basicmuscles · 11 months
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(1 of 4?)
Finally hunkering down to play through P5R now that I have some peace. I’ve missed drawing everyone so much, and want to try making a new set of prints featuring them! After I finish taking notes on the new content, I hope to revisit the P5F doujinshi (❁´◡`❁)
(Also who else is secretly hoping that if P3RE is a real remake of P3 Atlus may include the FeMC route as well, Atlus gods please...)
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would-you-punt-them · 26 days
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Suguru Kamoshida (Persona 5)
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kingshitviva · 8 months
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rotten adults
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skadiyoko · 7 months
me after showering for the first time in a handful of days:
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vahn5 · 1 year
Once again, I was messing around and a question popped in my head. What happens if you go back to the room where Joker and Ryuji are locked up the first time they enter Kamoshida's Palace? Well, apparently the game tries to load Kamoshida in but somehow it loads the wrong model, and this happens 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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burningartwork · 1 year
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🍷King of Cups
I've decided to associate Cups with the Palace of Lust. Since Cups tend to represent emotion, it was a perfect match. Kamoshida is, of course, its ruler. He's clutching his cup in one hand & the volleyball in the other, stating his mastery. He looks away, lying about his upright meanings when he is in fact the opposite.
🃏UPRIGHT: Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
🃏REVERSED: Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative.
🌟 Major Arcana here
🃏 Cups:
Ace of Cups
2 of Cups  
3 of Cups  
4 of Cups  
5 of Cups  
6 of Cups  
7 of Cups  
8 of Cups  
9 of Cups  
10 of Cups  
Page of Cups  
Knight of Cups  
Queen of Cups  
King of Cups  
🃏 Other Suits:
Wands (Ace)
Pentacles (Ace)
Swords (Ace)
🃏 Bonus cards:
04 - Constellation (Jose)
00R - Faith Reversed
01R - Councillor Reversed
09R - Hermit Reversed
20R - Judgement Reversed
? - Shido - Hunger
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adam-sadmon · 10 months
Palace Review: Kamoshida's Castle
Trigger Warning: Suicide, abuse and SA
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Palace Ruler: Suguru Kamoshida: As the first Palace Ruler Kamoshida introduces a lot of the thematic and sociopolitical elements of Persona 5 with it's emphasis on the imbalances of power in society in all areas, and thus starting off with something small and innocuous like a school teacher is a good means of not only building up the threat level of each subsequent Palace Ruler but highlighting the corruption in even the smallest facets of society. Furthermore, being a teacher, there is a societal expectation of trust and guardianship associated with his position, one which he and many like him in the real world weaponise.
I think were I to put into words what I likr about this arc of the game is that it strikes possibly the closest to home. The Thieves at this point in time are the smallest and weakest they've ever been and are preyed upon by someone who abuses the system's apathy towards them under the guise of a role model for all those under him. Even his first appearance picking Ann up in the rain is purposefully deceptive in its framing; a goofy looking, jovial teacher offering Joker and Ann a ride to school, where could there be possibly be a harm in that?
Visuals: First of all the thematic image of a castle and it's King I think is a decent design ethos for Kamoshida as a Palace Ruler, it's especially eye catching in its use of cobblestone hallways and oppressive stone structures contrasted with the brilliant and regal reds of its carpets and curtains and, especially deeper into the dungeon, it's emphasis on gaudy and headache inducing golden furnishings, illustrative not only of the power imbalance between Kamoshida the King and his slaves (representing in reality a teacher and his students) but of the conceited nature of Kamoshida's list for power.
Being the Ruler of Lust Kamoshida's castle does a good job illustrating this thematically, a good example being with the headless statues of female students in their gym uniforms. Focusing solely on their torsos the statues as envisioned by Kamoshida's twisted psyche literally cut off the head, and thus the person, of the girls reducing them to their most objectified parts, literally dehumanising them into objects. This theme is furthered by the blending of medieval instruments of torture like the rack and the cross with their more modern adoption as they relate to BDSM. BDSM is a theme often present in regards to sexuality in Persona 5 as it represents sex and sexuality weaponised, in Kamoshida's case, as is the case with most abusers, sex and sexual assault isn't about the act itself but the exerting of dominance over it's victims. This idea actually gets flipped in a neat little way with the awakening of Ann's Carmen and it's leashed male slaves, a representation of Ann no longer feeling ostracised and letting herself be objectified for her looks but finding empowerment within her feminity.
This visual manifestation of lust is furthered by a lot of the lighting in his palace, those same dark stone walls and floors awash in unnaturally red and even purple torchlight like one would see in a sleazy 70's porno, which leads us to
Audio: On the note of sleazy 70's porno, the Castle's main theme 'King, Queen and Slaves' is styled exactly like one with a bluesy and laid back keyboard leading an equally mellow drum snare, all fairly minimalist as if the dialogue "Pizza guy here, this one's got extra sausage" is supposed to be read over it. It's a good reincorporation of stylistic aspects of P5's soundtrack as a whole (mainly the heavy use of that bluesy keyboard) with a subdued sinister edge, a perfect musical caricature of its Palace's ruler.
In terms of the Thieves' progression this arc is almost cheating with not 1, not 2 but 3 awakenings.
Narrative: As mentioned in the segment going over Kamoshida himself I particularly like this segment of the game due to its positing of the Thieves. While the scale of their struggle is small the stakes for them at least are almost as high as they'll ever be, with the rising tension of more and more volleyball students turning up with bruises until it reaches it's summet with Shiho's attempted suicide, easily some of the darkest and realistic writing P5 has ever approached.
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Now, I'm not reviewing the awakening's but I will note that the blending of the accursed anime adaptation as well his little narrative import at that point hurt Joker's quite a bit, but Ryuji's and Ann's being game standouts for me, for both the extreme pain both physically and emotionally they endured up to this point at the hand's of Kamoshida as well as flourishes like Captain Kidd telling Ryuji to 'raise the flag of rebellion' or Ann destroying the false image Kamoshida and a lot of Japan's misogynistic society has of her.
Last of note and something a lot of people tend to forget that added a lot to their situation was that at one point the Thieves were not above the risk of killing Kamoshida when that risk was presented to them. It furthers the dire nature of their situation in this arc as well as the more grounded and serious mood the early half of P5 had.
Shadows: First of note, the solidified forms of the Shadows as they adhere to Kamoshida's will blends well with the Palace itself and their design itself is solid: Brawny, hunched knights with eerily soulless metal masks for faces, with the stronger variants wearing gold. It's a good look and I especially like during the first unintentional trip into the Castle how they portray their weight and true danger.
As for the selection of shadows within the Castle they're all fairly adherent to the theme of a medieval castle, mainly consisting of western inspired folkloric or mythological figures like Jack-O-Lanterns, Kelpies, Pixies, Mandrakes etc.
They falter slightly when it comes to their symbolic significance in regards to Kamoshida's Castle representing Lust, which is why I'll note the inclusion of Incubi and Succubi as welcome appearances, but besides VERY niche bits of IRL lore like the mandrake supposedly being an aphrodisiac that's about as far as it goes.
Gameplay: One thing to note that brings down this Palace specifically which admittedly is rather unavoidable is that, being the first Palace, there is a LOT of tutorialising, with not only long intervals of mechanical explanations but lore as well, such as what the metaverse, shadows, Palaces and Rulers are, which in the long run I can see as being necessary but regardless makes replaying the Castle a slog.
Beyond that the Castle itself is fairly easy, with light puzzle elements that go by in the span of a minute which is it's only main diversion from standard gameplay.
Boss- Suguru 'Asmodeus' Kamoshida
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First of all I appreciate the allusion to the mythological demon prince of the same name, Asmodeus, not only a ruler but a representation of Lust. This naming scheme comes back for every subsequent boss and every time I get a nice "heh" upon recognising the comparison and it's implications.
As for design Asmodeus is easily in the upper strata of bosses in P5, aesthetically speaking. When stripped of his pomp Kamoshida is ugly, his body ill-proportioned and almost childlike as if to present him as an ego obsessed baby, a grotesquely long tongue lolling from his mouth rather phallicly. I especially like the severed human lower-torsos floating in his goblet of wine, Kamoshida metaphorically and literally feeding on the young in a bid for power.
Royale added in some small tweaks like the inclusion of a Shadow Mishima as a weak summon which added little more than further characterisation, but hey, that's what I'm here for.
Overall Rating: 8/10
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spicyc0ffeel0ver · 4 months
I got a new work in progress, and I am still interested in requests to add to the story. So feel free to hit me up ^^ But, that doesn't mean I am obliged to use them, at the same time. I might use them if I see them fitting for where I want to go, but if they don't fit my goal I won't. In the latter case, don't feel upset please ^^ Feel welcomed to have a look at it on my ao3,
Also as a small taste:
“Welcome to Kamoshida’s Palace of Pleasures.” The king barked as he stood up from his throne. His posture screamed of triumph, the cocky and self assured grin causing Akira’s stomach to turn.
How was that even possible?
They had defeated him at the beginning of the school year and had overwritten his conscience. He’d watched the real Kamoshida breaking down and giving his speech, sobbing and regretting every student he had ever harassed or abused.
They hadn’t heard from him since, moving on from one target to the last until they defeated Shido.
But now, he returned, even stronger than before.
The Shadow stood above them, having fulfilled the deed that so many others had wished and longed for. He defeated the Phantom Thieves, basking in his triumph.
“Oh, you will regret the day you’d believed to defeat me. That you even thought you could stand up to me.” Another bellowing laugh escaped his throat, his yellow eyes glowing like ambers as they scanned them haughtily.
They briefly rested when they went to Ann, his lips shifting into a twisted smirk before his tongue swiped over his dry lips. He was still hungry for her, and this time, Akira knew there was nothing they could do to stop him.
Kamoshida had defeated them all.
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catspewer · 10 months
finally finished kamoshida’s palace! yay!
so, kamoshida implies that if the PT get rid of him in the palace, then he’ll be gone in real life (or he says it out-right, can’t exactly remember over the elation i feel over getting done with the d-bag’s shit). I’d imagine that would result in a mental shutdown. maybe that’s what’s actually happening? like someone else can use the metaverse and is causing these mental shutdowns by essentially killing the shadows of the victims? it certainly isn’t the PT, that’s for sure, one we’re playing as them, and two the mental shutdowns started (at most) just before akiren arrives in tokyo.
it must be someone i have yet to meet, i’m sure.
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alexapdos · 1 year
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my first drawing of the new year, how awful
Kamoshida - Persona 5
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starlightreign · 15 days
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Full found on Pixiv
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caliburnabsolute · 11 months
Whose fucking idea was Kamoshidaman from Persona Q2 oh my god. I mean this both as a boss fight and a character design. Rant under the cut.
Conceptually, I like that his first phase is just you kicking his shit in while he can't do anything back to you, but like. Why does it last five turns. Why does he have Sukukaja. What is the point of him buffing his evasion when the fight's a foregone conclusion in your favor.
And then his second phase is an actual fight, and I don't mind the gimmick of it on paper, but the carrot guns can overwhelm you so easily. I'm playing on hard mode and I know what I signed up for, but every time you lose, you have to spend two minutes fast forwarding through dialogue and two minutes rushing through his first phase just so he can wipe your party out because you weren't Line Guarding with Ryuji one turn and he one-shot Morgana with the bazooka carrot (and also FeMC right when she was gonna revive him).
Pictured below: me on my fourth attempt at this fight
On top of that, he kept putting Akechi to fucking sleep immediately after he could wake up and. man. The statue heist cutscene was cool, but the Queen of Hearts from Q1 was the better first labyrinth boss, I think. Kamoshidaman was actually a decent fight after the carrot guns were out of the picture, but the Queen of Hearts' gimmick was just much more tolerable, as I remember it.
Anyway yeah I just beat Kamoshidaman after a few tries and seeing Makoto and Haru join at level 11 when I'm at level 15–16 feels like a bit of a slap in the face. Is it because I left Ann and Yusuke underleveled? They're both level 10, so it can't be that, right?
I also wanna ask why they used Kamoshida specifically (y'know, the sexual and physical abuser whose crimes were treated with the weight they deserved in P5) as their goofy evil Superman spoof, but whatever, it's Persona. You get used to the good ideas being counterbalanced by bullshit.
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invincible-heaven · 1 year
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little-knight-3 · 1 year
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(Goro blushing sprite made by townslore)
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edenfire · 1 year
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NG+ au where akira and akechi first meet here when akira is barely starting the first palace
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bubblebrow · 1 year
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4/11, remember kids, if a pedophile offers you a ride - say thank you and throw him out of the car and drive off into the sunset
This comic is in Volume 1 of my P5R comic anthology, sold on my online store here! -> https://www.rodi.best/
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