#Kelly Kline imagine
bi-bard · 2 years
The Future - Castiel Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: The Future
Pairing: Castiel X Child!Reader (18)
Word Count: 4,168 words
Warning(s): canonical violence, cussing, killing
Summary: (Season 12, Episode 19) The story of Cas and (Y/n) tracking down Kelly Kline, who is now trapped with Dagon.
Author's Note: Hey, there's a scene here that I'm gonna use for a parallel later. Try to figure out which one and remember it. It's very important.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
Cas told me that he was working with Heaven almost as soon as I joined forces with him. The plan seemed easy enough. Track down the child with the help of the angels and then he gets welcomed back.
I didn't mind the plan.
He had sacrificed so much for the brothers and me that it felt natural to help him. I wanted to be there to help him.
It scared me less than his next idea when the angels gave him no leads.
When Cas told me that we needed to go back to the bunker, my heart stopped for a second.
I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to see Sam and Dean again. At least, not yet.
"(Y/n)," Cas sighed. "They're our best option. Heaven has given us nothing and we both know that going at this alone won't work."
I looked down at the ground.
"You won't have to talk to them," he offered. "You can give them the cold shoulder all you want. You just have to go."
I looked at him again before finally nodding. He pulled me into a hug, and I relaxed a little bit.
"Thank you."
Now, I found myself walking into the bunker for the first time in weeks. Sam and Dean were in the map room together, looking over a bunch of strange symbols.
"Cas, (Y/n)," Sam stood up from his spot.
"Hello," Cas said.
"You both are alright," he added as Cas and I made it down the stairs.
"Where the hell have you been," Dean asked.
I looked down.
I knew coming back here was going to spark an argument. This was an awful idea.
"And why have you ignored our phone calls," he continued.
"The reception where I was, was... poor," Cas shrugged.
"No bars... No bars. That's his excuse, wow," Dean muttered. "What's your excuse, kid?"
"You should've called."
If Dean wanted to be pissy and cold with me, I would play the same exact game with him. He knew damn well why I had left. I didn't have to explain it again. He made his choice and I made mine.
"You're kidding-"
"No, I'm not," I cut him off. "You didn't call me, Dean. Neither one of you did. Genius choice on your part."
"You didn't call (Y/n)," Sam asked.
I turned to look at Sam, but I didn't get a chance to question him.
"Where the hell were you," Dean asked, turning the attention away from himself.
"I was in heaven," Cas explained. "I was working with the angels. When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I thought they could help. (Y/n) knew this and tried to help from Earth."
"And," Sam asked.
"Nothing," he shook his head. I looked down.
"Well, you're back... for now," Sam forced a grin. "We're glad your back."
"Really," Dean looked at his brother.
I can't say that I was stunned that Sam was the one trying to keep the peace. I knew that Dean was more angry than anything else. Sam already seemed to be in a state of guilt.
Sam's fake grin fell.
"No," Dean shook his head. "Okay, 'cause while you were striking out in Heaven, we had a shot at Dagon, and we lost."
"I... received your messages."
"Dagon's a knight of hell," I jumped in. "Y'know, eyes are yellow instead of black. Cas couldn't have stopped her. We've seen him try before and he nearly died. Two more bodies wouldn't have done shit."
"You weren't only ditching us, you two were ignoring us."
"You only called Cas."
"Watch it-"
"No," I snapped. "Are you kidding me? You haven't earned an ounce of my patience. Your first choice was to start blaming us for something that we couldn't have helped with. Nice to know my assumptions about coming back were accurate."
"(Y/n)," I yanked my arm from Cas's hand as he tried to stop me.
"I'm gonna go wait in the car," I muttered. "I... I knew this was a bad idea."
"(Y/n), get your ass back here and talk to me," Dean shouted.
"Once you pull your head out of your ass, maybe I fucking will," I yelled back.
I stormed back out to the truck and curled up in the passenger seat. I didn't want to, but I started crying. Sobbing. I was a kid. A scared, 18-year-old kid. I wanted nothing more than the person I saw as a dad back. And I couldn't have that because he insisted on throwing a wall up between us.
I would've kept my mouth shut. I would've walked in, listened to them, and left. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't listen to Dean act like all Cas and I did was fail.
I looked up when the driver's side of the truck opened.
"Oh no," Cas mumbled when he saw my face. "Dean... Dean was worried. He reacted out of anger-"
"I know."
"He still cares-"
"I know."
"He just wants to know you're safe-"
"Can we just go," I asked. "I don't want to be here right now. I feel like I'm gonna vomit."
We took off again.
"I promised to keep in touch," Cas explained.
I nodded.
I fell asleep soon after. I hadn't been sleeping much in the hopes of finding some kind of alternative plan to killing Kelly. Or just a plan to track her in general.
I just needed to feel useful.
Cas woke me up outside of a run-down house.
"Joshua tracked a celestial pulse to this house," Cas explained. "Kelly's here."
I nodded, "Okay."
I got out of the track and pulled out the angel blade I had been given.
I circled around the back of the house with Cas. He pointed toward a staircase heading to a basement. I nodded, ignoring the TV playing. I hadn't been told that there had been two other angels following behind us.
I climbed down the stairs.
Kelly jumped when she saw me. I quickly pressed a finger to my lips. She nodded. I walked over and checked the chain on her ankle.
"Okay," I muttered. "Normal lock. I can... probably pick it. Are you okay?"
"They saved me," she explained quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows. "My kid. They saved me."
"We'll... discuss that later."
We both jumped at the crashing upstairs. I saw Cas come down the stairs even though there was still fighting upstairs.
I stood up and stepped to the side, thinking that he would do better getting rid of the lock.
Then, I saw the Colt... and Cas cocked it.
"Woah," I stepped between Cas and Kelly. "What the hell, Cas? When did you even grab that?"
"It's the only way," he replied.
"You never mentioned anything about killing," I replied. "When was this even involved in the plan?"
"The whole time."
"The angels can't allow the child to be brought into this world," Cas argued. I just stared at him in shock. "I told you I was working with heaven. I didn't lie to you about that."
"No, you just lied to me about their true goal," I snapped. "That's a shit ton better."
Cas clenched his jaw.
"Put the gun down, Cas," I said. "No one is born as pure evil. You have to understand that."
He looked from me to Kelly.
"You know damn well that I am not going to move."
He looked at me again.
I wish I could've seen what was going through his head in that moment. I wanted to know what his pros and cons list looked like. I was forcing him to either hurt- possibly, kill me- or go against heaven's plans yet again.
His arm slowly moved down. I let out a breath.
"Come on," I said. "We have time to get her out of here if we're quick."
We managed to get Kelly into the truck and drive off.
It was awkward and quiet. The truck didn't really have a backseat, so it was cramped on top of all of that.
"Guess you finally caught me," Kelly muttered after a while.
"We're trying to help you," I said. She forced a grin toward me. "You don't deserve to be tortured because of what happened."
"Cas came to kill me," she replied. She looked at him. "But you didn't... thank you."
"Please don't thank me," Cas muttered. "I had a mission and I failed."
"And now?"
"Now, I don't know," he replied. "I'm just trying to put as much distance between you and Dagon as I can."
We didn't stop until we absolutely had to. Which was the next morning.
It was a tiny motel. Off the main road. Should've been safe.
Cas stepped out of the truck to take care of something on the angel radio.
"You said the kid saved you," I said. "So... you believe the kid is good."
Kelly looked down at her stomach with a fond smile, "Yeah. I really do."
A few moments later, Cas got back in the truck.
"What's going on," Kelly asked.
"I was communicating with Joshua," he explained. "He's an angel... I was getting my orders."
"Why should we be listening to heaven," I asked. "I'm sorry but they have screwed us over time and time again-"
"They are the only reason we found Kelly-"
"And nearly made you kill her," I snapped.
"And now, I will take Kelly to Heaven," Cas continued before looking at Kelly. "Your life will end, and your baby's, too-"
"No, we are not killing an innocent child."
"How do you know it'll work," Kelly asked.
"No human form can step through that gate and survive," Cas said. "Your souls will ascend to heaven and every cell of your beings will return to the universe. I am sorry, Kelly. This is the child of Lucifer. A human/archangel hybrid. That power... it's beyond comprehension. Your child could bring the universe to its knees."
"Or lift it to its feet," she argued. "This baby... nothing is born evil."
"I can't take that chance," Cas sighed. "(Y/n)..."
"If Kelly believes that this baby can be taught to be good... I trust her."
He tried to start the truck again. It stalled.
He let out another sigh, "I'll get us a room."
Once we had the room safe and locked down, Cas made sure Kelly sat down on the bed. I went to plug in my phone only to find it missing.
"Cas," I asked as he handed Kelly a glass of water. "Where's my phone?"
"I don't know," he furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you leave it in the truck?"
"No, I thought it was zipped up in this pocket of my bag," I muttered.
"I have no idea," he shook his head.
I didn't quite believe him but shrugged it off. I wanted to trust Cas. I needed to feel like I could trust Cas.
"Something happened to me, Castiel," Kelly spoke up. "I lost hope. I tried to... I killed myself. Slit my wrists."
Cas and I looked at each other for a moment.
"I died," she continued. "And then... my child saved me. Brought me back to life."
"That was the pulse that was tracked," I said.
"We felt that in heaven," Cas nodded.
"My child's power... their soul surged through me... and it was good," she explained. "I know my kid is good."
I sat down next to her.
"Kelly," Cas shook his head as he walked over. "What your child did, that's a testament to their power, but it's not proof of some goodness. They need you alive."
"Maybe," she replied. "Or maybe it was a miracle. Maybe everything I've been through. Everything that I still have to go through... is happening for a reason. Maybe it's part of some plan."
"No, it isn't," Cas sat on the opposite bed. "I used to believe in a plan. That I had some mission. But I have been through enough now to know that everyone is just winging it. Some of us badly. Lucifer... he's just breaking toys. He's sowing destruction and chaos, and there is no grand purpose at work. And there's no special role for you. When Lucifer took over Rooney's body... I'm sorry. You were just there."
She ignored him, "I know my baby can be good for this world."
"Cas," I asked. I nodded toward the bathroom. "Can we talk?"
He stood up and followed me. It was the most private, but it was the best option we had.
"I hope you aren't going to push me to apologize," he said.
"No," I mumbled. "I just... you said there's no great plan... so why follow Heaven's?"
"You don't want to go to the door-"
"Of course, I don't."
"Why are you so adamant on saving this child," Cas asked.
"I... I really don't know," I replied. "Something is just telling me to protect this kid. I... I can't just sit by while we decide their fate without giving an ounce of hope that they could be good."
"Castiel," Kelly called. He walked back over and sat across from her again.
"Kelly," he sighed. "If this child is born... that is not something you can survive. Even if you're right... who will care for them after you're gone? Who? Who is strong enough to protect them and keep them from evil influences and to keep them on the righteous path?"
"We'll figure that out," I said. She smiled at me. I grinned back. She grunted. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, the baby just kicked," she waved me off. She looked at Castiel. "Do you wanna...?"
"It's not a big deal," she insisted. "They do this, like, twenty times a day."
She grabbed Cas's hand and pressed his palm to her stomach. I saw a grin creep onto his face as he felt the baby kicking. Kelly's eyes started turning gold a moment later. She gasped.
"Kelly," Cas asked. She shook her head.
There was a knock on the door. I grabbed my angel blade. Cas grabbed the Colt- which only had one bullet in it, but hey, let him live.
He pulled open the door to show Sam and Dean on the other side. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah... that's mine," Dean nodded at the gun.
Dean grabbed Cas and shoved him against the wall. I went over to Kelly, reaching out a hand to her and forcing a grin.
"Dean," Sam interrupts Dean's lecture to Cas.
"What," Dean asked.
They were both looking over at me and Kelly. As they stepped forward, I held up the angel blade. Sam held his hands up. I slowly lowered the weapon when no one made a move. Kelly let go of my hand and stepped forward.
"How did you find us," Cas asked.
"Well, while you were scamming me for the Colt, Sam put a tracking app on your phone," Dean explained. "We used that when we couldn't track (Y/n)'s."
"Mine got stolen," I said. "Probably by whatever bitchass angel met us at Dagon's hiding spot."
"You two wanna explain what's going on here," Sam looked between us. "Is Dagon dead?"
"No," Cas sighed.
They scoffed.
"Hey, you two had the same weapon and couldn't do it either," I snapped.
"What are we doing here then?"
"My truck broke down," Cas admitted quietly.
"Why didn't you call us then," Sam said. "We could've helped you."
"I know," Cas replied. "I wanted to keep you out of this. I wanted to keep you safe."
"You're not a babysitter, Cas, okay," Dean sassed. "That is not your job. And when in our whole lives have we ever been safe?"
"This is my responsibility because it is my plan."
"And you dragged (Y/n) into."
"Check the high-horse, Dean," I said. He looked at me. "Don't act like you don't know."
"What plan," Sam asked.
"Cas is taking me to Heaven," Kelly explained. I closed my eyes and tilted my head down.
"You're taking her to the sandbox," Dean looked at Cas.
"Yes," he replied. "I'm ending this, once and for all. Kelly and her baby have to die."
"No, they don't," Sam jumped in. "Listen, we found another way."
"You'd know that if you answered your phone," Dean snarked.
"What are you talking about," Cas asked.
"Remember when we tried to extract Gadreel's grace from (Y/n) for a tracking spell," Sam explained. I scrunched up my face; hell yeah.
"What," Kelly whispered.
"I was possessed by an angel when I was 15," I mumbled.
Sam ignored us, "We take the grace from the baby Nephilim and then the baby just becomes-"
"Human," Cas finished the thought. "That extraction nearly killed (Y/n)."
"But it didn't-"
"Because I stopped it," Cas snapped. "We don't even know if this would work."
"There are kinks, yes, but it's a plan," Dean said. "And it beats the hell out of certain death. Am I right?"
"No," Kelly said, going to storm out.
"What," I asked, following her.
Sam was right behind me, "Kelly, I can't imagine what you've gone through, but we promised we'd find another way, and we did. This is a better way. This could work."
"I'm going with Castiel."
"Kelly," I stepped in front of her, walking backward as I did. "This might be a way to save you and your baby."
"But my child losses what makes them special," she replied.
"How does that matter if both of you are dead," Sam asked.
"That's all that matters," she said.
"This girl has lost her mind," Dean argued.
"Hey, Dean," Cas told him off.
"Can we take this conversation elsewhere," Sam begged. "We're sitting ducks out here."
"Sam's right," Dean nodded. "Dagon's still out there. Your truck is broken down. Let's get in the impala, go back to the bunker, and we'll talk. Figure it out."
"Right," Sam agreed.
I looked at Cas. He grabbed Kelly's arm and started walking to the car. I followed the two of them.
Wanna know a bad choice?
Put the angry pregnant woman in the front seat with the keys sitting next to her while Cas and I sat in the back.
Why was that a bad choice?
Because once Cas and I were settled, Kelly slowly reached over, snagged the car key, and stole the impala.
We screeched out of the parking lot, and she sped off quickly. She paid no mind to Sam and Dean yelling at her.
"Kelly, what the hell are you doing," I asked.
"It's not supposed to happen this way," she explained. "I'm going to Heaven. The... sandbox, if you tell me how to get there."
"I can make you stop this car," Cas threatened.
"Why haven't you," she asked.
"Why are you doing this," Cas pushed.
"My child chose you, Castiel," she said. "When you put your hand on my stomach, I heard them. They spoke to me. They told me that even if it's scary, if I just went to the gate, if I followed your plan, that you would make sure they were born. You and (Y/n)."
Always nice to be included.
I looked at Cas, searching for some kind of reaction.
"Sam and Dean want to take away my kid's powers because they're scared," she continued. "I'm not."
She cut Cas off, "You asked me who would protect them; guide them when I'm gone. I know now. It's you."
"Me? That's... I... I am not someone that you should put your faith in, Kelly."
"(Y/n) will be there too," Kelly reminded him. "They're... They're linked."
I didn't get a chance to question that.
"I couldn't kill Dagon back there," Cas tried to push that he shouldn't be trusted. "I lost two of my men. I've betrayed my friends... my family."
"Before all of this happened, I was a cut-rate political flack," she continued, "in an embarrassingly unprofessional relationship with my boss. I don't know why it's me. I don't know why it's you two. But I know that we're destined for something here. Something great."
"I wish I had your faith," Cas muttered.
"You will," she replied.
We got to the sandbox by nightfall.
As we walked up to the gate, I felt a growing pit in my stomach. This entire plan made me sick, but there was something else. Something else was here that wasn't supposed to be.
"We can still go back," I offered. "You don't have to do this."
"I know you don't approve," Kelly grabbed my hand. "But this is the best choice. I need you to trust me on this."
I shook my head, "No."
She sighed, "Thank you. For all that you've done. You're far too young to have had to deal with any of this."
I stepped back as she and Cas got ready to go. The symbol started glowing as Joshua appeared in front of us.
He attempted to reassure Kelly but didn't get much of a chance before he exploded in front of us. Dagon appeared behind him. Cas pulled Kelly back. I stepped forward to stand by them.
When Dagon went to move toward Kelly, Cas stepped in front of us.
"Stay away from her," Cas snapped.
"What, no Colt," Dagon asked. "Wait... you don't even have it anymore? Hilarious."
Cas went to stab her, but she caught his arm effectively disarming him before taking a few swings at him.
I grabbed my blade and tried to help, but she grabbed me quickly, slamming my back down on the ground. Her foot rested on my chest as I tried to get my breath back.
"What a dumb kid," she said. "Look at you... about to die for a woman you've barely just met. Your dads would be so disappointed."
I used my blade to slash her leg, giving myself the opportunity to stand and run to Kelly.
She kept hitting Cas. As she tried to strangle him, the truck pulled up. Sam got out and started to shoot. Dagon dropped Cas's body before turning to face Sam. Kelly grabbed my arm, pulling me back a few steps.
Cas slowly stood as she attacked Sam and Dean, managing to get the Colt from Dean's hand.
"Yeah," she said. "Time to take this off the board."
She burned the gun in her hand.
"Who wants ice cream," she joked.
Cas made his way to us, telling Kelly to run. She shook her head and grabbed his hand. I stood next to them. I wasn't going to run. Not when both of them were willing to stand against her.
"Aw, adorbs," Dagon pretended to gush.
I looked over when I heard a power surge. Cas's veins slowly started to glow yellow; starting in his hand and moving toward his face.
When Dagon went to attack, he just grabbed his wrist. I took a step back just as she burned in front of us.
As the power faded from Cas's face, we all just looked at each other. Sam and Dean slowly walked over.
"Cas," Dean asked.
"What was that," Sam asked.
"It... It was me," Cas answered. "But it was also..."
He nodded down at the child.
He healed Dean's broken arm.
"Thank you for coming to fight for us," Cas thanked the brothers.
"Are you okay," Dean furrowed his eyebrows.
Cas nodded, "I am. I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born."
I bit back my grin.
"With all of their power."
Grin dropped just a bit. That would kill Kelly too.
"You can't mean that," Sam said.
"Yes, I do," Cas nodded. "I have faith."
Kelly grinned at me. I grabbed her hand. If this is what she wanted, I needed to respect that. No matter how much I wanted her to change her mind.
I followed Cas and Kelly toward the truck.
"Cas, wait a second," Sam stopped us. "What's going on?"
"You'll just have to trust me," Cas said.
"No, no, no, wait," Dean shook his head. "Okay, whatever that thing did to you, we're not just gonna let you walk away."
"Not gonna happen."
"Yes, it is."
He touched their foreheads and the brothers fell.
He went to touch mine and I jumped back.
"I am going with you," I said. "I... I need to go with you. I can't... I can't stay with them, Cas. Not right now."
Cas let out a sigh before nodding.
"Thank you," I nodded once before heading toward the truck.
We loaded into the single row of seats again. There was a pause.
"What did they tell you," Kelly asked, referring to whatever Cas saw when defeating Dagon.
"They didn't tell me anything... they showed me," he replied. "The future."
All I could do was hope. Please, let us be right about this. Let this risk be worth it. Please, just... let this work out for the better.
Please let this "future" be worth every ounce of turmoil in the present.
Author's Note: I struggled with this one. I have to keep reminding myself that teenagers are impulsive as shit and make dumb choices no matter what. Not every action needs to be logical. I'm trying to make a human character, not a perfect one.
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soullessjack · 14 days
thinking…..moonlight on the river garfield audio ..but it’s jack talking to kelly,,, saying he’s sorry he let her down … and kelly says ‘not all of us are cut out to be the good guys’ … ..
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bisaster-energy · 2 years
jack dismissing the child of lucifer allegations like "Lucifer? I hardly know her"
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profoundbondfanfic · 1 year
Growing Pains
Growing Pains by surlybobbies (@surlybobbies) Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 13k
“Cas could hardly believe that less than a month prior he’d been in court pleading hoarsely through a stream of tears for permanent guardianship of Jack, the child that his closest friend Kelly hadn’t expected but had still loved with all of her heart.“ When Kelly Kline passes away in a car accident, leaving her infant son Jack orphaned, her best friend Cas petitions the courts for guardianship. Thus with one bang of a gavel, Cas becomes, for all intents and purposes, a father. Fatherhood, however, is more than a little challenging for a single man who has no experience with children. Enter Dean Winchester, the neighbor from across the hall, who proves himself good with Jack (and might be even better with Cas.)
Are you in the mood for a lovely fic with amazing art that lets you feel all the good emotions?
Then you’re at the right spot 😊
Despite the tragic circumstances in which little Jack becomes part of Castiel’s life, this story is simply heartwarming and wonderful. Castiel finds himself quite overwhelmed by his new role, but thankfully there is his neighbor Dean who seems to know exactly what to do and doesn’t hesitate to help the new father and son pair getting settled. Dean integrates himself into their routine easily, always considerate and supportive and quickly protective, and soon enough neither of them can imagine their life without the other. So what happens when Castiel starts to get the hang of things and Dean begins to wonder if he is even needed anymore?
So yes, if you’re looking for a story that is soft and sweet and will bring a smile to your face the whole time, then don’t hesitate to click on that link!
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impossibledial · 1 year
i’m about to alienate myself from a lot of supernatural/castiel stans but i’m not really in the fandom anymore so i don’t care. i value castiel’s happiness over everything in the show.
i don’t consider myself to be a deancas anti, even now but i find a lot of dean’s treatment of cas (and sam and jack) in seasons 7-15 to be appalling. there���s still aspects of deancas that i like but i feel that post season 5 the show forgot how to write dean and by extension his relationships properly. it never acknowledges his abusive tendencies in a way that’s critical and that makes me uncomfortable (not to mention i find some scenes triggering for my own reasons).
as for the angels, i’ll admit that there is little to no real development for the angels apart from cas (except for maybe gadreel and hannah but they were both killed off before it could mean anything). even though the show may not acknowledge it there is an understandable reason for the angels being so distrustful of cas considering what happened in season 6/7. i can’t imagine a home for cas in heaven either as the angels tend to hold forgiveness over cas’s head when they want something (just as dean did in season 7). i’m more so referring to characters such as naomi and those who were with her post season 12.
most of cas’s decisions in the later seasons are focused on appeasing the winchester’s or the angels in order to be granted forgiveness. too much heart was always castiel’s problem as well as taking too much responsibility for issues beyond his control.
cas deciding to protect kelly when she was pregnant with jack is my favorite turning point in his character arc. most likely because i believe it to be the first time cas makes a decision on his own without being blinded by the winchester’s or angels overarching morals.
cas’s true family is with the klines, with kelly and jack, at least to me.
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dothwrites · 9 months
after the horror of first blood we do get 'lily sunder has some regrets' which is a very nice apology episode.
i do love that when dean and cas bicker they give each other the silent treatment. it's SO damn petty of them. i love them. actual husbands. especially when sam has to play marriage counselor and try to get them talking to each other. cas and dean bickering in the car means EVERYTHING to me. "he's thoughtful and appreciative..." damn cas, really just DRAG this man for being a rude husband
"watch the road!" SOMEONE had to say it. a miracle that dean hasn't wrecked the car from staring at cas for too long
love the hypocrisy from sam and dean. it's GOOD that they're mad about how ishim is treating cas because ishim is being a first rate douche, but it's like they really don't realize that they've said the same kinds of shit about cas. they've insulted him and denigrated him. and they probably thought that they had a good reason for it, or even that they were doing it in fun, but cas doesn't pick up on those nuances. the episode literally begins with dean saying that cas has been busy "not finding kelly kline" and proceeding to insult cas for losing her. look, i love sam and dean as much as the next person, but sometimes the pot is calling the kettle black
i do love cas' lady vessel. i like to think that it's jimmy's great-grandmother. though akobel saying "how could anyone know humans and not love them"...cas, about a hundred years later, you're going to completely understand what he was saying, but by then it's going to be too late.
ishim is so incredibly right. humans ARE dangerous to angels. not necessarily in the way he thinks, but look at what happened to cas. he met sam and dean and then he had FEELINGS. he had DOUBT. humans are dangerous because no angel can be around them long without experiencing emotions. they threaten the status quo. cas was around humans and he started to FEEL. and after that, everything was kind of downhill from there (sometimes in the best way possible)
"where's my phone" this is an angel who's been around for MILLENNIA and he's LOST HIS PHONE
the final scene between cas, ishim, and dean! "i'm going to cure you of your human weakness"??? EVERYONE knows that dean is cas' weak spot! that's the person he will NOT let suffer and die. and ishim believes he was in love with lily. so if he's using cas as a parallel, it 100% means that he believes cas is in love with dean and then dean proves it EVEN MORE by refusing to banish ishim if there's a chance that it could hurt cas. he knows the stakes. he knows that his life is in danger if he doesn't do it. but ishim tells him that it could possibly kill cas, and so he doesn't do the thing guaranteed to save his life.
and when cas tells lily that she lost a child and he can't imagine the pain... don't worry baby. you will. you'll imagine that and worse. 💖
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Imagine my shock on Thursday when I'm watching a rerun of the Big Bang Theory and none other than Kelly fucking Kline shows up.
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I am not a person who fails to admit the wrongdoings of a character just because I love that character.
I am a Cas and Dean girl through and through. But there are things Cas has done that I actually hate.
I do not hate cas for working with Crowley and eating the laviathens. I do not hate castiel for trying to kill the kid jesse. I do not hate cas for doing what he did to lily sunder and Claire Novak's family.
Castiel didn't wanted to separate Dean from whatever normal apple pie life he had created for himself. Cas cared about Dean too much and he wanted Dean to be happy. Cas didn't want to ask more after everything Dean has gone through and that is understandable. Working with Crowley was wrong but cas never imagined that he would end up hurting humans. Saving the world and Dean and Sam from another apocalypse was Cas's motivation to work with Crowley. All Cas intended was eating the souls, getting powerful enough and defeating Raphael. That's it. Cas didn't knew anything about the laviathens. He didn't knew that he would end swallowing one of the corrupted creatures in the world. And from the moment cas swallowed the laviathens he was under control of them. He killed so many humans and angels because he was under control of laviathens.
Killing lily Sunder's daughter is one of Cas's greatest regret. But he didn't regret it until he found out that lily sunder's daughter was a human. He had no regret of killing that child as long as he knew that the child was a nephilim. And when he was made aware of the truth he was willing to let lily sunder have her revenge even if it means she would want to kill him. Cas was ready to kill the anti-christ jesse even though he was just a child because Cas believed that Jesse was dangerous to the world. Cas was willing to let Kelly Kline and Jack die with Jack still in kelly's womb because Jack was a nephilim and cas believed him to be a danger to the world. It is when Jack showed him a vision of future that he chose to let Kelly and Jack live. It is after Cas raised Jack that he grew to sympathies with nephilims.
Now if we are going think about what he did to Claire's family, we need to open our mind. You can't hate a lion for hunting a deer. It is in the nature of lion to hunt, otherwise the lion would starve and die. The lion is wired like that. Cas was also wired to follow the order of heaven. He was wired to not give a shit about humans. It was his nature. He was ready to destroy an entire town with its people, why would he give shit about a little girl and his family ?
But cas changed, he rebelled, he chose to care about humans. He went against his very nature, something no Angel ever attempted to do. He refused to follow the script chuck wrote for him. He literally managed to Brek out of the control of the God. Again something no one ever succeeded in doing. He felt remorse for his actions. Claire is completely valid in her anger. But we as a viewer should see things from Cas's perspective as well. It is unfair of us to hate cas for not changing sooner when no other Angel except Gabriel ever tried to change.
But the things that i do not like about cas is how he allowed the sacrifice of Rowena's son in order to remove Mark of Cain from Dean. He could have stopped it but he chose to stand there doing nothing and allowing an innocent man to die so that someone he loved could be saved. That was extremely selfish of him. I will forever hate it.
Another thing I hated was when Cas killed that nephilim in order to complete the ritual of closing the gates of heaven. Now we all know that saving humanity was an excuse and cas did all that to just save Dean. Killing an innocent nephilim who wasn't hurting anyone just to save someone he loved was evil and selfish. Given what I wrote about Cas's feeling regarding nephilims, i am a little conflicted about how to feel about this.
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theprincipality · 3 months
About Me.
Hey guys.
I’d like to tell y’all a little about me.
I’m a fan of the MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) and a fan of both the WandaNat and BlackHill ships.
I’m also a fan of Supernatural, Monster High, What We Do In The Shadows, Lucifer, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bitten and Teen Wolf.
I’m obsessed with listening to the Teen Wolf main opening title song. It’s just so catchy and also in my gym playlist.
My favorite Teen Wolf characters are:
Lydia Martin.
Scott McCall.
Derek Hale.
Stiles Stilinski.
Malia Tate/Hale.
Melissa McCall.
Eli Hale.
My favorite X-Men characters are:
Anna-Marie Darkholme/Marie D’Ancanto A.K.A Rogue.
Remy LeBeau A.K.A Gambit.
Raven Darkholme A.K.A Mystique.
Kurt Wagner/Darkholme A.K.A Nightcrawler.
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde A.K.A Shadowcat.
Piotr Rasputin A.K.A Colossus.
Ellie Phimister A.K.A Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
Warren Worthington A.K.A Angel.
Bobby Drake A.K.A Iceman.
James ‘Logan’ Howlett A.K.A Wolverine.
Laura Kinney A.K.A X-23.
Scott Summers A.K.A Cyclops.
Jean Grey A.K.A Phoenix.
Ororo Munroe A.K.A Storm.
Charles Xavier
My favorite MCU characters are:
Natasha Romanoff A.K.A Black Widow.
Wanda Maximoff A.K.A Scarlet Witch.
Maria Hill.
Pepper Potts.
Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man.
Steve Rogers A.K.A Captain America.
Wade ‘fucking’ Wilson’ A.K.A Deadpool.
Vanessa Carlysle.
My favorite Supernatural characters are:
Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester.
Bobby Singer.
Jack Kline.
Kelly Kline.
The Impala/Baby/The Metallicar.
Rowena MacLeod.
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod.
Archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Michael.
My favorite Lucifer characters are:
Detective Chloe Decker.
Beatrice ‘Trixie’ Espinoza.
Charlotte Richards.
Detective Daniel ‘Dan’ Espinoza.
Archangel Lucifer Morningstar.
Mazikeen Smith A.K.A Maze.
My favorite Vampire Diaries characters are:
Hope Mikaelson.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Niklaus Mikaelson.
My favorite Monster High characters are:
Clawdeen Wolf.
My favorite What We Do In The Shadows characters are:
Nandor The Relentless.
Colin Robinson.
Nadia Of Antipaxos.
Laszlow Cravensworth.
I grew up on 2000s rock since I was born in that era.
I grew up on Prince, Scissor Sisters, Aerosmith, INXS, Whitesnake, Dire Straits, Warrant, Bon Jovi, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steppenwolf, Belinda Carlisle and Michael Jackson,
I also grew up on Van Halen, Asia, Kansas, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, AC/DC, Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Metallica, Maneskin, Motörhead, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Joan Osborne, KISS, The Runaways, Blue Oyster Cult, Def Leppard, Alice In Chains and Lynyrd Skynyrd,
And here’s some other notable mentions I grew up on. Ram Jam, Sheryl Crow, Rascal Flatts, Divinyls, Redbone, Judas Priest, Skillet, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot, Rammstein, Kate Bush, ZZ Too, Kid Rock, Lady Antebellum, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence.
Simple Plan, Simple Minds, Nickleback, Stan Bush, Foo Fighters, Chesney Hawkes, Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Alice Cooper, Cher, Guns N Roses, Spineshank, R.E.M, P!nk, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, Nirvana, Tears For Fears, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Survivor, Twisted Sister, Styx, Texas and The Killers.
As you can see, I’m a huge rock fan. But I also grew up on Kesha, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Ken Ashcorp, Britney Spears, Louden Swain, Shakira, Crash Adams, Artic Monkeys, Ally Venable, Big & Rich, The Interrupters, Annapantsu, Meghan Trainor, Celtic Woman, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy and Taylor Swift.
This is stuff about me I’d like you guys to know. I’ll be back to post more soon.
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bi-bard · 2 years
Supernatural Masterlist (Pt. 2)
All imagines written for Supernatural so far. This does not include the OCs that I have made for this show. You can find those by clicking here!
**Had to be two parts due to a very stupid Tumblr glitch**
Navigation Guide
Dean Winchester:
You Are Both Idiots
Tunnel Vision
Movie Night
I’m Sorry in Advance for That Shit
Acceptance (Part 2: Bargaining)
Dean Winchester: The Ultimate Killer
I’m a Bunch of Broken Pieces; It Was You Who Made Me Whole
I Don’t Know How to Fix This
Better Than This
Raise Hell
He’s Candy-Coated Misery
This Isn’t Goodbye, this is Simply See You Later [Part 2]
Garth Fitzgerald IV:
Uncle Garth
Jack Kline:
The Weirdest Sitcom
Bad Advice
Cut Me Down, but it’s You Who’ll Have Further to Fall
Thought We Built a Dynasty That Heaven Couldn’t Shake
Good Job
Badass Duo
Time to Catch Up
Bad Jokes
Nice to Meet You
The French Mistake (Part 2)
New Friends
Familiar Faces ^ (Legends of Tomorrow Crossover)
Risk It All (Part 1 to “Fighting” - Check Sam Winchester List)
Hunting Practice
I Don’t Want to, But I Love You
Kelly Kline:
Last Wish
Rowena MacLeod:
Don’t Hate Me
Sam Winchester:
I’m Right Here
Castiel, (Y/n), and the Humans That Saved Them
Chick Flick Moments
Life On Stage
Motive Through Emotion, Damaged but We’re Golden
Rowena Said That It Was An Accident
Someone Else
The Disconnect
Fighting (Part 2 to “Risk It All” - Check Jack Kline List)
Are You Gonna Hurt, You Gonna Work, You Gonna Last Forever?
Speak Now
Paper Rings
Winchester Brothers:
Picture Perfect
You Knew Her
Be Our Guest
Team Free Will (2.0):
They Say She’s Gone Too Far This Time
Holy Crap
Not a Child
The One Thing More Important Than God
New Heroes, Old Enemies
Absolute Dumbasses
Multiple Characters (no specific group names):
Compassion (Cas, Crowley, Rowena, Jack)
Maybe I Got Mine, But You’ll All Get Yours (Villains)
Team Free Will 2.0:
hope ur okay (song preference)
Cruel Summer (song preference)
You’re a Brilliant Painter
Red (song preference)
Bird Set Free (song preference)
Monster (song preference)
Public Displays of Affection
First Kiss
Singing in the Shower
Alone (song preference)
Crooked Teeth (song preference)
Mornings with Team Free Will 2.0
First 'I Love You'
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shallowstories · 7 months
Kelly Kline in the bunker getting to interact with THE Lily Sunder
God. How badly I want that.
Can you imagine? Kelly needs to talk about her sexual experience with Lucifer to someone. It's eating away at her.
When she learns that Lily was married to an angel, she guiltily asks herif it was normal for it to have felt so good (Kelly feels so guilty about it, because she really loved Jeff).
Lily says they only did...other things...because Akobel didn't want to get her pregnant, as that would kill her.
They get to chatting about these other things, and about cuter, more innocent things, how they first got to know each other. Dean is unfortunately so riveted, that he starts in, mindlessly asking questions.
And Dean shuts his mouth like, oops, and Lily looks amused, because this is Girl Talk he wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping on, and it gets so awkward that Sam thinks he's going to melt on the spot, right into the library floor and wither away into nothing.
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shallowseeker · 11 months
But Dean assuming Cas is exclusively interested in women is the funniest thing ever.
(I borrowed the idea from swordofsun and ilarual, not tagging soas to not be annoying). But oh my God, where are the fics with this in mind? It's SO.
Potential Dean POVs:
Cas + Chastity + seeming to take immediate interest in her emotional life / missing father (she seemed to have waaaay overreacted btw)
Cas + enjoying straight porn, getting a boner (even as an angel, I'll remind you!), and identifying with the pizza man
Cas + being Meg's pizza man/Meg makeout sesh + writing poetry for her as PTSD!Cas + tending to her wounds and seeming genuinely sweet on her + discussing getting pizza with her + using her nickname Clarence as his alias
Endverse!Cas + all-female orgy + This may be Zachariah's projection of Dean's fears, but the visual was Cas being Chuck-like in his appetite for women
Cas + shacking up with Daphne + holding her hand and stuff (just another normal life Dean tore away from one of his war/hunting friends/family members)
Cas + Nora + Instead of going deep undercover like it seemed Dean had been expected post-angel war, Cas seemed to want to get a stable job and hook up with a woman and have a family (just another normal life Dean tried not to tear away from one of his war/hunting friends/family members); AND if Nora assumed that Cas had defended her baby from a "robbery/break-in," he might've really been a shoo-in with her after the babysitting fiasco, let's be honest
Cas + Hannah the perfect, beautiful, strong war/angel companion + Cas appeared to "pick" Hannah, the "female waiting in the car" over staying at the bunker + the whole thing with Hannah was paired with "spouses stepping out" storylines
Cas + his first celebrity crush, the news anchor woman; can you imagine Cas getting fixated on her while watching tv around the bunker? it would be hilarious, because Cas said stuff about her like, "Tender one moment, tough the next..." *dreamy sigh*
Cas + Kelly Kline + Cas appeared to run away with Kelly / held her hand at the Dagon fight / wanted to be the father to her baby / rented a beautiful little house with her / went shopping with her / helped her with Ikea furniture -> All this AFTER trying to return Dean's mixtape -> If you're a REAL pessimist, which I believe Dean can be, you could REALLY drum up some implications about those order of operations... "Oh. I misunderstood. He was rejecting me to run away with another lady and have a family. Woe."
Cas + Djinn Queen marriage + Don't think Dean knew about this one, but if he DID... The implications are obvious. A djinn queen that is terrible, beautiful, and STRONG.
Cas + Rowena + I know it's a fan fave to interpret Cas an uncomfortable, but EYE see what could be interpreted as "romantic fluster" sometimes, because Cas gets all uncharacteristically shy when Rowena comes onto him
Cas + Anael + Just another thing Dean could misinterpret + The winter scene with Cas and Anael at the diner in season 14 is visually parallel to the winter of Dean meeting with Amara at the diner in season 15 (in this view, there's no reason to think that angels are siblings; they're just the same species from this pov) + Cas takes her jewelry as a gift
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mlp-supernatural · 7 months
whats some of the ideas u have for different characters cutiemarks?
cutiemarks encompass one aspect and ‘talent’ of a pony, and so a pony cannot be defined by cutie mark alone but by their character. I was trying to go for more of a unique skill or aspect of who they are while keeping in mind that these are complex characters that cannot be boiled to one defining talent.
Sam has a Men of Letters Key, if theres a key there must be a lock, right? Unlocking potential, Lucifer being locked in the cage, and problem solving + connection to another part
Dean has a heart emblem, dude does everything out of love even when he isnt good at it. lock shadow underneath for connection to his brother, and Micheal who helped lock away Lucifer. (he got his cutiemark later than his peers when he stayed at Sonny’s)
Angels typically have a winged eye(s), Chuck has an All Seeing Eye and its on fire!
Fallen angels do not typically have cutiemarks, Lucifer for example no longer has his rising son cutiemark and remains blank. Castiel had more opportunity to regain a mark and rediscover himself as a person, though I have not decided what he is good at besides sacrificing himself and having too much heart and rebellion. I like to imagine it is a hoofprint to match the mark he left on Dean after pulling him from hell idk!
Mary has a hunting knife, she tells John its for soap carving and his dumbass believes her!
John has a scope target for his military experience and being a very good hunter and marksman. he thought Dean would have a similar gun related mark after taking him shooting for the first time
Kelly Kline has a checklist check, detail oriented, scheduled, planner, its a crazy job in the white house and she had her whole future planned out!
Jack Kline black and white ouroboros infinity symbol
demons also generally dont have cutiemarks either save for the princes of hell who have a yellow eye(s) that is on fire. Crowley, and folks who became demons after they sold their soul and rotted in hell for a bit, either have a faded mark or devil horns as a new mark.
Eileen has a magnifying glass making a werewolf foot bigger, she tracked down a banshee after 30years, she is perceptive of small details and is in depth with her research
Charlie has a computer :3
Bobby has a wrench good for him
Amara has a blind eye (darkness, cant see lmao)
archangels can change their marks, gabriel is typically the one to do so when its funny
ehhhhh probably more but they are suspect to change as i feel like it
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pentimint · 10 months
other commentary:
jimmy ranking significantly above castiel is killing me. and i stand by it
rowena unmatched, meg apparently an honorary mcleod now
also splitting up the megs and rubys is so dumb. ignore how those are ranked imagine the 1.0s are the same as the 2.0s
apparently the only thing i retained from the last couple seasons i watched is that kelly kline has got to get out of this show
i don't remember literally like half of these. who is sergei i'm scared
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inthiswhisper · 2 years
kelvin: you ever miss it? upstairs? i mean, don't get me wrong. i love earth ... but it's not home, is it?
cas: i don't believe i'm welcome in heaven.
kelvin: no, you're not. they still hold a lot of grudges up there. but what if i told you, you could come back? that all your sins could be forgotten? forgiven?
cas: i would say that you're lying.
kelvin: oh, but i'm not. you help us track down kelly kline, and you will be welcomed back into the fold ... imagine it, castiel — free to come and go as you please. part of your family, your true family, again. [joshua’s] got a plan. all we ask is that you hear us, hear him out. for the greater good.
i was wondering when they would revisit cas’ conversation with mary about not fitting in. him even considering returning to heaven after the earnest “you’re my family” and “i love you all” moments this season is interesting. despite it seeming to be less and less about the place and more and more about the people, without any clear purpose the not-quite-belonging gnaws.
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