#Keyblade Masters
cutegirlmayra · 1 year
After The Sky Fell - Kingdom Hearts Prompt
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The sun had set.
Aqua walked with her eyes bent and brow crinkled.
She paused with one foot gracefully in front of the other and tilting her body towards the girl she worried about the most.
“Kairi...” She softly spoke out loud her thoughts, seeing the girl’s hair flying gently with the hesitating breeze, as though the very realm of light didn’t want to disturb her quiet, grieving thoughts.
She looked reflectively into the shimmering surface of the beach’s lapping tide...
It looked... so much like the Final World... her reflection...
For a moment, she let that tear that had been held back elegantly slide from her eye, and closed them both when it fell, to avoid seeing the ripples...
And seeing Sora’s shape in the water from the distorted image of her own mirrored personage.
In great empathy, as though reliving that tragic loneliness in the dark, Aqua lurched forward to try and quickly say something, to pull the sorrowful girl out of her wishful longing and not abandon her in that state of mind and heart... so pined for a living memory,...
But then...
“Aqua,” Terra’s voice behind her paused her first priority, a hero’s knee-jerk reaction to save.
“Terra? Ven?” she turned around, straightening up her body when she saw them heading towards her.
Ven smiled, “Long time no see!” He joked, before the two men stopped and looked around Aqua to see the forlorn girl, majestically taking her time at the shore’s edge of dreams lost... but not necessarily forever.
Hope still lingered, and it was on that quiet, reverent smile she still wore.
“... How’s the training coming along?” Ven asked as his face then conformed to Aqua’s worried one, showing he also understood Aqua’s plight to help Kairi.
Aqua looked down, her heart in shambles, placing a hand delicately to its minor breaks and fractures at seeing the poor girl so sweetly alone and holding on so dearly tight to her hope...
“I... feel so torn. I want to help her get stronger... but-” She looked back over her shoulder, “She’s... already being so strong... even now.”
“... Hmph,” Terra folded his arms in confidence to lighten the mood, looking down with a closed-eye smile, “You know... I always figured you’d be a strict teacher.”
“Huh?” Aqua looked up at his remark, making Ven also glance over to his tall friend.
Then again... everyone was tall to him...
Terra looked up kindly, showing a look of respect for Aqua, “Not holding back on your students... That’s the Aqua I recognized as a true Keyblade Wielder.” He then gestured to Ven, eyeing him a second, “Don’t you agree? Ven?” He seemed to be trying to get him to confirm and validate Aqua.
Ven got the message, beaming in joy, and nodded eagerly, turning back with an energetic expression, and his fists held up to show his enthusiasm, “Yeah! That’s right! You’re no pushover Master, are ya, Aqua? Kairi really wants you to give it your all! Just like she is!” He then jumped over with a hop to her side, taking her wrist, and leaning out slightly to her eye line, “Cheer up, Aqua... You’re doing just fine. I’m sure Kairi really appreciates how much you think about her.”
Aqua emoted a soft sound of surprise but touched at the same time. “Ven...”
Terra also nodded, “Hmm.” Agreeing with Ven, “You’re doing your best, given the situation, but if Kairi really is that gungho about being strong-” He held up a fist and tightened it to demonstrate strength, “Then she’s only proving to you what strength she has already gained. Now, we’ve just gotta make sure her body can keep up with such a powerful heart.” he let the hand out and go with a small reach out to Aqua’s contemplative, sad expression.
She looked to Terra, and a small smile of her thanks broke through her despair. “You’re right.” she glanced at both of them, “Kairi doesn’t want me feeling sorry for her... that wouldn’t be right.” she shook her head, “It’s not like I meant my feelings to come off as pity towards her... I just...”
“Wanted to be sensitive to them?” Ven gestured a hand up, shrugging a bit, “We know you, Aqua. You can’t help but get sentimental.”
“Hey..!” Aqua leaned back a moment, moving her hand out of his own as the two boys laughed.
“Who’s the real toughie, Aqua? You..? Or Kairi?” Ven laughed harder as he took the hand that was holding Aqua’s wrist a moment ago and laid it on his jerking stomach, as Terra walked up a step and patted Aqua’s shoulder in all tenderness.
“You’re doing your best, aren’t you? Let Kairi prove she can do more, as well.” Terra gave it a light grip, shaking Aqua lightly to give her courage, as Aqua nodded and looked a little teary-eyed from all the encouraging words.
“Terra, Ven?” she looked to each of them, then placed both hands to her heart, “Thank you.” she closed her eyes, truly meaning the words.
The two men smiled more, happy to help before Ven leaned his vision to the side of themselves. “Isn’t that..?”
“Hmm?” Aqua and Terra looked in the same direction...
“My, my... are we... interrupting anything?” Walking along the beach’s sand, Axel, Roxas, Xion, and Isa made their way over to the gang.
Ven suddenly grew excited, racing over to Roxas, “Hey! It’s the other look-alike!” he joked, as Roxas gave him a playful pout.
“Don’t you mean you look like me?” He tried to counter, only causing a giggle from Xion, who tried to hide it by turning away and covering the sound delicately with her the back of her hand. “Huh?” he looked to her, almost having seen the stealthy cover before Ven threw an arm over Roxas’s shoulders.
“Hey, I came to Sora’s heart first, remember? That means I’m the chicken that made the egg!” He threw a thumb up to himself, and then slyly gestured his pointer finger out to poke fun at Roxas.
“All I’m hearing is you calling yourself a chicken.” Isa nonchalantly clapped back, looking smug and neutral in his delivery as Ven pulled away from Roxas and looked offendedly back at Isa.
It made Xion have to now turn her hand around, muffling her louder laugh into her hand, which caused Roxas to look over and grin.
“Aw, you’re getting used to laughing more, huh, Xion?” He lightly teased.
She pulled her hand away and sweetly looked up at him, her new Replica body reflecting her soft features in the setting sun, “Sorry.” She teased back as though an angel, “But it’s just... hard not to laugh when there are two Roxas’s about.”
“Wha-!? I’m-! Ohh... I came first, though!” Ventus continued to get animated as Xion had to now use both hands to cover her mouth, unable to fully suppress the blurted air that even made Axel face-palm.
“Well, that wasn’t cute at all.” He sarcastically muttered, “You two are so darling, you know that?” He walked on, approaching Aqua. “So? When’s are training getting started?” He leaned forward with his lanky body, one hand trying to look cool and go up against his hip, and the other bent and pleading for an answer from Aqua. “You’re the Master now, right? The only one we got...” He leaned back and seemed to think that was the case, sighing a little, “Don’t know what else much I can learn... but I’m willing to try. Roxas and Xion can only show me so much.” He shrugged lightly as Roxas smiled up at him.
“Hey, you’re the one that said we weren’t Masters yet.” Roxas countered.
“Right. That’s why... were all here.” Xion stood a little more poised now, refining her behavior to match Roxas.
Ventus looked back at the two, then Axel, “Wait... You’re all here for training?”
Terra looked to Roxas and Xion, as individuals, he was assessing them a little bit more. “Looks like some are already trained up. Self-taught... Like Sora.” he nodded to Aqua, “And Riku.”
“I see.” Aqua nodded to Terra, “Then... shall we make a Mark of Mastery Exam for them?” She knew that just by saying that out loud, Ventus’s energy would spike up again in anticipation.
“Wooo..! Really!?” Just as she predicted, Ven raced up to his friends, and then looked back at Roxas and Xion, his fists held tighter and his foot stomping down as though having to let loose some of his bubbling excitement. “That’s great! You two will pass, for sure!”
Xion and Roxas looked fondly to one another, then their eyes narrowed with a sharp nod, before Roxas looked back to Terra and Aqua, “We’re ready for anything.” he stated with such boldness that Xion couldn’t help but have her face lighten up from his confidence in themselves.
“Yes.” Xion agreed, “We’re ready to do this.”
Roxas then nudged her lightly, “... Together.” He seemed to have been waiting for her to say that, as though finishing her sentence.
“Ah, right. Isn’t that what I meant?” she tilted her head cutely.
“It was implied.” Isa kept his neutral tone but seemed to be mocking the two’s unity.
Roxas looked up at him as though wondering what his angle was, but just blinked and looked straight ahead again.
“What would you want us to do, Master Aqua?” He asked, gesturing his arm out as he did so.
“Actually... I think I’ll let-” She turned to Terra, “Master Terra handle this one.”
Terra turned back to her with that same affection in her eye as she gave to him as she chuckled at the news drop.
“Wha-wahhht!?” Axel’s arms flew back, shocked by the announcement. “What do you mean, Master?!” His body arched again as both hands had crunched up fingers, pleading twice as hard for an explanation.
“We already passed,” Ven replied, as Roxas, Xion, and Isa both looked towards him.
“We?” Roxas inquired.
Ven snickered a second back to him, his eyes closing at being able to slightly rub it in. “Yeah. What? Think I didn’t have it in me?”
“So,... you’re a Master, too now.” Xion gave him a small bow, “Congratulations.”
“Heh, thanks!” Ventus put a hand behind his head, blushing a little at her sweetness at acknowledging his accomplishment. “Wasn’t easy, though. Aqua took us through the wringer in the Dark World!” he gestured out, pumped to explain his test. “At first, we-”
“Ventus barely passed.” Aqua then jabbed in.
“H-Hey!” Ventus swung around as Terra and her laughed.
“Ah, come on, give me a little credit here! It was tough! Even for Terra!” He tried to reason.
“True. Though, not as tough as you were making it out to seem.” Terra couldn’t help but walk over and ruffle his hair. They were making Aqua wish for that ‘brotherly affection and love’ again with how much they joked and teased.
She put a hand over her mouth, giggling. “Alright, enough banter. Let’s try and split up the new recruits.” she couldn’t help but keep up the fun spirit of things, and turned to Isa, “Umm... We haven’t met, have we?” She kindly reminded.
“Isa.” Isa folded his arms, “And I’m just here to watch Lea.”
“Support from the sidelines? You sure that’s what you want, buddy?” Axel spread his arms out a little crookedly, not really sure he was buying that as Isa gave him a side-eye.
“More or less to mock you silently when you fail.”
Axel’s body fell over like an anime.
Isa then looked to Aqua, “I have no doubt Roxas and Xion will succeed. I figured I may as well tag along and make sure Lea doesn’t embarrass himself and cry all the way home to his precious clocktower and ice cream...”
“IT’S AXEL NOW!” Axel rose up from the sandy floor, some sand spraying off of him from how fast he sprung back to life, holding up an angry fist.
“Heh, that’s the best part about him, actually.” Isa closed his eyes, smiling at Axel’s antics. “No matter how much you throw him down... he’ll always manage to spring back up again... like a weed.” He looked back at Aqua and she seemed a little taken aback by his word usage, but tilted her head as though thinking she understood that was just his way of showing that same ‘brotherly sympathy’ she had watched with Terra and Ven.
“Always the smart-Alek, huh?” Axel scratched his head and got up off the ground, slouching his way over with one hard fall of his foot at a time.
“Do try and not slouch, it’s bad for your enormously abnormal back.” Isa jabbed as Axel finally had enough of it.
“Why you-! What’s gotten into you, huh!? Ever since you were recompleted, you’ve been a bad egg spoiling all with your foul stench!” he teased, summoning his Keyblade. “I’ll show you... I’ll be the hottest burning Keyblade Master you’ve ever seen! Just wait, Isa!” he was so full of passion, and that’s when Aqua realized that Isa’s mannerisms were simply to encourage Axel on, to being the best that he possibly could.
Learning something, she watched Isa a moment as he nodded with a deeper smile on his face.
“That’s right. Do your best... Axel.” He seemed to reluctantly use the name he preferred.
“Tell me... do you use that name simply because Roxas and Xion kept theirs?” He inquired, “The ‘X’ I mean.” he pronounced it ‘Chi’.
“Huh? O-Oh... I guess I did... Wasn’t like I really meant to, though.” Axel rubbed the back of his neck, lowering the hand that was previously on his head to do so. “Guess I never really realized it... but the name grew on me. It... became a life I didn’t want to forget.”
“Hmph,” Isa seemed to understand his mood on that. “Right... So Lea means nothing now.”
“Huh? Hey, you still jealous over there, sappy-pants!?” Axel marched over, freaking out Isa for a second before he slung his own arm around his head and pulled him in towards his chest as though to give him a noogie. “Look at you~ Being all mushy-gushy about our past lives!”
“...Emm... together.” Isa mimicked Roxas’s correction to Xion, placing his hand on Axel’s arm and slightly looking up at him, “When we were friends yet.” he still seemed bitter.
“Heh, well, if you’re feeling salty again, I’ll just have to down your throat with ice cream then!” Axel joked, shoving him away as Isa just looked a bit grumpy from the sudden, brotherly handle on himself.
“A pleasant, friendly gesture, I’m sure...” Isa seemed to mentally roll his eyes as Terra finally took the first approach to Xion and Roxas.
“Roxas, Xion.” he addressed each, “If you’re willing, I can conduct for you both a Mark of Mastery Exam.”
The two immediately nodded in unison, eager to prove their worth.
“This time...” Xion gently rose a hand to her chest, “My Keyblade isn’t a sham... And I’m not a mere puppet... to be used and thrown away anymore.” She shook her head, as Roxas looked to her as though silently giving his support.
“This time...” Xion repeated, holding out the hand and summoning her Kingdom Key. “I will be ready.”
“Not with that Keyblade, you won’t.”
“Huh?” Xion’s face looked almost hurt, but Roxas put a hand to her own holding out the Keyblade as they both turned around to see Namine coming up the beach.
“You’ve gotta summon a Keyblade that’s all your own, Xion.” Namine walked along the beach, stopping behind the group. Her hands were held behind her back, seeming to just take a lovely stroll before finding them all.
She was originally going to speak with Kairi, but that can wait~
“Well, well. Look who hasn’t changed her iconic look yet.” Axel joked, “White does look good on ya, though.”
Namine turned her body side to side, lifting her arms a little to look over her dress, “It grew on me... it became a part of who I am.” she touched her chest and then bowed lightly to Axel, “Much like your name I would imagine... Axel.” she gave him a glorious smile of recognition, and he seemed to appreciate that.
He put a hand to his hip, “Heh. We’re all just sentimental, aren’t we?” He teased.
Roxas looked to Namine, “It looks good on you.” He commented, before looking back to Axel and Xion and not seeing Namine subtlety moving a strand of her hair back over her reddened ear.
Aqua looked to Isa, “Alright. Suit yourself, but...” She turned sorrowfully to Axel. “Axel, I...” She looked down, then slightly back to Kairi... still lost in her own world...
Ventus’s eyes bent in understanding, realizing it was something she shouldn’t have to say. “Axel, I’ll train you.”
Axel suddenly about-faced, not expecting that at all. “WHAAA??? You guys are just full of surprises, today! I totally forgot you said you were a Master too!” He exclaimed, in disbelief. “Aye, aye, aye! Am I supposed to have all the new Masters memorized or something?”
“Yeah, Le-I mean, Axel. It’s part of the new test. Can’t get your Mark of Mastery Exam without it, first.” Ven stated.
“What? Really?” Axel looked to him before Ventus started laughing.
“No..!” Axel realized he was bamboozled and the whole of the group started laughing, before Kairi looked up from her knelt place and opened her eyes, being lost in thought before tucking her hands over the back of her dress to modestly rise from her position, walking over to the gang.
“Did I miss anything?” She smiled as though the very picture of a beautiful princess, as everyone suddenly, as though revering her, made way and quieted themselves for her.
“Hey.” Roxas greeted.
She put her hands behind her back, looking kindly to each one of them, “What’s wrong?” she noticed they all seemed a bit too formal all of a sudden, but each had such sweet and tender expressions towards her.
“Just worried about ya.” Axel patted her back, and she looked a little surprised.
“Really?” She tilted her head and parted her hands out by her sides, “Why’s that?” she then gently looked to her Master.
Aqua’s eyes were pouring out with empathy for her, but seeing how strong she really was, toughened her expression with a nod. “Just discussing how to better get you ready for your own Mark of Mastery Exam... Kairi.” she breathed out her name, as though so overwhelmed with pride for when that day would finally arrive.
Kairi shook the world of light with her aura that came forth like spring when her eyes bounced--the bottom eyelids coming up--and her eyes shimmered with the same sparkling wonder of the ocean just behind her. “Thank you, Master Aqua. I’m honored to be by your side.”
Everyone seemed to watch Kairi as though silently admiring her bravery... her trust in her Master... and Aqua’s infinite determination to not let her down.
She believed fully in Riku and Sora... They would make it back just fine. There couldn’t be a way to fail, with someone so full of courage in her heart wishing with all her might for their safe return.
Aqua,... now had that same confidence towards Kairi, and training her without holding back.
They all transitioned to looking at her, pride in their eyes at her newfound strength to do so.
“I get it.” Axel realized then, lowering his own head and closing his eyes to accept the reality before him. “Master Aqua’s got enough on her plate as is.” He put both hands squarely to his hips and nodded approvingly. “Alright.” he looked to Ventus, holding up a hand as him as Ventus nodded, walking over and pressing his arm to Axel’s, in an ‘X’ shape of comradery.
“But I’ll be honest with ya, I want no mercy!” he gritted his teeth in a sharp, angled look of smugness.
“Heh, you can count on that.” Ventus gave him a strong expression, to give him confidence in his teachings. “Hear that, Terra!?” he spun around excitedly, “We have new apprentices!”
“Already.” Terra joked, looking to Xion and Roxas as they closed their eyes and nodded happily to their new Master as well, giving all faith to him to help them earn their right as Master Keyblade Wielders too.
“Wow, I never expected you all to take a pupil so early like this, and especially head-on as you are now, you three.” Namine pushed up a little on the soles of her feet, getting on her tiptoes for a moment and swinging down, having her fingers up against each other in her own enthusiasm for the new developments happening.
Ventus looked back, getting a little self-conscious and nervous at that, but nodded a bit, “Well... I ... Heh, how hard can it be? Hey! One of us has to pass Sora eventually to-... Ohpp!” He stopped a moment at mentioning his name and covered his mouth as everyone slightly looked worriedly at Kairi...
The world got eerily quiet...
“He’d love to spar with you, Axel. I’m sure of it. When he gets back.” Kairi’s words broke through the gloom like a ray of light.
Everyone smiled to her.
“Yeah,” Axel stated, already having lowered his arm to his side when Ventus turned around after returning the gesture. “Fighting you is gonna be like fighting the little guy’s rival.” He looked to Roxas, “And you like a duo-ditto.” He looked to Xion, then sighed, shaking his head. “None of you are gonna be pushovers, huh? Kinda intimidating, really.” He could always find a way to bring a somber mood back to a lively one.
Ventus seemed to silently thank him, figuring his words weren’t necessarily a ‘slip up’, but no one knew how to bring up Sora without possibly hurting Kairi...
But Kairi was proving time and time again... they were underestimating her resilience again.
“Let’s settle the parties, then.” Ven looked eagerly to Terra, who nodded.
“I’ll take Roxas and Xion..!” He gestured proudly to them, as they both moved to his side and nodded.
“I’ll work with my friend, Axel! Formally known as Lea!” Ventus happily gestured both hands out, shaking them a bit towards Axel, who smiled for the camera as Isa just shook his head in another direction, fed up with all these theatrics.
Isa was gonna have to compete to keep his friendship with Axel... again.
At least, that’s how he insecurely took it... but the challenge seemed almost... fun now.
He smiled as Ventus jumped about excitedly by Axel’s side, remembering... a time when Axel and him had sparred before and just knowing how Lea was...
He closed his eyes, accepting the destined fate that Axel could just bring anyone into his circle... and admired that about his openly, full-hearted friend.
‘A heart that couldn’t be destroyed... even as a Nobody, he retained that ever-growing trait.’ he concluded, dropping his folded arms smoothly and slowly... before walking over to the two, “That’s enough lollygagging for one day, you two.” he gave a small smile to both of them, “Let’s go.” he encouraged, making Axel and Ventus’s faces light up by his kind gesture of slight excitement too.
“Yeah!” The two agreed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders again, except Ventus had to leap for it, forcing Isa to bend down a little lopsided by the gesture.
“Friends forever! Right, Axel? Isa?”
Suddenly, Isa looked to Ventus, “You... even remembered my name?” He was so shocked by that, it warmed his newly beating heart, making him pause as he forgot how it felt to have his heart stirred in such a way.
“Heh, I had the same reaction, buddy!” Axel finally ruffled his hand through Isa’s hair which made his irritability come back, growing incredibly embarrassed by the action. “H-hey! Enough! Stop that!”
Ventus laughed at his reaction to it. “This will be fun!” he exclaimed.
Terra nodded to Xion and Roxas, “We’ll be going now.”
“Right!” Both Xion and Roxas said, also eager, but keeping it refrained.
“Together.” Xion looked to Roxas, learning fast...
Roxas couldn’t help but have a glow to his cheeks, “Yeah.”
Terra just smiled at it, seeing something there, but not sure what to call it...
They began to turn to walk away, “Aqua.” Terra called, “Take care of Kairi.” he encouraged, once more.
Aqua nodded, “Leave it to me!” she stated boldly, holding a hand up to form a fist in the air, “I’ll make sure she’s ready.”
“Should be in no time.” Kairi leaned forward, making Aqua grow even fonder of the young girl’s spirit.
“Finding you that day in Radiant Garden... I would never have guessed...” She shook her head, moving more to be talking solely to her single apprentice now. “I’m so glad you’re here now with me, Kairi... Let’s get stronger, together!” She then pumped her fist again, before pointing out to the beach. “First, a few laps around the island! I’ll be timing you!”
“H-huh? R-right... Ahh!” Kairi realized Aqua was mentally counting with each bob of her head, and her mouthing the count without voice, which made her scatter and start booking it down the way.
“Hehe, I’ll join you!” Namine raced along beside her on the beach, the two girls giggling with each other before Kairi heard Aqua counting aloud now and picking up her pace.
Ventus looked to Axel and Isa, his hands confidently to his hips, “Alright, new recruit! Let’s practice some swings with a battle!” he summoned his own, reverse-held Keyblade and spun it backwards around him before letting it sit by his side. “Ready?” he smiled.
“Oh yeah! Bring it on, squirt!” Axel jumped back, as Isa quickly made himself scarce with a side-shuffle to not exert too much energy in the process...
Aqua to Kairi, Terra to Xion and Roxas, and Ventus to Axel with Isa keeping Axel on track... how could it get any more perfect?
Sitting and eating ice cream on the clock tower, Hayner, Pence, and Olette kicked lightly their feet off the sides. Looking over Twilight Town... they ate silently... before Olette sighed.
“So much for the rowdiness, we were just getting used to it, too.” She seemed so disappointed.
“Yeah... But those guys need to become Keyblade Master-ifed! They can’t without having Masters or something recognize their strength, right?” Hayner laid back, looking like he was trying to endure the awful quiet too.
“Ahh... Guess I could look into the Datascape again.” Pence chewed his ice cream as though not wanting it to go away just yet. Taking his time to mope...
“Oh yeah, you put a hold on that to get to know Roxas, too, right?” Olette tilted her head to him and he sighed, his shoulders coming down more, nodding.
“Well, the world’s gonna need more Keyblade wielders... nothing we can do about that.” Hayner looked away, as though grumbling about not being able to do anything more than that.
Olette’s eyes softened to him, then narrowed as she looked out at the sunset. “Maybe... We can!” She got up, holding her Ice cream back.
“H-hey!” Hayner forced himself upright again, and both him and Pence were shaking their hands out over to her.
“O-O-Olette! Be careful! Please!” Pence stated, worriedly.
“What are you doing!? You could fall!” Hayner threw his arms out towards her, obviously trying to remind her that the danger was still there, no matter how comfortable they were coming this high up here on the Twilight Clocktower.
“Emm...” she held out her free hand, the two boys grew silent... looking wide-eyed as she seemed to be concentrating and putting all her effort into something.
“EMMMM..!!!” she closed her eyes,... then tried to grip her hand... but it only grasped air.
“Ah, guess not.” She shrugged to the two boys, getting back down.
Both gentlemen looked disappointed, as though having a sliver of hope... but then went back to eating ice cream.
“Must be like Axel said to us, something to do with the wrist-” she flicked out her wrist, “Some kinda trick or something.” when a bright flash of light and sparkles suddenly materialized a solid, metal hold into her hand.
The two boys flinched back and Pence kicked out his feet as though trying to scramble away from her.
“... Ah... ahhhhh...!!!!” she slowly turned her head... then all three of them screamed at the Keyblade that was found within it.
She freaked out so much that she dropped the darn thing.
“Olette!!! NOOO!!!” Hayner cried out when he saw it falling from so high up.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!!” Olette turned around as did the boys, each moving back and then leaning over the Clocktower... watching the keyblade fall... before bashing against the ground in a hard, ‘thwang’ing of metal clashing against the bottom floor before bouncing a few times and finally landing hard to a halt.
They were silent... before Pence and Hayner slowly looked to Olette.
She winced, “At... least it didn’t break?” She gestured out a hand and suddenly, another flash of white and radiant bubbles of light.
“AHHH!!!” the three had no idea the Keyblade could be returned and summoned back.
“That’s so cool!” Pence exclaimed while Hayner reached over him to her.
“Don’t-Don’t drop it this time!” he pulled it out of her hands, “Wooahh...” Pence and him took a closer look, Pence’s fingers wiggling as though wanting to touch its surface... doing so against its metal casing for a moment before it flashed out of Hayner’s hold. “W-what?” They both looked around before seeing Olette had summoned it back to herself again.
“Hey, get your own copy!” she stated, looking it over herself, “Wow... I can’t believe... I mean, all I did was wish with all my heart and...”
“To be a part of something bigger?”
The three jumped a little, but each hurried to their feet, as Pence and Hayner looked ready to fight if necessary, and at first, Olette hung back a little, before realizing what was still in her hand and pointing it out towards the two strange people.
“Heh, no need for that,... I just have a small question... or rather, a favor I’d like to ask of each of you.” The man came out with what looked to be a timid girl pressing her two fingers together behind him.
“This is stupid.” She stated, “We don’t have to gather any more-!” she cried out, but the man with the pink, fluffed-out hair just calmly turned back and placed a finger up by her mouth... without actually touching her.
“Shhh... Elrena.” His voice made her weak and she blushed, puffing up in red as though angry, but stomped a cute foot down and looked away, folding her arms.
“W-who are you guys?” Pence asked, still suspicious like the rest of his friends.
The man looked forward, and Olette suddenly blushed at his appearance too.
“My name is Lauriam... and I’d like to welcome you in becoming a Keyblade Wielder... and invite you, young lady, and future Wielders,...”
He reached out a hand.
“-into joining my union.”
An Oath to Return...
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haunted-xander · 10 days
"Mickey left Aqua in the Realm of Darkness for 10 years!" Mickey had NO IDEA where Aqua was for 10 years and when he DID find her he 1) wasn't prepared for it in the slightest and didn't even have a plan for how he would escape safely and 2) she literally told him to leave her behind to make sure he and Riku could go home safely. After which he was caught up in a shit ton of other things to take care of and didn't have the resources or time to launch a rescue.
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invidiatechdemo · 6 months
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quick doodle again. wish we'd gotten to see them interact more.
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kyuzandark · 3 months
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Here's the Kingdom Hearts Xehanort art I promised. If y'all want to see a really cool GMV I made about 4 years ago that kinda goes with this HERE
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cloudcastor · 1 year
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be careful riku!
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endlessskymaster · 4 months
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Brain summoning Master's Defender before joining the other Dandelions in confronting Darkness together is one of the best moments of KHUX.
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xkuraitenshiart · 2 months
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Lucifer during the finale was just him showing off as a Keyblade Master.
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larxenereplica · 11 months
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I bought Kingdom Hearts III as a lil treat for myself and was inspired to make this Kingdom Hearts cardigan.
Pattern by me and it shows.. The graph really needs some more work so I might make another one in the future but we'll see 💛
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starrivdraws · 10 months
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I'm watching Union X story videos and it made me so sad when the avatar (idk how to call him??) almost fell in the Keyblade war. Can l say that Ephemer suffered a long time when the "betrayal" happened, right? Or is that already canon?
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dominicsorel · 1 year
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But Aqua's...still down here, alone. Facing enemies like that. What if she's feeling as scared and alone...as I felt the first time I came here? How long are we supposed to keep her waiting in this awful place?
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tianerosemoriguchi · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel Spoiler
Okay, but I wasn’t ready seeing the “ki”blade being wielded my Lucifer Morningstar. He is worthy of the keyblade! I wonder if he is a master??? 🤔🤔🧐
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coffeemira · 9 months
need an age regression/de-aging fic where a post-KH4 riku has to take care of a younger sora, and bb sora is just completely awestruck over how strong and kind and pretty (and tall!!) his best friend riku got… and is so transparently smitten that riku, who is actually dating present-day sora, is just like: wow we really were oblivious how did either of us miss sora’s glaring crush on me??
#soriku#i’m picturing like… sora right before kh1 or post-kh2#old enough to have butterflies over this other riku but not quite old enough to know what it means yet#just a puppy crush#there’s angst potential too if it’s kh2 sora before he found his riku#so he throws himself sobbing at older riku#but a BBS sora bouncing around teen riku would be very cute also#anyway i would write it myself but i don’t have the time#also am not confident about writing children#i just want riku getting to see firsthand that he wasn’t the only one pining for years and years#and that sora always loved him even at his worst#8yo sora doesn’t care that his riku teased him sometimes he still wants to play games with big riku#10yo sora doesn’t understand why his riku said they’re too old to hold hands#and is thrilled that big riku is happy to give him hugs and ruffle his hair#kh1 sora doesn’t care about their old ‘rivalry’ or that his riku was working with maleficent#he is just overjoyed to learn that riku came back to the side of light and that they get to be friends again#kh2 sora is loud about how much he missed him and very impressed by how far riku has come as a keyblade master#(also blushes when he sees him working out and then is confused as to why)#(i am thinking of that one manga panel where sora talks about riku’s “big arms” and how he can carry big logs by himself lmfao)#any of these soras would follow a cool older riku around like a duckling and be wowed by everything he does i am convinced
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firestorm09890 · 7 months
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Day 4 - charm
POV you're Ansem the Wise and you've just told him that he's only allowed to get one book from the bookstore this time (you will be leaving the store with five)
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