misskazehana · 3 years
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(I think I am losing the will to make content which is things have been so slow)
Lady Yancy with great vigor and ferocity, attempts to apprehend a flighty Karnefur. Her only desires at this point is to retrieve her young master Astrid and rip apart this idiot who has taken him. Refusing to be deterred or afraid, the older godling flees whilst clutching on this the younger protectively. He manages to briefly hinder his pursuers progress back erecting a wall of thick ice. Alas, Lady Yancy isn’t easily swayed by pathetic obstacles as she takes a slightly different route to her moving target. Karnefur expresses his remorse to the sleeping Astrid as he keeps on running. 
He believes he’s safe after deploying that wall. Unfortunately for him, he spoke too soon. Lady Yancy has already caught back up with him and isn’t about to allow him to pull his little trick a second time She hisses with pure vitriol her demand- hand the boy over. Karnefur fires back with a resounding reason for not complying. He firmly believes he’s doing the right thing in spite of only knowing Astrid for a short time- he’s attached (totally healthy by the way guys-NOT). His chaser is quick to point this particular fact as she’s closing the gap between them. He retorts with throwing her argument back in her face and implies that she and Lord Phos only use Astrid as tool. Lady Yancy’s seething over this audacity of this bitch as she’s cared for the young man along side her lord since he was small and feeble. She lunges and forcefully pins Karnefur down as she coldly asks him to die. Astrid somehow lands safely on a patch of ferns.
Meanwhile, Sir Verte is toying with an overly peeved off Ursalis. Exchanging snappy insults and even snappier pot shots at each other. He taunts her over how he has stalled her long enough for his ladyship to catch her brother. Verte vanishes for a moment, upsetting her even further. A crowd of henchmen try to seize her. This fails horribly as Ursalis roasts them alive in everything sense of the word. Of course, Sir Verte takes this chance to land another cheap shot on her. As he goes in for the finishing blow, his neck is tightly grasped as he’s forced to face Ursalis at eye level. She burns him alive and tosses his charred body aside as she scoffs in disgust. Her mystical twin senses pick up on the fact that her twin just fucked up. With a exhausted, heavy huff- Ursalis storms off to finish this...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 3 years
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HAPPY 200 PAGES EVERYONE! It took me so long since I didn’t know what to do with this mile stone. WELP- HERE WE GOOOOO!!!!!
Before she leaves, Lady Yancy rallies up her subordinates and gives them their orders. Nurse Crimson is assigned to care for Lord Phos and make sure he survives this mess. Sir Verte has rounded up a massive search party and he’s coming along to make sure things run smoothly. Botanist Mauve and Hypnotist Azul are tasked with working on the cure which they eagerly get into. With all preparations complete, Yancy mentally steels herself for whatever may happen next. She is well aware a lot is riding on her success and she can’t afford to make any more oversights. With one last rallying cry, everyone’s ready to get to it.
Meanwhile, Astrid is still trapped in his own subconscious. Visions of events he cannot fully comprehend engulf his dreams. People he cares about, people he barely knows; it’s all so disorienting for him. How long may it take for him to wake up, only the gods would know and they’re mostly gone save a couple.
Lord Karnefur and Lady Ursalis are still fleeing the search party’s with their younger sibling in hand. Karnefur’s panicking as he begs his dear sister to stall their pursuers. Ursalis frantically points out there’s far too many on their tail to effectively stop them. All of a sudden a massive flash of lightning stops all their progress in its tracks. Sir Verte cruelly taunts them as he confronts the mystical duo. The elder godling is quick to be on the defensive, cradling Astrid close to his chest as Sir Verte makes his demands. He refuses to hand him over on the grounds that he believes Astrid was being treated like a lab rat rather than a real person. Ursalis chimes in with the point that they’ve done similiar things with other plague victims. 
Verte tries in vain to get them to realize how terribly unequipped they are to care for Astrid properly. It doesn’t stop the twins from arguing with him that his lord’s methods are disgusting without elaborating much. The masked swordsman grows increasingly frustrated with these entitled idiots. He makes the very valid point that the twins themselves have only just met Astrid not even a week or so ago- practically strangers. Karnefur fires back with the fact that Ursalis and himself are Astrid’s biological family or at least a part of it. This tedious chat irritates the younger twin to the point she’s about to blow her top.
Sir Verte attempts one last time to get them to cooperate and hand over Astrid without the need for further violence. Ursalis chooses to further violence as she gives Karnefur much need cover. Verte barely dodges out of the way of her brilliant flames. He’s blinded by her onslaught he hardly notices the other twin slipping past him with a slumber Astrid in his arms. Ursalis cruelly gloats about her previous victory over Lord Phos, feeling embolden to roast this cloaked man alive. 
It isn’t long before the fleeing Karnefur is confronted by another obstacle, Lady Yancy herself has arrived. The masked demon hisses with great vitriol her desires for the young master’s return. She makes it plain to him and his arsonist sibling that she has no intention of letting escape without consequences. Severe ones since they’ve essentially put her beloved lord in grave pain and messed with their plans to cure the plague. She gives Karnefur a generous five seconds to gently place Astrid on the ground and beg for his life.    
With the coldest glare, the stubborn mystic refuses to give up his little brother to anyone...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me , misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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(I appreciate your patience, it may be a while yet; I’m not sorry for the time this took)
Nurse Crimson is snoozing at his work station, blissfully unaware of the tragic events below him. That is until the alarm goes off. He stumbles out of his chair as it blares an urgent warning. As he picks himself back up, he inquires his young master...who isn’t in his bed. Nurse Crimson does the logical thing, and freaks out because the poor lad isn’t fully recovered among other things. His worry is only heightened when he does hear Astrid chasing down Sir Olric. He’s basically helpless as magic’s being fired like a mass barrage of bullets at each other. Without further delay, the panicked overseer contacts his master Lord Phos. Phos gives him the command to initiate a lockdown of the entire facility.
Alarms ring out much like the death toll of church bells. Umbrol is attempting to escape with Olric’s deteriorating body. The prolonged exposure to his divine magic and years of trauma has finally caught up in the form of the plague. He couldn’t careless for his puppet right now, as he’s running from Astrid. He’s unwittingly accelerating his path to his ultimate demise. On the other side of this chase, Astrid’s blaming himself for triggering this whole mess. He knows he’s responsible for this and laments seeking answers. He doesn’t care anymore about those answers, as he sees his ex-brother slowly succumb to the plague. Echoing a similar sentiment of refusing to be consumed, Astrid refuses to let the disease take another if he can help it.
A vivid clash of flashing visions viciously rouses the twins from their not so peaceful slumber. There’s a lot of yelling back and forth between them as the alarms continue to screech out. Ursalis claims Olric’s going to be drop dead, whilst Karnefur believe it’s Astrid who’s going to cease. They argue a little bit before the elder twin questions the presence of these wretched alarms. Ursalis insists they go and see what’s up. They attempt to open the door, only to discover it’s been locked from the outside. Possibly as a consequence of initiating a total lockdown. Karnefur tries to keep calm before Ursalis bodyslams her way into freedom. Before Karnefur can make sure she’s ok, she barks at him to move it.   
The twins are confronted by a nasty brawl between godling and god. Astrid is blasting powerful volleys as Umbrol blocks them. It escalates to a full on physical assault as one tries to dominate the other. Ursalis is utterly disgusted as the target of her previous affections has become sorely hideous. Whilst Karnefur notices Astrid’s shedding tear as he struggles against this. Biting the bullet, the young distraught man is forced to keep on fighting. Umbrol’s desire repeats over and over, refusing to be eaten- whether it’d be by Astrid or the plague. Severe distress overwhelms this sobbing lad as he’s facing a shell of someone he once knew. He never wanted any of this. He wants to make things right between him and Olric- a mad man he barely knows anymore and who’s tried to kill him. Such details seem to no longer matter when the plague’s concerned....
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana 
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misskazehana · 4 years
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( I am so sorry that this took so long, the pandemic has been rather busy with me working on some stuff at home. I hope you like this, :3 thank you!)
Lord Phos peers through his bedroom window to gaze upon the quiet morning scene. Muna is a ghost town and it’s where his research group resides after the incident six or so months ago. As he dons his garments in preparation for the day, he quietly tries to calm himself. He’s growing restless from all the waiting and mishaps to find a cure for the plague. Upon completing his outfit, he’s inquired by Lady Yancy about his readiness for today’s chat. He gives her the go ahead to retrieve the first two ‘prisoners’ and meet him in his study.
On the flip-side, Ursalis grumpily gets up as the blaring voice of that cantankerous woman demands everyone to ready themselves. Karnefur is making his bed tidy and idly chats with his snobby sister. Their little back and forth doesn’t go far. Mostly squabbling over this situation they find themselves in. 20 minutes pass with little to no developments. Only that Ursalis asserts she’ll take the lead when the questioning starts. She refuses to hear anything from her herbivore sibling as his decisions are what got them here in the first place. She scowls crudely when Lady Yancy bitterly presents herself as their escort to Lord Phos. 
While waiting for everyone else, the masked noble finishes reading up on Sir Vertes’ status report and Nurse Crimsons’ progress. It seems Astrid is still asleep from the long trip. This puts Phos’ anxieties at ease as he inquires of Sir Olrics’ willingness to talk. It doesn’t look too good as that guy refuses to talk and continues to pester Sir Verte relentlessly. The conversation is cut short with the arrival of his dear right hand and her two charges. Yancy forces Karnefur and Ursalis to bow their heads in respect for her lordship. 
This in turn causes Ursalis to bluntly insult the man’s appearance. She makes it clear that she views him as beneath him. That doesn’t sit well with her brother or Yancy, who hisses obscenities at her insolence. Lord Phos slams both of his gloved hands onto the mahogany table and demands silence. Everyone settles down like a bunch of fearful dogs with tails tucked between their legs. Phos makes it clear he isn’t looking for much out of this chat, just information that wasn’t in the report. 
Introductions are quickly taken care of and Ursalis dominates the meeting immediately. Her version of events are vague outside the obvious excuses. Even noting that everything that occurred prior to those events were utterly irrelevant. That alone sparks major suspicion from Lord Phos and Lady Yancy. Also, Karnefur is staring at his mouthy sister in utter disbelief. He then musters up the courage to call her out when she implies he did nothing to save her. It leads to a petty argument between them with the masked lord watching in silence. Understanding that this’ll going to be a bit of a long story. Ursalis reiterates how her imprisonment wouldn’t have ended had not Sir Olric or Astrid come and light a fire under Karnefurs’ butt... 
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Just prior to everyone’s return from Windshed, Lady Yancy finds herself alone with Lord Phos. He curtly inquires about her private order to send Sir Verte. The masked man glimmers quietly in irritation as Yancy bluntly retorts that she did it to protect their work. She refuses to let her lordship to get a word in once she gets going. Without skipping a beat, the stern right hand harps on Phos’ sloppiness concerning his handling of the mission he bestowed to Astrid. That in all the excitement, Lord Phos had lost sight for a moment of his real goals. That curing the plague sort of slipped out of his mindset in favor of Astrids’ development. He understands quickly once it’s clear he cannot deny Yancy’s reasoning behind her actions. He dismisses her as she claims that there’s other things to take care of.
As soon as she exits his private quarters, Lady Yancy heaves a heavy sigh of relief. She’s in utterly disbelief in the way she had spoken to her lordship. Naturally, she can’t dawdle for too long as she’s immediately informed that Sir Verte has returned. When she arrives outside to meet with him, she’s unimpressed with the three extra...’guests’. Sir Verte gives a vague yet adbridged version of events. He regrets this as his superior reams into him for further details. Especially with the young master in his arms, asleep and unaware what’s going on. It’s soon revealed that Sir Verte had indeed, fucked up. Yancy orders him to take Astrid to the medical wards as she drags the other three into holding cells. 
Sir Verte essentially gets chewed out by everyone as he completes his tasks. Firstly, Nurse Crimson flips his shit when once again- discovers that impalement and his associate have been involved. Astrid gets taken care without hesitation. Sir Verte then returns to Lady Yancys’ side to elaborate on the mission. Yancy rips him a new one as she freaks out about the fresh puncture wound in his belly. As a result, he’s sentenced to babysit his least favorite captive- Sir Olric. Karnefur and Ursalis share a room together as it’s been deemed easier for everyone to keep them there. 
Everyone settles in the night, well mostly everyone. Lord Phos checks in on Astrid during the early hours of morning. He’s unmasked for once, uncloaked as well which spooks Nurse Crimson. The frightened cleric hardly can speak as he studies the deformed lord’s shaded body. It seems his limbs are mostly metal and his face’s obscured by the wretched sins of his research. He tries to keep it together as Phos discusses Astrid’s condition and recovery process. Crimson gives direct answers as the shambling corpse watches over his dear pupil. Lord Phos takes his leave once he’s satisfied with his chat. Nurse Crimson nearly stumbles over as he goes back to work, trying to push the image of what he just saw out of his mind...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana  
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misskazehana · 4 years
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(These updates may be a little more sporadic as I am working through the on going crisis at home. Anyways, enjoy and thanks for reading!)
Despite having impaled the young master, Sir Verte is trapped as Astrid tries to finish him off. Dripping with the sickly ichor of plague, the feral godling nearly infects his fellow subordinate. Suddenly, he’s rendered immobile by the siren calls of twin voices. Ursalis and Karnefur sooth his restless desire driven state into a gradual slumber. This act has saved not only the scaly swordsman. It also has saved Astrid, who’s treated gingerly in the aftermath.
Sir Verte has his men seize the remains of Alos and bind Sir Olric to prevent any more oversights. Somberly, he comforts the now dreaming lad as he carefully takes him into his gloved arms. He slips a sedative into him discreetly to avoid further issues until they’ve returned to base. He turns to the mystics and thanks them for their assistance. Without missing a beat, Sir Verte asserts that they must come. Mostly to avoid leaving witnesses to be questioned and to gather information from them. 
Ursalis is quick to deny his request only to be denied of her denial by Karnefur. With that, they become reluctant ‘prisoners’ as they travel with the party. Sir Verte makes it clear that they’ve a long trek that’ll span for almost a week. He doesn’t want anyone dilly dallying in the back. After all, any lagging could resort to what happened to the party before this. 
Arguments arise from the siblings’ constant bickering with each other. Ursalis believes that they would have been fine. That they shouldn’t have to put up with being chained up. Karnefur coldly retorts that if she hadn’t provoked Alos or Astrid, none of this would have happened. On top that, going with the party is the only way they could’ve left that place reasonably without too much trouble. Naturally, the indignant sibling squints her eyes bitterly at him as she retorts with 1. the bird’s dead and 2. belittling Astrid based off his appearance. Her equally irritated brother also points out that she barely helped to make the whole situation less stressful. She lusted over Sir Olric, who took his sweet time and it nearly killed him. Ursalis defends that stoic man, stating he’s doing his best.
It is cut short with the biting tongue of Sir Verte’s curt call. He insists they keep on moving as they chat. He casually tries to finesse answers from his new traveling companions. Karnefur is about to answer that. Alas, he’s cut off and Ursalis refuses to give the man an inch. She insists it has nothing to do with him or his party. Serpent eyes leer suspiciously at them as he rebuttals with the contrary. He has been sent by his superiors to handle any sort of issues that arose. Apparently, Astrid hadn’t contacted back when he was supposed which lead to Sir Vert being sent. 
Karnefur inquires further to his horror, had Astrid not been soothed; Sir Verte would’ve had to dispose of him. He clinically explains that Astrid’s a high risk due the plague affecting his ability to properly stabilize and regulate magic. Absorbing tons of arcane energies in one shot could prove fatal like earlier as he went bonkers. Of course there’s other factors, nonetheless; Astrid would have to be killed if he proved to be too dangerous. 
That doesn’t sit well with the passive psychic as he prods for a reason why such a person is sent out like this. Sir Verte vaguely alludes that his ‘lord’ trusts Astrid as his student to conduct all sorts of things for the sake of ‘research’. He then nonchalantly turns the tables back on the twins as his question still hasn’t been answered. Ursalis once again, cuts off her poor brother and gets them into deeper trouble as Sir Verte insists that they comply. Especially after pointing out that it is indeed, his business if they’re involved with Astrid and Alos...
Plague and its characters belongs to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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(I thank you for your patience and even if it’ll take a while longer yet for bigger releases, please enjoy the latest update of Plague)
Sir Verte reveals himself to our gobsmacked crew as he explains why he’s here at all. Apparently, Lady Yancy had grown morbidly concerned that she ordered him to make sure things were running smoothly. The current situation is contrary to that. He sneers at Olric who calls him an idiot as he collapses before a clearly ravenous Astrid. Things escalate as it becomes quickly clear to Sir Verte the boy has lost his mind. That the plague and power he has devoured have driven him further into this twisted delirium. All he can hear is the diseased man’s wretchedly distorted cries to consume.
As suddenly as his associate’s arrival, Astrid lunges towards the unconscious meal. Sir Verte promptly combats him as sword point. He demands that the godling stand down, despite realizing such a command is futile to a feral mind. The bout starts swiftly as the two clash like lightning striking the earth. It’s abundantly clear Sir Verte may be out match as Astrid gradually tries to break through his defenses. 
Karnefur feels horribly responsible as Ursalis relishes in this mess. She assures him that despite how messed up this is, it’ll work out in the end. Her usually timid twin points out that isn’t a certainty. That despite being able to have visions, they’re not always 100% accurate. The haughty lass scoffs as she rebuttals his valid worries. She claims there’ll always be one constant in their visions- they share the end together. 
Karnefur calls her out, believing it is a lie since right now- it seems things will get worse if they don’t step in. Ursalis retorts with it’s more like a half truth. She goes on to compare their visions to the plague. That they are destined to be come truth, regardless of what happens. Being done with her nonchalant attitude, the taller sibling chews her out. He iterates in a stern, cold voice that if they don’t do anything. If they don’t take responsibility, they’ll die. They’ll die if not by Astrid’s rampage, then they’ll die to their family for their stupidity. The last bit was enough to scare Ursalis into agreeing, despite her tout comments.
All the while, Sir Verte can barely keep up with Astrid’s overwhelming strength. He dodges and just as his young master is about to strike again, he impales him. Whether it is a reflex or unintentional. Sir Verte apologizes as his electrified lance pierces through Astrid’s abdomen...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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I had drawn this on Friday and it’s been a while since I just posted a colored doodle.
It’s the siblings and Astrid in full color so to speak, currently.
Color pallets change all the time. I realized I never even had one for the majority except for Astrid and Astirov respectively.
Hence I want to give each of them unique color schemes. Some do overlap as at least six out of seven here are well- related.
I also wanted to make their designs more consistent to serve as a reference when I need of it.
I may be taking a little time off after this, to refocus myself- maybe a couple of days or just a week.
Plague means a lot to me because it’s the first passion project I’ve ever had worked on that didn’t amount to going to waste.
So please, be patient. Thank you for your support!
Astrid and others belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 3 years
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Astrid experiences the most surreal fever dream yet as his body fights off the plague within. He’s visited by a vision of the King of the Gods as an argument rages on in the background. Essentially, it beckons him to come to the palace- to claim what’s rightfully his. The young godling is nearly overwhelmed by the thousands of eyes adorning his ethereal body. He manages to break free whilst rejecting the king’s clutches. The dream shifts to him falling into a flowery bed as the argument ends with a nasty blast. Karnefur cradles him back into his arms as he and Ursalis leave Lady Yancy in a burnt state.
The faithful servant tries to reach out in futility as her young master is whisked away. Said events are relayed to a bed-ridden Lord Phos. He’s faced with the crushing reality that his assistant has been taken and there’s a big possibility that his subordinates are gravely injured as a result of his own inability to help. His greatest concerns lies with Astrid as his stabilizers most likely won’t hold out much longer- that the plague will consume the young man before long. He begs his underling Bontanist Mauve to help them. Mauve urges his lordship to rest and sympathizes with him as he puts him to sleep.
Meanwhile deep within the bowls of the Hylumian Imperial Palace, Lord Astirov converses with the disembodied voice of his ‘mother’. He seems in high spirits as he senses his siblings arrival coming ever nearer. The haughty lord remarks in a cheery tone that his ‘father’ is equally as eager for this reunion. In fact, said ‘father’ nearly ate Astirov’s little welcome home gift. His mother correctly assumes it’s a sacrificial offering to the young heir. He rejoices at the thought of his fiancee’s grief at her sister’s demise. A crystalline prison holds Princess Marian, who’s dressed up in the finest clothes she has worn in a long time. Lord Astirov takes this chance to mock a surprisingly quiet maiden.
Our dear rowdy lass hisses back insults at her stupid captor. She asserts that she’ll escape and beat him down to an inch of his life. That wretched mad man laughs her idle threats of initially. Only to be swiftly blinded by her divine magic. Marian isn’t taking any of his shit today or ever again. As he turns awya from her, Astirov claims he has better things to do. A quick barb as his expense causes him to snap back into another blinding flash. Marian coyly sticks out her tongue as her pretentious captor angrily storms off to his bed chambers. Like a huffy teenager, Lord Astirov curses that prideful mortal and eagerly awaits for her death. His anger seamlessly shifts into teary eyed delusion. He reaches out to the poorly painted memory of his long lost sibling’s egg....
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 3 years
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This is one doozy of an update as it’s the finale for the third act, I did this back in October but haven’t been able to post it due to external stuff as I mentioned. I am happy I got this out and I am going lie- I cried making this...
Anyways, one with the show;
Karnefur and Ursalis are bickering over stupid stuff. Astrid maintains his guard whilst blocking them out. His concerned gaze is fixated on the shivering mass of plague and magic before him. Sir Olric attempts to regain control over his severely deformed body. Umbrol asserts his dominance, the results are quite hideous and messy. Crying out, screeching in horrible pain- Olric wants Umbrol to get out. His mortified audience watches as he further mutates and is consumed by thousands of eyes. With still struggling to maintain control, he begs Astrid to kill him. Suddenly, he fires a powerful blast as the young, disoriented godling.
Emotions overcome all rationality as Astrid demands Umbrol to let the blonde bastard go. It quickly escalates as he unleashes pure-unbridle fury upon the smoldering mass of divine possession. Gobsmacked by the sudden turn of events, the twin mystics promptly back the fuck off. 
Meanwhile, Lady Yancy insists on evacuating the facility to reduce losses. Lord Phos desires to stay and try to contain the mess before it gets worse. This leads to an argument that boils down to Yancy wanting to protect her lordship. The sheer ferocity she displays in her wish to keep him safe catches Phos by surprise. She refuses to move out of the way when he tries to sidestep her. He wants to help and possibly try to save Astrid himself. He even dismisses his own life which ticks Yancy off even more. Of course, their whole bit is cut off by a massive noise outside the office. 
In one, final violent stab through the heart-Astrid manages to defeat Umbrol. The silence becomes deafening as he it slowly dawns on him what he’s has done. Tears begin to well up as he hears an all so familiar voice. 
It’s not Umbrol, it’s not ‘sir’ Olric- it’s his brother. He’s asking him to kill him.
Olric’s mind begins to flood with all the memories that he had left behind in his pursuits with Umbrol many ages ago. It’s a story of a young man who was raised by two selfish, sick individuals. Though mostly obscured due to mental distortion, one could suss out somethings. Such as his father being the one who had brought Astrid home and his Mother not being stable mentally. 
He admits he was and probably still isn’t sound. Astrid was supposedly healthy before the events that led to now. He remembers being hungry all the time. He recalls wanting to escape the life he was trapped in with his little brother. In his dying moments, he acknowledges that his selfishness is what made him into this- another plague victim. 
Astrid can barely comprehend his words as he mutters a confession. Olric confesses hoarsely that he doesn’t deserve to be save. He forgets what he’s going to say for a bit, before glossing over to how it’s better this way. How he isn’t going to ask for forgiveness knowing what he has done to him, what he had done to him. He knows he’s going to croak and only laments that he can’t see Astrid grow. Just as he’s about to end it, his voice cuts off into the darkness.
In the grieving man’s hands, he holds the soul of a mad god. With searing tears burning on his cheeks, Astrid devours Umbrol whole. His mind is consumed with an immense guilt as brief glimpses of his forgotten childhood surface. Then, he asks himself “why?” Why did this happen, why did it have to happen? He wonders if this is what it means to “grow”. No longer able to keep it together, Astrid breaks down loudly sobbing into his metal prosthetic hands. He blames himself for things he cannot control. He wants the pain to stop yet, it refuses as he cries himself hoarse. 
On the other side of Hylum, alone in his chambers; Lord Astirov is chatting with someone. A disembodied voice remarks about something growing. He smiles placidly whilst remarking it had been 23 years. The voice goes silent briefly before inquiring him when they’ll be “whole” again. He tells his ‘mother’ that it can call him son and that his ‘father’ is excited as well. 
The conversation seems a little somber as mother tells him it doesn’t like father. Rather, how father treats him. Astirov tearfully minimizes his father- the king’s abuse as he goes on how they’ll be whole again. He gazes mournfully upon his crystal ball, a shadowy image of who he has been after appears. He smiles as he asserts no one can stop them now, not Catherine- not Marian- not a soul. 
Mother departs for now and he bids it farewell. Then, a cold-foreboding presence enters into his chambers. Lord Astirov greets his father, the king of the gods. He assures him that his missing child, Astirov’s little brother shall come home soon. It becomes blatantly obvious that the king cares little for him outside of necessity. Despite being his own child, Astirov is nothing more than a tool. In fact, his radiance blames the usually idiotic man for losing his brother all those years ago. Without much protest, Astriov accepts responsibility. He goes over the day where it went wrong. He was left for dead after watching over his baby brother and the king simply left him to clean up the mess. 
After this, he goes to retrieve Marian for the next stage of his plans. Marian dreams of a ghoulish scene. Everything and everyone she loves is being consumed by the plague. She tries in futility to stop it. Then, thousands upon thousands of eyes devour her flesh as massive beast comes in and bites her head clean off.
Naturally, the spooked princess wakes up screaming from this morbid nightmare. Only to be tormented by an actual nightmare in the form of her captor. Lord Astirov commands silence as he insists he require her. Marian curses him out for showing his bitch face...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Inktober day 5- The Brothers.
:p So, while plague’s taking a backseat- I haven’t forgotten these nerds. Or their sisters in tomorrow’s piece.
Behold! Lord Astirov (the middle and the oldest brother), Deltlar (the left and middle brother) and Karnefur (the right and one of two twins who are the second youngest in the whole batch). 
They’re looking for their baby brother who got snatched when he was just hatched and it’s just this annoying venture for the younger bros. Astirov feels like he can do this. Collectively, they share about 1 braincell- which seems to be split between Deltlar and Karnefur.
The one they’re looking for doesn’t even know or care they exist yet, and probably won’t anytime soon...
Astirov and others belongs to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Karnefur recalls a little more of his experience whilst trying to suss more information out of Lord Phos. The mask man narrows all that question down with a somewhat strange explaination. All that mess with Astrid was merely part of an ongoing research project dedicated to finding a cure for the plague. He expositions ad nauseam about how the plague effectively ruined and continues to ruin Hylum as a whole. He theorizes that it is the gods themselves who are the cause of this horrifying malady. Skeptical and a bit peeved that Phos would throw Astrid in that sort of situation with his condition, Karnefur presses further.
He quietly listens to the suspicious lord so more. As he absorbs information, the young mystic finds himself slowly building up frustration. Frustration at the fact that this man is dancing around the fact he had sent a sickly young man to his death for the sake of research. Without hesitation, he inquires out of the blue- what is Astrid to Lord Phos? Obviously, from what Karnefur has heard and seen- Astrid’s seemingly nothing more than a means to an end for this cloaked man. Lord Phos quickly makes it clear that sort of questioning is out of line. With that, Karnefur merely confirms his sister’s story and refuses to speak further. The morbidly curious noble wants to continue after his plans for Sir Olric are done. Karnefur pointedly implies that the stoic madlad won’t utter anything before being escorted out.
While that’s happening, Astrid wanders through a forest of his own subconscious. He follows a strangely familial beckoning as his malformed body walks upon distorted soil. Reaching the end of a long, flowery path- Astrid gazes upon an aged crystal baring the reflection of a being he doesn’t recognize. The soft tones murmur vaguely about events that he cannot recall or even understand yet. The conversation ends with a peculiar promise that they’ll meet again.
In a similar vein, Sir Olric dreams of days long passed and clouded by the being within his head. Glimpses of what could have been two brothers flash back and forth. There are hints of some wretched events that may have led to the moment where Olric became utterly dissociated with his reality. It is all broken and so out of order yet it doesn’t matter to Umbrol. No, Umbrol asserts that Olric keep his word and reminds him of the day it all went down. Of course, he wakes up to the dulcet stylings of Sir Verte ordering his ass out of bed.
He’s quickly restrained in preparation for his ‘chat’ with Phos. Sir Verte takes extra precautions to ensure his stoic prisoner doesn’t try to escape or something. Olric hardly cares for all this since there’d be no chance for him to escape anyways. Thanks to the magic resistant mitts suppressing whatever arcane power he has. That and he is mentally insulting his captor as it happens. The serpentine swordsman blindfolds and leashes him prior to leading the bound knight upstairs. He haughtily talks down to him, making subtle threats if he doesn’t comply to his master’s orders. It’s quite clear Sir Verte bears a nasty grudge from their first and last encounter...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana  
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Ursalis summarizes the reminder of her captivity with great triviality. She downplays the severity of the situation once Sir Verte had came along. All of that build up amounts to her belittling everyone involved with childish haughtiness. Without batting an eye, the snide lass abruptly ends her tale with one last insult to her twin. Standing proud, she remarks that is all. She beckons to her poor brother for his support.
Naturally, Karnefur is quietly fretting over this sloppy recounting. He can hardly speak as Lord Phos casually hints that he should talk next. Of course, Ursalis cannot possibly allow that to happen easily. She kicks up a fuss in attempt to take control of this. The mask noble refutes her repugnant actions, scoffing at her terribly transparent motives. Suspecting that Karnefur may yield more fruitful results, Lord Phos orders Lady Yancy to remove Ursalis when she tries to silence him once more. It doesn’t go so smoothly as the two ladies assault each other savagely. Back up is called as the shy lad is utterly embarrassed to be related to any of this. After patiently waiting for all parties to be moved, Lord Phos turns his full attention on him.
He assures the fearful man that there’s plenty of time to chat and there’s no rush at all. It’s a cold comfort to Karnefur. A sense of uneasiness makes him reluctant to speak at first. It is not until he realizes he too, has questions. Thus, he begins with one- “why was Astrid there in the first place?’ He quickly corrects himself, narrowing it down to ‘why was he there to take Alos down?’ On that line of questioning, Karnefur describes his experience vaguely. The way he speaks is that of a cautious skeptic. Careful with his wording, he weaves a far more clearer picture to Lord Phos.
Like before, he confirms that Ursalis and himself were sent to Windshed to quell Alos’ before he hurt anymore people. Alas, it appears to be a futile effort as Windshed has become ruins. A hollow husk of its former glory with rotting corpses as its people. He recalls how on the final gambit to peacefully convince Alos to cease with his bloodlust, the fowl creature had wretched his dear twin from him. He attributes his inability to save her earlier due to Alos being too strong and the plague victims slumming around Windshed. Thus, a month passes before help is sent to them. Karnefur callously describes Sir Olric as a useless man, mostly likely a jab at himself for his own uselessness. Another week passes, until a young man- Astrid arrives alone in Windshed to confront Alos. How could anyone else but he and the other two before Astrid had known of the incident. Before continuing his recollection, he inquires again about Astrid. 
Lord Phos throws his own question at him, curious of how Karnefur knew that specifically. The perceptive lord reasons that if Karnefur had never met Astrid before hand, how could he had possibly known the boy by name and purpose. Fumbling over his thoughts, the young mystic admits to his gift of shared prescience. He explains vaguely how he came to those conclusions through a vision he supposedly had prior to Astrid’s arrival. Alas, he didn’t have to whole picture sort of speak since his twin had been imprisoned around that time. He claims that he was lucky enough to get that much. Faintly glowing eyes squint in scrutiny as Phos deduces that Karnefur along with Ursalis is a mystic. 
His captive deadpans his voice as he applauds him for his brilliant detective skills. The now seemingly bored lad elaborates that their gift is flawed. Flawed because 1. he needs to be with his sister for the whole picture. 2. The vision may be of an event that’s utterly different than the actual outcome. However, he points out that there’s always at least one truth whether the vision is half or full. With his half, Karnefur deduced Astrid’s name and reason for being at Windshed. Lord Phos marvels at the explanation, whilst Karnefur realizes he’s gotten off topic. To rein it in, he goes back to his question- hopeful that he’ll get an answer...
Plague and its characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Astrid recalls what he can quietly. He and Olric were once close supposedly. They were always hungry from a lack of food, much like ‘their parents’. It was clear that Astrid wasn’t really related. The two ‘brothers’ were subject to constant verbal abuse and neglect. A narrative was formed, one of them had stolen something and it’d bring great suffering. Olric seemed kinder to him compared to the two malignant fools. He wished constantly that they’d run away, to a better life. At some point, Olric had an argument with his parents- Astrid couldn’t recall what it was about that time. He does recall one thing before the fire, Olric had changed. He doesn’t know why, though suspects it now to be either the god within him or...he became resentful. It didn’t matter, it all ended the same- with him leaving Astrid to die at the age of 8.
Olric is visibly torn for a moment, seeing his foe shedding tears as he asks him why. He tries to give an answer, he seems unsure of himself. Hence, he drops it completely in favor to putting this 15 year mess to bed. The urges overtake their host once more, after he accuses the god within Olric of messing with his mind. As the two ex-siblings ready themselves for combat, the twins are chattering amongst themselves. Karnefur is disgusted by Ursalis’ behavior. She revels in her vision coming true, the fight above their heads. She urges him to come with her to the apex. The mortified twin believes they’ll meet their death up there. It seems like she doesn’t care. He feels guilty for not going with Astrid earlier.
The two ‘brothers’ exchange violent blows, as one tries to best the other without mercy. Olric’s worn from his earlier fights with Alos yet he goes on. He goes to cleave his once younger brother in twain. Astrid counters by catching the magical sword between his jagged claws. He’s embroiled with his own thoughts. He cannot decide if he’s angry at the fact he finally remembered his history with this nut or that his urges are basically taking over his body. The contract urges Olric still to flee, knowing it’ll be consumed by this terrifying parasite. Olric’s deluded, dogged determination denies such a request. It curses him out over this. In an attempt to end it quickly, the two meld into the darkness.
Naturally upon seeing him turn into resembling the plague, Astrid sort of panics. He attempts to put distance between himself and it. Failing to realize that’s merely a distraction as Olric slithers from the shadows to behead him. He almost gets away with it, as the young godling snaps his head around upon hearing his voice. Suddenly, Olric drops to the floor after being shot with a small bolt of lightning. Stepping out of the main door way, Sir Verte arrives with a posse of Lord Phos’ men and the twins in his custody. In seething silence, Olric glares at the man who he impaled ages ago. Although relieved, Astrid’s barely keeping it together as he still hungers...
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana
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misskazehana · 4 years
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Alos promptly rams Astrid towards the ceiling, marking the start of his agonizing thrashing. The young godling struggles to stabilize himself as he’s thrown around like an oversized chew toy. The mad god quietly acknowledges that soon he’ll be dead as the plague creeps from within. It slowly eats away at his feathers and flesh as he attempts to finish this for once and for all. He laments that compared to the other gods, his life was rather short. He recalls all the warriors whose lives he’s taken. He rather die the way they did, fighting without regrets. To him, it’s far better than being consumed by something bigger. Just then, he realizes too late that irony has come to prove him wrong.
Astrid is overwhelmed by his urges once more, a result from prolonged exposure to Alos’ power and the immense pain he’s feeling now. The urge consumes him so much, it exudes an aura of pure and unfiltered power. Karnefur and Ursalis feel it permeate their very being, almost mistaking it for someone else. The men Lord Phos had send are horribly confused as Astrid’s energy overwhelms their tracker. Even the usually calm and stoic Sir Olric, is in a state of fearful awe. The other being inside of him urges to keep quiet. Astrid, all he can think in this moment that he must feed. Much like with Firrus, he wastes no time absorbing Alos’ magic and life force. As he fades into nothingness, Alos wonders if Astrid’s...then- it’s silent.
As the rotted remains fall upon the aged floors, the visibly shaken swordsman converses with his contract. They’re arguing over whether they should leave or settle the score. Olric’s stubbornness overrides the many warnings that said contract gives to him. He points his cursed sword towards the ‘demon’ looming over its fresh kill. He claims that this is an old score he must settle, 15 years at least in the making. Astrid turns his head, clearly not himself as he remarks coldly he’s next. 
A morbid curiosity rouses questions from the ravenous being, pointing out that there’s yet another god- it’s inside of his next challenge. He deduces that Olric’s been afflicted with the side effects of such a ‘contract’. He believes Olric would better off if he just took it from him. The callous blonde ignores this and proclaims that Astrid would be better off dead. Something clicks after that for our deformed protagonist. He pushes for more answers. Olric earnestly expresses his disgust and with a few words- triggers a memory long forgotten. A mutual agreement that they’re sick of each other, as Astrid at last remembers this familiar man- prior to six months ago- prior to all this. He and Olric were once family....
Plague and it’s characters belong to me, misskazehana 
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misskazehana · 4 years
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(At least, the last two updates from the mother of all updates- hope ya’ll like it!)
Our intrepid duo gaze skywards as Alos ascends his own towering roost. Astrid correctly assumes that the mad god is baiting them. Why else wouldn’t he have fought them right there and then. Karnefur quivers before the immense climb they must make. Any second thoughts of moving backward are dashed as the gate behind them closes itself shut. The young godling assures the older that despite being afraid, they should proceed as they both have duties to do. With that small bit of confidence, they ascend Alos’ tower.
Alos returns to the apex, where he taunts his hidden prey. Prematurely gloating as he makes an absolute ass out of himself. Sir Olric bides his time, as he tells himself that his injuries are nothing. The diseased creature implies that he should have died ages ago from their first bout. That he only stands now because he’s just a shell with something else within him. Alos bluntly points out he has others coming. He wants this whole thing over with. Of course, he turns his back to him unintentionally. Sir Olric impales him with his blackened blade. Coldly smiling as he repeats to himself- “This is nothing...” Alos calls him a coward for using such a lowly tactic.
Astrid and Karnefur in the meanwhile, move upwards in the somewhat neglected dungeon. Nearing the apex, they find Ursalis beckoning to her twin. Her introduction is petty, laced with backhanded compliments and praise to Karnefur. This seems to be the norm, as the introverted sibling doesn’t take much heed to her attitude. Astrid makes himself known to her. He doesn’t like the way she’s acting towards her brother. Ursalis delights in ticking him off as they have a little argument while Karnefur is begging them to stop. It gets particularly nasty when Astrid scoffs at her arrogance- believing her powers make her entitled. Ursalis smugly calls him a child, claiming that Karnefur only came because he’s small and feeble. 
Miffed beyond all belief, Astrid goes ahead while leaving the twins behind. Karnefur chides his sister for her blantant disrespect. He’s dumbfounded when she reveals that was a bit to get them alone together. Ursalis has no worries about her situation as she takes a moment to drool over Sir Olric. Karnefur is a little bit disheartened by that. He even points out that the swordsmans isn’t exactly doing alright- it’s been nearly a week since he came. His concerns are tossed aside by his snide sibling, Ursalis implies that something horrid will happen above their heads. Karnefur again, chides her for her seeming lack of concern. 
Upon reaching the apex, Astrid is immediately confronted by the shadowy Sir Olric. The dead eyed warrior refers to him as ‘lil demon’ as his next contender claims he has no time for this. Unfortunately, it sees his path to Alos is blocked by this strange person. Funnily enough, Astrid never did catch his name the first time they got entangled with each other’s paths. Hence, when he asks- he’s caught off guard by the reply. He senses something within this peculiar adversary, something all too familiar. That realization is cut off by Alos screeching to high heaven. He despises being ignored above all else. Alos without hesitation initiates another fight. 
He goes straight for Sir Olric, as he was the one who stabbed him the back earlier. Quick thinking saves the emotionless husk as he blocks razor sharp talons with his strange weapon. Astrid marvels at the sheer absurdity of this before noticing the gaping hole on Alos’ back. Obviously, a plan is formed purely around that fact. Yet, there’s a problem with that- Alos is in the air and there’s no way to reach him like that. Alos ignores Astrid as he attempts to crush Olric with his full weight on his ebony daggers. Hissing pure venom and vitriol as he swiftly slams his opponent down like he was a rag doll. 
Once he’s sure he has the ‘husk’ of a man under his clutches, he slowly breaks some bones. Surely, Alos is savoring his victory as he ponders why Olric isn’t dead yet. He muses over his own demise that slowly creeps up, knowing the plague will soon reduce him into nothingness. He despises having wasted his time the past week with this...this pathetic thing. His train of thought is interrupted by cold mockery. The usually silent man mutters how he cannot simply perish, as he has a sort of contract. Alos drops his guard briefly, quietly realizing that he knows the person beneath the ‘husk’. Just as he lets out the name ‘Umbrol’, he’s hit with a high concentration of magical discharge. He glimmers bitterly, enraged at he gazes upon his diminutive attacker. 
Astrid pities Alos supposedly yet happily takes his death threat as a challenge.The ever determined lad lists off all the things this wretched bird had done as he suffered from his illness. His words are tossed aside. Alos is all too eager to fight some more, and get it over with. Thankfully, so is Astrid as he reminds himself he has a job to do. Thus, Alos and Astrid approach each other with the intention of only one shall remain standing...
Plague and its characters belong to me, misskazehana
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