#Kaaras Adaar
nucuk · 1 month
Cassy and Kaarassy are sassy assassy couple 🪢🌱🛡📚
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Kaaras Adaar I Dragon Age : inquisition
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kaaras-adaar · 3 months
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// I FINALLY managed to sit down and finish colouring this unfinished piece that's... probably 2 years old now? :'D Anyway, happy to finally put some art up. :)
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ringofdoubt · 1 year
3 years ago I made this absolute 10/10 of an Inquisitor
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But did 3-years-ago me take screenshots of the character creation sliders? No. No they did not. Instead....
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This is so unhelpful. what was i thinking 🤣🤣🤣
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seeasunset · 1 month
I think one of your biggest strengths as an Rper is actually being active and progressing with your muse. You share so many posts about Vasco, whether they're headcanons or other AU settings, and it keeps people engaged and interested (which is always a good thing!).
Biggest Strength / Lost at Sea
☆ This truly means a lot to me?? I try to progress with my stuff for Vasco or any muses, building upon and fixing anything that needs adjusting. This could be because I either feel satisfied with the ideas, done more research, or thought about it more. So, this is much appreciated!!
I do enjoy seeing Kaaras around and how he is!! The biggest details down to the smallest. You breathe life into him
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Writing Kaaras not realizing Dorian wants to fuck him is hilarious. He's like oh, of course you came to my room it's quiet here. And of course you met me in an empty room, it's so noisy in the hall.
I haven't quite decided who's going to tell him Dorian's horny, but it's gonna be great.
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emotelizardrambling · 10 months
Friends in High Places:
Just a drabble based on a piece of fan art that I will edit into this post if I can ever find it again.
As a rule, Josephine Montilyet was a patient woman. However standing at the end of an ally waiting on the inquisitor was hardly a welcome pass time. They had come to Val Royux for the simple task of re-outfitting guest rooms for an upcoming, very picky noble visitor. Kaaras however had clearly gotten rather bored with the excursion, so Josephine had told them they could look at other shops while she finished the necessary preparations. Kaaras had promised to meet her here when they were both done, at high noon. Josephine had been waiting going on twenty minutes, and was now wondering if the Inquisitor had found another cause to get involved in, as they often did. She could not begrudge the influence garnered by their ability to involve themself in even the most petty squabble, but all the same, she rather wished she had agreed to meet at the tea shop instead. At least then she could sip a cup of tea and go over ledgers while she waited. "Hey Lady." a gruff and unfamiliar voice sounded from around a nearby corner. Emerging from behind it was a half armored hooded young man, followed by three others in similar garb. Josephine did her best to cover the irritation in her voice as she asked, "May I help you?"
"Hand over your coins," the lead figure stated with a cocky smile, "and nobody gets hurt." Josephine could not stop the quirk of her eyebrow, these thieves clearly were not regulars about Val Royux, anyone with sense would know not to mess with the ambassador of the Inquisition without far more forces. Josephine was no regular fighter for certain, though she was hardly defenseless on her own, but the Inquisitor had a, well justified, reputation for being protective of their people. "An' don't even think about screaming." The bandit continued, "We don't wanna shed more blood than necessary." At the same time a momentary blur of grey and black passed in the corner of Josephine's eye, from the top of a nearby building. Resisting the urge to shake her head at the inquisitor's flair for dramatic entrances she did her best to defuse the situation. "Monsieur, I am sorry that you find me in such poor condition," Josephine made a shallow bow, "you see, I fear my friend will arrive quite soon." Glancing at one another one of the thieves murmured "friend?", then they all began to laugh. "Look at that boss," one said "Nobles are throwing themselves at us. Two for the trouble of one." the "boss" laughed, "I might stop by the Chantry and start praying once we're done! Thank the maker for today." "Oh," Josephine sought to clarify. "I am afraid my friend is not a noble. At least not by birthright." she brought a hand to her chin wondering how to best broach the subject of who exactly they were messing with, "Does the name Adaar ring any bells?" It was clear by the dumbfounded expressions it did not. She almost pitied them for their ignorance, clearly there was no hope for this lot. "It means weapon, so I have been told." she tried to warn. "Likes to jump from high places." she allowed a twinge of annoyance to enter her words here. The bandits however were unmoved. "3 meters tall..." she attempted, though they only looked to each other in confusion at this, "Grey, does grey make you think of anything?" "No..?" "Carries a large sword, approximately my size..." "Look I don't care who your friend is lady just hand over the money." the man stated impatiently, inching closer with his blade. Josephine pinched the bridge of her nose as the bird's chirp sounded just above her. "Oh dear, now I do wish I had brought paper to write your names." It was at this point Kaaras decided to make themself known scuffing their boot on the roof of the building behind Josephine. "Huh? Who's there?" the thief barely had time to get the words out before Kaaras Adaar landed just behind the ambassador with a graceful crouch, before raising themself to full height, towering over Josephine. "Sorry I'm late." Josephine could hear the smirk in Kaaras' voice. The thieves, for their parts, seemed rather frozen in shock. "Boss....?" one murmured. There wasn't time for anything else before Kaaras broke into action, before any of them could get the good sense to run they were all unconscious on the ground. "You're unharmed, correct, Josie?" "Yes Inquisitor I am quite alright, next time, however, we will definitely meet at the tea shop." "Aw, but Josie they always make me stay for something, and the cups and chairs are so tiny..." Kaaras complained like a child. "Plus, better we catch these idiots then someone get hurt right?" "I suppose, but I would rather not play the bait, perhaps bring Dorian to do so in the future." "Please, Dorian would just fry them himself. It wouldn't be nearly as..." Josephine fixed them with a look. "erm... safe, for the bandits, I just knocked them out, they wouldn't escape Dorian without a few good burns." "An admirable point Inquisitor. Either way, we should see these men to our scouts to be dealt with by the proper authorities."
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ode-of-odr-archive · 1 year
@kaaras-adaar​ continued from here
Raserei nodded. It was something he thought about as well. This was grand, even not being the core of it all like Kaaras, he was still on this whirlwind adventure to save the world. How does one come down after that? How does one relearn to relax and breathe like a normal person? How was the world going to move forward? It was a lot in truth. 
And all this had got him thinking that he really didn’t belong anywhere. Not truly. Sure with Valor being part of him, the Avvar were a good choice and they did raise him. He was as deep into their customs as the next of his kin. But that’s the thing wasn’t it? They weren’t his kin. He was a marveled at outsider. Adopted. Not that being adopted in should matter...but because he looked so different it was hard to say he ever felt like he belonged somewhere. 
With this? It didn’t matter he fit in because he could swing a big weapon and take out demons. This worked...for now. But it would end, then what? It scared him to think he could never he happy with calm and quiet now. That he and Valor would be chasing the next thrill until it kills them both. 
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“I have been thinking about that too...a lot. While my tribe clearly accepted me, and put me upon a pedal stool for my looks, I don’t really fit in, ja? And look around, I really don’t fit in with the Lowlanders! But because of this chaos, this need to fix something bigger than a border, or whatever vain issue we mortals have, I fit in, because it does not matter. Being away from the Hold for so long now has made realize how much of an outsider I always feel despite...” he trailed off as he almost outed Valor. 
“I worry I will live a restless life now.” 
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kremisius · 1 year
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Pinned Starters || Accepting || @kaaras-adaar
[ HIDE ]:     while on the run, the sender hastily grabs the receiver and pins them against a wall that’s hidden from public view to avoid being seen.
They were out manned and out matched. It was rare that Krem felt like he couldn't finish a fight, but today was just one of those days. At least, that was what Krem told himself as they turned tail. Sometimes you had to pick your battles. Even if he was more than ready to send the Venatori to meet the Maker, they hadn't been prepared for the sheer numbers they had been going against. In fact, they hadn't been prepared for any fighting. Either the Venatori had moved incredibly quickly, before they had gotten any intel about their whereabouts, or they'd been given extremely poor reports.
There wasn't time to figure it out; Kaaras was just beside him, their feet pounding into the dirt below them as they ran for the chance to fight another day. Na via lerno victoria. He remembered his Commander in the military drilling those words into their heads. Only the living know victory. The mantra didn't soothe the irritation nor the urge to turn around and make a stand against the men pursuing them.
What did put those thoughts on hold was the feeling of a large hand on his arm, yanking him immediately to the right and between a few abandoned buildings. Krem was just clever enough to not say a damned thing as Kaaras took him around one of the buildings and then pressed him close against one of the crumbling wall, just sturdy enough and broad enough to hide the pair of them. He tried to time his breaths, carefully letting the air hiss past parted lips as they waited for the enemy to pass. His head tilted to the side, brown eyes focusing on a single rock in the path as he strained to listen for any signs that the enemy had seen.
They waited for several minutes, until the shouting and the footfalls had all long past them. It was only once he was sure they were gone that Krem let out a heavy sigh, turning his gaze back to the Tal-Vashoth that had him by his shoulders. "Quick thinking." He decided on, reaching up to put his hand on Kaaras' arm. He gave the other a quick squeeze before a sudden concern pulled at his brow.
"You alright, Ser?"
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rebel-in-the-night · 9 months
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Found this in my art folders! Made this in 2021-2022? Might redo this in watercolor at some point
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scoutlace · 1 year
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Dragon Age Origins Starters || Accepting
@kaaras-adaar said: “Oh…you mean, am I married? I…no. No, I’ve never had the pleasure. If I did, I’d be lucky to find a woman as lovely as yourself.”
As lovely as...?
Lace had to glance around just briefly to see if, by some coincidence, there was someone else stood around, asking or interested in The Herald's love life. Okay, yes; she would fully admit that she'd asked out of interest. She hadn't had much experience in flirting and she was quickly learning that some people (Dorian, for example) flirted as a way of being friendly. The little comments, the back and forth banter that she and Kaaras shared... Well, she'd wanted to know if it meant something.
But Lace certainly wasn't expecting him to just come out and say it like that either.
A hand came up and she pointed to herself with a raised brow, though the flush blooming beneath her freckles betrayed her rushing heart. "Me? I mean--" She gave a little laugh, but her smile certainly grew. "I don't know about lucky. I've always been told I'm a handful... But I guess you've got big hands. You could probably manage me."
Horror dawned on her when she realized exactly what just came out of her mouth. The flush deepened and her pale blue eyes widened. "W-wait, that's not-- Maker's breath."
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nucuk · 29 days
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Cassy and Kaarassy discussing and secretly critisise Josephine's choice of fabric 🛡️👁️💅🐂🪢🔥
Cassandra & Kaaras | Dragon Age Inquisition
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kaaras-adaar · 8 months
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// It's been a very slow process! (2 years ago!!!?) But hey, I think I like the colour combination finally.
Lace texture
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impcrriumm · 1 year
“Love doesn’t always come when you want it to. Sometimes, it just happens, despite your will.”
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"Pesky isn't it?" Dorian agreed.
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He wouldn't get into it, the ever growing list of individuals he wished he did not burn himself to love. They were lovers, family, friends, mentors, people who didn't even know he existed let alone thought of them. In short, he could relate, but he wouldn't bore the Inquisitor with a long monologue dedicated to all the men he'd loved before.
"I suppose if it were up to us when we fell in love we never would." he thought aloud. "The risk is seldom worth the reward. In one hand you may be happy for a while, but in the other you know you will spend an eternity searching for that fool you were, and you will never find him."
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seeasunset · 1 year
{Continuing from (x) for: @kaaras-adaar}
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While Vasco may have come off as unapproachable from time to time, especially outside of getting any friendship, he still helped polished any knowledge on the sea. Correct people even. Sure, he couldn't give away too much details or information, it's still enough. Even more since he is here to help better the alliance between the Inquisition and the Nauts.
❝Don't be sorry. What has already happened has already happened. What we have to do is put an end to it. I hate having these kind of things happening. But if you don't mind, I could help track whoever is behind it.❞ As much as Vasco didn't mind Kaaras helping out, it's also the elf captain's problem to deal with as well.
Vasco might end up having to turn invisible and go about. Otherwise, he's not going anywhere if he randomly approaches anyone or eavesdrop. Perhaps he'll sit at the highest spot where nobody knows he's there.
For a moment or two, the captain thought about it. There is potential people who could be against him. He knew not many have high opinions on the Nauts. At the same time, it is only a possibility and nothing more. He can't go off of that.
❝Potential, but no one solid enough to fit that.❞
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Yep, that’s it. Kaaras Adaar is bucking all three choices and submitting his cousin, Jackal Lavellan, for divine.
Neither of them are Andrastian. He just doesn’t want to be involved with selecting the pope when it’s not his religion and he doesn’t even like the Chantry.
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dreadwxlf · 2 months
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@kaaras-adaar sent: "Thirsty?"
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~ Solas greeted the Inquisitor with a smile, eyeing the teapot and cups he held in his hands. " Ah -- I appreciate the sentiment, Kaaras, but I am afraid I do not drink tea. " Clearing a few scattered tomes and papers from his desk, the elf gestured to the empty seat across from him. ~
~ " I would, however, still enjoy your company. Come, sit. " ~
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