#Joules: AMA ☆°•
gabi-de-a · 7 months
Ao João (Joaninho)
Que falta imensa você faz.
Nem toda a altura do céu,
Nem o ponto do mar mais profundo,
Nem o peso de tudo no mundo,
Jamais poderiam medir mais.
De todas as escalas que existem,
Do subjetivo ao mais racional,
Em Joules, Quilômetros, Gramas,
O que for mais ao sul, ou Ocidental,
Quantos círculos tiverem no inferno,
Ou o calor da mais ardente chama,
Unidade nenhuma mede a saudade sentida de alguém que tanto se ama.
O amor é, por si, sua própria grandeza,
E muito delicada em ser medida,
Tem seu próprio princípio da incerteza,
Mais curioso que qualquer partícula.
Porque o amor sempre está em algum lugar,
E também em todos ao mesmo tempo.
Por mais grandiosa sua intensidade,
Só o captamos de momento em momento,
E sua complitude intraduzível
Segue movendo o mundo inteiro.
Da mesma forma é, então, a saudade,
O outro lado dessa ilustre moeda,
O coração que por alguém bate
Vive sua vida à espera.
Todo lugar não é suficiente,
Precisava estar aqui ao lado!
Perto o bastante para abraçá-lo,
E te ver sorrindo mais uma vez.
Nunca, em toda a minha vida, quis a Europa tão perto da América.
Civilização nova e velha, por uma curta ponte unidas.
Que a viagem nem durasse um dia,
Só uns minutos, menos que horas,
Que nossa distância fosse só uma porta,
E que ficasse aberta, sem cerimônia.
Queria estar perto, para matar a saudade,
E que, assim, mal doesse ir embora,
Pois já bem logo voltaria
Para ouvir do dia suas histórias.
Por mim, faria a nova Pangeia,
Mas tem que colar Portugal no Brasil!
Coimbra bem ao lado de Cuiabá,
Fazer todo esse espaço sumir.
O povo merece ser feliz,
O Ursalino anseia cantar,
Mas não tem música, batida, ou dança,
Enquanto você não voltar.
Não há socialismo que chegue,
Nem bandeira vermelha a tremular,
Vai sempre faltar um pedaço,
Até a saudade passar.
E essa saudade só passa quando voltarem os seus lindos olhos,
Que olhem, atenciosos, para a história do país.
Seus olhos lindos, que tanto choram,
Tanto amam,
E me encantam,
Ao me lembrarem da sorte de ser vista por ti.
Quero mesmo que volte logo,
O mar já está a subir,
Cheio das lágrimas de saudade,
Até que chegue por aqui.
Eu te amo.
Gabriela de Alencar
Setembro de 2023
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O que acontece
Quando brincamos de reis,
Em terras que não são nossas?
Kyrie não o ouviria
Seus soluços são de luto
Por estar no caixão visível e tão material
Por um breve momento
Sentiu o choque de realidade
Fazendo o coração bater pelo querer de estar vivo
Peça fundamental do desfibrilador consciente
Esse que agora crio e deixo em 200 joules
Para trazer de volta do funeral literário
Alta dose de epinefrina até que redobre dos versos
Em literatura a morte deve ser sempre liberdade
Nunca do contrário.
Escritor que nunca pensou em estar morto
Nunca deve ter morrido de paixão
Pois só ama quando sabe que se perde
Tudo que respira tem o mesmo fim
Tem começo, meio e não se chega do outro lado
Uma inexistência instantânea
O efêmero então aparece
Surge das neblinas
Dessa escola fria e os armários tão vazios
Se eu pudesse
Voltaria ao tempo
Em que não se tinha consciência
Muito menos da consciência dos corpos
Foi nesse mesmo cemitério
Que outras vezes tanto visitamos
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Frases de Dios en la Biblia
La Biblia es el libro más sagrado para los cristianos. Es allí donde se recogen todas las veces que Dios ha hablado a los hombres. Estas son sus frases más recordadas:
- Hagamos al HOMBRE a nuestra IMAGEN, según nuestra SEMEJANZA; y que le estén sometidos los peces del mar y las aves del cielo, el ganado, las fieras de la tierra, y todos los animales que se arrastran por el suelo.
Génesis 1:26
- Fructificad y multiplicaos; llenad la tierra, y sojuzgadla, y señoread en los peces del mar, en las aves de los cielos, y en todas las bestias que se mueven sobre la tierra.
Génesis 1:28
- Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega —dice el Señor Dios—, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso.
Apocalipsis 1:8
- El que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.
Juan 8:12
- Porque yo soy el Señor, tu Dios, que sostiene tu mano derecha; yo soy quien te dice: No temas, yo te ayudaré.
Isaías 41:13
- Porque mis pensamientos no son los de ustedes, ni sus caminos son los míos —afirma el Señor—.
Isaías 55:8
- Así dice el Señor: «¡Maldito el hombre que confía en el hombre! ¡Maldito el que se apoya en su propia fuerza y aparta su corazón del Señor!
Jeremías 17:5
- No tengas miedo; yo soy el primero y el último. Soy el que vive; pues morí, pero ahora estoy vivo para siempre.
Apocalipsis 1:17
- Yo soy el Señor, Dios de toda la humanidad. ¿Hay algo imposible para mí? Jeremías 32:27
Frases sobre Dios en la Biblia
Estas son algunas de las frases sobre Dios que se dicen en la Biblia:
- No juzguen a otros para que Dios no los juzguen a ustedes. Pues dios los juzgará a ustedes de la misma manera que ustedes juzguen a otros. Mateo 7: 1 – 2
- Ningún ojo ha visto, ningún oído ha escuchado, ninguna mente humana ha concebido lo que Dios ha preparado para quienes lo aman. Corintios 2:9
- Porque toda casa tiene su constructor, pero el constructor de todo es Dios. Hebreos 3:4
- Nosotros amamos a Dios porque él nos amó primero. Juan 4:19
- Y nosotros hemos llegado a saber y creer que Dios nos ama. Dios es amor. El que permanece en amor, permanece en Dios, y Dios en él. Juan 4:16
- Humíllense delante del Señor, y él los exaltará. Santiago 4:10
- Pero el Señor cuida de los que le temen, de los que esperan en su gran amor. Salmos 33:18
- Nadie es santo como el Señor; no hay roca como nuestro Dios. ¡No hay nadie como él! Samuel 2:2
Frases de Dios para reflexionar
- Dios no habla, pero todo habla de Dios. -Julien Green
- El silencio es el único rumor que hace Dios cuando pasa por el mundo. -Víctor M. Arbeloa
- Dios es una especie de rueda que mueve todo, pero que ella misma no se mueve -Aristóteles
- Dios no tiene religión. -Mahatma Gandhi
- Quien busca la verdad, busca a Dios, aunque no lo sepa. -Edith Stein
- Dios quiere sin duda mucho a la gente humilde; pues de ser lo contrario, no los habría hecho tan numerosos -Abraham Lincoln
- Dios nos ha dado dos alas para volar hasta Él: el amor y la razón. -Platón
- Dios te ve. -San Juan Bosco
- Apunta al cielo y tendrás la tierra por añadidura. Apunta a la tierra y no tendrá ninguna de las dos cosas. -C.S. Lewis
- Las decisiones de Dios son misteriosas, pero siempre a nuestro favor. -Paulo Coelho
- Cada uno para sí y Dios para todos -Lenin
- Dios existe; pero no tiene ninguna prisa en hacerlo saber. -León Tolstoi
- En esta vida, es mejor amar a Dios que conocerlo. -Santo Tomás De Aquino
- Sólo Dios es el verdadero sabio. -Sócrates
- El hombre propone pero Dios dispone -Tomás de Kempis
- ¿Qué es Dios para los cristianos? Un gran castillo, un poderoso escudo, una buena arma -Martín Lutero
- Dios es la evidencia invisible. -Víctor Hugo
- Cuando un hombre descubre sus faltas, Dios las cubre. Cuando un hombre las esconde, Dios las descubre. Cuando un hombre las reconoce, Dios las olvida. -San Agustín.
- El Señor implica, complica y simplifica… -Carlos Clemente
- El Señor no se cansa de perdonar. Somos nosotros los que nos cansamos de pedir perdón. -Papa Francisco
- Para Dios todo es hermoso, bueno y justo. Los hombres han concebido lo justo y lo injusto. -Heráclito de Efeso
- Dios nos ama a cada uno de nosotros como si solo existiera uno de nosotros. -San Agustin
- Las personas ven a Dios todos los días, pero simplemente no lo reconocen. -Pearl Bailey
- Dios no es lo que usted se imagina o lo que usted cree que entiende. Si usted lo entiende ha fallado. -San Agustin
- Dios es tal, que todo lo que el hizo, comparado con él, es como si no existiese. -Mariano Aguiló
- No podría creer en un Dios al cual comprendiera. -Graham Greene
- Es fácil entender a Dios mientras usted no intente explicar como es El. -Joseph Joubert
- No hay poder que no venga de Dios. -San Pablo
Frases de científicos sobre Dios
- Ninguna ciencia está mejor autentificada que la religión de la Biblia (ni siquiera la matemática). -Isaac Newton
-Yo no he hecho más que buscar las leyes de Dios en el libro de la naturaleza. -Guglielmo Marconi
- No tengáis miedo de ser libres pensadores. Si piensas con suficiente fuerza, la ciencia te obligará a creer en Dios. -Lord Kelvin
- Un poco de ciencia aleja de Dios, pero mucha ciencia devuelve a Él. -Louis Pasteur
- Sólo conozco dos tipos de personas razonables: las que aman a Dios de todo corazón porque le conocen, y las que le buscan de todo corazón porque no le conocen. -Blaise Pascal
- Solo la gente boba dice que el estudio de la ciencia conduce al ateísmo. -Max Born
- Cuan grande es Dios, y nuestra ciencia una nonada. -André-Marie Ampère
- Lo que sabemos es una gota, lo que ignoramos es un inmenso océano. La admirable disposición y armonía del universo, no ha podido sino salir del plan de un ser omnisciente y omnipotente. -Isaac Newton
- La religión sin la ciencia estaría ciega, y la ciencia sin la religión estaría coja también. -Albert Einstein
- El primer sorbo de la copa de la ciencia te vuelve ateo, pero en el final del vaso, Dios te está esperando. –Werner Heisenberg
- La obra maestra más fina es la hecha por Dios, según los principios de la mecánica cuántica. -Schrödinger.
- El conocimiento científico complementa la fe en Dios, en lugar de contradecirla. -Francis Collins
- Es evidente que el conocimiento de las leyes de la naturaleza significa nada menos que el conocimiento de la mente de Dios expresado en ella. -James Prescott Joule
- La textura del universo es la más perfecta y la obra de un Creador sapientísimo. -Leonhard Euler
- Creo solamente en el servicio a Jesucristo. En el habita todo refugio y consuelo. -Johannes Kepler
- El hombre encuentra a Dios detrás de cada puerta que la ciencia logra abrir. -Albert Einstein
Frases de agradecimiento a Dios
- Agradecer a Dios Después de haber respondido nuestra oración se llama: GRATITUD. Darle gracias a Dios Antes se llama: FE.
- Dad gracias en todo, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús. -Tesalonicenses 5:18.
- Hoy quiero gritar que aunque mi vida no sea perfecta, agradezco a Dios por cada nuevo dia que me da.
- No te olvides de darle gracias a DIOS, porqué Él no se olvidó de despertarte esta mañana.
- Antes de quejarte… Mira siempre a tu alrededor y dale gracias a Dios por lo que tienes.
- Damos gracias a Dios por su bendición que nos rodea con su escudo de amor y nos cubre con su manto de luz.
- Nunca me faltes, Dios, porque mi vida sin ti no tiene sentido. Gracias por todo lo que me das sin yo enterarme.
- Gracias, Dios por no dejarme caer, por darme fuerzas para continuar, por ayudarme a nunca perder la fe.
- Voy a dar gracias a ti, Señor, de todo corazón; Voy a contar todas tus maravillas. -Salmos 9:1.
- Hoy le doy GRACIAS a DIOS porque respiro, camino, veo, hablo y porque me regala un día más de vida
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kon-igi · 5 years
LONG WAY HOME - Capitolo Due - Per un pugno di mosche
Capitolo Uno - Il cavaliere Impallidito
Questo è il punto di svolta da cui le cose vanno a farsi vieppiù spiacevoli, a partire in modo particolare dall’ascella.
(Prendete nota: è stato molto ganzo e scaltro essersi evitato due cartuccioni a pallettoni nel pancreas ma come tutti voi sicuramente saprete 14 (7+7) grammi di polvere nera Swiss N°2 detonati in una canna da 18,5 mm sviluppano una temperatura prossimale conduttiva di 3120 Joule e prima che andiate a rispolverare i vostri vecchi tomi di fisica vi dico che equivale a circa tre giorni di bestemmie fitte a suonare il banjo col gomito in alto per dare aria all’ascella ustionata)
♪♫ Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o C’è il whiskey nella giara! ♪♫
La tempesta lasciata alle mie spalle, pancake di arenaria rossa che mi cingono i bordi degli occhi, sopra di me un sole cattivo che sembra suggerirmi di provare a togliere il cappello e sotto di me il fedele e possente Re Nero, un pony color panna acida senza una zampa.
♪♫ Mush-a rin… CAZZO! dumb-a do dumb-aAARGH! Wack fall the dadEEEHHHH!!!, wack fall thECCHECCAZZO! C’è il whiskey nella giarAAAHHHHHH!! EH NOOOO, CRISTO!!! ♪♫
Rennie – gli dico spazientito – cerca di sincronizzare il passo monco coi punti morti degli accordi sennò mi fai assomigliare a Jimi Hendrix che cerca di mangiare fried chicken wings da un pollo vivo!
Vaffanculo – controbatte Rennie o perlomeno è quello che credo intenda, in assenza di un buon dizionario cavallese-umano.
E si continua così, col gomito sinistro che punta ben alto verso la stella polare e il graffiare metallico del banjo, che mi accompagna nell’esecuzione della vecchia e famosa ballata di whiskey, donne e tradimenti.
Io stavo cavalcando in mezzo ai monti Kerry Poi vidi il Captain Farrel che contava il suo bottino Puntai la mia pistola, sventolai la sciabolona Gli dissi ‘molla l’osso!’ perché un ladro ruba a un altro.
♪♫ Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o C’è il whiskey nella giara! ♪♫
Contai le sue monete, mordendo pure i penny Le misi tutte in sacca e tornai dalla mia Jenny Lei splendida mi bacia e mi dice che mi ama Ma il diavolo la prenda ché le donne sono serpi
♪♫ Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o C’è il whiskey nella giara! ♪♫
Andai nella mia stanza per fare un sonnellino Sognai cascate d’oro da donare alla mia donna Ma Jenny la bagascia mi bagnò le munizioni E disse a Captain Farrel di venire a massacrarmi
♪♫ Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o C’è il whiskey nella giara! ♪♫
Col sole ancora a nanna, appen prima di svegliarmi sfondaron la mia porta Captain Farrel e i suoi soldati sparai cinque o sei colpi, ché la sciabola non c’era ma con l’acqua nella canna in galera mi gettaron
♪♫ Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da Wack fall the daddy-o, wack fall the daddy-o C’è il whiskey nella giara! ♪♫
– Ehi! Guarda là, Rennie, più avanti sulla strada! Non ti pare un cartello con uno scontatissimo teschio di vacca appeso a un angolo?! Ti sei mai chiesto perché si vedano un sacco di teschi di vacca in giro ma non il resto dello scheletro? Forse esiste un cimitero delle vacche dove questi animali vanno a morire ghigliottinati e poi qualcuno si prende la briga di appenderne le teste in giro! Eh, Rennie? –
Vaffanculo – un altra volta, anche se voglio pensare di avere capito male e che invece l’idea lo esaltasse.
Mi avvicino al cartello, strizzo gli occhi nella luce del sole che va indebolendosi e leggo ad alta voce il nome
Continuo a fissare il cartello per cinque minuti buoni, con la strana sensazione inspiegabile che qualcosa non vada per il verso giusto, finché non mi rendo conto che è solo profonda compassione per i residenti dislessici. Poracci!
Entro nella cittadina, il classico stradone costellato di buche fangose e merde di cavallo; sui lati qualcuno ha vomitato un’emorragia di legno marcio che vorrebbe fare il verso a un insieme organizzato di abitazioni e negozi. Lì la bottega del maniscalco (uno a cento che è pelato e picchia sull’incudine guardandoti sempre male), laggiù il falegname-becchino, sicuramente col metro sempre in mano, più avanti l’emporio col proprietario che funge pure da barbiere e cavadenti e infine il saloon, che puzza di sifilide e guai seri anche da questa distanza.
– Credo che chiederò informazioni su dove alloggiare al legale rappresentante dell’ordine costituito, Rennie e mi farò rischiarare la strada dal fulgore della sua Stella di Sceriffo.
Nemmeno il pony sembra avere da obiettare e così mi dirigo alla piccola costruzione in legno, riconoscibile dalle sbarre alle finestre, dalla stella stilizzata in nero e giallo sulla facciata ma soprattutto dal cadavere impiccato all’albero di fronte.
L’odore di scorreggia dopo un avvelenamento da pesce avariato mi dice che il becchino ha terminato il legno già da qualche giorno e la cosa mi stupisce perché conosco l’ipocrita rispetto che questi bigotti forcaioli riservano ai morti. Cerco di non notare il liquame nero che cola dagli occhi e dalle orecchie del morto e passando oltre salgo i gradini di legno del porticato.
Trovo lo sceriffo davanti all’ingresso, stravaccato a gambe incrociate e cappello calato in faccia su una sedia a dondolo che sembra cigolare anche da ferma. Una bottiglia quasi vuota appoggiata a terra, il cui contenuto lo vedrei bene nel laboratorio di un tassidermista, mi suggerisce che per quell’aiuto dovrò essere molto convincente.
Sceriffo? – faccio – Sceriffo?! Mi scusi… sceriffo?! SCERIFFOOO?!?!
E con un urlo improvviso, lo sceriffo semiaccasciato si alza di scatto in piedi e tirandosi bruscamente su la falda del cappello mi fissa con due spiritati occhi azzurri perforanti.
Sotto quel cappello di cuoio consunto, dentro quei puzzolenti vestiti e davanti a me adesso sta non uno sdrucito e quasi sdentato sceriffo di frontiera ma una donna bellissima, i cui capelli rossi (che avevo scambiato per una sciarpa) scendono sul collo e le incorniciano un viso affilato e decisamente, clamorosamente, indiscutibilmente incazzato nero.
Ehm… mi scusi ma, ecco, l’ho chiamata ‘sceriffo’ – le dico – Dalla stella sul petto oserei scommettere che è proprio quello il suo ruolo.
– Com’è vero che mi chiamo Bechdelia Dykes, io sono una SCERIFFA! Con la lettera A!
– Mi scusi, signora, ma…
– SignorA?! Hai appena presunto il mio genere?!
No, dunque – rispondo stizzito, non appena mi riprendo dal loop psico-ebefrenico – intanto siamo in un brutto esperimento pseudo-letterario ambientato in una cittadina del profondo e selvaggio Ovest degli Stati Uniti e in questa patetica lingua, seppur tanto pubblicizzata da Sir Lanciascossa, il genere dei sostantivi (per non parlare del cazzo di aggettivi!) lo devi sempre estrapolare dal contesto ma se proprio le brucia il gender ho detto ‘sheriff’… ‘SHE-RIFF’… SHE, pronome personale di genere femminile che credo possa soddisfare la sua voglia di essere riconosciuta come mi auguro lei si voglia o non si voglia identificare a suo personale, autodeterministico e insindacabile giudizio!
Mi fermo in attesa dell’applauso del pubblico ma come al solito ricevo solo il vaffanculo di Rennie.
Bechdelia mi sta fissando con uno sguardo che un profondo conoscitore dell’animo umano come il sottoscritto riesce a collocare nella gamma di sentimenti che spaziano dal ‘ti uso per tenere al caldo il manico della mia scopa’ al ‘ti lego per le palle a un mulino a vento in un giorno di tempesta’ e dopo aver inspirato con forza un’oncia d’aria e due di zanzare, comincia a urlare un nome.
– Alison! ALISON! Esci subito, testa quadra! ALISOOOON! E con subito intendo proprio ora adesso all’istante! –
Trambusto all’interno e poi vedo venir fuori a passo frettoloso quella che la stella di latta sul petto qualifica come una vice she-riffo ma che a me pare Biancaneve se i sette nani l’avessero scelta della loro misura.
– Alison, portami subito lo Yellow Boy!
– Ssssss…. iiiiiiiii….. sisisisissssssssss……. siiiiisssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiii…. – si ferma un attimo per spostarsi dalla pozza di sputacchi sul pavimento – ssssiiiiiiisssssiiiiii….. ssssssssssssssssssssss… SISSIGNORA!
– Alison… ti ho detto mille volte di rispondere solo con un cenno della testa. Ora fai quello che ti ho detto.
La sceriffa sembra davvero incazzata, più che altro – intuisco – per il fatto di non essere riuscita a trovare un insulto politicamente corretto per denigrare la mia bellissima borsa blu di Pochacco, che ha occhieggiato a narici dilatate per tutto il tempo, ma ecco finalmente uscire Alison che tira per una catena un ragazzo cinese tutto fasciato da un’attillata tuta di cuoio.
Oh, Santa Zedda Protettrice degli Storpi! – faccio io, divertito – non per fare kinkshaming ma…
Non azzardarti a fiatare! – schiuma la sceriffa rivolta a me – E tu, Alison… CRETIDIOTA! Intendevo IL FUCILE Yellow Boy!
Appena sento il nome capisco che questa volta mi sono spinto un po’ troppo oltre e infatti Alison ritorna con un Winchester ‘Yellow Boy’ Modello 1866 sul cui calcio sono attaccati due pompon viola scarlatto, solo che quando si avvicina mi accorgo con una fitta al basso ventre che non sono esattamente dei pompon.
– Cammina fino al centro della strada e ringrazia che ti do la possibilità di difenderti con le tue pistole, invece di spararti nella schiena come il cane bastardo che sei!
Becky – cerco di prendere tempo – io non ho due pistole… non ne ho nemmeno una! Non saprei che farmene! Ma se mi permetti di prendere una di quelle – e indico una delle padelle appesa fuori dall’emporio – ti prometto che finirà tutto velocissimamente!
La sceriffa non sembra avere nulla da obiettare – in fondo, tecnicamente, non sono disarmato – e perciò mi avvio al centro della strada, bilanciando la padella per danzare passi e ritmi del duello.
Senti, Becky – faccio io, voltandomi verso di lei – contiamo fino a die…
Bechdelia scarrella subito dopo la leva di espulsione del bossolo e ricarica un altro colpo, che tanto sa non essere necessario.
Il fumo e la polvere si diradano quasi subito, mostrandomi a tutti i numerosi e curiosi spettatori del duello in una posizione piuttosto imbarazzante, con una padella ammaccata tenuta davanti ai testicoli e un’espressione di delusione per la sua scelta piuttosto prevedibile.
Ramona – le dico – se vuoi uccidere un uomo devi colpirlo al..
Fumo, polvere e padella doppiamente ammaccata, questa volta appoggiata alla parte sinistra del petto.
Quando vedo che Bechdelia sgrana gli occhi per l’ennesimo colpo deviato e si appresta a scarrellare per la terza volta, solo allora pianto la punta del piede a terra, scalcio nella sua direzione una nuvola di merda di cavallo essiccata e scatto in avanti.
Fumo e polvere si diradano per l’ultima volta, lasciando che lo stanco sole del tramonto bagni di rosso un uomo in piedi e una donna a terra, spezzata dalle sue certezze infrante ma anche da mezzo chilo di ghisa a velocità sostenuta.
– ‘Quando una donna col fucile incontra un uomo con la padella, la donna col fucile è una donna dolorante’…  È un vecchio proverbio messicano nel quale ti invito a non cercare metafore neoconservatrici reganiane nascoste.
E un attimo dopo tutti gli abitanti del paese mi sono addosso e l’ultima cosa che vedo è il maniscalco pelato dagli occhi cattivi che cala la mazzetta verso la mia fronte, poi il buio.
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narutofashionzine · 6 years
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sivilsivrisinek · 6 years
Gidiğimiz her mücadeleyi kazanabilir miydik? Yada kazansaydık ne kadar zalimleşirdik? Soruyorum kendime kalbini karartan ve taşlaştıran şey neydi? Düzgün bir yanıt bulamasam da bunu içimde hissediyorum ki aslında kendimiz hakkında her şeyi bilebiliriz ama bilmeyiz. …….
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. DICTIONARY Search for a word jowlDictionary result for jowl /joul/Submit Learn to pronounce noun plural noun: jowls the lower part of a person's or animal's cheek, especially when it is fleshy or drooping. "she had a large nose and heavy jowls" NORTH AMERICAN the cheek of a pig used as meat. the loose fleshy part of the neck of certain animals, such as the dewlap of cattle or the wattle of birds. Feedback Translations and more definitions 2. https://goo.gl/images/DyAVkK 3. https://www.amaskincare.com/jowls/ 4. Beverly Hills - 310.460.2444 | Irvine - 949.428.4500 AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare Jowls : What Causes Them and How to Get Rid of Them LASER TREATMENT ARTICLES First you must understand what causes jowls in order to eliminate them First you must understand what causes jowls in order to eliminate them Once upon a time…. the skin on our face was tight and toned, and our cheeks proudly proclaimed to the world “I am healthy, and filled with vim vigor and vitality” Then one day our cheeks start getting loose and sagging… our jaw line loses its sharp contours… hanging jowls begin to appear, folds around our mouth deepen, marionette lines frame our chin that proclaim to the world… “gravity is in charge of my face”! OMG… what is going on? Is it possible to eliminate these jowls without a $25,000 lower facelift surgery? Is it possible to correct this naturally, holistically, physiologically?! What Causes Jowls? Jowls develop due to loss of subcutaneous fat Jowls develop due to loss of subcutaneous fat Let’s start at the beginning… There are two layers that contribute to the sagging of our face and the appearance of jowls, deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines. The dermis layer of the skin and subcutaneous fat under the skin. 1. Subcutaneous Fat Under the Skin The fat layer under our skin is called ‘subcutaneous fat’. Depending on how thick this layer is, it contributes to the fullness of our face and gives the appearance of youthfulness. At a certain point in the aging process, most people begin to lose some of this fat which changes the contours of our face. This causes jowls to form. Like deflating a basketball, our face deflates and loses its youthful contours as concavities and flat spots develop. It creeps up on us, until one day when we look at a photo from ten years ago and realize that we are progressing towards the typical boney “skeletal” face of an elderly person. Depending on the shape of our face and the amount of subcutaneous fat we may have lost, restoring the volume of lost fat can play a role in lifting our cheeks, which will pull the skin upward reducing the appearance of our deepening folds and jowls. However, if the skin itself has lost its strength and elasticity, the sagging, deepening folds and jowls cannot be completely fixed by restoring lost subcutaneous fat. Unfortunately, in attempting to compensate for sagging skin with a “quick fix” solution, some people will overfill the subcutaneous fat layer with various dermal fillers which results in a very unnatural “puffy” appearance typical of the Hollywood “overdone” look. Bottom line, fillers can help to minimize jowls… BUT weak sagging skin must be addressed where it occurs, in the collagen matrix of the dermis. 2. Dermis Layer of the Skin Jowls are partially caused by the weakening of the collagen matrix Jowls are partially caused by the weakening of the collagen matrix The other layer that is responsible for the sagging of our face and development of jowls is the dermis. It contains the collagen matrix of our skin which is responsible for our skin’s strength, elasticity, flexibility, resilience, tone and tightness. Around the age of 40, the physiological machinery that maintains, repairs and regenerates our collagen matrix grinds to a halt, causing the physical infrastructure of the collagen matrix to weaken and degenerate. Consequently, the skin thins, wrinkles and sags, leading to deep nasolabial folds, marionette lines and the dreaded jowls. The loss of dermal collagen and its progressive weakening is the key factor in the looseness of our skin, the sagging of our cheeks, and the appearance of jowls, deepening nasolabial folds and marionette lines. The good news: The collagen matrix can be regenerated, tightened and toned. The appearance of jowls can be reduced. By using a customized combination of lasers, whose energy stimulates the natural physiological mechanisms that rebuild, repair and regenerate new, healthy and beautiful skin, our skin can function as it did when we were much younger, regenerating itself from the inside out. Bottom line, our skin will tighten and lift itself, and restore our natural, jowl free, younger appearance. How to Get Rid of Jowls There are many different treatments that are effective in reducing the appearance of jowls. Below we talk about the treatments that are the most effective. Using Fillers to Get Rid of Jowls What kind of filler should I use to replenish lost subcutaneous fat? There are various types of pharmaceutically manufactured fillers that can substitute for the volume of fat that has been lost. The substances used are all naturally occurring, but artificially manufactured. Of course, they are all FDA approved for reducing the appearance of jowls, and safe to use. Depending on the substance used in the filler, the filler will last between 5 to 9 months before our body dissolves it away and our face “deflates” again. Before and After filler treatment for jowls Before and After filler treatment for jowls However, better than artificially made fillers, fat transplants are also used to reduce the appearance of jowls. Simply put, fat is harvested from our own body, from a location where we have extra fat to spare and moved to where it has been lost in our face. Bottom line, we are replacing our lost fat with our own fat! … its simply moved to a new neighborhood!! The results are fabulous, and typically last for much longer than fillers, and often last for years! Using Lasers to Get Rid of Jowls Learn More : The Newest Non-Surgical Treatment for Jowls What kind of laser technology is used to achieve a natural physiological face lift and reduce the appearance of jowls? Laser energy can be applied to the skin in 4 basic ways. By projecting a solid beam/column of energy that contacts the surface of the skin and is absorbed by the skin as it penetrates in depth. Of course, as the beam penetrates through the skin, energy is absorbed by the tissues, and progressively less energy is available the deeper it goes. Thus, providing high levels of energy at the deepest parts of the dermis is difficult to achieve without increasing the energy at the surface beyond the point where the surface layer will be burned. Co2 Fractional laser Co2 Fractional laser Fractional lasers employ sophisticated optical engineering that breaks the solid beam of energy mentioned above into tiny micro-columns of energy. With a fractionated beam, only a limited percentage of the surface area is filled with laser energy, while most of the surface area is comprised of the empty space between the micro beams that is not receiving any laser energy. Thus, the overall surface is not in danger of being burned, and higher amounts of energy can be safely delivered to the deepest layers of the dermis. The geometry of how the energy interacts with the collagen matrix is also important in that it stimulates contraction of the skin, reducing jowls. Radio frequency (RF) devices can also be fractioned into small columns of energy by utilizing a pad of needles through which the RF energy is delivered. Essentially the needles are inserted into the skin and deliver the RF energy to the surrounding tissue at the tip of the needles. The newest method by which energy is delivered to the skin employs an energy emitter that glides on the surface of the skin, and a receiver that is inserted under the skin to which the energy is delivered. This is our top neck and jowl tightening procedure. Before and After laser treatment for jowls Before and After laser treatment for jowls In sum, there are a variety of different frequencies of energy that interact with the collagen matrix of the dermis and can be used to reduce the appearance of jowls. Each of these energies can be delivered by these 4 different methods, and can cause a spectrum of different physiological responses that: Contract existing collagen Stimulate the repair of existing collagen Stimulate the generation of new collagen Resulting in lifting, toning, strengthening, thickening and tightening of the skin and jowls. Other Modalities to Get Rid of Jowls Microneedling can help to get rid of jowls Microneedling can help to get rid of jowls By now you know that for the best clinical and aesthetic outcome, the natural regenerative physiology of the patient must be stimulated and supported to achieve maximal results. As in all cases of excellent medicine, customization is necessary, and a wide array of tools should be at the disposal of the physician. These modalities include: Microneedling Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field therapy (PEMF) Stem Cell treatments A Physiological Process to Tighten Skin and Get Rid of Jowls Bottom line… when searching for a doctor who can tighten, tone and lift your skin naturally, removing jowls, hi-tech medical lasers are amazing tools that can precisely target different kinds of tissues and cells that can give you the results you want. However, it is a physiological process, that requires three essential ingredients: The doctor must understand the interaction between the physics of the technology and the physiology of the skin. There is no single laser that can do the job… and the physician must understand all the parameters of laser energy, its: Frequency, Power, Pulse duration, Target specificity, Geometry of beam, synergistic interaction of lasers in combinations… and of course, how to integrate into the protocols the other naturopathic modalities. The protocols must be tailored and customized for each patient. The patient must have patience. As the physiology cannot achieve full stimulation in one session, a series of treatments are typically necessary, with sufficient interval of time in-between treatments to allow for the physiology to do its work. About the Authors [simple-author-box] MAY 14, 2018/BY ALICE PIEN, MD & ASHER MILGROM, PHD TAGS: JOWLS, LASER TREATMENT, NON SURGICAL FACELIFT Share this entry You might also like Get The Skinny On Zerona Laser Lipo Treatments Collagen - The Basic Biology - Structure, Function & Types What is a Birthmark & Does Birthmark Removal Work? Shaving VS Laser Hair Removal? Which is Better? Anti Aging Laser Treatments to Reverse the Signs of Aging A Facelift Without Surgery - The SpectraLift Non-Surgical Facelift Latest Articles What is Melasma? Causes and Treatment September 10, 2018 - 4:54 pm An Integrative Medical Approach to Lyme Disease Treatment July 19, 2018 - 9:39 pm Glutathione (GSH) – The Body’s Most Important Antioxidant July 5, 2018 - 9:26 pm Eczema Treatment – How to Treat Adult & Baby Eczema June 11, 2018 - 5:23 pm Irvine / Newport Beach Beverly Hills / Los Angeles Contact Us Our Patient Educators are available to answer your questions. 949.428.4500 Irvine / Newport Beach 310.460.2444 Beverly Hills / Los Angeles AMA Regenerative Medicine & Skincare | 2302 Martin STE 400, Irvine, CA 92612 | 6310 San Vicente Blvd STE 285, Los Angeles, CA, 90048 AboutContactPrivacy Policy 5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320809.php 6. MNT home How to get rid of jowls Last reviewed Fri 2 Feb 2018 By Jennifer Huizen Reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, PhD, RN, CRNA Table of contents In humans, jowls are excess or saggy skin on the neck, just below the jawline and chin. Almost everyone develops at least minor jowls as they age and their skin becomes less elastic. Several factors, including heredity, stress, repetitive facial habits, and lifestyle choices, can cause more pronounced jowls at almost any age. In this article, learn about exercises and treatments to get rid of jowls, as well as how to help prevent them. Causes An image of a persons chin and jowls The biggest cause of jowls is aging. Though several factors are known to increase the likelihood and severity of jowls, their ultimate cause is aging. As the skin ages, it starts to lose some of the compounds that help keep its shape, specifically fat and the connective tissue proteins elastin and collagen. The skin also tends to become drier and thinner, making it more difficult to maintain its form. As the skin becomes less resilient and full, it becomes more vulnerable to gravity and slowly begins to sag. Sagging skin around the cheeks and mouth falls to the area around the chin and jawline, creating jowls. Risk factors for jowls include: ADVERTISEMENT Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer - Treatment Option Info Here Get Educated About a Treatment Option for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. treatment-for-nsclc.com history of sunburn excessive or chronic alcohol use smoking chronic or severe dehydration chronic or severe stress diets low in antioxidants, healthful fats, and other essential nutrients habits or expressions that overuse the cheek, mouth, and jaw muscles, such as frowning, chewing gum, and talking on the cell phone for a long time skin allergens, ranging from air pollution to cosmetics poor skin hygiene lack of exercise cleansing the skin too aggressively physical trauma or injury to the facial and jaw muscles and skin a family history of jowls extreme or rapid weight loss severe or chronic illness Exercises excessive sunburn may be a risk factor for jowls A history of sunburn may be a risk factor for jowls. Some research shows that facial exercises, and exercise in general, can help reduce the appearance and severity of jowls by making the facial, jaw, and neck muscles better able to hold their shape. A 2014 review concluded that while the statistical evidence is still weak. However, all of the available studies exploring the effect of facial exercises on facial rejuvenation reported positive outcomes. Exercise also significantly improves several factors that contribute to the overall health of the skin. This may help reduce the age of onset, severity, and appearance of jowls. Any exercise that engages or stretches the facial muscles evenly without overusing them may help reduce jowls. Most recommended exercises should be done one after another to ensure the facial muscles are worked evenly. People should hold each exercise for 5 to 20 seconds before releasing. Each exercise can be repeated 8 to 12 times, several times daily. Common facial exercises that may help improve jowls include: Yawning and opening the mouth as far as possible, then closing it very slowly without letting the teeth touch. Puckering the lips outwards. This exercise works best when done lying down, and by using the fingers to draw the sides of the mouth downwards. Blowing the cheeks up as far as comfortable. Chewing with the head tilted slightly up. Grinning as widely as comfortable then slowly tilting the head up and down. Putting the lower lip on the top lip and tilting the head up. Lying down flat, curling the neck in towards the chest with the tongue pressing on the roof of the mouth. Humming with the tongue pressed against the roof of the mouth. Saying the sounds "o" followed by "e," using more force than usual and exaggerating mouth movements. Treatment Jowls are usually harmless and do not require medical attention. But for some people, having severe or very noticeable jowls makes them feel uncomfortable, or causes them anxiety and lowers their self-confidence. Medical treatment options for jowls are considered elective procedures or therapies, meaning most insurance companies do not cover them. A dermatologist or plastic surgeon will usually perform jowl surgeries and procedures in a clinic or hospital setting. Popular treatment options for jowls include: Fillers Fillers are compounds that are injected into the cheeks to fill in the places where fat has been lost from the skin. Lifting the cheeks also naturally lifts the skin around the jawline and corners of the mouth. Fillers can also be injected directly into the jowl area to produce a fuller appearance. A 2014 study found that nearly 95.6 percent of people who received filler injections said they were "happy" or "delighted" with the results. Compounds commonly used as fillers include: hyaluronic acid poly-l-lactic acid polymethyl methacrylate calcium hydroxylapatite silicone How long the effect of fillers lasts depends on the severity of the jowls, the structure of the face, the dosage of filler, and the number of injections given. Many people find the results from facial fillers last anywhere between 2 and 4 years. Fillers are typically more effective in people between the ages of 30 and 50. In people over the age of 50, additional procedures may be undertaken alongside fillers. Popular brand-name injectable facial fillers include: Juvederm Voluma Restylane What is the difference between Botox and dermal fillers? What is the difference between Botox and dermal fillers? Botox and dermal fillers are both cosmetic treatments given with injections. Learn more about the difference between them. READ NOW Neck lift During most neck lifts, a surgeon will make a cut along the side of the face and under the chin, then reposition and sculpt fat and tissues in the jaw and cheek. They will also cut away some excess skin and tighten some of the surrounding muscles. Neck lifts are widely considered the most effective treatment for jowls, but the surgery has a long recovery time and carries the most significant risk of complications. The most common complications are scarring and infection. Neck lifts are also very expensive compared to other treatment options for jowls. Ultherapy Ultherapy involves the use of ultrasound therapy to stimulate the long-term production of collagen in the deep layers of the skin. Ultherapy only requires one session, and people can usually return to their everyday activities immediately after the procedure. Most people notice a continual improvement in skin tightness and firmness several months after treatment. In one study, nearly 70 percent of participants still saw improvements around their neck and jawline 3 months after the ultrasound therapy. Radiotherapy Radiotherapy uses intense, radiating heat to stimulate the bundles of collagen and elastin fibers about 2 millimeters (mm) below the skin's surface. This causes the bundles to recoil and the skin to tighten. Radiotherapy also stimulates the production of collagen by tricking the body into thinking connective tissues have been damaged. Many people need to repeat sessions a few times a year for maximum results. The most common brand name of radiotherapy for jowls is Pelleve. Other treatments Additional treatment options for jowls include: laser therapy chemical peels Less invasive alternative therapies are becoming more commonly used to treat jowls, but most require more studies to determine whether they are effective. Additional therapies that may help treat jowls include: acupuncture and acupressure facial or lymphatic massage face building face yoga Prevention Senior man exercising and drinking water in the park. Jowls may be prevented by staying hydrated and exercising regularly. No one method can entirely prevent jowls, but some lifestyle choices can help reduce the severity or risk of early development. Tips for preventing and reducing the severity of jowls include: staying hydrated wearing sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection wearing protective clothing during periods of prolonged or intense sun exposure using moisturizers using creams and lotions high in antioxidants that promote the production of collagen, such as retinol (a type of vitamin A), vitamin C, and vitamin E avoiding habits and expressions that cause the jaw and cheek muscles to face downward, especially chewing gum, frowning, and using the computer for a long time eating a healthful diet exercising regularly not smoking sleeping on the back instead of the side or stomach doing facial exercises that promote flexible muscles in the entire face Takeaway Almost everyone eventually gets jowls, but several factors can contribute to their development. Factors include damage, poor diet, repetitive facial motions, and sudden weight loss. While jowls are harmless, some people may feel uncomfortable about how they look. Many medical options exist to treat them, including neck lifts, injectable fillers, and radiotherapy. Less invasive alternatives are becoming more popular, as well. These include acupuncture, facial massage, and facial yoga. Regularly performing facial exercises may also help reduce the appearance and severity of jowls. RELATED COVERAGE All you should know about sunken eyes READ MORE How to get rid of a double chin? READ MORE What are the best foods to fight aging? READ MORE Facelift: What you need to know READ MORE How do dermarollers work? READ MORE email DERMATOLOGY SENIORS / AGING Additional information Article last reviewed by Fri 2 February 2018. Visit our Dermatology category page for the latest news on this subject, or sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on Dermatology. All references are available in the References tab. References Citations RECOMMENDED RELATED NEWS ADVERTISEMENT get our newsletter Health tips, wellness advice and more. Enter your email address Your privacy is important to us. MNT home Popular news Editorial articles All news topics Knowledge center Your MNT Log in or sign up Newsletters Share our content About us Our editorial team Contact us Advertise with MNT This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify. Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK. © 2004-2019 All rights reserved. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Privacy | Terms | Ad policy | Careers TRUSTe 7. https://goo.gl/images/6VAuqg 8. https://goo.gl/images/Asm7fH 9. https://www.google.com/search?q=dermatology+aging&oq=dermatology+aging&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.5422j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 10. https://www.epiphanydermatology.com/blog/sagging-jawline-can-get-rid-jowls-without-surgery/ 11. Pay My Bill Online Skip to primary navigation Skip to content Skip to footer Epiphany Dermatology Sagging Jawline? You CAN Get Rid of Jowls Without Surgery May 16, 2017 by Dr. Plott Losing your crisp jawline can show your age like nothing else. But because it happens gradually, it’s hard to recognize in yourself. If you’re wondering if it’s time to get rid of your jowls, try this quick test: Pull up a picture of yourself from 10 years ago and compare it to a recent photo. Or just hold up that old picture next to your reflection in the mirror. See a difference? Specifically, do you see two pronounced folds from the nose to your lip? Does your jawline seem a little lower now? If so, there’s a way to get a neck lift without surgery. What Causes Sagging Jowls? The two lines you noticed below your nose are the nasolabial folds, which become more pronounced with age. Why? The older we get, the more fat we lose in our faces. As we lose volume in our cheeks, everything slides down. You’ll see more wrinkles and a drooping jawline. When we ask patients what type of results they want to see, they lift up their cheeks and say, “I want to look like this!” They’re really saying, “I want the fullness in my cheeks back!” They’ve lost volume in their face, and their skin has gravitated down, forming nasolabial folds, marionette lines at the corners of the mouth, and sagging jowls. The fix is simple — add volume! how to get rid of a sagging jawline graphic Do Facial Exercises for Jowls Really Work? If sagging jowls were a muscle problem, exercises would help. But this is an issue with loss of volume (fat) and elasticity. So strengthening the muscle doesn’t correct the root of the problem. Think of your skin and face muscles like baggy pants over muscular legs. Doing a few more squats and lunges won’t make much difference in how the pants look — you’re still wearing baggy pants. So the solution is to either add volume to fill it out or to tighten the covering. How to Prevent Loose Jowls Loose jowls happen naturally. As you age, the skin starts to loosen. And some people are genetically predisposed to sagging jowls. So look at your mother or grandmother to see where you’re headed without intervention. The best strategy to keep jowls from sagging is to keep up with fillers and tightening problems as you age. Ultherapy keeps the skin tight, and adding volume gradually is more affordable than one major attempt. Does Weight Loss Cause Sagging Jowls? Extreme weight loss creates sagging jowls earlier or more drastically than typical. As you lose weight, you also lose fat from your face. Hence, the skin will be looser and you’re more likely to see the jowls sag. How to Get Rid of Jowls Now we know how to get rid of jowls without ever going under the knife. Since losing volume is the source of the problem, we add volume to fix it. Adding the same filler to the cheeks (where the fat pad has disappeared) lifts the skin back to its original place. As your cheeks regain their volume, you’ll look like your younger self again. Plus, it lasts up to two years! Fillers give you back the fullness you’ve lost (See: Should You Use Injectable Fillers?) and improve the nasolabial fold. Remember, that fold formed because the skin lost volume and slid down. That means the lines disappear as we restore your cheeks. When we increase the volume in the cheeks, we give you a lift that comes forward rather than a traditional facelift that pulls the skin back (and removes the excess). how to get rid of jowlsHow Does The Procedure Work? We start with fillers that last 4-6 months. If you like the look, we’ll use fillers that last 2-3 years for the next treatment. Of course, longer-lasting fillers cost more than shorter-acting ones, but they show great results. Tighteners help the fillers make even more effective changes. For many of our patients, we start their treatment with Ultherapy or Pelleve. Ultherapy, a one-time, long-lasting correction, uses ultrasound to tighten loose, sagging facial skin. Once the skin is taut, the filler tends to go further. Then, as we add the filler, the face lifts and those jowls disappear. A facelift is the surgical correction option for jowls— and for some people, this may be the best choice. In a facelift, they take out a margin of skin in front of the ears and pull the skin back tighter. But, for those looking to get great results without surgery, the combination of Ultherapy and fillers gives you a natural, youthful look. Will This Treatment Work for You? Put your hands on your cheeks and lift them up a little. If you see more definition in your jawline and the lines below your nose begin to disappear, this treatment could work for you. But the best thing to do is get a consultation. When it comes to a sagging jawline, the best way to tighten neck skin is to restore the volume that has been lost. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options for a more youthful appearance! Reader Interactions Footer Click to SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT PAY MY BILL ONLINE DOWNLOAD PATIENT FORMS or Call (855) 300-8510 © Copyright Epiphany Dermatology. PA. All Rights Reserved. Web Design by Widely Interactive. PRIVACY POLICY 12. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhJL-BFCsq/?hl=en 13. You will bite His heel Satan will attack God's people in the time of the End 14. Satan was instrumental in having Jesus Christ put to death when He was on earth. Rather than being the end of Jesus, it signaled the beginning of the end of Satan. Christ's death is also the means whereby he will save the righteous. Satan has never gotten the best of Jesus or God. 15. http://www.creation-science-prophecy.com/legalbattle.htm 16. There is a time, at the end of this world's history, when Satan will pull all the stops in a desperate effort to have a whole world worship him instead of God. Jesus calls this time the time of sorrows. At this time, the end of the world, Satan will either win and have a world, or he will loose everything including life. 17. https://www.instagram.com/p/BaJ9e1fhtWX/?hl=en 18. Skip to main content Toggle navigation Search Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Reddit Family of Girl Who Died in Chicago Hotel Freezer Sues for $50 Million NEWS 10:45 AM PST, December 18, 2018 - MAYA CHUNG Kenneka Jenkins was found dead in Sep. 17 after stumbling into an unlocked freezer at a Chicago hotel. handout Facebook Twitter Email Reddit The family of Kenneka Jenkins, who died after stumbling into a hotel freezer last year, is now suing the Chicago hotel, its security contractor and a restaurant which was reportedly renting the kitchen space for $50 million. The lawsuit claims the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Capital Security and Investigations, and the Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant were negligent because they didn’t secure the walk-in freezer or conduct a thorough search when the 19-year-old disappeared, CBS News reported. Jenkins was attending a party at the hotel on Sept. 9 2017 when she disappeared. Her family grew worried and went to the hotel looking for the teen. On Sep. 10, Jenkins’ body was found in the freezer, 24 hours after she disappeared. Authorities eventually released surveillance footage of the teen stumbling into the hotel’s kitchen, where the freezer was located. According to authorities, Jenkins died of hypothermia after accidentally walking into the freezer. Her blood alcohol level was 0.112 and investigators also found topiramate, a medicine used to prevent seizures or migraines, in a "therapeutic range" in her system, a report said. The combination of alcohol and the drug can reportedly cause severe side effects, including poor coordination, confusion and impaired judgement. Police ruled her death accidental. The lawsuit, obtained by the Chicago Tribune, alleges that Jenkins passed by several hotel employees while walking in the hallways. “Had Crowne Plaza defendants and employees and/or agents of defendant Capital Security properly intervened when they observed (Jenkins) visibly disoriented, confused and lost within their premises, they would have prevented her from entering the abandoned kitchen and prevented her death,” it reads. It also claims the freezer that Jenkins was found in had a “sticker affixed that was completely faded and failed to instruct how to release the lock system of the door,” the suit alleges. Crowne Plaza plans to fight the lawsuit, according to a statement. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.” Capital Security and Investigations did not have a comment. Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant did not respond to a request for comment. RELATED STORIES Body Found in Freezer at SunTrust Park Before Atlanta Braves Game Cops Attempting to Notify Woman of Husband's Suicide Find Her Body in Freezer Knife-Wielding Man Who Died After Jumping Out of Restaurant Freezer Was Suspected Cold Case Killer Death of 19-Year-Old Found Inside Hotel Freezer Was an Accident: Coroner DeathChicago Facebook Twitter 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Head Gash After Being Thrown by Day Care Worker: Police | Inside Edition When a 3-year-old girl suffered a gash in her head at day care her parents say they were told that she fell, but disturbing video from inside the Missouri facility, provided by the family's attorney, suggests something much worse. Inside Edition Mama Bear Does the Unexpected After Man Saves Her Cubs Parentz Talk | Sponsored 11 Signs That Shows You Have Dangerous Glucose Levels! Fashion Celebrity | Sponsored 7 Tips For You To Feel More Feminine! Techinasia | Sponsored George Hamilton is 79 & He's Not Showing Any Signs of Retirement Miss Penny Stocks | Sponsored Teen Gets Texas Cop to Pull Over Girlfriend for Promposal | Inside Edition Inside Edition Heart-Shaped Bagels : Heart-Shaped Bagels | Inside Edition Inside Edition Mom Doesn’t Recognize Herself After Suffering Amnesia | Inside Edition Inside Edition Dog Returns Home After Drone Gets Shot Down While Looking for Her | Inside Edition Inside Edition 30 Beauty Truths Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 30 TipsSign | Sponsored GOT A TIP? Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212) 817-5555 TRENDING NOW Best Friends With Down Syndrome Sweetly Dance Together World's Smallest Baby Goes Home From the Hospital Angry Dad Shames Teacher Accused of Having Sex With His 13-Year-Son Selma Blair's Airplane Meltdown Viewed With New Eyes After Interview on MS Woman Faces Deportation After Allegedly Grabbing Man's MAGA Hat ABOUT US Meet the Team Awards Contact CONNECT Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ YouTube RSS Advertise with Us WATCH INSIDE EDITION Local Listings Submit a Story SITES WE LOVE CBS News TV Guide TV.com ETonline Metacritic Last.fm Metrolyrics Rachael Ray Show Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Mobile User Agreement | Closed Captioning | Video Services Policy | Ad Choices | In Partnership with ETonline. CBS interactive © 2019 Inside Edition Inc. All Rights Reserved. mmmmmmmmmmllimmmmmmmmmmlli 19. Skip to main content Toggle navigation Search Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Reddit Family of Girl Who Died in Chicago Hotel Freezer Sues for $50 Million NEWS 10:45 AM PST, December 18, 2018 - MAYA CHUNG Kenneka Jenkins was found dead in Sep. 17 after stumbling into an unlocked freezer at a Chicago hotel. handout Facebook Twitter Email Reddit The family of Kenneka Jenkins, who died after stumbling into a hotel freezer last year, is now suing the Chicago hotel, its security contractor and a restaurant which was reportedly renting the kitchen space for $50 million. The lawsuit claims the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Capital Security and Investigations, and the Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant were negligent because they didn’t secure the walk-in freezer or conduct a thorough search when the 19-year-old disappeared, CBS News reported. Jenkins was attending a party at the hotel on Sept. 9 2017 when she disappeared. Her family grew worried and went to the hotel looking for the teen. On Sep. 10, Jenkins’ body was found in the freezer, 24 hours after she disappeared. Authorities eventually released surveillance footage of the teen stumbling into the hotel’s kitchen, where the freezer was located. According to authorities, Jenkins died of hypothermia after accidentally walking into the freezer. Her blood alcohol level was 0.112 and investigators also found topiramate, a medicine used to prevent seizures or migraines, in a "therapeutic range" in her system, a report said. The combination of alcohol and the drug can reportedly cause severe side effects, including poor coordination, confusion and impaired judgement. Police ruled her death accidental. The lawsuit, obtained by the Chicago Tribune, alleges that Jenkins passed by several hotel employees while walking in the hallways. “Had Crowne Plaza defendants and employees and/or agents of defendant Capital Security properly intervened when they observed (Jenkins) visibly disoriented, confused and lost within their premises, they would have prevented her from entering the abandoned kitchen and prevented her death,” it reads. It also claims the freezer that Jenkins was found in had a “sticker affixed that was completely faded and failed to instruct how to release the lock system of the door,” the suit alleges. Crowne Plaza plans to fight the lawsuit, according to a statement. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.” Capital Security and Investigations did not have a comment. Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant did not respond to a request for comment. RELATED STORIES Body Found in Freezer at SunTrust Park Before Atlanta Braves Game Cops Attempting to Notify Woman of Husband's Suicide Find Her Body in Freezer Knife-Wielding Man Who Died After Jumping Out of Restaurant Freezer Was Suspected Cold Case Killer Death of 19-Year-Old Found Inside Hotel Freezer Was an Accident: Coroner DeathChicago Facebook Twitter 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Head Gash After Being Thrown by Day Care Worker: Police | Inside Edition When a 3-year-old girl suffered a gash in her head at day care her parents say they were told that she fell, but disturbing video from inside the Missouri facility, provided by the family's attorney, suggests something much worse. Inside Edition Mama Bear Does the Unexpected After Man Saves Her Cubs Parentz Talk | Sponsored 11 Signs That Shows You Have Dangerous Glucose Levels! Fashion Celebrity | Sponsored 7 Tips For You To Feel More Feminine! Techinasia | Sponsored George Hamilton is 79 & He's Not Showing Any Signs of Retirement Miss Penny Stocks | Sponsored Teen Gets Texas Cop to Pull Over Girlfriend for Promposal | Inside Edition Inside Edition Heart-Shaped Bagels : Heart-Shaped Bagels | Inside Edition Inside Edition Mom Doesn’t Recognize Herself After Suffering Amnesia | Inside Edition Inside Edition Dog Returns Home After Drone Gets Shot Down While Looking for Her | Inside Edition Inside Edition 30 Beauty Truths Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 30 TipsSign | Sponsored GOT A TIP? Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212) 817-5555 TRENDING NOW Best Friends With Down Syndrome Sweetly Dance Together World's Smallest Baby Goes Home From the Hospital Angry Dad Shames Teacher Accused of Having Sex With His 13-Year-Son Selma Blair's Airplane Meltdown Viewed With New Eyes After Interview on MS Woman Faces Deportation After Allegedly Grabbing Man's MAGA Hat ABOUT US Meet the Team Awards Contact CONNECT Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ YouTube RSS Advertise with Us WATCH INSIDE EDITION Local Listings Submit a Story SITES WE LOVE CBS News TV Guide TV.com ETonline Metacritic Last.fm Metrolyrics Rachael Ray Show Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Mobile User Agreement | Closed Captioning | Video Services Policy | Ad Choices | In Partnership with ETonline. CBS interactive © 2019 Inside Edition Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip to main content Toggle navigation Search Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Reddit Family of Girl Who Died in Chicago Hotel Freezer Sues for $50 Million NEWS 10:45 AM PST, December 18, 2018 - MAYA CHUNG Kenneka Jenkins was found dead in Sep. 17 after stumbling into an unlocked freezer at a Chicago hotel. handout Facebook Twitter Email Reddit The family of Kenneka Jenkins, who died after stumbling into a hotel freezer last year, is now suing the Chicago hotel, its security contractor and a restaurant which was reportedly renting the kitchen space for $50 million. The lawsuit claims the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Capital Security and Investigations, and the Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant were negligent because they didn’t secure the walk-in freezer or conduct a thorough search when the 19-year-old disappeared, CBS News reported. Jenkins was attending a party at the hotel on Sept. 9 2017 when she disappeared. Her family grew worried and went to the hotel looking for the teen. On Sep. 10, Jenkins’ body was found in the freezer, 24 hours after she disappeared. Authorities eventually released surveillance footage of the teen stumbling into the hotel’s kitchen, where the freezer was located. According to authorities, Jenkins died of hypothermia after accidentally walking into the freezer. Her blood alcohol level was 0.112 and investigators also found topiramate, a medicine used to prevent seizures or migraines, in a "therapeutic range" in her system, a report said. The combination of alcohol and the drug can reportedly cause severe side effects, including poor coordination, confusion and impaired judgement. Police ruled her death accidental. The lawsuit, obtained by the Chicago Tribune, alleges that Jenkins passed by several hotel employees while walking in the hallways. “Had Crowne Plaza defendants and employees and/or agents of defendant Capital Security properly intervened when they observed (Jenkins) visibly disoriented, confused and lost within their premises, they would have prevented her from entering the abandoned kitchen and prevented her death,” it reads. It also claims the freezer that Jenkins was found in had a “sticker affixed that was completely faded and failed to instruct how to release the lock system of the door,” the suit alleges. Crowne Plaza plans to fight the lawsuit, according to a statement. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.” Capital Security and Investigations did not have a comment. Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant did not respond to a request for comment. RELATED STORIES Body Found in Freezer at SunTrust Park Before Atlanta Braves Game Cops Attempting to Notify Woman of Husband's Suicide Find Her Body in Freezer Knife-Wielding Man Who Died After Jumping Out of Restaurant Freezer Was Suspected Cold Case Killer Death of 19-Year-Old Found Inside Hotel Freezer Was an Accident: Coroner DeathChicago Facebook Twitter 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Head Gash After Being Thrown by Day Care Worker: Police | Inside Edition When a 3-year-old girl suffered a gash in her head at day care her parents say they were told that she fell, but disturbing video from inside the Missouri facility, provided by the family's attorney, suggests something much worse. Inside Edition Mama Bear Does the Unexpected After Man Saves Her Cubs Parentz Talk | Sponsored 11 Signs That Shows You Have Dangerous Glucose Levels! Fashion Celebrity | Sponsored 7 Tips For You To Feel More Feminine! Techinasia | Sponsored George Hamilton is 79 & He's Not Showing Any Signs of Retirement Miss Penny Stocks | Sponsored Teen Gets Texas Cop to Pull Over Girlfriend for Promposal | Inside Edition Inside Edition Heart-Shaped Bagels : Heart-Shaped Bagels | Inside Edition Inside Edition Mom Doesn’t Recognize Herself After Suffering Amnesia | Inside Edition Inside Edition Dog Returns Home After Drone Gets Shot Down While Looking for Her | Inside Edition Inside Edition 30 Beauty Truths Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 30 TipsSign | Sponsored GOT A TIP? Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212) 817-5555 TRENDING NOW Best Friends With Down Syndrome Sweetly Dance Together World's Smallest Baby Goes Home From the Hospital Angry Dad Shames Teacher Accused of Having Sex With His 13-Year-Son Selma Blair's Airplane Meltdown Viewed With New Eyes After Interview on MS Woman Faces Deportation After Allegedly Grabbing Man's MAGA Hat ABOUT US Meet the Team Awards Contact CONNECT Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ YouTube RSS Advertise with Us WATCH INSIDE EDITION Local Listings Submit a Story SITES WE LOVE CBS News TV Guide TV.com ETonline Metacritic Last.fm Metrolyrics Rachael Ray Show Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Mobile User Agreement | Closed Captioning | Video Services Policy | Ad Choices | In Partnership with ETonline. CBS interactive © 2019 Inside Edition Inc. All Rights Reserved. ShareThis Copy and Paste Skip to main content Toggle navigation Search Family of Girl Who Died in Chicago Hotel Freezer Sues for $50 Million NEWS 10:45 AM PST, December 18, 2018 - MAYA CHUNG handout The family of Kenneka Jenkins, who died after stumbling into a hotel freezer last year, is now suing the Chicago hotel, its security contractor and a restaurant which was reportedly renting the kitchen space for $50 million. The lawsuit claims the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Capital Security and Investigations, and the Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant were negligent because they didn’t secure the walk-in freezer or conduct a thorough search when the 19-year-old disappeared, CBS News reported. Jenkins was attending a party at the hotel on Sept. 9 2017 when she disappeared. Her family grew worried and went to the hotel looking for the teen. On Sep. 10, Jenkins’ body was found in the freezer, 24 hours after she disappeared. Authorities eventually released surveillance footage of the teen stumbling into the hotel’s kitchen, where the freezer was located. According to authorities, Jenkins died of hypothermia after accidentally walking into the freezer. Her blood alcohol level was 0.112 and investigators also found topiramate, a medicine used to prevent seizures or migraines, in a "therapeutic range" in her system, a report said. The combination of alcohol and the drug can reportedly cause severe side effects, including poor coordination, confusion and impaired judgement. Police ruled her death accidental. The lawsuit, obtained by the Chicago Tribune, alleges that Jenkins passed by several hotel employees while walking in the hallways. “Had Crowne Plaza defendants and employees and/or agents of defendant Capital Security properly intervened when they observed (Jenkins) visibly disoriented, confused and lost within their premises, they would have prevented her from entering the abandoned kitchen and prevented her death,” it reads. It also claims the freezer that Jenkins was found in had a “sticker affixed that was completely faded and failed to instruct how to release the lock system of the door,” the suit alleges. Crowne Plaza plans to fight the lawsuit, according to a statement. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.” Capital Security and Investigations did not have a comment. Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant did not respond to a request for comment. RELATED STORIES Body Found in Freezer at SunTrust Park Before Atlanta Braves Game Cops Attempting to Notify Woman of Husband's Suicide Find Her Body in Freezer Knife-Wielding Man Who Died After Jumping Out of Restaurant Freezer Was Suspected Cold Case Killer Death of 19-Year-Old Found Inside Hotel Freezer Was an Accident: Coroner DeathChicago 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Head Gash After Being Thrown by Day Care Worker: Police | Inside Edition When a 3-year-old girl suffered a gash in her head at day care her parents say they were told that she fell, but disturbing video from inside the Missouri facility, provided by the family's attorney, suggests something much worse. Inside Edition Mama Bear Does the Unexpected After Man Saves Her Cubs Parentz Talk | Sponsored 11 Signs That Shows You Have Dangerous Glucose Levels! Fashion Celebrity | Sponsored 7 Tips For You To Feel More Feminine! Techinasia | Sponsored George Hamilton is 79 & He's Not Showing Any Signs of Retirement Miss Penny Stocks | Sponsored Teen Gets Texas Cop to Pull Over Girlfriend for Promposal | Inside Edition Inside Edition Heart-Shaped Bagels : Heart-Shaped Bagels | Inside Edition Inside Edition Mom Doesn’t Recognize Herself After Suffering Amnesia | Inside Edition Inside Edition Dog Returns Home After Drone Gets Shot Down While Looking for Her | Inside Edition Inside Edition 30 Beauty Truths Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 30 TipsSign | Sponsored GOT A TIP? Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212) 817-5555 TRENDING NOW Best Friends With Down Syndrome Sweetly Dance Together World's Smallest Baby Goes Home From the Hospital Angry Dad Shames Teacher Accused of Having Sex With His 13-Year-Son Selma Blair's Airplane Meltdown Viewed With New Eyes After Interview on MS Woman Faces Deportation After Allegedly Grabbing Man's MAGA Hat ABOUT US Meet the Team Awards Contact CONNECT Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ YouTube RSS Advertise with Us WATCH INSIDE EDITION Local Listings Submit a Story SITES WE LOVE CBS News TV Guide TV.com ETonline Metacritic Last.fm Metrolyrics Rachael Ray Show Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Mobile User Agreement | Closed Captioning | Video Services Policy | Ad Choices | In Partnership with ETonline. CBS interactive © 2019 Inside Edition Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip to main content Toggle navigation Search Family of Girl Who Died in Chicago Hotel Freezer Sues for $50 Million NEWS 10:45 AM PST, December 18, 2018 - MAYA CHUNG handout The family of Kenneka Jenkins, who died after stumbling into a hotel freezer last year, is now suing the Chicago hotel, its security contractor and a restaurant which was reportedly renting the kitchen space for $50 million. The lawsuit claims the Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel, Capital Security and Investigations, and the Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant were negligent because they didn’t secure the walk-in freezer or conduct a thorough search when the 19-year-old disappeared, CBS News reported. Jenkins was attending a party at the hotel on Sept. 9 2017 when she disappeared. Her family grew worried and went to the hotel looking for the teen. On Sep. 10, Jenkins’ body was found in the freezer, 24 hours after she disappeared. Authorities eventually released surveillance footage of the teen stumbling into the hotel’s kitchen, where the freezer was located. According to authorities, Jenkins died of hypothermia after accidentally walking into the freezer. Her blood alcohol level was 0.112 and investigators also found topiramate, a medicine used to prevent seizures or migraines, in a "therapeutic range" in her system, a report said. The combination of alcohol and the drug can reportedly cause severe side effects, including poor coordination, confusion and impaired judgement. Police ruled her death accidental. The lawsuit, obtained by the Chicago Tribune, alleges that Jenkins passed by several hotel employees while walking in the hallways. “Had Crowne Plaza defendants and employees and/or agents of defendant Capital Security properly intervened when they observed (Jenkins) visibly disoriented, confused and lost within their premises, they would have prevented her from entering the abandoned kitchen and prevented her death,” it reads. It also claims the freezer that Jenkins was found in had a “sticker affixed that was completely faded and failed to instruct how to release the lock system of the door,” the suit alleges. Crowne Plaza plans to fight the lawsuit, according to a statement. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.” Capital Security and Investigations did not have a comment. Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant did not respond to a request for comment. RELATED STORIES Body Found in Freezer at SunTrust Park Before Atlanta Braves Game Cops Attempting to Notify Woman of Husband's Suicide Find Her Body in Freezer Knife-Wielding Man Who Died After Jumping Out of Restaurant Freezer Was Suspected Cold Case Killer Death of 19-Year-Old Found Inside Hotel Freezer Was an Accident: Coroner DeathChicago 3-Year-Old Girl Gets Head Gash After Being Thrown by Day Care Worker: Police | Inside Edition When a 3-year-old girl suffered a gash in her head at day care her parents say they were told that she fell, but disturbing video from inside the Missouri facility, provided by the family's attorney, suggests something much worse. Inside Edition Mama Bear Does the Unexpected After Man Saves Her Cubs Parentz Talk | Sponsored 11 Signs That Shows You Have Dangerous Glucose Levels! Fashion Celebrity | Sponsored 7 Tips For You To Feel More Feminine! Techinasia | Sponsored George Hamilton is 79 & He's Not Showing Any Signs of Retirement Miss Penny Stocks | Sponsored Teen Gets Texas Cop to Pull Over Girlfriend for Promposal | Inside Edition Inside Edition Heart-Shaped Bagels : Heart-Shaped Bagels | Inside Edition Inside Edition Mom Doesn’t Recognize Herself After Suffering Amnesia | Inside Edition Inside Edition Dog Returns Home After Drone Gets Shot Down While Looking for Her | Inside Edition Inside Edition 30 Beauty Truths Every Woman Should Know Before She Turns 30 TipsSign | Sponsored GOT A TIP? Email Us: [email protected] Call Us: (212) 817-5555 TRENDING NOW Best Friends With Down Syndrome Sweetly Dance Together World's Smallest Baby Goes Home From the Hospital Angry Dad Shames Teacher Accused of Having Sex With His 13-Year-Son Selma Blair's Airplane Meltdown Viewed With New Eyes After Interview on MS Woman Faces Deportation After Allegedly Grabbing Man's MAGA Hat ABOUT US Meet the Team Awards Contact CONNECT Facebook Twitter Instagram Google+ YouTube RSS Advertise with Us WATCH INSIDE EDITION Local Listings Submit a Story SITES WE LOVE CBS News TV Guide TV.com ETonline Metacritic Last.fm Metrolyrics Rachael Ray Show Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Mobile User Agreement | Closed Captioning | Video Services Policy | Ad Choices | In Partnership with ETonline. CBS interactive © 2019 Inside Edition Inc. All Rights Reserved. ShareThis Copy and Paste 20. “The death of Kenneka Jenkins was a tragedy, but the proximate cause of her death were the unsavory individuals who used a stolen credit card to book a room and host an illegal party which Ms. Jenkins attended,” a spokesperson told the Chicago Tribune. “Those criminals escaped the hotel before police arrived and have never truly been held accountable. This lawsuit has no merit and we will vigorously contest it.”
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hcsmca · 6 years
Social Experiences at TEDMED, Powered by Our Partners
At TEDMED this year, join our Partners in uniquely designed experiences and conversations that highlight the powerful and impactful ways they are pushing boundaries and improving the health of individuals, communities, and nations around the world.
Each of our Partners embraces the role that Chaos+Clarity has in driving innovation, advancing science, and creating healthier communities, and we are excited that they share their cutting-edge ideas and devotion to a healthier world with the TEDMED Community. Below, learn more about their experiences at TEDMED this year – and register today to join them on-site at TEDMED 2018: Chaos+Clarity.
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This year, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, through a collection of new, original stories about an emerging future Culture of Health, will feature the work of some of today’s most thought-provoking futurists and fiction authors. Five authors will join us and share how they imagine a healthier world. The TEDMED Community is invited to read each author’s story and engage with them directly in the RWJF Hive Lounge, and at a special Stories Under the Stars evening event. We’re excited to explore how fiction can help inspire a healthier future with RWJF and the TEDMED Community.
  Ensuring that all have the basics to be as healthy as possible.
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AMA HealthBytes, a new game, will be launched at TEDMED this year. Are you up for the challenge? Put your knowledge to the test with “Mission Possible: Normal Blood Pressure” and “Practice Master”. Whether you’re a patient or physician, you’re bound to learn something new! After testing your knowledge with HealthBytes, join AMA leadership for Fireside Chats in the Hive about topics ranging from A.I.’s potential in healthcare to how digital tools can improve patient care and enable lifestyle change.
 Attacking the dysfunction in health care by removing obstacles and burdens that interfere with patient care—that’s the work of today’s American Medical Association.
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We’re excited to have Joule, a Canadian Medical Association company, create different health care environments in the Hive, showcasing how virtual care tools can assist in improving access to health care. Experience an aging community on Wednesday, an at-risk community on Thursday, and, a remote community on Friday. Each day, you’ll learn about innovative initiatives and see practical, hands-on examples of physician-led innovation. Interact with cutting-edge innovations, and envision the potential impact these initiatives could have in your own local health care setting and how they can help solve current health care delivery challenges.
 Driving breakthroughs in health care innovation and system change.
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Do YOU give a care? The SCAN Foundation is asking the TEDMED Community to add their voice to this important campaign that highlights the role Millennials play as caregivers while helping them create communities of support. They’ll also be hosting a live podcast recording hosted by their CEO, Dr. Bruce Chernof, about supporting younger caregivers to create community and find clarity. You can join the conversation on social media before you get to TEDMED, and share your personal story of providing care for an older relative or loved one, explaining why and how #YouGiveACare.
 Empowering Millennial caregivers across America with knowledge, resources, and supportive communities.
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What really matters in health today? This question, along with the role you can play, is what Geisinger will explore with the TEDMED Community this year. Join Geisinger leadership, including President and CEO Dr. David Feinberg, as they tackle some of the biggest questions we face in health today: What is the responsibility of a health system to support the social determinants of health? What is the main barrier to bringing lifestyle medicine into routine clinical care? Can, and should, we have an opioid-free world?
 Providing clear vision on how to change health care nationally, from treatment to prevention.
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What is the role that social, economic, and environmental factors play in our health and health outcomes? Join Humana at TEDMED to explore these questions and inspire solutions.
 Collaborating to untangle the complex web of social and environmental factors to design a comprehensive, integrated approach to improve health.
We’re thankful to have such amazing leaders joining us in our mission to help shape a healthier future. We hope you’ll join us and them at TEDMED 2018 to explore big issues and discover new solutions.
The post Social Experiences at TEDMED, Powered by Our Partners appeared first on TEDMED Blog.
Read more from TEDMED https://blog.tedmed.com/social-experiences-at-tedmed-powered-by-our-partners/#utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss
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ihavesomethngtosay · 6 years
Why did I decide on writing about my day? Hmmmm let’s see… First, I had a nervous breakdown in front of my university counsellor when she told me that I wasn’t talking sensibly and cried for like seven hours (with breaks) hence I had my dreams crashed. Then I learnt that the atelier I go to, to for on my art, and which is like my safe place, will now have the person who I feel extremely nervous and uncomfortable around (and not like a crush, more like we were close friends and she was closer friends with the person who I was closer friends with and I was constantly jealous of her and I guess you could say I was low-key obsessed and had a weird crush on the third person I am talking about and I was convinced that she had a crush on me or something like that at least too because we were extremely weird ways of showing our friendship: it all started when she came over and it was like a sleepover and we closed the lights then talked for like seven hours, until the morning and at one point she cam onto my bed and we were touching each others heads and hair and she put her finger into my mind and we sometimes talked about how we loved each other and we were each others soulmates but times changed and we changed and she changed but I never could let go of it. although we out the connection at one point (i guess one year ago) i persisted on it and that it was there. i still do love her but ı’m kind of angry that she changed and ı changed and my dreams of growing old together won’t ever be real because now the only reason she calls e is to ask for homework and kind of use me when there is no-one better like she sits next to me in my turkish classes but even though we go to chemistry together she sits next to this other person.I am naive to help her anytime she needs it and to the smallest detail. she doesn’t even respond properly to my texts. my moms thinks its because she is using me but still i think she is battling with a lot of things herself and a kinda sad and boring person like me who ind of used to need her might not be the best for her. by the way I’m not gay or bi (well I don’t really know) but according to my research you can have these kinds of crushes when you are growing up and the reason i’mm calling them crushes is because I asked other friends if it was normal to think it would be fun to go to skinny dipping or kiss or cuddle with your best friend and they were like ew no! plus to dream of them every night but not sexually (thinking about it I never did have a sexual dream anyway) but it might not be a crush so I thought telling this other person this and that I was half faking that I liked her (i never really did but there was times that I enjoyed her company but it was equivalent to like a classmates company but as I became very comfortable with my best friend (at the time) and since she never left her side, I acted quite comfortably around her too) and it didn’t go well because she’s been avoiding me and me her, and she is by nature a very reserved person and I feel disgusted next to her. I know what I feel is really bad but I feel it. I’m disgusted by the way she looks, her acne, her clothes, her fat, her voice, her attitude, her slouch, her shoes, her laugh, her braces, her art… and the worse thing is that i’ve been feeling like this almost from the start. I never felt like this to anyone else. I had objectively ugly friends which I thought to of as beautiful, or really objectively attractive friends which I thought of as beautiful. Honestly I cannot remember one other person that disgusts me so much, not even people I hate. THEN with all this emotional stuff and me talking to my dad about life for 5 hours (i do love my dad, he is a very antisocial person which makes it weird when I see how well he can communicate and socialise with me. he says it’s because he never thought people to be valuable until he was 55 and had almost no friends but i do find him quite relatable, unlike how my mother finds it as a way to insult me in the sense how alike I am with my dad but in the end she IS married to him (which is also a mystery to me as I feel like it harms her a lot as my dad IS indeed a quite unstable person and makes her feel reallllly bad) and I really do prefer to be friendless to be a nervous seemingly unhappy person) I  couldn’t even start my Ib homework and if you know Ib it’s like AP but for six subjects and it’s really really demanding and I needed 7 or more hours realistically and I have 3 (if I’m lucky). So my day was awful.
On the other note, I have discovered the French New Wave cinema and I love it. I’ve watched Frances Ha (wait before saying something, i’ll explain the connection) and loved it. The story was quite relatable, the soundtrack was amazing, i’d be lying if I said I found it funny but that does’t make it a bad film, AND the visuals were absolutely amazing. (especially after the b&w film I watched and made me develop a negative prejudice against old movies) I read that it was inspired by French New Wave so I gave it a try. I watched Joules and Jim. The story made me ask so many questions, which is always a plus billion for me. Why did he not leave her, what was special about her, did he love her, is love real or a construct, why was he jealous and how does jealousy work and and and… The editing was really striking. I loved the way he made the camera stop on a certain scene for like a second. Now I just have to watch more in my negative free time.
The university stuff, let me explain. I want to go to Europe or Australia for college because the US is expensive. Still I might get financial aid so i’ll apply to US as well. The thing is I want to go to a liberal arts and sciences college in europe and there are only two. AND they are very very very selective. AND the reason I want this major because I want a bit of everything but the counsellor insists on I apply to engineering so it’ll be easier to downgrade (which I won’t have the courage to) or psychology which will be easier when applying. AND she doesn’t know anything abut AU so she doesn’t think of it as a valid option AND as I ama confused careless person I didn’t bring my research. But I don’t want to be a psychologist or a engineer… I might want to study physics or visual arts but those are wayyyyy apart.
I either want to work with the space above my head or the space on the paper –haha funny, right? right?…  D:  -
And now she is telling me to be an engineer…
I am hopeless and worthless, and I hate that people have faith that i’ll succeed. Just because I am intelligent and have a good education will not make anything of me.
I can’t socialise, I never had a relationship, i haven’t done anything daring or bad or risky ever, and am still saying that I might want to be an artist. They’d kill me in art school, that’s for sure. And if I studied physics, they’ all be better and more interested and able to understand relativity (I am very hurt by the fact that i can’t but honestly I should probably work harder)
SOOO these are my first world problems in my pink pink life.
I hate the fact that I struggle to use my privilege to do better, and help people and not to be a spoiled annoying person. I was just going to say that I can’t be happy 24-7 but I don’t deserve to be sad at all.
Here you go folks, a diary entry by me..
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hodldrgn-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptomoonity.com/2018-q3-kin-highlights/
2018 Q3 Kin Highlights
2018 Q3 Kin Highlights
Q3 was our busiest quarter so far. The last three months included Kin integrations from Kik and Perfect 365, the launch of Kinit beta in both Android and iOS, the launch of the initial Kin Developer Program, and a few new personnel announcements.
Let’s jump in.
Product and engineering
We launched a beta version of Kinit in Android and iOS in U.S. and Israel, where consumers can earn and spend Kin natively. The stats have been encouraging:
17,700 verified users
43% stickiness (the average Kinit user is using it 13 out of 30 days per month)
90% of users completed a task on their first day in the app
25% of users completed a purchase, averaging two purchases per user
So far, brand partners have included Blackhawk, Dunkin Donuts, SoYummy, Swelly, and true[x], and backup and restore was recently added as a function.
Elad working with our partners
In addition, our partnerships and product studio has been busy meeting with potential and existing partners in New York, San Francisco, and Toronto on the Kin product offering, support, and technology. This included workshops with Perfect 365, which led to the release of the Kin Marketplace and native spend experiences to users in 27 countries on Android, which you can read more about in the ecosystem section.
In July, we launched the Kin Developer Program, a multi-million dollar program that incentivizes developers to build Kin-powered experiences into new and existing apps. We ended up accepting 40 apps into the program that span nine categories, including communication and social, gaming, and travel.
Developers are currently working on building out their earn and spend experiences, and will present their final products to the Kin team on October 15. Participants who can present a complete, functioning product will be able to submit their apps to the App Store and Google Play and will receive a reward in fiat and cryptocurrency once they officially go live (milestone 1). Additional program milestones to keep an eye out for are:
Milestone 2: 10,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months within 12 months of demo day
Milestone 3: 50,000 monthly active wallets for at least two months within 12 months of demo day
Additionally, we introduced kin.js, our JavaScript SDK.
Q3 was an important quarter with our first partners going live within the Kin Ecosystem, contributing real earn and spend use cases for cryptocurrency inside of consumer apps. Kik added a new chat themes feature where users could earn and spend Kin on premium chat themes. Kik product lead Laura Newton also committed to Kin being a pillar in the company’s overall product strategy.
We also went live with the Kin Ecosystem’s first design partner app, Perfect365, the world’s largest AR beauty community. We’ve been fortunate to find another partner willing to dedicate resources to prioritize making Kin work within their app experience, and they did so quickly. The teams flew from China and Tel Aviv to meet for two days in San Francisco for a product workshop, which led to Kin going live five weeks later and more use cases are planned to launch throughout Q4.
Yoel, Ayelet, and Ben having fun with Perfect 365
Lo and Sergio representing the partnerships team
These partnerships set us up for a strong end-of-year push and more ecosystem growth.
The community has shown continual growth throughout this quarter as well as more frequent engagement from new and veteran members daily. We are always happy to see new names on our Reddit and Telegram channels, whether they are asking questions or actively taking part in the deeper conversations being had around the project and the crypto space in general. One thing that continues to impress us is the percentage of active members — more than 10%, which is huge in community engagement standards. Day after day, these members take part in making this community grow.
In June, the community management team officially joined the communications team, and as a result, we’ve been able to better coordinate our engagement efforts. We will also be surveying the community soon to learn more about your interests, outside of when moon, and to learn what efforts you’d like to see more of.
We also held three AMAs in addition to Ted’s monthly vAMAs, diving deeper into Kinit, our blockchain strategy, and new CMO Matt DiPietro’s role at Kin.
Gadi’s game face before joining the blockchain AMA
In addition, we concluded the pilot of the Kin Ambassador Program that called on community advocates to help spread interest in and adoption of Kin. Everyone knows these members by heart, and we couldn’t have been more appreciative to our intelligent and adamant supporters that hold our community and this project to such a high standard. We are excited to share a debrief of the initial program, as well as the program’s next possible rollout soon.
Growing the team
There are several open position in both our New York and Tel Aviv offices:
Content manager (New York)
Data analyst (Tel Aviv)
DevOps engineer (Tel Aviv)
iOS developer (Tel Aviv)
Senior devops (Tel Aviv)
Server developer (Tel Aviv)
Social media manager (New York)
Technical product manager (Tel Aviv)
Technical writer (Tel Aviv)
If you’re interested or know someone who’s a fit, please email [email protected].
Marketing and communications
In Q3, we welcomed our new CMO Matt DiPietro, former SVP of marketing at Amazon-owned Twitch, to the team. Matt is leading Kin’s marketing efforts and branding strategy for Kin and its associated products and services. In addition, the Kin Foundation welcomed former Ethereum Foundation special advisor William Mougayar as the second Kin Foundation board of director.
With the roll out of the Kin Developer Program, Kinit launching on both iOS and Android, and personnel announcements, we had a busy third quarter. Kin also celebrated its first anniversary in September, and Ted reflected on the year behind us and on what lies ahead.
Ted and Tanner spoke at Elevate in Toronto. Ted represented Kik and Kin on Elevate’s mainstage, and then spoke about the journey into crypto with Terry Pender at Elevate Blockchain. Tanner sat on a panel about tokenized securities and ICOs.
Ted on the main stage at Elevate
In August, we combined the Kin Blog and Inside Kin to make it easier to find all the latest updates on Kin. Our content now lives on a single property, Kin Blog. Here are the most-read posts from Q3:
Kin Developer Program launches today
Kinit Beta App now live in Google Play
Doubling down on the Kin Blockchain
Kin Developer Program accepts 40 developers to grow Kin Ecosystem
Kinit app now live in iOS App Store
In the news:
Red Bull and Swarovski are testing cryptocurrency tokens in exchange for engagement, AdWeek
Today in board additions: William Mougayar joins Kin Foundation’s board of directors, Joule appoints Deepak Kaura as board chair, BetaKit
Crypto startup reels in Twitch executive to spearhead adoption strategies, Bitcoin Magazine
$3 million fund to create 25 marketplaces for Kik Messenger’s token, CoinDesk
Kin has surpassed the daily active users of all Ethereum dapps combined, Sludgefeed
Kik launches beta product after $100 million ICO, TechCrunch
Kik is giving $3M to developers to build for its Kin cryptocurrency, TheNextWeb
Kin nabs 40 consumer apps for crypto developer program, VentureBeat
Kinit app lets iOS users earn and spend Kin cryptocurrency in apps, VentureBeat
Perfect365 AR beauty app adopts Kin to bring more women in cryptocurrency, VentureBeat
What’s next?
Q4 is traditionally the busiest quarter as we close out the year (holiday decorations are already going up all over New York, so it’s already that time!). As always, tune into Reddit, Telegram, and Twitter accounts, and of course, Medium, for the latest updates.
2018 Q3 Kin Highlights was originally published in Kin Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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