outlook on life. Alternatively you go with Doom as leader of the F4, with the new Ultimate Universe being a timeline where Reed is the one who gets fucked up by the events that give them their powers this time. Maker still remembers the old timeline and is pissed that he somehow has ended up even worse off this time around, with Sue, Johnny, and Ben pitying him and chafing under the leadership of Doom who is just barely a hero.
Ultimate Spider-Man - Written by Donny Cates and drawn by Ryan Stegman. This is who I would put on a Peter book. Would be a standard Spider-Man book just like the Bendis one was, only I would have it set in Peter's college years because I'm sick of high school Peter.
Ultimate Black Panther - Written by Geoffrey Thorne and drawn by Sanford Greene. Thorne has wanted the gig for ages, and I liked his post Hickman Secret Wars pitch for the character, from what I remember it was T'Challa patrolling economic zones Wakanda had established internationally to share some of their tech and improve life on Earth elsewhere. Doing that with a "Year 2" T'Challa is my pitch. He's established himself at home and is trying to turn Wakanda into a superpower via sharing it's tech with the world through certain economic zones. He's allowed ordinary Wakandans to leave the country and travel abroad. Wakandan conservatives are pissed at him for doing that, while the liberals are angry T'Challa still has left the strict immigration laws for outsiders intact. Other global powers are eyeing this new player warily, particularly the United States and China. T'Challa has plenty of enemies at home and abroad who are aiming to bring him down, and he has to use his brains, tech, and the power of the heart-shaped herb to stay on top.
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crazybutgood · 2 years
Day 5 (pennygalleon)
Today’s gift is dedicated to @pennygalleon from @thesleepiesthufflepuff! Please click on the images for better quality and view the video for the quotes inside the book 😊:
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Images’ description: in the image on the left, there’s a closed yellow origami book with ‘penny’ handwritten on the cover in cursive in black ink. In the image on the right, the book is opened to show its pages and a white flower origami bookmark.
Video description: the book is flipped through to display the quotes handwritten in cursive in blue ink from Penny’s fics. The quotes shown here are also typed out below the cut.
Penny, here’s Fay’s recs and message to you!:
When I think of people who continuously bring sunshine to the HP fandom, @pennygalleon is someone who instantly comes to mind. Penny, not only are you a brilliant writer, but your presence is like a warm, fuzzy blanket that surrounds us all. It's been so lovely getting to know you in the time we've both been in fandom, and I always do a little happy dance whenever I get an email that you’ve posted something new to Ao3. Your Erised 2021 fic, Take These Lies, is the perfect example of how captivating your writing is. You've got such a way with words, and each story you create tugs at my heart while also filling me with so much warmth. In Plain Sight, your My Bloody Valentine 2022 fic, is also another favorite of mine. You've got such an eye for worldbuilding, and your versions of Harry, Draco, and all other characters you've written have the most magical qualities to them. Penny, thank you for continuing to be a bright, brilliant light to this fandom. We’re all so lucky to have you and your works ❤️
Go leave some love for Penny on these fics, and check out her ao3 here! Book’s quotes and corresponding fics are below the cut:
Game On (T, 4848)
“This is a date, Potter. Prepare to be wooed.”
In Plain Sight (M, 4634) (Please mind the tags!)
“I was quite certain I saw lightning on the hill.”
Take These Lies (E, 19860)
“Well, if it isn’t the Great Gay Saviour himself.”
Knowing (T, 531)
“You know. I reckon you’d look pretty good with a ring on this finger, Potter.”
Food for Thought (M, 2626)
“We would never dream of allowing Harry Potter to be left unsatisfied.”
Rounds (M, 1717) (James/Regulus)
This was all Sirius’ fault, really.
Underneath the Mistletoe (T, 2300)
It was gentle, but not tentative, a kiss sweet and sure and sweeping the rug out from under him.
Haunted (T, 3535) (Regulus & Sirius)
And over it all, Sirius swore he could hear the sound of his little brother’s laughter.
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jules-has-notes · 6 months
The Sing-Off, s.4 ep.7 — Finale
And then there were three. But in the spirit of the holiday season, the show brought back all ten groups for one last hurrah. Most of this episode feels more like an old school variety show than a competition, but the individual performances from the three finalists are all excellent.
Group opener
It can be easy in the modern world to discount the impact that art has on people's lives. But in times of difficulty, we often turn to music for comfort and inspiration. If this version of Michael Jackson's classic anthem doesn't stir something inside you, I don't know what else to say.
title: Man in the Mirror
original performer: Michael Jackson
written by: Glen Ballard & Siedah Garrett
arranged by: The Sing-Off arrangers
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
the gradual layering and building of complexity throughout the arrangement
featuring a few more soloists than previous opening numbers
the eliminated groups entering the upper stage-side boxes and from the audience aisles just in time for the big key change
alternating Emoni's gorgeous riffs and Austin's high "woo"s over the full chorus
ending the season as it began, with everyone together, and a well deserved standing ovation
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Austin from Home Free was sick in the final days of the competition, and ended up whistling his vocal parts during rehearsals to preserve his singing voice for filming.
VoicePlay recorded their own version of this song eight years later, which ended up being their send-off video for J.None.
Order of performances
Nick Lachey & Jewel — "It Had To Be You"
AcoUstiKats — "Jingle Bell Rock" bumper
Ten & Shawn Stockman — "Joyful, Joyful" from Sister Act 2
Street Corner Renaissance — "White Christmas" bumper
The Filharmonic — "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" bumper
Pentatonix — "I Need Your Love" by Calvin Harris, feat. Ellie Goulding
Calle Sol — "Feliz Navidad" bumper
Home Free — "I Want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes
98 Degrees — "I'll Be Home For Christmas" by Bing Crosby
Princeton Footnotes — "Deck the Halls" bumper
Vocal Rush & Ben Folds — "Peace on Earth / Little Drummer Boy" by David Bowie & Bing Crosby
Element — "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" bumper
VoicePlay — "Jingle Bells" bumper
Ten — "Love On Top" by Beyoncé
Home Free & Jewel — "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" from Meet Me In St. Louis
a cappella 101 tutorial
five eliminated groups with Pat Benetar & Neil Giraldo — "We Belong"
Vocal Rush — "Roar" by Katy Perry
VoicePlay performance
[h/t to voiceplay_randomnness on IG for archiving this clip]
Give these guys forty seconds and a chance to riff on a classic song, and they'll give you three different musical genres that will all have you grooving in your seat.
title: Jingle Bells (commercial bumper)
original song: traditional American carol, first published as "The One Horse Open Sleigh" (1857)
written by: James Lord Pierpont
arranged by: VoicePlay
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
staying true to their name by playing with the beats and harmonies
their outfits — The wardrobe department clearly had so much fun dressing them for every episode, and this is no exception.
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VoicePlay have never recorded a traditional version of this song, but they've done two mashups that include it – "Bollywood Jingle Bells" on their 2012 holiday album "Peppermint Winter", and "Mission: Jingle Bells" as a promotional tie-in for the home media release of "Mission Impossible: Fallout" in 2018.
A Cappella 101 segment
Nick and the other judges may have poked fun at Ben for his vocabulary, but music does have a lot of specific technical terminology and jargon. (Props to Chris Rupp for actually offering one serious answer among the jokes.) A little wordplay never hurt anybody, though.
Tour announcement
I couldn't find a clip from the broadcast episode, but this promo video seems pretty legitimate.
Group performance
If there was one consistent theme for the whole season, it could be expressed by one line from this song: "We belong together." Dozens of talented singers coming together to create beautiful harmonies and rhythms are sure to brighten someone's day. This performance certainly puts a smile on my face.
title: We Belong
original performer: Pat Benetar
written by: David Eric Lowen & Dan Navarro
arranged by: The Sing-Off arrangers
air date: 23 December 2013
My favorite bits:
all five groups starting with traditional a cappella phonations that replicate instrumental sounds
building to a powerful backing chorus
the percussive stomping and clapping in the final section
everybody leaning in for hugs at the end
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VoicePlay were a little starstruck performing with one of the biggest pop stars of their childhoods.
Several of the competitors joked on social media during the broadcast about Neil Giraldo bringing an instrument into an explicitly a cappella show.
And the winner is…
Congratulations, Home Free!
With VoicePlay mostly being in the boxes or in the middle of big groups for this episode, we didn't get a great look at their full outfits, which is a shame. Luckily, they uploaded a bunch of backstage photos to their Facebook page.
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VoicePlay's stalwart sound guy Paul and his mom were in the audience for the finale.
Vocal Rush's videographer shot some wandering videos of the post-finale party with competitors and crew members, as well as some friends and family. VoicePlay can be seen mostly in the background of the second video.
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stuckyversebingo · 1 year
Sugar Daddy fic rec!
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WOO! Congratulations on being our first rec! The link to the first fic in the series, "The Storm and the Dust", can be found below.
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Captain America (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Shrunkyclunks, Captain America Steve Rogers/Modern Bucky Barnes, Retired Steve Rogers, Modern Bucky Barnes, Homelessness, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homophobic Parents (Off-Screen), Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Injury Recovery, Identity Porn, Age Difference, Bucky Is 25, Steve is 40, Guilt, So much guilt, Unreliable Narrator, Slow Burn, Masturbation, Fantasizing, Sexual Tension, Twink Bucky Barnes, Farmer Steve Rogers, fantasies of:, Daddy Kink, Anal Sex, Virginity Kink, Rimming, daddy Steve Rogers Series: Part 1 of Song of the Rolling Earth Summary:
Bucky Barnes was twenty-five years old. He had been a student of something before whatever happened to him, well. Happened. Bucky had lived his first shot at youth with a red, beating heart and the world before his feet until Steve’s own failure on the other side of the planet reduced Bucky and billions of others to lifeless, gray dust. But now—now, after 2023 and weak long-shots and time machines—here Bucky was: still ash in the wind even when he was ten feet away from Steve and made of bleeding, splintered flesh. He was ash reformed as a lonely kid with dirt in his hair and dried blood on his ear, and he was young, and he was devastating, and he was beautiful in a way that burned the tops of Steve’s own lungs.
The AU Farmer Daddy Steve and Bucky story.
story: | o n e | two | three | four | five |
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dvd collection #-i
9 dir. Shane Acker 12 Monkeys dir. Terry Gilliam Aftermath Genesis dir. Nacho Cerda All That Jazz dir. Bob Fosse Altered States dir. Ken Russell Amour dir. Michael Haneke Angst dir. Gerald Kargl Annie Hall dir. Woody Allen Another Public Enemy dir. Kang Woo-Suk Antiviral dir. Brandon Cronenberg Audition dir. Takashi Miike Battle Royale dir. Kinji Fukasaku Before Sunrise dir. Richard Linklater Before Sunset dir. Richard Linklater Begotten dir. E. Elias Merhige Bill Osco's Alice in Wonderland dir. Bud Townsend Black Swan dir. Darren Aranofsky Blood and Black Lace dir. Mario Bava Blue Valentine dir. Derek Cianfrance Blue Velvet dir. David Lynch Bottle Rocket dir. Wes Anderson Bruno dir. Larry Charles Bubba Ho-Tep dir. Don Coscarelli Bully dir. Larry Clark The Burning Moon dir. Olaf Ittenbach Cabin Fever dir. Eli Roth Cache dir. Michael Haneke Calvaire dir. Fabrice du Welz Cannibal Ferox dir. Umberto Lenzi Cannibal Holocaust dir. Ruggero Deodato Casablanca dir. Michael Curtiz Castle in the Sky dir. Hayao Miyazaki Cigarette Burns dir. John Carpenter The Conjuring dir. James Wan Coraline dir. Henry Selick Corpse Bride dir. Tim Burton Crimson Peak dir. Guillermo del Toro Cure dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa Delta Farce dir. CB Harding The Dentist dir. Brian Yuzna The Devil's Backbone dir. Guillermo del Toro Dogville dir. Lars Von Trier Double Indemnity dir. Billy Wilder The Dreamers dir. Bernardo Bertolucci Drive dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Dune dir. David Lynch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind dir. Michel Gondry The Evil Dead (1982) dir. Sam Raimi The Evil Dead (2013) dir. Fede Alvarez Experimental FIlms dir. Maya Deren Fando y Lis dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky Fantastic Mr. Fox dir. Wes Anderson Flowers dir. Phil Stevens The Fountain dir. Darren Aranofsky Freddy Got Fingered dir. Tom Green The French Dispatch dir. Wes Anderson Frontier(s) dir. Xavier Gens Funny Games (2007) dir. Michael Haneki Girl, Interrupted dir. James Mangold Goodnight Mommy dir. Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala The Grand Budapest Hotel dir. Wes Anderson The Great Muppet Caper dir. Jim Henson Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood dir. Hideshi Hino Gummo dir. Harmony Korine Half Baked dir. Tamra Davis Happiness of the Katakuris dir. Takashi Miike Hara-Kiri dir. Takashi Miike Hard Boiled dir. John Woo Hard Candy dir. David Slade Heathers dir. Michael Lehmann Hellraiser dir. Clive Barker Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer dir. John McNaughton Her dir. Spike Jonze A History of Violence dir. David Cronenberg The Holy Mountain dir. Alejandro Jodorowsky The Host dir. Bong Joon-Ho The Hunt dir. Thomas Vinterberg Ichi the Killer dir. Takashi Miike The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus dir. Terry Gilliam Imprint dir. Takashi Miike In a Glass Cage dir. Agustin Villaronga Inland Empire dir. David Lynch Inside dir. Verane Frediani & Franck Ribiere I Saw the Devil dir. Kim Jee-Woon I Spit on Your Grave dir. Meir Zarchi Isle of Dogs dir. Wes Anderson
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