#Julie doesn't want to move too far from Los Feliz but she's not as hardcore as Luke
pearlcaddy · 3 years
You seem to know the LA neighborhoods, so if it's not too much trouble, I'm wondering where you think Julie's home would be, and where the boys would move once they've made it 🙈
So I consulted with a panel (@xxprettylittletimebombxx, @mamirugbee, @sanssssastark) and we... had too many ideas and nothing conclusive, except that we feel strongly that Luke and Julie would live in the east.
The difficulty with LA is that neighborhoods have super specific personalities and commuting is a big part of life--if people live in different parts of the city, it can be really hard to spend time together. So I think the boys would gravitate towards different areas, but if they actually lived in the neighborhoods that suited them as individuals/couples, they would live far apart, band practice would be impossible, and they would never hang out.
That makes me too sad, so my current headcanon for settled, adult JatP is Luke and Julie in Silver Lake, Alex and Willie in Hancock Park, and Reggie in Oak Knoll (he’s always wanted to go to Pasadena! He still has a bit of a commute, but it’s worth it for him.)
This is a much longer and less helpful answer than you were probably looking for, but basically I think there are a lot of valid answers to where they could live (other LA people, please sound off with different opinions!) and the main issue is proximity. I’m very attached to the idea of the guys constantly trying to lure each other to the parts of the city that they want to live in, and failing because Luke won’t leave Silver Lake.
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