#Katara is so done with those two idiots
sapphic-agent · 1 month
Let's Talk About How Book 3 Ruined Aang
If you've seen any of my prior ATLA posts, you know that I don't hate Aang. In fact, I quite liked him in Books 1 and 2. He was flawed, as all characters should be, but the show didn't shy away from those flaws or justify them. He was called out for burning Katara and rushing his firebending, Sokka and Katara were rightfully upset when he hid Hakoda's letter, he willingly owns up to the fact that his actions helped drive Toph away, and his entire arc after losing Appa and finding hope again in The Serpent's Path was beautifully done.
(Hell, even in The Great Divide Katara says what Aang did was wrong and he agrees. It's played for comedy, but the show still makes the effort to point out that what he did wasn't the right thing to do. You're just meant to understand that he was fed up and acted off of that)
Those flaws and mistakes were addressed and improved upon and helped Aang to grow as a character.
But for some reason, that aspect of Aang's character was completely flipped in Book 3.
The best examples of this are in both TDBS and EIP. Both the show and the fandom are too quick to brush off that Aang kissed Katara twice without her consent, one of which after she explicitly said she was confused about her feelings.
(And yes, she is angry in response and Aang calls himself an idiot. But after this, it isn't really addressed. They go on like nothing happened for the rest of the episode. Aang's lamentation comes from screwing things up with her romantically, not that he violated boundaries)
The show never really addressed why what he did was wrong. Not only because he wasn't given consent, but also because both times he isn't thinking about what Katara wants. In both instances, Aang is only thinking about himself and his feelings. This is something that persists through a lot of the third book. And by Sozin's Comet it ultimately ruins any character development he had built up in the second book.
One thing I feel was completely disregarded was the concept of having to let go of Katara in order to master the Avatar State.
For me, the implication wasn't that he had to give up love or happiness necessarily. He was emotionally attached to and reliant on Katara, to the point where she was needed to stop him from hurting everyone around him and himself. This is obviously detrimental to his functionality as the Avatar. And the point of him "letting her go" wasn't that he had to stop caring about her, it was that his emotional dependency on her was stopping him from being the Avatar he needed to be and that was what needed to be fixed. I don't even think it's about the Avatar State itself, it's about being able to keep your emotions and duty as the Avatar separate.
(If you look at Roku, he loved and had a wife. It wasn't his love for her that messed everything up, it was his attachment to Sozin. He wasn't able to let Sozin go and not only did he lose his life for it, the world suffered for it. It's the unhealthy attachments that seem to be detrimental, not love itself)
And Aang realizes that in the catacombs, which is how he's able to easily enter the Avatar State and seemingly control it. He let Katara go.
So then why does it seem like his attachment to Katara is not only stronger, but worse in mannerism? He liked Katara in Books 1 and 2- obviously- but he was never overly jealous of Jet or Haru. He only makes one harmless comment in Book 2 when Sokka suggests Katara kiss Jet.
But suddenly he's insanely jealous of Zuko (to the point of getting frustrated with Katara over it), off the basis of the actions of actors in a clearly misrepresentative play. Katara showed a lot more interest in Jet and Aang was completely fine with it.
(Speaking of EIP, Aang's reaction to being played by a woman was interesting. He wore a flower crown in The Cave of Two Lovers. He wove Katara a flower necklace. He wore Kyoshi's clothes and makeup and made a funny girl voice. He willingly responded to Twinkle Toes and had no issue being called that. And for some reason he's genuinely upset about being played by a woman? Aang in Books 1 and 2 would have laughed and enjoyed the show like Toph did. His aversion to feminity felt vastly out of character)
I guess my point is, why did that change? Why was Aang letting go of Katara suddenly irrelevant to the Avatar State? It felt like him letting go was supposed to be a major part of his development. Why did that stop?
Myself and many others have talked about The Southern Raiders. The jist of my thought process about it is his assumption that he knew what was best for Katara. And the episode doesn't really call out why he was wrong. Maybe sparing Yon Rha was better for Katara, maybe it wasn't (the only one who's allowed to make that choice is her). Pushing forgiveness? That was wrong. But the episode has Zuko say that Aang was right when the course of action Katara took wasn't what Aang suggested.
Katara's lesson here was that killing him wouldn't bring back her mother or mend the pain she was going through and that Yon Rha wasn't worth the effort. That's what she realizes. Not that she needed to embrace forgiveness. How could she ever forgive that? The episode saying Aang was right wasn't true. Yes she forgives Zuko, but that wasn't what Aang was talking about. He was specifically talking about Yon Rha.
And that was wrong. Aang can choose the path of forgiveness, that's fine. That's his choice. But dismissing Katara's trauma in favor of his morals and upbringing wasn't okay.
I know it sounds like this is just bashing Kataang. But it's not simply because I don't like Kataang, in my opinion it brings down Aang's character too, not just Katara's. But let's steer away from Kataang and Katara for a minute.
The one thing that solidifies Aang's character being ruined in Book 3 for me is the fact that he- at the end of the story- does the same thing he did in the beginning.
He runs away when things get hard.
Aang couldn't make the choice between his duty and his morals. So he ran. Maybe it wasn't intentional, but subconsciously he wanted an out. And this is really disappointing when one of the things he was firm about in Book 2 was not running anymore. His character went backwards here and that's not even getting into the real issue in Sozin's Comet.
There's been contention about the Lion Turtle intervention. For many- including myself- it's very deus ex machina to save Aang from having to make a hard decision. And that in turn doesn't reflect kindly on his character.
Everyone- Sokka, Zuko, Roku, Kyoshi, Kuruk, and Yangchen (who was another Airbender and was raised with the same beliefs he was and would understand which was the whole point of him talking to her)- told him he had to kill Ozai. They all told him it was the only way. And he refused to listen to any of them, rotating through his past lives until he was given the answer he wanted.
And before anyone says that I'm bashing Aang for following his culture, I'm not. Ending the war peacefully, in my opinion, wasn't the problem. In a way, I think it allowed the world to heal properly. However, that doesn't make up for the fact that Aang refused to make a choice and face the consequences of that choice. Instead, he's given an out at the very last second.
Even if he couldn't kill Ozai and someone else had to deliver the final blow, that would have been better than the Lion Turtle showing up and giving him a power no one's ever had before. It would have been a good compromise, he doesn't have to have blood directly on his hands but what needs to be done needs to still get done. It would also show that being the Avatar isn't a burden he has to bear alone. That when things get hard, he can't run away but he can rely on the people closest to him to help him through hard decisions.
All these issues aren't necessarily a problem with Aang. Aang prior to Book 3 didn't have most of these problems. This is a problem with the way he was handled
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
The Volunteer: Part 2
The first day of volunteering at Hama's Haven went as well as could be expected. Zuko spent his four hour shift painting the stair wells of the building. There were only three floors, but they'd only painted about two and a half landings. The men that Zuko worked with were happy with the progress, though. They were friendly enough, despite his clear inexperience. They gave Zuko the nickname Splotch because of how messy his painting skills were.
"Good thing we have drop cloth down," said the man named Due. He gave Zuko a good natured slap on the back and offered him a can of beer.
"Um...no thanks," Zuko declined politely. "I'm underaged. And it's kind of the reason I'm here in the first place." Due and the other men laughed heartily at him, and Zuko was given another round of back slaps to seal their newfound camaraderie. They would finish the paint job, they told him, the following day. Then the next week, when he returned, they would take on the second set of stairs in the middle of the building.
"See ya, Splotch!" they called after Zuko as he went to go find Azula and the others.
It was a bit later than he realized. Without a doubt, Azula and her friends would be at the front desk or the car already, and furious with him for making them stay in that building. Zuko hurried down the stairs and through the hall towards the front desk. It was only his quick reflexes that kept him from crashing into Katara and her brother as he rounded the last corner.
"Sorry," Zuko mumbled.
"Hey! I know you," Sokka said. "You're that jerk from my physics class! The one who ruined spring break by reminding Mr. Piando that he didn't give the assignment. You volunteer here now?"
"He's with the group the judge sent over," Katara told her brother.
"What?" Sokka laughed. "Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes? What did you do to get sentenced to community service? Let me guess, public mopery? Brooding with intent to skulk? Did you scowl at the wrong cop?"
"They're in for arson," Katara supplied, eyeing Zuko with disapproval.
"That's none of your business," Zuko growled at her.
"Get out!" Sokka gaped at him. "Arson? Seriously?"
"You are literally the only one who doesn't know that." Katara rolled her eyes at her brother. Sokk, still unfazed, just shook his head and let out a low whistle.
"Dude...when you rebel, you go hard, huh?"
"It wasn't like that!" Zuko insisted. "Look, I've got to go." He took off down the hall towards the front desk.
"Alright," Sokka called after him. "But you stay out of trouble. No more arson around!" Zuko could hear him laughing at his own joke.
Idiot, Zuko thought rolling his eyes to himself. He stopped at the front desk to make sure Hakoda got his hours logged.
"You sister and friends are waiting for you outside," he told Zuko. There was a tightness in Hakoda's face that made it clear that it would be a good idea for them not to linger. Zuko thanked Hakoda quietly and hurried out.
As he anticipated, Azula was in an even fouler mood than she was when they got there. She was standing outside of the car with Mai and Ty Lee ranting about her day. Mai, who had been assigned to work with her also looked unhappy, but she at least seethed silently.
"I should sue this place!" Azula was saying as Zuko approached. "I'm covered in whatever was rotting in those bins. My shirt is ruined, and that useless, smug knuckle dragger just laughed at me! My dad with tear this place to the ground. When he is done, there won't be anyplace for the rats infesting this place to hide!" Zuko was taken aback by is sister's vitriol.
"Let's get home," Zuko said, glancing around the parking lot. Fortunately, no one was in the immediate area to hear his sister's tirade. She looked at him and scowled.
"What took you so long?" she demanded. "We've been waiting for you to leave this disgusting place for ages!"
"It's only been a few minutes, Azula," Ty Lee interjected timidly. Azula rounded on her with a sneer.
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind staying, would you?" Azula spat at her friend. "Made a lot of good friends in the kitchen? Why don't you ask if there's a spare room. I'm sure they'd be happy to let you stay." Ty Lee shrank back, biting her lips against the tears that were about to fall. Azula just rolled her eyes and huffed in disgust. She turned and got into the car, taking the front seat this time.
"Zuko's going to be cramped in the backseat," Mai said.
"He can deal with it for twenty minutes," Azula snapped. "Shut up and get us out of here." Zuko slid into the backseat without a word. Azula moved the seat up a few inches so that Zuko at least had room to get in, but that was it. Azula continued ranting the entire drive, coming up with some particularly creative and vicious names for Hakoda, the staff and the residents of Hama's Haven. Her brother and friends just let her go. Mai interjected occasionally with some snide remarks of her own, but she didn't have the energy for all out rage like her friend. Zuko did his best to tune them both out, and he politely ignored Ty Lee's subtly wiping away stray tears next to him. Not for the first time, Zuko wondered why the sensitive, bubbly girl was friends with Azula and Mai of all people, but he'd stopped searching for an answer to that years ago.
True to her word, Azula went into her father's home office and demanded that he get her out of her community service sentence. Zuko could hear her while he fixed himself a snack in the kitchen. Interestingly, he noted, she didn't mention a thing about getting him or her friends out of the mandated service. Not that it bothered Zuko. He'd already decided he didn't mind the work.
Ozai did end up calling the judge to demand that something be done for his daughter. Zuko heard it the next day. He'd forgotten to shut the door to his office completely, so Zuko was able to hear Ozai alternately threatening and cajoling Judge Jeong-Jeong to release Azula from her punishment. He offered bribes. He swore to get Jeong-Jeong removed from his bench and disbarred from practicing law anywhere. He offered to donate a ridiculous sum of money to the shelter, if Hakoda was removed from his position. Jeong-Jeong said little through the near hour-long call until the very end.
"Mr. Kaji," he began ponderously. "Firstly, I feel the need to remind you that bribing a judge is a federal offence, and this call is being recorded. Secondly, my ruling stands. It is only the generous intercession of your brother that kept your children and their friends from spending the next 8 to 13 months in a juvenile detention center. I feel I have been more than fair with my judgement, but if Azula would rather serve out her sentence in juvenile detention, I would be happy to arrange that."
Ozai swore and started to speak, but Jeong-Jeong cut him off.
"As for having Hakoda terminated," he continued. "He has been serving at that shelter since it opened, and he has never had a single complaint about how he runs it in all that time. I have no say in what happens there, but I sincerely doubt the board that oversees the operation of Hama's Haven would be willing to let him go on the say so of one disgruntled, mandated volunteer and her overly indulgent father. This is Azula's only option if she doesn't want to go to the juvenile detention center. If she refuses to honor her service hours, or if Hakoda dismisses her, that's exactly where she will end up. Am I clear, Mr. Kaji?"
"I'll find a way around this," Ozai promised.
"You are certainly welcome to try," Jeong-Jeong sounded amused. "I'm sure the additional scrutiny from the government won't affect you...much."
Ozai swore at the judge again, but again Jeong-Jeong cut him off.
"If there is nothing else, Mr. Kaji," he said. "I have better things to do than babysit your tantrum." The call ended abruptly, leaving Ozai to rage in his office to no one. Zuko took his book and crept towards the back stairs. It was better if he wasn't in his father's line of sight while he was in this mood.
He made it to his bedroom just as Ozai came out of his office and stormed up the main staircase. He shut his light out and stayed silent. Ozai, though, went straight to Azula's room. Zuko heard her door fly open and hit the door with a thud.
"What's your problem?" Azula snapped.
"You're going back to that pit and serving your hours," Ozai told her. "I don't want to hear another word out of you about it."
"But, Dad!" Azula protested.
"Not another word!" Ozai barked. Azula went silent. A moment later, Zuko heard the door slam shut and his father stomped down the stairs. Then he left the house, slamming the front door even harder than Azula's door. Zuko waited until he heard his father's car peeling out of the driveway to make his way carefully to Azula's room. He knocked at her door lightly, then poked his head in. Azula stood in the middle of the floor, absolutely seething with rage. Her dark glower got darker when she saw her brother.
"What do you want?" she hissed.
"Just checking to see if you're okay," Zuko said. He was. It was rare to see Ozai's anger aimed at Azula.
"Peachy," Azula snorted. "I just found out that Dad's connections are useless. Now I'm stuck either cleaning up after people i wouldn't let touch my rags or spending a year in jail."
"It's not that bad," Zuko said, shrugging. "Some of the people are pretty cool, once you get to know them." Azula shot her brother a disgusted look.
"I should've known you'd be fine there," she said. "What are you doing in my room, anyway? Get out!" She stormed across the room and slammed the door in Zuko's face. He just barely managed to keep his hand from being crushed. With one last scowl at Azula's door, Zuko decided he'd had enough of the house for a while. He took his car and drove off in the opposite direction of his father.
The next week of school was annoying. As Katara had implied, word of their sentencing had spread throughout the school. People stared and whispered as Zuko passed through the halls. Well, more than usual. It was annoying, but people were too intimidated by Zuko to say anything to his face, so he could ignore most of it. At lunch, Zuko headed towards his usual spot in the far corner of the cafeteria, but he was stopped half way by Sokka appearing at his side.
"Yo!" he greeted Zuko. "Come sit with us today. I'll introduce you to the rest of the Haven Crew."
"What?" Zuko's nose wrinkled in confusion. Sokka had already started walking, though. Zuko followed awkwardly to a table where Katara sat with three other people. Zuko recognized Suki, who was in the same martial arts club as him, but the other two- a boy with a tight fitting beanie and a girl Zuko was startled to realize was blind- he had no idea who they were. They looked like freshmen.
"Katara you know," Sokka said, pointing to his sister. "This is Toph and Aang. The babies of the group. And this beautiful, terrifying girl is Suki, my girlfriend of two years."
"We've met," Suki told Sokka. She smiled politely at Zuko. "Nice to see you again, Zuko."
"So," Toph drawled, leaning towards Zuko. "You're the guy who blew up a building."
"What?" Zuko sputtered. "I didn't blow anything up!"
"Whatever you say, Sparky," Toph grinned at him. "Hey! I'm not mad at you. There's a few building's I'd like to blow up. Starting with this one."
"Toph, don't say stuff like that!" Aang glanced around nervously, looking for a monitor or a lurking teacher.
"Nah, it was just arson," Sokka told his friends, grinning. "I didn't know he had it in him, though. Sit, down, Zuko. You can't eat standing up." Zuko eyed the open seat between Sokka and Aang hesitantly.
"Would you just sit down already?" Katara snapped irritably. "The seat isn't dirty." Zuko scowled at her, but sat down.
"Zuko and his accomplices are going to be working off their debt to society at the Haven," Sokka explained. "We'll be seeing a lot of him. Dad says they've got nine months of work to finish."
"Um...you all volunteer at the shelter?" Zuko asked.
"Yeah, we're all there at least a few times a month," Suki told him. "I do tutoring once a week."
"I help out in the garden." Aang grinned cheefully.
"Pottery and crap," Toph said.
"Crafts," Katara said. "You do pottery and crafts." Toph snorted at that.
"We made comb sheaths last month," she said. "I think crap is spot on."
"Toph," Katara let out a long suffering sigh and shook her head.
"So, Sparky," Toph turned back to Zuko with a smirk. "Why don't you tell us how you landed on the chain gang?"
"Toph!" Suki chided. "You can't just lead with that."
"Why not?" Toph demanded. "It's the most interesting thing to happen in this school all year!"
"Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it," Aang suggested, looking at Zuko nervously. Katara rolled her eyes, which bugged Zuko most of all for some reason.
"There isn't that much to tell," he said. "We got drunk at warehouse and my sister dropped a candle, or something into a box of tea leaves. The fire department put the fire out before there was a ton of damage." The finer details, Zuko decided, didn't matter.
"And that's why you always use a flashlight when you're drinking," Sokka said sagely.
"Or you could just not drink underage," Katara scoffed.
"Too easy." Sokka waved his sister off. And with that the topic moved onto something else. It was jarring. Zuko wasn't sure what he was expecting. An interrogation. Derision. Some sort of prank to humiliate him for daring to think they actually wanted him to sit with them. But the conversation turned to what they all had done over the weekend. Zuko had little to add there, and no one pressed. It was a pleasant lunch, all things considered. Sokka invited him to sit with them again the next day and the one after that. By the end of the week, Zuko joined them on his own, if a bit hesitantly. They welcomed him. Or rather, they didn't tell him to get lost. Zuko decided to count it as an open invitation.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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arverst-aegnar · 1 month
Stupid. Inexpressibly stupid. Zuko had asked her to dinner; a bit more formally than usual, but they ate together all the time whenever she was in Caldera. And Zuko was unnecessary formal sometimes, because he was the Fire Lord, and because he was dramatic, theatrical, and all-around awkward. It had been an especially nice dinner, with all of her favorites from Water Tribe and Fire Nation cuisine, because Zuko was a good friend with a tendency to go overboard for the people he cared about. And yes, he had been a bit more dressed up than usual, but there were any number of Fire Lord duties that could have required that of him, and he probably hadn't taken the time to change into something more comfortable because it would take too long. Most likely Zuko hadn't even realized how formal it was, let alone specifically chosen it for the occasion; the finer points of fashion always slipped by him. It was all plainly obvious in hindsight, but because Katara was an idiot, she had overlooked the plainly obvious and plowed straight into the most embarrassing alternative. She had taken it all in as Zuko helped her into her chair – like he would have done for any lady – and blurted out, "Is this a date?"
Zuko, of course, had gone red and stuttered out stuff like "no!" and "of course not!" and "just friends!", and Katara had been too embarrassed herself to smooth things over. The evening was ruined: they hardly spoke, the food tasted like sand in her mouth, and Zuko had barely touched dessert before fleeing with some excuse about a meeting in the morning. Like he didn't always have a meeting in the morning, but was always willing to put off sleep if it meant more time with his friends. Two days later, he was still avoiding her, and Katara couldn't blame him for it. She would have made things easier on him and left, but the Southern Water Tribe ambassador wanted her help on a trade discussion with the Earth Kingdom, she'd promised the homeless veterans she'd talk to the Council about opening a new clinic, somebody had to put pressure on Lord Taiko to keep his word about closing down that factory, and a dozen other matters required her presence, if not her attention. She had been colossally, tremendously stupid, and she could only hope that she hadn't ruined her friendship with Zuko forever. --‐-- With the help of his friends and his uncle, Zuko had finally started to move away from calling himself an idiot, or a failure, or any of the countless other cruel epithets he had heard growing up; mostly. On occasions like this one, he made an exception. How stupid of him, to think that just because Katara wasn't dating Aang that she would be interested in him. How arrogant to assume that her warm smiles, her frequent visits, her passion for his nation and its people signified more than her love for her friends and her care for the world, and how ungrateful to want more. How foolish it had been to let those secret hopes build up until they fell, crushing him underneath. Childishly, Zuko longed to hide out in his room until the ache in his chest subsided, but even if he could shirk his responsibilities to do so, it would wreck any chance he had of hiding his idiocy from Katara. If she knew – well, not even his self-loathing would allow for Katara to be anything less than the considerate, compassionate woman he knew her to be, but he still couldn't bear the thought of her knowing. Maybe because he didn't want to burden her with worrying about his stupid feelings, maybe it was a holdover from his childhood, maybe both. Still, as he hadn't yet learned how not to wear his heart on his sleeve, Zuko took every opportunity to put distance between them. She'd pick up on it soon, if she hadn't already, but he thought he had a few days yet before she'd ask for an explanation, and maybe he could think up a convincing enough lie in that interim. Until then, he would attempt to piece his heart back together, and pray that he hadn't ruined everything.
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the-director · 17 days
Okay so. While initially I wasn't going to watch the Netflix avatar at all, my grandparents wanted me to watch it with them and they are my grandparents so I did.
We just finished what I believe is episode 4? "Spirited away" which seems to be the first part of the winter solstice two parter.
I'm going to be mostly Positive here but with my negative stuff I'll try to be unique
I like what they've done to the southern water tribe, I like how there's more people, since this show is taking a more serious route, I feel like the main reason the southern water tribe was so small was for comedy. The argument against this could be that the reason why their population was so small was to depict that they were facing a similar genocide to what aang/air nomads experienced. But hmmm. It just feels more like an actual yknow society rather than just. Sokka, katara, hakoda, bato, gran gran, yknow?
I'm not that upset about katara being given the water bending scroll by gran gran, as I feel like it ties into her being secretly from the north.
I really really really love the costuming. Some have complained that it "looks like cosplay" which I agree, I think thats a good thing. My favorite cosplays are those that look accurate but also look actually wearable in day to day or of the time/place they are from and I think these costumes fit the bill, especially Aangs. I also like how with the fire nation, it seems like most of them esp the soldiers have more muted colors. While iroh has brighter colors. I take this to being connected to how the fire nation have lost their spark, the true way of firebending like the dragons do, while iroh remains true to that with his spirituality and acceptance.
I like the changes they made with Bumi while I wish he still gave aang challenges that were more clever, I do like his resentment for aang. While watching the show, it feels like aangs guilt over leaving the world is largely self inflicted. The only time someone actually literally blames him for the war is that fisherman in the storm. And it makes sense for bumi to be the one that feels hurt and betrayed, he knew aang personally. I also like to wonder/think that bumi also knew kuzon. And thinking about whether kuzon betrayed or stayed with the fire nation is very good for angst. But that's breaching into fanfic territory...
I like the changes they've made to koh. It seems like he no longer gets faces by them showing emotion. Rather, he works in tandem with the fog of lost souls to acquire his victims, incorporating the more spider/bug like qualities of design. He's also voiced by George Takei, who played the warden of that one fire nation prison, which is nice.
I like Zhao being a more sneaky bastard. While I do miss him being a rageful idiot, a sort of "look at who zuko might become" and I do miss his agni kai with zuko, I find this approach interesting and it allows him more screen time which helps him stick to the mind. It also makes it seem like this new fire nation is more sneaky, less so focussed on true honor and courage and more so on results. Reflecting how ozai and azula are.
Now the things that really bug me (besides things that ppl have already mentioned like katara lacking her rage, sokka and the sexism, etc)
Kyoshi fan service was so in your face it made me lose my mind, where the hell is Roku, he is the previous avatar he should be more important.
Iroh feels. Less wise, it's hard to describe but it feels less like he's "playing an act" and more like. There is no act. It's hard to say if this is because of how I interpret him in the show or how the writers interpret him in the show and then try to be like "see we already know that he's a white lotus member and is super smart from the beginning" I feel like we are seeing too much of his backstory way too soon. And I also feel like he is way too loyal to the fire nation. He feels more Active in helping zuko find the avatar. Whereas in the cartoon he was always passive. He helped Zuko. But not helping him with the mission.
I dislike how they haven't really mentioned about the air balloon technology developed by the mechanist is then captured by the fire nation which leads directly into the finale. But I suppose there's still time for that. I dislike the mechanist storyline being set in omashu since now we didn't get to see the air temple get destroyed and have that factor into aangs development, as well as aang validating Teo as "having the heart of an airbender" but that wouldn't have worked anyways because of how bloodthirsty Teo is in this version.
I dislike how they did the badger moles as well as the musical nomads, but I wasn't Too upset with katara and sokka being in the tunnel. It was obviously platonic love and was more so just to have them resolve their issues with eachother.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Three Little Changes (Part 5)
Azula invites herself over to Katara’s lunch table that day. Mai and TyLee tag along. TyLee carries her bag. “I can carry it myself, you know.” Katara hears her grumble. Against her better judgment–perhaps because Azula had been rude enough to sit without asking–she comments, “you had to take a break at my locker this morning.”
“And you didn’t have your bookbag. If walking is hard then you should just let TyLee help you.” 
Azula shrugs. The three surround her and her heartbeat quickens. Her mind going to further off places. To those days on the playground when the trio would surround her and make fun of her for playing with dolls or stuffed animals instead of joining in on their game of tag or ‘the floor is lava.’ 
To the days on the playground when they would play monkey in the middle using her toys instead of a rubber ball. 
To the first days of high school when they would gather around her desk and talk loudly about her in front of her. 
“What do you want?” She asks through gritted teeth. 
“A place to sit.” 
“What happened to yours? Does Chan…” no longer want to sit with you because of those scars? She bites her tongue and finishes, “are the two of you fighting?”
Azula shakes her head. “Chan’s fine. I just get tired of hearing surfer lingo and listening to him go on and on about the swim team all day.” 
“Well you’re out of luck because I happen to be fluent in surfer slang.” Katara shrugs. 
“Oh yeah!” TyLee chirps. “She’s does competitive surfing. That’s so-o cool.”
Katara cringes; there are a lot of things that she has done or worn that were ‘so-o cool’. And they were followed by a round of giggles and snickers. But this time there are none. 
“Yeah, she’s been doing that for ages now.” Mai confirms. 
“Why are you really here, Azula?” 
She shrugs. “I…I don’t have many friends.”
“And you think that I’d be a good candidate after everything?” Katara folds her arms. “I’m not an idiot. Just because I let you lean against my locker for a few minutes doesn’t mean that I trust you or that I’m ready to forgive…”
Azula scoffs. “I never asked for forgiveness and I don’t want it.” Her hiss is icy and spiteful. It prickles at Katara in a way that makes her almost regret standing her ground. 
“You should go back to sitting with Chan.” She continues her stand in spite of it. 
Without a word, Azula snatches her belongings away from TyLee and, head held pointedly high, makes her way out of the cafeteria. TyLee shuffles after her with a shouted, “Azula, wait!”
“What was that about?” She grumbles. 
Mai waits until well after the door slams to mutter, “Chan hasn’t seen the scars yet.” She pauses. “I don’t really think that it's a big deal, I mean she already had a few…” Another pause. “But Azula is…she’s got this thing about…everything.” Mai sighs. 
“So she has to make it my problem!?”
Geez, where the heck are Suki and Aang? They should be here!
“Believe it or not she’s not trying to make problems.” Mai shrugs. 
“Since when?” 
She shrugs again. “I guess since the accident. You’re kind of the only person who hasn’t been making a huge deal of it. People talk and start rumors…”
“Yeah, I know. Azula tends to get them talking about me.”
Mai nods. “If they’re bothering you and talking about you they don’t bother and talk about her.” She stuffs her hands into her pockets. “She’d kill me for telling you that but…” another shrug. “She’s a social disaster and she needs someone to intervene somewhere.”
“Well she doesn’t have to treat me horribly because she can’t make friends.”
“I think that she knows that. She won’t admit it though.” 
“Suki and Aang are here.”
Mai nods.
At least someone in that trio isn’t completely unbearable. 
Azula digs her feet into the sand, her sundress flutters softly in the breeze. There is a swishing of palm trees and the cries of seagulls. The sand is practically aglow with setting sunlight. By all means it is every bit as picturesque as it is in the Caldera Coast postcards. But the beach isn’t as pretty when she is standing on it by herself again. It is downright ugly when she can only seem to picture blood on the waves.
Usually it is her own blood. She can still vividly see the wreckage around her, the ruins of the ship.
These days it is Katara’s. These days each wave hides a shark fin. And if she stares for too long, the blood bubbles up. And if she stares longer yet…she swallows. She isn’t a squeamish person–she is quite fond of horror movies and those educational surgery videos. But it is much different to see a severed limb in person. 
Much different when it belongs to someone close. Someone loved. It hasn’t even surfaced in her mind’s eye yet and she is already feeling queasy. 
She quickly turns from the water and makes her way back up the beach. She doesn’t exactly know why she has come down here in the first place. She could do her pacing and contemplating just fine on the boardwalk. 
She supposes that it is her father’s voice that tells her that it is ridiculous to be afraid of the water and now the beach as a whole. “We live in a coastal town!” He had exclaimed after she complained one too many times. 
“That accident was very traumatic.” Mother had mumbled one night. 
“It’s been two years and she still won’t go into the water.”
“She’s just a child, Ozai.”
“You’re right, she’ll grow out of it.” 
Except she never did. Not truely. And now she is worse still. Worse still and she can’t let father know. 
She ought to go visit Katara instead of pacing around thinking about doing so again. But the last time had gone so horribly.
It says plenty that even her dad has shown up more than Azula has. Azula only likes to stick around when things are going well. She should have known that she would dip as soon as things got messy. Of course Azula wouldn’t want to be around a freak with a missing leg. 
Katara grits her teeth, tears prickling in her eyes again. She doesn’t want to be a freak with one leg. A freak with one leg who sure won’t be making it to the surf championships this year–all that hard work down the drain, possibly to never be salvaged. 
Hakoda gives her forehead one more kiss, just like he used to before tucking her into bed. “Things are going to work out, you’ll see. The tides change, Katara. And so will you.” 
She wants to bolt up and scream at him. Demand that he stop saying that already. She doesn’t want to change. She has already experienced a monumental change and look what happened. Even the changes that looked good at first are going sour.
But she keeps quiet and lets him wander towards the door where he takes pause. “Good evening, Azula. Katara was wondering where you were at.”
Azula mutters something that she can’t make out. To which Hakoda gives her shoulder a small pat and a brief squeeze. 
Hakoda leaves, leaving a silence in his wake. Azula clears her throat. Katara won’t bite this time. “You’re not going to ask why I haven’t visited you?” 
“I don’t care.” 
“Well that’s good because…”
“I don’t care about the why’s. It doesn’t matter why you didn’t visit. What matters is that you didn’t.” 
Azula swallows. “I…” 
“I just said that I don’t care. I needed you and you…”
“Made it worse the last time I was here.” Azula states flatly. 
Katara flinches. “Yeah, kind of.” She mumbles. 
“I didn’t know if you would want me to come back.”
“Then you should have asked.”
Azula pauses for the longest time. “Do you want me here?”
Katara swallows and shifts around beneath the blankets. She nods. “I wouldn’t be upset with you if I wasn’t expecting you to visit.”
“I bought another gift.”
“You didn’t have to…but I’m glad that you did.” As glad as she can be. She doesn’t think that Azula knows how to show affection in any other way. “I just…gifts are nice Azula but they aren’t what I need.”
“What do you need?”
“Someone who can help me out. When I need help getting around, when people start making comments, when I start making comments.”
This Azula seems to understand. And yet she still manages to miss the point. “Sokka and Aang are good at that.” 
 Katara sighs. “I want you to help me out. You’re my girlfriend.” She pauses. “Even if that means just being here and sitting here. I just don’t want to be alone right now.” Alone and left to think about all of the opportunities that are closing to her. All of the wasted potential. 
Really, that can mean anything with Azula. But today it means that she is pulling out a stuffed seahorse and taking Katara’s hand to give it a few gentle strokes. 
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar) Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Attempt at Humor, Zuko's never had cactus juice before, So Sokka has him try it, and they both have interesting trips, References to Drugs, If you can count cactus juice as a drug, which I guess it kinda is, but like, It's a fun drug, Boys Kissing, two idiots in love, Katara is just so done with them, How do I tag? Series: Part 28 of Inktober 2020 Summary:
Sokka notices that Zuko's been pretty stressed lately, so he gets them some cactus juice to help them both unwind and have some fun.
Inktober Day 28: Float
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comradekatara · 2 years
heyy, I'm not sure if you've covered this already but I'd like to know why you think the Canon couples are misogynistic?
yeah I mean when u say “misogynistic” i guess more specifically id define it as “predicated on age-old romantic tropes rooted in patriarchal love narratives.” for example, im not a fan of the way katara is framed whenever the camera suddenly wants to emphasize that aang is attracted to her (specifically referring to the fully-body pan-up [insert puke emoji here], but also the way such an agentic, heroic main character is occasionally reduced to a Love Object for the sake of the romantic plotline between them). and to be clear, im also not one of those idiots who thinks that aang is a misogynist who feels a sense of ownership or entitlement towards katara. a lot of arguments against the relationship between aang & katara are overly extreme and thus inaccurate, and while im not exactly a fan of the way their (romantic) relationship is presented in the show, I do think that they clearly have reciprocated crushes on each other and love each other deeply, even if I don’t necessarily believe that they’d work in a committed monogamous relationship their entire lives since middle school (I mean, have you met katara???) – like, the thematic significance of their relationship is very beautiful, and there's clearly a deep love there, but i just think the execution left a lot to be desired, especially because they are both babies, so the romance between them always felt especially forced for me. whatevs tho
as for mai & zuko, I mainly take issue with the final scene; I otherwise like the way their relationship is portrayed, even if their dysfunction makes me cringe—in fact, because their dysfunction makes me cringe. it’s the final framing of theirs as a “good relationship” that utterly baffles me. at no point does zuko show the same dedication to mai that mai shows to zuko. which is understandable, seeing as he has a lot going on, and to him, she represents yet another decoration of the fire nation rather than a fully-realized human being in her own right. which, narratively speaking, is a coherent decision, up until the point I’m expected to buy that either of them would be truly happy with each other, when a) zuko has done nothing to earn mai’s trust, affection, and devotion (other than rising to power) and b) when zuko doesn’t really seem to see mai as a whole person?? just an L for women and gays everywhere 😔
And I'm not sure if you know but Bryke do later admit that the kiss at the end was kind of forced which is why I think they specifically chose to end lok with no kiss. They said they were hoping to develop korrasami like a Miyazaki like romance (still think they could have done better job at that) opting for no big dramatic displays of romantic affection.
okay that’s kind of funny bc I agree that neither atla nor lok should’ve ended with a kiss, but the fact that it was lok specifically to not end with a kiss was clearly just due to the homophobic network constraints restricting what they could depict overtly between two women. but yeah I agree that korrasami read as more authentic and genuine than most other atla romances, save perhaps with the exception of sokka & suki, which I enjoy specifically because it’s rarely ever foregrounded, they’re simply two people who like and understand each other, which feels more true to life. as I sort of alluded to above, I prefer romance narratives that treat (positive) relationships as a healthy, beneficial experience, rather than some grand, significant, even cosmic event. romance is not necessarily more important than true friendship or familial bonds, and to treat it as such reinforces harmful notions that can and do damage the expectations and lives of women (watch crazy ex girlfriend all seasons now on netflix). with certain exceptions, wherein romantic love is transformative specifically because it is subverting dominant cultural norms (gay ppl, etc), I much prefer the miyazaki approach :)
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lphoenixspiritl · 2 years
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Sokka dug gloved hands into the snow, "You grab some like this, and roll into a ball." Spotting Aang, a wicked smirk curled on his tan features. He looked to Azula, "Now here's the important part, you find your target and take aim," Sokka carefully tracked his friend skating along a hill in the distance, "AND THROW!" The ball of packed white powder raced through the frigid air before colliding into the side of Aang's head with a wet smack. The young Avatar fell back in surprise and slid down the rest of the hill on his rear end. Further back, he could hear Katara yell, Zuko next to her did his best to stifle a laugh. It earned him a well placed elbow in the ribs. Ignoring his sister's spat with the Fire Lord, he turned to the Fire Princess and gave a grand bow, "And that, young snowhare, is how it's done." Azula remained silent as he stood, her face thoughtful. "What do you think?" he asked her. "It's rather primitive and unrefined ... yet satisfying." Azula bit the inside corner of her lip, "What did you say they were called again?" Sokka's face cracked into smiled, "They're called snowballs." ... "This is highly inefficient. Stopping to make a new snowball every time you throw?"
"Well yeah, the heat from your hands helps keep them together, once you put them down they fall apart."
"So why not use fireballs? They don't fall apart." Azula demonstrated with a palm-sized sapphire flame.
Sokka closed her hand extinguishing the small flame, "I don't know, maybe because that would hurt people."
Azula rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "Fine, what about ice? Ice doesn't fall apart."
"Because that would also hurt people."
"Then what's the point."
Sokka threw his arms in the air, "To have fun!"
"You call launching ineffective attacks on your allies, fun?"
"Yes." Sokka groaned, dragging a palm down his face.
"I guess I can see how one might find that amusing. I still say ice would be highly effective." Azula bored, examined her nails, "A little ice never hurt anyone."
"Katara literally defeated you with a block of ice."
"How would you know, you weren't there."
"Your brother told me."
"My brother's an idiot"
"Well, at least that's something we both can agree on."
Sokka glanced back toward the hill where Aang - having outgrown otter penguins - was dragging a sled up its steep side. Further back Katara and Zuko huddled against the cold, were deep in conversation.
Following Sokka's gaze, Azula smiled, "Those two have been quite close since we got to the South Pole."
"Yea, a little too close," Sokka grumbled, he turned to look at her, "What did you say before?"
"My brother's an idiot."
"No before that."
"A little ice never hurt anyone?"
"I think you might have something there." Sokka hopped up and started gathering some snow, "What if the snowballs were like those sweet brown things you guys had at the palace?"
"Gulab jamun? Those are soggy and make for ineffective projectiles." Azula stated as a matter of fact.
"No, smaller, one of them had coconut-lychee crème in it?" Sokka got a dreamy look, "They were so good."
"Do you mean truffles?"
"I guess? They were soft in the middle and a chocolate shell."
"Truffles." Azula confirmed, "How is candy supposed to help you defeat your adversaries."
"First of all, what did we say about friends?"
Azula rolled her eyes.
"Saaay it." Sokka chided.
"Ugh" Azula recited his words in a droning deadpan, "Friends are friends, not adversaries, enemies or opponents unless they first enthusiastically consent to a spar in which case we are not to purposely hurt, maim or cause them death."
"Exactly." Sokka beamed, "Ok so what if we made snowball truffles."
Azula raised a brow, "I don't follow."
"Like you said, a little ice never hurt anyone."
The watertribesman's mischievous smirk was beginning to grow on her, "I'm listening."
"Ok, if our snowballs had a layer of ice around them, they wouldn't fall apart, right? And if it's thin like the chocolate on those truffles, then it'll break easily without hurting anyone."
"You lost me again."
"If we melt just the outer layer, it's cold enough that it'll refreeze into a hard shell almost instantly. The only question is if your firebending control up to the task?"
"I'm the best Firebender there is, second only to my father." Azula declared.
It was Sokka's turn to raise a brow
"And maybe that buffoon I call an uncle."
Sokka softened, "You know, your brother and your uncle, they really care about you."
For a fraction of a moment, Azula's haughty expression faltered. If he had only blinked he would have missed it.
"Bringing me to this frigid wasteland to learn waterbending of all things is caring?" Azula asked incredulously anger burning up the edges of her words.
Sokka had no answers for her.
"It's prettied up imprisonment and you know it." she spat pinning him with eyes of molten gold.
She had made great strides since Iroh and Zuko had brought her here, but she was still angry. Understandably so, the controlled and meticulous princess had no control, no say in what happened to her. She was still earning their trust back and she would be a prisoner until she did.
Sokka sighed, "I won't lie to you, as much as everyone is trying to help you, you're right, you are a prisoner and there isn't much you can do about it."
Azula silently observed the young man before her, he was an idiot like her brother but he was the first to be upfront and honest with her, it was something she could respect. She gave him a nod to continue.
"I can't teach you waterbending forms like Pakku or how to find inner balance like Aang. I can't offer you any words of wisdom like Gran and Iroh. I can't set you free from whatever this is either."
"So what can you do?" Azula asked pointedly.
"I can help you make the best of a shitty situation."
"And how would you do that?"
Sokka handed Azula a snowball, and that same mischievous smirk appeared on his face, "By showing you what fun is."
Drawn by the yelling Pakku ran out of his tent and stopped in his tracks, mouth agape at the scene before him.
Katara his best student and Zuko the reigning Fire Lord streaked past him running for their lives.
"SOKKA CUT IT OUT!" Katara yelled over her shoulder.
In hot pursuit of the pair was Sokka, the future chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe with Azula Princess of the Fire Nation atop his shoulders flinging snowballs at a blinding pace.
"La help us," Pakku muttered heading back inside, "I'm getting too old for this."
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asciendo · 3 years
Secret Mission
Zuko leaves on a mission with Sokka without telling. 
He expects to be. welcomed with open arms when he returns, but you have other plans for him.
I think I read a fic in the past that inspired me for this one!
It’s been two weeks since Sokka and Zuko left on their secret mission. It wasn’t really a secret on what they were doing but the fact that they left without telling anyone was what made it a secret.
Azula’s ships were spotted two mountains down from the campsite and Zuko knew she was carrying heavy explosives for the war. Him and Sokka were adamant on tracking her ships and destroying the explosives, but they all knew that her ships were heavily guarded.
“Look, we don’t even know if the explosives are actually on the ship!” Katara argued. “No, I do know! I was there when they were planning the transaction!” Zuko paced around the camp.
“I agree with Zuko, it could make a huge difference for the war!” Sokka joined Zuko standing up as well. “Knowing Azula she probably changed her plans since you betrayed her.” You stated as you sat near the campfire because you were cold. “But what if she didn’t because she knew she’d be heavily guarded?!”
“That’s exactly my point! It’s too risky for the just a possibility that the explosives are on those ships!” Katara rolled her eyes at her brother. “THEY ARE ON THOSE SHIPS!” Zuko yelled back.
“Katara’s right. It was such a close call last time...I say we should wait it out.” Aang stated as he fumbled with air between his hands. Two weeks ago, Katara and Aang were trying to infiltrate one of Ozai’s camps to get information on their war plans, but Ozai hired extra mercenaries to protect the camp, which almost got them caught.
“That settles it. We’re not going.” Katara stated and headed back to her tent. The rest did too except you and Zuko. You sighed watching him slump on the floor in defeat. Zuko’s been struggling on his place in the group. He still feels like he has to prove he’s on their side and that he was useful. He never told you that, but you could tell it eats him up inside.
It’s been four months since you both were “officially” together after your failed friends with benefits run.
It was great being out in the open, you didn’t have to hide your affection towards each other, and you had more clarity on your relationship. You were honest and knew each other to the deepest core of who you both were. Although, neither of you could never rest when one was out on a mission while the other was back at camp, worrying on what could happen.
The time you and Katara went to steal food from a fire nation camp, Zuko stayed up all night until both of you returned. You remember seeing his shoulders slump in relief as you walked towards him, you simply winked carrying a crate of food, which he then took from you to carry, then placed a long kiss on your forehead. When him and Aang went to search for the fire bending masters you couldn’t sleep till he returned and jumped at him when he entered your now shared tent.
“Zuko.” You sighed as you sat next to him and leaned your head on his shoulder. He didn’t respond but continued staring at the fire. “Zuko, it’s too dangerous...and knowing Azula, she probably changed her plans with the explosives.”
“I know they’re there. I just know it.” he said through gritted teeth.
“Come on, it’s late. We should get some sleep.”
“You go ahead, I just need to think about some stuff.” You stared at him with a worried expression, but he immediately kissed you on the lips as a form of reassurance. You smiled then left. That was the last you saw him before he and Sokka took off on Appa.
2 weeks later, they still hadn’t shown up and the gang was getting nervous. Aang tried to hide it but he spent his mornings pacing around. Katara would stare at sky hoping for signs of Appa, so did Sukki, Toph would throw boulders while at first you wanted to try to find them, but had no idea where they were, would spend your days around the forest hunting and gathering food to distract yourself.
You were all laid out on the floor when suddenly Suki sat up. “Guys, I hear something.”
“So?” Toph scoffed, “No, it’s coming from above!” Suki jumped on her feet. “Yeah right.” You rolled your eyes, there were so many close calls thinking Sokka and Zuko were flying home that you didn’t want any false sense of hope that you’d see him again.
“NO SHE’S RIGHT IT’S APPA!” Aang ran towards you then fell in excitement. Your heart stopped, could it really be them? You sat up and stared at the sky. It was Appa. And you saw two figures on his back, Sokka and Zuko.
“YIPEEEE!” Aang danced around on an air ball. As soon as Appa landed Katara ran to Sokka and hugged him, so did Suki. Aang was next and squished both Sokka and Zuko in a huge hug and Toph high fived them both. Zuko laughed at all the attention then looked at you with a huge grin expecting you to run up to him as well, which automatically dropped when he saw your angry face.
“GUYS I’M SO HAPPY!” Aang continued to dance around the two. “Me too, but that was SO stupid!” Katara placed her hands on her hips. “Well...guess who destroyed two of Azula’s ships including all the explosives?” Sokka gloated as he strutted around the fire.
“NO WAY! I should have gone!” Toph stomped her foot on the ground which made the earth shake. “So there were explosives on the ships...” Katara blushed in embarrassment. “Told you.” Zuko said, but he was still looking at you with worry in his eyes.
“What took two weeks though?” Suki asked as she plopped herself on Sokka’s lap. “Okay, so good news, all the explosives were gone, bad news was we were captured after.”
“WHAT?!” the rest of you shouted in unison.
“BUT! We escaped and torched the Fire Nation camp that captured us.” Sokka winked.
“Sokka! That is so DANGEROUS! You two could have gotten killed!” Katara was yelling in Sokka’s face. “But we DIDN’T! And now we have a higher chance of winning the war.” Sokka smirked.
Katara and Sokka continued to argue while you and Zuko just stared at each other, both not knowing what to do. Obviously, you were happy he was back and safe but so angry he left and didn’t tell you. A few moments passed and you decided you needed some space.
“Well, I’m glad you both are safe.” You stated and walked into the woods. The gang became quiet and Zuko looked like he saw a ghost. “Uhm, I’m sorry man, but...you’re smoked.” Sokka shrugged and Katara hit him. “OW!”
You needed to be alone for a bit so you were taking your usual walk in the forest, forgetting for a bit that the trail was the same one you and Zuko took every night.
“Y/N!” you heard footsteps running behind from you, but you kept walking. “Hey, come on.” He placed his arm on your shoulder, so you turned around.
You looked at him with painful eyes and he softened his grip on you. “What’s wrong?” he placed his arms on your shoulders.
Both of you stood there for a bit, him waiting for you to say something, trying to read you. Suddenly, your soft expression turned into a hard one and you slapped Zuko right across the face.
He stumbled back grabbing his cheek that was now slightly pink. “WH-WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”
“DON’T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!” You yelled and continued walking. “DO WHAT?” Zuko followed you but now he was mad as well. “LEAVE!”
“I had to leave! Those explosives could have hurt hundreds of people, and we destroyed a fire nation camp as well.” He tried to explain himself but you kept walking away from him.
“I was right, wasn’t I? The explosives were on those ships!”
“That’s not the point Zuko!” you raised your arms in exasperation. “We destroyed the explosives that would be used against us! How could you be mad about that?!”
“That’s not why I’m mad!” you rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see you. “Then why don’t you tell me instead of us wandering around here like idiots!”
“Y/N, will you please stop walking!” Zuko groaned in annoyance.
“You’re impossible.” Zuko growled but still continued to follow you. “Then go back to camp!”
“No, I’m not leaving till we fix this.” You could hear a bit of desperation in his voice.
“Then too bad.”
“Y/N, we did what had to be done! It’s not like we left for no reason!”
“You really don’t get it, do you Zuko?” You stopped walking then looked at him, clearly he was clueless. “No, because you won’t tell me!” you sighed then gave up.
“You could have told me you were leaving!” You pleaded for him to understand but you could tell he wasn’t getting what you were trying to say. “It was my choice and you would have told me not go.” he said through gritted teeth.
“Yes but I would have known where you were.”
“What difference would that make? I still would have gone.” There was a pang in your heart because Zuko still had no idea what it was like wondering if he was alive every single day.
“Zuko...do you know what it was like waking up and you were gone. Not knowing if you were alright, if you were captured or or—“ tears started to trickle down your face. Zuko’s eyes widened and his hard expression quickly turned to softness and worry. The only time Zuko’s ever seen you cry was when you received news that your childhood home was burned down in the Fire Nation as they considered your father a traitor. The truth was, he was like Zuko, he knew what they were doing was wrong and left.
“You just left...without telling me...and I wondered everyday, every night, if you were okay and just hoped that I’d see you sleeping next to me somehow and that this was all just a bad dream.”
“Y/N I—“
“What if you died, Zuko?!”
“I didn’t—“
“But you could have and I’d be here...not knowing what even happened to you!”
“Y/N, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” His eyes were pleading and you could see the remorse in his face.
“Do I mean that little to you?” Zuko’s face dropped and he instantly walked towards you and grabbed your face.
“Y/N...you mean everything to me.” He whispered as he caressed your face. “Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“I-I thought it would be better...because you wouldn’t know what we were doing, so you wouldn’t feel guilty if anything happened...” he looked down, realizing how wrong he was. Zuko suddenly remembered all the times you went on a mission without him and how helpless he felt that he wasn’t there to protect you. He’d spend days with no sleep, pacing around the camp while looking for any sign of you returning. “It wasn’t better! Even if I didn’t like what you were doing but at least have the compassion to tell me!” you tried to pull away from his grasp, but he held on tighter.
“I know... I wasn’t thinking. I was just so sure I was right and I knew it would make a huge difference and I just wanted to—“
“You just wanted to prove you deserve to be on Aang’s side.” You finished and Zuko nodded slowly. Zuko was always skeptical if the team really trusted him, especially due to the fact that he used to chase them around trying to capture Aang.
“Zuko, it’s been months. Everyone trusts you and respects you, remember we’re on the same boat here, I’m from the Fire Nation too, you know.”
“I do...it’s just, I did horrible things to them. I always feel like I have to make up for it.” he turned away from you. “Zuko, you don’t have to make up for anything, I’m so proud of you for all that you’ve done, and how much you’ve changed. I just thought I had a bigger place in your life for you to tell me.”
“You are the biggest part of my life, Y/N. Don’t ever doubt that.” he cupped your face with his hands once more. “I’m so sorry I ever made you feel that way, it was selfish and—“
“And I’m so proud of how brave you are...it just scares me sometimes that you could just be gone...”
“Don’t you think I feel the same way when you’re out on missions?”
“At least you know where I’m going.” You smirked and he sighed but laughed after.
“I’m sorry, I should have been more considerate.” You smiled lightly. “But don’t ever think you mean little to me. You’re the only good thing in my life.” He kissed you on your forehead and you melted into his arms.
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FISI’s Favourite Zutara Fics
A lil late for ZFAW’s Saturday prompt, sorry about that! Haven’t had any internet over the weekend. But better late than never!
I’m not gonna lie… a lot of these are angsty af. But I promise you they’re not gratuitous angst! They’re well written, beautiful stories that will make you feel like a better person for having read them. These are my favourite all time fics, ones I’ve read more than once and will continue to read (even though I’m taking a week break from fandom and fic).
 Multi-Chaptered Fics
The Sparrowkeet Series by audreyii_fic
To be honest, this story’s summary doesn’t do it justice so I ain’t including it. Originally a one shot, Sparrowkeet is headcanon for me now. Move over canon, this is where it’s at. Audreyii_fic’s characterisation, world building, and writing is exquisite. It’s incredible. She manages to channel the same fun and whimsical energy from the show while allowing the characters to grow and develop to places I wish they had actually been taken.
This one is a fandom Must Read and one I return to regularly.
 Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow by sadladybug
It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway.
Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
This is one of the best written fics I’ve ever read. It’s tragic and deep and will hurt you in all the tender places but you would be doing yourself a favour if you read this. There’s a real bittersweet feeling to it and the love between them is just… urg, visceral.
 Lovable by LadyCharity
Zuko knew that he could not save Azula. He could only try to forgive her. Fittingly enough, those two were one in the same.
I love stories that make Zutara their centerpiece but every now but then a story like this comes along. A story where their relationship builds almost incidentally because the plot and character development straight up hijack your emotions. I got so invested in this story. Zuko is amazingly well characterised and his complicated thoughts and feelings around his father and Azula are incredibly well written!
 One Shots
Lunar Ephemerality by @formerlygoldilocks (goldilocks23)
After multiple failed attempts on his life and years of self-set expectations, Fire Lord Zuko is a shell of the man he used to be. But Katara won't turn her back on those who need her.
I really didn’t expect this to hit as hard as it did. This straight up snuck up on me, fly-kicked my feelings, and by the end I had written an 800 word comment that was too big for AO3 and I had to contact the author directly to send it to her. Awkward. I couldn’t help myself. The side to Katara we see here is so good, her empathy and love for her friends are one of the things I love seeing most in AtLA fanfic. I’m a sucker for Zuko having complete breakdowns and having to piece himself back together too. So sue me. I like it when they suffer a lil bit. The writing is absurdly good and I will be keeping an eye out for any new stories by goldilocks23!
 31 Minutes by @ifyouwereamelodymeg
It's quite astounding, really, how quickly she's learned to translate him. They've spent a grand total of zero time together outside of training, and he's hardly big on chat so she knows next to nothing about his life.
But she knows him, probably better than she knows anyone at the moment – with every tap of his fingers, every crook of his lips, every turn in his voice, he just...
He makes sense to her. It's weird.
I’m a sucker for fic writers playing with style to make the story pop and boyo does this fic deliver. This is one of the rare times that I’ve been dumbstruck at the end of a story— I just couldn’t accept the ending. Because I’m a sucker for pain, (and this story will bring The Pain) I loved it. The ease of Zuko and Katara’s growing relationship in this bowls you over, it’s absolutely beautiful and you find yourself nodding along emphatically when Zuko calls himself an idiot for waiting… “Life’s short, kids, live each moment as though it could be your last,” says this fic as it pulls my heart out and dropkicks it off a cliff.
 i count to five (and life passes by) by @markedmage
Five heartbeats.
I still haven’t forgiven Mage for this one. I think it’s the best thing she’s written to date! I mean, tragic and painful and heart-rending but holy shit is it powerful <3
 The Lake of the Dismal Swamp by @thewhiitelotus
Spook af. Spook (horror) is real hard to do well but thewhiitelotus is coming for your goosebumps and those shivers down your spine. She has a way of balancing beautiful, evocative imagery with action (in this and other stories of her) that just keeps you reading!
 Calloused by @rideboldlyride
Iroh hadn’t been able to watch. The pure horror of a man - a father- burning their child for a slight infraction... He couldn’t do anything to stop it, but he will stop his brother from destroying entirely the kind boy he knew Zuko could be.
This is a painfully underappreciated fic for how great the characterisation is. I know we in the zutara fandom tend to not read stories that aren’t Zuko/Katara centric as often but do yourself the favour of reading this (or listening to it: RideBoldlyRide has done us the gift of recording a podfic for this and it’s stupidly *good*). This story is Iroh confronting Ozai just after he burns Zuko’s face and it kicks.
 four days and three nights by @hinaoyamas (lettersfromnowhere)
Zuko discovers firsthand that nothing is more fleeting than happiness, or more enduring than memory.
Do you like reading stories with a distant, omniscient narrator? The kind that read like a myth from the ancient world? Welp, hit the hyperlink, friend, cause this one’s for you. Not only is the writing exquisite but the characterisation and painful inevitability of the plot is grade A.
 For the Fire Nation by tullyblue12
He falls in love with her for his country before he falls in love with her for himself. A Zuko/Katara AU that explores how love and duty aren’t always mutually exclusive.
There are about 40,000 exquisite lines in this story but here is just one of my favourites: “He falls in love with her for his country first. That’s what his people never understand.” This fic says a lot with so few words, which is something I really look up to! In 2,800 words, tullyblue12 does what some 100,000k fics cant: They make you feel.
 Guide Me Home by Rashaka
To sleep, perchance to dream. Katara and Zuko find a friendship they never expected in a place that seemed impossible.
This is a one shot I will forever wish for a continuation of. The setup is just… so juicy. There’s a real sorrowful innocence to this story that the unique short, dialogue only scenes really punch home. I know some people don’t like dialogue only fics but when done well like in this one, it leaves you with the impression of something deeper than a 1,185 word fic has any right to! 
 Other Favourites!
Hopeless by tullyblue12 — Kids grow up fast when a cruel world awaits them. In times of hopelessness, Katara and Zuko grow together. In times of separation, they hope to see each other again.
Speechless by goldilocks23 — Zuko has a medical condition. Or: Zuko speaks in haiku at inappropriate times.
Don’t Follow Me Down by eleventy7 — Katara is the dread queen of the underworld, ruler of the dead, destined to reign her cold kingdom alone. Until a sun god catches her eye. A Hades/Persephone retelling with incredible writing.
I Don't Speak Meow Language by @botherkupo (Boogum) — In which Zuko adopts a cat and Katara just wonders what spirits she pissed off to deserve this fate.
I have the privilege of being friends with some of these authors (they know who they are) and am in near daily awe and gratitude for the works of free fiction they provide us, the fandom. And not just any old stories: Guys... Really good ones!! Can I ask that if you go check out these fics, can you just drop a kudos or a comment their way? If you’re feeling shy just copy and paste this into the comments box anonymously: “WOW! Loved this! Thank you so much for writing it!”
I know it would mean the world to this talented bunch <3
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zukoscomet · 3 years
First of all, I wanted to say that your work "stupid electric heart" is just amazing, I love everything about it! And now I am haunted by the scene where Katara and Zuko tell their friends and relatives about the fact that they have a relationship. Something like:
Katara: Zuko and I love each other.
Sokka: Is the water wet and?
Toph: *silently passes the money to Iroh*
Toph: Sugar Queen, why now, another six months and this money would be mine!
Suki: This is a very nice ad, but you are literally the last who will know about it.
Iroh: I'm so glad that I don't have to pretend anymore that I don't notice your sad looks that you throw at each other!
Aang: We literally came up with a name for your couple. Zuko: Have you come up with a word for our couple?!
Toph: Well, it's shorter than calling you "two idiots who are too afraid to tell about their feelings, so they prefer to yearn in silence"
Anon, this is a great concept for a fic, thank you for sending it my way!
I love this idea of prior expectation for some of the characters you mentioned. Like Iroh recognises the importance of the bond between Katara and Zuko in canon, so it makes perfect sense he'd anticipate something more between the Southern Ambassador and the Fire Lord (and would subtly-not-subtly try and encourage it when the feelings are being denied).
Toph also knows it's deeper with Katara and Zuko all along. I like Toph being the most perceptive one of the group just in a general sense - she's the most honest and direct; she 'sees' things how they are - but she can hear those hearts go thump thump thump too much for it not to be more.
Suki, in my mind, would have quite strong relationships with both Katara and Zuko after the war so she almost ends up seeing it through their eyes - like she can see the impact that Katara has on Zuko, how different it is from how he responds to others, and vice versa, so it becomes pretty clear from the beginning.
But I have to say I'm a fan of the Very Oblivious Sokka take. Like after Katara and Zuko tell him they're dating, he looks back on the past few years and it all seems so inevitable and obvious and Sokka has a kind of existential crisis like what else have I not seen??? We see in the show that Sokka is very creative, so I headcanon he daydreams a lot and is very focused on his own field of influence - not in a rude way, that's just how his brain works. So when he was actually living through all Katara and Zuko's relationship development, he just... never really noticed it, or never really thought about it too much, so it comes as a big surprise initially.
For A/ang, I actually like the idea that he doesn't respond well to finding out about Katara and Zuko being together romantically at first. What I personally dislike about A/ang is that he really lacks growth as a character, especially towards the end of the series, and since I like writing ZK so much, it makes sense to me that I'd use their relationship as kind of a device to right my issues with A/ang.
We see in the show that Katara tends to be soft and placating and A/ang is hopeful and persistent, so maybe when she and A/ang break up, he gets the impression that it's not forever. The years that Katara then spends in the South Pole without another love interest cropping up just compounds that idea in his mind. When Katara goes to the Fire Nation as Ambassador, A/ang actually thinks that it's a good thing for him - she's out and travelling again, being present for world affairs, both of which suit him in terms of them being together. A/ang thinks it's only a matter of time - that Katara will want to get back together in the very near future - so when Katara and Zuko share that they're dating, it's a massive shock.
A/ang is devastated, feels deeply betrayed by both of them and some sort of confrontation ensues that the entire Gaang is present for. Katara and maybe Zuko, too, try to handle it in a conciliatory way but Sokka has it up to here seeing Katara always having to sacrifice things. It's not discussed as much as it should be but, from the episode when A/ang accidentally burns Katara's hands, Sokka is canonically very protective of Katara and isn't afraid to act (Off topic but I think that's why Sokka isn't really mentioned in LOK; at the very least, he never would have stood for A/ang treating Bumi and Kya like he did). Maybe when Katara gets upset, he says something to A/ang along the lines of I get that this isn't what you wanted but after all my sister has done for you, why couldn't you just let her have this one moment???
After that, after realising that no one is really on his side of the argument except to be supportive/consolatory, A/ang maybe leaves and spends a while cut off from everyone at one of the Air Temples. I'm not exactly sure of how he'd come across his moment of acceptance and moving on from it, but eventually he comes back and apologises, says that he's happy that two of his best friends have found love with each other. It's a bit of a sore spot for a while after still but in a very different way - for instance when Katara and Zuko have their first baby, A/ang is a bit envious but because he wants to be loved and settled, because he wants to not be the only airbender anymore; it's never over Katara specifically, and A/ang ends up just as supportive as the rest in the end.
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hi! random question that you’re not obligated to answer (i just love your ka metas): do you think that aang acted like he was entitled to katara’s affection? sorry for the bother if this is a question you’ve gotten before, i’m just curious about your thoughts
Hi anon! It’s always lovely to hear people like my metas 💛 And you’re in luck - I have not gotten this specific question before, though I have answered similar questions, and as such I will probably link those posts throughout.
Forewarning: I use the general you very liberally in this post, so like. It’s not directed at you, anon djhskdjsajs I don’t want you think my sarcasm is in response to your ask (your ask was very lovely!! 💕)
Okay. Let’s get started! The funniest thing about the (nonsensical) claim that Aang acted “entitled” to Katara’s affection is that there is no canon evidence to support it. Opponents more often than not can only bring up one (1) episode as an example of supposed “entitlement” because no other Kataang interactions in the series demonstrate entitlement from either end! Like, wow. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. And I’m sure we all know what episode opponents love to propagate, don’t we?
Yep, you guessed it: “The Ember Island Players.”
From the get-go, the fact that people who vigorously oppose Kataang essentially only appeal to the contents of one episode for Aang’s supposed “entitlement” is a major indicator that, in fact, the entitlement is not truly there, and that those opponents are actually misconstruing the entire episode. I mean, if you are trying to make an argument about something but you only have one piece of “evidence” to support your claim, then a) any half-decent teacher/professor would fail you, rip and b) that’s a sign that maybe your claim doesn’t hold water. If you can’t find evidence to support it, then you’re probably looking at your case from the wrong angle. Analysis 101.
As such, I find the “entitlement” claim particularly ridiculous because opponents repeat the same faulty rhetoric over and over! The only people that might be convinced are those with confirmation bias. I’m sure that’s their audience, of course, but it’s still hilarious dfjaksdasks.
Anyways. Here’s the excerpt from the EIP transcript that opponents l o v e to spotlight with their “entitlement” claims:
Aang: Katara, did you really mean what you said in there?
Katara: In where? What are you talking about?
Aang: On stage, when you said I was just like a… brother to you, and you didn’t have feelings for me.
Katara: I didn’t say that. An actor said that.
Aang: But it’s true, isn’t it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we’re not.
Katara: Aang, I don’t know.
Aang: Why don’t you know?
Katara: Because, we’re in the middle of a war, and we have other things to worry about. This isn’t the right time.
Aang: Well, when is the right time?
Katara: Aang, I’m sorry, but right now I’m just a little confused.
Aang tries to kiss Katara.
Katara: I just said I was confused! I’m going inside. [Exits the balcony.]
Aang: Ugh, I’m such an idiot! [Puts down his head on the balcony railing.]
Opponents claim Aang’s behavior is “entitled” here for two reasons:
1) He asks Katara several questions about their relationship status.
2) He kisses her.
Before I get too far into this, we have to consider the context of the episode. Katara and Aang have this conversation after just watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” aka Fire Nation propaganda. I have talked about the specifics of the play being imperialist propaganda here, but the gist of it is that this play is meant to demean the Gaang, to portray them as lesser and weaker than the Fire Nation. The fact that the play ends with Ozai’s victory is a stark reminder of this mentality. So: Katara and Aang have just watched this play that preys upon their insecurities and paints them as awful caricatures of their true selves. It is only natural that they would be more tense than usual. The reason I bring this up is solely to inform their conversation on the balcony, however; I don’t think their frustration solely defines what they say/do, but it’s worth keeping in mind, “Hey, they’re stressed and upset, of course this conversation might not go perfectly.”
Now, I have talked about the infamous EIP kiss before and approached all the rhetoric surrounding it like Snopes Fact Checker in this post, lmao. I did discuss in there why the kiss is wrong, which no one has ever argued against, but also why the kiss is simply a mistake: not sexual assault, not entitlement, not an unforgivable decision. I’ve copied and pasted specifically my notes on the “entitlement” claim below regarding the kiss, but if you have time, I definitely recommend the whole post jksdhjasdka (I’m quite proud of it). Anyways! Here’s the excerpt:
Claim: Aang acted entitled to Katara and her affection.
Status: False.
I’ve briefly addressed this already, but Aang backing off when Katara pushed him away is the exact opposite of entitlement. An impromptu kiss is not always indicative of entitlement. It can be, especially if the person being kissed has never expressed any interest in the person kissing them, but Katara and Aang were mutually interested in each other. They’d mutually kissed twice already by that point: in CoTL and during DoBS. The EIP kiss was inappropriate. NO ONE HAS EVER SUGGESTED OTHERWISE. But when you’re 12 and you’re already kind of in this semi-relationship with a girl you’ve been through hell and high water with (who has kissed you twice on the lips and on the cheek multiple times, not to mention it is only you she ever expresses such affection towards), it is not fucking “entitlement” to make a move on her, even when the timing is off. IT’S JUST A MISTAKE. A POOR DECISION. NOT ENTITLEMENT. NOT MANIPULATION. NOT SEXUAL ASSAULT. Full stop.
Also, these EIP people love to call Aang entitled for this kiss, but there isn’t a single peep heard from them about Zuko’s line in TSR where he demands to know what’s “wrong” with Katara, since she hasn’t forgiven him yet when everyone else has. And look. I think Zuko was just frustrated here, and that he, too, made a mistake and is obviously not irredeemable for it, but. If you’re going to argue that Aang was entitled in EIP, you’d better be ready to acknowledge the argument that Zuko was acting entitled in TSR, too. And hell, let’s take it a step further! Call Aang entitled for EIP. Call Zuko entitled for TSR. Call Sokka entitled for choosing to stay at Boiling Rock on the off chance his father would arrive, thus making Suki and Zuko feel obligated to stay behind with him, effectively putting all of them in danger. What an entitled decision, risking his friends’ lives on the 0.01% chance Hakoda would be one of the many, many possible war prisoners arriving at Boiling Rock!
Damn. That sounds ridiculous as fuck, doesn’t it?
And guess what. That’s exactly how the “Aang was entitled” arguments come across. Hate to break it to you. Trust me when I say to do yourself a favor and stop perpetuating that faulty rhetoric!
So that is what I have already assessed, lol.
To be frank, the most frustrating thing I see perpetuated is that the EIP kiss somehow ruined Aang and Katara’s relationship. But when it comes to assessing weighty issues like the notion of “entitlement” in a relationship, the fact of the matter is that you have to look at both the relationship as a whole and the context in which it is situated. Opponents never want to do that, because doing so debunks their entire (baseless) argument, lmao. Katara and Aang are best friends. And by EIP, they have both expressed romantic interest in each other multiple times. (Here is a post explaining the development of Katara’s feelings for Aang, just to put out that fire before anyone sets it lmao.)
So why, why do opponents think Katara would never find it in herself to forgive Aang for a mistaken kiss? Katara is shown over and over again throughout the series to have one of the biggest hearts. She wants to see the good in people. That’s why she gives Jet a second chance (even though a person could argue he did not “deserve” one); that’s why she helps the Fire Nation village in “The Painted Lady”; that’s why she forgives Pakku (once she sees he’s willing to change); that’s why she is the second person in the entire show (excluding Iroh) to offer Zuko a hand of kindness (in CoD)! That’s why she eventually forgives Zuko, even after all he has done to the Gaang (e.g. sending an assassin after them, being complicit in Aang’s death, attacking her and kidnapping Aang at the NWT, manipulating her with her mother’s necklace, to name a few, lmao. bless his heart, but like Jet, someone could easily argue Zuko doesn’t “deserve” another chance - and yet Katara still gave him [and Jet] one. in fact, she gave Zuko multiple).
In other words, Katara is almost always willing to extend friendship and compassion and forgiveness to others - why would she revoke that privilege from Aang after a single error that is comparatively lesser to all the other horrible things she’s experienced in the war? Again, I’m not downplaying how terrible of a decision Aang made. It’s inexcusable. But it’s not the end of the world, and considering the context of the show (e.g. Aang and Katara liked each other and they both knew it), it’s… not some heinous crime. Compared to, oh, how about attempted murder? lmaoo
Even beyond Katara’s innate kindness, Aang is Katara’s best friend. She loves him. The show portrays it as romantic through the seasons, but even if someone isn’t into shipping (which is super valid), Katara and Aang’s connection is one of the primary lynchpins of the show! (The other being Aang and Zuko, the greatest foils of all time.) Katara and Aang epitomize several of A:TLA’s thematics (and aesthetics) because they are complementary: yin and yang, push and pull, Tui and La, moon and ocean, blue and orange, water and air. This gifset and related commentary beautifully demonstrate how even when Katara and Aang disagree, they respect the other’s the decision. So after 60~ episodes depicting Aang and Katara as having mutual respect and love for each other in every form as well as emphasizing Katara’s natural inclination towards kindness/giving people the benefit of the doubt, opponents still think Katara wouldn’t forgive Aang because of one mistimed, inappropriate kiss? What?? Make it make sense, lmao.
In sum, the kiss was a mistake, not an act of entitlement, and it’s absurd to think Katara would hold that against Aang for the rest of his life.
To backtrack a bit, opponents also love to use the fact that Aang asked Katara several questions about their relationship status as examples of his “entitlement.” Just typing that out highlights the ridiculous nature of this assertion, lmao! Let me rephrase it for maximum hilarity:
“Aang was unsure about where their relationship stood? Well, how dare he ask numerous questions to resolve his confusion!”
Like, what was the alternative jskfajksdas if you are in relationship limbo with someone, it is far better to ask them ‘too many’ questions for clarification than to simply assume one way or the other! Kissing Katara was wrong, flat-out, but asking her questions to better understand where they were in their relationship was like. exactly the right decision, lmao. I genuinely don’t see how that could be indicative of entitlement? Especially because, once again, Aang and Katara both like each other and they both know that by this point in the show. That’s why Aang doesn’t ask if Katara likes him - he knows she does. That’s why Katara doesn’t negate her feelings - she knows she’s interested in him, and the blockade between them is not a lack of reciprocation, but the fact that they’re “in the middle of a war” and consequently it’s not “the right time” for them to begin a relationship. Katara has seen Aang die before! She knows he’s facing a near-impossible victory! I can’t blame her for not wanting to start a relationship with him at that point. It would hurt twice as much to lose him again if they were together in a romantic fashion (amatonormativity, am I right?). Again, Aang’s kiss was entirely inappropriate, but him asking her questions about their relationship is a) an example of fostering healthy communication and b) what any therapist would encourage, lol.
Oh, but I’m “forgetting” something, aren’t I? Right. This line:
Katara: Aang, I’m sorry, but right now I’m just a little confused.
If we want to talk about parallels, which I know the A:TLA fandom adores, this line sounds suspiciously like:
Yue: … but I like you [Sokka] too much and it’s too confusing to be around you.
Yue and Katara are actually in similar situations here. Outside forces are interfering with their relationships; for Yue, there is her arranged marriage, and for Katara, it’s the life-or-death nature of the war itself. They aren’t confused about their feelings, as Yue knows she likes Sokka and Katara knows she likes Aang, but they are confused about how to reconcile those feelings with their external circumstances. And can you blame them for that? They are facing impossible decisions (the fate of their nation and the fate of the world respectively). I would be confused, too! So Katara’s response isn’t a reaction to any so-called “entitlement” from Aang; she is experiencing genuine confusion about how to approach her own feelings for him in the midst of a war.
In sum, Aang asking questions about their relationship was a logical step to take resolving his confusion and is in no way related to “entitlement.” Katara’s confusion was not “letting Aang down easy” and interpreting it as such requires disregarding every preceding line of the conversation and its context.
As you can see, Aang’s actions in EIP are not at all “entitled.” His questions were understandable. While his kiss was inappropriate and inexcusable, it was also a mistake, and there is no canon evidence to support the conclusion Katara would never be able to forgive him (her literal best friend!) for it.
Before I end, I’ll touch briefly upon the DotBS kiss, because it is also occasionally used as an example of Aang’s “entitlement” towards Katara’s feelings. Whether you like the trope or not, this moment falls under what is called the “Now or Never Kiss.” TV Tropes actually lists Kataang/DotBS as an example under the Western Animation tab:
“Avatar: The Last Airbender: The fact that he’s finally going to face the dreaded Firelord, and possibility that he might not come back alive from that battle, gives Aang enough motivation to kiss Katara.”
Again, whether you like the trope or not, it involves reciprocation from both parties:
“The Not-A-Couple [i.e. both parties] don’t want to go out without revealing how they [i.e. both parties] really feel. It’s now or never. They kiss.”
Katara and Aang both like each other. When Aang initiates the DotBS kiss, Katara kisses him back. Her lips are still puckered when he pulls away. Furthermore, Katara had initiated a kiss with Aang prior to this incident, in CoTL. Katara was also the one to initiate every cheek kiss with Aang (who is the only character she ever demonstrated such affection towards). So Aang kissing Katara during DotBS follows an established precedent of Katara initiating different kisses, romantically inclined, with Aang. It’s not entitlement; it’s him knowing they mutually like each other and him realizing this might be the last time he ever sees her. Again, you can hate the trope, but don’t blatantly misconstrue its meaning. You’ll sound like Fire Nation propaganda, lmao. (For clarification, jic: the general you. not anon!)
Here is a fantastic post by @imreallyhereforkataang explaining the DotBS kiss in more detail as well as discussing why Kataang’s progression in the second half of Book 3 was, in fact, well-developed, and how Katara and Aang are best friends above all else and know that (which was the core of their relationship from the start).
And a bonus fun fact: in the original storyboard (link takes you to storyboarder Giancarlo Volpe’s DeviantArt with said storyboard), it is noted that Katara smiles after Aang kisses her. Why? Because she likes him as much as he likes her! It was changed by a “higher authority,” according to Volpe, probably to add more realism to the romance (i.e. Katara likes Aang, yes, but as she herself points out in EIP - there’s a war going on, and love is always terrifying to reconcile with war).
(Seriously, though, do read Volpe’s description on the storyboard. Takes you a second to scroll down and maybe a minute to read. Short yet informative, discussing how you can see on the storyboard itself that someone revised the image so Katara isn’t smiling after the kiss.)
Anyways! Opponents’ argument that Katara wasn’t interested in Aang therefore is and has always been entirely inapplicable.
To conclude: the entitlement assertion is laughable. There is no canon evidence to support it. As such, I encourage you to laugh whenever you see it! Pull an Azula, for that matter:
Tumblr media
[ID: Gif from “The Beach” episode of A:TLA. Ty Lee, mimicking a guy, asks Azula, “Hey there sweet sugar cakes. How ya likin’ this party?” Azula proceeds to burst into exaggerated laughter, earning stares from everyone else at the party. End ID.]
Thank you for the great ask, anon! Hopefully my response was satisfactory 💛
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softluci · 3 years
atla hcs
i’ve been thinking about this for a minute, and i wanna do a set of headcanons for how i think the brothers (and eventually the undateables) would feel about certain avatar: the last airbender characters, or something along those lines. i actually just wanted to talk about lucifer and azula, so everything else here is a bonus. this doesn’t matter, but for what it’s worth: wherever the mc pops up, they will be gn, enjoy!
also: this kinda goes without saying, but there are most definitely spoilers in here. for which seasons? i don’t remember, i watched this show when i was nine, but proceed with caution if you have yet to watch it.
if it’s one thing you are not gonna play with him about, it is princess azula. this man is an azula supremacist, and while he might not say those words exactly, anyone would be able to tell that’s the case if they talked to him about the show for longer than two minutes. he actually wasn’t even interested in the show until azula showed up, and he will readily admit this to anyone who inquires about it. what makes it funny is the fact that her first appearance is literally, like, ten seconds, so that means he saw her and immediately knew she was the best, which, like—real recognize real. is he projecting? am i projecting? yes, no. in that order. shut up.
he actually almost couldn’t hide how proud he was when azula almost killed aang, this man is deranged. the same way he takes her wins personally, he takes every loss of hers personally as well, so when she lost that agni kai? 🚶‍♂️ 
the average azula enjoyer believes azula should get a redemption arc, lucifer believes azula should simply get whatever she wants, and the difference between those two things is striking.
average azula enjoyer: i believe azula deserves to heal and redeem herself. it isn’t fair that she was left with her tyrannical, abusive father during formative years of her childhood, with no one to help her or show her what it means to be good. she cannot be blamed for the way she turned out. it especially isn’t fair that she gets no redemption for evil things she did at age fourteen, for a year, while the entire show is iroh’s redemption arc, and he was doing evil for decades—he is literally called “the dragon of the west” because of it. additionally—
lucifer morningstar, resident azula supremacist: everything azula did, she was right to do, because i would’ve done the same. there was never a point at which she was wrong, it’s just unfortunate that nobody could keep up with her, her father included. the only reason why she ended up losing, ultimately, is because this is a children’s show, and good is supposed to win out. it was plot armor. if this were realistic, she would’ve beaten everyone—at the very least, she would’ve beaten zuko in the final agni kai, it’s just that he broke the rules and brought backup. at the time of the agni kai, she was literally the strongest firebender in the show. that’s actually the only part of this lucifer is right about, but you can’t tell him that.
if you ask him what his favorite quote in the show is, he’ll immediately say, “i can see your whole history in your eyes. you were born with nothing, so you’ve had to struggle, and connive, and claw your way to power. but true power? the divine right to rule? is something you’re born with.” and he will do it so well that it’ll give you the chills. 
in actuality, his favorite quote is, “i’d really rather our family physician look after little zuzu, if you don’t mind.” it’s just that it doesn’t have the same chilling effect as the first one. 
does he like any other characters? does he even care about any other characters? he has a deep fondness for sokka because he reminds him of mammon.  yes, and they are katara and suki, with honorable mention to avatar kyoshi. 
does he hate any characters? no, but if you mention avatar kuruk or uncle iroh to him, he might get annoyed. is mildly frustrated by aang, but has the sense to cut him some slack for being twelve and the last of his kind. never speak of ozai.
toph supremacist. frequent user of the phrase, “toph is just fucking class.” knows for a fact that toph is the best and strongest bender in the entire show, and no one has ever managed to convince him otherwise. mainly because nobody really disagrees. like, have you ever even seen toph slander?
just like lucifer with azula, he wasn’t invested in the show until toph showed up, which, once again, is funny, because technically her very first appearance is only a few seconds long, so that means he saw her for a literal second and just knew. you can’t even be mad at that, real recognize real. 
no one will ever see him more proud than when he’s talking about one toph beifong. he can’t get over her raw, unbridled talent, and he really never should. if you let him (so, if you’re levi), he will spend so much time analyzing her character and every single one of her strengths, from the fact that she’s the only one who knows when azula is lying, all the way down to the fact that even though she projects a tough persona, she can still be vulnerable, AND—
not only is she strong, but her personality is simply untouchable. this girl grows on literally everyone; like, even lucifer likes her, even though he’ll die before saying it out loud. 
he gets so smug whenever someone asks him who his favorite is and it’s because he knows his taste is top tier, and what makes it worse is that no one can even disagree because toph is just that good. 
will never admit it, but he was shaking and crying during the scene where it looked like toph and sokka were literally gonna die. was also gonna cry when toph almost drowned. basically: he is eternally grateful to suki. 
his favorite line in the entire show is, “i am the greatest earthbender in the world! don’t you two dunderheads ever forget it.” it’s just fucking class.
does he like any other characters? he sees himself in sokka, he’ll tell you that much. he also knows that satan and lucifer like sokka because of him, and he found out because he heard them talking about it. to their joint dismay, they turned to see him standing behind them, grinning like an idiot, and they couldn’t even scare him into leaving them alone when he hugged both of them at the same time because, one, they didn’t really want to, and two, they couldn’t turn off their fondness for him fast enough ^_^. did they reciprocate his hug? did they stay like that for a little bit? did lucifer kiss the tops of their heads? maybe so🤨
does he hate any characters? not really, but he doesn’t particularly like azula because she scares him and makes him sad, like lucifer and doesn’t see her appeal. once tried to make a case for why she shouldn’t have a redemption arc and felt painfully human from the way he almost died. do not mention toph’s parents to him. the name ozai should also never be on your tongue.
resident sokka enjoyer and suki appreciator. do not ever call sokka dumb in front of this man unless you want a proper lecture. unlike a few of his brothers, he doesn’t like sokka just because of his similarities to mammon. he also likes sokka because he relates to him on a personal level. 
levi absolutely knows what it’s like to feel inadequate and outshined by people younger than you. he absolutely knows what it’s like to feel like your competence is overlooked. while he might be unfamiliar with how it feels to strategize for a war and lose a battle, but it is one of his biggest fears and it absolutely crushed him to see sokka go through that. 
on a lighter note, levi has a deep appreciation for sokka’s comedic value, despite the fact that it can overshadow his intelligence. levi would actually venture to say that he likes sokka’s funnier side because it overshadows his intelligence to the point that it throws the opposition for a loop. this is the aspect of sokka that reminds him of mammon. 
it also seriously warmed his heart to see how everyone missed sokka while he was away for sword training; he especially liked that episode because it was just an affirmation of the fact that sokka is an integral part of team avatar, which he really needed to see. 
you know who else is an integral part of team avatar who needs to be recognized as such more often? suki. do you know how much pain levi is in every time he thinks about the lack of suki screentime . it’s a lot . suki is just too good for the amount of screentime she has, he’s sorry, but it’s true. this is evidenced by the scene of her literally running across prisoners’ heads to apprehend the warden of boiling rock. that scene speaks for itself—she and the other kyoshi warriors end up as zuko’s body guards for a reason. 
he will never let anyone forget that if it weren’t for suki, sokka would still be a misogynist. she was an essential element to sokka’s growth as a character and everyone had better remember it or so help him. also , he is a firm believer in the fact that suki was the best love interest for sokka, with zuko as a close second. don’t ask questions. rip yue but argue with the wall.
his favorite line in the series? 
“zuko’s gone crazy! i made a sand sculpture of suki, and he destroyed it! oh, and he’s attacking aang.” 
it’s not profound or cool or anything like that, but it makes him smile and giggle every time he thinks of it ^_^. 
does he like any other characters? he has a lot of love for toph and azula for the sole fact that the series improved exponentially after both of their introductions; he thinks both of them are in leagues of their own and seeing them in action just puts a smile on his face. he’s also inexplicably fond of king bumi. 
does he hate any characters? not particularly, actually! he pretty much respects and appreciates everyone, except the guy who mutilated his thirteen year old son for speaking out of turn.
just pick a girl. any girl. and from the way he talks about them, you’ll think they’re his favorite. he can and will go on about the girls of atla for the rest of eternity.
but since we’re being specific:
katara appreciator. azula enjoyer. basically, between him and lucifer, no tongue raised against azula shall prosper. he has a deep respect for each of their wraths. he also really must have a thing for angst because both of these characters just break his heart. 
if you let him (in other words, if you’re levi), he will go on about how it’s not fair that people call katara annoying when, in reality, she just hasn’t healed from the trauma of seeing her mother’s corpse at age eight, followed by having to take care of her village, meaning she got literally no time to grieve properly, and—
call katara annoying in front of him and you might actually have to meet god for your shallow views of such a deep, complex character. 
he will also go on and on about how katara would be the best bender in the show, if it weren’t for toph, who is untouchable. instead, he’ll talk about how katara almost killed pakku for being misogynistic and how she single handedly beat azula during sozin’s comet. you will frequently hear this man say, “katara aang’s master for a reason,” and he’s right. 
similar to if you call katara annoying, if you call azula scary in front of satan, he’s bullying you. he’s sorry, but it has to happen. no way you’re scared of a traumatized fourteen year old, what are you, eight? or do you have no understanding of azula’s depth? both are unacceptable. 
satan is the average azula enjoyer, times about seven. you simply won’t get away with speaking poorly of azula in front of this man, so if you’re like mammon and don’t like her, you better tread very carefully. 
one time mammon tried to be like, “azula is too far gone to deserve redemption anyways,” and satan literally reverted to his demon form as he said: “if i were abandoned with my terrible father as a child, with literally no one to help me, and then my friends betrayed me, and then, as i was about to be crowned ruler of my country, my dumb fucking idiot brother showed up with his dumb peasant friend for backup, which isn’t even allowed, i might be mad forever too, actually—” and then he threw the nearest chair at mammon for his criminally bad take.
another reason why satan loves azula so much is because he’s convinced she’s a lesbian and satan is the most “let’s go lesbians!!!” person you will ever meet. you actually can’t convince him that she isn’t a lesbian. forget chan. nobody gives a fuck about chan.
what’s his favorite line in the entire series? 
“trust me, zuko—it’s not going to be much of a match.” 
like, come on. katara is just too good. 
does he like any other characters (other than the girls of atla)? he’ll never admit it, but he has a lot of respect for sokka and a soft spot for him because he reminds him of mammon. he also has a lot of respect for aang because he reminds him of beel of how well he handled literally everything despite being twelve. 
does he hate any—yes. never speak of avatar roku. or iroh. or ozai. for good measure, don’t mention general zhao either. 
what lucifer is to azula, asmo is to ty lee. like do i even have to say anything else. but for what it’s worth, he also love, love, loves azula because she reminds him of lucifer, from her strength and class, all the way down to her descent into madness. and even though she breaks his heart just as much as she does satan’s. he may or may not have cried over azula in satan’s room while they were talking about her. unlike lucifer and satan, he can respect it if you don’t like her, but it’ll make him so sad. 
but enough about azula. ty lee is where it’s at for him. her subtle strength and unwavering love is something to die for, and he will defend it against anyone, up to and including lucifer, and he’ll win too. asmo is not to be trifled with and neither is ty lee; he can make a strong argument as to why ty lee is the strongest character in the show, and you will have a very hard time trying to refute his points. (the main point being: it’ll be really hard to win a fight against someone who can paralyze you in a few seconds, bender or not.)
the fact that ty lee ran away from home because she was tired of the fact that nobody ever saw her as her own person is just something that tugs at asmo’s heartstrings. he thinks ty lee’s bravery is just something that can be so personal. 
also—he has a massive appreciation for the fact that, even though there’s a war going on and ty lee is in near-constant danger, she still has the sense to maintain her appearance and worry about the skincare of not just herself, but also people she’s close to. that is a detail he will never let anyone forget. 
never mentions it in front of lucifer but one of his favorite scenes is when she paralyzes azula to save mai. once again: ty lee’s bravery is just something that can be so personal. 
he doesn’t have a favorite line in the series, but his favorite exchange of dialogue is between ty lee and azula, wherein ty lee is trying to teach azula how to flirt. he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world.
does he like any other characters? of course! he likes everyone ^_^ . you’d actually be hard pressed to find someone he hates. ozai. it’s ozai. he has a real soft spot for mai because she reminds him of belphie. something about their shared aversion to affection is just so cute to him!
aang supremacist, will hold steadfast to the fact that aang is the best character in the show and you will struggle to figure out how to convince him otherwise. 
if you ask him why aang is his favorite, the first thing he will do is gesture to a picture of him and say, “look at the material,” like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, before diving into a ten minute in depth character analysis for this boy. 
come on. he shouldn’t even have to explain himself. not only is aang one of the strongest, most competent avatars to exist, ever, he also mastered all four elements in a year, when he was twelve—he’s literally a different breed. and he managed to beat ozai in his own way, without killing him, as a means of staying true to a culture that could have literally died with him at any point in the show. aang is just fucking class.
he also admires aang for his near unwavering kindness and lighthearted nature. and for never going berserk and killing everyone he sees, especially after finding out his people were killed while he was in ice.
you have no idea how much pain beel was in when he found out that the air nomads were just gone. seeing a child find out that not only their family is gone, but also the entirety of their people and culture, just absolutely broke his heart. and that guilt aang was feeling? hit way too close to home for him. 
he also thinks it’s really nice that aang was so quick to forgive zuko after everything, and the two of them ended up being really good friends. it just puts a smile on his face. 
after some reflection with levi, he would’ve liked to see the full scope of an airbender’s power in the series; as in, he would’ve liked to see someone suffocated, but it’s okay, because aang wasn’t like that.  and he heard it happens in the next series over.
anyway, beel’s favorite quote in the show...well, it isn’t really a quote, as much as it’s a dialogue between two characters. it’s the scene where toph asks, “do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?” and aang says, “i don’t see why not.” it could bring a tears to his eyes just thinking about it; and in the next series over when it’s proven to be true, he absolutely cried. 
does he like any other characters? he’s actually really fond of zuko and mai because they both remind him of belphie. he also likes sokka for the same reason lucifer and satan like sokka. he has a deep appreciation for katara because aang would literally be dead without if it weren’t for her.
does he hate any characters? well, he doesn’t really like azula. he feels bad for her, but he doesn’t like her. but as for who he hates? take a wild guess. 
zuko makes him sob is his number one. yes zuko is his favorite because of his redemption arc, yes he sees himself in zuko, no he will not explain any further than that, what’s your point🤨
in actuality, he will never be able to properly articulate how important it is for him to see that redemption is, indeed, attainable, if you put the work in. in a similar vein, he will also never be able to give words to how important it is for him to see that forgiveness is also attainable.  it means the world to him. that is why it makes him cry. the feeling is overwhelming. i’m gonna cry if i think about it for too long.
he will cling to the fact that zuko is the best character in the show, and he will cling to it even when zuko embarrasses him by saying stupid shit like, “no lightning today?” and even when zuko is so awkward it causes him physical pain. that’s his number one and he’s not changing on it!
firm zukka supporter. will not argue. that’s all.
what’s his favorite line in the entire series? it’s one of the two you’re thinking of. make that decision for yourself.
does he like any other characters? he positively adores aang and will readily admit that it’s because he reminds him of beel. bonus points for aang because he also loves the dynamic between him and zuko. toph is a distant third, mainly because he just really likes her attitude. he looks at her and thinks, now this is someone who would not hesitate to kick lucifer’s ass. 
does he hate any characters? you better believe it. he hates iroh because he reminds him of dia. he can’t really bring himself to like azula because she makes him a different kind of sad. and if you know what’s good for you, you will never mention ozai. 
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ultranos · 3 years
How does baby dragon!Azula's act when she's finally on a sleeping and eating regimen appropriate for a growing dragon? Is she strictly carnivorous or an omnivore? How do Team Avatar and the White Lotus react to the way Azula changes when she has proper care?
As much as she hates to admit it, the “enforced bedtimes” (as the Water Tribe boy - Sokka, she mentally corrects - would put it) and diet that doesn’t leave her hungry half the time has done wonders for her mood and stress levels. Sure, she still finds them idiotic at times, but her brother’s new friends (her friends?) are...tolerable. Even the Avatar’s smelly pet bison isn’t so bad (smells like grass and sunshine and tastes like the west wind). Little things no longer set her teeth on edge.
How could anyone even tell if she wasn’t being a dragon perfectly? Her options for comparing herself are rather limited. And Ran and Shaw (Mom and Dad? That’s...going to take some getting used to. But it’s getting easier) aren’t telling her she’s failing.
Is that a dragon thing or...something else?
I’m currently thinking dragons are pretty much obligate carnivores, although their diet is probably mostly fish, ungulates like deer and boar, and possibly the occasional seal. (although I suspect Ran and Shaw themselves could probably take on a whale, so that might be on the list too.)
(Katara and Sokka would totally puppy-eyes if the dragon parents caught a whale or seal one day. They’ve been eating EK and FN food for MONTHS. Please let these children eat food that can remind them of home.)
Zuko is, of course, the most baffled and astonished by Azula’s changes. He grew up with her. Sort of. And okay, maybe he missed a lot of stuff and didn’t know his little sister as well as he could have, but still. They’re getting along. (She can’t even talk and she’s still sassing him, though. That might just be Azula. Can’t win them all.)
Aang stops being wary pretty quickly. Of course he was wary; she shot him with lightning! When she was human-shaped! (Aang will freely admit he found human-Azula a lot scarier than dragon-Azula) But Appa likes her, and Appa is an excellent judge of character. But more than that, Aang knows about dragons. And he knows they’re proud and they’re awfully protective of what’s theirs. And Zuko is her brother. Aang could have hurt him if he went into the Avatar State underneath the city. So of course she protected him then. He can be quietly happy that she’s acting that way about them now (he won’t tell anyone; she’d just deny it)
Katara finds Azula’s more annoying traits are softened now. Even the arrogance and ruthlessness are at least understandable because, duh, dragon. And if Azula gets too annoying, all Katara has to do is remind her which of the two of them have thumbs and speech.
Sokka is still confused by all this and offended in the name of science. (Seriously, what the hell? Somewhere, a biologist is crying.) But Azula is surprisingly tolerable when she’s not trying to capture them for her shitty not-dad. (Sokka remembers a story Gran-Gran told him about a sled dog they found, early in the war. They’d found the dog near the body of a dead Fire Nation soldier; they’d tried to cross the ice in those days in stealth. The dog was hurt, but was a vicious thing. Abused all its life, which isn’t surprising because duh, Fire Nation. They were debating to put it down, when Sokka’s grandfather, then just his age, took the beast in. Fed it, tended it’s wounds, the works. Slowly, grandfather earned that dog’s trust.
Sokka also knows that dog ended up saving his father’s life.)
Toph didn’t really know the Fire Princess that well at all before this. She heard stories, sure. According to Zuko, she’s practically mellow now. If that’s true, it’s a good thing, because a dragon that’s even more tightly-wound sounds like the worst thing ever.
For the White Lotus, Iroh is having a bit of A Time. He’s got a lot to work through with regards to his not-niece (that...feels like the safest term at the moment. Iroh eyes “daughter” like it’s a viper). Like...everything he ever knew or thought he knew about her. The rest of the White Lotus are in a similar situation, since most of their knowledge of Azula comes from Iroh, so there’s a total disconnect between their strange reality and Iroh’s apparently-biased assessment. At some point, one of them will try to figure out what this means for Fire Nation Succession and they’ll all have an aneurysm .
Well, except Bumi. Bumi thinks this situation is the most entertaining thing to happen in decades.
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koala-otter · 4 years
can i get some soft modern!zukka pls 👉🏻👈🏻
anon honey, you can get whatever you like
I see a lot of fics where Sokka’s comforting and assuring Zuko, and as pointed out in this post by @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice, something really great about their dynamic is the way Zuko actively appreciates and praises Sokka’s abilities when he’s fairly insecure about them
so here’s some soft modern!zukka written with that in mind 2k+ words
The ride back home is quiet except for the rain outside, because Sokka doesn’t say anything. Usually, after a party, he makes jokes about stuffy diplomats and comments extensively on the scant spread of hors d’oeuvres, but now, as Zuko watches him carefully in the back of the cab, Sokka only sits quietly with his arms crossed, his head turned to look out the window streaked with raindrops.
He is still quiet when they make it to their building in Ba Sing Se’s Middle Ring, and then when they walk up the three flights up stairs to their apartment. He doesn’t even turn on the light as he walks through the door and into the living room, pausing only to kick his shoes off on the way in. 
Zuko watches after him, flicking the light on once Sokka’s passed by in his stormy wake. He loosens his tie and leans against the open doorway of the living room as he racks his brain for something to say.
“Do you want anything to eat?” he finally asks. “There wasn’t a lot of food at the party. You must be starving.” 
“Not hungry,” Sokka replies with a huff. He sinks lower into the sofa.
Zuko widens his eyes. Something is really wrong, then. He ventures further into the living room, ready to work his subtle charms on his unsuspecting boyfriend.
“Is something wrong?” Zuko asks plainly.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Sokka says loudly. He huffs again and crosses his arms.
Zuko rubs the right side of his face before looking at Sokka once more. “You know, it’s pretty obvious when you’re in a bad mood,” he says.
Sokka gives a short, dry laugh. “Right, and you’re the king of subtlety,” he says sarcastically.
They painted the walls robin’s egg blue in the living room when they moved in because it reminded Sokka of home, and it reminded Zuko of everything but his own. The building is old, so, while the hot water never lasts long, their apartment is a vision made up of high ceilings and tall windows with original crown molding. Zuko looks at the living room walls. During the day, the way they stretch up toward the white of the molding evokes memories of blue skies dotted with curly clouds. But at night, like now, when the light fades, and the wind whistles, and the windows are barraged with rain, the walls go dark. Almost as if the room itself were overcast.
Zuko lets a breath out and leaves the room. Sokka can’t keep anything to himself for long, but he still needs time to stew. They might as well have food ready for when he finally lets it out. 
Zuko reaches the kitchen and takes his suit jacket off, draping it over the back of a chair. The rice cooker sits on the countertop, a housewarming gift from Katara, ready for use. He takes out the pot and rinses rice in it, quickly, before measuring the water up to the first knuckle of his middle finger and placing it back in the cooker. He turns around from pressing the button to find Sokka shuffling in through the doorway, pulling a chair away from the kitchen table to settle heavily there instead. Zuko refrains from commenting on how he’ll wrinkle the jacket behind him, and instead grabs a packet of Sokka’s favorite seal jerky from the pantry and brings it with him to the table. He reaches over and takes Sokka’s hand. 
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” he asks.
Sokka pouts for another moment before he’s ready. 
High-pitched, and a little whiny, he erupts, “Everyone at your work thinks I’m stupid!” 
Zuko startles away before his eyes narrow and he draws closer to Sokka. “What?” he asks, disbelieving.
Sokka waves his arms helplessly in the air and throws his head back. “All those stupid lawyers and human rights dorks you work with! They think I’m an idiot.”
Zuko almost wants to laugh, but, with a glance at Sokka’s face, thinks better of it. “That doesn’t make any sense,” he instead says earnestly. “You’re the smartest person I know.”
Sokka scoffs and crosses his arms. 
“Really, Sokka,” Zuko insists. “I don’t know anyone else getting their PhD in mechanical and aerospace engineering at Ba Sing Se, the best university in the world.” 
“I do,” Sokka says, though the corner of his mouth is tugging up into something of a smug smile.
Zuko rolls his eyes. “Right, only everybody in your lab,” he deadpans. He pauses. “There’s all the other stuff, too. Like when you help me with my work. An engineer doesn’t have to be so good at economics, too.”
Zuko works as an associate expert at the United Council of Nations for Economics, Science, and Culture. He has spent many a night dragging briefings home and poring over them at the kitchen table, trying to make sense of some graph or diagram, when Sokka will take a break from his designs and calculations to glance over his shoulder.
“Whoa, Earth Kingdom agriculture’s gonna take a real hit next year,” he once said, pointing to a data point. “That’s way too big of a cabbage surplus.”
Zuko could only gape at him, and then buy Sokka the most expensive gym bag he could find when raising the point in a meeting the next day earned him a raise. 
“It’s intuitive,” Sokka says almost humbly, looking down at the kitchen table.
“If it’s intuitive to you, you could replace everyone who was at the party tonight,” Zuko replies.
Sokka's expression turns doubtful, and he bites his lip. Zuko resists the urge to kiss it.
“They were all laughing at me,” Sokka says.
Zuko tilts his head at him. “You’re funny,” he supplies hopefully. 
“I wasn’t telling any jokes,” Sokka says sadly. 
The sound of his voice wrenches at Zuko’s heart, and he barely registers it when he rises and finds himself tilting Sokka’s face up by his chin, only able to get this angle when Sokka is sitting. He bends down and kisses him. It only lasts a second, and when he pulls back, Sokka looks no less upset. Zuko is about to try to drum up some more words of comfort for him when the rice cooker starts beeping. 
Zuko smiles apologetically at Sokka and goes back to the counter, pressing the button and opening the rice cooker. A little puff of steam rises from beneath the lid and disappears on its way to the ceiling. 
“I’m sorry,” he finally says, turning around to look at Sokka and leaning his back against the counter. 
“Not your fault,” Sokka says with a shrug, though the dejection still reads clearly across his face. 
The torrent outside only seems to have gotten stronger. The wet leaves of the maple tree outside their building slap against their windows, the sound so loud and forceful, they can hear it even in the kitchen.
“Jeez,” Sokka says, shifting forward to glance back at the archway that leads to the living room, “that’s loud.”
Zuko spies the jacket behind him, and he immediately brightens.
“Here,” he says, coming over to reach into the breast pocket. Sokka looks up at him in confusion as he pulls out the folded page of a newspaper and a pen. “Take this.”
Sokka takes the paper and unfolds it carefully. His brow immediately furrows in confusion. “What am I supposed to do with a crossword?” he asks. The question almost sounds like a whine. He eyes the paper once more before looking back up at Zuko like he might have gone insane. “And one you already finished?”
Zuko shakes his head. “But I didn’t finish it,” he says excitedly. He points to an area of the grid. “Look, I couldn’t figure these three out. And when I got into work, I asked everyone, and they couldn’t figure them out either.” He smiles. “If anyone can do it, it’s you, Sokka.”
Sokka looks doubtful once more, but he lays the crossword on the table. Zuko moves back to the counter and hears the click of a pen behind him. This is a good idea, he thinks, grabbing a carton of eggs from the fridge and placing a pan on the stove. Now Sokka will be occupied while he makes dinner, and they’ll have food ready just in time for when Sokka feels better, and he has time to fry eggs just the way Sokka likes them, yolks so runny they practically bleed onto the rice, and then they can watch one of his favorite history documentaries, and they’ll curl up on the sofa and fall asleep to the sound of the rain, or if they don’t feel like sleeping—
“Done!” Sokka says.
Zuko whirls around, two eggs in his hand, still uncracked, to find Sokka grinning smugly at him. “How?” he demands, genuinely surprised. 
Sokka shrugs, the grin immovable. “Easy,” he says. Zuko puts the eggs down and goes back to the kitchen table, his hand landing on Sokka’s shoulder. Sokka grabs it as he explains, “‘A Northern delicacy’ is obviously roast duck. And then ‘failure to communicate,’ with the duck in mind, is that expression your uncle’s always saying: ‘Like a chicken talking to a duck.’ And then ‘skinny appendages?’” He looks up at Zuko before he cheers, barely able to contain himself, “Chicken legs!”
“Let me see that,” Zuko says, grabbing the paper with his free hand. He stares at it closely. A small scowl reaches his lips. “Are you kidding me? I spent a whole hour on the monorail trying to get these. I almost missed my stop! And it was just ‘roast duck’ the whole time?”
He looks up sharply when he hears Sokka laughing. 
“I mean,” Zuko starts, a blush creeping into his cheeks as he smiles awkwardly, “I told you you were smart.”
“Actually, I think you called me the smartest person you know,” Sokka corrects jokingly. 
“You are the smartest person I know,” Zuko insists. 
He keeps smiling at the scratchy characters of Sokka’s writing on the crossword next to the careful strokes of his own when he feels Sokka pulling him by the hand. Once Zuko is standing in front of him, Sokka throws his arms around his boyfriend’s middle and hugs him tightly, burying his head into Zuko’s ribs. 
“Thanks, Zuko,” he says quietly into the fabric of Zuko’s dress shirt. 
One of Zuko’s hands lands on the top of Sokka’s head, stroking his hair till he reaches the end of his wolf tail. Then, Zuko wraps his arms around Sokka’s neck and shoulders and hugs him back fiercely, protectively. 
“Love you,” he says, and he smiles when he feels Sokka nod against his chest. He rubs Sokka’s shoulders and upper back, trying to ease the tight muscle beneath his hands. “Do you think you might want something to eat now?”
Sokka pulls his face away from Zuko’s shirt to beam up at him. “I thought you’d never ask,” he says enthusiastically. 
After their easy dinner of fried eggs and seal jerky on rice, Zuko ends up being right; they go back to the living room and watch a documentary on the construction of the ancient air temples. They lie on the couch with Sokka between Zuko’s legs, his head on Zuko’s chest. The rain has stopped outside, but Zuko hardly notices with Sokka pressed against him. From this angle, he can pull the tie out of Sokka’s hair and comb his fingers through the soft, brown tresses, as well as the fuzz of his undercut, while the narrator debunks a theory that aliens teleported the building materials up the Potola Mountain Range.
“What do you think, Sokka?” Zuko whispers near his ear. “Did aliens build the air temples?”
Sokka’s response is a light snore against his chest. 
Zuko suppresses a laugh. There’s no way of getting Sokka to bed without waking him, so Zuko settles in behind him instead. He wraps one of his arms protectively around his boyfriend’s body, while the other stays in place to let his fingers keep playing with Sokka’s hair, enjoying the soft smile it coaxes onto his relaxed mouth. The clouds outside clear to make way for the nearly full moon, whose light spills through the towering windows into the apartment. The dark lifts from the room, the walls glow an otherworldly blue, and Zuko sinks beneath Sokka’s weight into the night’s quiet.
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thebakingqueen5 · 3 years
KW 2021: Height Difference
Day 1 for Kataang Week 2021 hosted by @kataang-week with the prompt Height Difference!
Links: AO3 | FF.net
Summary: Another year, another summer, another week of prompts celebrating our favorite couple. Kataang Week 2021 Day 1: Height Difference. It’s his 14th birthday and Aang is feeling frustrated. Katara wants to help and Aang confides in her about some of his insecurities.
Word Count: 2.2K
After a long day of festivities, night had finally fallen across the Fire Nation palace, and Aang and Katara were ready to head to bed and get some well-earned rest.
The couple had just finished up at the banquet and silently walked through the dimly lit halls to Aang’s room so as to not alert Katara’s overprotective brother. Though they had merely been cuddling the last few nights before sleeping, Sokka would surely throw a fit if he knew that they were sharing a room at all, hence a bit of secrecy was needed.
At last, they arrived- the third door on the right in the central wing of the palace had been designated the Avatar’s quarters since as early as Kyoshi’s time. It was a fair distance away from the rest of the bedrooms in the west wing, and it also had far more extravagant commodities with its own mini-courtyard and balcony, giving the pair plenty of space to get away from the rest of the world and simply enjoy being with each other.
“Today was fun,” Katara sighed as they finally entered the room, taking off her shoes at the entrance and immediately going towards the inviting bed.
She let herself fall onto the soft mattress, groaning softly as her limbs were finally able to relax after a long day of dancing, cooking, and celebrating for the airbender’s 14th birthday, while Aang gently closed the door with a soft thump.
“Yeah,” Aang chuckled as he joined her on the bed. He pulled some of the thin cotton sheets over them and then curled up next to her on his side.“It sure was... something.”
The waterbender shifted slightly to allow her boyfriend to rest his head in the crook of her neck and absentmindedly traced the outline of the blue arrow on his head while he closed his eyes in contentment.
“Something?” she questioned. Katara furrowed her eyebrows, her movements faltering. “Did you not have fun, Aang?”
The airbender winced when he heard the twinge of hurt in Katara’s voice. She hadn’t been trying to make it sound that way, but she had been planning the event for weeks and naturally was a little offended by the implication of his words.
“Oh. No, sweetie, I didn’t mean it that way. The party was amazing! The food, the drinks, the music, everything was spectacular. You did an amazing job, and it means a lot to me that you care so much.”
Katara let out a quiet breath of relief, resuming her gentle touches to his tattoos.
“Of course I care, sweetie. You’re my boyfriend, and I love you. That’s why if you didn’t like it, I won’t be mad, really.”
Aang tilted his head up and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “That wasn’t it, I promise. I just… I had  a bit on my mind today.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” she asked him tenderly.
He sighed and buried his face in her neck. “I guess... it would be nice to get it off my chest. It’s not like anyone else would get it anyways.”
The waterbender gave him a curious look, silently encouraging him to continue.
“It’s so stupid, but I heard some nobles talking when I stepped away to get us some water. They just kept going on and on about how much of a child I was and how I’m too young and too scrawny and too short for you, and, well, they’re right!”
He turned his body away from her now frowning face and pulled the blankets snug around his body like a protective cocoon.
“You’re almost 16, Tara,” Aang murmured. “A young woman in every sense of the word. Spirits, you’re of marrying age in a month! Me? I’m just a loser kid you found washed up in an iceberg. How could I ever be deserving of you?”
“Oh, Aang…”
She shifted onto her side as well and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back and listening to the rhythm of his breathing.
“Those nobles are utterly ridiculous. First of all, it’s only two years! What difference does two years make in the long run? It doesn’t, that’s what. My parents were four years apart and were the happiest two people in the world! A gap of two years is insignificant,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Second of all, sure we’re young, but considering that we saved the world even younger, I think it’s safe to say we’ve matured beyond our years. We’re certainly old enough to know we love each other, and that’s all that matters.”
“Doesn’t change the other part though,” Aang muttered in response. “Spirits, I’m 14 and barely the same height as you. A little shorter if we’re being honest. It’s so annoying! Why can’t I just grow up already?”
“I don’t mean for this to come off the wrong way, but why do you care about that? What difference does it make?”
The airbender remained silent for a few moments and pondered her question, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“The monks had always taught me to judge people based on the content of their character, not their exterior, and to draw satisfaction from being self-assured, rather than care about what other people thought. And in most cases I feel like I do that pretty well, but…”
A subtle pink tinted Aang’s cheeks and he took her hands in his, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.
“You’re different, Katara. You’re the one I love more than anything, the one I would do anything for, the one whose opinions, thoughts, and feelings mean the world to me. You’re the most amazing person on the planet, and you deserve someone worthy of you. Look at Haru and Jet! They were both older and taller and so even something as small as noticing the height difference when we’re dancing kinda hurts. It just feels like I’m the odd one out. I know that’s silly but-”
The waterbender cut him off and shook her head.
“It’s not silly, Aang. Believe me, I’ve felt the same way more times than I’d care to admit. But, in the end, none of that matters. I love you. I chose you . You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my best friend."
He turned back around to face her and swept her up in an embrace, mind immediately put at ease by her words.
“Plus,” she continued, “So what if you’re a little shorter than me now? You’ll grow in no time. Quite frankly, I’ll miss being taller than you when you do.”
The airbender quirked an eyebrow. “You’ll miss it?”
Katara chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to his forehead, right at the tip of his arrow.
“Yeah,” she whispered, “I will. Being able to do that, not having to look up or go on my toes trying to kiss you, I won’t be able to do all that forever. Things like kisses, hugs, they’re a lot more… accessible with our current heights.”
“Hmm,” Aang hummed. “I guess I never really thought of it like that. I still want to grow taller of course, but when you put it like that, I might miss this a little bit too.”
“Let’s not get too carried away with the future, okay?” Katara laughed. “We have our whole lives ahead of us, let’s just stay in the present- the present where I love you, and you love me, and nothing else matters.”
The airbender grinned with her, pressing his forehead gently to hers.
“I like the sound of that. Thank you, sweetie. For listening, for the reassurance, just everything. It means a lot.”
“Of course, sweetie. I’m always here.”
Katara pressed a sweet kiss to his lips and wrapped her arms around his neck as Aang returned it, pulling her closer to him. They broke apart after a few seconds and grinned like idiots at one another. There was silence, but it was comfortable. The two didn’t need words, they were just enjoying being with each other.
“It’s getting late,” the waterbender murmured after some time. “We should probably go to bed.”
“Probably,” Aang whispered back, unable to take his eyes off the angel in front of him. With a flick of his wrist, he put out the candles that had been lighting up the room and settled into his pillow as Katara drew closer to him and interlocked their fingers.
“Good night, Aang. Love you,” she said, beginning to drift off to the dream realm.
“Love you too, Tara,” the airbender yawned. “Sweet dreams.”
One year later…
“Happy birthday!” the room chorused as Aang blew out all his 15 candles.
The airbender grinned and began to cut the apple cake- an ancient recipe of the Air Nomads recreated by some of the top chefs in the Fire Nation as a gift from Zuko.
“Thanks guys!” Aang laughed. “Man, it’s crazy to think that the war has been over for a little more than two years now.”
Katara smiled and leaned up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
“We’ve all done a lot of growing up. We’re older, more mature-” she gave Aang a quick look from head to toe. “ Taller .”
He chuckled, pulling her close to him and peppering kisses all over the top of her head. She was right, of course- as if triggered by their conversation that night, Aang had grown rapidly over the next year. A month later he was the same height as her, two months following he was comfortably able to rest his arm on her shoulder, and now, a year later, he towered above her with her eyebrows barely at his chin.
“Ugh,” Sokka groaned. “Give it a rest you two. The oogies are out of control! Spirits, you act like a newly wedded couple still in the honeymoon stage half the time.”
“Oh, leave them alone, Sokka,” Suki chided. “It’s his birthday! Let’s give the lovebirds some alone time. They’re just kids, they’re nowhere near that yet.”
“Yeah, haha, absolutely not,” Aang nervously laughed as the other couple exited the room. The stone pendant in his pocket began to feel like poisonous lead weighing down his vision for the hopefully not-so-distant future.
“You never know,”  the airbender heard Katara mumble, so quiet he wasn’t even sure she had actually said it. “Sometimes things will come when you least expect it.”
He stood there blankly for a moment, brain struggling to process her words and had just opened his mouth to ask her what she meant (she couldn’t possibly be talking about what he thought she was… right?) when she decided to speak up instead.
“I can’t believe you were ever nervous about staying short, sweetie,” Katara quipped, her eyebrows raised teasingly.
Aang merely blinked at the subject change, promptly concluding that the last thirty seconds were simply a figment of his imagination, and sheepishly scratched the back of his head in response to her comment.
“I guess it was kinda silly, huh,” he laughed. “Look at us now.”
The waterbender pouted, going up on the balls of her feet and craning her neck to gaze up at him. “You’re too tall for your own good. I miss when you were shorter and I didn’t have to tilt my head every time just to look at you.”
“Oh c’mon, it has its benefits.”
He gave her a quick look to warn her for what he was about to do, and with one swift motion, Katara was suddenly off the ground and in Aang’s arms bridal-style, her arms around his neck and their gazes interlocked.
The airbender touched their foreheads together and gave her a cheesy grin.
“I couldn’t do this before, now could I?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow up at her.
“No,” Katara smiled, her head tilted as she looked at him endearingly, “I suppose you couldn’t. And I certainly won’t be one to complain about you holding me more often.”
Aang laughed and carefully set her back down, hearing the growing volume of the room next to them. He quickly grabbed the two full glasses on the table and handed one to the waterbender.
“Here’s to hoping you’re the one who grows by next year so my neck isn’t always sore from looking down at you,” he said as he held his drink up.
Katara gave him a dry stare before rolling her eyes and smiling.
The two clinked their glasses and turned to face the door behind which the rest of their friends had already begun to celebrate.
“Shall we?” Aang asked as he held out his arm to her.
“We shall,” Katara responded, accepting it. “Happy birthday, Aang.”
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