sooooo i’ve had a book published since 14th july, and i’m really frickin happy that i got it listed on goodreads now! i honestly couldn’t care if no one interacted with this post, i’m just so happy and i wanna share it to the world that i’m happy!
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also the fact that my friend bought the book and was texting me while she was reading it, and as an author, i was able to make her question her life with my writing
i’d say i’ve achieved the highest power there is as an author!
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bluezeri · 2 years
Do you have more of that twin Imperial agent au? Has that Cipher met Satele Shan?
ok so! idk if u saw it already but i have a little bit written here
still have more stuuf tho so
kaavi hasnt technically met satele shan- formerly at least. hes seen her in passing on missons, he was sure to stay out of sight then, but other than that, he only really met her on rishi.
satele could feel it in the force, but she didnt know right away. she was confused by it but focused on the meeting they were having right then. it was only as she was about to leave did she realize, and looked at cipher nine, who felt her gaze and looked back at her, and only nodded once. that was when she knew.
and at that point, both lana and theron know that he looks exactly like theron, but that it. they dont know anything else, and kaavi is avoiding giving information at all costs. he doesnt want to have to deal with it, so he redirects their attention to their mission until after the meeting, where they discuss plans for yavin, and he just fucking books it out of there. he does let them speak to ask questions, and by the time they get to yavin, they dont have time to question it anymore.
and since kaavi is always wearing helmet, they kinds just forget about it after everythings done. and kaavi figures he might as well, and finds theron sitting down near the cliff, taking a moment to breath before shit hits the fan again. and he sits down next to him, takes off his helmet and doesnt say anything. theron doesnt either for a moment, before he finally speaks up asking why they look alike. and kaavi is kindof surprised satele didnt say anything but explains regardless. and theron is just kindof sitting there bc what the fuck.
and then kaavi gets up ready to leave and theron is just "hey. hey no. no no no u dont get to leave. we're twins-"
"on opposite sides of the war. or did you forget that this peace on yavin was temporary"
and theron doesnt quite know what to say that. kaavi sighs and places his hand on therons shoulder. "youre... a good person theron. a better person than i will ever be. im sorry." he turns around, heading back to his ship. theron doesnt call after him. and thats the end of it. theyre enemies,the only way theron would ever see him again was on the battlefield blowing each other brains out.
and then ziost happens.
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Kosha Patel on Girlboss Season 1
as Kaavi on Girlboss [S01 E12]
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Lyhyehköt selitykset jokaisesta rataosasta lue lisää -linkin alla. Ehdottomasti saa mainostaa rebloggauksissa itselleen tärkeitä paikkakuntia jotka saisivat matkustajajunaliikenteen takaisin!
Short-ish explanations for each route under the cut. Advertising towns that are important to you that would regain passenger connections are encouraged!
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Raahen asema/Raahe station. Santeri Viinamäki, Wikimedia Commons
Raahen rautatie, eli sivurata Pohjanmaan radan Tuomiojan asemalta Raaheen, avattiin yksityisen rautatieyhtiön toimesta vuonna 1899. Rautatie myytiin Valtionrautateille vuonna 1926. Matkustajaliikenne radalla lopetettiin vuonna 1966; tavaraliikenne jatkuu edelleen. Rata sähköistettiin vuonna 2001. Raahe on ainoa merkittävä asutuskeskus joka tulisi raideliikenteen piiriin.
Raahe railroad, a spur line from the Pohjanmaa line's Tuomioja station to Raahe, was opened by a private company in 1899. The line was sold to Valtionrautatier in 1926. Passenger services were closed in 1966. Freight services continue on the line to this day. The line was electrified in 2001. Raahe itself is the only notable town along the line.
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Potmon rautatiesilta Kannonkoskella/Potmo railway bridge at Kannonkoski. Kotivalo, Wikimedia Commons
Jyväskylän ja Haapajärven välinen rata rakennettiin useissa osissa; ensimmäinen osa Jyväskylästä Suolahdelle avattiin jo vuonna 1898, mutta viimeinen osio (Varanen–Keitelepohja) avattiin vasta vuonna 1960. Matkustajaliikenne Saarijärveltä pohjoiseen lakkautettiin jo vuonna 1968, Äänekosken ja Saarijärven välillä matkustajaliikenne lakkautettiin 1978 ja radan loppuosalta vuonna 1987. Tavaraliikenne jatkuu edelleen. Rataa ei ole sähköistetty. Äänekoski, Saarijärvi ja Pihtiputaa ovat merkittävimmät asutuskeskukset radan varrella joille ei tällä hetkellä ole rautatieliikennettä.
The line between Jyväskylä and Haapajärvi was built in numerous phases; the first, Jyväskylä to Suolahti, was opened alreay in 1898, but the final segment between Varanen and Keitelepohja only in 1960. Passenger services north of Saarijärvi were terminated in 1968, north of Äänekoski in 1978 and finally between Jyväskylä and Ääneskoski in 1987. The route is not electrified, but freight services continue. Ääneskoski, Saarijärvi and Pihtiputaa are the most notable habitations along the route with no passenger train services.
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Vierumäen asema/Vierumäki station. Psl10i, Wikimedia Commons
Lahden ja Heinolan välinen rautatie avattiin vuonna 1932. Matkustajaliikenne lakkautettiin vuonna 1968. Rata on edelleen tavaraliikenteen käytössä, mutta sitä ei ole sähköistetty. Vierumäki ja Heinola ovat ainoat merkittävät asutuskeskukset joihin raideliikenne palautuisi.
The line between Lahti and Heinola was opened in 1932. Passenger services ended in 1968, but the route is still used in freight services; it has not been electrified. Vierumäki and Heinola itself are the only notable towns along the route that would regain passenger train services.
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Ilomantsin asema/Ilomatsi station. Suomen rautatiemuseo
Pitkään suunniteltu Ilomantsin rautatie avattiin liikenteelle vuonna 1967. Matkustajaliikenne loppui jo seuraavana vuonna. Rahtiliikenne jatkuu edelleen, mutta rataa ei ole sähköistetty. Ilomantsi on ainoa asutuskeskus radan varrella.
The long-planned line to Ilomantsi was opened in 1967, but passenger services were closed already the next year. The line remains in freight use, and it is not electrified. Ilomantsi itself is the only town along the route.
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Loviisan asema/Loviisa station. Suomen rautatiemuseo
Rautatie Loviisaan rakennettiin alkujaan yksityisomisteisen Loviisa–Wesijärvi-rautatien toimesta kapearaiteisena vuonna 1900. Valtionrautatiet osti radan vuonna 1956, ja se leveäraisteistettiin vuonna 1960. Matkustajaliikenne loppui vuonna 1970. Rahtiliikenne on nykyään vähäistä ja rataa ei ole myöskään sähköistetty. Orimattila ja Loviisa ovat ainoat varsinaisesti radan varrella olevat asutuskeskukset jotka saisivat matkustajajunayhteyden.
The railway to Loviisa was originally build as a narrow-gauge line by the privately owned Loviisa–Wesijärvi railroad, opened in 1900. Valtionrautatiet bought the line in 1956, and it was rebuilt in the 1524 mm gauge in 1960. Passenger services ended in 1970. Freight services have largely ceased too, and the line is not electrified. Orimattila and Loviisa are the only towns actually along the line that would regain a passenger train connection.
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Porvoon asema/Porvoo station. Mikkoau, Wikimedia Commons
Kerava–Porvoo-rautatie on yksi alkujaan yksityisvaroin rakennetuista rautateistä. Se avattiin liikenteelle vuonna 1874 ja siirtyi Valtionrautateille 1917. Matkustajaliikenne radalle päättyi vuonna 1981, ja tavaraliikenne Ollin liikennepaikan ja Porvoon välillä vuonna 1990. Keravan ja Ollin välinen rata on sähköistetty ja sitä käyttävät tavarajunat Sköldvikin öljynjalostamolle. Ollin ja Porvoon välinen osuus on sähköistämätön ja sitä käytetään vain museoliikenteessä. Radan varrella suurimmat taajamat ovat Nikkilä, Hinthaara ja Porvoo. Rata näin lähellä Helsinkiä mahdollistaisi myös uusien asutuskeskusten rakentamisen aseman ympärille.
The Kerava–Porvoo line is another route built by private investors. It was opened in 1874 and sold to Valtionrautatiet in 1917. Passenger services ended in 1981 and freight services between Olli and Porvoo ceased in 1990. The line between Kerava and Olli is electrified, used by freight trains to the Sköldvik oil refinery. The segment between Olli and Porvoo is non-electrified and used only by museum trains. Nikkilä, Hinthaara and Porvoo are the biggest villages/towns along the line, though the vicinity to Helsinki would also make construction of entirely new towns around a new station possible.
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Lohjan asema/Lohja station. Eelisp, Wikimedia Commons
Hyvinkään ja Karjaan välinen rata avattiin osana yksityisomisteista Hyvinkään ja Hangon välistä rautatietä vuonna 1873. Yksityisrata ei kannattanut ja se ostettiin valtiolle jo kaksi vuotta myöhemmin. Henkilöliikenne Hyvinkään ja Karjaan välillä lopetettiin vuonna 1983 (Karjaalta Hankoon matkustajaliikennettä ei koskaan lopetettu, joskin juuri nyt liikennettä ei ole sähköistystöistä johtuen), tavaraliikenne jatkuu edelleen. Sähköistys valmistuu vuonna 2024. Lohja, Nummela ja Rajamäki ovat tärkeimmät asutuskeskukset radan varrella jotka saisivat matkustajayhteyden takaisin.
The track between Hyvinkää and Karjaa was opened as a part of the longer, privately owned Hyvinkää–Hanko railroad in 1973. The line was not a success and was taken over by the state already in 1975. Passenger services between Hyvinkää and Karjaa ceased in 1983 (Karjaa–Hanko passenger services were never closed, although they are currently suspended due to electrification works), freight services continue to this day. Electrification is due to be completed in 2024. Lohja, Nummela and Rajamäki are the biggest towns along the route that would have passenger services restored.
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Rauman asema/Rauma station. Mikkoau, Wikimedia commons.
Rauman ja Kokemäen välinen rautatie on sekin alkujaan yksityisomisteinen: sen rakensi Rauman kaupungin omistama Rauman Rautatie vuonna 1897, ja se oli Suomen ainoa kunnallinen rautatieyhtiö (kunnan omistamia ratoja on ollut muuallakin). Kaupunkin myi rautatieyhtyön Valtionrautateille vuonna 1950. Henkilöliikenne päättyi vuonna 1988, mutta tavaraliikenne jatkuu vilkkaana. Rata sähköistettiin vuonna 1998. Kiukainen ja Rauma ovat ainoat merkittävät asutuskeskukset radan varrella jotka tulisivat matkustajaraideliikenteen piiriin.
The Rauma–Kokemäki line was originally the only municipally owned railway company in Finland; the line was built in 1897 (there have been other municipally owned lines, but Rauma Railroad was the only railway company owned by a municipality). The City of Rauma sold the railroad to Valtionrautatiet in 1950. Passenger services ceased in 1950, but freight services remain busy to this day. The line was electrified in 1998. Kiukainen and Rauma are the only population centres of note along the line that would regain a passenger connection.
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Juankosken asema/Juankoski station. Timo Lappi, Suomen rautatiemuseo.
Siilinjärvi–Viinijärvi-rata yhdistää Savon radan pohjoisosan Pieksämäki–Joensuu-rataan. Rata rakennettiin osissa; vanhin osuus avattiin vuonna 1927, mutta koko yhteys valmistui vasta vuonna 1970. Matkustajaliikennettä radalla oli vain vuosina 1984-89, tavaraliikenne jatkuu edelleen. Rata on sähköistämätön. Matkustajaliikenteen aloittamista Kuopion ja Joensuun välillä hyödyntäen Siilinjärvi–Viinijärvi-rataa on selvitetty 2013 ja 2020, mutta ilman tuloksia. Juankoski, Kaavi ja Outokumpu ovat suurimmat taajamat radan varrella.
The Siilinjärvi–Viinijärvi line connects the northern part of the Savo line to the Pieksämäki–Joensuu route. The connection was built in segments; the oldest part was opened in 1927, the newest in 1970. Passenger services were only operated briefly in 1984-89, freight services continue. The track is not electrified. (Re)starting passenger services between Kuopio and Joensuu using the Siilinjärvi–Viinijärvi line has been studied in 2013 and 2020, but with no concrete results. Juankoski, Kaavi and Outokumpu are the largest population centres along the route.
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Vuokatin asema/Vuokatti station. Museovirasto.
Nurmeksen ja Kontiomäen välinen rata on osa Karjalan radan pohjoista jatketta Joensuusta Kontiomäelle. Rata valmistui osissa vuosina 1910–1929. Matkustajaliikenne Nurmeksesta pohjoiseen lopetettiin vuonna 1993; Joensuun ja Nurmeksen välillä liikennöidään edelleen. Nurmeksen ja Kontiomäen välillä on vähäistä tavaraliikennettä. Koko rataosa on sähköistämätön. Merkittävät rautatieliikenteen piiriin tulevat taajamat olisivat Valtimo ja Vuokatti.
The Nurmes–Kontiomäki line is a part of the northern extension of the Karelia line from Joensuu to Kontiomäki. The route was built in segments between 1910 and 1929. Passenger services north of Nurmes were discontinued in 1993, but continue of the southern part of the line. There is limited freight service on the Nurmes–Kontiomäki segment, and the whole route is not electrifies. Valtimo and Vuokatti are the largest population centres that would regain a rail connection.
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Kalarannan seisake Uudenkaupungin keskustassa / the Kalaranta halt in central Uusikaupunki. Mikko Ahvenlampi, Suomen rautatiemuseo.
Rautatie Turusta Uuteenkaupunkiin avattiin liikenteelle vuonna 1924. Matkustajaliikenne radalla päättyi vuonna 1993. Tavaraliikenne jatkuu edelleen ja rata sähköistettiin vuonna 2022. Matkustajaliikenteen palautusta on ajoittain väläytelty julkisessa keskustelussa, mutta mitään konkreettista asiassa ei ole tapahtunut. Raisio, Masku ja Uusikaupunki olisivat suurimmat matkustajaliikenteen piiriin palaavat taajamat. Raisio tosin saattaa saada matkustajaliikenteen takaisin jo aiemmin, sillä VR suunnittelee Helsinki–Turku-junien reitin jatkamista Naantaliin (Naantalin rata eroaa Uudenkaupungin radasta Raision aseman pohjoispuolella).
The railway from Turku to Uusikaupunki was opened in 1924. Passenger services terminated in 1993, but freight services continue and the line was electrified in 2022. Restoring passenger services had been a subject to public discussion, but nothing concrete has happened to date. Raisio, Masku and Uusikaupunki would be the largest population centres to regain passenger connections. Raisio may get their passenger connection restored soon, as VR are planning to extend the route of Helsinki–Turku passenger trains to Naantali (and the spur to Naantali branches off the Uusikaupunki line just north of Raisio station).
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favcolourrvibgior · 8 months
NandhininKarikalan~ Chapter 10
•Pattathu Arasi•
At the Camp of Cholas,
The boundary of both Kingdoms,
The Camp where Malayaman, Parthibandhra and Karikalan were
staying, was full of chaos. All the soldiers were searching for their crown prince.
"Thatha do you know where Karikalan would have gone?" Ask a concerned Parthibandhran.
" I have no idea, son " reply Malayaman."
Thatha I think it is better if we inform the king that Adhitan is missing" suggested Parthibandhran.
"Let us search for a few more days and then inform the king. We wouldn't want the king to die in a heart attack." Told Malayaman to Parthibandhran to lighten up the mood.
Just as they were talking a spy came towards them " Greetings to The great Malayaman and Parthibandhra Pallavan. "
"What news have you brought? Is it about Karikalan?" Asked Malayaman with hope.
" Yes, I have brought news about Karikalan. It Looks like he is staying in a Vidhiyar's Hut in Kattumanarkovil. " Told the spy.
" How do you know that it was him?" Asked Malayaman to confirm the news. " He was seen at the Temple on the Full moon day. Many people have witnessed to see him" told the spy
Malayaman became very happy he looked at Parthibandhra and hugged him tightly.
"By the way why is he staying in the Vidhiyar's Hut?" Asked Malayaman." The prince got injured by the fight which happened in the temple with the bandits"
As he was enquiring about the spy about Karikalan. The Prince himself showed up.
A soldier came running towards them and told " Adhita Karikalan is coming".
Malayaman and Parthibandhran looked very happy. They pushed past the soldier and the spy, they followed them right behind.
Karikalan was dressed in a kaavi colour dhoti and had the same colour shawl wrapped around his upper body.
"Karikala", and " Nanba" greeted Malayaman and Parthibandhran as they saw karikalan.
Malayaman went to hug Karikalan followed by Parthibandhran. " Nanba! How are you? You scared us for three whole days" told Parthibandhran as he hugged Karikalan.
Karikalan hugged Parthibandhran back and told laughing " I won't leave you very easily". Hearing their sounds, other soldiers in the camp came to see him. They became very happy seeing him. " Hail Prince Adhita Karikalan." Everyone praised him.
Karikalan lifted his hands gesturing the soldiers to stop praising him.
"Thank you everyone" thanked Karikalan.
" Thatha I was safe in the vidhiyar's house, the pandiyans are good people," Karikalan told to Malayaman.
" How are you saying?" Asked Malayaman. " Yes thatha they save me and gave me shelter, food, clothes. I even got to hear some good parshuram." Said karikalan.
This comment made Nandhini who was standing behind a tree with Urvashi blush, her cheeks turned red like a Tomato. Urvashi noticed it and started to tease Nandhini.
" Akka can't you see how much he loves you by this? " Asked Urvashi to Nandhini. Nandini turned to the other side to hide her smile from Urvashi.
On the other hand, karikalan was talking to Malayaman about his experience there. " I would love to see the brave young lady who saved you Adhita, It is my pleasure, son " replied Malayaman eager to see the woman who has saved his grandson.
Karikalan didn't hesitate for a second and called " Nandini, come out ".
Nandhini who was giggling and talking with Urvashi came to everyone's view of Urvashi.
As they were walking forward he introduced Urvashi as the chief tenant's daughter.
They stood there in the distance. Karikalan asked them to come closer. She came near Aditya Karikalan and asked " Did you call me Ilavarase?".
" Yes I called you Nandhini, this is my thatha Malayaman and this is my friend Parthibandhran" pointing towards each one as he introduced her.
Nandhini brought her palms together and greeted them as she touched Malayamans' feet to get his blessings. " Live long and happy life " blessed Malayaman.
Malayaman saw Urvashi, Nandhini and smiled at them. Parthibandhran on the other hand was just looking at Nandhini. He was hypnotised by her beauty.
Malayaman shook awake Parthibandhran to reality karikalan laughed at the sight, and Nandhini smiled.
" Thatha this is Chola Nadu's Pattathu Arasi" announced Karikalan, which shocked Malayaman as well as Nandhini. Nandhini didn't know how to react she ran away from there.
" Nandhini wait don't go!" shouted Karikalan. Nandhini ignored his calls and kept running.
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Hope you liked this chapter!!
@ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight @dr-scribbler @nature-writes29 @nspwriteups @ragkee @sambaridli @sakhiiii @sowlspace @thereader-radhika @thelekhikawrites @vibishalakshman @willkatfanfromasia @whippersnappersbookworm @vijayasena
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idolliey · 1 month
Kaavi (Mahjong Soul) Replycons
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like/reblog if used please <33
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haveyoureadthispoll · 25 days
When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost. But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya. However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…
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yewphoric · 9 months
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been forgetting to post here in the midst of Art Fight and getting ready to take commissions!! ^^;
so, here's some attacks i did!
Arenilranir - @godlessbroadcast / Spooksscribbles on AF
Kaavi - @bubopeli / BuboPeli on AF
had a blast drawing these sillies!! :D
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camiliar · 2 years
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@bubopeli ‘s character, Kaavi 💚
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Book Recommendations: Stories with Shocking Twists
The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor
A dark history lingers in Chapel Croft. Five hundred years ago, local Protestant martyrs were betrayed - then burned. Thirty years ago, two teenage girls disappeared without a trace. And a few weeks ago, the vicar of the local parish hanged himself in the nave of the church.
Reverend Jack Brooks, a single parent with a fourteen-year-old daughter and a heavy conscience, arrives in the village hoping for a fresh start. Instead, Jack finds a town rife with conspiracies and secrets, and is greeted with a strange welcome package: an exorcism kit and a note that warns, “But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known.”
The more Jack and daughter, Flo, explore the town and get to know its strange denizens, the deeper they are drawn into the age-old rifts, mysteries, and suspicions. And when Flo begins to see specters of girls ablaze, it becomes apparent there are ghosts here that refuse to be laid to rest.
The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena
Anne and Marco Conti seem to have it all - a loving relationship, a wonderful home, and their beautiful baby, Cora. But one night, when they are at a dinner party next door, a terrible crime is committed. Suspicion immediately lands on the parents. But the truth is a much more complicated story.
Inside the curtained house, an unsettling account of what actually happened unfolds. Detective Rasbach knows that the panicked couple is hiding something. Both Anne and Marco soon discover that the other is keeping secrets, secrets they've kept for years.
What follows is the nerve-racking unraveling of a family - a chilling tale of  deception, duplicity, and unfaithfulness that will keep you breathless until the final shocking twist.
You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa
When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost. 
But as the week of wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya. However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…
The Good Son by You-Jeong Jeong
Early one morning, twenty-six-year-old Yu-jin wakes up to a strange metallic smell, and a phone call from his brother asking if everything's all right at home - he missed a call from their mother in the middle of the night. Yu-jin soon discovers her murdered body, lying in a pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs of their stylish Seoul duplex. He can't remember much about the night before; having suffered from seizures for most of his life, Yu-jin often has trouble with his memory. All he has is a faint impression of his mother calling his name. But was she calling for help? Or begging for her life?
Thus begins Yu-jin's frantic three-day search to uncover what happened that night, and to finally learn the truth about himself and his family. A shocking and addictive psychological thriller, The Good Son explores the mysteries of mind and memory, and the twisted relationship between a mother and son, with incredible urgency.
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signal-failure · 2 years
You're Invited
You’re Invited
In You’re Invited, by Amanda Jayatissa, Amaya feels strange about receiving her invitation to her ex-bestie Kaavi’s wedding. First, the former friends haven’t spoken in years, and second, Kaavi’s engaged to Amaya’s ex. But, after a personal invitation from Kaavi’s family and encouragement from her new bestie, Beth, Amaya decides to return to Sri Lanka for the massive wedding celebration, and find…
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bluezeri · 2 years
On that note, where did your Theron look alike agent’s scar come from?
oh ho hoh o hoo ive given this man so much trauma >:DD
so! essentially, kaavo has been training to be agent since like. a soon as he could walk. its not great. point is, hes one of the youngest agents out there, and was went on his first mission when he was 16, and the mission was a success, but it had a high cost. it would have been a disaster no matter what choice was made, but the sith that was overseeing the mission was like no and took out kaavi eye (and like half his face godamn) with their lightsaber. he has to get a prosthetic eye.
no one knows about this except keeper. he doesnt exactly plan on telling anybody either
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Review: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa
Author: Amanda JayatissaPublisher: Berkley BooksReleased: August 9, 2022Received: Own (BOTM) You’re Invited is one of several BOTM books I grabbed last month, and I have to say that I’m pretty happy with my selection. Written by Amanda Jayatissa, this novel is a winding thriller with many surprise twists and turns. It’s hard to believe, but Kaavi is getting married. Amaya is having even more…
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peterpauldoodkorte · 1 year
Meedogenloze tijden
Ruthless Times – Songs of Care De marktwerking heeft toegeslagen in de ouderenzorg in Kaavi, een klein plaatsje in Oost-Finland. Monopolist Attenda heeft het enige verpleeghuis voor ouderen met dementie in handen. De gemeente was ooit zo dom om de zorg te outsourcen en nu is het te laat. Familie moet toezien hoe geliefden slecht worden verzorgd. Personeel heeft het minstens zo moeilijk. Om…
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annenash · 2 years
[PDF Download] You're Invited - Amanda Jayatissa
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 What could be worse than your ex-boyfriend marrying your childhood best friend? Getting accused of her murder?From the author of My Sweet Girl comes a dangerously addictive new thriller about a lavish Sri Lankan wedding celebration that not everyone will survive.When Amaya is invited to Kaavi?s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost. But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya?s past begin to swirl, she can?t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya. However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one
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kokoalem · 2 years
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